#jimminy crickets
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ratgraphic · 11 months ago
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Jimminy Crickets! (Watercolour & ink)
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blushing-blushy · 2 years ago
Um is he checking me out?
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I just think this gif should be out there
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marblegroves · 2 years ago
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Exploring interactions and personalities o7
Totally not projecting my love for the collector on upturned charoite nope no sir
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froldgapp · 2 months ago
Okay, I see my reluctant eco-warrior Tim story wasn't so attractive to you normies on here.
But, I want you all to know that at any given moment I'm imagining Tim conducting surveillance with his new sidekick Betty the Pigeon.
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dailydemonspotlight · 11 months ago
Mizuchi - Day 22
Race: Snake
Alignment: Neutral
April 19th, 2024
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Serpentine monsters are a common sight in mythology; whether it be the great Dragons of yore, the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl, the aboriginal Rainbow Serpent Yurlungur, or even the classical Ouroboros. However, Japan loves snakes in mythology. We've already covered one in Yamata-No-Orochi, but there are so many more, whether it be the adorable and hilarious Yokai Tsuchinoko, or, in the case of the demon we're covering today, the legendary water serpent, Mizuchi.
Mizuchi is rarely seen throughout the tremendous amounts of tales that make up Japanese mythology, only mentioned in the Nihon Shoki (the oldest still-remaining text of Japan's history, dating all the way back to the Yōrō era) as well as appearing in a single Man'yōshū poem. In spite of this, Mizuchi has been the topic of many scholarly debates, eventually being bastardized through history into everyone's favorite root-chakra destroying turtle, the Kappa.
Mizuchi, however, is not originally from Japan- its name is actually a transliteration from several Chinese glyphs, particularly several glyphs describing different dragons, serpents, and monsters of Chinese mythology. Admittedly, I don't know much about Japanese, but one of the kanji used to spell the name Mizuchi implies that it's a snake, but it first-and-foremost means "Water spirit." The word, in English, can be broken down into "Spirit-of-Water," as Mi- means water, -tsu- (the way that it is pronounced) effectively means 'of,' and -chi is a suffix that describes a spirit. Due to this, Mizuchi's origin as a Chinese myth makes it very, very hard to track down much of a solid origin for it, given that it originates from what was effectively a way to match how it sounds to how it's spelled.
Now, in terms of mythology, Mizuchi was first referenced in the Nihon Shoki- as the story goes, under the reign of Emperor Nintoku, there was a fork at a river that contained a great water serpent that would be a very deadly nuisance- it attacked random passersby, spat venom at anybody who came near, broke apart caravans, and was generally just a prick. Eventually, fed up with this, a man named Agatamori approached the spirit with a challenge- he tossed three Calabashes into the water and challenged the spirit to see if it could sink them. If not? Mizuchi would face a swift death. The dragon, perturbed, obliged, yet was unsuccessful, meeting a demise by the hands of the man.
Later on, Agatamori found his way to the fellows of the mischievous snake, and in a move as genocidal as it was unwarranted, slaughtered the entire clan of Mizuchi. The lake below was filled with their blood, later becoming the noted "Pool of Agatamori." However, in spite of how apocalyptic this may seem, it turns out that there are more recollections of Mizuchi in the mix, and this tale was but one of many.
The god of the river recorded in Nintoku 11 is also commonly seen as a Mizuchi. A dam being built along Yodo River was subject to an attack from an unknown force, completely breached. Confused, the Emperor commanded a rebuild of it, only for it to be breached yet again. This happened time and time again, and eventually, the Emperor saw a solution to his problem through a prophetic dream. Bringing two men to the riverfront, he offered them up to the River God, but one refused. Likely recognizing the circumstances, the man demanded to see the divinity of the snake by trying the age-old calabash trick, tossing a set into the river and daring the god to sink them. Unsurprisingly, the Mizuchi failed, and likely grew to resent calabashes for the rest of its life.
The last example of a Mizuchi in classical Japanese mythology comes from the Man'yōshū, a collection of ancient poems that have been passed down from generation to generation. In one of them, a poem composed by Prince Sakaibe, he describes a short and intriguing tale regarding a Mizuchi. In quote, "I could ride a tiger to leap over the Old Shack, to the green pool, to take down the mizuchi dragon there, if only I had a sword capable of doing just that." The story regards a mizuchi dragon as being almost common knowledge, bringing up as many questions as it does answers- however, the way it regards it in such a casual manner may play into why Mizuchi are so scarcely mentioned.
If everyone knew about mizuchi, then they wouldn't feel the need to record it, right? The casual cadence of the poem seems to give light to the idea that mizuchi were a common sight or concept in ancient Japan, and it may have to do with their later bastardization into Kappa. In some areas, kappa are given a name incredibly similar to a mizuchi, such as "Mizushi," "Medochi," or "Mintsuchi." Past this, a common trait in Kappa stories lies in their hatred of calabashes, something which is similar to the distaste Mizuchi have for calabashes in both stories they appear in. Some historians speculate that mizuchi and kappa were in the same general 'clique' of water dwelling monsters.
