#joanne scribner
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Gail Hamilton - A Candle To The Devil - Atheneum - 1975 (jacket illustration by Joanne Scribner)
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makingqueerhistory · 3 days ago
Stonewall Book Awards Nonfiction Winners 2025-1971
Some years had multiple nonfiction winners. How many have you read?
Sex With a Brain Injury: On Concussion and Recovery by Annie Liontas (Scribner, an imprint of Simon & Schuster LLC)
Hijab Butch Blues by Lamya H (The Dial Press)
The Women’s House of Detention: A Queer History of a Forgotten Prison by Hugh Ryan (Bold Type Books)
Faltas: Letters to Everyone in My Hometown Who Isn’t My Rapist by Cecilia Gentili (Little Puss Press)
Dear Senthuran: A Black Spirit Memoir by Akwaeke Emezi (Riverhead Books)
Queer Games Avant-Garde: How LGBTQ Game Makers are Reimagining the Medium of Video Games by Bonnie Ruberg (they/them) (Duke University Press)
How We Fight for Our Lives: A Memoir by Saeed Jones (Simon & Schuster)
Go the Way Your Blood Beats by Michael Amherst (London: Repeater Press)
Queer Threads: Crafting Identity and Community by John Chaich and Todd Oldham (Los Angeles: Ammo Books)
How to Survive a Plague: The inside story of how citizens and science tamed AIDS, by David France (New York: Alfred A. Knopf)
Speak Now: Marriage Equality on Trial, by Kenji Yoshino (New York: Crown Publishers)
Living Out Islam: Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims, by Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle (New York: New York University Press)
American Honor Killings: Desire and Rage Among Men, by David McConnell (New York : Akashic Books)
Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son, by Lori Duron (New York: Broadway Books, an imprint of Crown Publishing, a division of Random House, Inc.)
For Colored Boys Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Still Not Enough: Coming of Age, Coming Out, and Coming Home, edited by Keith Boykin (New York : Magnus Books)
Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture, by Jonathan D. Katz and David C. Ward (Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Books)
A Queer History of the United States (Revisioning American History), by Michael Bronski (Boston, Mass. : Beacon Press)
Inseparable: Desire between Women in Literature by Emma Donoghue, (Knopf)
Unfriendly Fire: How the Gay Ban Undermines the Military and Weakens America by Nathaniel Frank, (St. Martin's Press)
Dishonorable Passions: Sodomy Laws in America, 1861-2003 by William N. Eskridge, Jr., (Viking)
Dog Years: A Memoir by Mark Doty, (HarperCollins)
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel, (Houghton Mifflin)
The fabulous Sylvester: the legend, the music, the seventies in San Francisco by Joshua Gamson, (H. Holt)
Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and in People by Joan Roughgarden, (University of California Press)
Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin by John D'Emilio, (Free Press)
How Sex Changed: a History of Transsexuality in the United States by Joanne Meyerowitz, ( Harvard University Press)
The Scarlet Professor: Newton Arvin, a Literary Life Shattered by Scandal by Barry Werth, (Nan A. Talese)
Gaylaw: Challenging the Apartheid of the Closet by William N. Eskridge, (Harvard University Press)
My Lesbian Husband: Landscape of a Marriage by Barrie Jean Borich, (Greywolf Press)
Stagestruck: Theater, AIDS, and the Marketing of Gay America by Sarah Schulman, (Duke University Press)
The Shared Heart: Portraits and Stories Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young People by Adam Mastoon, (William Morrow and Co./Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books)
Geography of the Heart: A Memoir by Fenton Johnson, (Scribner)
Virtual Equality: The Mainstreaming of Gay and Lesbian Liberation by Urvashi Vaid, (Anchor Books)
Skin: Talking About Sex, Class & Literature Dorothy Allison, (Firebrand Books)
Uncommon Heroes: A Celebration of Heroes and Role Models for Gay and Lesbian Americans by Phillip Sherman and Samuel Bernstein, (Fletcher Press)
Family Values: Two Moms and Their Son by Phyllis Burke, (Random House)
Making History: The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, 1945-1990 by Eric Marcus, (HarperCollins)
Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth Century America by Lillian Faderman, (Columbia University Press)
Encyclopedia of Homosexuality edited by Wayne Dynes, (Garland)
In Search of Gay America: Women and Men in a Time of Change by Neil Miller, (Atlantic Monthly Press)
A Restricted Country by Joan Nestle, (Firebrand Books)
And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts, (St. Martin's Press)
The Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture by Walter Williams, (Beacon Press)
Sex and Germs: The Politics of AIDS by Cindy Patton, (South End Press)
Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds by Judy Grahn, (Beacon Press)
Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970 by John D'Emilio, (University of Chicago Press)
Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship and Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present by Lillian Faderman, (Morrow)
Black Lesbians: An Annotated Bibliography by J.R. Roberts, (Naiad Press)
The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies by Vito Russo, (Harper & Row)
The Cancer Journals by Audre Lorde, (Spinsters, Ink)
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century by John Boswell, (University of Chicago Press)
Now That You Know: What Every Parent Should Know About Homosexuality by Betty Fairchild and Nancy Hayward, (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich)
Our Right to Love: A Lesbian Resource Book edited by Ginny Vida, (Prentice-Hall)
Familiar Faces, Hidden Lives: The Story of Homosexual Men in America Today by Howard Brown, (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich)
Homosexuality: Lesbians and Gay Men in Society, History, and Literature edited by Jonathan Katz, (Arno Press) [Series of historically significant reprints]
Sex Variant Women in Literature: A Historical and Quantitative Survey by Jeannette Foster, (Vantage Press)
The Gay Mystique: The Myth and Reality of Male Homosexuality by Peter Fisher, (Stein & Day)
Lesbian/Woman by Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon (Glide Publications)
A Place for Us by Isabel Miller, (published in October, 1971 by McGraw Hill as Patience and Sarah )
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retrogirlsbooks · 3 months ago
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Ralph S. Mouse by Beverly Cleary
Cover illustration by Joanne "JoAnn" Scribner
ISBN 0-440-47582-1
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techniscope · 2 years ago
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Joanne Scribner
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scrambler · 3 years ago
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Maybe the cutest kid in the history of children's books. Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary. Cover art by Joanne Scribner.
