#jey chill lmao
dynamitekansai · 8 days
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milesworld96 · 8 months
Pt 2 of me freaking the fuck out
Oh my Shinsuke😳
I desperately need him to murder a mf rn
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OMG INDI SPOTTING WSG GIRLIEE💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Wsg Xia☺️☺️
CANDICE NOOOOOOOOOO☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
Canidice girl NOO💔💔 I hope that this is a fake out and she didn’t actually get hurt
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Bisexual lighting
Oh god I got chills, literal chills
Fuck that pandemic dawg
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Can’t wait to see Seth serve cunt on crown jewel again
Nah but Seth right tho, sorry Drew☹️💔
This match is SERVING
GOD DAMN JD FUCKING LAUNCHED OVER😭😭😭 bros head bounced like a basketball
Damn why he get on JD like that when pinning😧😧
Nah but he fucking killed bro fr😭😭😭😢😢😢
Drew wins against Seth, and Damien fakes out on it and cashes in on Roman + Drew joins jd🥺🥺 (/j)
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girl Natalya how r you gonna do the most bland ass costume yet? DO BETTER😤😤
OMG BECKY HAAI (I like her now again now that she lost☺️)
If Chelsea doesn’t win imma be pissed
Seeing the camera crew on tv is so funny to me, because they just sitting against the Barricade
THE CANDY CORN🤯🤯🤯 this is so hardcore, you’re so right Michael
WHOPPERS😍😍😍😍 (sorry I love them don’t judge me)
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The punisher…Damien Priest….Frank Castle….I need someone to do Damien as Frank Castle or reverse bc WHAT why did I never think of this
Nah Damien fucking DIPPED
He ain’t want none of Sami’s bs😭😭
Hire El Generico
Old man yaoi vs Sad cat eyes yaoi
Yo wsg Cody
Cody should cut the hoodie holes lower yknow like like like appeal to your audience bro
uh uh don’t like that
table strong asf
Sami hugging Cody to get him to brutalize Jd again
Cody fucking going crazy dawg
Sorry Cody I love your ass buut…. Gotta stick w my favorite old goth man
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blookmallow · 3 years
skyrim time ft Cat Adventures im not making very much progress with my khajiit but heres some 
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talon-jei can i fucking help you
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fjsdgjdsg so when you first come to windhelm brunwulf asks you what you think about the nords vs everyone else conflict, your options are, as a non-nord, “skyrim is for everyone” or “yes i think Outsiders Like Me shouldn’t be allowed here” which. i cannot imagine how you could possibly say that line in any way other than intensely sarcastic so i had ragweed say it and. brunwulf took it 100% seriously and now thinks. my khajiit. is a nord. who thinks he’s better than everyone else. i. what 
i also don’t really understand why im just allowed to go wherever i want as a khajiit in skyrim considering all the other khajiit aren’t allowed inside the city walls. and rag hasn’t been around that long so he doesn’t have like, A Reputation for being a hero or anything because he’s just. a scruffy cat man who slinks around cities and disappears with everyone’s gold sometimes. ive never been caught so presumably no one actually knows that though. except for uh
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i know you cant probably tell whats happening here at all but ok i left windhelm to go back to adventuring, suddenly got attacked by a group of hit men out of nowhere for apparently no reason, managed to fight them all off (my poor catboy is so, so low leveled right now everything is a struggle) meanwhile ALL OF THOSE GUYS OVER THERE JUST LIKE, STOOD AROUND AND WATCHED. ANYONE WANT TO MAYBE HELP ME OUT HERE. SOME GUYS TRYING TO KILL ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WALKWAY. GUARDS? HELLO?
