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greenbagjosh · 1 year ago
Wednesday 13 August 2003 - stopover in Frankfurt for a bottle of Äppler - long direct flight to SFO - bless the new BART extension to Caltrain in Millbrae - the last SamTrans bus 251 back home - everything's fine at the apartment
Wednesday 13 August 2003
Good morning! Today we will fly home, kind of in an irregular way. I would usually fly from SFO to Washington Dulles and Munich, and Munich to Washington Dulles and San Francisco, but somehow I could not book that flight, so I did the next best thing, to manage a return flight through Frankfurt Rhein-Main Airport. I left the secure area to buy a bottle of Äppler to take home, and nearly missed my flight home as a result. That would not have been good. I made my flight and ended up back home, and the BART, Caltrain and Samtrans got me home in good time. It is not quite the last story for this vacation, I have a small family affair to write about for the coming weekend. Hope you will enjoy this story.
Guten Morgen! Heute fliegen wir, etwas unregelmäßig, nach Hause. Normalerweise flog ich von SFO nach Washington Dulles und München und von München nach Washington Dulles und San Francisco, aber irgendwie konnte ich diesen Flug nicht buchen, also tat ich das Nächstbeste, einen Rückflug über den Frankfurter Rhein-Main-Flughafen zu buchen. Ich verließ den Sicherheitsbereich, um eine Flasche Äppler für die Heimreise zu kaufen, und hätte dadurch beinahe meinen Heimflug verpasst. Das wäre nicht gut gewesen. Ich flog und landete wieder zu Hause, und BART, Caltrain and Samtrans brachten mich rechtzeitig nach Hause. Es ist nicht ganz die letzte Geschichte für diesen Urlaub, ich habe für das kommende Wochenende eine kleine Familienangelegenheit zu schreiben. Ich hoffe, Ihnen wird diese Geschichte gefallen.
Bonjour! Aujourd'hui, nous rentrerons chez nous, de manière irrégulière. Je volais habituellement de SFO à Washington Dulles et Munich, et de Munich à Washington Dulles et San Francisco, mais je ne pouvais pas réserver ce vol, alors j'ai fait la meilleure chose à faire, pour gérer un vol de retour via l'aéroport de Francfort Rhein-Main. J'ai quitté la zone sécurisée pour acheter une bouteille d'Äppler à ramener à la maison et j'ai failli rater mon vol de retour. Cela n'aurait pas été bon. J'ai pris mon vol et je suis rentré chez moi, et BART, Caltrain et Samtrans m'a ramenaient à la maison à temps. Ce n'est pas tout à fait la dernière histoire de ces vacances, j'ai une petite affaire de famille à écrire pour le week-end à venir. J'espère que vous apprécierez cette histoire.
Dobro jutro! Danes bomo leteli domov, nekako neredno. Običajno sem letel iz SFO v Washington Dulles in München ter iz Münchna v Washington Dulles in San Francisco, vendar tega leta nekako nisem mogel rezervirati, zato sem naredil naslednje najboljše, da sem uredil povratni let prek letališča Frankfurt Rhein-Main. Zapustil sem varovano območje, da bi kupil steklenico Äpplerja za domov, in zaradi tega skoraj zamudil let domov. To ne bi bilo dobro. Opravil sem svoj let in se vrnil domov, BART, Caltrain in SamTrans pa me je pravočasno pripeljal domov. To ni čisto zadnja zgodba za te počitnice, imam majhno družinsko zadevo, o kateri moram pisati za prihajajoči vikend. Upam, da vam bo ta zgodba všeč.
Dobro jutro! Danas ćemo letjeti kući, nekako neregularnim putem. Obično bih letio iz SFO-a za Washington Dulles i München, i iz Münchena za Washington Dulles i San Francisco, ali nekako nisam mogao rezervirati taj let, pa sam učinio sljedeću najbolju stvar, organizirao povratni let preko zračne luke Frankfurt Rhein-Main. Napustio sam sigurno područje kako bih kupio bocu Äpplera za ponijeti kući i zbog toga zamalo propustio let kući. To ne bi bilo dobro. Otišla sam na let i vratila se kući, a BART, Caltrain i SamTrans me vratio kući na vrijeme. Nije to posljednja priča za ovaj odmor, imam malu obiteljsku aferu o kojoj ću pisati za nadolazeći vikend. Nadam se da ćete uživati u ovoj priči.
