#jo & guff
birdsy-purplefishes · 6 years
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Close enough! (Gus’s Instagram story 31 Aug 2018)
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thestalkerbunny · 3 years
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Shadow Oaks the Campaign is starting today-here’s some last minute students from the Barbarian, Rogue and Bard Tracks
Hazelnut Minstone is the most vicious bitchy little gnome in the 13th year. One does not usually expect a gnome to be in the career path of a Barbarian. However thanks to an illustrious track record of being rather..unstable emotionally, she was REQUIRED to be in the Barbarian class, which provides lecture and classes on ‘emotional management’ to help Barbarians manage the very big emotions they have. She prides herself on being the best dressed Barbarian.
Jareth and Benny Slader are brothers; their parents are both bikers and own the local Tattoo Parlor and are responsible for tatting up any inhabitant of Shadow Oaks-or the ones who are just blowing by. They’re following in the parents footsteps of being both enthusiests about motorcycles and the fast life and irritating the local sheriff with their speeding habits. Jareth is considered a bit of a bad boy heart throb; he’s regarded as the ‘hotter’ brother and better spoken. Benny is a bit ‘dumb’ in comparison to Jareth, but he is very emotionally aware of himself. If you had to chose would you prefer the bad boy involved with his self image or the bad boy who is very emotionally avaliable? They are both ‘Oceanic Orcs’ which is the name for the kind of Orc who originated from coast lines and islands; noted for their unique skin patterns and culturally regarding scarification as a body mod and beautiful.
Cackle Hee Har (or Cackle for short) is the pinnacle of a tradtional gnoll woman. She is large, she is in charge, she is going to make it your problem. She takes no guff from anyone and could easily shove you in a trash can if you stand in her way. She has a younger brother she doesn’t hold in very high regard who is a cleric for ‘The Smiling God’. Cackle doesn’t seem to respect any male identifying creatures a the school, not even the teachers. She regards herself as the most high ranking hyena at the school.
Gylphie is an Owlin transfer into the Rogue Class. She is a bit of a affine addict since she has to be awake during the day going against her nocturnal nature. She is one of the much smaller students (almost smaller than the gnomes and goblins) and she seems to be allergic to dust. She rarely blinks and is very quiet in general. She seems a bit shy.
Patty is one of the Brimstone clan from the local tiefling clan. One of the more ‘forgotten’ about cousins, she takes advantage of being so ‘unmemorable’ into hopefully being a career rogue-which can open up many interesting job opportunities from detective to working for the government. She seems to excel at this line of work, but feels frequently over shadowed by her older sister Mary Jo and her talents.
Mary Jo is a Lore Bard and prides herself on her talents on the piano. Social, Beautiful and charismatic, Mary Jo is defiantly the dream girl as well as a fantastic bard to listen to. She is very interested in local lore and folk stories-possibly because she has to listen to her elders talk for hours on ends when she’s at home. She seems to love to listen to people talk and is a fantastic listener. She’s very Elly May Clampett in regards to she doesn’t quite realize the effect she has on people with her natural sweet southern charm.
J.T. is an obnoxious boy who for some reason thought joining the bard track would be a great way to meet girls and get an excuse to get close to them. He has yet to understand that Bards are more than just ‘whore whore fuck fuck’ and actually pride themselves on their art. He Plays for Shadow Oaks numerous sports team and seems to have dated around most of the school’s girls.
Mesmire is a Dragonborne and they are frequently annoyed with their co-actor J.T’s existance on stage. Mesmire comes from a poor background and they don’t like being reminded of it. One insult that frequently results in them starting fights is that their mother dances at the Road House near the highway (which she does, Saturday Nights for extra money) They do have an excellent sense of timing and is a very good actor who can get into almost any role very quickly and is easy to work with any kind of director.
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Hi circusshow, hope you're having a good day! So for the Doctor Who ask: 5, 18, 33, 38, 41 and 50. (Obviously this includes classic who as well). Enjoy :)
I’m doing 38 separately because I do nothing if not go above and beyond.
38. If you could switch companions and Doctors who would you pair up?
Ok there are some typical answers to this (Nine and Martha, Eight with Jamie and Zoe, etc) and I decided ‘hey, why not do some extremely unpredictable Doctor/Companion team ups!’ I tried to mix up TARDIS teams completely, and base this on characterisations and dynamics so I’ve written a justification for each set. For each Doctor. “Above and Beyond”.
