#joe meehan
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elderscrollsconceptart · 11 months ago
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Talym Rend and his son Novos
Art for The Elder Scrolls: Legends
Art Direction: Jonas Andreassen
Artists: Marisa Oh, Joe Meehan, James Strehle, Reza Ilyasa, Bogdan Merica, Luis Lasahido
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hbowartournament · 15 days ago
rarepair polls round one:
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learn how to steal this poll
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bleedingcoffee42 · 7 months ago
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Bob Bible 1/4
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dontirrigateme · 1 year ago
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Moments from episode 2 - Day of Days
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isakvaltersnake · 5 months ago
things from the 2001 television programme band of brothers that haunt me to this day:
- we’re paratroopers lieutenant, we’re supposed to be surrounded. not to be your 60 year old military obsessed uncle about it but that line goes hard
- nix’s little giggle he does sometimes
- I’ll never forgive them for leaving gene’s medic training out of their training montage. in fact you know what? go back in time, film a parallel sequel of the other 9 eps from gene’s pov
- popeye’s “they called you guys too?” and the way his accent specifically scratches my brain
- they gave me moose heyliger and his massachusetts accent for like 20 minutes then the narrative snatched him away from me and i still miss him
- the way meehan looks at winters after he tells him to close the flap, in fact let’s talk about how every single one of winters’ commanders are obsessed with him in one way or another he truly is the it girl
- the chaos and fear that precedes gene and the calm and comfort that follows him
- I know everyone thinks “we’ll go to chicago, I’ll take you there” is the insane line but the one that actually makes me lose sleep is “what, and give up all this?” THAT MAN SAID I WOULD RATHER LIVE THROUGH THE HORRORS OF WAR THAN HAVE LIVED MY LIFE WITHOUT YOU
- alley is So Beautiful and I don’t think we collectively talk about it enough
- babe being some rando replacement in episode three and whilst his other replacement friends are being absolutely roasted he is immediately adopted by bill and then gets gene fucking roe of all people to connect to him?? he’s too powerful I need to study him
- speirs being this ghoulish terrifying boogeyman until lip is anywhere near him then he’s suddenly dimples and kicking his feet and giggling
- speaking of lip and speirs their little sarcastic in jokes, lip finishing speirs’ sentences fml it’s giving married
- the unexplored but high potential friendships and the way I wanted like 16 more episodes for shifty and lip, nix and luz, nix and web, sisk and perconte, winters and gene, grant and tab, lieb and alley, speirs and harry, etc
- the more haggard and bitchy nix gets the hotter he gets. he also must be studied.
- “you should pack up those ears and go home” ok sobel kinda ate with that one ngl
- speaking of sobel the little confused/bewildered/piss-pants faces he makes david schwimmer the actor you are
- the silly little wide stance pennywise ass run hall does before he gets murked RIP king
- klepto speirs ilysm
- joe toye and his brass knuckles are v sexy
- sink letting nix give winters his oak leaves was very shipper girl of him
- lip harry nix speirs winters in the eagle’s nest dream blunt rotation
- the unsustainable amount of cunt served by nix, frank, babe, and luz at all times is truly a marvel
