#jinbe getting one was given
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1000sunnygo · 1 year ago
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That's a curious decision, they made a new Law eyecatcher.
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problemswithbooks · 1 year ago
Shark Genitals & World Building
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So, I've seen this Q&A a few times now and it really got me thinking about Fish-man biology.
Now, to be clear, I think it's pretty clear Oda isn't being entirely serious. When you look at how he designs his characters he goes for whatever is fun. He's not doing extensive research on whatever aquatic species he slaps on his fish-men or Merfolk characters. This is why for a lot of them, if you look up what they are mixed with they rarely share much if anything with the animal he's picked.
Saying a character has two dicks is funny, so Hody has two dicks--that's all.
But taking the answer more seriously the idea that at least some (because they do vary so widely from fish-person to fish-person) have changed genitals because of their added fish anatomy is interesting from a world-building perspective.
As someone who has a special interest in animal biology and has watched a lot of documentaries I can say that fish have really diverse breeding strategies. So, I guess, if Hody can have two dicks because he's a shark, I wonder if this could be true for any other fish-people and merfolk.
We see that at least some fish-people do have children the same way regular humans do, but to my knowledge we don't see any pregnant mermaids. Given how much larger Neptune is then his wife, and how massive Shirahoshi is, I think it makes sense that perhaps like many fish, Otohime laid eggs that were fertilized separately (this is actually how goldfish mate).
It could be possible that the way mermaids or even fish-women have children depends on the father. If they are not compatible in size they can reproduce Ovuliparity (the way I imagine Otohime did), or if they are of similar size they either go the more human route or, after copulation they lay fertilized eggs (like the skate cases often called mermaid purses you find washed up on the beach).
There's also something to be said for the variations fish have with gender. Some fish are capable of changing gender. It's more common that female fish become male (protandry), usually the largest of a group replacing the dominate male in the group. This happens mostly with coral reef fish like wrasses, groupers and parrot-fish.
Meanwhile, anemone fish, like clown fish change from male to female. When the one female dies the remaining male will become female, while an outside male will become that new female's mate.
Then there are Black Helmet fish which are both simultaneously and take turns releasing eggs and sperm when they spawn.
So, if fish-people and merfolk had similarly diverse genders and ways of reproducing I think that'd just be really neat. It could also lead to some fun misunderstandings between fish-people, merfolk and humans.
Of course, I don't think Oda ever put that much thought into it. He just does whatever he finds fun character design wise. I mean, it's not like Arlong has barrels like Sawsharks do, and Jinbe looks nothing like a whale shark. On top of that the story isn't really focused on that type of world building. Nor do I think he could really showcase something that deals so much with sex--even if it is fish sex.
Still, makes for some really great head-canons.
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kuroananosanji · 10 months ago
One aspect of ZoSan that Westerners may not get the full nuance of is the concept of “うちの”, literally “of our/my household”. There’s a reason why the EA fandom (mainly Chinese from my POV) disproportionally ship ZS over other ships, to the point where even dudebros hop the joke.
So there’s this Chinese saying that means “be strict to yourself but lenient towards others” which is seen as model behaviour for respected individuals. I don’t know if there’s an equivalent idiom in Japanese but both Koreans and Japanese hold similar attitudes towards treatment of self vs treatment of others in society. Here’s the fun part: thanks to collectivist culture, one’s “self” extends to your immediate family too. Since you’re seen in conjunction with your family, if you’re head of the house and your “inferiors” misbehave in public, it reflects badly on you as a person. That’s why strict parenting is more normalised in EA culture, because controlling how your kids behave is more or less the same as controlling how you yourself behave. This is also related to how tough love is a more common form of affection in EA families, there’s a sentiment of “being able to be mean to you means we’re close, being too nice means I see you as a stranger.”
You might now see how this relates to the Strawhats in general (see: Nami beating up members for acting out of line). Sanji is a funny one coz he was sort of a maternal figure secondary to Nami early on in the series. Women aside, there’s a difference in how he treats men on his crew and “outsiders” (e.g. Ace). He’s actually not rude towards men, it’s just that we predominantly see his interactions with the crew! Since his crew is his family, he can be strict with them like how he’s strict with himself.
How does this relate to ZS in particular? Well, it’s because Zoro is closest to him on the self—others sphere. Luffy is his captain so despite the usual bickering he has to obey him to some degree. Usopp and Chopper are younger and weaker, so Sanji has a responsibility to take care of them and show generosity as an “elder”. Franky, Brook and Jinbe are way older than him so there has to be some degree of respect when interacting with them. Nami and Robin are Women. This only leaves Zoro, who is his equal in both age, power and hierarchical position on the crew. Essentially, Sanji has every right to hold Zoro to the exact same standard as he would himself. And given that Sanji is extremely harsh to himself, he’s harsh to Zoro too.
This is why there was virtually no discourse over the “Sanji calls Zoro a liability” moment in the EA fandom. The unspoken context was that Sanji was apologising to Jinbe for Zoro, who wasn’t performing his best. And since Jinbe is relatively new to the crew and also much older than Sanji, it feels like a mother/wife apologising for her son/husband?? It’s giving “I’m sorry my Zoro embarrassed us”?? It’s giving “Zoro is my responsibility”?? On the flip side Zoro absolutely does this to Sanji too. I can’t name a specific anime moment but in one of the mobile game collabs he said something like “sorry our cook caused trouble for you”. The specific wording was うちのコック. (They both think they’re managing the other lmao I hate them)
Tldr: Zoro and Sanji see themselves as one household unit 😭 hence the bickering and bluntness and lack of pretences in general.
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viiiiiiiiiin · 1 year ago
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How they confess their feelings to you !! (PT. 1)
Includes: Luffy , Zoro , Usopp , Sanji , Nami , Robin , Franky , Brook , Jinbe.
Pt. 1 (Here) , Pt. 2 , Pt. 3
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Strawhat: Monkey D. Luffy
He didn't understand that he was in love with you. He thought he just really liked you as a best friend.
He's never been in a relationship. He hasn't thought of being in one once. He's focused on making his dreams come true , along with his crewmates. And you , of course.
He brought this up to Robin and asked for some advice. When she told gim that he was , indeed , in love with you , he didn't know how to continue.
Did he want a relationship ? Did he want to risk your life ? Did you even want to be in a relationship with you ?
He ended up accidently avoiding you while pondering his decision. He didn't realize how much it hurt you until you confronted him.
He finally nonchalantly asked you to be his significant other while eating , shocking the entire crew (and you).
While everyone stopped eating , screamed in shock , or stared at you (or him) , you just stared.
Eventually , you smiled and accepted his confession.
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Pirate Hunter: Roronoa Zoro
Like his captain , he didn't understand that he was in love with you. He didn't understand why he wanted to share sake with you , workout with you , and sit next to you everytime you guys ate. He didn't understand why his heart fluttered when he was around you.
He assumed it was because he found you to be better company than the rest of the crew.
But he got worried once his heart started skipping beats and he'd get red around you. He brought his concern up to Chopper , who laughed and explained that he was in love with you.
He was shocked. He didn't even think he could love , honestly.
He started avoiding you in hopes that his feelings would drift away.
But they didn't.
In fact , he became more infatuated and it infuriated him.
He finally confronted you about it when you came to visit him while he was working out. He told you everything he had been feeling , angrily at that , and felt flustered afterwards. He didn't mean to share all of that.
You laughed and told you felt the same way. That was the day you two agreed to be in a relationship.
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God: Usopp
Absolute train wreck. He realized he caught feelings for you pretty quick. He's conflicted because of his past relationship with Kaya.
He thinks you won't like a coward like him , so he tries to wait it out.
He tells Nami about it and asks her for some advice. (He pays her to keep it a secret).
She gives him advice. She tells him to try for you , that you don't see him as a coward. You'd love him either way. He didn't believe her , obviously. Why would someone as strong and as stunning as you go for a wimp like him ?
But , he remembered. He's gonna be a brave warrior of the sea one day , like the Giants. Confessing his love to you , in his eyes , got him a step closer to being braver.
Eventually , he picks some flowers from the garden to make a bouquet. He hands it to you while sputtering about how he loves you and wants you to be his significant other (his face is COMPLETELY) red.
When you say yes , his face lights up. He didn't realize how much anxiety this had given him until you relieved him.
He immediately squeezed you and laughed.
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Blackleg: Vinsmoke Sanji
He didn't understand why he wanted to make you smile more than Robin or Nami. Male , female , nonbinary , whatever. He found himself drifting over to you no matter the circumstance.
He'd always find a way to have you in the kitchen with him , or just around him. He'd always volunteer to go with you on islands , take you shopping , etc.
Nami and Robin noticed how he paid more attention to you compared to them.
They decided to play wingwomen.
They started "accidently" leaving you two alone together. They would also talk to each of you about the other to see how you two felt about one another.
Then they would go to each other and tell the other what they found out.
Eventually , they took everyone's dinner out of the kitchen and left your plate and Sanji's plate.
Sanji sat there with you , flustered and quiet. Eventually , he blurted out that he loved you and wanted to be with you. Once he realized what he said , he was embarrassed.
But to his surprise , you told him you felt the same !
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Devil's Child: Nico Robin
She realized immediately and wasn't shy about expressing how she felt about you.
She watched you from afar , observing stuff that you enjoy to do and stuff you like.
When she figured that she gathered enough knowledge , she put her plan to work.
She asked Sanji to set up your dinner and her dinner in a seperate room with a candle and a rose.
He complied without question.
She led you into the room and ate dinner with you.
When the 'date' was ended , she confessed her love for you bluntly.
It made you red , but you told her you felt the same (to her amusement).
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Cyborg: Franky
He also immediately realized he was in love with you. Instead of telling you , he began showing acts of "kindness".
He would give you little trinkets , always show you his inventions first , make you new weapons , and so much more.
Robin noticed. She brought it up to him and turned him SUPERRR red.
She laughed and told him to just tell you.
He did. He listened to her. While showing you a new invention , he confessed his love for you.
When you accepted , he was surprised but laughed. He patted your back and embraced you.
He has your anniversary date engraved in General Franky . . .
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Soul King: Brook
Like Robin , he realized immediately and wasn't shy at all. In fact , you didn't even realize.
Even if you were biologically male , he would still ask to see your undergarments. Even if you said no , he would laugh and play you a tune.
He would always being his new songs to you first. He even accidently wrote a love song while thinking of you.
He still showed it to you. He thought you wouldn't notice it was about you , but you did.
You asked him , and he stared at you in shock. Ashamed , he confessed that it was about you.
To his surprise , you told him you felt the same. You found his advances adorable !
He was ecstatic ! He even asked to see your underwear right after lol.