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dippinginthe4door · 4 years ago
Wait what’s on the “thanks to” section on Swan Songs I must know
Obviously there’s lots of the standard stuff, but I like how the guys added their touch to it in some lines.
Our fans for helping create this. Rita & Alex (Mom & Dad), Arina Erlichman, Angela Marie Young, Jeff Peters, Mike Renault, Riva, Zeda, My Grandma, Jim Milner & Ben Milner (Milner Bros.), Joel Foss, Marc Bosserman, Jeanie Ibert. Everyone in HU working hard with me. Tim from LADAY, Alex Sophli, Brian Weinberg. Everyone @ A&M/Octane Records …… and of course Merlin.
Thanks to my parents, especially my Italian, ball busting Mom, my Mother Jennifer. All the band’s parents, especially Deuce’s. Science. The Phantasm. Truth & his Brother. Wes & his Brother. Everyone from JOR & EL. The whole Panther family. LA Pride Lauren. Jeff Peters, for putting up with our shit. Mike Renault. Desiree “money making, jerry maguire” Mandelbaum. Ann Murray. Steve Busch. Ben and Jim “Milner Bros”. Jimmy Iovine & James Diener, for making me rich for a hot minute. Ashlee and Asia for the awesome double dates. Glen Danzig, the real one who plays our drums. MTA workers for getting me around this city for so long. JLo and Steve from Tiny’s Bar ….and most of all of course, all our fans and everyone who likes our music and has supported it. No thanks to haters and the Glendale and Burbank pigs and MI and all it’s students, for not letting me in the building, you know who you are. Get the fuck out of my town.
Johnny 3 Tears:
Jeff Peters, the band’s manager, but more than that, my mate. Mike Renault for shutting Jeff up ….sometimes ! ! Desiree Mandelbaum. Jeff Kurtich, the Boston Brawler. My Mom for all her help. My Brother for inspiring me. Jim Milner, for all his hard work. Ben Milner, for being the light side of the darkness. Jack, J.K., Jake and Jesse Terrell. Fydor Dostoevsky. Don Gilmore. Danny Lohner. Tony Lavato, my first mate. James Diener, for that fat dollar ! ! Asia, for being so beautiful. Lauren Byrnes. Ann Murray. Steve Busch. Greg Ladanyi. “Biscuits”. Glendon Crain. The Mothers and Fathers of all the members of HU for all their support. The Mothers and Fathers of all the members of HU for all their support. ……...and much love to all our fans for the support.
Charlie Scene:
Jack Terrell, for teaching me everything I know, I love you Dad, To my Mom J.K. Terrell, don’t worry, I love you just as much. My funny Brother Jake and big ups to my Big Bro Jesse, raise yer hands if you hear me. Thanks to the rest of my family in Ohio and Florida. To all my friends. To my Managers, Jeff Peters, me mate and me manager, all together me mate-ager, and Mike Renault, both you guys are an unstoppable force. James Diener. Tom Anderson, my dick has more friends than you ever will. Ed Alexander. Don Gilmore. Danny Lohner, the porn star fucker. Shady Fizz, you know where you at dog. My 3 blonde buddies, Graham Noll, Sean Noll and Jared. Daniel “da big homie” Dingman. Jeremy Martiniano, for getting “lost” with me every Thursday. Tommy “T-head” Scribner, a.k.a Contagious. Gangster George, for always havin’ my back. Bully Shaun. Aaron Gfarm. Upright Radio. Lucas Macauley. The Milner Brothers. Nigel Smithwick, see ya at the pub. Brad Pitt, for letting me crash on the couch. The Hideaway Bar, where I go to hide away from Da Kurlzz. Debra Lee and the trigger happy. Joel Bennett. Jer Bear. Gsellman. Shadow Skillz. Sky, Glen “Biscuits” Crain , Drew Young, Jared Miller…...and to my glock, cause my glock is my hoe and my hoe go everywhere I go……..and of course, thanks to all the UNDEAD ARMY.
Funny Man:
I’d like to give a big thanks to my Madre Joanne, Paco, my Father, and my lil’ sis Mingo. To my Grandparents and the rest of my family, for the love, support and always being there for me, and being a huge impact on my life. Jeff Peters, for sticking his neck out for us and making this shit happen. If it wasn’t for you and Mike Renault, “we’d be wondering these streets so aimlessly”.