- tab really checked lip’s dick and balls mid battle and honestly that’s friendship
- bit parts for simon pegg, tom hardy, andrew scott, james mcavoy, michael fassbender, jimmy fallon ?? bob casting director you will always be famous
- peacock is so fine if he was even a little good at his job I’d be obsessed with him (special shout out to the scene of him getting sent home on furlough)
- I could list out every one of their meaningful little moments together but really it’s babe and gene just tethering and grounding each other and how they seem to gravitate to each other out of blind instinct? that’s some Brontë whatever our souls are made of bullshit I’m afraid
- ok I know I said I wasn’t talking about little meaningful moments but gene staring across the convent at where babe is sitting, lost in the peace
-bull in replacements getting imprinted on by a bunch of baby ducks and being SO PLEASED ABOUT IT he’s not the stepfather, he’s the father that stepped up
- speaking of, the underutilization of bull in the back half is such an out of character bad call
- you are officers, you are grown ups, you oughta know. HE’S RIGHT AND HE SHOULD SAY IT AND THAT’S ON GENE BEING THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO TELL OFF WINTERS
- I know nix and winters are married and whatever but the real married couple behaviour is luz constantly pissing off joe and joe immediately letting it go
- lip and speirs and their mutual competency kink
- I’M REAL SORRY FRANK skinny ilysm
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rockpaperscissuhs · 5 months ago
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Band of Brothers Birthdays
1 John S. Zielinski Jr. (b. 1925)
21 Richard D. “Dick” Winters (b. 1918)
26 Herbert M. Sobel (b. 1912)
30 Clifford Carwood "Lip" Lipton (b. 1920)
31 Warren H. “Skip” Muck (b. 1922) & Robert B. Brewer (b. 1924)
8 Clarence R. Hester (b. 1916)
18 Thomas A. Peacock (b. 1920)
23 Lester A. “Les” Hashey (b. 1925)
1 Charles E. “Chuck” Grant (b. 1922)
2 Colonel Robert L. “Bob” Strayer (b. 1910)
4 Wayne “Skinny” Sisk (b. 1922)
10 Frank J. Perconte (b. 1917)
13 Darrell C. “Shifty” Powers (b. 1923)
14 Joseph J. “Joe” Toye (b. 1919)
24 John D. “Cowboy” Halls (b. 1922)
26 George Lavenson (b. 1917) & George H. Smith Jr. (1922)
27 Gerald J. Loraine (b. 1913)
3 Colonel Robert F. “Bob” Sink (b. 1905) & Patrick S. “Patty” O’Keefe (b. 1926)
5 John T. “Johnny” Julian (b. 1924)
10 Renée B. E. Lemaire (b. 1914)
11 James W. Miller (b. 1924)
15 Walter S. “Smokey” Gordon Jr. (b. 1920)
20 Ronald C. “Sparky” Speirs (b. 1920)
23 Alton M. More (b. 1920)
27 Earl E. “One Lung” McClung (b. 1923) & Henry S. “Hank” Jones Jr. (b. 1924)
28 William J. “Wild Bill” Guarnere (b. 1923)
12 John W. “Johnny” Martin (b. 1922)
16 Edward J. “Babe” Heffron (b. 1923)
17 Joseph D. “Joe” Liebgott (b. 1915)
19 Norman S. Dike Jr. (b. 1918) & Cleveland O. Petty (b. 1924)
25 Albert L. "Al" Mampre (b. 1922)
2 David K. "Web" Webster (b. 1922)
6 Augusta M. Chiwy ("Anna") (b. 1921)
13 Edward D. Shames (b. 1922)
17 George Luz (b. 1921)
18 Roy W. Cobb (b. 1914)
23 Frederick T. “Moose” Heyliger (b. 1916)
25 Albert Blithe (b. 1923)
28 Donald B. "Hoob" Hoobler (b. 1922)
2 Gen. Anthony C. "Nuts" McAuliffe (b. 1898)
7 Francis J. “Frank” Mellet (b. 1920)
8 Thomas Meehan III (b. 1921)
9 John A. Janovec (b. 1925)
10 Robert E. “Popeye” Wynn (b. 1921)
16 William S. Evans (b. 1910)
20 James H. “Moe” Alley Jr. (b. 1922)
23 Burton P. “Pat” Christenson (b. 1922)
29 Eugene E. Jackson (b. 1922)
31 Donald G. "Don" Malarkey (b. 1921)
3 Edward J. “Ed” Tipper (b. 1921)
10 Allen E. Vest (b. 1924)
15 Kenneth J. Webb (b. 1920)
18 Jack E. Foley (b. 1922)
26 Floyd M. “Tab” Talbert (b. 1923) & General Maxwell D. Taylor (b. 1901)
