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Sundance 2019: Day 7

Number of Films: 3 Best Movie of the Day: This is Not Berlin
This is Not Berlin: At an underground club in mid-‘80s Mexico City, a young woman is talking to the best friend of her younger brother about the ephemeral aspect of life: “A month ago, I was with that guy, and you were still a kid.” At a certain age, a lot can change in a super-compressed period of time. Take Carlos (Xabiani Ponce de León), a sweet-faced engineering-focused kid, who likes messing around with his friends, hitting the arcade and pining after the sister, Rita, (Ximena Romo), of his best friend, Gera (José Antonio Toledano). One night, Rita allows Gera and Carlos to join with her band entourage to a cutting edge club downtown called the Azteca. The boys’ experience, being introduced to the art scene (reminiscent of the Factory), and booze and drugs, and sexual freedom, catches hold and almost overnight they transform into club kids, even as they drift apart. Carlos hooks up with Nico (Mauro Sanchez), the de facto leader of the Azteca artist/drug collective, hanging around their installations and establishing a more androgynous look, while Gera, greatly wounded at his friend’s apparent disavowal, haunts the place desperately wanting to find his own place to fit in. Hari Sama‘s film is filled with telling, specific period detail, from the black fingernail polish and eyeliner, to the soundtrack, which hits everything from Patti Smith to Joy Division, only adding to the verisimilitude. The film has to do with that specific time of life where identity is as elastic as taffy, and, with the deposing of your family as you come more into your own, the prospect of feeling like you fit in somewhere overpowers almost everything else in your life. Every generation has their rituals of youth and rebellion, for a certain segment of kids growing up in the ‘80s, this was ours.
The Nightingale: Revenge films follow an eager-to-please narrative trajectory: Our protagonist is brutalized/betrayed/left-for-dead by truly vile villain(s); they survive, dedicate their lives to seeking out the villain, and dispatch them in gruesomely satisfying way. The equation starts with a horrific, haunting act that terrifies us; by the end, we can leave the theater vindicated that an act of evil has not gone unsuitably punished. Jennifer Kent’s brutal revenge tale, set in 19th century Tasmania, flirts with the idea of subverting this paradigm, before ultimately acquiescing to its tenets. Clare (Aisling Franciosi), a young Irish convict, gets brutally raped and beaten and forced to watch her husband and baby get murdered by a small team of British soldiers, lead by the cruelly self-serving Lieutenant Hawkins (Sam Claflin). Barely surviving their savage attack, and seeking retribution, Clare enlists the aid of an aborigine guide, Billy (Baykali Ganambarr), to track down the culprits through the deep Tasmanian brush. Kent’s film is brutal and uncompromising, never afraid to point out the true enemy: White Male Evil, which she displays in all its horror throughout the land, as the British are in the throes of colonizing the natives, bending everything to their way of doing things. There is a moment, near the end, where it feels as if Kent will actually take a different route – and which, frankly, would have made for a more interesting outcome. That she ultimately stays with the formula is a bit of a letdown, eschewing a better use of her metaphor, rather than just giving the audience their expected vengeance.
Greener Grass: A nutty suburban comedy from the writer/director team of Jocelyn DeBoer and Dawn Lubbe, a pair of Upright Citizens Brigade veterans. Through a hazy fog of pastels, the pair play a couple of housewives in a suburban haven so idyllic, all adults have braces, and everyone drives golf carts from place to place. The Suburban Satire is a well-spent comedy subgenre at this point, but DeBoer and Lubbe have a gift for absurdity – 30 seconds into the movie, one of the mothers offers up her infant baby to the other; at one point they inadvertently kiss goodbye the wrong husbands; one of their children falls into their backyard pool and emerges as a Golden Retriever – that carries the film’s first couple of acts. There is a plot involving some kind of killer on the loose, and the idea that DeBoer’s character has pretty much lost everything, including her house, by the end of the film, but the film works best just as a series of interconnected, twisty vignettes. The last third begins to drag noticeably (at 101 minutes, it could be cut by 15 to good effect), but there are plenty of laughs in the early going. In any event, it’s sort of nice to close out my 2019 Sundance experience on a happier note.
Tomorrow: Homeward bound!
Into the frigid climes and rarefied thin air of the spectacular Utah Mountains, I've arrived in order to document some of the sense and senselessness of the 2019 Sundance Film Festival. Over the next week, armed with little more than a heavy parka and a bevy of blank reporter's notebooks, I'll endeavor to watch as many movies as I can and report my findings.
#sweet smell of success#ssos#piers marchant#films#movies#sundance#2019#this is not berlin#the nightingale#greener grass#arkansas democrat gazette
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Zacatecas, Zac.- Después de celebrar el selectivo estatal de olimpiada nacional en la disciplina de ajedrez con una participación de 178 deportistas y 13 municipios, quedaron definidos los ocho exponentes en sus diferentes categorías y ramas que representarán a Zacatecas en el evento regional en Chihuahua.
Greshya Jocelyn Gónzález Romo y Tirtza Bermeo Ruiz, ambas de Zacatecas en la categoría sub-14 femenil, luego de las rondas clasificatorias durante dos días consecutivos, obtuvieron su derecho a vestir los colores del estado en la etapa regional de olimpiada.
De igual forma, obtuvieron boleto a Chihuahua, Luis Alberto Acuña Ramírez, de Morelos, y José Juan Gurrola Viramontes, de Jerez, en sub-14 varonil; Alondra Azeneth López, de Villa González Ortega y Jimena Yareli Zepeda Veyna, de Morelos, en sub-16 femenil, así como Emiliano Méndez Martínez, de Zacatecas, y José Ángel Pinales Mejía, de Morelos.