For all my homies, Big Badass T-HEAD, thanks for all the nugs bro. Snake The Coin Collecta and 3-B. Big E. SAUS MAN. Thug Life George. Felipe. Spazz Money. Gavin. Jesse. Cmar. Titts. Stanley. Shady Fizz. Dirty Jack. BULLY. Science. Big Worm. Cory The Champ, Obar and Big Luke Duke. A big shout out to everyone at A&M/Octane Records. Jimmy, thanks for the I-Pod. That lil’ monkey Dez, and that beautiful Latina Ann. The Snooge Bros. Danny “The Lone Machine” Lohner. Don G and his bitch ass crew. Glen a.k.a “Biscuits” , Lil’ Tony, Donland from Stonehurst Park, Ritchie Stites, Sleepy Brown, Bones. Thanks to G-STAR for making me look so damn good, And the Bitches with the big ol’ butts. . .and last but not least to the UNDEAD ARMY, this is for you, stay Undead, uno, dos, Ghost��…..I’m Gone.
Da Kurlzz:
My Dad a.k.a. “The Frenchman”, My Mom, I thank you both for your love and support.
Jeff Peters & Mike Renault, for being there for me through all the crappy ups & downs, honestly the best managers I could ever have. My Sister and the rest of the Family, BEAR (RIP) ! ! ! Conner “CADE” Garrity, my best buddy @ Studio City Tattoo. Lemmer. Des & Ann, Glenn. Eric “FSUsXe” Curry. Erik “FSUsXe” Scandalous. BAJOS. Scott K. Tdogg. Murph. Lauren Byrnes @ LA PRIDE. Chris & PTW. BERM. Ms. Lupi. Bojesse Christopher. Ben & Jim Milner. Mark V, Sam and everyone @ Safari Sam’s. Steve Busch. All my good friends that have stuck around the past three years, who have been there and supported me (a small amount), the rest can fuck off ! ! Our fans the UNDEAD ARMY, you know this band only happened because of you. I love you. Tom Anderson, thanks for buying me smokes that one time. All the Girls that wasted their time with me. Last …...but most important of all, my five Brothers, Johnny, J, Deuce, Charles P. and Funny, for not only being my best friends, but amazingly talented fucks as well. I love you guys…...Now let’s fuckin’ party ! !
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magica-pseudoacademica · 6 years ago
Mesopotamia - Chapters
Last edited 2019-06-16
* Abusch, Tzvi. “Ascent to the Stars in a Mesopotamian Ritual: Social Metaphor and Religious Experience.” In Death, Ecstasy, and Other Worldly Journeys, edited by M. Fishbane and J. Collins, 15-39. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.
* Ambos, Claus. “Temporary Ritual Structures and Their Cosmological Symbolism in Ancient Mesopotamia.” In Heaven on Earth: Temples, Ritual, and Cosmic Symbolism in the Ancient World, edited by Deena Ragavan, 245-258. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2013.
* Cooper, Jerrold S. “Wind and Smoke: Giving Up the Ghost of Enkidu, Comprehending Enkidu’s Ghosts.” In Rethinking Ghosts in World Religions, edited by Mu-chou Poo, 23-32. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
* Farber, Walter. “Witchcraft, Magic, and Divination in Ancient Mesopotamia.” In Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, edited by Jack M. Sasson, 1895-1909. New York: Scribner, 1995.
* Gabbay, Uri. “‘We Are Going to the House in Prayer’: Theology, Cultic Topography, and Cosmology in the Emesal Prayers of Ancient Mesopotamia.” In Heaven on Earth: Temples, Ritual, and Cosmic Symbolism in the Ancient World, edited by Deena Ragavan, 223-243. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Guinan, Ann Kessler. “A Severed Head Laughed: Stories of Divinatory Interpretation.” In Magic and Divination in the Ancient World, edited by Leda Ciraolo and Jonathan Seidel, 7-40. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
* Harmanşah, Ömür. “The Cattlepen and the Sheepfold: Cities, Temples, and Pastoral Power in Ancient Mesopotamia.” In Heaven on Earth: Temples, Ritual, and Cosmic Symbolism in the Ancient World, edited by Deena Ragavan, 373-394. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Jacobsen, Thorkild. “Mesopotamian Religions.” In Religions of Antiquity, edited by Robert M. Seltzer, 3-33. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1989.
* Ragavan, Deena. “Entering Other Worlds: Gates, Rituals, and Cosmic Journeys in Sumerian Sources.” In Heaven on Earth: Temples, Ritual, and Cosmic Symbolism in the Ancient World, edited by Deena Ragavan, 201-221. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2013.
* Scurlock, JoAnn. “Soul Emplacements in Ancient Mesopotamian Funerary Rituals.” In Magic and Divination in the Ancient World, edited by Leda Ciraolo and Jonathan Seidel, 1-6. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Stone, Merlin. “Goddess Worship in the Ancient Near East.” In Religions of Antiquity, edited by Robert M. Seltzer, pp. 62-68. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1989. 
Sweek, Joel. “Inquiring for the State in the Ancient Near East: Delineating Political Location.” In Magic and Divination in the Ancient World, edited by Leda Ciraolo and Jonathan Seidel, 41-56. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Thomsen, Marie-Louise. “Witchcraft and Magic in Ancient Mesopotamia.” In Biblical and Pagan Societies. vol. 1 of Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, edited by Bengt Ankarloo and Stuart Clark, 1-95. London: Athlone Press, 2001.
