#jing yuan. [ history will make its own judgment. if i succeed; it will state that i am supremely confident in my masterful strategy. ]
iniziare · 8 days
Tag drop: Jing Yuan (incomplete, but the rest will be added behind the scenes) (... and a little return of Yelan's aesthetic, for I've missed her desperately)
#tag drop#jing yuan. [ history will make its own judgment. if i succeed; it will state that i am supremely confident in my masterful strategy. ]#jing yuan: ic. [ but if I fail; then all will state that i am neglecting my duties in wanton pleasure. preferring finches over my people. ]#jing yuan: inquiries. [ if you want to distract me with questions; i urge you to stop. / ah. how could you suspect such malice? ]#jing yuan: countenance. [ he is also a master of the arts of concealment. when he decides to “show” something: it's time to be careful. ]#jing yuan: introspection. [ the xianzhou has very few legends. for what room is there to create legends among those who do not die? ]#jing yuan: meta. [ have you memorized all that? / yes general. / very good. but only when you've forgotten it: will you be ready. ]#jing yuan: little notes. [ it is a warrior's game. singular encounters with endless possibilities. ]#jing yuan: wishes. [ the pieces are like us; each with its sentience. there is no going back on the board; how can one return to the past?#jing yuan: etc. [ only the truly wise can stand proud in front of the undefeated enemy called time. ]#jing yuan: the luofu. [ they name the xianzhou luofu as just xianzhou; but one is not the other. the luofu is the luofu. it is no more. ]#jing yuan: cloud knights. [ the cloud knights entrusted their lives to me. i shall not fail them. ]#jing yuan: wave-treading snow lion. [ how could i turn down looking after a long-extinct little animal to help continue its lineage? ]#jing yuan: high-cloud quintet. [ the past cannot be pursued; but the future can still be hoped for. ]#jing yuan: yanqing. [ it is my fault. i should have given him an opportunity already. “a sharp sword can't stay sheathed forever." ]#jing yuan: jingliu. [ in an endless night… there is nothing closer than the bright moon: always hanging in the sky. ]#jing yuan: blade. [ it is never wise to put down the hammer and take up the sword. ]#jing yuan: dan heng. [ bygones are bygones. but sometimes i wish things had turned out differently. ]#jing yuan: v. youth. [ ah. that carefree new cloud knight recruit. i was like that once upon a time. but it was a long while ago… ]
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Bird Symbolism on the Xianzhou
This all started with a question I asked my friend: "Well, have you ever seen a bird on the Xianzhou?"
Birds have played a major role in my very autistic investigations of Xianzhou lore. My intuition just knew that they were important so I started cataloguing every instance of birds appearing on the Xianzhou. I'll start with the more common appearances and then delve into the more obscure ones.
I would also like to preface this by saying I am not a bird scientist nor am I particularly interested in birds outside of the context of HSR. I simply noticed there were some repeating patterns and really wanted to make note of them.
So here's all the times I've seen a bird on the Xianzhou.
The Boring Ones
Sky-faring Commission/Starskiff Bird Symbol
This bird shows up all over the Xianzhou on buildings and signage. It is used on the signs indicating starskiffs but honestly can show up anywhere. Large associations with the sky-faring commission. Highly likely it is inspired by the white bird later in the post.
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Jing Yuan's Finches
Another really obvious one as most people are familiar with his finches. As far as I know, they only appear in relation to Jing Yuan and don't seem to have any meaning outside of sheer vibes.
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Before Dawn Lightcone:
"Do not make this decision lightly, general... Think about how you will be remembered in history..." The general of the Cloud Knights listens to his subordinates' words with eyes half-closed. "History will make its own judgment, but I have no interest in my legacy." "If I succeed, history will state that I am currently supremely confident in my masterful strategy." "But if I fail, then history will state that I am currently neglecting my duties in wanton pleasure, preferring finches over my people." A finch jumps down from his shoulder, and he extends his hand to catch the small creature. "I have simply made my own decision."
Yukong's Kestral
Similar to the bird that appears on Yanqing, Yukong's Kestral is a symbol that is connected to her beloved Caiyi.
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Past and Future Lightcone:
The wings of the paper kite in her hands were broken, brutally reminding her of her beloved's tragic passing. She kneeled next to the fire of war, eyes full of sorrow. "If you are the only one left to do this, then our sacrifice would..." Gunfire raged on, painting the sky red without dampening its majesty. She looked up at the sky, eyes full of fury.
Edit: Qingque and Phoenix
These aren't related to anything as far as I can tell but there is also this bird that appears on Qingque's outfit.
