#jimon is sassy
wxlfi3 · 3 years
Magnus: Alexander is the definition of beauty and bravery.
Alec: *blushes*
In another room
Jace: Without ugliness, there would be no beauty in this world.
Jace: Thank you for your sacrifice, Simon.
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cordyherondale · 7 years
Simon: You ever feel like you're being watched?
Jace: All the time. When you look this good you have to get used to it.
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thebisexualdogdad · 4 years
Malec, Clizzy and Jimon as parents AU
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Co written with @inhumanshadows
· So Alec and Magnus have 2 boys (Rafael and Max), Simon and Jace only have 1 child (Stephen) And Clary and Izzy have 3 kids (twins Cora and Iris, Liam)
· Magnus and Alec are the first to start their family so their son's are the oldest, then Clary and Izzy's twin girls and their son is a year younger than Jace and Simon's son
· Malec's sons are personality wise just like their dads
· Very smart, very stubborn and very sassy
· Clary and Izzy's daughters are a force to be reckon with and they can kick the boy's asses any day of the week
· And they protect their little brother.
· Jace and Simon's son is just a little shit who's always playing pranks on people
· He loves pulling pranks. 
· All the clizzy kids can cook. (Isabelle finally admitting she’s not best around a kitchen)
· And the Lightwood-Bane boys are so freaking smart, Rafael is already on track to taking over as the head of the Institute from Alec when he's old enough
· Maryse has her hands full with all these grandkids and she spoils all of them
· Oh the sheer amount of spoiling from her alone
· Malec have the strictest household, Clizzy are in the healthy balance and Jimon have literally no rules
· Jimon has rules put in place by Clizzy and Malec
· Stephen is not afraid of Alec at all and Jace is all proud like that's my boy
· Alec has a realization of terror that Stephen is very much like Jace
· And Izzy thinks it's hilarious
· She has a framed picture of Alec’s face
· All the couples switch off taking care of the kids for date night once a week
· Jimon babysitting means sugar crashes. 
· Clizzy babysitting ends up with simple cooking lessons or art projects or more likely both.
· Malec babysitting means awesome bedtime stories with added magic cause of Uncle Magnus
· One time Stephen got into a little trouble with some graffiti he did on the subway walls so Clary called in retired cop Grandpa Luke to set him straight
· Clary is stern and responsible on the outside but after she pulls her nephew aside and gushes over the art
· And both Simon and Jace are like oh thank god we don't have to discipline him ourselves
· Clary: “bitch you thought....” and hands them parenting books
· Cora and Iris are fascinated by the mundane world and have snuck out a few times to go dance at clubs
· They end up at pandemonium a lot. And Uncle Magnus has the place spelled to let him know.
· Magnus may be the cool uncle but he does give them the ultimatum to tell their moms themselves before he does 
· Liam is 100% like Clary. Covered in paint or chalk pastels.
· The boy is a total artist prodigy
· Izzy is a bit worried when she thinks he hasn’t inherited much from her. But Liam is killer at darts and takes up archery. Uncle Alec sheds a tear
· Cora and Iris also take after Izzy in been highly knowledgeable with weapons which the boys are all terrified of
· They pray for whomever messes with them
· Rafael and Max are more inherently book smart than physically inept but Alec trains with them everyday
· Clizzy’s children all argue over possession of Izzy’s electrum whip.
· The amount of times any of the kids have broken into Magnus' apothecary supplies and accidently blew stuff up or drugged themselves
· He has to put non lethal magic to keep them out of it. Stephen isn’t the bravest but does his best. And Jace is so the overprotective parent
· Everyone is shocked at how protective Jace ended up being, even Simon is more relaxed than he is 
· "They're so fragile! Do you know how easy it is to break a kid?"
· Simon tells Stephen to keep an eye on Jace when he babysits and Simon has to work.
· Simon "babe please don't feed them pizza and ice cream again Alec's gonna be so mad"
· Birthday parties are always awesome.
· Even Alec enjoys them as well as family barbecues
· The kids get really spoiled by Grandma Jocelyn and Grandpa luke.
· Luke is the grill master at barbecues and Jocelyn slips every kid some money for candy and junk food
· Jocelyn teaches the kids about the old days of the shadowhunters.
