#jimmy two teeth
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o-soupnoodle-o · 12 days ago
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Drew the Dummies again (and Sal, I Love you Sal)
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plutonify · 1 year ago
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I was practicing drawing Sam and max, but that’s not important, I just want everyone to look at this jimmy two-teeth I drew from memory
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ozzybutweirdthistime · 1 year ago
so i made a really bad fanart of @kiszoneszczury's space mining au, featuring tango tek and jimmy solidarity
i was gonna fix it, but i realized that i literally couldn't, so i gave up
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navigatorwrongway · 2 years ago
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something something playing with fyre
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veggiebr0th · 4 months ago
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wanted to paint something again!
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raya-1010 · 1 year ago
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John the alligator drawing and two doodles!
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chipperchemical · 4 months ago
broke: every Life Series member uses a diamond sword as a weapon because it's Minecraft
woke: i can headcanon them to have any weapon i want them to have
Bdubs - bow and arrow exclusively (uses the arrows as little spears in close combat)
BigB - no one knows?? sometimes he looks at someone and they just take damage randomly
Etho - classic diamond sword
Gem - guitar shaped like a battle axe (used as a battle axe)
Scar - smaller blades, like knives
Grian - prefers his fists, but also happy with explosives
Impulse - throwing knives and stars
Martyn - comically large hammer
Lizzie - anime magical girl giant sword
Mumbo - effectively redstoned up a literal gun (advanced bow and arrow)
Pearl - flamethrower and i won't elaborate
Ren - teeth and claws
Skizz - uses two large drumsticks (for hitting people, blocking by crossing them, and uses them for mobility as vaulting poles)
Scott - uses things from his environment more than anything
Joel - greataxe
Jimmy - very versatile, uses whatever his teammates have to hand
Tango - uses lots of smoke bombs (and real bombs)
Cleo - daggers
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ridingtorohan · 4 months ago
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Moments of the Tulpar crew experiencing Hanahaki disease for the reader (pre-crash)
𓇻 content warning. no spoilers for the game. swansea's is left ambiguous if it's romantic or platonic. receiver's choice. jimmy's whole section is a warning; denial, mention of self-mutilation (not depicted), possessiveness, manipulation and implied sexual frustration. jimmy's ending line is not about sexual assault, he's just manipulative.
Hanahaki Disease
A condition that causes the victims to cough up flowers or flower petals, due to either unrequited love or repressed love for another person.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ Read it On AO3! _ Masterlist _ Join the taglist _ Ask box
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Yellow Chrysanthemum- a deep love that cannot be spoken.
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"You have your space legs," Curly says, voice a low rumble in his chest. His hand smooths over your shoulder, feeling the shift of muscle. Through the flightsuit, he could feel the rumble of your laughter.
"Six times the charm, right?" You smile with the glint of your teeth, head tipped back to peer up at him. Warmth and roots lodge in his chest, like tiny tendrils of leaves crawling through him. Like being tickled from the inside, a radiated warmth that resonated through his limbs. He loved to look at your smile, how your expression lit up the whole room.
Curly remembered when the two of you were paired together, with you fresh out of training and new to travel. How queasy it made most people feel, even with the artificial gravity. He'd been the same.
Blue eyes dart low, watched as Daisuke threw a uno reverse down, giddy in his seat.
You shout back and reveal one of your own. The conversation devolved then to a bickering match and culminated in Daisuke's sulky expression as he scrounged around for a green.
"You should join us, Curly," you said, eyes back on him.
Stems lodged in his throat, petals curled against soft muscle. A bloomed flower, ripe under your attentive gaze. Everything inside him blossomed at your every word, fragile and wanting in his mouth.
"In a minute. Piloting duties." As he excused himself with a clearing of his throat, he reluctantly pulled away from your side, only to let his eyes linger on your side profile. How easy you interacted with the other Tulpar crewmembers; Anya and Daisuke especially.
Swansea grumbled in his seat and through some barbaric display of betrayal, threw down a stack of +4's on top of Daisuke's green before announcing the new colour (green). The pivotal horror only increased as you slapped your own on top, just for Daisuke to hurriedly slap through the deck. ("We don't even have enough cards!")
It's a gentle feeling; being in love like this. Feeling connected in more ways than a captain should. Than a captain legally ought to. Still, it reached up, through his body, like an ache that needed to be fulfilled. Eyes that always followed you; the attentive way he spoke to you. Every bone in his body whispered love, love, love. I love you.
Pilot duties was just an excuse. Safe from the rec hall, Curly raised a fist to his mouth as his chest heaved. A wet, sticky yellow flower fell from his mouth, devotion spelled out to the bone.
Curly doesn't hate you for this. He's lived long enough to cradle the emotions as they come, to take the small chances when he could get it. A captain's duties didn't extend to fraternization.
As he held the flower between his fingers, he couldn't fault you at all. Not when you smiled at him - like the crew-- like that. He didn't expect his love to be returned; loving you was enough. Even like this.
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Honeysuckle- devoted love, whose entwined vines represent the difficulty to escape its grasp
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The insufferable itching was the worst of it. Each swelled muscle, bulge under his veins; Jimmy has half a mind to claw into his own skin. Tear the flowers right out from him, bloody and whole.
He'd rather feel anything but this, this unfathomable twitchy lurch in his chest. How you made his skin clammy and pulse skittered. Half of the time he wanted to throttle you, the other portion involved throwing you against the wall and devouring you right there.
Because something about you demanded that he take, stake a claim on his person. Outside of Curly, you were the only one able to placate him, to have a backbone and withstand his hurled words.
He didn't expect this twitch in his body, the tension that rattled through him like a freight train. Jimmy, on all accounts of everyone he's ever been with, didn't do soft. He didn't do sweet.
With you, it felt like the best and worst of him was brought out. A willingness to scoff and turn the other way - however begrudgingly. The way his temper flared, quick to rise on the offense and defense.
Red, sickly petals fall from his mouth, stems and roots attached. He's aware of the damned disease; felt it in every rock of his body. Every time his arm so much as touched yours. The inescapable draw, the sway of the boat, the chasm that roared to life inside him.
They tore like a mother up his throat and no amount of scratches at his skin lessened the torment. You have him wrapped right around his finger, drowned him in a pool of your own making.
Jimmy all but hated you for it; hated your sympathetic frowns, the way you so easily acted with the nurse and Daisuke. He's imagined it many times, his fist clenched around your wrist, his mouth on yours. How hot you'd feel against his skin.
The way you turned your head, how your mouth moved so easily, focus rapt on Swansea over some bullshit. Holed up on the sofa, electronic board between you. A better student than Daisuke was supposed to be.
Jimmy's eyes darted over your expression, the way your nose moved when you breathed, the swallow of your throat. Under the simulated forest screen, you looked captivating. Forest light over your eyes that highlighted your cheekbones.
That familiar spasm resonated in his chest again, wet, hot and sickly, and he spat it out, threw the squashed pink and orange blossom in his fingers, roots slick with blood. All that left to the ground as he stomped ahead, hands planted on the back of the sofa.
"Sure, electronic work is all hoorah, but how 'bout I show you some real skills in the pilot's chair?"
He's definitely one to boast, and with the way your eyes turned up, it sent another tremor through his chest. Eyes narrowed, a challenge left your lips, his eyes quick to follow the motion.
Swansea scoffed with a sneer. But who cared about him or his opinions?
When you finally relented, the rattle in his chest intensified, that ache to touch reigning fierce. While Curly's presence deterred any advances Jimmy could make on you, he'd eventually get you right where he wanted you.
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Forget-me-nots- the pain of loss and desire to hold onto memories and love
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Psych evals weren't Anya's favourite task by any means, but it had been another aspect of her career. One that she chose, one that she'd keep choosing again and again. A step closer to the actual job she wanted; one with different stresses, different bosses. More stability.
For all that it was considered, one aspect that she liked most was to learn about you. How you perceived the depicted situation, how your lips pursed when you were in thought. How your leg shifted, how you once paced the room.
More than once, she'd been distracted by the lull of your voice, the stride of your steps, how your tendons moved beneath your flight suit.
"Good." She says, the word airy in her mouth.
When you smile at her, it is blinding, enough to make her eyes dart away, heart tender in her chest. With you, everything just so much ... less. Less frightful, less stress. Less constant noise in her head. She could breathe around you, bursting a garden for you in her lungs with each stolen glance.
For her, passing the flowers were easy. Mostly petals at first, loose and velvety to the touch. Then whole ones, beautiful and pristine, a testament to their circumstances.
She didn't feel drawn to you, so much as drawn around your orbit; like the Earth around the Sun. A star that burned bright in her eyes. She'd always preferred sunrises.
As the nurse, Anya has been expected to pick up on traits of her patients; learn their allergies, habits. How to better help them. Who helped the nurse? Who helped her when her heart galloped, cheeks a fire when she looked at you?
You were sweet - tender, when most others would look away.
It felt like a baptism by fire.
"That's a cool flower," you breathed out, when the silence lapsed between you.
She startled, hand to her mouth - but your eyes are distant, focused on the bottle she kept on her desk. Not that bottle was an apt term; a tall cup was more appropriate. Keeping a flower without roots was difficult; but forget-me-nots was simple. Easy. Swaddled in water, pretty blue petals frame the glass lip. A testament to her affection for you.
The end of her pen tapped against the clipboard. "Thank you."
Now, your eyes turn to her, lidded with approval and warmth. Her flower garden grows. "I never knew we were allowed to keep flowers here."
A smile lit up her face, immediate and without hesitation. Your approval, however small, meant the world to her. It filled her with a sense of satisfaction, of belonging. Of knowledge that she'd be safe and secure with you, as she always has been.
"It's a special case."
Eyes turn back, admiring the pristine petals. "Still petty cool though. Adds nice colour to the room."
She smiled and her chest hurt with the admiration and affection that ran through her. An intensity that swooped through her, fierce and devoted. "Thank you. I'll be sure to add more next time." She would; anything to have you keep coming back to her little corner of the world, to see your eyes linger, even if not on her.
"Sounds great."
You both turn as Daisuke poked his head in, grin wide on his face. "Hey, guys." Brown eyes dart to you with a pointed, "Curly was looking for you." You nod, fingers on your coat lining as you adjusted it. Anya tried not to focus on it.
"We'll continue this later?" You ask her.
Anya's eyes turn to the forget-me-not, alone and perfect. Even though psych evals weren't a choice, this was. And she'd always keep choosing you. "Yes."
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Rue - fragrant flower that is used to ward off evil spirits, representing courage, repentance and healing
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Feet step over the small, fragile petals littered over the ground. No matter how many times Swansea swept them up, they clung to his clothes and followed him. Even now, they cluttered his workspace, with one ground to paste around a bolt.
"Looks like a chicken was killed here," comes your voice. Swansea's mouth twitched, upper lip pursed as he doubled over his work. Wiring was delicate work, after all, and he had to correct the mess that his intern made before it affected anything.
Fortunately, he was able to rewire the grid for the time being.
"Shit's tough if a little flowers gets every inch of you knotted up," he answered, voice gruff as flowers tickled his throat. With a twist of his mouth, he coughed, and with the ease of a man whose been through this before, spat the dry buggers out and away from his workspace.
He could all but hear the shrug as you say, "Doesn't bother me."
As he set aside his tool, he leaned over for the spool of electrician's wire. Your knuckles met him, warm flesh against weathered hands as you pass it to him. "Thanks." As he turned away from you, he coughed again, each petal little more than a nuisance.
All the same, you hovered beside him, head leaned over his shoulder as he toiled away. There was something soothing and mundane about it, the way your eyes drifted over his hands, faded tan lines not yet gone.
"You want something or you just like babying my work?"
From his peripheral, Swansea could see the twitch of your lips, the wry wrinkle in your brow. How your eyes turned away, roamed over the assortment of metals he has strewn about over his work table, only to linger on the equally as vast array of pale yellow.
Telling him to see Anya about his 'condition' hadn't helped the last time you brought it up. Swansea had more than enough experience to believe that it'd be here to stay, to ruminate among the other seedlings left behind in his chest. This one festered longer than the others, almost soft and delicate. How he dealt with it was the same.
But you were different from the rest.
"You know me, always wanting to admire your work." There's that cheeky grin he knows and he snorts in amusement. Even when it was followed by a short cough, he turned his focus back on the wires. When that was sorted through, he leaned back in his chair, brow sweaty with exertion.
"Alright, get it off yer chest and tell me what's up."
There's that twitch of your head he knew so well, the cock of your mouth and the side-glance of your eyes. Even as you leaned against his workstation, hip to the edge, every side of you rang with familiarity. Cramped together on a ship for six hauls did that to people; it was easy to know their body language, their mannerisms.
Easy to love.
Swansea's head tipped back, lips quirked and brow shifted in a beckoning motion. With a sigh, as you always did, you began your tirade about your latest frustration. Jimmy was at it again, a string of months long frustration bubbled out. Cards up his sleeve - literally--, the snide remarks, the open hostility. A point of contention that Swansea knew all too well.
"Want me to sock him a new left cheekbone?" In response, you laughed, eyes shut tight as you doubled over. No holds barred, genuine and true to the bone.
A facet of you that Swansea always liked; you had been upfront from the get-go, earnest in your attempts to befriend the crew. In mapping out the ship, glad for Swansea's guidance as he gave you the grand tour. A genuity that he hadn't seen for a long time, let alone directed at him.
Most people scoffed at his age, dismissive of the years toiled away in labour, dedicated on one task to the next. Where the two of you may have butted heads, you always bounced back, prepared for the next go. It had reminded him of himself, when he was younger. Now, it just reminded him of you.
While you all too gleefully admonished him for the offer, he didn't rescind it. Because for all the things he admired in you, you fostered it in him too. A drive to be himself, to rebound after the goings get tough. Wakeup calls weren't as pleasant as your company, but for now he'd take what he could get.
Even if the flowers got in the way of it all.
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Dahlia- representing sacrifice and endurance needed to thrive in harsh conditions as well as gratitude and commitment
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His leg is stationary, twitching every so often against the table. Daisuke has already knocked over a few Sorry! pieces, not that he had much problem with that - Swansea was winning anyway.
