sophie-jen · 3 years
read on ao3
Lily stood in front of the stove, eyes glazed over, fingers tapping an inconsistent pattern on the edge as she waited for the water to boil. Her fingernails clicked lightly against the metal. The water sputtered quietly in the kettle. 
Her breathing evened out as she became further entrenched in the corner of her mind where her every interaction didn’t play on an infernal loop. She lazily contemplated whether or not to get biscuits to go with her tea as the water started bubbling merrily, appreciating the warmth and silence of the-
“Guess who!”
Two cold hands slapped over her eyes. The smell of sweat and broom polish punched her in the nose, effectively jolting her back to consciousness and knocking the foolish hope that she could ever have a moment’s peace straight out of her.  
“Horace?” She heard an indelicate snort behind her before the hands were lowered and replaced by a sweaty face. 
“Did I interrupt your secret rendez-vous with Slughorn?” James smirked at her, leaning back against the stove. 
“I was just waiting for him.” 
The kettle whistled, drawing James’ notice. “Hence the tea?”
“Precisely.” Lily reached for the handle, James leaning slightly to the side as she slid her mug closer and poured the boiling water. “He loves Earl Grey.”
He handed her a spoon. “Of course he does.” 
The spoon froze over the steaming liquid, sugar crystals balancing dangerously on the edge, desperately trying to avoid their impending dissolution. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Her eyes narrowed as he stood straighter. 
“Only that he seems the type to drink Earl Grey.” 
The last of the sugar dropped in, she stirred twice before walking over to the sink. “And what type is that?” 
James followed her, watching the trajectory of the spoon as she rinsed it and set it down with a clink. “Oh, you know.”
“I don’t. Illuminate me.” 
The mug slid across the countertop and into her waiting hand. 
“The stodgy potion-making type,” James said, wiping at the drops he had spilled with a finger. 
“I like Earl Grey. Are you calling me a stodgy potion-making type?” She took a sip, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.  
“No, you’re a lovely, fun potion-making type.” He grinned. “Only slightly stodgy.” Tugged at his hair. “When you drink Earl Grey.” 
“Oh my god! Everyone drinks it!” She set the contentious cup of tea down and walked back over to the stove, reaching for the sugar. 
“It’s boring! It’s a boring tea, Lily!” James called after her, gesticulating. He came closer, leaning over the stove to get in her line of sight while she put the sugar away. 
She glanced sideways. “Are you calling me boring?” 
He pushed himself forward until he was staring right at her. “No.” 
“Well, you’re stinky.”
The full body guffaw this elicited would have earned him a punch (though admittedly a light one) had it not been closely followed by a shriek. James clutched at his wrist, surprise and pain twisting his features into a grimace while the malicious kettle stood innocently by. 
“Shit! James!”
He let out a hissing breath as he tightened his grip, knuckles going white as his palm rapidly turned a violent shade of red. 
“S’fine,” he choked out. 
“Come here, you buffoon,” Lily said, ignoring his protests in favor of dragging him over to the sink. She turned the tap on and pulled his hand under the cold stream of water. 
“I should have showered,” he said through clenched teeth. 
“What?” Lily looked up from his hand, puzzled. 
“I just came back from a two hour practice, I should have showered,” he repeated, still staring at his hand. 
“What are you on about?”
“I think I’m good now.” He turned the tap off and held his hand out palm up. 
“It’s ok?” Lily asked. 
“Here, have some tea.” She handed him her mug. “It’ll make you feel better.”
He let out a choked laugh. “Thanks.”
While he took a sip, she gingerly held his injured hand up to her face to examine it, ignoring his amused eyes trained on her over the rim of the mug. 
“Will I survive, Dr. Evans?”
“Ooh, I think it’s blistering.” 
His head dipped closer so that they were both leaning over his hand. They watched the little bubble that had appeared in fascination. 
The faucet dripped.
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midnightelite · 3 years
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Here is my very late week 3 submission!!! The graphic was made by the extremely talented @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world!! Thank you for the beta love! and thanks to DWP and Lily for the read through and suggestions!! I love you guys!!
Disillusioned Divination
Rated: T
Summary: A picnic doesn't go quite according to plan, but after a couple of wrong assumptions and a leap of faith will everything turn out okay?
Read on AO3 or below the cut!!
“James, I don’t think the weather is gonna hold.” Lily had peeled back the maroon curtain, and she squinted past the reflection of the room to the ominous dark clouds rolling in.
“It’ll be fine, Lils. I checked the weather app, it’s only like a ten percent chance.” She didn’t care what the weather apps said. Lily grew up in Scotland, and she knew what rain clouds looked like, and those definitely fit the bill. Cabinets slammed in the other room. Dropping the drape, she spun toward the rest of the small living area. “Am I allowed to come into the kitchen yet?”
“Almost,” James called.
“Y’know, I thought you invited me to hang out.” A wide smile broke out on her face, “If I wanted to spend time alone in a living room I could’ve stayed in my flat,” Lily joked.
“Done!” From out of the doorway emerged her boyfriend. She ran her eyes along his form; she didn’t get a good look at what he was wearing earlier. He had rushed her through the door and herded her into the living room with orders to stay put. He looked good.
James’s hair was a mess, no doubt from him endlessly ruffling it while he was working. It give him a bit of a roguish look that Lily was definitely appreciating. He had on a deep forest green sweater, pushed up to his elbows exposing his toned forearms. She traced the defined muscle, ending in the watch Monty got him for Christmas, gold faced with a black band. His dark wash jeans were perfectly fitted, and when her eyes eventually flicked back to James’ face a smirk was present.
Though, she couldn’t really find it in herself to mind that he knew she checked him out. He repaid the favor many times in the past, and she was sure it would happen again. Lily raised a challenging brow and his expression turned warmer. He picked up a wicker basket he placed near his feet and gave it a light shake. “You ready?”
“We were waiting on you, love. I’ve been ready,” Lily answered, fondness dripping from her words like honey from a scone.
The pair twined their fingers together, heading toward the exit. They chatted easily and before they knew it they were through the door, down the elevator, and in the lobby. As they pushed out the door onto the street, James began swinging their arms in a more exaggerated fashion, drawing laughter from Lily’s chest.
They made their way toward Greenwich Park, strolling across the bright green grass. The sky darkened, and she lightly tugged on their connected hands to get James’ attention. “Still think we are in the clear?”