· Rafael and Max speak multiple languages and will speak in another language around Stephens to make him mad
· He gets back at them by making references they don’t get
· Rafael and Max are just as clueless about pop culture as their dad's meanwhile Stephen lives off it
· When the kids are old enough to start dating Clizzy are excited, Malec are worried and Jimon are 50/50 
· The twins have a very open relationship with their moms so they can talk about the people they have crushes on
· Alec on the other hand is like oh no i didn't sign up for this
· Alec: “I didn’t sign up for emotions and relationship talk.”
· Magnus: “just wait till the sex talk
· "nope, Jace can handle that" 
· "you really want Jace to give our kids the sex talk?" 
· "well he gave me the talk when we were they're age"
· Magnus is like 😑 Or *looks into camera* “this boi...”
· there’s conflicts about the kids going to school in the mundane vs the shadow world
· Clary and Simon obviously want them to experience the mundane world like they did, Alec, Izzy and Jace want homeschool like they did and Magnus is like why do they need school again?
· This leads to immense arguing. Until Jocelyn to the rescue: “they go to mundane school and learn about the shadow world at night like Clary”
· You can’t tell me that Clizzy didn’t start their own inclusive fashion label
· The kids of course designed some of the fashion labels clothing and happily promote the label.
· Cora and Iris are some of the most popular kids at school so everyone wants to wear Clizzy's stuff because they are
· Liam is popular in his own circles. He’s one of the top artists at the school.
· Stephen is the “bad influence”
· Rafael and Max get straight A's and are at the top of their classes
· The others have subjects they excel in and ones they help each other in. Although Stephen while a smart kid has some focusing problems
· All the pta mom's have a crush on Jace
· They all end up going to colleges in New York to stay close to the Institute
· They all live in a shared loft which, thanks to magic fits them all. And they have to periodically make sure the other eats
· Of course Rafael make a chore chart which Stephen doesn't follow at all
· Rafael's like: “guys chore wheel!!”
·Stephen: “fuck ya chore wheel!”
· One night the twins come home from class and the boys had stolen their face masks and were having a spa night
· They’re like: “we should be mad... but they’re taking care of themselves...” 
· They then take the boys shopping for spa day supplies tailored to each of them. They all get together and relax after stressful weeks
· And all the couples gush about how cute their kids are
· So many baby pictures
· And they all embarrass the kids on social medias
· Sole reason any of the parents have social media
· Clary, Izzy and Simon all leave supportive and loving comments on the kids posts, Magnus leaves historical facts retaining to whatever they posted about, Alec leaves the randomest comments that no one understands and Jace just leave troll comments
· And clary’s Insta is full of candids of the kids and the fam
· Alec posts once every 6 months and it's usually of the kids training
· Magnus has a lot of photos with the kids and the chairman. As well as local visits to cat shelters
· Izzy's Insta has a theme and is organized and model style photos
· Simon posts very artsy hipster pictures of New York and inspirational quotes
· He also has pics of his boys at amusement parks. And the first big family trip to Disney was a sight
· Meanwhile Jace's insta is an actual disaster and doesn't even put captions on most his posts
· Simon and Stephen give Jace a crash course on insta
· One time Alec saw a beer bottle in a story and freaked out, Magnus had to stop him from going to the loft to scold them
· “Alec... they’re grown ups... as much as you don’t want to admit it.”
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tobythewise · 5 years
Jimon in omegaverse? Omega!Jace please :D
Hello lovely anon! I hope you enjoy. If you’re not really into mpreg I’m sorry! Feel free to send another ask and I’ll be happy to write you something without it!
Warnings for mpreg, omega Jace, alpha Simon, knotting, bottom Jace and top Simon 
Simon walks into the apartment he shares with his mate, taking his jacket off as he goes. He follows his nose until he finds Jace in their bedroom. He’s wearing one of Simon’s tshirts as he throws random blankets and clothes onto their bed. 
Jace freezes. He turns slowly, his eyes wide like he’s been caught doing something terrible when in reality, nesting is something Simon expects, especially since Jace is in his third trimester. Simon’s shirt is stretched to its limit around Jace’s round belly. He looks perfect. 
“What’s going on?”
Jace finally moves, tossing another one of Simon’s shirts onto the bed before walking over to Simon. He kisses Simon’s cheek before letting out a sigh. “Today was a bad day.”
“Do you wanna tell me about it?”