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oh it was one of the maids in the whiterun jarl’s palace lmfao god damn it how did she even SEE me 
(i may have been committing small thefts. dont worry about it)
i dont understand how this happens, like, if someone sees you commit a crime you get a bounty for it and the guards are alerted. so if i never gained a bounty at all, and the guards are chill with me, and i never had a like “hey! that’s not yours!” reaction line for taking something. how did i get a hit put out on me :’ )
im debating whether ragweed would retaliate against her like, on the one hand, he Did steal from the palace, but also, she sent out SEVERAL hit men with the intention of murdering him for stealing like, a couple gemstones or something. which is way out of proportion and “you tried to kill me” is a reasonable situation to seek revenge on someone but also i dont think he’s the type to just like, kill her in her sleep or something
i dunno shes got it coming now though i dont know what it is but its coming 
anyway. i decided to just go for it with sadri bc i had already fully decided he was gonna be ragweed’s husband and. there’s not really anything you can do to develop a relationship in skyrim beyond doing a person’s quests for them. so. whatever lmao 
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hes so sweet actually 
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fancy kitty 
this was the nicest outfit i could come up with for him and didnt realize until the wedding it was actually the same as sadri’s sdjgsdj
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lydia is probably the only friend ragweed has but im laughing so much about that argonian lady showing up bc like. he had never seen her before and i literally ran into her on the way to the wedding and she asked for a health potion to help her with her skooma addiction so im like sure whatever heres a potion
and then she just. goes with him to his wedding. im imagining everyone meeting like revyn introducing his family and ragweed’s just like “this is lydia she’s a friend from whiterun. and this is. uh.... a drug addict i met five minutes ago in the street” “i... i see” 
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trying to have a heart to heart with fastred’s mother about her and she’s just standing directly between us making intense eye contact with me 
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i FINALLY saw the big execution you’re supposed to see when you first enter solitude that i managed to miss entirely 
i dont know what the fuck i did the first time i came in from some weird side entrance ive never seen again and vaguely heard this scene going on somewhere but couldn’t really make out what they were saying and then everyone was like “ah, yes, you were there at The Execution” so i thought. they were talking about My execution. back at helgen. and i was like i dont remember any of you people being there what happened here 
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hmmitsliz · 3 years
not jey just sitting there and chilling lmao
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elusetta · 6 years
hey did i hear anyone order ‘heavy faith seed angst’ because i wrote some lmao
The sky was heavy with impending rain. Moisture, locked into the air by the clouds, dampened and chilled Jey’s cheeks. She folded her arms across her chest, feeling some semblance of warmth grow from where they met her chest. For once, the entire world was quiet.
For a moment, Jey felt a dark presence behind her. She didn’t have to turn around to know that it wasn’t there. Months of fighting Joseph had taken their toll on her mind; she could barely comprehend him being dead.
Waking up from the Bliss, seeing Hope County whole and alive and decidedly non-apocalyptic, had to be one of the biggest reliefs of Jey’s life. But she could still hear the impact of those bombs detonating. She could still see their pillars of ash and fire rising into the sky. The war was won, but the recovery was just beginning, and that was another war altogether.
In Fall’s End, people were celebrating. She’d go to them eventually. First, though, there was this.
It felt weird, not having Jess right there by her side. She’d figured that the huntress needed time to herself after all of this, although knowing Jess, it might not do her as much good as Jey was hoping. And Jey needed to be alone too.
She stared at the stone walls of the county jail. Then she slowly, unwillingly looked to the three graves in the tiny little patch of dirt she stood on.
One for Marshal Burke. Poor man, he’d never stood a chance. That fight that he’d had in him, the bitterness lying just beneath it- it was so easy for Joseph to exploit him. He’d never been Jey’s favorite, but it hurt to see him here. He had always had a certain sort of dignity. Death took that away.
One for Virgil Minkler. He hadn’t deserved what he’d gotten. Such a sweet, gentle soul, doing his absolute damndest to keep Hope County from falling to the cult, only to be killed by someone he had trusted. Fitting. Horrible, but fitting.
Jey quietly made the sign of the cross, sending a prayer to God- the real one, not Joseph’s- to keep their souls. Give Burke peace. Give Virgil happiness. Let them see they died for something.
