#john seed tarot card
John Seed Tarot Card
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SHOUTING ABOUT THIS ONE AS WELL! I cannot begin to thank my friend @redreart for this incredible tarot card of John Seed! You have put an insane amount of work into these beauties, and I am so so honored to get to call you my friend. 🥰IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING GETTING ART FROM HER, DO IT!!! You WILL NOT regret it!
The brothers are done! I'll put a post up of all three of them together soon. 🖤 Looking forward to figuring out Harley, Evangeline, and the Dep. 😏 I love how each of them fit perfectly with the fics I am creating for them!
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bitchofedensgate · 2 years
Portrayed by: Hope Seed, FC5 OC owned by me
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simplegenius042 · 6 months
Late OCs as Horror Themes/Tropes, Ships as Tarot Cards, and 15 Lines or Less Tag
Tagged by @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @inafieldofdaisies @voidika @direwombat and @g0dspeeed
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @softtidesworld @strafethesesinners @strangefable @adelaidedrubman @wrathfulrook @corvosattano @cassietrn @derelictheretic @shellibisshe @florbelles @cloudofbutterflies92 @starsandskies @onehornedbeast @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @afarcryfrommymain @megraen @turbo-virgins @minilev @carlosoliveiraa @shallow-gravy @titiagls @thewanderer-000 @snake-in-the-garden @purplehairsecretlair @chazz-anova @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @skoll-sun-eater @yokobai @bitchofedensgate @deputyash @ec-10 @foofygoldfish @gaeadene @henbased @vampireninjabunnies-blog and @trashcatsnark
You can find the OCs as Horror Themes/Tropes quiz here and the Ships as Tarot Cards quiz here. One OC for the first quiz, Two Ships for the second quiz, and three OCs for five lines each for the 15. The results and lines are below the cut:
DISCORD, THE MAD KIN OF CARNAGE (A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore and the Unnamed Original Works Trilogy)
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Discord was a second-generation reality bender (or more commonly known as "Kin"), and one of the most devastatingly powerful as well. His very presence was capable of reverting anything and everything around him back to its basic essential form/s (until it became rusted, rotten, and/or dust and eventually nothing at all). Had technically been killed during the Extermination Purge War, however, Arcane Urias' Chapter of the Occult, a group of warlocks, liches and dark magic users that aimed to preserve ancient magic (regardless if it was forbidden or destructive) and bring back the Old Kin (which mostly consist of the extinct first, second and third generations, as well as some fourth) to rule over the Multiverse once again, had found a way to bring back Discord, in a universe where Earth had been ravaged by nuclear war. NOTE: This result kind of describes how Discord's second death more-or-less is like.
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While Nadi and John have this "loyally serving the other while yearning for each others love but beating around the bush due to bad timings and stuff and still caring and possessive of the other to an obsessively unhealthy degree"... I will have to say that Nadi's affection isn't John's only priority; Joseph and his family plus the project is John's focus and is probably what he would choose over Nadi. Nadi though views John as the person who gave her something to believe in again, to put her skill and faith in (especially after losing faith in the military and governments after the events of Call To Arms), so to her, Eden's Gate' faith is personified by John. But if either lose each one another, it will greatly impact the other's life.
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Ah yes, another main LGBTQ+ couple I made to add to my collection alongside Sonya and Jennifer. Haoyu (Non-Binary, 25) and Icarus (Male, 23) fit each other well. At first both thought the other was a jerk. However, both got to know each other, related about their experiences with distant, long-lost and/or found family (Haoyu with their father, mother and Monika plus the Literature Club, and Icarus with his parents, siblings, alters and the Dupain-Cheng Family), coming to terms with their personal lives (Haoyu with their ability to open portals and travel through reality breaches, and Icarus plus his alters with the ability to switch dimensions with this magic fungus dude named Hatter whom one of the alters had eaten inadvertently on a dare), as well as near-death experiences (Haoyu with the Ruins of the Midnight Rise, and Icarus with Evermond Scowlzka trying to dissect him and his alters to get Hatter) plus their encounters with Sir Enigma Malvolio (Haoyu is Malvolio's foil and therefore targeted as a rival, and Icarus, while never meeting Malvolio until much later, had seen the aftereffects of Malvolio putting the essence of the Court King into a close friend of his, Marinette Dupain-Cheng). They also manage to work through each other's flaws; Icarus was reserved and arrogant but self-sacrificing (hence the requirement for his alters, Hatsukami Hinode and Xavier Tulip), and Haoyu was bold and selfish yet unambitious. Icarus teaches Haoyu how to be driven, pointing them towards a goal beneficial to not only them, but everyone, while Haoyu taught Icarus how to listen and take care of himself more, as well as be open-minded. Wherever they end up after the fight with the Ruins of the Midnight Rise, know that they're both at least together.
Calvin Darling (The Perfect Storm saga)
"Ah, back in this shit again?" He grumbles, getting up.
"Haven't you learned by now? "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall"," Calvin quoted, "Try to checkmate that, you pompous dick."
"I need a drink," Calvin pauses, reminding himself of another task, "But first I shall pray."
"Mario! I'm a cartoonist, not a mechanic."
"...I'm simultaneously impressed by how smart you can be but also disappointed in how stupid you are."
Rick Thompson (The Omniscience Rule saga and The Ender saga)
6. "I don't remember hunting down clowns to be part of the initiative...?" 7. "My dream came true Ma... I am IN a Musical." 8. "Ms Darling, if I may compliment outside of regulations, you're stunning beauty is increased tenfold by the stellar addition of grime and demons blood." 9. "I may be an agent, but I'm no where near professional." 10. "Ian Graveheart is the kind of man Pa described as the worst combination you can give a loaded weapon without safety on... legs and batshit insanity."
Urijah Calaghan (The UnTitled Stories (from The Omniscience Rule saga) and The UnTitled Ventures saga)
11. "You don't matter. Nothing matters. Nothing except this mission." 12. "How cruel are our lives where we must live out a path hostile to our treading feet as the unknown entities above and beyond mock and degrade us? And what fate awaits us then? Release? Freedom? Death? A second round for your soul to enter the world again and go right back into the cosmic mechanism that grinds us down again and again and again like a broken carousel? Or a decrepit record stuck spinning on the same tune? But that's only if you're lucky enough to die." 13. "My mission is to release us, painlessly and mercifully, from the one who holds onto us; the Hand at Fate's Table, one abhorrently callous and cruel enough to take pleasure in the suffering he puts us through." 14. "You must find this tiring. For a man to commit himself against an endless stream of challenges for what is ultimately a short speck of time in our universes must come at a great unnecessary cost to your body. Do you not wish to rest, Joaquin? Wouldn't it be best to live the final minutes of your life resting? Taking a moment to hold your family one last time before our Peace?" Urijah softly questioned. 15. "That doesn't matter," Urijah softly breathes out with a smile, hot air colliding against the cold breeze as the countdown reaches its conclusion.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Open Your Eyes, Look Up to the Skies and See
On September 6th, 2023 Mercury will make his inferior conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Virgo. This transit is otherwise known as Cazimi, translating to “In the Heart of the Sun.” The image given here is one of a messenger entering the throne room of a great monarch.
The Cazimi is a great seed moment. In this cosmic temple beyond the limits of space and time, you may commune with the divine and bear witness to a greater plan for your destiny.
The Cazimi takes place in the second decan of Virgo, which the Picatrix describes as a face of “of desires, and of wealth, of tribute;” while Agrippa describes it as signifying “gain, scraping together of wealth and covetousness.”
Images attributed to this decan commonly depict men in multiple layers of dress, from coarse material to fine garment. Medieval scholar Ibn Ezra depicts a man in three garments, “…one of leather, the second of silk and the third is a red mantle”—while the Picatrix depicts a man “dressed in leather, and over his garment of leather is another garment of iron.”
In his tome 36 Faces, astrologer Austin Coppock reads this symbolism as the spirit enclosing itself “in a dense body here in order to gain control over gross layers of the physical plane and to oversee its process with a keen eye.”
In other words, the second decan of Virgo depicts the distillation of spirit into matter. The Emerald Tablet describes distillation as: “It rises from Earth to Heaven and descends again to Earth, thereby combining within Itself the powers of both the Above and the Below.”
The Great Work of alchemy means making fixed the volatile—or bringing spirit (volatile) into matter (fixed). The quest for the Philosopher’s Stone—that evasive, enigmatic universal panacea that perfects anything it touches—is the long and enduring process of distilling spirit in matter.
With every rise “from Earth to Heaven” and descent back to Earth, the Stone combines “within Itself” the powers of spirit (Above) and matter (Below).
And so the symbolism of the man clad in garments of leather and silk reveals itself to be the combining of “the powers of both the Above and the Below”—leather representing the dense matter of Earth and silk the fine spirit of Heaven.
The second decan of Virgo is attributed to the Nine of Disks in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. In The Book of Thoth, Aleister Crowley calls this card “Gain” and writes:
“The disks are arranged as an equilateral triangle… This signifies the multiplication of the original established Word—by the establishment of ‘good luck and good management.’”
The “original established Word” can be found in the first chapter of the Gospel of John, which opens with:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
But it’s also found in the Corpus Hermeticum, or the holy books of Hermeticism that gave rise to the discipline of alchemy. Its author, the mythic father of alchemy Hermes Trismegistus, describes his vision of creation:
“Out of the light came forth the Holy Word which entered into the watery substance, and pure fire leapt from the watery substance and rose up; the fire was insubstantial, piercing and active.”
This ‘Holy Word’ is the logos, a Greek word meaning ‘word,’ ‘speech,’ ‘reason,’ or ‘discourse.’ It means the divine word of creation or a discourse with the divine mind of the Creator. The Pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus defined the logos as an “ever-living fire” whose incessant transformations are at the heart of the cycle of life and death.
So at Mercury’s inferior conjunction in the second decan of Virgo, you have the opportunity to open your eyes, look up to the skies and see the divine spark in all of creation—to hear the inward thought and outward speech of the divine whose spirit shines within material existence.
To aid in this undertaking, it’s advised that you embark upon a directed mythological study and magical practice. As Caton writes, “To keep the passages between worlds open, and our basic self and non-rational worlds integrated, we should dedicate at least one of these three periods each year to taking a conscious descent into the worlds of magic and myth.”
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gortash · 1 year
tagged by @gwynbleidd to do these two uquizzes for my ocs, ty <3
idk who's done this so. tagging @necroticpetals @shadowshearts @flymmcargo @halsin @feypacts @totentnz & anyone reading this hey lol *twirls hair* (no pressure ofc)
tarot card pair + enver gortash the devil + the emperor
there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise.
which part holds their soul? legs
you're always onto what's vital, what's essential, whatever's the most pivotal thing in your life. survival, stability, ambition, and self-sufficiency. you may find that others instinctively trust you to make the important decisions. at your worst, you're ungrounded. you lack ambition, you lack purpose, and you become more frustrated with life. at your best, you're the glue that holds it all together. your soul is the essence of holding the door open for as many people as possible. you are an extra umbrella in the downpour. the lighthouse guiding ships through a foggy sea. you're as dependable as anyone will ever be.
tarot card pair + merrill the two of cups + the star
your romance is a wish granted. finally, finally, they're here. finally, *it's* here! the time where you don't have to feel lonely anymore - you'll never feel that way ever again. laughter, joy, sweetness, kisses - be at ease. all of these are things you have found someone to share with. your love is a dreamy fantasy of love and devotion and miracles. at first, your chest gets too tight when they're around - until they become as natural as the air in your lungs.
which part holds their soul? arms
hold. you hold on tight. you hold so tight that you may break. your grip is so strong that others are concerned, but you can't stop because you're the one holding it together. the "organized" in "organized chaos". the calm that exists within the eye of the hurricane. a level of order that is required of detectives during a true crime murder investigation. the wearied satisfaction of a life sentence. you manifest in emotions like ego, anger, and aggression. you might struggle with depression, lack of self-esteem, anger, and perfectionism. your hold is suffocating, but it has reason. you hold not only for yourself, but for everyone you love
tarot card pair + john seed the tower + the lovers
meeting this person shook your whole world. crumbling down is everything you thought you knew about life and love. their warmth, their generosity, their naivete, their knowing...! you don't know how anything made sense before them. all you know is that nothing will make sense afterwards.
which part holds their soul? head / mind
close. you want to be so close that you can hear the heavens sing. but this is not a road taken by those of little faith. you worked hard for the relationship with your faith that you have today. it is your faith that brings you the strength that you need during the darkest of days. some people cannot understand that. but your efforts will not go unnoticed. your efforts are what is most important in the end. spirituality, enlightenment, and dynamic thought and energy. the inward flow of wisdom and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness. at a low, you might suffer from a constant sense of frustration, melancholy and destructive feelings. the light of what you believe guides you to what you know is right. there is only one answer, and it is the light. it is your faith
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thelovelycreature · 6 years
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XV - Red Right Hand  Nick Cave tarot cards.
The 15th card ‘The Devil’ interpreted as the song ‘Red Right Hand’.
This was the first song I thought of when I came up with the idea of making Nick Cave tarot cards, I knew it would be the perfect fit for ‘The Devil’.
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gloomygod · 6 years
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first card of the lil tarot card thing im doing!!! so 3 more to go (or 4, if i include the deputy card lmao)
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ancient names, pt. xxi
A John Seed/Original Female Character Fanfic
Ancient Names, pt xxi: what went we
Masterlink Post
Word Count: 15.3k
Rating: Explicit: sexual content ahead.
Warnings: mentions of self-harm, some slight gore/blood (it's very mild), the aforementioned sexually explicit content.
Notes: Hi guys. I don't really know where to begin this post, because I am incredibly emotional. It feels so very fitting and special to me that I am bringing in the last chapter of Ancient Names just as 2021 rolls in, and so yes, I AM crying, yes, this WILL be an exceptionally sappy notes section, and yes, this is going to be all about you!
There are so many people that are in part responsible for this fic actually getting finished and put out where the world can see it. @empirics, whose unending support even when she doesn't even GO here and cheerleading me through writing sprints; @lilwritingraven, who is so sweet, so supportive, so incredible and just an overall gigantic sweetheart; @faithchel, whose tags are incredible and always just give me LIFE, I love that our girls be out here really feral like that; @shallow-gravy, who not only lends me her eyeballs but also lets me complain and whine, send her memes nonstop, and participates in my very elaborate fantasies of Elliot and Diana living out their lives as dog moms on a farm (and sometimes in our unholy OT3); @baeogorath, also an eyeball-lender, also incredibly sweet, ALSO lets me send them memes, and does so good in talking me down from my adrenaline anxiety pre-posting and post-posting, was the first person to welcome me into this fandom and is also just a dear, dear friend who happens to be incredibly talented. And, of course, @starcrier. As always, this would have never ever ever been possible without you, not even a little bit, not even at all. From the bottom of my heart, to every single one of you, and the people who have left kudos, have left comments: thank you thank you thank you, from the absolute bottom of my heart. Here is ALL my love, just for you!