Jace nods before leaning his forehead against Simon’s shoulder. Simon’s hands come up to Jace’s hair, running through the long strands. He smiles as Jace slowly begins to lose some of his tension, his scent mellowing out. 
“I’m so fucking sick of desk duty. I tried to get Alec to spar with me but he wouldn’t.”
“Of course he wouldn’t spare with you. You’re pregnant, Jace.”
“You think I’m not aware! I’m the one carrying this baby around, Simon.”
Simon’s arms run up and down Jace’s back, trying to soothe him. “And you’re doing such a good job, Sweetheart.”
Jace groans in frustration. “You’re damn right I am. But that doesn’t help how fucking frustrated I am! I have all this energy that I need to work off but no one will fight me!”
Simon smiles, his chest doing a funny little flutter. Somehow, he falls more and more in love with this omega every single day. If someone had told Simon he’d be mated to someone like Jace even a year ago, he would have laughed in their face. From the outside they shouldn’t work. They’re too different. Yet, somehow they just fit. 
Simon will always be thankful for that fateful night. Their story might not be romantic or swoon worthy but it’s theirs. A one night stand turned into an unplanned pregnancy somehow turned into reluctant dating that merged into something beautiful. Simon loves Jace more than anything and wouldn’t change anything. 
“You know,” Simon murmurs, leaning back so he can look at Jace’s face. “There are other ways to burn off that energy.”
Jace’s face suddenly relaxes, a smirk playing at his lips. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm,” Simon hums before burying his face against Jace’s throat. His nose runs along his scent gland, greedily taking in the scent of Jace, loving how it suddenly spikes with arousal. His lips find Jace’s mating bite, kissing the place his teeth left permanent indents. 
“Simon,” Jace whispers, his voice already sounding breathy with lust. Simon licks across Jace’s throat before nipping at his ear lobe. Jace pushes Simon away and he staggers back, breathing heavily. Simon raises his brow and Jace curses. “Naked. Now.”
Simon rushes to get his clothes off, watching as his omega does the same. They scramble and almost trip a few times but soon enough, Jace is stalking towards him, both completely bare. The glint in Jace’s eyes has Simon’s cock twitching, desire pulsing through his veins. 
What Simon isn’t expecting is for Jace to shove him onto the bed with enough force to make him bounce before climbing onto Simon’s lap. Their hard dicks rub against each other as Jace holds Simon down, moving his hips to tease and torment Simon. 
“Oh god,” Simon gasps out when Jace’s tongue finds his throat. He begins to bite and nip at the skin, worrying it with his teeth, all the while his hips just keep on moving. 
Simon’s hands finally move. He finds Jace’s hips, digging his fingers into Jace’s skin before one hands moves further back. Jace shudders at the first feel of Simon’s fingers. 
As Simon’s finger finds Jace’s hole, Jace takes Simon’s lips in a fierce kiss. Simon moans from the dual sensation of finding his omega so wet and from Jace plunging his tongue into Simon’s mouth. Their tongues run against each other, Jace’s taste flooding Simon’s senses. His finger rubs circles around Jace’s hole, teasing him until Jace pushes back, forcing the finger inside. 
“Fuck,” Jace hisses as he rides his hips back, fucking himself on Simon’s finger. 
Simon loves it when Jace gets like this, chasing his pleasure, using Simon’s body as he sees fit, so lost in it all that he has no worries, no frustrations. He’s beautiful. Jace moans as a second finger is added, scissoring him open. Simon’s fingers are completely covered in slick with how wet his omega is, how turned on Jace is. 
Jace grips both of Simon’s wrists, pulling them away from his body and holding them over Simon’s head. “Enough. I’m ready and fuck, do I need it.”
“Then take it,” Simon says, leaning up enough to place open mouth kisses across Jace’s throat. 
With one hand holding Simon’s wrists against the mattress, Jace uses his other hand to line Simon up before slowly sinking down. He takes all of Simon’s cock without any teasing until his ass is against Simon’s pelvis. Jace throws his head back, tilted up towards the ceiling as he slowly swivels his hips, getting used to the intrusion. 
From Simon’s position, he can see the long line of Jace’s throat, his gorgeously tight chest, and his perfect, rough belly. Simon’s hands itch to touch where his baby is growing, making his mate radiant and glowing, despite what Jace says. 
“Yes. Fuck,” Jace murmurs under his breath as he begins to move, riding Simon’s dick as he sees fit. 