29 Joseph A. Lesniewski (b. 1920)
31 Alex M. Penkala Jr. (b. 1924)
3 William H. Dukeman Jr. (b. 1921)
11 Harold D. Webb (b. 1925)
12 Major Oliver M. Horton (b. 1912)
27 Harry F. Welsh (b. 1918)
30 Lewis “Nix” Nixon III (b. 1918)
5 Joseph “Joe” Ramirez (b. 1921) & Ralph F. “Doc” Spina (b. 1919) & Terrence C. "Salty" Harris (b. 1920)
6 Leo D. Boyle (b. 1913)
10 William F. “Bill” Kiehn (b. 1921)
15 Antonio C. “Tony” Garcia (b. 1924)
17 Eugene G. "Doc" Roe (b. 1922)
21 Lt. Cl. David T. Dobie (b. 1912)
28 Herbert J. Suerth Jr. (b. 1924)
31 Robert "Bob" van Klinken (b. 1919)
11 Myron N. “Mike” Ranney (b. 1922)
20 Denver “Bull” Randleman (b. 1920)
12 John “Jack” McGrath (b. 1919)
31 Lynn D. “Buck” Compton (b. 1921)
Unknown Date
Joseph P. Domingus
Richard J. Hughes (b. 1925)
Maj. Louis Kent
Father John Mahoney
George C. Rice
Military History Fandom Wiki
Band of Brothers Fandom Wiki
Traces of War
Find a Grave
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theivorybilledwoodpecker · 2 months ago
The Department of Education on Friday ended federal efforts to reign in an epidemic of book-banning in local school districts by right-wing groups. The announcement was made in dismissive, partisan and MAGA-inflected language in a press release titled “U.S. Department of Education Ends Biden’s Book Ban Hoax.” ... “For over three years we have countered rhetoric that book bans occurring in public schools are a ‘hoax.’ They are absolutely not,” said Kasey Meehan, director of Freedom to Read at PEN America. “This kind of language from the U.S. Department of Education is alarming and dismissive of the students, educators, librarians, and authors who have firsthand experiences of censorship happening within school libraries and classrooms.”
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flyingfortress1 · 3 months ago
Finished episode two of Band of Brothers rewatch. - it's very long I'm sorry.
Damn, I love watching this now because I can actually focus on the show and not trying to keep track of everyone lol. Anyway. Thoughts
-firstly the jumping scene with the C-47s is intense! Bringing in my B-17 knowledge- flak is so terrifying and these poor paratroopers are getting a first hand idea of it, and not being able to do anything- just pray, hope, and then jump straight into that- like geez. That's what fucked up the bomber crews so bad mentally- like honestly, I don't blame the pilot for pressing the button early after his co-pilot just dies. And the scene where Meehan's plane blows up and you realize these guys were just ready to leave....
-other notes: fun time spotting all the notable characters. Toye crossing himself, Guarnere with rosary?? I think its him? Malarky trying to smoke, I think, but failing- you really just feel the chaos and tension, especially when everyone's being jolted around w/flak. Also Dick being right by the open door of a plane thousands of feet in the air gives me anxiety- like yes, he's supposed to be there, he's jumping out, there's flak, but damn, that is not safe.
-Also RIP Hall. Poor guy. I do find it funny that he's like, what the hell is Guarnere's problem- gets 1) gonoherrea but apparently it's only his nickname, and 2) Toye, Malarky etc just being, well yes he's being an asshole, but you gotta see, you gotta give it back, oh he just lost his brother you see- he's not really an asshole. And then Hall does give it back, and Guarnere is like, I respect you now.
-Also nice detail here- when they're at Brecourt Manor, and Joe punches that surrendered German soldier, you see that he has brass knuckles on- which means sometime between ranting about his gear and jumping off the plane, he got knuckles. There's a story there, I feel.