“Satellites track the weather. So, the apps don't lie, Evans,” he countered. Lily rolled her eyes but continued strolling toward the Thames. She could tell he was wrong but decided it'd be best not to push the subject. A little rain won’t hurt anyone.
The park was pretty bare; only a few people were jogging around. It was a bit chilly, fall just starting to paint the leaves its beautiful golds and reds. When the wind rustled through the trees, Lily used her free hand to pull her jacket tighter around her. She loved this time of year.
Summer had its draw, the warm sun, and endless free hours. But fall, warm drinks by the fire, sweaters, crisp air that just ignites your senses? It was unparalleled.
James came to a stop, and she followed suit. He pulled out a flannel patterned blanket. Grabbing one end, she helped him spread it out on the spot of grass they picked with a view of the water. Once the blanket was laid flat, the messy haired man gestured dramatically toward it. With a wide smile—and an eye roll sent in his direction—Lily sat down.
"So, what did you bring?"
"Why don't you see for yourself?" James pushed the basket toward her. She flipped open the top, and the first thing she saw was Scottish pies. Her lips quirked up; he knew she always complained the ones in London didn't compare, except for this one bakery that was on the other side of the city. And there it was, printed in curvy green lettering on a sticker, Proof is in the Pudding.
"You didn't."
"Oh, I did.” James’ eyes were alight with excitement, Lily could tell he was barely sitting still. “Check underneath," he seemed barely able to keep his volume in control, the end getting slightly louder. She pulled out the container of pies, moving them to the side. There was a bottle of wine, two glasses, and some mash. And there, nestled next to some cookies, tablet. The candy was beautifully tan, with the same green script sticker.
Lily's head shot up, her eyes landing on James' wide grin. "I love you," she said in a serious tone. He knew she loved Scottish food, and since she moved to London for uni five years ago it had been a rare treat.
Leaning forward, she slotted their lips. Her hand came to rest on his jaw, and his was buried in her hair, keeping their lips connected. The sweet exchange had tingling washing over Lily, her head feeling a little airy. The thought crossed her mind that at this rate she’d float away at any minute. She pulled back before she lifted off, a warm smile growing on her features.
And just like that, the sky opened up above them. A burst of laughter escaped Lily as rain fell down in sheets. “What does the app say about this, love?” She questioned.
“Shut up.” He muttered, drawing another laugh from Lily.
As they packed the food back in the basket, Lily couldn’t help but burst into giggles every so often. She was used to the rain. Living in the United Kingdom, your only choice is to accept it or to be miserable more days than not.
James drew her against him, his arm resting firmly and warmly across her shoulders. Lily leaned against his side as they began their hurried trek back to James’ flat. The heat radiated off him, keeping the chill from settling into her bones. She continued to heckle him about the weather, and how thrilled she was they got a sunny day.
By the time the pair walked through the door they were fully drenched, and in high spirits. They slipped off their shoes, and she peeled off her soaked socks.
“I’ll grab you a towel and some dry clothes,” James’ voice was quiet, his hand resting lightly against her elbow. She felt like the spot was burning from his touch. And then it was gone. The apartment, comfortable earlier, was freezing. As the seconds ticked by Lily found herself missing the warmth he radiated.
“Here you go, Evans.” He appeared from out of his room, ink-black hair plastered to his forehead. His sweater clung to his biceps and chest, hinting at the firm muscle hiding beneath the wet material. Lily couldn’t help but admire his form unabashedly, drawing a chuckle from the man in question. He paused halfway through the common space. “Are you objectifying me?” he asked in a serious tone.
“Yup,” she said with a pop. “With such a stunning view, it’s hard not to take in the scenery.” She blew a kiss and sent a wink his way.
He burst into laughter, closing some of the space between them. “Well, you must be a loan because you definitely have my interest.” She unsuccessfully attempted to cover a snort at the awful line.
“There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can’t seem to take them off you,” she replied.
He was right in front of her now, the fresh smell of his cologne filling her nose as she took him in. His smile was splitting his face in half, and Lily was sure hers matched. “Are you a campfire? Because you’re super hot and I want s’more.” This was the final crack in her defenses before her laughter broke through full force, causing her to gasp for air.
“James, that was absolutely awful,” she choked out. Her forehead fell to his wet chest, as her body continued shaking with her giggles, James joining her in her chortling. When her breathing finally returned to normal, she straightened, her hand landing on his chest. Green eyes met hazel, and the emotion-filled gaze was full of swirling golds and browns, greens mixing in along the edges. She easily could get lost in the ever-changing hues, always overflowing with mirth and care.
James extended his hands toward her, offering a neatly folded towel and a change of clothes. Lily ripped her eyes from his and thanked him softly before heading to the bathroom to change.
She was looking forward to today, mostly because she knew how excited James was about today. He had her put it in the calendar nearly a month ago, and wouldn’t tell her any details of what was planned. Though, she reasoned, making plans that depended on good weather in London was setting yourself up for failure.
When Lily re-entered the living room, it was bare. She knew, even though James tried to stay in good spirits, he’d be upset things didn’t go to plan. He was one of the most thoughtful people Lily knew, and he put in the extra time to make the people he chose to keep in his life feel special. With that thought on her mind, she poked around his linen closet, looking for another blanket, one that was—preferably—dryer. Her eye’s landed on solid navy blue fabric. Lifting the few blankets on top, she carefully slid the throw free. She folded it over her arm and headed back to the main room.
She pushed the worn coffee table against the couch, leaving the center of the room devoid of furniture. She spread the blanket across the floor, pulling it so all the peaks and valleys flattened. She quietly walked around the apartment before finding the basket still sitting by the door, a small puddle starting to grow around it. She picked it up and moved it over to the doormat to keep the rest of the dripping liquid contained.
Lily cracked open the wooden top for the second time that day. Pulling out the delicious looking pies, she grabbed the wine and glasses. She placed the container of pies on the floor, and the glasses and bottle on the table so they’d be less likely to knock them over. She repeated the process with the rest of the contents, placing the plates and silverware near each other, and the rest of the food spread out around the open space.
