#jo kuk
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Visible Secret
directed by Ann Hui, 2001
#Visible Secret#Ann Hui#movie mosaics#Shu Qi#Eason Chan#Kara Hui#Tony Liu#Lau Wing#James Wong#Jo Kuk#Ho Fili#Wayne Lai
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Tyvole, jsem ráda, že nežiju v Kuksu (ač to je krásné město), protože kdyby se mi stalo, že bych si vyšla na procházku a pak se setmělo a já nějak narazila na toto
tak bych se posrala rychlostí světla
#czech#česky#čumblr#kuks#může tu někdo potvrdit nebo vyvrátit?#jinak braun samozřejmě génius a všechno ale jak už jsou ty sochy v jeho betlémě dlouho vystaveny živlům tak už jsou trošku hororov materiál#spolužačka přirovnala obličej první sochy k ubohým duším v disneyho malé mořské víle a jako jo vidím to#a taky se podobá davymu jonesovi nl
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Hej sötnos vill du bli min mys kompis?
Hej är en kille som gillar mycket sex fantasier och önskar att få uppleva det med. Så jag delar min önskan här och nu... jo jag önskar att en tjej kommer in smygande i min olåsta lägenhetdörr och in i mitt sovrum där jag ligger helt naken och o djup sömn som då tjejen börjar smeka och kyssa mig kropp och suger men kuk djupt och länge som sen hon tar och sitter sig över och börjar rida min kuk upp och ner långsamt sen blir det snabbare och snabbare och tar min sås i sin varma sköna fitta.. och sen kysser mig på munnen och sen smyger ut ifrån min lägenhetdörrHej jag är ifrån Ängelholm söker en mys kompis,även gärna vill erbjuda att få leka med min kropp när jag ligger och sover om det kan vara något puss puss
bruksgatan 30 ängelholm vån 2 vänster dörr och min dörr är alltid olåst så det enda du behöverr göra är att ringa på en port tele sök namnet christ L så kommer dörren att öppnas upp❤️❤
#marisol yotta#elizabeth marie brandani#jessica nigri#sexy costumes#bella lynn#natalie grace#presley lavergne#presley elise#hannah kenerly#dalene's box
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Ryggen mot väggen - Sebatti one-shot
Pairing: Sebastian / Matti
Rating: E
Language: Swedish, with Finnish phrases
Word Count: ~1k
Content warnings: Sex, recreational drug use, toxic relationships
Other tags: Fake dating
Ja jos joku on huolissaan siitä, mitä ressupellelle (jonka nimi muuten on Sebastian eli Sebu ❤️) tapahtui, niin ei hätää: Sebu/Matti on meidän nykyinen otp (ai mikä bojere?), meidän mielessä ne harrastaa vihapanoja Teslassa sen ohessa, kun Matti diilaa Sebulle nappeja. (Bojan ja ärsyttävä, raivostuttava, hyvältä tuoksuva Jere, Luku 7, Authors Notes)
Kysyin kiltisti lupaa saada kirjoittaa Sebattia, ja en tiedä katuuko @frikatilhi ja @punanenmarli tätä vielä joskus mutta...
kiitos ja anteeksi. 1k fanifiktiota ja vielä ruotsiksi, koska Sebu on suomenruotsalainen.
Samma på svenska. Tack och förlåt. Det finns översättningar av de finska fraserna i slutet av texten om det mot all förmodan finns någon läsare som vill ha dem.
Det hörs ett rasp av nycklar från entrén, och skrattande högljudda röster. Dörren öppnas och en klar kvinnoröst ropar, ”Sebastian, gulle? Vi är hemma nu.”
Helvete också.
Sebastian torkar munnen med baksidan av sin hand och stiger snabbt upp från vardagsrumsgolvet. Han plockar upp sin skjorta från vart Matti kastat den tidigare, och drar den raskt över huvudet. Det är ett desperat försök att sprinta mot klockan och att inte se ut som om han blivit påtagen med munnen kring sin langares kuk. Han försöker få Matti att sätta fart på. ”Matti toi on mun mutsi. Laita vaatteet ylle”
Sebastian visste att det var ett misstag att ha Matti över kvällen innan hans föräldrar flög hem från Nice, men inte för att han tänkte att de var på väg hem en dag tidigare än planerat. Matti kom aldrig över, de träffades alltid någonstans i Vanda där ingen visste vem Sebastian var och hölls så anonyma som möjligt.
Men skrivningarna var över, och Matti hade hämtat kama med sig och Sebastian tänkte mer med sin kuk än med sin hjärna. En flaska Talisker från Sebastians föräldrars barskåp senare hade Sebastian glömt bort varför det var en dålig idé att bjuda in Matti. Mattis kyssar och händer var mer beroendeframkallande än allt Matti sålt åt honom.
”Matti nyt vittu oikeesti pue ylles”, snäser Sebastian när Matti inte rört ett finger för att dra upp sina byxor. ”Sä et voi nähdä mun vanhempia ton näkösenä”
”Sebbe, är du hemma?” hörs en mansröst med stockholmsk klang.