-Guarnere and Dick- interesting scene with the horse. Guarnere really comes off as a 'natural killer'. This is a mad man, and one who really, really wants to get revenge. It's a very intense scene, and yeah, I certainly understand why Dick was pissed- like yes, revenge, but also, thank you for potentially alerting us to every german soldier in the vicinity of which there are many. Also love the height comparison- Guarnere looks so much smaller than Dick (guess that's the actors, wonder if the real guys were similar heights) but it does make the scene funny in a way where Dick is chewing out him out.
-Dick scene with men in the truck bed- again, Dick is such a reserved, disciplined, controlled guy- and he's a petty ass, and Damian Lewis serves it with his chat to Guarnere in that truck. It's very subtle, but when Guarnere asks if Dick is their co now, Dick is like, yes, I am, look at that- and oh yes, I overheard you talking about me, just going to throw that in there. It does feel a little smug because Guarnere has to respect him now, and Dick isn't very obvious about it, but he is a little smug. Again, Lewis's performance is very good and very subtle which seems to fit what I have learned about the real Winters's personality.
-also Malarkey you fucking idiot- love that he admitted that this was the dumbest thing he ever did, and then tried to downplay with, oh everyone wants a luger- apparently the actor wasn't acting because the explosives were going off too early and dude was really freaked out lol.
-Also love the comparison between Buck (his eyes are so blue, like lazer beams I swear) hanging out with the men, and Dick, popping in real quick and then just going alone- it really shows their different leadership styles as officers- and shout out to Nix for checking on his bro! The way he throws away the can feels so personal tho haha. Also I really like how Dick has A Moment where you can just see him processing everything by himself- they were victorious, but the tone of the end of the episode doesn't really feel that way which is a really interesting choice and I'm kinda down with it.
-Nixon coming in with the tanks- I need a story here. There's one and I need to know.
-Spiers killing the prisoners is just a shocking moment to all the Easy guys- come over to the Pacific however and the Army/Marines have just stopped giving a fuck meanwhile. Like wounded IJA guys have grenades, I ain't risking that shit. Digging teeth out of not-quite dead guys? Yeah sure. I just find that funny for some reason- the weight placed on this, is mainly legit just European Theater stuff to my knowledge. Dunno why- just funny- also spiers was way more in this episode then I remembered.
-Malarkey talking to the Oregon Nazi- love how dude is like, I was answering the call of the fatherland or something ominous like that, and Malarkey legit is just like, Okay weird- MOVING ON WHAT FACTORY DID YOU WORK AT- SMALL WORLD WILD-
-Lastly- MVP TO THE TWO DUDES FROM THE 82ND! They come across these guys from the 81st, in very tense situation, behind enemy lines, unsure of where they are- and the officer just unzips his pants in the little battle huddle like wtf- I wish I could make gifs because these dude's expressions are hilarious. One dude is like wtf, and the other guy vacillates from shocked to what I can only call the equivalent of "I mean..." dude. why you smiling like that. why does the camera focus on Dick's fly. Why. you didn't need to do that. and why does he keep his flashlight there? I know there's a reason, I just want to know (is this why Smokey Gorden makes the compass dick joke) @bleedingcoffee42. And no one from Easy seems to care which is even funnier. Then these guys have to watch Guarnere being a bit unhinged- having drama with Dick- would love to know their thoughts on this, I need a fanfic featuring 82nd Rosencratz and Guildenstern. Also why is the sunrise after this event so cinematic- it feels a bit WW1 ish and also deserves a painting honestly.
Anyway. That's it I think. It's a very long rant, thank you for sticking to it if you made it this far. There's a lot in this episode. Would LOVE to hear other's thoughts on this episode! Any things i missed. And for those who can make gifs- PLEASE check out the 82nd guys and Dick's fly scene. It's too good. One of them gets named, but I don't remember who he was sadly.