* Tsumura, David Toshio. “The Interpretation of the Ugaritic Funerary Text KTU 1.161.” Official Cult and Popular Religion in the Ancient Near East, edited by Eiko Matsushima, 40-55. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 1993.
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dianereviewsbooks · 4 years ago
Art of Ramona Quimby
Art of Ramona Quimby-Beautiful book with brief bios of the many artists of Ramona plus a pictorial view of all the books. It is fun to try & pick a favorite as all have their charms. @ChronicleBooks #Ramona #Beezus #art #book #review
Beverly Cleary captured the rebel inside every little girl when she first captured Ramona on a page. No one could replace Beverly. However, the illustrators did change throughout the years. Louis Darling, Alan Tiegreen, Joanne Scribner, Tracy Dockray, and Jacqueline Rogers all had a hand in creating the Art of Ramona Quimby.
Each of the Ramona stories are told mostly through the artwork itself.…
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globalcastresources · 6 years ago
Defining the Yet Unfinished Missions Task – Dan Scribner and David Joannes on Missions Pulse
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nicolesbook1 · 7 years ago
In Memoriam: 2017-2018 season in Palm Beach
Philip and Mary Huiltar posed for a photograph taken sometime before his death in 1992. The couple moved to Palm Beach in the 1960s. Photo courtesy Leslie Hindman Auctioneers
June 21, 2017
Longtime resident Mary Hulitar, known for her unassuming generosity, died at her home. She was 90.
+ Mary Hulitar
Mrs. Hulitar was a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, N.Y. She served on the boards of Hospice of Palm Beach County, whose Charles W. Gerstenberg Hospice Center in West Palm Beach is named for her father; the National Tropical Botanical Garden in Kalaheo, Hawaii; and The Society of the Four Arts. She joined the Garden Club of Palm Beach in 1978 and was an active member for the remainder of her life.
Her honors include the Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians and Jews’ John C. Randolph Award, the Hospice Foundation Hero Award and Town of Palm Beach Centennial Ambassador.
Mrs. Hulitar spent many hours volunteering for the Four Arts’ library.
Sept. 5
Myra Mann Morrison
Resident Myra Mann Morrison, who enjoyed careers in nursing and real estate, died at age 85.
+ Myra Mann Morrison
A native of Victoria, Australia, Mrs. Morrison completed her nursing training in Melbourne, Australia, in 1953 before
traveling to the United States to visit family in Palm Beach.
She lived in Atlanta, where she worked as a registered nurse. In 1967, she married the late Earl Mann, then owner of the Atlanta Crackers baseball team. They moved to Palm Beach in 1970. Mrs. Morrison worked as a registered nurse at Good Samaritan Medical Center. In the 1970s, she became certified in real estate and was a longtime Realtor with Brown Harris Stevens.
In 2008, she married John Morrison, a career officer in the U.S. Army whom she met at Royal Poinciana Chapel. He also was a licensed real estate broker.
Oct. 18
Dennis Wayne
Dancer and choreographer Dennis Wayne, dubbed the Bad Lad of Ballet for his good looks and rebellious attitude, died of respiratory failure at 72 in West Palm Beach.
+ Dennis Wayne
Born Dennis Wayne Wendelken in St. Petersburg, his career in ballet began in the 1960s with Harkness Ballet. He then became a principal dancer with the Joffrey Ballet and American Ballet Theater. He was a frequent visitor to Palm Beach and spent his later years in West Palm Beach.
He was still under contract to American Ballet Theater when he formed his own company, DANCERS, in 1975 and recruited six American Ballet Theater dancers to perform in it, The New York Times said. American Ballet Theater ordered him to disband his company or leave. He acquiesced for a year, then revived his company with financial backing from actress Joanne Woodward. DANCERS debuted in December 1976 at the Royal Poinciana Playhouse.
After suffering serious injuries in a car accident in 1980, he took up choreography and even returned to the stage in 1985 when he and his company performed at the Royal Poinciana Playhouse for the Palm Beach Festival. Wayne danced several times in the 1990s at the Flagler Museum with small freelance troupes he organized. In 1996, he choreographed a fashion show benefit for the Palm Beach Zoo. He created dances for the 2005 Palm Beach Follies fundraiser at The Society of the Four Arts, which raised money for the hurricane-ravaged Four Arts’ gardens.
Nov. 6
Jane Dudley, a longtime winter resident and a stalwart of the island’s society and fashion sets, died at her home in West Nashville. She was 92.
+ Jane Dudley
She was the widow of Guilford Dudley Jr., a former U.S. ambassador to Denmark and longtime chairman of The Coconuts. At the time of his death in 2002, they had been married for 52 years.
A native of Nashville, she was the daughter of William and Nancy (Joseph) Anderson. Her father was the coach of Vanderbilt University’s track team. She was a graduate of the Parmer School; Ward Belmont Ladies Seminary and Vanderbilt University.
After college, she worked for the Nashville Tennessean newspaper. Later, she managed corporate accounts for Tiffany & Co. for more than two decades. After marrying, she traveled the world as an ambassador’s wife, acquiring the skills that would later make an invitation from her among the most coveted in Palm Beach, Nashville and New York.
Mrs. Dudley was active in charitable and cultural causes.
Nov. 6
John Bowden Dodge
Longtime resident, businessman and sportsman John Bowden Dodge died from complications of Alzheimer’s disease. He was 86.