Sebastian har inget val än att svara om han inte vill att hans föräldrar blir totalt överraskade. ”Joo, men ja har nån över.”
Sebastian drar en skrattande Matti upp från soffan och fixar till hans kläder. Matti verkar njuta av Sebastians panik, men Sebastian hinner inte vara arg just nu. Han har inte planerat att komma ut ur skåpet till sina föräldrar såhär, men det finns inte riktigt något annat alternativ. Det är omöjligt att helt gömma undan vad de har hållit på med, Mattis korta hår sticker ut från hur Sebastian hållit i honom tidigare innan Matti styrt honom på knä och dragit ut sin kuk. Det finns ingen chans att Sebastian ser något prydare ut, Matti har säkert lämnat fritsun på hans nacke tidigare då de hånglade tidigare på soffan. Att vara bög är det minst skandalösa av hans hemligheter. Att bli knullad av sin langare är något helt annat. ”Sä oot sit mun poikaystävä ja me ollaan seurusteltu kuukaus.”
”Voi kui söpöö Sebu”, Mattis röst dryper av sarkasm och Sebastian hoppas att Matti spelar med. Han har ingen aning om vad Matti heter i efternamn eller vad han studerar mer än att det är på någon finsk yrkesskola, kanske något med bilar, och att de är ungefär jämngamla. ”Mä osaan kyl käyttäytyy, älä huoli, mutta mä en sit mitään ruotsia puhu.”
”Oj, men vem har vi här?”
Sebastian vänder sig om, och försöker spela rollen som generad tonåring som blivit fast med sin pojkvän. Det borde gå lätt, han drar alltid en roll framför sina föräldrar ändå. De hann inte gömma den nästan tomma Taliskern eller kokisflaskorna, men kanske pojkvänsnyheten är tillräckligt för att distrahera med och inte ställa vissa frågor. Han sätter armen runt Mattis midja och hoppas att de ser ut som ett par. “Hej mamma. Det var inte meningen att ni sku få veta såhär, men det här är min pojkvän Matti. Han talar inte svenska, bara finska och lite engelska.”
”Nej men vad fint!” Sebastians mamma slår händerna dramatiskt på sina kinder, ett stort leende på läpparna som om det är någon fin nyhet att hennes son är bög. Kanske det är, nu kan hon skryta med hur modern hennes familj är på nästa vänninnebrunsch eller vad hon nu håller på med i stället för att vara hemma. ”Varför berättade du inte tidigare?”
”Det kom liksom inte upp”, börjar Sebastian förklara men han blir avbruten.
”Hej Matti, mukava tavata! Olen Pernilla mutta sinä voit sanoa Nilla, kun olet perhettä.”
Sebastian greppar ett nervöst hårdare tag om Mattis midja. Han hatar när hon gör det här, låtsas som om allt är perfekt och försöker tala finska fast hon låter som om hon repeterar fraser som hon lärt sig i en skolbok.
”Joo, kiva tavata Nilla. Sori, mutta mun pitää lähteä. Teillä on varmaan paljon puhuttavaa kun tulitte just matkoilta.” Mattis röst är mildare än vad Sebastian någonsin har hört tidigare. Han låter nästan inte alls som sig själv när han talar utan att mumla eller svära.
Matti tar Sebastians hand i sin. Kanske Matti ser ut som den perfekta pojkvännen fast han är klädd i luvtröja och gamla collegebyxor i stället för märkeskläder då Matti leder dem tillsammans upp för trapporna från vardagsrummet till entréen. Han nickar åt Sebastians pappa då de går förbi honom i trappan, men Sebastians pappa säger inte något utan nickar bara tillbaka.
Sebastian stänger ytterdörren bakom dem och de står på trappan. Han vet att hans mamma troligtvis spionerar på dem från fönstret, och vågar inte släppa taget om Mattis hand. ”Sori Matti, tää lähti vähän lapasesta.”
”Ai vähän?” Matti himlar med ögonen och skrattar till torrt. ”Pitääkö mun tulla teille jollekin sunnuntailounaalle ja esittää jotain?”
”Ei niitä kiinnosta. Ja jos ne pyytää niin mä voin sanoa että me erottiin ja sun ei tarttee tulla.”
”Etkö sä usko että osaan olla ihmisiks? Jumalauta teidän kermaperse ressupellejen kanssa”, Matti stirrar honom stint i ögonen, och Sebastian börjar känna sig osäker. Det gör han ofta med Matti, för Matti gör endast vad han vill fast Sebastian skulle försöka muta honom. ”Enkö mä nyt kelpaakaan muuhun kun olla joku sivuhoito?”
Det är ingen idée att gräla med Matti. Sebastian tittar ner på sina strumpklädda fötter. ”En mä sitä sanonu ja tiiät sen. Mä meen nyt takas siivoomaan tota sotkua.”