The emotional journey of writing this fic has been an incredible one. And a taxing one. Elliot is a character near and dear to my heart for many reasons; I pour so much of my heart into her, so when I hear people say that they love her, and love this journey, and love these things that I've created and written, I mean it when I say that it makes my whole entire day. It means so much to me. Thank you.
In the essence of time, I will not go through all of the feelings that are in my brain right now because there are SO many and I am already crying lol. Please just know you have made the experience of joining a new fandom, and writing in it, so incredible!
There is going to be an epilogue following this chapter, and then I'm going to take a short break and start in on a sequel fic, tentatively titled Witching Hour. Please feel free to hang out/chat w me/plague me with your thoughts at any time of the day; I would love to visit with all of y’all!
John was lying to her.
Or, at the very least, he was withholding information from her, which was just about as bad as lying, Elliot thought. She didn’t know what exactly he wasn’t forthcoming about—but did it matter, at this point? She could tell he was lying; he’d been all kinds of ready to leave and go and get out of Hope County, and now he was scrounging up some kind of ass-pull reason for them to stay. So did it matter? Did the distinction count?
Yes, she thought absently, as John’s fingers traced slow, lazy circles along the small of her back. Yes, I have to know what he’s lying to me about.
“Good morning,” John murmured against her neck. “How did you sleep?”
It had been three days since her baptism-gone-awry, three days of Burke occupying the bunkhouse she had been in while she had wordlessly moved into John’s space, three days of avoiding eye contact with the marshal and deferring questions about him. I don’t know, I really only knew him for a day, she’d say when John asked, or does it matter if I told him? He wouldn’t get it, the unspoken words being ‘not like you do’. She hoped, anyway.
Three days of trying to figure out what it was John wasn’t telling her.
“Like shit,” she replied tiredly as his mouth trailed along the curve of her shoulderblade. The pressure of his fingers against her sternum had her rolling onto her back to look up at him; his gaze swept over the exposed skin.
“Bruising’s clearing up,” he said, his voice low and rough from sleep. But he didn’t elaborate; he didn’t say, should we reveal your sin today, my love? the way that she thought he would try. It felt as though the gears in her head were still sluggishly turning, trying to piece together the entire picture of what was going on, a picture that she felt like John didn’t want her to see.
She knew exactly how it would go if she asked. What’s the game? she’d say, and John would look at her with those eyes, and lean in to kiss her, and he’d say, no game, hellcat, and she’d have to believe him because she didn’t have any empirical evidence that he was lying to her. Just a feeling, deep in her gut, twisting and wrenching.
It made it worse to know that John was looking at her with adoration.
Trailing a lazy circle below her collarbone with his fingertips, John asked, “Do you want to do it today?” and she stifled a sigh.
“I don’t know yet, about staying,” she replied, even though she did know: she wouldn’t. She would die before she crawled into a stupid fucking bunker at the behest of Joseph Seed. “I want to wait.”
John’s eyes flickered a little at her words, but he nodded. Elliot reached up, catching her hand with his and skimming the pads of her thumbs along his palm. The words sat there on the tip of her tongue: what aren’t you telling me? Why can’t you just tell me? Haven’t we been through enough, the two of us?
“Your heartline,” Elliot said instead, forcing her voice into playfulness because she couldn’t stop thinking about how Burke had told her to carry on as she had been. “Have you ever had your palm read?”
“No,” he answered amusedly, letting her nail skim along the curve of the line on his palm. “Are you an expert in palmistry?”
“My mama used to entertain tarot cards and palm readers with her ladies,” she replied. “So I listened in a lot. I suppose it isn’t very Godly to have your palm read.”
“It isn’t.” John’s eyes glittered. “But go ahead and tell me what mine says.”
She shifted a little against the pillows. On the floor by her side of the bed, Boomer let out a long, suffering sigh—like he was tired of listening to this flirtation already. For a small second in time, that feeling of peace swept over her, and she let herself bask in it. Elliot thought that she deserved that much at least.
“Your heartline shows your personality, and your quality of love,” she explained, skimming her finger along his heartline. “Yours comes all the way over, see? All the way across your palm.”
“Is that good?”
“Very,” Elliot said somberly. “It shows you have an abundance of love, and high expectations.”
John worked his jaw a little, clearly trying not to smile like he was proud of himself—like he had any control over the lines of his palm and how they worked. “I could have told you that.”
“And it curves upward,” she continued. “Which means you have great verbal dexterity.”
“I could have also told you that.”
“Undoubtedly,” she deadpanned. “Are you going to let me finish my reading?”
He flashed his teeth at her in a grin. “Please,” he said, “continue.”
Elliot clicked her tongue, turning her attention back to his hand. Inspecting for a moment, she said, “You have a upward split here, you see? That means you’re willing to sacrifice a lot for love.”
John rumbled his agreement at the statement and leaned down, kissing her shoulder.
“And these little forks here,” she added, pressing her thumb against them, “indicates a dispute on marriage.” Her eyes lifted to his, playful. “Are you intending on marrying, John? Palm says that’s a bad idea.”
For a second, John stared at her—his eyes fluttered, and he looked like he was collecting himself. Elliot sat up a little, frowning, but when she did it seemed to trigger whatever it was that was needed for him to come back to being present. Interlacing their fingers together, he pulled her forward and kissed her; and kissed her, and kissed her, until her lungs ached and she thought she was getting dizzy from not being able to take a full breath. His free hand slid down between her legs; when her lips parted to allow her to whimper, John’s teeth caught her lower lip with bruising force.
Already, heat was pooling in the pit of her stomach. Already, she could feel those telltale signs of desire, the way that John inspired it in her with just a few simple gestures.
“Want you,” John said against her mouth, guiding her onto him, settling her on his lap. Something was wrong, something she’d said had struck a strange nerve in him; but undeniably, it felt good, that his hands were trembling whenever his grip on her lessened a little. It felt good, because it felt like he needed her.
“Reading my palm is a cute trick, but—”
“How badly?” Elliot asked, before she could stop herself. John’s eyes, dark with want, raked over her as the sheets bunched at her hips. When she rocked her hips against his inquisitively, a low, strangled noise came out of him. “How badly do you want me?”
“You’re—in a mood,” John managed out. He opened his mouth to keep talking—something insufferable, Elliot was sure—but as he did, she adjusted and sank down against him, drawing out of him a low, vicious moan. His fingers dug into her hips and he hissed, “Wicked thing.”
She slid him out of her, and he groaned, miserable.
“How badly?” she asked again, less cloying this time. There was a strange kind of satisfaction that wound up in her, hot and humid, when John let her do this—let her take, let her sink her nails and her teeth into him wherever and however she wanted. Like he knew exactly what it was she needed and didn’t mind giving it to her.
Liar, something inside of her said, he’s a fucking liar, there’s something he isn’t telling us, but then John looked at her and said, “So badly, more than anything, Elliot,” and her chest tightened.
Her fingers found his shoulder and she tugged him up into a sitting position. Her mouth found his; she tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled just as their hips slotted together and she sighed his name in a hitching breath. The delicious burn was almost enough to fizz her focus out of existence—with so little sleep on her agenda, it was hard enough, but then she canted her hips wantingly and sparks of red-hot pleasure went racing up her spine.
“So. Fucking. Tight,” John ground out, burying his face against her neck. “Can’t believe you’re mine, El—can’t—after all of this—”
Elliot’s lashes fluttered at his words, the uneasy sprint of happiness making her stomach churn. Something else, though, wrenched around the cavity of her chest—those words. Can’t believe you’re mine.
“John,” she managed out, breathless, “I—”
“—and I’m yours.” John kissed her and guided her hips down against him until she was moaning unsteadily. “Fuck, yes, I’m—all yours, baby, just take w-what you—need from me, give you anything, anything—”
I’m all yours, he said, in the same breath as can’t believe you’re mine, and it shouldn’t have but it felt different: in that moment, having John buried into her up to the hilt and digging his fingers into her skin and sighing her name, it shouldn’t have felt different, but it did. It did, because they belonged to each other.
Her fingers tightened in his hair, on his shoulder. She thought, he’s a liar, and she thought, I’m so afraid of losing him, too, and she thought, we belong to each other.
“Please,” Elliot moaned, but she didn’t know what she was asking for; to finish, to hear him say it again, to hear him say more, to tell her the complete and absolute truth? Did it matter, anymore?
It does matter. The distinction matters.
So she said, “You’re mine,” and she kissed him, and she said it again, and again, like a prayer; until John was saying it back, feverish and panting the delicious words against her skin, I’m yours, I’m yours, all yours.
Wicked, and wretched, and maybe a liar, but all hers.
Later, tangled together in bed, John pulled her flush against him and said against her skin, “Don’t you want it, too?”
“I do,” Elliot murmured, knowing that he was talking about the Wrath he was going to put into her skin. “There’s just... A lot after that, to think about. And I know you’ll want an answer right away—”
“Is it that hard?” he asked. “To make a decision about staying or leaving?”
“What the fuck kind of question is that?”
John frowned. “I just—”
“You just want me to say yes to whatever it is you want,” Elliot snapped. “I’d like to remind you that you told me we’d go as soon as this was done.”
“I know,” he said quickly. “I know, Elliot. I’m just—”
And then he paused, like something wanted to come out of him that he didn’t want to say, like he’d caught himself before he’d make a fool of himself. All this time, and Elliot thought she’d never see John vulnerable, not really in the way that she wanted—he’d seen her crying and broken and grieving, and she’d seen him in intimate glimpses, but not completely.
“You’re just what?” she asked, brows pulling together.
John’s fingers traced along her sternum, spelling out WRATH, much like he had done that evening at her mother’s house.
“They’re my family,” he said after a moment. “He gave me everything.”
Something uncomfortable twisted in her chest. “I know.”
“That includes you, too.” John leaned down and kissed her shoulder. “He brought me you. I know you don’t believe, hellcat, but if nothing happens then what did we lose? Nothing. I just get to keep my family.”
Her lashes fluttered, exhaustion seeping over her bones again. It was late into the morning, but already she wanted to close her eyes.
“I told you before,” she whispered. “I told you. You can’t have both. You can’t put one foot in both worlds, John.”
His mouth pressed into a thin line. He ducked his head against her neck and kissed there, and she thought about what he’d said that night in the bar.
Outside of my loyalty to Joseph, there’s you, and I want both.
I want you too, Elliot.
We can have a place to belong.
She thought about Jerome’s voice over the radio. You don’t have to Atlas this thing, deputy.
She thought about Joey, holding her tight. I never doubted you’d be able to get me.
She thought about how, at twenty-five, she had to bury her best friend in the fucking ground.
John was lying to her about something. He wasn’t telling her everything, and maybe she had always known that it would be like this, between them: maybe, down in the marrow of her bones, she had always known they would end up at odds with each other, John trapped between two worlds that he wanted and neither side willing to budge.
Something has to be done, she thought tiredly, as John’s fingers smoothed along her hip, and I’m going to have to fucking do it.
“You’ve gotta get them out of here, Rook.”
Burke’s words stayed there, lingering in the air between them. It was late in the afternoon, and John was with his brothers and Faith in the chapel, and she’d ducked into Burke’s bunkhouse between guard shifts to grab a quick word with him. As soon as she told him that John had been pushing to get her sin revealed sooner than the original week he’d told her, Burke’s frown had deepened.
“They’re planning on getting it over with and getting the fuck out,” he said, pacing the tiny bunkhouse room. “There’s no way I’m getting to that radio with them all here. They think the world’s going to end, and that they need to be in their bunkers to survive it. If they get locked in there, Elliot, then—”
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to get them all out of here,” she replied irritably. “You do realize that I’m only—John’s the only—”
Burke waved his hand to stop her from elaborating. He’d made it clear that he didn’t want to discuss the nature of her relationship with John beyond what the base information: they had indulged in a physical relationship, and an emotional one, and now Elliot’s priorities included him. As best they could.
“He wants to do the… Ceremony,” Elliot continued, mouth twisting around the only word she could think to say without making it macabre, “soon. And I just think that if I push it all the way out, then it’ll stir up suspicion, after I told him I wanted to—”
“What if you didn’t?”
She blinked at him. “What?”
“What if you didn’t push it out?” Burke continued, slowly, pitching his voice quieter and more urgent when he noticed movement outside. “What if you asked for it to be done sooner? But just—somewhere else? Not here? Make up something about how you don’t have good memories here, and…”
“And ask for his family to be there,” Elliot finished, “so that they have to leave you here?”
Burke nodded. His gaze darted to the window again, and she knew that they were running out of time. “You’ll still be guarded.”
“I can handle a few of these fuckers,” he replied, waving his hand. “Most of them are scattered out, getting supplies. I hear them complaining about it outside all the time. I’ll get that radio, see if I can hear any chatter, and tell them where to find you. ”
I need more time, she thought, but she knew that she wouldn’t get it. Not now. Her deadline had been set for her—by Joseph, by John, and even a little bit by Burke. She was this close to being done, to being—
“Okay,” she said. “Okay, yes, I can do that. I’ll ask them to take me to the ranch, and—I can do that.”
“I know,” Burke said, and he had never sounded more confident; he planted his hands on her shoulders and looked at her, the clarity having returned from his Bliss-induced high. He hesitated, and then said, “The ceremony—”
“We don’t have to talk about it.”
“I want you to know,” he plunged on, “it doesn’t matter, but I want you to know that you aren’t… That isn’t all of who you are.” His hands squeezed shoulders, the pressure welcoming and comforting and nauseating all at once. How strange, that kindness sickened her, now. “Wrath.”
Elliot paused, swallowing thickly. “I should go,” she said, because Burke still didn’t know what she’d done to Kian, still didn’t know the full extent of her body count or the way she’d felt when she killed a man. How it felt good, now—satisfying, an instant hit of dopamine centered around control.
“The back window,” Burke said, gesturing. “So the guards don’t wonder.”
“It’s all very exciting,” Elliot added. She tried for lightness, pushing the window up. “Subterfuge.”
“Just try not to say that where anyone can hear you.”
“We’ve nearly collected the last of the supplies,” Joseph said, pacing absently back and forth. “How long do you think, Jacob?”
“A day, at most,” the redhead replied. “They’re working quickly, without all of these interruptions.” Jacob paused, and then turned his gaze at John. His mouth twisted for a moment, and John could tell his older brother was trying not to smile when he continued, “What’s your timeline, John?”
“The same,” John replied tightly.
“A day at most?”
“No, the same as before,” he clarified, even though he knew Jacob was doing it on purpose. “You gave me a timeline and that’s what I’m working with.”
“It’s just, you sounded very confident about your ability to wrangle the deputy,” his eldest brother continued, “and you’ve always been an overachiever.”
Joseph was looking at him expectantly. John knew that they wanted him to say that Elliot had insisted on doing it sooner, that she’d fully acquiesced to staying with him, that he had fully convinced her, down to every molecule of her being, that what they were doing was right and just and undeniably truthful.
But he hadn’t. Their conversation this morning only proved that more to him. You can’t have both, she’d said, like she still thought of herself as a separate entity from him, from his family. But she wasn’t; where else would she find people who would accept her, unconditionally?
Well, mostly unconditionally. There was one condition: believing. The most difficult one for her, he thought.