“Jace,” Simon whines as Jace continues to hold him down. “Please.”
Jace smirks down at Simon, his eyes shining omega gold. His fingers tighten around his wrists to the point that Simon’s sure there will be bruises later. It only makes Simon more turned on, his dick throbbing where it’s buried inside of Jace. 
Jace rides him until he’s panting, sweat dripping down his forehead and chest. He lets out a long groan before pulling off of Simon’s cock and flopping onto the bed on his side, his back to Simon. “I’m tired,” he murmurs. “You do the work.”
Simon turns onto his side, spooning up behind Jace. He eases his cock into Jace’s ass, rotating his hips and teasing his omega. When Jace whines, thrusting his hips back, Simon begins to fuck into him with long, hard thrusts, just the way Jace loves. 
Simon’s arms wraps around Jace’s middle, his hand landing on Jace’s large belly. He rubs his hand over the bump, his inner alpha roaring with dominance over being the one to do this, to have claimed his omega so thoroughly. 
“Fuck, Simon,” Jace moans as Simon’s hips pick up speed, the sound of their hips colliding resounding through the room. His hand moves lower, taking Jace’s erection into his palm, stroking him in time with his thrusts. 
“I love you,” Simon gasps out against the back of Jace’s neck. “I love you so much. My beautiful omega.”
“God, Simon,” Jace gets out, his ass tightening around Simon’s cock, his knot beginning to form at the base. “I love you, too. My fucking,” he says between pants, “idiot alpha. Love you. Now fucking knot me.”
Simon smiles against the back of Jace’s neck. Jace will always be bossy and sassy and Simon wouldn’t have it any other way. His knot continues to grow, stretching Jace’s ass wider with every thrust. His omega moans, begging for it, wanting to be tied together. It only takes a few more thrusts until he shoves all the way in, his knot growing too big to pull out. He grinds his hips just right to have Jace squeezing down, milking Simon’s orgasm right out of him. 
“Fuck,” Simon calls out as he comes, filling Jace with his seed and biting down on Jace’s neck. Jace whimpers as his own dick twitches in Simon’s hand, becoming impossibly harder before he finds his own release. 
Simon moans as Jace’s ass throbs around his knot, milking a second orgasm from him. Once he’s calmed enough, Simon lets go of Jace’s cock, bringing his fingers to his mouth and licking the cum from his hand. 
Jace groans. “Don’t do that! I’m finally beat and ready to sleep. I don’t need to get frustrated again.”
Simon runs a soothing hand up Jace’s side before kissing his neck. “I’m sorry, angel.”
Jace hums contently, happy to snuggle into his pillows now that he’s got Simon’s knot tying them together. He’ll never admit it but he always sleeps better like this and who’s Simon to deny his omega anything. 
“I love you,” Simon whispers against Jace’s nape. 
“Love you too, Sunshine. Thanks for putting up with my crazy.”
“I’m glad you’re finally able to admit that, Jace. They say admittance is the first step.” Simon grunts as an elbow connects with his ribs. “I’m kidding. I can’t imagine sharing my life with anyone else.”
“Me neither, idiot.”
“Now go to sleep. Once you get a good night’s sleep you can go apologize to Alec for trying to fight him. Again.”
Jace grumbles around a yawn. “Fine. But I’d like it to be noted that I’m doing it against my will.”
“Yes, Dear.” Simon rolls his eyes as he tightens his arms around his omega, one hand resting against his belly. As sleep claims him, Simon wonders how he got so fucking lucky.
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ao3feed-malec · 5 years
Bromance or Romance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rJjPTS
by CleoBane
One minute Simon was reeling from his sudden breakup and the next he was saddled with a new roommate. While he isn't really sure what to make of the sassy blond, he is somewhat grateful and glad for his company.
Jace never seems to think things through and it hasn't steered him wrong yet. But, there's a first time for everything, right?