Matti lutar sig fram och kysser Sebastian på läpparna. Sebastian känner Mattis tänder bita ner på hans nedre läpp. Smärtfylld njutning, precis som det alltid var med Matti. ”Hyvää yötä, kultsipuppeli!”
Sebastian stannar kvar på trappan, försöker förstå vad som just hänt. Det är första gången Matti kysst honom framför någon annan. Matti är redan halvvägs längs uppfarten då Sebastian hajjar till och ropar efter honom för att vara minst lika pinsam som Matti, "Godnatt älskling!”
Översättningar eftersom jag hatar mig själv:
”Matti toi on mun mutsi. Laita vaatteet ylle” = Matti det där var min mamma. Sätt kläderna på.
”Matti nyt vittu oikeesti pue ylles,” = Matti fittan också [bokst.] nu klär du på dig
”Sä et voi nähdä mun vanhempia ton näkösenä” = Du kan inte se mina föräldrar då du ser ut så där
”Sä oot sit mun poikaystävä ja me ollaan seurusteltu kuukaus. = Du är sen min pojkvän och vi har sällskapat i en månad.
”Voi kui söpöö Sebu,” = nej men vad gulligt, Sebu
”Mä osaan kyl käyttäytyy, älä huoli, mutta mä en sit mitään ruotsia puhu.” = Jag kan nog bete mig, oroa dig inte, men jag talar sen inte någon svenska
”Hej Matti, mukava tavata! Olen Pernilla mutta sinä voit sanoa Nilla, kun olet perhettä.” = Hej Matti, trevligt att träffas! Jag är Pernilla, men du kan säga Nilla, då du är familj.
”Joo, kiva tavata Nilla. Sori, mutta mun pitää lähteä. Teillä on varmaan paljon puhuttavaa kun tulitte just matkoilta. = Joo, trevlig att träffas Nilla. Sorry, men jag måste fara. Ni har säkert mycket att tala om när ni just kommit hem från en resa.
”Sori Matti, tää lähti vähän lapasesta.” = Sorry Matti, det här spårade lite ut. [bokst. Det här for från vanten]
”Ai vähän?” = Aj lite?
”Pitääkö mun tulla teille jollekin sunnuntailounaalle ja esittää jotain?” = Behöver jag komma till er på någon söndagslunch och föreställa något?
”Ei niitä kiinnosta. Ja jos ne pyytää niin mä voin sanoa että me erottiin ja sun ei tarttee tulla.” = De bryr sig inte. Och om de ber, så kan jag säga att vi gjorde slut och du behöver inte komma.
”Etkö sä usko että osaan olla ihmisiks? Jumalauta teidän kermaperse ressupellejen kanssa,” = Tror du inte att jag kan bete mig som folk? Åt helvete med er [referenser till att Sebastian är övre klass och går i Ressu]
”Enkö mä nyt kelpaakaan muuhun kun olla joku sivuhoito?” = Duger jag inte till något mer än att vara någon man kan ha vid sidan?
”En mä sitä sanonu ja tiiät sen. Mä meen nyt takas siivoomaan tota sotkua.” = Inte sa jag så och du vet det. Jag går nu och städar upp den där röran.
”Hyvää yötä, kultsipuppeli!” = Gonatt gulleplutt
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#dream home#Wai dor lei ah yat ho#ho-cheung pang#derek tsang#chi-man wan#josie ho#ching wong#helen to#slasher#crime#drama#hong kong#man jan san#cindy yu#lai-ling chan#eason chan#chow fei kin#michelle ye#jo kuk#dewi ariyantil#vivian leung#chung-man pow#horror#horror film#horror films#horror movie#horror movies#horror fan#horror fans#horror review
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#kuk-jo#rerorerorero#rero#lelo#lero#kakyoin#kakyoin noriaki#noriaki kakyoin#part 3#stardust crusaders#jojo#jojo's#jjba#jojo's bizarre adventure#yellow temperance#rubber soul#temperance#tarot#animation#cute#funny#adorable#lick#lick lick lick lick lick
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Blind (2022) - 블라인드 - Character Key
Major Spoilers!!!
This is a very cerebral show. You have to pay attention! When you think you finally know what's going on.. you really don't. I enjoy shows like this every now and then, but damn do I get twisted around! So I made this list just to keep track of what's happening, & who's who! Hell.. I'm still not 100% sure I got everything right.
Don't read below if you want to figure it out yourself!
I wrote a Full Whump List for this show too!