Then she kneeled at the third grave. The grave that had only been put there when she had begged, reasoned, pleaded for it, the one that Tracey still glared at every time she passed it.
“Hey, Faith,” Jey whispered. “I miss you.”
Faith had come back to her, against all odds, to recover and resist, and Jey had been all too willing to get attached. It wasn’t even a choice, was it? It was just natural.
Of course she’d get attached.
“You did great,” Jey said softly to the woman who wasn’t there. It had been almost surreal, seeing the fire in Faith’s eyes, watching her take up arms against her own family. Well, her adoptive family, or something along those lines. A twisted kind of thing. “I’m sorry about… you know. I didn’t… I was the one who was supposed to protect you, you know? Should’ve been more aware. Maybe if I’d just moved faster, I could’ve-”
She stopped herself before the string of what-ifs took over.
 The cultist. The flash of gunfire. Faith’s arms pushing Jey aside, Faith’s scream as the bullet met her body, Faith’s blood spreading across the floor of the church like a sacrificial lamb.
With little surprise, Jey felt her eyes filling up. When she opened her mouth to say something else, a sob tore loose instead, the sound releasing her tears. She shook, trying to control them, for a moment.
“I didn’t mean for it to end this way,” she sighed, her voice tight and strained. “I was gonna take you home. We could… live in a little farmhouse on the coast of California. I’d get up every morning, go into town, pick up bread or something.” She rested her forehead against the cold tombstone. “I just wanted you to be happy, Faith. God, that isn’t even your name.”
Rachel. Rachel Jessop. The first words Faith had spoken to her upon being found on that shore.
“I barely knew you,” Jey murmured. She smiled tearfully. “Makes no goddamn sense how much I loved you.”
First time she had ever told that to Faith, and it was too late. “I really did, you know. My friends back home always told me I’d say that to anyone, but Faith, I-” She exhaled deeply. “I think… I really think I did. You fought so hard. You were so stubborn. You… Faith, you saved my life. And it killed you.”
Most gunshots blended together in her memory. The one that had taken Faith’s life would never fade.
“You should’ve let me take that bullet.” The firmness of the statement surprised her, but she meant it without a shred of doubt. “You were worth more than I’ll ever be.”
The air around her lay heavier and heavier. “I love you, Faith,” Jey said again. The cold of the stone spread into her fingers, up her arms, numbing them. The sky growled.
She stood up.
The first raindrop hit the ground.
And then the storm crashed down.
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The Pack Survives (Roman Reigns): Chapter 1
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Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Writing Masterlist
Summary: Andromeda has spent years overseas trying to outrun her past. She finally decides to come back to Florida to try and settle down in the house her grandmother left her. She meets Leati and feels instantly drawn to him; but there's something he's not telling her, a secret he's hiding. A secret that may cost Andromeda her life if she can't accept it.
Warnings (for the fic over all, not specifically this chapter): cis-female OC, 18+, mentions/flashbacks of previous physical and/or mental abuse, smut at some point, werewolves. I will be switching between their wrestling names & their actual names in this fanfic, im sorry if it gets confusing (I’ll make sure to mention who’s who below so yall dont get the twins mixed up lol)
Andromeda Drakos (OFC) Face Claim: Naomi Scott
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Word Count: 2019
A/N: Did I really steal the title from that Game of Thrones quote? Yes I did lmao, dont @ me. I don’t really know where I’m going w this fic, I’ve had about 3 chapters written since may, so we’ll see where it goes lol. I love my werewolf shit, but I also love my Hellenic/Greek stuff so it might get confusing im sorry. Also idk why it wont let me tag some of yall, dont hate me.
