#shinigami record
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blurmarsh · 7 months ago
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¡Feliz 15 de Agosto! Dibuje a Azami 🐍
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fuckyeahkagepro · 7 months ago
Jin was singing+live streaming; and accepting fan's song requests for 0815!! The stream has now ended for the day/time, but here was the list of songs included!!: 7:41 シニガミレコード / Shinigami Record 12:32 マリーの架空世界 / Mary no Kakuu Sekai 15:55 カゲロウデイズ / Kagerou Daze 15:55 カゲロウデイズ / Additional Memory 27:30 ロスタイムメモリー / Lost Time Memory 34:30 夜咄ディセイブ / Yobanashi Deceive 39:35 夕景イエスタデイ/ Yuukei Yesterday 43:00 Lost Day Hour 48:58 Remind Blue 1:01:40 サマータイムレコード / Summertime Record *There is talking from Jin in-between; so skip to the songs you'd like to enjoy!
*Jin sounded like Jin had a cough going on and does fumble on a few songs; (Please be considerate!)
*This video may not display embed properly during times of Tumblr + video player downtime. If that happens, watch at direct link here!
*No new song was debuted this stream, but considering Jin might have had a cough/cold this year, it's amazing we got this much at all. (It's a good chunk if not half of the songs from the series!!) Please continue to support Jin's livestreams when Jin's around! You can subscribe to Jin's channel for future updates!!
Have a nice day!
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nearly-wonderland · 2 months ago
Shinigami Record / Death God Record シニガミレコード | Jin English Lyrics
「 The story of staring with one's eyes. 」
What is the reason I carry on each day? Thought the little monster, her lonely heart afraid. Falling to the earth so fast, and they never rise Leaving me alone, shock that stains my eyes.
Then had a soldier come, greeting me so kind, Teaching me the meaning of 'love' I've tried to find. Promise me we'll spend this life living side by side, Holding hands in kind, warmth you gave to mine.
Rising the sun marks the passing of our days, Even with a child, now, the monster was afraid; Falling to the earth, when will you fail to rise? Tears I cannot stop, breaking me inside.
Calling to the snakes so we'll carry on this dream, Giving up my everything so that I can see A world that will grant the forever I seek, Only bringing to it us three.
Waiting for you there At the door of sky There I realized That you'd never rise.
Falling to the ground, I cried out to the sky, Every life I touch will just hurt until it dies. Lonely little monster could now only find All the sorrow built up all this time.
Starting it all over, this loneliness again Maybe I should disappear, hope to just forget All the pain and all the grief that you put me through But I know my heart is made for you.
First of many Kagepro English translyrics I'll be posting here! Kagerou Project is one of my most beloved vocaloid series of all time, with me having followed it since around 2013, which is around when I got into vocaloid as a whole, as well! I have concrete plans to publish lyrics for every song in the series that has vocals, including lesser known titles like "My Funny Weekend", "Dead and Seek", etc! Currently going through final revision is Jinzou Enemy, almost done is Mekakushi Code (Chord), and halfway done is Kisaragi Attention!
Other series I plan on fulfilling in their entirety are Shuuen no Shiori, the Night Infinity series, Mikagura School Suite, Lead Princess of the Colour-Stealing World, and (yes, seriously all of them) Evillious Chronicles!
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pixelatedraindrops · 10 months ago
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Yuma Month: Day 18: Future
“Thank you for coming... Makoto.”
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“Oh come now... Discard your emotions.
You are my homunculus are you not?”
"...You are cruel for this...shouldering me with yet another burden…
Kurumi...is still looking for you..."
“I know…I’m sorry.
Tell her…my journey has been extended.”
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tsukumocest · 21 days ago
I gotta say, Kodaka having Megumi Ogata voice the incest boy has got to be the most self-indulgent Kodaka thing ever, which is impressive given that he has never missed a chance to indulge himself in all of history. Kodaka is absolutely in the “insane Ogata fan who will watch anything she’s in for the reason of hearing Ogata” camp (which is incredibly huge), to the point that Komaeda’s Russian Roulette and Izuru’s “I have that too” scenes are both fucking Yu-Gi-Oh Season Zero references because Ogata was Yugi/The Pharaoh. And we all know about Junko/Mukuro, Kanon/Leon, Korekiyo/Sister, and tbh there’s absolutely an intended adoptioncest vibe with Peko/Fuyuhiko.
and then karua and takumi are described as being “like family” and “more than siblings but less than lovers”. I’m starting to think kodaka likes incest pairs
kodaka being an ogata superfan is maybe the best thing ever. getting ogata to be ima and then ito from the same agency to be kako. and then they’re both absolutely killing it of course.