+ John Dodge
A native of Boston, he was the son of Frank Schuyler Dodge and Mary (nee Bowden) Dodge. After serving with the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he graduated from Cornell University’s School of Hotel Management in 1957.
His love of the hospitality industry began when he worked at his family’s historic hotel, The Mountain View House in Whitefield. His career included management stints at American Airlines’ Sky Chef division and the Casa Blanca, both in Scottsdale, Ariz.; Charlie Farrell’s Racquet Club in Palm Springs; and the Townhouse in Rochester, N.Y. Later, he became a developer of golf course communities in the Virgin Islands, North Carolina, New Hampshire and Florida. His favorite project was Harbour Ridge, which he chose for its proximity to the St. Lucie River’s scenic North Fork.
An accomplished athlete, he was a diver and loved spending time on his boat, the Lorelei; he also was an avid skier, tennis player and hiker, especially in the White Mountains’ Presidential Range. He considered his greatest athletic accomplishment to be his ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro in 1986 at the age of 55.
Mr. Dodge was widely active in civic, charitable and cultural causes.
Nov. 14
Parker Ladd
Parker B. Ladd, a part-time resident, publishing executive and philanthropist, died at his home in New York.
+ Parker Ladd
Mr. Ladd was a graduate of the University of Vermont. After serving in the U.S. Army, he worked as a book seller in Sweden before eventually landing in New York. Mr. Ladd enjoyed a successful career at Charles Scribner’s Sons and was a director at the Association of American Publishers.
Following his retirement, Mr. Ladd served as a television producer for the A&E program, Open Book, an interview talk show featuring authors and their work. In Palm Beach, he developed an interview format breakfast series at The Brazilian Court called the Book and Author Breakfast.
Mr. Ladd, along with his husband — international fashion designer Arnold Scaasi — and their friend and journalist Liz Smith, was a founder of the nonprofit organization Literacy Partners Inc.
Nov. 18
Betty Marcus of Jupiter, formerly of Palm Beach, died at 94.
+ Betty Marcus
Mrs. Marcus was born in 1923, the year that her father, Leo Gerstenzang, invented the Q-tip. She grew up in New York City and spent one year at Northwestern University before marrying Robert (Bob) Marcus, in 1943. She finished her education at Parsons School of Design and became an interior decorator.
Residents of Scarsdale, N.Y., she and her husband bought a second home in Palm Beach in the 1970s that eventually became their full-time residence. Her husband, who died in 2001, was president of Q-tips from 1947 to 1959 and later president and owner of S&K Sales Corp.
Mrs. Marcus and her husband were members of the Palm Beach Country Club.
Nov. 18
North Palm Beach resident Irma Lee Anapol, an award-winning angler who was active in charitable causes in Palm Beach, died at 83.
+ Irma Anapol. Photo by Debbie Schatz
A native of New Bedford, Mass., she was married to Joel Anapol of Fall River, Mass., for 51 years. Mrs. Anapol was a member of the Chub Cay Club in the Bahamas and the Nantucket Anglers Club.
Among her charity works, the three-time breast cancer survivor committed herself to counseling other cancer patients. She partnered with Estee Lauder to provide cancer patients with cosmetics and guidance on fashionable ways to wear makeup, wigs and hats during treatment.
She also was active in “Our Kids Sake,” a national educational program against pesticides in food. A founding member and major supporter of the YWCA’s Harmony House, she received the group’s Grace Hoadley Dodge Award in 2013. She also supported the Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation, Wheelchairs for Kids and The Angels of Charity.
Nov. 18
Longtime resident Alec Engelstein, a real estate developer and philanthropist, died at 87.
+ Alec Engelstein
Born in Romania, he survived the Holocaust and in 1948, with the help of the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, moved to Montreal, where he met his future wife, Sheila. In 1968, the family moved to Florida, where Mr. Engelstein became a real estate developer. His Engel Homes became one of the largest home builders in the United States.
For more than 40 years, Mr. Engelstein was pivotal in expanding Jewish life in Palm Beach County with support of organizations including the Friedman Commission for Jewish Education, MorseLife Health System and Temple Emanu-El.
During his four-year tenure as its board chairman, the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County established Partnership2Gether, providing a lifesaving link between the Palm Beaches and Israel’s TZAHAR region. He was a member of the Prime Ministers Council, the most generous donors to the federation’s annual campaign.
Nov. 27
Frederic Alan Sharf of Palm Beach, a businessman, philanthropist, scholar and avid collector of forgotten treasures, died in West Palm Beach after a long illness. He was 83.
+ Fred Sharf
Mr. Sharf, a Boston native, turned down a job teaching history at Harvard University to go into the family business, channeling his love of history into collecting. He sought things that were overlooked by other collectors, including Spanish-American War illustrations, architectural drawings, automotive design drawings, Japanese Meiji period woodblock prints, fashion illustrations, 1940s British women’s wear and, most recently, cartoons. Through his scholarship and initiative, he elevated his collectibles into museum-worthy objects. He curated exhibitions from his collections, wrote or edited more than 40 books and donated collections to museums.
He was a trustee of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; The Essex Institute, and The Wolfsonian-FIU in Miami Beach, as well as Beth Israel Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. In 2016, Mr. Sharf and his wife, Jean, donated $1 million to MorseLife in West Palm Beach for the senior care facility’s welcome center.