“I can spend more time with her,” Faith supplied, helpfully. “Maybe she’s tired of being around you boys all the time. You can be...” Her gaze flickered, and she tilted her chin a little, smiling. “A little heavy-handed. It’s possible that a lighter touch is necessary to bring the deputy around.”
“First, you should stop calling her that,” John pointed out, and he felt a little more than petulant saying it. It hadn’t escaped his attention that Elliot was naturally inclined to open up to Faith more easily, and he shouldn’t have been surprised, but it did still bother him, sitting right in the back of his mind. Always away but never forgotten. “Continuing to refer to her as “the deputy” is only going to further cement her ties to her past life.”
“Well,” Jacob demurred, “we can’t all call her baby, can we, John?”
“If you have a problem with me enjoying the marital bed,” John bit out, “then I think perhaps you spend some time reflecting inwardly on why that’s such a—”
The door to the chapel creaked as it was pushed open. Swallowing back his words quickly, he turned and glanced over his shoulder to see Elliot, hesitating in the doorway. Boomer lingered just behind her, sat at the bottom of the stairs, ever obedient.
“I can come back,” she said, sounding uncertain.
“Not at all,” Joseph replied, before John could tell her maybe that would be best. “Please, come in.”
She did, letting the door swing shut behind her, and moved tentatively toward the front. He wondered how it felt for her—coming in here, with all of them looking at her, much the same way she had the day that set the events in motion that brought her back to them.
John wondered, too, if Joseph had known this all along; if the things that he heard and saw had shown him that Elliot would always come back here, to them. Our deputy, he’d always said, without fail.
“I want to do it,” Elliot said, as she approached. “Soon. As soon as possible.”
Silence reigned supreme for a moment, before John said, “That’s great, Elliot. We can get started with—”
“But I don’t want to do it here,” she interrupted, bringing John’s mouth to a full stop.
“More fucking demands,” Jacob muttered under his breath.
“I’m afraid I don’t understand,” Joseph said, watching her curiously. The way they had been, he was the closest to Elliot, with a table separating her from John. His fingers itched. “If you’re worried about the safety of it, I am sure John is more than equipped to—”
“This is supposed to be cleansing, isn’t it?” Elliot asked. “Regardless of how you feel, Joey’s body was put on display here. I don’t want this to be the place where I...”
Her voice trailed off, and her gaze darted elsewhere, mouth pressing into a thin line. John said, “I don’t think going somewhere else would be a problem. Where did you have in mind?”
“The ranch,” she replied, sounding relieved. “Feels fitting.”
As John stifled a smile, Joseph said, “Well, we’ll need to clear out the bodies, but I’m sure that can be done.”
“That’s manpower,” Jacob protested.
“You were just talking about how quickly they were getting things done,” John replied. “Weren’t you? Ahead of schedule. Over-achieving, I think.”
Jacob’s mouth snapped shut with an audible click and grind of his molars, and for once, John felt a sweeping thrill of victory. It was coming together, right there, in front of him—in front of his brothers, and Faith. All of the witnessing the fruits of his labor.
“Fine,” Jacob acquiesced, at last. “But it’ll take them a few hours.”
“Perfect.” John smiled, looking at Elliot across the table, Joseph’s figure nearly eclipsing her. “Then Elliot and I will head out as soon as we hear that the bodies have been properly disposed of.”
“There’s one more thing,” Elliot began, looking uncertain, and drawing all eyes back to her again even as Joseph had moved to place his hand on Faith’s shoulder. When they had watched expectantly for long enough, she continued, “I want—everyone there.”
“Everyone?” John asked, the word souring in his mouth.
“Not—of Eden’s Gate. Just… All of you,” she elaborated.
John could feel the surprise, bubbling fresh and unexpected, between his siblings as they exchanged glances.
“Even me?” Jacob asked, and John saw the grin splitting across his face.
“Even you,” Elliot replied, dryly. “Against my better judgment, I’m sure.”
“I’m touched, honey.”
Clearing his throat, John walked around the table briskly, muttering a quick excuse us as he guided Elliot away from the front of the chapel and down the walkway a little.
“You want my family there?” he asked, keeping his voice low as his siblings chatted quietly amongst themselves. Jacob was grinning wolfishly, looking very pleased with himself, which was something John didn’t necessarily like. “Normally, it’s more of a—a private affair, and that’s how I pictured it with you—”
“This is important to me,” Elliot said, watching him. “And they’re important to you. Aren’t they?”
John swallowed. “Well, yes, but…”
“John,” she murmured, her fingers loosely tangled with his, “I’ll stay, after.”
He blinked at her. “You’ll—?”
“Yes.” Her gaze flickered over his, her voice low as she struggled through the words. “I’ll stay here, with you—and your family. After it’s done. I just… Need to close the chapter.”
I fucking did it, he thought, certain that he was going to grin like a complete maniac if he didn’t keep himself in check. I fucking got her. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe they doubted me.
“Of course,” he managed out, somehow keeping his voice steady despite the rush of butterflies banging against his rib cage. “Of course, hellcat, anything you want.”
“Okay.” She paused, and then reached up and kissed him—willingly, of her own volition, in front of his siblings, she kissed him, and then sat back on her feet. “In a day, then?”
“In a day,” John promised, their noses brushing. “We’ll really belong to each other.”
Elliot’s lashes fluttered. She looked a little more tired than before, but it was hard to tell this close; and if it bothered her at all—if it was changing her mood—it didn’t show. He felt her smile against his mouth.
“Yes,” she murmured, just the way that he liked. “Completely.”
Jacob stopped by the bunkhouse with Joseph that evening to let him know they’d dispatched the men to clean out the ranch of any remaining corpses; they’d do it through the night, to better assist Elliot in her revelations. It seemed that the members of Eden’s Gate were just as relieved as the siblings themselves that the deputy was no longer and adversary, but joining them.
Which still left the matter of Cameron Burke.
“I say we kill him,” Jacob announced, glancing over John’s shoulder to ensure Elliot wasn’t there—and never before had John been more grateful for the blonde’s need to go on exorbitantly long walks out of the compound. “Quick and easy.”
“Well,” John said, “that is what I had thought you intended before, yet here we are, with him still on our hands.”
“We are lucky that our brother cares so much as to run our deputy through such trials,” Joseph interceded serenely, before a spat could break out. “And that she passed. With flying colors, I think.”
“That’s a little generous.”
“At any rate, that we’ve moved up this celebration for her is good,” the blonde continued. “I hear that the Family may not all be finished. Jacob mentioned that his scouts saw movement, out close to the Whitetails.”
John frowned. No good, he thought, but then—what about all of those dead couples he and Elliot had seen? Paired, holding hands, flowers blooming from wherever they could fit them? How was it determined which ones would off themselves and which ones stuck around?
“Now that we have all of the supplies we need,” Jacob said, “we don’t have to worry about getting rid of them.” He shrugged. “Let the apocalypse finish them off.”
“Well.” John clapped his hands together. “I’ve quite a day to prepare for tomorrow, I think. And when it’s all done, we’ll be ready to settle in.”
Joseph and Jacob exchanged looks, just for a moment, before Jacob said, “Night, Johnny,” and set off, leaving Joseph alone in front of the doorway to the bunkhouse. When he looked at John, his expression unreadable, something uneasy crawled and settled down at the base of his spine.
“I have something for you,” Joseph said. “Come with me to the chapel?”
Trying not to recognize that dread, lest he give it more legs than it already had, John nodded his head. “Of course. Though, you know you never have to…”
“It’s the least I could do,” his brother interjected lightly, waiting patiently as he closed the door to his temporary base of operations and then fell into step with him to the chapel. The evening was brisk and chilly, and when Joseph said, “And where is our deputy?” John stifled a rueful smile.
“Taking a walk, with Faith,” John replied. “And the dog, of course.”
“Of course.” He saw a smile ticking the corner of his brother’s mouth, small and almost imperceptible. “It’s nice that they get along, don’t you think?”
“It is,” he agreed, “like she was always meant to be with us.”
Joseph paused outside the chapel’s doors, reaching up and giving John’s shoulder a squeeze. “Just like.”
They stepped inside. It was cool and quiet; nobody remained. The radio flickering through channels was the only noise, and they rang empty and static, not a peep out there. He wondered if the remaining members of the Family were just looking for a place to rest, or a way to get out; maybe they didn’t want anything, anymore.
He followed his brother to the front of the chapel. On the table was the map they’d been using, a few scribbled notes in Jacob’s hand-writing, and a manila envelope.
Joseph picked up the envelope and held it out to John. He took it, and then glanced inquisitively up at his brother.
“Is this—?”
“Her file,” Joseph confirmed. “What we gathered on her prior to the Collapse. Also in there are my notes from her confession, as well as what appears to be diary entries, recovered from where Kian had tried to hunt the two of you.”
Holy shit, John thought, because sitting in his hands was the exact thing that he’d wanted from the beginning. Everything that he wanted to know about Elliot was right there: waiting to be read, devoured, committed to memory. He would know every single part of her, every wretched thing she had ever done, every loss she had ever suffered, every—
“And,” Joseph continued, “your marriage certificate.”
John glanced up at his brother. Suddenly, the envelope felt—different. Like an ultimatum. If he learned all of this about Elliot, and she got suspicious because he suddenly knew so much about her, and she asked where he found out and he told her—and he would have to tell her—she’d want to see it and then. And then.
And then.
“I think it’s time, John,” his brother said. “I know that you haven’t told our deputy about this arrangement. She is your wife, after all, before the eyes of this congregation and God.”
“Right,” John murmured, swallowing. “Yeah, of course. I planned on it. After tomorrow. It feels fitting, to tell her then.”
Maybe it would be better to tell her in the bunker, he thought absently, and then shoved that immediately away. No, fuck, no, I have to tell her. Tomorrow, after we finish everything.
“Good.” Joseph smiled, and for the first time in a long time he smiled with teeth, and the expression on his brother’s face almost unnerved him. He reached up, and his fingers brushed the nape of John’s neck, tilting him forward so that their foreheads pressed together.
Relief, hot and overwhelming, washed straight through him. They had been so at odds that John thought he might have forgotten what it was like to be in his brother’s good graces, but here he was.
“I am so proud of all that you have done for me, for our family, for Eden’s Gate.” Joseph’s voice rang in the hollow of his bones, vibrating straight through him, spiking in him a delirious rush of pride. “You have done so well, John, despite all that God has done to test you.”
Oh, there it was: everything in him said, finally, finally, finally, someone sees me, and he was reminded of why it was he owed Joseph so much. Because he gave him this.
“I’m—” John felt the words choke and stutter on the way out of him. It was almost too much—the finish line was in sight. Elliot had said, you can’t have both, but he could. He could, and he was going to, and it was here right in front of him.
“Thank you,” he managed out. “Thank you, Joseph. I only ever wanted to make you proud.”
“I know.” Joseph smiled, hand pressed against the back of John’s head, holding him gently. “I know.”
Leaving the chapel, John was cruising on cloud nine; he had everything. Everything. Nobody was going to take it from him. No stupid cult, no last-minute hail mary’s from the opposing team—
As he passed by a window into the bunkhouse that had been Elliot’s before Burke had made it his home, John stopped and leaned against the siding of the house, tapping on the window. Burke was sitting at the table, leaned back, eyes closed; when the sound of John’s finger against the glass rattled again, he opened one eye.
John waved, and grinned. “Hi, bud.”
Burke stared at him. He gestured for the Marshal to push his window up, and after a few exasperated gestures, he did—reluctantly.
“Seed,” he said, tiredly. “Particular reason you’re not fuckin’ off?”
“Just wanted to stop by,” John replied slyly. “See how you were holding up. The impending apocalypse must be weighing heavily on you.”
Burke stared at him for a moment. He worked a toothpick between his teeth. His hands and feet were both cuffed, and the guards standing outside of the bunkhouse seemed to be concerned with his tone when he said, “Can’t wait to beat that shit-eating grin off of your face.”
“That’s not very professional,” John drawled. “Won’t that look poorly, in front of all of your little friends?”
“They’ll avert their eyes to let me give you some extra special attention.” Burke lifted his chin, taking the toothpick out of his mouth and spitting out the window, nearly landing on John’s shoes. “Promise.”
Impudent, John thought. Burke really just couldn’t let him have a moment, could he? “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Marshal,” he said, straightening up from the window and taking a step away. “I like it rough.”
And then he paused, turning on his heel like a swivel and lifted a finger thoughtfully.
“If you want some pointers on what I like,” he added pleasantly, “you can always ask Elliot.”
Burke’s eyes narrowed. “Your little brainwashed cultist? I think I’ll pass.” he asked, and John’s smile plummeted, wiped off of his face.
“Watch your fucking mouth,” he hissed. “You’re the failing party here, Cameron Burke. You’re going to be the one suffering when the End comes for you.”
“Well, if that’s the case,” Burke replied, “better get goin’, shouldn’t you?”
John’s teeth snapped together with a click, pain shooting up through his jaw as his molars ground. Petulant and arrogant, all the way to the very end, wasn’t he? He supposed that made it a little bit better that Jacob was going to off him.
He had everything he wanted, and not even Cameron Burke was going to take that from him.
John flashed a smile, all teeth, and held his arms out. “I suppose I should,” he replied. “Have a nice ceremony tomorrow to prepare. Though, I don’t have to tell you—you’ll be there for it, won’t you? A front row seat and all.”
Even in the dark of the growing evening, he could see Burke’s jaw clench. The Marshal pulled back from the window and slammed it shut, signaling his exit from the conversation; if John had been in a worse mood, he would have stormed right in there and shown Burke exactly what the consequences were for trying to run the show.
But there wasn’t time, because just as he was debating the logistics of doing so, he heard a dog barking in the distance and the sound of familiar voices.
“Hi, John,” Faith sing-songed at him, swinging Elliot’s hand in her own as they approached. “Isn’t it a bit late? I thought you’d be asleep by now.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” John replied with a quick smile, which was not necessarily a lie.
“Too excited,” his sister agreed playfully. 
As they approached, he could see the circles beneath Elliot’s eyes had darkened. She really wasn’t sleeping, was she? Reaching up with his free hand as soon as she was close enough, he brushed some loose strands of hair from her face and guided her close, his fingers tangling into her hair at the base of her skull and his mouth finding her temple. Faith giggled and waved her fingers at Elliot, breezing past him on her way to the chapel.
He asked, “Did you enjoy your walk?”
“It was dark,” Elliot replied, by way of explanation. Boomer sniffed around their feet and then cocked his head, listening while his eyes fixed on the dark treeline. “What’s that?”
“Hm?” John asked, distracted by Boomer’s sudden alertness. “Oh, the envelope?”
“No, John, this stupid fucking Hot Topic belt I’ve seen you wear all the time.” Elliot pulled back to look at him, eyes glimmering with amusement. “Yes, the envelope.”
He opened his mouth to respond, trying to decide if he wanted to be upfront with her about it or not; he was so caught up in his decision that he didn’t even have the time to be offended by her remark about his belt before he said, “We should go back to our house, don’t you think? The company here’s a little sour.”
Elliot’s gaze swept around curiously, and when she spotted Burke through the window, she said, “Ah.”
