#jetliner position...
wir3-r0t · 11 months
Bored so im reseraching torture methods :D
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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How do you determine what direct action targets are justifiable today?
Ishkah: I’m interested in for example Ted Kaczynski’s effect on the world, I know that he partly inspired a lot of people on the left to take actions under the name Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front. But, I’m a worried that he’s been a stepping stone to the anti-egalitarian far-right, like that he motivated an affinity group in Mexico called ‘Individualists Tending toward the Wild’ to go from committing arsons aimed at sabotaging evil companies and instead started to desire to have the wider effect of terrorizing people through fear of injury or death on the simple principle of being against technology and wanting to regress to hunter-gatherer societies.
Zerzan: Yeah, if in fact there really was such a group, that’s debatable I guess. They’re kind of a farce. But, whether it’s fictional or not, the fantasy still raises the same questions.
Ishkah: I know Ted Kaczynski has posited the conspiracy that the group is mostly a secret service effort to delegitimize radical groups. But I think for Kaczynski it’s likely a defence mechanism at not wishing such a group to be real and be associated with him or his political tendency.
But, for sure the actions taken under the name could be more reflective of a few individuals across the world who don’t know each other, so not even resembling a group. As well, many of the crimes they claimed to have committed so as to spread fear have been proven not to have happened, which is certainly true.
Zerzan: I’m much more interested in critique than I am in tactics, but to me what’s really at the base of it, as it usually is, is the question of violence. What is violence and what is not violence? And I think my position is rather simple, it’s not violence if it’s not directed at some form of life, in other words you can’t violate a building in my view.
I mean friends of mine might disagree, I mean they would say yes it’s violence and we don’t shrink from violence and that’s a position too.
So, I just think that in general there are a lot of targets and you know I don’t think you can get too far finding answers to that question in the abstract, but I could be wrong.
Ishkah: It’s a complicated problem, I know some websites try to put together an aims and principles list to explain what actions they’ll report on and then I think that can influence what actions people take and what actions people think are justified. [1]
You have people using slogans like ‘by any means necessary’ going all the way back to Malcolm X & Franz Fanon in the 60s, which I guess is an attempt to say we’ll go as far as we’re pushed, so be careful what state terror tactics you use on us.
I’ve experimented with writing up a list of principles for what direct action principles are necessary for different stages in history, in terms of peace time and when social tensions are at their height, [2] of which one principle is; during a non-revolutionary period “never physically hurt people in order to achieve political goals as it runs counter to our philosophy on the left that material conditions create the person and so we should make every peaceful effort to rehabilitate people.” So, what do you think about those as an important foundation?
Zerzan: Well I’ll just mention that Kaczynski did refine his own view on that, I mean he apologized for that early crude bomb on the jetliner, he renounced that. I think the targets were relatively more appropriate as he went along, as they became more lethal, on that level anyway, I think you could argue that that’s the case. [3]
And where is the effectiveness? I mean what success are you having or not having? I mean that can tell you something about what things to do or what things to avoid.”
Ishkah: And what would be the measurements of success for you do you think?
Zerzan: Well, I would say advancing the dialogue. I think that if your thing is mainly critique, it’s a question of the conversation in society, is there some resonance? Is there some interest? Is there some development going on there? In other words, I’m not afraid of certain tactics that people commonly shrink from. and they say well, ‘you’re just turning everybody off’, but sometimes I think you have to go through that stage if you will, I mean sometimes that comes with the territory, in other words, people will be defensive and horrified or whatever at first and then they won’t be. You know? Then it becomes part of the dialogue, you know then things change, they don’t remain the same. In other words, there can be shock at the beginning with some tactics, but that wears off, I think, I would assert that’s likely to be the case.
Ishkah: Right, and you’ve made the comparison between Kaczynski and John Brown in that way. The difference I would say for me though, in those two situations are that John Brown was six years away from the civil war and they were very much accepted at the time to be one of two sides fighting a guerrilla war, one for revolution and the other for conservatism. Kaczynski’s actions were in some ways asymmetrical warfare, but they didn’t have any snowballing effect, they weren’t strategic targets that scared people off from doing what they were doing.
Secondly, Kaczynski’s actions were taken during a non-revolutionary period in which I think physically hurting people to achieve political goals is bad. It’s bad precisely because the conditions weren’t right for revolutionary war.
For example, even if the revolutionary left got really good at assassinating captains of industry and getting away with it, there would be reasonable fears around the psychology of people who would take such an act against people who they could have grown up and been socially conditioned to be themselves, which would inexorably lead to a more authoritarian society and worse foundations on which to work towards a better society.
Zerzan: Well I was quite frankly surprised by the levels of sympathy that were spontaneously expressed in the US in the 90s, I was pleasantly surprised by that. Really, there was much much less horror, or there was horror at the bombings and stuff, but there was also a good deal of sympathy.
Like one case, my wife knew this woman at the business school at the university here, and this person commented on the media footage when they were taking him somewhere in Montana before they moved him to California. And he’s dressed, it’s a well-known deal, he’s got a sport coat on and you can tell he’s got a vest on underneath and he’s kind of looking up at the sky as he’s walking along. And her comment was; “why don’t they just put a cross on his shoulders?” In other words comparing him to Jesus for Christ’s sake, I mean that’s a little unexpected, especially from a rather ‘straight person’, who’s not an anarchist or anything of this sort.”
Ishkah: It was definitely a novel case, that’s for sure. I’m fascinated by Aileen Wuornos case, who was this hitch-hiking sex worker in the 70s, who ended up killing and robbing some of her clients, and it was this weird juxtaposition for the time because women were getting killed all the time by men and so it flipped the script a little bit that there was actually truck drivers who had assaulted or raped women on the road before, who began to be too afraid to pick up women because they were worried about getting killed.