(My genuine answers are Martha and any of the non arrogant plonks but Thirteen is the Doctor who I’d say needs her, Jamie and 12 [ayyyyy Scottish veterans], Wilf and 12, everyone and 12, and also Team Amnesia)
Onto the nonsense that I took far too seriously!
First Doctor: Donna NobleSo the thing about One is that you want a companion who will ground him. Teach him how to be a decent person. Show him compassion but also take no guff. There is probably no one who fits that description better than Donna. Donna would also have been more in tune with the trickster side of his personality, I think. And she’s Wilf’s granddaughter, she is used to eccentric old men.
Second Doctor: Martha Jones and Ace McshaneSo with the Second Doctor you need the right mix of ‘Joins in the nonsense’ and ‘Keeps everyone from getting killed’. First there is Martha. She is capable, sensible, and basically the person in your friend group who knows when to get everyone to stop mucking around and do your work. But she also loves mischief makers and is willing to get up to mild mischief herself (see the great scene with Chantho). Basically, she would keep Two from being distracted by his own eccentricities. And then there is Ace. Two does well with companions he can teach and take care of, but also companions who have some... destructive tendencies. He and Ace would be the world’s most adorable gremlins.Basically, imagine this TARDIS team as Two and Ace getting into trouble and Martha getting them out of it.
Third Doctor: Yasmin Khan and Jack HarknessUnderutilized in her series as it may be, it is important to remember that Yaz is training to be a police officer. And is somehow good enough that her supervisor thinks she is already working for interpol or some other menacing government agency. That is a character who would fit in well with UNIT. But she is also more than willing to adjust her world view based on what new information flies her way, unlike UNIT’s occasional arbitrary skepticism. Yaz would be the sensible cop to Three’s eccentric male hero. The Jo to Three’s Henry, as it were.Jack has all the guise of a military man, and would again fit in well with the military nature of Three’s era. But Jack is also a con man. Three would hate that. And Jack is another immortal. Three (who loves claiming he’s superior because he’s older) would haaaaaaaate that. The bickering would be constant. It would be glorious. And these two would get. The job. Done.This team is essentially a spy, a cop, and a con man. I’m pretty sure USA made that into a tv show.
Fourth Doctor: River SongFour and Five are the Doctor’s I know the least, so this was really hard. But think about it: River is the Doctor’s equal, like Romana. She is also in the weird dichotomy of being more driven by her emotions than the Doctor, but able to keep a level head when his emotions get the best of him. River would have killed the daleks herself, is what I’m saying. Because she has the unpredictable and violent streak of Leela. Four always comes off to me as being the brooding anti-hero of the group, the one who needs someone to keep him grounded. And if that someone isn’t equal to him, he will fly away.
Fifth Doctor: Zoe Heriot and Amy PondFive was really hard because I link him entirely with his companions. First let’s discuss Zoe. I put Zoe here because, let’s be honest, she has quite a few similarities with Adric. She’s a bit of a know it all, but unlike Adric the text actually shows her to know it all. And unlike Adric the entire reason she’s traveling is because she wants to learn how to have emotions and have a life outside of knowledge. She wants the experience.Amy, on the other hand, doesn’t claim to have a lot of knowledge. She had a troubled life, didn’t seem to go past high school, and unlike the scientific rationale of most companions she completely embraces the idea of the Doctor being a story. Sort of like Tegan, and Peri. Zoe for the science, Amy to keep the magic alive.
Sixth Doctor: Grace HollowayThe character trait that always gets thrown around with Six is ‘arrogant’. And yeah. Yeah. So what he really needs is a companion who is of equal intelligence and status. Grace isn’t a Time Lord, but she is a cardiologist (head of her department, I think) and very much knows she is in charge. She would force the Doctor to look at her as an equal, which would go a long way in cutting his ego down to a manageable size. Plus she would probably force him into an outfit that at the very least matched.But I have to point out Martha could probably fit in the same vein, although she demonstrated less readiness to call the Doctor out. And of course there are Jamie and Zoe, but they’re basically companions of his anyway.
Seventh Doctor: LeelahThe same teacher-student vibes as Seven and Ace, but I imagine Leelah would be significantly less forgiving of the Doctor manipulating her.