“You never did tell me how your talk went,” he added, taking her hand and beginning to pull her away. “Good? Bad?”
The blonde watched him for a moment, like he’d said something a little too suspicious. “It really bothers you when you don’t know what exactly is going on, doesn’t it?”
John feigned a pleased smile. “It’s my job to know what’s going on.”
“I thought it was your job to talk incessantly?”
“I am multi-faceted.”
They reached the door to their shared space—and that was a nice little thought, their space, like they had a place that belonged to the two of them—and as Elliot stepped inside, she said, “Burke wanted to know what had happened.”
John closed the door behind them, pausing and looking at her for a moment; he tried to glean any insight he could out of her expression, but he couldn’t. He could only see quiet exhaustion sitting on her face, just there, just within his reach.
“And?” he prompted, when she failed to elaborate. She walked into the bathroom and turned the water on, washing her face; quickly, John opened the envelope and thumbed through the documents until he found what he was looking for. He slid the paper beneath the nightstand beside the bed and shut the envelope, smoothing the metal pins out. There, he thought, like it was never opened.
“I told him the truth,” Elliot replied from the bathroom, shutting the water off. “About the Family. About—you. And your siblings.”
“Well, he did refer to you as my ‘little brainwashed cultist’, so I imagine that conversation didn’t go well.”
The blonde stepped out of the bathroom, crossing her arms over her chest and watching him for a moment. That was answer enough, he supposed—whatever friendliness had lingered between Elliot and Burke seemed to have been decimated by the reality of their situation.
“What’s in the envelope?”
“It’s your file,” John said, plainly. Elliot’s jaw tensed.
“My file,” she reiterated.
“Yes. All of the things Joseph had on you before, including your confession to him and some papers they found in Kian’s bag of belongings. Back in the woods.”
Her eyes flickered, and she exhaled, long and tired. He could tell that she didn’t like that he had it. She had so desperately tried to keep him from knowing what it was that haunted her, though he had mostly pieced it together by now—an ex-boyfriend gone bad, the resulting fallout, all wadded up into a tiny ball of trauma that sat right in her ribs. All of those times Elliot had tried to cling to those shreds of control—and everything about her had been handed to him in a manila envelope. He imagined that it was quite frustrating.
John offered, “I haven’t looked at it.”
“Why not?”
“I thought,” he began, carefully, “that you might want it. For yourself.”
Elliot looked at him warily. “You’re just going to give it to me?”
“Elliot,” he said as he closed the space between them, “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. I’ll give you anything you want.” John reached up, brushing his fingers against the slope of her neck, feeling the way her pulse jumped at the contact. “Besides, I have you. What do I need the file for?”
He wanted it. He wanted to read her file, learn every gritty detail about her, memorize them the same way she’d memorized his scars and tattoos with her fingers; to know her, inside and out, so that there wasn’t a single dark corner of her that he didn’t have completely.
“Throw it away,” Elliot murmured. “I don’t want it. I don’t want it anywhere. Please, just throw it away.”
“If that’s what you really want,” John agreed.
“It is.”
She leaned up and kissed him; her hands cradling his jaw and pulling him there, her mouth soft and compliant against his. He dropped the envelope in favor of getting both of his hands on her, walking her back against the nearest wall and sliding his fingers beneath the hem of her sweater. Elliot’s breath stuttered and hitched prettily, but she pulled back until her mouth was just out of his reach.
Still, though her head was tilted otherwise, her fingers tugged on the front of his shirt and crowded him against her, close. If he thought about it too hard—about the way they had begun, hissing and spitting, and how they were now—he’d have thought he was dreaming, how she wanted him in her space now.
“Let’s go,” the blonde said, her voice urgent. “Tonight. To the ranch.”
“You—” John paused, watching her. “You want to go tonight? Why not tomorrow?”
“I don’t want to be here,” she murmured, “in the compound. I want—”
Elliot stopped, then, worrying her lower lip between her teeth for a moment. “I want to have some time,” she continued, “with you, before... Everything. Just us.” Her mouth twisted in what John thought could only be a playful smile. “Like old times.”
“Oh, yeah?” he asked, narrowing his eyes amusedly. “Which times are those? The times where you told me to go fuck myself, or—”
“I think you liked it.”
“Your mouth is one of my favorite things about you, yes.”
“So,” she continued, “can we go tonight?”
John, propped up against the wall with her caged between his arms, studied her for a moment. It wouldn’t be bad to get some time away from the compound that wasn’t some kind of macabre venture out into Fall’s End, haunting her with all of the things she used to have and had once been.
“Sure,” he said finally, “I don’t see why not. Just a little time for us.”
Though he had been less than thrilled about the idea of Elliot being outside of the compound, Jacob had confirmed that the ranch was cleaned out of bodies and ready for them. When they swept past Burke in the bunkhouse, watching them through the window, John’s eyes went to Elliot—trying to see if there was anything in her expression, trying to see if there was a blink of affection or recognition.
There wasn’t. Elliot walked past without looking at the U.S. Marshal and swung into the driver’s side of the truck, and when John reached across the console to drop the keys in her hand, her gaze and expression were clear of any cloudiness.
When they got to the ranch, it was quiet; the lights had been left on, and while John knew that the bodies were gone and cleaned out, he still braced himself for impact when they walked in. The bookshelf had been righted again, and the strong smell of cleaning solution lingered in the air, but for the most part, everything was exactly where he’d left it.
It was a shame, then, that soon they’d be slipping underground.
“Bleach,” Elliot said, walking up the stairs after him. “How romantic.”
“It’s your mess they were cleaning,” John replied dryly, flashing her a grin over his shoulder. “In case you forgot.”
“I didn’t.”
He pushed the door open to the master bedroom, taking in a little breath and turning to look at Elliot. She was inspecting the room, and for a second, John almost felt self-conscious—that she was here, now, with him. In his home. Touching his things. Looking at him.
It was almost unnerving to think about; that some time ago, she had been viciously looking for any way out. But of course, she had come around. She was always going to come around, one way or another. He thought about the way she’d spit Go fuck yourself, John, the way she’d tried her hardest to be as obtuse and unhelpful as possible, how she’d said in the bar you can’t have both but here he was.
Here she was.
There was only one thing left standing in the way, and it was something he had all the power in the world to change if he wanted to.
“What are you thinking about?” the blonde asked, arching a brow at him loftily.
“You,” John said, and it wasn’t a lie. Her lashes fluttered and she almost looked shy, for a moment; when he reached out and tugged her close by the belt loop of her jeans, he added, “What do you think about getting married?”
With her hands steadying herself on his chest, she barked out a laugh. “In general? Or us getting married?”
“Primarily the latter.”
“I—” Elliot blinked, and shook her head. “I don’t... What do you mean, what do I think about us getting married?”
“Do you like the idea?” John prompted. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to the slope of her jaw.
“We’ve barely been together,” she murmured. “And—you still piss me off.”
“That’s amore.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Elliot groaned, and John grinned, sliding his arms around her to pull her closer still. He hoisted her up into his arms and carried her to the bed; when he’d settled her there, on her back and with her legs looped loosely around his waist, she watched him for a moment. “I don’t know. I’ve never wanted to get married.”
John cocked his head. “Not even once?”
“Not even once.”
“And why not?”
“Why would I?” she retorted. “The only marriage I ever saw was my dad dragging my mama’s credit through the dirt and then fucking off the second he got tired of playing house. Giving up my last name to someone? Letting someone take that away from me?”
John leaned down, pushing her sweater up and pressing his mouth to the curve of her hip cutting up and over her jeans. Her breath stuttered for a moment, and she squirmed when he let his tongue slide along one of her scars.
“I know this is going to sound crazy,” he said, “but marriage isn’t all about giving. It’s about receiving, too.”
He watched the heat crawl into her cheeks, undoing the button of her jeans and sliding them down until they pooled on the floor with a whisper. She said she’d never wanted to get married, but he thought after tomorrow—after she saw how beautiful it would be, to have her sin revealed and in the open—she would change her mind. For him, she would.
Elliot let out a sharp, stuttering breath. “Come here,” she said, tugging on him a little to guide him back up to her. He obliged, and she tangled her fingers into his hair and kissed him; long and patient, lips parting beneath his and her tongue flickering playfully against his mouth. She skimmed her fingers along his chest, down until she could undo his belt and pull it from the loops, discarding it on the floor.
“Miss Honeysett,” John murmured.
“John,” she replied, as her fingers deftly undid his jeans.
“Are you trying to seduce me?”
“You did take my pants off.”
He laughed, the sound sweeping out of him just before Elliot pulled him down into another kiss. She shifted and squirmed against him, pushing and working with her fingers until they were skin on skin. There was a second, a heartbeat of time, where Elliot paused, her gaze flickering over him.
“I want—a home,” she said, her voice quiet, “with you. I don’t have one anymore, and I...”
John dragged his fingers along the exposed skin of her sternum, down and down and down, and she sucked in a sharp little breath the second he found exactly he was looking for.
“You have it,” he replied against her mouth, and a spike of heat sprinted up his spine when he beckoned his fingers against her and she whimpered. “You have it, El, I told you—”
Elliot’s nails dug into his shoulder and she said, “John,” and her voice plunged a little when she did, pitching high and sweet and just the way that he liked it; he mouthed a spot on her neck, sighing against her skin.
“Love those sounds you make,” he murmured. “So good for me.”
“Yes,” Elliot said breathlessly, turning her head so that their noses could brush, “yes, I am, for you—so, please—”
So, please, she said, so sweetly, wanting and hurting and needy as she clutched him, as her breath hitched in anticipation when John pressed up against her, slow and without urgency.
“Is this what you wanted to come here for?” John rumbled against her mouth, breathing unsteady. “So I could f—fuck you in peace and quiet?”
The blonde moaned her agreement as she kissed him. Her body arched up against his, impatient, and when he finally pressed into her all the way, she let out a sigh, her fingers twisting in his hair.
It was too good; too tight, too hot, and the way Elliot held him close, like she thought she was going to disappear if she didn’t keep her grip on him, made the trickle of heat turn into a wildfire splitting through his body. He groaned, the pace excruciating and delicious as he made sure to take each drag as slow as possible.
“F-Fucking—faster,” Elliot whimpered against his mouth, “John—”
“No,” he ground out, slotting his hips against hers tightly before drawing back out again. “You have to—I want you just like this, hellcat—”
She made a sweet keening noise and rocked her hips up, impatient; each time she did sent another sharp jolt of desire sprinting through him, and he bit out a low swear and gripped her hip with one hand.
“Brat,” he moaned. “Wants everything her way but can’t—f-fucking—behave.”
“Fuck you,” Elliot replied, but there was no real heat in her words; she said it in a broken, stuttering breath. “What if I want you faster? What if I want you to fuck me until you just can’t stand it—”
“Stop.” John gritted the words out between his teeth; if there was one thing that sent him to his undoing, it was Elliot and her filthy mouth. “God, you—fucking—”
Elliot dragged him in for a kiss, open-mouthed and slick and wanting, and she begged, “John, I want you so badly—I need—”
And her words stuttered for a moment, like she was catching herself before she could say something that she thought might be embarrassing. John’s hand came up and pressed to her jaw, tilting her face back to him so that he could see her; gazing at him through her lashes, flushed and lips kiss-reddened and eyes dreamy and dazed.
“Tell me,” he managed out, through the haze of his own pleasure. “Tell me what you need.”
“You,” Elliot moaned, “I need you, John.”
“Fuck,” John ground out. He was powerless to go against her wishes when she was looking at him like that, and saying I need you, and twisting her fingers in his hair and—
And when he snapped into her, she sighed his name like a prayer, like he was holy, and he thought that it would have been a crime not to give her what she wanted. It was almost as good as taking it slow; hearing Elliot whimper yes yes yes into their liplock as he fucked her, rough and a little unforgiving, nearly sent him spiraling.
When he slipped a hand between them, dragging the pad of his thumb across the neediest part of her, he felt her tighten; closecloseclose, it said, and Elliot made a wrecked, desperate sound and kissed him just as she came unraveled, panting his name.
His followed close behind—it hit hard, a strange, empty moment just before the ricocheting pleasure rattled around in his skeleton. John buried his face into Elliot’s neck and moaned, gripping her tight to him, and she arched up a little into him and made him hiss.
“You,” he said breathlessly into her neck, “are getting too comfortable using that filthy mouth of yours to get what you want.”
She laughed, raking her fingers through his hair. “You like it.”
“I’ve said that I do.”
“How much?” Elliot idled, and he felt a smile tug at the corners of his mouth.
“Wicked thing, aren’t you?” he asked, instead of answering her question. Her lashes fluttered, and when John leaned down and dragged his teeth against her pulse point, she made a soft, sweet sound, squirming in his arms.
“I’m going to sleep,” she announced. Having disentangled themselves and slipped under the covers, she settled back against the pillows and he was reminded, once again, of the dark circles lingering under her eyes. “Feels like I have slept a fucking wink in the compound.”
“Fine,” John agreed, kissing her temple. “You’ll need your rest for tomorrow, anyway.”
It took some time for them to fall asleep; Elliot slept more fitfully than he, and each time she shifted or sighed or rolled it woke him up, too. Eventually, the blonde settled with her face tucked against John’s chest, her fingers absently tracing over the shape of his scar until her breathing slowed and she drifted back off.
Sometime around three in the morning, she stirred, sliding out of bed and making her way to the bathroom. John reached over to the nightstand and picked up his watch to squint at it in the dark. He heard the sink running, and the door to the bathroom was slightly ajar.
“Can’t believe it’s almost the end of November,” he said, out loud and to no one in particular, though Elliot’s head peeked out of the bathroom. She’d wrapped herself in his robe, cinching it tight around her waist.
“It is?” she asked, tiredly. “What’s the date?”
“The twenty-first.”
Elliot stilled for a moment. A strange emotion swept over her face; he thought that it was almost sadness. “It’s my birthday tomorrow.”
John set the watch back down on the nightstand. “Well, perfect timing then. I just gave you an incredible birthday present. How old are you turning? And why do you look so terribly distressed?”
“Fuck off,” she muttered when he grinned at her. “Twenty-six, asshole.” And then, like an afterthought: “It’s just that normally by now, I’m—”
The blonde cut herself off, and then shook her head, rubbing her eyes tiredly and walking back into the bathroom to turn the water off.
“Elliot?” he called. “What is it?”
“Just weird,” she replied after a minute, “being... Having a birthday. Here. Like this.”
He settled back against the pillow. “Come back to bed.”
She did as he asked, obliging him as she slid back under the blankets and covers. The robe was still on, and he pulled at the hem of it playfully. Elliot somehow looked more tired than before; and her eyes didn’t quite meet his, like she was somewhere very far away from him.
“Looks good on you,” he murmured. “Blue’s your color.”
Elliot’s attention snapped to him. “Faith said the same thing.”
“Great minds.”
She rolled her eyes, shifting to the other side in bed so that John could tug her back against his chest, burying his face into her neck. When her breathing finally slowed a little, and regulated, John felt himself finally start to relax.
I can have both, he thought, as he began to drift back off. I can, and I will.