Deciding to take one more look in the carrier to make sure it was emptied, Lily headed toward the door. She noticed the wet blanket was still inside and lifted it to hang in the bathroom. Something clattered to the floor, and when she looked toward her toes she saw a carefully wrapped box. It was small, could fit into the palm of her hand, and a lump formed in Lily’s throat. She swallowed thickly around it, trying to get her heart to do more of a walk instead of the sprint it had started running.
Her mind was at a standstill, too loud yet devoid of any thought or feeling. James couldn’t be planning to propose, right? They were still young, and though they had been dating for a few years, it seemed a bit rushed. For all they knew, they’d hate each other once they were under the same roof.
A click of a door opening kicked Lily into action. She carefully placed the box and blanket back inside the basket, and she flipped the attached tops back into place. She moved as quickly as she could back to the little picnic she set up. She grabbed the bottle of wine, twisting the cap off. She heard James shuffle into the room behind her. “Wine?” Her voice cracked partway through the word and she couldn’t help but think she definitely needed wine to get through this.
“Sure,” his pleasant vibrato filled the room, the temperature seemingly following suit as a flush worked its way to Lily’s cheeks. She poured them both a healthy serving of the red he’d chosen. Picking up her glass, she brought her wine to her lips, swallowing a large gulp. She needed her brain to slow down.
When she turned around—his cup in hand—James was staring at the spread. Lily handed James his drink, their fingers brushing briefly in the hand-off. The contact took “I figured we could still have a picnic, we just needed a change of location,” she offered. Lily hoped filling the silence would help ease the tension. It didn’t.
“Lils, you didn’t have to do this.” “No, but I wanted to. You planned out a great picnic and nothing can keep me from enjoying it. Including some bloody rain,” she assured. James’ arm wrapped around her, pulling her firmly against his chest.
A moment of hesitation, then, the tension melted away. She wrapped her arms around him, squeezing him tightly, making sure not to spill any wine down his back with the movement. “It’s perfect.” He smiled fondly at her, his arm falling back to his side. “I love you.” Even with her swirling anxiety, hearing those three words made her heart sing.
“I love you.” And she did. She really did. But, marriage? Lily was still in med school. Though, she couldn’t imagine her life without James in it; weddings were expensive. He was barely out of school and freelancing graphic design. He was phenomenal at it and had a few solid clients, but he was still growing his business, and she was still working at a cafe in the city to stay afloat.
“Wanna eat?” His clear tone pulled her back to the small living room. The only sound was the pounding of the rain on the sill. The warm smile on his face melted away her concerns.
“Absolutely.” They chatted easily as they ate. Exchanging light touches and easy jokes, their plates began to empty as the conversation flowed. Lily was fully sucked into the energy that was James. He was captivating. His hearty laugh—as if his whole being was radiating joy as he spoke—filled the space, and Lily’s cheeks grew sore from the force of her smile.
As they tossed back the last of the bottle of wine, he turned to Lily and got an expression she couldn’t decipher; it caused butterflies to fly in dizzying circles in her stomach. “Hey Lils, I wanted to talk to you about something.” And just like that the contented fog she was floating on dissipated. All the anxiety and rushing thoughts were like a live wire, sending electricity across her skin in uncomfortable bursts and causing her heart to triple its pace.
“James I-” She tried to interrupt.
“No, let me just get this out,” he spoke the words so quickly it took a few seconds for her brain to catch up. His chest rose as he took a deep breath. “We’ve been dating for a few years now, and we spend so much time at each other’s flats that we have our own drawers and closet space.”
He jumped to his feet, heading toward the front door and picnic basket. Lily felt that hardened lump return to her throat as he bent over and rustled through the blanket. She took a large gulp of wine as his beaming face turned toward her.
James rejoined her on the blanket, extending the small blue package in her direction. He’s not on one knee, that’s a good sign, right? “Open it.” His eager tone had her head snapping to the box once more. She reached out robotically and grabbed it, carefully sliding a finger under one of the folded flaps. As the tape popped free Lily reminded herself to breathe. It was okay. No matter what, James would understand.
She repeated the sliding motion on the opposite side, then once more down the center. There was no point in prolonging it. She lifted the paper off and popped the lid, her breath catching, eyes squinting, as if to brace herself for what she’d find.
All the air came rushing out of her in one go. There, nestled amongst some golden tissue paper was a small silver key. “I was wondering if you’d like to move in with me?”
Relief rushed over her like a tidal wave, dampening her jagged nerves, softening them like a rock weathered by the sea. Then, the waters grew in energy, a pleasant wash of excitement filling the holes left behind by her anxiety. He wasn’t asking me to marry him! She never thought she’d be so happy to not be proposed to.
“Would you move in with me, Evans?” He repeated his question, and Lily came crashing back to the situation, her elation fueling a wide smile.
“Yes. Yes, I’d love to!” James whooped at her answer, his hands coming to rest on either side of her face before his lips were crashing against hers in a heated exchange. It was a push and pull that was both familiar and extraordinary, lighting Lily up in delicious ways, the warm slip of his tongue against hers only intensifying the flow of electricity along her nerve endings. She pulled back, her eyes glazed over with lust, and love, and everything in between. “Should we continue this in the bedroom?” She raised a brow in question.
“Absolutely.” He gave an enthusiastic nod as he said it, and then he was standing, drawing her to her feet with him. As James led her down the hall Lily could feel excitement bloom in her chest. It was definitely too soon for marriage. But roommates? Roommates she could do.
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
'tis the season for a haunted house
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30Yq9Z8
by midnightelite
Lily and James go on their first date! James just really wished they could be doing anything else.
Words: 2935, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Jilytober 2021
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: magic's weekly prompts, magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world's Weekly Jily Prompts, week 4, fear and first kisses, 40 years fic, Haunted House, First Date, muggle HS au, they dorks, I love them so much, tw haunted house description, jilytober, jilytober2021
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30Yq9Z8
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sophie-jen · 3 years
one of us kissed the other accidentally
answer to @jilytoberfest prompt: We aren’t dating but we are so not platonic right now and one of us just kissed the other in public accidentally
(I modified the prompt slightly because I live by my own rules)
read on ao3 / ffn
James set his quill down, rubbing at his eyes under the rims of his specs. Outside, the dreary October weather persisted. Rain lashed at the window panes, the forceful patter almost drowning out the distant howling of the wind. The library was bathed in shadow, the only light emanating from the soft glow of the candles placed throughout the library. 