The tv screen before you two was awash in a golden haze, a sun over a distant horizon, washing the sea in light. It's picturesque, letting him ruminate in the thoughts with a hazy feeling in his chest.
He's never quite been in love like this before, this upbeat, yawning, yearning chasm inside him. Where every touch gives him the jitters, where he just wants to wrap you up in his gangly arms and hold onto you forever.
He's never been in love where it aches, like flowers rooting in his blood. Out of everyone, he knows more than enough about the condition that saunters in his body; seen it enough times on his sisters. A hereditory predisposition, he somehow never grasped that he'd get it.
Not once did it ever feel wrong, like this was a burden. A phantom ache, it reached into his lungs and nestled there. He had seen the pink petals fall into his palms and he knew, 'this is love'. When he saw your face, felt his heart patter in his chest, he knew, 'this is love'.
Each time he opened his mouth, slid a packet of extra sweetener your way, he felt it. Just as he felt it now, resting low in his chest, stems of dahlias woven into his hair. Out of everything, he'll always be proud of it, of what you've given him. This life that throbs inside of him, the moments that never seem to pass.
Even though you've expressed concern whenever Daisuke coughed up a fresh one - whenever your shoulders so much as touched-- he was glad for it. Glad for how your leg shifted against his now, your arm all but crushing his. How you two are folded together, your eyes glued to the peaceful scene on the screen, while all Daisuke can think about is watching you.
How the light dances over your cheekbones, over your nose. How you nestle against him like you can't pry yourself away, thigh to thigh and shoulder to shoulder. As restless and ansty as he tended to be, he felt solid and complete right beside you.
"That is not what your book says," is what you say as your mouth twitched upwards, eyes crinkling at the corners as you look at him. Each glance has him grin and he felt like a kid again, one who learned how to draw again for the first time.
"It is so!" He chirped with a dramatic wave of the electrical book that Swansea had given him. "It is hella in here! Thomas Edison totally got the idea of the lightbulb from the flowers that wove around it!"
And you laugh, that sound that sent shivers right down to his bones and he grinned and echoed, unashamed of how he sounds, his heart and inner garden close to bursting.
"No way! I've read that book! He isn't even in there!" You smacked his shoulder and he doubled over, sides pressed to yours as he dramatically flourishes it closer.
"Is so!" He pointedly tapped his index finger to the paragraph he was on. As you squint through the dim light, he could already tell by your furrowed brow and rolled eyes that you had skimmed the page. Even as you jostled his shoulder, he laughed.
"Am I right or am I right?" He laughed.
"It's not in there!"
"It might as well be!"
Even as your laughter chorused together, he found himself all too eager to slide back up against you, the book propped up in his arm as he showed off the page. "...and he totally, radically, found purple petals. The end!" He concluded his paragraph. It was worth the elbow to the gut and the hard laughter. Because it was coming from you. It was all you.
"You said orange flowers last time!" You admonish, almost under your breath before you laugh, "But alright, go on then. Read the rest of it if you're so sure of it!" With a wide grin, he did, even when you rolled your eyes at his random embellishments, or when he completely derailed and started to rant about the invention of pizza.
For each moment that lingered between you two, it felt easy. It felt safe. Even when you gave up and grasped the book from his hands, when your knuckles touched and electricity wound under his skin, he knew it to be true.
As your hands drew out the flower bookmark he kept, half-squashed between the pages, he caught it as you set it down.
For every failure that he felt he cropped up in life, this certainly wasn't it; this was something made with love, with passion, with something that he had avidly searched for as he grew up.
When he tucked the flower into your hair, he listened to the ramble of your words as you scanned through the paragraphs - the proper ones-- and watched the light of the screen reflect across your eyes.
This is the feeling that Daisuke knew best; this burning, smoldering affection that rested inside his chest. This was as close as he'd get to feeling 'home' without returning to Earth, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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pricegouge · 2 months ago
cellar door
cw: f!reader, implied skinny/fit, sorry. had to go through a window :( horror elements. you've got a live-in.
fucking tuesdays. nothing good ever happens on a tuesday.
hit snooze too many times, found the eggs had gone off only as you were making breakfast, burnt the coffee. you throw in the towel a whole twenty minutes after waking up and dump all your progress, deciding you'll risk being late for work just so you can stop by some place quick and get a breakfast that isn't actively trying to eat you back. you're checking your balance as you walk out the door, distracted by the forgotten subscription renewal that had gone through the night before. fuck, maybe you should skip breakfast after all -?
and then the car door doesn't give when you try the handle.
"oh, get bent," you hiss through gritted teeth as you try it again, futilely. head tilted back to stare up at the cold, dark sky, pulling at the handle in frustration. once for each of the pale white winter morning stars still glinting away.
it's too damn early for this.
you know yourself too well to even bother checking your coat pockets for your keys, but you do anyway out of desperation. as expected, you come out empty and for a moment you just stand there with your forehead thumped against the door frame while you picture yourself walking out the back door, nose stuck in your phone as you bypass the key holder without so much as a parting glance. you locked the door behind yourself - you know you did, but you try it anyway just to be sure. wouldn't do to pull your landlord out of bed just to have him show up and try the knob, call you an idiot before the sun's even out.
of all the stupid shit you've already pulled this morning, you wouldn't put it past yourself, honestly, but of course securing your house was the one thing you'd managed to complete successfully.
your boss is understanding when you text her. 'take your time. and stay warm!' a point you hadn't considered until she said it, the chill seeping in through the seams of your coat as you stand on your back porch, debating. if you could at least get into your car, you'd have options. potential tools you could maybe use to break in. but as it stands, you've nothing, and a call to your vaguely lecherous landlord is seeming more and more imminent. snow crunches under boot as you round the house, desperate. you'd be proud of how diligent you've been in locking windows, if not for the fact that you could really use an open one right about now. giving in, you pull your phone from your pocket again and grumble when you drop it, fingers gone numb with the chill. crouching low, you dig it out of the snow and check for pavement marks in the low light from the streetlamp across the road. except, your screen isn't the only glass the light catches - a dull glaze reflecting in the basement window before you, rickety casing looking quite promising.
your phone works well enough to use the flashlight, at least. you frown in distaste at the mess of cobwebs on the other side of the window, but between a creepy unfinished basement and an asshole landlord who spends just as much time leering at you as he does belittling your concerns, you'll try your luck with the slumbering spiders.
the panes hang crookedly. two panels, side by side. there's some concern about whether or not you'll even be able to fit through it if you can manage to get it open, but you give it a rough estimate and decide to try anyway - jimmying the first panel until it rocks forward in its soggy frame, enough so that you can squirm a stick between the two where they're latched together, loosely.
probably, you should be concerned how easy it is to knock the lock. you add it to the list of things your landlord will never fix for you.
while the soggy casing had made for an easy in, it's much harder to actually slide the window open. you grunt in effort, cold fingers cramping when you finally get enough space to slip them around the frame. the wood creaks. you worry for a moment that the pane will shatter before it gives an inch, and then nearly topple over when it opens all at once. the cobwebs beyond stretch and warp. snap, brittle with age. snow gives way before you, a small avalanche that collects on the dirt floor below. you're not overly familiar with the basement - have tried all your tenancy to avoid venturing into it - but you remember from the house tour that the north half, up near where the trap door in the front porch opens, at least boasts a cement slab. no such luck here, it seems. the frame digs into your belly when you shimmy through, feet first. there's a small moment of vertigo as you free fall and you can't help squirming in disgust when your hands trail down the slimy blocks that make up the walls. you wipe them off on your jeans as best you can before retrieving your phone from your pocket and throwing the hood of your coat up for an added layer of protection from the general grime.
your flashlight casts a tight circle, a problem seeing as you're slightly disoriented and unsure where the door to the stairway is. you aim it at the ceiling and cringe further into the protection of your coat when it reveals nothing more than a good few decade's worth of cobwebs built up between the beams.
concentrate. somewhere, there's a bare bulb with a pull chain. if you could just -
adrenaline piqued with the stress of your situation, you nearly jump out of your skin when your phone begins to vibrate with an incoming call. irrational anger mounting, you don't even spare a glance at the contact before snapping into the receiver, "Yeah?"
your frustration only builds when you're greeted by the gruff voice of your landlord, made all the more gravelly by the fact that he'd clearly just woken up. "you leave for work yet?"
"john…" the question catches you off guard, gives you pause as you stumble in your efforts to simultaneously use the flash light while also speaking with him. "pardon?"
"have you left for work yet?"
you'd take a deep, calming breath if the thought of inhaling this dank air didn't make you want to hurl, just a little. instead you take a moment to switch the call to speaker phone, move a little further into the room. "can't say i have. why do you ask?"
he grunts, sounding a little perturbed when he continues. "well. might recommend you do."
despite yourself, his presence on the line calms you down enough to brave the cobwebs and you slink forward, trying hard as you can to not process your surroundings even as you search for the door. "why's that?"
"neighbor called, love. said they just watched someone crawl through the basement window."
he gives it all the levity it deserves, but you can't help scoffing at him, nervous humor only building when you hear his jaw clenching on the other end of the line. "sorry. i don't mean to laugh." you pause to collect yourself, take a look around and find your route out. "but i wouldn't worry too much. i locked myself out and decided to try the window instead of bothering you first thing in the morning." a fairly diplomatic way of saying you'd rather navigate the saw bathroom that is your own cellar than deal with him. not too bad, all things considered.
"oh, darl', it's no trouble. climb on back outta that creepy basement and i'll be right over."
for a moment you picture him the way he must see himself: riding up in his battered yet dependable pick up just to save you from the cold. hard telling what makes your stomach turn more, him or the mud which gives under your boot, soft belly of your house. you step up onto the cement slab just as a series of thuds overhead draw your attention - heavy enough to rain dust from the rafters. panda, you imagine, her wide haunches bunching as she thunders through the house, far too heavy for a cat. you should probably put her on a diet. "your house is haunted," you accuse instead by way of reply, eager to steer the conversation away from him coming to save you and rendering your whole excursion null.
"might be," he muses. "but don't fret, love. ghost likes pretty things like you."
"right." you'd roll your eyes if you weren't so busy focusing on your footsteps, picking your way carefully lest you step on a mouse carcass or something equally heinous.
"anyway, what's your plan? the inner door on the porch will be locked too, won't it?"
the one into the dining room, he means. the one you're definitely guilty of never locking because panda likes to spend her evenings in the entry and you don't see the harm when there's a perfectly functional locked door on the enclosed porch. "it's not," you hedge, unsure if you want to be telling your landlord this considering it's his property you're putting in danger.
"darl'," john drawls, and you cut him off before he can add a good reprimand to the list of things you've had to endure this morning.
"yes, it will be locked after this, i promise. i just didn't realize how easy it would be to come in through the basement window."
"always the easiest ones to go through," he grumbles, and you think you hear his car door slam in the background of his call.
"i told you not to bother coming," you groan, kicking over a stack of old paint cans in your haste to make it to the door. like it's a race, like if you make it into the house before he can get there then he won't make you even more late for work, loitering around to check for damages to his basement window and jawing at you about home security.
the door's an old thing. thick wood gone warped and wilted with the damp. it's swollen in its frame, fights you when you try to pull it from the jamb. you grunt loud enough that you don't quite catch your landlord's response, and then zone him out altogether as the door finally yanks free and light spills in from above, the trapdoor at the top of the stairs wide open, overhead porch light glowing cheerily - unawares of the omen it brings. you shuffle back a step, another, try to hide among the shadows of the cellar even as your landlord's deep voice carries on. your fingers scrabble over the screen, smother the unit in your coat - anything to keep his commanding voice from carrying because you know. you know you didn't leave the light on, much less the trap door open.
nonsensically, your thoughts scatter, imagine panda investigating the porch, the staircase below. your head swivels behind as if to check for her even as you keep slinking sideways, skirting the ring of light until your back presses against the grit of the wall - instinctual, easily defensible.
"john," you hiss, risking the light of your phone enough to take it back out, turn off the flashlight, take him off speaker phone, call for help. keep at it even as he carries on, much too loud to hear you.
"- and who would i be if i didn't come to help, hm? can't have you -."
"john! fuck -! listen to me!" you're not even sure he hears you, quiet as you're being. he certainly doesn't stop droning on, though he stops when he hears you squeak, foot catching on something low and soft which pillows your fall when you collapse onto it, cold blankets enveloping you, damp and sweaty.
you gag as you roll, stop dead when another series of thuds echo over head. other direction now, back the way they'd come. your eyes track the path, land on the halo of light spilling through the door just as the intruder's shadow cuts across, impossibly big with the exaggerated angle. without the added light from your phone, you're plunged into relative darkness, the small circle of thin amber light ringing the door scattered by the severe contour of the man upstairs. there's nowhere to hide, really, and your only option is to keep slinking back into the recesses of the basement, too afraid to try scurrying back out the window lest he sees your legs kicking as you try to heave yourself out.
boots lumber into view first, heavy and mud-caked. instinctively, your eyes fall to the dirt you're treading over and seek out the treads. broad, huge. deep scores indicating how heavy he is, how many times he's worn a path into the ground. among them you spot tiny paw prints, almost as disturbing. panda follows after, bobbing into view as she weaves between his legs with a silent cry for attention until she detects you, golden eyes glinting ominously as she scans the basement before leading him in, making a beeline for you the moment she alights on the landing.
he's not far behind, ducking through the door while you try to shoo your own car. you force your limbs to move and slide further along the wall, folding under the empty, built-in shelf your shoulder bumps into as you go. it's filthy, cobwebs clinging to the skin of your face as you settle, but you clamp a hand over your mouth and stifle the whimper that builds, ears strained for any movement in the darkness laid out before you.
john's still in your ear, quieter now. as if he knows something isn't right. "sweetheart?" he prompts, and you feel a tear slip down your face when you realize that despite taking him off speaker phone, you'd never turned the volume down. your thumb finds the side buttons now, clicks until john's breathing is no more than a comforting whisper, no louder than your own.
no louder than the response you risk, voice hollow, only really audible on the plosives. "john, there's someone here."