Buongiorno! Oggi voleremo a casa, un po' in modo irregolare. Di solito volavo da SFO a Washington Dulles e Monaco, e da Monaco a Washington Dulles e San Francisco, ma in qualche modo non potevo prenotare quel volo, quindi ho fatto la cosa migliore, gestire un volo di ritorno attraverso l'aeroporto di Francoforte sul Meno. Ho lasciato l'area protetta per comprare una bottiglia di Äppler da portare a casa e, di conseguenza, ho quasi perso il volo di ritorno. Non sarebbe stato bello. Ho fatto il mio volo e sono tornato a casa, e i BART, Caltrain e SamTrans mi hanno riportato a casa in tempo utile. Non è proprio l'ultima storia di questa vacanza, ho un piccolo affare di famiglia di cui scrivere per il prossimo fine settimana. Spero che ti piacerà questa storia.
It must have been 6:30 AM when I woke up, to take a shower, get dressed, and reorganize my luggage. I had to store the Keglevich bottle in a way that would allow my other clothes to be safely transported. In 2003, there was no restriction on carrying liquids in carry-on luggage. As long as I could carry everything in my two bags, that was the important thing. I went down to breakfast with my luggage. I put them in a safe spot next to my table. After breakfast, I checked out of the hotel, walked to the Hauptbahnhof S Bahn station, and boarded an S Bahn for the airport. It was one of the newer ET 423 series. It had air conditioning, so opening the window would have no benefit. The train passed through Karlsplatz/Stachus, Marienplatz, Isartor, Rosenheimer Platz, Ostbahnhof and then up through Englschalking, Johanneskirchen, Ismaning, the Visitor's Park station and finally the Airport. Finding the way to the terminal was easy.
I entered the airport terminal, and then checked in my wheeled bag. They said I would receive it only when I arrived at San Francisco, so that is one of the things that needs to be taken into account, when there is no connecting flight on the East Coast of the USA. The flight would depart about 11 AM for Frankfurt Airport, and there would be a 3 PM direct flight from Frankfurt to San Francisco. After I checked into my flight, I went to buy some candies for my work colleagues, then I waited in the waiting area, listened to Bayern 3 on the radio until it was time to board the flight to Frankfurt. The flight was an Airbus A321. There would not be any meaningful entertainment on board, and the inflight service was limited to drinks and snacks. I landed about 1:15 PM.
When I landed at Frankfurt, we had not gone through Schengen customs, so I was still technically in Germany. That would change, when I went to check into my flight for San Francisco, where an exit stamp would be necessary. I had left the terminal, just to go to the S-Bahn station grocery store (I do not believe it exists anymore) that I also went to on 8th November 2002, to buy a bottle of Äppler. I was able to buy the Äppler for about € 1,50. Going back to the terminal entry for my flight to San Francisco, I had a bit of a challenge. I had to let the security guard know that I had a flight to San Francisco that left at 3 PM. He was able to get me to the front, where he could check to see that I did not have any unnecessary metal items that could not legally go through the X ray machine.
I was able to get to the Schengen passport control desk in time for me to board my flight. The flight had started boarding, but I still had some time to find my seat. The airplane was a Boeing 777. It was built for long distance flights, particularly to the West Coast of the USA. The flight took off about 3:15 PM. It flew over the Rhineland, Belgium, Netherlands, northern England, Northern Ireland, and about 100 miles south of Iceland. I don't know exactly how high it was, but I think it flew as high as 39,000 feet, or 11,000 meters high. I watched maybe a couple of movies but not much. The inflight meal was fine. It had some German food, I think mild gulash, and I had a Beck's beer. I had to fill out the customs declaration card and say how much I bought and what countries that I visited. I did not visit a farm, so I was okay.
