#jmovie: character
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asianwhumpgalore · 2 months ago
Character (キャラクター) | Jmovie | Whump List
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Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Drama, Crime
Synopsis: A kind man aspires to become a comic creator, but villains and evil deeds do not come easily to him. Things take a surprise turn when he comes across a family who were described as idealized that are no more.
Length: 2hrs, 5min
Whump meter: ▲▲△△△  Whumpy things: Weak whumpee, stalker whumper
✨Didn't deliver quite like it could but it had some good whumpy moments✨
⚠️Trigger Content: Graphic violence, blood, some gore, serial killings, torture. (it was more bloodier than expected) ⚠️⚠️Some SPOILERS will be found, proceed with caution⚠️⚠️
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Whumpee: Yamashiro Keigo portrayed by Suda Masaki
Note: ML is very anxious and hypervigilant throughout the film. I didn't include every instance because it's present basically all the time.
[12:50] In shock after walking into a gruesome crime scene, labored breathing, falls to the floor, scared, covers his mouth with bloody hands to keep quiet.
[19:00] Being questioned by the police, distressed and shaken as he recalls the event, panting.
[54:50] In shock, terrified, panting.
[57:55] Still shaken and distressed from the encounter earlier, hyperventilating, hugging himself.
[01:38:30] Guilty, crying.
[01:45:40] Teary eyed, anxious, concerned for loved one.
[01:47:53] Suddenly attacked, stabbed in the hand, screaming in pain, blood splatters across his face, struggling to walk, hyperventilating, stabbed in the leg, screams, falls onto the floor, whimpering, cut in between his index and middle finger, screams again, writhing on the floor, blood on his hands and face. Dragged into his apartment (off-screen), lying bloodied on the floor (his blood all over the floor and wall), struggling to get up, pulled to his feet, groaning, dragged across the floor (off screen) leaving a bloody trail, lying on the ground, concern for him, barely able to move. Pulls himself to his feet, struggling to walk, limping, hissing in pain, blood visible on his all-white outfit, falls to the floor, concerned for loved one, screaming out for loved one, dragging himself across the floor, teary eyed, struggles to stand up again, fought, shot, collapses.
[01:56:52] Lying in a hospital bed, hand bandaged.
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notsocharmy · 1 year ago
similar flavours of shows/movies (i'm eating them all up)
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tokumusume · 10 months ago
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Hiromi is my old code name. Now that I'm a high-ranking executive at SHOCKER, it's Wasp-Aug.
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storge · 1 year ago
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Is serialization that challenging?
Character (2021) dir. Nagai Akira
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hugzsz · 1 month ago
Thriller/horror movie and show recommendations from a self proclaimed non thriller/horror watcher (in no particular order + reasons + no spoilers)
Hot Fuzz: This plus shaun the dead and dawn of the dead were the movies that got me in LOVE with thriller comedies. It's comedic, it has mystery, it's a thriller. It has the perfect combo of all of these things + great cinematography + great writing
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2) A Killer Paradox: You accidentally kill someone. You get away with it. You are pained by it..but you realise you have a lnack for murdering bad people and getting away with it. I am a sucker for the visuals of this show, it has the slightest hint of Wes Anderson vibes. It's definitely a crime/thriller and makes you question your own morals because of the morally grey main character. It stars Choi Wooshik and Son Sukku and this is making me realise maybe I like most shows they're in. Anyhow heavily recommend this.
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3)Miss and Mrs Cop: It's an easy, comedic, crime-thriller. It's easy to enjoy and easy to get excited by.
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4)Re/member: It's a fun mix of high school, horror, fantasy, time-loop movie with the slightest hint of romance. It was definitely a nice comedic horror watch that I as a horror disliker didn't find scary but enjoyed a nice sense of thrill and liked the comedic aspect of it.
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5) The Call: Now this on the other hand I found scary. Like the thought of it is scar and the way it was portrayed I found scary. It was also very intriguing as I am a LOVER of anything to do with time-loops, time travel, inter time blah blah blah, so this really hit the spot.
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6)Bloodhounds: I love love love this. I love the friendship dynamic. I love the comedic elements. I love the thriller/crime scenes. Though I did skip parts with the plot lore, I just wasn't in the mood for corporate corruption explanations. Also this is just a classically good Korean crime/thriller + it has a second season on the way.
