#jimmy was the least favourite of the watchers
live-laugh-ukotoa · 2 months
"I know EVO lore from watching Martyn!" "I know EVO lore from fanon!" I know EVO lore from WATCHING EVO all jokes aside, I heavily reccomend watching EVO to get a bit more of a feel for EVO lore! espesc since there are some surprises that you might not have gotten from fanon ;) but seriously, EVO can be pretty long, but I'd say its worth it! (I watched Jimmy's, since he was there from beginning to end and his is really funny AND not super lorey but just enough lorey)
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hybbart · 9 months
:OOOOOO THE HOSTS OF THE GAME LOOK SO COOL!!!! I want to know more about them! Can the players talk to them? Do they have chosen disciples that they help (or harm)? Do they deside who wins each game? Does Grian interact with them?
Grian hates their guts, and most of the evo crew are at least wary of all of them except Secret Keeper (it mostly just wants everyone to have fun which is why it brought in so many players).
They all play favourites in private but they don't influence who wins. The Boogieman is very fond of Grian and he's the one who hates Scott alongside the Spinner. The Spinner loved the Ranchers and Boat Boys for playing along with their mechanic but their actual favourite player is Pearl which is why they brought Tilly back to life and granted her 3 lives.
The Clockmaker unsurprisingly loves Bdubs and Martyn, and exuded the most influence in their game and was the one whispering terrible things to Martyn all season. They picked him to be game monitor when they forced Grian into time out. They're a busy body who would have controlled the games much more if they weren't busy constantly fixing their own broken mechanics. Theyre the one watcher who despises Grian and is bored by Jimmy's curse, pushing the both to their deaths to get them out of the way.
The Secret Keeper liked Gem so much from the other game it made her a proper part of the game. It has a soft spot for the sillier players, and it couldn't stand even one not participating so it convinced Tango to ceate torchie and let Ren control his body while Tango followed him, and brought Jimmy back. Tango was one of its favourites for his silly games and "its not about winning" mentality.
The Secret Keeper's the only one who directly put itself in the game out in the open. Its a bit unconventional as far as watchers go which is why it wanted to host a game so badly.
Most of the time only Grian can talk to them directly, although Martyn, Jimmy, Pearl, and Bigb can hear them.
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thatcoyperson · 11 months
"Scar is the watchers favourite" "Jimmy is the watchers least favourite"
The watchers have heated debates about who their favourites and least favourites are and not once have they ever agreed
One watcher says Jimmy's their favourite and all the rest of the watchers point and laugh. Another says Grian's their favourite and one scoffs and says "Of course he is"
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solargeist · 4 months
what do you think about jimmy’s involvement in evo smp and the curse he seems to have
I was just watching Jimmy’s new video 👁_👁..
I haven’t seen Jimmy’s POV for Evo, just bits of him via Grian and Martyn, or lore posts..
I think the curse is rly interesting, something I’ve noticed is in Evo, the little animation when Jimmy jumps into the portal, he’s trying to fly away ! Out the portal …! Away from danger, but can’t.
He’s apparently the Watchers’ least favourite, but I think the Listeners favour him, often using him as a messenger.
I think even before he’s cursed, he has this sense of danger, heightened anxiety in particular moments. I Kinda like the idea of him as an Oracle
I think he dislikes his own Canary traits bc of how the Watchers treated him, but grows to like his wings and feathers, I think his wings are pretty weak tho from not using them.
I dunno how to fit him into EvoAU, i think he momentarily travels with Martyn before they get separated.
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life-winners-liveblog · 4 months
Oh yeah- Listeners I asked the Watchers and the Speakers this as well but you were MIA so I’ll ask you it now. Who from Evo did you dislike the most/least favourite and who did you like the most/favourite?