God, that was a lot. Mizuchi are confusing. However, in terms of the SMT series, there's a lot less to comment on; their appearance as a water spirit in the form of a snake is faithful, and their design is as simple as it is elegant. They appear to be made of clear water, almost like a rushing river in the form of a snake. Throughout the series, Mizuchi are a common sight in the early-mid game, even appearing as a boss in Nocturne. Their specialty in ice skills, the closest thing SMT has to water skills, is almost obvious. However, overall, there's elegance in simplicity, and Mizuchi is just that.
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sweetsoulmusic · 12 days ago
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timaeuslover001 · 11 months ago
Once Upon a Time Playlist
(In no Particular order or deiced to one character but songs meaning one or several character for just even the theme of the show or even situations )
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[if you aw this before, its a Repost from my OLD account since Tumblr deleted my last account and ashen replaced my account count in yet 3 months🙃]
"A Dream Is A Wish You're Heart Makes" ~ Disney Channel Stars
"Seasons Of Love "~ Rent (movie version)
"Neverland"~ Zendaya
"Find Your Grail"~ Sara Ramirez (Spamalot)
"The Call" ~Regina Spektor
"There's music In You"~Whitney Huston (Cinderella Movie Rogger Hammerstiens)
"Impossible "~ Brandy (Cinderella Movie Rogger Hammerstein)
"Let it Go"~ (Frozen)
"Miracles Happen "~ Myra
"You'll Be in My Heart"~Phil Collins
"Can't Help Falling in Love"~(A*Teens ver.)
"Can I Have This Dance"~ High School Musical 3
"Take Me As I Am"~ (Jekyll and Hyde )
"Tightrope"~ The Greatest Showman
"Know who You Are" ~ Moana
"Let Me Be Your Wings"~ Thumbelina
"Keep Your Mind Wide Open"~ Anna Sophia Robb
"Queen Of Mean"~ Descendants 3
"What's My Name"~ Descendants 2
"Stand in the Rain" ~Superchick
"Ever ever after" ~ Carrie Underwood
"The Waltz"~ The Princess Diaries Soundtrack
"I Still Believe"~Hayden Pannettiere
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happy-emmdings · 1 year ago
this just in!! world governments have discovered that the enchanted forest is in fact a real alternate reality. diplomats are looking to open immigration from their realm to ours and is running a test trial. congratulations!!
due to your extensive knowledge of ouat, you specifically have been tasked with choosing exactly one (1) pre-curse inhabitant to spend 6 months here to test their suitability for our world in the hopes of integrating magic into our society.
should the trial be a failure, there will be NO further immigration between realms and the individual you have sponsored will promptly be returned home.
please keep in mind:
the participant should be quick to adapt, and on their best behaviour so as to best represent the enchanted forest
the consequences that could entail as a result of separating a family
contrary to popular belief, magic users retain their magic in this realm, so choose wisely (unless you have your own secret agenda)
good luck!!
My silly side just wants to unleash chaos into this world just for funsies but I’m going to choose as wisely as I can😌
Honestly Ingrid was incredibly resourceful and adaptable since she just walked into our world with nothing but a fancy snowflake dress like she didn’t even have shoes but somehow she just made it. But if her magic had worked she would have been turning people into popsickles left and right and it would have been an entirely different story.
I think a lot of them would do quite well. Like for example Killian learns very quickly and adapts well to a completely different world but on the other hand he would simply not care too much about laws.
I think I’d choose Belle because she’s very nice and polite and also curious and intelligent and she would love to learn new things and she’s always on her best behavior. And I have absolutely no problem with separating her from rumple or her father, she needs to get away actually.
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deskmanic · 2 years ago
i dunno what you call the opposite of yassifation but it's whatever Disney is doing with their cute animal sidekicks in the live action movies
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violetrains · 10 months ago
i binged haley whipjack's multiple hour of once upon a time recaps (seasons 1-3 and wonderland) and man i will never get over this show. 11 year old me imprinted on it and now i will never be able to erase this glorious fever dream of television out of my mind
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leadon-illfollow · 1 year ago
Here is my obligatory "fuck snow" post
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bleaksqueak · 2 years ago
Willow has weird cat eyes because every time I've tried to give her proper mustelid eyes, she's looked like a harbinger of serenity and buttoneyed UWUness. The vibe's all off.
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gongedtornado · 2 years ago
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marshy-berries · 4 months ago
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what is jimminy crickets problem
(ignore my class notes)
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chvoswxtch · 2 years ago
seeing that you posted the next part
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vs reading it
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thinking about... the aftermath.
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series masterlist | main masterlist | part three | part five
Your face drops as it replays in slow motion in your head, every word more damning than the last. 
‘How long have you been fucking my girlfriend?’
You’re vaguely aware of the ensuing chaos around you: Matt yelling out as he shuts his hand in the fridge door, Frank jumping to his feet, beelining to the metal handle of what looks like his gun—
“What are you talking about?” Matt asks, calmly, his voice dragging you back into the present. He yanks his hand out from the fridge, massaging the welt blooming across his knuckles.
