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eobe · 11 days ago
🤩✨ Vooood, I’m still cackling over poor smelly airsick Keeli. And you should charge more for that, absolutely 😂 But those lil hanging pawsies, I caaan‘t it’s so cuuuute 😻🫠🥰
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Captain Keeli joins the GAR Goth Night Party at 79s
I looked EVERYWHERE for this guy! He was seriously hard to find. I had to airlift his shebs from a Tatooine desert. Apparently everyone presumed he was KIA on Ryloth quite a few rotations back. Turns out he escaped (somehow…I’m not one to pry) and has been living feral with a wild herd of banthas.
Why did I go to this trouble, you may ask? Well, that’s simple. After Crosshair dragged Mayday away onto the dance floor, I found myself standing solo against the wall, consumed with enui and pondering the positive merits of companionship. It struck me (belatedly, to my shame), that our dearest Chaos Vod @eobe has done and continues to do a tremendous amount of work to ensure all the guests at this momentous event are enjoying themselves and have the pleasure of their favourite individuals for company except for herself. She needed a wing jetpack woman! Since I was presently uncoupled I was the ideal candidate.
So, through the magic of Mandalorian technology and an unseen montage, I slipped away, jetsnacked (respectfully) her favourite, still very alive - if somewhat smelly, Keeli and dragged him to 79s. After a sonic and wardrobe change of course. Apparently living with banthas for so long distorted his fashion sense - he's sporting a bantha-fur capelet and brought his own spotchka horn. I’m not judging.
Ni kar’taylir ner vod! 🫶
Chaos Squad - @ghostymarni @lonewolflupe - Eo appreciation post! 🩵
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anxious-ray-of-sunshine · 5 years ago
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Okay sooo i complained last time about how my camera killed the quality of my art and all that stuff so ummm. I decided to get a better, more accurate picture of my art and repost it... and invest in a scanner!! Hope you guys don’t mind. :)
So now I’ll just repeat what i said last time. Let me fill you in on while I took such a long break! I won’t go into detail, but I sustained damage to the nerve that runs through my elbow and into my hand. This really messed up a lot of my control, so I had to re-learn how to do a lot of things, including drawing. My hand is still numb or tingly a lot of the time, that or hurting, but I’m making the most of it. I hope I’m back to stay! Also join my fander discords hehe. Here and here.
Tag list below, let me know if you wanna be added/removed. :)
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interstellarroadkill · 8 years ago
@shakespeareswag u make up like half of my notes from today thank u and ily 💙 🌌
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boltuix · 3 years ago
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COMPOSE SHOPPING CART - UI UX Jetsnack is a sample snack ordering app built with Jetpack Compose using Kotlin. https://www.boltuix.com/2022/07/compose-shopping-cart-ui-ux.html #jetpackcompose #android #kotlindeveloper #shopping #shoppingcart #uiux #UIUXDesign #UIUXDesign #uidesignpatterns #materialdesign #MATERIAL3 #app #appui #boltuix #template https://www.instagram.com/p/CgBZqjfLWY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eobe · 2 months ago
🤩✨ hehehe 😎 keeping on the ‚Flirtation Mask‘ for the effect! Very nice chalky coloring and I love the sketchy outlining ✨
@wings-and-beskargam Ori‘vod, get SCORCH‘ed! Looking like this he‘s almost begging to get jetsnacked 💙🫶🩵
Casual Fridays at Tantiss be like
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the-sanders-sides · 7 years ago
I got tagged
Tagged by: @velocifoxy aka @lovely-lamp-love aka ray is cool and my friend 
Name: Nushie
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: lisTEN i may be 5′1″ but i am to be feared, foolish mortals
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Hindi, im kinda rusty on ASL but i can get around with it decently enough, and im currently learnign Japanese!
Nationality: American
Favorite Fruit: look at those mangoes. there they mango. now theyre mangone.
Favorite Season: winter
Favourite Scent: vanilla or cinammon
Favorite Colour: pink!!
