kei-mizuki · 1 year
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lapinlunairegames · 7 months
tag people you’d like to get to know better
tagged by @lifesupreme-if and @magiciansvoyage !
last song: CROW (カラス) by UPIKO (うぴ子) (though I will take this space to recommend Caesar on a TV Screen (Ides of March Version) by The Last Dinner Party! Fun fact: the font they use in the video is the same one I use for headings in Elsinore: After Hamlet! IM Fell English ftw)
currently watching: Detective Anna season 2! The 1890s Russian medium detective soap is extremely bingeable and I'm furious at Viktor Ivanovich and the fact that they gave all the women extremely modern-styled contours in this season. (Arlo the trailer for The Prince is making me FROTH AT THE MOUTH i am going to watch it as soon as I can, very much up my alley!!!! thank you thank you thank you for sharing)
three ships (in no particular order):
Florence Vassy x Svetlana Sergievsky, aka Queens: ships in the night, women from different worlds, disdain for the other's, shared suffering both imposed and of their own making.
The Evergiven - yes, yes, i hear you crying out for the Suez Canal. I hear you. I occasionally agree. What a beaut. My creative brand stems, at its heart, from recognising Shakespeare's hand in today's world. How could I not adore the Evergiven, doomed to a taste of love that destroys its own success? Every shipping journey in service of a greater happiness, at the price of never knowing an absoluted union again. Such a taste of suffering, as sugar atop two-day shipping.
Joesme - finding each other in every life. loving one another knowing that the tale is already written and that it does not end as happily as they would want for each other. Making that choice every time because the ecstasy is worth the agony. Francesca by Hozier. the occasional sprinkle of divine abstinence versus mortal hunger. what the mouth speaks against what the hand does.
favorite color: ice blue / wine-dark sea
currently consuming: London fog
first ship: honestly no idea, probably something from a magical girl show or a ballet lol
place of birth: a courtyard in the east of the celestial palace, west of the peach tree of immortality. I moved to the moon shortly before I started making IF
current location: Full disclosure I have been slowly filling this out over the course of like two and a half weeks lmao, but at the moment I started this draft: very brightly lit airport terminal
relationship status: depending on who you ask, either in a committed and questionably toxic sapphic relationship, a nontoxic one, or in a secret polycule
last movie: dune (part one)
currently working on: JSST (<- acronym for secret project) & Cherry Cola Mezzanine (tentative working title)
tagging: i'm getting to this quite late, so i'm not sure who's been tagged already...anyone who'd like to is more than welcome to jump in! @gamesbyalbie @allieebobo @defiledtomb @thesophiades @manonamora-if @phaedraismyusername if you feel so inclined, darling friends
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thestarseersystem · 1 year
I gently think about how my partner related himself to a character in an alter's source, both confirming a comforting reality and a painful one.
Like all this time, I knew,, I connected with that. For both hurt and love. This person will stay by me forever.
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inkyveins · 2 years
watched the oscars and then watched Everything Everywhere All At Once on DVD.
Great film, horrible to watch with your asian immigrant parents. 10/10 would watch again, 0/10 would do it in the same circumstances. have not held back tears with that much effort since i was 9 doing math homework at the kitchen table.
goodbye you will not hear from me again until all rocks have turned to dust
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ok im like if a girl killed 100 people. that has no bearing on my gender i just did that. btw im a boy
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fantasyborn · 2 years
things i would like to do in 2023
my goals and resolutions for new years are never strict. i will never force myself to do something if circumstances arise where i can't. the goal is to try and see how many i can do with the time and energy i have. not overexerting myself and burning out trying for the impossible.
this may be a long one so feel free to slide on by!
we'll start with writing things!
quarterly drabble bingo - i've put my many drabble ideas into 4 3x3 bingo cards. the plan is to blackout each bingo over three months.
12 months of wlw fics - this was something i wanted to do last year and it didn't work out. but i want to write at least one wlw fic a month that is longer than my usual drabbley things.
get back to my long wips - i haven't touched rabbit hearted or wild soul or a series of unforseen events in a HOT MINUTE. i would love to get back to and continue them
we love a fest but also? i'd love to write more for me this year just in general!
on that note, dust off a piece of original fiction
crochet things!
finish 12 projects - any size, just finish
use 2,023g of yarn (a goal set by some friends on insta)
design and publish a pattern
reading things!
5 books! read them!
other things!
work on my general health - mentally and physically, i don't take great care of myself and i need to turn that around
try to keep my room clean - it's my living space. it needs upkeep. just like i do
be more active and communicative on social media and in everyday life - post more, build friendship here/insta/discord but also hang out with the people in my daily life more
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necropost · 22 days
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I don’t want what you have I wanna be you
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dirtbagfag · 7 months
hi everyone
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jinxhijinks · 9 months
Jinx .ᐟ
﹕𓂃 ⊂ 🐈‍⬛ ⊃ 𓂃﹕
ʚ 🌕 ɞ Jinx .ᐟ
┈ she/her ꜝ pansexual
⸢ holder ɞ
・co-host ⋮ 🌙 )
⊹ . ⊹ non-introject 𓂅 .ᐟ
┈ ⋆ ❝ *in my defense, the moon was full and i was left unsupervised.* ❞ ⋆ ┈
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﹕𓂃 ⊂ 🐈‍⬛ ⊃ 𓂃﹕
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cottoncandied · 11 months
she/him/clown/boom. bisexual clowngender explosiongender scarygender demigirl :•3 i like causing problems
i like lots of stuff, i type bad (trying really hard for this post), and i have a silly dissociative disorder. sideblog.
