#jinx's hallucinations
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 4 months ago
Something that has really bugged me about season two is Jinx's hallucinations and PTSD. It magically disappears when Silco dies, save for two scenes. I remember when people on reddit were literally making jokes about the writers going this route because it would be so stupid.
One of the things I loved about season one was the realistic depictions of mental illness that you just don't see often in media. I don't know what it is like to experience schizophrenia, but I have experienced PTSD and paranoia, and seeing how it was represented in Arcane was actually one of the things that helped me through it.
And then season 2 comes around and they just completely neglect this side of Jinx.
PTSD isn't a switch that can magically be flipped off. Recovery is a slow and gradual process. In absolutely no world would Jinx killing yet another family member cure her of her conditions, it would make them 10 times worse. Not to mention just before killing him she has an extremely severe psychotic episode, which would only make forgetting her trauma even more difficult since it was just brought up fresh in her mind.
And what even about the end of s1 was it that healed her? I genuinely have no idea, because she finally chooses Jinx only to once again go back and forth between Jinx and Powder in season two, because apparently all that buildup for her final decision was for nothing.
She does experience two hallucinations (I'm not going to count the jail silco thing in act three because what even was that?) when she sees enforcer Vi and when Sevika talks about the attack at Vander's statue, but suddenly that is all that triggers her?
In season one, just seeing Vi, or even someone who looks like Vi triggers her. But now when Vi is literally trying to capture and possibly kill her she is fine, it's only the mask that bothers her? Wasn't that her worst fear, that Silco and Sevika were right, that Vi only wanted to stop her? And she is constantly triggered by Cait in season 1 but not 2?
And then there was the insulting ending, where jail Silco tells Jinx to 'break the cycle' (something he would absolutely never do) and Jinx finally finds redemption by realizing she is purely a burden and her family would be better off believing she is dead. So she literally kills herself after Isha kills herself in what is framed as an act of heroism (and if Jinx actually didnt, than what even was the point of that scene, besides a cheap fake out?) What happened to Ekko trying to stop Jinx from doing that? What happened to Silco having Singed revive her to save her life after she attempts to take it? Or Jayce and Viktor talking each other out of it? Or Silco choosing to keep fighting rather than give in to the "peace in water"?
On purpose or not season 2 frames suicide as a glorious, edgy, perhaps even necessary thing and it's disgusting.
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lady-griffin · 4 months ago
Jinx's Hallucinations + Ekko
Before Act III drops, I wanted to talk about an aspect of Timebomb that I'm quite fascinated by -
Ekko isn’t a trigger for Jinx’s hallucinations.
He has even stopped her hallucinations – not intentionally or anything, but more than once Ekko's presence seems to have a nullifying impact on Jinx.
Which is odd, right?
One would assume due to their history Ekko would be just as triggering to Jinx as anyone else, if not more so, and yet the opposite seems to be true.
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In Jinx's first reunion with Vi, she quickly becomes overwhelmed and has an episode due to a whole combination of factors, but notably because her hallucinations of Mylo and Claggor start attacking her, largely because she's starting to breakdown and is getting overwhelmed (a self-perpetuating cycle).
Jinx can't even begin to calm herself down, in fact she yells at everyone to shut up, because she needs to think.
Then she hears Ekko’s hoverboard and suddenly the hallucinations are completely gone.
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Jinx isn’t sure if what she heard was real or not.
Which is a great detail, since it indicates Jinx is aware that the voices she hears aren’t “real," meaning she knows other people can’t hear them too. So, it's rather telling (at least for me) that she asks Vi to confirm if she too heard the hoverboard sound.
It's also impressive Jinx was able to instantly recognize the sound of Ekko's hoverboard, despite her being in the midst of a mental breakdown and unable to think properly.
It’s almost like Jinx’s brain went into fight mode or something, because seemingly all the hallucinations stopped at once because there’s now a much bigger threat Jinx needs to be on guard for – Ekko is heading her way.
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I really can't emphasize how much I love that.
While not traditionally romantic, in any sense, this shows the amount of respect Jinx has towards Ekko and the threat he poses to her. He’s someone she actually has to take seriously when fighting.
Which is a bit unique for Jinx.
Throughout S1 we saw Jinx being far more scared of her hallucinations then actual real, physical threats, but in this moment it’s like her brain recognized Ekko as being the far greater threat than her hallucinations.
Which he is - but that’s also true for many of the other things Jinx faces and isn’t scared of.
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Jinx does “glitch out” while fighting Ekko and the Firelights in “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down,” - but it’s more of an asset than a problem, as she easily dodges the Gorilla Mask Firelight (at least I think it’s a gorilla).
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Then when Ekko disappears, Jinx's psychoses come rushing back; obviously, this has less to do with Ekko himself and everything to do with him taking Vi, but nonetheless, it's still a slight repetition of the pattern that keeps happening between them.
In "The Boy Savior," during Jinx's bridge fight with Ekko, she once again specifically doesn't experience any hallucinations; even though she was just experiencing them not too long ago.
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Mylo was this 'demon' on her back that while she could initially argue against, the more upset she became, the bigger his presence was.