👂Oh Little Martyn has always been out favorite 👂
👁️ That's a lie, they loved Jimmy and are sad they couldn't make him one of them👁️
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 10 months
life game asks! 🌓🧨⚡️🌹❄️
🌓 opinions on the watcher lore?
yall KNOW im insane about this. Martyn's canon, the general fanon, everything from EVO... I am insane. I have my own Watcher Lore which is very very Sad also
🧨 favourite season and why?
This is so tricky. I think Third Life will always be special to me just because of how hard it went with the drama, and because of just how different the POVs are (e.g., the difference in how desert duo appears from their own pov vs everyone elses). However Limited Life was the first I watched live so it is my beloved, and Secret Life is maybe my favourite concept!
⚡️most cinematic death?
It has GOT to be Scar's final death in Third Life, hasn't it? Next to Ren's yellowlife beheading in Third Life. But there are so many outside of Third Life that it is really hard to pick. Jimmy falling (being pushed) in Limited Life?!
🌹if you could add one more player, who would it be?
God this is a good question. It has to be a hermit I think, just for the dynamics. It wouldn't work at all but if I could add Joe Hills... <3 Doc would be super fun too especially if Ren was there.
❄️ be honest, which character do you care about the least?
This is such a mean question you're so mean to me. Hm. I'm watching every POV for Secret Life so I suppose now is the best time to answer with a full range of viewership. I think I'm always least excited for Lizzie's POV? Though I really enjoy her videos still, I don't watch her stuff outside of the life series so I'm not super attached to her content. I still love her tho. This was such a mean question I literally love them all.
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desolationcleo · 8 months
Things That Happened In Evo That More Life Series Fans Should Know About
I've finally committed to watching evo in full and kept this in my drafts for AGES just compiling a list
-it starts with everyone gathered around a central circle in the ground, just like how last life did
-jimmy died by creeper not even ten minutes in. fairly certain he died first.
-just... something about how pumpkins are naturally carved in these versions. naturally carved with that same face that gives me last life war flashbacks
-there is a base made of snow. pompeii by bastille intensifies
-bigb puts a large cookie on his base. y'know, a thing he did a second time in 3rd life
-and said cookie is stolen by an inseparable duo (jimmy and martyn in this case)... time is a flat circle
-they did a few games for halloween and one was a hunger games
-just... whatever is going on with the horrors that taurtis experiences. i couldn't not watch his pov and like. You know his experiences of missing a portal jump and getting stranded in some other dimension he likened to the upside down from stranger things? and later having dreams that take place there? yeah it's fucking SCARY. everything was purple and the lighting was all weird and there was weird noises. there was spooky whispering after he jumped through the portal. that's not even getting into the glitchy white-haired purple-eyes-and-mouth version of taurtis that speaks in tongues and appears to be... haunting him? it's so fucking spooky
-anyways the reason i'm bringing this up is. aside from needing to ramble about minecraftian horrors beyond my comprehension. if it is indeed another dimension as he claims, then it naturally follows that this dimension also exists in the life series.
-the cactus maze (and yes grian goes in it)
-the watchers don't even try to hide that they have favourites and least favourites. yeah this is about the jimmy sapling coal incident.
-in that same episode, the watcher dungeon (and i mean dungeon, that basement had what looked like cells but with broken/incomplete bars. tally mark looking I's on the walls and everything) has a spooky face on the wall of one room that grian says looks like a pumpkin
-just. everything about how defiant and rebellious grian is towards the watchers. huh i wonder if he's gonna keep being like this
-usage of galactic is not entirely fanon. the obelisk of the eyes has galactic letters on it
-we oughta do smth with "one day we will deem it your moment to shine" (said by the watchers to martyn at one point) and martyn's victory
-ik we've all seen this clip but. the scene where jimmy and martyn joke that the watchers are gonna put them in the hunger games. (jimmy pov episode 83 timestamp 1:15 if you wanna see for yourself)
-one of the last things grian did was get tnt pranked by jimmy, and he said to the latter "when will you learn that your actions have consequences". eventually in last life, after killing jimmy, he states once again that jimmy needs to learn that his actions have consequences.