When Elliot awoke the next morning, the first thing that she thought was, I’m late.
It hit her differently in the cold light of day, to think her period was delayed. That’s probably what it was, anyway—a delay. Lots of things could fuck around with the timing of a period, right?
The second thing she thought was, today’s the day.
Things did seem oddly calm, as they went about their morning; they showered, and John kissed her smelling like expensive soap, and his hands went to the places he loved the most—her hips, her hair, her jaw. It was like they’d fallen into a routine with each other, in just this short period of time; but then, she supposed, that was very natural to have happened, considering that they spent so much time with each other now.
“We should do it downstairs,” Elliot said as John busied himself with some coffee. Boomer had sprinted outside at the first opportunity, taking off into the treeline to burn some of his energy off.
“Downstairs?” he asked, glancing at her. “In the room?”
“Seems fitting.”
He shrugged, sliding a cup of coffee her way and leaning across the counter. “Whatever you want, baby.”
The sound of car doors closing and voices outside stirred her attention away from John’s mouth—a wholly distracting thing—but when she turned to see the Seeds walking through the front door of the ranch, she felt her stomach plummet.
“Brought a plus one,” Jacob announced, shoving Burke forward. “Hope you don’t mind.” He fixed Elliot with his gaze. “Caught him snooping around the chapel. Isn’t that weird?”
“I—” Elliot’s brain fuzzed viciously, static biting through all other noise. Burke’s lip was split and he had a nasty black eye forming. Oh, no, she thought, oh, no, no, no, no. This is so fucking bad.
“Anyway,” he continued, “I couldn’t trust anyone to keep an eye on him, so unfortunately, that is now my job.”
“No,” Elliot said abruptly, drawing all eyes on her. “I’m—I don’t want him here.”
“Elliot,” John murmured.
“Then what do you propose I do with him?” Jacob demanded.
“I don’t know, that isn’t my fucking job,” she snapped. With the siblings all looking at her, Burke took a second and very gently, very resolutely, shook his head no.
Her mind went frantic. What does that mean? Does that mean stop kicking up a fuss? Does that mean he got to the radio? Or that he didn’t? What the fuck is the plan, now?
Joseph said, gentle, “I’m afraid we just can’t afford to lose track of him, Elliot.”
She felt fingers brushing hers. John had come around the kitchen island, and now their fingers were interlaced. It felt like she was on some kind of precipice, some great, plunging cliff into a void, and all she could do was stand by hopelessly as everything pushed her towards the edge.
She didn’t want Burke to watch. She didn’t want him to see her let John carve WRATH into her skin, but most of all—most of all, she didn’t want Burke to see that maybe it would feel good, for her, a catharsis.
“Fine,” she managed out after a moment, watching Burke’s eyes flutter shut in what might have been relief. Or suffering. “Fine, whatever.”
“Well,” Joseph murmured, “shall we get started? There’s a full day ahead of us.”
As they moved down the stairs, Elliot swallowed thickly and tried to clear and compose her brain. Everything did feel just a little bit like it was too much. Joseph there, his shoulder brushing hers; Faith and John, chatting like it was nothing to have her sit down in a chair in the middle of the room where she had been kept captive; Jacob, shoving Burke into the room and on his knees.
It was too much. She would just have to pray that Burke had gotten a chance with the radio before Jacob found him.
“We’re going to have to take your shirt off,” John said, moving into her vision, and didn’t sound like he regretted that in the least. A little rush of relief coursed through her when she realized she’d be able to focus on someone familiar—none of Joseph’s prying eyes or Faith’s sweet smiles to unsettle and unseat her. Just her, and John.
“How long is this going to take?” Burke asked, his voice bordering on vicious. Jacob gave him a little jostle.
“Why? You got somewhere to be, friend?”
Elliot barely heard them. Her eyes, her thoughts, were on John; when her shirt was discarded to the side, he skimmed his fingers along her sternum, eyes bright.
“It’s going to look so good,” he murmured, and she knew that he wasn’t paying attention to them, either. He’d seemed disappointed when she asked someone else to be there, but now, it didn’t seem like it mattered at all. “Ready?”
She nodded, feeling a little swoon of adrenaline kick through her body when John left the room and returned with a knife. John looked at her expectantly. The physical acquiescence wasn’t enough.
“Yes,” Elliot said, and John’s eyes fluttered closed just for a moment before he leaned forward and kissed her—hard and open-mouthed, his fingers bruising where they gripped her shoulder.
“Fucking Christ,” Burke ground out, and John pulled away with a wicked grin.
“You and me,” he murmured against her lips, and she nodded.
John sat down. Over his shoulder she could see Burke, sitting on his knees, his face resolutely turned to the side. She turned her gaze away, too, because she didn’t want to see—didn’t want to see Burke sitting there, biting his tongue and trying not to look at her, look at her scars and the one John was going to give her and—
The sting of the first cut barely registered through the fog of her brain. It didn’t quite hit, and then her eyes flickered down and she saw the first stream of red, and it really hit, immediately slicing through the fog of adrenaline to hit sharper, harder, nastier.
Elliot exhaled a stuttering breath. It felt exactly the same as she remembered; it wasn’t so soft, on her chest like this, but it wasn’t an unfamiliar sensation to her either. Something in her brain tripped at the pain, neurons firing rapidly; we know you, they said, as John meticulously carved the W into her skin, we know you, pain, we missed you, missed you missed you missed you.
“John,” she said, because there was a burst of panic going off in her brain like fireworks. The two parts of her—the one that self-preserved, and the one that craved this exact sting and bite—wrestled with the reality of her situation: that she was both doing and not doing the thing she had tried to deprogram out of herself.
“So good, hellcat,” John murmured, his eyes fixed on his work as he started on the R. He was fixated; he was somewhere far away from her, even as close as he was. “It’s going to look so good on you.”
And behind him, Jacob said, “C’mon, Burke, don’t you want to see what your little deputy asked for?”
“Fuck. You,” Burke bit out.
The sting, the bite; the push and pull. Elliot breathed her way through each excruciating moment, and they were excruciating, these moments, because John was utilizing every second that he had her here, like this.
And that was fine. She needed him to; both for her sake, and for Burke’s. 
Something sounded like thundering up ahead, distant but out of place. It gave her a little jolt of panic. If that was what she thought it was, then—
Elliot saw Jacob’s eyes flicker up to the ceiling, narrowing; she managed out, “Slow down,” just as John paused too, to draw his attention back to her. 
“Slower?” John asked, and the way he said it felt intimate, with his eyes fixed on her and his fingers red with her blood.
“Please,” Elliot breathed. Jacob looked at her for a moment, long and hard, but she didn’t meet his eyes; only looked at John, only waited patiently for him to begin.
After a moment, John said, his voice pitched low, “Anything you want.”
“I’ll be back,” Jacob said. He dropped his hand from Burke’s shoulder; John made a non-committal uh-huh sound, finishing off the unsteady cross of the T. She hissed, squirming in her seat at the pain, drawing Jacob’s attention for just a second long before he made his way out of the room.
The H followed next. As soon as he finished, John pulled back to admire his work; there was still a bit of bruising, but most of it was up on her shoulder, not her chest, which was now doused in crimson. Wiping his hands off with a towel, he beamed at her; all teeth and bright eyes.
“What a relief, don’t you think?” Joseph asked, his voice idle and distracted as he glanced up at the ceiling inquisitively. “To have it all out there.”
John flashed a smile at his brother, clearly pleased. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said to Elliot, coming to a stand. “We’ll have to let it heal for a while to see how it’s going to scar, and then we can go back in and—”
Before John could finish his sentence, Elliot heard the sound of car doors slamming outside, and Jacob’s voice, asking something in a demand, and then a volley of responses: it was hard to hear, a floor down, but she thought they were saying get down, get down.
“What is going on?” Joseph asked, his voice verging on something other than cool and calm, and the sound of it filled Elliot with a bright spark of joy: yes, she thought viciously, coming to a stand and feeling around for her shirt while her eyes stayed on the Seeds, yes, you fucking cockroach, squirm.
“I don’t know,” John said, stepping toward the door. “Stay here.”
He only took two more steps before the sound of Jacob shouting something above them, followed by a gunshot, and then a loud cacophony of footsteps above them.
“Jacob,” Faith breathed, her eyes wide and panicked. “Something’s happened, Father, we have to—”
“Stay,” John barked out, suddenly all business as he was hauling Burke up to his feet. “I think our friend the Marshal would like to take a look first, make sure nothing is dangerous.”
But Burke was grinning when his feet righted themselves on the ground. He sucked his teeth, looked directly at Joseph, and said, “Time’s up, fuckhead.”
Burke’s words send her stomach somersaulting. So he had gotten to the radio. He had, just in time, which meant he’d been caught just after, and now—
Now he was here, and so were all of the Seeds, too.
I fucking did it, she thought hazily, bracing herself on the chair. Holy shit. I fucking did it.
The sound of footsteps storming down the stairs made John’s eyes flicker to the doorway, and he let go of Burke, gripping the bloodied towel loosely in his hands.
Her heart was thundering in her chest. It was hard to think through the haze of pain, the stinging and burning of the cuts on her chest, but it was there, if she tried hard enough to look: hope.
But Joseph wasn’t looking at John. He was looking at Elliot.
“You,” the Father hissed, as Elliot pulled the shirt away from her chest, sticky-wet with blood. “You did this. I know you did, you fucking locust, I knew it the second you stepped foot in my chapel—brought us all here, rounded us up like lambs for the slaughter—”
“What do you mean?” John demanded. “Elliot has been with me since this whole—”
Things moved very quickly, then: through the fog of pain, Elliot heard one, two, three heavy thuds against the door before wood splintered and came crashing down, the instant array of green sights set on them—all of them, her included—and the sound of voices demanding their hands go up.
Elliot watched Joseph, hands at his sides.
“What. Did. You. Do?” Joseph ground out, his voice vicious, the rage splitting across his face almost as delicious as the fear. Faith was crying, and saying something through her tears, as John lifted his hands obediently.
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see one of the SWAT members hauling Burke out of the room first. She looked at Joseph and arched a brow at him, lifting her hands obediently when the order was shouted again. 
“Oh, Father,” she sighed, her voice cloying and sweet and just between the two of them, “did God not tell you about this part?”
Things were going poorly.
That is to say, Jacob had a gunshot to the shoulder that was currently being patched while he was in handcuffs—“Can’t have you bleeding out on us, can we?” the medic said, a little too gleefully, until Jacob said something along the lines of I’m gonna rip your fucking face off—and Faith was crying, and Joseph was seething, furiously whispering to himself and held in place by one of the other U.S. Marshals.
Elliot was in cuffs, too, but Burke seemed to be talking furiously with the man who had cuffed her, occasionally interrupted when Elliot would try and draw his attention back to John.
This won’t do, he thought, as panic pounded through his body, as his heart hammered against his chest. All of his siblings, in handcuffs, and Elliot too; she was, too, but she looked—
She looked fine, and he thought about what she’d said. You can’t have both, and then she’d immediately gone back on that. Of course she had. Of course, because she was wretched and wicked and clever, and she had never truly let go of her hatred for Joseph, but they were married. They were married, and the U.S. government was going to know about it before they stuck her on a stand to testify against any of his siblings.
“I need to speak to her,” John said to the officer holding him. “The woman, there. That’s my—”
“You don’t need to do anything,” the man replied sharply, “except shut your mouth and wait patiently for us to load you and the rest of your fucking brood into the van.”
“She’s my wife,” John bit out viciously. “And she’s in cuffs, I would like to speak with my wife—”
“What did you just say?”
It was Elliot’s voice, sharp and clear and splitting through the distance between them. In the chilly Autumn afternoon, John felt the spike of pure adrenaline race through him at her tone, at the way her head snapped to him and she shouldered her way past Burke. The officer had taken her cuffs off.
Burke said, “Rookie,” in warning, but it didn’t matter, John knew; they had never been able to ignore each other, in love or in war.
“I said,” John reiterated, “you’re my wife.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Elliot demanded.
“That night,” he began urgently, “that night that you were feeling unwell after your walk with Faith, and we talked about leaving—”
Elliot started, her voice hitching, “John, what did you do—”
“—we talked about other things, too,” he plunged on. “I didn’t tell you, Elliot. I didn’t tell you because I wanted it to be the right time. I was going to tell you today, after we were done—I was going to tell you that we talked about it and I asked you if you wanted to marry me, and you told me yes—”
“Stop,” she moaned, agonized. “Stop—fucking—talking—you didn’t, John, you fucking didn’t lie to me again about this thing that you know I hate—”
“And you signed the certificate. It’s back at the compound,” John finished, trying to lean around the officer. “We’re married. You and me, hellcat, just like we say, you and—”
He saw the slap coming before it hit, but it definitely took a few seconds for the pain to actually register in his brain. And oh, then it hit; Elliot had swung her hand with the same amount of force she might have if she were close-fist punching him, but her palm connected with this side of his face and sent a sharp, red-hot shot of pain blooming and blurring behind his eyes.
Dazed, John blinked and tried to focus his attention again as the officer jostled him out of her reach. He was vaguely aware of Burke moving toward them as Elliot gritted out between her teeth, “How fucking dare you.”
“Ell,” John said, and there was blood in his mouth, his lip split from the impact of her hand. “Listen to me—”
Burke, louder and closer: “Elliot.”
“No, you listen to me, you fucking rat!” Elliot’s voice was pitching higher in volume, and higher in frequency and hysteria. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! I told you, I fucking told you what was going to happen if you lied to me again—you fucking—I’m going to fucking kill you—”
John saw Burke sling an arm around Elliot’s waist just as she lunged again, seething and furious, holding her tight against his chest as she clawed at his arms to get free. His mouth against her hair, he said, “Rookie, take a breath.”
“You take a fucking breath!”
He hauled her, all five feet and four inches of her, turning her away from John, like breaking her eyesight with him would save him the trouble of having to cuff her.
“Elliot,” John called, trying to lean past the officer, “I forgive you—”
“Fuck! You!”
“—marriage is hard work, but I know,” he continued, grinning when she finally pulled herself out of Burke’s grip, “that you’re just the woman for the job.”
She stared at him for a long moment. Every line in her expression was pulled tight with fury, and yes—John thought he should have told her sooner, maybe, but if she was going to find out, what better time to find out than in front of the very men who wanted to put her on the stand?
“Don’t you remember what you said last night? You need me,” he tried again, and he could tell the officer holding his shoulders was getting tired of him leaning around all the time. “I love you, Elliot, through sickness and in health, no matter how many—”
“Oh, John,” Elliot breathed out, like she almost couldn’t get a full lungful of air, she was so out of breath. She swayed on her feet exhaustedly, her mouth twisting around the next sentence that came out of her mouth: “I want a fucking divorce.”
The words plunged John straight into a panic, the kind that made it feel like there was a feeding frenzy going on under his skin. This was not how things were supposed to unfold. This was not how it was supposed to go. Elliot was going to be upset, sure—but he had taken great pains to make sure that she knew he was the only thing left for her, after it all. She was supposed to upset, and then see that it had been for her, it was always for her, for them. Everything he’d done, every step he’d taken, every—
She’s mine, he thought, his face still stinging, dull and hot, from her slap. Burke was saying something to her. That’s my fucking wife, whether she likes it or not.