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singeratlarge · 1 year ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Desi Arnaz, Benedict of Nursia, Moe Berg, Ed Bournemann, Dale Bozzio, Larry Carlton, Karen Carpenter, John Cowsill, Daniel Craig, John Cullum, Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis, Maxwell Street, Jimmy Davis, Becky G, Rory Gallagher, John Gardner, Mikhail Gorbachev, Laird Hamilton, Sam Houston, Bryce Dallas Howard, John Irving, Jennifer Jones, Léon Jongen, Jon Bon Jovi, Orrin Keepnews, the 1933 film KING KONG, Papa Lightfoot, BarBara Luna, Madonna’s 1989 single “Like a Prayer,” Chris Martin, Gates McFadden, drummer-producer Tony Meehan (The Shadows), Method Man, Wolfgang Muthspiel, Lauraine Newman, Jay Osmond, Ethan Peck, Elvis Presley’s 1956 single “Lawdy Miss Clawdy,” Luke Pritchard (The Kooks), Dottie Rambo, Red Saunders, Dennis Seaton (Musical Youth), Shostakovich’s 14th Symphony (1969), Bedřich Smetana, the 1995 musical SMOKY JOE’S CAFÉ, Ludovico Spontoni, the 1965 film SOUND OF MUSIC, composer-trumpeter Derek Watkins (James Bond films), Kurt Weill, Tom Wolfe, "Théo" Ysaÿe, and the creative provocateur, poet, and singer-songwriter Lou Reed. He was the principal songwriter for The Velvet Underground and his solo career spanned 5 decades. 
Velvet Underground were not commercially successful but are now regarded as one of the most influential bands in the history of rock. Brian Eno said that everyone who heard the first VU album wanted to start a band. Reed had a deadpan voice that, for me, required forgiveness as singers go (though he did step up on occasion, particularly when he sung with The Blind Boys on THE RAVEN album). Eventually I connected with his noir fiction, transgressive “eyewitness reporting” lyrics and songcraft. He neither approved or disapproved of the subjects he sang about and, in the end, he just wanted to write catchy rock’n’roll. Over the years I’ve performed at least 6 Reed/VU songs—recording 2: “What Goes On” and “Sunday Morning,” on which I was joined by members of The Badlees (who did a splendid job in one afternoon). Reed himself commended our cover and promoted it on his website in the mid-90s. HB and RIP Lou.
#loureed #velvetunderground #sundaymorning #singersongwriter #bretalexander #thebadlees #blindboysofalabama #raven #edgarallenpoe #noirfiction #poet #guitarist #eyewitnessreport #johnnyjblair #singeratlarge #birthday
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elderscrollsconceptart · 1 year ago
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Still from "The Fringe" cinematic for The Elder Scrolls: Legends
Art by Volta Studio. Not individually credited.
Luckily they list the credits for the entire cinematic:
Art Direction:
Jonas Andreassen
Artist(s) :
Marisa Oh, Joe Meehan, James Strehle, Reza Ilyasa, Bogdan Marica, Lius Lasahido
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hbowartournament · 2 months ago
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youcalledmebabe · 2 months ago
life update game
tagged by @blood-mocha-latte ty rie 💖
🎧Last Song: prom song gone wrong by Lana del Rey. honestly my favorite Lana song. a crime that it’s unreleased
🖍️Favorite Color: I always say pink but I’ve been really into green lately. deeper green. more jewel toned
📚Last Book: unbroken by laura hillenbrand. really good ww2 memoir. louis had such a great story. should’ve been immortalized in hbo war but alas angelina jolie got there first :/
🎥Last Movie: singing in the rain. it was delightful. I miss technicolor
🍜Sweet/Spicy/Savory: sweet always. I’ve got an insane sweet tooth
💕Relationship Status: single. kicked a guy to the curb last month and have really been enjoying my alone time. maybe I’ll try again in the spring
🌐Last thing I googled: thomas meehan. I was writing winters’ anatomy and could not for the life of me remember what he looked like
💓Current obsession: ER. Vintage clothing. joe liebgott
🔮Looking forward to: might be going to Europe in the spring!! otherwise it’s dorky but the Superman movie in July lol…been waiting for YEARS
tagging @goodluckbabeheffron @evidenceof @randlemartin @ww2yaoi @lesbiandarvey @ifapromise
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celtfather · 5 months ago
Scotland's Whisky #682
Should you go on a tour of the whiskies of Scotland with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #682? Subscribe now!