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neirw · 2 years ago
Did Undertaker knew which twin was the one he rescued from the fire? 🤔
It's been stated that its hard to identify them by by looks alone.
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Then again, it didn't mattered to him.
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And in the bloody state he found him, I suppose that's even harder.
I assume, after he started tinkering with his soul did he realized it was the Real Ciel and what a lie the other twin was crafting. But if Real Ciel soul was used as a sacrifice to summon Sebastian, how does Rciel cinematic records work then? Wouldn't Sebastian felt it?
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And exactly at what point did Undertaker arrived to get the body out of the fire? Because I refuse to believe he stood by and watched one little twin lose his soul to a demon only for the other twin to sell his soul to the same demon minutes later.
Oh Yana, Yana. We need answers!!!
I'll go and drink some tea now.
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yakool-foolio · 1 year ago
To keep with the theme of a unique 'execution' for chapter 4, I think Yakou n Shinigami should be allowed to tag team reaping Huesca's soul in my Death Knight AU. And allow it I shall.
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mayura-chanz · 17 days ago
Kagerou Daze VII — from the darkness — Shinigami Record V
Tradução feita a partir da tradução em inglês da Yen Press.
Apoie o autor comprando a novel original.
...O que são essas coisas brilhantes e cúbicas?
Tirei os olhos do local por um momento, e mais uma vez fui recebida por um novo objeto maluco. Era exatamente o mesmo de antes.
Esse mundo era um pé no saco.
Olhando para as caixas brilhantes na minha frente, avistei um homem parado na frente delas, vestido com roupas de aparência escandalosa. Ele olhou para o meu rosto. Então suas sobrancelhas se arquearam em surpresa. Ele parecia humano, mas eu já podia dizer, aqueles eram os “olhos clareadores”.
Havia uma pessoa esparramada aos meus pés. Ele tinha crescido muito, mas eu podia dizer quem ele era imediatamente, também. Mas...morto? Sério? Como ele deveria ver alguma coisa no estado em que estava? Que idiota.
O sangue fluiu em um ataque pelo meu corpo, quase fervendo em minhas veias.
O sentimento explodindo do meu peito...Acho que “raiva” descreve melhor.
Eu não sabia quanto tempo eu poderia permanecer viva no corpo da minha neta...Mas isso não era um problema real. Eu era, afinal, um monstro. Razão não se aplicava a mim.
— Não me faça desviar do meu roteiro, sua desgraçada, — gritou a visão inescrutável diante de mim.
Com quem diabos ele pensa que está falando?
Tentando me levar...ele devia saber o quão inútil era, não importa quantas vezes a Terra gire.
— Não se preocupe. Você tem contado essa história ridícula por muito tempo.
— ...Estou acabando com tudo agora mesmo.
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<<anterior — próximo>>  Índice — Novels
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bleach-smashorpass · 11 months ago
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fuckyeahkagepro · 7 months ago
M E: EVERYONE SHUT *UP*!!! Shinigami Record by Jin is playing!!!!
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nearly-wonderland · 2 months ago
Mekakushi Code / Blindfold Code メカクシコード | Jin English Lyrics
「 A song about hiding your eyes. 」
A world growing cold of hope or light, Oh, such a thing couldn't rise high enough to fly. An error imports into my veins Leaving nothing behind
A code sounding from my iPod gives Out the signal that our mission will begin. My earbuds drown out the world I see Just flip my hood up and run, and they won’t notice a thing-
No problem!
“Blindfold is ready to go.” They’ll never know that we were here, alright. The red burning daze that bursts from the light Drowns the city in dreamlike fantasy
If today had never come to be, With the beating repeating through my heart, it seems, I’d be fine to leave it all behind, Towards the sun, moving on, to tomorrow to find
“Hey, there’s really nothing to it, right?” With the trembling rhythm running down the line Not that bad to live a life like that, Don’t get tired of moving ahead.
I can’t spare a drop of pride and drink It all down as the railroad marks our meeting My heartbeat drowns out the rhythm, then, Let it slip and my apprehension turns to grin
My steps flow into a beat and I Move ahead, take the lead, after all, I find That if they never see a thing Then I'll move on to the tempo and towards our victory
It’s alright!
“Go on ahead with the plan.” Got twenty minutes, too far in to retract Well, lace up, and calling out to the back, “There’s the signal, don’t give up the attack!”
If my body burns out from the heat, Let a high-pass filter through and let it breathe Heading west and to the sky again To that city that breaks through the daze overhead
“Hey, you don’t think that’s more than enough?” With the laugh of our heel as he runs on ahead* Yeah, I guess you’d only get it when You can’t hide from the eyes prying in.