Favorite Animal: bees are nice 
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: lately hot chocolate’s been my preferance
Average Hours of Sleep: sleep, whom? (fr tho like around 7 or 8, but it will still never be enough)
Favorite Fictional Character: you mean i have to choose?? but my chiLDREN 
Dream Trip: japan
Blog Created: early 2017 i believe
Bonus Question! Hogwarts House: ravenclaw
Tagging: @jetsnacks @evilmuffin @caristars @mira-jadeamethyst @idk-and-idc-and-idr @zerogettie @virmillion @erlenmeyertrash @five-hour-anxiety @that-random-fandom-girl and anyone else who wants to!!
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anxious-ray-of-sunshine · 6 years ago
Maybe a stupid idea, but maybe it already exists
You start a game of DnD with a blank character sheet. Your DM has them all. You only discover stats and things as they become relevant. 
Like, “I rolled 7 on my constitution check” “You get a +2 bonus so that’s a 9.”  *Hurriedly marking it down*
“I would like to ask the innkeeper if there is anything weird going on in the area” “Dragonborn are rare in these parts, so she is suspicious at your approach.” “Wait I’m a DRAGONBORN?!?”
It would be absolute chaos but for a one-shot I feel it would be fun. Maybe all the characters have amnesia and they have to figure out what they can do from scratch.
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obviouslyelementary · 8 years ago
My sides:
tagged by @killerfangirl3
Creativity (aka Christine) – she/her pronouns; the taller of the bunch (5 foot 4); long and blue hair, always loose – responsible for her host’s dreams, fantasies and happiness, has the dream to become a pop star, loves to sing, act, write and play instruments (currently only on the writing process), responsible for the host’s love for musicals in general and holds all the host’s femininity. No wonder why she’s the least influent of them all. Phrase: “STOP IGNORING ME AND FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS PLEASE”
Vulnerability (aka Chris) – they/them pronouns; the smaller of the bunch (5 foot 1); short and brown hair, always loose – responsible for the host’s worries and fears, has a 24/7 need to stay in bed on their phone, is the one responsible for never getting any ride in any amusement park or never doing anything dangerous, and also the one responsible for the host’s lack of confidence in several of her works and presentations. The second least influent of them all. Phrase: “What if you die?”
Reason (aka Christian) – he/him/they/them pronouns; the second taller (5 foot 3); long and black hair, always tied up in a bun – responsible for the host’s thoughts and reasoning, keeps on track with everything, makes all the decisions, is pragmatic and tries to keep everything balanced, doesn’t give one shit about anything actually important and is always, always chill. Second most influent. Phrase: “Whatever. I don’t care”
Care (aka Christiana) – she/her pronouns;  the second smaller (5 foot 2); short and red hair, usually tied in a ponytail – responsible for her host’s morals, friendships and happiness, she wants all the host’s friends to be happy before herself, which both makes her host be always the mother (or father) of the group, and also makes her host be the stupidest of the group, always putting everyone over her host. The most influent of them all. Phrase: “Your life is perfect. Help them!”
I tag @liberalautisticnerd831 @vicmonn @velocifoxy @jetsnacks
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anxious-ray-of-sunshine · 5 years ago
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Ahhh it’s so blurry on tumblr. Ahem. Hello! I’m back. It’s been a while.... over a year. Let me fill you in on while I took such a long break! I won’t go into detail, but I sustained damage to the nerve that runs through my elbow and into my hand. This really messed up a lot of my control, so I had to re-learn how to do a lot of things, including drawing. My hand is still numb or tingly a lot of the time, that or hurting, but I’m making the most of it. I hope I’m back to stay! My life is very chaotic right now. But uhm, yeah. Join my fander discords. That is all.
Tag list! Please, let me know if you want to be added/removed.
