#jisung scenarios
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hansolsticio · 2 days ago
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✦ — "pirralho". ᯓ p. jisung.
— park jisung × leitora. — 𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮: sugestivo. — 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 3814. — 𝗮𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗼𝘀: age gap curtinho (o ji tem 19 e a pp uns 24), linguagem imprópria, fluxo de consciência (?), insinuação de sexo, o hyuck e o nana aparecem, size difference, pegação & "noona". — 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗮𝘀: essa fic é top #1 acontecimentos imprevisíveis
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Batidas distantes misturadas a algo que parecia ser o seu nome te fizeram despertar. Não sabe quando caiu no sono e muito menos o que fazia antes de adormecer, mas respondeu por puro reflexo.
"Tá viva? 'Tô tentando te acordar faz tempo.", era abafado, mas a voz da sua colega de apartamento era inconfundível. "Não vai se arrumar? Não quero chegar atrasada."
"Me arrumar?"
"O evento da atlética, criatura. Já esqueceu?", a menção te acordou de vez, ainda que tenha levado um tempinho para processar uma resposta. Sendo simplista, eventos da atlética significavam um monte de universitários gostosos reunidos num lugar só. E por "universitário gostoso" sua cabecinha só processava uma coisa: Jisung.
É... péssima ideia.
"Não sei se quero ir..."
"Ah, não! 'Cê prometeu que ia comigo, poxa...", a mulher choramingou. "Os meninos vão também.", a observação tinha a única função de te convencer, porém ela não exergara ainda que esse era exatamente o problema. "Eu já servi de acompanhante até pro batizado da sua priminha, _____. Qual é...", e, novamente, você seria vencida pela culpa.
O dilema aqui era: você nunca havia questionado tanto os seus próprios valores como nos últimos dias. Se perguntava se considerar uma diferença de idade tão minúscula quanto a que existia entre você e Jisung um obstáculo era exagero da sua parte. A parte mais antiquada da sua personalidade não apreciava estar questionando isso, porém era o que mais fazia ultimamente. Não sabe dizer o momento exato no qual "a chave virou" na sua cabeça, mas misteriosamente o interesse explícito que o mais novo tem em você deixou de ser uma piadinha e virou uma pedra no seu sapato.
De repente, a diferença de altura notável entre vocês dois se tornou algo intimidador. De repente, a voz caracteristicamente grave começou a te dar arrepios e o jeito que sua mão ficava minúscula perto da dele te incitava a ter pensamentos sujos demais. De repente, você se via cada vez mais tentada a revisitar todos os stories que o homem postava — desde os recorrentes surtos pelo Real Madrid até as malditas selfies pós-treino.
Era um sofrimento que somente o século vinte e um seria capaz de te proporcionar. Você podia bloquear Jisung? Claro que sim! Mas como iria fazer cessar a coceira na sua pele toda vez que cogitava a possibilidade de dar de cara com mais uma foto do rostinho avermelhado e todo molhadinho de suor? Isso para não falar do inferno da camiseta que ele sempre deixava em um dos ombros — um lembrete sugestivo de que não havia mais nada impedindo a visão do próprio corpo.
Entretanto, não era tão masoquista assim. Tanto que há muito tempo evitava acompanhar sua colega de apartamento nos treinos só para não acabar esbarrando em um Jisung gostoso 'pra caralho correndo feito louco atrás de uma bola. Na realidade, sequer se viam pessoalmente, mas nas raras ocasiões em que tinha o (des)prazer de estar na companhia de Jisung você se sentia contra a parede.
O Park não era invasivo, não fazia o tipo dele. Porém nunca foi como se precisasse. Os olhinhos fofos demais para um homem daquele tamanho e todos os "Noona's" arrastadinhos te diziam tudo o que você precisava saber. De certa forma, te quebrava ter quer pisar na confiança dele em todas as ocasiões possíveis — na sua cabeça, era a única solução plausível para o "problema".
Só que havia algo errado: você não era capaz de identificar o porquê dele estar tão atrevido nos últimos tempos, a confiança dele parecia crescer de uma maneira estupidamente rápida a cada encontro entre vocês. Era complicado. Talvez fosse culpa sua. Talvez você estivesse deixando muito óbvio o seu nervosismo perto do mais novo — era o que você pensava.
Você poderia perguntar a opinião da sua colega de apartamento e aspirante à melhor amiga Maya? Sim. Mas, nesse caso... não. Por mais detestável que soasse, você já havia tentado. Inclusive, o tom de inconformidade com o fato de Jisung ser, na sua visão, um pirralho, não foi suficiente para fazê-la dar outra solução que não fosse: "Você quer. Então pega.". E isso era exatamente o que você não queria ouvir! Ou queria?
Quase arrancava os próprios cabelos por não achar ninguém que estivesse de acordo com as suas convicções e nada parecia fazer muito sentido. Você temia estar enlouquecendo, pois não sabia responder para si própria em que momento começou a ver Jisung como um homem.
Antes mesmo de sair de cada já havia planejado exatamente como agir. Irredutível, iria manter o teatrinho de rejeição. Considerava-se madura demais para deixar um moleque ficar ditando seus pensamentos, poxa... era isso. Precisava manter Jisung longe. Era o único jeito de dar fim a essa história.
E por um tempo funcionou. Funcionou de forma excepcional. Você arrisca que seja pelo fato de sequer ter cruzado com Jisung nas duas primeiras horas que ficou dentro do recinto. Na verdade, não sabia se sentia felicidade ou desapontamento. Se o homem não estava presente, significava que você não precisaria quebrar a cabeça com ele — mas, droga, queria vê-lo... mesmo odiando admitir.
Só que você tinha que ter cuidado com o que desejava. Acabou por encontrar Jisung e se arrependeu imediatamente de estar ali. Mas não pelos motivos que havia imaginado. Diferente do rostinho carente que implora por sua atenção sempre que você está por perto, Jisung parecia confortável até demais. O semblante animadinho deixava explícito que ele deveria ter tomado três ou quatro copos de alguma coisa.
A animação dele passou a contrastar com o seu desgosto ao perceber que o homem tinha companhia. Companhia essa que estava perto demais e se sentia muito habituada em sussurrar seja lá o que fosse perto da orelha do garoto. Você já havia a visto algumas vezes, sabia que ela era da mesma turma de Jisung ou algo do tipo. Cada detalhe da interação capturava os seus olhos de um jeito nada agradável. Mas, ei! Isso não era da sua conta, era?
Não havia problema nenhum. Era isso que você queria, não? Sim, sim. Era sim. Jisung tinha mesmo era que flertar com gente da idade dele. Claro. Claro que sim. Mas por quê você ainda 'tava olhando? Isso é coisa de gente esquisita. Deveria parar de encarar. Okay... Jaemin! Isso, Jaemin. Fazia tanto tempo que vocês não se divertiam juntos, certo? Calma, mas o quê ele acabou de sussurrar no ouvido dela? Porra, e esse sorrisinho? Espera... você ainda estava olhando?
"Nana...", ofegou como uma pobre donzela aos pés de seu salvador. O problema é que seu salvador possuía uma única latinha de cerveja como arma e parecia não ter a mínima pretensão de te resgatar dessa fera inominável — o 'ciúmes'. Jaemin precisou de uma olhadinha de canto para achar Jisung e cinco segundos de análise às suas feições para te dar um veredito:
"Ihh, nessa história eu não me meto, _____.", balançou o indicador no ar, rindo em completa descrença. "Tô fora de problema.", deu um gole generoso na bebida, como quem tenta remediar o próprio riso.
"Não tem história nenhuma, Nana. Só quero dançar contigo.", mentir já foi uma das suas maiores habilidades, mas no momento sentia-se uma amadora.
"Não se faz de sonsa, vai...", entortou o rosto. Foi o suficiente para te estressar, detestava ser contrariada.
"Porra, até você?!"
"Até eu sim! 'Cê não 'tá sendo meio babaca , não?", nada seria capaz de ferir tanto seu ego quanto a realidade.
"Tô sendo coisa nenhuma. Vocês que ficam colocando pressão.", desconversou, já tentava sair dessa conversa tão rápido quanto entrou. Estava exausta de ouvir sempre as mesmas coisas de todo mundo dentro do seu ciclo — a visão que seus amigos sustentavam da 'situação' entre você e Jisung parecia ser a mesma, um consenso.
"A gente?!", exclamou. A partir daqui você estava certa que havia procurado ajuda no pior lugar possível, Jaemin era especialista em levar as coisas pro pessoal. "Você que é indecisa 'pra caralho! Dá fora no garoto até não aguentar mais, mas também não sabe largar a porra do osso.", soou genuinamente bravo, seus ouvidos até zuniram. "Se decide, _____.", aqui foram esgotados seus argumentos.
Sequer esforçou-se para dar um fim ao debate com Nana, já sentia a cabeça doer. Simplesmente se virou, sumindo entre os demais — precisava pensar. Mas, poxa, havia algo a ser pensado? Mesmo você, que era orgulhosa demais para admitir estar errada, já enxergava toda a tempestade que estava fazendo em algo relativamente simples: era sim ou não.
Enfiou-se no primeiro cômodo vazio que encontrou. Era uma espécie de adega que armazenava todo tipo de bebida quente possível, parecia ser bem cuidado, mas a iluminação era pouca. Ficou feliz só de não ter esbarrado em nenhum casal se comendo dentro da salinha. Recostou-se numa das bancadas mais ao canto, aproveitando o silêncio para checar o celular. Porém, ainda que ignorasse o elefante no meio da sala, não conseguia evitar de pensar em Jisung e na estupidez que circundava toda essa situação.
Era difícil calcular quanto tempo você fingiu estar entretida no próprio telefone. Divagava. Voltava a Jisung e em como ele parecia malditamente próximo da garota. A boca amargava em pensar na maneira com a qual as mãos grandes ficaram perto demais da cintura feminina. Porra. Não, não, não... não era certo. Deveria ser você. Jisung te queria, não queria?
Droga, parecia uma criança. Cismava com um brinquedinho que sequer estava dando atenção só por ter visto outro alguém se interessar por ele. Infantil, muito infantil. Jaemin tinha razão, não tinha? Detestava admitir.
A porta se abriu.
Era a única resposta plausível. Não precisava de nenhum estranho te enchendo o saco no momento, não queria ninguém piorando a situação. Mas o corpo esguio que surgiu por detrás da fresta te mostrou que a situação podia sim piorar.
Quis rir, era inacreditável — digno de cinema, não? Quer dizer, era tão óbvio que chegava a ser ridículo acontecer. Entretanto, fazia sentido que acontecesse. Não era como se Jisung não estivesse te seguindo com os olhos desde que você presenciou a ceninha dele com a garota.
"A gente pode conversar?", essa pergunta nunca poderia ter um bom desfecho. Sua primeira atitude foi adotar uma postura arrogante. Sempre era assim quando se tratava dele, não era?
"Nós dois.", murmurou cuidadoso. Você não ouviu de início, mas a afirmação te fez soltar uma risadinha em escárnio assim que assimilou o que ele havia dito.
"E desde quando existe um 'nós', Jisung?", rebateu amarga, assistindo-o se calar. Jisung te encarou em silêncio, parecia ensaiar muita coisa na própria cabeça — ainda que os olhos parecessem meio vazios. A tensão de estar acorrentada ao olhar dele sem ter onde se esconder fazia você tremer por dentro. O homem finalmente suspirou, coçando a própria nuca com impaciência. "Que foi? Volta 'pra sua namoradinha.", arrependeu-se antes mesmo de falar, a atitude era resultado do nervosismo que sentia.
"Quê?", o Park franziu a testa.
"Não sei. Me diz você. Cansou de uma e veio atrás da outra? É coisa de moleque, Jisung."
"Não tenho nada com mulher nenhuma. 'Cê sabe muito bem quem eu quero.", explicou-se, ainda que não devesse nada a você. Começava a se exaltar — detestava ser tratado como criança.
"Não sei porra nenhuma, Jisung.", cuspiu as palavras. Assistiu-o suspirar exasperado.
"Você 'tá me cansando, noona...", pontuou, os braços se cruzando.
"Você que continua nessa palhaçada sozinho.", não se lembra de nenhuma ocasião da sua vida na qual foi tão imediata com as respostas. "Já te falei que gosto de homem. Homem de verdade.", o acréscimo fez Jisung levantar as sobrancelhas, um sorriso ofendido despontando nos lábios.
"E eu sou o quê? Me diz.", afastou-se da porta, caminhando em passos vagarosos na sua direção. Ele não sabia, mas estava quebrando a confiança que só a distância era capaz de te oferecer. Com a proximidade aumentando, seu rostinho teve que se erguer para acompanhar as feições do homem. Você já apertava as bordas da madeira atrás do seu quadril, inerte com o aroma de perfume masculino que te roubou o ar.
"Você...", virou o rosto, buscando algum tipo de resposta nas garrafas de whisky da estante do canto.
"Não. Fala olhando 'pra mim.", aproximou-se mais, o suficiente para ser a única coisa no seu campo de visão — não importa para onde resolvesse olhar. A respiração quente te embriagou, tanto pela tensão quanto pelo notável cheiro do álcool.
"Você bebeu, Jisung.", a constatação saiu meio engasgada. Sentia a pele arder, o ventre se apertar.
"Você também. Isso é desculpa?", por um momento o homem pareceu roubar o seu papel. Era afiado, parecia ter total noção de como te desmontar — Jisung, em ocasião alguma, agia dessa maneira. "Diz, _____. Por que eu não sou homem o suficiente 'pra você?", cada questionamento esgotava mais seu repertório de respostas, ainda que você não usasse nenhuma das poucas disponíveis. As mãos dele se apoiaram em cada lado do móvel atrás do seu corpo, te encurralando. E era quente, porra, muito quente. "O que falta em mim, hm?", abaixou-se, o rostinho se inclinando para acompanhar cada movimento dos seus olhos. Te intimidava.
"Não faz assim, Ji...", balbuciou. A boca seca... onde havia deixado seu copo? Não se lembrava de mais nada.
"Deixa eu provar.", a mudança de energia que acompanhou o pedido te lançou numa espiral. Agora era enfraquecido, arrastava-se pela garganta. "Deixa eu ser seu homem, noona.", uma súplica dengosa até demais — te balançou, você mal foi capaz de esconder. Não impediu o narizinho roçando contra sua bochecha, preocupada em sanar o frio na barriga. Sentia o corpo inteiro amolecendo, o jeitinho devoto que Jisung te olhava só piorava a situação. "Por favor...", a expressão lamuriosa exterminou qualquer possibilidade de negá-lo — droga, ele parecia querer tanto... seria crueldade não dar uma chance.
Cedeu e nunca sentiu tanto alívio. Aceitar a boquinha gostosa contra a sua foi como tirar um peso enorme das suas costas, peso esse que, na verdade, foi substituído por muito maior: perceber o quão intensa era a vontade que você tinha de Jisung — ia mais longe do que o seu discernimento te deixava ver. Sentia seu corpo inteiro ferver pelo homem. O beijo lascivo e meio desesperado fazia sua carne tremer, puxava-o como se dependesse daquilo, como se precisasse do peso dele em cima de você.
Estavam febris, os estalinhos molhados faziam vocês buscarem por mais da sensação gostosa. O encaixe do beijo deixava suas pernas moles e o jeito que Jisung gemia contra sua boca te fazia ter certeza de que ele sentia o mesmo. A língua tímida resvalando na sua fez seus olhos revirarem por trás das pálpebras — delícia, droga, uma delícia. Tomou as rédeas, sugando o músculo quentinho para dentro da boca, o homem firmou-se ainda mais contra o seu corpo.
Jisung era sensível, se esticava inteiro só para ter tudo de você. Cansou-se, as palmas envolveram a parte traseira da sua coxa, te levando pro colo dele num solavanco. Nem percebeu quando foi colocada em cima da bancada, ocupada demais em enfeitar o pescoço leitoso. Sentia que precisava marcá-lo, queria evitar que sequer olhassem na direção dele pelo resto da noite. Era seu, podia marcar o quanto quisesse. Precisava disso.
O corpo inteiro escorria num calor infernal. O homem te bebia sem hesitar, também estava sedento. Havia se tornado uma batalha estranha, Jisung te agarrava pela nuca para conseguir sorver a boquinha inchada e você constantemente se afastava para lamber o pescoço cheirosinho. Estavam agindo de uma forma patética, mas quem poderia julgar? Passaram tanto tempo desejando isso, porra... sentiam um tesão do caralho um no outro, não dava para segurar.
As mãos fortes pela sua cintura faziam seu corpo reagir por conta própria, rebolava meio contida, desejando ter algo embaixo de você. O rostinho se movia dengoso, quase ronronava contra a boca de Jisung. Sentiria vergonha de admitir o quanto estava pulsando, mas não conseguia fazer cessar a sensação. Droga, precisava...
Os dedinhos ágeis acharam o caminho para a barra da calça de Jisung, brincou com o botão insinuando abri-lo. O homem ondulou o quadril contra as suas mãos, mas contraditoriamente te agarrou pelo pulso, impedindo a ação.
"Espera...", ofegava, o rosto vermelhinho era decorado por algumas gotas de suor. "Eu nunca...", hesitou. Ainda embriagada com o momento você demorou tempo demais para assimilar.
"Quer dizer... nunca mesmo?", tentou ser casual.
"Nem...?", mas falhou.
"Não. Nada."
Isso mudava muita coisa. Claro que mudava. Você seria a primeira de Jisung? Cacete...
"Com outra pessoa não...", ele acrescentou, mas foi possível ver o arrependimento acertá-lo em cheio. "Espera, pra quê eu falei isso?", desesperou-se. Você quis rir do jeitinho fofo, mas não queria deixá-lo mais encabulado.
"Relaxa, não tem problema.", assegurou, selando a bochecha rubra. "A gente não precisa.", beijou o cantinho da boca, arrastando os carinhos até a orelha sensível.
"Mas eu quero...", a confissão te fez tremer. Não podia, não nessas circunstâncias. "Me ensina...", o sussurro saiu em tom de súplica, a respiração quente contra sua orelha não fez um bom trabalho em te deixar pensar. "Prometo que aprendo rápido.", assegurou. Os olhos minavam uma ingenuidade estupidamente excitante.
"Tá louco?! Aqui não, Ji.", tentou dispensar a proposta de um jeito casual, rindo meio nervosa.
"Me leva 'pra sua casa então...", ele rebateu quase que no mesmo instante, as palmas avantajadas fechando o aperto na sua cintura.
"O quanto você bebeu?"
"Eu quero você.", ele se curvou de um jeito meio desconfortável, o rosto vermelhinho se enfiou no seu pescoço. Porra, Jisung era adorável e isso te deixava tão quente. "Por favor, noona.", a voz grave agora era pura manha. Você precisou apertar os olhos e respirar muito fundo para ser capaz de raciocinar outra coisa que não o homem no meio das suas pernas de um jeito tão gostoso.
"Tem gente demais aqui, Jisung.", argumentou num fio de voz. Sentia-o te puxar para a borda do balcão, as perninhas se abrindo ainda mais por reflexo.
"Ninguém vai ver. Eu te escondo.", um tanto desesperado, pareceu querer demonstrar a ideia. Arrumou a postura, os braços te cercando enquanto usava o próprio tamanho para ocultar seu corpinho. Voltou a te olhar de cima, as orbes entrando no decote da sua blusinha sem pudor algum. "Cê é tão pequenininha, porra...", murmurou, admirando a diferença explícita entre vocês dois.
O ar ficou preso dentro dos pulmões quando ele agarrou um dos seus pulsos, a mãozinha tornando-se inofensiva perto da de Jisung. Guiou sua palma para debaixo da própria camiseta, a pele firme do abdômen esquentando sua mão. Não conseguiu resistir, arrastou as unhas por ali — ainda que meio receosa. A reação física foi imediata, o ventre do Park se apertou embaixo dos seus dedos. O rostinho sedento te deixou igualmente desorientada.
Cacete. Jisung fazia você se sentir doente.
O aperto que circundava seu pulso timidamente te levou mais baixo. Não conseguiu parar de encará-lo, mesmo quando a aspereza do cinto que ele usava arranhou a sua pele. Seu estômago repuxava em expectativa. Estava claramente passando dos limites, porém esse pensamento não te impediu de envolver o volume pesadinho com a palma da mão. A mente ferveu sob o olhar do mais novo que te apertou com mais força, empurrando o próprio quadril contra sua palma.
"É tão grande, Sungie...", arfou, deixando-o usar aquela parte do seu corpo como bem quisesse. Foi inevitável perder-se em todo tipo de pensamento sujo envolvendo Jisung e sobre como ele tinha a total capacidade de te arruinar, mas mal parecia ter noção disso. "E esse é o problema.", pontuou, rindo da expressão confusa do homem acima de você. "Você vai entender.", tentou assegurar. "Mas é por isso que a gente não pode fazer nada aqui, Ji...", o tom condescendente que você fez uso foi insuficiente para impedir o biquinho dengoso nas feições do homem. A característica adorável contrastava muito bem com o jeitinho imoral com o qual ele ainda estocava contra sua mão.
"Eu não aguento mais esperar, noona...", choramingou em tom de confissão. Sendo sincera, você admitia que já havia castigado Jisung por tempo demais. Porém, estava prestes a ser malvada com ele só mais um pouquinho.
"Volta pra lá, vai...", afastou a mão do íntimo do homem, ganhando um grunhido desapontado. "Se ficar quietinho até mais tarde, eu dou um jeito de te levar pro meu carro.", era o melhor que você conseguia oferecer no momento. E a proposta era tentadora, tanto que foi capaz de enxergar a expectativa no fundo dos olhinhos masculinos — Jisung era adorável.
"Mas vai demorar?", bufou impaciente.
"Você sobrevive."
"A gente não pode nem brincar um pouquinho?", acompanhando a sugestão os dedos que serpentearam até o interior das suas coxas te fizeram soltar um risinho contrariado. Quis abrir mais as perninhas, se insinuar contra as mãos dele... mas se conteve.
"Brincar?", o questionamento era pura ironia. Jisung paraceu não se importar, concordando com a cabeça e te roubando um selinho carente. "E você por acaso sabe fazer isso?"
"Não...", balbuciou, a baixa luz ainda te permitia ver o rostinho alvo enrubrescendo. "Mas eu-"
"Jisung?", o timbre soou atrás da porta e foi como se você já esperasse por isso, tanto que a primeira reação foi rir baixinho.