"what's that, darl'?"
your breath hitches before you can respond, the low click and hum of a bare bulb flickering to life leeching your words. it floods the room in fits and starts, turns the man's movements jagged and inhuman as he lowers his arm back to his side until finally it settles into a constant, thin and yellow. he stands directly below the bulb, the shadows of his face severe and gaunt, an odd contrast to his broad stature. for a long moment, he just lingers there, dark gaze shifting slowly around the room. you follow it, try to see what he sees, figure out if there's anything that could give you away.
you don't make it that far, eyes catching on all the accoutrement that lines the walls. bed, stool. small pile of familiar books.
a cat litter box.
disinterested in you when you're not giving her treats or pets, the moment shatters as panda returns to him, headbutting his boots cheerily and begging for pets. he crouches to pick her up and she climbs onto his shoulder with a familiarity that unsettles you further, speaks to how long he's been spending his days with her. she doesn't move when he does, enjoys her high vantage as he cuts across the room, boots squelching in the dirt. he passes by you on his way to the window and shuts it easily, warped wood barely giving him any trouble. in the muted light from the window, you see the odd shadows of his face which you'd noted before are simply the hollows of a skull motif on the balaclava he wears.
"darlin', you still there?"
but you're not, boots tearing up the mud as you scramble out from your hiding place. panda follows you, the familiar heavy thud of her paws when she jumps from her perch a comfort. she passes you on the stairs even as you take them two at a time, chest puffing with the steep incline. at the top you turn and slam the trapdoor down, the white of his mask all you can see peering up at you from the darkness before the door falls into place. there's nothing on the porch heavy enough to brace it, but you try anyway, pulling the cheap patio set closer and shepherding panda through the inner door in the same move, the little shit apparently more afraid of you and your erratic movements than she was the basement dweller with the skull mask.
you lock the inner door after you fall through it, watch in horror through the transom as the furniture heaves, a powerful quake that tosses them to the side before the door creeps open, hollow eyes checking for a trap before heavy, gloved fingers wrap around it properly, push it wide.
impossibly, he seems even bigger here, above ground, where you have a better gauge of normalcy. he eclipses the whole room, blots out the overhead light when he looms closer to the door, dark eye pressed against the pane so he can peer through a fractal in the glass, same as you'd just been. you back further into the dining room, bump against the table just as you feel his gaze on you. it distracts you from the sound of the key in the lock, the creak of the hinges what finally compels you to fucking run.
keys in hand this time, you book it out the back door and slam head first into a sturdy chest, legs flailing under you until john helps right you, fingers bruising hard on your arms as he tries to shush you into submission. he won't let you go no matter how much you shriek, just pulls you to his chest and smothers your cries there, orders you to tell him what's wrong even as he walks you back up the stairs.
somehow, between your shouting and your panting and your sobbing, he gets it: man down there; living there.
"oh, honey, that's just your ghost," he soothes, wrangling you through the screen door with a grip on your jaw which he uses to tilt your head the intruder's way, makes you watch as he lumbers closer, john's voice a low scratch of whiskers against your ear. "told you he liked you."
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shinigamigloss · 3 months ago
mission accomplished
✎ Leon's a certified manwhore, really. You know that, but you can be worse than him. So what's the most that can happen in a hotel room with a reputedly flirtatious womanizer like Leon after an onerous mission? ID LEON SUPREMACY.
cw: getting it in a hotel room, cunnilingus, d in p aka mating press yay, creampie, size kink size kink size kink, protection? forgotten. fem! reader, he's just silly therefore beware of the corny lines, biting, MDNI
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“You wanna get dinner when this is all over?”
You couldn’t say if it was worth nipping in the bud at that juncture, but this whole little odyssey with Leon definitely started with that very query. It wasn’t a figure of speech – you really had him down on his knees in a random hotel room.
The lavender air of the hotel room, the gunpowder-like whiff, and the notes of Old Spice emanating from the tender curve of Leon’s neck still wreak havoc on your brain after your shared kisses. Your legs buckle, and you’re in sackcloth and ashes, all thanks to wearing those mean machines – your Jimmy Choos. But you feel sexy within his reach, and you adore the vamp of your stilettos – the panorama of him sinking between your legs as he nudges you down onto the edge of the mattress.
“Panties off, pretty.” His singsong cadence is cajoling, of course; you get the gist of it.
“Demanding, are we?” You rebut, pixilated and all mawkish. Lifting your hips only slightly, you hitch up your legs and pull down the panties that have been eclipsing your love-starved pussy for hours, and with a sloppy thud, the only piece separating Leon from your lovely cunt thumps onto the linoleum floor.
“Well, now you know why I said nay to dessert at dinner.”
Such corny, coquettish platitudes only serve to draw a slumberish smile to your lips. You have no idea how men with such beautiful faces can be saddled with a palate full of sophomoric slapstick. But a dick is a dick, and something tells you that Leon won’t leave you empty-handed.
“Fuck...” You tilt your head, tracing a moony arc, and your chin is high, all the while splaying your hands over the fluffy, freshly laundered sheets.
How you got here – and how he’s now lost in the slick heat of your pussy – is a great mystery. (Well, not really. It’s a story about two horny agents renting a hotel room on the condition that they make it safely back from their mission in China) Still, you love the tender lips pressed against the plush, juicy slit.
Leon wouldn’t leave without a taste, even though the foreplay feels superfluous. After all, skipping foreplay is a felony. It’s a rule – no exceptions: a manwhore has to know how to eat his partner out. This is precisely why Leon Kennedy is notorious in the D.S.O. and the dominatrix scene – a beloved whore through and through.
So he puts you in his mouth and eats you ‘til his teeth rot.
He loves it when you pull his hair (such a slut!); he even sometimes honors you with groans that sizzle your ears pleasantly. Right now, Leon’s priority is to gorge on you and perhaps make you cum more than once during the course of the night. But what about himself? His pleasure?
Of course, by the time he pulls down the indigo jeans he’s wearing, he will already be drenched in thick globs of precum.
He has a couple of minutes to reflect on that issue, but in those enchanted split seconds, all he does is lap at the dripping amrita from your hole, flowing for his benefit.
“Too fucking sweet.”
His mouth, which has been yapping non-stop since he was assigned to the assignment alongside you, is apparently very well trained at the eating-pussy phenomenon, and he can’t help himself, clawing at your thighs and pulling you into his mouth; you’re half too thunderstruck to even buck your hips closer.
His tongue is sugar-coated, even more delish as he drifts on and on over your pussy – maybe even romantic. No matter how many times he says he’s a typical man for your average overnight, the lies are unfolded, and he gets all the more addicted.
“Leon. I’m–’m fuck.”
You’re so out of it that you’re babbling whatever pops into your head and out of your mouth. Insidious blues lock on you when you push your eyes open, expecting to see that he’s got it – that you’ve grasped the notion of his generosity. Of course, he has to make it all about himself.
“I know, sweetheart. I know,” comes between each of his licks, and you can’t muster the strength to even hold your own fucking head. His mouth heats up a beatific pulsation within you when he rises up to your face and puts his business on your lips. Kissing on a first date (if fucking can be excused as a reason for a first date?) is idiotically discouraged, but this man isn’t going to listen to such absurd dictates when he’s drunk on your essence.
And you’re more than up for it, so you sweetly reciprocate his kisses.
Thwip, thwip.
It grates on your ears, and you know what it is. Leon hastily tugs at his belt, wary of missing a second. Free yet? Ha – it’s not in the cards. His boxer briefs are still in the way for both of you.
“I wish men wore panties too,” you bitch up, purpling your pouting lip. Leon freezes mid-motion. Is he processing the absurdity of your words, or just too high on scotch and pussy to simply respond?
Or are you already the pot calling the kettle black?
The possibility of the former, however, is an assumption fraught with misconception when you pull down Leon’s boxers – because he’s already in the same boat, but with a hole in it. If the room had been bathed in those bludgeoning fluorescents instead of the hazy dim lights, you would have seen that his boxers were more profusely soaked than your panties. Viva the dim lights... or the fact that you don’t even care how wet he is.
The anticipatory look he gives you can only signal that he would like you to soar onto the bed.
“Legs up, roll over.”
“Nope. Missionary is for sore losers,” you mumble it in a faux, patronizing tone. You’re a fucking liar.
As nice as it sounds to track his face in missionary and stab your fingernails on his back – despite the fact that you broke two of them in the line of duty – you want to ride him more than anything else.
“Losers, huh?”
Leon effortlessly grabs your wrists and stamps you onto the bed. “Sleep with losers, and you’re as good as a loser, gorgeous. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, yeah?”
Your head, sunken into the pillow, floats slowly on lint clouds. Watching him from below is like setting foot for the first time on an unearthed planet made of exploded blues. Fuck. You’re so high, he’s turned you into a slam poet.
He hoists each of your calves and hooks your legs over the frame of his shoulders, leaving your pussy bared – and the December cold seeping in makes your insides flutter. If it weren’t for his pelvis pressing against you at the corner of the bed, you could very well trip on your ass and break a pretty serious bone.
“Keep your legs like this.” He prelects you, very laconic.
You feel so giddy as the raw head of his cock, which he rubs in the palm of his hand, slithers and softens at your entrance as he works himself in with assiduous thrusts.
“Tight as hell,” you hear him croak, but you aren’t quite in the zone enough to pay it any mind. Your bleary eyelids are only half-lidded – if at all – not fully opaque, allowing you to catch a glimpse of him over the nebula-like blurs over his visage beneath your batting eyelashes.
“Shit, baby, you can’t even take the fucking tip.” Leon’s whispers are eulogies to the lovely cunt he first got drunk on the tang of and will now drool over for its tightness. He gives a roll of his hips but never what you so desperately need – he harrows you so blatantly.
You barely lift your hips, humble and tentative, to meet his impish prodding – but his splayed hand on your ribcage forbids you from venturing further, from fucking yourself on his cock any deeper. The loss of levity on your face, the line of your eyebrows knitted in frustration, is absolutely delicious to behold for a cheeky asshole like Leon.
“Stop trying to fuck yourself and use your words, would you?”
For no apparent reason, his voice haunts you.
“Come on, girl. Get it out.” Leon whispers again, layering all the clouds of discord in your head one by one. Those humiliating clouds of thought poof, pan, flake, and evaporate from your slightly ajar lips in a single cry.
“Leon. Please. Gulp. Please! Fuck me.”
Ouch. These words will always conjure visions of shooting yourself with your own gun once the alcohol drains from your veins in the morning – especially after these foul entreaties.
This chain of events – in which Leon has pulled a rabbit out of the hat on a night already in his favor – is capped off with your fuck-me-please beggary. (Propaganda even.)
“You got it, beautiful.” He nuzzles you – metaphorically speaking – with a cloying coo, albeit while ardently clenching your hips. The purple shadows that will mark your skin for weeks are right in his wheelhouse.
The normal you would go like, “Oh no, I can’t be such a slut overnight – and for a man? Humor me, bitch.” You’d be taking the mickey out of yourself.
Leon, however, is just divine. He’s inside you, and he’s hard – a diamond in the rough.
The kisses you share are sporadic, wet, and perhaps absurdly romantic for such a ’trivial’ night. In Leon’s mind, the blinking light bulb is a blaring alarm; the realization that something this good is manipulating a distorted reality hits him in the seconds when he’s already hammering away at your cervix – but without violence.
“Fuck.” The kiss breaks abruptly, like a tape rewinding inside both your heads.
“The condoms.” The thought hits Leon square in the head – but what’s the big deal? Your legs are up in the air (bless the yoga gods), just like that scene of the chick in heels getting knocked up by Patrick Bateman. But now, the guy twitching inside you is preaching condom.
You’re on the last rung, and his lips are a saliva-laden mess, melded with the cherry tinge of your lipstick. You really should’ve dabbed it off or something, yet he looks stupidly delicious.
He blinks at you, owing it to you to correct his mistake immediately – filling you to the hilt with a lingering, deep-seated thrust.
Your cry strikes him rapt, and he savors that familiar, sinful tightness around him. So needy – he relishes the feel of you squeezing his cock.
You sharply suck in a breath at the touch of his teeth as he bites a bruise into the delicate flesh beneath your throat, where you smell deliciously dulcet. He’s drunk on you – drunk on the saccharine moans and whimpers spilling from your lips – and, to be honest, he’s been dreaming about this the whole time.
Men grow wiser as they age, but as Leon got older, he indulged in one-night stands, devoting himself to pretty, pretty women making love to him.
It’s bitter that you’re one of those women, yet you still want him to use you – use you so badly, so carelessly.
You don’t know how much longer your fuck-drunk head can keep up, but he knows all too well that you’re close. He pulls back slightly, releasing your ankles and reaching between your legs with his gun-wielding hand to work his thumb over your clit. You’re so desperate for his affection, and tonight, he feels too lavish not to deprive you of that dazzling bliss.
Your moans echo through the hotel room – high-pitched, frantic – the overstimulation nearly unbearable.
“It’s okay, let yourself go. Cum for me, pretty.” Leon’s gruff sighs ebb and flow as he brings you back from the abyss. His pace slows – then, so randomly, he brushes a languid thrust against that spongy spot inside you.
And you listen dully, your eyes nearly rolling out of their sockets – but you give him what he wants.
Everything is hectic, wet, extravagant – and that’s exactly why he keeps going. Forehead to forehead, you both wind up panting, but Leon still gets an A+ for looking good while he fucks you. Your glazed eyes stay locked on the night-blue shades of his pupils in the darkness. You both know what that gaze signifies.
Before you can say a word, Leon pulls his cock out of your slick, dripping pussy with the most obscenely wet sound.
Something inside you frantically pleads for him to stay inside you – what a loss. But Leon takes your hand in his. He still needs you.
“You’ve got this. Go on. Make me cum.”  
Give his cock three – maybe five – sloppy strokes, and he cums on your stomach. Easy.
You slide your legs down – there’s no way you can hold them up any longer – and he groans when you let go of his softening cock from memory, as if discarding an object no longer of use to you. Your legs dangle over the edge of the bed, and Leon closes his eyes – if only fleetingly – to soak in the moment, his cheek buried in the crook of your neck.