Words: 1917, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types, Jimon - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Simon Lewis, Jace Wayland, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Clary Fray
Relationships: Simon Lewis/Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, past Jace Wayland/Clary Fray
Additional Tags: Original Characters - Freeform, Developing Friendships, Bromance, Perky Jace, Wealthy SImon, Other tags to be added later, Work In Progress, Meet-Cute, Friends to Lovers, Ratings to change
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rJjPTS
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paint-music-with-me · 3 years
So I'm going over all the WIPs I have because I don't want to do work or read or write RIGHT NOW so I thought I'd list off the fandoms that I've written bc they are, in its chaotic overview, fucking hilarious:
- Sassy Go Go (2018 kdrama - a poly ship)
- The Mazerunner series (movies & books - newtmas)
- The Walking Dead (one really tiny, toxic ship 🤫)
- Cold Case (2 cases but crossover and HAPPY!)
- Carrie (movie - poly ship)
- The Darkest Minds (one really tiny, toxic ship 🤫)
- The Loser Club/Stranger Things crossover (poly ships, w/w, nb/m, etc.)
- 2gether the series (fluff galore)
- Guardian (2018 cdrama - MAFIA AU 😭)
- Youth (2018 cdrama, w/w 😭)
- TMI (books/TV show/movie - jimon)
- Percy Jackson (a Jasico Miraculous Ladybug AU *hides under the bed in embarrassment*)
- Meow the Secret Boy (2020 kdrama that NO ONE watched! Or even remembered!)
- Until We Meet Again (introspective of KornIn)
- The Untamed (a side ship that no one really cares abt i think - super angsty, just fucking tears and sad)
- Beyond Evil (a soft epilogue)
- Nevertheless (....a...*ahem*self-insert*ahem* fic with Potato Boy 👁👄👁)
- You Make Me Dance (BL kdrama - epilogue/rewrite)
- My Name (4/6 incomplete ! Honestly simply prompts to write about, I'm dead)
and ofc last, but certainly will never be least in my heart for years to come:
- Bad Buddy 🥰😍💘💕💌💝❤😍🥰💘❤💝😍💘
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I just noticed that jimon guy blocked me. Fucking weak. If you didn't want your post to be challenged maybe you shouldn't have logged on. Nor should you attempt to get sassy with some only to block them like the world's bitchiest hit-and-run. @the-paper-dragon he block you too?
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meliorn · 8 years
Alice I am living for Magnus finally getting fed up with his son Jace for taking advantage of his hospitality, and kicking him out with a don't come back until I text you because it is time for soft boyfriends to be cute/freaky. Like sassy Alec being like girl bye is one thing, but thirsty Magnus having enough is EVERYTHING. And let the Jimon date commence in full.
it’s honestly the best of two worlds like, jace needs to get his shit together (and start falling in love with simon) and malec needs some quality time w/o a meddling brother yknow. everything works out so neatly i love it
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themagnusbane · 8 years
I was tagged by @softmagnusbane. Thanks Jay!!!!
What is your name? Itenoria, but you can call me Noria
How old are you? 26
What kind of blog do you run? A mess. Hahahaha. I blog about a lot of things, but mostly shadowhunters (I hope). Honestly, my blog’s a mess of the different things that I like.  
What is your biggest nerdy obsession? I used to be a huge Naruto nerd. I read the manga, saw the anime, usually read the manga raw (raw being the lingo for untranslated) on Wednesday (even though I could’t read Kanji) went on all the online communities to read theories and then read the newly translated chapter on Friday and watched the new episode on Monday. I still collected wallpapers, wrote fanfiction, read fanfiction, had all the opening and closing songs (that was how I got into J-pop tbh) I was Naruto trash. Until... Masashi Kishimoto decided to rip out my heart and leave me bleeding and dead. So now the only big nerdy obsession for me are books, they will always be my number one obsession. I geek out over books, standalones, series, everything honestly. Oh, and Shadowhunters.
Who is your favourite character of all time? Easy, Magnus Bane.  
What is your favourite book of all time? Damn, like that’s hard yo, cuz damnnnn, I have a lot, so I will go with my top 6 favourite books (or series) of all time: Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe; Ake by Wole Soyinka (it’s more a memoir but God I love this book. I worship at its feet!), Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie; The Sandman Series by Neil Gaiman (I know, I know, it’s a comic book series, but dammit it’s Neil Gaiman); The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King, and finally The Lost Gods Series by Megan Derr.
What is your favourite magical creature? Dragons
What made up object do you wish was real? Time-turner (God the things I could do with it).
Where do you wish you went to school? I’m okay with the school I went to. Found lifelong friends there, came to accept my sexuality there. Learned more about myself there. I liked my alma mater. 
