#joe bubbles payne
thatsrightice · 7 months
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anachilles · 4 months
Prompt: “Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that? Here, lemme just—”
Pairing: Crosby x Bubbles
hi, friend! thanks so much for the prompt! i've come back to this one sitting in my inbox after a couple days now of just thinking these guys are the cutest, amidst my most recent rewatch of the series lol. little slice of life tidbit from my 🚒🥃 firehouse!au, hope that's okay! 🫶
It was just gone 10:30pm when the key started jiggling in the lock.
Joe turned to the door immediately from where he was perched in semi-darkness at the dining table, laptop open at his left hand, a worn-down pencil in his right, with a sketchbook just beyond it.
Turns out, if he actually wanted to do some of the kind of art that had led him down this particular career path in the first place, around the hours he was putting into this internship he was on, then he'd have to carve it out for himself.
He watched in silent amusement as Harry seamlessly navigated the same routine he trod through every night he had a bar shift, so practiced at this stage he could likely do it in his sleep.
He had done once and all, when he'd misread a bottle of Nyquil and ended up doing three times the recommended dose before conking out.
In through the front door, lock it, keys in the bowl by the door so he always knew where they were if they weren't in his pocket. A deep, exaggerated exhale before shucking off his bag and outer layers. Toe off his shoes, shove them in the shoe rack, pad one, two, three, four, five over to the kitchen space...
Their place was tiny (cozy and intimate, they preferred), so the fact that Harry hadn't clocked Joe sitting there made the whole thing even more funny.
It hadn't been intentional, but just as Crosby unfurled a half-empty bag of mini-pretzel sticks he'd scavenged from the cupboard, Joe loudly, pointedly cleared his throat. The other man jumped nearly half a foot in the air, pretzel pieces scattering across the countertop that separated them.
"Snacks before dinner, Harry Crosby?" Joe exclaimed, in his best 'nagging housewife' impression, though even then couldn't keep the playful smirk off his face. "After I slave away over a hot stove so you have a nice, home-cooked meal to come back to?"
"Jesus Christ! Where did you come from?" Harry said, breathless, before picking up one of the wasted pretzels and popping it in his mouth. He shrugged, "An appetiser, obviously."
Joe turned back round to the table, though he could see Harry's reflection in the black, slumbering laptop screen. "It’s only spaghetti; in the fridge for whenever you want it," he said, but could already see Harry abandoning the kitchen altogether and making his way over to him.
Smiling a little to himself, he welcomed Harry's arms as they slid down either side of his neck, and instinctively tilted his head upwards to accept the kiss he knew from said well-practiced routine was coming. The other man's lips were cold from braving the elements outside, as was the tip of his nose where it pressed into his cheek with the extra kiss he snuck in there before tucking his chin into the crook of Joe's neck.
"What're you still doing up? Don't you have work in the morning?" Harry asked.
Joe's hand snaked round to hold the nape of Harry's neck, fingertips scritching lightly into the raven-coloured hair at the base. "Eh, it's not too late. Didn't see you before you left this morning, figured since it was a Thursday you'd be first cut at the bar. Wanted to wait up for you."
Harry's eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "'...since it was a Thursday...'?"
"Ain't that the night you work with Gale? Everett too, a lot of the time?"
Joe scoffed out a laugh. "Where they 'let' you take first cut so they get a couple extra hours to moon at those firefighters?"
There was a beat of silence as Harry seemed to consider such an idea, and while he was pondering, Joe moved forward a little bit so he was leant over his sketchpad again, bringing Harry with him. He jerked his head a little as his bangs threatened to fall into his eyesight from both sides.
“Huh," Harry breathed. Putting two and two together.
“Not that I can imagine what Gale ‘mooning’ would look like…” Joe said, pencil scratching the paper as he added a couple more lines, and used his other hand to pull back his bangs from his face.
Only for them to flop right back down again.
Harry shrugged. He'd known Gale a couple of years now, and liked him a lot; respected him a hell of a lot. But... “Subtler than most, for sure, but definitely there. In his own way." He paused, smiling to himself as he quipped, like he was reciting from a book of poetry. "Like a solid old Oak tree."
Joe snorted with laughter, having to flick his hair out of his eyes again. "Hope you're not moonin' at no firefighters..."
Harry looked scandalised for a moment. "Me? Never," he said, tightening his hold around Joe's shoulders. "Although... there is one of them. Blond, with big long 90's boyband bangs that are always falling in his face." He raked his fingers through Joe's own with the remark, pulling the hair up out of his face for him. "So I guess you never know."
Joe tilted his head back in the direction his hair was being pulled, to find Harry looking back at him with fond eyes, all big and dark and doe-like, despite his smirk, and affection curled warm in his chest.
"Yeah, well whoever he is he's welcome to you," Joe shot back just as Harry was about to kiss his cheek again. He pushed him away with a gentle little shove against his mouth, shrieking a little when Harry swooped back in with a playful, retaliatory little nibble instead.
"No he's not!"
"Yes, he is!"
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rosiesriiveters · 6 months
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boys + The Horrors [part 1] [part 2]
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 month
Prompt: person A frequently touches person B's arm during conversations, leaning in close and laughing at all their jokes. person B, initially thinking person A is just very tactile, begins to notice the lingering touches and wonders if there's more to it.
Pairing: Crubbles
Bubbles is touchy-feely from the moment they meet. Finger to Harry's wrist to ask if he has any gum as they wait to board the train for navigator school. Harry gives him a piece, and Bubbles thanks him.
"I'm Payne, by the way," he says, pointing to his nametag. "Joe or Joey, but everyone calls me Bubbles."
"Took an antacid to try and calm my stomach before I tried out for pilot training. Turns out, you can burp bubbles."
Harry laughs without meaning to. "Oh, I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't--"
"Naw, it's okay," Bubbles says, and he touches Harry's elbow this time. He laughs quietly. "It's pretty funny. They give you a nickname?"
"I'm Crosby. Take a guess."
Bubbles laughs and leans close. "Well, what's your actual name? I could just call you that."
"Nice to meet you, Harry. Thanks for the gum."
It's four days on the train to navigator school. Bubbles and Harry end up sitting across the aisle from each other the first few hours, then Bubbles's seatmate offers to switch with Harry since they're leaning in the aisle so much.
Harry agrees and drops next to Bubbles, who simply leans towards him again and keeps talking. Harry listens and laughs and tells his own story. By the time go to the sleeper car, Harry's so used to Bubbles touching his arm he doesn't even startle to feel the fingers on his back as Bubbles brushes past him to a bunk of his own.
"Night," Harry murmurs.
"Good night," Bubbles replies, and he reaches out and squeezes Harry's arm one more time before tucking his arms under his pillow to fall asleep.
They're a month into navigator training when it clicks for Harry. He's not sure exactly why he suddenly notices Bubbles touching him. Maybe because they're out with a group, and the local girls are gathered around to flirt. They're leaning in and laughing and touching the men on the arm, and when one does it to Harry as he finishes a story, he realizes that, for once, Bubbles isn't the one touching him.
He glances to his left, where Bubbles was sitting earlier. He's still there, just leaned in towards his own local girl. She says something, and he chuckles, but not like he does when Harry talks.
It makes something in Harry settle while something else starts to gnaw gently on his insides. He turns his attention back to his own girl, knowing the gnawing will reveal itself soon enough.
He figures it out the next week, when they're out again, but this time the girls have decided he and Bubbles aren't quite as cute as the last time they saw them. Harry doesn't blame them. They've both been up since yesterday, working on equations and stressing about the test they finished an hour ago. They look like hard-boiled hell.
"Naw, Harry," Bubbles says when Harry tells him. "You look like a sunny side up egg, same as always."
And the touch from Bubbles this time makes something warm curl in Harry's belly, makes the gnawing thing inside him go still. Harry looks at Bubbles's hand and feels brave. He leans in a little closer.
"If anyone's sunny around here, it's you," he says. "With that hair of yours, and your eyes. Blue like a clear day."
Bubbles ducks his head, and Harry's astounded to see him flush a little pink. "You figured me out, huh?" Bubbles says.
"Huh?" Harry asks.
Bubbles glances at him again, reading his face. His blush brightens, but so does his smile. He curls his hand good and snug around Harry's arm, just below the elbow, and he leans in that little extra closer. Their foreheads brush just a little. Neither of them startle. "Got a big crush on you, Harry. Have since I saw you at the train station. I thought, 'Wow, that's a handsome guy. So I asked you for a piece of gum just to really look at you, and I haven't looked away since."
Harry shakes his head. "You can't have had a crush this whole time," he says.
"Sure, I have," Bubbles replies. "Why not? You were nice right from the start. Didn't mind that I couldn't stop wanting to touch you."
Harry shakes his head harder, then stops when Bubbles sets his chin. "Okay," he says. "Maybe. Maybe you liked me right away."