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the-sanders-sides · 8 years ago
10 songs tag
I was tagged by @prinxietytrash to list my ten favorite songs atm, so in no particular order here they are:
I don’t give a... by Missio (i recommend everyone listen to Missio because they are amazing)
Middle Fingers by Missio
Every time We Touch by Cascada
Take a Hint from Victorious
Rose-colored boy by Paramore
Greek Tragedy by The Wombats
Send my love to your new lover by Adele
When we were young by Adele
Dick Lips by Blink 182
Dont fear the reaper by Blue Oyster Cult
And uh I guess I’ll tag: @prinxietyhell @caristars @mira-jadeamethyst @evilmuffin and @jetsnacks !! 
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anxious-ray-of-sunshine · 6 years ago
@jetsnacks it you
whenever you're up to it, would you please draw the lowest effort goblin patton you can? because that man is an absolute disaster goblin and i can't be convinced otherwise
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deafinatlyafan · 8 years ago
Songs of comfort
@velocifoxy @jetsnacks (THANK THEM FOR THE FLUFFY SONG AT THE END) @prinxietytrash @analogically-prinxiety (THANK THEM FOR MAKING ME AMKE IT FLUFFY, ALSO THANK @prinxietyhell for that as well as inspiration for this,) @sanders-sideblog
Morality went to his room, he was so tried. The others were complaining about his tactics. Well they worked! They just had to listen to him.
“well maybe your ideas suck and they don’t want to tell you because you’re so sensitive.”
Morality bit his lips and looked around. Nobody was here. He checked the other rooms, and peeked into Anxiety’s. Nope he wasn’t here. Huh, maybe Thomas was getting anxious and needed Anxiety.
“but not me.”
He ignored this thought (although it hurt) and went to his room, turning his speakers on so he could connect his phone to it, and turned the volume up on it. He clicked on the song “perfect” by simple plan and he turned the volume up all the way up on his phone.
The others always took forever to argue about whatever it was, so he knew he could back away without being seen or missed. They never noticed anyways. The music finally downloaded.
“Hey, Dad, look at me Think back, and talk to me Did I grow up according to plan? And do you think I'm wasting my time Doing things I want to do? But it hurts when you disapproved all along
Morality started sobbing. He didn’t know why he related so well to this, but he did. He curled into a ball and hugged his knees.
* Anxiety frowned as he went out of his bathroom, hearing some noise over his earbuds. “That’s weird, is that Simple Plan?” Deciding to investigate he went out of his room and followed the course of the sound.
“'Cause we lost it all Nothin' lasts forever I'm sorry I can't be perfect Now it's just too late And we can't go back I'm sorry I can't be perfect. I try not to think”
He felt confused when he realized it was coming from Morality’s room. “I didn’t know he liked this type of songs; I thought he liked fluff and songs about puppies.’ He thought going up to his door. Anxiety debated knocking when he remembered that the music would have covered the noise so he just slowly opened the door,
“About the pain I feel inside Did you know you used to be my hero? All the days you spent with me”
Anxiety could see Morality crying in a little ball. He went up and hesitantly touched Morality. He jumped so hard that he almost hit Anxiety in the face.
“Hey Dad what’s going on?” Anxiety asked. Morality was crying.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Anxiety- I -I didn’t mean-”
“No, it’s okay, I like these songs.” Anxiety said. Morality looked upset and had red eyes, but Anxiety didn’t mention that. Morality sniffed and said:
“I thought you only like MCR?”
“Just because I prefer one band most of the time doesn’t mean I don’t hear other bands. Come on show me your playlist.”  Anxiety said.
Morality felt hesitant as he handed him his phone. Anxiety grabbed it and looked through it, looking impressed.
“I didn’t know you liked Simple Plan! Do you know “Untitled?” It’s not on your playlist.”
Morality felt himself relax.
“uh, no I don’t think so.”
“Seriously Morality that song is the best soft song! Don’t tell anyone I told you this though.” Anxiety typed on Morality’s phone before sitting beside him and turned the music on. Morality turned his head to the side listening to it. “huh.” Morality said.
“What?” Anxiety was hesitant. Did he do something he wasn’t supposed to? What if Morality secretly found him annoying? “I didn’t peg you for the soft tunes type!” Morality chuckled. Anxiety blushed but shrugged. “I can relate to it a bit, but I thought you’d like it better.” Anxiety said “It’s a great song son, thank you.”