Leaning back, he stretched his arms above his head and caught sight of Lily on the floor, her back against the wall. The two students had decided an hour ago that the table they were sharing was far too small for the both of them along with their frightening number of books, so she had relocated, which in their tiny secluded corner meant sitting practically underneath the table. 
He watched as she leafed through the potions book propped on her knees, sighed at something she read, then vehemently crossed several lines out on her parchment. Next to her, another large tome lay open, surrounded by broken quills and what looked like ink stains. 
“Whatcha doing?” he asked after a moment. 
Lily started and hit her forehead against the edge of the table. “Ow!” she groaned, rubbing at the bruise while trying to stabilize her book. “You mean other than getting concussions?" 
He grinned sheepishly at her. "My bad. Here, I finished the transfiguration questions." 
She smiled, her head resting against the wall behind her, neck exposed, face upturned towards him. “Bless you,” she said, taking the offered paper with what they both knew were the correct answers and dropping it in her bag. “Stupid questions almost gave me a stress ulcer.” 
"You're not going to read them?" he asked, feeling a twinge of disappointment.
"I will, but I've got to finish this first.” She turned back to her books, quill scratching rapidly at the parchment.
James hesitated for a moment while Lily wrote. After a few seconds, he extricated himself from the tiny table and settled down next to her, peering over her shoulder. “What are you writing?” he asked quietly, so as not to disturb her too much. 
She let out a surprised huff at the sudden proximity. “Potions,” she responded softly. 
“Exciting,” he muttered.
“Why are we whispering?” she murmured, turning to look at him.
“You’re awfully close,” he whispered back. 
They were in fact seated so close now that they were practically nose to nose. 
The two students stared at each other in silence. Something was tugging at James, but he remained motionless, afraid to disrupt the tenuous balance that had suddenly made itself known. Leaning forward meant plunging into an abyss he didn’t want to, or simply couldn’t, take the first leap into. He couldn’t, however, bring himself to lean away. Time had stopped, taking a running leap out of the window and leaving them trapped in limbo.
Lily’s eyes, which had been fixed on James’, suddenly flicked down to his mouth. The movement was swift, her eyes gone from his for only a fraction of a second, but James caught it, the way he caught every minute detail about her, collecting them like treasures. 
His heart began beating so hard that he could feel the thumping throughout his entire body, pounding in his limbs and making him ache. He watched, uncomprehending, as Lily leaned in, her face so close to his that his eyes had to dart from feature to feature, the freckle beneath her eye, the smudge of ink on her cheek, her slightly parted lips…
James lurched to his feet. "I should go," he said, taking a step back and gripping the edge of his chair to steady himself. Lily didn’t respond, taken off guard by the sudden flurry of movement. "I'm done, so I'll just get out of your way and let you finish up," he muttered, throwing his books haphazardly into his bag. 
"Sure…" she responded. She straightened, looking bemused and a little hurt. 
"Bye, then," called James, already disappearing from view. 
“Bye,” she whispered hoarsely. 
Lily sat in a stupor for what felt like hours, though it was only moments before she was frantically stuffing her belongings into her school bag. She had waited far too long, and far too patiently, for this to be it. Pushing her apprehension aside, she threw the bag over her shoulder and rounded the bookshelf, only to come face to face with James. 
They both froze. As she watched him draw shallow breaths, steadying himself, all Lily could do was hope against hope that the warmth spreading in her chest wasn’t unfounded.
“James–” she uttered, just to fill the silence, and then James was crashing into her, lips settling on hers. She melted into him, her bag dropping off her shoulder and hitting the ground with a thud. His palms ran down her face and onto her neck, one hand gripping the back of her head while the other rested in the hollow of her throat, fingers splayed like he wanted to touch as much skin as possible. 
Lily made a noise which caused his fingers to tighten, and she gripped his hair in response, pulling him closer. Every one of his touches seared through her, making her brain short-circuit and leaving her mind blank, but none of it mattered because the smell and taste of him were enveloping her, keeping all her worries at bay. All she could do was kiss him harder, reveling in the delighted hums she elicited, feeling his groans everywhere. 
James’ mouth slid from hers down to her jaw and she took a deep breath, suddenly realizing how little air she had left. “James,” she gasped. The thought of pulling away was unbearable, but James had started wheezing as he buried his face in her neck, though he was valiantly trying to hide it, so she covered his cheeks with her hands and pulled his face away. 
“James,” she said again, waiting for his eyes to refocus. Her cheeks hurt from smiling. 
“That was an accident,” he blurted, though his hand was still buried in her hair and his gaze lingered on her swollen lips. Contradictory feelings battled it out across his face. He vacillated between looking distinctly pleased with himself, shocked at what he had started, and terrified at the implications. 
But not even James’ idiocy could pull Lily down from the fluffy cloud she was floating on. “It didn’t feel very accidental,” she stated with a smirk. 
The boy turned even more pink, though his face was already so flushed that it was hard to tell. 
“Shouldn’t we talk about this?” she prompted, feeling immensely pleased with herself as well but choosing to act mature for his sake. 
“Can’t talk,” he said quickly, reluctantly releasing her and taking a few steps back. “Got to sleep. Goodnight.” He turned on his heel and sped away as fast as his long legs permitted.
Lily watched him go, knowing a goodbye wasn’t necessary. They weren’t done here.
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midnightelite · 3 years
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The amazing graphic was made by the lovely @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world! Thank you so much for the beta as well!! Thank you to DWP and Lily for reading through and giving me their thoughts and comments! Love you ladies!!! <3 :)
'tis the season for a haunted house
Rating: T
Summary: Lily and James go on their first date! James just really wished they could be doing anything else.
This is for all my lovely friends in Oldermort! You are a constant source of unwavering support, you've made this year not totally suck! <3 Love you guys!
Read on AO3 or below the cut!
“Hey James,” a melodic voice rang. James’ head immediately shot up, directly into the locker shelf above him, causing a loud clang to reverberate through the hall. He put his hand to his head, the pain radiating from the hit. He was just happy to see there was no blood when he pulled it back.
“Alright, Evans?” James tried to smile wide, hoping she might not have noticed that he hurt himself, she definitely could’ve missed the echoing metal noise. Right?
“Are you okay?” Wrong. Lily leaned forward, taking his face between both her hands, and looking at the spot on the top of his head that took the blow.