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7) A Shop For Killers: You find out your uncle has been an arms dealer and now that he's not here his enemies are after you. I am also a whore for single day, single location setting. It makes it work and it doesn't get boring. It has plot twists I couldn't see coming. It is a little gory for anyone whose not a fan of that just be mindful, but I just skipped past the really gory parts and it was fine.
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8)Moving: A fantasy thriller with some romance and comedy. I found this truly enjoyable to watch. It really kept me hooked from the start and had me there till the credits. I lived for the action. I lived for the family scenes. I lived for the romance. It has great acting. Thats it I've got no more to say go watch it.
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9) Midnight Runners: Two police rookier take a case onto their own hands. Has the same vibes as Bloodhounds and Miss and Mrs cop. It has a great friendship dynamic that provides a good comedic balance to the thriller/crime action going on. It really keeps a good balance of the two and has good acting.
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10) Okay! Madam: It's a good comedic, thriller movie that starts with a good plot twist that really swung in from left field for me. A family on their first international flight to Hawaii run into an incident on the plane that reveals secrets and past lives. Really a great watch if you're looking for an easy action filled watch. Has similar vibes to Exit and Extreme Job.
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unevenbetterflow · 11 days ago
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i like it
i came into the theater with as little information as possible about the movie other than the few posters and clips ive seen (turtle) along with a 3/5 review from my friend saying it was good. i thought it was a horror film at first, which i usually prefer to dramas, so i was hesitant about watching a 2 hour thriller drama about a subject im not the most knowledgable about. im glad to say that it was very very very enjoyable for me!
(personal religion shit ramble)
its ramadhan, this year so far ive prayed for a total of 1 time. im a highly devoted muslim(sarcasm). ive recently had more thoughts on the matter of religion. to put it shortly: i dont respect islam fully, but i dont think i can ever not believe in it. im not sure why, probably guilt.
now ofcourse i dont respect the religion fully. being AFAB, and queer in both gender and sexuality, following this religion would say that i dont respect my own identity at all, but i do. and i hate certain teachings of this religion (especially ones that have something to do with women). its frustrating because i hate this religion yet i respect it, i understand people who have left it but i dont at all. i prefer not to talk or think about it cause it makes me want to puke.
i cant hate it fully because it has made me a better person i believe. i dont pick leaves, i dont kill ants, i dont lie, i try to be nice and a decent person to people, i always made sure to give a portion of my daily allowance for charity at school even if that meant id have less money for food, and i just try to be a decent person overall partly because of this religion's teachings. maybe this says more about me, that im only a somewhat decent person cause a religion tells me to be one, but thats better than not being a good person at all right? i think i would have been crueller without these teachings. i used to be homophobic because its a sin, but i also was never aggresively homophobic BECAUSE of islam's teachings because the prophet never taught us to hate. i just thought it was wrong but i would never justify hurting the community. a large portion of the horrible teachings come from muslims, not islam itself. correct me if im wrong.
theres a mosque and boarding school in my country, found and dedicated to muslim trans women. i read the article sometime ago and cried. these people probably have faced horrible treatment for their identities that ive never experienced, yet, they still are so devoted to their religion. how can you believe that god wouldnt hate you? i wish i could be sure of that too. the founder of this mosque passed away a couple of years ago, i hope their god loves them just like anyone else.
now onto the movie itself
"may god grant us a pope that doubts" im deeply comforted by the thought of even a cardinal has doubts for his god, for what he has devoted all of his life and being to
definitely stood out for me! beautiful use of the architecture and all of the uniforms and outfits. so many striking compositions and framing, not to mention the colours. some memorable ones are:
mc and glasses guy in the red walled room, the room itseld isdark and its quite hard to see whats going on but the mc sits under a lamp and rhe friend stabds infront of the white of the drawer, making it easier to make out bpth of their figures against the red wall.
the umbrella scene
mc standing outside, framed by an arch and one closed and one opened gate
the cinema seats
engaging. especially again for a subject like this, i was not bored for even a second of this movie. it was a little hard to follow early on because i dont know much about christian and catholic terms but by the end i got the hang of it.