Mr. Sharf built the family business, M. Sharf & Co., into a sports marketing and management company offering services to professional ice hockey and tennis athletes.
Nov. 28
Irving Luntz
Longtime Worth Avenue art dealer Irving Luntz, regarded by many as the Avenue’s canniest and most colorful businessman, died at 88 at his island home.
+ Irving Luntz. Photo by Lannis Waters
A native of Milwaukee, Mr. Luntz opened Irving Galleries in 1974 in Palm Beach, focusing on top-quality modern master and contemporary art. He retired in 2011, when he turned over 332 Worth Ave. to his son, photography dealer Holden Luntz.
As a young man, Mr. Luntz played clarinet and saxophone in jazz bands. After he married, he worked for his father-in-law’s business leasing heavy equipment for commercial developments in Milwaukee.
When he and his wife divorced in the early 1960s, Mr. Luntz went into the art business. He taught himself the trade. He opened his first gallery in 1959 in Milwaukee.
Dec. 5
Leandro Rizzuto of Palm Beach, the co-founder and board chairman of Conair Corp., died after a battle with pancreatic cancer.
With his parents, Mr. Rizzuto founded the company in 1959. Forbes reported that Mr. Rizzuto, who was worth $3.4 billion, left St. John’s University to help set up Conair in the basement of the family’s home in Brooklyn. He was tied for No. 212 on the 2017 Forbes 400 list, and No. 367 on Forbes’ list of world billionaires.
Mr. Rizzuto owned a $2.3 million condominium in Winthrop House, according to county records. He also owned a single-family home in Highland Beach and condominiums in Sheridan, Wyo.
Jan. 4, 2018
Bruce Halle
Discount Tire chairman Bruce Halle, a seasonal resident who grew the retail chain he founded into a business empire, died in his sleep at age 87.
+ Bruce Halle. Photo courtesy of Discount Tire
Mr. Halle, who served in the Korean War as a Marine, opened his first Discount Tire store in 1960 in Ann Arbor, Mich. Today, the company is the world’s largest tire and wheel retailer and is expected to have more than 1,000 stores this year in 34 states. In October, Forbes.com’s annual Forbes 400 list estimated his net worth at $4.6 billion and ranked him in 144th place. Mr. Halle and his wife Diane shared a house on North Ocean Boulevard they had bought in 2012.
The Halles were active in civic and charitable causes as well as the arts. The Bruce T. Halle Library on his alma mater campus at Eastern Michigan University is named after him. Mr. Halle and wife established The Diane & Bruce Halle Foundation to fund a range of charitable endeavors. He also created programs to help his employees in need, including the Bruce T. Halle Assistance Fund and a scholarship program for employees’ college-bound children.
In town over the past two seasons, the Halles attended charitable functions that included events supporting the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, the Navy SEALs and The Lord’s Place. The Halles also were significant art collectors, with a collection that concentrated on Latin American art and contemporary sculpture.
Jan. 14
Norbert Goldner, chef and owner Café L’Europe, one of the island’s most beloved restaurants, died at age 77.
Mr. Goldner was born in Berlin and managed the New York City restaurant The Sign of the Dove before opening the first Cafe L’Europe in Sarasota in 1972.
+ Norbert Goldner
In 1980, Cafe L’Europe opened in Palm Beach, where, in the weeks that followed, it was so popular that there often was a line out the door before dinner hours. Cafe L’Europe became an island staple, and Mr. Goldner became known as an outstanding chef.
Customers remember Mr. Goldner for his warm personality, his love of walking around the restaurant and talking to customers, and his meticulous attention to detail in operation of the restaurant.
Jan. 22
William P. Rayner
Water-colorist and travel writer William P. Rayner died in New York City at age 88.
+ Billy Rayner
Mr. Rayner was born in Washington, D.C. He was educated at the Taft School in Watertown, Conn., and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He was introduced to art at an early age. His mother, Emily Rayner, was a director of the Worth Avenue Gallery, a Palm Beach fixture from the 1940s to the 1960s.
His aunt was the celebrated New York art dealer Betty Parsons, with whom he spent many summers on Long Island. Through her, he met artists such as Barnett Newman, Ad Reinhardt, Mark Rothko, Clyfford Still and Jackson Pollock.
Rayner was the editorial business manager for Conde Nast for 30 years. His job provided him with a passport to exotic locales and vehicles for publishing the writing and paintings inspired by his many trips with his wife, Kathy, the daughter of Anne Cox Chambers of Cox Enterprises, the former parent company of the Palm Beach Daily News.
Feb. 11
Vic Damone, longtime resident whom Frank Sinatra once described as “having the best pipes in the business,” died from respiratory failure at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach. He was 89.
+ Vic Damone
Born Vito Farinola in Brooklyn’s Bensonhurst neighborhood, he was the son of Italian immigrants from the Adriatic seaside city of Bari. His father, Rocco Farinola, was an electrician; his mother, Mamie Damone Farinola, was a homemaker and piano teacher. Mr. Damone was a 14-year-old dropout working as an usher at New York’s legendary Paramount Theater when he found himself in an elevator with the evening’s headliner, Perry Como. He told Como he was taking voice lessons and began singing, then asked Como if he should continue his voice lessons. Como — who would also, later in life, become a Palm Beach County resident — said “Keep singing!”