James couldn’t help thinking that maybe the bump currently growing on his head was worth it. To have her so close—in his space, really—while she examined him. Sparks were shooting out where she touched his face, a fresh shot every time she moved him around as she tried to get a solid look. She must’ve decided there was no serious injury, because—far sooner than he’d prefer—she pulled back and sent him an exasperated look.
“I’m fine, promise.” One more scrutinizing look at his face and the tension fell from her being.
“So, I wanted to ask you if you had any plans this weekend?” Lily leaned against the locker next to his, her normally calm demeanor present. James had to remind himself to answer and not just get lost staring at her. Sooner or later she’d have to notice that he can’t stop looking at her.
“Free as a bird.” He gave her an easy smile. To be fair, smiling was always easy around Lily.
“Wanna go to that haunted house that opened up on Mulberry with me? I think it could be really fun! Tis the season and all that.”
James was willing to do basically anything for Lily. Though this was really trying that statement. It’s not that he was against haunted houses or anything, he just tended to be a little skittish when it came to jump scares. Hell, his friends call him Prongs because of the terrified deer in headlights face he’d make at the screen during scary movies. So now, when his wildest dreams are coming true, and Lily is asking to hang out with him, of course, it’s to go to a scary house where people chase you with chainsaws.
“It could be a date, if you want.” She sounded less sure with this addition, but James nearly missed it. His head shot up—when did he look away?—to catch her eye.
“Yes. I’d love to go on a date with you.” The smile that broke out across Lily’s face was blinding, and James could swear he was soaring far above any clouds that might be in the sky. Much like Icarus, he was flying near the sun; hopefully, he’ll manage to keep his wings intact.
“Perfect! I’ll pick you up at yours Friday around seven?” James could only nod his agreement, too afraid if he opened his mouth he’d scream instead of being able to answer like a normal human. “Great, can’t wait.” She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and shot him one last smile before she turned to head to class.
The bell rang, and the students still filling the narrow hall began to move swiftly toward their next course. All the students except one, who was still standing in front of his open locker, staring straight ahead, unaware of anything going on around him.
A hand waving in front of his face brought him back to the present. “Alright, Prongs? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” James knocked the hand out of his face.
“‘M’ fine.” He mumbled, walking briskly past the shaggy haired boy.
“Don’t look fine! Evans finally tell you to move on and let her live in peace?”
“Fuck off, Black!” He didn’t even deign to turn around, giving Sirius a one-fingered salute over his shoulder. A bark of laughter followed after him as he turned the corner. James’ head was swirling with disbelief. He had a date with Lily Evans! He jumped in the air, pumping his fist before coming back to himself and straightening his clothes. Quickly glancing around the hallway to make sure he was truly alone—he was—James continued his route to class.
He couldn’t believe he was going on a date with Lily Evans.
What the hell was he gonna do?
Lily checked her reflection once more in the mirror. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous. She’d known James since she was a kid! It wasn’t that big a deal. They’ve been close friends for the past few years, and the last year they have basically been attached at the hip. She had no reason to be nervous.
Her dark wash jeans made the coral sweater she wore pop. Her deep red hair was loose in her natural waves, and she only put on a touch of mascara so you could see her otherwise blonde eyelashes. To finish the look, she had on a pair of black combat boots.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She could do this.
With that thought in forefront of her mind, she grabbed her bag, slipped her phone into her pocket, and walked out her bedroom door.
The drive to James’s house went by quickly with her nerves. Lily couldn’t stop the feeling of her heart in her throat. He froze when she asked to hang out initially. What if he only agreed because he didn’t want to ruin their friendship? Not that him saying no would ruin their friendship. Though if James thinks that, it says a lot about what he thinks of her.
James wouldn’t lead her on. He was nice and would find a way to let her down easily. He would only say yes if he truly wanted to come. Lily kept repeating this to herself, and the mantra got her through the last leg of her drive.
Lily pulled into his driveway and put the car in park. Her fingers, a flurry across her phone screen, letting the very guy who’s making her overthink so much know she was here. She could do this. It’s just James.
A distant thud had her head shooting up. There he was. Wild hair, square glasses, fitted maroon henley, and a nice pair of jeans. Lily barely stopped her jaw from dropping. The sound of him attempting to open her car door kicked her into action, and she unlocked the door.
“Sorry.” A nervous laugh slipped out and she forced a smile on her face. Lily hoped he wouldn’t be able to tell the true cause of the laugh. James smiled warmly at her.
“It’s really okay.” How did he do that? How was he able to calm her nerves with a single sentence? How was his presence both such a source of comfort and like a live wire? “Hi.” His smile got impossibly wider and Lily felt her heart soar.
“Hi.” She returned his smile, it coming much easier now.
“I’m excited about our date.” Any nerves that were left suddenly went haywire. That negative feeling turned into one of relief and excitement.
Lily started backing out of his driveway before she answered. “Me too! I heard this place is awesome!” If she looked over at that point, she would’ve seen James blanch at the comment. But she didn’t pick up his lack of response, her brain latching onto the fact that he’s excited.
The drive was only about ten minutes or so. Once the short bout of silence had its stay, easy conversation filled the car. By the time Lily slid the gearshift into park they were both laughing easily. Getting out of the car, they met towards the hood and she slid her hand into James’—their fingers interlocking on instinct—as they made their way to the ticket booth.
“Two please!” Lily’s cheerful voice floated up to the teen behind the plexiglass.
“That’ll be eight dollars,” Grabbing her wallet from her bag, she slid the cash over to him and he slid her two wristbands once the money was put away. “Please sign these.” He also slid two small sheets of paper forward with a pen. A liability waiver. The basic stuff such as if you get hurt for x reasons they are not at fault. Lily glanced quickly before signing her name. James slid his forward almost simultaneously.
They walked off to the side, allowing the next customer to take their spot. “Y’know, I could’ve paid.” His voice seemed tight, but she dismissed the thought, probably reading too much into the situation. “James, don’t be ridiculous,” Lily took his wrist gently in her hand before she wrapped the paper wristband around it, making sure not to make it too tight. She peeled the sticker off before carefully sticking it to the wristband, making sure to fold over any sticky parts that she may have missed. “I asked you on the date, remember? It’s only fair I pay.”