lawrence's doubts, getting an inkling of misconducts within the church or whatever, he wants to push forward but he then steps back, and then pushes forward and forward to the point of breaking in the late pope's room. he and the other liberals were fighting to keep the conservatives from winning but even in their side there were things to be resolved. he was almost alone in this journey. things kept unfolding one after another the same pace the new guy found out how horrible some of the people act there
writing the actuql story Review part was the hardest lmao i need and want to watch it again but point is i love all of the characters and how they act, i love lawrence's character and his actions a lot, how unsure he is.
and the new guy? man.. "i am still the way god created me" "maybe thats what is special qbout me" (forhot the actual lines but its soemthing like that(i get it mixed up with the subtitles and retranslate it from there))
man.. "the way god created me" no hatred for himself. for his body. and still so kind and devoted to his god.. i wish there were more accepting big religious figures in the world. the late pope protected him, offered him the surgery, all that in secrecy, and appointed him as a cardinal.
every religious person is always biased wirh their bigotry that im not sure what to think about my own identity
course some people say its a sin through and through and that we should be slaughtered like we're lesser than animals, theres people who say its fine as long as we dont act on our queerness and try return to the right path, then theres queer people who still pray 5 times a day and more despite all of that.
this movie already felt personal for me from teh start then it started breaking into my house. i hope other religions reach inevitable progress.
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dramashutup · 4 months ago
My 2024 dramas rating
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I wanted to do 10 of these but it turns out that I've only watched 8 of 2024 dramas lol
Rewatched a few of my faves but I'm not rating those.
These will have spoilers. So here goes
1. Flex x Cop 10/10 !!
✅ This drama has a special place in my heart. It's crime, action-hero and it made me fall in love all over again with non-romance drama
✅ Park Ji Hyun as Lee Gang Hyun 🫡. (in another news I'm gonna go look up her latest work) I've only seen her as the annoying 2nd fl before this and she was great in this one. She broke the mold of annoying 2nd fl and is an independent, capable and cool-headed detective
✅ There's no dark past whatsoever. She just loves her job. And she may seem judgemental and prejudiced towards I Soo at first but she learned that I Soo is not just another arrogant chaebol as they work together; it's that he's actually an arrogant, smart, caring and resourceful chaebol lol
✅ Jin I Soo? I love him. Arrogant chaebol with a golden heart who has a clumsy way of showing he's not heartless definitely will have my heart. He's smart, he's funny and he's shameless 100/100 😂
✅ What makes a story much more interesting for me is banters. Yessss banters. Their relationship is fun even w/o romance. They trusted each other, even tho it all started on the wrong feet
✅ Gang Hyun's parents is also a highlight for this drama :))
Second season is coming !!! 🫡🙂‍↕️📢💕💕💕
2. Eye Love You 3/10 (dropped)
I'm sorry. I tried to love this.
❌ I do watch jdramas and jmovies but this was just simply wasn't it for me.
❌ I wanted to love it because of Chae Jeong Hyeop, but bulldozer sunshine is not my vibe. I dropped it like halfway thru?
✅ The fl's office is really nice tho. And the fl is really funny, that, I remember well.
The suspension of disbelief simply wouldn't suspend the disbelief for me for this one :||
3. Serendipity's Embrace 6/10
❌ This could've been shorter. There I said it. XD. Yes shorter than 8
✅ I love love Hye Ji, Hong Joo's best friend.
✅Hoo Yeong's uncle was relatable, sad and single,
❌ tho I wish he didn't have that weird first love line thing with Hong Joo's boss too. That was just uncomfortable
❌ And what about Hoo Yeong, you ask? Well..... tbh..... I don't really like broody mls. I'm not a fan of those 'he treats her specially nice because he loves her but to everyone else he's just cold'. I'm not a fan of that because I am an anxiety-driven gal and this trait simply doesn't vibe with me
✅ It's funny that Hong Joo's ex was Kim So Hyun's rival in her previous drama tho (My Lovely Liar) Mr. Yoon Ji On 👀
Which leads me to....