Name your favourite ships: Malec (duh), Jimon (yes it’s not canon, but I love it), Clizzy (same as with Jimon), WestAllen, Calizona (before that ship went to shit with the cheating and the mess it became).
Which character do you want to marry? Is this a trick question, cuz the answer will still be Magnus Bane. Of course I’d also marry Maia, and Izzy, but if I had to choose one, Magnus Bane.
What is your favourite song? Just like with the books, I’m going with my top 6 favs. Diamonds by Rihanna; I was Here by Beyonce; Liquor Store Blues by Bruno Mars ft. Damien Marley; Viva La Vida by Coldplay; Miss Independent by Neyo; Gasoline by Halsey.
What is 3 facts nobody knows about you? Hahaha. Is there anything about me that everyone doesn’t know already? Okay, I didn’t admit to myself that I was Pansexual until like 2 years ago (don’t ask me how the hell I kept myself in the dark for so long considering that I made out with a shit ton of girls growing up. Hell I had my first orgasm with a girl before I had one with a guy). Two, I hate doing chores, hate it! I willingly take out of my food money to pay someone to clean my house for me. Yes, I am that lazy (and when I run out of money and have to clean myself, I bitch. A lot!). Finally, I’m a big crybaby. I cry when I’m watching happy movies and sad movies, when I’m reading a love story with a happy ending or some sad, depressing memoir. And don’t get me started on my tears when I’m listening to a song I love. I cry. I’m a big crybaby
Least fave book of all times and why? 50 Shades of Grey or as I like to call it, 50 Shades of Bullshit. It makes a mockery of the BDSM community. Their relationship is meant to be around Ana the sub, everything Christian as her Dom does is meant to be about her happiness, her growth, her fulfillment, her satisfaction. Christian is not meant to whip her in order to get rid of HIS demons, he’s meant to help her get rid of HERS. So no, that is not a love story, that is some creepy abusive shit. If Christian Grey had been some broke ass dude living in a trailer park, nobody would see that story as romantic, it will be creepy as hell. And everybody will be screaming at her to walk away and not look back.
What characters are your role models? Magnus Bane (at this point, it shouldn’t surprise anyone), Christina Yang (that woman is a goddess, a walking, strong, intense, brilliant, focused goddess! It is an honour to have watched her on my screen), Isabelle Lightwood (I mean season 1 Isabelle, not the present junkie Isabelle that the producers are feeding us this season. Hopefully I get my Izzy back!), Maia Roberts (she’s strong, she’s sassy, she’s beautiful, she loves to read. Girl is a complete package!), Luke Garroway (that strength to rebuild his life even after it’s been wrecked and he comes out even stronger? We all could use a little Luke Garroway in our lives), Ifemelu (God that woman, that strong, independent-minded, afro wearing queen, she helped me so much two years ago when I was at my most depressive point. How can I not love her?)
Favourite video game? Street Fighter (it used to be Mortal Kombat but things changed). 
Are you proud to be a nerd? why? I think I would call myself more of a geek than a nerd, simply because although I can be quite studious, and single-minded, I’m not lacking in social skills. So yeah, I geek out about a shit ton of stuff (hell, I’m the girl who would throw a party at receiving another encyclopedia. What can I say, I love them!), and I’m proud of it because life is too short not to have something you can lose your soul and mind over. It’s just too damn short, and people who don’t have things they obsesses over like nerds and geeks do, live very sad, very dreary lives. 
Tag 10 people! (you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to)
@latinalightwood @maiabaneway @malecisright @abloodneed @f-f-f-fight @harrysbumjr @lukegarrowayisamaincharacter @lukemagnus @ladyklaus92 @mel-iorn
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fly-invisible · 8 years
shadowhunters 2x7
this is gonna be a rant I’m not sorry for, just for you to know, because this whole episode was just ..... I think I should better start.
I’ll start with izzy, because it just fucking hurts me with what she’s dealing right now. To have a serious addiction to something dangerous is one of the most terrible thing ever, I can speak from experience, it’s gross. This son of a bitch aldertree can go shove himself a cactus in his ass. She thinks she’s strong enough to handle all this on her own, but she’s wrong. She needs help from the ones she loves and trusts, it’s so important to speak outloud about this.
the next thing Simon/Maia/Clary. It’s weird, awkward and complete bullshit that Clary all of a sudden has feelings for Simon only a few days after so much happened, it’s rushed, forced and bullshit. I like them together as best friends but not as a couple, it’s weird and unnecessary. Maia and Simon have a great conncetion and are cute together, they understand each other and have the same humour. idek but just don’t ruin the things between them because of Clary or something else, it’s way too precious.