"Te falei.", você sussurrou, dando de ombros.
"Já saio!", ele esbravejou virando o rosto em direção �� porta, os dedos pressionaram suas coxas por reflexo. A testa franzida e o maxilar proeminente demonstravam o quão irritado ele havia ficado com a interrupção. "Noona...", choramingou baixinho, o semblante mudando como mágica. As sobrancelhas agora apertavam-se de um jeitinho manhoso, a testa colando contra a sua. Sentiu suas pernas ficarem fracas novamente — queria explodir esse garoto.
"Espera mais um pouco, Sungie...", tentou consolá-lo num beijinho de esquimó lentinho. Jisung te apertou contra o próprio corpo, você mais uma vez sumiu dentro do abraço dele. "Comportadinho." sussurrou, selando o biquinho do homem que parecia não querer te soltar.
"Puta merda, apanhou lá dentro?", a questão veio em tom de zombaria e referia-se a todas as marcas avermelhadas nos braços e pescoço do Park.
Ainda dava para ouvir os dois conversando enquanto você esperava dentro da adega — coisa que, inclusive, só fez para não tornar tudo esquisito saindo junto com Jisung.
"Sossega, Hyuck.", ele rebateu, enfezado.
"Tá até falando mais grosso. Meu Deus, eles crescem tão rápido...", o homem mais velho dramatizou, até mesmo fingiu um choro falso. "Quem vê não diz que você era dessa altura uns dois anos atrás.", demonstrou esticando um dos braços lá em cima de um jeito comicamente elevado. "Nem vou contar pro hyung que 'cê finalmente perdeu o cabaço, é capaz dele cho- Ai, porra!", o som estalado antes da exclamação poderia ser interpretado como um tapa. "Eu nem falei alto..."
— 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗮𝘀²: sim, vai ter uma parte dois.
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# — © 2024 hansolsticio ᯓ★ masterlist.
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itsasilentreader · 2 months ago
─ .✦ 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐅𝐅!𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐧𝐮𝐝𝐞 📲
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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: bff!jisung x fem!reader
𝙎𝙎: 5
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: suggestive, fluff-ish, humor-ish
𝙏𝙒/𝘾𝙒: suggestive, cursing
𝘼/𝙉: another request! Hyunjin's version will come soon!
⤷ 𝘈𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘯𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵.
⋮ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗛𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 | 𝗝𝗶𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻
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Ⓒ︎ 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥. 𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵.
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lqfiles · 14 days ago
random texts with bf!jisung.
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notes — got bored and remembered this rq in my inbox about a post i made back in MAY.. so here! that one anon that asked for this has probably forgotten about it by now dhjsdhjfdhfjjf i did this for you…
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godslino · 6 months ago
IN BLOOM | jisung first date series. second chance lovers.
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pairing: jisung x fem!reader word count: 13.2k genre: childhood friends au, angst, fluff, songwriter!jisung, florist!reader warnings: swearing, minor character death, grief/loss (nothing to do with any of the members!) summary: it's february. the tulips are in bloom. jisung is back.
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chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin · · · ♡ series masterlist · · · ♡ taglist · · · ♡
a/n: *taps mic* hello?? is this thing on?? oh good. yes. hi. hello! it's been a while, as most of you can tell. thank you all SO MUCH for sticking around. if you've been reading my asks you'll know that march and april were rough months for me personally. shout out to my anons and mutuals who kept my spirits high and made my days brighter. uhhh, this was originally supposed to be a stand alone fic but i figured hey, what the hell, and made it into jisung's first date chapter. it's pretty heavy stuff. lots of feelings, lots of love. i hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it! again, thank you so much for waiting for me. i'll be back soon with more updates! all the love <3
also thank you kenzie for being such a light during all of this. i hope all my screaming in your messages was worth it!
“All of these had to be pulled.” Hyunjin huffs, dropping a few crates just past the doorway. 
“Again?” you ask, hands on your hips as you stare at yet another wasted supply. “I don’t understand, they sold so well last year.”
Hyunjin gives you a sad smile. “It’ll pick up eventually, don’t worry. I mean the holidays just finished and business usually slows down in the months after anyways.”
He’s being sincere, you know that. But there’s a part of you that also knows it’s a lot more than just the usual ebb and flow of sales. He’s being nice for your sake.
“Maybe we could try coming up with other ideas?” he suggests, because Hyunjin is nothing if not kind. Always willing, always finding a way.
He moves past you to grab a fresh pair of gloves. The ones he’s wearing are dirty, pollen-stained and ripped at the edges. 
“You’ve always been really good at basket arrangements. We could try to make some for Valentine's Day. Different sizes, maybe? The big ones will probably do well for online orders since they’re more optimal for things like office deliveries and stuff like that.”
You hum in approval. “True. I mean, I was kind of worried we would have to skip out on deliveries this year since we don’t have the manpower to handle all of that, but I think Jeongin’s been looking to pick up hours around here again. He said something about his program giving them a month of independent study, so he’ll be home for a bit.” you say, scribbling down a reminder in your notebook. “I could ask him to help with driving the truck in his free time?”
Hyunjin lights up– he always does when Jeongin is mentioned. 
It’s been a lot quieter ever since he left for college. There were so many tears and so many hugs that were met with countless 'you guys are dramatic's in return. But it’s hard to not feel sad when people leave town; when they decide the borders lined with apple trees and rice fields aren’t enough to stop their dreams from blooming into more than what’s capable of being pursued here.
That, unsurprisingly, is something you know all too well.
“Can’t believe he’s driving.” Hyunjin laments as he wipes his floral scissors with a rag. “I used to spend my days changing his diapers and spoon feeding him redbulls– but now? Driving? My baby is all grown up.” he fake sniffles. “By the way, I’m gonna take my fifteen after I’m done snipping these tulips.”
You snort, bending down to take the crates of wilted flowers to the back for disposal. Hyunjin moves to help but you shake him off.
“Sounds good. Also, don’t let Innie hear you say that. I’m about a thousand percent sure he has the strength needed to throw you into the dumpster with one arm now.”
“My baby would never do that to me!” Hyunjin calls out as you round the corner, bumping open the back door with your hip. 
February brings a lot of rain in Jeju. Today is no different; fat drops landing on your head as soon as you stumble out into the alley behind the shop. Footsteps heavy on wet brick, you curse under your breath as you run as fast as you can to the dumpster.
There’s still a few supply boxes from yesterday’s shipment laying around. You meant to bring them in, but you were so exhausted that it slipped your mind while you struggled to make sure everything inside the shop was figured out.
Scrambling, you haul them in one by one, shoes squeaking against the floor as you alternate in and out, soggy cardboard pressed against the front of your apron. 
Hyunjin’s on break. A necessary one at that. You can’t bother him, especially not when he’s done enough by taking on more responsibility both as a physical worker and a newly actualized business partner recently. A few stacks of boxes and wet hair seem like a fair trade off for what he’s had to sacrifice in the past year now.
“Idiot,” you mumble, cursing yourself for carelessness. Your slip ups have been more frequent lately, evident in the way you constantly forget things and can’t seem to push away the haziness clouding your mind. 
If it weren’t for the timing of it all, you’d blame it on the weather. The gloominess. The overcast skies probably have some sort of hand in your lack of clarity. Shrouded.
But it’s February. And in Jeju— it rains.
By the time you make it back inside, you’re drenched. 
“You look like you just got dunked in a pool.” 
You frown, ringing your hair out into the trash bin by the door. It’ll definitely take time to dry off, both your hair and your clothes are soaked through.
Hyunjin watches with an amused look, arms crossed as he leans his back against the counter.
“Might as well have. It’s insane out there.” you sigh. “How was your break?”
You look up to find that his face has gone unreadable.
“Yeah, about that…” Hyunjin trails off, voice suddenly smaller than before.
“Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah it’s just–” Hyunjin chews at his bottom lip.
You push past him into the supply room to switch out your apron just as he says, “Do you mind if I leave a little early today?”
You scoff, turning to face him. “Hwang Hyunjin,” you scold, lips twitching when he visibly startles at your tone, “You don’t have to ask me that. We’re partners now, remember? We run this place.” 
He shifts on his feet, still unsure.
“Besides,” you huff, tying a knot behind your back, “We were friends way before that, too. You don’t have to be all proper with me. Of course you can leave early. It’s slow today, I can take care of it.”
Hyunjin sighs after contemplating for a second. “Are you sure you’ll be okay, though?” 
When he stares at you for a moment too long, you know the real reason for his hesitation. It makes something twist deep in your gut.
Guilt, maybe, amongst other things.
“Of course.” you shrug, doing your best to seem nonchalant. 
Hyunjin’s ability to read people is kind of intense, a little scary at times. You happen to be one of his favorite subjects in that regard.
“Have fun. Tell Minah I said hi.”
He pales, sputtering around words as he struggles to say something. It’s cute, his plump lips opening and closing, eyes wild.
“I’m not going to see her! I’m–it’s just a movie! How did you—God, you’re so annoying. I should’ve made you trim the tulips. Hah!”
You giggle. “It’s funny that you think I wouldn’t know, especially with the way you love to actually make yourself look busy whenever she stops by to say hi.”
“I am busy.” he mumbles, looking away. “I just emphasize it a lot more when she’s here.”
“Sure,” you roll your eyes, “Let’s go with that.”
He whines a couple more times, trails after you around the shop and laughs when you swat him away with a rolled up newspaper that’s used for wrapping vases.
It’s loud. Easy. Hyunjin is a gentle reminder that normalcy still exists in your day to day, even if it’s hard to find. 
When he finally decides to leave, he lingers for a moment, triple checks that you’ll be okay. You roll your eyes for what feels like the millionth time today, but deep down you’re grateful. 
“Love you,” he says, one foot out the door. “Call me if you need anything.”
You shake your head, ignoring him. “Love you too.” 
And then he’s gone, a skip in his step as he heads down the sidewalk, leaving you with nothing but freshly-trimmed tulips and the sound of rain. 
“Herb snips, shears, tape…” you mumble, scanning the supply shelf. 
There’s not much to do in-shop right now. Almost all the arrangements have been tended to by Hyunjin already, his specialty being his keen eye. That’s why he handles the appeal of the shop, leaving you to figure out all the logistics. Learning it all was easier said than done.
In reality, it was never your intention to take over the shop at all. 
“When I die,” your grandma would always say, ignoring the way you groaned and begged her to stop bringing it up, “Sell this place. Use the money for something worthwhile. A trip to Greece, maybe?”
“Nana,” you would scold, glaring at her where she stood next to you, trimming a batch of roses.
Wrinkled hands that still held all the skill of youth. Fingers moving at a speed others could only ever dream of having– you included.
Your grandma handled flowers with the same amount of care she did everything else. It’s no wonder that when they grew they would lean in her direction, drawn to her like they would be the sun. 
“I’m not selling this place. It’s too special, too important. A vacation only lasts so long, Nana. This is forever.”
She would smile, turn petals over in her hand. Sometimes the marigolds would match the glow in her eyes, a testament to the belief you harbored as a child that she had the ability to sprout blossoms from her fingertips.
“The one thing you shouldn’t do, my dear, is rely on forever. Because that, too, is uncertain.”
You wish you hadn’t been so hard headed. Wish that you would’ve believed her, taken the time to listen, cherished the moment a little bit longer instead of relying on the promise of tomorrow.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Your grandmother was a wonderful woman.
She’ll be with you in your heart, forever.
Oh, what a lie forever is.
The shop stays empty for the rest of the day. There were a few passersby, all of whom simply stopped to scan the arrangements along the windows before giving a polite nod and carrying on their way. 
Realistically, the shop has no problem with attracting customers. It’s a sight to behold: mid-floor to ceiling windows with various displays, hanging baskets of winding greenery, countless arrangements that fill the shelves and add a pop of color, and a wide assortment of flowers for each season. 
The real issue lies in your inability to sell. Most people regard the place as being good for nothing more than window shopping and the usual photo-op.
Business has slowed since your Grandma passed; since you took over as the sole owner and were suddenly face to face with the task of making decisions in the shop’s best interest– both integrity wise and from a business standpoint.
“I know, I know,” you say around the pen cap between your teeth, “You used to be the brains around here, not me. I’m not creative enough for all of this, you know? No matter how much I try to be.”
You look up from where your notebook lays open, dozens of scribbles for arrangement ideas and planning. The picture on the wall stares at you, unmoving, eyes as bright as marigolds.
“Don’t give me that look.” 
She stares. A gaze that holds all the answers while also saying nothing at all.
“Ugh.” you groan, leaning your palms on the desk.
You allow your head to hang forward, defeated, exhaustion flooding your bones. 
Just as you’re about to speak again, to complain about yet another thing that probably has her rolling around in her grave, the bell at the front counter dings.
The clock on the desk reads 6:55pm, five minutes until close. You hadn’t even heard anyone come in.
“Be right there!” you call out, rushing to grab your apron from where you’d thrown it on one of the chairs. 
In your haste, the box of seed packets you’d been inventorying goes tumbling to the floor.
“Fuck,” you mutter, bending down to pick everything up. One more thing to add to the list today. 
Off-kilter. Disoriented. Exhausted. 
You sniffle a few times, blinking against the sting behind your eyes as you stand up to put the box back in its place.
One deep breath, a shake of your shoulders. Just enough to chase it all away until later. 
“Sorry about that,” you say cheerily, pushing past the hanging beads that separate the front of the shop from the back. “How can I help you?”
There’s a stranger, his back turned, attention focused on a batch of tulips. Freshly cut. White, blue, purple.
You realize, belatedly, that you’d forgotten to grab your apron in your haste to clean up the seed packets. Another slip up. Nana always prided herself in her apron, wore it like a badge of honor, raised you to do the same.
Just as you spin around to grab it, the stranger says, “It’s okay. I just, um, I wanted to say hi.”
You freeze. There’s a long moment where his voice rings loud in your ears, reverberates against the walls of your brain until it travels through your blood, the feeling like wildfire in your veins until it settles deep in the pit of your stomach. 
Slowly, you turn, heart clamoring in your chest, threatening to stop altogether as soon as you come face to face with the one person you never thought you’d see again.
Because there, at the front of the store, is Jisung.
Jisung, with wide eyes and parted lips. Jisung, with hair that still curls at the ends and falls in shags around his face. Jisung, broader, more actualized, now grown into his features but still undeniably soft around the edges. Jisung, with thick framed glasses pushed up his nose and silver hoops dangling from his ears. 
A stranger. But undoubtedly Jisung. 
“You look…nice.” he says, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly with his free hand.
Three words is all it takes. Ice turns to fire. The blood that had drained from your face returns with the blaze of a thousand suns, anger burning your throat. 
You reach forward, grab the remote for the neon Open sign and click the power button. Jisung watches in confusion.
“The shop is closed.” you manage on a shaky breath.
Jisung sighs, something heavy. “Listen, I’m—”
“The shop–” you try again, louder, “–is closed.” 
Jisung stares. His eyes are still the same velvety brown; big and round and just as you remember. 
There was once a time where the sight of Jisung in your Grandma’s shop made your heart sing. A soft tune, the thrum of a thousand harps, a song only for him.
His heart-shaped smile as he helped her hammer some of the shelves onto the wall. The sound of his laughter whenever you’d enter a sneezing fit from accidentally rubbing your face with a gloved hand. His rosy cheeks, burnt from the wind whipping past his face as he ran on foot to make sure you were okay the one time an angry customer smashed a vase on the floor and you called him crying.
But now, seeing him here, a stranger in a body you once knew like the back of your hand— it feels wrong. 
“I…” he trails off, registering the way your fists are clenched at your sides. 
“Okay,” he resigns, licking his lips. “I, uh– have a good night.”
He gives you one last look, bottom lip pulled tight between his teeth, and then slips out the door. You watch his retreating figure through the glass panel, dark gray skies muting the sound of your rattling heart.
It’s February. The tulips are in bloom. Jisung is back.
And in Jeju– it rains.
There’s an apple tree in the middle of town where Jisung told you he loved you for the first and last time. 
Off the corner, a few minutes down the road from where your houses stand a mere five hundred feet away from one another.
Your grandparents were farmers. Your grandma started her floral business a few years before you were born, a dream she always had that your grandpa urged her to pursue once he decided to sell the animals to a younger, more capable couple that could take care of them. 
Jisung’s parents, new residents on the island, looking to settle down and start a family. 
That’s how it happens. Yours and Jisung’s story, two authors of the same book, destined since the start.
Jisung was born on the same night your mother left you at your grandparents’ doorstep. One note, an apology, is all you’ve ever known about her. Your grandma never cared to indulge you. You’re glad in a way. She provided more than enough love to make sure you never felt an absence in her wake. 
The townspeople used to say you and Jisung were soulmates. Something about the heavens knowing he would need a friend, hence why you were delivered that night. From that moment on, the two of you were inseparable. 
Attached at the hip, you and Jisung grew up together. First steps, first birthdays, firsts for everything under the sun.
Jisung was there in the morning to walk with you to school and he was there at night when the two of you tucked into bed, sleepovers a regular occurrence, both of you counting the pale green stick-on stars dotting his ceiling until you fell asleep. 
Jisung was always around. He held your hand and walked with you to the nurse’s office the first time you got stung by a bee. He wiped your eyes when the boy you liked told you he only ever saw you as a friend, your first rejection. He sat with you under the stars the night your grandpa died, your face tucked into his neck as you stained the collar of his shirt with tears until you were too tired to cry. In the years that followed, he took care of you and your grandma like the two of you were his own. 
Jisung, for lack of a better word, was your first forever.
“You could come with me, you know.” 
Under the stars, real ones that time, Jisung had turned to you and offered the world. 
The air was cold. The apple tree was bare.
“It’ll be fun. We’ll be together, we’ll experience new things. I can do music and you can study all that history stuff you like to learn about. You know, nerdy things.”
“They’re not nerdy things, Ji. Don’t you know everything we have now is because of what’s happened before us?” you’d asked. “Doesn’t it make you wonder? Learning about the past helps us better understand the present, and ultimately the future.”
Jisung had hummed softly, an agreement. “I don’t care about the future, though.” he’d said. “I care about right now. You, me, this.” 
When you turned to look at him, he propped himself up on one elbow and stared down at you from above as the moon casted a halo around his head. 
“I love you,” he whispered, “And I want you to come with me.”
Jisung, with all the stars in his eyes and a heart full of dreams. Jisung, with the world at his fingertips and the ambition to make it his own. 
You, with all your hopes stuffed tight into a suitcase and chained to a boulder, thrown into the ocean. Sinking and sinking until it hit the bottom.
“I love you too,” you whispered back.
Images of marigolds flashed behind your eyes when you closed them, a tear rolling down your cheek. Jisung’s mouth was soft when he kissed it away, salt on his lips. Burning. 
“But I can’t.” you choked. 
Under the apple tree, Jisung told you he loved you for the first and last time. He promised that the distance would be no match for him, that he would traverse oceans to find his way back. He promised forever.
It was February. The tulips were in bloom. Jisung left to pursue his dreams with a guitar on his back and your heart in his hands. Your understanding of forever was shot at point blank. The bullet passed clean through you. 
And in Jeju– it rained.
“I think you should talk to him.”
The sun is out today. Perfect weather for another field harvest. The distributor had called you early in the morning to ask if you’d be willing to accept a drop off even though it’s the weekend. You’d agreed, calling in your most reliable help for the job.
“And I think you’re not helping.” you huff, snipping the head off another hyacinth.
“Agreed,” Hyunjin parrots from beside you, currently in the middle of putting together an arrangement, “This guy sounds like a total dick.”
Chan sighs from behind the two of you, his knees knocking against the legs of the desk when he swivels back and forth in the chair. 
Besides Hyunjin and Jeongin, both of whom moved into town after you’d already graduated, and of course, Jisung– Chan is your oldest friend. 
Chan was also a neighbor of yours. Three years older than you and Jisung, he was the one who acted as a role model for the two of you when growing up. Nowadays he helps his parents run the largest orange grove on the island during the day and DJs one of the clubs in the tourism hub at night. 
“Jisung’s not a dick, he’s just–”
“An asshole.” you finish, smirking when Hyunjin cackles. 
Chan sighs. Again. “Yeah okay, I’ll give you that one.”
“Listen, I know I’ve never met him, but isn’t it weird that he just, like, showed up?” Hyunjin asks, setting down his scissors. You continue trimming the hyacinths, listening halfheartedly.
“I mean, think about it. Dude disappears to pursue music, right? He’s gone for what– three years?”
“Four.” you correct.
“God, even worse.” he grimaces.
“But yeah, okay, four years. And then boom! He just strolls in through the front door without so much as a word during the time he was gone? No letters, no phone calls, not even a damn visit. Nothing! All so he can pop up and go ‘oh, you look nice’? Come on.” he scoffs, crossing his arms.
You wince, caught off guard because you’ve never really heard it phrased as bluntly as Hyunjin put it just then. It’s no surprise that he’s annoyed, having only just heard the full story thirty minutes ago. He’d been shocked, partly because you never told him and also because he just couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Okay, yes, he was wrong for that. But isn’t part of you even just the least bit curious as to why?” 
You pause mid-snip, mulling Chan’s words over in your head.
The most frustrating part about it all is that you are curious. You wish you weren’t, though. Not when you’ve spent the past four years trying to convince yourself that you don’t need to know what Jisung’s been up to, don’t need to know if he’s been okay since he clearly held no concern for you in that regard anyways.
“What?” you ask when you realize that both boys are staring at you. 
“Well?” Hyunjin pushes. “Are you?”
You shrug. “No, not really.” 
There’s a total of five seconds that pass before Hyunjin is stomping over and hauling Chan up out of his chair, pushing him towards the front door as he protests.
“Out! Out, out, out, we have important business matters to discuss.”
“But we were supposed to get lunch—!”
“We’re taking a rain check!” Hyunjin fights back, shoving him out of the shop before he has a chance to answer. He drops the shade to cover the glass, Chan’s sad figure left alone on the other side.
You gape at him. “What was that for?”
Hyunjin scoffs. “You think you’re convincing? Think again.” 
He hops up on to the counter and gestures for you to do the same. When you do, he pulls you closer, grabs your hand in his, and pushes your head down until it’s resting on his shoulder. 