Too long or too short – you don’t know how much time has stretched by. You’re so wired, your brain feels melted and fucked, chunks of it oozing out of your ears. It’s almost cozy. Disgustingly so.
But all good things come to an end.  
The night hums like a club beat still thrumming in your bones. You sprawl in the wreckage of silk sheets, watching Leon slip into his jeans.
When he’s done, he turns and flashes you the cheesiest wink in the world. It always shocks you how corny he can be. Just minutes ago, he was fucking you into this very mattress – spread-your-legs kinda shit, fucked-your-brains-out kinda shit.
“Man, this room stinks of sex.” Leon makes a wry face and cups the tip of his nose.  
“Get your ass up and take a bath, or I’ll never set foot in here again.”  
You can hardly lift a hand to shoo him away. Mentally, you can no longer shield yourself from his crank antics. He knows it all and lets out a long, amused sigh – frolicsome.
“You’re a total goner, beautiful. Well, you’re a big girl. You’ll be fine.”
Before closing the suite door, he steals a quick glance at the digits of your phone number, scrawled on the palm of his hand – just to make sure they haven’t faded.
“I’ll give you a weekend wake-up call,” Leon promises and closes the door behind him.  
Mercifully, the next date is a shoo-in, but it only means enduring another endless evening – seconds stretching into minutes, minutes into hours – drowned in his blathering and off-color in-jokes.
Is it really worth it?
The answer, considering you still can’t bring yourself to get up and clean the drying cum off your stomach, can only be one thing. You might as well call Hunnigan and let her know you won’t be making it to work tomorrow.
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curlyfriesgalore · 2 months ago
"let it all out, baby."
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you've been dating daisuke for a while, already growing accustomed to his body and behavior, but something was off. nothing break-up-worthy, far from it, but you're a little concerned with how quiet he's been in bed.
so one "night," when swansea is too drunk out of his mind, anya is busy caring for curly, and jimmy is doing fuck all, you and daisuke spend some quality time in your room, which miraculously survives the foam.
one thing led to another, and now you're giving him head. however, as much as you want to get lost in your lust, you can't help but focus on his face—not out of your usual affection, but to analyze him.
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★ a smut-shot broken down into bullets with dialogue sectioned off into chat-format segments. [2,697 words]
☆ gen tags: post-crash. gn! reader is anya's intern, but your job isn't mentioned in the fic (it's just for lore's sake). daisuke is insecure in his masculinity (some angst). set in our year all because i reference one meme lol.
★ nsfw tags MDNI: dom reader. sub daisuke. fellatio and a handjob. neck biting and nipple sucking. so much whimpering!!!
[ahh, posting again because i found a fic i made for another character two years ago, so i decided to rework it! i was actually really glad to find this 'cause i've been wanting to write daisuke smut, but currently my nsfw drafts are all curly. art by washitquickly on twt —iris🌠]
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daisuke squirms as you lap your tongue around the head of his velvety dick, your spit blending with his sweet and sour slick. he digs his gapped teeth deep into his chapped lip. his mouth is in a tight crease, eyes squished shut with brows deep in concentration, wrinkling his lightly pimpled forehead.
he looks so out of breath, yet zilch emerges from that man's mouth. you wonder if your skills have worsened since the crash. maybe it was stress? but no, you knew that couldn't've been the case. your licks have always made him involuntarily writhe in pleasure, and your breath alone was enough to make precum shoot out of his soft slit.
speaking of which, you did exactly that, and a high-pitched moan ensues, finally.
you groan along with him, feeling his clear fluid slide down your throat. when your voice vibrates its low hum, shivers trickle down daisuke's aching cock. it's enough for him to jolt, flutter his eyes open, and mewl out a squeaky whimper.
you look up in awe, expecting to see your loverboy in pure ecstasy, but your heart drops. all you see is his hand clamped over his mouth, eyes wide in horror: the farthest thing from rapture.
gently, you remove yourself, the sensation of smooth skin lingering in your mouth as a trail of saliva connects your lip to his tip. with your hands still on his thighs, you felt him tremble under your palms.
daisuke pulls his legs towards his chest, encasing them within his arms as he buries half his face into his knees. his brows dent into his temple. he mumbles what sounds like an apology and wipes his face against his hinge joints. worry washes away your arousal in an instant.
carefully, you unfold his arms, spreading his legs to reveal the gorgeous mess you so deeply love. you crawl on top of him, resting your stomach on his, feeling his liquid lather onto your abdomen as you softly cradle his chin, bringing his face to yours.
as you thumb away the tiny tears dripping down his acne-scarred cheeks, he carefully brings his gaze to you, revealing the sea of tears swimming in his dark eyes. daisuke looks like a sad puppy, hurt and desperate for his partner's forgiveness, yet you are unsure as to why he's reacting this way.
he tries to gulp down the cries congested in his throat, attempting to force an explanation, but his reasons refuse to be revealed. for a man who spoke so many words, he felt too embarrassed to say any.
so, rather than letting him hurt himself any further, you envelop his warm body in your arms. daisuke silently melts as you comb your fingers through his sweaty hair, caressing his scalp as you try to piece things together. you think back to all the times you guys have had sex.
time and time again, you remember how quietly he'd finish. no matter how intensely his body shook from your touch, nothing but a small sigh would leave his panting chest. daisuke could be a puddle of sweat, drool coating his chin, eyes rolled all the way back as he failed to wait for your cue to let him cum all over your stomach—and yet, the only thing missing were the sounds of his moans.
you didn't question it at first, assuming he was, ironically enough, a quiet guy in bed, but things weren't adding up.
whenever you sneak attack his sides, tickling the air out of him, daisuke would shriek as if he'd witnessed the murder of his favorite pokémon. his face contorts into the physical embodiment of the 'ash baby.'
then there was another time, a month before the crash, when it was jimmy's turn for movie night. the co-pilot pulled up with his favorite horror film, intending to creep the skin off of everyone, and it nearly did for daisuke. he screeched so hard, practically ripping your eardrums, and lunged himself onto you, toppling the others over like dominoes on the couch.
(you recall a very tired captain curly lecturing a sheepish daisuke, telling him to be more careful with his surroundings, as anya aided swansea's sore back while jimmy snickered to himself next to you).
countless times proved how reactive he was, besides the obvious fact that this man does not have an off button. so, for him to be completely silent during sex didn't make any sense.
well, he wasn't completely. you've heard his soft moans and hushed whimpers escape from daisuke, unbeknownst to him, but you knew he could be much louder than that.
like, hello? he's the daisuke juarez, the guy (in)famously known for talking on and on for days without fail; surely, he could groan the life out of his lungs.
because, clearly, he wants to.
he needs to.
but you didn't know why he was so adamant about being super quiet. you wanted an answer so you wouldn't have to constantly try to get a read on his suppressions. and, by the looks of it, you're about to get one.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
you cup his face and caress his warm jaw. daisuke delicately places his hand on top of yours and strokes it back, rolling his thumb against your knuckles.
"can we talk now?" your question drifts into the soft rumbles of the ship.
daisuke carefully nods, one last garbled sob croaking out his throat before he responds, "y-yeah..."
"tell me. what's wrong, baby?" you ask softly as your hand dances around his face, your fingers tracing his features, wet from tears.
"um, do i..." daisuke pauses, briefly breathing in some much-needed air, "do i sound weird when i—y'know—uh, moan...?" he leans his cheek into your palm, and you feel the bumpy indentations in his skin flush into yours. his sights are set on everything but you.
your brows knit, but clarity relaxes the knot in your shoulders. "d'aww, baby..." you pout. "is that what this is?" daisuke, slowly attempting to match your eyes, purses his lips with another nod.
shaking your head, you bring his chin closer to yours, "no, no... not at all, dai." you press your lips into his pursed ones, tenderly transferring your love to him and relieving his tight kiss into its original plumpness. you pull away, resting your forehead against his, "i've always found them very cute..."
"if anything," you chuckle, "i wish you moaned more." finally, he looks at you, and you're met with wide eyes and lifted brows, "really?"
now it's your turn to quirk your brow. "of course, really! what makes you think i'd feel otherwise?" daisuke laughs at that and eats his lips, looking up at the metal ceiling as he sifts through his memory box.
"well- i don't know, i mean, back on earth," you catch a brief dullness in his gaze, "i once heard the girls in my class talk about how weird some guys sound when they moan, and like," daisuke drums his fingers on your forearm, "when i asked, they'd say any dude who sounded too much like them?" when he looks at you, he falters, "ach- how do i say it?"
your eyes narrow, struggling to understand that train of thought. daisuke frowned, not at you but at the following words, "it was something like 'oh! men who whimper are soOo icky to me' and 'dudes should sound deep, not like...'" daisuke winces, heaving a frustrated sigh as he continues to mimic those girls. "'...whatever weak subby boy bullshit that's been circulating online—' i know, it's stupid." he immediately stops when he sees your grimace.
you blink your eyes shut, shaking your head and sighing when you peel them open. "so," your hand wipes over your mouth. "you ended up adopting that?" you ask, tucking your thumb under your chin as your index rests on your bottom lip, elbow propped up on one knee.
"i mean, sort of?" daisuke moves his hands to rub circles on your bare sides, "when i realized that i moan like," daisuke air quotes, "a 'weak subby boy,' i got really embarrassed and well- forced myself to sound more like a man, i guess..." the shame in his face, apparent.
you hum, taking in the information as he continues to explain his insecurities. daisuke tells you all the times he's been egged on by his guy friends for how he sounds when he'd whine after getting hit by a baseball ball (when that shit HURTS for anybody, daisuke emphasizes) or how often his friend group would point out his squeals, joking about how he'd never get laid with a voice like that. the thing is, he consciously understands that his classmates are biased individuals, so daisuke knows that there's no real point for him to act all secretive with his sounds. but he can't help it. he worries that letting himself just... be himself, in this context specifically, might make you find him less attractive.
"hUH?!" you exclaim, making daisuke jump. you're so baffled that you grab his face and squish his cheeks with all the affection your squeeze can imbue. he looks at you, doe-eyed with lips puffed out like a fish. "i—first of all, what an absolutely shitty thing to say to your friend, let alone do it daily. and second of all, not every man moans the same. just 'cause yours is a little higher doesn't make you any less of one..." he attempts to defend them, wanting to say that they weren't that bad, but you hush him, reading through his lie before he could assess it himself. then, when you rationalize his insecurity, he tightens his lip, taking in your opinion as you continued to speak against the toxicity of his friends. noticing he's gone quiet, you rub his cheek, changing your tone into something much softer. "daisuke."
as your serious stare delves deep into his soul, you reassure him, "there is no one—and i mean, no one—in this universe that i love more than you."
"oomph, i shink your beftfriends whould be mhad if they hurd thath." daisuke jokes, and you roll your eyes, shushing him as you stifle your laugh, "hey, i'm being serious here...!" to which daisuke chuckles and nods for you to continue, mouthing an 'i love you, too.'
you sigh, "your whimpers... are the cutest, most adorable noises i'll ever hear in my life, and i don't want you to shut them up, ever. i mean it."
"mph- reallhy?" the innocence in his voice made you squish the sides of his face harder as you hummed in agreement, "really."
"i want to hear them," you take a moment to sit up, straddling his thighs as you wrap your fingers around his dick, it instantly springs. "over... and over... and over again." with every pause, you stroke him. your palm tugs at his cock from the hairs on his abdomen to his soaked tip. daisuke chokes out a gasp, his legs squirming as he gulps, "a-ah, fuck... baby." his body trembles, randomly jerking with every drag of his thick cock.
"nothing will ever change the way i see you," you press your lips onto his jaw, feeling the tiniest stubble. "how sweet you are, how handsome you look, or how good you sound to me." you trail kisses down his neck, and latch onto the edge of his adam's apple, nibbling a whimper out of him.
"if anything, your moans make me love you even more than i already do." as you peck along his chest, his whines squeal breathlessly, and his whimpers exceed his vocal cords. every compliment you throw at him sends his brain into autopilot.
"ngh, mh..." none of daisuke's words made any sense, his mouth melding into mush while yours formed dark hickeys on all his right spots. he was panting uncontrollably. looking down at you with those half-lidded eyes of his, ones leaking with so much love and lust. he grips the sheets with one hand while the other carefully combes through your hair.
your mouth was now at level with his nipple. you watch it harden in anticipation as he edges his chest a little closer to your lips, making you chuckle at how needy your boyfriend's gotten. "now, before i let you cum, i want you to be as loud as you possibly can be, okay? for me, baby."
he nods, loving your coos, but uncertainty nearly cockblocks him, "w-wait, babe, what if everyone hears me?" daisuke watches you huff a laugh, "like anyone's cared about us fucking before." you both chuckle, and daisuke relaxes, "oh right, hehe."
"even if someone hears," you lightly circle his nipple, the tiny bumps on its dark epidermis sliding so perfectly against your thumb. daisuke's dick twitches, already biting his lip at the sight of your tongue inches away from his chest's nub. you continue, breathing hot on daisuke's skin. "they get to know how beautiful my baby boy sounds in bed."