No one was going to take her from him. Not Joseph or Jacob, not Cameron Burke, not even her. No one was going to put a serial murderer and the wife of a religious group’s lawyer on the stand. He’d make fucking sure of that.
“You think you’re gonna move on from this, El?” he demanded, managing to shoulder around the officer to make eye contact with her. His voice came out tight, sharp—slowly and purposefully careening, but he hated the strike of strange hysteria that wormed its way in there, too. “I watched you slaughter at least a hundred people in the name of “justice”—you beat a man to death with a blunt object, and you liked it—”
“Shut the fuck up,” Elliot ground out. She made to move at him, nails digging into her palms, but Burke hooked his arm around her waist and hauled her back again, much like before.
“You think you’re gonna move on and meet some nice little country boy who’s gonna love you even with all that fucking red in your ledger?” Oh, he was careening—all of the control slipping out from between his fingers, like sand. “No fucking way, baby, I’m it for you!”
“Rook,” Burke said, but there was no follow-up which made it worse; Burke said one word—one tiny little pet name—and Elliot’s attention immediately snapped to him.
John had never been made to feel like he was nothing; not like this.
“Look at me,” he snapped, and Elliot’s eyes turned to him; but he saw the fury split across her face, the absolute indignant rage. “You’re going to spend one day back in polite society and come unglued, Elliot Honeysett, and when you fucking do—you’ll be begging for me to take you back, and I guarantee you I fucking won’t.”
“That’s enough,” Burke said, but he was speaking to Elliot, looking at her.
“Maybe,” she hissed, pushing at Burke’s arm as blood seeped through the wound on her chest “you should have considered how I would react to you being a pathological liar before you fucking came inside me, you cunt.”
Her words sent a strange, uncomfortable sensation sprinting down his spine. She couldn’t be, John thought, alluding to—
But she had been surprised when he told her it was her birthday, like she hadn’t realized what day it was, and had said something like, normally by now I’m, and just hadn’t finished her thought. 
“Okay.” Burke pulled her back a few more steps, his voice strained. Pulled her away from him. “We’re taking a walk. You and me, Rookie.”
“What the fuck do you mean?” John called after her, panic rising in his voice. “Elliot? Tell me what you—”
“I mean I’m late, fuckhead,” Elliot spit at him over Burke’s shoulder.
The officer pulled him back towards the truck, dragging him by his arm as Burke took Elliot around the corner of the ranch house. His stomach was lurching nauseatingly, trying to piece it together. Had it been long enough? Of course, it had—it had been over a month, probably, maybe even more because he didn’t know how to keep track of time when he’d been drugged and kidnapped and dragged around.
If she is, he thought, frantic; if she does have my child, if she’s—
“John,” Joseph said, his voice eerily quiet as he was pushed into a sitting position across from his brother. He seemed to have recovered from his outburst earlier; there was an odd grimness about his expression. “We must remain focused.”
“She—” John blinked rapidly, trying to gather his fraying, desperate thoughts. “Joseph, she might—”
Joseph lifted a finger to his lips to signal silence. Jacob’s breathing was labored but controlled, and Faith’s gentle crying had been snuffed out. She’d only been the damsel for a few minutes before she tried to storm her way out of their grip.
“The task at hand,” Joseph cautioned him. “Then, we will figure out what to do for your son.”
My son. The words echoed hazily in his brain as the van doors slammed shut, eclipsing them.
“How do you know?” John demanded. “You know? You know that she’s—with my—”
“Of course,” his brother replied, still keeping his voice soft.
“God told me.”
“Take a breath.”
“Rookie.” Burke’s voice was hard. “Look at me and take breath.”
She couldn’t. Every inch of her body was screaming—desperate for a reprieve, but there was none to be had because she was still nursing her WRATH wound, because she was heaving out great, panicked breaths between ragged cries.
“I can’t,” Elliot moaned, her hands shaking, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t—”
Burke snagged her hand and pressed it to his neck, just like before, but this time it didn’t do anything; this time, she just felt the spiral hit harder, the overwhelming sensation of touching and being touched sending her brain sprinting in panic.
She yanked her hand out of his grip and clutched her knees to her chest, ignoring the warm seep of blood even against the bandages the medic had patched her with and the sting of the pressure of her bones pressed up against the wound.
Burke stayed, and she noticed. He stayed, and he didn’t have to—he was done, free, could leave and go home—but he stayed sitting there with her, against the side of the Seed ranch, wherein many ways, things for her had began.
So, she cried; she sobbed into her jeans until she thought she was going to be dizzy from gasping for air, and Burke stayed, and waited until her hand fumbled for his blindly before he touched her again. His fingers gripped hers, firm and soothing.
“Is it true?” he asked, when she had stopped her crying, when she had breathed so much there was too much oxygen in her brain. His gaze flickered over her. “That you’re… With that fucker’s…”
“I don’t know,” Elliot replied, exhausted. “I’m—fuck, I’m late, and I didn’t realize until yesterday, because it’s been so fucking—”
Burke passed his free hand over his face. “Jesus Christ.”
“I’m sorry,” and the words came out of her agonized; because she could hear the disappointment in his voice, or what she thought was disappointment. “I thought—I thought he—Burke, I—”
“I know, Rook,” Burke murmured, not unkindly. “Just focus on breathing. I know.”
A few more moments of silence passed between them, filled only with the sound of voices and out and the kick of an engine starting and pulling out from the ranch. After her breathing had evened out again, Burke said, “They’re going to be retrieving Kian’s body.”
Elliot stared at the ground, feeling numb. He didn’t have to say; she knew what that meant. Government officials were going to see what she’d done to Kian. They were going to see it, and see that she was legally married to one of them, and see that she was carrying the child of one of them, and see her history, and all of these things were going to add up.
The picture was not going to be a good one.
“I’ve gotta take you in, Rook,” Burke said quietly. “At the very least, to a therapist.”
She sniffed. I love you, John had said, after he’d lied. Lied, and lied, and lied, and used her, and lied, and if he loved her, he didn’t love her in any way that she understood.
“Okay,” she whispered.
“It’s gonna be okay.”
“I know what you’ve been through, and you know I’ll vouch for you. I saw firsthand the kind of—the shit that was going on,” he insisted. “I just—want you to have a realistic picture of what it’s gonna look like, when we get back. They’re gonna autopsy Kian’s body, and—”
She took in a long, suffering breath. “I’m really tired,” Elliot said, her voice breaking a little. “Can we—are we going straight there, or?”
Burke paused, his expression softening, and shook his head. “We’ll hit a motel or two along the way.”
Elliot nodded, closing her eyes and pressing her face back into her knees. She stayed like that for a while; it was hard to tell how much time passed, but eventually, someone came around the corner and said something to Burke, and he tugged her to her feet and walked her to the car.
The sensation of Burke’s hand slipping out of hers sent another burst of panic flooding through her; her body was so tired, so very fucking tired of managing the adrenaline, but the more she tried to calm down the more tired she got.
“I want to stay with you,” she said, feeling hazy and tightening her hand around Burke’s. The Marshal looked at her for a long moment and then nodded.
“Alright, kid,” he murmured, reaching up and squeezing her shoulder. “We’ll stick together.”
Time passed differently, after that. Elliot couldn’t have said how long it took them to get to the first motel; it couldn’t have been seconds, or minutes, or months for all that she knew. She was numb when they set her up in a motel room with two beds, she was numb when they checked her scar and redressed it.
“Fucking Christ,” the medic said under his breath when he saw the WRATH wound, still hot and trying its best to scab over. “You poor thing.”
It’s not me, Elliot thought miserably, opening her mouth; but no words would come. All she could think was, I asked for this, I’m not the poor thing, please don’t.
“Hey,” Burke barked out, his voice sharp as he took in Elliot’s crumpling expression. “Let’s get it cleaned and let her sleep, buddy.”
The medic nodded, thoroughly scolded, and worked quickly after that. When he’d finished and she had swallowed two Tylenol dutifully, Burke watched her climb under the covers of the bed and said, “I’ve gotta make a call. You okay in here?”
She swallowed thickly. He was looking at her like he was wary of her. The same way Whitehorse had looked at her.
“Yeah,” Elliot murmured. “I’m fine.”
He gave her a tight, tired smile and then stepped out of the motel room, closing the door behind him. Silence lingered there for a little while; Elliot tried to close her eyes and sleep, her fingers brushing through Boomer’s fur as he dozed, but the low, murmuring sound of Burke talking just outside stirred her anxiety, and each time she closed her eyes she just saw John’s face.
John, holding her face and kissing her, You and me. John, burying his face into her neck, I love you.
John, their noses brushing, We can have a place to belong, Elliot.
John, vicious and unyielding, I’m it for you.
She lurched out of the bed, pushing her way into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her just in time to lean over the toilet and throw up whatever was left in her stomach—which wasn’t much, if the amount of dry-heaving were any indication. Bile burned at the back of her throat, and she thought if she didn’t get a breath of air she was going to fucking die.
Elliot pushed the window open and tried to steady her breathing. Rinsing her mouth out in the sink, she shut the water off and paused, looking at herself in the mirror.
The person that looked back at her was unfamiliar. A stranger. She blinked rapidly, trying to steady herself, but each time she did, she felt less and less familiar with the gaunt, sharp-faced, dark-eyed stranger gazing back at her from the mirror. Some bruises along her neck and shoulders still remained.
Who are you? She thought, tiredly. The one that killed all of those peggies? The one that killed Kian? Why don’t I recognize you?
“... understand that, sir, it’s just—if you saw what was going on...”
Burke’s voice drifted in through the window. He must have been pacing, because the volume of his words drifted and moved, as though he were walking around the corner and then back again.
His footsteps paused. “No, I have not read the autopsy report yet. I didn’t think it pertinent at this time, considering we only just—”
She heard Burke’s words cut abruptly, the sound of his breath leaving him in a sharp exhale, and then he said, “Jesus Christ. No, I didn’t know.”
Oh, she thought hazily, oh, he knows. He knows what I did.
Her body moved automatically. Something inside of her kicked—we’re not done yet, it said, ferocious and furious, sinking its teeth into her and operating her body outside of her own executive function. We’re not fucking done yet.
Elliot pulled her sweater and her shoes on. The late autumn chill drifting through the open window made her mind feel sharp, and clear, and she thought, somthing has to be done, and I’ll fucking do it.
She stuffed a couple of things that felt essential into a bag—painkillers, bottles of water from the fridge, Burke’s gun he’d left on the nightstand closest to the door—and then waited until she heard his footsteps pacing around the corner again before she ducked out of the window.
When she looked back, Boomer had already leapt through the window after her. His eyes were on her, bright, ready.
And then she ran.
She’s twenty-six, and she’s in a bar.
Or that’s how it would go, anyway, if she was asleep. If she were dreaming, or remembering. But she wasn’t. Elliot was twenty-six, and she was in a bar, and she wasn’t waiting for her best friend to come back with a different drink, and she wasn’t making eyes at a handsome blue-eyed stranger from across the bar. He wouldn’t come over and call her beautiful, and he wouldn’t make her want to be kissed by someone whose face looked a little sharp, and she wouldn’t one day think that maybe she was in love with him.
I’m just a girl, she thought tiredly, staring at the water glass on the counter in front of her. This wasn’t supposed to be my life.
But it was. It was her life. Here she was, sitting in a seedy bar halfway to Georgia, with a U.S. Marshal’s gun she’d lifted sitting in her bag. She’d hitch-hiked a ride back into Fall’s End, grabbed what remained of her things—her ID, what little cash she still had on her, a debit card she was too paranoid to use, dog food—and then she’d taken the jeep parked out behind the Keller’s old place and drove.
And drove. And drove. And drove.
Now, she was twenty-six, sitting in a bar, and there is no Joey coming to rescue her, and there is no John to be a monster that she needed rescuing from.
I’m just a girl. This wasn’t supposed to be my life.
She left the cash for her water on the bar top, hauling herself out of the stool and back out into the parking lot. It was late; the sky was speckled with stars; if she thought hard enough, if she really thought about, Elliot thought maybe, somewhere inside of her, she was going to be okay.
As she climbed into the driver’s seat of the jeep, Elliot turned the key into the ignition and reached into a grocery store bag on the passenger seat, fumbling around for the cigarettes she’d purchased. Her fingers hit hard plastic and she glanced over.
The two little tiny lines on the pregnancy test stared back at her. Her stomach lurched, nausea welling up inside of her, and she tossed the hard plastic back into the bag and left the cigarettes untouched. Boomer, dozing in the back seat, pricked his ears forward and looked at her inquisitively.
She was just a girl. This wasn’t supposed to be her life. But it was—and there was only one place left to go from here.
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The Seeds Tarot Cards
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The Seed brothers. All 3 brothers are done! What do we think?! Can't wait to get more. 😏 @redreart, I wish I had the words to describe how much I love these. You, my friend, are insanely talented and I couldn't ask for more beautiful pieces from you! THANK YOU SO MUCH! 🥰😘
If y'all are considering getting art from her, please do it! You will love it!
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bitchofedensgate · 2 years
Portrayed by Cappie de la Costa, FC5 OC owned by @g0dspeeed
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amagpiedance · 4 years
Far Cry 5 characters as Tarot Cards
0 - The Junior Deputy - The Fool
Despite the name the Fool isn't stupid; maybe naïve. You are a blank slate. A person at the beginning of their journey brimming with infinite potential.
1 - Sharky Boshaw - The Magician
The Magician is a skilled individual with all the tools he needs to bring his ambitions to fruition. Even if that ambition is to party hard and set fires.
2 - Faith Seed - The High Priestess
The Priestess represents serenity and esoteric knowledge. Succumb to the Bliss and you too can know peace and understand the mysteries of the universe.
3 - Adelaide Drubman - The Empress
The Empress represents beauty, motherhood, and femininity. Her ability to lead comes as naturally as breathing. Her identity as a sexual being is not one imposed upon her, but rather the crown she chooses to wear with pride.
4 -  Cameron Burke - The Emperor
The Emperor is a figure of authority but also arrogance. His belief in his own ability to control chaos has blinded him and it will be his downfall.
5 - Dutch - The Hierophant
The Hierophant is a true believer. A mentor and traditionalist. Through you he will bring law and order to a lawless land.
6 - Tracey Lader - The Lovers
The Lovers card represents innocent love, purity and trust. When that trust is broken the Lovers reversed may indicate a breakup between friends.
7 - Nick Rye - The Chariot
The Chariot represents willpower and determination, as well as travel. With the Chariot on your side you can overcome any obstacle and victory is all but assured.
8 - Grace Armstrong - Justice
The Justice card represents fairness and consequences and above all doing the right thing. Those who tip the balance will get what they deserve whether they are ready or not.
9 - Larry Parker - The Hermit
Why does that smoking shoe leave the impression he knew something we don't?
10 - Hurk Jr. - The Wheel of Fortune
Sometimes luck is on your side. It doesn't have to make sense.