Tag List: @savmontreal​ @vivalavonvon​ @hardykat​ @racingandreigns​ @inkedirishbbydoll-blog-blog​ @fivefootxo​ @lovetusk​ @captainrogersbucky​ @imamoxbrose24 @kamdog0014​ @empress-with-the-crown​ @sabrina-blyton​ @littledeadrottinghood @vanity1385​ @wweburnitdown​ @maahsrandom​ @glowrioustrash​ @roman-reigns-empire-1996
Roman = Leati Jimmy = Jon Jey = Josh
Andromeda’s house:
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Andromeda huffed as she hauled box after box into her new home; a large house in Tampa left to her by her grandmother when she passed. Meda was beginning to wish she'd just sent all of her stuff with the moving trucks that would arrive in a day or so, but she needed stuff for that day itself.
As she walked back out to get the third box from the back of her truck she spotted two men standing by it. A smile stretched across her face as she recognized them. 
"Jon! Josh!" she exclaimed as she jogged back down the driveway. She'd known the twins for most of her life. Despite the age difference and the fact that she barely saw them more than once or twice a year as a kid, they'd become good friends and she'd grown to trust them. The last time she'd seen them was at her grandmother's funeral nearly seven years ago.
"Good seein you again, Meda," greeted Jon as he pulled her into a hug. "It's been too long."
"You all grown up now," smirked Josh, eyeing her as he hugged her in turn. She laughed and shoved him with her shoulder, though he didn't really move at all. "Need a hand with your stuff?"
"Yeah I'd appreciate it," she replied with a smile as they started grabbing several boxes each. "Be careful though, I've got a bunch of expensive camera equipment in some of them."
"Yes ma'am," teased Jon, she stuck her tongue out at him and grabbed another box, leading them up the driveway.
"You can leave 'em anywhere," she said, gesturing around the house.
All it took was one more trip, as the boys managed to carry most of the boxes between them. She was about to say something to them when Jon yelped, nearly jumping out of his skin.
Andromeda's cat Enyo had startled him by winding around his legs; Josh tried and failed to hide his chuckles while Jon grumbled under his breath. She bent down and picked the cat up.
"Sorry that's Enyo, she's a very friendly cat," she said, trying to hide her own smile. "I'd offer you guys drinks, but I just got here."
"'S alright. We'd love to stay and catch up , but we actually gotta get goin now," said Josh sharing a look with Jon that she couldn't decipher. "However, if you're free tonight around 8, we usually have a couple drinks with a few friends at Boomer's. Give you a chance to meet new people."
"Yeah sure I'd love to," she replied as she walked them to the door. "I'll see you guys later."
Roman's POV:
Roman paced back and forth in front of the large oak desk; he'd already sent a message through the pack bond to his cousins to get their asses back. The patrols had just reported four sets of foreign tracks.
If he had to take a guess he'd probably say they were rogues, which he could easily take on himself, but he couldn't be completely sure without engaging them, and he wasn't about to leave the pack mansion unprotected.
Roman came to a stop when the twins barged in; he had half a mind to chew them out for taking so long. But his thought process was halted by a new scent. It was coming from his two cousins standing before him, but it belonged to neither one of them; it was new, and intoxicating, and Roman knew he had to find the owner before his wolf drove him insane.
"Who were you with?" He growled, his eyes flashing grey for a moment as he unintentionally let his power seep into his demand. The two brothers exchanged a panicked glance, wondering if they'd done something wrong. "You didn't do anything, just tell me who's scent is all over the two of you."
"Oh, that would probably be Andromeda, she's Sophia's granddaughter, she moved in today," explained Jimmy, Roman barely waited for him to finish before marching out of the room. "Yo, uce, what the fuck's going on?"
"I'll explain later, just stay with the pack," Roman ordered as he walked out of the house and into the woods, leaving the twins staring after him in confusion. Quickly shedding his clothes at a familiar tree, he shifted into his wolf form.
Find her, find her, find her, findherfindherfindher
He sprinted through the trees, heading down the familiar path to the Drakos house. Her scent grew more and more enticing as he neared the house. She smelled like honey, and lime, and roses; soothing and invigorating at the same time.
The trees gave way to the backyard, and he silently walked up to the backdoor. The house was silent but he knew she was in there, he could sense her, and he wondered if she could feel his presence too. Her scent seemed human enough, but there was something about it that made him wonder if there was more to it.