*Spoilers below*
Mains Ryu Sung Joon played by Ok Taec Yeon — Detective — Biological son of Ryu Il Ho & Na Kuk Hee — Adoptive younger brother to Ryu Sung Hoon — Lost his memories from a childhood accident — Had false memories planted / brainwashed by Ryu Sung Hoon to make him think he is Jung Yoon Jae; an adopted child, & one of the Center Number children : 13
Ryu Sung Hoon played by Ha Seok Jin — Judge — Adopted son of Ryu Il Ho & Na Kuk Hee — Adoptive older brother to Ryu Sung Joon — Center Number child : 11 — Original name : Gabriel — Quasi- older brother to Jung Yoon Jae (was in the Center together, not blood-related) — Brainwashed Ryu Sung Joon into thinking he was Jung Yoon Jae — The Mastermind behind the Serial Revenge Murders — Attempted suicide in prison — Sentenced to Life Imprisonment
Members of the Jury Jo Eun Ki — Social worker — Helps Ryu Sung Joon when he's a falsely accused wanted criminal — Baek Moon Kang’s [unknown] daughter
Jung In Seong — Center Number child : 13 — Original name : Jung Yoon Jae — Pretends to be Jung In Seon, the missing child of the Restaurant Auntie. — Serial murderer — Murder 10, killed by Baek Moon Kang / Crazy Dog in prison
Bae Chul Ho — TV producer — Recorded what the Center was doing but never exposed them — Murder 8, killed on Chief of Police Yeom Ki Nam's order, by a Center henchman
Kang Young Ki — Retired executive — Delivered items to the Center but never helped the children (?) — His daughter, Ha Na, is Murder 5
Kim Sook Hee — Restaurant Auntie — Mother of missing child, Jung In Seon
Charles — aka : Lee Jung Soo — Chef & owner of a sushi restaurant — Younger brother of missing child Lee Hyun Soo — Accomplice to Jung In Seong in his revenge murders — Committed suicide by eating (what I'm guessing is) the poisonous part of a pufferfish
Choi Soon Gil — Taxi driver — Was a guard at the Center — Murder 4
Yeom Hye Jin — Influencer: CocoMom — Daughter of Police Chief Yeom Ki Nam — Murder 2
Kwon Kyung Ja — Self-proclaimed psychic : Eungam-dong — Witnessed the atrocities of the Center but didn’t report it
Ahn Tae Ho — Business Manager ... has a limp — Center Number child : 7 — Betrayed the other Center Children by telling the Guards their escape plan — Murder 6
Involved with Center Yeom Ki Nam — Chief of Police — Dirty Cop that helped the Center — Father of Influencer, Yeom Hye Jin
Baek Moon Kang — CEO — aka : Crazy Dog — Helped run the Center — Father of Baek Ji Eun — Murder 9, killed by Jung Yoon Jae in prison
Na Kuk Hee — Running for Minister of Health & Welfare — Mother of Ryu Sung Joon — Adoptive mother of Ryu Sung Hoon — Helped hide what the Center was doing
Ryu Il Ho — Retired Judge — Father of Ryu Sung Joon — Adoptive father of Ryu Sung Hoon — Ignored a plea for help from Sung Hoon as a kid — Participated in a child sex ring run by the Center
Jo In Sook — Nurse — Mother of Jo Eun Ki — Nursed the children at the Center but never reported it
Supporting Baek Ji Eun — Child of CEO Baek Moon Kang — Murder 1, the trial that started it all
Jung Man Chun — Accused of murdering Baek Ji Eun — The trial that started it all — Murder 3, his wife & son were also murdered (in order to "tie up all the loose strings")
Kwon Yoo Na — Taken care of by social worker Jo Eun Ki — Murder 7
Jung In Seon — Missing child of the Restaurant Auntie — Center Number child : 12 — Foot was caught in a bear trap when trying to escape the center, severely injured — Was killed as a child by Jung Yoon Jae
Jung Yoon Jung — Older sister of Jung Yoon Jae — Killed as a child at the Center
Lee Hyun Soo — Older brother of Charles/Lee Jung Soo, the Chef — Center Number child : 24 — Went missing as a child — Hit by a car & killed trying to escape the Center
Kim Jin Gu — Center Number child : 45 — Developed a mental disability because of his time at the Center
#whump#character list#character key#asian whump#South Korea#Blind#블라인드#Ryu Sung Joon#Ryu Sung Hoon#Ok Taec Yeon#Ha Seok Jin#Thriller#Mystery#Drama#drama
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below the cut you will find 140 korean surnames!! all of these names are taken from kdramas and a list of surnames i have found on internet!! please like or reblog if you find this helpful!!
#masterlists.#korean surnames#korean names#name masterlist#name help#rph#krph#name help.#asiarph#exodusresources.
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anything plant related that’s isnt plantself???