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First Son of the Sea: Jinbe
He denied his feelings at first but soon came to accept them.
He was extremely nervous about it. He would always turn pink around you and stumble over his words.
He's a man of honor , so he confessed to you anyways.
It happened whenever you guys docked st an island. He found a fancy restaurant and booked a reservation for the both of you. He asked you to accompany him and you agreed.
He brought flowers and dressed in his best outfit for you. When you came , he handed you the flowers and brought you to the table.
After dinner , he confessed his love for you. He couldn't make eye contact with you. He was just terrified about you saying no because he's a Fishman.
But you didn't. You said you felt the same way. His heart soared and he smiled widely.
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chibinasuu · 5 months ago
On the Same Page | Robin x Reader
Part of the Thousand Sunny Slice-of-Life Series
Find the other parts with the rest of the Straw Hats here
Summary: You and Robin chat about your current read in the Sunny’s library on a cozy, snowy day Word count: 1.5k  Tags: one-shot, pure fluff, domestic bliss onboard the sunny, platonic straw hat pirates x reader, main pairing could be interpreted as platonic or romantic, no use of y/n, GN but written with F!Reader in mind
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The shelves of the Thousand Sunny’s library were filled with everything from cartography books and maps to medical journals, cookbooks, and even sheet music. 
You could also find Jinbe’s collection of classical epics, Zoro’s single volume of Famed Swords Encyclopedia that he only ever opened once, and various blueprints of wacky inventions belonging to Franky and Usopp. Your captain was the only one to not have anything stored in the library, to no one’s surprise.
Also to no one’s surprise, most of the books in the room belonged to Robin. The archeologist had volumes upon volumes of history books, texts in ancient languages no one speaks anymore, and yellowing scrolls from long-gone civilizations. But that was not all that the 30-year-old read.
Among the shelves of the Thousand Sunny’s library, you could also find works of fiction. Robin’s favorites were horrors, mystery, and thrillers, but there was also a fair share of romance novels, children’s fairy tales, and other miscellaneous publications – anything that she could get her hands on every time the Sunny docked at a new port. 
You now stood at the library, gazing at your own growing collection. You recalled when this part of the shelf was completely empty – the very abrupt departure from your home island while being pursued by dozens of marines didn’t exactly leave much room for packing before you boarded the Sunny as the newest member of the Straw Hat Pirates.
You had initially mourned the piles of books you left behind, which you had carefully curated over many years, but you were filled with a renewed spirit when Robin showed you the Sunny’s modest, but cozy library. In the short time that she had known you back then, the perceptive woman had noticed your love for reading and went out of her way to rearrange some of her own books to create an empty space in the library's shelves for you. She had also given you a gift – a copy of a classic forbidden romance about a marine who fell in love with a pirate – which she had acquired during her explorations on your home island before things went awry. When she handed the book to you, she had gently smiled and said, “To mark the start of a new chapter in your life.” 
You smiled fondly at the memory, lightly brushing your fingertips over the spine of that very book, before taking out the hefty volume next to it. This one was the latest installment in Robin’s favorite murder mystery saga. Two bookmarks were currently sandwiched between the pages, a few chapters apart. You picked a spot on the bench by one of the library’s huge windows and curled up with the blanket that you brought with you. Your fingers found the first bookmark and flipped the book open to the page where you left off. 
It was lightly snowing outside, but the central heating system that Franky developed for the Sunny kept you warm and cozy as you got lost within the pages. 
You had gotten through a couple of chapters when the creak of the wooden ladder that connected the library to the bathroom above it caught your attention. Robin’s slender legs carefully stepped down on each rung, before finally landing on the floor. Her long dark hair was still slightly damp from her bath, and she absentmindedly combed her fingers through it as she greeted you. 
“How are you getting on with the book?” She asked.
“Oh, I’m actually just about to catch up to you!” You replied, showing her that you were just a few pages ahead of her purple bookmark. 
“Perfect.” She smiled, “Let me grab us some hot drinks from the kitchen while you finish the rest of those pages.” 
You and Robin had gotten into the habit of reading the same book together. The fact that only one copy of each book was available onboard made it tricky at first, but you made it work. You read in the afternoons, while Robin preferred reading at night before bed. Once every few days, you discussed what you had read over cups of tea, while sharing some snacks, or simply while enjoying the breeze on the Sunny’s deck. It was like a secret little book club with only the two of you as its members, and it had become something you looked forward to the most during long sailings between islands. 
When you reached the page Robin last read, you put your own bookmark on top of hers and closed the book, waiting for her to come back. You looked out the window at the falling snow, which was getting heavier by the minute. The Grand Line weather surely is unpredictable, you thought to yourself – it had been scorching hot only a couple of days ago. 
The door to the library cracked open, letting in a rush of cold air from the deck. You shivered at the sudden drop in temperature and huddled further into your blanket. Robin stepped in with a thick blanket of her own draped around her body, her arms in an X formation in front of her chest. A bunch of arms had formed some sort of umbrella above her head, shielding her from the snow during the short outdoor walk from the kitchen to the library. Meanwhile, a tray carrying two covered mugs had also sprouted legs and was walking alongside her. 
You chuckled at the sight, no longer shocked at Robin’s uncanny devil fruit abilities, but still mesmerized nonetheless. The legs hurried to carry the tray to your side, and as soon as you took hold of it, all of Robin’s extra limbs vanished in a flurry of pink petals. You carefully set the tray on the bench as Robin made her way to you. 
“The snow doesn’t look like it will stop anytime soon.” Robin remarked as she sat beside you, “Nami said it might get a bit stronger, but most likely will not develop into a blizzard. We should be in for a fairly quiet night.”
“Oh, thank goodness. I never sleep well during storms.” You said while gently sweeping your hand against Robin’s blanket-covered shoulders to get rid of the specks of snow that had snuck through despite the cover of her “umbrella”.
Robin took one of the mugs, while you reached for the other. A cloud of steam escaped as you took off the mug’s lid to find a rich, chocolate drink inside. You smiled at the heart-shaped marshmallows swimming in the hot cocoa, which were surely courtesy of the Straw Hats’ flirty cook. You and Robin let out similar sighs of contentment as the warm liquid ran down your throats, paired perfectly with the sweet marshmallows melting on your tongues. 
A few sips later, you tapped the cover of the whodunit novel that the two of you were halfway through, and commented, “I don’t believe the maid killed the baron.” 
Robin let out a chuckle, “Me too, I think she's being framed. She doesn't seem like someone capable of cold-blooded murder.”
She took another sip of her drink before continuing, “Now, the doctor, on the other hand – she could easily inject some poison into the baron’s veins when administering his daily shots.” 
Your eyes widened at her keen observation, “I think you’re onto something here. I can’t believe I missed that!”
Ideas were thrown back and forth as the two of you dissected the events in the story so far. You and Robin went on and on, eagerly exchanging opinions, not only about the plot but also about the major themes of the book, the prose, the characters, and whatever else came to mind. 
Sure, you have always loved reading, but it turned out that books became infinitely more exciting when you had someone to share them with. 
A sudden gust of wind and snow rattled the door and the windows of the library, making you jump and interrupting your deep conversation with Robin. 
“Ah, Nami did say the weather would get worse.” Robin mused, “Shall we move to the kitchen before the snow gets even heavier? It’s almost dinnertime anyhow.”
You voiced your agreement and took the tray, arranging the two empty mugs on top of it. Robin grabbed your blanket and wrapped it gently around you, before covering her own body with hers. You both paused in front of the door, mentally preparing for the coldness that would soon invade the room. 
“Ready?” Robin asked you with a soft smile.
You nodded and reached for the doorknob. As you stepped outside, Robin took a stance with her arms crossed in front of her, limbs upon limbs once again forming an umbrella, this time big enough to cover the both of you. You leaned into her, chasing her body heat as you braved the freezing weather. 
The waves of laughter that came out of you and Robin could barely be heard above the wind, as you rushed side by side toward the warmth and safety of the kitchen.
a/n: one thing about me, i love reading up on oda's sbs as they give lots of hilarious and random insights into the one piece world and its characters. not sure if you noticed, but i also love including little bits of information from sbs in my fics! the tidbit for this one (from sbs vol. 46) is that luffy is the only straw hat without any books in the sunny's library! (shocking, i know)
Find the other parts with the rest of the Straw Hats here
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cinnbar-bun · 1 year ago
hi hi this has to be my favorite one piece writing blog, seriously ur writing makes me so happy 😭🖤
not sure if i can request multiple characters but do you mind if i can get general sfw/nsfw headcanons for jinbe and brook?
sorry i really like weird old men (again love your writing and i hope you have a very nice day!!!!!)
A/n: Aw thank you sweetheart. Please enjoy this~! Also, sorry for not posting for a bit, I’ve been exhausted from work and lost some motivation to write oneshots :( but I just love Brook so much so I had to do this.
Brook + Jinbei General SFW + NSFW HCs
Note: separate relationships, reader is GN, smut headcanons inside. Fluffy mmm.
Word Count: 874
Brook, ever the performer, loves waking you up or lulling you to sleep with his music. Heck, he’ll even burst out into song throughout the day for you if you wish. He’s your 24/7 skeletal radio.
Sometimes he also does freestyle music and makes up lyrics and beats on the spot about whatever you’re doing or how he feels. They’re usually cheesy and not all that serious, but they never fail to lift your spirits up.
Brook likes to be dramatic in your presence to get some attention from you. Sometimes he’s like a spoiled baby but he can’t help it- you’re too amazing!! And he loves you so much!!
If you’re ever feeling too hot, Brook will always put a hand to your head or elsewhere to help you cool down with his devil fruit powers. He’s your not so little walking ice pack.
Brook, while eccentric, is still an old man at heart so he often likes to treat you and spoil you the old-fashioned way. Kneeling on the main deck as you’re on the top deck while he performs you sweet sonnets and ballads he made just for you. Always wanting to keep an arm around your waist. Walking on the street side of the sidewalk. Buying you flowers at any given moment.
He’s a charming gentleman, and it’s very clear when it comes to you.
That being said, he can still be a pervert and it’s full force for you.
He goes gaga over your body! Literally loses his soul when he even gets a peek of you because ??? Hello??? You’re beautiful??
Beyond just sexually, he adores your body. It’s hard for him to explain the feeling but ever since he’s become just a pile of bones, he’s found a greater appreciation for the human body.
When he’s in bed with you, he wants to explore every inch and crevice of your body. Don’t get shy on him now, it’s not like he even has eyes to stare at you, YOHOHOHO!
Kidding, but really, when you two are getting intimate, he focuses on you and your reactions a great deal. He can’t have sex with you the way a human would, so most of his pleasure is derived from your enjoyment- yeah, he’s still got it.