Eighth Doctor: Rory Williams and Sarah Jane SmithSeparating Eight from Anji and Fitz physically hurt me. For starters, Rory would be able to keep Eight from getting hurt quite so badly. Or at least can help him recover when he does. But Rory also has the willingness to call the Doctor out. Which, let’s be clear, Eight definitely needs. But Eight also needs someone who will stay by his side.Sarah Jane has the inquisitive element, but also can be quite pragmatic. She would be able to see what needs to be done. And Rory can help her call the Doctor out when he goes beyond that.These two would also do well with Eight’s era of ‘screw it nothing makes sense let’s be as chaotic as possible’.
Ninth Doctor: Jamie Mccrimmon and Susan ForemanNow here’s the team I stand by the most. Nine in his post war state is probably the Doctor where the most thought needs to go into his companions. So here we go.Jamie is also coming out of war, civil war, war that has forced him against his family for the sake of doing what he believed to be right. And Jamie lost. Jamie is probably the one character who would be able to understand Nine on a guttural level, because Jamie has been through a similar thing. And can you imagine the anguish Nine would go through, revealing that he was the one who killed his people? And the relief when Jamie not only doesn’t turn from him but actively empathizes? Because Jamie can, not on the same level but on a level. Jamie knows survivor’s guilt. Jamie knows what it’s like being on the side that killed your family. And Jamie knows what it’s like having everyone die while you survive. The love that would form there. Can you imagine? Nine and Jamie would be amazing.And Susan. It doesn’t have to be how Susan is in the show. Maybe she is just some random Gallifreyan he saved. Maybe the guilt would be less, if there was one more time lord. Maybe it would be more, looking at this girl every day and knowing he murdered her family, her friends. And she would still look at him as a father figure, as someone to love and admire, and he would hate that. He would snap and tell her just how horrible he really is and she wouldn’t care because she was in the war, she knows what they all had to do. And it would give him someone to care for, to live for. In that context, can you imagine that speech? That scene where he lets her go, lets her live her own life away from him? It would be beautiful.
Tenth Doctor: Bill PottsFirst thing’s first-- Ten does terribly around people who are in love with him. Bill taking one look at him and being pffft nah mate would immediately put her in his good books. And Bill is intelligent, and compassionate, and would stop him from not just being cruel but from being bratty. Ten and Bill would go places. And she would gently discuss what to do when your abusive ex takes over the planet.
Eleventh Doctor: Ian and BarbaraEleven can either be nasty or childish. Who better to put him with than the teachers who taught One how to be decent in the first place. They would know when to make him act like an adult, and they would know when to make him stop. They wouldn’t indulge him, like River and Amy, or even humour him, like Rory. They would teach him how to be kind again. How to be human (ish) again. They would give him a refresher of what he learned when he first started traveling with humans.
Twelfth Doctor: Romana and Wilfred MottRomana is, intellectually, an equal. In Time Lord society she is even above him. She and Twelve would be intoxicated by their combined brilliance. But she is younger than the Doctor. She is still learning.Enter Wilf. Wilf may just be a regular human, but his wisdom and maturity is light years beyond the Doctor’s. He is the Doctor’s honorary dad. So he would be there to guide Twelve and Romana, keep them from being the feedback loop that created the Clara situation. And Wilf would be able to have genuine discussions with the Doctor about what the Doctor does and the worth that that has. 
Thirteenth Doctor: Fitz Kreiner, Charley Pollard, and Mickey SmithFirst, Fitz. (I mean this assumes that Thirteen has emotional intelligence because screw canon). Fitz is snarky, and edgy, and would be the right balance against Thirteen’s sunshine and rainbows. But he is also loyal, and loving and would delight in every bit of chaos she got wrapped up in.Charley and Thirteen would get on like a house on fire. They have that same adventurous spirit, that same joy in seeing the universe, and that same lack of patience with irritating men. And Mickey would keep it all from getting out of hand. Mickey is quite a calming presence, even when people ignore him. He would be able to keep them focused, and relaxed. Also he and Thirteen would talk shop about mechanics all the time and it would be adorable.Bonus: Martha. Do you think Martha ‘I’m not moving until you open up’ would let Thirteen be so secretive? Heck no.
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storgaarden · 2 years
Ja sommeren drøner afsted. Vi får grillet en masse, spm her på de øverste billeder, hvor en alm. Tirsdag aften blev til et lækkert middags selskab, med nordisk chimituri, striploien steg og lidt guffe grønt.