big list of plant related pronouns
misc plants:
bam/bamb/bambs/bambs/bambself (bamboo)
haw/hawth/thor/thorn/hawthornself or hawthself
po/pon/der/deros/ponderosaself, ponderself or ponself
se/seque/quoi/quoia/sequoiaself or sequoiself
spru/sep/ruce/spruce/spruceself or spruself
vi/viol/viols/viols/violself (violet)
ae/onium/onis/onis/aeoniself or aeoniumself
aloe/vera/ver/veras/aloeself, veraself or aloeveraself
barr/rrel/barr/barrs/barrself or barrelself
buck/horn/bucks/bucks/buckself or buckhornself
cacta/ceae/ceaes/caeas/cactaself or cactaceaeself
claret/cup/clar/clarets/claretself or claretcupself
eche/veria/ver/veries/echeself, veriaself, or echeveriaself
grapto/petalum/petals/petals/graptoself, petalumself, or graptopetalumself
jovi/barba/bar/barbs/joviself, barbaself, or jovibarbaself
liv(ing)/stone/livs/livs/livingstoneself or stoneself
pachy/cereus/cer/cereus/pachyself, cereusself, or pachysereusself
pe/yote/yotes/yotes/peyoself or peyoteself
peyo/te/tes/tes/peyoself or peyoteself
prickly/pear/pear/pears/pricklyself or pricklypearself
ro/sette/rose/rose/rosetteself, roself, or setteself
rosu/laria/lar/larias/rosuself, lariaself, or rosulariaself
succu/lent/cus/cus/succuself or succulentself
succu/lent/lents/lents/succuself or succulentself
other floral:
bloom/blooms/bloomself (might be plantkin-exclusive? i can’t tell if a troll submitted that)
bo/bel/oss/bloss/blossomself or blosself
ca/cam/mel/mellia/camelliaself or camellself
co/lum/bi/bine/columbineself or columself
haw/hawth/thor/thorn/hawthornself or hawthself
hy/cin/hyas/hyacin/hyacinthself or hyaself
hy/hys/hyself (hyacinth)
lau/rel/aur/laur/laurelself or laurself
lav/lav/lavs/lavs/lavself (lavender)
lav/laven/lavend/lavends/lavendself (lavender)
ma/mag/nol/nolia/magnoliaself or noliaself
nar/narc/narcir/narcirs/narcself (soft c as in certain, narcissus)
pe/per/peri/peri/periself or periwinkle
rie/orch/id/chid/orchidself, orchiself, or orchself
vi/viol/viols/viols/violself (violet)
wi/win/winkle/winkle/winkleself or periwinkle
wi/wist/wis/wister/wisteriaself, wistself, or wisterself
apri/cot/apris/cots/apriself, cotself, or apricotself
av/avo/avs/avs/avself (avocado)
ban/bana/bans/bans/banself (banana)
black/berry/berr/berrs/blackself, berrself, or berryself
blue/berry/berr/berrs/blueself, berrself, or berryself
canta/loupe/loupes/loupes/cantaself, loupeself, or canataloupeself
clemen/tine/tines/tines/tineself, clemenself, clementself, or clementineself
cot/cot/cots/cots/cotself (apricot)
crai/sin/crais/sins/craiself or craisinself
cran/berry/berr/berrs/cranself, berrself, or berryself
cur/rant/curr/currs/currself or currantself
gua/va/guas/vas/guaself, guavself or guavaself
honey/dew/dews/dews/honeyself, dewself, or honeydewself
ki/kir/kirs/kirs/kirself (kiwi)
kum/quat/quats/quats/quatself or kumquatself
lem/lem/lems/lems/lemself (lemon)
lon/gan/lons/gans/lonself or longanself
ly/chee/lys/chees/lyself, cheeself, or lycheeself
manda/rine/rines/rines/rineself, mandaself, mandarself, or mandarineself
mango/steen/steens/steens/steenself or mangosteenself
mul/berry/berr/berrs/mulself, berrself, or berryself
musc/musc/muscas/muscas/muscaself (muscadine)
pa/paya/pas/payas/payaself, papaself, or papayaself
pass/sion/sions/sions/sionself or passionself
per/simm/per/pers/persimself or persimmonself
pine/apple/pines/apples/pineself or pineappleself
plan/tain/plans/tains/planself or plantainself
pom/pom/poms/poms/pomself (pomegranate)
pom/pome/pomes/pomes/pomself or pomeself
prickly/pear/pear/pears/pricklyself or pricklypearself
pum/pum/pums/pums/pumself (pumpkin)
rai/sin/rais/sins/raiself or raisinself
rasp/berry/berr/berrs/raspself, berrself, or berryself
rasp/rasp/rasps/rasps/raspself (raspberry)
sour/sop/sours/sops/sourself, sopself, or soursopself
star/fruit/fruits/fruits/starfruitself or starself
stawb/strawb/strawbs/strawbs/strawbself (strawberry)
tama/rind/tamar/tamars/tamaself, tamarself, or tamarindself
tange/rine/rines/rines/rineself, tangeself, tangerself, or tangerineself
toma/tom/toms/toms/tomself (long o, tomato)
winter/melon/melons/melons/melonself or winterself
anise - ni/an/anise/anise/aniself
arugula - ru/gul/aru/aru/aruguself
basil - bas/basi/basilself
chervil - che/vil/cher/cher/chervilself
chive - chi/chiv/chives/chive/chiveself
cilantro - ci/lan/cil/cilan/cilanself
cinnamon - ci/cin/cinnself
cloves - clo/cloves/cloveself
coriander - co/der/cor/cori/corself, coriself, or coriaself
dill - di/il/dill/dills/dillself
lavender - lav/lav/lavs/lavs/lavself
lavender - lav/laven/lavend/lavends/lavendself
marjoram - ma/mar/marjor/marjoram/marjoramself or marjorself
mint - mint/mints/mintself
myrrh - myr/myrs/myrrhself
oregano - re/or/reg/oreg/oreganoself or oregaself
parsley - pa/par/pars/pars/parsleyself or parself
rosemary - ro/rosem/rosemself
saffron - saff/saffs/saffself
sage - sa/sage/sageself
sage - sa/sage/sas/saes/sageself
tarragon - ta/tar/tarra/tarrag/tarragonself
thyme - thy/thyme/thymeself
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interesting comparison in how the nytimes and wsj report on international affairs in their articles on the seoul mayoral election
new york times: Election Rout Signals a Shift in South Korea’s Political Scene
Mr. Moon was elected in 2017, filling the power vacuum created by Ms. Park’s impeachment. As a former human rights lawyer, he enthralled the nation by promising a “fair and just” society. He vehemently criticized an entrenched culture of privilege and corruption that he said had taken root while conservatives were in power, and vowed to create a level playing field for young voters who have grown weary of dwindling job opportunities and an ever-expanding income gap.