He tugged lightly on the other wristband, and she let go. When James held the bracelet out between his two hands, she gently laid her wrist atop it. He slowly adjusted its tightness before he attached it. His fingers grazing across the inside of her wrist brought a flush to her cheeks. “Thanks,” Lily whispered quietly, the words barely louder than her breathing.
“Of course,” he answered just as quietly. They looked at each other for a moment; she felt like her eyes were glued to his. Like a magnet, she felt pulled to him. Both of them leaning in closer. A scream echoed from inside the house, causing James to jump slightly, and just like that the moment was over. He pulled back, and as the distance grew Lily tried to stifle her disappointment “The least you can let me do is buy you ice cream or something after.”
“I could be persuaded to allow that,” She replied cheekily.
“Good.” Their eyes linked once more, briefly.
Lily threaded her fingers through James’s again. “Should we head in?” She motioned with her head toward the entrance. He nodded his response, and she led them toward the start.
A small crowd of people was milling around, waiting to be let in with the next group entering the attraction. As they joined, the door opened and they were ushered inside. They entered into a room with a queue set up. Lily could feel the nervous energy buzzing beneath her skin. She was as susceptible to quick scares as the next person, but knowing it was all fake helped keep her from getting too anxious. They followed the people in front of them till they stopped. The workers kept the door open for another minute or two, letting any stragglers in.
Looking around the room, she saw it was covered in hay, a few bales of straw sat in the corners, two of them supporting a scarecrow with a creepy face carved into it. They had a few other spooky decorations,—spider webs, a message saying ‘there’s no turning back now’ in what’s meant to look like blood—but Lily’s eyes were drawn to the front as an employee in an orange polo stood on a box.
“Welcome everyone! Before we get started we just wanted to tell you all some important information! Number one, if you would like to be touched, pushed, or thrown down secret passageways alone you can grab a glowing necklace on the way in. This will let our monsters and spirits know that you would like the intense experience. If it becomes too much, at any point you can take the necklace off and drop it to the ground. If you do this please put it against a wall. Number two…” The monotonous voice drawled on.
“Should we grab the glow necklaces?” Lily whispered to James. His head shot to her, eyes wide. “Breathe, I’m just kidding. Wouldn’t be much of a date if we were separated, would it?” She smirked slightly. Something inside her told her that he may be more afraid of this than he let on. She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and settled her attention back to the front.
“Number three, there are exits after each section. Should you become too scared, those will be your only options to leave early. Once you enter the next area you will need to finish the area before you will be able to leave. And finally, Number four, please do not hurt our employees. We understand that this attraction may cause fear in some individuals, please do not take it out on our actors. Alright guys, good luck! Hopefully, we’ll see you on the other side!”
With the sign off the room was blanketed in darkness. Lily couldn’t see a foot in front of her. There was a bright flash of white, and the lights began to flicker. The crowd began moving forward, and Lily noticed the teenager who made the original announcement was nowhere in sight. As the pair approached the doorway, they saw a different employee in the same polo, handing out different colored glow necklaces. Lily politely declined for the both of them, giving James’ hand another squeeze hoping to comfort him.
James was tense and they hadn’t even seen one of the actors yet. She could see it in every inch of his body language. As they walked, following the group of people in front of them, they heard screams in the distance. The barely lit attraction had no clear place to look which almost made it worse. Not knowing where the danger was coming from.
They walked through a thin tunnel that had mirrors on either side and plastic bags of air making you have to fight to continue forward. Lily led the way, James’ grip becoming more vice-like. They went through a room where the lights went on and off slowly, and lines of people with bags over their heads like they were on death row got closer and closer with every flash. A clown with a chainsaw came up right by their faces. Larger-than-life black monsters that blended into the surroundings, on stilts on all fours. They were twice Lily’s size and growled in their faces.
Nonetheless, they were doing better than Lily expected. James’ grip got tighter as they went, and eventually, he was wrapped around her arm. They stepped through the doorway into the last area, and it took a turn for the worst.
The section was jungle themed; there were creepy animals around, and all of a sudden there was a demonic growling sound. Out of the dark came a person running on all fours at full speed. A yowl was let out behind Lily, and before she could react she was being pushed at breakneck speed through the last section. She couldn’t tell you what the last part of the attraction was like. It was all a blur.
She tried to slow James down but he was steadfast in his escape. Before she knew it, the exit was before them and they were pushing past the few people ahead of them and bursting into the cool October air.
Once they were a few feet away, Lily pulled gently on her hand, gaining its freedom. She doubled over, hands on knees, as she caught her breath. There was a burn in her chest that she did not appreciate from the extended exertion. To say she wasn’t an athlete was an understatement.
When she felt a bit more in control of her breathing she burst out in laughter. “Where’s the fire, James?” She managed to get out between fits of giggles. Lily straightened back up to look at him, not finding it in her to be upset with the evening. Even with the forced run. Her cheeks hurt from the strength of her smile.
“I’m not even sorry, Evans. That’s not natural! No human should be able to run that fast while crab walking. It’s a crime against humanity.” He said this in as serious a tone as he could muster, though a little of his anxious state seeped through. The excuse only doubled her laughter. After a couple of minutes, she was able to get her laughter in check, and James was fighting back a smile of his own. All traces of fear had melted off his features. “So any chance you’ll keep this between us and not tell Sirius?” Lily took a step closer, closing some of the distance between them when she came to a stop.
“Maybe.” Another step.
“I’ll take it, and how long will you be holding this over my head?” They both took the next one, closing the remaining space between them. Lily smiled up at him warmly.
“Oh, for at least the next forty years.” Lily pulled on the front of his henley, forcing him down to her height. She placed a gentle kiss on his lips, and as she pulled back, James leaned forward and reconnected their lips, this time in a slow, sweet exchange. Lily’s heart was on cloud nine.
“I guess there are worse things.” James had a matching grin on his face. He shrugged his shoulders and took her hand in his once more. “So, how about that ice cream?”
“Let’s,” she responded. The pair walked toward Lily’s car, laughter trailing behind them. Fear from the attraction chased far away from either of their minds.
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sophie-jen · 3 years
“I thought that was what you wanted”
answer to @jilytoberfest prompt: “I thought that was what you wanted”
read on ao3 / ffn
A puff of green smoke erupts from the cauldron, and James knows he’s in trouble. 