On hearing news on the radio of a woman sex worker killing men, one woman compared the unbelievable experience to the first time Orson Welles’ radio-play ‘The War of The Worlds’ was received by a bemused audience. [4]
So, I’m fine with people finding a lot of value in his philosophy and he’s definitely an intellectual who has found a fairly good critique of modern civilization in 90% of his writings. I just worry that his effect on the world is going to be a stepping stone and to the right for a lot of people, so in terms of discussing his legacy we need to figure out ways to lay down some principles and say that what he did was chaotic and wrong, and we need we need these solid principles for direct action today, to lay the stepping stones for going forward today.’
For example, I know you disagree with random bombings of the ITS tendency, but in terms of people agreeing with your philosophy on what kind of technology is likely bad which is very broad, this idea that any tool that requires a hierarchy of coordination and specialization is something to be avoided, are you not concerned that you could be promoting direct action which falls well outside ethical principles like the ones I laid out in my email to you, such that you run the risk of motivating someone to take direct action which makes your rebellion look insane and so lead people to wish to preserve the status quo or facilitate a move to a more authoritarian society?
I observed some important push back like the Anarchist Federations response to an Informal Anarchist Federation cell kneecapping a nuclear physicist. [5] Critiquing firstly, taking actions based on the conspiratorial anti-industrial beliefs in the over-exaggerated dangers of nuclear meltdowns in stable nations. And secondly, the terroristic nature of attempting to spread fear rather than building social movements and sometimes sabotaging what stands in our way, but always with the goal of winning strategic victories.
Zerzan: Well again, I’d say what is happening in terms of social movements now? I mean there’s very little right now, I could point to the anti-globalization years so-called, you know around 1999 to 2001 which was a pretty considerable thing, it’s kind of forgotten but I mean I don’t know, perhaps Kaczynski’s forgotten.
Ishkah: I still don’t think a strong argument has been given for justifying direct action which attempts to harm or kill people. And so, unfortunately I think for people who take this stance like yourself and Kaczynski, some important disclaimers need to be made whenever discussing your work if – as members of campaign groups, mutual aid networks and affinity groups – we want to recruit and maintain members or advocate others over to our political philosophy.
But, I’m open to you expanding more on this in the future, here for example are a collection of statements made that I take issue with the most, mostly referencing the Unabomber case and including one from this same interview:
“The concept of justice should not be overlooked in considering the Unabomber phenomenon. In fact, except for his targets, when have the many little Eichmanns who are preparing the Brave New World ever been called to account?... Is it unethical to try to stop those whose contributions are bringing an unprecedented assault on life?”
“They ain’t innocent. Which isn’t to say that I’m totally at ease with blowing them into pieces. Part of me is. And part of me isn’t.”
“I think the targets were relatively more appropriate as he went along, as they became more lethal, on that level anyway, I think you could argue that that’s the case.”
“I ended the speech with the suggestion that there might be a parallel between Kaczynski and John Brown. Brown made an anti-slavery attack on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia in 1859. Like Kaczynski, Brown was considered deranged, but he was tried and hung. Not long afterward he became a kind of American saint of the abolitionist movement. I offered the hope, if not the prediction, that T.K. might at some point also be considered in a more positive light for his resistance to industrial civilization.”
“Bonanno, it should be added, has been prosecuted repeatedly and imprisoned in Italy for his courageous resistance over the years.” Bonanno was imprisoned for armed robbery and promotes the strategy of kneecapping journalists.
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mischiefmanifold · 11 months
Things I Experienced That I Didn't Know Were Considered Torture
Experiencing extreme temperatures with sparse clothing
Jetliner position, also called wall sitting
Harsh, loud, and/or shrill noise, especially when used for extended periods of time
Repetitive triggering of sensory overload and meltdowns
Sleep deprivation
Withholding bathroom privileges
Extreme and unwanted tickling
Stress positions
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bananapolice4ce · 3 months
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't, by subtracting where it is, from where it isn't, or where it isn't, from where it is, whichever is greater, it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance sub-system uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is, to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position where it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event of the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has required a variation. The variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too, may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computance scenario works as follows: Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is, however it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subracts where it should be, from where it wasn't, or vice versa. By differentiating this from the algebraic sum og where it shouldn't be, and where it was. It is able to obtain a deviation, and a variation, which is called "air"
The 757 is a low-wing cantilever monoplane with a conventional tail unit featuring a single fin and rudder. Each wing features a supercritical cross-section and is equipped with five-panel leading edge slats, single- and double-slotted flaps, an outboard aileron, and six spoilers. The wings are largely identical across all 757 variants, swept at 25 degrees, and optimized for a cruising speed of Mach 0.8 (533 mph or 858 km/h). The reduced wing sweep eliminates the need for inboard ailerons, yet incurs little drag penalty on short and medium length routes, during which most of the flight is spent climbing or descending. The airframe further incorporates carbon-fiber reinforced plastic wing surfaces, Kevlar fairings and access panels, plus improved aluminum alloys, which together reduce overall weight by 2,100 pounds (950 kg). To distribute the aircraft's weight on the ground, the 757 has a retractable tricycle landing gear with four wheels on each main gear and two for the nose gear. The landing gear was purposely designed to be taller than the company's previous narrow-body aircraft to provide ground clearance for stretched models. In 1982, the 757-200 became the first subsonic jetliner to offer longer lasting carbon brakes as a factory option, supplied by Dunlop. The stretched 757-300 features a retractable tailskid on its aft fuselage to prevent damage if the tail section contacts the runway surface during takeoff. Besides common avionics and computer systems, the 757 shares its auxiliary power unit, electric power systems, flight deck, and hydraulic parts with the 767. Through operational commonality, 757 pilots can obtain a common type rating to fly the 767 and share the same seniority roster with pilots of either aircraft. This reduces costs for airlines that operate both twinjets.