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
daisuke's breathing gradually quickens at the heat. when you finally lick his nipple, his cry is instantaneous. it's the prettiest noise you've ever heard, pulling at your heartstrings as a rush surges through your abdomen.
you close your eyes and focus on stroking his dick with every lick you make, his adorable moans filling the air. the way you roll your fingers and wedge them on the damp head, massaging the precum out his slit, melts daisuke, turning him into a pathetic, panting puddle in your arms. he absentmindedly ruts into your hand out of pure pleasure, sliding his slick all over your skin.
soon enough, his whimpers peaked, his voice consuming the room. you knew he was reaching his high based on the synchronization of his thrusts and your pumps. bed sheets crumple under his fist, and his other hand no longer on your hair but on the small of your back, squeezing your waist as he tries to travel down to knead your ass.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
"babe, i'm close...! i'm so close." daisuke blabbers between mewls, his hands clutching onto your hips for support. he spills all of him into your palms, creating a wet patch underneath his thighs. you intensify your already vigorous pumping, simultaneously pinching a nipple as you bite the other, "come on, baby... you're almost there." "i'm cumming—fuck— 'm cumm...ing, nghnghm! ohmygod...!" intense shudders siphon through daisuke's bloodstream, his whole body convulsing as he feels his milk bud, moments away from dripping out his sore slit. "let it all out, baby." you coo, tonguing his nipple with your wet love.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
with one final groan, his cum drenches your hand as he arches his back so far that it nearly sends you falling. all that fills your ears are the sounds of your boyfriend's sweet sobs, easing into an aching sigh.
after tugging his cock with a few more strokes, daisuke collapses further into the bed, his head lying so far back into the pillow that you can see his adam's apple bob after every gasp and gulp. your lips leave his nipple, and he shivers from the cold air hitting his wet skin.
as he's catching his breath, you stretch your back and crane your spine far enough to feel every bubble in your ligament pop down your bones. after rolling your neck side to side, you get a good look at daisuke, who is disheveled and disoriented.
you chuckle and lift his head up, daisuke's teary eyes akin to those of a desperate puppy. you bring your sticky fingers to your mouth, swallowing his sweetness, and daisuke watches, thirsty for a taste.
smiling at the drool dripping down his puffy lips, you bring your face to him, gracing him with a smooch. the kiss muffles his deep moan. his tongue explores yours, devouring his own dick with what lingers on your papillae.
daisuke pouts when you pull away, but before he whines, you wrap your hands behind his neck, sitting yourself up and pulling him into your chest. he sighs into the hug, embracing you as much as he physically can while you massage his wet and messy hair. you kiss his scalp and softly praise him for being such a good boy.
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[i was going to expand on the post crash aspect but i got wayyy too tired. but know that the story was originally going to have an afab reader, where you ride daisuke till he cums inside you, so i'd then add a line about how you couldn't care less about getting bred 'cause you were probably dying on the tulpar, anyway 😭 so it was going to be a LOT more angsty. i also intended to write a segment (after he admits his insecurity) of him missing earth and the structure of a home so badly that he's developed a mommy kink, so i could use it later when you guys go back to sexing buuut oopsies. i'll save that for another time 🫠. —iris🌠]
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sturnmeovr · 2 months ago
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♡‧₊˚ Video Clips of Sweethearts Pregnancy - Second Trimester
First Trimester Video Clips
♡ ‘big momma don’t play’ - video length: 9 seconds
Chris’ face fills the frame, he had goofy smile plaster on his face as he pops another french fry in his mouth. He double taps his phone screen, turning the camera around to reveal a very pregnant Sweetheart biting down on a cheeseburger. His soft chuckle can be heard behind the camera as Sweetheart looks up, crunching her eyebrows as she makes eye contact with the bright flash right before the clip ends. He sends it to his snap group, captioning it; ‘big momma don’t play’
♡ ‘so fucking cool’ - video length: 27 seconds
Sweethearts baby bump takes over the screen, Chris’ large hand placed gently over the top of her stomach. He presses down on her belly, “c’mon,” his raspy voice echos out of frame, “don’t be camera shy kid,” he coos, his chest vibrating against Sweethearts thigh as he speaks. She lets out a soft giggle, her belly jump with each breath she lets out. Chris sucks his teeth, “he’s not gonna do it — little asshole.” His comment earns another giggle from Sweetheart before baby Bean presses his foot against the barrier of her stomach in one swift movement. Sweetheart gasps, Chris’ eyes widening, his hands trembling as a bright smile makes its way onto his lips. He focuses in on her belly, capturing another sharp kick from their unborn baby. It was a cute video to send to his friends and family. It was one of the few times the two had felt their baby kick.
♡ 'yes daddy' - video length: 15 seconds
Steady clicks of Chris computer mouse fill the, otherwise, silent bedroom, Sweetheart cuddles up with her body pillow on his bed, her phone pointed towards him as she holds down the record button. Chris looks over his shoulder for split second, speaking on cue, "y'wanna go get my mini pizzas from the microwave, baby? I made some extra for you," Sweetheart knew he wouldn't be able to pull himself away from his Fortnite session if he tried, especially considering the fact that the microwave alarm sounded minutes ago. Her pregnancy hormones were like a rollercoaster, already planted the idea in her head before she started recording, "yes daddy," she coos sweetly. The clip shows Chris' head snapping so fast it looks like it could twist around and roll right off his shoulders. Sweetheart lets out a giggle before ending the video and exiting the room to retrieve the mini pizzas.
♡ 'Its a boy!! 💙💙👶🏻' - video length: 42 seconds
Nick points his phone towards Chris and Sweetheart, focusing the camera on the expecting couple who stood at the end of the long dining table Family and friends filling each seat around the table, giving the pair their full attention. Sweetheart has her bottom lip pinned between her teeth, chewing on it nervously as Chris wraps an arm around her waist, lowering her head to whisper something in her ear. A small, toothless smile pulls at Sweethearts lips as Chris smiles at her, pressing a light kiss to her temple. Matt can be seen at the edge of the frame, "they're so cute, it makes me wanna puke. Nick nudges him with his elbow, making the camera fall out of focus and zoom in on Jimmy's face, "I'm recording, y'idiot." Nick quickly pans the camera back to Sweetheart and Chris, letting out a snort in the process at his fuck up, don't worry — I'll edit that out." Thankful he got it together before the group starts counting down in unison, "three ... two ... one!!"
Their heads turned away and their eyes clamped shut as they press their wine glasses down into the neatly decorated cake that Mary Lou ordered specifically for the gender reveal. They crowd cheers as Chris and Sweetheart turn to look at the cake, lifting their wine glasses at the same time to reveal a white and blue striped pattern. Sweetheart slaps a hand over her mouth, taking a step back in shock as the room combusts into a symphony of cheers. The clip catches Chris dropping his wine glass, thrusting a fist into the air, and shouting, "I fucking knew it! I'm having a son!" He wraps an around Sweetheart once again, pulling her in for a bear hug, rocking their bodies from side to side before Nick ends the video.
♡ 'half way done🥹🤰🏻' - video length: 18 seconds
Sweetheart stand in front of the bathroom mirror, phone in hand as she shows off the front view of her growing bump. Chris towering over her from behind, his hands resting on her waist and his chin resting on top her head. He loved the glow that pregnancy induced on her, it was like she swam in the fountain of youth the way she woke up glowing every morning. Chris smooths a hand over her bump and Sweetheart turns to flaunt her bumps side profile, a bright smile etched across Chris' face as he admires her in the mirror.
♡ 'she thinks I'm funny 🥰' - Video Length: 6 seconds
The clips starts out black, Sweetheart voice sounding through the screen, "s'not funny — Chris stop!" You can hear her trying to contain her laughs as Chris pulls the camera back, zooming in on the grey leggings she wore, a dark wet stop stained between her legs and down the inside of her thighs. Chris wheezes from behind the camera, completely hysterical over Sweetheart peeing her pants right in front of him. In her defense, her son had been pushing her bladder a lot more the past week, and Chris couldn't set up a baby car seat if his life depended on it.
♡ ‘I feel so bad’ - video length: 8 seconds
Sweetheart sits on the floor of the kitchen; tears stain her cheeks as she sobs over the last bowl of Mary Lou's chili she so clumsily spilled. Her belly bump getting in the way, making her stumble and lose her balance, ending with her collapsing on the floor in tears over the last bowl of sacred beans. Chris clears his throat, "its okay, babe. We can get some more," he attempts to soothe her, lowkey trying to hold back the laughter in his voice because he knew it'd send her into a rage. They both knew it was silly for her to be bawling her eyes out over a lost bowl of soup, but her pregnancy hormones had her in a chokehold lately. Sweetheart looks up at him, her eyes puffy from crying, "it's not the same, Chris!" she whines before dropping her hands to her lap, letting out sobs as she looks back down at the mess in front of her
♡ 'pregnancy comes with perks 😋' - Video Length: 4 Seconds
Sweetheart is reclined back in the corner of the sectional, a box of Mcdonald's chicken nuggets in her lap. Her feet rest on Chris' thighs, his hands gently massaging circles into the bottoms of her swollen pads. She dips a nugget in the opened sweet n sour cup that sits in the cardboard box before zooming in on her babydaddy, Chris looks over to her and giving her a cheesy koolaid smile as she ends the clip.
♡ 'and you guys wonder why she's pregnant' - Video Length: 17 Seconds
Matt sits at the kitchen island, a bag of Doritos and a pink lemonade placed halfway out of frame as he points the camera to the living room; showing Sweetheart sitting on Chris' lap as they share a intimate, steamy kiss. His hand pressed to the back of her neck to keep her close while her hands ball fists into his shirt. Matt double taps the camera, revealing his signature mean mug before ending the clip and sending it to his close circle - including the Chris and Sweetheart.
♡ 'nesting or whatever the pregnant ladies call it 💪🏻' - Video Length: 12 Seconds
Chris pans the camera to Sweetheart; laundry baskets boxing her in as she folds each piece of baby clothing. A gasp leaves her lips, "awee, Chris!" she coos, holding up a small onesie, "look at his one!" She lips curling into a sympathetic frown at how adorable the newborn sized onesie was.
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♡‧₊˚ Cheys Note - Happy Friday 🥳 We ready for today's video?!! Sorry I've been a bit inactive this last week. I'm currently dealing with the flu and my period at the same time, so I feel like death tbh. I figured I'd do video clips again since the last one did so good <3 Emotional support should be out soon, sorry for the delay 😭
Babydaddy!Chris Masterlist
Taglist (comment to be added)
Send me asks and suggestions about babydaddy!Chris & sweetheart <3
Check out my Pinterest for their board 😋
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dadsbongos · 3 months ago
on hard times
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5.4k words / summary - jimmy needs a place to stay, and what place is better than with his enabling best friend, curly, and curly's hot step-daughter? nothing could go wrong!
warnings - fem!reader, piv sex, noncon jimmy, stepcest, objectification/sexism (thank u jimmy), curly and jimmy should both be shot in the head
reader is 20 not actually a teenager.
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[B Side: Jimmy Zare]
Sitting in a hospital room is not unfamiliar to Jimmy, the only peculiarity to it now being that he’s the one in a gown with his ass out. He’s perched over the edge of the bed now, elbows on his knees and flicking an unlit cigarette between two fingers. Below him is a head of flaxen hair, thick hands unzipping a black bag full to the lumps of plain long-sleeves and jeans and socks.
Grant Curly is Jimmy's sole emergency contact. Mrs. Grant Curly used to be Curly's emergency contact. Next was Grant Curly senior. Then Jimmy Zare.
Jimmy thinks that's fucked up. He should have a Mrs. Jimmy Zare and a Jimmy Zare senior and then, finally and as a last resort, there would be Grant Curly.
But, unfortunately, that’s just not true.
Curly now rolls socks on both Jimmy’s feet. Patting the man’s ankle in a way meant to be reassuring, but only squeezes repulsion from Jimmy’s face.
“I can dress myself,” he sneers.
Lots of remarks could’ve followed from Curly’s mouth -- most apparent being: why’d you let me get this far? None of them come, though, Curly simply nods and stands and kicks the bag closer to where Jimmy’s legs dangle over the edge.
“You got everything?” Curly grimaces at his own question, “What happened to your phone?”
Jimmy shrugs before shucking on a stiff pair of jeans, grunting with the effort and cupping his bruised over stomach, “Dunno.”
Curly bites back a sigh, Jimmy watches it happen in real time: a little bit more faith in him is eaten back by disappointment.
All the same, he pulls over a black long sleeve. Violet stomach screaming in protest as he hisses a curse for his dimwitted neighbor, stumbling back into the bed.
“Alright,” Curly bends, hands out to assist Jimmy in standing, “Let’s get you home.”
Jimmy elbows his friend away, paying no mind the pained wheeze he lets out, before stumbling onto two feet by himself. In the hand not bracing his abdomen, is a crinkled plastic bag with vomit-stained clothes and a peeling leather belt.
In silence they wade through the buzzing clinical halls. Hours prior this same hallway was in chaos, Jimmy knows that -- he just doesn’t remember it. Not between yellow-black dots sucking out the light in his eyes or the stinging remnants of bile around his teeth. Now the corridor is sleepier, and stars are beginning to crawl out from behind the horizon.
Jimmy wonders if he waited until now- if his neighbor would’ve had her kids already in bed, too tired to check out the next trailer over rattling-
He supposes it doesn’t matter. He’s already breaking out toward the parking lot with Curly.
Who then takes a bold step toward the bubblegum Jeep with no back doors, which he knows is not Curly’s car. Meaning one thing,
“Oh,” Curly says like a last minute thought, “Kid’s home, by the way. I hope that’s fine.”
He smiles in such a tight way that slyly communicates: it better be fine because there’s no fighting this. All importance Mrs. Grant Curly took up in the man’s life was drained instantly when she served divorce papers; a space rapidly refilled with the child from a previous marriage. The crooked thorn in Jimmy’s side. The new emergency contact. You.
“Why do you even have a room for it?” Jimmy shuffles into the passenger side, scooting the seat forward and leaving the seatbelt dangling at his shoulder, “Not your kid.”
Curly waves off such criticism, “I love her! She’s nice and funny, everything I could’ve wanted.”
“Ugh,” Jimmy gags, eyes fluttering shut, “Do I get my own room, or do I have to share?”
If his eyes were open, he’s certain he’d be forced to gaze upon that same pressed smile. That stale smile that says more than enough. Jimmy will not like this.
“You got the couch or my bed,” a click and hum vibrates Jimmy in his seat before the car electrifies with whistling pop music. Big chunky tires rolling onto the highway back into clean cut suburbs.
Jimmy cringes at the moaning welps over the radio and flings a hand out, one eye creaking open just enough to make out the volume knob between his crowding lashes. Twisting it far down while croaking,
“You’re a grown ass man, the fuck are you listening to that shit for?”
“It’s just what she left on,” Curly’s jovial, despite the rude quizzing, “You don’t like a bit of girly pop?”
Jimmy glares, turning his whole head to spit daggers toward his friend, “If that little cunt is playing this shit while I’m over, one of us is dying.”