"Course I did."
"And maybe I liked you right back," Harry says, thinking of saying goodnight on the train, of the way Bubbles squeezing his arm had felt so nice.
"Well, I'd hoped so," Bubbles replies, and he ducks his head again, presses his lips just above his hand, kisses the spot on Harry's elbow he touches the most. "And I hope you keep liking it."
"I'm sure I will."
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upontherisers · 4 days
mota goes broadway
after casting easy company as leading men in musicals, i put out the cattle call and cast the 100th
john egan - joe gillis, sunset boulevard
buck cleven - phoebus, the hunchback of notre dame
rosie rosenthal - pippin, pippin
harry crosby - tony, west side story
jack kidd - dr. pomatter, waitress
chick harding - archibald craven, the secret garden
red bowman - dan, next to normal
bill veal - j.m. barrie, finding neverland
john brady - roger, rent
benny demarco - billy bigelow, carousel
alexander jefferson - nino, amelié
richard macon - clyde, bonnie & clyde
everett blakely - dmitri, anastasia
james douglass - seymour, little shop of horrors
crank cruikshank - captain von trapp, the sound of music
bubbles payne - topher, cinderella
hambone hamilton - skye, mamma mia
curt biddick - monty, a gentleman’s guide to love and murder
ken lemmons - fabrizio, the light in the piazza
thoughts? did i miscast anyone?
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getinthefuckingjaeger · 5 months
Sensory Prompt: 26 (the smell of cologne), Bubbles and Croz
(4&38), (20)
(for @daysofxavierspast - this one didn't turn out how i thought it was gonna but i think i have a crush on Bubbles now lmao)
A familiar waft of soft rosewater and resin floats into Joe’s corner of the empty study hall, carried by a breeze from the open window. 
“I know you’re there, Croz - don’t even try it.” Joe murmurs, the warmth of his breath spreads over the map he is bent over. The large table he commandeered for the afternoon is covered from corner to corner with multiple maps, each one held down by random objects from his book bag. 
Joe frowns hard. He can’t, for the life of him, come up with the right route for this problem. 
“How did you know it was me?” Harry, the little shit, shoves his palm right over the little island of Capri and flicks it upwards to smack Joe’s nose, pulling a disgusted noise from him. “You have your whole face buried in this thing.” 
“I can smell your cologne, asshole.” 
Joe kicks at Harry’s leg, making sure to leave a smudge of dirt. He turns around to lean back against the edge of the table and watches as a delighted smile grows on Harry’s face. He feels an answering smile twitching at the corner of his lips and makes a conscious effort to tamp it down.
Joe raises an eyebrow like he is unimpressed by Harry and leans further back, palms flat on the table behind him and long legs spread just a little - not too wide to be indecent, but just a nice gap that reads like an invitation. 
He knows the picture he’s painting for Harry just by the red tints of his cheeks, the tips of his ears, and the way he seems to be swaying forward. 
“It’s always floral with you, Croz. You ain't’ got a snowball’s chance in hell to sneak up on folks when you walk around smelling like spring.” 
Harry's doe eyes goes hazy as his eyelids drop to half mast, his head tilts just a little bit as Joe knew it would.
“You think I smell nice, Payne?” Harry bats his lashes at Joe, prettiest eyes Joe’s ever seen looks at him guiltlessly like he can’t read the mischief in them. Harry sidesteps a half-hearted kick from Joe and takes up his invitation to step right into that gap between his legs. Joe watches him without flinching, his gaze heavy. 
Harry’s voice drops an octave, smooth and dark as a cup of the good coffee. “You think I smell pretty, Bubbles?” His lips hovers tantalizingly over Joe's but not touching.
Joe hums, pretending to think over his answer while Harry ducks his head to nose at Joe’s neck. Harry nudges and Joe lets his head roll easily to the side to give his fella better access. One of his hands leaves the table to caress Harry’s side, a gentle up and down motion from his chest to his waist. Joe’s eyes flutter as a fresh new breeze from the window brings up a little more of Harry’s cologne - the undertones of lilac sneaking right after the rosewater and resin. Joe inhales deeply, his chest filling up to bursting with Harry, Harry, Harry. 
He presses his palm to the small of Harry’s back and pushes him firmly against Joe’s front, a sound as equally sweet as the cologne’s vanilla base escapes Harry’s mouth at the sudden possessive gesture. Joe shifts and it brings their hips together, his own cradling Harry’s, sushing gently as his impossible boy fusses.
Joe lets Harry mouth at his neck - wet little kisses, peppered with tiny nibbles on his skin and kittenish licks to sooth the bites. His hand at the small of Harry’s back slides lower to rest on the curve of Harry’s ass, right underneath the coattails of his uniform. 
Harry whines. 
Joe sighs in contentment.  
“I think you're gonna smell like the mortician’s bleach if you don’t get outta my face, sweetcheeks.” Joe drawls, his accent coating his playful threat like honey on warm bread. He swats Harry’s ass before using both hands to shove him back none too gently, the motion so abrupt that it tickles a bewildered burst of laughter from Harry. 
“I got a problem to solve and an exam to pass.”
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glamourcityrp · 4 months
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If youre checking out my muses page: PLEASE Ignore my blank muses. I am redoing everything and it’s in the works. Here are my muses in case you’re wondering and would like to know who they are. I do have another page of muses that is perfectly alright. If you’re wondering who they’re FCs are I will let you know too. 
Noah Puckerman: (S1-6 or college).
Jake Puckerman: Womanizer of McKinley High School. Dancer/Singer.
Mason McCarthy: Twin brother to his sister Madison. He wishes that she would let him live his own life. He’s a cheerleader and singer.
Kitty Wilde: Head Bitch in Charge, her role model is Quinn Fabray. In Glee and a cheerleader.
Derek Hough: Lives to have fun and dance. Professional dancer on Dancing with the Stars. Passionate, Dedicated, and joker.
Kevin Matheson: Video game programmer, nerd, diligent, resourceful and sensible.
Brian Kinney: CEO of Kinnetik and owner of Babylon night club. Self-made millionaire.  He will often put his foot in his mouth, and say things without thinking
Riley Matthews: Ball of energy. Outgoing and Bubbly. Loves her family and friends. Will try something new even if she fails.
Lucas Friar: Moved from Texas to New York. Champion bull rider, compassionate, intelligent, noble, athletic and a gentleman.
College FC for Lucas
Farkle Minkus: Boy genius. Nerd. Loves school. The teachers pet and he rather be studying than out partying with friends.
Ashton Irwin:  Drummer for 5SOS. Aussie Native. Singer. Punk rocker, passionate.
Calum Hood: Bass player for 5SOS. Singer, Adventurous, Aussie
Luke Hemmings: Lead Singer, Guitar player for 5SOS. Dedicated and Aussie.
Michael Clifford: Vocals and Guitar player for 5SOS. Aussie, Punk rocker, joker, shy at times.
Harry Styles: . ¼ of One Direction. Singer plays piano and guitar. Cheeky, lovable, Baby Tarzan and curly.
Louis Tomlinson:  Joker. ¼ of One Direction. Singer. Guitar player and Piano.
Liam Payne:  ¼ of One Direction. Beatboxer, Singer, Batman (secretly) and Daddy Directioner. Lovable.Adorable, Puppy.
Niall Horan: Food lover. ¼ of One Direction. Drums, Singer, Guitar, Piano.
Zayn Malik: A former member of One Direction. The rapper, Singer, Doing my own thing, the tattoo artist.
Alec Lightwood: Shadowhunter, reserved, logical, charming, imaginative. Don’t mess with him. Overly protective of his sister and loved ones.
Billy Nutter: Punk, protective, impulsive, devoted, uncertain and sassy.
Nikko or Hunter Clarington: Singer, bad boy, adventurous, passionate and lives life to the fullest.
Oliver Queen: Athletic. The Green Arrow. Independent, Strong, hard-headed, stubborn and will do anything to save his family and friends.
Ethan Snow: Hard headed, bad boy with a soft side. Once his mind his made up, that’s it.  He won’t budge.
Trinity White: Sweet, lovable, warm, singer and a bookworm. Can be hardheaded at times.
Evie: She will always be in the library, or with a book in her hand. She is very driven and passionate. Very intelligent.
Felicity Smoak: Team Arrow. Graduate of MIT and a hacker.
Caitlin Snow: Bio-engineer for S.T.A.R. Labs. Easily hurt so she guards herself and her heart. Killer Frost
Steve Rogers or AKA Captain America. Kicking ass and taking names. Loves to have a good time and joke around.
Clint Barton or AKA Hawkeye. Sneaks up on you if you’re not careful. Will kick your ass if you get on his bad side.