Næste billede er fruen der sliber nye planker til vores sengegavl - hun er ved renovere hele soveværelset 😁
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Så er der billede af snapseproduktion med fuglekirsebær. Ja og så har jeg fået ny "kjole", det er min håndværker kilt der luftes, hold kæft det lækkert. Og endelig 3 generationer "tøser" på bådtur ved Kalvehave, spejdene efter noget der kan spises eller noget 🤪
Jo det er en fantastisk sommer.
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frankplads · 4 years
Hvil i fred, Kjell Karlsen. Her er han i full vigør med bandet sitt, i et sort/hvitt-opptak for NRK fra 1970: https://bit.ly/2YHwRj9
«Kjell Karlsen er gått bort. En glimrende jazzmusiker: storbandleder, komponist, arrangør og pianist. En musiker jeg har den dypeste respekt for. Men jeg har noe å tilstå: det hadde ikke alltid vært slik. I 1968 hadde jeg nettopp flyttet til Trondheim. Jeg hadde spilt gitar og bass i fire år, jeg hadde oppdaget blues og progrock, og mente jeg visste hva som var verdifull musikk. Jeg hadde bare forakt tilovers for band som ikke fulgte den linjen.
En kveld spilte Kjell Karlsens Orkester til dans på Klubbaften i Studentersamfundet. Han hadde med seg Finn Eriksen, som spilte "Lappland" på trompet. Han hadde med seg Odd Børre, som sang "Må, må, må, må, må skynde meg å nå, nå, nå, nå, nå siste bussen hjem". Repertoarvalget falt ikke helt i smak hos meg og en kompis, som stilte oss opp foran scenen og buet: "Øy, jævla kommersband! Drittmusikk! Spell no' blues, for faen!" Vi hadde antakelig inntatt rikelige mengder forfriskninger på vorspielet på hybelen, hvor vi også hadde spilt John Mayall, Cream, Jimi Hendrix og Vanilla Fudge på full guffe. Hr Karlsen kunne ikke unngå å legge merke til vår misnøye, han reiste seg fra orgelkrakken og kom frem mot scenekanten. Han satte seg på huk foran oss og sa med vennlig stemme: "Javel, dere vil høre blues? Hva slags blues er det dere vil høre? Er det countryblues, eller jazzblues? Eller kanskje dere vil ha rhythm & blues?" Vi ble litt satt ut av denne vennligheten, og fikk stotret frem at ja, jo, rhythm & blues er jo ålreit.
Og hr Karlsen fortsatte: "Ja, vi kan jo for eksempel spille I Feel Good av James Brown? Er dere musikere, kanskje?" Kompisen min pekte på meg: "Han der spiller bass." Kjell Karlsen snudde seg mot meg og sa: " Så morsomt! Kanskje du har lyst til å spille I Feel Good sammen med oss?" Dette var en låt jeg kjente godt, jeg hadde tatt opp all verdifull musikk på spolebånd de foregånde tre-fire årene, og kunne bassgangene på de fleste blues- og R&B-låtene fra 1966-67. Men jeg, min idiot, feiga ut og sa nei takk.
Så Kjell Karlsens Orkester spilte I Feel Good. Odd Børres sang sto ikke særlig tilbake for James Browns original. Finn Eriksens trompetstøt satt som et skudd. Og Atom-Jørgens trommespill var det heller ikke noe å si på.
Etterpå fortsatte de antakelig med "Lyckliga Gatan" eller "Spanish Flea", men jeg og kompisen klaget ikke mer på musikken. Vi gikk antakelig til et annet rom i Huset og drakk mere øl.
Noen år senere fikk jeg høre Kjell Karlsens Storband på Kroa i Oslo og ble imponert over komponisten og arrangøren Kjell Karlsen. På den tiden spilte jeg i studentstorbandet Bodega Band, og skjønte at vi hadde et godt stykke igjen til Karlsens nivå.
I dag er jeg litt lei for at jeg aldri har fått bedt Kjell Karlsen om unnskyldning for vår ufine oppførsel den dagen i 1968. Og jeg irriterer meg over at jeg ikke tok imot utfordringen hans den dagen, og at jeg i dag ikke kan si: "Jeg har spilt bass i Kjell Karlsens Orkester."»
(tekst av Eirik Lie)
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