#jing yuan: cloud knights. [ the cloud knights entrusted their lives to me. i shall not fail them. ]
iniziare · 8 days
Tag drop: Jing Yuan (incomplete, but the rest will be added behind the scenes) (... and a little return of Yelan's aesthetic, for I've missed her desperately)
#tag drop#jing yuan. [ history will make its own judgment. if i succeed; it will state that i am supremely confident in my masterful strategy. ]#jing yuan: ic. [ but if I fail; then all will state that i am neglecting my duties in wanton pleasure. preferring finches over my people. ]#jing yuan: inquiries. [ if you want to distract me with questions; i urge you to stop. / ah. how could you suspect such malice? ]#jing yuan: countenance. [ he is also a master of the arts of concealment. when he decides to “show” something: it's time to be careful. ]#jing yuan: introspection. [ the xianzhou has very few legends. for what room is there to create legends among those who do not die? ]#jing yuan: meta. [ have you memorized all that? / yes general. / very good. but only when you've forgotten it: will you be ready. ]#jing yuan: little notes. [ it is a warrior's game. singular encounters with endless possibilities. ]#jing yuan: wishes. [ the pieces are like us; each with its sentience. there is no going back on the board; how can one return to the past?#jing yuan: etc. [ only the truly wise can stand proud in front of the undefeated enemy called time. ]#jing yuan: the luofu. [ they name the xianzhou luofu as just xianzhou; but one is not the other. the luofu is the luofu. it is no more. ]#jing yuan: cloud knights. [ the cloud knights entrusted their lives to me. i shall not fail them. ]#jing yuan: wave-treading snow lion. [ how could i turn down looking after a long-extinct little animal to help continue its lineage? ]#jing yuan: high-cloud quintet. [ the past cannot be pursued; but the future can still be hoped for. ]#jing yuan: yanqing. [ it is my fault. i should have given him an opportunity already. “a sharp sword can't stay sheathed forever." ]#jing yuan: jingliu. [ in an endless night… there is nothing closer than the bright moon: always hanging in the sky. ]#jing yuan: blade. [ it is never wise to put down the hammer and take up the sword. ]#jing yuan: dan heng. [ bygones are bygones. but sometimes i wish things had turned out differently. ]#jing yuan: v. youth. [ ah. that carefree new cloud knight recruit. i was like that once upon a time. but it was a long while ago… ]
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jhui-01 · 4 months
this line in wuthering waves angered the cn community
So, I’m sure some of you might already know that Kuro Games had to remove one line from the main story after receiving backlash from the Chinese community. It’s a line by Yang Yang in Act 2.
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Now, it might not seem like anything in English, cause it’s true that soldiers need to focus on battling, and the people behind the battlefield (aka strategists or generals) will need to think of plans and strategies to win the battle. However, the sentence in CN sounds something like this: 
“Soldiers in the frontlines should only put their focus on battling, obeying orders and slaying enemies diligently. The people at the back though, they have a lot more to reconsider and plan.”
This gives off the feeling that frontline soldiers have it easy. All they need to do is just follow orders given, it’s not like they’re the ones losing sleep by planning strategies or anything. Which made many people go ??? Dafuq. What kind of writing is this? What do you mean or what are you implying with this? 
Yes, they’re soldiers but they are fighting tooth and nail for your country, your people too. They risk their lives following the strategies and orders given by those at the back. With one simple mistake in your planning, they will be walking straight into the lion’s den and perish. They have children, wives, families and friends waiting for them to return too. This is war?? Lives lost??? Hello? Where’s your empathy, how can you think of them like tools while those strategising are more superior? 
And then someone mentioned Jing Yuan from Honkai: Star Rail. In Myriad Celestia Trailer: History of the Xianzhou video, he said this:
“若无全军上下万众一心,谋吾遗计又有何用,仰赖各位云骑交托性命,我必不负所托” / “An army must be one of heart and mind, or skillful sleight of hands is little use. The Cloud Knights entrusted their lives to me, I shall not fail them.”
Basically, what Yang Yang said is the opposite of what Jing Yuan said. In Jing Yuan’s case, he’s saying that if the soldiers at the front are not united to fight to the death, then what’s the point of coming up with battle plans and strategies? They trust me enough to listen to whatever orders I give, so their lives are literally in my hands, thus I will not disappoint or fail them.  
So many people think that the line in Wuthering Waves doesn’t really respect the soldiers, and it may come off as condescending? Idk, I’m pretty neutral in this, cause it’s a pretty small matter, just that Kuro Games might have to review some of the things they write because yikes…that line just doesn’t sound too good 😭
Anyways, hope you liked this sharing <3
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