“Tell me the truth now,” he says, soft. “I know there’s more to it.”
Hyunjin’s warm to the touch. The heat seeps through the fabric of his shirt, igniting the skin of your cheek until you feel like you’re standing too close to the sun. A star. Hyunjin is a light in your tunnel.
“I am curious,” you start, “About him, I mean. I’ve– I don’t know. It’s been so long. I tried to pretend I didn’t care when I saw him, but the minute I looked into his eyes it was like I was eighteen again. Eighteen and happy and looking at someone that I always thought would be there, you know?” 
Hyunjin hums but doesn’t say anything. He squeezes your hand once, a signal to keep going. 
“I’m scared, though. Part of me doesn’t want to know.”
Hyunjin takes a deep breath. “What are you scared of?”
Through the gaps in the beads you can see into your office, the picture of your Grandma hanging on the wall. She stares at you, unblinking. 
“What if he tells me that it’s true?” you ask, lifting your head to look up at him. “What if he says that I was right, that he didn’t care? That he left and didn’t want to call because it no longer mattered to him? That he loves his life there and only came back to clear his own conscience?” 
“Oh honey,” Hyunjin soothes, pulling you into his chest. You hadn’t realized you were crying, that the anger and fear had bubbled over until there were tears falling down your cheeks, wetting the fabric of Hyunjin’s sweater. 
He lets you cry for a while. It’s nothing new; Hyunjin has seen you break down countless times. He’s been there through the worst of it, held your hand even in the aftermath. He’s picked you up off the floor more times than you can count, has grounded you when you felt like the world was gonna open up beneath you and swallow you whole. Salt of the earth, returning you to its core.
Once you’ve quieted into nothing more than shallow breaths and a few scattered hiccups, Hyunjin speaks again.
“Can you be honest with me?”
You nod, the hair stuck to your cheek with tears rubbing against his shoulder. 
“Do you love him?”
It nearly knocks the wind out of you. This concept, so foreign to you now, shoved to the back of your mind to make room for the things that matter most. Hospital visits, labor cuts, wage increases— none of it left any room for love, let alone the thought of someone else. Especially someone as all-consuming as Jisung.
Slowly, you inhale, breath shaking on the exhale. Hyunjin squeezes your hand to remind you that he’s there.
“I don’t think I ever stopped, Hyune.”
The silence stretches thin. The realization is dizzying. Years of suppressed emotions, of telling yourself and everyone around you that it wasn’t a big deal. The sad eyes of the townspeople whenever they’d see you sitting beneath the apple tree. The gentle touch of your grandma’s hand when she’d find you on the front steps alone, staring at the stars. The soft hum of the radio in the shop, set to a playlist of all the songs he’s written, the only reminder that somewhere out there he was doing well.
The final crack in the dam, its water pushing until it gives way.
“Then you owe it to yourself,” Hyunjin says. “You owe it to your heart to get an answer. Free yourself from this pain, love. Don’t let yourself suffer forever.”
Forever. That word again. No matter how many times you’ve tried to escape it, it always comes back.
“It’s gonna hurt.” he sighs, tightening his grip when you sniffle. “It’s gonna hurt so fucking bad, babe. But you can take it. You’ve got people who love you enough to stand in front of you and soften the blow from time to time. But you’ll be okay. I’ll make sure of it.”
He hops down from the counter and moves to stand in front of you, right between your legs. Placing both hands on your shoulders, he pushes until you’re sitting with your back straight and lifts your chin. 
“You deserve an answer.” he says, with conviction this time. “Okay?”
He lets his thumb swipe beneath your eyes, smiles softly. Unconditional— that’s what he is. Hyunjin burns brighter than any star in your sky, the heat wrapping its arms around you like it’s too scared to let go, to watch you freeze and die out like so many others. 
“I don’t deserve you, though.” you say, laughing wetly when he rolls his eyes.
“Shut up,” he chuckles, pulling you in for a hug, “You deserve everything and more.”
When Jisung comes into the shop two days later, you’re ready for it. 
Chan had talked to him. No surprise, really, not when he’s been letting him crash in his spare room ever since he figured out that he was holed up in one of the hotels out in the tourism hub. 
If there’s one thing about Chan, it’s that he’d rip the shirt off his back to clothe anyone in need. Housing a friend is nothing, especially when that friend is Jisung.
“I don’t know how much of a consolation this is,” he’d said nervously, watching as you regarded him with an expectant look, “But he’s pretty cut up about you not wanting to see him. Which, I know, is stupid. He is the one who fucked up. But I just– I don’t know. I’ve never seen him like this, I guess.”
It’s not a consolation, not really. Knowing that Jisung is struggling is far from anything you want to hear. 
Sure, there’s anger present. Anyone would be stupid to not feel the least bit frustrated with what’s happened. Years lost, time stripped away. But you’ve long since come to terms with it, the anger turning to sadness in the meantime.
“Also, he leaves tomorrow.” Chan smiled sadly. “He really wants to talk to you before then.”
Hyunjin left early again today to give the two of you space. Not before making a show of his own though, threatening to incite violence with his arms that are supposedly ‘shredded’ from years of lifting boxes filled with petunias. 
The shop is slow again, not many sales nor a lot of foot traffic. Usually when the sun is out there’s more to do; people to see, smiles to give. But there’s nothing, just the chirping of birds and the sound of cars rolling by. 
Maybe the world knows that this is what you need. The calm before the storm. 
Five minutes until close. You’ve spent most of the day pacing back and forth. Waiting. Anticipating. 
Chan had said Jisung planned on stopping by, trying again. You’d told him that was okay, and his eyes lit up. Too much hope, maybe, that something might come of this. 
You’re seated in the back office, staring at marigold colored irises when the front door opens. You hear it this time, ears fine tuned, waiting. 
Slowly, you stand, make your way to the front. You don’t realize you’re holding your breath until you pull back the beaded curtain and Jisung’s figure comes into view. 
He looks the same as he did the other day: curled hair, thick glasses, parted lips. His sweater, fluffy and striped, hangs off of his shoulders in a way that boxes off his tapered waist, one that you know is hidden beneath all the layers. The sleeves are way too long judging by the way it curls over his fingers. 
“Hi.” he breathes out, watching as you step into full view.
You blink. “Hi, Jisung.”
His name feels weird on your tongue. Bitter. It’s been years since you uttered it, forbidding yourself from the luxury out of fear that it would make his absence more real. Talking about him in the past tense always scared you off before you could even get the chance. 
“How– How’ve you been?” he chews on the inside of his lip.
You want to scold him, tell him to stop the habit just like you always would in the past. He’d make a joke then, tell you to kiss him so that he had something else to do instead. You would laugh, feign disgust, but in the back of your mind you’d wanted it more than anything. 
You’d waited for it, the day you could kiss him without warning and melt into his touch as he kissed you back. Another stupid bet on forever; the belief that you had all the time in the world for things to get to that point.
“I’ve been better.” you say, taking a deep breath. “What about you?”
Good, you think. He’s been good. He looks good. He doesn’t need this place.
“Me too.” he says instead. “I’ve been better.”
You don’t know what to say to that. Silence fills the room, heavy on both your chests. The anticipation feels like it might kill you before anything else does. 
“I’m sorry that–”
“Is that all you came here to say?” you cut him off.
“What?” he asks, confused. “No, I– no.”
“What, then? What is it you want to say, Jisung?” your voice is firm. He winces when his name leaves your mouth. “Because, honestly, I’ve waited all this time to hear literally anything from you, and if all that comes out of this is that you’ve ‘been better’ I might actually lose my fucking mind.”
The words tumble out faster than you intend. You can’t help it, not with the way anxiety has been bubbling over in your chest since the moment you woke up this morning. You could barely sleep last night, not when you were playing out every possible scenario in your head, the anticipation of it all making your sheets feel scratchy against your skin and the lumps in your pillow more discernible. 
“No, no, of course I wouldn’t do that.” he says quickly. “It's just that I didn’t know where to start. I don’t know how much you’ll allow me to say, what the boundary is here. I didn’t want to just barge in and demand you listen to me. You don’t owe me that. You don’t owe me anything. Not after what I did.”
What I did, his voice rings loud in your ears. He’s aware of it, of the pain he caused. 
He takes a step forward, and then another, again and again until he’s right up against the front counter, an arm’s length away. 
Your breath catches then, when you see him up close for the first time in four years, see the way he’s grown and changed with your own eyes. 
Stubble dotting his chin, laugh lines around his mouth, the dip and curve of the bow above his lips that you always loved. Brown eyes, soil and stardust. 
“Tell me what your conditions are,” he says quietly, “And I’ll give you every explanation I have.”
The sincerity on his face is blinding. Your stomach twists at the thought of hearing what he has to say, that same fear brewing in the pit of it. You take a deep breath, feel the phantom ghost of a hand squeezing yours and a crescent moon eye smile. 
“I waited four years for you.” you say.
“I know.”
“I trusted that you’d be back. That you would keep in touch during the time you were gone.”
“I–” his voice cracks. “I know.”
“You lied to me.”
Jisung tips his head back then. Swallows down a lump in his throat. Blinks rapidly at the ceiling, veins of ivy crawling along the expanse of it.
“I know.”
“So you owe me everything. I deserve that. I deserve answers.”
When he brings his head down to look at you, it’s unreadable. A mix of emotions that you aren’t familiar enough with anymore to decipher. Fear, guilt, sorrow. Hope, too. Maybe.
You stare at him head on, fully letting your eyes meet for the first time in what feels like an eternity. He holds your gaze, unwavering. Determined. The sight makes your heart clench. 
“Okay,” he says after a beat of silence. “Okay. I can do that.”
Despite the ever-growing mountain of things to address, you decide that the first thing you want to hear from Jisung is about his time in Seoul. 
You’re only human, after all.
Best friends from the start– you can’t stop yourself from wondering what life has been like for him. Jisung’s always been good at storytelling, animated in his features and gestures to the point that you’d be rolling around and clutching your stomach from laughter. It’s one of the things you missed the most, just talking and being present in one another’s lives.
The two of you end up at one of the diners down the road. The owners, an elderly couple, coo as soon as they catch sight of you.
“My flower girl,” the old lady, Mrs. Kim, greets.
“Mrs. Kim,” you beam, moving in for a hug. When you pull away, Jisung is behind you, hands clasped behind his back and feet together like he has his tail between his legs.
“Halmeoni,” you say, gesturing at him, “Do you remember Jisungie?” 
His eyes go wide at the nickname, and you try to ignore the heat creeping up your neck, avoiding his gaze and instead watching as Mrs. Kim blinks in surprise.
“Oh! Oh my goodness, our Jisungie? Honey! Honey, look, Jisung is here! Oh you crazy boy,” she scolds, rushing forward to hit his shoulder and pull him in for a hug. “Where have you been? It’s been ages!” 
Jisung lets out an oof! as her body slams into him, all of his anxiousness dissolving into laughter as he hugs her back. 
“Hi Mrs. Kim, how have you been?” 
“Me?” she asks, pulling him away to hold at arm’s length, “Nevermind about me! I’m old! How have you been?”
Good, you think again, a mimic of earlier. Jisungs eyes flit over to yours for the smallest of moments before he answers.
“Better,” he says. “I’m doing better.”
Once both Mr. and Mrs. Kim are done doting over the both of you, they seat you by the window.
The island is always beautiful on sunny days: trees swaying, golden rays painting the rooftops in hues of pink and orange, the indigo shimmer of the ocean off in the distance.
“So,” you say, catching Jisung’s attention, “Tell me about Seoul.”
He hums. “It’s busy. Stinks. Lots of people.”
“Dream come true, yeah?” you joke, taking a sip of your water.
Jisung chuckles. “You could say that, I guess.”
“I mean, it was yours.”
“It was.” he sighs, looking down at the table. “I don’t know. It’s nice. I met good people, made even better connections. I live in this one bedroom studio apartment just outside of Itaewon, so I’m close to where all the foreigners hang out. I’ve learned a lot, gained a lot of inspiration for my music.”
You follow along, staring at him intently. His mouth, still heart-shaped, twitches when he catches you in the act.
You clear your throat, glancing away. “Yeah, I’ve– uh, I’ve heard some of your songs.”
He raises his eyebrows, almost like he hadn’t expected you to say that. “Really?”
“Yeah. I mean, I hear them on the radio sometimes.” A lie. “It usually takes me a second to realize that it’s you.” Another lie. “But they’re good, you’re doing well.”
Pink dusts the tops of Jisung’s cheeks as he turns back to the window, clearing his throat.
He looks younger like this, like he’s still the same boy who would sit across from you all those years ago. Cherry-stained lips and a smile so bright it put the sun to shame.
He talks a bit more about his music, about how he’s with a good company that gives him creative freedom and enough support to pursue more if he desires.
His eyes light up when he tells you about his studio, a small room on the fifth floor of a building in the middle of the city where he does all of his writing. It’s equipped with an entire soundboard, full of instruments that he says he’s been able to get signed by artists that come in and out. Most notably, his guitar, the same one he left with. 
Slowly, like a flower blossoming, petals opening one by one, you feel yourself falling back into step with him.
Everything is so familiar: the curve of his smile, the tilt in his voice when he gets excited, the rumble of laughter when he recounts an embarrassing run-in with an A-list celebrity in the company’s cafeteria. He shares stories that fill your heart as the two of you fill your stomachs.
But with the ease comes something more, something you recognize as longing. You hadn’t realized how much you longed to be there through this part of his life, how you wished you’d been the one to answer a video call as he showed off his apartment the first day he moved in, his company badge when it was newly issued, every moment of happiness that you’d been absent for just as much as he was absent for yours.
He seems to share the same sentiment then, when he sets down his fork and stares at his empty plate. 
“You run the shop now,” he says, “How’s that been?”
You purse your lips, nodding your head slowly. You knew this conversation would happen, that it was coming.
“It’s good, I guess. Been almost a year now since, uh, it was left to me.” you shrug. “I’m not alone though, Hyunjin is a big help. I don’t know what I’d do without him.”
Jisung noticeably bristles. Eyebrows pulled together, staring more intently at a crumb on his plate. It looks like there’s a lot he wants to say, like he can’t find the words to say them.
So, naturally, you do it for him. 
“I assume Chan told you so I wouldn’t have to, by the way.”
He looks up then, as if he wasn’t expecting you to address the very obvious elephant in the room.
“He did, yes.” Jisung says after a while. His voice is quiet, gentle, like he’s walking on eggshells. “I– I didn’t know how to bring it up. I assume you’ve heard it all already but– I really, really am sorry to hear about Nana.”
The way her name sounds coming out of his mouth turns your mind to static.
Suddenly you’re in the hospital again, monitors beeping, hands as soft as petals cradled in your own and wishing that you could bury your face in a familiar neck as you cried and watched the marigolds wilt. 
“I don’t need an apology for that.” you croak, blinking back tears. Jisung is somewhere in your periphery, your vision blurry around the edges.
“It wasn’t sad. Her life, I mean. It was full. Of love. Of light. She left this place happy. That’s what she told me, at least.”
You take a deep breath. “So don’t be sorry about it.”
Jisung sniffles, and the sound shoots straight through your chest. 
“I know. I just– I’m sorry I wasn’t here. I should’ve been. I had no idea that–”
“Nobody did, Jisung. Don’t punish yourself for that.”
He sees it then, when you finally meet his eyes, the acceptance. You’ve come to terms with things a long time ago, have fought tooth and nail to come out on the other side of all the guilt and resentment and grief alive. Scathed, but alive nonetheless.
“You’re right.” he sighs, wiping at his eyes quickly. “She’d probably yell at me for saying that.”
You laugh, suddenly, the noise startling him. Jisung looks at you like you’re crazy.
“I think she has a lot more to yell at you for than being sorry that she died.”
The bluntness punches a chuckle out of him, and you giggle at the thought.
Your grandmother was always such an outspoken person. She always said what was on her mind, speaking it loud. There’s no doubt that if she was here she’d be berating Jisung, smacking him upside the head before pulling him into a hug and cooking his favorite meal. Tough love, but still, love.
“She would’ve loved to be able to see you.” you say once your laughter dies out, the air a bit lighter between the two of you. “She always wondered if you’d grow your hair out without her around to nag you about keeping it short.” 
He reaches up to run a hand through his curls, the strands falling around his face in a way that has your heart stammering in your chest.
“Well, clearly I don’t know how to listen.”
“No, you don’t.”
Jisung smiles softly. “Maybe I’ll cut it now. You know, since I’m here. And because I know she’d want me to.”
You watch him carefully, searching his eyes. For what, you don’t know. All that’s in them are stars. 
“Yeah,” you say quietly. “You’re here.”
By the time the two of you leave the diner, stomachs full and enough bags of extra side dishes hanging off of your arms to last you at least two weeks, courtesy of Mrs. Kim, the sun is almost fully set. 
The ocean is calm, the evening breeze just barely brushing the surface of the tide. Jisung walks in step with you down the street, one side of his face cast in a glow from the sun’s fading rays. 
“Do you think you’d maybe want to stop by the arcade that Old Man Park runs? Just for a little?”
You snort. “Why? So I can embarrass you?”
“Hey!” he puts a hand on his chest, offended. “I’ll have you know that I let you win all those times.”
“How do you let someone win after spending hours practicing while I worked at the shop?”
“I was being nice!”
“Uh huh.”
“Don’t believe me?” he grins. You try not to look, afraid of how bad your blood pressure might spike from the sight. 
“I’ll have you know that I’m one of the best Kart Rider players in the PC Bang scene back in Seoul.”
“Jisung,” you scold, “That’s a computer game. These are coin-ops. There’s way more skill needed.”
“No there isn’t!”
He knocks his shoulder against yours, tucking his chin to his chest to hide his smile when you try to fight back.
It’s easy. Nice. There’s a soft melody echoing in the dust-covered chambers of your heart. You still know all the chords.
Old Man Park’s arcade is a few doors down from the shop. You stop there to drop off the food, spare a glance in the mirror hanging in your office to fix your hair.
Your grandma’s picture stares at you from the other wall, eyes bright.
“Love you,” you say, kissing the skin of your fingertips and pressing it gently against the frame.
Jisung is toeing at a few rocks on the sidewalk when you walk back out. He doesn’t see you, too busy with his eyes casted down at the concrete, hands shoved into his pockets. 
It’s still hard to believe that he’s here. Flesh and bone. For a long time it felt like he was nothing but a distant dream, someone who only existed in the memories that you kept locked deep within your heart, the key somewhere on the streets of Seoul.
“Ready?” you ask.
He looks up, his glasses moving when his cheeks round into a smile.
Something passes across his face– a myriad of emotions in just a fraction of a second. Hesitantly, he holds out his hand. Long, delicate fingers.
You stare at it, swallowing roughly around the butterfly wings flapping inside your throat. 
The one thing you shouldn’t do, my dear, is rely on forever. Because that, too, is uncertain.
Forever isn’t promised. But even then, there are things you know for sure:
It’s February. The tulips are in bloom. Jisung is here. Living, breathing, in the flesh. 
So you take his hand, watch as relief floods his features, and let yourself feel.
The wind in your hair, the calluses on Jisung’s palms, and the warmth radiating out of the smile that threatens to split his face into two.
And with that certainty, the two of you start walking. A silent agreement to focus on the now.
You. Him. This.
“God, I can’t believe everything is only one coin.”
You laugh, watching as the multi-colored lights cast a glow on Jisung’s face. 
“Stop acting like you don’t remember this place.”
“I don’t!” he argues, smiling. “We stopped coming here, what, in middle school? Once Chan hyung started driving? We would always ask him to take us to the other one out in the big town!”
Chan’s first car was an old Camry with leather seats and enough room for the three of you to pile into after school. Used, but still with enough juice to satisfy three young kids who felt like they were on top of the world.
You used to sit in the back, the wind whipping your hair every which way while yours and Jisung’s hands lay side by side in the middle seat, pinkies brushing but neither of you willing to take it further. 
“Oh, shit!” Jisung gasps, letting go of your hand as he runs up to the space invaders machine. 
“Here we go,” you sigh, following after him. He’s like a kid in a candy store, face filled with innocent wonder and joy.
“Aren’t there, like, I don’t know– things better than this in Seoul?” you ask as he shoves a coin into the game.
Jisung turns to look at you with a devilish grin. “Obviously,” he says, “But I can’t beat anyone’s high score over there. Here though? Ha! This place is ancient. I can finally be at the top of the leaderboard in something.”
“We’ll see about that.” you mumble, the noise of the game booting up drowning you out. 
Jisung sticks his tongue out when he focuses really hard on things. It’s cute, the way the end of it sits between his lips, spit-slick and parted just a little bit.
He’s glowing, probably because of the lights, hues of red and green and blue flashing across his face. But then again, Jisung has always shined brighter than anything. 
The game beeps to signal that he has one life left. He grunts a few times, his fingers tapping the buttons madly as his other hand handles the joystick in a frenzy of movements.
When it ends, he groans, throws his hands up in defeat.. 
You shake your own head knowingly, watching his eyes bug out of their sockets as soon as the leaderboard appears on the screen, the 8-bit letters blinking at him. 
“You’re joking.” he laughs in disbelief, turning to stare at you. “Please tell me you’re joking.” 
There, on the screen, is your name. The highest score. Jeongin and Hyunjin’s names sit just below you, respectively.
“What was that again about finally being able to be at the top?” you mock him, smirking.
“Since when did you get good at this?”
You shrug. “Had to find something to do in my free time.”
“No,” he says, rolling up his sleeves. “Nuh-uh. No way. This is not happening. I will beat you.” he holds out his hand for another coin, to which you roll your eyes and place one in his palm. 
“You might as well give up now. We’ll be here all night.”
“In your dreams.” he scoffs, assuming his position as another round loads onto the screen.  
Jisung has always been competitive. It’s one of his more hidden characteristics. 
It persists still, you realize, as you watch him burn through the styrofoam cup of coins that Old Man Park had given the two of you. Free of charge for old time’s sake.
Fort-five minutes. All he’s managed to do is bump Hyunjin down to fourth.
“Ugh!” he groans, kicking the machine lightly with his foot. 
“Look at you throwing a tantrum.”
“I’m not throwing a tantrum.” he pouts. You raise an eyebrow.
“Okay fine. I’m throwing a tantrum.” 
“Thought so.”
“Can you blame me?” he asks. “This is, like, our first date. And I’m sucking. Hard.”