11 - Jess Black - Strength
This card doesn't represent physical prowess but rather inner strength. Strength of character. In this case the power to control her rage, to temper it like steel, and harnessing all her determination wield it with precision against her enemies.
12 - Eli Palmer - The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man is standing at a cross-roads. Trapped by circumstance, he must accept his fate. Ultimately his sacrifice was for the greater good.
13 - Jacob Seed - Death
Despite the name Death in fact represents transformation and rebirth. Embrace change. Let go of who you were before; you can never go back.
14 - Sheriff Whitehorse - Temperence
Balance, peace, calm, and patience. These are all qualities embodied by Temperence. When everything is out of control he will bide his time.
15 - John Seed - The Devil
Lust, addiction, temptation. The Devil is a master of illusion. If you enjoy life's simple pleasures he will find you guilty, and even if not he will wheedle something to brand you with. If you let him get into your head you may lose control of your own destiny.
16 - Staci Pratt - The Tower
When mankind built the Tower of Babel they were punished for their hubris by the gods. The Tower has the strength to stand up to an authority greater than his own. No fallout can deter him; given the chance he'd do it again.
17 - Boomer - The Star
A very good boy. The Star is a shining light that will show you the way.
18 - Joey Hudson - The Moon
The Moon represents our subconscious mind; our fears and insecurities. The path to freedom is unclear. Follow your instincts. Watch out for the lobster.
19 - Kim Rye - The Sun
Positivity, joy, and good health. The Sun brings light and warmth to all around. It may also indicate a pregnancy.
20 - Joseph Seed - Judgement
It's too late to change your mind now; you are committed to your choices and your mistakes. There's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. The end is now and you will get what is coming to you, whatever that may be.
21 - Carmina Rye - The World
Time for a new beginning. The story has come full circle and now we get to start anew. Make sure to learn from the mistakes of the past and do better than those who came before.
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fayegracexo · 5 years
How to Celebrate Lughnasadh
Somehow we are already to our first of three harvest festivals in the wheel of 2019! This year is flying by crazy quick! I can’t believe July is already over and it’s time for Lughnasadh on August 1st! (Fun Fact: The Gaelic word for August is ‘Lunasa’ - Lughnasadh is pronounced Loo-Na-Sah!)
If you happened to catch my last post (if you didn’t, click here! ‘Lughnasadh vs. Lammas’) then you already know the difference between ‘Lughnasadh’ and ‘Lammas’, and some of the history, which means it’s time to get into the fun part...how to celebrate it!
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To keep this post simple I’ll put it in list form, and I apologize in advance for mentioning some things more than once, there’s some things that end up being good crossover ideas, so sorry if it sounds repetitive at all! (Just your typical chronically apologizing Libra over here!) 
I’ll start with some traditional ways to celebrate, then list the correspondences, THEN go into a longer list of celebration ideas! I’ll try to keep this short but there’s lots of info and I wanted to give plenty of options, so if you don’t see what you're looking for, just keep scrolling it’s probably there! ;) (It’s long, i’m sorry oh geez)
If not, I’m always available for messages and questions, and i’ll be posting craft ideas, recipes, and more ways to celebrate on my Instagram account that’s connected to this blog. Check the ‘Lughnasadh’ highlight and my story on August 1st for more! @selfcarewitchxo​ 
Now let’s jump in!
How To Celebrate Traditionally
To start, I wanted to suggest some basic ways to celebrate in a more traditional way, and then go into a list with lots more options and details! Some of these might repeat in the list below so sorry in advance! (Libra problems again, I tried to organize the best I could...I’m so OCD)
Lughnasadh is about giving thanks for what has grown in summer, and for the abundance in our lives. We gather what has grown and begin to prep for winter and the darker, colder months, but not before celebrating a successful harvest season!
In the old days, it was tradition to climb a hill and bury or leave an offering of the first and best of your harvest to Lugh, usually the first loaf of bread you've baked. Offerings are left in exchange for blessings, gratitude, abundance, strength, protection, and growth. You can do the same hill idea, or leave your first loaf or other offering on your altar, or another special place.
Lughs’ original festival, was also focused on feasting, games, and athletic competition. Try recreating the same and have some friends over for a BBQ and some friendly competition! 
Gods, Goddesses, Animals and Other Deities
The Celtic God Lugh is the patron deity for this festival, but if you’re not from a Celtic background, don’t use Lugh in your practice, or are from a Dianic tradition, there are many other Gods, Goddesses, animals and deities to choose from to incorporate into your Lughnasadh holiday. 
Tailtiu (Lughs’ adoptive Mother who passed away, the festival is held in her honor) is a traditional female option, but any grain/agricultural/Mother Goddess/Father God figures make great picks. 
For Goddesses, Rhiannon, Annona, Persephone, Cerridwen, Ceres, Demeter, and Isis are all options, and Odin, John Barley Corn, Dagon, Taranis, Vulcan, Mercury, Loki, Tammuz and Adonis are suggestions for the males! This is just to name a few of course! 
As for animals, agricultural animals such as roosters, lambs, sheep, calves, and pigs are associated with the holiday, you can also use the majestic stag! For more mythological options, the centaur, phoenix and griffin are also associated.
Try adding statues, figurines, feathers, bones or other things associated with these Gods/Goddesses/deities/animals as altar decorations!
How can you have a holiday without some festive decorations? Take some time to redo your altar space, room, or even your whole house if you want, to get into the holiday spirit! Being a harvest, nature based holiday, there are many cheap, easy, decorating ideas, that include many things we already have at home! 
To start, use some seasonally scented candles, wax burners, or essential oils to make your sacred space smell like Lughnasadh vibes! 
Candles in holiday colors, or tied with holiday colored ribbon, make a good altar addition! (See below for list of color correspondences) 
Dried corn, rice, wheat, corn dollies, fallen twigs, dried straw, herbs, crystals, corn stalks, pumpkins, squash, dried oats, dried beans, a cornucopia, sunflower seeds, flowers, a scythe, a sickle, or a cauldron are quite seasonal options! (Keep reading for suggestions for crystals, scents and herbs!)
These crystals are associated with Lughnasadh. Try using them as altar decorations, in your spellwork, or to meditate with during the holiday!
Amber, aventurine, carnelian, citrine, moss agate, topaz, golden topaz, obsidian, tigers eye, brown agate, clear quartz, cats eye, lodestones, peridot.
Plants/Herbs/Flowers/Scent Associations 
Lumping this one a little since these have dual uses! 
Wheat, Basil, Mint, Queen Anne’s Lace, Calendula, Yarrow, Sunflowers, Marigolds, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Rose, Rosemary, Rose hips, Blackthorn, Vervain, Peonies, Poppies, Ginseng, All Spice and Chamomile all have associations with Lughnasadh. Use these to decorate, make tea, cook or bake with, scent your home or altar space, or to leave as an offering! (Keep reading for suggestions on how to use these) 
Try candles and ribbons in shades of green, brown, bronze, orange, yellow and gold. Personally, I always choose a yellow, brown, gold, and green candle for my Lughnasadh altar space.
Yellow represents solar energies, happiness, and transformation.
Brown represents earth energies, strength, protection, and animals.
Gold is to illuminate, for success, divine power, and the harvest.
Green represents abundance, prosperity, fertility, growth, wealth, life, and vegetation.
Food & Drink Ideas 
As Lughnasadh is a feasting holiday to give thanks, consider having some friends and loved ones over for a BBQ or potluck! both are great traditional ideas. Try these food and drink suggestions to indulge in holiday flavors!
Foods: BBQ, breads, roasted lamb, pot luck, berries - like blueberries and blackberries, potatoes, pies, nuts, pumpkin, mushrooms, garlic, honey, acorn squash, summer squash, apples, oats, rice, beans, fried chicken, berry pancakes
Drinks: Since wheat is a big thing, beer is a staple drink, but if you’re more of a wine person try elderberry, blackberry or blueberry wine. For alcohol free options, cherry or apple ciders are great, or plain apple juice. 
Mint and chamomile are associated herbs, they make a great tea suggestion! Sweet mint, peppermint or spearmint make lovely iced teas. Blueberry or blackberry teas are also delicious! 
I’m also personally adding mojitos to this list as a modern update. Since mint is associated, adding some from your garden in a refreshing mojito sounds like a good way to incorporate it to me!
Try some oats or blueberry pancakes in the morning with a seasonal juice or herbal tea, then do a bigger feast for dinner of lamb or chicken, with a beer, then pie for dessert!
More Ways to Celebrate 
Bake Bread
There’s lots of recipes online for you to bake your very own loaf. Try adding herbs, or twisting the dough into Celtic knots for extra flair. You can also ‘paint’ the bread! Try Pinterest for some great recipe ideas. Bake extra to give away to a loved one or leave as an offering!
Have a Popcorn Party
Since Lughnasadh is associated with corn, try having a movie night wit friends and making different varieties of popcorn! Do you like spicy, or sweet kinds? This is a great idea to try with kids! 
Have a Beer
As a grain holiday, relaxing with a cold brew is a good way to relax this Lughnasadh. Safely and responsibly of course.
Create a Besom
A besom is a witches broom. This is a good time of year to use dried straw, fallen twigs, ribbons and charms to create your own. Personally I love to see lavender in them, gorgeous!
Make Candles
If you have the supplies (even cooler if you have you own bees and wax!) try making candles. Bonus points for seasonal colors and scents, triple points for recycling old wax and bringing life back to old candles! 
Harvest your fruits, veggies, and herbs you’ve grown to use them in thanks in teas, tinctures, salves, your cooking, spellwork, and to hang up to dry. Make salsas, or preserves or jams to try on your Lughnasadh bread, or try canning to have a treat in the cold months!
Spend Time Outdoors
Take a walk, hike up a hill, have a picnic, visit a Farmer’s Market or produce stand for local goodies, or go pick fruits, like apples, berries or peaches at a local orchard! Find a way to soak up the last of the season’s warmth.
Have a Fire/Light a Candle
Have a bonfire solo or with friends, and consider burning away some things that need to be released. Throw things that don’t serve you (that are fire safe of course!) into the flames and let them be released. Let the fire ‘reap’ the bad from your life, and ‘sow’ positivity back into it.
If you can’t have a fire, choose a seasonally colored candle, or a few, and give thanks by it’s light! You can carve runes into them if you’d like also!
Lughnasadh works with themes of success and abundance, so it’s a great time of year to do spellwork involving your career, health or love life. If you or someone you know is trying for a new job, or hoping for a new relationship, or maybe buying a house, or moving to a new location, try a little spell to help you manifest your (or theirs!) goals.
Break out your tarot, oracle cards and scrying/divination tools! This is a good time to try new methods you haven’t worked with before, such as bones or runes. If you’ve never tried fire scrying, use your Lughnasadh bonfire or candle as a first attempt!
Cooking/Baking/Drink Making
Feasting with friends or loved ones is a good way to celebrate! (Try the menu ideas above!) Try using herbs you’ve grown or purchased from a local stand in the recipes!
Make a Corn Dolly
Traditionally the least sheaf that was ceremonially cut was used to make a ‘corn dolly’, and carried to the village. The corn dolly would be made into a corn maiden (or corn mother) if the harvest was good, or a ‘cailleach’ (Celtic word for witch, hag) after a bad harvest. These dollies could be clothed, or dressed with ribbon. If you make a doll at Lughnasadh, she can be used again in six months for Imbolc, and can be dressed in spring colors. The harvest Mother, becomes the Spring bride! (Some traditions don’t believe in reusing the doll, but that depends on your practice!)
Smudge/Cleanse/Bless Your Space
Smudge away that negativity that’s been lingering, clear the air, and your life, so that you may grow bountiful! Buy a smudge stick or make your own with sage and added herbs if you’d like. Mugwort, rosemary, lavender and juniper are good additives. Open the windows, let the light and breeze in! Start fresh and clean this holiday, and reap those bad energy places!
Make a Gift
Acts of service and selflessness are important on Lughnasadh. We’re in a place of abundance, and it’s time to share the bounty and love with others. Make a gift for a friend, loved one or neighbor to share the holiday spirit. Try flowers you’ve picked, breads or foods you’ve made, jams or jellies you preserved, or another homemade craft item. Make it with love! They’ll be sure to feel the positive vibes. They’ll see this act of kindness, and pass it on...the world needs more love!
Acts of Service
Lughnasadh is centered around themes of prosperity, generosity, continued success, and giving thanks; which makes it a great time to help those around us, and share the blessings of our abundance with others. 
Consider volunteering your time, organizing a community cleanup, picking up trash at the beach, having a friend, neighbor, or loved one over for a hot meal, or offering to help a neighbor with something they need. Devote your time, and watch the blessings come back to you.
Make a Gratitude List
What has ‘grown’ in you life this year that you’re thankful for? Have some seasonal tea, sit by a candle, and make a gratitude list of everything you’re blessed with in life. 
Make a reap/ sow list
On that note, you can also try a reap/sow list. Write down what you’re proud to have “planted” in your life, and watched grow, and also what your’re not proud of. What needs to be ‘reaped’ from you life? What weeds are strangling you, that need to be pulled for a bountiful harvest next year? Use this time as personal reflection, and choose what to reap and sow to live your best life in alignment with your true self. Think in ‘Regrets’, ‘Farewells’, ‘Harvest’ and ‘Preserves’
Regrets: Think about things you meant to do this summer that did not come to fruition. Project your regrets onto fire safe objects, like pine cones, and throw them into your fire. You can also write on dried corn husks or paper. 
Farewells: What’s passing from your life? What is over? Say goodbye. You can use visuals or writing for this, and also throw into the fire to release, or a lake or ocean. You could also use a flower bulb and plant it, to watch it grow back next year.
Harvest: What have you already harvested this year? What is sprouting? Find a way to represent those things and create a visual reminder to hang in your home. 
Preserves: Think about the fruits you have gathered this year and how you can hold onto the sweet memories. Make a remembrance box, or box altar, to help remember special things, times and people. 
Make a Craft
Lugh is the God of craftsmanship, so try making something festive to decorate your home or altar! Wheat can be used for wreaths and door decorations, apples can be turned into seasonal candle holders, or try making your own corn dolly or besom. Search Pinterest for these great ideas or check my Instagram account for the how-to’s! (@selfcarewitchxo)
Go to a Craft Fair
And again, on that note! Since Lugh is the God of this, see if there’s any local craft fairs in your area and buy some local goodies!
That’s it folks! Your complete guide to celebrate Lughnasadh! Thank you for being patient with me as I got this posted. If you hear from me on other sites you know I already typed this whole thing once and it got deleted! Ahh! I’m glad to have this up finally!
Connect with me on Instagram to see what i’ll be doing for the day, and send me the ideas you’ve decided to try out! I’d love to see your crafts or anything you’ve baked! Also if you have any ideas to add, let me know and I’ll post them!
Blessed Lughnasadh Witches!
~ Faye ~
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greeny-witchling · 4 years
Moon / Luna Masterpost
! DISCLAIMER: The following informationc are may wrong. If you see any misinformations, let me know, but not in the harsh way please! The links where the infromations (mainly) are from, are at the bottom. There are everything assosiated with the sun, use, what is helpful !