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influencermagazineuk · 2 months
Hold Steady: Bank of England's Rate Decision Explained
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Bank of England's Jonathan Haskel argues in opposition to cutting interest charges, stressing the need to govern inflation. This follows Rachel Reeves’ name for a UK economic evaluation. Key events include France’s Cac forty index actions, Carlsberg’s acquisition deals, Boeing’s fraud plea, and Paramount's merger with Skydance. Jonathan Haskel, a policymaker on the Bank of England, has counseled that hobby prices have to no longer be reduced till inflation pressures ease. He believes that preserving costs steady will assist manipulate inflation, that is currently better than the goal.Rachel Reeves Requests Economic AssessmentRachel Reeves, the new Chancellor, has asked an emergency evaluation of the UK’s financial state of affairs. She desires to recognize the financial challenges inherited from the previous government. Reeves referred to that the UK is dealing with its worst monetary conditions when you consider that World War II. Despite this, she stays corporation on decreasing the country wide debt.UK Economic ProspectsThe UK’s monetary outlook seems to have progressed after the recent elections. This is in keeping with Fitch, a credit score rating organization. They accept as true with that the new government’s rules would possibly positively affect the economic system.Haskel's View on Interest RatesJonathan Haskel, who is about to leave the economic coverage committee, emphasized the importance of maintaining interest rates. He argues that decreasing charges too soon won't efficaciously manage inflation. He prefers to attend until inflationary pressures have absolutely eased before making any rate cuts. Business and Market Updates  France’s Cac forty Index:   France’s primary inventory index, the Cac forty, skilled fluctuations after the current elections. Initially, it dropped but later recovered as buyers taken into consideration the potential for political balance.  Marston's and Carlsberg:   Marston's, a well-known pub organisation, saw its shares upward push after Carlsberg agreed to shop for its brewing joint task for £206 million. Additionally, Carlsberg has plans to shop for Robinson’s drink maker Britvic for £3.3 billion. Boeing’s Legal Troubles:   Boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a crook fraud charge associated with fatal crashes of its 737 Max jetliners. This improvement is a sizeable second for the employer because it tries to transport past these tragedies.  Paramount and Skydance Merger:   Paramount Global, a major Hollywood business enterprise, has agreed to merge with Skydance, an unbiased movie studio, in a $28 billion deal. This merger marks a vast change for Paramount, ending its ties with the Redstone family. Read the full article
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Flight Risk: The Boeing 787 Whistleblower Case
By Elliona Bannerman, North Carolina Central University, Class of 2022
April 12, 2024
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Currently, a case against Boeing International Aircraft Company and a Boeing quality engineer, Sam Salehpour, is taking place to discuss the safety concerns and assembly of the 787 Dreamliner aircraft [1]. He stated that he saw shortcuts being taken by Boeing during the creation of the 787 Dreamliner plane along with the 777 aircraft assembly to the Federal Aviation Association in January 2024 [1]. The purpose of this article is to discuss the history, overview, and upcoming legal battle for Boeing aircraft company.
There has been a history of safety problems faced by Boeing dates. In 2015, an auditor with the FAA came across a Boeing subcontractor falsifying certifications on several 777 aircraft that can result in short or fires [2]. In addition, tools were being left inside plane wings and improperly installed wires in 787s [2]. Boeing were made aware of these safety issues and agreed to fix them, but it was shown they failed to do so according to the FAA [2]. For various accounts of failing to comply with safety regulations, the records showed Boeing faced fines of up to ten of millions of dollars for each violation [2]. FAA officials gathered all the safety violations from Boeing together and negotiated a broader deal to address the systemic issues involving Boeing [2]. This resulted in heavy scrutiny over Boeing of crashes of their 787 Max jet, documents, and interviews that portrayed the aircraft company has problems regarding their safety known to federal regulators for years [2].
In the end, the FAA and Boeing signed a five-year settlement agreeing to pay $12 million and make significant changes to their internal safety systems and practices to ensure compliance
with regulations [2]. The settlement revealed cases of failure to correct certain fixes or problems that were happening on the aircraft [2]. Before this agreement was signed, employees at Boeing kept failing to insert “lock wires” into holes that are used to build planes, as it is stated by the FAA [2]. The company then agreed to provide “on-demand reports” to show documentation pertaining to Boeing’s work, but it was shown that Boeing portrayed some resistance to revealing that information [2].
Now in 2024, Boeing is facing another safety violation case where an engineer who is titled as a “whistleblower”, publicly revealed Boeing took “shortcuts” to meet their production goals [3]. He states the shortcuts to eagerly meet the production goals can shorten the life of the plane and potentially cause it to break apart mid-flight [3]. There has been a history of current and former employees of Boeing stating they express their concerns but are often retaliated against because of speaking up [3]. Boeing is trying to build their trust with aircraft and the public after a recent accident where the door panel on the side of the plane blew out midair from a 737 Max 8 in January of this year [3]. Boeing takes the position they strive to address all concerns and doesn’t promote retaliation offense against their employees [3]. This fallout for Boeing left CEO Dave Calhoun to step down before the end of the year and other executives being let go because of the matter reaching the top ranks in leadership [4].
The upcoming legal battle this aircraft company bears is a Senate hearing that calls CEO David Calhoun to testify about the company’s jetliners from an inquiry of safety violation from quality engineer, Sam Salehpour [5]. The hearing will be held April 17 to discuss the details of safety concerns involving the assembly of the 787 Dreamliner, as these problems can create “catastrophic risks to safety” to the company and public [5].