Still driven by his wolf, he shifted back to his human form to yank the door open, but now that he was back in his human form, he managed to stop himself before he went any further; he took a deep breath, trying to shake himself out of the trance.
Showing up naked probably isn't the best way to meet her even if she is my mate, he argued with himself. Besides, he was supposed to be dealing with the invaders.
His ears pricked up as he heard distant howls that he knew didn't come from any of his pack members. Shifting once more, he took off into the woods, trying to clear his head as he set out to hunt down the rogues.
Andromeda's POV:
Meda shut the front door and set Enyo down as she walked over to the boxes. She grumbled at herself for not labeling them, she had to open more than a couple before she found some clothes, towels, and Enyo's cat stuff. She set up the litter box, food, and water by the kitchen before dragging the box of clothes upstairs to the masterbedroom on the second floor.
After spending half an hour digging through her clothes, she threw together a pair of dark green jeans, a black tank top, and a mismatched set of underwear for that evening.
She made her way to the conjoined bathroom to draw herself a relaxing bath. She groaned softly as she leaned back in the tub, her hand absentmindedly reaching up to rub an old scar on her shoulder. The bath proved to be too relaxing, and very soon she found herself asleep and dreaming.
It was a full moon and Andromeda was in the middle of a clearing in a forest, crouching low behind a fallen log. She was scanning the trees with weary eyes when they settled on a dark figure on the edge of the clearing right beneath the moon.
The world stilled around her as it moved into the moonlight, revealing a giant black wolf. She knew she should've been scared as it approached her, but instead she felt an eerie calm she'd ever felt before as it came to a stop right in front of her.
She held a hand out for him to sniff as she looked into his intelligent grey eyes. She flinched a little when his tongue flicked out to lick her fingers. She slowly reached further to run her fingers through his fur when-
Andromeda was abruptly pulled out of the dream by a throbbing pain in her right shoulder; she'd come to learn that the mark on her shoulder blade only hurt when something was bad was happening or going to happen.
She quickly got out of the tub, letting it drain as she rinsed and dried herself off. She pulled her clothes on in a hurry and padded downstairs. Andromeda looked outside to see that the sun had set, a chill settling in her bones; Enyo loved wandering in the dark. What if she'd left a door open and her cat had run out?
"Enyo," she called out, checking the kitchen first of all, but she wasn't there. "Come here, Enyo!"
Meda continued to call for the cat as she searched the house; the front door was shut, but that did nothing to calm her nerves. She became more and more frantic, searching under couches and behind cabinets. She finally made her way to the back and her heart nearly stopped beating. The back door was open, she had no idea how, and the back yard was directly connected to the woods behind the house.
Not thinking clearly, she ran out of the house, into the woods, barefoot calling for Enyo. She nearly sobbed with relief when she heard a faint meow coming from the depths of the woods; not wanting to let Enyo wander further away, she ventured on without any light, playing a weird game of Marco Polo in the dark with her cat.
Something brushed against her leg, making her screech before she realized it was Enyo. She scooped up the cat, who proceeded to rub her face against Andromeda's neck, purring. Despite finding her safe and sound, Meda was still on edge, something didn't feel right.
She froze when she heard a twig snap behind her, and Enyo hissed at something over her shoulder. Very slowly she turned her head, holding her breath, hoping that she was just being paranoid. Her fears were not unfounded as several vicious growls sounded before she could even turn her head half way.
Gripping the cat tightly, she bolted in the opposite direction, further into the woods. She, somehow, managed not to trip in the dark as the adrenaline heightened her senses. She ran till the trees finally broke to reveal a small clearing.
She forced herself to halt in the middle as she saw two wolves at the other end; albeit rather mangy wolves, but they were as tall as her waist, and their fangs sharp enough to tear her to bits.
She turned around and confirmed her suspicions when she saw two other wolves behind her. As she stood panting in the middle, her mind raced, trying to get her out of this situation.
Duck down.