-someone needs to caption their third life fanart with "who won that in the end?" "there are no winners in war, friend"
-jimmy after doing his mission for the listeners and finding out what the other players were up to during this time: the watchers are EVIL bro
-mumbo is brought up a couple times. between this and the "do you think mumbo would be proud" scene in 3L, coupled with mumbo being added to the life games through association via grian, i've decided to interpret this as grian and mumbo having been besties before evo and grian is just going around telling everyone about this redstoner friend of his
-the listeners use white bedrock. you guys should be putting this in your fics
-the parallel with this
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and the listener dialogue at the end of limited life
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
I like to imagine the universe is just watching all of this unfold with a bowl of popcorn:
An exagerated gasp when Bravo meets Jimmy and Tango.
Uncontrollable sobbing when Tango is being kidnapped.
Squealing when Bravo teams up with Timmy even though Bravo is the universe's least favourite character
Anyways, now I'm just wondering what the universe's pronouns are...
HAH as entertaining as that concept is, it’s a bit more humanized than i typically imagine the mc universe to be? however, i will say that would absolutely apply to the group of watchers who are highly invested in the happenings of ‘from eden’ and watch the players like a soap opera (even if some of them don’t think too kindly of jimmy)
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brooklynislandgirl · 11 months
10 Fandoms / 10 Characters / 10 Tags
Tagged By: my loves @kylo-wrecked and @tangleweave Tagging: Anyone who feels like they need one more Sunday this weekend.
I. Marvel: Beta-Ray Bill, Eddie Brock/Venom, Doctor Strange, Phil Coulson, Vision, Groot, Spider-Man {Peter Parker}, Gambit, Doctor Morbius, Bucky Barnes. M'Baku {Hate the moniker of 'Man-Ape'}. Magneto. Loki. Night Crawler. Frank "Punisher" Castle. Colossus. Danny "Iron Fist" Rand. Foggy Nelson. Ghost Rider {Both Johnny Blaze and Robbie Reyes, "Caretaker" Carter Slade}. I know that's more than 10. Whatever, I do what I want. >.> II. DC: Lex Luthor, Nanaue {King Shark}, Martian Man Hunter, John Constantine, The Joker, Jonathan Crane, Morpheus {Dream of the Endless}, Death of the Endless, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Bane, Swamp Thing, Green Lantern. Cisco Ramon. Hunter Zoloman.
I absolutely blame @nightmarefuele for at least two of these.
III. Star Wars: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Admiral Piett. Kylo Ren. Wedge Antilles. Kit Fisto. Han Solo. Chewbacca. Jocasta Nu. Darth Rivan {not to be confused with Darth Revan}. Jos Vondar. Jango and Boba Fett, and of course, all my 10,000,000,000 Clone children. No I will not be taking questions.
IV. Star Trek: Worf, Martok, Gowron, Chancellor Gorkon, Kurn, Dr McCoy, Uhura, Sulu, Chekhov, Chris Pike, Ortegas, Nurse Chapel, Geordie La Forge, Riker, Data, Lore, Chief O'Brien, Q, Benjamin Cisco, Garak, Gul Dukat, Quark. V. Firefly: Mal Reynolds, Jayne Cobb, Hobun Washburne, Zoe Washburne, Shepherd Book, Kaylee Frye, YoSafBridge, Adalai Niska, Badger, Jubal Early Take my life, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care 'cause I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me. {{My coat has always been a little...brownish.}
VI. The Walking Dead: Shane Walsh, Daryl and Merle Dixon, Michonne Hawthorne, Abraham Ford, Glenn Rhee, The Governor, Bob Stookey, Ezekiel, Dwight, Aaron, Morgan Jones. VII. Justified: Raylan, Boyd, Ava, Art, Rachel, Tim, Dewey Crowe, Johnny Crowder, Loretta McCready, Robert Quarles, Ellstin Limehouse, Mags Bennett, Devil, Jean Baptiste, Boon, Willa, Carolyn, Sweety... oh so many. VIII. Yellowstone: John, Jamie, Beth, Kayce Dutton, Rip Wheeler, Jimmy Hurdstrom, Thomas Rainwater, Mo Brings Plenty, Lloyd, Colby, Teeter, Jake, Ethan, Angela Blue Thunder, Malcolm Beck. IX. Law & Order- Alphabet Soup: Captain Cragen, Lenny Briscoe, Mike Logan, Anita Van Buren, Jack McCoy. Rey Curtis, Ed Green, Arthur Branch, Cyrus Lupo, Kevin Bernard, Frank Cosgrove, Jalen Shaw. Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson, Odafin Tutuola, John Munch, Chester Lake, Melinda Warner, Amanda Rollins, Rafael Barba, Dominick Carisi, Peter Stone, Bobby Goran. I have seen literally every episode of the American Law & Order franchise Original, SVU, CI, OC, etc...with the first three watched multiple times. While I often wouldn't call it my most favourite show...it's probably my most favourite shows.