Note: i’m starting to post things like this. Mainly about astronomy, green witchery, kitchen witchcraft, zodiacs and more. If you are intrested or it was helpful please let me know!
The moon has been captivating people since the beginning of time. It’s guided our way on the darkest of nights and pulls at the tides as well as our emotions. There are myths and stories about the moon from every ancient culture, and it is still a central part of many pagan religions and spiritual paths. Here we break down the basics of lunar magick into easy-to-digest chunks including the moon’s phases, magical properties, correspondences, and more. Lunar energy is great for divination and dream work and to counteract Mars and Sun influences. Stones that correspond to the energy of the moon tend to be white and/or luminescent. Luna reflects the light of the Sun and is the closest sphere to Earth: the abode of physical form. It does not generate its own light as the Sun does, but serves as a filter for it, refracting and reflecting it in a coarser, more obfuscated manner.
The Female Body & The Moon
Just as the moon is reborn, grows, reaches its fullest potential, then wanes again, so do our bodies. For thousands of years, women have noticed their moon cycles (menstruation – the syllable men meaning moon/month) syncing up with the moon’s phases. This is lunar magick at its core. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, so too does the womb. This is why the moon is often associated with the Goddess in forms of neopaganism and Wicca.
The Triple Goddess & Our Lives
Wiccans associate the Triple Goddess with the moon’s phases: the maiden (waxing moon), the mother (full moon), and the crone (waning moon). We all go through these phases in our lives (both men and women) corresponding to our youth, adult child-rearing years, and our elder years. So we are all attuned to the moon phases and lunar magick, it’s just that most people don’t realize it.
The Moon in Mythology: Most Lunar deities in Western Tradition are female, though male lunar deities are found throughout the world as well. Lunar deities are often associated with Motherhood or the Sea.
The Moon in Astrology: As the moon moves across the sky, it passes through the various zodiac signs, primarily affecting our moods and reactions. Those who have a sun sign align to the water element will feel this effect most strongly. The moon travels through each sign every month, staying in each sign for up to three days before moving on. At the New Moon, she will be in the same sign as the Sun and at the Full Moon, she will be in the opposite sign.
zodiac: cancer metal: silver day: Monday other names: Luna, The Moon, The treause house of images tarot: The High Priestess (II) associations: 3, G, Gimel(Camel) mantric sound: „A” colour/s: white, blue, silver, rayed sky blue, cold pale blue, indigo numbers: 9, 81, 369, 3321 stone/s: moonstone, selenite, obsidian, silver, mother-of-pearl, aquamarine, gold beryl, topaz, emerald, clear quartz, coral, pearls planetary qualities: Cyclicity of manifestation. Waxing and waning. Liminal states. Potentiality of manifestation. Healing. Psychicism. Dreaming and sleep. Lunar Herbs: Lunar herbs tend to be juicy and lightly sweet and with a sweet (sometimes cloying) fragrance. Either they produce watery fruits, or they have succulent leaves or both. Many moon herbs relieve mild pain and/or gently induce sleep. Many moon plants open at night and close during the day or release their scent at night to attract nocturnal pollinators. Moon plants often grow near water. White or silvery plants tend to correspond to lunar energy and sometimes these plants bear the mark of the moon even more strongly. Sedative, hormone-balancing, tonic to the brain or stomach, narcotic or painkilling plants. Cooling and moisturizing plants. Plants with moon-shaped parts. Plants with high water content. Medicinal plants affecting the emotions, sleep, or the female reproductive system. Often have a rotten or sickly sweet smell . Herbal/Plant Moon Correspondences: vervain, moonflower, jasmine, lemon balm, cabbage, camellia, camphor, chickweed, moonwort, grape, lemon, turnip, potato, pea, cucumber, pear, peach, mountain ash, mango, wallflower, rowan, cactus, eucalyptus, coconut, lotus, myrrh, gardenia, sandalwood, orris, ginseng, Evening Primrose, Night Jasmine, melon, bitter, almond, agave, milkweed, passionflower(sedative), mallow, Willow(pain), poppy (sedative, pain relief), Gooseberry, Goat’s beard, Mugwort, Wild Yam(hormones), Iris, acanthus, adder’s tounge, alum root, arrowleaf, astible, banana, bear’s breeches,  blue hibiscus, blue nepal poppy, blue water lily, califronia poppy,  chamomile, clary sage, coral bells, cuckoo flower, devil’s trumpet, dog rose, flowering currant, flowering rush, fluellen, fungi, fuschia, gooseberry, green calla, hazel, heart leaf, heuchera, high malow, himalaayan blue hybrid blue, hydrangea, iris, italian aurm, japanese poppy, juniper, leafy vegetables, lettuce, loosestrife, madonna lily, moly, mouse-eared, hawkweed, mushroom, nigth blooming plants, norfolk-island hibiscus, oyster plant, peacenlily, wild pear, pickerel weed, pumpkin, purslane, ranunculus, round cardaom, St. John’s flower, saxifrage, sea holly, seaweed, soma, star anise, stonecrop, strawberry, geranium, sweet pea, tibetan blue, tomato fruit, tree anemone, watercress, water lily, water gladiolus, waterhyacint, white anthurium, white rose, wintergeen, yucca Lunar Fragrances- Incense, Oils and Fumigation Herbs: Almond, clary sage,  Banana, Calamus (herb, essential oil), Camphor, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Dark of the Moon Oil, Dreamworld, Incense, Full Moon Oil, Leaves of Moon Incense, Melon, Menstrual Blood, Orris, Poppy seeds, Rose, Sandarac Storax, Sweet Virginal odors, Waning Moon Oil, Wintergreen, Yesod Oil Incense: Star Anise, Mugwort, Wormwood, Lavender, Mullein, Dittany of Crete, Jasmine, Camphor symbols: the high priestess (tarot card), the chariot (tarot card), bow and arrow, crab, cat, turtle, sphinx, owl body parts and disaeses: Lymphatic system; SAD, PMS, structural brain problems, like tumors drugs: Sedative, hormone-blanacing, tonic to the brain or stomach, narcotic or painkilling, juniper, pennyroyal, emmenogogues, valerian Animal Moon Correspondences: owls, rabbits, wolves, deer, cats, moths, bats, spiders, raccoons, opossum, cows, frogs, dogs, crabs Deities Moon Correspondences (of clairvoyance, divination, maidenhood, cycles, fertility): Sophia, Thoth, Blodeuwedd, Man in the Moon, Rabbit in the Moon, Khonsu, Sina, Gabriel, Aine of Knockaine, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Alcyone, Alphito, Anahita, Anat, Andraste, Anu, Aradia, Arianrhod, Artemis, Asherah, Atargatis, Callisto, Cerridwen, Ch'ang O, Chons, Circe, Coatlicue, Coyolxuahqi, Diana, Don, El, Hathor, Hekate, Hera, Inanna, Ixchup, Jana, Juno, Kali, Khensu, Kuu, Luna, Rhiannon, Selene, Siva Somantha, Tlazolteotl moon beings: lemures, ghosts influences: gratitude, friendliness, safe travel, physical health, wealth, protection from enemies, deception, illusion, women, emotions, healing, dreams, prophecy Moon Signs:  The moon sign in your natal chart reveals your feminine side. It governs your deepest fears, your emotional needs and your intuition. Magick: Cycles, emotions, secrets, divination, divine feminine, your feminine side, the subconscious, dreams, and dream work, finding a path, hidden intentions, White tincture, Clairvoyance, Divination by dreams, Bow & Arrow, Controlling or working with cyclical events, Watery, cold, or static states, Good against Sun or Mars influences, Works targeting the emotions, astral travel, subconscious 
Moon altar:
Moon altars are sacred, magical spaces that you create to honor and harness the different energies of the lunar cycle. Like all altars, a moon altar is a place where you can focus and direct energy through your witchcraft. You can perform spells or meditations at your moon altar or simply send your gratitude up to the moon for shining down on you night after night. I want to start by saying there’s no wrong way to make a moon altar. You can set it up inside or outside, elaborate or simple, and everything in between. Though there are certain magical tools that you can include on your altar to add power and focus, there’s no specific set of directions to set up a moon altar. That means you can get as creative as you like when setting up your moon altar. As long as your altar feels sacred, special, and powerful, you’re good to go!
Traveling Moon Altars: You can take your witchcraft with you wherever you go! A popular way to do this is to use a small drawstring bag, an altar cloth tied up to make a pouch, or an empty mint tin to store the magical tools for your moon altar. Put travel-friendly magical tools in your altar containers such as small crystals, tarot cards, birthday candles, colored ribbon (for knot spells or color magic), or any other objects that you feel belong in your moon altar. These altars are great if you love to go hiking and want to set up an altar outside under the moon.  Stationary Moon Altars: This is what people typically think of when it comes to altars. These are the altars that are set up on a dedicated space in your home or outdoor area. Some witches will keep these altars up all the time; other witches will keep their tools in a box or drawer when not in use. These altars are great because you can deck them out with all kinds of trinkets and tools and not have to worry about losing or damaging these items during travel. Mental Altars: This is a more unconventional altar option that might appeal to you if you love visualizing. You can actually make a moon altar using only your mind. In your mind’s eye, visualize a sacred space in any location in the world and include any magical tools you’d like to use on your moon altar. Visualizing an altar is a great meditation on its own or combined with other moon rituals like taking a moon bath (in lunar light) or performing divination magic under the moon. If you don’t have the time or energy to set up an altar, you can sit outside under the moon or by a window and simply visualize your moon altar.
representing the moon on the altar: chrystals (Some witches believe that moonstone is best used during the waxing moon phase because all the other phases of the moon deplete or dilute its energy.), with plants, herbs, flower Candles to Represent the Moon: Any kind of candle can represent the moon because candles are tools that provide light. White tea lights are ideal for moon altars because they’re inexpensive, and they’re round like the moon. They also make black tea lights which are nice to use during the new moon. Use your moon candle for spells or divination methods like scrying and candle gazing. You can burn intentions with your moon candle if you like. You can also try lighting your candle for the waxing moon and full moon phases and keeping your candle unlit for the waning moon and new moon phases. Unusual Tools to Represent the Moon: egg, marshmallow, sugar or salt, ribbon, a mirror
Water of moon
associations: the chariot VII, Het, Homakhu, Apollo hte Charioteer zodiac: cancer stones: emerald, cat’s eye, pearl, moonstone, amber plants: lotus, moonwort, papaver somniferum, passionflower, water lily, white poppy, white rose colors: pale blue, viler, pearl, white, amber, dark greenish, brown, rich bright russet, maroon animals: crab, turtle, sphinx body parts: stomach beings: vampire scents: onycha, rose, lotus drugs: watercress magick: Power of casting enchantments; weapon is the furnace; figures are Populus and Via 
Where my informations are from(for credit):
!Please look up the links, because some thins I already writed down before, that things have been left out. https://otherworldlyoracle.com/lunar-magick-beginners/ https://witchipedia.com/astrology/moon/ https://www.alchemy-works.com/planets_moon.html https://luxsaturni.com/planetary-magic/luna/ https://thetravelingwitch.com/blog/how-to-create-an-effective-moon-altar-for-your-magic
More articles and informations:
Luna I - Lunar Consciousness and Identity – Contemplation in the Sphere of the Moon Luna II - Correspondences in Luna – Altar and Physical Foundations Luna III - Symbolism in Luna – Meditational and Initiatory Foundations Luna IV - Lunar Magic – The Cyclicity of Manifestation Luna V - Continuance of Lunar Work - Eclipsing the Ego Luna VI - Lunar Astrophysics – Advancing the Art
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This week’s #TarotTuesday for September 14, 2021 is brought to you by 🐺, using The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck by John Holland. I pulled the card "Light" and it bodes well for you. You will experience abundance and a feeling of bliss this week. You are now going to experience the golden glow of all that you worked for. Even if you recently experienced tumultuous time, you are now experiencing a sense of bliss, happiness and success. You've set yourself up for this by planting the seeds of success, happiness and well being. You will experience growth in your career, spiritually, and emotionally. Expect to experience a time of creativity, new insight, ideas and passion. Keep a notebook near you whenever you can. You've stepped out of the shadows and are basking in this light. Let your own light inspire others, so that they become light bearers too. Share your compassion and kindness. Be generous in whatever ways you can and others will be inspired too. Don't let just anyone into your light but try to be open to what energies and people you are trying to attract within your circle of brilliance. All you've experienced in the past has brought you to this moment of bliss. By choosing to step into this light and continuing to manifest positive thoughts, your circle of light is expanding. Focus on remembering happy memories, how this felt and keeping your good vibes. This way you can help yourself to experience this period again. Blessed be! 🌞 . . . . . . #tarotcards #tarotreading #psychictarot #wiccan #wicca #goth #spooky #halloween #samhain #lightworker #spiritualawakening #spirituality #3FPTarotTuesday 🔮 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTzlAUCrEll/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Good morning friends and fellow light workers!
Just thought I would post a quick one card reading from one of my favorite oracle decks the Psychic Tarot by John Holland. I can’t say enough good things about this deck, it really is a great all encompassing tool to use when doing any kind of spread. 
The card I pulled for today is “Prosperity Begins” #1
This card brings a message of beginnings, prosperity, wealth, and new business- which could soon be in the palm of your hand. It may result from your hard work, past efforts, and investments; or it could show up unexpectedly. It may even be presented as a gift. With careful and diligent planning, recent endeavors and moneymaking ideas show great possibilities and promises of monetary gains. This is a time to focus on the most beneficial outcome. Expect the best and envision that project or new job having a successful result. Feel it, see it, and, most important, believe it! When you focus on abundance and the positive aspects of the material world- and offer gratitude - prosperity in all forms will flow even more freely.
In numerology the number 1 is usually seen as the beginning of something. It is a symbol of opportunity, confidence, power, and action. It inspires us to embrace the new beginnings in our lives.
In the card we see a peach tree blossoming and sowing it’s fruit, four yellow butterflies, and two hands coming together in a union. You also see the seed that was planted as well as the roots that grew into a beautiful tree and how it is all connected. The peach tree has a lot of symbolism associated with it concerning good luck, being at peace with ourselves, new beginnings in all areas of life. The butterfly is a well known symbol of transformation just as the one seed has grown and transformed into a fruit-filled tree. We are always changing, transforming into different versions of ourselves by taking in the wisdom offered through experiences. The number four is all about stability and the hard work put in to achieve success; and there is nine peaches to symbolize a completion of a cycle, which we see with the seed turning into a fruit tree. The hands coming together are a symbol of a union or coming together to create something that will bring prosperity and a solid foundation to those involved. 
The red border represents the physical aspects of the situation that was inquired about. This can also represent business, finances, money, prosperity, earthly possessions, material gain or loss, and security.
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Jacob Seed Tarot Card
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SHOUTING ABOUT THIS FOREVER! Many, many thanks to @redreart for this lovely Jacob Seed tarot card!!! The details are insane! Cannot even begin to describe how beautiful this is, and how incredible it is to see ideas in my head come to life. Forever thankful we're friends 💖 IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING ART FROM @redreart, DO IT! You won't regret it, I promise! Joseph and John are getting their own cards as well. 😊🥰
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