[1] CBS News. (2024). FAA investigating Boeing whistleblower claims about 787dreamliner. Retrieved from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/boeing-787-dreamliner-whistleblower-faa-investigating/ [2] The Washington Post. (2019). Long before the max disasters, Boeing had a history offailing to fix safety problems. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/long-before-the-max-disasters-boeing-had-a-history-of-failing-to-fix-safety-problems/2019/06/26/b4f5f720-86ee-11e9-a870-b9c411dc4312_story.html [3] NPR. (2024). Another Boeing whistleblower says he faced retaliation for reporting shortcuts. Retrieved from
[4] CNN. (2024). Boeing somehow managed to get itself into even bigger trouble. Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/10/investing/boeing-safety-problems/index.html
[5] Spectrum News. (2024). Congress summons Boeing’s CEO to testify on its jetliner safety following new whistleblower charges. Retrieved from https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/transportation/2024/04/10/congress-summons-boeing-s-ceo-to-testify-on-its-jetliner-safety-following-new-whistleblower-charges
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 3.17
45 BC – In his last victory, Julius Caesar defeats the Pompeian forces of Titus Labienus and Pompey the Younger in the Battle of Munda. 180 – Commodus becomes sole emperor of the Roman Empire at the age of eighteen, following the death of his father, Marcus Aurelius. 455 – Petronius Maximus becomes, with support of the Roman Senate, emperor of the Western Roman Empire; he forces Licinia Eudoxia, the widow of his predecessor, Valentinian III, to marry him. 1337 – Edward, the Black Prince is made Duke of Cornwall, the first Duchy in England. 1400 – Turko-Mongol emperor Timur sacks Damascus. 1776 – American Revolution: The British Army evacuates Boston, ending the Siege of Boston, after George Washington and Henry Knox place artillery in positions overlooking the city. 1805 – The Italian Republic, with Napoleon as president, becomes the Kingdom of Italy, with Napoleon as King of Italy. 1824 – The Anglo-Dutch Treaty is signed in London, dividing the Malay archipelago. As a result, the Malay Peninsula is dominated by the British, while Sumatra and Java and surrounding areas are dominated by the Dutch. 1842 – The Female Relief Society of Nauvoo is formally organized with Emma Smith as president. 1860 – The First Taranaki War begins in Taranaki, New Zealand, a major phase of the New Zealand Wars. 1861 – The Kingdom of Italy is proclaimed. 1862 – The first railway line of Finland between cities of Helsinki and Hämeenlinna, called Päärata, is officially opened. 1891 – SS Utopia collides with HMS Anson in the Bay of Gibraltar and sinks, killing 562 of the 880 passengers on board. 1901–present 1921 – The Second Polish Republic adopts the March Constitution. 1942 – Holocaust: The first Jews from the Lvov Ghetto are gassed at the Belzec death camp in what is today eastern Poland. 1945 – The Ludendorff Bridge in Remagen, Germany, collapses, ten days after its capture. 1948 – Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom sign the Treaty of Brussels, a precursor to the North Atlantic Treaty establishing NATO. 1950 – Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley announce the creation of element 98, which they name "californium". 1957 – A plane crash in Cebu, Philippines kills Philippine President Ramon Magsaysay and 24 others. 1958 – The United States launches the first solar-powered satellite, which is also the first satellite to achieve a long-term orbit.[ 1960 – U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the National Security Council directive on the anti-Cuban covert action program that will ultimately lead to the Bay of Pigs Invasion. 1960 – Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 710 crashes in Tobin Township, Perry County, Indiana, killing 63. 1963 – Mount Agung erupts on Bali killing more than 1,100 people. 1966 – Off the coast of Spain in the Mediterranean, the DSV Alvin submarine finds a missing American hydrogen bomb. 1968 – As a result of nerve gas testing by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps in Skull Valley, Utah, over 6,000 sheep are found dead. 1969 – Golda Meir becomes the first female Prime Minister of Israel. 1973 – The Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph Burst of Joy is taken, depicting a former prisoner of war being reunited with his family, which came to symbolize the end of United States involvement in the Vietnam War. 1979 – The Penmanshiel Tunnel collapses during engineering works, killing two workers. 1985 – Serial killer Richard Ramirez, aka the "Night Stalker", commits the first two murders in his Los Angeles murder spree. 1988 – A Colombian Boeing 727 jetliner, Avianca Flight 410, crashes into a mountainside near the Venezuelan border killing 143. 1988 – Eritrean War of Independence: The Nadew Command, an Ethiopian army corps in Eritrea, is attacked on three sides by military units of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front in the opening action of the Battle of Afabet. 1992 – Israeli Embassy attack in Buenos Aires: Car bomb attack kills 29 and injures 242. 1992 – A referendum to end apartheid in South Africa is passed 68.7% to 31.2%.
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bhartibhati · 2 years
Masters in Aerospace Engineering in Germany
Due to their effective blend of high strength, low weight, and life span, composite materials, one of the essential materials utilized at Airbus, have at times been alluded to as the state of aviation's future. From the upward stabilizer of the A310, which filled in as the organization's most memorable business aircraft, to the A350 XWB of today, which has the greater part of its construction made of composites, Airbus has been utilizing composites in its business jetliners.
The PFH German university offers an experts course in MS in Lightweight Engineering & composites in Germany or Ms in mechanical engineering in germany
Basically, at least two fundamental components with different physical or compound properties are utilized to make composite materials. When joined, they show beneficial actual properties that are altogether different from what every part can propose all alone. The assembling of a few top-level German undertakings incorporates the utilization of carbon fiber.
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bbrandy2002 · 3 years
A Beautiful Ending
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Pairing: Liam x MC
Book: The Royal Romance
A/N and Trigger Warning: I’ve had this one stored away in my mind for a nearly 2 years, the idea itself being based on something I’d watched a long time ago. It will only be a few chapters long. **There will be a character death in this, and it does involve a child. **  I can say though, what you think is going to happen isn’t exactly what happens, not that that makes it any better. 
Word count: 1105
Billowing vapors of heat and humidity rose like seas of sweltering fractals across the tarmac. The slosh of softening tar and cement could be heard as a small caravan, led by the Royal Guard in SUVs and motorcycles, drove boldly through the gates that led to the private 757 jetliner owned by the Crown.