The Friel Sisters, Kevin Meehan, Cherish The Ladies, Dancing With Hobbits, Enda Reilly, Adam Agee & Jon Sousa, Keltricity, La famille LeBlanc, Dublin Gulch, The Inland Seas, Sheridan Rúitín, Old Man Flanagan's Ghost, Stout Pounders, Michael Darcy & The Atlantic Tramps, The Ciderhouse Rebellion, Molly Donnery
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Enjoy seven weekly news items for Celtic music and culture online. Subscribe now and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2024 episode. You have just three weeks to vote this year. Vote Now!
You can follow our playlist on Spotify to listen to those top voted tracks as they are added every 2 - 3 weeks. It also makes it easier for you to add these artists to your own playlists. You can also check out our Irish & Celtic Music Videos.
0:06 - The Friel Sisters "It’s in the Wind / The Laurel Tree / Repeal the Union" from Before the Sun
3:34 - WELCOME
7:15 - Kevin Meehan "Inches From Dublin" from Spanish Point
10:51 - Cherish The Ladies "The Cameronian Set: Tha M'Intinn Raoir/Duke of Gordon/The Cameronian/Lady of The House" from One And All, The Best of Cherish the Ladies
16:12 - Dancing With Hobbits "Big Feet Big Heart" from Dancing With Hobbits
17:37 - Enda Reilly "Whiskey Fire (The Great Fire Of Dublin)" from Hy - Brasil
21:47 - FEEDBACK
26:43 - Adam Agee & Jon Sousa "Foxhunter's Reel / The Flowers of Red Hill" from Ceol na gCarad
30:06 - Keltricity "The Plooman" from Live at Terra Firma Radio
34:38 - La famille LeBlanc "Suite à Ti - Joe l’aveugle" from New/Nouveau - Perdrais - je mon temps...(Would I be losing my time...)
39:18 - Dublin Gulch "The Orphan Girl" from Tap 'Er Light
42:15 - The Inland Seas "I Can Hew" from Down by the Greenwood Side
44:48 - THANKS
46:15 - Sheridan Rúitín "Tell Me Ma" from single
49:58 - Old Man Flanagan's Ghost "Simple Little Boat" from Simple Little Boat
52:19 - Stout Pounders "Whiskey Me Away (Live)" from Liver Let Live
55:35 - Michael Darcy & The Atlantic Tramps "Sailing Off to the Yankee Land" from Down to the
1:00:28 - CLOSING
1:01:15 - The Ciderhouse Rebellion with Molly Donnery "My Father's Cabin Small” from A Little Bit Slanted
1:05:23 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to follow the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Finally, remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
Finally, Marc Gunn and the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast proudly endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States of America. I know these are partisan times. But I firmly believe Harris is the best person to lead our country to a better future for all Americans. She also has an actual plan to make our already robust economy even stronger. She also has a career of protecting the rights of women.  Whether you agree or not, please vote in this year’s election. Your vote matters and is how democracy stays strong.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn.
This podcast is for fans of Celtic music. If that’s the music you love, please follow the show right now.
It is here to build a diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. Musicians depend on your generosity to keep making music. So please find a way to support them. Buy a CD, Album Pin, Shirt, Digital Download, or join their communities on Patreon.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
I am still looking for potential Celtic designs to highlight for the 2025 season. I will accept submissions until the end of November. I will contact you if your design is picked. So please email those designs to me ASAP. You can send it to follow@bestcelticmusic
New episodes of Celtic Christmas Music are coming to the podcast universe. I’m planning the first episode to be released on November 17, right before Thanksgiving so that you can start enjoying Celtic Christmas music as soon as you are ready to listen. The current plan is to release weekly episodes. But we shall see if I can pull that off. If you’re in a Celtic band with Christmas or holiday music, please email me follow@bestcelticmusic
If you are a Celtic musician or in a Celtic band, then please submit your band to be played on the podcast. You don’t have to send in music or an EPK. You will get a free eBook called Celtic Musicians Guide to Digital Music and learn how to follow the podcast. It’s 100% free. Just email Email follow@bestcelticmusic and of course, listeners can learn how to subscribe to the podcast and get a free music - only episode.