4. Love Next Door 4/10
Ha ha ha hahaha
❌ As you can probably guess from the poster of this drama I used which is of the side character Jeong Mo Eum, I simply couldn't stand the main couple
❌ Actually I did loved the main couple initially. I even defended the ml after the first 4 episodes, but then... I took a step back metaphorically and realized that his behavior and the fl's family behavior grated my teeth so much
❌ They kept nagging at the fl. Everything the fl did was wrong to them. She was not allowed to have her own views or that they didn't want to see things from her perspective
❌ Personally, I've met these kind of people irl and the suspension of disbelief and rose colored glasses couldn't do their jobs for this drama for me
❌ I dislike both the family and the ml until the end. The ml is whiny and entitled. That's it.
I hope she divorces him and run away from the neighborhood in the future lol
✅ Kang Dan Ho and Jung Mo Eum were so cute tho. And as all the other side couples ever, they deserved more screen time and development.
I'm looking forward to future works of Yoon Ji On. He's the reason I started this drama initially lol
5. What Comes After Love 7/10
After the disappointment that was the previous drama, I watched this.
Ok, here's what I learned. I can read melodrama (?) novels, but I need to use 1.25/1.5x speed when I'm watching slow dramas. Is it the adhd? Probably
✅ This drama is so pretty. The contrast between the flashbacks when the couple was younger in Japan and the grayer aesthetic in Korea after their breakup is ✨✨✨
✅ I envy Lee Se Young for being able to speak Japanese so well for the drama lol. She really made me believe she spent her younger days in Japan.
✅ i love the side characters at the shop she worked at. The boss? So tall 👀
👀 I'm just surprised the ending implies that they're back together. After all that pain and those sad lingering looks
6. Fangs of Fortune 8/10
I know I was basically rambling about this drama for weeks and therefore you'd think it'd get full marks
✅ It's a fantastic story.
✅ Costume? 💯 So effin beautiful. So beautiful.
✅ Humor? 💯
✅ Characters? 💯 I love the characters to pieces, you don't even know. This is my Six of Crows cdrama version
✅ OST? 💯
❌ But then it relies sm on dramatics. And tears. Oh so much tears.
❌ And I may also be side eyeing the ending. Some people say it's a good ending, but I will agree to disagree. 🙂‍↕️
Edit : yes I've watched the extra episode and I don't like it still. Death is a very permanent thing imo lol and while his soul does come back, it's no replacement for the real person to me. I've never liked the death trope.
It's a bit traumatizing tbh lol 😂
7. Family By Choice 9.5/10
Edit :
❌ I'm also dissatisfied with the development of the m/f main ship. I love them, they had the potential to be The OTP for me but then the didn't really get developed, possibly because they were kinda already established before the event of the story, in a way, and so the storyline focused more on ZYC and ZYZ flip flopping relationship....so yh. It's fantasy with a dash of romance
And I went into the drama after seeing cute spoiler scenes of Wen Xiao and ZYZ so yeah... I was on the Train bound for Disappointment Terminal
✅ This drama welcomed me like a loaf of warm bread, blanket and warm chocoa after the pain of FoF
✅ Yoon-sajang is the best dad in kdrama land. He's the president of Good Dads of Kdrama. 💐 💐 🫡
✅ Glad that Kim Sanha's mum was not redeemed at the end. She just backed away after being a complete and utter bitch with no self-awareness. Thank you for not redeeming her.
✅ plsssss I love Hwang in Yeop as this gentle boyfriend 👀🤗
✅ This is such a warm drama, a family drama of the year for me. I know I'll rewatch this a lot
My issues are only that
❌ I need more episodes 😔😔 xD
❌ Kim Sanha's issues didn't really have their own proper build up closure. The focus was too much on Hae Jun's 😔 when Sanha is also one of the main characters. Not to mention Juwon as one of the trio? ://
8. The Story of Pearl Girl 9/10
(my sister is obsessed with both Liu Yuning and Zhang Linghe and tried to get me to watch their dramas; Princess Royal, and My Journey to You and Story of Pearl Girl,
I can't watch another Edward Guo's drama for the time being so I chose Princess Royal which I haven't finished but I'm loving, and The Story of Pearl Girl which I have!)