“Our–” you stop, eyes wide. Jisung mimics you, almost like he didn’t mean to say what he did. 
Heat rushes to your cheeks. Your mind goes blank. But the world doesn’t end. Time keeps moving. Jisung is still here.
“I didn’t–”
“I like the sound of that.” you say quickly. “Of this being our first date, I mean.’
He smiles. Slow and sweet like molasses. Blinding.
“And the fact that you suck.”
The moment is shattered, his resulting whine echoing throughout the arcade.
“Come on you big baby,” you laugh, grabbing his hand. “I know a game you can beat me at.”
He lets himself be pulled, pretending that he’s upset, but you can see the smile tugging at his lips when you lace your fingers together.
The feeling is still new, this ease you have with him. The wounds you sported all those years are still healing, some more fresh than others. But with each laugh that comes out of Jisung’s mouth and shared glance, every note that your heart sings, you can feel them beginning to fade. A balm to soothe the burn.
The Pac-Man game is situated in the back corner of the arcade, right next to the jukebox. It used to be your favorite, because Jisung would always use his own coins to play songs for you while you tried to score higher than twenty-five thousand points. 
When you get there, he frowns. “The only game you think I can beat you at is Pac-Man?” 
“I don’t think,” you say, grabbing a coin before shoving the cup into his chest. “I know.”
The game boots up instantly, and you smile softly to yourself when Jisung moves wordlessly behind you, slips a coin into the jukebox.
“Play something good, Jisungie.”
He freezes. Out of the corner of your eye you watch him stare at you for a long moment. And then he smiles. Stardust.
“You got it.”
In a matter of seconds, Lovers In A Dangerous Time by Bruce Cockburn rings throughout the arcade, the speakers on the ceiling fighting past the static.
An old song. The same one your grandparents would dance to in the mornings, eggs on the stove and love in the air.
Your grandma used to say it was written for them, because when they fell in love the war was at its peak and she didn’t know if he’d ever come home. 
After he passed, she still played it, except those times it was Jisung who twirled her around and painted a smile on her face as you watched from the same spot you grew up in. Always there.
Jisung, Jisung, Jisung. 
When the game starts, you try your best. It’s hard. You’ve always been terrible at anything involving quick decisions. Focusing on everything at once isn’t easy for you, that much is still true. 
“Shit.” you mumble, the top right corner of the screen reading ten thousand points as the ghosts run into you.
Jisung lets out a low whistle. “Harsh.”
“You wanna go back to space invaders and waste the last of our money?” you raise an eyebrow. 
He holds his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, sorry. Go ahead.” he says, holding the cup out for you to take another coin. 
You try a couple more times, failing each and every one. You can tell that Jisung is growing more and more amused with every attempt, and the smugness radiating off of him is starting to rub you the wrong way.
“If you’re so good,” you say after a particularly sad attempt, turning to glare at him. Jisung has his lips pulled tight to stop himself from laughing. “Then why don’t you try?”
He chuckles then. “I’d rather help you, if you’ll let me.”
“How are you supposed to do that? We only have one coin left.”
Jisung doesn’t say anything. He puts the cup down, the last coin held between his fingers. You watch as he slips it into the machine, move to get out of his way once he’s done, but he stops you by grabbing your hand and spinning you back around, his fingers placed over yours on the joystick. 
With your back flush against his front, caged in by his arms on either side, Jisung takes a deep breath.
“This okay?” he asks right next to your ear, the curls on the side of his head brushing your cheek when he leans down to get a better look at the screen.
Warm. He’s so warm. The material of his sweater only worsens the heat, and the faint scent of vanilla makes your head swim.
It’s more than okay. Great, even. It’s Jisung. Everything and more.
“Yeah,” you say, letting him control your hands as he flicks the joystick. “It’s okay.”
The hair against your cheek moves when he smiles. “Good.” he says, and then hits the start button.
The game begins but you’re barely processing what’s happening, too aware of the feeling of his body pressed against yours. 
A firm chest, different from what’s observable on the outside, what with the fluffiness of his sweater and soft features. His arms too, encasing you, the bulge and flex of his biceps every time he moves.
It’s all so intoxicating, so much so that you don’t even realize you’ve beaten the highest score in the system by the time he loses his last life. 
“What?” you blink. “What the hell?!”
You laugh, spinning to face Jisung who’s grinning from ear to ear. In your excitement, you jump, flinging your arms around his neck. He’s surprised, but catches you nonetheless, circling his arms around your waist.
“Holy shit how’d you do that!” you squeal while he swings you around, feet off the ground.
“Magic, I guess.” he chuckles. 
The closeness of his voice brings you crashing back down, suddenly aware of what position you’re both in. You pull back quickly, clear your throat, and watch as his face falls from the loss of contact.
It’s been a long time since you hugged Jisung. The thought transports you to that day four years ago, standing under the apple tree, the future uncertain. Forever promised.
Things are different now.
“Sorry,” he backtracks. “I didn’t– um, I wasn’t trying to–”
You cut him off by throwing yourself at him for a second time. Intentional. Breathless. Tired of running and acting like it’s not the thing you want most in the entire world.
Jisung doesn’t react until he feels your face against the skin of his neck. On instinct, he hugs tight, hands around your waist, breathing in the smell of your hair.
“Hi.” you whisper against him. 
One word. Simple. However the weight of it sends a chill down his spine. It feels like home. 
He tightens his hold. A silent understanding. The two of you never had much of a need for words anyways. 
“Hi.” he whispers back.
The apple tree is much bigger now.
Long, thick branches, a wide trunk, a slight tilt in its shape.
It’s bare. The season is long gone. But it’s okay, because it means that the view of the stars isn’t blocked when you and Jisung lay beneath it.
It’s the same but it isn’t. There’s gaps– periods of time where the two of you grew separately. There are moments and memories tucked away that neither of you know about, whole lives to discover. 
But even so, it feels right. His arm wrapped around you, your head on his chest. The stars and the moon. You and Jisung.
It’s nice. Perfect, even. But there’s a conversation that needs to be had. One that can’t be put off any longer.
“Can I ask you something?”
Jisung shifts beneath you, tightening his hold. The grass is damp. Neither of you care, too caught up in each other to stress about whether or not it’ll stain.
“Of course.”
“Am I ever gonna see you again?”
He takes a deep breath. “Yes.”
“You said that last time.”
“I know.”
“So what makes this different?” you ask, sitting up. He watches you carefully, eyes trained on every movement like he’s scared you’ll get up and run away.
When he realizes you’re waiting for an answer, he sits up too, pulls his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around his legs. 
He doesn’t say anything, just wordlessly reaches into his pocket. Silently, he hands whatever he grabbed to you. A guitar pick.
It’s white, a marbled design. Golden flecks infused into the lines. There, on the front, is a singular marigold. When you flip it over, you’re met with a tulip. 
“Do you remember that one time, when you called me crying at midnight because Nana told you that she didn’t know if she’d be able to afford school in the city?”
You nod silently, still turning the guitar pick over in your hand. 
It was one of those nights where the rain was relentless. Monsoon season always tagged on to the tail end of the school year, bringing with it a more intense gloominess than usual. 
You’d been angry. Stressed. Irritated that other kids at school were making plans to go to the mainland for college and you were stuck helping your grandmother trim foliage and wrap vases in newspaper.
“You told me that you couldn’t do it anymore.” Jisung whispered, staring up at the sky. “That you were tired of being here. That you needed to get out.”
You remember. Jisung had walked through the rain to show up at your window. Had climbed in with muddy shoes and sat on the floor of your room with you until the downpour stopped and your tears dried.
“And I said that I would make it happen, that I would invent a way to live amongst the stars so you could be as far from here as possible.”
“So what?” you ask, looking at him. “Did you finally do it, then? Is that why you came back?”
“Don’t be like that.”
“No, Jisung, I’m gonna fucking be like that.” you scoff, rising to your feet. 
There’s a fire in your veins, stoked until the embers are burning hot against your throat. Too good to be true. You should’ve known that there was no explanation left for him to give.
Jisung scrambles to his feet. “It wasn’t like I wanted to–”
“Oh like hell you did.” you say, turning to face him. “Four years, Jisung. I waited four years and you just– you come back and decide to tell me about some make-believe bullshit to save yourself and feel less guilty about the fact that you left.”
“It wasn’t make-believe to me,” he argues. “It was real. Everything I said was real. I left and I tried for years to make something of myself so I could come back here and get you.”
“Oh so it’s my fault? I made you leave, is that it?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“So then say something else!” you yell. The stars rumble, threatening to fall out of the sky. “Say something else, then, Jisung. Why didn’t you call? Huh?”
“Because I–” he stops, licks his lips. “God. Fuck. I couldn’t face you if I had nothing to show for myself, okay? It wasn’t fair to you for me to leave you behind just so I could fail.”
“Ha!” you laugh, running a hand through your hair in disbelief. “So you decided to go radio silent instead? Decided to not only leave me alone but let me suffer and wonder about where you were because that’s so much better than telling me that you were struggling, right? Great choice, Jisung. Really.”
He blinks a few times, watching as you pace back and forth in the grass. 
Anger bubbles deep in your gut. This whole time, he knew. It was a conscious decision. Jisung deliberately didn’t contact you because he chose not to.
“Did you ever even love me?”
The words tumble out before you can stop them. Jisung’s entire body goes rigid, his face falling and eyes hardening within a fraction of a second.
“Watch what you say.” he says, his voice low in his chest.
“I wouldn’t have to if you’d just be honest.”
“I’m trying.” he pleads. His eyes are glossy. Big and round behind his glasses. Illuminated by the moon. 
“I fucked up, okay? I prioritized myself and the way I felt over you and fucked everything up. But I tried. I tried so fucking hard. And I’m sorry it took me so long but I wanted– no–  I needed to make sure that I had everything figured out before I came back. I promised I would.”
“No, Jisung, you promised me that–”
“I’m not talking about you.” he says then, taking a deep breath. “You weren’t the only one I made promises to back then.”
Before you have a chance to speak, Jisung says, “I promised her. I told her I’d get you out of here. That I’d give you a life that you deserved, because she knew she couldn’t.”
You drop to your knees when the first sob hits, the force of it racking your body so hard you feel like you’re drowning. Jisung catches you on the fall, holds you up, lets you bury your face into his neck like he had so many times before.
“She told me you believed in forever. She wanted me to give that to you. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
Jisung lets you cry. He holds you through the storm, your wails as loud as thunder and tears as heavy as rain. Four years in the making; the sky and the earth colliding until the dirt and layers of sediment give way to the molten core that’s been hiding beneath the surface all along.
Pain. Grief. All of it pent up and leading to this moment. 
“You should’ve told me.” you cry, beating a fist into Jisung’s chest. “You idiot. You fucking idiot. You should’ve told me.” 
Jisung pulls you in closer, takes each hit as long as it means that it’ll soften the blow on your heart. He whispers apologies in your ear, runs a hand through your hair. 
When it quiets again, the worst of the storm gone, he shifts so that your head is in his lap, his legs crossed and tucked beneath him. A few stray tears wet the fabric of his jeans, your eyes focused on the field of flowers across the street.
“I won’t ask you to come with me.” he says after a long while, when your breathing has evened out. “I know that things are different. You have a life here that you’ve made for yourself, responsibilities to bear as well.”
He pauses to push a few strands of hair out of your face. His fingers are gentle against the skin of your cheek.
“But I promise it’ll be different. I spent too long away from you, was too selfish for my own good. I won’t disappear again. I’ll call every day. I’ll visit. You’ll get every part of me that I kept away from you all this time, and I’ll get every part of you in return.”
Your heart thrums. The thought of having what you’ve wanted for so long. Of having Jisung.
“And when you’re ready, when you feel like you can’t do it anymore, there’ll be a place for you.”
His voice is firm. Confident. More sure than he’s ever sounded before in his life.
When you turn to face him, he’s already staring back. Jisung, with all the stars in his eyes and a heart full of dreams. Jisung, with the world at his fingertips and the offer to make it yours.
Under the apple tree, Jisung leans down and kisses you for the first time. Twenty four years in the making, soft and slow, his lips a perfect fit against yours. A starboy and his flower girl. His glow is so bright it makes blossoms sprout from her fingertips.
Soft curls tickle your eyelids when he pulls away to rest his forehead against yours. You reach up to run a hand through them, smiling softly when he presses a kiss to the tip of your nose. 
“I love you.” you say first this time. 
He reaches out a hand, closes it over your fist that’s still clutching the guitar pick. A marigold and a tulip, both working together to make a perfect harmony. 
“I love you, too.” Jisung whispers back. “Forever.”
Jisung stops by the shop early to say goodbye.
There’s less tears this time, less of a reason to be sad. But still, when he wraps his arms around you, vanilla filling your nose and curls against your face, you feel your composure crumble.
“Every day.” he says, repeating the same thing he did all night. “I promise. Morning and night. Also at lunch. Oh, and on your days off. Matter of fact, you can call when you’re on the toilet too.”
The last part earns him an elbow to the ribs, his laughter bubbling up and out of his throat as he tries to dodge any and all subsequent attacks.
He kisses you stupid before he goes, Chan rolling his eyes from his car out front. You flip him off blindly, Jisung’s lips still attached to yours, earning a loud honk in response.
When he leaves, the shop is quiet, the only sound being the buzzing of your phone as Jisung blows it up with text messages the second the car pulls away.
You’re too busy replying, giggling to yourself when a slew of cute emoticons start appearing one by one, that you nearly fall over out of your chair when Hyunjin bursts through the door.
“Jesus Christ Hyune, did you have to–”
“What the hell are you doing here?” he asks, breathless. 
“Uh,” you blink, glancing round. “Working?”
“Is Jisung not on a damn plane right now?”
“I mean he’s on his way to the airport. Chan is–”
“Chan hyung told me that Jisung wanted you to go with him.” Hyunjin says, brow furrowed.
You sigh. “He didn’t want me to go with him. Well, okay, he did. But I told him I can’t just pick up and leave. He knows that. Nana left this place to me and–”
“You are so stupid.” Hyunjin sighs. 
“Excuse me?” you ask. You stand up, crossing your arms as you walk closer to the counter. 
“Come on. We have to go.”
“Go where, Hyunjin? I’m not leaving to–”
He cuts you off, places an envelope on the wooden surface. “And I am not letting you stay here and pretend that this is what you want.”
“What is that?” 
“A plane ticket.” he says, pushing it towards you. “To Seoul.”
Your mouth opens and closes, lost for words. Hyunjin is already moving around the counter, pushing past you with an expression the most serious you’ve ever seen on him.
“Hyunjin I– I can’t– where did you even…?”
“Chan hyung has a friend.” he mumbles as he begins pulling stuff out of the office. Your planning notebook, your apron, the picture of your grandma off the wall. All of it thrown into a small box he managed to snag from somewhere off to the side.
“His name is Seungmin or something. Met him out in the tourist hub. Dude’s super rich with tons of miles and apparently owed Chan for a drunken night where he needed to be escorted to his hotel. So thanks to him, you’re leaving.” he explains as he grabs the box with both hands and starts walking towards the door.
“Wait.” you stop him, watching as he turns to regard you with a look that says his patience is running thin. 
“I told you I can’t leave, Hyunjin. This place is where I need to be.”
He huffs, places the box on the ground in front of him. His hair falls in waves around his face, a shimmery dark brown beneath the rays of the sun poking into the room. 
“Can you be honest with me?” he asks. 
You nod, slowly. 
“Do you love him?”
Hyunjin watches you with careful eyes. Reads you like a book, something he’s always been good at. You don’t doubt that it’s written on your face. Star-kissed cheeks and eyes as bright as marigolds. 
“So much that it hurts, Hyune.”
Hyunjin smiles, eyes watery. “Then you deserve to go. You deserve your chance to be free. Don’t worry about this place, I’ll take care of it.”
The familiar sting of tears sits behind your eyes. Your heart swells full of love for this friend, this light, this beacon of unconditional love in the shape of your best friend.
“I don’t have clothes.” you manage to say around the lump in your throat.
Hyunjin shakes his head, tears spilling down the bridge of his nose. 
“I’ll send them to you.”
“There’s a lot to do around here for just one person. What if you need me?”
“I’ll manage.” 
You round the corner quickly, throwing yourself into his chest. He catches you with ease, wraps his arms around your body as the both of you cry into each other.
“I’ll miss you.” you say weakly.
Hyunjin’s throat bobs against the top of your head. “I’ll always be here in our little corner of the world.”
The two of you stay like that for a while. Hyunjin’s warmth seeps into your skin, lights you ablaze. By the time he pulls away, his hands on your shoulders, you feel like you’re floating. Unreal.
“I don’t have a way to get there.” you say quickly, glancing at the clock. 
Jisung’s plane leaves soon. The airport, the only one on the island, is a thirty minute drive. You’re at a disadvantage the more time you spend not moving. 
“Don’t worry,” Hyunjin chuckles. “I’ve got that taken care of.”
You open your mouth to ask him what he means when you’re cut off by the sound of honking from outside. Confused, you run to the door, your jaw dropping as soon as you realize who’s waiting for you.
“Hurry up people we don’t have all day!” Jeongin calls, his upper body hanging out of the window. He’s parked outside in a beat-up truck, arms waving wildly when he spots you.
“Innie!” you scream, pushing through the door to run at him. He jumps out of the truck just in time for you to barrel into his chest, laughter loud in your ears as he spins you around. 
“You’re here! Oh my god I thought you weren’t coming for another two weeks.” you say in disbelief once he puts you down.
He looks older, more sophisticated. His hair is rusted and falls past his ears, the ends just barely touching his shoulders. 
“Yeah, well,” he shrugs. “I figured I’d show up earlier. You know, see you before you leave, catch up with my parents, help Hyunjin break into your house. The usual.”
“Help Hyunjin break into my what–” you say, but you stop when your eyes fall on the small suitcase in the backseat. Your own bag, the one that’s been sitting in your closet untouched for years now.
“For the last time,” Hyunjin says from behind you, carrying the box in his arms. “It’s not breaking and entering if I have a key. Which, by the way, I told you would come in handy one day.”
He sets the box down next to the luggage and dusts his hands on his pants. When he turns to face you, he’s smiling, eyes disappearing into crescent moons.
With tears threatening to spill once again, you stare at the both of them, your heart bursting at the seams. “I love you guys.”
Jeongin grimaces, opts for getting back in the driver’s seat as you laugh. Hyunjin rolls his eyes and ushers you inside of the truck.
“Yeah, yeah. Save it.” he says. “Right now, you have a plane to catch.”
The airport is crowded. 
There are tons of people everywhere, some saying hello and some saying goodbye. Hyunjin explained the gate system to you before you left him and Jeongin on the curb, and you keep glancing down at your ticket to make sure none of the information has changed in the past thirty seconds since you last looked. 
Thankfully, your gate isn’t far. With twenty minutes to go until boarding, you can feel the sweat building up beneath the hand that’s curled around your suitcase handle. 
It’s scary thinking about the fact that this is it. That you’re finally leaving. 
It’s bittersweet, too. There’s an excitement in the pit of your stomach as well as a feeling of dread in your chest, both of them meeting in the middle somewhere. 
You let your eyes scan the crowd, searching for wavy hair and thick-rimmed glasses. However, the first thing you see is the familiar neck of a guitar, strapped right on to a back that you would know and recognize anywhere without warning.
Jisung is seated near the gate, his eyebrows furrowed and lips set in a pout as he glares down at his phone. You realize that he’s probably wondering why you won’t answer, why all of his emoticons are going ignored. 
Quietly, you come up behind him, reach into your pocket, and say, “Excuse me? I think you dropped this.”
Jisung startles, his eyes falling on to the guitar pick being held out in your hand. Slowly, he lets his gaze follow upwards, wide-eyed and shocked.
“What– what are you doing here?” he asks. 
You place the pick in his hand. “I'm on my way to Seoul. There’s a guy there that I’ve been trying to find for a while.” you say. 
Jisung catches on quickly. “Oh, really?” he asks, moving over so you can sit beside him. “This guy must be pretty great if you’re leaving for the mainland.”
The rain starts hitting the tarmac outside right as you sit down. “Hm, yeah. He is. He really likes the stars. He says that he found a way for me to live in them, too.” 
He laughs, the sound making your stomach flip. “Sounds like you’re excited.”
You nod. “I am. He promised me that we’d do a lot together, experience new things. Apparently he’s gonna write songs and I’m gonna be a nerd.”
Jisung snorts and reaches across to link his hand with yours.
“He’s really lucky.” he says, leaning over to plant a kiss on your lips.
You smile into it. “So am I.” you whisper into his mouth, your heart stuffed to the brim with flower petals. 
And when Jisung smiles back, his other hand coming up to cup your cheek and give you another kiss with the force of a thousand suns, you feel the key you’d been searching for finally click into place. 
Salt of the earth. Soil and stardust. A boy who glows so bright that his girl sprouts blossoms from her fingertips. 
Forever isn’t promised. But then again, with Jisung by your side, there are things you know for certain:
It’s February. The tulips are in bloom. In Jeju– it rains.
And no matter what, despite all odds, you and Jisung will always find your way back to each other in the place where marigolds grow.
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[tags: @skzstarnet @snowyquokka @palindrome969 @summergirlsmj @n1staytiny @drhsthl @strwbrrychannie @shays-library @giuliadesu @iknowyouknowminho @linocz @pynchkilledme @jisunglyricist @itsgghowitsgg @alician87 @skzms @meloncremesoda @ilychee08 @allaboutsan @legally-lixs @stayceebs97 @candyquokka @chans1aptop @liknws @realrintaro @beeracha @vxllxnsworld @feelikecinderella @caitxx1 @lilac13 @sebastianswhore13 @classiclitandmemes @hyunverse @linosazuna @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @bubbly-moon @cookiesandcreammy ]
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200markies · 2 months ago
Requesting jisung type of boyfriend<3
    jisung ♡ is the type of boyfriend to ... ⁺
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jisung soft hours & headcanons. all are fictional.
pairing: park jisung x fem!reader
genre: romance, fluff
requested by anon !
author's notes: i didn't expect y'all loving the chenle soft hours post SO MUCH that someone actually requested to do a jisung one !!*#(!$ i'm so glad y'all liked it, i appreciate going onto tumblr and getting bombarded with lots of notifications :> anywayyyy, i hope y'all enjoy this jisung version (i tried brainstorming sm i'm trying to think what type of boyfriend jisung is atp)
also! i had to use a header for the pic cuz the two pics layout wasn't working TT
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jisung is the type of boyfriend to be all so quiet & shy whenever he's outside or in public, whispering and talking to you softly in crowded places, but becomes flirty and affectionate towards you when he's with you at home! he loves to tell you affectionate pickup lines, making you blush whenever you two cuddle on the bed you two share.