X. The Lord of the Rings: Boromir and Faramir, Éomer and ��owyn, Theoden King, Theodred, Gimli, Pippin, Sam, Meriadoc, Fangorn {Treebeard}, Beorn, Celebrimbor, Bard the Bowman, Dwalin, Celeborn, Denethor, Gil-Galad king, Fingolfin, The Watcher in the Water, Maedhros, Finwe, Manwe...and I could go on for years. My first true fandom as we know it {probably Arthurian Legend was my first and truest fictional love}, and one I have been faithful to for over 25 years. Honestly never please talk to me about it, because I have rabid opinions about literally everything. And lastly, I only included tv/movies here because books and rpgs would require an entire three or four Long Ass Posts all of their own. Much Love.
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atherix · 2 years
What are all the confirmed/mentioned pantheons and who/what kind of people follow each one? I love that all the religions(?) are true at the same time. It's my favourite. :)
I also wanted to ask how you felt about people using your world of Midnight, but writing in their own characters? I want to, but felt I should ask first. (With credits given, of course.)
God I am so fascinated by religions and their effects on society, but all the war and fighting that comes with it is so exhausting. So coexisting simultaneously-true religions was just like "yeah!! Whoo! Best of all worlds!" bc I get to explore the differences in the religions and beliefs and all that without being like "religion is bs" or "only one religion is true." I lowkey always worry that someone might think I'm actually promoting religion (hi guys atheist/nonreligious here I am just super interested in the cultural aspects of religions thank you) so I'm glad people have been receiving the Pantheons thing positively <3
As for the confirmed Pantheons we have, there's Fate (which is The Big Pantheon), the Fae Pantheon, the Death Pantheon, the Watcher's Pantheon, the Old Pantheon, and I think??? I may have mentioned it but I don't know if I deleted it but there's also Creation and Destruction (which is The First and The Last, The Beginning and The End). Nobody follows the Fate Pantheon because every living thing- including gods- is bound from the moment of birth to it, and no one follows Creation and Destruction as they are Already Gone and Inevitable. I swear if I forgot to at least mention Creation in passing... but Creation was like THE first Pantheon at the beginning of time itself, the only Pantheon older than it is Fate (as the Creation god is also bound to Fate). The Old Pantheon is a mostly-defunct Pantheon now, but it was the Pantheon that came after the fall of the Ancients and when they first started rebuilding. Can't wait to talk about what happens when a Pantheon fully dies out... cue me glancing at Grian's dream from Midnight Flux... Oh! And I mentioned before when talking about the Werewolves' evolution story but the Sun and Moon also have their own associated gods and Pantheons. There's no Life Pantheon, that one will be explained later :)
Of course there are also Listeners, but I haven't really mentioned them. There's a lot of very small and minor Pantheons as well, but the ones mentioned above are The Big Ones.