His phalanges are god tier, argue with the wall!!!
Local dad-friend to the crew, loyal husband to you. You might not even be married but you might as well be, that’s just how sweet he is.
He really likes trying new things with you. Even something as small as a new ice cream flavor makes him happy. It’s rather silly and mundane, but something about doing it with you makes it feel wonderful.
“‘Cereal milk’…? There’s really a flavor for that?!”
And alongside new things, he likes to make traditions for the two of you. He’s a very sentimental man, so it can end up being something like eating that one specific dish you two had on your first date, or having a spot on the ship to sit and cuddle.
Jinbei makes sure you get a healthy amount of fruit in you. He will be casually leaving you a plate of freshly cut fruits and a glass of water beside you. He’s not letting you devoid yourself of essential nutrients and hydration. Will force feed you if necessary.
Okay this is just my headcanon but he’s got old man eyes so if something is in smaller fonts he squints and holds the page up to his face to try and read it. It isn’t until you offer to just read it for him that he FINALLY gives in and has you read it for him.
He’s got a great laugh. A hearty, jovial laugh that anyone in the crew can hear from miles away. Honestly, your jokes might not even be that good, but to him, it’s hilarious. Just being so carefree and funny like this is special to him. Your jokes and funny faces seriously make his day, so please never feel embarrassed to tell him one.
I don’t have a segue for this. He is just a big boy.
And yeah, he knows that he’s huge, which is why he takes extra care to make sure you’re properly stretched and ready to take him.
He never really put too much thought into his body beyond his strength, but he has to admit, he loves when you shower attention and compliment his body. Especially in the bedroom, his face just warms up and he gets a bit prideful. It gets him going knowing his body turns you on so much.
Gentle giant. He’s not going to go feral on you, especially not during the first few times you two lay together. He may consider that sort of thing later, alongside many safety measures.
He does enjoy doggy, but also, he finds it so sexy when you ride him. Forward or reverse, it doesn’t matter. It’s also a pretty good compromise because he can let you set a pace while joining with you to get it “rougher” if you so wish.
Lots and lots of praise from Jinbei, all whispered lovingly into your ear as he’s pounding into you <3
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danwhobrowses · 2 months ago
One Piece Chapter 1134 - Initial Thoughts
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And we return once again likely to close out the year for One Piece
Which is usually the stage for something big With last chapter already having its own big moment it bears wondering what else Oda can throw at us
Let's find out
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
Colorspread for this chapter, the crew is flying on a Franky Mecha with water guns (except Robin and Chopper, Robin's is holstered but she's just sitting looking beautiful in what looks very similar to her Enies Lobby look, with leather garter...this winter's getting hotter)
Also on the Franky Mech there's a message 'WE ARE ETERNAL' on the right shoulder
We start the chapter with Luffy thanking Saul for taking care of Robin, speaking like a Yakuza
Someone of the crew asks him who taught him that routine, Luffy says nobody, but to me it reminds me of Jinbe's introduction in Wano
Robin introduces Saul to Luffy, but he already knows and notes how Robin did indeed find the friends he alluded to back on Ohara
The crew sans Luffy, Zoro and Jinbe once again cry XD
Saul apologizes for the scare, seems the other giants were in on it, his assistant Ange in particular
He praises Luffy for making Emperor, having been an ex marine he knows what kind of station that is, and asks Luffy to keep protecting Robin
Lilith floats up to say hello, but Saul doesn't recognize her since he only met Vegapunk Stella
Jinbe passes her a big box, something brought from Egghead
Oh? 'It's one of me!'
It's a perfect copy of Vegapunk Stella, he used it before to go to Elbaf given that he couldn't leave the lab without the WG noticing
So it seems Vegapunk didn't really die at all, I mean he did but he just kinda isn't also, could help in clearing Luffy's name y'know?
Lilith needs some stuff to fully extract the clone, so begins to set up a new lab
Bonney also asks if this'll help with Kuma too, which Lilith confirms
Think this mainly confirms my suspicions that Lilith, Bonney and Kuma are gonna stick in Elbaf for the rest of the adventure
Saul welcomes Vegapunk but asks why they're a woman, before Lilith can explain though some children ask if they can play
Ange introduces herself, revealing also that they had to convince the children that play by the springs to hide to keep Saul's performance authentic
Ange offers the crew a tour around the school, but Luffy and Usopp are already on the move
This is the Walrus Folk School, Saul opened it at the king's request
Saul however wishes to take Robin to the library, so the crew is gonna split again
Chopper intends to go to the library, Sanji intends to go wherever Nami's going, Brook says that a school is nostalgic (at least meaning he went to a school) but Jinbe and Franky are more curious about Treasure Tree Adam
Luffy, Usopp and Zoro meanhwhile are being chased by kids, hoping to play 'prisoners'
Usopp though has to remind Zoro that they're kids so we cannot cut them XD
The kids however are instantly deterred by some other kids, seems to be a similar boy/girl divide like Punk Hazard wherein the boys what to play with the humans but the girls want to admire them as cute
The trio seem surprised by the next generation of Elbaf warriors being so thin-skinned, but the kids don't want to be fighters, sparking even Usopp to be surprised
The kids also don't take kindly to their dialect
Someone tells them that their use of 'brat' and 'bastard' are old-fashioned, which Zoro notices came from an adult
The kids warn the trio they should probably move, because they're standing on Miss Ripley, the biology teacher
And hellooooo Miss Ripley...lots of teenage giants are gonna be really interested in biology
Of course Luffy has been standing on her tits XD Sanji would murder him if he weren't the captain
Usopp apologises for standing on her, but she doesn't mind
It appears that the legends of Elbaf warriors is outdated by 100 years, relics of a bygone era
Ripley officially greets the Straw Hats, hearing of them from Saul, and using the same old fashioned dialect apologises for the kids, she gets called out by the kids but simply reminds them to do as she says not how she does
It turns out that Elbaf's newfound ideas of peace come from their former king Harold, his last claim was to Seek Trade with other nations
There seems to be a faction called Graybeards though that oppose this view, Harold clashed with them a lot
Ange notes how he was a visionary killed by his kin - not mentioning Loki by name - but since his claim is still recognized, Elbaf has no sovereign
Luffy meanwhile looks a little disappointed
Ripley concludes the 'history lesson' and asks the kids to show the trio around the school, but then asks Luffy why he looks different to his bounty poster
Luffy responds as he did before, it's when he's most free, and Ripley notes that it resembled a legendary warrior from Elbaf's fables
She wanted to see it, having been from the last generation of Elbaf's warriors
Over to the Library, Saul is told how they already know his story with the books from learning it in Egghead, but still reiterates how overcome he was to find books still there
He does warn Robin however about the library, noting to pay attention to the book she's carrying
To her and Chopper's surprise, the book on archaeology grows in size!
Before them (and Bonney and Lilith who have come along) is the massive owl library, any book brought here is gigantified
Makes you think, maybe other things can get gigantified, maybe Big Mom was looking to replicate this effect
That big owl is kinda unnerving me though, getting Wan Shi Tong vibes
Robin however is taken aback by the library, tears welling up as she remembers the first time she saw Ohara's library
Back to the Realm of the Dead though and Loki is chatting
Whoever he is talking to, they are being driven by a 'moment of true fear' - whether it's to avoid or enact it is unclear
The speaker is talking via a giant Snow Den Den Mushi, designed to resist the cold
Given the image, it's likely one of these Greybeard folks, but they've been allied with Loki for a while despite never having met
Whatever situation this guy is in, Loki insists he would've just slaughtered everyone, which the guy says he doesn't want
Loki calls this person naive, they're called Mosa and the translator's note says that the suffix implies high status like a noble or a duke, saying he shouldn't leave survivors because they'll just try to get payback
Mosa thanks Loki for his counsel, suggesting that there's a layer a kindness to his all-murder notion, which Loki quickly lashes out at
In the village, the giants are starting a pre-drink but a big black lightning bolt strikes the main castle
Two hooded figures emerge in a ruined throne room, surrounded by the Gorosei summoning circle
And one of the hooded figures' faces looks like Shanks....
Well that, that is what Oda can throw at us.
I've never liked the idea of Villain Shanks, the internet is gonna go wild with the Rat stuff again. So I'm very much hoping that there's an explanation for this. The second person has a bandaged face but given the eyelashes they are likely a woman. Being able to go to Elbaf is already strange enough but since we know that Garling is now a Gorosei then maybe our secondary enemy force for this arc is the Figarland family? I'm still not sold on the idea that Shanks has a twin but there aren't many explanations which prevent Shanks from being in league with the WG at the moment.
It's definitely a headfuck, especially with it being revealed that Elbaf is actually very peaceful now, and perhaps Loki and the Greybeards intend to restore it to a warmongering country once more. This could mean bad things for the library and Saul, I do very much have a worry that the Owl Library may burn down like Ohara's one did. I do wonder how this affects Usopp's character here, since he looked up to Elbaf for its bravery as warriors, plus Franky's interest in Treasure Tree Adam can't be neglected. The Vegapunk stuff does feel a bit like the stakes of the arc were undermined, but I suppose someone who did see their death coming would make a bunch of contingencies. At the very least I am content with the idea that she, Bonney and Kuma will linger in Elbaf rather than continuously having to be on the run.
Still, Hello Miss Ripley~ we know that Colon is visiting her so he probably is going to school, wonder what the direct connection is with her and that family, we haven't seen the father he also has lunch for yet. So it still seems more characters are gonna come out of the woodwork.
Things growing giant in the library is interesting though, we've seen the cat change into something larger so maybe there's some sort of magic or effect in Elbaf that can alter people and objects? Maybe the longer you stay the more likely humans are to be affected, thus the warning. Not a time dilation, but if you linger you may turn into a giant yourself?
Mysteries and Histories and Confusions all around, definitely an Oda calling card, 2025 One Piece is gonna be mind-bending.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months ago
Do you ever think about the parallels between the scene where Luffy gives Nami his hat in Arlong Park, and the scene where Jimbei tells Luffy he still has his friends in post-marineford? And then do you ever think about how Nami reacted to getting the news about marineford? Because I do. A lot.
I do. So much. It's insane.
It's so devastating actually to see Luffy giving people hope and making them say out loud that they need help/want to live (Nami, Robin...) to then see him break down for the very same thing because his whole optimism and will to live comes from the people around him. When they aren't there, there's nobody reminding him that he should live. Jinbe being the one to do so means the world to me because otherwise Luffy would have given up :(( And this is just a constant reminder of how well Luffy actually understands his crew and that he needs the same support too!!
And about Nami and the Marineford news... It breaks my heart. Of course all the crew felt helpless and devastated when they found out, but Nami, who knows what it is like to lose a family member and definitely feels like she needs to be there for Luffy after what he did for her... It kills me every time.