What is it about cdramas and death of the main lead idek smh
✅ Ik this drama let a lot of people down for some reasons but I'm guessing it didn't let me down partly because I started it after it ended lol. So the binging was great!
✅ I think it fits that it's the story of pearl girl; that is Duanwu, we watch her grow from this hotheaded determined girl into a capable smart businesswoman Su Muzhe
✅ while Zhijing's story began with him being at the top of his game, hunting down the people who killed his family as a merchant, then he learned to love and learned that his actions have consequences to his loved one
✅ It's not his story, but it's the story of the pearl girl, so I guess goodbye was in due time. Poetic or something something
✅ The way they fell in love with Duanwu being the only person who questioned him and then kind of got under his skin. 🤌🏻🤌🏻
✅ I love how Kang Ju implied a couple times that Duanwu was growing more and more like Zhijing; calculating, resourceful, and smart, that by the end I think it's poetic that she becomes the successful businesswoman. Apart from her own very capable brains, she also learned from a lot of people who were basically not very good, who were good to her, and Zhijing himself; the strategist
✅ That 1.9m guy and the 1.6ish gal. Love the height difference 🤌🏻
✅ Kang Ju, the best not third wheel 😆
I was informed that in the novel Zhijing dies and afterwards Duanwu marries Zhang Jinran and they have a child. They didn't go down this route in the drama
And ngl, I quite like the novel ending. Zhang Jinran is a good guy and he's not an annoying 2ndml
Moving on is not a bad thing imo, it simply means the character found love again. It doesn't mean they've forgotten their previous love
And I'm quite partial to the idea that for the drama, Zhijing didn't die, but went on a journey to find an antidote with Kang Ju.
Pls... If they're not gonna straight up show him being buried or stabbed like ZYZ in FoF, I'm not gonna believe that he dies 😆 let me die on this hill.
I'm currently watching
1. Princess Royal
2. More rewatching of Story of Pearl Girl until the serotonin runs out
3. Brewing Love. Love this! Kim Sejeong! <3
4. I might go look for A Journey to Love next after finishing 1. and 3.
5. Light Shop!! So creepy!! So intriguing!!
If you're wondering why most of these don't have extensive explanation, that's because I have the memory of a mayfly. After some time I only remember the vibe 😀 unless it really gave me a lasting impression
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alloveydovey · 1 year ago
Dramas from this past month. I'm having such a hard time finishing things 😭
The Forbidden Marriage (rewatch) (kdrama) 9 ⭐️
A broken-hearted king imposes a seven-year ban on marriage, and after claiming to be able to channel the deceased crown princess, the FL ends up as one of his court ladies. Both the king and the officer assigned to protect her (the king's closest friend) end up developing an interest in her.
I love it so much that it became a comfort drama. I’m not into love triangles (who is?), but I looved every aspect of it. It’s a bit crazy how they go from extreme comedy to extreme drama, I’ll admit, but the actors deal with it really well. Romance is 11/10, the usual historical visuals are stunning, and the comedy had me laughing hard.
Love Me, Love my Voice (cdrama) 7.5
Nothing more soft and warm than watching these two characters fall in love. There are no obstacles here, just a doctor/voice actor wooing a senior student/singer/composer with the magic of cooking.
On the other side, because there are no complications, it gets boring. The characters get together way too soon for a drama where nothing happens. Luckily the second couple is as entertaining (if not more) as the leads. So, the main reason I continued watching, honestly, was because of them.
Secret Playlist (kdrama) 7
Cute 8 episode drama about an internet music composer and an idol who join forces to create music. Romance was a bit mid, but the songs were cute as hell, and so were the leads.
And Yet, You Are So Sweet (jmovie) 7
This was adorable af. A little silly (as usual with school love) but I liked the vibes. Girl confesses to her crush, he turns her down harshly and popular boy offers himself as a replacement for the crush. They both start a game where he basically lends himself to her so she can have a fake crush on him and forget about the other guy, except he obviously has feelings for her and she starts having real feelings for him as well. It’s a weird premise, but it gave out a lot of cute moments.
D.P. Season 2 (kdrama) 10
I’ve never watched a season 2 from a drama, and from what I’ve gathered, most of them usually disappoint or are good but don’t come close to the first season. Well, for me, this one was not the case at all. It just felt like a continuation of the first part. I'd say I even enjoyed this one more. Also, I miss theeeeem.
