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Card of the Day: "Destiny"
Good luck and fortune are now in your favor. A cycle of change, success, and growth is imminent. Life ebbs and flows in its natural journey, and the Destiny Card signifies that good karma has come full circle- Lady Luck is pointing directly at you. What you sowed, you're about to reap. Open up your heart, and accept and receive what you've earned. Opportunities, whether expected, or unexpected, are knocking at your door. This is a time to allow your problems to be replaced by solutions. Believe in destiny as you learn to let go of old issues. You're being given the chance to understand the lessons and gain the wisdom from the past, enabling you to move steadily forward in a positive direction. Holding on to a strong belief that you deserve to be happy and prosperous and have abundance in all areas of your life is the key. This confident mind-set will show you that the impossible can indeed become the possible. With this card, take advantage of all opportunities! Act now, take responsibility for your actions, and enjoy the fact that destiny is presently in your favor. Don't always rely on luck, however, for the wheel most definitely will turn again.
Traditional Tarot Archetype: Wheel of Fortune
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cannaqweenofcups420 · 5 years
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It’s time to move. Don’t doubt it. Even slow progress is progress nonetheless. So enjoy your process. Even if it is slow and steady. #PsychichTarot #WildUnknownTarot #POTD https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBPz8fnlb6F1MHwzmbkPzZ-gEDKLQZJ_RO3NU0/?igshid=15l1nk6da6rot
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#6 "Harmony"
This card signifies the possibility that a deep spiritual initiation, partnership, or union is taking place at this time or is manifesting for the future. This doesn't always necessarily represent a love affair of the heart, but could signify other forms of relationships in your life- whether they're personal or business related. Remember, not all partnerships have to be one to one. They can be forged with a group, an organization, a pet, or even an incident or situation.
The Harmony Card is calling to let you know that it's time for you to make choices in certain relationships. The bonds you form with others are really about you- even in the most difficult situations. They're mean to be mirrors for you, always reflecting back what you need to see. Ask yourself: What am I learning from this relationship? What new qualities am I developing? Is this partnership for my highest good? How can I make it stronger? Are we teaching each other? What have I discovered or am I still uncovering about myself through this union? Are the people in my life empowering and encouraging me to be all that I can?
Within every relationship, there's an encoded lesson that you've hopefully gleaned or, in some cases, one that you still need to learn.
Traditional Tarot Archetype: "The Lovers"
VI The Lovers: Yes, the Lovers card is an absolute sign of love, but there's more to it than just hearts and cupids. The card expresses a lot of symbolism related to health, healing, balance, and feeling natural. The Lovers card encourages healthy partnerships, physical well-being, and finding ways to be our best selves. It also deals with generosity, compassion, and creative expression. Trust is a big keywords for the Lovers card. In a reading, this card encourages honesty and transparency when dealing with others and ourselves.
When contemplating the meaning of The Lovers, ask yourself: -Am I being truthful with myself and others? -Am I too self-seeking and selfish? -How is vulnerability a strength? -Do I believe in the full power of love?
Keywords: Love, Health, Harmony, Blessing & Unification.
The Lovers card says: "As Lovers, we can tell you 50/50 partnerships work best. This kind of harmony comes from tolerance, understanding, and compassion. Do not allow pettiness or selfishness to rule your relationship. Love is a dance in which both parties step backwards and forward in equal measure."
Core meaning for The Lovers card: This is a time of tremendous growth for you. Expect to receive love, healing, and joy. New partnerships are likely- particularly the kind that promote more balance in your life. Keep your focus on truth and goodness.
Additional meanings for the Lovers card: -Love; Expect to meet a mate who will treat you as an equal. Your existing relationships will be rekindled. Growth, harmony, and understanding is promised in partnerships. Do not be too impulsive, and keep your libido in check.
-Money; You will gain a deep understanding of give-and-take. The more you are able to give with a loving heart, the more you will receive.
-Career; Be mindful of different gender and cultural issues at work. There is a delicate balance among your peers. You will be amazed at how easy and agreeable the workplace will become.
-Family; If a misunderstanding caused a rift with a family member, now is the perfect time to heal it. Family is receptive to you, and forgiveness is at hand.
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Good morning friends and fellow light workers!
Just thought I would post a quick one card reading from one of my favorite oracle decks the Psychic Tarot by John Holland. I can’t say enough good things about this deck, it really is a great all encompassing tool to use when doing any kind of spread. 
The card I pulled for today is “Prosperity Begins” #1
This card brings a message of beginnings, prosperity, wealth, and new business- which could soon be in the palm of your hand. It may result from your hard work, past efforts, and investments; or it could show up unexpectedly. It may even be presented as a gift. With careful and diligent planning, recent endeavors and moneymaking ideas show great possibilities and promises of monetary gains. This is a time to focus on the most beneficial outcome. Expect the best and envision that project or new job having a successful result. Feel it, see it, and, most important, believe it! When you focus on abundance and the positive aspects of the material world- and offer gratitude - prosperity in all forms will flow even more freely.
In numerology the number 1 is usually seen as the beginning of something. It is a symbol of opportunity, confidence, power, and action. It inspires us to embrace the new beginnings in our lives.
In the card we see a peach tree blossoming and sowing it’s fruit, four yellow butterflies, and two hands coming together in a union. You also see the seed that was planted as well as the roots that grew into a beautiful tree and how it is all connected. The peach tree has a lot of symbolism associated with it concerning good luck, being at peace with ourselves, new beginnings in all areas of life. The butterfly is a well known symbol of transformation just as the one seed has grown and transformed into a fruit-filled tree. We are always changing, transforming into different versions of ourselves by taking in the wisdom offered through experiences. The number four is all about stability and the hard work put in to achieve success; and there is nine peaches to symbolize a completion of a cycle, which we see with the seed turning into a fruit tree. The hands coming together are a symbol of a union or coming together to create something that will bring prosperity and a solid foundation to those involved. 
The red border represents the physical aspects of the situation that was inquired about. This can also represent business, finances, money, prosperity, earthly possessions, material gain or loss, and security.
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