Curly just laughs, then quietly murmurs -- too quiet to be taken seriously, “Don’t call her that.”
Curly is like the sun. Big and bright and nurturing no matter how violently you resist. Making Jimmy mercury: small and red and forever revolving around him.
Upon pulling into the broad driveway up to Curly’s two-story home, Jimmy’s already rich negative attitude only sours more. He spots the sleek little navy blue Toyota Corolla (that’s seen more blood and sweat and tears than your cute two-seater would ever know about) closer to the door.
“Why’d you pick me up in this if your car was here?”
“I figured you’d appreciate this one more,” Curly snarks, killing the engine and jingling your ring of chains with two keys. One for the house and one for your car. Aside from that is a rose gold blinged out rectangle with your name on it, pink little plastic cats, a metal fairy, and purple fuzzy dice.
“Figured wrong,” Jimmy slinks out, curling the clear bag of his belongings to his chest before patting the plastic with loud ‘pops’ as the pair steps through the front door, “I wanna wash this.”
Curly hisses lowly, head turning toward the very obviously clunking washing machine in the utility closet, “I think she’s doing a load right now.”
Ideally, Jimmy would toss his shit in with yours but God forbid the princess gets just a little crusted vomit washed off alongside her delicate thin dresses and lace panties.
“Then I just leave this shit?”
“Looks like it.”
Jimmy really hates you -you’re a little bitch. And you’re hopping down the stairs in a yellow Pony Express shirt three sizes too big for you, smiling, waving, melodically chirping:
”Hi, Uncle Jimmy!”
“Don’t call me that,” Jimmy huffs at you, eye rolling while Curly’s back still faces him from the kitchen.
You stop at the foot of the steps and pout out at him, “Jeez, aren’t you rude? Did they have to amputate your heart out there?”
Jimmy rolls his eyes again, this time with more apparent gusto. He flips you off to boot. You pull an offended scowl before trampling over to Curly and tugging the back of his shirt, murmuring dirt and shit and lies into his big ear. Curly doesn’t spare the energy of twisting back before calling out,
“Jim’ play nice, please?!”
Jimmy hates you. You’re not even Curly’s. You were just some teenage sulk when you came into their lives, and now you’re some codependent wimp living at home. Despite the blonde never complaining about this fact, Jimmy just knows it’s insane that you’re still clinging around. It’s all that pampering Curly did on you.
You skip back out, hands tied behind your back with that awful smile. Rosy lipped with just the perfect sliver of teeth showing, and the apples of your cheeks glowing. The best part of you perched like that is that he can make out the plumpness of your tits -- could probably even reach out and squeeze one before you manage untangling your hands to shove him off.
“So, how long are you staying?” your soft voice grates him again,
Shrugging at you, Jimmy confesses, “Until I get my own house back.”
Your mouth opens, brows furrowed, then they dart up in shock -or perhaps realization- and your mouth closes. You nod and look back at Curly, then again at Jimmy, “Okay,” and prattle back into the kitchen.
Murmuring ensues.
That’s when Curly presses, “Jim’, are you takin’ my room or the couch?!”
More murmuring. You hiss something and he can see the whip of your arm as you whack the blonde’s arm. He laughs quietly and waltzes out, shaking his head a bit,
“Sorry, little lady says you’ve gotta take the couch.”
Jimmy’s scowl must be so hilarious because Curly just laughs harder. You come out whining, smacking at the man’s arm again with a belated shush.
Your concern is brushed off without thought, “It’s just Uncle Jimmy.”
You love Grant, really. He’s been a massive teddy bear since the day you met, but his fatal flaw is his guilted sense of devotion. Especially when it revolved around dear old Uncle Jimmy.
A soft jingle and hiss clues you all to the sudden silence where a machine once clanged. Jimmy spares no seconds before thumbing over his shoulder and seething at you, “Change your load over. I got shit to wash.”
“Grant, don’t let him talk to me like that!” you stomp your foot and whine.
“‘Grant’,” Jimmy mimics your voice, tone nasally and drawn impossibly high.
“Already bickering,” Curly plasters on his worst smile yet, hands fisted on his hips, “This’ll be a good time.”
It, decidedly, has not been a good time.
Not in the mornings.
“Grant’s out for his jog,” you mumble around a spoonful of fruity cereal. Milk faintly pink from the artificial dyes.
Jimmy doesn’t even dignify you with a response, prowling from the bed with his striped pajama pants sagging and an unmatching black beater swerved to expose one of his nipples.
“You have a tit piercing?” said with undeniably judgment. Poking the bear just to prove it won’t do anything.
As expected, you receive sullen silence. Jimmy only confirms he heard you in how he roughly yanks the thin material to cover the silver bar through his nipple.
That’s precisely when you spot something sure to make the bear roar. Thin line upon thin line, now blistering white and all stacked in uneven rows along each forearm. A couple stretch past his elbow. You open your mouth, then think better of pointing those out. Partially from some undeserved pity, and partially because of some fleeting certainty he’ll actually kill you over that remark.
“Slept in real late today, huh?” is what you decide on instead.
Jimmy, again, completely skimps you. Rooting around the cabinets until he finds the shiniest bowl and clacking it loudly on the marble counter. Taking down your box of pebbles cereal, ignoring your scoffed protests, and pouring out an overly generous portion. Despite his determination to dodge you, he throws down his bowl -splattering milk over the hardwood table as he does- right beside yours.
Chair skidding out before he hunches over the table. Elbows ungracefully planted on either side of his bowl.
From your peripherals, you watch Jimmy eat. Milk dribbles down his greyed scruff and he crunches open-mouthed, you can identify each sugary morsel just before it’s mashed into rainbow paste. No amount of blatant cringing or sighing does you any favors, so you resort to simply abandoning breakfast before you hurl what’s gone down.
Little do you know that as you rise, so too does the material of your itty bitty silk shorts. Riding up into your ass until fat is spilling out the bottom, and Jimmy hones in on the sight as soon as you’re up. Following with utmost interest as you round the table and perch onto the silver sink ledge, flicking on the hot tap. Definitely prettier bent over the counter than when you’re talking.
If you were his step-daughter you’d probably never leave the house. He’d have the door deadbolted from the outside.
Jimmy blinks at that. Leaning back in his chair, stare unwavering as your hips veer left and right with the effort of scrubbing out dried cereal, and folding his arms. He blinks again, this time with more confidence in his chest.
There’s a reason you’re here, and it isn’t because you’re Curly’s kid.
“Hey,” Jimmy’s voice is buried in the back of his throat, all gravel and rock beneath every different thing he actually wants to say. Eyes rounding over your exposed ass cheeks, “Why’d your parents split?”
Your guttural offense is pretty indicating, “Grant’s not my dad.”
“You still live with him.”
“Yeah, when I’m not on campus.”
Jimmy’s silence is so stagnant, you have to turn to confirm he’s still in the room.
Surprisingly, he is, and he’s staring right at you. Every muscle in his face stony, a hardset confidence as if he knows everything before he even opens his mouth, “Your mom’s just downtown, isn’t she?”
Rather than rationalize -whether it’s a lie or not- you swallow the nerves in your throat and turn back on him, “Why do you care so much? Do you wanna live here forever or something?”
“Call it curiosity.”
“Then be curious about why you don’t have your own place yet,” if you spent even a second longer at that sink then you would’ve gotten a ceramic bowl buried into your skull.
Luckily you immediately break for the stairs, jumping them two at a time (joke’s on your stupid ass anyway, now he’s memorizing the way your tits jiggle up each step).
Not out on errands.
Jimmy’s leaning against the rickety cart with a plastic red handcover. Head drooped to one shoulder, silently observing as you stretch up to grab a jar of Curly’s favored peanut butter from the top shelf.
“You can ask for help,” Jimmy sneers.
You ignore him, flagrantly. Even kicking a leg onto the bottom shelf, selfishly knocking over thin blue boxes of macaroni with your other foot stretching backward. One hand clutching the middle of the bay for purchase, the other high above your head.
“Fine, be a bitch about it,” he sighs and sinks back.
Suddenly thankful he did because at this angle with you reaching for that height: your little cotton panties suctioned against your pussy lips become visible beneath that teeny pleated skirt. A studded belt hangs limply around the loops.
The swell of your ass is more obvious from down here, too.
Jimmy hangs a little more to the side, slowly fishing out his phone and holding it at his chest. Eyes drawing toward the screen as he ensures his flash is off before snapping a far away picture. Then two fingers crawl over the glass, pinching at your cunt and zooming in for another three pics.
Briefly, he wonders if he could get away with reaching out and pulling aside the gusset for the holy grail of shots.
Just as his hands are twitching to carry out the mull-over, you’re fucking turning. Sweaty and huffing,
“Okay, fine, can you grab this?”
Jimmy pockets his phone with an eye roll and easily swipes the orange-lidded jar into your cart.
Not at dinner.
“You get this every night?” Jimmy asks, undeniably lewd with thighs sprawled apart on the chair. A hand clutching either knee.
Curly shrugged, hands politely folded over his abdomen, “Not every night. Sometimes we order in.”
“Your own housewife in training,” Jimmy whistles, watching you at the stove and not bothering to temper his volume, “Guy that puts a ring on it will be lucky.”
Out of minuscule respect for Curly, Jimmy decides against vocalizing the rest of his statement.
Still, though, Curly has the gall to look offended. Broad chest puffing out and thick jaw setting into a disturbed square. Hands curling around each other less politely now, and his knee starts bouncing as he says,
“Won’t need a husband when dad’s here for her.”
Jimmy can only laugh as you visibly cringe upon the utterance of that dreaded ‘D’-word.
“What do you think of that, kid?” Jimmy rolls one elbow over the back of his chair, spare hand now flattening over the table, “No husband, just Dad.”
“He’s not my dad…” you grumble, not unlike that pouty, sulky teenager you were when you and Jimmy first met.
“Well, any dating prospects?” it’s the most tender Jimmy has been with you yet, and by the immediate glow in your face he can read your appreciation.
Curly, however, is the one to answer -a much more rotten expression written over his face, “No,” he frightens himself with how aggressively the two letters spit out, so he tries again with the tiniest, fakest chuckle, “No suitors yet.”
And now you’re pissed, glaring at Curly before whipping right back around.
Jimmy revels in it. Watching you and your step-dad silently bat one argument over the other. He wonders if you two really think it’s all over his head.
And certainly not at night.
On the way to your room is Curly’s. Curly is a deep sleeper, so Jimmy has never felt more assured than right now as he twists the handle on your bedroom door.
Unlocked. As it should be. Your sweet heart entirely unassuming to the dangerous wiles of men twice your age.
He bets your pussy is even sweeter than your heart. It has to be when your personality is so gratingly cliche. Maybe by the end he’ll be even more bewitched by you than Curly.
The thought makes him snort.
Steadily planting a knee onto your marshmallow mattress, Jimmy soothes one hand over your thigh -- kicked over fluffy pink blankets. Soft skin that bounces right back into place. Firm and dewy. Your body embraces him completely, which he already knew it would.
A crackly groan makes his eyes dart from your thigh to your face scrunching at the sudden contact.
Silently, he squeezes, just to see the exact moment you rouse behind those batting lashes.
Initially, you smile -tight-lipped- until your bleary vision makes out the figure on your bed. That exact moment, when you realize who’s groping up your thigh, is when your smile tears apart.
“Calm down,” he husks into the open air of your bedroom, calloused palms cutting along your waist and pausing at the warmth of your collar bones, “It’s just Uncle Jimmy.”
Now is when you kick. A startled gasp shoved back behind the palm of his hand, fingers clamping tight around your jaw. He swings a leg over yours, effectively straddling your pelvis. Grinding down between your legs, something thick and hard protruding from the loose stripes of his pajama pants.
“Feel that?” he taunts, pressing against you harder, lowering his face by yours until the stiff scruff along his cheeks is tearing up your soft skin, “That’s my dick, and it’s going inside you.”
A scream is muffled against his thick palm, you smack at his ribs but he pushes forward without constraint, wrenching up your silk candy slips. The sleaziest little smirk smears over his entire face as your boobs spill out, he cuffs the material to your throat. Pressing your legs open with his own, kneeling on one of your thighs with his full weight and you’re sure the bone’s going to snap. Another scream dies against his meaty hand.
Reaching up, you knot one hand in his stringy hair -yanking out chunks of chestnut- and crushing fingerprints into his eyes.
“Be -fuckin’- nice,” Jimmy tugs you down the bed, blanketing your body with his, “to Uncle Jimmy, yeah?” he snickers in your wide-eyed, sweaty face, quickly swapping the hand over your mouth with his lips. Spearing your face open with his tongue, slobbering over you.
Burying your knees into Jimmy’s sides does about as much as it would if you flicked paper in his face.
Jimmy peels off your thin lace panties, balling them up in one hand and yoinking down his pants with the other. Stretchy hem now digging halfway down his thighs, he taps the hot head against your clit. Then sliding it down your slit, highlighting around your hole with two circles. Grunting against your lips, sinking just beneath the seam to drag back up toward the twitchy little pink bundle up top.
Licking over your tongue one final time, he saps up the final sweet mint taste from your toothpaste before pulling back. Pecking you, outrageously chaste for a man now bruising your tits with his fingers, before parting altogether.
Sneering, “Keep quiet for me,” and stuffing your own panties into your sodden, swollen mouth.
Jimmy heaves your knees over his shoulders, bending over you before sliding in -- staring you dead in the eyes as he lets out the most dramatic huff. You gasp as he sheathes in a single swing, throwing your head back at the sudden stretch with a grunt following.
“Soft and warm,” he hums, biting at your pulse with sick glee, “Tight.”
You wail in protest, but it gurgles out a little sweeter. Just a tad higher pitched than you mean for. Eyes watering and back arching as you try budging for even slight breathing room.
Stubbornly, Jimmy locks his chest against your bouncing tits. Eyes needling down at the pillowing flesh, hard nipples peeking out with every ragged thrust. Thrusts that get smoother, steadier, wetter the longer he’s inside you.