“I’m not your son.” Anxiety sighed and looked through Morality’s playlist, frowning as he looked through the playlist “what?!” Morality felt nervous and could feel himself trembling.
“Oh sh- Morality no, I don’t hate your playlist- or you- I’m just- I’m just surprised at the fact you don’t have “Welcome to my life” on here! It’s the best song they have and you don’t have it! I’m sorry but this pathetic song playing has nothing on that song. Do you mind if I change it?”
Morality shook his head. Confused on why anxiety would call this song pathetic after just admitting he liked it but he didn’t to ruin this moment with Anxiety just yet. Anxiety played the song and he noticed the tune was closer to Anxiety’s liking. But not as heavy.
“do you ever feel like breaking down” it started.
“I like it.” Morality said smiling “I have no idea how you never heard this before, it’s the best song they have!”
“Like somehow you just don't belong And no one understands you?”
“I like it so far.” Morality said smiling. “Sh” Anxiety was closing his eyes. Morality smiled by his unexpected reaction, but he was glad Anxiety felt comfortable enough to relax and sit besides him.
“No, you don't know what it's like When nothing feels all right You don't know what it's like To be like me.
To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark To be kicked when you're down To feel like you've been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down And no one's there to save you No, you don't know what it's like Welcome to my life”
When the song ended, Morality didn’t want him to leave so he asked “what songs do you like?” Anxiety scoffed, and Morality flinched whishing he never said anything. Anxiety noticed and felt guilty. “crap, no dad I j-just scoffed because I have so many that you can’t hear them all in one day!” “can I hear some?” Morality asked feeling shy.
“sure, just a sec.” Anxiety pulled his phone out, connected it to the speakers Bluetooth and looked through his phone. He smiled when “I’m not okay” blasted thorough. Morality chuckled.
‘I should’ve known that was the song.” “you should have!” Anxiety smiled before mouthing along with the words.
They listened to this song and a few others, laughing when Morality would sing off key,  and let each other cried at some parts. Anxiety was now laying besides Morality, just being there in the silence. They stopped listening to music a while ago, but it was nice. Morality hesitated before speaking up
“Do you guys hate me?” Morality sounded so scared and soft that Anxiety sat up immediately, ready for any dangers, horrified when he realized what morality said,
“Well- I mean, I know you guys like my jokes, and think I’m sweet, but-do you guys like me?” Morality was close to tears again. He suddenly wished he never said anything.
“what? No Morality of course we love you!” Morality was shocked to hear such a thing out of his mouth. Anxiety never even like to imply that he loved them.  He felt so overjoyed by what Anxiety said he started crying
“oh sh- I’m so sorry dad, I didn’t- I don’t, I don’t know what to say, but I know that everybody loves you! Not just because of your jokes or-or your sweet composure, but because you’re-you’re you!”
“No, I’m crying because you implied you love me.” Morality smiled, “I’m sorry-it just the first time you’ve actually said the word “love” around me.” “This is why I don’t say it often, because then it gets all sappy” Anxiety said smiling. Morality chuckled and sniffed. “Do-would you mind snuggling with me?” Morality felt weak and nervous, suddenly realizing how sappy this was. Anxiety had never so much hugged the others, of course he wouldn’t want to snuggle. Anxiety hesitated but he scooted closer to him. Morality was surprised but leaned forwards and put his head on his chest.
“thanks, I’m sorry this so sappy.” “naw, I don’t mind this kind of sappy, if it makes someone feel better I can put up with it,”
Morality smiled.
“thanks Anxiety.”
“No problem: he debated kissing his forehead but decided against. Putting his hands in Morality’s hair was enough. Anxiety had an idea.
“wait here’s another song that you might like, just a second.” Anxiety said turning to his phone. As soon as it played Morality gasped so loud.
“oh my gosh Anxiety sing with me!” Morality squealed (how they were still snuggling despite morality jumping Anxiety didn’t know) Anxiety sighed but nodded his head.