Durante la primera etapa clasificatoria, bajo la organización del Instituto de Cultura Física y Deporte en Zacatecas encabezado por el doctor Adolfo Márquez Vera, 178 ajedrecistas registrados, disputaron un sistema de competencia estilo torneo suizo, a cinco rondas, con sede en el pabellón de gimnasia, a fin de quedar entre los 16 semifinalistas.
Una vez con cuatro exponentes en cada una de las categorías sub-14 femenil, sub-14 varonil, sub-16 femenil y sub-16 varonil, de manera respectiva, los jovencitos regresaron a los tableros un día después para poner en práctica su destreza con las piezas del ajedrez, definir a los dos mejores por ramo y así, conocer a los ocho finalistas que conquistaron su pase a olimpiada regional, con verificativo en Chihuahua.
Los municipios participantes en este clasificatorio estatal fueron Juan Aldama, Miguel Auza, Río Grande, Calera, Jerez, Guadalupe, Morelos, Villa González Ortega, Fresnillo, Nieves, Trancoso, Villanueva y Zacatecas.
Clasifican ocho ajedrecistas a olimpiada regional was originally published on Periódico Mirador
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if you missed my country christmas special this morning on @ntslive, it’s now in the archives for all your nog drinkin’ and honky tonkin’ needs. merry xmas, everyone. be safe, and much much much love to all of you. https://t.co/ojYnA93YqV pic.twitter.com/rTzf8GKoLq
— jocelyn romo (@theeroamer) December 24, 2020
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Zacatecas, Zac.- El Gobierno del Estado de Zacatecas a través del Instituto de Cultura Física y Deporte convoca a participar en Olimpiada Estatal de Ajedrez Zacatecas 2019, a realizarse los días 1 y 2 de febrero del año en curso.
El Pabellón del propio Incufidez será el magno escenario en donde se desarrolle dicho evento y permita revivir las emociones que dejó la primera edición de la Liga Estatal Desarrollo de Talentos 2018, en donde Juan José Gurrola Viramontes, Tirtza Bermeo Ruiz, Emiliano Méndez Martínez y Jimena Yareli Zepeda Veyna se proclamaron campeones en sus respectivas ramas y categorías.
Para dar a conocer los pormenores de la competencia, la junta previa tendrá verificativo a las 09:00 horas del día 1 de febrero de 2019, en el mismo escenario donde se lleven a cabo las partidas del sistema clásico suizo de 45 minutos más 30 segundos en cinco rondas, según lo establece la convocatoria.
Las categorías consideradas en el ramo femenil y varonil son: 2003-2004 y 2005-2007, para lo cual, los participantes deberán presentar una copia del acta de nacimiento, curp y cédula de inscripción con fotografía en el departamento de formación de talentos del Instituto de Cultura Física y Deporte del Estado de Zacatecas.
Los y las ajedrecistas que ocupen la primera y segunda posición de la clasificación general en cada una de las categorías convocadas para Olimpiada Estatal Zacatecas 2019, tendrán derecho a representar a nuestra patria chica en la etapa de zona, ante los mejores exponentes de Aguascalientes, Chihuahua y Durango, en la búsqueda del pasaporte a la final nacional.
Por tal motivo, el Instituto de Cultura Física y Deporte del Estado de Zacatecas a cargo de Adolfo Márquez Vera, da especial seguimientos a quienes ocuparon las 5 primeras plazas de la Liga Estatal Desarrollo de Talentos 2018, con el objeto de alcanzar un óptimo nivel competitivo.
Dentro de esa relación de ajedrecistas se encuentran en clase Sub 14, Tirtza Bermeo Ruiz, Greshia Jocelyn González Romo, Ivana Rodríguez Hernández de Zacatecas, Natasha Fernández Zúñiga de Guadalupe y Yazmín Hernández Ortiz de Fresnillo.
Asimismo, en el ramo varonil hacen lo propio Juan José Gurrola Viramontes de Jerez, Luis Alberto Acuña Ramírez de Morelos, Ian Aldair García Escareño de Zacatecas, Víctor Alfredo García Calvillo de Calera y el capitalino Octavio Muñoz Hernández.
En categoría Sub 16, se encuentran recibiendo el asesoramiento técnico-metodológico Jimena Yareli Zepeda Veyna de Morelos, Janeth Carolina Ramírez Bocardo de Juan Aldama, Marcela Torres Rivera de Guadalupe, Mariana Veyna Castillo de Morelos y Amairany Ríos Aviña de Río Grande.
En varones lo hacen Emiliano Méndez Martínez de Zacatecas, Daniel Isaac Guerrero Velázquez de Calera, Erick Eduardo Fraire Ávalos de Zacatecas, Jorge Luis López Quiroz de Miguel Auza y Juan Sánchez Rosales de Sombrerete.
Convocan a Olimpiada Estatal de Ajedrez was originally published on Periódico Mirador
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chris bell dying on alex chilton’s birthday and robbie basho dying on john fahey’s birthday are truly wild cosmic coincidences to me.
— jocelyn romo (@theeroamer) December 27, 2019
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remembering the time steve shelley from sonic youth attempted to make an album with townes van zandt in december of ‘96 in memphis but eventually cancelled due to tvz’s drunk and erratic behavior, townes passed away not long after. audio from that session: https://t.co/gkvtQPJmcU
— jocelyn romo (@jocelynroamer) April 9, 2019
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