Mr. Moon spent much of his first two years in power struggling to quell escalating tension between North Korea and the United States, successfully mediating diplomacy between the two countries. He shifted more of his attention to domestic issues after the two summit meetings between North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, and President Donald J. Trump failed to produce a deal on nuclear disarmament or the easing of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
But things quickly turned sour on the home front as well.
In 2019, huge outdoor rallies erupted over accusations of forgery and preferential treatment in college and internship applications surrounding the daughter of Cho Kuk, Mr. Moon’s former justice minister and one of his closest allies.
The scandal flew in the face of Mr. Moon’s election promise of creating “a world without privilege,” and prompted outrage against the “gold-spoon” children of the elite, who glided into top-flight universities and cushy jobs while their “dirt-spoon” peers struggled to make ends meet in South Korea’s hobbled economy.
South Koreans expressed their growing cynicism over what they considered the hypocritical practices of Mr. Moon’s progressive allies with a popular saying: naeronambul. It roughly translates to, “If they do it, it’s a romance; if others do it, they call it an extramarital affair.”
Nonetheless, the Democratic Party won by a landslide in parliamentary elections last year as Mr. Moon leveraged his surging popularity around South Korea’s largely successful battle against the coronavirus. But Mr. Moon’s virus campaign has lost its luster.
In recent months, South Koreans have grown frustrated with prolonged social-distancing restrictions, a distressed economy and the government’s failure to provide vaccines fast enough. On Wednesday, the government reported 668 new coronavirus infections, the highest one-day increase in three months.
Mr. Moon’s most devastating setback came last month when officials at the Korea Land and Housing Corporation — the state developer — were accused of using privileged insider information to cash in on government housing development programs. Kim Sang-jo, Mr. Moon’s chief economic policy adviser, stepped down last month when it was revealed that his family had significantly raised the rent on an apartment in Seoul just days before the government imposed a cap on rent increases.
“People had hoped that even if they were incompetent, the Moon government would at least be ethically superior to their conservative rivals,” said Ahn Byong-jin, a political scientist at Kyung Hee University in Seoul. “What we see in the election results is the people’s long-accumulated discontent over the ‘naeronambul’ behavior of the Moon government exploding. Moon has now become a lame duck president.”
wall street journal: South Korean Conservatives Are on the Rise a Year Before Presidential Election
South Korea’s political right and left have widely different foreign-policy views. Under Mr. Moon, the government has given priority to inter-Korean cooperation, avoided zero-sum language about the U.S.-China rivalry and taken a pro-diplomacy approach that has had a “net stabilizing effect in the region,” said Jessica J. Lee, a Korea specialist at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, a Washington-based think tank
South Korea’s conservatives in the past have taken a more confrontational stance with North Korea and expressed skepticism about China. Right-leaning presidents have also aligned more with Washington on security, showing more appetite for large-scale military exercises with the U.S. or greenlighting the installation of an American missile-defense system that angered Beijing and Pyongyang.
A right-leaning South Korean president adopting a traditional foreign-policy playbook “will likely increase tensions on the peninsula and make denuclearization less likely,” Ms. Lee said.
South Korean conservatives have lately appeared more supportive toward Washington’s growing concerns about Beijing than their liberal counterparts.
Last month, the conservative party’s chairman said South Korea should join forces with the U.S., Japan, Australia, and India—a grouping known as the Quad—to work together against an increasingly assertive China, just as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was visiting Seoul.
“South Korean conservatives have found their political legitimacy through Seoul’s alliance with the U.S.,” said Kim Meen-geon, a professor of politics at Kyung Hee University in Seoul.
“This now means more support for policies on China that align closer to Washington,” she said.