Sixteen Shoukougun (jdrama) 7.5
Okay, so basically, a fuckboy with mommy issues wants to get in between a "tomboy" girl who is known among girls as a prince and her best friend, a girl suffering from severe PTSD. He initially tries to go for the PTSD one, but soon realizes that her friendship with the "tomboy" girl is a little... special. After a few interactions, though, he begins to actually like the "tomboy" girl. In between all this, a sensible boy who is deemed "feminine" is thrown into the mix.
I'll be honest, I went into this one thinking it'd be gl but got disappointed it wasn't the case. At the same time, I actually enjoyed tomboy and fuckboy's relationship too. It's all a bit crazy, especially the friendship between the girls, but I was low-key into it. Fuckboy redeems himself, so I was okay with it, I guess? I don't know, jdramas are extreme, man. What I liked a lot about this one (apart from the sick intro that goes really hard) was how they showed the characters' feelings and the overall theme of just being 16 and growing up around prejudice, abandonment, and liking someone regardless of gender.
Our Secret Diary (jmovie) 8.5
Girl finds a love confession note on her classroom desk from the popular guy in school. Confused about it, she decides to answer him and soon begins exchanging secret notes until she realizes that the note was actually meant for her best friend.
This cute little school movie was very cliché but absolutely perfect.
I am Not a Robot (kdrama) 8/8.5
Here's to me never adding this one to my list because I was not into robots and stuff like that at all, and then completely ignoring my watchlist and going for it since I've read it's very cute.
The comments were right. The storyline is a bit wack and unreliable buuuut, as usual, the main leads make up for it with good acting and adorable scenes.
I'm adding these ones even though I didn't really finish them he ⬇️
The Matchmakers (kdrama) 8/8.5, because it's actually good, just a bit heavy.
Another comedy with Rowoon, sign me up. This one took me a while to get into because even though it was clever, the comedy was really good, and the mockumentary style rocked, there were just too many politics in it for me to fully dive into. I’d get lost and bored at times. It picked up after episode 5, though, and by episode 7, it was definitely more fun. It's more entertaining when they focus on the leads and the ladies they are supposed to set up. I still haven't finished it yet because... I don't know. It is a kind of slow drama, and I don't think I fully get what's going on with the murder and politics.
I May Love You (cdrama) 6.5
Oof. I have so many opinions about this one. ML asks FL to help him woo her best friend not knowing that FL has been in love with him for the past four years. FL fails to help him (on purpose lol) and after spending some meaningful moments together decides to confess in what I like to call the lousiest confession ever. ML rejects her but regrets it later on.
I'm always a girls girl, but here... FL was testing me. The ML spends most of the drama groveling because the FL is mad and upset he asked her for help wooing her friend and then rejected her (also rejected her book project which is possibly the worst thing he did) But the thing is, ML didn't even know FL liked him when he asked for help in the first place, and I believe he had every right to reject her after she told him she liked him because he was rich and handsome. Like?? Who confesses like that? And that's basically the whole drama. I don't know why they thought it'd be cute for the FL to have a wall full of his pictures and then forcefully kiss him. Truly not a good-written character.
A Good Day to Be a Dog (kdrama) 8
I'm gonna finish this, I swear. The whole girl turns into a dog and boy has to kiss her in dog form to break the spell is a bit... weird. Buuut aside from that, these characters and their interactions are just the cutest. It works well because Park Gyu Young is amazing with comedy and her chemistry with Eun Woo is perfect.
Now, the past lives part of the story? A bit too much meh. Some aspects are interesting (the whole story of the mountain spirit and the lady. I thought I'd die of boredom, but they actually made it cute and sad lol). The revenge thing? Boring and so over it. Still gotta watch the last four episodes.