Lily immediately stops carefully chopping beetles to give him such a withering glare that he considers throwing himself into the cauldron alongside the armadillo bile he just poured in. 
“What did you do?” she asks, her eyes narrowing slightly. James can tell this is a trick question, because she already knows what he's done. He's seen her gaze flit between the smoke and the small vial in his hand, watched her put two and two together. 
“I just did what you told me to do,” is the answer he settles on, but realizes his mistake the moment it leaves his lips. 
Pinning the blame on Lily may not be the most effective way of appeasing her. She’s still holding the knife, which, albeit small, is quite sharp. 
Her lips purse, and when she speaks, her voice has dropped almost to a whisper. It’s the silence before the storm. “And what, exactly, did I tell you to do?” 
“Pour the armadillo bile in before the beetles?” he squeaks. Is he seeing things, or is there smoke coming out of her ears? 
“I thought that was what you wanted!” he exclaims, in a last ditch attempt to appeal to her humane side. Surely, she can appreciate that this is all just a simple misunderstanding.
Lily sets the knife down onto the workstation and takes a deep breath. 
Oh, he’s in big trouble.
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sophie-jen · 3 years
Getting caught staring
answer to @jilytoberfest prompt: getting caught staring
read on ao3 / ffn
Abigail made her way across the grass under the hot, late-afternoon sunshine, the oppressive heat making the air vibrate as she neared the football field. She smiled at the redhead sprawled out not far away, her school bag laying next to her, but got no response. Puzzled, she followed the direction of her friend's gaze to the field, where a sweaty, bespectacled boy was running, his shirt pulled up by the hem while he wiped at his face. Comprehension immediately dawned on her. 
“You should stare harder,” she said, by way of greeting. 
Lily started at the interruption, abruptly pulled out of her thoughts. Her face flushed red as she finally registered Abigail’s presence. 
“Piss off,” she mumbled, looking much like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. 
“No, really, you’re being far too subtle. Try panting,” Abigail quipped. 
This garnered a simple, “I hate you."
She sat down, pulling her bag onto her lap. "I brought Maltesers."
"I love you very much."
Abigail snorted as she dropped a couple sweets into Lily's outstretched hand. 
"So, what's happening?" she asked. 
"Good question," Lily said through a mouthful, her gaze homing back in on Potter like a tracking missile. "Stay curious."
"For someone who attends every game and virtually every practice, you're awfully ignorant about the actual game being played."
"I don't attend every practice. I just happen to be getting some fresh air in the vicinity of the field around the same time practices tend to be scheduled."
"You also happen to sound like a psychopath."
"I'm not stalking him or anything."
Abigail snorted. "Why would you feel the need to specify that unless–" 
“Here, have a treat,” Lily said, shoving a handful of Maltesers into her friend’s mouth. The brunette had the gall to continue laughing through the mouthful, though she choked slightly on the rapidly melting chocolate, which Lily considered a win, albeit a small one. 
A yelled warning drew their attention away from their squabble and to the ball soaring through the air, incidentally flying right at them. In the split second they had to register that it was headed for Abigail's face, the ball suddenly lurched to the side, as though snagged by an invisible hook, and dropped to the grass at Lily's feet, rolling to a gentle stop in front of her. 
No one noticed the almost imperceptible flick of Lily's finger as the ball veered off its course, though Abigail didn't need to see it to know what had happened. 
They barely had a chance to catch their breaths before Colum came running up to them, taking the ball Lily handed him with a perfunctory thanks and turning to Abigail.
"You alright?" he asked. 
"Peachy," she answered. 
Colum was looking a little pink. "Wow, that was weird," he added. "The way it just... moved, like that."
"Gust of wind, probably." Abigail rooted through the small red bag for another sweet, not looking up. 
"Right. That makes sense." Colum shifted from foot to foot, trying desperately to make eye contact. 
"Did you need anything else?"
"Nope, just picking the ball up."
Abigail finally looked up and stated, "Well, make sure to have him home by 9."
This last statement, made with a completely straight face, threw poor Colum completely for a loop. His eyes darted pleadingly to Lily, as though she might explain to him the mysterious depths of women’s minds, or at least Abigail’s. 
Lily wasn’t much help as she coughed into her arm, trying to hide the mirth on her face. "She's just kidding," she choked out, reemerging. "Thanks, Colum."
Taking the hint, he nodded and walked away, kicking the ball in front of him. The two girls watched him go, trying their damndest not to dissolve into giggles while he was within earshot. 
Feeling someone’s gaze on her, Lily glanced at the field, where James was already looking at her. You ok? he mouthed. She smiled back, nodding. He grinned, miming wiping sweat off his brow.
Crisis averted, the two girls sat quietly, Abigail going through Lily’s bag in search of the English assignment, while the redheaded football aficionado watched the players with ferocious intensity. 
"God, I love sports."
Abigail looked up from the notebook she was leafing through and watched as James jogged backwards, making faces at Lily. 
"I'm sure 'sports' will be thrilled to hear that,” she said, turning back to her papers. 
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sophie-jen · 3 years
overhearing something they’re not supposed to
answer to @jilytoberfest prompt: one overhearing something they’re not supposed to
read on ao3 / ffn
The sound of voices drifting out of an empty classroom stopped James in his tracks. Interest piqued, he looked around, scouting the corridor for anyone who might see him, then bent down as though tying his laces and listened in. 
“–spoke to her, and she said she couldn’t come because of the game tonight,” a voice, which sounded like it belonged to Abigail Fields, was saying. 
“She does understand that the gatherings are mandatory, right?” came the exasperated response. James perked up, instantly recognizing Lily Evans, Abigail’s best friend and love of his life. He scooted forward as quietly as he could so as not to miss anything. 
“Who knows." Abigail snorted derisively. "That girl is allergic to assuming any kind of responsibility.”
“God, remember when she brought her neighbour’s cat for the offering?” Lily's tinkling laugh floated out into the corridor.
“Like it made no difference!" cried Abigail. "Hey there, Mephistopheles, I know you asked for the blood of a newborn, but here’s Mr. Rogers’ cat instead.” 
James froze.
“Can’t we just kick her out?” 
“But then we’d have to find a thirteenth member. It’s such a hassle.”
“Alright. We’ll just issue a verbal warning for now and hope that does the trick.”