The flight went on to San Francisco and I think it landed around 8:30 PM local time, so nine hours behind Germany. For me, it was more like 5:30 AM. Before landing, we were served a light dinner, also with a Beck's beer.
It was a long flight, but that would not be my longest flight that year - November 2003 I would have an even longer flight to Hong Kong SAR. When I landed, it was in Terminal G, which was just newly opened along with Terminal A, just in front of the Harvey Milk Terminal which I departed from and arrived at as late as August 1998. I had my passport checked and received an entry stamp back into the USA. Then I went to the baggage claim. San Francisco is a bit more thorough than Washington Dulles when it comes to customs and goods to declare. They did not say much about the Keglevich or Äppler. I was allowed to go to the BART terminal and board the BART Train to Millbrae, where I alighted and transferred to the Caltrain southbound for Hillsdale in San Mateo. I had to buy three tickets in total. Luckily the 251 bus was running from Hillsdale Station to Hillsdale Blvd and Edgewater Blvd that night.
I caught possibly the last 251 bus to Hillsdale and Edgewater. It went past US-101 and crossed the bridge into Foster City. The bus stopped at the corner, and it was just a matter of me making one street crossing and making the last 100 meters to my apartment. Luckily I had already prepaid the August 2003 rent, and when I went into my apartment, everything looked like it was still there. I closed my door with the suitcase and bag inside. I did not bother to look in my mailbox, that could wait until the next day. I was so tired, and I turned on my alarm clock to play 94.9 FM about 6 AM the next morning. I think it was 10 PM when I went to sleep.
The next morning about 5:55 AM I woke up and made some coffee for myself. I would not need to be in the office until 7 AM. The car started up just fine. I went to work, and set out the candies for everyone to enjoy, and I got to work. The rest of the week went by fast.
On the weekend, I went to see my mother, as my father was on a business journey. She wanted to see the C/2003 K4 comet, and she wanted to be sure I was able to see it as well. We went to the Foothill College observatory in Los Altos Hills, as it was one of the best places to see it. But I'll have a better description of it in a few days. Hope you will join me then. Good night!
Am Wochenende besuchte ich meine Mutter, da mein Vater auf Geschäftsreise war. Sie wollte den Kometen C/2003 K4 sehen, und sie wollte sichergehen, dass ich ihn auch sehen konnte. Wir gingen zum Observatorium des Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, da es einer der besten Orte war, um es zu sehen. Aber ich werde es in ein paar Tagen genauer beschreiben. Ich hoffe, Sie kommen dann zu mir. Gute Nacht!
Le week-end, je suis allé voir ma mère, car mon père était en voyage d'affaires. Elle voulait voir la comète C/2003 K4, et elle voulait être sûre que je pouvais aussi la voir. Nous sommes allés à l'observatoire du Foothill College à Los Altos Hills, car c'était l'un des meilleurs endroits pour le voir. Mais j'en aurai une meilleure description dans quelques jours. J'espère que vous me rejoindrez alors. Bonne nuit!
Konec tedna sem šel k mami, saj je bil oče na službeni poti. Želela je videti komet C/2003 K4 in želela je biti prepričana, da ga lahko vidim tudi jaz. Šli smo na observatorij Foothill College v Los Altos Hills, saj je bilo to eno najboljših krajev za ogled. Čez nekaj dni bom imel boljši opis. Upam, da se mi boš takrat pridružil. Lahko noč!
Za vikend sam otišla kod mame jer je otac bio na poslovnom putu. Htjela je vidjeti komet C/2003 K4 i htjela je biti sigurna da ga i ja mogu vidjeti. Otišli smo u zvjezdarnicu Foothill College u Los Altos Hills, jer je to bilo jedno od najboljih mjesta za vidjeti. Ali dobit ću bolji opis za nekoliko dana. Nadam se da ćeš mi se tada pridružiti. Laku noć!