"come here, pretty." jisung says as he reaches his hands out for you, convincing you to come to him and lay down beside him. you were too flustered to say no, as you dove to the bed and hugged him. you can feel him ruffling your hair, whispering to you as he softly whispers, "i don't care if your hair looks bad or your makeup looks bad. all that matters to me is that you're beautiful to my eyes. is that clear, pretty?"
jisung is the type of boyfriend to be very clingy once he puts his arms around you. he tries to resist the urge of not wrapping his arms around you but fails when he sees you around the apartment. just by he look on his face, it's obvious that he wants to cuddle you or snuggle up on you while you do stuff around the apartment.
"ji, not now..." you sigh as you slice vegetables on the kitchen counters, being barely able to move as he's fully latched onto you while you're trying to cook. jisung whines, shaking his head as he refuses. you sigh, trying your best to push him off as you can't move while he's hugging you tightly. "why, baby? you don't want my hugs?" he asks, pouting as he hugs you even tighter.
jisung is the type of boyfriend to spend all his free time to watch you do something. he doesn't care if he has games to play with his friends, or if he has something to do that's due tomorrow, all he wants to see is you do or play something because, according to him, he likes to watch you ace an activity. he's always your no. 1 supporter.
"ji... don't you have something to do?" you ask as you work, being concentrated and determined at the output that you'll submit later. jisung is in front of you, watching you as he shakes his head, fixing his position as his eyes are still fixated on you while you work. "i do but, i don't really care, i just wanna watch you work."
jisung is the type of boyfriend to kiss you any chance he gets. even if you're sleeping after a tired day, or even if you're doing something important. as long as he gets the urge or the chance to, his lips will land anywhere─ your lips, your knuckles, cheek, or forehead.
"adorable..." jisung mumbles, kissing your forehead 2 times as you slept on his arms peacefully after a long, tiring day. he smiles at you, taking your hand from his chest as he intertwines your fingers with his, kissing your knuckles while you sleep. "goodnight, pretty. i love you."
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©️ 200markies / jyanihaes, 2024
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seungfl0wer · 4 months ago
list 1: 18, 30, 59 is driving me insane, it doesnt matter which member honestly 😭
*Didn’t Know You’d Like That*
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Pairing: Jisung x Reader (Fem)
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Choking, Hair Pulling, Biting, Breeding, Creampie, Unprotected (P in V), lots of dirty talk. Think that’s all? (Not Proof read)
Prompts are: 18 “Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” 30 “Sit” 59 “I didn’t know you liked that”. All of these are from my first prompt list (Here) I also have a second prompt list (Here)
Ugh it took me a bit to figure who I wanted to do I saw you’ve been getting wrecked by 3racha so figured to do one of them. Hope you enjoy it cause I really really did.
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Jisung sat across from you while you both played a card game. You’ve beat him the last 3 rounds, you definitely were feeling a little cocky about it too. “Ji you kinda suck” you teased pushing him with your foot you had against him under the table. “Excuse me” he scoffed tickling your foot. “I just think you’re cheating, plus there’s nothing to gain from winning.” He shrugged.
“So you don’t wanna win cause there’s nothing to gain? Wow really been hanging with Minho to long huh” you laughed. He chuckled at your words then a light bulb went off in his head. “I have an idea to make it more fun” he smiled a devilish smile “how about whoever loses next has to do a strip tease for the other.” That smug smile across his face dared you. He knew you were competitive so he knew you’d do it however what you didn’t know was this man was 100% hustling you. He was actually really good at this game and now that there was something to win he was gonna go for it.
You looked at him for a brief moment “Ji just tell me you’re horny.” You teased rolling your eyes “bet though, I’ll kick your ass again” you said with a smug smile. “I’m a man always am horny” he shrugged as he dealt the cards. You picked your hand up smirking at the cards thinking you had this in the bag. However it was so hard to read Jisung, he’s a bad liar for the most part but games like this he’s got a stone poker face. “Guess you better start stripping pretty boy.” You said putting your cards down.
The smile that creeped across your face was quickly wiped away by Jisung “I don’t think so princess” he said as he put his down revealing a perfect hand. You whined looking at him with a serious face “you cheated there’s no way” he couldn’t help but laugh at your words “nope told yeah if there’s something to gain I’ll actually do it.” He said standing up making his way to the couch. “Now I’m ready for my show sweetheart” he said that stupid smug grin creeping on him, just wanted to smack it off of him (in a loving way).
Although Jisung and you were friends this wouldn’t be the first time he’s seen you naked. Hell it wouldn’t even be the 4th time, you were always kinda whatever about being naked around him. Did he ever mind? No. Why would he? Getting to see his beautiful best friend’s body like that? He loved it, loved you were so comfortable with him. What he didn’t love though is how much you always teased him and then he was stuck just thinking about you while he fucked his fist.
You sighed getting up looking at the cocky man in front of you “fine, but don’t come crying to me when you get a boner.” You teased. You slowly made your way towards him taking off certain clothes and letting them drop to the floor. The way you moved your hips moved and the way the lights hit your curves had him in a trance. You could see his bulge growing quickly “such an easy boy hmm.” You said standing in front of him “you’re just to damn hot.” He said his words airy and hot. As you let your last bit of clothes fall you were fully naked in front of him. He felt like he was about to go crazy even more so as you went behind him leaning down towards his ear “so hard for me and I haven’t even done anything.”
Jisung almost moaned in reply his head spinning a bit from arousal. He snapped back out of it as you kept talking “such a horny man hmm? So hard for his best friend, I bet you think about me all the time when you touch yourself hm?” You said nipping at his ear. As you made your way back around you could see his body language change. His eyes were glued to you “sit” he said his voice low, it sounded almost like a growl. He pat his thigh looking at you daring you to say something smart. To his surprise though you did, siting down his bulge perfectly sandwiched itself between your folds.
He looked you over a second before he quickly started to suck on your neck making you buck your hips in return. The feeling made him go almost crazy biting harshly onto your neck you let out the loudest moan rolling your hips onto his clothed hard on. His other hand gripped at your neck moving it to give him more room as he continued the assault on it. Leaving pretty little purple marks mixed with teeth marks all over your neck. His hand gripped your throat a bit hard as the free one smacked your ass every time you moved your hips.
You were almost drooling at the sensation, your neck being a sensitive spot for you. “Fuck Ji, please- I- fuck- fuck me fuck me” you babbled your brain already to fuzzy from him. “Do you kiss your mother with that mouth.” He teased pulling away from your neck latching his lips now to yours. The kiss was sloppy full of need and lust. Your tongues wrestled as you grinned on him needing any sort of friction. “Fuck princess, ok let me take my pants off quick.” He said pulling away from the sloppy kiss.
As you moved you your eyes were met with the big wet patch you had left on him. His sweats having a clear outline where you’ve been grinding. The way his eyes grew at the sight almost made him go feral he discarded his pants quickly pulling you back on his lap. Kissing you again as you grinned on his now unclothed cock. What he lacked in girth he made up in length, his cock a bit curved as well.
You both moaned at the feeling before he moved himself “take your seat on the thrown princess” he said he would have cringed at his words but he was already too far gone for that. You slowly sunk down on his cock letting the feeling of him burn into your brain. You could feel him so deep, your walls almost molding to him. Your legs went almost jelly as you tried to move “Ji-“ you said softly.
He smiled moving his hips upward “my princess is already so fucked out of her brains she can’t move? I bet you’ve been thinking of me too huh. Thinking of me filling this pretty little cunt of yours? Hmm?” His words flowed out as he moved his hip digging his nails into your ass. You nod in response making him raise a brow “oh you have, have you? Think about me fucking you hard? The feeling of me filling you so full of my cock?”
“Yes- fuck Ji” you whimpered out his words driving you crazy “and now look at you bouncing on my cock, your cunt sucking me in. I can feel how much my words are driving you crazy, your cunt squeezes around me.” He continued to ramble picking his pace up. He moved one of his hands coming down to play with your clit, god you were so sensitive right now it was crazy. The moan you let out echoed in the room, the sound drove him mad. He latched himself back to your neck biting and sucking it harshly as he fucked you deep.
You could feel your high coming it was like a damn overflowing ready to just break at any moment. Jisung griped your hair pulling your head back a bit “touch yourself as I fuck you, I want you to cum all over my cock.” He growled his hand now wrapping around your waist pulling your body close to his. You did as you were told as he fucked you mercilessly. “Ji- I’m- fuck” you cried out as you felt the damn ready to burst “fucking hell princess” he groaned out.
“I’m gonna fucking breed you so deep.” His words hit a part of you that made you go crazy. His words, his cock pounding you and the your fingers stuttering over your sensitive nub. “Jisung- fuck please f-fill me breed me- fuck jisung!” You almost screamed out the damn finally busting the strew of your moans and the way your walls gripped him had him coming undone in no time.
He gripped your body tightly as he thrusted hard deep into you before cuming deep into you. His white strings painted pictures all across your walls. The feeling of him cuming so hard inside you had another wave rush over you making your body jolt squirting all over his cock. The rush of hot liquid coating both of you, he pulled you into a loving kiss holding you so tightly to him. “Didn’t think you’d like that, that much” he smirked his eyes looked sleepy almost as he kissed you again.
You could only nod resting your head on his shoulder your body shaking a bit. He helped you get cleaned up grabbing you a drink of water as he cleaned himself off. He laid down on the couch pulling you into his arms snuggling you tightly. Your body still feeling a bit jello-y. He peppered kisses against your shoulder “such a sweet girl, you did such a good job.” He cooed “let’s watch a movie and relax hmm? Want me to order food?”
You looked up at him and kissed his lips softly “food it is, I’ll order sweetheart. You ok though?” He said softly you nod holding onto him tightly “yeah, just want cuddles” you said voice sleepy. “Of course princess anything for you.” He said kissing your head curling back into the couch with you. You both never ended up getting food, falling asleep to quickly afterwards.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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xotaemintol · 4 months ago
Who do you think has a bigger dick between Jaemin and Jisung? I think it’s Jaemin 🤭
! (You will be blocked if you are a minor) !
Okay, but hear me out…they are both really big but Jisung has more length and Jaemin has more girth…
You can feel Jisung so deep inside of you, it feels like he’s going deeper and deeper with every thrust. You didn’t think that the whole thing would ever fit, but when you relaxed he was able to bottom out inside of you. His entire length slamming into you so hard it made your whole body weak. When he fucks you dumb you always mindlessly blurt out nonsense, but his favorite to hear is; “in my stomach…I can feel it…it’s so deep….too deep.” You and him both know that it’s impossible for him to be so deep that he’s in your stomach, or even inside of your cervix—but it feels so good that you could imagine, especially when he’s so deep inside of you.
But Jaemin has more girth, he still has so much length but he’s definitely thicker than Jisung. He fills you up completely, his dick always stretches you out so much—the way his dick feels is just too good to be true; you could cum just from him putting it in. Your mind goes numb when he’s fucking you, and because you’ve grown used to his girth the stretch doesn’t hurt. In fact you love it, so much so that you just have to express it. But in your mind numbing state all you can get out is: “good big so big good good good…fuck…like…like that so so so good…fuck so…so big Jaemin!” And it drives him absolutely wild, especially when he can feel your walls convulsing around his cock.
….so in conclusion, Jaemin and Jisung both have big dicks. But Jaemin definitely has more girth, and Jisung has just a little more length than him.
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ronjunnie · 7 months ago
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arcane @neonacity
sweeter than honey (30.5k) @luvdsc
let me teach you how to smash (m) (22k) @ofjunemoment
the ukiyo standalone; (20k) @simpsiren
8 letters (18.2k) @xiaodejunletsact
the dragon's happily ever after (17.4k) @starlightkun
are you e.t? no i'm j.s (16k) @alicanta77
oh boy (15.3k) @starlightkun
this december (m) @taexoxosgf
presenting (m) @loudstan
arcade (m) (3.5k) @sincerelyneo
your child is at register 7 (2.5k) @huangels
pushed away (1.5k) @jenonctcity
dance practice (1.4k) @martiniblues
drunk jisung is clingy... and kiss-driven (1.3k) @asteroidsung
sickening love. @chuubbles
testing... (m) @heyjwi
wisdom teeth @xiracs
small hands @lee-aveyourmark
2:07 am @doliest
2:19 pm @peanutpinet
5:46 pm @hinaaspanda
8:01 am @dawn-in-neocity
9:47 am @donghyuckdarling
10:20 pm @zchl
615 notes · View notes
222low · 20 days ago
adopting a hamster with jisung
jisung texts ⋆˙⟡
your boyfriend jisung wants to adopt a hamster with you
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content: fluff, established relationship, gender neutral reader, p.s. plz ignore any mistakes - not proofread!!
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a/n: thank u for the req!! i didn't know what format you wanted but i wanted to try out texts :3 i hope u dont mind
181 notes · View notes
itsasilentreader · 1 month ago
♬⋆.˚ 𝐈𝐭’𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 — 𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠
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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: bff!Jisung x fem!reader, friends to lovers
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: smut, fluff — 𝙈𝘿𝙉𝙄 ⚠︎
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 5.8K — 39 𝙢𝙞𝙣 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 (whoops)
𝙏𝙒/𝘾𝙒: smut, p in v, oral (fem receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (wrap if before you tap it), creampie, Jisung calling reader princess, pretty and baby a lot, bad grammar and spelling as English is not my first language.
𝘼/𝙉: While I normally don't write smut, I had this idea in my head for a while now. I cringed when I wrote this and actually got the ick when I reread my work so I'm just gonna upload it without editing it. This one is for the people who als struggle with what I depicted in this fic. Hopefully, this gives y’all the representation that’s been lacking a bit in the fanfic community. Last note: i’m not accepting requests regarding smut right now. Might do it in the future, might write some fics with smut or I might not. We’ll see.
⤷ 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘶𝘮. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘶𝘵.
⋮ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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It was a typical Friday night. You were spending the night at your best friend’s house again, explaining a date gone wrong… again. Hey! It’s not your fault that those men can’t make a woman come or hold out longer than three minutes.
After your failed date on Thursday, you texted Jisung immediately after your date left your house. First, he responded, “Are you stupid?”, before explaining how dangerous it is to invite someone over after the first date, especially as a woman in these times.
I mean, he wasn’t wrong, but can you blame yourself? You just wanted to be satisfied by the hands - and other parts - of someone else for once. As much as your vibrators and other toys could please you, they didn’t always leave you satisfied.
And there lies your next problem: no matter how hard you try, you can’t come more than once per session. And you need time after a session, so for you to be busy for so long, it didn’t always give you the mind-blowing orgasms you’ve heard your girlfriends talk about.
It did make you feel a bit insecure, and you started to question if something was wrong with you.
How could it be that you always hear and read about other women having so many intense and mind-blowing orgasms, and you’re lucky if you even get one, one!
And now you’ve ended up on your best friend’s couch, sipping wine and gossiping about your bad date. And maybe you have bad taste in men in general. By now, this was a tradition for the two of you.
Almost every Friday evening, and sometimes night, was spent together. Most of the time, it was just the two of you, but sometimes some friends joined your wine night.
Decompressing after dates, good and bad, was something you’d always done with Jisung since you’d met.
You met Jisung in college. He walked into the classroom you were in, waiting for the lecture to start. Cute was the first thing that came to mind when you saw him with his messy hair and black glasses.
As the room didn’t have a lot of free seats left, Jisung decided to sit next to you. Smiling shyly, he introduced himself before getting his laptop out of his bag.
You introduced yourself as well, and that’s when the conversation slowly started. You learned that this was the first class he had without his other friends who followed the same course.
When the professor walked in and began his lesson, you heard Jisung curse under his breath. “Is everything okay?” You had asked, and concern was clearly shown on your face. He gulped before slowly closing his laptop.
“Eh, well—,” he started, his boba eyes looking at you. “This is not the professor I’m supposed to have for this class right now. So I’m thinking, just a wild guess, that I’m not in the right class.”
You clasped your hand over your mouth to stifle your giggles while shaking your head. “This is an intro to visual art and film,” you said as your giggles escaped. He let out a sigh and pursed his lips. “I’m supposed to be in the intro to musical arts…” Jisung trailed off as he tried to quietly pack his bag.
You watched him try to gather his things as quietly as he could before standing up. His whole body froze when he stood up, and the chair he sat in scraped against the floor like nails on a chalkboard.
The room fell silent as all eyes turned to the shy brunette boy with the black-framed glasses. From your seat, you saw a pink blush creeping up his neck and face.
“Is there a reason you’re interrupting my class?”, you heard your professor ask Jisung. He didn’t know what to do and remained frozen in his place.
Your hand covered your mouth again before giggling. Quickly, you whispered to him, “You need to walk out of the classroom now, or you need to sit down.” With his eyes locked on yours, he’d hung his head and sat back down, too embarrassed to move his legs and walk out of the room with all eyes on him.
Shaking your head with a smile, you turned your attention back to the professor. His eyes stayed on your neighbour for a few seconds longer before he continued his lesson. You’d decided to write little notes to Jisung in an attempt to get his mind off of the embarrassing position he was in earlier, and it worked.
During the lecture, you kept passing notes back and forth. Eventually, you wrote down your number, quite bashfully, with the words ‘in case you need a study buddy’.
Jisung took you up on that offer and your little study dates (though you wanted them to be real dates) turned into hang-out sessions, which turned into a beautiful friendship with your best friend.
Yes, you’ve wondered about Jisung. A lot. But you couldn’t blame yourself, he was gorgeous and one of the best people in your life. He was funny, and his personality lit up the whole room. He’d make you feel safe and loved, even if it was just platonic.
But, oh, how you wished it could be more. Hiding your feelings deep inside, locked away in your heart with the key thrown out, you’d continued to build this friendship with him. Having him in your life as your platonic best friend was better than not having him in your life at all.
That led you to this moment. Now, sitting on his couch, you tuck your feet under you. You take another sip — or rather, gulp — of your wine.
“I’m telling you, Ji, it was awful,” you let out as you took another sip. Setting your glass back down on the coffee table in front of you, you take out your phone to search for the message your date had left you.
“He finished in a few minutes and didn’t even bother to help me get off,” you said to Jisung. The latter one rolls his eyes at your statement before adding, “Men.” Giving him a knowing look, you continued.
“He luckily went home soon after, because I just couldn’t stand to be around him any longer,” you said again, frustration clear in your voice. You reach for your wine glass again and take another gulp.
“He messaged me later to say it wasn’t going to work out,” you add, rolling your eyes.
“I had a fun time, but I think it was just a one-time thing for us. We just weren’t vibing on the same level, and your sexual performance was not at the standard I am used to from my bed partners. I wish you all the best.”
At these words, Jisung’s eyebrows shoot up. “What?!” He exclaimed, almost spilling his wine out of surprise and, most of all, shock. “He actually said that?”
You nod vigorously before adding, “I know! As if it were my fault, he couldn’t get me off and lasted only a staggering four minutes.” At that, Jisung let out a snort before shaking his head.
“Maybe you just need to use some toys during sex; it does wonders,” Jisung speaks up after a minute. Your head snaps to his with a questioning look. “What? I do it often with my dates,” he shrugs at you before refilling his glass of wine and topping off yours as well.
“I mean, you don’t have to, of course, if you’re not comfortable with it. But in my personal experience, it feels really good.” Again, the questionable look is back on your face as you stare at him. Not trying to let your thoughts run wild about Jisung using sex toys on his partners or himself.
“Like, there is this magic wand, right? You know what that is, right?” He begins to ramble, you giggle softly and nod. Jisung continued, “Okay, so I know a lot of girls like to use that during masturbating, but also during sex. Maybe you should try that out.”
He wasn’t wrong. You have never tried it out during sex because either your partners didn’t want to try it with you, or you had a one-night stand, so you didn’t have your own toys at hand.
Maybe you should try it out sometime. Hopefully, your next bed partner will be open and willing to try with you.
“Okay, so since we’re already spilling the beans here, I mean, I’ve tried a magic wand on myself before,” Jisung spoke up, still sipping on his wine in between words, letting them sink into your mind. “Really?”
“Yeah, I bought one for myself after the first time trying it. Still use it sometimes,” his eyes back on yours, as if he was telling you the most normal thing in the world while your mind ran wild with the thoughts of Jisung pleasuring himself with a sex toy, as he gave you more information from these images in your head.
“Do you also feel it when you’re inside?” You couldn’t help but ask him, intrigued by the way he’s so casual about this. You feel yourself get a little bit aroused, thinking about using sex toys and your best friend telling you how you could use them.
He nods excitedly and says, “I do, I can’t speak for other men, but I love it. It’s a little bit of extra pleasure on top of the pleasure I’m already feeling.” You nod at his words, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as the images of Jisung kept popping up in your head.
“So yes, I definitely recommend that. Maybe it’ll work for you, though.” He is gulping his wine now as he finishes his train of thought about using a magic wand on yourself. Because even though you think he’s so casual about it, Jisung is actually losing his mind.
Yes, you two are best friends, but still. He feels vulnerable with the information he had laid bare, not that you would make fun of him for it. Of course, you wouldn’t do that, ever. But it was a piece of information about himself he’d rather keep to himself.
Why does he have to have a big mouth that speaks before he thinks?
You giggle at the antics of your friend before sipping on your wine again. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you, the Spotify playlist softly playing in the background. The silence makes you fall back into the train of thought you had before coming over to Jisung’s place.
Maybe it was you that was the problem. You can’t come during sex, and even if you masturbate, you often fail to come more than once. It shouldn’t be that hard to do. Even with a sex toy, right?
Maybe you were broken after all.
Just like your ex had said. And the one before him too. Maybe it was your fault that you couldn’t do something so… so natural? Maybe-
“Hey, where did you go?” You feel Jisung nudge you with his hand. His movement made you snap out of your thoughts. “It’s just-,” you started, looking down at the almost empty glass in your hands.