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standfucker · 9 months ago
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"My Boy"
Characters: Jinbe
Reader: trans male
Word Count: 4k
CW: explicit N.SFW content, monsterfucking vibes, size difference, vaginal penetration, double penetration in one hole, creampie, exhibitionism/risk of getting caught, oral (giving)
Summary: Polite interactions with your newest crewmate turn a little less polite when you catch each other ogling during a shared bath.
Ao3 Link
🎉🎉 Happy Birthday El! 🎉🎉
For most of the crew, the best part of getting swept up into yet another conflict is the post-battle celebration. You tend to be more like Zoro–you enjoy the fight itself more than anything, a chance to really cut loose and prove your worth. But when the town you’d inadvertently saved offered the crew their private hot springs to use, it wasn’t something you were going to pass up on, either.
The other men had already finished their soak and gone ahead to the feast. You lag behind purposefully to have the springs to yourself, wanting some peace and quiet to relax properly. As much as you love to fight, it takes you a while to wind down from all the chaos, needing a few hours to really calm your body and mind. You care for the others, but you’d prefer to bathe without the background noise of Zoro and Sanji bickering, or Brook and Franky’s general silliness.
Warm, humid air wafts into your nose and hugs your skin as you step out into the men’s private springs, the warm humidity a comforting promise of the steamy bath you’re about to enjoy. There’s several natural pools in the hot springs, the biggest sporting a cluster of rocks in the middle that men liked to jump off of. You’re about to step into the biggest one when you notice someone off to the far side of the spring. Only his head is sticking out of the water, but the color of his skin makes him stand out against the gray of the rocks. A twinge of disappointment quickly dissipates–it’s just Jinbe, his eyes closed and a serene look on his face. The placid, honorable helmsman is the most favorable of your crew to run into here; you can look forward to a calm soak if it’s just him around.
Jinbe opens one eye upon hearing your footsteps, then closes it again after seeing it’s you. Sliding off your towel and folding it up, you step into the springs. The hot water around your legs is a stark difference to the air around you, almost a little too warm, but you don’t wait to adjust, walking down the scarped steps cut into the rock.
An involuntary sigh escapes you as you’re immersed up to your shoulders, the heat wrapped around your body pleasant and soothing. It’s a little more intense around your healing cuts, close to a sting, but your tired muscles are so relaxed by the therapeutic heat that it well makes up for it. You hear a gruff chuckle come from the other end of the pool.
“It’s really nice, isn’t it?” Jinbe says, smiling warmly. “I never got to experience hot springs until long after I became a pirate. Such a luxury is exquisite…”
“Mhm,” you agree, feeling the bottom with your foot to get an idea of how deep the pool goes. It’s deep enough that the bottom slopes away from your feet, and at least deep enough that Jinbe can soak his entire body. That’s saying something, given that he’s almost ten feet tall. “Makes sense. They don’t exactly form under the sea.”
“No. A shame–the hot water feels great going through your gills.” Jinbe dips his mouth into the water, taking a gulp, and you watch with some fascination as the water flows out of his gills and trickles down his neck. He lets out a sigh of contentment. Your eyes widen slightly as he rises, his massive upper body breaking the surface so he can hook his elbows onto the bank and lean back. “The contrast is nice, too. I enjoy how cool the air feels on my skin.”
“Mm,” you reply, the sight of his broad, broad pecs erasing proper words from your vocabulary. They’re hefty and thick, a layer of fat that you know hides powerful muscle underneath. His upper arms are the same, deceptively soft looking until he flexes and shows the bulging of huge muscles. You’ve always had a thing for big guys, and even more so for Fish-men. Finding Jinbe attractive was a given, but you didn’t really anticipate the effect seeing him naked would have on you.
That’s probably why he catches you staring. You realize it too late, your eyes meeting before you rip your gaze away. At least he’s too polite to say anything about it. He scratches the back of his neck while you look anywhere else.
“You fought well today,” he says awkwardly, but sincerely. “Given my brief time in the Straw Hats, I haven’t had the chance to see how everyone fares in combat.”
“What, did I surprise you?” you ask, grinning at him.
“Yes and no. I knew you’d be strong, but I didn’t expect you to tank hits as well as you did. I’m always impressed by the resilience of humans. Especially the smaller ones.”
“I guess that makes sense,” you shrug. “But I’m alright. Look, this is the worst that I got today.” You stand on the tips of your toes so your shoulders come out of the water and point to your clavicle. There’s a long cut across the middle, and while it bled a lot initially, it was just shallow enough to not need stitches.
“You were injured?” Jinbe says, pushing himself off the wall before you can respond. Dipping low again, he moves through the water toward you swiftly and gracefully. Even on land, he moves elegantly, surprising considering his size, but it doesn’t compare to how he swims. The water seems to part around him, barely disturbed like a swan gliding across the surface.
“Just a little,” you say, taking a step back despite yourself as he reaches you, rising up out of the water. He’s even bigger up close, looming over you. The proximity makes your heart pick up its pace. You can’t help it–he’s just so big, and he’s looking at you with such concern. 
“Has Chopper seen it?”
“No. It seemed minor. I didn’t want to bother him while he was helping people who really needed him.” You have to crane your neck back to look up at Jinbe.
“As a former captain, I’d admonish you…but truthfully, I would have done the same.” He chuckles. “I’m no doctor, but I have treated my fair share of injuries. Do you mind if I take a look?”
“Oh. Uh…” You hesitate, caught between flattery at his concern and bashfulness. “No, I don’t mind.”
Jinbe lowers himself in the water so he’s at eye level with you again, inching closer to get a better view of your cut. You turn your head as he leans in, unable to meet his eye at such a close distance. You can feel his breath on your skin, the soft warmth making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Despite the warmth of the hot springs, you still feel a heat creeping into your cheeks.
“It’s not bad,” he says after a minute. “You made a good call this time. Did you disinfect it?”
“Good! It should heal up nicely.” He smiles big, making your heart leap, and then he perks as he notices something else. “That’s a nasty bruise there.” He gently rests his fingers on your arm, right below the deep purple bruise on your shoulder.
“It’s, uh, it’s no big deal,” you shrug. Jinbe’s lifted your arm slightly to inspect your shoulder better, and you swallow at the touch. His webbed hand is so large it wraps entirely around your arm. “J-Jinbe…”
“Ah!” he lets go, seeming to notice your unease. “Am I making you uncomfortable? My apologies.”
You laugh nervously, trying to play it off. “Come on. Being doted on by a big, handsome guy would make anyone tense.”
Jinbe’s completely taken by surprise, mouth slightly open as he goes quiet. He clears his throat, and a slow, adorably shy smile stretches across his mouth. “I must say, it’s not often you get that sentiment from humans.”
“I’ve always found fish-men attractive,” you say without thinking. Immediately you realize what you said and start stammering. “I mean, um, you know. You guys are often pretty big, and, uh, really strong, and, I look up to that, and…”
His smile grows as you talk yourself into a corner. “You know,” he says thoughtfully, “it’s not unheard of for fish-men to be interested in humans, either.”
Your stomach does a funny little flip. “Do you…do you know any fish-man like that?”
“You could say that.”
You finally meet his eye. His sheepish grin makes you smile, too, even as your heart pounds. He doesn't move away, and up close, you notice the darkened, violet mottling above his left gills.
“You're bruised, too,” you say, reaching for his neck. Jinbe lets you, angling himself to give you easier access. You brush your fingers lightly over the spot, careful not to press down, and hear his breath catch. Glancing at him, you see the skin of his face tinged violet as well, something you somehow missed earlier. You touch his cheeks gently. “Oh–you also got hit in the face, huh? That's never fun.”
Jinbe clears his throat. “Actually, er, that's just a blush,” he admits, gaze averted.
“Oh!” You yank your hands away. “Sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable this time?”
“Naturally,” he grins cheekily, “being doted on by an attractive young man would make anyone nervous.” Your cheeks flare even hotter at the revelation, more so when Jinbe takes your hand, enveloping it in his large one. “I don't mind. It's nice.”
Your heart stutters in your chest. “I think so, too.”
He puts your hand back where it was on his cheek, glancing aside shyly for a second before looking at you again. He steels his resolve, taking a breath, before he says your name so gently it makes a shiver run down your spine. “Y/n…”
“Yeah?” Entranced, you lean in until there's only a few inches of space between you, and Jinbe answers you by closing the distance, pressing his lips to yours hesitantly.
The contact is fleeting, a brief testing of the waters, but it feels like little fireworks setting off beneath your skin. You two blink at each other, and then you place your other hand on his cheek and pull him back in for another. Like the first, it’s soft and uncertain. The next kiss is more sure, and by the next one, he’s placed his hands around your hips, squeezing when you gently lick along his lower lip.
It’s a little different from kissing a human; his mouth is so wide, for one thing, that he can’t really close it over yours properly; instead he lets you do most of the work, your tongue probing and tracing patterns across the expanse of his. Bringing his hands up your sides to support you, he tilts you back, pressing heated, messy kisses against your mouth. You wrap your arms around his neck, just able to dig your fingers into his hair at the base, and kiss along his lower lip, nipping by one of his large lower fangs. You can’t resist a little chomp on his fang, either. 
Jinbe growls, a sound that goes straight to your dick. “Careful,” he rumbles as you press your cheek to his fang. “They’re sharper than they look.”
“I guess you biting me is off the table?”
He chuckles. “I won’t bite you, no. But if you hold very, very still,” he warns and promises at once, “I can do this.” With the utmost delicateness, he drags the points of his upper row of teeth down your neck and over your shoulder, leaving faint, ashy lines. The sensation tickles and teases, the razor’s edge of danger, drawing a soft whimper out of you. His control is so good it doesn’t even sting.
“Jinbe,” you breathe, running your hands down his broad chest and scraping your nails against his skin–comparatively dull, but he groans appreciatively all the same. “Would you think less of me if I told you I really, really liked that?”
“Of course not,” he chuckles and pecks your lips fondly. “I find it attractive.”
“Okay,” you say, “‘cause for the record, this is my first time kissing a Fish-man, and it’s better than I imagined.”
“Than you imagined?” Holding onto you, Jinbe rolls over so you’re propped up on his chest, both your lower halves beneath the water as he swims backward easily. “You imagine yourself with Fish-men often, do you? What else do you imagine?”
He’s confident now, shining eyes fixed on you, and you meet his challenge. “Why don’t I show you?”
Jinbe pulls you in for another kiss, the two of you making out until his back hits the opposite wall. Now in only about three feet of water, you slide down between his legs while Jinbe leans back on the sloped bank.