There's also a phoenix that shows up in the Palace of Astrum and again in the Seven Arbiter Generals myriad. It may be something related to the history of the Xianzhou (the planet they came from in particular) because it appears on each of those panels outlining the backstory.
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The Fun Ones
Yanqing's Swallow
Now starting to get into the territory of birds that are actually pretty interesting to the lore. The swallow is a bird that is literally everywhere on Yanqing. The painting is found near the Petrichor Inn. - this is significant because the Petrichor Inn has strong associations with the Vidyadhara. The also appear on the handle of his sword and in his splashart.
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River Flows in Spring Lightcone:
The young boy took a short break from his sword practice. The sunlight was baking his already heated neck. He slowly got into the water, whose coldness touched his bare feet. When the bell chimes and birds tweet, even the people far away would know that springtime had arrived.
The Water Birds
Repeated appearance of birds made of water both in relation to Yanqing and found in cages in the Vidyadhara section of the Xianzhou. I believe these are some kind of spirit birds similar to the water creatures that swim through the Scalegorge Waterscape and Dan Heng's own azure dragon. These are probably similar to the Oceanids of Genshin Impact where they actually contain souls that take whatever shape they want in the water - probably the souls of dead Vidyadhara if I had to guess. Why are they being caged and sold around the Xianzhou in Vidyadhara areas? I have literally no idea at this point.
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Yanqing has these ice swallows appear during his attacks. There's a recurring theme of swords containing souls in Xianxia stories which is also loosely connected to the concept of Blade's sword graveyard in the Hellscape. I think Yanqing's ice birds are somehow souls similar to the water birds caged around the Xianzhou.
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The uber weird part about all of this is how at the end of Yanqing's ultimate you see this image. In the background of the image are the mountains associated strongly with the Vidyadhara and Dan Heng in particular.
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I don't know what this means for Yanqing right now but he is an expy of a pre-existing character from Honkai Impact 3rd: Ma Yanqing. They probably have some plan for him that isn't immediately apparent right now but I would like to point out that his grandmaster, Jingliu, is also heavily associated with the mountain moon realm and can also summon a sword made of water/ice. This does not appear to be a technique known by anyone else and Jingliu herself needed to defeat the abomination in order to acquire her singular ice sword.
The Crane
Appearing initially only on Dan Feng's clothing, the crane has made a comeback in the new Cloud Knights Martial Doctrine, On Swords myriad trailer. They are significant because the also appear among the mountain realm and the moon. Notice the association Jingliu, Yanqing, and Dan Heng in particular.
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The Black Bird
So not all the birds in this picture are distinctly black but their colour is ambiguous and they are similarly shaped so I'm lumping them together. They all appear in association with the mountain area - Blade's sword graveyard is also in the mountain area. The top right picture is from Dan Heng's first fansong.
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The White Bird
Not sure what species of bird this is supposed to be but there's a white bird that appears repeatedly in association with the mountain realm. More specifically, it appears among the clouds and may freely travel from the Scalegorge to the Mountains through the hole in the clouds. Bottom left is from Blade's fansong. I think these birds may represent souls and the dead in the same way that Blade's spiderlilies and swords do.
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There's also this bird above the realm-keeping commission that I'm unsure how to categorize because of it's unique shape but it's also among the mountains and moon.
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Edit: Dan Shu's Bird
This one is actually important for the spirit bird concept. In the Longevous Disciple relic set she tells us of a story that inspires her:
According to the legend, a certain delvemaster saved her partner by placing their soul into a bird, granting them immortality. However, she eventually could not resist the call of the avian and also transformed into a bird, flying alongside them. Over time, the delvemaster became confused and lost her true form, becoming a half-feathered, half-human monster. When her subjects stormed the palace and pierced her with blazing spears and arrows, the two birds sang a final mournful song and turned to ashes together. She loved this story so much that she took the essence and marrow of birds and transformed them in the alchemical furnace, then had someone weave these materials into a luxurious feather coat. She could not see just how beautiful the coat was, but nonetheless enjoyed walking around the house while wearing it — it was meant to be seen by a person who no longer existed. As the garb fluttered, she always felt that a bird-like soul was flying and passing through her hands and shoulders, ever-present.
It's not clear how much of the legend is actually true but it could be inspired by the spirit birds.
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I think I've said just about everything that I wanted to say. I'm curious if anyone else has any thoughts on the birds. I've listed most of them but there are one or two paintings I left out from fear of repetition.
I have a lot of additional Thoughts about the birds but I'll leave that for another post.
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