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binging-asian-dramas · 1 year ago
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One Piece. 9
Story: 10
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: Bleach (jmovie) ; Deathnote (jdrama)
This is probably one of the best adaptations of an anime series brought to live action. Almost completely flawless. All characters were written brilliantly and acting was chefs kiss. It’s very very bing’ey and I cannot wait for the next season. Although I’ll admit I’m a bit apprehensive always for second seasons of shows, it’s never as good as the first except for some rare few shows. Here’s hoping it will be even better then the first. 🤞
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adachikiyoshi · 1 year ago
the only way i feel like i can take my time back from watching this unfortunate show is analyzing everything that went wrong with it (from a manga fan perspective) (in my opinion) so disclaimer that this is a negative post. if you don't want to sully your experience scrolling the tag feel free to block me. im only providing commentary
episode 8 for me is proof that the writers did not touch the manga. maybe they watched the jmovie once. or maybe the first half. the trailer at least. because how do you make a (stupid) plot about working harder to have karan and achi's relationship accepted and don't IMMEDIATELY give that responsibility to adachi? did you not read the part of the manga where adachi announces to kurosawa that he wants to become a better worker, an indispensable part of the company so they won't be separated? and because yeah they clearly didn't read the manga, did you at least not catch that part in the movie?
but you know what. giving benefit of the doubt here. that happens way later in their relationship in the original story so ok. achi who just started dating karan doesn't feel like he has to prove anything. and the show thinks we're dumb so they give karan anothe plot to prove how much of a green flag he is. sure. but the fact achi doesn't even scold karan for pulling the most dangerou shit imaginable is also so out of character. my guy hardly looked worried that karan threw himself straight to the wolves. didn't even attempt to intervene. like how am i supposed to root for him. adachi would have killed his passive ass!!! i would have too!!
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asianwhumpgalore · 4 months ago
xxxHOLiC (ホリック xxxHOLiC) | Jmovie | Whump List
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Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Drama, Supernatural, Fantasy, Suspense, Investigation
Synopsis: High school student Watanuki Kimihiro has the ability to see spirits and monsters but is actually plagued with them. Coming home one day, he’s once again assailled by evil apparitions but his feet lead him to a strange shop. There he encounters Ichihara Yuko, the mysterious owner who offers to grant Watanuki’s wish to be rid of the spirits. But the price must be of equal value, so Watanuki has to temporarily work for her in her shop that grant wishes. Thus begins his adventures in an world full of supernatural experiences.
Length: 1hr, 50 min
Whump meter: ▲▲◭△△  Whumpy Things: Supernatural whump, weak whumpee, protector/protectee, hunted by the narrative, erotic subtext (💀)
✨A whimsical dark surrealist fever dream in the best way possible. Visual stunner and very unusual.✨
⚠️Trigger Content: Blood, fantasy violence, some SA ⚠️⚠️Some SPOILERS will be found, proceed with caution⚠️⚠️
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Whumpee: Watanuki Kimihiro portrayed by Kamiki Ryunosuke
00:45 | Running away from a dark force/energy, fighting against it, continues running away.
32:30 | Struck in the chest by a dark forced while trying to save someone, falls to the ground, darkness crawling up his neck, clutching chest, groaning, concern for him, writhing on the ground, labored breathing, struggles to get up only to fall onto his knees, whimpering, held | Bridal carried | Neck seen bandaged.
45:30 | Concerned for friend, grabbed by dark force, levitated into the air and throw off stairwell, concern for him, falls 3+ stairs into stacked glass, (in world) lying unresponsive, eye 'pulled out' (not graphic), screaming out in agony. (back in reality) Bloody hand bleeding onto white floor, wakes up wearing an eyepatch, seemingly not hurt, confused as to what happened.
48:15 | Reaches into pool of water and the dark force grabs him and pulls him under, (presumably in vision) lying in the rain, witnessing the death of his mother again, screaming, falls to his knees, wakes up suddenly.
01:08:50 | (continuation from fall scene recalled by a character) hand bleeding excessively, glass on his body, bleeding from the head, concern for him, held up by friend, struggling to speak, apologizing, unconscious, taken to be treated, bloody eye (non graphic), lying unresponsive on couch, flinches when eye is 'replaced'. (back in present) concerned for friend, guilty.