Through the water, you can see the faint outline of his cocks–there’s two–each one at least as thick as your forearm and just as long. Arranged vertically, they’re slightly darker than the rest of him, with a purplish flush beneath the skin. The top one is erect and rigid, the other one halfway there. You try to act nonchalant at the sight, as he’s currently watching you with some amusement. Rather than make a comment, you reach for the lower one, and Jinbe sucks in a breath as you wrap your hands around it.
The skin is silky and warm even under the hot springs. You stroke him from base to tip, thumbs pressing into his frenum, making him gasp. The lower member quickly swells from the attention, stiffening until it’s as big and rigid as the upper one.
“You don’t seem surprised,” Jinbe comments.
“Didn’t want to be rude.” you respond, making him grin. “You’re, um…you’re impressive, to say the least.”
Jinbe’s about to reply when you take one cock in each hand and start stroking firmly, pressing them against your stomach, his balls resting on your lap. Whatever he was going to say turns into a soft gasp. Like a human, he seems to be more sensitive toward the tip, so you focus your attention there. Though you can’t see it, you can feel a sticky, mucousy fluid coating the heads of his cocks, spreading down his shaft by the movement of your hands.
“Ah…you… you’re certainly eager to please, aren’t you?” he praises, one hand cupping your cheek.
“You have no idea.” Taking a deep breath, you plunge your head into the water, shutting your eyes tight, and take one of his cocks into your mouth. His pre-cum is thicker and saltier than a human’s, but otherwise doesn’t have a strong taste. You stuff as much of the head of him that will fit and suck. His groan cuts through the water, cocks twitching in your hands.
As a non devil-fruit user, you’ve gotten plenty of swimming practice rescuing the other members of the crew, so you can hold your breath for some time. You easily spend a while sucking him off, stroking the opposite cock in the meantime, and when you finally surface to take a breath, you switch to the other.
Jinbe pants and groans above you, fingers digging into the pool’s rocky edge, doing everything he can to resist thrusting up into your mouth. Even for him, it proves to be a challenge; you feel his hips shift forward as he squirms just a little. The filthy act already has your cock engorged, but knowing you’re putting cracks in his iron willpower just riles you up worse. To have someone as powerful as Jinbe writhing beneath you is a thrill like nothing else.
You surface, gasping, just a bit light-headed from holding your breath repeatedly for so long. Without hesitating, you start to mount him, but Jinbe stops you with a hand on your shoulder.
“Hold on,” he says. “Is it safe?”
“I don’t have those parts anymore,” you say. Jinbe looks down at your stomach, and the lack of scarring there. “Law removed those for me the last time he sailed with us from Zou,” you explain. “I told him I’d owe him a favor if he would do it for me. Afterward, he told me I didn’t owe him anything as long as I didn’t tell anyone he did it for free.”
“A soft side, hm?” Jinbe chuckles. “Rare for a warlord.”
“I could say the same about you.” You move over his lower cock, lining him up while he holds your hips steady. “For all your strength, Jinbe, you’d never hurt me. Even if I wanted you to.”
Jinbe pauses for a moment, then leans in close. “Don’t misunderstand, Y/n. I’m still a Fish-man,” there’s a low, gravel to his voice now, “I still have my urges. Now,” he starts pulling you down onto his cock, and you gasp as the broad head spreads you open wide, “Shark fish-men don’t bite our romantic partners by nature. Our teeth are too sharp. However…” He doesn’t slow down or give you time to pause, and your fingers dig into his stomach at how easy it is for him to manipulate your body, how his cock spears in deep and bottoms out only halfway down, how his thickness forces your walls wide. “Stuffing you full–” Jinbe presses your back against the pool wall, ”–taking you for myself–” he starts to thrust up into you, “filling you up–” he growls by your ear as you whimper, “all are things I crave doing to you.”
“Jinbe!” you cry, trying to brace yourself against the rocky wall. It’s smooth enough to not cut, but you think he might bruise you if he gets too excited. But he’s currently fucking you so good that you don’t have it in you to care, especially not when his upper cock rubs against your own with every thrust.
“That’s it, my boy, just take it,” he purrs, “you wanna know what it’s like to fuck a Fish-man, I’ll show you.”
There’s so much pre-cum he slides in and out of you with only a slight resistance, and it sticks to your sensitive skin, something you realize must be an adaptation for sex underwater. The upper cock is painting it along your stomach as he fucks you. Your eyes roll back at the dual onslaught.
“Gonna cum,” you whimper.
“Already?” he teases, “I don’t know if to be flattered, or scold you for your endurance.”
“But it feels–ha–so fucking good,” you moan. “Can’t–help it!”
“Cute.” Jinbe chuckles. “Then go ahead–let go for me.”
A few more thrusts, and you’re forced over the peak, your eyes shutting tight as orgasm overwhelms you.
“Ahh–mmf!” Your cry is cut off as Jinbe’s hands wrap around your mouth. He holds you there for a second as you ride it out, shushing you.
“Someone’s coming,” he hisses, pulling you away from the pool’s edge and rapidly swimming backwards. He takes you around the other side of the cluster of boulders in the middle of the springs, hiding behind them. You go still, listening; a moment later the sound of voices reaches your ears–Franky and Usopp. 
Jinbe pulls out of you, only to turn you around, facing you away from him and lining up his upper cock with your center. You look over your shoulder at him in shock. “Jinbe?” you whisper harshly.
“Just be quiet,” he whispers back. “No one will hear with our bodies underwater, so long as you don’t make a sound.”
“But–!” you bite your lip as he starts to penetrate you, his lower cock now positioned to glide over your own.
The water in the center of the pool is too deep for you to reach the bottom; all you can do is brace your hands against the boulder and take what Jinbe gives you. Every thrust pushes your body up a little, but as you remain submerged up to your shoulders, there's no sound. However, the pleasure proves to be too much of a challenge as you stifle back a whimper.
“Mind your noises, boy,” Jinbe whispers. “You don't want them to hear, do you?”
You're caught off guard by this boldness coming from him–you'd never have thought he was the type. It seemed you had a lot to learn still about your new crewmate.
Franky and Usopp's voices get a little louder as Jinbe presses kisses to your shoulder. You bite your lip in pleasure and nervousness, now able to hear their conversation. The sound of splashing water reaches you both, and upon realizing the other men have entered the hot springs, you tighten up despite yourself.
Jinbe grins against your back, licking up the back of your neck to the shell of your ear. He doesn't need to say it out loud; you already know he's delighted to find out you like the risk. Unable to speak, you're entirely at his mercy in the water, helpless to the pleasure he commands all through your body.
Jinbe shifts, and you feel the head of his second cock nudging up at your entrance next to the first. You give him a shocked look over your shoulder, he tilts his head and raises a brow in question. You can practically hear him ask: Do you want it, boy? Can you take me?
The other men’s conversation grows louder, something about collaborating on a project. They have to be less than 30 feet away now.
You make your decision on a whim, nodding your consent, and Jinbe grins.
The push of his second cockhead is an immediate, challenging stretch, your insides gradually pushed apart to accommodate him. He doesn't stop until he physically can't fit another inch, stretching you taught around him. Like this, there's a constant, firm pressure against your g-spot no matter how he moves, something that makes your legs go weak. You're only held up in the water now by his cocks stuck inside you.
There's no way Jinbe can thrust like this–you're too full. Instead he rolls his hips against yours, humping into you so that his cocks grind up inside you. Your eyes roll back at how good it feels, his hushed panting warm against the back of your neck. One of his hands reaches around to cover your mouth, the other goes between your legs to jerk off your cock, instantly making you twitch and squirm. You keen into his hand, prompting him to squeeze tighter.
Jinbe leans in to growl lowly into your ear. “I was wrong about your endurance. Look how well you're doing…want me to fill you up, right here?” You nod fervently. “That's a good boy…”
He pins you to the boulder, rubbing faster circles on your cock, grinding himself so hard into you there's a slight, sweet ache. It lasts for another secret, filthy minute, until suddenly Jinbe's pace stutters and he breathes out harshly as he hits his peak. Both his cocks spurt into you at intervals, hot stickiness filling you and forcing your walls to swell even further. The sensation pushes you over the edge, your moan muffled into his hand. The orgasm rocks through you, walls spasming around him as you ejaculate into the water.
He holds you there for a minute while you both silently ride out your highs, catching your breath. Then he gently pulls out one cock at a time, only uncovering your mouth afterward. Jinbe presses your legs closed as he whispers into your ear.
“Better not let any spill out, my boy. You'll contaminate the spring even more.”
“Who's fault would that really be?” you mutter.
He chuckles and kisses the top of your head. “Come on. You'd better get back to the showers. Want help?”
“I'll be okay,” you smile wryly. “The real challenge is to climb out of the spring without spreading my legs.”
“I can take care of that.” He hooks an arm around your middle and swims you to the far edge of the pool, where he lifts you up easily and places you out on land.
You have to shuffle awkwardly to keep everything in as you walk around the perimeter toward the showers. Your towel was on the shore by Franky and Usopp, but they've seen you naked before during group baths, so that's not an issue. They call out to you as you come into view, mentioning their surprise that you were there at all.
“Yeah, Jinbe and I were soaking around the corner,” you say, keeping your face as straight as possible.
“Oh, he's here too? I didn't hear you guys.”
“We weren't talking.”
As you waddle off toward the showers, deftly avoiding eye contact, you figure you're technically telling the truth. 
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buggyandthebartoclub · 1 year ago
Sick headcannons bc I’m still sick and gonna make it these fuckers problem 😡
Characters When THEYRE Sick (which characters? Dunno random ones I’m so sorry- no consistency in this post)
Who’s a whiny little bitch about being sick
Buggy, Shanks, Ace, Shachi, Luffy, Usopp, Kidd, Brook (can be even get sick?), Barto, (me)
Who’s taking it like a champ
Zoro, Nami, Law, Robin, Jinbe, Smoker, Koby
Who can take it like a champ but is going to whine a little for the extra affection from you anyway
Franky, Sanji, Penguin, Corazon, Sabo
Who’s begging for kisses while sick knowing damn well you’ll get sick too if you kiss them
Ace, Shanks, Shachi, Usopp, Penguin, Sabo
Who’s asking if their medicine can be given in beer
Zoro, Ace, Shanks, Barto, Kidd, Smoker (smoker you know better!!)
Who is being responsible and preventing YOU from kissing them so you don’t get sick
Sanji, Law, Robin, Jinbe, Nami, Corazon, Smoker, Koby
Characters when YOURE sick
Who’s trying to give you medicine in beer
Ace, Shanks, Zoro, Barto, Kidd (again you guys NO!! Chopper and Law said water ONLY!!)