Let’s stay with Clary...wtaf is wrong with this girl? I’ve never seen such a selfish and naive girl, with almost only pointless purposes. Like, she changed a bit at some points, but now it seems like she’s turning into this annoying brat she was before. I’m sorry, but she is just getting on my nerves so so much. She thinks the whole world only cares about her, she risks other people’s life for her pointless and dumb plans and breaks hearts of the people that truly love her. I just can’t deal with it anymore...
Move on to Jace. Wow. One word. Fuckboy. It is such shame to let him deal with all his bullshit that way, of course, he was more like the book jace this time, but it was way too much, WAY too much and rushed. The scene with the naked girl was so weird and made me feel so uncomfortable. Let him be sassy, cocky, funny but please do not present him like that. He get’s enough hate which he doesn’t deserve at all and this time he actually made me feel very pissed at him because he is not that kind of people/boys, and he knows it. He isn’t that cheaply to let some girls take his pain this way. Of course, everyone handles his problems on their own way but this is jsut bad and gross and please leave me alone....
the last thing, Malec was the only thing which brightened up the episode for me, like almost always. I know that the ‘first time’ scene wasn’t that perfect, but idk it just seems that it was right and ‘their way’ to handle something like that. I loved their  conversations, how they joked, and their trips, those are adorable details. It was funny how alec and izzy talked about sex, i loved it. besides, i also loved the jimon scene it was great, i laughed my ass off. it just showed that between them nothing changed, their relationship’s still the same, funny and full of sass.
I hope that the next episode won’t disappoint me this much, because woah this one was terrible.
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threezoz · 5 years
*no one is your friend Lilith
*i missed her demon form
*um I'm pretty sure Edom being destroyed is bad?
*think of the message that would send to Haline
*i also can't believe he's never been married, he's perfect
*I'm loving Jonathan's disinterest 😂😂😂
*the demon hands are a lot...
*welp shit
*y'all was Izzy suicidal?
I'm crying so hard... this fucking show!
*i rewound and still cried
*yes, follow the wil-o-wisp go to it, follow
*wow rude, Raziel
*hiiiie Pendejo Rey!
*awwww the pendejo has a heart ❤️❤️❤️
*don't you DARE kill Max, i will fucking RIOT!
*if Max dies i will murder
*wow, 👏🏾what a👏🏾piece👏🏾of👏🏾shit👏🏾
*Clary Self-Sacrifice Fray
(the wedding begins here)
* i get to love you, it's the best thing that I'll ever do
*wiping the tears away so I can see the reception
*it should be Simon singing
*😭 Clary! angels are dicks!
*Jace... 😭
*i hate that her dad isn't here
one year later
yeah, okay.
freeform are cancelled until the end of time but okay.
love thought i would feel bad or cheated somehow but i want more and I'm also okay with how it is?
i love all of you shadowfam, you're weird and you love so hard it's painful to witness. thank you.
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ao3feed-malec · 5 years
Fight Me
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DundVC
by CleoBane
SImon meets Jace and doesn't like him...at first.
**** “I’m sorry.” Jace said, his tone cooling. “Was I boring you?”
Simon took a step back, blinking in surprise. It felt like he had been doused with a bucket of iced water. Even Magnus’s smile dropped as he looked at Jace. Izzy and Alec had identical looks of stunned surprise on their faces.
“I don’t think that’s…” Izzy started, but Simon interrupted her. “It’s fine Izzy. Great fight, man. Alec, Magnus…I’m out.” Then he turned away and walked off.
He should have known someone that hot had to be a jackass.
At least he wasn’t turned on anymore. But it would be a different story when he was no longer annoyed at the meathead.
This why you never, ever meet your heroes.
Words: 1180, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types, Jimon - Fandom
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Simon Lewis, Jace Herondale, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Izzy Lightwood, Clary Fray
Relationships: Simon Lewis/Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Additional Tags: Fighting, Crushes, Making Out, Boys Kissing, Smut, Fighter!Jace, sassy simon, Izzy loves Violence, Tentative Fic, strangers to enemies to friends to lovers
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DundVC
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