Cisco Ramon: Mechanical Engineer at S.T.A.R Labs. Intelligent, joker, laid back and Vibe.
Clary Fray: Promising art student, intelligent, guarded. Shadowhunter
Cole Pendery: Member of IM5. Dorky, a child at heart and very lovable. Cuddly panda.
Jackson Whitmore: Cocky, competitive, has a lovable side to him. On the lacrosse and swim team. (Verse: Roy from Arrow as well)
Lindy Sampson: Born in Chicago now lives in New York City. Works at NYPD in the Cyber Crimes Division. Hacker, MIT Drop out. Quick to take the blame.
Tommy Calligan: NYPD Detective with the Cyber Crimes Division. New York City born and raised. Witty, Smart and tough.
Jake Bolin: Aussie born and raised but moved to New York for job. Lawyer. Has a temper and will snap easily.
Gabe Morales: Member of IM5. Bad Boy but lovable too. Cocky.
Iris West: Daughter to Joe West. Journalist, Graduate Student. Witty, Passionate, easily will defend friends and family. Brother: Wally West.
Jace Wayland: Determined, narcissistic, expert Shadowhunter.
Connor Walsh: Law Student. Sly, Sexy, Smart, Narcissistic
Veronica Mars: Private Eye. Will accept any job that is offered to her. Dedicated to her work, family, friends and partners.
Oliver Hampton: Computer Nerd and hacker. Falls in love easily. Has to learn how to guard his heart.
Logan Echolls: Known as the resident bad boy of Neptune. Does not apply himself, smart, sarcastic attitude,tough exterior but troubled inside.
Grace: Gentle. Kind. Positive outlook on life. Surfer. Sweet.
Mack: Leader. Smart. Confident. Determined. Surfer. Singer.
Aiden: Passionate. Driven. A leader. Smart. Hardheaded
Simon: Intelligent. Finds humor in any situation. Loyal. Vampire or Human
Izzy Lightwood: Kick ass. Comfortable in her body. Keeps people in check. Breaks rules, will speak her mind.
Image result for raphael shadowhunters
Raphael: Well-dressed. Handsome. Protective.
Image result for lydia shadowhunters
Lydia: Driven. Bad ass. Vulnerable. Harsh.
Image result for Magnus Bane
Magnus Bane: High Warlock. Glitter. Perfection.
Jason: Mechanic (Motorcycles)
Josh: Tattoo Artist.
Neal: Informant for FBI.
Image result for Jess Mariano
Jess Mariano: Writer. Smart. Witty. Hot-headed/Temper
Image result for Logan Huntzberger
Logan Huntzberger: Smart. Charming. Flirty.
Image result for machine gun kelly
Ty: Your typical bad boy.
Image result for tyler young
Tyler: Closeted gay. Foster child. Dad is MIA and Mom is sick.
Image result for brent antonello
Jude Kinkade: Vice President of Devils Basketball team
Zero or Gideon: Member of the Devils Basketball team.
Noel Kahn: Your typical charming guy with a bad side. Throws wild parties.
Wyatt Casey: Outsider. Likes to keep to himself mostly.
Diego: FBI Agent.
Barry Allen or Sebastian Smythe: Singer, Forensic scientist and Student
Danny: Hockey Player.
Liam Dunbar
Pol. Student.
Buck: Firefighter. 
Marley Or Kara 
Sean or Eddie:
Blaine Anderson:
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rosewoodmeadow · 2 years
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The following residents have not been seen around town for five days or failed to meet activity guidelines, and will be removed from Mount Meadow. If you are on this list, and would like to be reinstated into the group, please send us a message within 24 hours. After this time period, the role will be re-opened, and you will have to re-apply to the group. Please unfollow
Joe Locke ( @joejoe-locke​)
Tom Hardy ( @hardysthomas​) - Reclaimed Role
Harry Styles ( @hollabackstyles​​) - Reclaimed Role
Ben Feldman ( @bxnfeldman​) - Reclaimed Role
Robert Downey Jr ( @rdj-mm​)
Megan Fox ( @meganzfoxy​) - Reclaimed Role
Robert Pattinson ( @rpattinsonmm​)
Liam Payne ( @liamjp-mm​)
Chris Pratt ( @chrisprts​) - At Players Request
Seth Rollins ( @sethrolns​) - At Players Request
Zac Efron ( @zacefrns​) - At Players Request
Elizabeth Olsen ( @lizzcolsnn​) - At Players Request
Becky Lynch ( @bcklynch​) - At Players Request
Aubrey Plaza ( @aubrycplza​) - At Players Request
Nina Dobrev ( @ninsdobrv​) - At Players Request
Additionally, the following celebrities have not been active in more than three days, or are receiving a warning for bubble roleplaying, inconsistent activity, or have failed to meet hiatus guidelines and have received a warning, do not unfollow:
Anna De Armas ( @anadxarmasxo​)
Zoey Deutch ( @zoeydeutchxo​)
Please remember that OOC & Pictures, quotes, audio posts and social media posts do not count as activity, and we kindly remind you to keep an eye on your activity.
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theglamorouslist · 3 years
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Lily-Rose Depp ( @glamlilyrose​ )
KJ Apa ( @glamkeneti​ )
Aaron Tveit ( @glamtveit​ ) *
Emilia Clarke ( @the-emilia-clarke​ )
Liam Payne ( @liampaynz​ )
Vanessa Hudgens ( @vhudcens​ )
Emma Stone ( @emstne​ )
Henry Cavill ( @glamcavill​ )
Emmy Rossum ( @the-emmy-rossum​ )
Joe Burrow ( @joeburrcw​​ ) AT PLAYER’S REQUEST
Sebastian Stan ( @sebassxstan )
Cindy Kimberly ( @xwolfiex )
Tinashe ( @ncshe )
Kim Taehyung ( @kmvante )
Jackson Wang ( @jvckscn )
Gemma Chan ( @glamgems​​ )
Chris Evans ( @glamevans​ )​
Jack Lowden ( @glamlowden​​ )
* = reblogging memes, photos, videos, music, musings, OOC posts, & asks do not count towards activity.
Inconsistent activity = only doing replies once or twice a week, continuously going 3 or more days between replies, or only doing one or two replies a day. Inconsistent is about overall activity patterns and not just one week in general.
You have 24 hours to request your role(s) back after being unfollowed, when doing so please approach us politely because we’ll be more than happy to discuss! If you need a hiatus, do let us know!
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thatsrightice · 7 months
Quarters and Boots sounds like a strip-version of the drinking game quarters, so now all I am imagining is Bubbles and Crosby sitting on the bed of their hotel room while on weekend pass. Bubbles is wearing nothing but his pants, tie (with no shirt) and one single boot while Crosby is only in his underwear and complaining about how Bubbles cheated. Honestly, I don’t see it ending any other way than Bubbles and Crosby drunkenly making out.
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honeycreekgcc · 7 years
Monday Scramble: Something old, something new
Busy week in golf: Tiger has successful back surgery, Rory gets married, Kevin Chappell gets 1st win, to name a few..
With all due respect to the fine folks in San Antonio, the biggest golf news of the week came on Thursday and it did not involve Kevin Chappell.
Tiger Woods has once again gone under the knife, this time for what seems like a much more significant procedure than his previous three surgeries since 2014. An Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion brings with it plenty of medical jargon, but it prompts a single question: What now?
By lying down on the operating table, Woods basically chalked up 2017 as his second straight lost season. When he next hits the course, he’ll either be 42 years old or close to it, and essentially two-plus years removed from being competitive on the PGA Tour.
That assumes, of course, that there will be a next time. Woods’ news release was somber enough, but the consistent harping by him and his agent that the procedure addressed “quality of life” concerns indicates that playing competitive golf probably isn’t his top priority right now.
It’s another sad chapter in a book that hasn’t had many highlights since the summer of 2013.
1. News of Woods’ surgery made his appearance earlier in the week in Missouri to announce a new course he’s building – and his participation in a two-swing PR stunt – all the more surprising.
Woods sat next to Johnny Morris, owner of Bass Pro Shops, for nearly an hour answering questions about his latest project, Payne’s Valley, which is expected to open in 2019. He then popped out of his chair and hit a pair of wedges in a “contest” with one of Morris’ young relatives.
The stunt was lighthearted, but it did evoke awkward flashbacks to last year’s Quicken Loans National media day once Woods rinsed his first shot. The second one, though, safely found the green.
But given the fact that Woods knew at the time that he was going under the knife the following day, it’s amazing he even picked up a club.
2. While Woods’ surgery got the brunt of the attention by week’s end, his plans for a new course in Missouri show promise.
Woods spoke at length about his vision as an architect, and it’s a well-crafted one even with only a handful of courses under his belt. He favors playability, creativity around the greens, manageable rough and a layout that keeps lost ball searches to a minimum.