“Maybe it is me that is the problem y’know. Almost nobody has ever made me cum, let alone cum during sex. Maybe it is me,” you whispered out to Jisung.
The words he heard he could not quite believe, hearing you blame yourself. He wants to let you know it’s okay, and that it works differently for everyone else, as all bodies are different.
Perhaps it is a bit more difficult for you to get that relief after building up pleasure, but it seems like you need someone who would be happy to help you with this journey of discovery. Someone like Jisung.
Jisung would be more than willing to help you, his beautiful best friend. From the moment you’d met, he harboured a small crush on you. It might have started as a small crush, but it grew into so much more. Even though he has all these feelings, it seemed like a romance wasn’t in the cards for you two the last few years.
So like the gentleman and good friend he is, he’d bottled up his feelings and continued to love you as a best friend up close and love you as an admirer from afar.
“It’s valid what you’re feeling about how your body works, but don’t think something is wrong with you,” he reassures you, his voice soft. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was just the opening Jisung was waiting for. His words stumble out before his brain can catch on to what is happening.
“I can help you, y’know,” Jisung offers you, his words make you almost choke on the sip of wine you just took. Spluttering your wine out in a not-so-charming way, you try to come up with an answer.
“I’m serious, Y/N,” he continued, setting down his own glass. He subtly scoots closer to you, his hands carefully reaching out to yours. His mind is working in overdrive while his heartbeat speeds up. This newfound adrenaline pushes him to act on the feelings he’s been keeping in for too long.
“Jisung, do you hear yourself? Why— why would you—", you stutter out. Your eyes are finding his, questioning him. His boba eyes just stared back at you and shrugged.
“You’ve been complaining about how no guy can ever satisfy you for so long. I’m just saying, I can help you out.”
Bewildered, you keep staring at your friend, questioning his motives. “And you think you can help me? Really?” You question him out loud. He tuts at your response, shaking his head lightly.
“I’m not trying to stroke my own ego here, really, but most of my bed partners have expressed that I know how to make a girl cum, hard.”
Again, you have thought about it before. Quite a few times, actually, your best friend was gorgeous. Despite the fact that you might not want it because he is still your best friend, it occasionally happens just like that.
Often it was already too late to stop your thoughts and your best friend was starring in your fantasy what helped you come, if it would happen.
“Look, I don’t want to pressure you into something you don’t want to do. I just want to help you out. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, Y/N. You’re a catch, and everyone is lucky if only you give some of your attention to them. I want to make you realise that you are much more than a hook-up or a few dates.”
His words hang in the air, heavy and charged, but with a hint of excitement. You couldn’t deny the tension that was built up with just a simple statement from Jisung.
I can help you.
He sees your eyes glaze over with lust and his pulse quickens. The words are still swirling through your mind, but your eyes already tell him everything he needs to know. Still, he wants to hear you say it out loud.
“Do you want that too, princess?”
The pet name was rolling off his tongue so easily, that it made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. It also made you wonder what else he could do with his mouth.
Your head already spinning at the thought of what he could possibly do to you, you nod shyly. “Yes, please.”
Scooting closer to you, The side of his body pressed against yours. Your chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. His hand comes up to your face, holding it carefully while searching your eyes for any doubts or signs of distress. “Please, Ji,” you plead. “Please kiss me.”
The sound of your sultry voice asking — begging him — to kiss you went straight to his dick. Lust clouds his mind, and if he wasn’t out of his mind before, he certainly is now.
With his hand still holding your face tenderly, he pulls you in for a soaring kiss. Feeling his lips on yours makes you dizzy, and lustful.
Your hands wander from his neck to his chest, and you feel the muscles under his black shirt that you love so much on him. His hands start to wander, too. First, you feel his hands skim over your breasts, grabbing the flesh as if his life depended on it. His hands wander further down towards your sweatpants.
With his fingers toying with the waistband of your sweatpants, you feel him move past it. With his hand in your sweatpants, he cups your heat over your panties. You let out a gasp against his mouth, before kissing him deeper than before.
Lightly pressing a finger against your clothed core, your body immediately reacts to his featherlight touch. “So responsive,” he purrs against your mouth, before giving you another soaring, open-mouthed kiss that makes you feel butterflies.
“Jisung, please,” you pleaded with him. “I love it when you beg for me, even though I haven’t really done anything to you yet.” In response to his words, you let out another gasp as he finally pulled your panties aside and dipped his fingers between your folds.
“Hm, so wet already, pretty girl?” He teases you with his words, and with his fingertips.
“I haven’t done anything besides kissing you, and you’re already this wet?” He teases you further. You huff out in frustration and wiggle in his embrace. Your hips bucked up to his hands, just to feel his fingers inside of you, or something — anything.
Capturing your lips in another hot kiss, his fingers finally slip fully into your pussy. He immediately gets to work, and he watches as you let out an erotic gasp. The urge to have his way with you became stronger as he felt you clench around his fingers and your eyes roll back. You clung to him as he pumped his fingers in and out, your slick spreading and making obscene noises along with your moans.
You feel your arousal dripping down as Jisung keeps his fingers working you open. “Fuck, Ji,” you cry out in pleasure. As you hold onto him, your back arches from the couch. Jisung pulls your mouth to his again, swallowing all those pretty, erotic noises coming from you.
“I can’t wait to be inside you, pretty girl,” he says, nipping at your mouth, and down to your neck. It felt like your skin was on fire, everywhere his mouth touched it. Blissed out, you look at him with half-lidded eyes. If him fingering you on his couch feels this amazing already, you couldn’t wait for how it would feel if he finally buries himself in your pussy.
“I really want to use a toy on you and your pretty pussy, show you how it can feel. Make you cum with it.” His vulgar words went straight to your wet core. Taking your bottom lip into your mouth, you bit on it, hard. Nodding your head in response to his words.
Jisung occasionally slips out his fingers to rub your clit. The alternation of feeling his fingers stretch you open and putting pressure on your clit made you whine out in arousal. The pleasure keeps building in your lower belly.
Up, up, up...
But still, not enough to have you see stars and give you that orgasm you’ve been thinking about since Jisung started talking about using sex toys.
Jisung sensing your frustration, slows down the pace of his fingers but still gives enough pressure to feel the pleasure of it. “It’s okay, princess. I’m gonna get you there, don’t worry about it, pretty.”
He slips out his fingers, and the loss of contact makes you whine. His eyes remain on yours as he brings his fingers to his lips and sucks them in. His eyes close as he feels the intoxicating, sweet, and tangy taste of your arousal on his tongue. Watching him, you moan at the erotic scene in front of you.
Sliding his fingers out of his mouth with a ‘pop’, he pulls you onto his lap. His eyes were on yours, filled with lust, but also something else you couldn’t decipher yet. His hands wander up your body, and he pulls you to his mouth. His lips capture you in a sweet and heavy kiss, and you taste yourself on his tongue.
Making out with him, still aroused, you start to grind your hips down onto his. His hands quickly grab your hips to help you set the pace, as your already wet and sticky panties become even wetter than before.
With your hands gliding through his hair, you grip it as if your life depended on it. And maybe it does feel that way at that moment because being so close and intimate with Jisung makes you feel tingly all over. It felt like you were floating, and even the slightest friction between your heat and his groin let pleasure ripple through your body.
His hands travel to the hem of your shirt and tug it over your head. Letting him help you out of your shirt, he throws it somewhere in the living room, not caring where it landed at this moment.
He’d ridden himself off his shirt, too, as his mouth was back on yours again. As you try to tug at the waistband of his sweatpants, he parts from your mouth. Heavy breathing is heard, and he softly pushes you off of him.
Feeling the need to hold you and touch your skin, he did so as he stood up from the couch. With his eyes on yours, he pulls down his sweatpants, leaving him in his boxers, the last a layer restraining his cock.
The outline of his cock already has you drooling. Knowing he’s skilled with his fingers makes you very excited to find out what he could do with his cock. And you will find out soon enough.
Lunging forward again to kiss you and hold you, he’d let you back to his bedroom. His hands pull down your sweatpants as you clumsily step out of them, holding onto his muscular shoulders.
Reaching his bedroom, he pushes the door open. Not wasting time, he gets you onto his bed seconds after stepping into the room. Lustful eyes bore into yours as his fingers teasingly pulled your panties down.
Disregarding your panties over his shoulders, he stares in awe at your body. Spreading your legs with his hands, he looks at your body as if you hung the moon and the stars. Getting flustered, you try to hide yourself from him, even though you have nothing to be ashamed or flustered about.
“Don’t hide pretty,” his voice dripping with sweetness and his mouth watering at the sight of your bare pussy in front of him. “Just one taste,” he murmurs before kissing your clit. He sticks his tongue out and flattened it against your wet hole, rolling back his eyes in pleasure.
Seeing Jisung lose himself and feeling his wet muscle against your aching pussy, pleasure shudders through your body. Your hands are gripping his hair, making him groan against your core. The vibration of his groan, together with him licking up all your arousal and eating you out like a starved man, makes your toes curl and your head dizzy.
The familiar pleasure of your orgasm creeps up again, but it still feels so far out of reach. Jisung kept licking and slurping at your aching pussy, and the feeling intensified, but it never seemed to finally snap.
Bucking your hips out of frustration up to his face, almost riding it, Jisung lets you take the lead. Honestly, he was just happy to be here. With his face between your legs, get used by the prettiest girl who has his whole heart, even if you don’t know it, yet.
Seemingly getting more frustrated by the second, as the tension was fading away and the pressure of your orgasm seemed to lessen, Jisung gave you one more lick before parting. He needs to help you get to your high, and show you that you can do it. And he also couldn’t wait any longer to be inside of you.
Wiping his mouth, he speaks up, “On your knees princess, let me take care of you.” He nods his head to turn around. With heavy eyelids and a lust-filled body, you get up and turn around. Jisung quickly turns to his dresser to get the toy he wants to try on you — the magic wand.
Before you can get on your hands and knees, Jisung’s hands softly push you forward. Your elbows catch your upper body as you feel the mattress dip behind you.
You feel his hands run up and down your body, while he leaves hot kisses all over your spine. He grabs at everything he can, your soft skin feels heavenly in his hands.
Then Jisung grabs his cock at the base and slides it between your wet folds. With his thumb, he spreads out the wetness around the head of his cock, before pumping himself a few times.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, princess, make you see stars,” he says huskily, as he lines up his cock with your anticipating entrance.
As he eases his cock into you, a twinge of pain mixes with the overwhelming pleasure. With your eyes rolling back and your mouth agape, he begins to thrust his hips forward softly before bottoming out. “You good baby?”, he asks while his hands hold you softly. You nod and reply with a muffled hmm before Jisung picks up his pace and starts to pound into you.
The sound of skin slapping on skin mixed with your moans, and his groans fill up his room.
His hands roam over your body, from your ass to your shoulders. The touch of his fingertips makes you feel tingles and adds to the pleasure you already feel. You feel his hands push your shoulders down, so now you lay on the bed with your upper body. Your face is in his pillow, catching all your moans.
Pleasure shudders through your whole body as you feel Jisung filling you even deeper than before. His pace doesn’t falter once. With his hands back at your lower back, he pulls you back on his cock.
“Fuck,” he groans out. You turn your head so you can look over your shoulder, just enough to see Jisung throw his head back while biting his lip. His grip on your sides grows stronger as his thrusts become harder and harder. “You’re so fucking tight, princess.”
“Ji, please, please,” you moan out, your hands trying to grab anything they can to hold you steady. Twisting your upper body just enough so you could see him, you see him smirk. Leaning down to kiss his way up your shoulder blades, his right-hand grabs your hair. He pulls just hard enough to lift your head up from his pillow.
“I wanna hear those pretty moans when you come around my cock, princess,” he says, leaving another burning kiss on the back of your neck. “Turn your toy on and press it against your clit baby,” he says — or rather demanded.
Scrambling up on your elbows, his hips still meet yours with sharp thrusts. He doesn’t stop his brutal pace, instead, he keeps going. You gasp out at his thrusts, and you can barely grab the toy. Fiddling with it, you try to find the button to turn it on while pleasure is still soaring through your body.
Finally finding the button to turn it on, you press it and the toy comes to life. The vibrations are already making you feel jittery. You lean forward on his bed again, getting comfortable on your upper body. Your head to the side, while you took your lower lip between your teeth. With shaky hands, you carefully press the toy to your clit.
The feeling of the vibration mixed with Jisung’s cock filling you up just right made your eyes roll back, and your mouth hang open. Jisung never heard a more pornographic moan and couldn’t believe he was the one making you feel this way—with the help of the beloved magic wand.
It might be the alcohol, or maybe the love you’ve always felt for Jisung, but this is the best feeling you’ve ever felt. When he said he’d take care of you — he meant it.
His hands grip your ass as he keeps thrusting into you at a brutal pace. With furrowed eyebrows, you try to listen to your body. Yes, you feel immense pleasure from both being filled up and the vibrations on your clitoris, but you wonder if the feeling of your orgasm will build up anytime soon.
Jisung feels your body stiffen, just a tiny bit. But it was enough for him to notice you aren’t fully letting yourself go and enjoy the pleasure you feel. Slowing his pace down, it changed to sharper and deeper thrusts instead of just pounding.
“Let go, baby, just enjoy the feeling,” he gritted out. And you try, you let the bliss feeling overcome you. The dragging of his cock against your walls feels heavenly, as you focus on the vibrations the toy gave you.
Hearing his groans and feeling his soft hands gripping you so tight it might bruise the next day, you finally feel that familiar feeling building up.
“What do I need to do for you? Hm?” he huffs out, dragging your body back onto his cock. You moan out in satisfaction of the feeling. “How can I make my princess feel good, hm?” He grunts out, grabbing your hair at the back of your head and lifting your head again so he could bite and suck on your neck.
Your flushed face with your mouth hanging open, letting out little gasps of pleasure, imprints on his retina so that he will never forget this sight of you.
Jisung flooded all your senses. His touch, his mouth on your skin, and his hot breath in your ear grunt out your name over and over again, leaving you with goosebumps.
Grabbing the sheets with your free hand, so hard that your knuckles turned white, you moan out, “Just like that, baby.”
Rolling back your eyes and burying your face into his pillow, you feel yourself drool onto his pillowcase. The tension in your lower tummy is becoming stronger and stronger, and you feel your legs beginning to shake. “Jisung, oh god, please— right there.” Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt so close to the edge, and your orgasm was creeping up on you.
“Let go, pretty girl, come all over my cock. Make you feel so good.” keeping his brutal pace, your orgasm suddenly plummets through you. Shaking and mouth-agape, you moan out Jisung’s name like a mantra in a high-pitched moan.
The feeling of being so full with his cock and the vibrations of your toy intensified your orgasm, creating black spots in your vision.
You squeeze your eyes shut at the intense pleasure you feel throughout your whole body, as if ecstasy is running through your veins.
And all because Jisung suggested using a toy to stimulate your clit as he’d fuck you.
You feel like your prayers had been answered, and you finally had someone making you feel so fucking good, and that being Jisung made this experience even better.
Shit, you think. You might be in love with him.
Jisung fucks you through your intense orgasm. Feeling your walls convulse around his cock while he fucks you through your high, the vibrations bring him closer to his release, too. You’d let him use your body to chase after his own release, your walls clenching around his cock.
“Fuck, where do you want me to cum, baby?” He grits out as he keeps his pace. He had rather seen your beautiful face contort in pleasure when you were brought over the edge, but that would happen another time. After feeling you so tight around him, his body begged him for a release.
“Inside Ji, please come inside of me,” you slur out, still dazed from your orgasm. Fully relaxing your body, you feel Jisung thrust roughly into you a few times more, before groaning loudly in your ear. “Fuck-”, his chest rises and falls with heavy breaths as he comes down from his high.
You feel his hot mouth on your back again, leaving soft and gentle kisses while whispering how good you’ve been for him. He caresses your back as he softens and slips out of you. Falling on the mattress, he pulls you close to him, laying on your side. Draping your arm around his chest, you feel your erratic heartbeat calm down.
His release still dripping out of you between your legs, but he doesn’t care if his sheets get stained with it.
“How was that?” Jisung asks you as he presses a soft kiss on the top of your head. He is running his hands through your hair, and getting some of the lost, sticky strands of hair out of your face.
You let out a deep breath and look at him with sleepy, half-lidded eyes. “So good, so, so good, Ji.” At your words, a cocky smile appears on his lips. “I knew I could make you feel good pretty,” he answered as he gave you another kiss on your head.
“Thank you… For doing this,” you rest your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “Always, baby, for you always.”
“If you want to try more things, I’m your guy! But preferably, I would be the only one you’d try them with?” Jisung whispers out the last part, causing your heartbeat, which had just finally become a normal pace after this intense high, to speed up again out of anticipation.
“I’d like that idea, only with you. If you would do those things only with me,” you reply softly, as you gaze up at him. His eyes are staring back at you, full of warmth, and this time you can see the love he holds for you in his eyes as well.
Nodding excitingly, Jisung leans forward to capture your lips once again in a sweet but tender kiss. Pulling away, he lets go of you and climbs out of his bed. Whining at the loss of contact, you pout at him. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll get us cleaned up, and we can cuddle all night long.”
Snuggling back into his bed, you still need some time to process everything that had happened tonight. Who knew that ranting to your best friend about not being able to come during sex turned into the best sex of your life?
You finally feel satisfied. Not only did you finally come during sex, but you also finally have Jisung in more ways than you could ever imagine.
. ܁₊ ⊹ . ܁˖ . ܁. ܁₊ ⊹ . ܁˖ . ܁. ܁₊ ⊹ . ܁˖ . ܁. ܁₊ ⊹ . ܁˖ . ܁
Ⓒ︎ 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥. 𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵.
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lqfiles · 1 year ago
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after your college had announced that all the students were required to join a club and attend it twice a week, you were planning on either a) dropping out, or b) join the art club and pretend to be sick most of the times. that was before you discovered that park jisung is a long time member of the football team. change in plans: you LOVE football.
or in which you mindlessly join the football club in hopes of catching your crush’s attention (and to maybe secretly check him out too) who cares if you can’t even kick a ball up in the air?
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football-player!jisung x fem!reader
genre ; rlly just humour, football / sports au, fluff, some angst, pining and eventually mutual pining, probably slow-burn, college au, strangers to lovers.
extras ; teasing and profanity | sexual and death jokes | reader is down bad | jisung kinda dislikes reader and closed off at the start | my knowledge on football isn’t the BEST but i know above basics and enough for this fic | idrc if some of these subject clubs don’t exist this is for entertainment 😸
notes ; 😭 mostly posting this for myself cos i’ve wanted to try a smau for a while now but i hope anyone else enjoys too.
PLAYLIST ; Rising , TripleS — Hype Boy , newjeans — Awkward , SZA — Gasoline , ROSY (FT. LILMONEY) — Attracted To You , Pinkpantheress — Cognac Queen , Megan Thee Stallion — Goodie Bag , Still Woozy — Eyedress , Something About You .
STATUS ; completed! (24.02.24)
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profiles (1) | profiles (2)
1 ) donghyuck’s fault
2 ) 20% more insane
3 ) it’s the voices again
4 ) yes captain!
5 ) invest in a priv account
6 ) peach lipton ice tea
7 ) no suicide EVER
8 ) always believe women
9 ) grape & lemon drink
10 ) favourite teammate
11 ) wingman
12 ) jeno’s food provider
13 ) no lunch
14 ) awkward tension
15 ) a simple conversation
16 ) an even more normal conversation
17 ) under my umbrella
18 ) a canon event (ft. Renjun's Black Friday offer)
19 ) feeling submissive and fragile
20 ) woman hobbies & failed courseworks
21 ) man up and break it
22 ) make-up brush vs subway sandwich
24 ) a nice gesture
25 ) NOT my boyfriend
26 ) business exchange
27 ) what about mark?
28 ) winter wonders with you
30 ) my princess (very lame)
31 ) riddle me this
32 ) do you like her? (probably)
33 ) wtf does QUORA know?
34 ) JISUNGxY/N: plan A
35 ) evil out the way, GOOD RIDDANCE
36 ) basketball incidents.
37 ) JISUNGxY/N: plan B (the jisung quiz)
38 ) E-DATING 🔛🔝🔥
39 ) wise words from renjun
40 ) that one sign
41 ) guess it’s a date
42 ) (unofficial) couple goals
43 ) the y/nle argument
44 ) professional over-thinker
45 ) executing major girlboss energy
46 ) the confession prep
47 ) knock some sense into them
48 ) war is over
49 ) knock some sense into JISUNG
50 ) an overdue confession
51 ) be your boyfriend?
52 ) scored that goal!
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jisung the blonde
jaemin’s hit tweets
the jeno quiz
one huge polyamory relationship
rating my boyfriend’s hair colours
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thank you for reading!
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lulujeno · 2 months ago
lowkey — park jisung ᡣ𐭩
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summary : you and jisung like keeping your relationship lowkey
warnings : slight mentions of parties/alcohol 2x, other than that its fluff(?)
wc : 0.5k
a/n : gn!readerrrrr :D wrote this at like 3 am so pls lmk if there are any mistakes </3 was listening to niki's lowkey and got inspired to write this!! has a few easter eggs from the song but the story doesn't really match up with the song tho 🤕 (plsplspls lmk what you think since its my first time writing like this)
You and Jisung were shoved into your room. It was Haechan’s party and he had the genius idea of playing 7 minutes in heaven. Unsurprisingly, he somehow turned it into another one of him and his friends’ poor attempts in getting either you or Jisung to confess to each other. Ever since you joined their highschool your brother and his friends have been trying to get the both of you together. You two were shy at first but eventually got comfortable with each other since it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon.
“Do they really not know?” Jisung asked as he sat on your king-sized bed, patting the spot next to him to tell you to sit there.
You opted to lay your head on his lap instead, feeling his fingers softly massaging your scalp. “I mean, we are trying to hide it from them. It’s better like this anyways, peace and quiet without them teasing us” you say while admiring how cute your boyfriend looks from this angle.
An aggressive knock is then heard, making Jisung jump a little. “Five more minutes!” you hear Chenle shout through the door, reminding you of your limited time together.
The boy above you notices you yawning and asks if you’d rather take a quick nap instead, letting you know that he’ll wake you up when time is up. You shake your head before letting out another yawn. Jisung lets out a slight chuckle before placing your head on one of your pillows. Too sleepy to open your eyes, you hear shuffling sounds and feel your bed dip a little next to you. The arm on your waist and hand in your hair confirming that it was your boyfriend and not another person who came in and suddenly slept on your bed.