Morality: Life and death and love and birth And peace and war on the planet Earth Is there anything that's worth More than peace and love on the planet Earth Whoahh come on and sing it with me
Anxiety: Sing?
Morality: The words relate to the key
Anxiety: Key?
Morality: If it's a pattern if it's a pattern Then just repeat after me Life and death and love and birth
Anxiety: Life and death and love and birth
Morality: Now using mi-fa-mi-mi-fa-mi-ti-la
both: And peace and war on the planet Earth
Morality: Yes yes! That's it!
Anxiety: That's so easy
Morality: Yeah but that's what fun about it You should write something, you should write a song!
Anxiety: About what?
Morality: Whatever you're thinking
Anxiety: I guess we're already here I guess we already know We've all got something to fear We've all got nowhere to go I think you're all insane! But I guess I am too Anybody would be If they were stuck on Earth with you!
Morality: (he giggled) yes! Life and death and love and birth and
both: Life and death and love and birth and
Morality: Life and death and love and birth and Peace and war on the planet Earth (morality nodded indicating Anxiety should sing the next part with him.)
Both: Is there anything that's worth more
Anxiety: Is there anything that's worth more
both: Is there anything that's worth more Than peace and love on the planet Earth
Morality snuggled tighter to Anxiety. “I love you so much buddy!” Anxiety held him closer. “I love you too Morality.”
Songs they listened to (these versions have lyrics in the videoes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kFr7IJBmz0(perfect-Simple Plan)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YBXn890CAc(untitled-Simple Plan)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1jrfzDg_ZI(I’m not okay-MCR) (the beginning part is confusing, but the lyrics don’t start until 0:25 so meh.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3nhdYDdOIM(Peace and Love on the planet eart-Steven universe)
Things I imagined with songs that I couldn’t write in here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FFB4AEDhrA (Liability-Lorde. ANGST WARNING: Mostly on Moralitys playlist and when he sings this and I imagine when Anx hears and cries because it actually hit him that Morality feels this way and he can’t belive Morality feels this way because he’s a perfect small bean so he hugs Morality close. Morality is surprised because Anxiety never engaged contact first but he cries too so they hold each other crying. THAT’S NOT THE SOUND OF ME CRYING THAT’S THEM CRYING.-thank @starrykid for this song)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzhvJoVur68(Welcome to the black parade- MCR) Morality and Anx talk about how they relate to it,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCwS3VbfbvE(Duality- set it off) Anxiety confesses he sometimes feels like two different people and Morality listens.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gfgUUZj24Y(I’m just a kid-simple plan-swear warnings.) anxety confesses he never felt like a kid. since then Morality does whatever he can for Anxiety to make him feel like a kid. Every time this happens Anixety rolls his eyes, but inside hes smiling and all giddy while the others are confused by why Morality does these things.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BIye98Ryic(Perfect- Pink. Mentions drinking -clean version) to cheer Morality up when hes down anx shows him this song. M:“where did you find this song” A:“I was searching up perfect and this came up”   M:“why did you search perfect?”   A: “… nevermind. I don’t want to talk about it. ” (he was trying to find pictures of his crush. :P)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsTYYhU9hsQ(F.F.F Bebe rexha SWEAR WARNING. There’s a better lyric version, but it dosent have the rap lyrics on there UGH.) when Morality feels like his friend are making fun of him Anxiety shows him this.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD8yo7wcoxA(we can hurt together-Sia, it’s a music video with lyrics on it) Anxiety knew he liked “soft songs” so he showed him this -he secretly loves this song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZxazB6aSd4(Dear Agony- Breaking Benjamin) they just listen and sit together relaxing, pondering the meaning of this song to the writer because they both had different interpretations.
I have more songs but I'm running out of space lol. if you want a playlist I can probably make one)
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wouldthehill · 8 years ago
To set the scene: it's a friendly mixed gender soccer game at my school.
Somethings I overheard during said soccer game:
- ”daddy pass the ball here” “"shoot, daddy, shoot!” and many more                   [ @jetsnacks is that you? ]
- to the late 20s male coach- “he just wants your virginity”
-one boy trips and another falls on top of him “get a room!”