Woods has hit on all those notes in a big way at Bluejack National outside Houston, which I can attest is a treat. If his first public project turns out anything close to that, folks will be flocking to the Ozarks in a few short years.
3. Unfortunately for Woods, his fashion sense hasn’t come along quite as quickly as his design acumen, as evidenced by Tuesday’s ensemble:
Granted, I am far from a fashionista. But the Twittersphere let Woods have it for his…questionable pants selection. But after news of his surgery surfaced later in the week, those same social media accounts were suddenly left to wonder when we’ll even see Woods again.
4. Hats off to Chappell, who finally managed to work his way into the winner’s circle at the Valero Texas Open.
Chappell’s stock has been on the rise for quite some time, as he notably racked up four runner-up finishes last season, including a playoff loss at the Tour Championship. But the titles proved elusive until Sunday, when he won just as all players envision it: by sinking a putt on the 72nd hole. He also added a nice, primal scream for good measure.
“Did you see that?” Chappell wrote on Instagram. “The monkey jumping off my back.”
Chappell played his way onto the Ryder Cup bubble last year, a considerable feat given his lack of hardware. But you should expect that he’ll make his red, white and blue debut this fall on Steve Stricker’s Presidents Cup squad.
5. One of the best aspects Chappell’s breakthrough win? His crunch-time interactions with caddie Joe Greiner.
The two had lengthy consultations over club choice and strategy throughout the final round, many of which were captured by the CBS audio team. It provided welcome insight into the mind of a player trying to close out his first win, as well as that of the man hoping to guide him to victory.
The discussion went all the way up until the final hole, when Greiner was vocal about how to plot Chappell’s par-5 layup options and offered some last-minute swing thoughts. Watching them celebrate the win a few minutes later, it was clearly a team victory.
6. With Chappell’s victory, the highest-ranked American without a PGA Tour win is now … Daniel Summerhays.
Summerhays is ranked No. 88 in the world and has been playing the Tour regularly since 2011. During that time he has compiled a pair of runner-ups and a solo third at last year’s PGA Championship that got him into the Masters.
Next on the list would be No. 92 Roberto Castro and No. 97 Jamie Lovemark, who lost playoffs last year at the Wells Fargo Championship and Zurich Classic, respectively.
7. Brooks Koepka may not have gotten the win in San Antonio, but he’s clearly on the rise.
Koepka struggled out of the gates in 2017, missing four out of his first six cuts without registering a top-40 result. But he won his group at the WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play, finished T-11 at the Masters and nearly chased down Chappell in Texas.
Koepka is coming off a banner season that included his Ryder Cup debut, and he has one of the highest ceilings on Tour. He also has an understandable attitude about this week’s Zurich Classic, where he’ll pair with his brother Chase, who will make his PGA Tour debut.
“It could be interesting,” Koepka said Sunday. “We could kill each other on the second hole, or it could be awesome.”
8. Speaking of Zurich, the NOLA event gets a makeover this year with a new team format that has attracted an unusually strong field to TPC Louisiana. While the big names will get the early attention, here are a few under-the-radar duos worth the price of admission:
Daniel Berger/Thomas Pieters
Patrick Reed/Patrick Cantlay
Branden Grace/Louis Oosthuizen
Kevin Kisner/Scott Brown
Justin Thomas/Bud Cauley
Conversely, here are a few head-scratching combinations – one of which surely will wind up on the leaderboard come Sunday:
Spencer Levin/Rocco Mediate
Bryson DeChambeau/Rory Sabbatini
Jamie Lovemark/Luke Donald
Kyle Reifers/Andrew Johnston
Whee Kim/Greg Owen
9. Ian Poulter lost his full-time PGA Tour status when he missed the cut at Valero in the last start of his medical extension. But that doesn’t mean the Englishman is heading for the unemployment line.
Poulter has become a polarizing figure in recent years, leading some to bask in the schadenfreude of a former Ryder Cup assassin losing his card by 30 grand. But Poulter still has conditional status, both based on his previous tournament wins and his FedEx Cup standing, and he’s eligible to accept sponsor invites.
Poulter will likely be able to get several starts this summer off those bona fides, beginning this week at Zurich when he teams up with Geoff Ogilvy.
The real test will come in September, when he may have to head to Web.com Tour Finals to regain his card. It’s a scenario he can avoid only by turning his tepid game around in a hurry.
10. Jimmy Walker finally has a cause for the severe fatigue he has felt for months, but unfortunately it’s no easy fix.
The PGA champ revealed this week that he has been diagnosed with Lyme disease, a bacterial infection that comes from tick bites and can have chronic symptoms that are often hard to treat. Walker originally thought he had mono, but received his Lyme test results on the eve of the Masters.
While he refused to chalk up any bad play to his diagnosis, the news does shed some light on Walker’s sluggish performance in the wake of his triumph at Baltusrol. But he has turned things around recently, with five top-25s in his last seven starts, and hopefully is now on the road to recovery.
Get well, Jimmy.
It’s never good when you have to dodge golf balls at the breakfast table.
News broke over the weekend that McCain Foods had started a massive voluntary recall for frozen hash browns that “may be contaminated with extraneous golf ball materials.”
At this point no one has been hurt, which is always good. But we might need to get a Grill Room correspondent on the case to figure out how golf balls end up mixed with breakfast potatoes.
Is the farm next door to a driving range? Did the workers fine-tune their short games while on break? How big was the first “golf ball material” that sparked the recall? Questions abound.
Happy Birthday, We Got You A Caddie: Lydia Ko turned 20 Monday, putting a cap on her teen years that included 14 LPGA wins and two majors. She also announced the hiring of Pete Godfrey as her caddie, the 10th looper she has used since turning pro. They’ll debut together this week in Texas, where a little consistency on the bag could go a long way for the birthday girl.
Rocky Start: Curtis Luck. The top-ranked amateur turned pro last week and signed with Callaway, only to bogey his first three holes and ultimately miss the cut by a shot. No one said it’d be easy, but Luck will have plenty more opportunities – starting with the Dean & DeLuca Invitational next month.
Still Rolling: Bernd Wiesberger. The Austrian has played some great golf with little fanfare in recent months, but he finally broke through to win the Shenzhen International in a playoff over Tommy Fleetwood. Wiesberger now has eight (!) top-5 finishes since his last worldwide missed cut at the PGA Championship in July.
Still Searching: Bubba Watson. Watson made his annual pilgrimage to China for the Shenzhen event, and while he held the early lead, he couldn’t string four rounds together and ultimately tied for 26th. It continues to be a struggle for the two-time Masters champ, who hasn’t registered a top-10 finish in a full-field, stroke-play event in over a year.
Off The Market: Rory McIlroy, who tied the knot with Erica Stoll over the weekend in Ireland. The ceremony was spread across multiple days, held at an Irish castle and reportedly featured performances from Stevie Wonder and Ed Sheeran. Proof, once again, that it’s good to be Rory.
Job Well Done: McIlroy’s team. It’s hard in this day and age to keep anything truly private, but Team McIlroy managed to keep the wedding at Ashford Castle entirely under wraps, with strict security and few information leaks. Even celebrities are entitled to a little privacy on their big day should they so choose, and it’s nice to see that McIlroy got it.
El Campeon: Sergio Garcia, who put his green jacket on display Sunday when he kicked off the soccer match between Real Madrid and Barcelona. As a Madrid fan, Garcia likely wasn’t pleased by Lionel Messi’s last-second goal to give Barca the win.
It’s the Arrow, Not the Indian: Patrick Reed. On the eve of his opener in San Antonio, Reed attributed his recent struggles to the lies and lofts being off in his irons. He declared the issue largely resolved, then missed his third straight cut after a second-round 77.
Game Matching the Hair: Ollie Schniederjans. After contending at Harbour Town, the rookie put up a solid T-18 finish at Valero to crack the OWGR top 100 for the first time in his career. A breakthrough like Chappell and Wesley Bryan had in consecutive weeks may not be far behind.
Blown Fantasy Pick of the Week: Charley Hoffman. After seven straight years as the Can’t-Miss Kid in San Antonio, Hoffman put up a pedestrian T-40 finish with no score lower than his opening-round 71.
Source:  Golf Channel
The post Monday Scramble: Something old, something new appeared first on Honeycreek Golf & Country Club - GA.
0 notes
sweaterkittensahoy · 7 months
Throuple request for jean/crosby/bubbles? Something like Jean realizing through Crosby's letters that not only did her husband go off to war, he also got a boyfriend?
Just before she becomes Mrs. Jean Crosby, she notices a change in Harry's letters. They arrive as regularly as they always have. But he's gone from basic training to navigator school. And there's a name.
Over and over.
I should call him Payne, I suppose, writes Harry. But he's not the sort of fellow who seems right for a last-name nickname. He's...well, I'm not sure how to say it, Jean, but he reminds me very much of you.