Who’s giving you the mother hen, doting lover treatment
Sanji, Law (pretends he’s not, definitely is), Corazon, Usopp, Ace, Jinbe, Penguin, Koby
Who sure fuckin tries to do that and ends up making everything worse and getting scolded for it
Shanks, Buggy, Zoro, Barto, Shachi, Brook, Kidd, Luffy
Who takes care of you but is normal about it/manages to cheer you up easily
Nami, Franky, Robin, Benn, Killer, Sabo
Who is stressed out/thinking you’re dying the whole time
Ace, Shanks, Luffy, Barto, Shachi, Penguin, Buggy, Usopp, Koby
Who knows you’ll be fine and gives you a some shit for being sick and/or for being a whiny bitch about it
Kidd, Law (the duality of a man ik), Benn, Nami, Smoker, Zoro
Knows you’ll be fine and won’t show they’re stressed about you being sick, but they’re still lingering around being obviously anxious and checking on you till you’re better
Smoker, Law, Corazon, Franky, Jinbe, Sanji, Benn, Sabo
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rollinouttahere-writes · 7 months ago
Arlong speed running getting thrown back into jail is probably gonna give Jinbe gray hairs
Jinbei is standing in front of his cell- the same one he was in before because he came back so fast that they didn't even get the chance to put someone else in it- and tapping his foot while glowering at Arlong
Arlong is just glad that there are bars separating them because he knows that Jinbei would beat his ass right now if given the opportunity
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problemswithbooks · 1 year ago
Fishman at lest reproduce like humans do because Oda said they’re mammals.
Oh, I'd go a step further and say fishmen and mermaids are really just humans considering they can have children with humans and those children can also then have children as well. Not only that whatever genetic difference that gives them fish-like adaptations is rather weak with half-fishman, half-human hybrids almost always look completely human. By the time that child has another child with a human all fish traits are gone, and the only thing they seem to retain is being naturally good swimmers.
My post about their possible different ways of reproduction was mainly just a fun world building head-canon that could help explain why/how some fishmen/merfolk can have spouses and children of wildly huge sizes. Also, if some fish-men like Hody can have possess genitalia similar to his fish counterpart it's not that big a stretch to thing other fishmen/merfolk might be equally effected sometimes.
The thing is I really doubt Oda really gives much thought to how the new races he puts in his story work biologically. If he did, he'd have known that sharks have two 'penis-like' clappers, instead of being surprised by the fan who brought it up. This is in no way a dig at Oda or One Piece. It's not a story that focuses much on that aspect of the world in great detail besides what is necessary for the plot and themes and that works just fine--in fact doing more would only bog down the story with unnecessary information that wastes everyone's time.
We don't need to know how fishmen/merfolk have kids or how it's physically possible for Otohime to have such a massive husband and daughter. It's not relevant to the plot or themes and Oda's already got a long story to tell without superfluous info being brought up. Plus, he just wants to draw fun looking characters. The science of it isn't important because it's the visuals that really matter anyway.
It's really just something I thought about and tried to come up with biological reasons for because I enjoy that type of thing so much. World building is fun for me, and as someone who enjoys biology, it's fun to look at these fish-like characters and think about how they might function with more fish-like biology, then continue that onto how that might effect their culture.
I just think it's neat :)
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 1 year ago
Hello! I have a question about chapter 1100. When St Saturn was talking with Kuma why they wanted him to be a shichibukai, in the official english translation, he said that "A rookie named Ace recently knocked out one of the seven, and we have been searching for a replacement."
I was so confused by this because from what we know, Ace was offered the shichibukai spot but declined it. The shichibukai he knocked out (some time after he had declined the offer) was Jinbei and until before Marineford War, he was still a shichibukai and was never replaced.
I'm wondering what the original Japanese text was and if this is a translation error.
it seems like the shichibukai referenced in that line is not jinbe; it's someone else whose identity we don't know. the japanese only says 一角/ikkaku, 'one member'; we know it doesn't make sense for it to be jinbe because as you've said jinbe maintains his shichibukai title until marineford. ace's fight with jinbe seems to have been a separate event from this fight- bear in mind ace was just running around getting in fights with everyone at this point. additionally, ace's fight with jinbe ended in a stalemate, not victory, so it wouldn't make sense to describe that fight this way anyways.
while the text doesn't clarify what happened to this unnamed shichibukai, we can probably assume ace either killed them or injured them very severely, given that i don't think we've been given any indication that losing a fight to a pirate is/was grounds to lose one's shichibukai title in itself.
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wesleysniperking · 8 months ago
Straw Hat Aircrew
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I recently read a book about commercial planes and how the flight crew have to work together to get sh*t done and keep everyone safe, and I couldn't help but think of the Straw Hats.
In a given scenario of what-ifs and dire situations (like if it was one of those movies where some of the passengers—along with a bit of inexperienced air crew members find themselves having to fly a plane and get everyone to safety) what each Straw Hat would do. This is a mix of old and new aircrew/airline positions.
Usopp and Nami would have to both be captains. But I think Usopp would make a good Airborne Sensor Operator too—he’d somehow know how to gather information from an airborne platform. They'd both have to tell the pilots and officers what to do and where to go. I believe Nami would actually talk frequently with the air traffic controller, needing to know where to land and the closest airport. If the air traffic controller (ATC) was being an a**hole she’d set them straight. Usopp would be telling the first officer, second officer, and third officer where to go. He's one of the best communicators and strategists in the crew and would use his fear to his advantage. He can work extremely well under pressure. He'd be able to lead this thing. Mitigated speech would be out the window! Yet, I think Usopp and Nami would take turns sitting in the left seat
The officers (co-pilot, second officer, and third officer) would be the monster trio. Now I know this sounds crazy. But if you think about it, they're the three people in the crew who always jump into action. When sh*t gets serious they perform miracles. Luffy would immediately start attempting to fly the plane, Zoro would be the second one to jump in the piloting chair (but he’d need to listen to Usopp and Nami very very CLOSELY), and Sanji would initially be in a cabin position or in the parser role (cabin crew team leader), but he'd have to jump into that piloting chair if need be and help fly the d*mm thing since that's who Sanji is. He be manning the ship wheel sometimes in canon. Then Robin would take over as parser and reassure the passengers that everything is A-okay (morbid humor aside). Besides, Oda said Robin would be a flight attendant in the real world.
Franky would be the flight engineer (he'd be the dude who knows the ends and outs of the plane). Operating the complex airsystems. He'd have to let the captains and pilots know if an engines been blown out or what’s been damaged. He'd let them know how much gas is in the plane and if they're going to “land heavy”.
Chopper would be the flight medic who'd be there if a passenger so happened to be experiencing a medical emergency such as a passenger passing out or something like that. He'd communicate effectively with another medic/doctor (maybe someone like Law or Marco) stationed somewhere remotely who would tell him exactly what to do based on the specific ailment or issue.
Brook would be part of the cabin crew (stewards/flight attendant, parser, etc), and Jinbe would be part of the flight deck operations (with the captains and officers). If he needed to take over as a pilot (a bored/distracted Luffy or Zoro having issues like arguing with Sanji), he'd take over. So he'd be part of the relief crew. Brook would be a flight attendant, but he'd be a cool one who before take off tells the passengers how to be safe what to hold onto, and what not to do. What’s prohibited and not. Crack funny jokes and sing.
The Straw Hat crew would save the day and make a miracle landing.
Usopp fan club if interested…👀
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zorosjuicymelonsx · 1 year ago
Finding You
A/N: Happy Valentines Day!
Dropping in with another chapter! When I'm writing this story, I honestly feel like such a Zoro scholar with how much I sit there and think about how he's feeling XD ya boy is not very expressive but he's still my pookie bear <;3
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I don't think this is much of a warning but just in case; you get a bit of acid in your throat from anxiety/shock if ya know what I mean or ever experienced it. There is some fighting but I've not gone into the whole blood thing so its just actions but I know some of you guys do not do well with blood.
Without further ado, I'll be back next week to drop the next one!
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Chapter Four Previous Next
A few weeks had passed since your arrival and you managed to settle in with everyone…all except for Zoro. Since your duel with him, he’d made every effort to ignore you. From aired hellos when you greeted him passing by to moving seats away from you at meal times when you tried sitting next to him to him spending more time in the Crows Nest away from everyone.
As disheartened as you felt, you knew you couldn’t force him to talk to you. You assured everyone that you were okay. You spent most of your nights trying to wrap your head around the possibility that something could have tampered with his memory, removing all signs of you in his head. The mere thought of the endless possibilities made your blood boil and kept you from falling asleep soundly.
To keep yourself busy and away from living in your own head, you’d throw yourself into sketching; deciding to start a new project involving drawing everyone on the ship secretly and framing them to hang in the galley. You were able to draw Luffy fishing, Usopp training with his slingshot, Nami in her study working on her maps, Franky fixing the mini-Merry and Chopper taking a nap in his infirmary. You were grateful for your memory as it was getting harder to remain inconspicuous, almost getting caught by Brook whose lurking ghost form had almost given you a heart attack but not before you were able to slam your sketchbook shut and lecture him on how not to sneak (or fly?) up on people.
You’d also been spending more time with the girls on the deck lounging in the lawn chairs, the concept of relaxation foreign seeing as you’d spent so long journeying around the world. Aside from your usual training which you conducted almost every morning, you asked Jinbe to train you in fishman karate, fascinated by the art which he graciously agreed to do for you.
Today, you had planned to sketch and relax to take a break from your usual training schedule.
As you made your way up to the table on the deck, your sketchbook and pencils ready in your hands, you could hear Sanji and Nami in the kitchen quietly speaking. You moved away from the gap in the door, positioning your back against the wall with your ear inline to listen in. You knew you shouldn’t but you couldn’t help after hearing the concern laced in both their voices.
“Nami-swan, we really need to get a stronger lock for the fridge.”
“Sanji-kun, we need to make do with the supplies we have until we get to the next island which won’t be for at least another week.” Nami sighed out heavily.
You frowned at the topic of the conversation, instant guilt seeping in as you felt responsible for the food shortage. You’d outlined that Sanji probably shopped for the 10 of them, an additional person would add strain especially when an appetite like Luffy’s existed. An idea came to mind and you decided to end your eavesdropping. You moved off the wall and peered your head into the kitchen. This caught Sanji and Nami’s attention, both offering bright smiles of welcome to you.
“I’m sorry, I was listening to your conversation. i-I think I can help.” You offered a small apologetic smile.
You explained your idea to use your devil fruit ability to conjure a hole onto an island you visited before from memory that you knew you could get food supplies from. You explained that your ability allowed you to revisit places out of memory or to visit random locations but at your own risk.