South Korean public opinion is firmly behind the conservatives when it comes to China, recent opinion polls show. More than 80% of South Koreans view China as a national security threat, while 60% see it as an economic threat as well, according to a poll released by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, a think tank, this week.
the breakdown in voting patterns by gender and age is pretty interesting, with the 20-something men breaking harder for the conservative party than the 60-somethings. in large part, this has to do with a. the doubling of property prices in seoul since 2014, while wage growth has slown to 0% b. ahn cheol-soo, a south korean tech millionaire with a centrist bent (progressive domestically, hawkish in foreign policy), who previously threw his weight behind moon while the conservatives were in charge, pushed the conservative candidate this time to maintain his centrist credentials. i don’t know if this is replicable nationally. south korean conservatives seem to have rallied around the only person not tainted with the stain of the dictatorship and its corrupt apparatus, a sergio moro type named yoon seok-youl. the popular liberal candidate is gyeonggi governor and proponent of universal basic income, lee jae-myung. one thing not mentioned in any of the articles is the betrayal over lgbt rights. moon jae-in, while seen as being more conservative, was expected to shepherd an anti-discrimination bill favoured by 90% of koreans into law. instead, evangelical christians have managed to halt the process, helped by the fact that korea’s first big covid outbreak was caused by a gay man (although an even bigger outbreak was caused by evangelical protests against church restrictions). in the face of high profile suicides by trans figures, as well as the fact that this seoul election was caused by the suicide of the seoul mayor (the first lawyer to ever win a sexual harassment case and a promoter of women’s rights) over a sexual harassment scandal, leftist youth has abandoned the major centre-left parties (including the one widely seen as the biggest alternative, as the leader resigned over a sexual harassment case) in favour of numerous breakaway parties. whether these voters would return to moon’s party in a national election, especially under an economic populist, remains to be seen.
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Fandt sangen ved et tilfælde ved en overspringshandling. Er ved at læse op til statistik eksamen - er ret usikker på om jeg vil kunne bestå. Det er det eneste kursus, jeg på den måde har været bekymret for 😬
Bor i Aarhus men hele (og jeg mener virkelig hele) min familie er på Sjælland. Så vi er lige ved at finde ud af hvordan jeg mest sikkert kommer hjem. Håber virkelig også du klare det - heldigvis kan vi jo stadig bevæge os rundt, så helt kuk bliver vi nok ikke endnu😅
Overspringshandlinger bringer altid så mange interessante ting med sig, tak fordi du sendte den videre! Jeg har lige sendt den til et par venner og de synes også at den er rigtig sjov.
Det må være svært at koncentere sig om at læse op til eksamen lige nu, men jeg ville prøve at sende alle mine positive tanker i din retning og jeg krydser fingre (og tæer) for at det går godt.
Det er dejligt at vi stadig kan bevæge os rundt! I min familie var vi bange for at de lukkede Storebælt pga. en planlagt hurtig tur min mor og bror skal tage til at besøge min bedstemor på Jylland i weekenden inden jul og fordi vi skal over og hente en ny hundehvalp lige efter jul. Det er dog intet i forhold til at være “strandet” væk fra sin familie så jeg håber du kan finde en sikker måde at komme hjem på!!
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6th National Conference of War Veterans Held [July 28 Juche 109 (2020) KCNA]
The 6th National Conference of War Veterans was held splendidly in Pyongyang at the April 25 House of Culture on Monday.
Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, was present at the conference.
War veterans and persons of wartime merits who displayed unrivaled bravery and self-sacrificing spirit out of boundless loyalty to the leader attended the conference.
Present there were chairmen of provincial Party committees, officials of ministries, national institutions and armed forces organs, faculty members and students of revolutionary schools, and youth and students of Pyongyang.
Amid the playing of the welcome music, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un appeared at the platform of the conference with war veterans.
All the participants raised stormy cheers of "hurrah!" in great reverence and trust in Kim Jong Un who represents the might and dignity of Juche Korea and the symbol of invincibility.
Kim Jong Un warmly acknowledged the war veterans, genuine patriots who made an immortal contribution in the country's history of victory in the war.
Seated at the platform were Choe Yong Rim, Yang Hyong Sop, Thae Jong Su, Ri Myong Su, Ri Yong Mu, O Kuk Ryol, Kim Si Hak and other war veterans who served as cadres of the Party and the state and senior officials of the armed forces organs for a long period.
Also ascending the platform were Choe Ryong Hae, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, first vice-chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, and Pak Pong Ju, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, vice-chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and vice-chairman of the WPK Central Committee.
Officials of the Party and state Ri Pyong Chol, Ri Il Hwan, Choe Hwi, Choe Pu Il, Ri Man Gon, O Su Yong, Jo Yong Won, Kim Yo Jong, Kim Yong Hwan, Pak Jong Nam, Ri Hi Yong, Kim Jong Ho and officials of working people's organizations took the platform.
Together with them were Pak Jong Chon, Kim Jong Gwan and other leading officials of the armed forces organs.
Kim Jong Un made a significant congratulatory speech at the conference.
He extended warm congratulations to the war veterans who participated in the conference, all the participants in the Fatherland Liberation War and persons of wartime merits on the occasion of the 67th anniversary of the Korean people's victory in the great Fatherland Liberation War.