Before she was just a few short months away (leave permitting) from becoming Mrs. Jean Crosby, she was the daughter of proud and loud bohemians.
And she still is.
And they taught her that love is an ever-expanding option, not one that shrinks.
Harry grew up in much more "respectable" (Jean hates that word) circumstances. As intellectually curious as Jean, but he thinks and thinks and thinks (and thinks) where Jean does not. Harry weighs every possible option and makes a first decision, then checks that against every new possible option he's conjured.
Jean makes a list of "probable" and "probable but not possible" and makes a final decision from that alone. Harry says she's like opening the windows on the first warm day, clearing the musty air from his head.
She sits down and writes him back, disguising her response halfway into her letter after paragraphs about apartment-hunting and cleaning tricks she's learned.
If this Joe reminds you very much of me, I would love to meet him. But perhaps you can judge him with a kiss, the way I did you. The first time I kissed you, I felt lit up from the inside. If you feel this way for this Joe, I may be convinced to call off our engagement. But maybe not. I suppose it depends if you think he can win against me in a fair boxing match.
The next letter from Harry does not mention this passage, but there is a postscript: Joe says hello.
Jean makes sure to include a postscript of her own: I say hello to Joe.
Harry does get leave in time for their marriage. He brings this Joe Payne with him. He's blonde as can be, with a kind face and a sweet drawl. Harry can't quite meet Jean's eyes when he makes introductions.
"Joe, would you care to wash up?" Jean asks, gesturing towards the bathroom.
"Thank you, Ma'am," Joe replies. Jean doesn't bother to tell him to shove the ma'am. It can wait until later.
The moment the door latches, she grabs Harry by the collar and kisses him hard. "Does he kiss as well as me?" she asks, laughing in his ear.
Harry twists in her grip but also holds onto her waist so she can't get away. "You know I have no idea how to find out," he says.
"I told you how to find out," she replies. "It was clear as day in my letter." She makes a consoling sound when Harry winds up his face. "Oh, you couldn't do it. But you wanted to."
"I did," Harry admits. He opens his eyes and looks into hers. "I do," he says, and he doesn't sound ashamed. Jean's so proud she kisses him again.
"Shall I take matters into my own hands?" she asks. "I could just kiss him myself."
Harry pulls her in tight and buries his face in her neck. "You're trying to rile me up," he says.
"What's the point of loving if I can't?" she replies.
The bathroom door opens. Jean hugs Harry tight so he can't get away. Joe comes up short at the sight of them.
"Sorry," he says. "I'll just--"
"Joe, you ever look at Harry and think about kissing him?" Jean asks.
"Jean!" Harry shouts, but it's muffled against her neck.
Joe shifts back and forth on his feet, then settles and shrugs, giving Jean a sweet, deep smile that makes her feel glad to know him. "Well, sure," he says. "Would you mind?"
"Not in the least," Jean says. "As long as you mean it."
"I would," Joe says. "I look at him, and it's like I've got bubbles running through me."
Harry lifts his head from Jean's neck and looks at Joe. "Really?"
"Bubbles," Jean says. "That's what we should call you."
Joe shrugs. "Best nickname anyone's tried so far, honestly."
Jean holds out a hand. "Come here, Bubbles," she says, trying it out.
They all three chuckle as Joe walks over. Jean steps back and leaves Harry and Joe hand in hand.
"Well," she says to Harry, "you had enough nerve to propose to some odd bohemian girl. You must have enough to kiss Bubbles."
Harry looks at her like she could solve every problem in the world. She curtseys to make him laugh. She laughs as he does kiss Joe, quick and careful, and she covers her mouth with her hands when Joe chases him to get another kiss.
"Yeah, okay," Harry says to Joe. "Jean's right on the money."
"From the way you tell it, she usually is," Joe says. He kisses Harry again, then looks at Jean. "Can I kiss you, too?" he asks.
"If you have an interest, sure," she says.
He kisses her too, and for Jean it solidifies his nickname. Because his kiss feels like Harry's like there's bubbles up under her skin.
She and Harry get married, and they have one night together before he has to leave again. Bubbles comes to get him the morning after, and she makes breakfast for the three of them.
She kisses them both before they leave, making Bubbles promise to write her himself.
But on every letter back to Harry, to remind him of what they have, she adds a postscript. Tell Bubbles 'Hi' for me.
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mccormickcreek · 7 years
Monday Scramble: Something old, something new
Busy week in golf: Tiger has successful back surgery, Rory gets married, Kevin Chappell gets 1st win, to name a few..
With all due respect to the fine folks in San Antonio, the biggest golf news of the week came on Thursday and it did not involve Kevin Chappell.
Tiger Woods has once again gone under the knife, this time for what seems like a much more significant procedure than his previous three surgeries since 2014. An Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion brings with it plenty of medical jargon, but it prompts a single question: What now?
By lying down on the operating table, Woods basically chalked up 2017 as his second straight lost season. When he next hits the course, he’ll either be 42 years old or close to it, and essentially two-plus years removed from being competitive on the PGA Tour.
That assumes, of course, that there will be a next time. Woods’ news release was somber enough, but the consistent harping by him and his agent that the procedure addressed “quality of life” concerns indicates that playing competitive golf probably isn’t his top priority right now.
It’s another sad chapter in a book that hasn’t had many highlights since the summer of 2013.
1. News of Woods’ surgery made his appearance earlier in the week in Missouri to announce a new course he’s building – and his participation in a two-swing PR stunt – all the more surprising.
Woods sat next to Johnny Morris, owner of Bass Pro Shops, for nearly an hour answering questions about his latest project, Payne’s Valley, which is expected to open in 2019. He then popped out of his chair and hit a pair of wedges in a “contest” with one of Morris’ young relatives.
The stunt was lighthearted, but it did evoke awkward flashbacks to last year’s Quicken Loans National media day once Woods rinsed his first shot. The second one, though, safely found the green.
But given the fact that Woods knew at the time that he was going under the knife the following day, it’s amazing he even picked up a club.
2. While Woods’ surgery got the brunt of the attention by week’s end, his plans for a new course in Missouri show promise.
Woods spoke at length about his vision as an architect, and it’s a well-crafted one even with only a handful of courses under his belt. He favors playability, creativity around the greens, manageable rough and a layout that keeps lost ball searches to a minimum.
Woods has hit on all those notes in a big way at Bluejack National outside Houston, which I can attest is a treat. If his first public project turns out anything close to that, folks will be flocking to the Ozarks in a few short years.
3. Unfortunately for Woods, his fashion sense hasn’t come along quite as quickly as his design acumen, as evidenced by Tuesday’s ensemble:
Granted, I am far from a fashionista. But the Twittersphere let Woods have it for his…questionable pants selection. But after news of his surgery surfaced later in the week, those same social media accounts were suddenly left to wonder when we’ll even see Woods again.
4. Hats off to Chappell, who finally managed to work his way into the winner’s circle at the Valero Texas Open.
Chappell’s stock has been on the rise for quite some time, as he notably racked up four runner-up finishes last season, including a playoff loss at the Tour Championship. But the titles proved elusive until Sunday, when he won just as all players envision it: by sinking a putt on the 72nd hole. He also added a nice, primal scream for good measure.
“Did you see that?” Chappell wrote on Instagram. “The monkey jumping off my back.”
Chappell played his way onto the Ryder Cup bubble last year, a considerable feat given his lack of hardware. But you should expect that he’ll make his red, white and blue debut this fall on Steve Stricker’s Presidents Cup squad.
5. One of the best aspects Chappell’s breakthrough win? His crunch-time interactions with caddie Joe Greiner.
The two had lengthy consultations over club choice and strategy throughout the final round, many of which were captured by the CBS audio team. It provided welcome insight into the mind of a player trying to close out his first win, as well as that of the man hoping to guide him to victory.
The discussion went all the way up until the final hole, when Greiner was vocal about how to plot Chappell’s par-5 layup options and offered some last-minute swing thoughts. Watching them celebrate the win a few minutes later, it was clearly a team victory.
6. With Chappell’s victory, the highest-ranked American without a PGA Tour win is now … Daniel Summerhays.
Summerhays is ranked No. 88 in the world and has been playing the Tour regularly since 2011. During that time he has compiled a pair of runner-ups and a solo third at last year’s PGA Championship that got him into the Masters.
Next on the list would be No. 92 Roberto Castro and No. 97 Jamie Lovemark, who lost playoffs last year at the Wells Fargo Championship and Zurich Classic, respectively.
7. Brooks Koepka may not have gotten the win in San Antonio, but he’s clearly on the rise.
Koepka struggled out of the gates in 2017, missing four out of his first six cuts without registering a top-40 result. But he won his group at the WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play, finished T-11 at the Masters and nearly chased down Chappell in Texas.