-”why is our goalie having a fist fight with the other goalie?”
-”break their legs” “what?!” “make them suffer”
-In a full on death metal scream “destroy them!”
-”I tried” “just like you tried on your science test” “shut up”
-a boy to another boy, “that goal was incredible I want your children”
-the same boy to yet another boy “actually marry me right now”
In conclusion that one boy was a real problem and I can't wait to do it again next week.
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wings-and-beskargam · 14 days ago
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Captain Keeli joins the GAR Goth Night Party at 79s
I looked EVERYWHERE for this guy! He was seriously hard to find. I had to airlift his shebs from a Tatooine desert. Apparently everyone presumed he was KIA on Ryloth quite a few rotations back. Turns out he escaped (somehow…I’m not one to pry) and has been living feral with a wild herd of banthas.
Why did I go to this trouble, you may ask? Well, that’s simple. After Crosshair dragged Mayday away onto the dance floor, I found myself standing solo against the wall, consumed with enui and pondering the positive merits of companionship. It struck me (belatedly, to my shame), that our dearest Chaos Vod @eobe has done and continues to do a tremendous amount of work to ensure all the guests at this momentous event are enjoying themselves and have the pleasure of their favourite individuals for company except for herself. She needed a wing jetpack woman! Since I was presently uncoupled I was the ideal candidate.
So, through the magic of Mandalorian technology and an unseen montage, I slipped away, jetsnacked (respectfully) her favourite, still very alive - if somewhat smelly, Keeli and dragged him to 79s. After a sonic and wardrobe change of course. Apparently living with banthas for so long distorted his fashion sense - he's sporting a bantha-fur capelet and brought his own spotchka horn. I’m not judging.
Ni kar’taylir gar, ner vod! 🫶
Chaos Squad - @ghostymarni @lonewolflupe - Eo appreciation post! 🩵
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obviouslyelementary · 8 years ago
(Omg ace sanders sides chat hello can I join it sounds like a rad idea)
Yes you can though i would tell you to check with @velocifoxy or @jetsnacks because they are active and im not anymore :/ sorry
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eobe · 2 months ago
🤩✨ CLONES! get yourself prepared to get sandpapered, if you dare to be insubordinate plebes hahaaa 😎✨
Vod 💙🫶🩵 I love this and I hope you know that I‘ll never get tired seeing you (and your fresh HUD Flirtation Mask light cell!) shining brightly, showing off your glorious kit and your WIPs and bringing sweetest (sandpapered and breakfast bunned and jetsnacking) CHAOS into the fandom 🤩🙏
Aaaaand you know exactly that I imagine very disrespectfully some caught clones getting their armor dangerously tender sandpapered… Did I write this? 😀 Oh, I did HEHEHEHE! 🤪 LOCK ME UP, LOCK US UP catch us if you can *runs* 😁 CHAOS 😎
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I have become The Sandalorian.
Being Mando’ade is not a casual lifestyle. Being a Mandalorian armourer is even less so. Sometimes it feels like I spend so much time sanding out dings, scratches, and drunkenly-applied paint jobs on other people’s kit that I don’t have enough time for more entertaining things. Like practicing my long-shots, finding companionship, or breakfast buns.
Here's a live action shot of me refinishing the buy’ce of some dikut’la commando who left it under an AT-TE. 😩 (work shirt supplied by some confusingly irritable and uncommonly tall sniper)
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RL Lessons learned: 3D printed kits are 20% time printing, 20% time painting and 60% time wet sanding. 100% nerdy and fun. They also get damaged. A lot. RIP Tech goggles. Up next, RC-1262 buy’ce with HUD, and his left hand plate as well. CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!
Illustrated version, because it's the weekend and I'm alone and had no help to get fully kitted up. Also it inspired "someone" to persuade me to take a live-action version.
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Tagging @eobe, @ghostymarni, and @lonewolflupe because Eo told me to and I'm too impressionable to resist the chaos she has imminently planned for me.
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