He served in the Army from 1951-53. After his military service, he took his mother’s maiden name professionally and carved out a career that encompassed film, television, concerts and more than 2,500 recordings. He received the Sammy Cahn Lifetime Achievement Award from the Songwriters Hall of Fame and has a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. He moved to Palm Beach, where he met and married his fifth wife, Rena Rowan, and moved into a home on Via Bellaria and lived the life of a retiree.
He was active in many causes, including Palm Beach Island Cats, Vita Nova, the Renaissance Learning Center for Autism, St. Edward Church, and the Society for the Preservation of the Great American Songbook, founded by Old Port Cove resident Dick Robinson. Mr. Damone was the first recipient of the organization’s Legend Award.
March 10
Hubert de Givenchy
French couturier Hubert de Givenchy, 91, who popularized the little black dress, died at his home outside Paris.
+ Hubert De Givenchy
Some of his best-known pieces include the Bettina blouse inspired by model Bettina Graziani and Audrey Hepburn’s little black dress from Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Mr. Givenchy was known for making everlasting friendships with his clients.
Born in Beauvais, France, he was raised by his mother and maternal grandparents from a young age after his father, a business executive and amateur pilot, died.
Mr. Givenchy developed an eye for art and aesthetics from his grandfather, an administrator of a tapestry workshop in Beauvais. In Paris, couturier Jacques Fath took Mr. Givenchy under his wing for two years, where he learned sketching, cutting and fitting haute couture styles. After working for the house of Piguet and Italian designer Elsa Schiaparelli, he founded his own design house in 1952, which proved to be an instant success.
March 15
Marie D. Schwartz
Marie D. Schwartz, of Greenwich, Conn., and formerly of Palm Beach, died at Greenwich Hospital. She was 97.
A native of Atlanta, she attended the University of Georgia. She held an honorary doctor of humane letters degree from Long Island University College of Pharmacy.
She was a staff writer for The Washington Post from 1954 to 1970, covering the White House. She served as president of the American Newspaper Women’s Club. She also wrote a number of books, including Entertaining in the White House, The President’s Lady: An Intimate Biography of Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson and White House Brides.
In 1970, she married New York City oil company executive Arnold Schwartz, and left Washington and the newspaper world behind. The couple served as benefactors for the Arnold and Marie Schwartz Kidney Dialysis Center at St. Mary’s Medical Center and the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach. She was a board member of St. Mary’s and the Norton.
March 15
John Weller “Jack” Hanley
John Weller Hanley, a former Palm Beacher, died at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. He was 96. Mr. Hanley was a resident of Winston-Salem and Roaring Gap, N.C.
+ Jack Hanley
Born in Parkersburg, West Virginia, he was a graduate of Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering and the Harvard University’s School of Business with an MBA. Following graduation, he joined the U.S. Navy serving primarily in the Pacific Theater.
After the war, Mr. Hanley graduated from the Harvard Business School and began a career with Procter & Gamble. After serving as executive vice president of P&G, he was served as president, and CEO of the Monsanto Company in St. Louis, Missouri. He served there from 1972 to 1983 before retiring from business to concentrate on his private passion preventing and treating substance use disorder. Recognizing his contributions on the national scene, he was awarded honorary law degrees from the University of Missouri, Maryville College, Notre Dame University, University of the Pacific, Washington University in St. Louis, and Webster College.
The post-retirement activity that occupied much of his time was built around his family’s interest in helping people suffering from alcoholism and drug dependency. In Palm Beach County, he and his wife co-founded the Hanley Center in West Palm Beach and Gate Lodge in Vero Beach as well as the research laboratory at Penn State.
March 20
Marvin Kamin
Marvin Kamin, a member of the Pittsburgh and Palm Beach communities, died at age 90.
+ Hannah and Marvin Kamin. Daily News file photo
He was a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Engineering. He had a long career in real estate development with the National Development Corp., which is based in Pittsburgh with offices in Boston, Washington, D.C., and Florida.
He served on the boards and a supporter of The United Jewish Federation, the Red Cross, United Way, Palm Beach International Society and The Round Table. He also was an original member of The Mar-a-Lago Club.
March 23
Rhoda L. Kleid, wife of Richard Kleid, who retired in March from the Town Council, died unexpectedly. She was 80.
The Kleids, who celebrated 59 years of marriage in November, celebrated his 13 years as a member and president of the council at a party on March 22. at Club Colette. She died while asleep at home the next day.
+ Rhoda L. Kleid
Mrs. Kleid attended every council meeting, as well as meetings of other town boards, including the Planning and Zoning Commission, on which her husband served before joining the council.
A native of Philadelphia, Mrs. Kleid was a graduate of Columbia University’s Barnard College. She enjoyed a long career as a residential real estate agent, in Pittsburgh and Palm Beach, most recently with The Fite Group. She volunteered for the Junior League of Pittsburgh and the United Way Allocation Committee in Palm Beach, and she worked to register voters in Palm Beach County. Mrs. Kleid was a docent at the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach.
March 24
Artist Stewart Colwell Broberg, a resident, died at age 92.
She was born in Chicago and raised in Urbana, Ohio. She was an avid horse lover in her youth and attended Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri.
+ Stewart Colwell Broberg
She married Gustave T. Broberg Jr. in 1946 and moved to Palm Beach in 1950. Through the years she was involved with Opportunity Inc., the United Way and The Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea bookshop. She was an active artist; one of her works depicting Chief Justice John Marshall is on display at the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond. She also was a member of the Coral Beach Club and the Sailfish Club.