At first they both sat in silence thinking of your proposition. Then Sanji protested against the idea and was adamant they could make supplies last till then. Nami counter argued and saw sense in this idea to save them time and strain. Sanji looked at Nami hesitantly before sighing and nodded in agreement.
“Is there anyone you want to bring with us?” You asked Sanji.
“Not at all Y/N-chan, I’ll get ready for our trip.” Sanji said excitedly, his eyes bore hearts at the thought of spending time with you. He danced away to the pantry to get his bags and ready himself for the trip.
“I’ll have someone near the hole ready to take the bags off you guys. I’ll brief the others.” Nami said as she got up and gave you a hug of appreciation.
You hugged her back, grateful for the opportunity to prove yourself to everyone.
You left Nami and Sanji, dropping your sketchbook off back in your shared room. You then headed to the area of the deck where you’d previously made the hole. As you took a deep breath in, clearing your mind and holding your right hand out, you envisioned the other side. You chose to picture a quiet open space of land on an island you’d visited a year ago that you knew would only be a short walk away from the market.
You wouldn’t be able to close the hole until you and Sanji were completely finished so choosing a secluded area was a must away from prying eyes.
With the hole open and ready, you turned back to the door that went below deck to see Sanji approaching you with some empty bags in his hands. Behind him, you could see Nami, Usopp and Brook holding Luffy back. You had to hold back a laugh from the kerfuffle.
With Sanji now standing next to you, you turned to him, gesturing to follow you as you jumped into the hole. As you now stood on what now appeared to now be secluded farm land, the path to the market however remained the same as you’d remembered it. You looked at Sanji who now stood next to you, smiling before pointing to the pathway as you started walking. Sanji briefly stood in awe at the hole, the coolness of the smoke clouds prickling his skin.
“Ohhh Y/N-chan is so talented! MELLORINE.” Sanji sang out, taking out his box of cigarettes from his pocket to pull out a smoke as he started walking to catch up with you. You were usually not a fan of the cigarette smell but you became quite used to it and found yourself thinking that it would be quite weird not to smell smoke from Sanji.
You briefly explained to Sanji that they would need to be swift as keeping the hole open for long periods of time would affect your energy reserve. With this, Sanji vowed to do his best, zooming past you on the path to the marketplace that could be seen from their current distance.
“Witch let go of me.” Zoro keened forward, teeth bared out and his ear hot and sore from Nami pulling him from it. He just wanted to nap. Nami stomped forward, her grip still tight on Zoro’s right ear towards the hole you left on the deck. Zoro noticed the hole, feeling a sense of panic twinge him at the thought you were behind the hole.
Both reaching the edge of the hole, Nami let go of Zoro and pushed him down to sit on the floor.
“Now you’re going to sit here and wait for Y/N and Sanji to come back. You should be grateful, your wife offered to help us out.” Nami lectured, and Zoro let out a ‘ha?’ despite being completely aware of what was going on. He’d overheard Nami briefing everyone and he wanted absolutely nothing to do with it despite feeling slightly grateful that you offered to help.
“Why do I have to do it? Isn’t it Jinbe’s turn to help anyway?” Zoro argued, rubbing his hand against his ear to soothe it.
“That's when we get to the next island and quite frankly I’m fed up of watching you avoid Y/N like she's diseased. Now you wait here and if I see you even moved an inch you’ll be sorry.” Nami threatened with her fist balled to his face before walking away, briefly turning her head back to dart threats from her eyes.
He huffed, sulking as he crossed his arms and sat cross legged against the ship. Since his duel with you, he avoided you. Whilst Zoro had accepted that you and him were married, his mind in his resolve that he didn’t want to commit himself to anything or anyone but his ambitions. What he couldn’t explain was the dull ache he felt in his chest whenever he was actively avoiding you and seeing the brief displays of disappointment that flickered on your face. He was adamant it wasn’t guilt or regret. He rarely felt those emotions and when he did, they were much stronger. He couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was but he chose to ignore it.
Time had passed and Zoro was feeling restless, becoming more annoyed that it was you and especially the shitty cook he was waiting on.
“Fuck this.” Zoro angrily mumbled to himself.
On a whim, he sat up on his knees and decided to crouch over to stick his head in the hole to see for himself what the hold up was. He briefly felt a chill run down his cheeks and neck as he plunged his head into the clouds of smoke.
Now Zoro was rarely surprised. He hadn’t anticipated that as his head reached the other side of the hole he would come face to face with you on the other side. His breathing halted, voice choked in his throat holding back any sound as his eye met with yours. He noticed how wide your eyes were with shock, you clearly hadn’t anticipated seeing anything come through the hole. He was so close in fact, he could feel the warmth radiating from your face onto his from the flush of pink that bloomed on the apples of your cheeks.
After a few more seconds, he quickly shot his head back out of the hole, landing on his bum as his whole face burned with embarrassment. He didn’t have quite enough time to recover his breath completely before noticing a masculine hand poking through the hole with a bag in grip. Zoro jumped into action and reached out to grab the bags, setting them to the side until all the bags were collected.
Once the bags were set and he thought it was over, out of the corner of his eye he noticed you trying to emerge through the hole, your smaller hands were gripping on the edge of the deck. He sensed you were struggling and before he could stop himself Zoro stood up, grabbed your wrists and pulled you out of the hole, bringing you to stand in front of him.
You were too embarrassed, trying your best to avoid his eye. He noticed the flush that was still painted on your cheeks. His eye traced over your features briefly, noticing the smoothness of your skin and the thick curl of your lashes. You could feel his gaze on you and eventually built up your courage to look up at him. His large frame towering over yours as your eye bore into his grey iris. Your eyes flickered to his scar, you’d been tempted to trace over it with your fingertips. You’d wondered what exactly happened to his eye but despite that, you couldn’t deny that it added to his ever-growing handsomeness.
You gave him a small smile but didn’t quite get enough time to thank him before Sanji jumped up from the hole, anger evident on his face as he walked to stand in front of the swordsman.
“Oi marimo, what the fuck were you thinking? You almost gave Y/N a heart attack with that stunt!” Sanji began shouting.
“None of your damn business cook.” Zoro bit back angrily.
You reluctantly moved away from Zoro and Sanji, their impending fight would surely go on for some time as you turned your attention to the open hole.
Once the hole was closed, you slowly sat down on the deck and laid back with your eyes closed, your attempt to hold onto the last bit of energy dissipated.
Zoro didn’t know what made his mind wander back to you during his argument with the cook. His eye had gone past the blonde hair to see you lying on the floor. Abruptly ending his petty fight with Sanji, Zoro walked past the cook to go over to you. Sanji looked back at the swordsman fuming, clearly not satisfied with the ending to their fight. Upon seeing you on the floor and realising why Zoro stopped, a quiet ‘shit’ came out of Sanji as he also made his way over to you.
“Y/N-chan, are you okay?” Sanji asked worriedly.
You looked up to see Sanji and Zoro watching you. You politely nodded, not wanting to make a fuss.
“I’m okay, I just need a min-oof.” Cut off mid sentence, Zoro picked you up bridal style and carried you over the deck towards the girls cabin ignoring the cooks swearing behind him. Zoro really didn’t understand what possessed him to do this. It was like his mind lost control and it had been pure instinct that led him to this.
You let him carry you, all your energy was spent and you were too lethargic to protest against it. You had to stop yourself from snuggling your face into his chest, remembering how much you missed being close to him. You ended up hearing a couple ‘ooos’ coming from Nami and Usopp.
‘You didn’t even know they were watching you…how embarrassing!’ You mentally groaned knowing Nami would definitely tease you about this later.
The sounds across the ship dimmed as Zoro continued to head under the deck.
After a quick wrong turn and correction in direction, Zoro finally made it to the girls cabin. He pushed the door open with his back and walked over to the first bed he saw. He gently laid you down, carefully unfastening your sword from your waist and leaning it against the bedside table. Your head hit and slowly sunk into the pillow, your head and body feeling heavy. Before you could say anything, Zoro grunted out a quick ‘thank you for the food trip’ and left the room swiftly. You couldn’t do anything but stare at the door he left. The exhaustion kicked in, lulling you to sleep for the rest of the afternoon.
After closing the door, Zoro’s grip on the door handle tightened.
‘Why did I do that?!’
Zoro thought, questioning himself.
Zoro felt overwhelmed and decided he needed a drink.
————————————- ⚔️✨ ————————————
Night fell as you slept peacefully for what you predicted was at least a few hours. The abrupt sound of breakage and shouting, hearing unfamiliar voices was what woke you from your slumber. Opening your eyes without letting yourself blink out the sleep, your adrenaline kicked in as you rushed out of bed and grabbed your sword. You slammed the door open, letting it hit the wall behind as you ran out to the deck to see the commotion. What you could only describe the scene unfolding in front of you was chaos; the Sunny had been invaded by pirates! You could see your crew scattered around fighting against the invaders, noticing one of the sails was set on fire that lit the ship in the darkness of the night.
“Oh my god.” You whispered under your breath amongst the sounds of clashes and scrapes of weapons.
Taking a quick breath, you lunged with your sword at a group of unsuspecting pirates quickly bringing them down. You felt the floor vibrate behind you from the sound of running, whipping behind you to see you were almost about to be jumped by another group of pirates until Luffy swung his stretched leg to kick them off the ship into the sea. You looked up to see your captain swinging across the ship like a monkey, truly living up to his name.
As you scanned over the rest of the ship, you saw your crew were holding their own fights until you noticed Chopper was struggling to hold his against another group of pirates. You ran towards him, shouting for him to duck as you slashed the pirates across their chests, dropping one by one to the floor. You quickly glanced down at Chopper to see he was alright, he looked shaken up with tears in his eyes filled with appreciation. Just as you were about to grab him and take him to safety, another pirate walked into your vision.
“Go Chopper, I’ve got this.”
You quickly signaled Chopper to leave as you readied yourself, the young doctor not needing to be told twice as he ran to safety.
Bringing your attention to the pirate who now stood a few feet away in front of you, you noticed he was well kept for a pirate compared to others you had met before. You couldn’t deny he was handsome, his black hair kept short, his strength illuminated through the strong body covered in fine, expensive silk. You didn’t let that distract you as you felt his dark energy practically seeping from him. He held a large, bejeweled royal blue sword in his right hand.
‘Why did he seem so familiar?’
You readied yourself, your sword held strong in your grip. You weren’t going to let him hurt anyone.
“Angel, it doesn’t have to be this way. After all, I’m only here to claim what's mine.” His deep voice resonated out as he grinned.
“Don’t fucking call me angel, who are you?” You angrily bit back as you pointed your sword at him.
“I’m Enver…we’ve met before but you don’t seem to remember me.”