Cold teeth dig into your neck, velvet tongue laving the area as he sucks welts along your skin. Hot pants fanning the juncture with every gushy dive of his hips. Then he laughs out the cruelest dig when that first splat rings around the sweltering room:
“Take it so good, princess,” just to continue with a snide, “Knew you would.”
Biting down on your spit-soaked panties provides superficial comfort, squeals still leaking from the corners of your mouth. Muffled, but not silenced.
“What would your old man think about this?” he chokes, pulling up enough to stare down at your pinched face, “You’re gonna cum for me.”
One of his hands settles over your throat, crushing the sides warmly. Not enough to actually choke you, but just so there’s bruises by tomorrow morning.
“He’ll have to get rid of one of us,” Jimmy hisses coldly, now scarring his bottom lip with crooked teeth, brows furrowing as his cock twitches in your sucking cunt.
it better be you he thinks curly was mine before you
He spits down onto where you’re swallowing him up -- frothy spit dribbling cooly over your clit and along the broken seam he fucks. Instinctually, your hips buck up for it -for more. Thighs clamping around his neck and throat bobbing with a trapped moan.
A practically inaudible yadyyee manages to break past your gag, Jimmy snickers as you crow louder aaatyyyy as you seize around and below him. Eyes flying open and nails scratching up to reopen silvery scars on his arms as you nearly choke on your own slick panties.
“And is this the part when I call you ‘baby’?” he draws a thumb beneath your shiny lip, spit webbing your skin together, “Whore,” is what he chooses instead, “Cumming like the pretty slut I knew you were.”
And just like the slut he knew you were the second he saw you, you grind into his pistoning. Tears caking your lashes and cheeks flaming hot, your body still caves to any attention it’s given.
He knew it the second you were introduced to him. In a spaghetti strap and short shorts with bleached bangs. Dressed like every other little pornstar in the making. Hellbent on catching as many eyes as possible just to rip it away like he was some yippy puppy content to be played with and walked and given little treats. Maybe your dad was, but Jimmy never had that paternal instinct.
Jimmy just wanted to defile you.
And now you live under the same roof: you’re all his.
Last minute, Jimmy slides out easier than he went in and beats his cock into your pubes. Rivulets of your wetness roll down the curve of your ass with nothing to plug you up, sheets darkening beneath you.
Tugging your panties out so hard he nearly knocks out a tooth, Jimmy balls them again and licks up the drool from your chin. Knuckles catching your overstimulated clit as he frantically jerks off, hips cracking forward until your pelvis is streaked in thick white ropes.
Pitchy and broken you wail, “Daddy…!”
Jimmy could’ve cackled in your face, if not for the sound of metal clicking over his shoulder.
And maybe the sight before him -Curly in the doorway, clutching the brass knob hard enough for his knuckles to whiten- could’ve been terrifying. Men kill other men for touching their daughters, after all. But all that intimidation flies out your window, decorated with the daintiest peach curtains, as soon as Jimmy spots the tent in Curly’s boxers.
Curly reads the electric glint in his old friend’s eyes. Something bright and livelier than he’s seen from the man in a long while.
Something that makes him feel relieved he doesn’t have to keep the medicine cabinet locked.
Something that says: I know why your wife left you.
*** ***
[A Side: Grant Curly]
“It’s late, Grant…”
“I told you not to call me that.”
An eye roll is the last thing he wants to see. He scowls, drunkenly, and shoves his head into his hands with all the indignity of a child.
“You really think drinking makes you easier to talk to? It’s no wonder you make her so…”
“So what?”
The stilted silence preceding a sigh tells him the what he needs to know. Unhappiness permeates the house now. Having it all pinned on him feels so fucking unfair, so fucking untrue.
“You know what,” another sigh, this time more playful -more throaty and evidently annoyed, “Daddy.”
“I thought marriages didn’t fall apart until at least the fifth year…” he pouts up at you, again with all the righteousness of a toddler.
You smack his arm, “You guys have been dating longer, anyway. Besides, you kinda knew it wasn’t gonna work out, right?”
“I thought we’d be okay.”
Two hands settle on either of his shoulders. Thumbs pressing into the knotted muscle between his shoulder blades and up toward his stiff neck. Pulling tense flesh until he’s all malleable and soft again.
Curly groans, pleased, and leans into your touch. Laying his head against the back of the couch to stare up at you. A lopsided smile gracing his lips as he confesses with whiskey-slick lips,
“You’re a blessing, sweetheart.”
You grace him with one of those humble, tight-lipped grins that make him all gooey in the center. A paternal feeling, he’s sure.
Whenever your mother upsets him, you’re there.
More things make Curly want to kill himself than they don’t these days. He has the sick urge to fellate a gun after most minor inconveniences, and suddenly the only way he can feel true joy is when someone half his age is fawning over him. It should be another reason he wants to die, but it isn’t. You could never be.
He places a thick hand on yours and grins, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Looping both arms around his neck, you settle your heated cheek over the back of Curly’s head and squeeze. Flushing your breasts against his back with a sugary whisper, “Probably die miserable.”
“Probably,” he reaches up to squeeze your wrist.
Knowledge would be him pushing you off right now. Wisdom would be kicking you out of his house. But that ripe, sweating instinct makes him encourage you to slither over the back of the couch.
He pulls at your cropped sweater, laughing in your flustered face as you giggle. Legs wild before you’re slipping into his lap, thighs spreading yours apart with his hands on your hips. Thumbs scarring up your bare ribs.
“How are you so like her, but so different?” he wonders aloud.
“I dunno…” you shrug off shyly. Hips ticking against his.
“Mhmm,” he lets you and leans back, eyes fluttering shut as warmth eats him from both directions. Your body is sweet while the alcohol is savory. Both ways, he’s treated with nothing but love.
Then there’s your lips on his cheek, he smiles into it. Turns his head just to kiss the air above your own cheek as he sighs,
“Thank you, baby.”
“Daddy,” your hips cant down harder and now he has to plant both feet firmly in the ground to keep from thrusting up. That would just be inappropriate, right? But no more inappropriate than what you utter next, “Can I suck you off?”
His eyes peel open one at a time. Bloodshot. Confused, “Huh?”
“I know Mom doesn’t,” you grind down on him again. The material of your oversized sleep shirt riding up. Nothing but pink lace panties greet him. Damp and sticking to his shorts, “But I really want to…”
“Uhh,” maybe if you could let him think for a second, he’d have replied better. Maybe if you could stop rubbing that wet cunt on him for even one breath, he could’ve given you the emphatic NO you deserved. But you didn’t, so he didn’t.
Instead, he just sat you on the floor and waved with one hand while the other came up to pinch the bridge of his nose, “Fine, fine, yes.”
Already, the carpet burns your knees. But you rock forward and unclink his buttons.
Without technique, but eager and hungry: your mouth sinks onto his cock. Feeling it twitch and thicken on your tongue as you whine. Hollowing your cheeks with both hands burying manicured nails into his meaty thighs. Noisily slurping the spit dribbling past your gaping lips.
Sucking more than you can handle, trying to impress Grant by tickling your nose with his wiry gold pubes just makes you gag. An abrupt gush of thick slobber waxing his pelvis.
“Aw, baby,” he coos, throwing his head back with bending brows, “Be careful, honey, don’t hurt yourself…”
Despite himself, he’s knotting hand at the back of your head. Not-so-subtly pushing your forehead against his abs.
Curly cannot verbally explain or comprehend his relationship with you in labels, the guilt just eats him up.
The comfort of a stepdaughter should be non-existent -or at the least temporary, but you’re still here. You love him and he adores you. He has no strength to beat you away.
*** he really should just die ***
Little under a year spins by before his phone rings, interrupting the unquestioned domesticity.
You caught bits of that call while perched on the kitchen counter. Bare legs left to swing while Curly stirred creamer into his coffee. His old Pony Express shirt swamped over you. A girl’s voice blisters out from the other side. You glare at the speaker in juvenile jealousy despite how displeased Curly seems to be listening to her.
Occasionally he’ll nod, no matter how ridiculous the notion is given you’re the only one looking. Jaw popping. Fingers tapping.
“But he’s alive?” is the first thing of substance he says.
Curly is Jimmy Zare’s emergency contact because Jimmy never had a Misses or a Senior to count on. Not even the highly inappropriate relationship with a young girl to lean on.
You assume that is all connected to the phone call that suddenly has him all serious.
“Okay. I’ll be out there soon,” he nods again, making you want to rip his head off it’s so cute how stupid he is sometimes, “He can stay with me… I’ll be sure.”
He doesn’t look your way after hanging up. Instead, he spares a few minutes blankly staring into the cabinets.
Curly thinks Jimmy is like the sun. Big and angry and burning with barely contained passion. Making Curly mercury: small and burnt and the first to be swallowed when Jimmy inevitably blows up.
It’s so cute how stupid he is sometimes.
“Grant?” you murmur, head tilting.
He finally satisfies your need for attention. Eyes widening as if he spontaneously forgot and then remembered who he’s looking at. He smiles tightly and pats your knee like he’s trying to comfort a child after a lost softball game,
He even speaks to you like one.
“Uncle Jimmy’s staying with us for a bit,” before you can ask anything more, he turns away toward the front door, “Try not to fight with him.”
“Eugh… He’s weird!” you protest, “Can’t he stay at a hotel?!”
Curly pokes his head out and shakes it, disappointed, at you, “He’s staying with us,” then disappears to announce, “I’m going to pick him up! Be dressed when we get back!”
You wait until he’s slammed the front door behind him before muttering, “I am dressed.”
Uncle Jimmy is the type of person men shouldn’t trust their daughters with, so maybe this is a step forward. Somewhere in the knotted affair your life became, a gleaming light assures you this means Grant has his eyes on a new Mrs. Curly.
It’s so cute how stupid step-daughters are sometimes.
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@toxycodone / @maniacpixiedreamboy + @xyfanficarchive + @m-carriaga2021 + @reniverse 
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romanreignsbae · 21 days ago
the sweetest girl - R.R
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Roman in his life had never genuinely cared for a girl. It was a wide known fact everyone knew. He'll flirt with you, fuck you, and never look your way again. It was just the way he worked. And who was anyone to question the tribal chief?
When he first saw you, stumbling through catering with your hands full with hair products, to get to Naomi before her match started, he took immediate notice to your nurturing personality.
The way you smiled at everyone who crossed paths with you, or always took the time to interact with little kids who would be wandering backstage. He even took notice in your terrible humor, which could light up a room in the darkest of moments. You were wearing the cutest little pink skirt, with the matching top. You looked so sweet, so innocent.
He knew he had to have you. The twins, mainly Jimmy, being the talkative people they are got to know you pretty quickly through Naomi. Roman knew better then to mention anything to the twins knowing they would run their mouths to everyone, ruining his plan. Plus, he liked to keep that side of him private.
Roman caught the perfect opportunity to speak to you, on a day all the women's roster was called to the gorilla. He caught you sorting out all the makeup products you would need for the night, when helping all the girls out so they would be ready for their matches.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone backstage?.." You almost jumped out of your skin to the deep voice who startled you as you were in your own bubble. Turning around, you met eyes with the one and only, Roman Reigns.
Everyone knew who he was. The top guy. The money maker. The Tribal Chief. And not to mention the twins had spoken about him several times. You smiled softly at him, while you cheeks heated up. No one was to deny that this man was so very beautiful.
He smiled back at you, showing off his perfectly aligned teeth. "Just sorting out everything i'll need tonight.." you mumbled while breaking eye contact. This man made you so nervous.
"Whats your name sweetheart?" He knew damn well what your name was. He knew almost everything about you. He wouldn't approach you without having his Wiseman do a thorough background search on you. He found out you were a hair and makeup artist, and he even had to admit your work was phenomenal. He also found out you were without man, which gave him the 'go' to approach you.
You mumbled your name to him softly, avoiding eye contact. "A pretty name for a pretty girl just like you.." he smiled while his hand moved up to your chin to move your face upwards. You were forced to make eye contact, with almost resulted in you losing your balance.
"Why are you so nervous sweetie? I don't bite...only sometimes" he joked playfully. The tension between the two of you began that night. Flirtatious jokes, date nights in each other's hotel rooms, even meeting each other's families.
To others, it looked like the two of you were dating. The way he would playfully pick you up and walk around backstage with you boosted up on his shoulder, ignoring the looks everyone gave the two of you. Or how he would go out of his way to order you matching sneaker pairs and tracksuits to match with him. He was in love..everyone knew it.
No one expected it either. From fucking a new girl every night, having a whole roster, to dropping all them hoes the second you guys had your first interaction. The tribal chief was in love..
And even if you wanted to admit or not, so were you. Naomi knew it too. The way you would bite your nails and freak out if he looked hurt during a match. You even once had tears streaming down your face, cause he looked like he was in so much pain.
"It's sooo pretty look! Look Ro!" You had a massive smile on your face walking around this beautiful garden Roman cleared for the both of you. You held onto his arm tightly, leading him around the garden as if you had spent your whole life living there. He chuckled at your fascination in the flowers. He cleared his schedule to spend today with you and the smile on your face was all worth it. When he informed you he was taking you for a picnic, you chose the cutest little dress you owned. Roman couldn't keep his eyes off you the whole time barely sparing a glance at the garden.
"So baby, there's actually a reason I brought you here.." Your turned around to his face looking serious, unlike the usual playfulness he usually felt when around you. "Whats the reason..?" Your question caused him to look almost nervous, his cheeks a little rosier then usual, it could be cause of the heat outside but the nervousness in his eyes told you the tribal chief really was nervous.
"C'mon Ro....your scaring me" you whined. You hated when people tried to avoid questions. Whenever he wasn't his usual self around you, it made you feel a sudden hint of uneasiness. "Well..this is harder then I thought.."
He was stuttering all over the place, making you grow impatient and nervous. "Is- is it bad?" You asked with your pretty doe eyes peering up at him. "No- no it's not bad.."
"I'm in love with you..like a lot.." he mumbled while his cheeks became almost the brightest shade of pink. He looked at the floor while his lips were pressed against each other. That was not what you were expecting.
The largest smile engulfed your face as you giggled while standing on your tippy toes, to meet his lips. Your lips moulded perfectly against his, the softness bringing a new profound warmth between the two of you.