March 24
Denise S. Meyer, a resident, died after a battle with cancer. She was 67.
She was the wife of William A. Meyer, former board chairman of the Kravis Center, former vice chairman of JFK Medical Center and chairman of Meyer Jabara Hotels.
+ Denise Meyer
She designed and oversaw the construction of Temple Judea in Palm Beach Gardens; designed two spec homes in Palm Beach; designed and rebuilt her 1938 landmarked home; worked on the 1860 carriage house of her son and daughter-in-law, Andrew (AJ) and Jess, in Cambridge, Mass.; and worked on the design of the Arthur I. Meyer Jewish Academy.
A resident of Palm Beach County for 42 years and the town for 25 years, Mrs. Meyer grew up in East Lansing, Mich. She was a travel agent and then worked in the Michigan legislature. Upon moving to Palm Beach County in 1976, she became assistant to John Sansbury, the then-county administrator. She later ran the office of lunar astronaut Ed Mitchell and subsequently started her own advertising specialties company, The Specialty Shoppe.
April 7
Hannah Honig Kamin, of Pittsburgh and Palm Beach, died 18 days after the death of her husband of 59 years, Marvin Kamin.
She was a graduate of Chatham University. With her husband, she was well-known in her communities as well as nationally as a leader, fundraiser and philanthropist.
In Palm Beach, her board and leadership positions included the American Lung Association, Ballet Florida, Jewish National Fund, Jewish Guild for the Blind and UJA Women’s Executive Committee.
Nationally, Mrs. Kamin was a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Millennium Committee to Save American’s Treasures and the Women’s Leadership Forum of the Democratic National Committee. She also was active with the National Council of Jewish Women.
April 14
Peter Pulitzer
Peter Pulitzer, businessman, sportsman and scion of two prominent American families, died at home, surrounded by his children. He was 88.
+ Peter Pulitzer. (Karen T. Borchers/The Palm Beach Post)
Born Herbert Peter Pulitzer, he was the son of Herbert Pulitzer and Gladys Munn. His maternal grandparents were Charles and Carrie Louise (nee Gurnee) Munn. His paternal grandparents were newspaperman Joseph and Katherine (nee Davidson) Pulitzer. He attended St. Mark’s in Southborough, Mass., a feeder school for the Ivy League.
He went to college but soon become bored and dropped out, using a half-million dollars of his family’s money to seed a business career that began with a liquor store and bowling alley and grew to include citrus groves, cattle ranches, a popular Palm Beach restaurant, wide real estate holdings, and hotels.
Along the way, he gained a reputation as a ladies man and married three times. The first was to Lillian “Lilly” McKim who went on to achieve fame as a fashion designer Lilly Pulitzer. He married Roxanne Dixon in 1976 and their acrimonious divorce in 1982 became tabloid fodder. His marriage to Hilary King in 1986 was his longest, 32 years.
April 28
Judith Leiber
Handbag designer Judith Leiber, 97, known for her ornate shiny bags, died within hours of the passing of her husband, abstract painter Gerson Leiber, in their Springs, N.Y., home. They had been married for 72 years.
+ Judith Leiber
Mrs. Leiber was born in Hungary in 1921. She hid in a crammed apartment to survive the Holocaust during World War II. She met her husband, an American GI, during the war and moved to the United States. In 1963, she created her brand, which is best known for its bejeweled bags in whimsical designs. Her bags were popular on the island.
By 1973, Mrs. Leiber was the first woman in her field and first accessories designer to win a Coty award, according to Harper’s, and 20 years later she was the first handbag designer to win the lifetime achievement award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America. She sold her company in 1993 but continued to design for the brand for nearly five years.
April 29
Jean-Pierre Leverrier
Jean-Pierre Leverrier, chef and owner of Chez Jean-Pierre, died at age 62.
+ Jean-Pierre Leverrier
Mr. Leverrier’s restaurant was known for its classical northern French cuisine, family-owned atmosphere and freshly baked bread. Mr. Leverrier himself was best known for his charm, his warmth, his love for teaching cooking techniques to his children and grandchildren, and his thoughtful and carefully crafted dishes.
A native of Normandy, he opened Chez Jean-Pierre in November 1991, quickly gaining attention and loyal customers. Mr. Leverrier’s legacy will continue with his sons, Guillaume and David, who are now running the restaurant.
April 30
Lory A. Volk, 60, a resident and passionate preservationist, died after a long illness.
She was a graduate of Forest Hill High School and the University of Florida.
+ Lory Volk
Mrs. Volk was an outspoken advocate for preserving the history and archives of her late father-in-law, noted Palm Beach architect John L. Volk. She co-authored the book John L. Volk, Palm Beach Architect with her late mother-in-law Jane Volk and was chairwoman of the John L. Volk Foundation.
For more than 30 years, Mrs. Volk was a weekly volunteer at the Lourdes-Noreen McKeen residence for geriatric care in West Palm Beach.
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techniscope · 5 years ago
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Joanne Scribner
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misterreusch · 13 years ago
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Scans of the awesome Beverly Cleary books my sister and I held onto from our childhood.  I love the stylized realism of Joanne Scribner's covers...the compositions, colors, outlines, facial expressions and body language.  These were REALLY inspiring to a kid who wanted to be an illustrator. I wish I could find lots more information about Scribner, but so far I haven't turned up much.
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