“You know damn well what I’m talking about, Red,” Frank laughs, incredulously. He stiffens a moment before turning to you, frustration miring his face. “Answer the question, sweetheart.”
“F-four months,” you say, but it comes out as a squeak.
“Four months?” Frank runs his tongue over his teeth. “Four months,” he nods, repeating it in affirmation, or… vacant delusion, from the look on his face.
He raises a hand, pointing in Matt’s direction. “I swear, Red, if you don’t start fuckin’ talking—“
Matt’s voice cuts through. “How did you know?” 
Frank scoffs. “You really think you could get away with it? That—that just ‘cause I can’t hear heartbeats a mile away or tell you what you had for lunch last week I wouldn’t know?” He shifts on his feet, more reticent now than before. “C’mon, Red. It was piss easy. ‘Sides, not like you two were quiet about it.”
“S’funny, isn’t it?” Frank glances at Matt, his mouth curving into a rueful smile. “Thought you were uh… upholdin’ the Catholic values you seem to preach about every time we’re together.”
It’s difficult to look at anything but your hands; not with the mixture of renegade mortification and undiluted adrenaline running through your veins. “Okay Frank,” you start, meeting his gaze, “Can we—can we just talk about it?”’
“Don’t you worry sweetheart,” he says, nonchalantly, “the talking’ll happen later.” 
“After tonight,” he adds, noticing your bewildered stare. “Right now, I ask the questions. Got it?”
You swallow dryly as he pulls up a chair from the dining table, spinning it around to straddle the seat. “So,” he begins, a little too indifferently, wagging his finger between you and Matt, “does he fuck you like I do?”
You choke on your own spit, unable to comprehend his question or come up with any kind of intelligible answer.
“D’you moan his name when you’re together? Same way you do f’me?”
Matt speaks for the first time in what feels like an eternity, and you’re grateful for the cushion against Frank’s relentless pursuit. “I don’t think this is appropriate, Frank. Not right now.”
“Oh,” Frank sneers, “now you wanna speak up? ‘Cause for a second I thought she mighta fucked that mouth right off of ‘ya.” He flicks back to you, eyes ravaging the length of your body. “Answer the questions, sweetheart.”
You inhale, aware that it’s ragged and shallow, so the words don’t form properly. “Yesandyes.”
Frank blows out a breath. “Well I’ll be damned,” he says, lips curling into a crooked smile. “Seems like altar boy ain’t such a pussy after all."
“That wasn’t too hard, was it?” Frank grins. 
Matt bristles, listening intently to the moderate boost in Frank’s heartbeat, to the fibres of his denim jeans stretching ever-so-slightly to accommodate— “Honestly, Frank? Fuck you.”
“So that’s it? You’re… okay? We’re not going to talk about it?” you interject, wondering for a second if this is yet another twisted, lucid dream.
“I told you,” Frank mutters obliquely, stepping off the chair to make his way over to you, “the talking’s gonna happen later.” He flashes you a Cheshire cat smile, planting one hand on the back of the couch to tower over you. Blinking, your eyes flicker over his form, catching on the now-prominent outline in his jeans.
He takes your gaze away in an instant, lifting your chin up with a finger until your lips are almost touching.
His breath fans your face as his honeyed voice drops an octave. “Show me what you do, yeah?"
"Huh?" you whisper, clenching your hands, unsure of where to put them.
"Show me how you fuck him, sweet girl.”
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hallow-weeni · 4 months ago
Poorly describing favorite shows of mine in order to summon ppl from fandoms I'm in!!!
(Answers will be in the tags, shows are listed in no specific order)
1.) Halloween Obsessed kids
2.) A psychotic rabbit and a possibly also insane dog are police officers while being borderline gay for eachother
3.) A dog afraid of everything despite his name implying the oppisite
4.) Girl sent to alternate dimension where she meets an anarchist witch and a skull dog thing
5.) Some guy, Some girl and a dog work at a spooky wooky park and protect it from demons and angels.
6.) Twins save town from talking dorito
7.) Depressed guy fights earworm, goes bowling and contacts his dead friend while accidentally summoning a demon.
8.) Man climbs tower, Hilarity ensues!
9.) Complete idiot with an imaginary old man who's role in the show is like a fucked up jimminy cricket, he tries to prevent the idiot from causing complete destruction, keyword tries.
10.) S P O N G E M A N
11.) A phone with a chris mclean voice for ONLY THE FIRST EPISODE hosts a game show.
12.) A number and a x hosts a game show.
13.) Burger king hosts a game show
14.) An alarm clock hosts a game show... With LORE!
15.) Creatures that wanna make you smile
16.) 10 episodes of these two little weird dudes making creatures with the goal of helping people while off duty cop guy talks to a dead military guy claiming to be an angel.
17.) Some kid with hair that looks like a broom working at a shop wanting to become a hero working alongside a ninja and some sorta alien while protecting the shop from these robot box things, Lore ensues.
18.) Depressed jester experiences existential dread.
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