The limo came to a complete stop with a squeal of its brakes and dulling engine, just steps away from the plane. Bastien causally departed the front passenger's side, adjusting the brim of his black woolen suit jacket, the bright yellow sun reflecting in the shaded frames of his glasses. Within only a few seconds, beads of warm sweat had already pooled at his temple and slowly crept along his hairline.
A Cordonian summer could be cruel and intense.
Pausing for just a split-second, he winced at the stiffness and throb in his knee as he took his first step -- a constant reminder of what he gave for the crown six years ago at the Costume Ball.
A constant reminder of what was always at stake.
He stepped away with an unremarkable limp to the rear of the limo and placed a firm grip on the door latch; he glanced to his left, then to his right, ensuring his men and women were in their designated positions. Confidence and precision were essential here; everyone knew their part. One wrong move, an error in judgment, or a slight mishap, could make the difference between life and an unthinkable tragedy. Nothing should ever be taken for granted.
For what they are securing inside that vehicle wasn't just royalty -- a young King and Queen of Cordonia -- but a little family, precious cargo, timeless treasures of love and devotion to one another.
A beautiful beginning.
In all of his 25 years of service, Bastien Lykel understood all too well what the King had lost: a childhood marred of its innocence, the untimely death of a beloved mother, the horrific death of an implacable father, and the plans he had prepared for his life as the spare. It was all terribly sad, really, but in the here and now, His Majesty carried on happily with the help of one woman and the two children they lovingly brought into the world. To Bastien, he would be damned if he allowed another deadly incident to take all that away from Liam.
But sometimes, those unforeseen occurrences caught up with a person — destiny and fate bowed to no one.
Nodding to the driver who stood on the opposite side of the limo from him, they simultaneously opened the doors.
Almost instantly, a powerful gust of wind swept through the vehicle, causing Riley's lustrous textured hair to become artfully messy as it hurtled wildly across her radiantly smiling face.
With knees pressed together and her grinning one-year-old son -- whose wispy blonde locks resembled the most yellowish of marigolds -- wrapped in her secure arms, the beaming Queen stepped out into the noisy haze. Her floral print sundress twisted and clashed like a dauntless flag against her thighs, and she had the presence of mind to bunch up the lower part to keep her backside from making its way onto the front pages of newspapers again.
Shifting her son higher on her hip, the Queen whirled around to see if the other half of her heart was behind her.
Across from them, the driver stepped back and lowered his head to the towering figure of the King as he made his way out of the limo. Offering a courteous wave and smile to several dozen royal watchers, all pressing themselves against a chain-length fence several yards away, calling out his name, Liam reached back inside the limo where a tiny hand clamped onto his and scooted her way across the leather seats to join him at his side. A smaller version of her mother, the five-year-old princess shot a curious glance at the boisterous crowd; she could never quite figure out why people were so interested in what her family was doing.
While staff worked diligently on loading luggage onto the plane, the family of four joined Bastien, who would follow closely behind them as they headed toward the rolling steps of the jet.
The enthusiastic crowd roared louder when they got the first glimpses of the monarchs with their small children together. Liam and Riley enjoyed a popularity that seemingly was unparallel to anything the country had ever experienced. None of which would be possible without their generosity and charismatic personalities; the press and the people clung to their comings and goings like magnets.
Liam gently tugged on his daughter's balmy hand while she sluggishly trudged alongside him. He shook his head with an amused grin, taking in her dainty curls, bouncing and bobbing with each change in the wind's direction. There's nothing quite like admiring your very own piece of artwork, whose hearty giggles or cries had the ability to break him into a withering shell of himself.
Placing his other hand on the small of Riley's back as she took the first step onto the stairs, Liam's stoic gaze turned back to acknowledge his citizens one last time with a quick wave before ascending the steps behind his wife. Thoughts of a long, exhausting work week were put behind him, and he looked forward to landing in Greece within the hour. It had been months since the family last got away together and even longer since he'd visited his brother, Leo.
As Liam's foot hit the fourth step, a thunderous commotion of sorts broke out over the blare of the jet's whirling engines. There was no time to turn and see what had caused the crowd to erupt. No time to even process whether their gasps were something nonsensical or cause for concern. It was the gentle hand that had earlier clutched his so tightly, in only the way a daughter who trusted her father's loving protection would, slipping away, that gained his attention.
He couldn't catch her -- a fact that would torment him later. It wouldn't have made much difference, but his long-held beliefs were that a daddy was supposed to be the one to catch his child, not the guard.
But this wasn't a fall or a slip.
Liam's eyes widened, a noticeable expression of worry and panic etched on his face. His Princess laid limply, motionless, outwardly void of life, in Bastien's arms. "El?" he muttered, with a shudder in his voice, before tearing her away from the clutches of his head guard and cleaving her to his breathless chest.
