#jin's route
luvsasah · 1 year
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I just started reading jin's route, and THIS MAN 😭😭😭
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mxrmaid-poet · 4 months
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oh man
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aellyne · 11 months
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A flashy and extravagant one. As expected of Gil Chae.
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
As a character Meng Yao is largely defined by his lack of freedom and while I think it's very important to understand that when he insists over and over that he had no other choices (that wouldn't put him at serious risk of death or severe harm) he is usually right, I do fucking love that just once- just once- the narative presents him and us with a crystal clear heartbreaking example of a better choice, a way out that he didn't even know was there, right as that possibility is taken away from him forever.
When Nie Mingjue walks into a forest angry on Meng Yao's behalf, ready to help him in any way he can, and Meng Yao kills a Jin captain thinking no one's gonna come. And then their eyes meet.
Fucks me up.
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memoria-99 · 2 months
IkePri routes short comments and personal rankings
* All of these are my personal thoughts.
1st Gilbert
Traumatized villain with death wish. Not a fun route, relatively heavy plots, twisted romance, but a good "villain" route. Emma has real great mentality and very brave, loved how she handled the situation and the relationship. Also the best adaptation of "Beauty and the Beast" theme.
2nd Clavis (Tie)
Four-dimensional troublemaker. The first half was funny thanks to all sorts of weird events and the second half was interesting to see dealing stuff this guy was secretly doing. I liked the romance and chemistry between the two. Emma was very cool and proactive.
2nd Silvio (Tie)
Sharp tongued, materialistic brat. Endless bickering between the two was overall fun to read and though there were moments that I wanted to punch this guy, eventually grew to like him. Used to wonder why so many people love this brat but I get why. Loved how sassy Emma was too.
3rd Nokto
Sly playboy. I think I like these kind of foxy character. Has a sad past. I liked the route because the guy was very smart and Emma was quite cool. What I didn't like was that the romance seemed to be leaning toward too erotic after the two became official.
4th Yves
Star-crossed tsundere kitty. The guy himself was very cute, and the romance between the two was cute and heartwarming as well. But they are both grown ass adults in their 20s and yet their romance was like that of teens.... why.
5th Chevalier
Coldhearted genius. The second best adaptation of "Beauty and the Beast" theme. I liked the process of Emma taming him. But didn't quite like that the guy has the upperhand still. This was the only route that Emma didn't call her suitor only by given name till the very end, so...
6th Licht
Severely depressed one. I liked the heavy story and realistic romance. But, although he's kind he has almost no self-esteem, is a master of self-deprecation, and his past is seriously dark, making me feel depressed as well. I know he's loved by many, but just not my cup of tea.
7th Leon
Charismatic, good-natured brother type. Typical fairytale prince. Has a sad past, but speaking of past, there're handful who are worse than him here... The most ordinary route. I don't remember much honestly.
8th Keith
Double personality. One is very kind and the other is rather bratty. Whole premise itself was interesting but two are so different... and made the romance look like a weird love triangle.
9th Rio
Loyal doggo who always loves Emma. But the route was kinda disappointing, I think it's only meaningful in a way that his love met a happy ending for once.
10th Sariel
Felt more like a "common route" in other games where romance does not exist. I didn't see much meaningful interaction between the two. At least I liked that Emma did best in her role as Belle in this route, but that's all.
11th Jin
Seriously remember nothing about the route except that it was very boring.
12th Luke
A sleepy bear turned into a crazy bear.
1. I love the ways "sinner" LIs are written in this game, including Gilbert and Licht, and how Emma deals with those. Instead of trying to just reassure it's okay don't let that bother you, she's like "I know what you did cannot be forgiven, nothing can change that, but I'll embrace even that part of you and lead you to step forward"
2. I love that in the two bastards' route Emma ended up 'winning' them. In Gilbert's it was mentioned that he's the one who was conquered, and Silvio's he thought that it looks like he's the one with the collar.
