#jksadhbas You sir are the only one who has seen this oc. who knows what he looks like.
leviathiane · 2 years
9 for the oc ask 9 for the oc ask 9 for th
sdakhjvdhbas i know its u and due to that i know u are maybe one of like 3 people able to send this ask in good faith
9. Tell me your favorite moment with your OC. (Either that you wrote or drew)
THIS IS VERY HARD TO CHOOSE. what, arbitrarily, could be considered a "best moment", much less my favorite?? I have no many OCs even when narrowing down into OCs I've focused on in 2022 specifically,,,, I did a LOT with my undertale OCs. My biggest fandoms in which i made OCs this year were probably Undertale, TMA, Pokemon, Hollow Knight, and. uh. Minecraft. I made a lot of art. I wrote a LOT of fic. probably like 350K of just collective OC fic. There were lots and lots of bits of content I was particularly proud of. Did a great mermay of my pokemon oc, got a whole-ass commission of my undertale oc, wrote like an entire 200k fic for same undertale oc, etc etc--
My absolute favorite "moment" was probably an oc-canon interaction between my undertale secondary oc and a "canon" character. I put my entire ass into that scene. It was this elaborate, lengthy part of the fic where my character (purposefully blind) and his brother (also blind, due to his brother, though not on purpose) were trapped in an unknown environment and trying to keep each other calm. Mostly the younger brother, as his sensory intake was more sensitive than the first character, and thus was tasked with a) understanding the environment, b) relaying this information coherently to the older brother, and c) using this knowledge to keep the older calm enough to stop them from panicking (which would be very, very dangerous to everyone involved, as the younger had experienced firsthand when it blinded him permanently). I loved this scene so, so much. It was endlessly interesting to tackle, and the knife-edge tension and forceful calm of it all made me manic with excitement. The inherent history of violent trauma between these two characters, and yet the fortitude of love to keep each other in line in their own ways, was so, so, so invigorating. I'm not currently into Undertale, but I reread this scene a lot. I've considered making a third ao3 account just to be able to post this story anonymously, because it's something i would have loved to read if someone else had written it.
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