Koepka is coming off a banner season that included his Ryder Cup debut, and he has one of the highest ceilings on Tour. He also has an understandable attitude about this week’s Zurich Classic, where he’ll pair with his brother Chase, who will make his PGA Tour debut.
“It could be interesting,” Koepka said Sunday. “We could kill each other on the second hole, or it could be awesome.”
8. Speaking of Zurich, the NOLA event gets a makeover this year with a new team format that has attracted an unusually strong field to TPC Louisiana. While the big names will get the early attention, here are a few under-the-radar duos worth the price of admission:
Daniel Berger/Thomas Pieters
Patrick Reed/Patrick Cantlay
Branden Grace/Louis Oosthuizen
Kevin Kisner/Scott Brown
Justin Thomas/Bud Cauley
Conversely, here are a few head-scratching combinations – one of which surely will wind up on the leaderboard come Sunday:
Spencer Levin/Rocco Mediate
Bryson DeChambeau/Rory Sabbatini
Jamie Lovemark/Luke Donald
Kyle Reifers/Andrew Johnston
Whee Kim/Greg Owen
9. Ian Poulter lost his full-time PGA Tour status when he missed the cut at Valero in the last start of his medical extension. But that doesn’t mean the Englishman is heading for the unemployment line.
Poulter has become a polarizing figure in recent years, leading some to bask in the schadenfreude of a former Ryder Cup assassin losing his card by 30 grand. But Poulter still has conditional status, both based on his previous tournament wins and his FedEx Cup standing, and he’s eligible to accept sponsor invites.
Poulter will likely be able to get several starts this summer off those bona fides, beginning this week at Zurich when he teams up with Geoff Ogilvy.
The real test will come in September, when he may have to head to Web.com Tour Finals to regain his card. It’s a scenario he can avoid only by turning his tepid game around in a hurry.
10. Jimmy Walker finally has a cause for the severe fatigue he has felt for months, but unfortunately it’s no easy fix.
The PGA champ revealed this week that he has been diagnosed with Lyme disease, a bacterial infection that comes from tick bites and can have chronic symptoms that are often hard to treat. Walker originally thought he had mono, but received his Lyme test results on the eve of the Masters.
While he refused to chalk up any bad play to his diagnosis, the news does shed some light on Walker’s sluggish performance in the wake of his triumph at Baltusrol. But he has turned things around recently, with five top-25s in his last seven starts, and hopefully is now on the road to recovery.
Get well, Jimmy.
It’s never good when you have to dodge golf balls at the breakfast table.
News broke over the weekend that McCain Foods had started a massive voluntary recall for frozen hash browns that “may be contaminated with extraneous golf ball materials.”
At this point no one has been hurt, which is always good. But we might need to get a Grill Room correspondent on the case to figure out how golf balls end up mixed with breakfast potatoes.
Is the farm next door to a driving range? Did the workers fine-tune their short games while on break? How big was the first “golf ball material” that sparked the recall? Questions abound.
Happy Birthday, We Got You A Caddie: Lydia Ko turned 20 Monday, putting a cap on her teen years that included 14 LPGA wins and two majors. She also announced the hiring of Pete Godfrey as her caddie, the 10th looper she has used since turning pro. They’ll debut together this week in Texas, where a little consistency on the bag could go a long way for the birthday girl.
Rocky Start: Curtis Luck. The top-ranked amateur turned pro last week and signed with Callaway, only to bogey his first three holes and ultimately miss the cut by a shot. No one said it’d be easy, but Luck will have plenty more opportunities – starting with the Dean & DeLuca Invitational next month.
Still Rolling: Bernd Wiesberger. The Austrian has played some great golf with little fanfare in recent months, but he finally broke through to win the Shenzhen International in a playoff over Tommy Fleetwood. Wiesberger now has eight (!) top-5 finishes since his last worldwide missed cut at the PGA Championship in July.
Still Searching: Bubba Watson. Watson made his annual pilgrimage to China for the Shenzhen event, and while he held the early lead, he couldn’t string four rounds together and ultimately tied for 26th. It continues to be a struggle for the two-time Masters champ, who hasn’t registered a top-10 finish in a full-field, stroke-play event in over a year.
Off The Market: Rory McIlroy, who tied the knot with Erica Stoll over the weekend in Ireland. The ceremony was spread across multiple days, held at an Irish castle and reportedly featured performances from Stevie Wonder and Ed Sheeran. Proof, once again, that it’s good to be Rory.
Job Well Done: McIlroy’s team. It’s hard in this day and age to keep anything truly private, but Team McIlroy managed to keep the wedding at Ashford Castle entirely under wraps, with strict security and few information leaks. Even celebrities are entitled to a little privacy on their big day should they so choose, and it’s nice to see that McIlroy got it.
El Campeon: Sergio Garcia, who put his green jacket on display Sunday when he kicked off the soccer match between Real Madrid and Barcelona. As a Madrid fan, Garcia likely wasn’t pleased by Lionel Messi’s last-second goal to give Barca the win.
It’s the Arrow, Not the Indian: Patrick Reed. On the eve of his opener in San Antonio, Reed attributed his recent struggles to the lies and lofts being off in his irons. He declared the issue largely resolved, then missed his third straight cut after a second-round 77.
Game Matching the Hair: Ollie Schniederjans. After contending at Harbour Town, the rookie put up a solid T-18 finish at Valero to crack the OWGR top 100 for the first time in his career. A breakthrough like Chappell and Wesley Bryan had in consecutive weeks may not be far behind.
Blown Fantasy Pick of the Week: Charley Hoffman. After seven straight years as the Can’t-Miss Kid in San Antonio, Hoffman put up a pedestrian T-40 finish with no score lower than his opening-round 71.
Source:  Golf Channel
The post Monday Scramble: Something old, something new appeared first on McCormick Creek Golf Course.
0 notes
golftamekawoods · 7 years
Monday Scramble: Something old, something new
Busy week in golf: Tiger has successful back surgery, Rory gets married, Kevin Chappell gets 1st win, to name a few..
With all due respect to the fine folks in San Antonio, the biggest golf news of the week came on Thursday and it did not involve Kevin Chappell.
Tiger Woods has once again gone under the knife, this time for what seems like a much more significant procedure than his previous three surgeries since 2014. An Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion brings with it plenty of medical jargon, but it prompts a single question: What now?
By lying down on the operating table, Woods basically chalked up 2017 as his second straight lost season. When he next hits the course, he’ll either be 42 years old or close to it, and essentially two-plus years removed from being competitive on the PGA Tour.
That assumes, of course, that there will be a next time. Woods’ news release was somber enough, but the consistent harping by him and his agent that the procedure addressed “quality of life” concerns indicates that playing competitive golf probably isn’t his top priority right now.
It’s another sad chapter in a book that hasn’t had many highlights since the summer of 2013.
1. News of Woods’ surgery made his appearance earlier in the week in Missouri to announce a new course he’s building – and his participation in a two-swing PR stunt – all the more surprising.
Woods sat next to Johnny Morris, owner of Bass Pro Shops, for nearly an hour answering questions about his latest project, Payne’s Valley, which is expected to open in 2019. He then popped out of his chair and hit a pair of wedges in a “contest” with one of Morris’ young relatives.
The stunt was lighthearted, but it did evoke awkward flashbacks to last year’s Quicken Loans National media day once Woods rinsed his first shot. The second one, though, safely found the green.
But given the fact that Woods knew at the time that he was going under the knife the following day, it’s amazing he even picked up a club.
2. While Woods’ surgery got the brunt of the attention by week’s end, his plans for a new course in Missouri show promise.
Woods spoke at length about his vision as an architect, and it’s a well-crafted one even with only a handful of courses under his belt. He favors playability, creativity around the greens, manageable rough and a layout that keeps lost ball searches to a minimum.
Woods has hit on all those notes in a big way at Bluejack National outside Houston, which I can attest is a treat. If his first public project turns out anything close to that, folks will be flocking to the Ozarks in a few short years.
3. Unfortunately for Woods, his fashion sense hasn’t come along quite as quickly as his design acumen, as evidenced by Tuesday’s ensemble:
Granted, I am far from a fashionista. But the Twittersphere let Woods have it for his…questionable pants selection. But after news of his surgery surfaced later in the week, those same social media accounts were suddenly left to wonder when we’ll even see Woods again.
4. Hats off to Chappell, who finally managed to work his way into the winner’s circle at the Valero Texas Open.
Chappell’s stock has been on the rise for quite some time, as he notably racked up four runner-up finishes last season, including a playoff loss at the Tour Championship. But the titles proved elusive until Sunday, when he won just as all players envision it: by sinking a putt on the 72nd hole. He also added a nice, primal scream for good measure.
“Did you see that?” Chappell wrote on Instagram. “The monkey jumping off my back.”