Nel fine settimana sono andato a trovare mia madre, perché mio padre era in viaggio d'affari. Voleva vedere la cometa C/2003 K4 e voleva essere sicura che anch'io potessi vederla. Siamo andati all'osservatorio del Foothill College a Los Altos Hills, perché era uno dei posti migliori per vederlo. Ma ne darò una descrizione migliore tra qualche giorno. Spero che ti unirai a me allora. Buona notte!
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ganzmuenchen · 5 years ago
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Cordula Grün Gruppe @ Gaudiwurm 2020 Faschingszug @ München Johanneskirchen am 23.02.2020 http://www.ganz-muenchen.de/fasching/diverses/gaudiwurm/startseite.html #strassenkarneval #faschingsumzug #gaudiwurm #feringa #bayern #gaudiwurm2020 #bavaria #fasching #karneval #johanneskirchen #fun #carnival #masks #ganzmuenchen #ganzmuenchende #instamunich #münchen #munich #münchenblog #münchenblogger #munichblog #munichblogger #picoftheday #bilddestages #potd #cordulagrün (hier: München Bogenhausen Johanneskirchen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B86PCBwICz8/?igshid=1sf36n6dedzsx
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cma-european-art · 3 years ago
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Putto, Ignaz Günther , c. 1760, Cleveland Museum of Art: European Painting and Sculpture
This charming winged putto reclines on a cloud, hands clasped in an attitude of adoration. It is probably a fragment of a large decorative scheme of a church, perhaps the Johanneskirchen near Munich. Size: Overall: 59 x 43.2 x 16.3 cm (23 1/4 x 17 x 6 7/16 in.) Medium: painted and gilded wood
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kenmacbethknowles-blog · 8 years ago
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zur dicken Sophie…when you gotta go somewhere. Open late in #Johanneskirchen.
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gutachter · 3 years ago
München bekommt ein neues Stadtviertel: Hier entstehen tausende Wohnungen
München bekommt ein neues Stadtviertel: Hier entstehen tausende Wohnungen
München: „…München bekommt ein neues Stadtviertel: Östlich der S-Bahn-Haltestellen Daglfing, Englschalking und Johanneskirchen sollen auf einer Fläche von 600 Hektar Wohnungen für 30 000 Menschen entstehen. Zudem wird im Münchner Nordosten Platz für bis zu 10 000 Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. Die ersten Gebäude der SEM (städtebaulichen Entwicklungsmaßnahme) Nordost sollen bereits in 2030 realisiert…
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spielhausmuenchen · 3 years ago
Wir freuen uns sehr !
unsere erste Montessori und Pikler Spielgruppe startet dieses Jahr 🪅
Ab 1.Oktober öffnen wir jeden Freitag die Türen für Kinder von 6 Monaten bis 2 Jahre.
Anmeldung unter [email protected]
#spielgruppe #baby #kleinkind #pikler #montessori #achtsam #feinfühlig #begleiten #freispiel #johanneskirchen #gtpspielhaus #hausfürkinder
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immobilienmakler-freitag · 4 years ago
Rufen Sie uns gerne an!
Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner für Ihre Immobilienvermittlung:
Immobilienmakler FREITAG® für München & Starnberg Waldstraße 14a, 85579 Neubiberg-München
Telefonnummer +49 (0) 89 380 79 948
eMail-Adresse: [email protected] Geschäftsleitung: Michael Freitag
Erfahrene Immobilienmakler seit 15 Jahren für den Landkreis München, Starnberg, Starnberger See und Umgebung
Immobilienmakler, Immobilienberater für München, Starnberg, Starnberger See und Umgebung - Berg, Neubiberg, Ottobrunn, Aschheim, Aying, Göggenhofen, Graß, Großhelfendorf, Kleinkarolinenfeld, Kleinhelfendorf, Dornach, Dürrnhaar, Göggenhofen, Graß, Großhelfendorf und Kleinkarolinenfeld inkl. Umkreis 150 km.
