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一開始 [In The Beginning] • 第二天堂 [Haven] • 子彈列車 [Bullet Train] • 起床了 [Morning Call] • 豆漿油條 [Perfect Match] • 江南 [River South] • 害怕 [Afraid] • 天使心 [Angel] • 森林浴 [In The Woods] • ���靈 [Elf] • 相信無限 [Infinity] • 美人�� [Mermaid] • 距離 [Distance] • 未完成 [To Be Continued] • Endless Road
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Streaming versions are shortened from 15 to 11 tracks.
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fauldfauld · 1 year ago
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idylled · 5 years ago
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 3 days ago
via @gloriousfartcupcake
律回歲晚冰霜少,春到人間草木知。 便覺眼前生意滿,東風吹水綠參差。
📌 張栻 Zhang Shi /(1133-1180) Scholars of Chinese Song Dynasty. 號南軒,學者稱南軒先生,南宋學者、理學家、哲學家、教育家,湖湘學派集大成者,「東南三賢」之一,名相張濬之子。南宋理宗淳祐初年(1241年)從祀孔廟,後與李寬、韓愈、李士真、周敦頤、朱熹、黃乾同祀石鼓書院七賢祠,世稱石鼓七賢。
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《記得 Remember》林俊傑 JJ LIn大提琴版本 Cello cover 『cover by YoYo Cello』【經典歌曲系列】
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Dans mon salon avec ma tasse 🤍
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accio-victuuri · 1 year ago
i have been doing cpn posts here and there about wyb’s alleged song list and here is another one. i’m just gonna name it wyb’s playlist cpn from now on. so the explanation is, some people know wyb’s personal qq music account so if you follow him you can see what he has been listening to. i am not really familiar with the app so idk how the settings work if he can hide some. no one is saying how they found out about the account, which makes sense for privacy. in a similar way that some fans know zz/wyb’s gaming account till now. feel free to not believe it cause i understand that things like this can be sus & people on the internet tend to lie.
for me personally tho, i love this cause i think music really speaks of what someone is feeling. and you have wyb who is not exactly big on social media so we rarely know anything. aside from his now extensive movie list, his playlist is something that is interesting too. not necessarily cpn-wise all the time.
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this post will cover golden hour & some recent eason chan tracks added. 🎶🎵
The first one is GOLDEN HOUR which was used in ZZ’s vlog in Milan. It was a pretty popular song back then but it became more know because of ZZ’s post and even the singer reacted to it. Since then, it’s been a favorite among BXGs considering the meaning of it too.
This is what WYB’s playlist looked like on 3/28/23 People who follow said he hasn’t updated it for a week and then suddenly this track is added in. A piano version of Golden Hour. They say WYB usually adds relaxing music like piano tracks and some of nature, but not often. So it’s interesting how this one was added. At the time, they just don’t know the relevance. ( this screenshot was taken 00:38 3/29 but it has been this way since 3/28 )
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and um hello to the rihanna songs! he is such a fanboy! as he should. and also kendrick! 👋🏼
then XZS posts the vlog with that BGM the next day.
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dude, what are the chances. these vlogs are edited real time, we know that xzs team were working hard to feed content so the song must have been decided then and there. wyb listening to that the day before, next day it’s the BGM for ZZ’s vlog? i’m just thinking about ZZ sending it to him first to watch then WYB decided to add the song to his playlist. Or maybe they have already been lovin it and decided to use it on ZZ’s vlog.
so sweet!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
the most recent one is this updated 2/13 ( the 3rd track i blurred sung by faye wong, i already talked about here ) :
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The first one is this song ⬇️⬇️⬇️ which is about accompanying someone as a form of love. and isn’t that so them? it’s a known message that they both believe in, accompanying that person is a way of showing your love. screenshot 1 is from YT of a native speaker translating the title and that’s the one i’m going with.
also, sorry but i’m linking R1SE’s cover of the song cause it’s beautiful. 🫶🏼
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AND THESE LINES! WYB is such a romantic! I cannot! It’s so him! Someone who will like and love this one thing and will stick to it till the end. 🥹
Accompanying you to turn loneliness into bravery
I lost again and again, I didn’t leave
Accompanying is the longest love confession
How long is the future
Stay with you until the story is finished
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This is the second one, cloudy day. Which he was also allegedly listening to back in 3/2022 when he was filming and they haven’t seen each other for month.
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What does the sky look like
What is love like
Several clouds forgot where to go on a cloudy day
Missing and loneliness
Blowed into the left ear
Maybe I can’t remember, but I can’t forget the time
That secret happiness
What to say to the cloudy day
From what i can gather, it’s about thinking of love and the good things even if it’s a cloudy day. Usually it must feel sad, but this person still chooses to see the good in it. Again, this is so WYB. He sees it and does not mope, he remembers the blue sky and white clouds instead.