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ikeprinces-stuff · 6 months
Gilbert's route wins for being the route with the biggest skip I gave ever since playing Ikemen prince 😀😀😀
Gil's Romantic CG 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 :
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People : Oh my god, Gilbert looks so soft and cute in this CG!! 😭❤️❤️✨
Me *ignoring Gilbert* : Dang, I want that black dress Emma is wearing 😤😤🖤🖤🖤
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5mary5 · 29 days
Oh god please no I can't deal with second hand embarrassment 😭😭 lord have mercy on my soul
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Mc please just leave I'm begging you don't make me go through this
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fuckyeahkagepro · 1 month
Jin was singing+live streaming; and accepting fan's song requests for 0815!! The stream has now ended for the day/time, but here was the list of songs included!!: 7:41 シニガミレコード / Shinigami Record 12:32 マリーの架空世界 / Mary no Kakuu Sekai 15:55 カゲロウデイズ / Kagerou Daze 15:55 カゲロウデイズ / Additional Memory 27:30 ロスタイムメモリー / Lost Time Memory 34:30 夜咄ディセイブ / Yobanashi Deceive 39:35 夕景イエスタデイ/ Yuukei Yesterday 43:00 Lost Day Hour 48:58 Remind Blue 1:01:40 サマータイムレコード / Summertime Record *There is talking from Jin in-between; so skip to the songs you'd like to enjoy!
*Jin sounded like Jin had a cough going on and does fumble on a few songs; (Please be considerate!)
*This video may not display embed properly during times of Tumblr + video player downtime. If that happens, watch at direct link here!
*No new song was debuted this stream, but considering Jin might have had a cough/cold this year, it's amazing we got this much at all. (It's a good chunk if not half of the songs from the series!!) Please continue to support Jin's livestreams when Jin's around! You can subscribe to Jin's channel for future updates!!
Have a nice day!
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theotomeasexual · 11 months
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i haven’t honestly been a total fan of the ikepri mc but she literally destroyed them
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itstokkii · 2 months
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amekor in each others' traditional(?? is cowboy traditional??) clothing hyping each other up !!
america's in goryeo royalty clothing
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xbalayage · 11 months
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Don't call me out like that, Luke akdbkshsndkd
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raplinesmoon · 1 year
My dream is for Jin to completely embrace his inner indie/alt rock and go full Black Keys/Arctic Monkeys mode
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dotster001 · 8 months
Me: *choosing Luke's route* Aw, the teddy bear will be a nice chill route to do before I jump into Gil or Silvio's.
Me from the halfway mark through the end of Luke's route:
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adastra121 · 8 months
Touchstarved OC Relationship Chart
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Part 2! This is my Unnamed!MC Luneth's relationship chart, using the template created by @deiimi.
“Fate has weaved our destinies together. Let us hope neither of our threads are cut short.”
Likes Kuras — “A fascinating patient and a fascinating doctor. How appropriate that our paths have crossed.” He saved her life. How can she hold a lesser opinion of him? Finds his presence to be the most calming, but she remains wary of him. Their interactions are amicable and polite.
He is unlike anyone she has ever met before, because of what she’s seen, what she’s sensed from him. 
He might hold a greater secret than anyone else in Eridia, and for once, she is unable to foresee the consequences.
She is understandably unsettled by him because of that.
However, he is kind, calm, and patient, so he’s easy to be at ease around. For that, she is grateful and naturally gravitates toward him.
Of all the Touchstarved LIs, Kuras is the one she would most likely voluntarily spend time with.
Likes/Dislikes Leander — “Never trust a mage with an oracle’s mission.” Admires his bravery to a degree. He did offer to be tied up, completely at the mercy of a stranger. It is brave — absolutely foolish, yes, but undoubtedly brave. She thinks he’s a bit of an idiot.
Would point out his blush every time. “Leander, you have gone red. Do you require water?” I think out of all my Touchstarved MCs, she embarrasses him the most often unintentionally. Good for her.
“I can keep you safe as long as you trust me.” “…Okay.” (disbelieving) 
You know that one SNL skit with Benadryl Gingersnap and the guy just saying, “Okay.” in the most unaffected tone? That’s Leander and Luneth.
Leander doing his utmost to charm her, and Luneth responds with an unfazed, “Cool. Moving on.”
The only one of my MCs who refused to touch him so she saw that scene.