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She saw Caitlyn as this devil figure, laughing and mocking her and her psychoses even blocked Vi almost entirely from her sight; whether literally or symbolically, Jinx clearly wasn’t fully aware she was shooting at Vi, despite her obviously seeing Vi and then shooting in her direction.
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Then Ekko bursts onto the scene and suddenly no more hallucinations. Which is just...
I honestly don’t know what this is. I really don’t.
To be clear, I absolutely love this whole thing despite not knowing what it is exactly, because honestly, I'm just fascinated by this dynamic, because for whatever reason, Jinx isn't triggered by Ekko nor does she hallucinate him.
In S2, Jinx’s hallucinations have significantly decreased, but in “Paint the Town Blue," she's suddenly bombarded with pretty much everyone’s voices because she’s beyond upset and panicking about Isha being taken by the enforcers.
She sees pretty much everyone - Silco, Vi, Mylo, Claggor, Sevika, and Isha.
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Jinx seeing Vi, Sevika, and Isha shows us that she can/does hallucinate people who she knows are alive.
In addition, Isha being one of her hallucinations shows us that Jinx doesn’t need to have negative or even complicated feelings towards someone for them to become a part of her psychoses, as Jinx largely thinks/feels positively towards Isha.
Though it should be noted, the hallucination of Isha isn’t acting aggressive towards Jinx, not like the others are.
Finally, Ekko or Vander are the only two she doesn't hallucinate, but we know Jinx has hallucinated Vander in the past, making Ekko the odd one out when it comes to Jinx's hallucinations once again.
Which for the millionth is absolutely fascinating to me.
Because why?
Why doesn't Ekko trigger Jinx? Why isn't he one of her hallucinations? How come he's the only one we've seen having the ability to stop Jinx's hallucinations altogether (even if it's completely unintentional)?
For whatever reason, Jinx’s mind has seemingly categorized Ekko as being different than everyone else and while it’s obviously not this big thing the show brings your attention to, it’s also clearly there, albeit subtly.
And yeah...
I don’t really have much more to say, I just wanted to talk about this interesting aspect of Timebomb before we get to the last and final arc of Arcane.
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 4 months ago
They could have had Silco being a nicer voice in her head help her find the hope and peace Isha gave her but no, they had to add yet another plot device character to the already crammed season just to make a lazy play at our emotions
Wait... it just hit me that 6 episodes in and we didn't even get Silco being a kind, encouraging voice in Jinx's head
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fruity-blogs · 4 months ago
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Taking a leap forward means...
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Leaving a few things behind.
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frenchublog · 4 months ago
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lonisaiou · 4 months ago
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oddly intertwined
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haine-kleine · 3 months ago
is it too early to say that the narrative of Jinx being Vander's daughter was an OOC characterisation used to overwrite her being Silco's daughter because they needed to speedrun her redemption without being controversial
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embershroud108 · 3 months ago
I kind of feel like Jinx’s hallucinations mostly stopped after Silco’s death in part because the cognitive dissonance from working for the guy responsible for the death of her previous family was a big part of what was driving her crazy in season 1.
Like she blamed herself for their deaths and alienation but she also blamed him. We know she did because she brings up him “stabbing Vander in the back” at the tea party. But when she became psychologically, and to a certain extent logistically, dependent on him she didn’t allow herself to feel or even acknowledge that. And that fed into her self-loathing, guilt, and psychosis. So his death actually ended up providing a kind of psychic relief.
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shimmeredsouls · 17 days ago
Just a reminder that Vi was screaming in pain just by taking a sip of shimmer so the constant pain Jinx was having shimmer literally INJECTED into her veins is actually insane. That girl literally CRIES shimmer so it's all over when blood.
When Singed asked Silco if he was prepared to loser her, it was because he knew that this would permanently scar her, physically and mentally.
Yes, it saved her life, but she met something far worse than death itself.
Jinx was basically not human anymore after that.
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unknown-cold · 9 months ago
One of the things I wish for in Season 2 is more scenes of Vander and Vi together as flashbacks and how he was training her. Honestly, I think this would be an excellent helper to the story when Vander returns as WarWick. And so does Vi when she realizes it's Vander.
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iglok · 2 months ago
Another bunch of Sonic arcane au drawings I did, plus Nine’s design
(probably gonna add a few changes overtime)
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I imagine Nine not only being into tech stuff, but at the same time also into art a lil bit. Even if he might not be the best, it’s enjoyable for him and that’s why he has blue paint all the time - it’s left from doodling and he’s just too lazy to wash it. Especially graffiti as well.
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 6 months ago
"Nothing Ever Stays Dead..."
© 2024 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
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Finally finished my Season 2 Silco Fan Poster, just in time for Arctober prompt #5 "Legacy"
This was created in Ibispaint X.
Brushes used:
Dip Pen (Hard)
Opacity < 100%, gives it a painterly look)
Dip Pen (Soft)
Flat Watercolor (Mix 2)
Flat Watercolor (Water)
Used to blend, gives it a painterly look
Dip Pen (Bleed)
Used for blood, gives unpredictable edges
Sputtering 1
Flecks of blood
Custom Hair
Strands of hair
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Without text and Jinx Glitch
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autism-swagger · 4 months ago
This is probably only important to me, but I'm gonna be honest I really think alternate timeline Powder also has schizophrenia, just like Jinx does.