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sentinelchicken · 3 years
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N8751R, a Boeing 737-8 MAX, unloads at Oakland International Airport after an early morning nonstop flight from Dallas Love Field. Scattered rain showers were moving through the Bay Area and it lent a wonderful atmospheric mood to the morning. ⁣ ⁣ Southwest began service to Oakland on 15 May 1989 with fourteen daily departures to Phoenix, Ontario, and San Diego. It was the 28th station to join the airline's network. ⁣ ⁣ On 26 November 1998, Southwest’s first transcontinental flight traveled roundtrip between Oakland and Baltimore/Washington. This one-day flight experiment was conducted to formally evaluate Southwest’s operations on long-haul flights. Each passenger onboard completed a survey, and the results were overwhelmingly positive. To celebrate the landmark Thanksgiving Day flight, each passenger was given a choice between a smoked turkey or a bottle of Wild Turkey.⁣ ⁣ For an airline that began its days in 1971 flying short hops between the "Texas Triangle" of Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, that first transcon flight on Thanksgiving in 1998 was a watershed moment that would not only redefine Southwest Airlines, but also that of the Boeing 737 family as the first 737-700s were delivered to Southwest just a year prior. What was once conceived as a short-haul jetliner was now capable of transcon flights with trans-oceanic flights around the corner. ⁣ ⁣ Happy New Year to all my friends and followers. My wish for everyone is that 2022 offers the chance to redefine your lives in positive ways that we may not have had the opportunity to do in 2020 and 2021!⁣ ⁣ #avgeek #aviation #aircraft #planeporn #KOAK #OAK #Oakland #California #airport #planespotting #instaplane #Boeing #737 #N8751R #Southwest #SWApic⁣ ⁣ #instagramaviation #splendid_transport #instaaviation #aviationlovers #aviationphotography #flight ⁣ ⁣ #AvGeeksAero #AvgeekSchoolofKnowledge #AvGeekNation #TeamAvGeek (at Oakland International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYLj-23rYjW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ufonaut · 3 years
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Are there things you cannot possibly explain? Are strange things happening to you? These four may be your last hope!
The Challengers of the Unknown section on the DC Comics website from July 1997.
Transcripts under the cut:
Step into The Light...
The scene: A jumbo jetliner crashes in the Rockies. In the aftermath, four lone survivors pull themselves from the wreckage and are instantly transfixed by a mysterious bright light bathing the disaster site. The light, growing brighter and brighter by the second, "sings" to them, envelops them, until it is all... until it is everything!
After the accident, race car driver Clay Brody, theoretical physicist Brenda Ruskin, game designer Kenn Kawa, and pilot Marlon Corbet go back to their lives - lives which now seem shallow and unreal. In the weeks that follow the strange occurrence, each is haunted by recurring dreams of the crash and its aftermath, blindly unaware of the changes that have taken place - altering their lives forever!
The four are unexpectedly reunited by Sands, an elderly gentleman with a very special power: the ability to recognize others who have also been touched by The Light. The mysterious benefactor makes them an intriguing offer: If they agree to band together to continue his work, he'll fund them, give them access to information he's gathered over the years, and help them develop their newfound powers. This could be the turning point.. the moment they've been waiting for: to seek the truth, explore the unexplainable... to challenge the unknown!
Flamboyant in style, Ruskin is deeply passionate about her career and most other things in her life. Easily the smartest of the Challengers, she became one of the youngest theoretical physicist in history, working out the mysteries of quarks and dark matter, and her nerve and straightforwardness put her in demand on the lecture circuit. Her love life is less successful, and whereas Brody has no relationships, she has too many of them, with old boyfriends tending to pop up at the worst possible times. Her romances tend to be short-fused and burn out rapidly.
While she has no surviving family, she's ardent both in theorizing about the unknown and in placing those theories in the context of existing scientific knowledge, to make the unknown understandable, though she has a more liberal definition of understandable than most. Her innate empathy with technology seems somehow stronger since the incident that created the Challengers, but it doesn't unsettle her.
An only child pushed to excellence by parents at the expense of friends, Ruskin seeks companionship as much as knowledge from the Challengers. But the one she feels closest to is Kenn. Though she's serious about being friends with all of them; she's almost always at odds with Corbett, and finds Brody alternately arrogant and smothering, as if he can't believe she can take care of herself. Sparks of all kinds occasionally fly between her and all members of the group. She just loves the adventure and the sheer "unintellectuality" of the whole thing.
Pilot, from Denver, CO. Marlon comes from a middle-class background with strong family values, including strong but not overbearing, traditional religious beliefs and a liberal political tradition. Though the urge that drove him to fly was to find something beyond all that.
Following a liberal arts college education, Corbett enlisted in the air force, and later became a civilian pilot. His family is large, supportive and tightly knit, he's probably the most eager of all the Challengers to dig into their mission, and easily the most lighthearted.
Of the four of them, Corbett has the most to lose by his involvement in the Challengers. His family and fiancee, (who's threatening to end their engagement), don't understand his involvement with "the occult" along with his willingness to abandon his job, and he's not even certain he understands it himself. The situation becomes a test of his family's strength.
Marlon has been troubled by unsettling dreams since the incident that created the Challengers. He disregards the feelings until he meets Sands and realizes they are all changed.
Because he has the strongest family life of the four of them, he is both the most supportive member of the group and apparently the most tenuous, since he has a life elsewhere. But he's tied to the group by the desire to be something more than what he has been, to not be just a member of his family or of a nondescript flight crew, but to stand out, to prove himself. the most easygoing of the group, he openly likes everyone, rising above their petty squabbles and frequently providing the viewpoint that lets the rest of the group rise above them, too.
His natural charm makes him a good front man for the group when they have to deal with the public or smooth the ruffled features of officials.
The hardest to pigeonhole of all the Challengers, Kawa designs role-playing games for a living, and enjoys his skill at "playing" widely diverse characters. A firm believer in believing, his beliefs are equally mutable, tending toward wilder concepts; one week he'll espouse psychic surgery, the next primal scream therapy, the next Zen meditation. His family offers no clue to his true nature: his parents divorced, they and his sister are scattered across the globe, and he rarely sees them, though they exchange the usual birthday and holiday cards.
Unknown to anyone, he has an ex-wife and child, but prefers to keep them away from this part of his life. Kawa meanders through relationships with women, who tend to remain his friend rather than angry ex-lovers when he breaks up with them. But Kawa has constants: loyalty, an active practical imagination, an eye for details, a zest for new possibilities - and the ability to keep a secret.