“Stop Ji, what if they barge in on us?” you warned him, not really wanting this moment to end.
A smile forms on Jisungs face, you look so cute in his eyes right now. “That’s a problem for us to face later on. Let’s just take a short nap for now.” He says while stroking your hair softly as if you were the most fragile thing on earth.
Chenle giving a three minute warning was muffled in the background as he was too focused staring at you, not believing that you were finally his after years of desperately crushing on you. You suddenly turned around, almost giving the boy a heart attack. Luckily you were deep asleep so he didn't have to deal with you teasing him for staring.
Jisung lifted his arm from your waist, grabbing his phone that was in his pocket to check the time. It read exactly two thirty am, one minute before the seven minutes were up. Suddenly, he gave you a quick peck on your lips. The impulse coming from the alcohol in his system gave him the confidence boost. While admiring your features after, he thought that maybe it was time to be more than lowkey with you.
Perfectly at the seven minute mark he fell asleep, not caring about the vibrations from his phone and the banging on the door from his friends telling you guys that time’s up. You both can deal with it later when the sun is up.
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babbymochiiii · 7 months ago
🔞 Discord: PARK JISUNG
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SYNOPSIS: you and jisung have discord date night, where things take a turn.
WARNINGS: established relationship idol! jisung x afab reader, pleasuring yourself while on a discord call with jisung, jisung being a dom bc yes, jisung commanding you on how to pleasure yourself, fingering, handjob, slight cum play? Idk if it would be call that but it’s something like that, squirting?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: divider credit @cafekitsune 🧡 I’m so down bad for Jisung that is fucking shows and I’m not complaining—! Also, a big thank you to my babes @rockstarhaechan for encouraging this fic 😖💜 bc it would've been sitting in the back of my head for the longest.
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“He’s camping! He’s camping!” You heard your boyfriend yell down his mic as you both were in the middle of a fight in the video game you were both playing.
“HE GOT ME!? HELLO?” You yelled down your mic this time as you stared at your monitor in disbelief seeing your characters death screen.
“This is bs.” You mumbled as you leaned back against your chair as you waited for Jisung to finish out the battle.
After the game was over, you and Jisung sat in the lobby of the game, talking softly amongst yourselves.
“How did you die?” Jisung snickered as he looked at his Discord monitor and watched you roll your eyes with a smile at his question.
“Babe, literally was going where you told me, and the motherfucker came out of nowhere like—“
To be fair, Jisung has been pent up with a lot, and I mean a lot, of sexual energy that he couldn’t even help himself but zone out to what you were saying and watch the way you animatedly recounted what happened to you in the game.
He looked at the way your lips formed their syllables. He thought about how they could be wrapped around his cock in this very second. Thought about the time you cock warmed him while he was playing a few rounds of games on his pc. Remembering the way you failed to stay still as he tried to concentrate on the intense game in front of him. All it took was one small whimper to fall out of your lips for him to fully lose focus on the game, and shifting it towards you.
"Ji please fuck me."
You said it with the most saddest pout and puppy eyes, how could he not give what you wanted.
Without realizing, Jisung started to stroke himself through his shorts, causing a shuddered breath to leave his lips and land straight into your ears causing you to stop talking and look towards your monitor.
You watched the way Jisung's face flushed it's pretty pink, along with the tips of his ears. You kept your eyes trained on his chest, seeing how it rapidly rises and falls down, as if he ran a marathon.
As if...
"Ji, what are you doing?" You asked suspiciously, even though you had a feeling you knew what your beloved boyfriend is doing right now.
He ignored you. Jisung's eyes were close at this point, completely lost in the ecstasy his touch is bringing him through his shorts.
You bit your lips as you watched Jisung become completely loss in his own pleasure. You couldn't help but join him, because the sight of your boyfriend pleasuring himself turns you on completely.
You propped your feet up on your chair, and moved your flimsy shorts along with your underwear to the side. You greedily sought out your swollen clit, and the moment you placed your fingers on it, a moan slips past your lips.
This causes Jisung to flutter his eyelids open. The man looks towards his second monitor on his desk and sees the display you have for him on your camera.
“Fuck.” Jisung mumbled out as he saw the way you played with your clit. His hungry gaze follows the way your greedy fingers slide down your slicked folds. The action causes the two of you to moan out loud seeing the way the camera captures it.
"What are you doing princess?" Jisung asked sweetly, but still holding that bedroom undertone. "Couldn't help yourself could you?" He muses as he leans forward in his chair.
A whimper leaves your throat as you look towards Jisung's camera. "I couldn't...you were touching yourself and you looked so good " You said softly with a pout, into your headset mic as you leaned your head back in your chair.
A hum of acknowledgement made it's way out of Jisung's throat as a smile that held all sorts of promises. "Princess?" He calls out to you, all too softly.
The tone of his voice causes chills to run down your spine, as you knew that tone very well. Jisung uses that tone on you when he is about to command you to do something.
"Yes?" You spoke timidly.
"Stop what you're doing." Jisung commanded with the same soft smile and tone with you.
You slowly removed yours hands from your heated core, and awaited for what Jisung will say next.
"Such a good girl." Jisung cooed to you.
You felt your heart pick up an even faster speed than it was before, and you were honestly scared at how turned on you are over what you and Jisung are doing, considering you have never done this before.
“Ji, please—“
“Shh, baby take it easy, yeah?” Jisung said as he gave you a smile as he got up from his seat.
What came in view was the raging hard on in his shorts. Instantly the sight of the tent made your mouth water as you knew he was going to bring his pants down. I mean he has to right? In order to—
All thought process stopped the moment Jisung hooked this thumbs into his waist band and pulled down his shorts and underwear in one go.
A whimper leaves your throat at the sight of his hard length hanging in the air, pre cum glistening off of his pretty pink head. You bit your lip, trying to hold back another moan from slipping your lips.
“Enjoying the view?” Jisung teased as he settled back into his chair.
You slowly nodded your head before adding; “very much.”
Another hum of acknowledgment left his throat as he assessed you through the screen.
There was your command. Quickly, you gently got up from your seat and discarded the clothes you were wearing. Once fully naked, you sat back onto your chair and awaited for what Jisung wanted you to do next.
"You're so beautiful princess." Jisung praised as he licked his lips at the sight of your naked form.
A shiver runs down your spine at his praise and the way he looks at you. "Prop your legs as you had them before." Jisung said as he leaned himself back on his chair, and spread his legs open. Creating a better view for you.
Doing as told, you managed to have your legs hanging off of your chair’s arm rest, displaying your sopping wet folds.
Jisung raised an amused eyebrow at the sight before him. “Are you that turned on right now?” He teased. He couldn’t help but tease, it just made the whole situation that much hotter.
“Ji…” your whimpered as you clenched your hands on top of your chest.
“Use your big girl words.”
“Yes! Yes, I’m that turned on right now.” You said as you felt your face heat up.
“Good.” Jisung said with a smirk. “Touch yourself for me.”
Without a second thought, your hand went down and immediately made contact with your swollen clit. You started to leave harsh and fast circles. Whimpering moans leave your throat at the delicious stimulation.
“Slow down princess. There’s no need to rush.” Jisung said as he started to slowly tug at his hot length.
You whimpered in protest, but still did what he asked as you knew it would benefit you in the end. You looked intently at Jisung’s screen and watched at how he slowly pumped himself into his fist. Wanting to be good for him, you matched up with his pace.
Whimpered and throaty moans leave both your mouths as you both continued with the slow pace that Jisung made.
You were close to wanting to just disobey what Jisung ordered. You wanted more stimulation for yourself and for Jisung, but you knew the consequences he would put out for you if you did do such a thing.
“Princess?” Jisung calls out, his voice groveled due to the pleasure.
“Y-yes?” You stuttered out.
“Why don’t you add a finger, hm?”
As if the gods themselves spoke, you let out a moan at his words and you slowly inserted a finger inside of your awaiting entrance. As you went past your first knuckle, a sigh of content is heard from you. You pushed the rest of your finger inside of you, and moaned at the feeling of at least having something inside of you.
Jisung swears he has hearts for eyes at this point. He always loved seeing you so submissive and obedient for him, but this. This takes the cake for him. Subconsciously, Jisung tightened his grip slightly and started to pump at a much faster rate than he was before. “Fuck, babe—“ he moans out as he bits his lips trying to hold in the moans that want to leave his mouth, “—you look so pretty like that.” Jisung groaned out.
A pretty moan left your lips at his words and the way he started to pump himself at such a fast pace. You started to follow his lead, pumping and rubbing your clit at a fast pace as him, creating such a delicious feeling.
“Ji…feels so— mmgh, so good.” You moaned out as you felt your eyes close in pleasure.
“Princess, shit— add another finger for me.” Jisung said as he twisted his fist around his head causing him to buck his hips up.
Adding another finger into your sopping hole made your toes curl and eyes roll to the back of your head.
The two of you continue pleasuring yourselves I. Front of each of your cameras. Moans and whimpers leaving your mouths as you continue to chase your highs.
Squelching sounds are heard through your mic, that goes straight to Jisung’s cock causing him to want to loose his control completely. “Princess you sound so wet.” He groans as he continues to pump himself.
“S-so wet for you Sungie.” You moaned as you removed your fingers from inside of you and played with your entrance, causing string of wetness to connect between your fingers and sopping entrance.
Jisung bit the inside of his cheeks at the provocative sight displayed on his screen. “You’re such a mess baby.” Jisung said in awe as he saw how much slick was covering your entire pussy and inner thighs.
You inserted your fingers inside again and started to finger fuck yourself in a fast pace. “J-Ji…please—“ a moan cuts you off at the intense sensation starting to build up in your lower belly.
“It’s okay baby. Cum. I need you to come with me. I’m so close princess.” Jisung groans at the end as bucks his hips forward, fucking into his hand at how close he’s at right now.
As the intense feeling in your lower stomach started to build up, you started to chant Jisung’s name like the mantra that he is. “I’m so close…so mmgh! Ahh— so close—“ you couldn’t even form your sentence as you felt like exploding.
“Me too baby…me too.” Jisung moaned as he felt his thighs spasm and his balls slightly tighten up, getting ready to release their load.
“Ji, I’m—“ you didn’t get to finish your sentence before a loud moan breaks through. You felt your back arch off of your seat as you clenched around your fingers. Slick squirted out of you as you continued to finger fuck yourself through your high.
“Princess, mmgh.” Jisung said with one last groan as he bucked his hips up into his tight fist one last time before shots of hot cum started to shoot out. His stomach clenched as he started to release the last of his load onto his hand, and stomach. Gently pumping himself to go through his post organism high.
The two of you sat panting on your chairs. Eyes barely open as you assess the others state.
A smile adorn’s Jisung’s face as he looks at you. This causes you to giggle as you knew what he was thinking of.
“That was hot.” You both said causing the other to laugh.
“Well, at least I know we’re both into this, so we can do it while I’m on tour and away from you.” Jisung said as he gave you a fucked out smile.
This causes you to send him a smile his way. “Oh we’re for sure doing this again.”
“Count on it princess.” Jisung said with a smirk.
From then on, the two of you would do these little discord or FaceTime calls to get off together when none of y’all had the time to see one another.
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a/n: this has been sitting on my mind for a whileeeee and I finally have it written down and out for y’all!!! Hopefully y’all enjoyed it!!
Much love and kisses 🥰
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gimmenctar · 2 months ago
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…vocês já devem imaginar. 💭 MNDI
tags. phone sex, masturbação (m&f), os dois são meio perv. bigdick!jisung, ele é um MENACE aqui. tá simples.
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o charme de jisung é ser alheio ao poder que tem.
vocês conversam animadamente após o fim do expediente no estágio. enquanto ele fala sobre seus gostos questionáveis, mas fofos, você ouve com atenção e sorriso fácil. no fundo da sua mente, porém, correm os familiares pensamentos pervertidos.
os dedos longos; o pescoço; a mandíbula; os lábios cheinhos; a voz, oh sim, o tom grave que é tão calmo e inebriante ao mesmo tempo, e a porra dessa corrente que ele cismou em usar. jisung é uma perdição sem sequer perceber.
o boné com a aba pra trás lhe cai bem, adiciona certo quê de perigo ao conjunto todo. vira e mexe ele ajeita a franja que insiste em pinicar os olhos, ou futuca algo nas próprias roupas… você não deixa escapar nenhum movimento.
ninguém é de ferro, park percebe seu olhar queimando nele, mas não sabe o que fazer com isso. às vezes acha que é surto da cabeça avoada dele. entretanto, a vontade que tem se iguala a sua — o que não daria pra te beijar agora, ir além disso também.
parece que existe uma barreira entre os dois, mas ela está prestes a ser quebrada.
ao chegar de volta em casa, percebe que jisung havia mandado uma foto. ao abrir, sente seu estômago contorcer. que merda, park.
o clique exibe o reflexo dele em um pequeno espelho. os lábios fazem uma pequena aparição, já é o suficiente pra te chamar atenção. apenas o pescoço e parte do colo aparecem, junto com a bendita correntinha prata que te desestabilizou.
jwi: tirei p vc jwi: parece que vc gostou de como eu tava hj
de início, você fica apenas chocada. mas ele... ele sabe o que está fazendo. envia outra foto, desta vez mais comedida. os dedos em volta do celular enquanto ele brinca com o boné causam certo efeito sobre seu corpo.
jwi: me responde qnd chegar jwi: preciso de vc
ele não pode estar falando sério.
bom, dois podem jogar o mesmo jogo.
você se sente diferente, o desejo de atender o pedido implícito te faz sentir muito, muito poderosa. óbvio que não perderia a oportunidade de provocar, jisung park não perde por esperar.
cheguei agora
mentira, tinha demorado pra se arrumar pra ele.
do que vc precisa?
os segundos de espera fazem seu coração acelerar. parecia prestes a explodir. e se tivesse entendido errado? e se fosse só uma brincadeira pra ele?
jwi: deixa eu te ver jwi: facetime? jwi: pode?
respondeu positivamente, e logo o convite pra ligação apareceu na sua tela.
nada poderia ter te preparado, entretanto. o torso nu de jisung te pegou desprevenida, o cordão reluzindo pela luz do aparelho. o quarto está no fundo está escuro, mas dá pra ver que ele está encostado na cabeceira. os olhinhos focam em você, reparando a camisa maior do que seu corpo.
será que teria algo por baixo? qual é seu cheiro agora? será que já entendeu o que ele precisa? são tantas perguntas, mas a tensão é tão excitante que não conseguem dizer nada.
"qual é o problema, ji?" seu sorrisinho disfarçado responde uma das perguntas. "como eu posso te ajudar?"
ele está duro, esse é o problema. esse que é o foda de ter imaginação fértil, mas você também não ajuda, comendo ele com os olhos todos os dias, o dia inteiro. ele quer saber o que exatamente se passa pela sua cabeça quando você fica quase babando nele.
"é um problema grande." ele ri.
filho da puta.
jisung provoca a ereção por cima da cueca, doido pra te mostrar como você o deixou. mas ainda não. ele quer tirar todas as suas inibições antes, arrancar os segredos que você esconde.
"você quer ver?" atiça.
não acha coragem pra responder. sente seu centro pulsar com a possibilidade. sempre pensa em como ele é, como seria colocá-lo na boca enquanto ele te dá prazer também... os cenários que passaram por sua cabeça são infinitos.
"responde, gata. não posso te dar o que você quer sem saber o que você tá pensando agora." o tom de voz é ainda mais grave e sério do que o comum, te causa um arrepio.
"tô pensando tanta besteira, ji." fala firme, provocante. jisung morde os lábios em antecipação, o pau lateja com a vontade.
"fala, vai."
"queria que você tivesse aqui pra eu te mostrar."
ele murmura, é quase um gemido, pra dizer que quer ouvir mais. cerrando as pálpebras, park põe a mão por dentro do pano e lubrifica o pau com o pré-gozo.
"me mostrar o quê?"
"como eu tô molhada pra você. aposto que você tá doido pra ver meus peitos também."
ele abre os olhos com urgência. "deixa eu ver. brinca com eles pra mim."
hesita um instante, mas sua umidade grita de necessidade. você levanta a blusa até revelar os mamilos durinhos. belisca um deles e depois desenha círculos devagar, sentindo o corpo reagir rapidamente ao estímulo.
"vem por a boca aqui, vem."
park está vidrado, hipnotizado. ele quase dá de maluco e vai mesmo.
"deixa eu ver você também."
jisung mostra o tronco despido, ele sabe que é gostoso. a mão grande acaricia o próprio corpo até chegar na pelve, te mostrando a cabecinha pra fora da cueca, toda meladinha e irritada, pedindo por um pouco de carinho. águou.
"quer fazer o que pra resolver isso?" resolve ousar, abaixa mais a peça e te mostra a extensão inteira. está levemente fora de si.
"quero te chupar todinho."
o homem estremece. começa a movimentar as mãos no pau, bem devagarinho. "hm, queria estar fodendo sua boca gostosa."
"sabe o que é mais gostoso, ji? minha buceta."
puta que pariu. ele, de verdade, quase gozou. a renda rosinha claro já estava molhada com seu mel. seu indicador alisa o centro pulsante, o carinho te fazendo desejar mais.
"chega essa porra pro lado."
ele se ordenha um pouco mais rápido, certo desespero começa a tomar conta dele. ao te ver inteiramente exposta fica pior. você está escorrendo por ele.
“põe um dedo. não me deixa sozinho.”
você chupa o próprio dedo e não perde tempo em atender ao pedido dele. é muito bom conhecer o próprio corpo, com alguns movimentos, você já se sente em brasas. não controla nenhum som, deixa jisung ouvir tudo.
“merda! hm.” os barulhos molhados do pau dele saem alto do outro lado. “você é muito gostosa. caralho. põe mais um dedo, goza pra mim.”
enquanto seus dedos entram e saem, seus olhos se fecham, imaginando as mãos de park no lugar. sente-se mais excitada, mais molhada. precisa dele.
jisung fode a própria mão com força, o quadril sobe e desce sem que ele pudesse evitar. te assistir rebolar contra a própria mão está o enlouquecendo.
“tô perto, linda. mostra essa boceta pra mim.”
ele vê a câmera chegando mais perto. o ângulo é perfeito: seus dedinhos massageando o clitóris babado, os peitinhos mais no fundo e seu rosto entregue ao prazer. é o suficiente pra ele.
park estimula a cabecinha uma última vez, voltando a ordenhar o membro com rapidez. o leitinho dele vaza por toda parte, mela ele inteiro.
dá pra ver as contrações nos seus músculos, e ele deseja muito que fosse em volta dele.
enquanto as respirações voltam ao normal, você ri. está muito satisfeita, mas a vergonha logo aparece, te fazendo corar e esconder o rosto na camisa.
“a gente tá fodido.” jisung te acompanha na risada.
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winwintea · 2 months ago
i loved the chenle headcannons omg... could u do some for other members? (maybe jisung 👉👈)
love ur work though omg... it's so good i'm eating everything up!
PAIRING ↬ boyfriend!park jisung x reader
WARNINGS ↬ kinda angsty in the end cause idk... angst is my middle name! but just a lot of fluff in general
AUTHOR'S NOTE ↬ I GOTCHU ANON !!!! been wanting to write for ji so tysm for the request lol... currently writing this at 12am high off of pepsi so idk how this is gonna turn out
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boyfriend!jisung who's love language is 'acts of service.' whatever he can do for you, he will.
boyfriend!jisung who's always willing to lend a helping hand, wether it's splitting chores with you or cooking something (with chenle's help) just to cheer you up.
boyfriend!jisung who although you've been together for a while, still has a hard time expressing his feelings with words. so he prefers to do it with actions.
boyfriend!jisung who can tell when you're too tired, and won't let you do anything besides resting. don't even try, it's a lost battle for you.
boyfriend!jisung who just wants to keep you safe from all harm, even though his two responses are "run or flight". he tries his best. give him some slack.
boyfriend!jisung who enjoys when you fight his battles for him sometimes, because he desperately needs a break from the asylum they call 'nct dream'.
boyfriend!jisung who stands behind you, hugging you around your shoulders, with a huge pout on his mouth as you scold chenle or haechan for playing a prank on him earlier that day.
boyfriend!jisung who glares at them too - it's not as threatening as he thinks.
boyfriend!jisung who listens to your troubles without judgement (most of the time). but if he has strong feelings about someone, will not hesitate to say his piece about it.
boyfriend!jisung who fiddles with his hair when he's embarrassed. and it's endearing as fuck
boyfriend!jisung who is easy to talk into doing things, especially if they're random shenanigans that you come up with.
boyfriend!jisung who maybe still struggles with a bit of self-esteem issues. whenever there's a problem, he'll usually jump to the conclusion that he's not good enough or worthless.
boyfriend!jisung who appreciates your being there to assure him that he deserves all the love in the world. <3
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PERM TAGLIST ↬ @lyvhie @aquaphoenixz @galacticnct @ldh0000 @polarisjisung (tagging u for this cause it's ji <3)
186 notes · View notes
springseasonie · 1 month ago
Auralism Pt4 | PJS + ZCL (M)
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Jisung x reader x Chenle
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
Summary: Immediately after your interesting introduction to your long time favorite voice actor, you walk to the back of your place of employment and see someone you weren't expecting.
Warming: sexual content, dom Jisung, sub Chenle, switch-ish reader, voyeurism, a little gay tension ???
Word count: 4,8k
A/N: had to write this like 3 times to finish it then I deleted it immediately after finishing on accident but then we got the doc back 🎉🎉 trials and tribulations my friends but it's finally done!! Very sorry for making promises I couldn't keep but I hope you all like it
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Something told you to check the back room for your charger but you didn't expect to see the man you just said bye to 5 minutes ago with his dick in his hands. It's like time froze, the way you and Chenle stared at each other in that room. His eyes wide and your hand gripping the door knob. It was like a silent war being fought. Who would say something first, who would make the first move. Chenle glanced at your feet while watching you stare at the cameras. There was one pointing directly at the back of the counter like always.
It shouldn't have taken you this long to put two and two together, but it did and now alarms are going good in your head. You turned your head, looking away from him for a split second, but in that second, Chenle stood up and grabbed you. Your body instantly froze, a sharp gasp leaving your lips as the door slammed behind you, leaving you in the room with him.