01:18:00 | Manhandled, pushed and thrown onto the floor, cries out in pain, clutching chest, writhing on the floor, pulled to his feet by his clothes, mocked and taunted, arm twisted behind his back, groaning, panting, choked, shoved onto the floor, dragged across the floor by his jacket, thrown, rolls across the floor and hits the wall, groaning, stepped on, thrown against friend, on the ground, dragged across the floor telekinetically, struggling to resist, concerned for friend, (in alternate reality) bound in a web made of red string. [01:25:16] Pierced by the red string and it starts tightly binding up his entire body and head, screams out in pain. Saved.
01:32:34 | Attacked by dark force, struggling to shoot a magical bow, screams, falls to the ground, panting.
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killerandhealerqueen · 1 year ago
Tell us about your tagging system! What's the organization behind it, are there tags you follow up on etc
Oh, tagging system...I don't think I've ever answered a question about this before.
Honestly, there's not like a whole organization behind it...I honestly learned how to tag shit after being on tumblr for long periods of time.
Like, with my liveblogs, I saw how other people tagged their liveblogs so I decided to try it too and stuck with my usual system of "nickname watches genre of drama/movie (cdrama/kdrama/jdrama/cmovie/kmovie/jmovie" "name of drama" and then "genre of drama". When I liveblog, I usually just put my thoughts into the post, I don't really put them into the tags.
Now with my rewatches (and honestly, it's only just the one right now) I do my normal tagging system and then I add "name of drama rewatch" afterwards. If there are characters I'm specifically talking about in the post, I will make sure to put the character's name after "name of drama rewatch" and then add my own thoughts afterwards because I'm not taking away from what's going on in the scene, especially if it's like screenshots.
Same with fics! I watched how other people tagged their fics and then just followed suit. So at first it was "the-sassiest-trixster writes" (back when i had my old username) but then when all of my tags got wiped the first time, I decided to rebrand and just go with "sass writes". Short and simple. I also tag the post with the name of the fandom that I'm writing for and then whatever the fic is, like "mafia au" or "assassin au" or "case fic" etc. I will also include the characters and their ship name, just so that it's easy to find (hopefully but this is tumblr).
As for headcanons and asks, I'll tag it with "sass answers" and then "nickname of person who sent the ask + specific emoji" afterwards. For headcanons, I will then go on to tag the fandom the headcanon is for, the characters that are in the headcanon, the ship name, and sometimes i'll specify what kind of headcanon it is, like "5+1" or whatever au was requested.
My asks used to be "sass answers" and then "nickname of person who sent the ask edition" but when all of the tags got deleted again, I decided to revamp and do the "nickname of person who sent the ask + specific emoji" because I think it's cute.
If I'm talking about my writing i'll specifically use the tag "sass talks about her writing", if i'm ranting i'll use "sass rants", if i'm just rambling/talking i'll use "sass talks", and if I'm talking about /answering questions about forensics, I'll use "sass talks about forensics".
As for tags I follow...not really. I say you can tag me using "killerandhealerqueen" but I'm really bad about checking that tag to be quite honest. But honestly, just @ me, it's just faster and I enjoy getting notifications than remembering to check a tag. I do follow the tags like "killer and healer", "mao zi jun", "ian yi", "chen yuzhi", "jiang yuelou", "yaoyutong", and "恨君不似江楼月" but that's about it.
If I didn't answer something, just let me know! I love talking/answering asks!
send me asks
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hellsdogs · 5 months ago
Just wanna say I love your blog's aestethic sooo much!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Heyyy that's so so so nice of you to say and send! ! Thank you very much. My aesthetics for this blog, whether in the pictures, the faceclaim representation, or the atmosphere, are inspired by jdramas and jmovies, which also influence the plots I have. It's something like a cold night in tokyo, between slice of life, urban life, yakuza, and crime. Each character has their own colors and aesthetics as well (and their very own personal aesthetic blog), but the blend of the fourth is something of dark greens and blues, dried blood, black and white, cold cigarette smoke, old japanese movies, and late-night conversations at the izakaya.
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storge · 1 year ago
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When our eyes met, that guy became me, and I became him. An amazing character came into my mind for the first time in my life.
Character (2021) dir. Nagai Akira
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heymeowmao · 2 years ago
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XxxHOLiC (2022)
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mashyimaro · 2 years ago
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Kamiki Ryunosuke and Hayato Isomura in xxxHOLIC (2022)
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