The team’s free to join, and don’t forget Even the middle of mission’s easy access No skills or special qualities And the uniform’s free.
You’re naive but that won’t matter if You’ve got the code to get in and my permission And I’d even say you’re just like me Some 2D shut-in otaku, hikikomori NEET**
That’s alright!
“Better than ever, you’ll find!” I’m all or nothing, the alarm’s on time*** If red’s ringing out and drowns your gaze Pull your hood back and show your real face.
If today had never come to be, With the beating repeating through my heart, it seems, I’d be fine to leave it all behind, Towards the sun, moving on, to tomorrow to find
“Hey, it wasn’t so bad in the end!” Rub the red from our eyes, and finally look ahead Won’t forget, so really was worth it Let’s step out of the cold pouring in
Since summer’s just only begin.****
*Though in the most popular fanmade MV, the “heel” is Momo, it’s generally accepted that the mentioned character is actually Kano, thus the usage of “he” instead. **NEET: "Not in Education, Employment, or Training". While a hikikomori is a shut-in in its own right, I didn’t want to change the term due to it implying a specific level of severity that’s hard to get across in English. The song is incredibly full of tech and machinery references, so it didn’t feel out of place to use non-English terminology! ***The original Japanese ピーキー refers to the loan-word “peaky”, which straying from its automotive roots, is used to describe someone who either performs very well or poorly, with little in-between. ****YES this is improper English but at some point you just have to pick your battles, and mine is not with the one-letter difference between begin/begun
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blondreapr · 8 months ago
⸻ ❝ Grim Reapers must remain neutral between God and humans. they are strictly forbidden from intervening in or influencing human affairs. Their principal job is to check each dying soul's Cinematic Record, or kaleidoscope of memories, one by one, to determine whether they deserve to die. ❞
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↳ 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆 is portraying &. writing as 𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐙𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐃 from the KUROSHITSUJI ( black butler ) franchise. this character is an original concept. this blog supports multi-fandom, multi-verse &. au writing.
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𝐈 . any transphobia will result in a block. this includes racism, homophobia, antisemitism, and any sort of other discrimination against minorities. be a generally courteous person, not an ignorant loudly proclaiming prejudice.
𝐈𝐈 . activity is sparse. real life comes first. with that in mind, be aware my silence is due from external means. tumblr writing is not my obligation, it is a side project and/or hobby.
𝐈𝐈𝐈 . i openly ship. if i have an idea for romantic chemistry, i may reference it. however, i will not push it upon another, nor would i appreciate others pushing their characters onto me.
𝐈𝐕 . no, you are not spamming my inbox. always send prompts or memes. i wholeheartedly welcome it. so long as there is no anonymous hate sent, my inbox is open to all.
𝐕 . i am an adult. i presume most of my followers are. please act your age; any drama, vague-posting, will result in an instantaneous block. this isn't twitter, you're not a vigilante seeking justice. resolve your issues privately.
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karenka-sutcliff · 2 years ago
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Tardé todo el día dibujando tantos cráneos y huesos 🩻☠️ pero al final, amé mí dibujo 😎 Grell se ve muy tranquilo, divertido ☺️.💞💀🤟🏻💅����
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seoafin · 2 years ago
hi!! hello!! yes omg daze is such a good good song!!! (actually I think most of the kagepro songs are real bangers)
👉👈 which other ones do you like?
😭😭😭 ohhhhh this is so difficult because i genuinely love all the songs (thank you jin) but the song that introduced me to kagerou project was originally the nico nico chorus version of heat haze/kagerou daze which got me into the rabbit hole. but i also loveeeee children record and lost time memory!!!! (which also got me into IA) i also think all of LiSA's covers like headphone actor and yobanashi deceive are >>>>>
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charmikarma · 5 months ago
wow... they made me green.... this is such an honor
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recurring-polynya · 2 years ago
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@bleachbleachbleach I see your tags and I raise you: Byakuya came onto his first day of lieutenant-hood at thermonuclear temperatures and finds this behavior to be Very Normal, Actually. Who among us has not tried to, say throw hands at a lieutenants' meeting? If a captain is not prepared to keep a careful eye on their new lieutenant and swat them with a rolled up newspaper as needed, they should simply consider adopting an older, calmer lieutenant instead.
[silly things again] Digging through early Bleach for PilotAU and I realized I missed these *gems* of early Renji interactions with Ichigo and Uryu. Makes ~ wee Shakkaho ~ so much sillier. I snorted; so stupid, I love them.
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