Oberschleißheim, Unterföhring, Taufkirchen, Sauerlach, Putzbrunn, Pullach, Pöcking, Tutzing, Bernried, Seeshaupt, Feldafing, Ammersee, Planegg, Zorneding, Vaterstetten, Parsdorf, Poing, Aschheim, Markt Schwaben, Johanneskirchen, Krailling, Blumenau, Gröbenzell, Puchheim, Eichenau, Karlsfeld, Olching, Garching, Denning, Unterschleißheim, Kirchseeon, Ebersberg, Grafing, Anzing, Oberding, Freising, Neufahrn, Dachau, Holzkirchen, Tegernsee, Herrsching, Inning, Dießen.
Gräfelfing, Grasbrunn, Grünwald, Haar, Hohenbrunn, Ismaning, Kirchheim, Neuried, Oberhaching, Fürstenfeldbruck, Grafing, Neukeferloh, Baldham, Oberföhring, Warnberg, Stockdorf, Gilching, Ober-Pfaffenhofen, Weßling, Feldgeding, Hochbrück, Fischerhäuser, Otterfing, Neuherberg, Oberföhring, Maisach, Schöngeising, Bergkirchen, Herbertshausen, Lohhof, Eching, Speichersee, Oberpframmern, Egmating, Pupplinger Au, Eching, Türkenfeld, Unterhaching.
Neubiberg, Ottobrunn, Aschheim, Aying, Göggenhofen, Graß, Großhelfendorf, Kleinkarolinenfeld, Kleinhelfendorf, Dornach, Dürrnhaar, Göggenhofen, Graß, Großhelfendorf und Kleinkarolinenfeld. Die Weiler Heimatshofen, Kaltenbrunn, Kaps, Loibersdorf und Trautshofen. Die Einöden Blindham, Griesstätt, Oberschops, Rauchenberg, Spielberg und Unterschops, Peiß, Baierbrunn, Brunthal, Feldkirchen.
Utting, Schondorf, Münsing, Wolfratshausen, Seefeld, Chiemsee, Gauting, Erding, Poing, Maxvorstadt, Landsberg am Lech, Pilsensee, Wörthsee, Weßlinger See, Osterseen, Maisinger See, Augsburg, Landshut, Rosenheim, Ingolstadt, Marktoberdorf, Schliersee, Aichach, Bobingen, Friedberg, Gersthofen, Königsbrunn, Mering, Neusäß, Schwabmünchen, Untermeitingen, Memmingen, Kaufbeuren, Kempten und Umgebung.
Lange Geschäftsbeschreibung:
Immobilienmakler- & Immobilienberatung für München, Starnberg, Starnberger See und Umgebung
Gewerbemakler / Grundstücksmakler / Hotelmakler / Klassischer Makler / Privatmakler / Restaurantmakler / Büromakler / Gastronomiemakler / Cafe-Makler / Klassischer Makler
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randomrafiou · 4 years ago
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Day-76 "no title'" A2 40cmx59,4cm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #blackartists #blackartist #kunst #zeichnen #karaklem #instaart #artistoninstagram #illustratorsofinstagram #animation #instagramart #그림#daily #drawing #doodle #art #artwork #illustration #illust #드로잉 #펜드로잉 #digitalart #낙서 #イラスト#애니메이션 #basketball #skate #스케치 #rafiou @grog_eu (hier: München Bogenhausen Johanneskirchen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC5upCBI3jK/?igshid=hqkeiy7ixnx8
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greenbagjosh · 1 year ago
Saturday 4 July 1998 - the S-Bahn ring train and one week from the Love Parade in Berlin
Saturday 4th July 1998
Hi everyone Hope you had a happy 4th of July.  Even if I am overseas on the 4th of July, I try to make the day meaningful.  Summer 1998 was no exception, nor was Summer 1997 when I visited Zurich and Milan that weekend.  The morning of 4th July 1998 was on Saturday, so I had to do some grocery shopping.  I also bought some music CDs at the Media Markt near the V-Markt in the EuroIndustriepark, to listen to.  Here is what I bought.