Obviously there's no concrete evidence of this, but not only does Powder have a doll of Vi that she talks to, just like Jinx has (or had I guess) dolls of Mylo and Claggor, it's also implied that Powder's hallucinations started at a very early age, before she was Jinx. The first hallucination we see in the entire show is during the bridge scene. There's a brief scribble of an angry face that appears over an enforcer's mask.
The "monsters" that Vi protected Powder from might've very well been her hallucinations, and no one realized it was anything more than childhood fears.
So if her schizophrenia manifested before she was even Jinx, and she still went through an extreme trauma (even if it's not the same one Jinx does), there's no reason why Powder wouldn't be schizophrenic as well. It's just that she's in a much healthier environment and has a way better support system than she does in the main timeline.
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ezziedoodles · 4 months ago
Why Season 2 Of Arcane Felt A Little Off
Let me preface this by saying I adore this show, and I loved this season. I laughed, I cried, and I had a good time watching it. The art direction and animation is a masterpiece. This is probably my favorite show, but I think it's good to critique the things you love and this entire season I felt like I was waiting for something.
For a show titled Arcane, season one had remarkably little to do with the arcane. Yes, there was Hextech and magic, but the show was centered on this class divide between Piltover and Zaun and all the conflicts that stem from this. The very first scene of the show is enforcers killing citizens on the bridge, with Powder and Vi finding their dead parents' bodies. Zilco's reasoning for doing anything he did was because he believed he was helping Zaun, including raising Jinx the way he did. Vi was so passionate about her city and the injustice facing it. Caitlyn witnessing this injustice is what causes her to question the systems she is a part of. Viktor and Jayce (but especially Viktor) created technology with the intention of wanting to improve life for the undercity. Ekko is a revolutionary doing so much to give his people a community and a chance to live their lives. My point is literally every single character is connected by this conflict between the cities.
Now let's take a look at the second season. Where is this part of the story that was so essential to the first season? There's a brief revolutionary beat with Jinx and her followers but once they escape from prison, the show moves on from this and never touches it again. We see Caitlyn's descent into corrupt madness, becoming everything she and Vi wanted to stop. Eventually she realizes how wrong she was but do we see her make any reparations to Zaun specifically for the damage she caused? She gassed the city, poisoning the air even further (with gas that has been confirmed to make people sick in the long run), harming hundreds of innocent people. And Vi, a character so vehemently against enforcers in the first season, goes along with this for how long? Days? Weeks? And only stops when she can visually see the impact of Caitlyn's madness as she almost kills a child in front of her. These characters are flawed and I love that, but we see them get their happy ending without ever truly addressing or helping with what they did to Zaun.
Ekko sees an alternate universe of everything his city could be, everything they all wanted so badly in the first season. Equality, safety, education, food security, and more. He says he is thankful for the reminder and I fully believe he will go forth with this vision in mind, but do we ever see it? And that right there is the problem. We don't know what happens to Zaun in the end, we don't know if things get better. All we see is Sevika on the council but we don't know if that will fix anything since people have stood up for the undercity in council before and it did nothing.
I want to see Ekko rally his people and repair the damage caused by the war. I want to see Vi open up the last drop and make it what it was always meant to be, a place of community. I want to see schools open in the undercity in honor of Viktor and Jayce. I want to see the two cities heal from the damage done to each other. Fuck it, I just want literally any closure on this plotline! Just tack on a 2 minute montage of what happened to this city after the war and I'd feel a little better. But instead this part of the story was completely sidelined throughout the season and ignored entirely in the finale. I'm not someone that thinks every story needs to have a moral, but this show was trying to tell us something! The first season was screaming from the rooftops to beware of privilege, beware systemic oppression, to fight inequality, and I find it really sad that there was no conclusion for that.
I do wish there had been three seasons to give it a smoother transition form politics to magic but it is what it is. Nothing is perfect. This season gave me so much including the best depiction of soulmates I've ever seen in my life so you win some you lose some ig.
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mckruls · 4 months ago
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Catch me, savior boy
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ghostsyourghoulzx2 · 3 months ago
I'm just saying it'd be cool if Caitlyn was actually just hallucinating Jinx when she shot the metal thing. 🏃
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Now, we see Caitlyn hallucinate Jinx briefly throughout the first act, and I wanna point out when Caitlyn lines up the shot a petal falls. Just like in her "fantasy" of killing Jinx. To me due to that one petal, it'd make sense if Caitlyn was so deep into that fantasy again just from being around and able to hear, smell, think of, Jinx. That she hallucinated her simply out of want. Heard her voice in that direction and she just couldn't think of anything else. At least that Instead of the weird illusion trick Jinx pulled.
Matter of fact in the song Hellfire there's laughing in background of the lyrics. (Meant to represent Jinx) Girl was losing her mind and I wanted NO I NEEDED more of it.
This isn't even meant to be shipping btw this is just the show.. and what I wanted to happen etc etc
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