“Why are you here?” You eyed him suspiciously, scouring your memory to try to pinpoint where you could have supposedly met him with no luck.
“Why, I’m here for you.” His voice exhumed confidence. You tried to swallow your anxiety down, feeling acid lodged in your throat and your heart beating faster than it ever had before.
“What do you want with me?” You cautiously persisted, trying to keep your voice from breaking.
He chuckled darkly before taking a step forward and leaning in to face you at your level.
“To be mine.”
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cigarcloud · 10 months ago
The Sun Hardly Touches Me - Ch. 2
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Chapter 1 Word Count: 2000 Ao3 Link Summary: Jinbe knows Crocodile is Luffy's father, now he has to grapple with it as Luffy recovers. Author's Note: This should be the last chapter that deals so heavily with canon events. Thanks for reading!
Jinbe was sitting next to a corpse.
“If I die, can you please look after my little brother?”
The room had been quiet for the past two weeks. It had been a screeching symphony as emergency surgery took place. Now, the room was left with nothing but the soft ticking and murmuring of machines, mechanical ingenuity doing what the body would not. Occasionally, the surgeon would come. He would rake his eyes over the body, the machines. His pen would scratch notes on paper. Sometimes he would adjust something, others he wouldn’t. He never said a word to Jinbe. It was unnerving. Trafalgar had risked much saving the boy, and now he looked at his body with cold disinterest.
A body that shouldn’t even be there, if the boy’s will would just bend to reality. Jinbe was beginning to understand that was not Monkey D. Luffy’s style. He had become intrigued, during Marineford. He hadn’t thought he would fulfill Ace’s request, his last as it had turned out. If he would stand with Luffy, it would be on the pirate’s own merits. Luffy would have to earn Jinbe’s respect, he couldn't simply absorb Ace's. In the end, he did earn it.
Ace might have been the Fire Fist, but no one could deny the fire inside his little brother. There was something in his eyes, something determined and manic and terrifying. The kid tore through marines without thought, without mercy. That was common, in the pirating business. What wasn’t was the lack of cruelty, the idealism present. He would do what he had to, to save his brother. He wouldn’t do more.
That was two weeks ago, that was when the kid still had his brother to fight for. At Marineford had looked like a demon. Now, he looked like a kid.
Two weeks had given Jinbe too much time to linger on the events of Marineford. Mostly of Whitebeard, and of Ace. What he could have done, how he could have spared the two friends he lost, the father and son. Eventually, with all the time and silence Jinbe had, that thread would find space to spool elsewhere.
Father and son.
“As for his bloodline, he’s the son of Dragon the Revolutionary!”
That had interested Jinbe a bit, but ultimately it was of no consequence. The boy was here to fight for Ace, the same as Jinbe. Who cared who’s spawn he was? That was easier to maintain for that brief time when he only knew one of the boy’s parents.
“Don’t let them have my son!”
That was… more interesting. It had faded to the back of his mind, for the frantic moments immediately after the war. It had even stayed hidden for the days after, as Jinbe moved through grief. He was better practiced at it than he wished he was. Luffy was taking too long, and now Jinbe’s mind had latched onto that one sentence, and the widening of Crocodile’s eyes as he said it. It certainly hadn’t been the man’s intentions to say it, that much was clear.
It couldn’t be true, unless it could. Jinbe’s time with Emporio Ivankov was brief, but it was enough to get the gist of his powers. Something about a secret the monarch held, something that Sir Crocodile would behave for. There wasn’t much Crocodile would set his pride aside for. If the cost of his pride would hurt it even more, then Jinbe supposed it made sense.
So, a biological possibility. What was more convincing however, was Crocodile himself. Jinbe had been as shocked as everyone else when the former Warlord had spurred into action. He had been wholly uninterested in helping Ace. He had made it quite clear he was there for his own grudge against Whitebeard. So why spare Ace? Why defend Luffy against Mihawk? Why throw himself with reckless abandon in front of Akainu?
It was completely out of character. Jinbe and Crocodile certainly weren’t close. In their time shared as Warlords Jinbe had learned Crocodile didn’t do close. He didn’t risk himself for anyone, he didn’t take risks. His fight with Whitebeard had been his one and only, as far as Jinbe could ever glean. That lesson seemed to embed itself deep into Crocodile.
So, why now?
Luffy was an anomaly, that much Jinbe had seen. He pulled in people, he had a way of capturing attention, for good and for ill. That wasn’t enough to explain Crocodile. He had his own goal when he went to Marineford, one that had Jinbe watching him like a hawk. Then, he had made one halfhearted dive at Whitebeard, before throwing everything into saving Luffy and Ace. As Jinbe mulled it over in his mind, the conclusion seemed inevitable. Crocodile had changed after it was announced Luffy was the son of the Revolutionary. That, above all else, told Jinbe the truth.
Crocodile was Luffy’s other parent, and he hadn’t seemed to know that until Sengoku’s announcement. That was… Jinbe wasn’t sure what that was. He wasn’t sure what to do with the information at all, now that he had it. Perhaps he should tell Luffy, although maybe not as soon as he woke.
Definitely not as soon as he woke.
The quite hum of the small room was pierced by a scream.
“ACE!” Luffy shot up, faster than he had any right to. The surgeon came rushing in as Luffy pulled all his supports off, screaming and wailing the entire time. He tried to hold Luffy down, but even with Jinbe’s assistance, it was no use. They were both being far too delicate.
Luffy’s face was as blank as it was the moment Fire Fist died. His body was moving, but his mind was statue still, stuck at the moment Akainu struck his brother. The screams devolved into formless sounds, no more calls for his brother could be made out.
Luffy tore out of the submarine, racing into the wilderness of Amazon Lily.
“What will happen if we leave him alone?” Jinbe asked the surgeon in the ringing silence that followed Luffy’s departure.
“If his wounds reopen, he could die.” His voice was flat.
Jinbe turned away from the man, and followed the destruction left in Luffy’s wake.
He watched Luffy for a time. He knew he would have to intervene, but that if it happened too soon, he would achieve nothing. Luffy was once again made demon. He threw himself around, punching and screaming and clawing at an invisible enemy. His movements grew sporadic, reaching for anything to shield him from the truth. When his tangle of limbs brought him on his hands and knees to Jinbe’s feet, he took the opportunity to speak.
“The war is over. Ace is-”
“DON’T SAY IT! DON’T SAY ANYTHING!” Luffy screamed, his breath harsh. “I twisted my cheek until it almost tore off.” The tears were falling, and Luffy looked like a kid again, just as he had on that table. “If it was a bad dream, I’d be awake by now.” He looked up at Jinbe. “It’s not a bad dream, is it?” His voice broke apart on the question, before it renewed, building up to a roar. “ACE IS DEAD, ISN’T HE?”
“Yes. He’s dead.” Another scream ripped out of Luffy’s throat, and Jinbe could see a trickle of blood flowing out of it from the abuse. Luffy stayed on his hands and knees, slamming his head into the ground. Screaming about how he couldn’t protect anyone, and Jinbe had had enough.
“Go away!” The child screeched.
“I can’t do that, I won’t allow you to go on hurting yourself.” Jinbe advanced, but Luffy remained oblivious.
“It’s my body, I can do what I want!”
“That’s how Ace thought, he died because he did what he wanted with his body.” Jinbe’s voice was growing louder, his anger and fear of what Luffy might do if left to continue was catching up to his compassion, quickly.
“SHUT UP!” Luffy screamed. “One more word out of you and I’ll clobber you.”
It was a pitiful attempt, and the bite that followed did little to cool Jinbe’s rising frustrations. He soon had Luffy pressed against a tree, his words rushing from his mouth as the dam broke. He was desperate to get through to the boy, and every word seemed to pick at the sheet of ice that rested over Luffy’s eyes.
“Don’t dwell on what you lost, what’s gone is gone forever! Try to remember what you still have!” Jinbe’s grip finally loosed, letting the boy slide to the ground as tears welled in his eyes once more. It was different, this time.
“I have my crew!”
Jinbe watched as Luffy pulled himself together, and let him cling to his back as they walked towards the bay. He was startled to find the submarine was gone, and the Dark King Rayleigh had come to aid Luffy.
Everything moved quickly then, as they prepared to enact Luffy and Rayleigh’s plan. To return to Marineford so soon was so idiotic that no one was prepared for it. It gave them exactly the opportunity they needed to get Luffy’s message out. In all the chaos, the truth of Luffy’s full parentage almost entirely slipped Jinbe’s mind.
It was only as the time approached that Jinbe was to depart that he remembered. He still grappled with himself, it it was something his friend needed to deal with on top of everything else. The journey to send out his message had truly lightened him however, and Jinbe didn’t feel it was his right to withhold it from Luffy any longer.
“Luffy.” He gestured Luffy to join him on the whale shark he stood upon. The rubber boy vaulted over the ledge and landed neatly next to Jinbe with a laugh.
“What’s up?” Jinbe looked at him with consideration.
“It’s about something I discovered at Marineford, something about your family.” Jinbe began, and Luffy’s eyes widened.
“Ace? Something about Ace?” There was still a pain that crossed Luffy’s face when his older brother was mentioned, but it was a quiet hurt. Luffy would carry that grief for the rest of his life, but Jinbe was no longer concerned it would swallow him whole.
“No, not your brother. Your parents.” Jinbe said, and Luffy’s face scrunched.
“I already know Dragon is my dad. Or did you mean Dadan? I don’t see why anyone would’ve mentioned her. Oh! Maybe you mean Shanks!” He looked excited again, and Jinbe startled.
“I- Shanks? How on Earth do you know Red Haired Shanks? What do you mean parent- no.” Jinbe cut himself off. He would have to file that away for later, when him and Luffy met again and had time to discuss things. Things like why exactly Luffy considered one of the four Emperors a potential parent. “Your other biological parent, Luffy.”
“Oh, my mom? I don’t know anything about her.” Jinbe sighed, not knowing if he would even be able to convince Luffy in the short time he had. Still, he was determined to try.
“Your other parent… appears to be Sir Crocodile.” Luffy stared at Jinbe blankly. “When we we’re leaving Marineford he rescued us from Akainu, and as we left he told me ‘Don’t let them have my son’. Now I know that may be hard to understand, but I believe-”
“Oh okay. So I have two dads? And Sand Gator saved us?” His voice lifted. “He did start acting so funny, didn’t he? Ha! He must have been so surprised! Thanks for telling me Jinbe, I can’t wait to see you in two years! Bye!” Before Jinbe could react, Luffy was gone, stretched back onto the deck of Boa Hancock’s ship.
Jinbe numbly waved back before lowering himself to grasp the whale shark, directing it towards Fishman Island.
“He…” Jinbe muttered to himself. “He took that… very well.”
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