You are amazing. It is because of your generosity that you get to hear so much great Celtic music each and every week.
Your kindness pays for our engineer, graphic designer, Celtic Music Magazine editor, promotion of the podcast, and allows me to buy the music I play here. It also pays for my time creating the show each and every week.
As a patron, you get ad - free and music - only episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, stand - alone stories, you get a private feed to listen to the show or you can listen through the Patreon app.  All that for as little as $1 per episode.
A special thanks to our new and continued Patrons of the Podcast: Keith, Bruce K, SMak, Steve Pomper, Donald Fletcher
Go to our Patreon page.
Decide how much you want to pledge every week, $1, $5, $25. Make sure to cap how much you want to spend per month.
Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Please email me. I’d love to see a  picture of what you're doing while listening or of a band that you saw recently.
Email me at follow@bestcelticmusic.
Rene St.Aubin emailed: "When is your next trip to Ireland to get the feel of music and culture"
Robin MacDonald emailed from Wolf Creek, OR: "Hello Marc, I have been listening to your podcast, Irish & Celtic Music, on Amazon Prime. However just within the last few weeks it has completely disappeared! It will not even come up on a search, which is crazy because your music CDs do. How odd. Did you get some sort of notification from Amazon Prime Music that your podcast was no longer going to be available?
I will have to figure out a new way to listen to it and I will! I just enjoyed the convenience as I am not able to stream music much at work (bandwidth) but Amazon Prime Music seemed to always work. Best Regards,"
Robin followed that up with: "Hello Marc,  Enjoy your trip! Thanks for getting back to me and for the link. There’s good news though, your Celtic Christmas podcasts are still available on Amazon Prime! Love it always, any time of the year. "
Patrick Rieger emailed some photos: "Hi Marc, My family and I have been busy the past month with a stop at our favorite pub and two renaissance festivals, so I'll be sending a few emails about the incredible musicians we enjoyed.
On August 24, we went to Mullaney's Harp & Fiddle to see John McCann and Hamish, and an hour after they started everyone, including John and Hamish, got a surprise: the third member of the Corned Beef and Curry Band dropped in, Bob Banerjee. Bob is the most incredible fiddle player I have ever seen, and he has an endless number of bad jokes. He is the curry in the band's name, having been born in India. So for a few hours, this great band was back together. Irish musician Mark Guiser was in the audience that night, and was invited onto the stage for a few songs. Two wedding parties then dropped in for some post - reception fun. The energy, excitement and fun hadn't been that high at the Harp in a long time, and my wife and I only left because our son needed to get to bed.
In one photo is The Corned Beef & Curry Band, from left to right, John McCann, Bob Banerjee, and Hamish,
In the other, Mark Guiser and Bob. They were playing Hallelujah with Mark singing."
Check out this episode!
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lboogie1906 · 10 months ago
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Harry Wills (May 15, 1889 – December 21, 1958) was a heavyweight boxer who held the World Colored Heavyweight Championship three times. He fought (1911–32), and was ranked as the #1 challenger for the throne, but was denied the opportunity to fight for the title. Of all the Black contenders between the heavyweight championship reigns of Jack Johnson and Joe Louis, he came closest to securing a title shot. BoxRec ranks him among the 10 best heavyweights in the world (1913-24) and as the #1 heavyweight (1915-17).
He fought many of the top heavyweights of his era. He defeated Willie Meehan, who had decided on Jack Dempsey, Gunboat Smith, and Charley Weinart. He fought Luis Firpo in a match that ended in a no-decision. He faced future heavyweight champion Jack Sharkey in 1926 and was decisively beaten when he was disqualified. He was knocked out by heavyweight contender Paolino Uzcudun in a bout that signaled the end of his reign as a serious title contender. His final record was 75 wins (with 47 knockouts), 9 losses, and 2 draws. He was named to the Ring Magazine’s list of 100 greatest punchers of all time.