The scuffling of desks and the sound of footsteps nearing the door signalled the end of the conversation, as well as the very pressing need for James to leave. He sprang up, spurred on by a growing sense of panic, and ran to the bathroom, disappearing inside just as the two girls stepped out of the classroom and began heading down the corridor. 
Ear pressed against the bathroom door, he waited with bated breath as they walked by. 
“Did you do the Latin homework?” Lily asked casually, as though the two girls had been discussing benign subjects such as schoolwork all along. 
“Yup, I’ve got it in…” 
James didn’t catch the rest as they turned a corner, their footsteps receding until all he could hear was the blood pounding in his ears. He slid down the door and lay sprawled on the ground, his cheek pressed against the cold bathroom tiles. He had a lot to think about.
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midnightelite · 3 years
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Graphic made, once again, by the extremely talented @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world! Thanks so much for the prompts, the beta-ing, and the amazing support! Here's my week 2 submission!
Vanilla Bean Latte Sprinkled With Cinnamon
Rating: G
Summary: Lily is having a rough day, but James always helps.
Read on AO3 or below the cut!
The sky was an even-toned gray, the kind that promised flurries would soon fall. Lily pulled her navy peacoat tighter around her, trying to keep out the chill. Crossing her arm to hold the fabric together, she tucked her hands under her arms to try to get some of the feeling to return to her fingers. She had grabbed a hat that morning but was seriously regretting her choice to leave her gloves and scarf at home.
That had been just the start of her wonderful day, really. She continued her fantastic morning by losing a client at the lab she was managing. They were having issues sourcing an ingredient used in quite a few of their products, and the client had found a different lab that would be able to get it immediately.
This was of course followed by one of her top chemists letting her know he got a job offer that she knew they’d never be able to meet. She cared too much about his future to try to convince him to stay, and she wished him well in his new position.
Now, Lily took a deep breath, focusing on the pavement passing beneath her feet. It was darkened in arbitrary patterns from the snow that melted earlier in the week. The equidistant lines separating each square of concrete, she used them to guide her breathing. Breathe in till you hit a line, hold till you hit the next, breathe out, and repeat.
The familiar warm red awning of her favorite coffee shop finally appeared in the distance. Pulling open the door, she was immediately warmed by the rush of air coming from the heater above her. Lily rubbed her hands together and surveyed the small space. Her gaze landed on a head of messy hair and she could feel the tension from the day start to fade.
James raised his head, and when their eyes connected a wide smiled pulled at his lips. Lily felt a small grin growing on her own face, the first one of the day. The quiet chatter of the small cafe faded, and she made her way toward the bespeckled boy. He stood up as she got close, his strong arms wrapping around her small frame. Like a furnace, the heat from James’ body warmed her to her core. The last of the tightness in her body loosened. She felt content. Like nothing else that happened that day mattered.
“Alright, Evans?” He whispered into the crown of her head before he placed a kiss on the spot.
“I am now,” Lily mumbled into James’ chest. He gave her one final squeeze before he let go, and pulled out her chair for her. She kissed his cheek, thanking him before she sat. On the table sat her usual order, a vanilla bean latte sprinkled with cinnamon. James always said at that point it shouldn’t even be considered coffee, but he knew she loved it and continued to get it for her. Suddenly, she had the urge to cry. The nice gesture was almost overwhelming with the day she had. Him being here, and doing something as simple as ordering her favorite coffee was like the final drop in a tub before the water flowed freely over the sides. “Thank you, James.” Her voice cracked slightly, and the world was blurred by her unshed tears.
“Of course, Lils. I love you.” He extended his hand across the table, taking hers. He traced lazy circles into the back of her hand, and Lily tried to blink the tears from her eyes.
“I love you so much,” she answered back. She felt all the stress melt away as they talked. The weight of the day nearly disappearing as he listed pun after pun till she laughed. As he stole a kiss or three across the table. James made Lily feel like all that mattered was now. All that mattered was them. And that everything would be okay.
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sophie-jen · 3 years
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Who's that you're looking at, Lily?
Here's the original sketch
@jilytoberfest (is art included in jilytober? idk but I crave attention anyway)
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sophie-jen · 3 years
realizing they’re in love
answer to @jilytoberfest prompt: one (or both) realizing they’re in love
read on ao3 / ffn
I wanted to make a joke about taking a stab at the 100 word drabble but this obviously ended up being longer, so. 
The red stains wouldn't stop growing. Two figures stood over the prostrate body, glaring at it like they could guilt it into coming back to life. 
James’ hand on Lily's lower back pulled her in from a sea of worry, anchoring her in reality. She gratefully let herself be nudged toward the row of sinks.
While she rinsed off, he did his best to sop up the pool of blood. His drenched shirt stuck to his back and molded to his movements. She watched him work, leaning against the rim of the sink. 
James turned, raising his eyebrows slightly. Lily showed him her clean hands and neck. His responding smile snaked down her throat and constricted her stomach. 
He aimed the blood-soaked wads of toilet paper at the bin a few feet away, throwing them one by one. Grinning sheepishly at her over his shoulder, he went to pick up the ones that hadn't made it in, making sure to wipe the floor as he did. 
Something clicked into place. 
Lily looked over at the corpse, staring glassy eyed at the ceiling. He was the only witness to her sudden epiphany, but she needn't worry. Albus wouldn't tell anyone.
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
Vanilla Bean Latte Sprinkled With Cinnamon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3arHkE1
by midnightelite
Lily is having a rough day, but James always helps. Prompt: Cold Weather and Coffee Shops from @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world's weekly prompt list!
Words: 662, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Coffee Shops, Comfort, magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world's Weekly Jily Prompts, magic's weekly prompts, they are just so in love okay?, soft jily, cold weather & coffee shops, jilytober, jilytober2021
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3arHkE1
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
Disillusioned Divinination
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mhMY2m
by midnightelite
A picnic doesn't go quite according to plan, but after a couple of wrong assumptions and a leap of faith will everything turn out okay?
Words: 3000, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Jilytober 2021
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Rain and Roommates, roommates au, this is kinda cheating, magic's weekly prompts, magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world's Weekly Jily Prompts, jilytober, jilytober2021, Week 3, wrong assumptions, HEA, lbr we love to see them happy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mhMY2m
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