Eason Chan is a famous singer that a lot of people listen to so i know that WYB is not the only person in China who probably has one of his songs on his playlist. Compared to Golden Hour which was unusual and the timing being sus. However for this, the fact that it’s added close to Valentines Day? Is this what he is feeling? So freakin in love! ♥️🥹
Anyway, I hope they had fun with the time they had together last CNY break ( allegedly ) and that their love endures & flourishes in the years to come! 🫶🏼
sources: one // two
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lalalannnn · 9 months ago
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banachen · 5 months ago
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✶ 動力火車 Power Station & 林俊傑 JJ Lin  [ 俯衝的靈魂 THE RELENTLESS ] MV幕後花絮
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azurespica · 2 years ago
林俊傑 JJ Lin - 學不會 Never Learn 
Si querés saber cómo está tu brújula interna, escuchá una canción en un idioma que no conozcas, de alguien que no conozcas y fijate cómo te sentís (después buscá la traducción).
#SiMeHabráHechoLlorar #TieneUnNoseQuéQueQuéSeYo
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yuriwangfingermedia · 2 years ago
動力火車四度攻蛋「全球人壽 都是因為愛世界巡迴演唱會」動力全開 嗨翻小巨蛋
動力火車四度攻蛋「全球人壽 都是因為愛世界巡迴演唱會」動力全開 嗨翻小巨蛋 斥資5000萬升級舞台 為愛全面升級打造四大主題 從無畏出發緊扣友情、愛情、親情 金曲歌王JJ林俊傑驚喜現身 動力火車為新專輯邀歌 直誇JJ音域很高 合唱要升很多Key B面遺珠票選出爐 首場選唱 《做工的人》插曲〈永遠不在〉歌迷嗨喊:終於等到! 暖場嘉賓邀請新人師弟77Ke柯棨棋 展初生之犢不畏虎的氣勢 登小巨蛋進行萬人壓力測試 搖滾天團動力火車自去年從台北啟動「都是因為愛世界巡迴演唱會」,一路走過台北、高雄、新加坡、洛杉磯等城市,於4/22第四度攻蛋,一連兩天舉辦「全球人壽…
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blogarians-blog · 2 years ago
林俊傑 JJ Lin - 修煉愛情 Practice Love (華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV)
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egrgegr · 2 years ago
林俊傑演唱會「摸走」粉絲名牌戒指? 失主急曝偶像暖舉
德國黑螞蟻生精片 黑螞蟻官網 黑螞蟻生精片 德國黑螞蟻生精片官網 台灣購買黑螞蟻 黑螞蟻生精片哪兒買 德國黑螞蟻官網 黑螞蟻生精片效果 德國黑螞蟻生精片台灣 德國黑螞蟻生精片正品 德國黑螞蟻效果 德國黑螞蟻生精片偽藥 黑螞蟻價錢 黑螞蟻官網  https://deblackant.com/
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fauldfauld · 1 year ago
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 years ago
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✾ Lan~*
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winliu719 · 5 years ago
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恭喜思涵新店開幕 謝謝JJ百忙中抽空聚餐 東西好吃 酒好喝 真的是相處聚會 談心聊天 喝酒小聚的好地方❤️❤️❤️ #winliu#life#dinner#restaurant#JJ林俊傑#(在 和蒔炭火割烹) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5a7gYalpZoFDdLVDuI6BkI7Jrcgq4-kyyH0MA0/?igshid=1q0avhnhjemqv
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zintranslations · 4 years ago
Keyword / 關鍵詞
original by JJ Lin / 林俊傑 cover by Ye Xuanqing / 葉炫清
[VERSE 1] Love yourself well and someone will love you back this is an optimistic saying
It looks so happy and I feel it’s all so real I can’t find the adjective
Silence is masking a near overflood of passion I’m left with mere function words
There’s a sort of steadfastness that comes from you calling my name
[CHORUS] Where the fall leaves fall becomes the score for a poem time is fading and our story is starting
This is the first time I’ve been shown that love can be both giving and selfish You are the keyword to me
[VERSE 2] I’m not too certain if the best way of love is a verb or a noun
I really want to tell you the most naked emotions but I forget my words again
There’s always joining and parting always crying and laughing I’m not afraid of the subtext
There’s a sort of steadfastness that comes with my name in your heart
[CHORUS] This is the first time I’ve been shown that love can be both giving and selfish You are the keyword to me
Translator’s Note: it’s worth noting that the last word in each line of the verse is playing on a sort of “word” (cí 詞) that doesn’t translate into English: a saying, an adjective, a function word, a verb and noun, forgotten words, and subtext. Of course, it all circles back to the title and thesis, “keyword.”
好好愛自己 就有人會愛你 這樂觀的說詞 幸福的樣子 我感覺好真實 找不到形容詞 沉默在掩飾 快泛濫的激情 只剩下語助詞 有一種踏實 當你口中喊我名字 落葉的位置 譜出一首詩 時間在消逝 我們的故事開始 這是第一次 讓我見識愛情可以慷慨又自私 你是我的關鍵詞 我不太確定 愛最好的方式 是動詞或���詞 很想告訴你 最赤裸的感情 卻又忘詞 聚散總有時 而哭笑也有時 我不怕潛台詞 有一種踏實 是你心中有我名字
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banachen · 2 years ago
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✶ 林俊傑 JJ Lin 《願與愁 Dust and Ashes》/ “Castle In The Air” MV 幕後花絮 Official Behind The Scenes
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