She whipped her head around, thinking that someone else was in the clearing with her before she realized she'd heard that voice in her head. She was trying to figure out what to make of it when she heard it again.
Duck, NOW.
She automatically obeyed, dropping to the ground behind a log, curling her body around her cat just as two of the wolves pounced towards her. She shut her eyes, waiting to feel their claws and fangs pierce her skin but there was nothing except the cool evening air and a lot of growling. Instead it sounded like a fight was ensuing; she dared to sit up and peer over the log.
The four wolves seemed to be fighting a giant black mass. It was mesmerizing to watch as it threw one wolf half way across the clearing, into a tree; the wolf howled and yelped as it fell to the ground.
She heard the sickening crack of bones as another wolf had one of its legs snapped. Soon the black mass was chasing them back into the woods until the howls became fainter and fainter.
She gulped, shivering with adrenaline rather than cold as she looked around, making sure nothing else was there. She looked up into the sky and her breath hitched, a feeling of deja vu slamming into her as she saw a full moon. This was almost exactly like her dream except Enyo was squirming in her hands. Deciding it was safe enough, she set the cat down on the log she was still kneeling behind.
The hairs on the back of her neck stood as she could feel herself being watched; her eyes instinctively went to the woods below the moon, and sure enough there was the giant black wolf standing there.
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asomeonenamedjey · 7 years
can you answer all 150 in like a master post, you can take all the time you want, but honestly, I love knowing all that I can about my friends and people answering asks is like, my kink, so pls jey
 LETS DO THIS (under the cut)
1.Who was the last person you held hands with? my friend ellie
2. Are you outgoing or shy? shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? it would be nice to see my pal @imametaphwhore​
4. Are you easy to get along with? i guess so?
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? idk most likely my friends 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? feminine boys when it comes to looks and pursinalety wise i tend to find myself attracted to ppl who seem ultra anxious
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? lmao no
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? ...no one really atleast not in a romantic sence
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? not really tbh
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? my friend ellie...but it wasnt that
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “what do you wanna eat that isnt pizza”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? the entire wintergatan and detektivbyran albums
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? i liked it when it was long but ppl cant really do it anymore since its short but i love it so so much
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? miracles? no luck..sure
15. What good thing happened this summer? i got out of a toxic friendship and i grew as a purson
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? ...i think i kissed my mom a few weeks ago
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? yeah but not in the green human like thing with big black eyes sort of way
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? never had one
19. Do you like bubble baths? hell no
20. Do you like your neighbors? tbh i have no clue if i even have neighbors...
21. What are you bad habits? i actually tend to be really mean to others as a way to take out my anger in myself rather than properly managing self hatred and stuff..idk i know its bad and i want to stop =/
22. Where would you like to travel? germany!
23. Do you have trust issues? no but it takes me a long long time to warm up to someone
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? getting to watch wintergatan videos
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? idk tbh i actually dont mind my body much, i mean yeah it would be nice to look more masculen but i dont hate my body
26. What do you do when you wake up? to my desk where my computer is
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? darker
28. Who are you most comfortable around? aside from family? idk i recently got really confterble with my pals ellie its been a while since ive gotten so close to someone 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? again i never dated anyone
30. Do you ever want to get married? not really
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? a tiny tiny one near the top
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? ....idk im not really attracted to anyone in that sort of way
33. Spell your name with your chin. ujew7yu
34. Do you play sports? What sports? no..
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? without TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? never liked anyone period
37. What do you say during awkward silences? nothing...
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? dont have one... jessie eisenberg is pretty though
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? tbh i really like looking around in toy stores...
40. What do you want to do after high school? im not sure i might make music i might do more art i might become a doctor..im not sure
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? yes but if you fuck it up you deserve nothing
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? im not too loud in the first place but im probubly overwelmed
43. Do you smile at strangers? no
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? yes
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? wintergatan..