Certain aspects of his fluid character are affecting his everyday life since the incident that created the Challengers, but he welcomes it, embracing anything new as a positive change in his being. Kawa enjoys periodically changing the direction of his life, so the Challengers come at the right time for him. There's little malicious about Kawa, but he delights in testing, seeing how far things can be pushed before he has to go a different way, and this is his chance to test reality. He "tests" his fellow Challengers as well, constantly challenging their preconceptions; he's the most open to the unknown of all of them. He particularly pushes Ruskin's buttons, triggered by her hot temper and her subtle claims to intellectual superiority, but underneath it all they enjoy each others company.
Race car driver, from Pikeville KY. Coming from a coal mining family, Brody is solid and dependable, but his childhood also left him with a taste for risk, and beating it. His father is dead, his mother and his three sisters have never left KY; and since a wild period in his teens when they wrote him off as bad, he hasn't dealt with any of them.
He's very methodological, believing only in what he can see, feel, plan or strategize. Even following his encounter with The Light, Brody resists acceptance of the paranormal and particularly of the spiritual, viewing everything with a skeptical, grounded eye. But, even he cannot deny that his experience during the incident that created the Challengers has changed him, and that change frightens him the more he understands it. Until he meets Sands, and learns the others have been similarly changed, he thinks he's going crazy.
While pleasant enough toward the others, and far from hostile, Brody is guarded around them, determined to find rational explanations for what they investigate, to ground the group in what he perceives as reality. In many ways, he's their anchor. He stays with the Challengers due to a secret need for a family he never really had, but learned behavior with his own family gets in the way. What the others mistake for occasional arrogance is actually shyness. He's rarely without black driving gloves, not really for his image, he wears them to guard himself from... something.
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razieltwelve · 3 years
Final Earth Exports (Final Earth)
Final Earth is an AU in which Vanille accidentally opens a portal to an Earth very similar to ours by accident. The main differences is that nothing associated with the Final Rose universe (e.g., RWBY, Final Fantasy, etc.) exists there and they don’t have the same political leaders we do.
For the Children of Remnant, Earth is a veritable gold mine. There are huge quantities of resources (e.g., raw materials, food, etc.) and comparatively little danger. Obviously, Earth isn’t perfect, but we’re also not locked in existential battle against a bunch of monsters that spend all of their free time wondering how they can kill us all more efficiently. To get at those resources, what could Remnant export to Earth?
Let’s have a look at some possibilities.
Energy Simply put, Remnant is centuries ahead of Earth in power production. Final Earth is set when Fraise is in her twenties, so Remnant already has access to not only hyper-efficient fission reactors but also fusion reactors of all kinds. As in, they literally have portable fusion reactors and fusion reactors that can be scaled from small enough to fit into a closet to large enough to power entire continents. They’ve also got a functional orbital solar collection system/death ray.
Imagine you’re Australia (the portal opens up to the middle of the Australian desert). Now, one of the things people complain about the most is cost of living, and a big part of that is electricity. If Remnant were to build a power plant for Australia, they could massively reduce the cost of electricity. This would benefit not only regular people but also industry and commerce. Moreover, Australia’s political leaders would love it.
Want to get re-elected? Tell everybody the cost of electricity is going down by at least 75% and watch the votes just roll in, not to mention the reduction in the cost of goods and services. With drones to aid construction techniques, they could have a hyper-efficient fission reactor or a fusion reactor built in months, maybe less.
Medical Care One of the few upsides of waging existential war for centuries is advancements in medical technology. As long as you’re not dead, there’s very little that Remnant can’t fix. Earth humans are actually easier to fix since they don’t have complex Aura circulatory systems or anything like that.
Setting aside medical science, there are also a whole heap of Semblances like Fraise that would, by Earth standards, be considered miracles. 
Not only would exporting medical care be extremely profitable it would also be another fantastic means of securing political support. Again, any leader would leap at the chance to be able to tell their constituents that all those medical problems they have can now be dealt with. This might sound awful, but can you imagine what it would do for a leader’s polling numbers if they could point at Remnant and say to people: don’t worry, that terminal illness you’ve got, that paralysis you’ve got? No problems. They can fix it. Just vote for me, and I’ll get the deal done.
Reproductive Science The cost of fertility treatment is enormous and results are not guaranteed. That’s not an issue for Remnant. Give them two people, and they’ll have a baby ready to go before you know it. Like the other exports, this is another automatic win in the public relations department (you just know Jihl and Jahne are going to push this angle hard).
Transport Remnant has way more advanced transport like actual flying warships, transports, etc. I can think of plenty of world leaders who might want a stealth capable aircraft that can manoeuvre like a more agile helicopter but packs the speed of a fighter jet and the range of a commercial jetliner. 
Tourism Let’s be blunt. People like cute and awesome stuff. Remnant has plenty of both. I’m sure people would pay handsomely to get to ride a chocobo or to see some of the wildlife in Remnant. It’s like Jurassic park except instead of just giant reptiles, you can get giant tigers, giant rats, giant birds, giant... everything, basically.
Culture Earth loves heroes. We make sportspeople, celebrities, and so on into heroes and put them up on pedestals. How might Earth people react when they have a chance to see actual superheroes with actual superpowers in action? I have a sneaking suspicion that hunters will become super popular on Earth, and that tournament and hunting footage will make piles of money. And that’s not counting other aspects of Remnant’s culture and civilisation that might be popular. Yes, you know what I’m talking about. Remnant has actual cat girls. The internet would explode.
Weapons Yeah, Remnant kind of has the whole weapons thing down. Even if they don’t give out their most up to date weaponry, they’re still decades, maybe even further ahead of Earth. After all, this is a civilisation that has functional laser weapons, mechs, aerial warships, rail guns, plasma weapons, orbital death rays, etc.
Mercenaries There are plenty of battles being fought on Earth. Can you imagine what even a lower-level hunter would be able to do on the battlefield? Heck, imagine what the average student at Beacon would do to human opponents who don’t have Aura. It’d be like sending superheroes out to fight civilians.