"Metamorphosis" from Culture Beat "Flowers" from Ace of Base Single "Bailando" from Loona (Bailando, bailando amigos adios, adios, el silencio loco)
Why did I not buy "Bleibt alles anderes" from Herbert Grönemeyer "13" from Die Ärzte (with "Männer sind Schweine") "Read my sign" from Bell Book & Candle (with "Rescue Me", the official video has surreal efffects)   I am not sure, but in the last few months I did buy "Bleibt alles anderes"
There was still time to buy other music as the month progressed.  After I brought the groceries and music CDs home, it was time to head to München Hbf, for a special train.  The fare was 4.50 D-Mark  My usual month pass would not be valid, so I would have to buy a ticket from the conductors.  This included a day pass on the train and a free sandwich on a pretzel bun and 12 ounce / 330 mL can of soft drink.
Why was the train ride special?  It was not a regularly scheduled route.  It was organized by people who I think were lobbyists for an S-Bahn ring around Munich, instead of a monorail.  The train was built of four second class compartment cars @6 people per compartment and one single-aisle seating car, and driven by a DB-218 diesel locomotive.  The route was clockwise and started out of München Hbf, went as far north as Moosach, then went through the EuroIndustriepark without stopping, turned south at Johanneskirchen, stopping for a few minutes at Ostbahnhof, before continuing on to Moosach.  The lobbyists gave an objective speech over the loudspeaker *auf Deutsch* on the existing infrastructure, and why they would lobby for an S-Bahn ring.  I must have stayed on the train for two more rotations to Ostbahnhof, I think a further hour and a half.  The turnout on the train was quite good.  I made it back to Hauptbahnhof to see what I could do to get a seat on the Sommer-Spezial IC train from Berlin Zoo to München Hbf via Leipzig and Nürnberg.
This one is quite difficult to explain, given its complexities, so please bear with me.  As for arranging a train ride from Munich to Berlin on the Sommer-Spezial ticket, there are certain different connections between cities.  The connections have a very limited amount of eligible seating per train.  For example, there is one compartment of six (For 8th August I will let you know how someone managed to squeeze in seven in a compartment!) for each of second and first classes.  You had to ride the entire distance from the first city to the second without changing trains, otherwise the ticket would be no good.  In 1998, the InterCityExpress trains were excluded, so Intercity and Eurocity were the most premium class available.  Some city pairs did not even have EC or IC but InterRegio which is a bit downmarket.  For example I think Frankfurt am Main to Dresden Hbf was one of the participating InterRegio train routes.  Sommer Spezial fares for adults was 69 D-Mark for second class, and 89 D-Mark for first class.  For Munich in 1998, the Sommer Spezial cities were Berlin, Vienna and Zurich.  All worked out very well, as I had planned to visit anyway, and buying a Sommer Spezial ticket, would save in total 5 days on the rail pass.  Three between Munich and Zürich, one between Munich and Vienna, and one between Berlin and Munich.  I would still need to use the rail pass for Friday 10 July, take the "Justus Freiherr von Liebig" ICE replacement for the previous "Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen" which was badly damaged on 3rd June 1998 in Eschede, and make a change to an InterCity train in Fulda Hbf to Berlin Zoologischer Garten.  Anyway that was the complexity of the Sommer Spezial ticket.  Did I mention, that although most cities in Germany have a two-day pass offer for those travelling over 200 km by train, that Berlin does not?  I will tell more about that next week.
To follow up, what became of that train and the objectives thereof?  Currently there is a second S-Bahn tunnel being built, just north of the original S-Bahn tunnel through Hauptbahnhof, Marienplatz, Isartor and Ostbahnhof, not exactly a ring as the one I rode on.  Also Unterföhring on the S-8 line was put underground, same as Ismaning that was already underground.   Next adventure is Berlin and a visit to Slubice through Frankfurt an der Oder.  Hope you had a safe holiday, and please take care of the fur babies against the fireworks.