You'll notice there's no Pantheon of Time mentioned here :)
As for who follows what, we have;
Death Pantheon: Mumbo, Cleo, BDubs, Cub, Doc, all Vampires in general, Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, Fundy; in general it's followed by Vampires and Undead Mob hybrids (for example, if Cleo wasn't a Vampire she'd still follow this Pantheon as a Zombie) and lower deities (such as Angels of Death and Harbingers and Reapers)
Watcher Pantheon: Grian, Jimmy, Scott (kind of- his is a little... complicated), Pearl; in general it's followed mostly by people born into it. There's casual and extremist groups, and it's considerably exclusive, the only way to join as an outsider is to be brought in by an existing member.
Fae Pantheon: Scar, Tubbo, Lizzie, Cub, BDubs, all Fae in general (with the exception of Joel); it's a Pantheon only available to the Fae and the Natural children they claim. Grian and Mumbo would not have access to it even if they marry Scar.
Old Pantheon: None of the main characters, but Mumbo and Tubbo were both born into this Pantheon. They've both since left it behind. Less than a thousand members are left of this Pantheon. This was one people were just born into, a sort of Default™ until people began (re)discovering other gods.
Moon's Pantheon: Ren, Werewolves in general; anyone can convert to worshiping the Moon God
Listener's Pantheon: Martyn; you HAVE to be born into the Listener's Pantheon, no exceptions.
No Pantheon/Unknown Pantheon: Joel, Gem, Etho, Iskall, Scar's Father; To have no Pantheon at all means to just never swear yourself to any one Pantheon. Changelings are the only Fae who aren't inherently tied to the Fae Pantheon, being a group of Fae who often never find out they're Fae.
BONUS ROUND- The Void, which was worshiped by Boatem's founders. While the Void's Pantheon is mostly dead now, the Void itself has found its way into most other Pantheons. Some Pantheons, such as the Fae, have nothing to do whatsoever with the Void.
I've spent way too long on this so if you have any questions about anyone else/anyone specific, feel free to ask <3 I have just spent wayyy too much thinking about this XD
As for writing within the world of Midnight, I absolutely don't mind at all! It's like having fic written about your world :o I think that'd be so cool~ And also now you got me wondering where my little character would fit in all this... hmm 👀
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Get To Know Your BL Mutuals
Tagged by @respectthepetty (my tumblr colour-lover <- interpret that however you wish)
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
I find it really difficult to remember my expectations before a show to have an immediate answer to this but maybe Vice Versa...? I think I knew it would be interesting with the alternative universe setting, and even though the show didn't explore that enough I was overjoyed with the design of the show. The details, the colours, Fuse's t-shirts... I was also pleasantly surprised by the improvement in Jimmy's acting since playing Wai in Bad Buddy.
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What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
The only DNF I've had this year was Coffee Melody - so I guess that was disappointing - but of the ones I did actually finish I think the two Star and Sky shows...and Cutie Pie to some extent. With Star in My Mind, I had been so excited to see Joong again but the story (and Dunk's acting) didn't live up to my expectations. For Sky in Your Heart, I was hoping for a Tale of a Thousand Stars quality show but both Mek's acting and the production fell short. Cutie Pie started SO GOOD - I adored the design and was so excited about Zee (and Poppy!) - but the story was so slow and contrived I ended up so frustrated at the missed potential.
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What has been your favourite BL this year?
God, it's so hard for anything to top the chokehold Bad Buddy has on me BUT if I move that one aside, there have been others that I have I loved and each for a different reason...and since these reasons make them equally fantastic I'm going to list them all: The Eclipse (the story, the acting, the symbolism); Kinnporsche (for how batshit crazy it was...and for PeteVegas); Semantic Error (just them, the enemies to lovers dynamic, the grumpy/sunshine pairing, the colours!); Vice Versa (for all the reasons I mentioned above); and Love Mechanics (just VeeMark's chemistry).