He also paid noble tributes to the well-known and unsung revolutionary martyrs who dedicated their valuable lives to the sacred war for the country's reunification and independence and people's freedom and happiness and the fallen fighters of the Chinese People's Volunteers who set a genuine example of militant friendship while helping the Korean people in their revolutionary war at the cost of blood, and war veterans.
Highly appreciating the heroic life of the generation who performed the undying feats and created the noble fighting spirit in the hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War true to the guidance of President Kim Il Sung, he expressed great belief that the war veterans would successfully hand down the spirit of the 1950s to the rising generation as the bloodline of faith.
The participants in the conference were greatly excited by the congratulatory speech full of high appreciation, respect, noble comradely loving care and noble revolutionary obligation for the participants in the great Fatherland Liberation War.
As soon as Kim Jong Un finished his speech, loud cheers of "hurrah!" resounded around the venue of the conference once again.
All the participants extended the greatest glory and the warmest thanks to Kim Jong Un who holds up the war veterans as the honorable master who made the great history and laid a foundation of the independent power and bestows all sorts of benevolence on them.
Kim Sung Un, hero of the Republic who is a lecturer of the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum, made a speech addressed to the rising generation.
Saying that Kim Il Sung who is the national liberator and illustrious leader of new Korea meant the country and the pillar of faith for the Korean people and fighters of the People's Army during the days of the war, he stressed that the war veterans brought about July 27 of victory by fighting in the indomitable faith that they could never be deprived of the land and the thankful country liberated by Kim Il Sung and with a unique thought that they have to kill the enemy even though they might die one hundred times.
Saying that the war veterans take pride in handing down the spirit of defending the country to the rising generation as a heritage, he expressed the absolute conviction that the DPRK would certainly win victories thanks to Kim Jong Un, the iron-willed commander.
He stressed that our country would certainly win victory, asking the rising generation to uphold well Kim Jong Un who devotes himself for the people's dignity and happiness and believing, holding and following only our Party despite any trial, bearing in mind the spirit of defending the country and spirit of defending the revolution displayed in the 1950s as their faith.
Then, Jo Chun Hyok, student of Kim Il Sung University, made a resolution speech on behalf of youths and Ji Yong Min, officer of the Korean People's Army on behalf of the service personnel.
Speakers extended warm congratulations and militant salute to the war veterans who participated in the 6th National Conference of War Veterans, reflecting the mind of the youth and service personnel across the country.
They said that the war veterans who honorably defended the dignity and sovereignty of the country from the imperialists' gangster-like invasion and handed down the indomitable spirit of defending the country as their valuable heritage are clearly kept in their minds as the model of true soldier.
They stressed that they would become the youth heroes, who dedicate their lives for the sake of the Party, revolution and country by carrying forward the spirit and soul in the great era of winning victory in the war, and invariably and single-mindedly believe in and follow only our Party in any storm and stress.
They made a firm resolution to devotedly defend the Central Committee of the Party headed by Kim Jong Un and implement the Party's policies in the van, bearing in mind that the history of winning victory in the war and victory of socialism are guaranteed only by the spirit of devotedly defending the leader.
Kim Jong Un extended warm greetings to the war veterans across the country, warmly congratulating them once again upon performing the immortal exploits which would shine long in the history of the country.
The 6th National Conference of War Veterans fully demonstrated the firm faith and will of our people and service personnel to add shine to the proud history and tradition, created and continued under the guidance of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, generation after generation under the leadership of Kim Jong Un and accomplish the cause of building a powerful socialist nation without fail.
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Doosan Bears @ Kiwoom Heroes 7.2.20
Doosan Bears Lineup Kiwoom Heroes Lineup
1.) Kun-Woo Park CF 1.) Keon-Chang Seo 2B
2.) Jose Fernandez DH 2.) Ha-Seong Kim SS
3.) Jae-Il Oh 1B 3.) Jung-Hoo Lee CF
4.) Jae-Hwan Kim LF 4.) Byung-Ho Park 1B
5.) Joo-Hwan Choi 3B 5.) Dong-Won Park DH
6.) Kyoung-Min Hur SS 6.) Ji-Young Lee C
7.) Jae-Won Oh 2B 7.) Hye-Sung Kim LF
8.) Se-Hyuk Park C 8.) Byung-Woo Jeon 3B
9.) Hae-Sung Kuk RF 9.) Gyu-Min Kim RF
SP Jong-Gi Park RHP SP Young-Gun Jo RHP
(1-1) 2.81 ERA (1-1) 6.87 ERA
(2020 KBO Stats)
-Chris Kreibich-
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Movie review: Simply Actors
You need something to do during this lock down right? Why not watch Simply Actors on netflix? We did! here's our review! #netflix #simplyactors #hongkong
When undercover cops start losing their lives to drug lords who blame their demise on “poor acting”, the Police Force counters by sending Hong Kong’s Finest to acting school. Hand picking the officer who’s antics and showmanship always win him best performance awards at the force’s annual parties Chan Man-Long. he’s beyond excited for his life long dream as an actor to finally begin when he…
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