Chappell played his way onto the Ryder Cup bubble last year, a considerable feat given his lack of hardware. But you should expect that he’ll make his red, white and blue debut this fall on Steve Stricker’s Presidents Cup squad.
5. One of the best aspects Chappell’s breakthrough win? His crunch-time interactions with caddie Joe Greiner.
The two had lengthy consultations over club choice and strategy throughout the final round, many of which were captured by the CBS audio team. It provided welcome insight into the mind of a player trying to close out his first win, as well as that of the man hoping to guide him to victory.
The discussion went all the way up until the final hole, when Greiner was vocal about how to plot Chappell’s par-5 layup options and offered some last-minute swing thoughts. Watching them celebrate the win a few minutes later, it was clearly a team victory.
6. With Chappell’s victory, the highest-ranked American without a PGA Tour win is now … Daniel Summerhays.
Summerhays is ranked No. 88 in the world and has been playing the Tour regularly since 2011. During that time he has compiled a pair of runner-ups and a solo third at last year’s PGA Championship that got him into the Masters.
Next on the list would be No. 92 Roberto Castro and No. 97 Jamie Lovemark, who lost playoffs last year at the Wells Fargo Championship and Zurich Classic, respectively.
7. Brooks Koepka may not have gotten the win in San Antonio, but he’s clearly on the rise.
Koepka struggled out of the gates in 2017, missing four out of his first six cuts without registering a top-40 result. But he won his group at the WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play, finished T-11 at the Masters and nearly chased down Chappell in Texas.
Koepka is coming off a banner season that included his Ryder Cup debut, and he has one of the highest ceilings on Tour. He also has an understandable attitude about this week’s Zurich Classic, where he’ll pair with his brother Chase, who will make his PGA Tour debut.
“It could be interesting,” Koepka said Sunday. “We could kill each other on the second hole, or it could be awesome.”
8. Speaking of Zurich, the NOLA event gets a makeover this year with a new team format that has attracted an unusually strong field to TPC Louisiana. While the big names will get the early attention, here are a few under-the-radar duos worth the price of admission:
Daniel Berger/Thomas Pieters
Patrick Reed/Patrick Cantlay
Branden Grace/Louis Oosthuizen
Kevin Kisner/Scott Brown
Justin Thomas/Bud Cauley
Conversely, here are a few head-scratching combinations – one of which surely will wind up on the leaderboard come Sunday:
Spencer Levin/Rocco Mediate
Bryson DeChambeau/Rory Sabbatini
Jamie Lovemark/Luke Donald
Kyle Reifers/Andrew Johnston
Whee Kim/Greg Owen
9. Ian Poulter lost his full-time PGA Tour status when he missed the cut at Valero in the last start of his medical extension. But that doesn’t mean the Englishman is heading for the unemployment line.
Poulter has become a polarizing figure in recent years, leading some to bask in the schadenfreude of a former Ryder Cup assassin losing his card by 30 grand. But Poulter still has conditional status, both based on his previous tournament wins and his FedEx Cup standing, and he’s eligible to accept sponsor invites.
Poulter will likely be able to get several starts this summer off those bona fides, beginning this week at Zurich when he teams up with Geoff Ogilvy.
The real test will come in September, when he may have to head to Web.com Tour Finals to regain his card. It’s a scenario he can avoid only by turning his tepid game around in a hurry.
10. Jimmy Walker finally has a cause for the severe fatigue he has felt for months, but unfortunately it’s no easy fix.
The PGA champ revealed this week that he has been diagnosed with Lyme disease, a bacterial infection that comes from tick bites and can have chronic symptoms that are often hard to treat. Walker originally thought he had mono, but received his Lyme test results on the eve of the Masters.
While he refused to chalk up any bad play to his diagnosis, the news does shed some light on Walker’s sluggish performance in the wake of his triumph at Baltusrol. But he has turned things around recently, with five top-25s in his last seven starts, and hopefully is now on the road to recovery.
Get well, Jimmy.
It’s never good when you have to dodge golf balls at the breakfast table.
News broke over the weekend that McCain Foods had started a massive voluntary recall for frozen hash browns that “may be contaminated with extraneous golf ball materials.”
At this point no one has been hurt, which is always good. But we might need to get a Grill Room correspondent on the case to figure out how golf balls end up mixed with breakfast potatoes.
Is the farm next door to a driving range? Did the workers fine-tune their short games while on break? How big was the first “golf ball material” that sparked the recall? Questions abound.
Happy Birthday, We Got You A Caddie: Lydia Ko turned 20 Monday, putting a cap on her teen years that included 14 LPGA wins and two majors. She also announced the hiring of Pete Godfrey as her caddie, the 10th looper she has used since turning pro. They’ll debut together this week in Texas, where a little consistency on the bag could go a long way for the birthday girl.
Rocky Start: Curtis Luck. The top-ranked amateur turned pro last week and signed with Callaway, only to bogey his first three holes and ultimately miss the cut by a shot. No one said it’d be easy, but Luck will have plenty more opportunities – starting with the Dean & DeLuca Invitational next month.
Still Rolling: Bernd Wiesberger. The Austrian has played some great golf with little fanfare in recent months, but he finally broke through to win the Shenzhen International in a playoff over Tommy Fleetwood. Wiesberger now has eight (!) top-5 finishes since his last worldwide missed cut at the PGA Championship in July.
Still Searching: Bubba Watson. Watson made his annual pilgrimage to China for the Shenzhen event, and while he held the early lead, he couldn’t string four rounds together and ultimately tied for 26th. It continues to be a struggle for the two-time Masters champ, who hasn’t registered a top-10 finish in a full-field, stroke-play event in over a year.
Off The Market: Rory McIlroy, who tied the knot with Erica Stoll over the weekend in Ireland. The ceremony was spread across multiple days, held at an Irish castle and reportedly featured performances from Stevie Wonder and Ed Sheeran. Proof, once again, that it’s good to be Rory.
Job Well Done: McIlroy’s team. It’s hard in this day and age to keep anything truly private, but Team McIlroy managed to keep the wedding at Ashford Castle entirely under wraps, with strict security and few information leaks. Even celebrities are entitled to a little privacy on their big day should they so choose, and it’s nice to see that McIlroy got it.
El Campeon: Sergio Garcia, who put his green jacket on display Sunday when he kicked off the soccer match between Real Madrid and Barcelona. As a Madrid fan, Garcia likely wasn’t pleased by Lionel Messi’s last-second goal to give Barca the win.
It’s the Arrow, Not the Indian: Patrick Reed. On the eve of his opener in San Antonio, Reed attributed his recent struggles to the lies and lofts being off in his irons. He declared the issue largely resolved, then missed his third straight cut after a second-round 77.
Game Matching the Hair: Ollie Schniederjans. After contending at Harbour Town, the rookie put up a solid T-18 finish at Valero to crack the OWGR top 100 for the first time in his career. A breakthrough like Chappell and Wesley Bryan had in consecutive weeks may not be far behind.
Blown Fantasy Pick of the Week: Charley Hoffman. After seven straight years as the Can’t-Miss Kid in San Antonio, Hoffman put up a pedestrian T-40 finish with no score lower than his opening-round 71.
Source:  Golf Channel
The post Monday Scramble: Something old, something new appeared first on Tameka Woods Golf Course.
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mystichillsgc · 7 years
Monday Scramble: Something old, something new
Busy week in golf: Tiger has successful back surgery, Rory gets married, Kevin Chappell gets 1st win, to name a few..
With all due respect to the fine folks in San Antonio, the biggest golf news of the week came on Thursday and it did not involve Kevin Chappell.
Tiger Woods has once again gone under the knife, this time for what seems like a much more significant procedure than his previous three surgeries since 2014. An Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion brings with it plenty of medical jargon, but it prompts a single question: What now?
By lying down on the operating table, Woods basically chalked up 2017 as his second straight lost season. When he next hits the course, he’ll either be 42 years old or close to it, and essentially two-plus years removed from being competitive on the PGA Tour.
That assumes, of course, that there will be a next time. Woods’ news release was somber enough, but the consistent harping by him and his agent that the procedure addressed “quality of life” concerns indicates that playing competitive golf probably isn’t his top priority right now.
It’s another sad chapter in a book that hasn’t had many highlights since the summer of 2013.
1. News of Woods’ surgery made his appearance earlier in the week in Missouri to announce a new course he’s building – and his participation in a two-swing PR stunt – all the more surprising.
Woods sat next to Johnny Morris, owner of Bass Pro Shops, for nearly an hour answering questions about his latest project, Payne’s Valley, which is expected to open in 2019. He then popped out of his chair and hit a pair of wedges in a “contest” with one of Morris’ young relatives.