He crossed a line when he grabbed her, not only did he ignore her warnings, it was also incredibly foolish and reckless. Both of them could have gotten hurt from his refusal to follow her lead.
He’s not a direct threat to her (yet) but she continues to be wary around him.
Not planning on doing Leander’s route with her, but I feel like they’d be hilarious together. And it’s not even like he wouldn’t be her type. The thing is, she’s fallen for a “heroic” mage before…but it didn’t end well.
All of their interactions feel like she’s going, “This could have been an email.”
Dislikes Vere — “You can peer into souls as easily as you breathe, yet you still see so little.” She believes he acts difficult on purpose and she would be right. As someone with a rigid sense of right and wrong, she dislikes his flippant morals. He claims to be old enough to have witnessed Eridia’s ascension, yet he has all the restraint and maturity of a child.
Basically, “you had a hundred years to grow out of it and you still act like this? Cringe.”
I feel like the dislike would be mutual. Vere would find her too rigid and strict with herself and others. It’s like forcing a paladin and a rogue to work together.
His power does not unnerve her, because she’d been around seers and clerics her entire life, and she has her own gift of sight.
Yes, she would prefer to keep her past and her secrets under wraps, but there was very little privacy in the temple. She survived then, she’ll survive now.
She just hopes the little fox won’t do anything drastic for a power fantasy. It would be…inconvenient. 
And although his power of sight is something she’s used to, she knows his other abilities are a very real threat. Unlike him, she is not a fighter nor a killer. If he chooses to sink his teeth into her, she has little way to stop him and for some reason, he seems to find her soul irresistible. “Kindly resist it.” So she remains on guard.
Oddly, as much as she dislikes him, she trusts his instincts the most.
Luneth is an efficient oracle and prefers to take the path of least resistance where she is able — and then you have Vere. A restless, hedonistic, chaotic obstacle that threatens to not only block off but also completely destroy the path to her objective, not even necessarily on purpose. Oh, but she has a feeling that he would.
As of the demo, they are mutually disappointed in each other — Vere finds Luneth imposes too many restrictions on herself that prevents her from realizing her actual strength and Luneth thinks Vere has the potential to be more than his facade, more than his desire for power, even. Both of them are going, “You could be so much more.” at each other about different things.
Likes/Dislikes Ais — “…Is there a bird in here?” Her feelings about him are similar to her feelings about Vere, to a lesser degree. He seems to have been honest with her thus far, so she holds some respect for him.
Ais is a bit of a bastard but he’s more manageable than Vere. At least he doesn’t go out of his way to get in hers.
She has very neutral feelings toward him.
To be fair, she has very neutral feelings toward most people.
Vere seems to hold some regard for him and she knows that Vere can see into people’s souls, so she assumes that Ais is one of the more genuine people in Eridia.
If it weren’t for Vere and Kuras, however, I don’t think she would interact with him very often.
They are on different paths, but there is potential for a strong friendship between them.
Her quote is in response to: “You look lost, little sparrow.” “…?” *looks behind her*
Dislikes Mhin — “Calm yourself. There is no need for such hostility.” She’s glad that she is still alive due to Mhin’s actions, but in all honesty, she just happened to be in the right place at the right time. So she doesn't feel very indebted to them, at least, not in the way she does Kuras.
They tell her they didn’t save her, she was only in the near vicinity of their mark and she believes them. Their goal of killing the Soulless just so happened to be beneficial to her. That is the extent of their exchange that first meeting and she owes them nothing. That works just fine for her.
Luneth is often annoyed by Mhin’s temper and standoffish attitude. It clashes with her cool, detached, and reticent nature.
Lowkey judges them for not having a better handle on their emotions but that could also just be projection on her end.
Mhin makes her feel more like an inconvenience to them than anything else, so…she simply won’t inconvenience them.
The hunter seems to prefer to keep to themselves and Luneth does the same.
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mxrmaid-poet · 10 months
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happy thanksgiving to all the american belles 🌹
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ikeprinces-stuff · 6 months
Man thinks he can laugh just like that and brush it off his shoulder 😀
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@leonscape hope this'll cheer ya up!
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