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Favourite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
Okay, I originally listed 14 and realised that was too many, so I've narrowed it down by half: PatPran (of course); VeeMark (the chemistry, the angst; the disasters that they are); AkkAyan (communication kings); MingKit (from 2moons2 - where my love for Joong began); AePete (the softness!); Jack and ZhaoZi (the domestic mercenary and the joyfully innocent police officer); and RamKing (we've been robbed of their continuation. ROBBED!). Oh and them:
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If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
For a non-bl watcher: Semantic Error or Old Fashion Cupcake (because they have the least tropes or product placements that I feel you'd also have to explain to a newbie bl watcher). For a bl watcher: Not Me (for the art, bodies, dance and Gun)
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What's your non-BL favourite for this year?
I guess I could say Not Me for this, since it stands slightly outside of the bl genre, but I think the only actual non-bl show I watched this year was The Gifted and The Gifted Graduation (although I haven't finished the latter yet)...
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So who wants to go next? Tag as many or as few people as you want.
@jemmo @sunsetandthemoon @mrdumpling @seeking-moonscapes @casualavocados @grapejuicegay @elnotwoods @thiansong @telomeke-bbs
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 11 months
5 & 10
oh hey king. i wonder if any specific thing prompted this. anyways.
5. favourite build?
oh this is SO hard…. i think i have to be loyal and say the crastle though. ugh i miss third life builds.
10. do you have any headcannons? or theories about the season?
i don’t think i have any strong hcs yet, just cause we’ve only had two episodes. at the very least it’s nothing i haven’t already said. as for theories… y’know what yeah, sure. now’s the time for me to bring up my listeners theory. why not.
i’ll be so real this theory is mostly about liml. the secret life relation is really how i think it’ll tie into this season, though i don’t have much evidence to go off of yet. also obligatory “i don’t watch streams so if martyn talked about this in his post liml lore stream do not embarrass me”.
basically the stuff the watchers said to martyn after jimmy died in liml has. implications. the relevant section is “echos ring/for brief exchange/disruptions by/the ones estranged/tread careful sound/for if we met/our gaze would bring/untimely deaf”. the first time i heard that part i didn’t really think much of it and assumed “sound” was just a weird name for martyn, but i’ve realized that, combined with the fact that the watchers don’t talk to martyn at the end of the series but the listeners do, they’re almost certainly talking to the listeners there. the implication seems to be that the listeners have managed to cut the watchers off from martyn for whatever reason. this, combined with how strikingly similar their message at the end of liml is to their message at the end of evos, makes everything feel Real Weird. like yeah ok the watchers are bad but. what do you gain from cutting him off listeners. what do you want here. (i have never quite trusted the listeners and this is something martyn has validated- the listeners are not good just because they are against the watchers. the enemy of my enemy is not inherently my friend.)
as for how this ties into secret life? i think it’s possible that we straight up don’t hear from the watchers this season. it’s DEFINITELY not off the table, but… idk i think we might be in the listener zone for a while. and idk if that’s a good thing.
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mcytaita · 6 months
tags masterpost
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results: yta: you're the asshole
results: nta: not the asshole
results: jah: justified asshole
results: nah: no assholes here
results: esh: everyone sucks here
results: info: more info required
results: no consensus: criteria not reached to achieve consensus
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dream smp
empires smp: empires s1, empires s2 (no posts yet!)
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karmaland: karmaland v
lifesteal smp
outsiders smp
pirates smp
qsmp: no posts yet!
rats smp
traffic life smp: 3rd life smp, last life smp, double life smp, limited life smp, secret life smp
wcsmp (witchcraft smp): no posts yet!