“I know this looks bad but-”
“Looks bad,” you said, brows scrunched in confusion. “Your dick is out.”
Chenle looked down, realizing he was still in a very compromising position. Quickly, he turned and fixed himself, face as pale as ever. He's ever been so embarrassed in his life. Chenle wouldn't say he's the best at bidding his perverted thoughts, but he does a damn good job. But this time, he has no idea how he let himself slip up.
“Were you watching me?” You already knew the answer to the question, mouth becoming dry with each second that passed.
Chenle turned around, empty eyes staring at your bizzare expression. He wanted to say something badly, but he couldn't help himself but let his mind wander under your gaze of scrutiny. The fiery look in your eyes made him hot, the anger in your voice made him sweat.
“I-I was,” he admitted.
You gulped, taking deep breaths to try and stop yourself from becoming angrier than you already were. You never took him to be that kind of person but looks can clearly be deceiving. You and Chenle have always kept things on a very normal note, friendly conversation and brief contact outside of work, so to you, all of this was completely left field. But to him, he would think about it all the time. Chenle is good at hiding his feelings. He can keep it cordial with you if need be, playing the character of the nice reliable male coworker. But once he's clocked out, all he can think of is your pretty lips, the leggings you wear to work, the way you talk. He's obsessed with you and there's only one way to get you off his mind.
“That's a really fucked up thing to do,” you said, voice raising a bit. “That's a creep thing to do. You're a fucking creep.” For a moment, Jisung's presence in the building was completely forgotten. The only thing you could do is focus on your anger, trying to bite your tongue in the best way possible. A shiver shot up your spine watching him stare at your lips, the frown on your mouth not deterring him from his sinful thoughts. For some reason you kind of liked it.
“I'm really sorry,” he said. “I just…I don't know.”
“You're joking right? Instead of actually talking to me you watch me like a fucking weirdo.”
Your words travel right to his dick, degrading giving him a sense of gratification. The annoyance and anger you have for the current situation blinds the clear lustful expression on the man's face. Chenle can't speak knowing he has absolutely no rebuttal to anything you're saying, nodding at every word that comes out of your mouth.
“Fucking sick perverted freak,” you groan, reaching for your jacket and bag. You picked it up swiftly, leaving Chenle to stare at you with longing in his eyes.
Opening the door, you stared at your feet, not seeing the figure that stood in front of you, walking right into him.
“Did I scare you?” Jisung's deep voice snapped your chin up, looking at him with wide eyes after completely forgetting about him. Chenle stood and watched, a hint of jealousy starting to brew in him but also curiosity. He watched you fuck him on camera but would it be different in front of him? Would you be more shy and timid or would you turn it up a notch? Chenle wouldn't describe himself as a voyeur, but he's tempted to take on that label full time.
Jisung is an attractive guy, tall, deep voice, nice lips. Of course you're into him, he's practically perfect. Chenle doesn't think he's inferior to him, just a little different. Regardless, you're still attracted to him so it doesn't matter who you have sex with, he'll still have a chance.
“I'm sorry I forgot you were out there,” you said in a panic, only for Jisung to shrug his shoulders.
“Well I see that,” he says. He looks up from you, facing the man who stood across the room. “And who is this?”
Jisung eyes him closely, eyes moving up and down to size him up. You look at him nervously, gulping at the unwanted interaction. You didn't want this to end your chances of ever seeing him again, wanting for Chenle to go home as quickly as possible. But every time you looked at him he was hoping he didn't have to leave. He stood there silent as he allowed his hard on to grow more and more slowly. Was he thinking about fucking you and Jisung watches or the other around? Or was he thinking about Jisung and himself fucking you at the same time?
“Chenle.” You answer. “He was…”
“Watching us?” Jisung looks at you, brow raised when your brows furrow.
“I-I was not-”
“Don't lie,” Jisung said. Deep voice filled the room. “you're a creep.” Chenle watched Jisung sneak his hand around your waist, pulling you to his body. He pressed your hips against his groin, burying his face in your neck. A smirk slid across his face watching Chenle’s eyes widen at the sight, staring at Jisung's hands sliding down your hips and between your legs.
Chenle takes the scene in, your small gasp tickling his ears as he watches the man rub you between your leggings. He can feel the blood moving right to his dick making it harder and harder. He watches Jisung take his other hand off your hip and place it on your neck, holding your jaw firmly.
“Look at him Y/N, he looks like he's gonna explode,” Jisung says in your ear.
You look at Chenle whose cheeks are like tomatoes. Mouth slightly open, lips dry as he watches you get felt up steps away from him. He wants to touch you too, to feel you, hear you. You were beginning to enjoy this, Jisung touching you like he owned you and Chenle being forced to watch like a sad puppy. Jisung rubbed your clothes clit, smirking as you let out soft moans. 
“You're so pretty. Right Chenle? Isn't she pretty?” 
He gulped, breath hitching when the younger male suddenly turned his attention to him. “Y-yes of course.” 
“Prove it.” 
Chenle gave him a blank stare. “W-what?” 
“Show her how pretty you think she is.”
Chenle watches Jisung reach into your pants, your hands wrapped around his wrist as he begins to toy with your body, moans pouring from your lips. Mindlessly, Chenle's hands reach into his own as well, wrapping his palm around his cock, pumping it slowly.
“Fuck,” you whine softly, pushing your body against Jisung's hand more. Your eyes were closed, but there was no doubt Chenle's eyes were on you. Jisung kissed your forehead, circling his fingers in your soaked cunt while you grind, a scene that played in Chenle's mind for a long time. 
The male across the room kept pumping himself as slow as possible, not wanting to cum too fast from watching you. “Shit,” he mumbled.
“Tell her what you like about her,” Jisung ordered, blinking slowly at the man in front of him. 
“I..uh..” he could barely think straight. All he could think about was pushing the guy away and taking you right there. Feeling your tight pretty pussy around him, making you scream his name. “I like her eyes..”
Jisung scoffed, his gaze on you permanent as he slowly pushed two fingers into your wet hole. 
“J-Jisung, fuck,” you whines softly, knees feeling like jelly when he begins to move them in you. 
“I know baby, I know,” he mumbles. 
Chenle hadn't realized how fast he was pulling himself, hand constantly moving like it had a mind of its own. His heavy breathing was heard all over the room, so much so it caught your attention. You opened your eyes, staring right at him. His flushed cheeks, furrowed brows, pretty lips. You're loving this more and more as the seconds go by, wanting to torture him a little bit more. 
“Her eyes can't be the only thing you like.” 
Chenle opens his mouth, but can barely focus with the way you're grinding on Jisung's fingers, desperate for more as you maintain eye contact with him. “I-I like her lips. The way she says my name. I like her..fuck..her nice ass..” 
Your lips curve into a smirk hearing him speak, begging him to keep speaking. 
“Prettiest voice, prettiest moans..” 
Chenle is breathless at this point, mouth dry watching you bite your lip, furrowing your brows at the combination of Jisung's fingers and Chenle's praise. The sweat glistening on your forehead under the dim lighting made you even prettier. The boy's soft pants were turning into moans, hand quickly pumping himself as Jisung speeds up his fingers inside of you.
“Ji, oh fuck,” you whimpered, legs clamping around his hand.
“Gonna come for me, hm? Cum all over yourself like a dirty little slut?” 
He watches you, lips between his teeth as you nod fast, not daring to tear your eyes from him. His fingers continue pounding into your sloppy wet hole, the sound of your pussy filling the room. Your eyes roll back, pressure building in your stomach faster and faster. Your walls are getting tighter and tighter around his fingers, mouth open as you moan over and over again. 
“I-Im cumming, fuck Jisung,” you moan, head falling on his shoulder, body shaking at the feeling. Your cream all over his hand, hips pushing on his fingers more and more as you reached your high. 
The both of you completely forgot about the other body across the room, lost in each other's touch and feeling. Chenle didn't even realize he came until he removed his hand from his pants, the sticky liquid all over his hand making him cringe. He's never been in a situation like this before, watching someone have sex right in front of him, being caught watching someone. It's a turn on, a sensation he never knew existed. 
“Chenle,” Jisung stated, “get on your knees.”
“Get down.” 
Chenle felt his stomach erupt in nerves, carefully falling to his knees on the other side of the room. He watches you walk up to him carefully, the prettiest glow in your skin that he's ever seen. The man is silent as he watches you undress in front of him, shoes go first, your leggings come down painfully slow. He needed you so badly he could practically taste you already, already seeing how much you came through your panties.
“You don't get to touch her till I say so,” Jisung says, coming behind you placing his hands on your hips. 
Chenle gulped, still watching you from his lashes. You hadn't said a word, allowing Jisung to take the lead on the entire situation and for some reason that scared him. 
“What do you want from her right now?” 
Chenle gazed at you, a dreamy expression in his eyes while watching your hand trail done to your panties. “I want to taste her.” 
“I'll let you if you apologize,” you respond, a shaky breath falling from your lips when your finger grazes your swollen clit. 
“I-Im sorry.” 
The man looked like a puppy below you, brows knit, faint whines coming from him. If he had a tail, it would be wagging off the charts. His hands are grabbing at his pants, his hard on so clearly visible. He's nervous, not sure what to say and it's making him sweat but he has to say something. 
“For being a creep,” you finish, tone a bit stern. He nods, making you raise your brow slightly. “Say it.” 
“I'm sorry for being a creep.” 
He gulps. The back and forth is beginning to frustrate him, just wanting to move your ruined panties to the side and give you what you've been dying for. But he knows he needs to do whatever you ask. After all, he is in the wrong. 
“And watching you in secret.” 
“Good boy,” you mumbled with a soft smile. Jisung rubbed circles in your hips, watching you pull your soaked underwear to the side. Chenle didn't wait for a single second before letting his mouth attach to your core. He ate you like a starved man, sucking and licking any part of you he could. Chenle's sweaty palms grabbed your legs, squeezing your thighs as if they were stress balls. 
“Fuck he's really going at you baby,” Jisung's raspy voice spoke in your ear, hands slipping under your shirt massaging your breasts. Jisung kisses your neck softly and slowly, grinding his clothed cock on your ass. 
“Fuck Chenle,” you whimper softly. He sucks your clit nice and hard, slurping noises filling the room. “Just like that.” 
He looks at you through his lashes, big brown eyes staring at you for approval as he flicks his tongue on your sensitive bud. Chenle keeps going, unable to hold back making you begin to shiver. Chenle feels your legs getting weak, but the other male behind you holds you up. He starts to groan, feeling you grind on his mouth, wanting to feel more of him. Chenle sticks his tongue out, allowing you to grind on his face more. 
“You look so pretty, baby. Keep fucking his face, just like that,” Jisung whispers in your ear, instantly giving you butterflies. 
“Oh fuck,” you whine, grabbing Chenle's hair pulling him closer to you. He flicked his tongue on your sensitive bud faster, his groans turning you on more and more. He sucks your clit hard, your eyes rolling back at the feeling, getting closer and closer to your orgasm. “Shit.. you're such a good boy..” 
“Are you gonna cum in his mouth,” Jisung whispers. 
You nod, moans getting louder and louder by the second. Your grip on his hair got stronger, making the boy whine in pain and pleasure. You could feel him melt in your hands when you came, legs trembling when his tongue lapped up your juices, eyes never breaking from your pretty face. 
But before Chenle could get too carried away, Jisung pulls your hand off his head, pulling his face from your legs. He was a mess, his hair disheveled, lips pink and plump, face wet with your cum. He's never been this desperate for a girl in his life, but you bring it out in him in the most embarrassing way possible. 
“You had your fun,” Jisung mumbled, pulling your body from the man on the ground. “Now I'll have mine, and you're gonna stay there and watch.” 
Without a word of protest, the man pulled you to the small couch that was on the wall behind you, plopping into it. He watches you, eyes never leaving your body as you climb on top of him. You hadn't had sex in ages, the sheer anticipation of feeling him inside you sending you off your rocker. The location of the sinful act didn't even cross your mind, your place of employment now feeling like a second home in a way. 
Chenle almost immediately took his cock from his pants, pumping it to the sight of you on top of the other man, watching you grind and kiss him. He couldn't see your face, but he didn't need to, not when your ass was perfectly fine. His eyes traced the lines of your back, hand squeezing his shaft as he wished it was himself you were on top of. 
Jisung kisses you in the sloppiest way possible. Tongue and saliva everywhere, his hands all over your body. You put your hands on his shoulders, lips still locked to each other's as you feel his hands rubbing your thighs, snaking to your ass. His big hands squeeze you, pushing you on his hard cock for more stimulation. 
“I wanna sit on your cock,” you mumble on his lips, peppering kisses on his jawline. 
Jisung says nothing, just reaches down into his shorts, pulling out his rock hard cock. You straddled his lap, knees sinking into either side of him. The male underneath you, pulls your panties to the side, pressing his tip into you. From how much you struggled to get him into your mouth, you knew getting him inside you was going to be a challenge. 
“Fuck,” you sighed, brows knitting when you felt a slight stretch. 
“You can do it baby.” Jisung's breathe hitches the moment he feels your walls engulf his tip, squeezing around him him. It was taking everything in him not to just ram into you at the moment. His head falls back, your eyes still on his face. Chenle watched you, eyes burning into your back as he watched you grind on the man, taking in every inch of your body in. 
With every move you made, Chenle matched in his hands, stroking himself as you grind slowly, speeding up when you sped up. Your moans made him shiver, groaning softly as he squeezed himself in his palms. Chenle nearly came when you looked over your shoulder, staring right at him as you moved the scene feeling like it came right out a porno. 
Jisung held onto your hips, fingertips pressing into your sides tight. He couldn't stop thinking about how you probably dreamt of this moment, thought about fucking him all the time, riding him till you cried. He could tell by your face that you were completely lost in the movements. So wet, he could slip out of you at any time. “Fuck baby, you feel so good,” he groaned, brows furrowed. 
Jisung smirked, eyes looking over your shoulder to see the other man jerking himself at an embarrassingly fast pace watching you ride him. Jisung held your hips tight, taking in your whimpering as you began to move faster. “Fuck, so big,” you whine, holding his shoulders tight. Your body shivers in his hands, hot skin making his palms sweat.
The sounds from your lips almost sent Chenle into overdrive, your sweet soft voice crying out and begging for more making him harder and harder. Chenle shivered when his fingertips dragged over his sensitive tip, the action making his hips buck into his hand. All he could do was imagine it was your tight pussy around his throbbing cock, imagine you were riding the life out of him. Chenle watches the way Jisung digs his fingers into your flesh, drinking every indent the man makes in your skin. He just wants to touch you, fuck you, make you feel good, but you won't let him. He doesn't mind, at least you didn't smack him and kick him out. 
Jisung slides his hands to your ass, squeezing tight as he begins to groan softly. “Just like that baby girl,” he said, a raspy voice filling your ears. “You wanna cum on my cock?” 
“Y-yes..” A gasp flies out your lips when Jisung lifts  you off his lap, laying you down on the couch. The man threw your leg in the air, sitting it on his shoulder as he stuffed his cock back inside you. You could barely catch your breath when he began drilling into you, your moans turning into whines and cries of pleasure all while lying there staring at Chenle who was still watching in awe. 
Chenle pumped his cock faster, watching the way your chest rose as you breathed. Your face fell on the dirty fabric, eyes fluttering open to look directly into his. A smile pulled your lips as you reached your hand between your legs, rubbing your clit as you watched him. Seeing him absolutely lost in you, helpless and desperate, wanting to feel you and be inside you, made you feel powerful. Chenle's moans were music to your ears, Jisung's hands all over your body, your senses heightened. 
“Fuck..I'm gonna cum,” you moaned breathlessly. 
“Yeah,” Chenle, sucking in his breath fast when he started to feel himself getting close. You watched him watch you moan uncontrollably, your lust taking over your senses seeing how fucked out he already was with just his hand. 
“Chenle,” you whimper, making the boy's eyes go wide. “Chenle, I'm so fucking close.”
Jisung didn't bat an eyelash, smirking as he continued to fuck the life out of you. His lip slipped between his teeth watching you rub your sensitive clit faster, pounding into you harder. “That's my girl,” he grunted. “Keep playing with yourself, cum all over me.” 
Your fingers kept rubbing, eye contact never breaking with Chenle while Jisung kept going as if he wasn't even there. The teary look on your face sent the man into overdrive, just that one look making him spill out all over his hand with a loud moan. Chenle couldn’t bear to look away from you, so pretty and sweaty, eyes wet with lust and desire. He's pathetic and he knows it, but if it makes you happy he'll live with it.
Jisung's grip on your leg tightens, his climax closer and closer. You can recognize those moans and grunts from anywhere, knowing he was about to cum. 
“Cum Jisung, cum in me,” you whimpered, mascara covering your cheeks. “Shit, shit..” Your orgasm hit you like a car, your whimpers turning into loud cries, body jerking underneath the man on top of you. Jisung still continued to pound into you, practically fucking the breath out of your body. With every gasp that left your lips, he went harder. Your trembling hands reached up, grabbing at his chest as you whined loudly. 
“I'm almost there, baby girl..” you were so tight around him, he was surprised he could even move. Jisung pounded into you until he came deep inside you, holding his breath as he released inside of you. “Fuck,” he groaned. 
A calm silence fell over the room, nothing but breathing bouncing off the walls and into your ears. You're hot, sweaty and completely delirious to the events that have just taken place within the past 30 minutes. Having sex with your favorite voice actor in front of your hot perverted coworker was not in your plans for the night, but you definitely cannot complain. 
“I can cross that off my bucket list,” Jisung chuckled, breaking the silence. “Jesus, that was fucking crazy..” 
“Yeah,” you agreed. But that was the only thing you could say. You couldn't even look at Jisung, let alone Chenle who still sat on the floor in front of you two. That's when you and Jisung hear shuffling, turning your heads to look at the man standing up in a hurry, shoving his now flaccid cock back into his pants. 
“I-I uh… I have to go.” Chenle grabbed his things hastily, bolting for the door without sparing either of you a second glance. 
Before you protest, the door slams, leaving you and Jisung alone. You look up at the man, mouth open in shock. 
“Wasn't that fun,” he says, beaming a tired smile at you. Jisung pulls out, his cum slowly dripping out of you onto the black couch. 
“That was…something else.” You're still shell shocked, the events not yet setting in. Jisung shuffles from between your legs, fixing up his pants and clothes. That's when you notice just how naked you actually were. “Fuck,” you mumbled. 
Putting your clothes back on, your legs felt sore from holding them in position for too long. A small hiss left your lips, making Jisung chuckle softly. “I did a bit much, didn't I,” he questioned. 
“Nothing I didn't like.” 
You stand up, slipping your shoes on while he towers over you, watching you silently with a smirk on his face. “Give me your number.” 
Your eyebrows shoot to your forehead, somewhat confused and surprised at his request. “My number?”
“Did you think I was gonna fuck you and never speak to you again? Especially when you're such a devoted fan?”
There it goes, your stomach erupting into butterflies like earlier. “You always know the right things to say,” you laugh. You're trying to keep it together, but unfortunately you're easy to read. 
“So, can I have it?” He licks his lips, eyeing you down like he's going to devour you. 
You gulp, nodding at his request. 
“Good girl. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?” 
Walking into work the next day made your head rattle. All you could focus on were the sinful acts that took place behind that very counter your coworker Lily stood. You try to keep it normal, saying hi to everyone before walking into the back. 
Your body tenses when you see Chenle putting his things in his locker, the man turning around hearing your footsteps. You were expecting him to ice you out, but he gave you a small smile, nodding his head at you. 
“Hey,” he greeted, completely monotone. 
“Hey..” you put your things in your locker, gulping as he stood there, trying to not make it obvious that he was staring at you. But the awkward energy was eating away at your insides so you had to say something. “About yesterday I-”
“I'm sorry I stormed out. I was completely overwhelmed and embarrassed,” he interrupted. 
Your brows scrunch, head cocked to the side in confusion. “Embarrassed? Why were you-”
“I shouldn't have watched you like that. I'm sorry,” he admitted, avoiding eye contact. 
Your expression was blank, trying to compute his words. “Chenle, I don't care about any of that.” 
“I wanted to tell you that yesterday was fun. I had fun and I hope you did too,” you said looking up at him sheepishly. “I hope this doesn't make things awkward between us.”
“I-it’s not awkward!” 
“Are you sure?? It seems awkward now,” you chuckle. 
Chenle takes a deep breath, before turning to you, his fingers toying with the sleeve of his jacket. “Listen, I really like you and yesterday was… an enigma. I want to get to know you on more of a personal note.” 
“Yesterday was personal.”
Chenle sighed, closing his eyes to try and rephrase his words. You stood there watching him struggle in amusement as he faced the ground. “Not personal in that way, personal in less of a coworker way,” he says. “A friendly way.” 
The reality of having options weighs on you all of sudden. You're very much attracted to both Jisung and Chenle. Chenle is cute, and wants to know you on more than a sexual level. Jisung has been your wet dream for years and seems like a pretty cool guy, not to mention the sexual chemistry with both of them is out of this world. There's no way they'd let you have your cake and eat it too. But you wouldn't know unless you try. 
You took a deep breath before speaking, biting your tongue as you stared at him through your lashes. “Jisung and I are hanging out later if you want to come,” you say quietly. 
“Oh,” he says. Chenle's mouth goes dry looking at your face. “I-I could hang out with you guys.” 
“Only if you want to,” you add. 
“I-I want to.” 
“Are you sure?” You sense a bit of doubt in his answer but that feeling immediately goes away when you watch his jaw clench and his eyes harden. 
He nods, his staring only intensifying as the clatter in the cafe plays in your ears as back noise. He wants you so badly at the moment, to just shove you in the lockers and show you a good time, but he won't and he can't, so for now all he can do is agree to hang out with you. 
“Then um.. I'll see you later.” Your body is hot as you scurry away from the man, his unintentional hungry gaze making you feel small, but you liked it. 
“Yeah, bye.” His words faded out as the door shut behind you, leaving him with nothing but his thoughts and his hard on. Chenle would never describe himself as a cuck but after the events that transpired the night before, watching the girl who isn't his girl but still his girl gets fucked by a handsome man wasn't all that bad. 
And he can't wait to do it again. 
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