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lapinlunairegames · 6 months
Character Playlist Two Truths and One Lie
tag game created by: @ibuprofen-exe
tagged by: @lifesupreme-if
Rules: Post a poll with three (or more) songs from one of your characters playlists, except there is a catch: one of the songs is not truly on their playlist. Have your followers guess, and when the poll is finished, reveal which song was the fake.
I have many a character playlist and today I will be using Pandora's (the "you" in Kyrie Eleison):
Tagging @allieebobo @blood-teeth @louroth (if you see this and think you'd like to join in please do!)
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thestarseersystem · 2 years
before i head to sleep, but Jinx doesnt make me feel dissociated, at least not without the flashbacks. She makes me feel really grounded and sane. Which is weird, because in source, her whole identity is chaotic. But,,, she makes me feel really calm. It's good.
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inkyveins · 2 months
Legitimately thought the glimpse I caught of the Olympics opening ceremony was a trailer for a new Assassin's Creed.
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fantasyborn · 2 years
haha ha i found my 2022 goals post from january and *dead* let's compare january jinx with december jinx
the goal -- the reality
50k words written -- currently sitting at 40,283 (more than '21 at 28,806)
write 130/365 days -- wrote 86/365 days (more than '21 at 65)
community - build more of one -- i disappeared off tumblr for about 6 months but i love the community we've build in the @hpsaffics discord
reach 3 books -- I DID THIS TOO. were they short, smutty fiction books? yes. who cares. this obviously doesn't include the fanfics i read this year.
finish 3 crochet projects -- I FUCKING FINISHED 9. 2 sweaters, a cardigan, two scarves, two shawls, a pair of fingerless gloves and a bag! holy shit!
find a way to plan my time that works for me -- abso-fucking-lutely not. hahahhaha
but listen, i achieved 3 of my 7 goals!!!!!!! i'll take it tbh!!!!
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necropost · 28 days
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And oldie but a goodie. I love you Serenity :)
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lapinlunaire-games · 2 years
hi jinx ❤️ you said you will NOT tag that article as about your shakespearian projects, but... how about being.... not so normal about here? like what did that article about the bubonic plague impacting shakespeare's works make you think about? what thoughts about your own projects did it lead you to?? 👀👀👀
hello tamber ❤️ hehehe the floodgates have been opened! warning for a long, Not Normal ramble ahead :D
So straight away the headline made me go "!!!" because Elsinore: After Hamlet started off as a final project for a class on the intersection of medicine and literature. This was spring 2021, dear old pandemmy was having a grand time wrecking everything, and in my everlasting wisdom and sleep deprivation, I decided to write an interactive personal essay that linked my personal fears and anger to literature (very original, yes). It went through a few transformations, but what's up on itch currently really does capture my mental state at that point in time.
It was interesting to think about in context of the article because she talks about how studying the plays today act as a kind of window into Shakespeare's time, and connect the text to us today - and that's the kind of mindset I went into the project with. But what really got me thinking is that if you play Elsinore now, you don't necessarily see into Shakespeare's time. You see directly into April/May 2021, and specifically into my brain at the time. You will see the specific things that kept me up at night - even when I go back and play it now, I find myself surprised at how much I feel separated from the narration, even though those were my thoughts and feelings and struggles just a year ago.
To actually answer your question lol, the article really got me thinking about how my game is a time capsule wrapped in another time capsule - when you play it, you look at Shakespeare's world through my eyes at a very specific point in time. It's like looking through a kaleidoscope, a little bit!
And as for Romeo and Juliet...traditionally, this is the play that academia recognizes the most as Shakespeare's "plague play", because it has that context in the setting! And the things in the article - class divides and how that changes who was affected and how by the pandemic, finger-pointing blame at convenient scapegoats - those are very core to both Elsinore and In the Beautiful Country, my cyberpunk post-R and J WIP. So that was validating to hear in a way, that it isn't just me sitting on the couch on my laptop and spiraling. Especially now that so much of society is treating the pandemic as a "done" thing when it just isn't, sometimes I feel a little in my head writing about how it's still affecting daily life.
Thinking about Romeo and Juliet as a plague play also just makes me love the text and working with it in a (to quote Ao3) transformative way even more: it's a love story, it's a tragedy, it's about sickness and poison and how things from the world get in your blood and in your brain, for better and for worse. Love is sickness and it's a cure, and sometimes it isn't enough to be both.
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