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bigbst4tz2 (big b)
ethoslab (etho)
geminitay (gem)
ggacho (acho)
goodtimeswithscar (scar)
imashepttv (shep)
impulsesv (impulse)
inthelittlewood (martyn)
jimmy solidarity
joey graceffa
krowfang (krow)
magicsings (magic)
theorionsound (oli)
owengejuicetv (owen)
pearlescentmoon (pearl)
philza (phil)
roscumber (ros)
scott smajor
shubble (shelby)
smallishbeans (joel)
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zombiecleo (cleo)
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pov character tags (npc edition)
ajax suarez (from pirates smp)
declan the janitor (from rats smp)
eyesandears (watchers/listeners from martyn's evo/life series lore)
merlon (from karmaland)
special tags
admin's picks: the admin's personal favourites
consensus on stream: discussed on livestreams
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mairen-marionette · 11 months
🌲 favourite member/character?
🌓 opinions on the watcher lore?
⚡️most cinematic death?
🌿 any favourite interpretations?
Thanks for the ask!
🌲 favourite member/character?
Okay tricky question, but I guess I'll have to go with Scar, Grian, and Jimmy in general.
🌓 opinions on the watcher lore?
It's fine, interesting stuff an I guess I like it generally, just not too many thoughts on it I guess lol.
⚡️most cinematic death?
ooooooo this is a tough one, especially considering that I haven't watched every single pov. It's also been a hot minute since I've watched the deaths so like-
I think I'm going to go with both the 3rd Life SMP finale, Grian killing Scar then jumping to his own death, and the Double Life SMP finale- Scott and Pearl winning but the voices still calling for blood, and Scott deciding to take matters into his own hands and exploding himself with TNT. "Tilly death do us part!"
🌿 any favourite interpretations?
Not in particular no, but I do like the idea that this is a recurring event for the participants that they may or may not remember afterwards, at least until it all happens again, if that makes sense.
This entire thing is some kind of phenomena that they've all been drawn into, and the idea that it also affects their memories as well is just- I don't know I just like it, it's intriguing.
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redstonedust · 3 years
of all the ex-evo players in 3rd life and last life i think its funny that u have like. grian the watcher. pearl the occasional fandom assigned watcher. martyn being tormented by the watchers. jimmy the watchers least favourite & champion of the listeners. and big b.
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quaranmine · 3 years
dont know if ur still doing the ask game but here you go!
Lizzie - Any AUs?
Impulse - Favourite moment (so far)?
aaaa yes i was still doing it, but i had to go to sleep when i got this ask and then wanted to type it on my computer so here's my answer a day or two late :0
Any AUs...yes! For the last several weeks I've been in the midst of planning a multi-chaptered fic from Jimmy's pov. That's a big thing for me, since I have never once finished anything beyond a one-shot, but I'm giving it a try again. The going is slow because, well, college, and work, and life, and...you get it. If I never end up posting it, then at the very least I can say it provided me many long hours of enrichment/entertainment as I came up with headcanons and tried to add 5 layers of nuance to everything!
The wild thing is though, that it uh, isn't actually that much of an AU anymore? So thank you Martyn, for your finale lore drop! The fic had a lot of the same things--the Watchers in control of 3l/ll, Martyn's voice in his head are Watchers, the Watchers are controlling the Boogeyman, Watcher!Grian, Grian wasn't supposed to be there, copious amounts of Listener lore...all of that is, more or less, no longer AU and now just canon. The main focus of the fic is to bring together the former Evo members that are on Last Life, since there are five of them (BigB, Pearl, Grian, Jimmy, and Martyn.) And Jimmy's a Listener.
It still has its differences though to Martyn's lore, but right now I'm in the middle of analyzing the new information we've received in order to tweak my ideas and plot. It'll be overhauled a bit, but now I have more lore to work with and can fill out backstories and headcanons much more easily.
Now, favorite moment? SO hard to chose so I will list a few: Grian's whole "we can still be friends" moment at the ghast farm with Mumbo, the fact that watcher and listener lore came back after three years for the finale, Cleo's "die for me" speech, the progression from "haha ethubs divorce arc" to the fandom in literal shambles on my dash, every aha pun ever made, and every time Mumbo lost one of Jimmy's spyglasses.
It's been so much fun <3
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