46. What are you paranoid about? that ppl just think im gross are only talk to me out of pitty
47. Have you ever been high? no but my sister has lmao
48. Have you ever been drunk? no but my sister has lmao
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? yeah
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? navy green
51. Ever wished you were someone else? quite a few times acttually haha
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? i wish i was cis
53. Favourite makeup brand? dont like makeup
54. Favourite store? ...hot topic..i dont buy clothes from there though
55. Favourite blog? star-nebula
56. Favourite colour? desatuated blues and reds i hate greens, yellows, and oranges
57. Favourite food? spaghetti+bread
58. Last thing you ate? mashed potatos and potato salad
59. First thing you ate this morning? 3 hashbrowns
60. Ever won a competition? For what? rythmic gysnastics
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? no..
62. Been arrested? For what? stepping on my dogs foot...he yelped and i turned myself in
63. Ever been in love? no
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? never had one
65. Are you hungry right now? i just ate mashed potatos and potato salad
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? alot of my real friends are also my tumblr friends
67. Facebook or Twitter? hate both
68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? no
70. Names of your bestfriends? ellie emily and maka
71. Craving something? What? nothing
72. What colour are your towels? green
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 body pillows and 1 small square one
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no there annoying
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 3 but all of them are smol and on my shelf
75. Favourite animal? i like whales
76. What colour is your underwear? dark green
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? green tea
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? black
80. What colour pants? grey
81. Favourite tv show? none atm
82. Favourite movie? why stop now
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? heathers
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? none
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? dont like the movie
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? dory
87. First person you talked to today? my mom
88. Last person you talked to today? my mom
89. Name a person you hate? fuckin ethan
90. Name a person you love? emily maka ellie charlie
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? no im chill
92. In a fight with someone? no im chill
93. How many sweatpants do you have? like 4
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 3
95. Last movie you watched? hethers
96. Favourite actress? dont have one
97. Favourite actor? as i said i like jesse eisenberg alot
98. Do you tan a lot? no
99. Have any pets? 2 betta fish and an old dog i love them
100. How are you feeling? good alittle tired and a little bitter sweet
101. Do you type fast? i think so?
102. Do you regret anything from your past? toxic friendship i was in
103. Can you spell well? lmao no
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? my uncle sam, he’s gone now though
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? probubly
107. Have you ever been on a horse? yeah her name was penelope
108. What should you be doing? studying german
109. Is something irritating you right now? idk im tired of most humans atm
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? ive wanted physical affection from someone so bad it hurt but nothing romantic
111. Do you have trust issues? no not really
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? my friend grechen i think
113. What was your childhood nickname? birth name..nothing speacial
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? oh yeah 100%
115. Do you play the Wii? not anymore but i have one
116. Are you listening to music right now? yeah
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? sorta
118. Do you like Chinese food? yeah
119. Favourite book? idk
120. Are you afraid of the dark? no but sometimes my imaganation gets the best of me
121. Are you mean? yes and i dont like it
122. Is cheating ever okay? no not ever
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? i cant keep black shoes clean take a lucky guess
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
125. Do you believe in true love? no
126. Are you currently bored? not really
127. What makes you happy? music art wintergatan
128. Would you change your name? already did (not officaly but whatever)
129. What your zodiac sign? leo
130. Do you like subway? its alright
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? tell them im not into them and see what happens
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? i think i already answered this
133. Favourite lyrics right now? none right now
134. Can you count to one million? anyone can if they have the time
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? “i didnt kick that kid” I WAS 6 OK SHUT UP
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed
137. How tall are you? 5′3 i think
138. Curly or Straight hair? straight
139. Brunette or Blonde? brunette
140. Summer or Winter? fall
141. Night or Day? night
142. Favourite month? dont have one april i guess
143. Are you a vegetarian? no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk
145. Tea or Coffee? tea
146. Was today a good day? yeah
147. Mars or Snickers? snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote? “Talent is totally overrated patience and hard work is all you need”
149. Do you believe in ghosts? no
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line “my death-wound fron the side whence i expecten no ill, and be safe on that where i looked for most danger”
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