Do widzenia, i trzymaj sie! (przepraszam, nie mówie po polsku bardzo dobrze)
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mpetrik · 5 years ago
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sunrise today - for early birds only! #sunrise #munich #sun #morning #earlybird #bogenhausen (hier: München Bogenhausen Johanneskirchen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7WB5R8J6ql/?igshid=myd1acc0sapc
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ganzmuenchen · 6 years ago
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Gaudiwurm 2019 Faschingszug @ München Johanneskirchen am 03.03.2019 http://www.ganz-muenchen.de/fasching/diverses/gaudiwurm/startseite.html #strassenkarneval #faschingsumzug #gaudiwurm #feringa #bayern #gaudiwurm2019 #bavaria #fasching #karneval #johanneskirchen #fun #carnival #masks #ganzmuenchen #ganzmuenchende #instamunich #münchen #munich #münchenblog #münchenblogger #munichblog #munichblogger #picoftheday #selfie #girls #bilddestages #potd (hier: Johanneskirchen, Bayern, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BukQ0DMhZkZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mrifp8o9w44h
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cma-european-art · 4 years ago
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Putto, Ignaz Günther , c. 1760, Cleveland Museum of Art: European Painting and Sculpture
This charming winged putto reclines on a cloud, hands clasped in an attitude of adoration. It is probably a fragment of a large decorative scheme of a church, perhaps the Johanneskirchen near Munich. Size: Overall: 59 x 43.2 x 16.3 cm (23 1/4 x 17 x 6 7/16 in.) Medium: painted and gilded wood
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whatsgoingonwithmetoday · 6 years ago
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First 30km #commute with my custom Cinelli Vigorelli Fixed Gear. Cinelli frame, handlebar, bar tape, and saddle. All Miche drive train with 50:17 gearing, BLB Notorious front wheel and DT Swiss T1800 back wheel #cinelli @cinelli_official #fixedlife #fixedgear #cycling #fixieporn #fixie #roadbike #roadbikelife #fixed #miche @miche.italy #blb @bricklanebikes (hier: Johanneskirchen, Bayern, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/stefanmarbury/p/BuZjAssF1nw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yevovv9kian
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nachrichtenmuc-blog · 8 years ago
Johanneskirchen: Pkw prallt gegen Baum - eine Person schwer verletzt
Johanneskirchen: Pkw prallt gegen Baum – eine Person schwer verletzt
Am Montag, 23.01.2017, gegen 13.50 Uhr, befuhr ein 77-jähriger Rentner aus München mit seinem Opel die Flensburger Straße stadteinwärts. Auf Höhe des Anwesens Haus-Nr. 69 verlor er aufgrund einer plötzlich auftretenden Erkrankung auf der schneebedeckten Fahrbahn die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug, kam nach rechts von der Fahrbahn ab und streifte dort zunächst einen Allee-Baum. Anschließend…
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smetsa · 6 years ago
I am so proud! Our studio space shown by the biggest broadcasting company. Watch until the very end - you will see my work Repost from @br24 using @RepostRegramApp - Die Mieten in München sind die teuersten in ganz Deutschland. Doch es gibt private Vermieter, denen es nicht ums große Geld geht. Der Besitzer der Alten Wiedefabrik ist so einer. Er hat vor allem Sinn und Freude gesucht. Und findet sie in dem, was er möglich gemacht hat, bis heute. . . #AlteWiedefabrik #Künstlerkolonie #Künstler #KünstlerinMünchen #München #Mieten #Ateliers #AteliersinMünchen #Kunst #Malerei #Künstlerateliers #Wiedefabrik #Johanneskirchen #offeneAteliers #KunstinMünchen Mit Werken von @simjam33 @angela_smets #DörtheBäumer #ThomasHuber u.a. (hier: Munich, Germany)
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dixiland · 9 years ago
Tumblr media
Musenbergstraße, München-Johanneskirchen
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