Pulling back with a even larger smile, you spoke your own truth. "I love you more Ro.."
Relief washed over his face before he also smiled so brightly. "I was so scared, I thought I'd scare you away.."
"Don't be silly you cutie! I love you sooo much!" You pulled him in for another kiss entangling your hands in his little ponytail, before continuing your adventure through the garden from a fairytale.
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desire4ella · 5 months ago
🎀 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖🎀
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𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Roman Reigns,Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: In which we explore the things the boys like during sex
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 : Daddy kink!,Spitting,Spanking, Face slapping( not too hard tho)and plenty more.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,365
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1. 𝐇𝐞’𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡,𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬: “comon baby, I know you can do it” he groaned out as he gripped unto your waist watching as you struggled to take his full member, you whine out in return as you placed your two hands on his chest in hopes of steadying yourself on his thick cock “ I’m trying daddyyy, your dick is to biggg”. Rolling his eyes he braced himself upwards and gripped your hips even tighter “I guess i just have to do it myself ” and with that being said he started to piston in and out of your sloppy hole in such a way that you couldn’t even scream, the only sounds escaping your mouth was pathetic little gasps.” reaching his hands down, he gripped unto your rounded ass and presented a harsh smack on your left cheek “that’s it baby, let daddy hear all those moans” your eyes rolled at the back of your head as your head was swarming with static noises and your vision blurry.
2. 𝐇𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 : He smirked as he watched your tears trickle down your face, It was such a turn on for him because he knew only he could make you cry in pleasure like this , the way you looked so fucked out and cock drunk made him so weak to his knees. He leaned down close to your face and used one of his hands to grip your jaw “ Awwww is my little baby bout to cum all over daddies dick,hmm?” he faked pouted as he continued his assault against your aching pussy,when he didn’t get a response he gave a little smack against your swollen clit, grunting he said “ I said are.you.going.to.cum.on.daddies.dick?”with every syllable he uttered was a long and harsh stroke inside your quavering pussy. “ YES DADDY I AM” you screamed out in exasperation as you felt as though any second you would explode all over his cock and paint it white. Laughing at your expression he lightly tapped his hand on your cheek,his eyes bore deep into yours and he cruelly smirked down at you “ then come baby”.
𝜗𝜚 𝐉𝐄𝐘 𝐔𝐒𝐎𝜗𝜚
1. 𝐇𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲: You whimper at the cold sensation of whip cream being poured down your centre.He watched as your eyes rolled back in euphoria as he continued his attack on your puffy clit,you felt like your soul was being sucked out of you,you gripped unto his black locks as your legs trembled and shook; your legs almost closed around his head if not for him grabbing unto them tightly,he let out a hum in delight and closed his eyes as his tongue prodded deep into your tight hole , relishing the sweet taste from the whip cream mixed with your delicious nectar he began lapping at your pussy faster like a starved man“ keep them legs open for me ma,I wanna be able to suck up all of your juices” you wanted to come right then and there,he always knew the right words to say.
2. 𝐇𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐦: It comes a time when a couples sex life becomes some what boring,so why not spice it up by wearing scandalous outfits?. “ That’s it mama,twirl around fa daddy” he huskily whispers,as his eyes slowly rake up and down taking in your two piece,lace pink lingerie that you brought from victoria secret, his breath shudders as he leans back on the bed enjoying the little show your putting up for him, if it’s a show he wants then it’s a show he will certainly get.Slowly licking your lips you teasingly fiddle with the panty straps and gaze into his eyes, kissing his teeth in annoyance he leans back up “ ma stop playin wit me before I cut this shit short and fuck you into next week” now as much as you would like that, you loved to see him all riled up also, so you continued your teasing,much to his dismay. Turning around you bend over allowing him to see your pussy print and the little wet stain that accumulated over time by seeing him so eager to fuck you, he let out a groan as his hands immediately went down to palm his crotch to try and calm down his raging boner;giggling deviously at his reaction you begin to slowly drag down your panties,making sure to spread your legs a little wider so he can see your already wet lips “you like what you see daddy?” oh you were so naughty,taunting someone who you know would not hesitate to break your back in for 40 days and 40 nights was not the way to go,but oh well,if he’s the one doing it to you then I guess it’s fine.
⋆. 𐙚 ˚𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐍⋆. 𐙚 ˚
1. 𝐇𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤: You loved seeing your man like this…all pussy drunk and hazy from the sinful words that were spilling out of your mouth,it made you feel all powerful seeing the mighty warrior Roman Reigns being so responsive and vulnerable under you. A sense of pride washed over your body like viscous waves hungrily sweeping over anything that got between it’s way; the way his eyes were squeezed tight and mouth hung open allowing you to see his pretty rows of teeth neatly arranged and his pretty pink tongue patiently sat inside waiting like a preying lion ready to strike out at any second, you couldn’t resist the urge,so you leaned a bit up and angled your mouth above his and allowed your spit to dribble into his awaiting gob, you moaned in pleasure as you watched him close back his mouth and swallowed it. You stifled a laugh at the scene in front of you, knowing that if he heard your mockery he would surely snap out of whatever trance he was in and ruin the fun for you. His body wracked and pulsed under your touch as you raked your nails up and down his back which in return elicited pitiful whines from the man under you. Leaning down close to his ear you allowed your tongue to lol out its cave and slowly graze it against the shell of his ear “ Awww is my baby about to cum?” you taunted making sure to tighten your self even more around him . curses flew rapidly out of his mouth like a mantra as his cock pulsed inside you from your delicious words, it rang in his ears like a sweet tune. Humming in satisfaction you barked out a command “ cum for me daddy,paint your pussy white,ruin my insides so that no other man except from you has the access to make it this wet ” with a deep groan he flung his head back and began to spurt his creamy load deep inside you.
2. 𝐇𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭: If there’s one thing that Roman likes, Is putting a bratty girl like you in their place. Stepping inside the elevator he groans in frustration as he watches as you throw a little temper tantrum at not being able to get your favourite victoria secret spray.Turing around to face him you shout “ I told you I wanted that spray! you never listen to me!” you shouted and rolled your eyes in irritation as you crossed your arms. You could practically see the steam coming out of his ears, In just a split second he had you pressed against the elevator wall with his hand clasped firmly around your neck. His warm breath fanned against your face as you watched his jaw clench and his stern eyes bore deep into yours “ I suggest you knock off that little attitude you have baby, I told you I would get you the perfume later, but seeing as though you wanna act like a brat I might just change my mind” scrunching up your face, you open your mouth to let out a complaint but that was quickly stopped when you felt his mouth against yours. Gasping out for air you look up breathlessly into his brown, maroon eyes “ please daddy” you desperately whimpered ; he barked out a laugh, were you serious right now? YOU wanted to cum when YOU were showing off the whole day? you must take him for a fool. Peering down at you he let out a mocking laugh “ you must have lost your mind if you think that you will get to cum today baby” groaning in frustration you pout and turn your head away from him. The elevator pinged signalling that you were at your final destination; quickly removing his hand from your neck he whispers “I’ll see how you act by the end of the day, and maybe just maybe! i’ll see if you deserve this dick”.
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BEFORE YALL GET ON MY ASS, I have been busy with work and shi.So I decide to write y’all a lil sum to apologise.
But….hopefully for da halloween season I will return on my grind.
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piastappies · 7 months ago
pairing. oscar piastri x leclerc!wife!reader
summary. when you need to stay at work for longer than expected, you leave oscar with your daughter. when you come home earlier than your husband thought, the cutest scene plays in front of you.
notes. tysm for loving my previous dad!oscar fic!!! this one’s also not proofread but lets pretend like there is not a single mistake in here 😙😙😙
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days like this were the hardest, especially with the thought of oscar’s summer break inevitable ending occupying your mind. every year, you wanted to make sure you had spent the maximum time with him and chloe, before parting your ways for a while again. going back to the office, while you were spending the precious time with your husband and daughter, was something you hated, mostly, because chloe was the biggest daddy’s girl on earth. some people might’ve gotten jealous over the fact that they’re not their baby’s favorite parent, but you loved watching oscar interact with chloe.
but honestly, leaving them alone was still a bit of a stressful situation for you and your emotions were all over the place as you tried writing down all the necessary things just in case oscsr forgets, which wasn’t likely to happen, but still — you wanted to be more than sure.
“baby, i know how to look after chloe.” oscar laughed softly, his arms wrapped around your waist as he stood behind, placing a single kiss on your neck. “we’re gonna have much fun today, right, squish?” he asked, when the little girl leaned on his leg, looking up at the two of you with a sweet smile. she nodded eagerly, earning a small chuckle from you.
“i good girl.” chloe replied confidently, wrapping her arms around oscar’s leg, wanting to stay as close to him as possible, despite it was you the one leaving (even if it was for a few long hours). “mommy good girl, too! and daddy good girl, too too!” the two of you had to stifle a laugh as your daughter praised you on being good girls.
a few minutes later, quite a couple of reassuring words from your husband, a few wet, sloppy kisses on your cheeks and a literal push out of the door and oscar was left with your little squish. at first everything was calm, chloe was sprawled out on the carpet, playing with her little’s pet shops collection, making a little voice-over, while your husband was preparing a strawberry smoothie for her.
though, before he knew it, he was dressed in one of your dresses, wearing a plastic tiara on his head with stickers plastered all over his cheeks, while sitting at chloe’s small, colourful table with some of her favorite plushies (a panda named jimmy, a koala named arty [after her favorite uncle], ginny the giraffe and daphne the dolphin).
“c’mon, princess squish, do a spin for daddy.” oscar smiled, watching as his daughter did a spin. he helped her get into her purple tutu dress, put a tiara and a few hair clips in the strands of her blond hair. to make her princess tea party experience even better, he took some of your eyeshadow palettes and put some on her to match her purple dress.
“i so pretty, daddy!” she squeaked happily, doing a little dance. “tea?” she asks as she plops down on her dad’s lap, pouring a pretend tea into his pink cup. “tasty, tasty.” she nodded, taking a sip.
“yeah, you’re my pretty princess, squish.” oscar chuckled, earning himself one of the most beautiful views in the world — his daughter grinning, showing him her baby teeth. your husband couldn’t help but to grin back at her, feeling her little arms wrap around his neck as she went in for a hug.
oscar was a sucker for moment like those, as much as he wished you were there to witness it, he loved spending time with chloe, seeing her grow up every day, noticing those slight changes in the way she constructed her sentences and how the incoherent babbling started to turn into actual words and sentences. he was counting down the days till she was old enough to not tire you out whenever on a flight, so he could see her happy face after a race and to show her the beauties of the world on a free day. god, she was the the most important person in the world for him in a way he could drop everything to make sure she was happy.
his heart ached painfully, every time he was away from you and chloe for longer than a few days and with his hectic schedule. everything seemed to be a lot better, when his lucky charms were next to him.
the princess tea party went on for almost another hour until the princess hosting it started to slowly get tired and tired, snuggling up to him after they finished cleaning everything up. it took them some time, because she had to give each of her plushies a few kisses before placing them in her bed, tucking them in. “you’re such a sweet girl, aren’t you, baby?” he chuckled, watching her as he leaned on the doorframe of her room.
she tilted her head with a tiny smile as she ran towards her dad, unfortunately, she tripped on the edge of the carpet, scraping her knees at the friction as she fell. tears started falling down her cheeks in an instant and oscar’s heart broke in half. he knew accidents happen all the time, but he wasn’t prepared for one involving his daughter, when he was all alone, even if it was just a small scratch.
“shh, hey, what’s with the fuss?” he asked in a calm voice, gently picking her up. your husband placed a few soft kisses on chloe’s wet cheek to calm her down. “s’okay, daddy’s gonna take care of your ouchie.” he reassured as she nuzzled her teary face against his neck, sniffling quietly.
“fait mal, daddy.” she sniffled. oscar was glad that once in a while, your brothers wanted to mess with him and spoke only in french before chloe was born, so he could pick up on what his daughter was saying. hurts.
“i know, squish.” he sighed, gently sitting her down on the couch, telling his baby to sit still, while she tried to wipe away her flowing cheeks. he sprayed antiseptic on her scratches, holding her hand with his free one. a small gasp left his daughter’s lips as the spray coated her ouchies. “such a brave, girl.” he coaxed, placing two band-aids on her disinfected knees (with puppies, of course). when her face was no longer in tears, a sad pout appeared on her lips, making oscar’s stomach turn.
“how about, we make a blanket fort and watch some cartoon before you go to sleep, hm?” he suggested, the pout disappearing in a second, being replaced my a grin. a blanket fort? that sounds super cool. he pulled a few chairs together, putting a blanket on top of it as chloe’s eyes widened in shock and excitement.
the final product was breathtaking, at least for chloe, because oscar did everything he could to make the blanket fort look magical as he put pillows on the floor, put up lights and brought his ipad to play chloe’s favorite movie.
before he knew it, his little girl was curled up against his side, his hand gently moving up and down against her back as her head rested on the side of his chest. her eyes were slowly closing, but she wanted to stay in the fort and he wasn’t in the mood to deal with a tantrum of a sleepy, cranky little girl.
when you came back from work, the apartment looked clean, as if oscar sedated your little ball of energy and hired a cleaning company. that was your thought process, until you noticed a blanket fort in the living room and your heart melted like a chocolate in a water bath. you quietly took off your shoes and tiptoed to the fort, peaking inside. seeing the view completely shattered your heart in the most positive way possible.
“you’re back already?” oscar asked quietly, not wanting to disturb chloe’s sleep as she was laying down on his chest. “thought it’d take a little longer.” he smiled affectionately at you.
“think there’s some room for me?” your mouth curled into a small beam as he nodded, quickly taking a spot next to him, finally noticing that he’s wearing one of your dresses and you had to stiffle a laugh.
oscar noticed your expression and groaned quietly. “we had a princess party.” he explained, though the pretend angered look quickly dissolved, replaced by a playful smile. “your daughter didn’t let me be a prince, so i had to stole one of your dresses. i’ll show you the photos tomorrow morning.” he kissed your temple as you snuggled up closer, your hand gently rubbing chloe’s back.
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