The stunt was lighthearted, but it did evoke awkward flashbacks to last year’s Quicken Loans National media day once Woods rinsed his first shot. The second one, though, safely found the green.
But given the fact that Woods knew at the time that he was going under the knife the following day, it’s amazing he even picked up a club.
2. While Woods’ surgery got the brunt of the attention by week’s end, his plans for a new course in Missouri show promise.
Woods spoke at length about his vision as an architect, and it’s a well-crafted one even with only a handful of courses under his belt. He favors playability, creativity around the greens, manageable rough and a layout that keeps lost ball searches to a minimum.
Woods has hit on all those notes in a big way at Bluejack National outside Houston, which I can attest is a treat. If his first public project turns out anything close to that, folks will be flocking to the Ozarks in a few short years.
3. Unfortunately for Woods, his fashion sense hasn’t come along quite as quickly as his design acumen, as evidenced by Tuesday’s ensemble:
Granted, I am far from a fashionista. But the Twittersphere let Woods have it for his…questionable pants selection. But after news of his surgery surfaced later in the week, those same social media accounts were suddenly left to wonder when we’ll even see Woods again.
4. Hats off to Chappell, who finally managed to work his way into the winner’s circle at the Valero Texas Open.
Chappell’s stock has been on the rise for quite some time, as he notably racked up four runner-up finishes last season, including a playoff loss at the Tour Championship. But the titles proved elusive until Sunday, when he won just as all players envision it: by sinking a putt on the 72nd hole. He also added a nice, primal scream for good measure.
“Did you see that?” Chappell wrote on Instagram. “The monkey jumping off my back.”
Chappell played his way onto the Ryder Cup bubble last year, a considerable feat given his lack of hardware. But you should expect that he’ll make his red, white and blue debut this fall on Steve Stricker’s Presidents Cup squad.
5. One of the best aspects Chappell’s breakthrough win? His crunch-time interactions with caddie Joe Greiner.
The two had lengthy consultations over club choice and strategy throughout the final round, many of which were captured by the CBS audio team. It provided welcome insight into the mind of a player trying to close out his first win, as well as that of the man hoping to guide him to victory.
The discussion went all the way up until the final hole, when Greiner was vocal about how to plot Chappell’s par-5 layup options and offered some last-minute swing thoughts. Watching them celebrate the win a few minutes later, it was clearly a team victory.
6. With Chappell’s victory, the highest-ranked American without a PGA Tour win is now … Daniel Summerhays.
Summerhays is ranked No. 88 in the world and has been playing the Tour regularly since 2011. During that time he has compiled a pair of runner-ups and a solo third at last year’s PGA Championship that got him into the Masters.
Next on the list would be No. 92 Roberto Castro and No. 97 Jamie Lovemark, who lost playoffs last year at the Wells Fargo Championship and Zurich Classic, respectively.
7. Brooks Koepka may not have gotten the win in San Antonio, but he’s clearly on the rise.
Koepka struggled out of the gates in 2017, missing four out of his first six cuts without registering a top-40 result. But he won his group at the WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play, finished T-11 at the Masters and nearly chased down Chappell in Texas.
Koepka is coming off a banner season that included his Ryder Cup debut, and he has one of the highest ceilings on Tour. He also has an understandable attitude about this week’s Zurich Classic, where he’ll pair with his brother Chase, who will make his PGA Tour debut.
“It could be interesting,” Koepka said Sunday. “We could kill each other on the second hole, or it could be awesome.”
8. Speaking of Zurich, the NOLA event gets a makeover this year with a new team format that has attracted an unusually strong field to TPC Louisiana. While the big names will get the early attention, here are a few under-the-radar duos worth the price of admission:
Daniel Berger/Thomas Pieters
Patrick Reed/Patrick Cantlay
Branden Grace/Louis Oosthuizen
Kevin Kisner/Scott Brown
Justin Thomas/Bud Cauley
Conversely, here are a few head-scratching combinations – one of which surely will wind up on the leaderboard come Sunday:
Spencer Levin/Rocco Mediate
Bryson DeChambeau/Rory Sabbatini
Jamie Lovemark/Luke Donald
Kyle Reifers/Andrew Johnston
Whee Kim/Greg Owen
9. Ian Poulter lost his full-time PGA Tour status when he missed the cut at Valero in the last start of his medical extension. But that doesn’t mean the Englishman is heading for the unemployment line.
Poulter has become a polarizing figure in recent years, leading some to bask in the schadenfreude of a former Ryder Cup assassin losing his card by 30 grand. But Poulter still has conditional status, both based on his previous tournament wins and his FedEx Cup standing, and he’s eligible to accept sponsor invites.
Poulter will likely be able to get several starts this summer off those bona fides, beginning this week at Zurich when he teams up with Geoff Ogilvy.
The real test will come in September, when he may have to head to Web.com Tour Finals to regain his card. It’s a scenario he can avoid only by turning his tepid game around in a hurry.
10. Jimmy Walker finally has a cause for the severe fatigue he has felt for months, but unfortunately it’s no easy fix.
The PGA champ revealed this week that he has been diagnosed with Lyme disease, a bacterial infection that comes from tick bites and can have chronic symptoms that are often hard to treat. Walker originally thought he had mono, but received his Lyme test results on the eve of the Masters.
While he refused to chalk up any bad play to his diagnosis, the news does shed some light on Walker’s sluggish performance in the wake of his triumph at Baltusrol. But he has turned things around recently, with five top-25s in his last seven starts, and hopefully is now on the road to recovery.
Get well, Jimmy.
It’s never good when you have to dodge golf balls at the breakfast table.
News broke over the weekend that McCain Foods had started a massive voluntary recall for frozen hash browns that “may be contaminated with extraneous golf ball materials.”
At this point no one has been hurt, which is always good. But we might need to get a Grill Room correspondent on the case to figure out how golf balls end up mixed with breakfast potatoes.
Is the farm next door to a driving range? Did the workers fine-tune their short games while on break? How big was the first “golf ball material” that sparked the recall? Questions abound.
Happy Birthday, We Got You A Caddie: Lydia Ko turned 20 Monday, putting a cap on her teen years that included 14 LPGA wins and two majors. She also announced the hiring of Pete Godfrey as her caddie, the 10th looper she has used since turning pro. They’ll debut together this week in Texas, where a little consistency on the bag could go a long way for the birthday girl.
Rocky Start: Curtis Luck. The top-ranked amateur turned pro last week and signed with Callaway, only to bogey his first three holes and ultimately miss the cut by a shot. No one said it’d be easy, but Luck will have plenty more opportunities – starting with the Dean & DeLuca Invitational next month.
Still Rolling: Bernd Wiesberger. The Austrian has played some great golf with little fanfare in recent months, but he finally broke through to win the Shenzhen International in a playoff over Tommy Fleetwood. Wiesberger now has eight (!) top-5 finishes since his last worldwide missed cut at the PGA Championship in July.
Still Searching: Bubba Watson. Watson made his annual pilgrimage to China for the Shenzhen event, and while he held the early lead, he couldn’t string four rounds together and ultimately tied for 26th. It continues to be a struggle for the two-time Masters champ, who hasn’t registered a top-10 finish in a full-field, stroke-play event in over a year.
Off The Market: Rory McIlroy, who tied the knot with Erica Stoll over the weekend in Ireland. The ceremony was spread across multiple days, held at an Irish castle and reportedly featured performances from Stevie Wonder and Ed Sheeran. Proof, once again, that it’s good to be Rory.
Job Well Done: McIlroy’s team. It’s hard in this day and age to keep anything truly private, but Team McIlroy managed to keep the wedding at Ashford Castle entirely under wraps, with strict security and few information leaks. Even celebrities are entitled to a little privacy on their big day should they so choose, and it’s nice to see that McIlroy got it.
El Campeon: Sergio Garcia, who put his green jacket on display Sunday when he kicked off the soccer match between Real Madrid and Barcelona. As a Madrid fan, Garcia likely wasn’t pleased by Lionel Messi’s last-second goal to give Barca the win.
It’s the Arrow, Not the Indian: Patrick Reed. On the eve of his opener in San Antonio, Reed attributed his recent struggles to the lies and lofts being off in his irons. He declared the issue largely resolved, then missed his third straight cut after a second-round 77.
Game Matching the Hair: Ollie Schniederjans. After contending at Harbour Town, the rookie put up a solid T-18 finish at Valero to crack the OWGR top 100 for the first time in his career. A breakthrough like Chappell and Wesley Bryan had in consecutive weeks may not be far behind.
Blown Fantasy Pick of the Week: Charley Hoffman. After seven straight years as the Can’t-Miss Kid in San Antonio, Hoffman put up a pedestrian T-40 finish with no score lower than his opening-round 71.
Source:  Golf Channel
The post Monday Scramble: Something old, something new appeared first on Mystic Hills Golf Club.
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