The top Black fighters of his era were forced to continuously fight each other, as many white fighters drew the “color line”. He fought the redoubtable Sam Langford 22 times., His record against Langford was 6 wins, 2 losses and 14 no decisions. The two losses were by knockout. He beat Langford three times for the colored heavyweight title, with Langford winning it back twice). He was forced to vacate his third title when he fought Jack Sharkey in 1926 and lost the bout due to a disqualification). He defeated colored heavyweight champ Sam McVey three times and fought two no-decision bouts with Joe Jeanette.
The New York Daily News polled its readers, asking them to choose Dempsey’s next title opponent. Over 45,000 readers responded and he finished first with 12,177 votes. Dempsey said he was willing to fight him, but the bout was never scheduled.
He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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kickmag · 1 year ago
Max Beesley's High Vibes Comes Back With Debut Album Zeus
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Max Beesley's High Vibes released a handful of fab singles during the Acid Jazz era of the '90s. "Night Daze," "Fast Response," "Journey Through Life," and the indelible "Painful Truths" featuring Omar were some of the paramount moments of the jazz-funk fusion revival taking place in the UK. Beesley, who is mainly known as an actor, is also a musician and today his group releases their first full-length album titled Zeus. The band boasts a company of stellar session players, including Steve Gadd who played with Beesley on George Benson's That's Right album from the '90s, as well as his good friend Steve Meehan who is the bass player. They still represent the Acid Jazz sound that was pioneered by people like Roy Ayers and Herbie Hancock in the '70s.
Zeus is a musically competent instrumental voyage that thrives in its balance between jazz-chorded solos and funky riffs. "Saturn's Dust" honors the sixth planet from the sun with the coolness of a new blaxploitation soundtrack; there are bits of Curtis Mayfield and Isaac Hayes in the meandering soul sketches. "Juice" promotes dancing with its busy beat but things really start to harken back to the days of Wayne Shorter and Joe Zawinul's Weather Report band when the guitar starts to solo. The playing on Zeus is excellent and one can only wonder how would the album have sounded with the addition of a vocalist. Beesley's Zeus is a love letter to the fusion era and another testament to the genre's continuous inspiration. 
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rockpaperscissuhs · 5 months ago
Hispanic Heritage Month + Band of Brothers
For the last day of Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 - Oct. 15), I rolled up my sleeves to do some research on Latinos who served in Easy Company.
Here's who I found…
Antonio C. "Tony" Garcia
Here's the bio & gif set I made for him:
Ynez M. "Tito" Mendoza
Ynez was born September 22, 1925 in California. His parents, Jose and Carlota, were both born in Mexico and had immigrated to the U.S.
He enlisted in Los Angeles in January 1944, and joined Easy Company as a replacement. In October 1944, he was wounded in the lower leg by artillery, but returned to the line December 1944.
After the war, he married and had 3 children. He died on June 30, 2011 at the age of 85.
Wiliam S. "Guillermo" Metzler
William was born and raised in Naco, Arizona. His parents, Francisco and Julia, were born in Hermosillo, in the Mexican state of Sonora. They married, and later immigrated with their first two sons to Arizona, where William and his other siblings were later born.
He was living in Los Angeles when he volunteered for the U.S. Army in August 1942. He was one of the original members of Easy Company and trained at Toccoa.
He was killed in action in Normandy on June 24, 1944, at the age of 22.
Sergio G. Moya
Sergio was born on February 24, 1921, in San Francisco, California.
In February 1943, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. He was one of the original members of Easy Company and trained at Toccoa.
He was on the C-47 plane with Lt. Meehan that was shot down over Normandy by German anti-aircraft fire on June 6th, 1944 (D-Day). He died at the age of 23.
Joseph "Joe" Ramirez
Here's the bio & gif set I made for him:
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