Of course, you could also go a step further. Imagine someone like Snow being deployed onto a battlefield. That blue giant of his is capable of standing up to nukes and has attacks that are considered weapons of mass destruction. Imagine Lumina taking the field. Imagine Elsa.
Other Services This is a category that kind of lumps together all of the other stuff Remnant can do that Earth can’t. Take someone like Elsa. Do you have a weather problem? Is your country suffering from draught or about to be hit by blizzards/hurricanes? No problem. Pay the fee, get it fixed. Quick and easy. Guaranteed. Have a science issue? Vanille and her lab can get it handled. Want someone to interrogate your suspects? Pay the right price, and Jihl has you sorted.
Gary No world is safe.
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Author’s Notes
Earth meeting Remnant would be fascinating. Of all the nations on Remnant, I think Atlas would be the most interested since they have the most difficult position in terms of territory and resources. It’s a good thing they’ve got Jihl to go snooping around for deals. It’s not like she won’t take shameless advantage of the situation...
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
I also write original fiction, which you can find on Amazon here or on Audible here.
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yuuana · 3 years
Music Monday #183: WayV-TEN & YANGYANG - Low Low  release: August 2021 genre: Kpop*
Another Monday and oh look, I'm running late on getting this selection up. Not helped by the fact that it took me rather awhile to decide which track to do today. This is the problem with having fifty songs and only so many slots for sharing them. :p
Sparing you my rant on the elephant in the room* so we can just focus on these two and whether or not this is SMCU or not. Because it is ... and it isn't? But it sort of is? See, the thing with SMCU is a lot of fandom theorycrafting (since SM isn't publishing the lore more directly) is based on visuals first, dropped hints in off-shots and interviews second, and lyrics more or less never. Which gives fans a lot of room to theorize while ignoring lyrics that may or may not (often not) fit with the theories. "Low Low" is a pretty typical lightweight party song about a boy (or two) trying to encourage his girlfriend to either stop keeping their relationship in the closet or just end things. The music video showcases a fun dance sequence, but the more I watch it, the less connected to the lyrics the narrative portion of the video seems to be. It's still a fun summertime romp, but.... So where does this fit? Well, if I hadn't watched Ten & Yangyang's reaction video, I probably never would have connected this to the SMCU in the first place. See, up to this point, I was under the impression that one needed either a spaceship or an interdimentional portal (or both) to travel between Kwangya and Kosmo ... but this seems to suggest a simple commerical jetliner could do the trip - the tickets they get cite Kwangya and Kosmo as destination and origination points for their flight. That they take together instead of with the girl mentioned in the lyrics. Make of that what you will. The zapping of the van into a sportscar doesn't entirely fit with the constructed universe's functioning, but that could just be because pieces are still missing. Of course it's entirely possible this entire narrative adventure is happening, not in the actual world(s), but in the virtual one of The Dream (even though neither Ten nor Yangyang are technically Dreamers, theory is that any NCT member might be able to access The Dream). The ultimately nonsensical nature of The Dream would fit with the crazier, non-linear bits of the narrative of the video - where else would it make sense to pack toys and a bb gun instead of clothes for a vacation? If it is just The Dream, then that raises questions of when, why, and how Ten and Yangyang ended up there ... but that's theorizing that's going to have to wait for more crumbs. * Usually for WayV, I'd go with C-pop or Mandopop, since they're the Chinese subunit of NCT, but this song is in English and isn't being promoted in China anyway. COVID made things difficult ... and then the cultural witch hunts began. Given the regime's heavy leaning in on Han supremecy rhetoric over the last few years, things were probably always headed this direction ... but a music review column is really not the right place for all that. Especially since Ten and Yangyang have already been repeatedly put in an awkward position by interviewers and fans both, so...end of footnote. Want to sponsor a song selection? You sweet angel! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. DW | Twitter | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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You'll need a boutonniere. Actress Kathryn Harrold is 66.
You'll need a boutonniere. Actress Kathryn Harrold is 66. That ended when the tigers tried to swallow Tyrosh. A few service members are called into a room, where they are connected virtually to their family members who are at the game.. And Jetlines will stick to one model of aircraft to streamline maintenance costs, cutting the company costs by another 2.5 per cent. When he hears his wife’s ‘bused, ‘t an’t like as how it is when he sees it. Benson and Arts each had specific projects for renovating different parts of the icebreaker. In fact, improving our breathing could help to lower blood pressure, decrease stress, improve athletic performance, and maybe even increase brain size.. Bells sang in his hair. He took her to Mexico, emancipated and married her. At his command, Quentyn Martell had been laid out in the queen’s own bed. These might not hurt too much in asia but will hurt on away tours to aus nz eng sa. She sent to Charleston, and bought a quadroon girl, very nearly white, for her son. There's still more: A third vehicle can be stored in a carport open at both front and back, and a second floor porch off the studio capitalizes on the mountain view. I believe I’ll—”. A component that is sometimes overlooked is what you should wear. “OPEN THE GATES,” bellowed Ser Clayton Suggs, in a voice as deep as a warhorn. Arun Gosain at Rainbow Babies Children's Hospital.. Dogs do like me, anyway. Dany gave her wild children one last lingering look. Newsweek writes:. Johns was defended by I. “My father did not send me here to amuse the queen in the bedchamber. So, he won the advantage, but really I won the advantage because it was exactly the theme I would have picked for myself . Tuesday, March 29, at the Alternative Cafe. This is something I trying to learn and put into practice.. 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Coarse grey stubble, going white in patches, covered his cheeks and chin. Those within then attempted to capitulate, but were refused with curses by the mob, who threatened to legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát burn the store, and shoot them as they came out. Even if he had wanted to resist, he did not have the strength. She got caught up with the wrong people at the wrong time who thought it was a game to drag her down with them. “You do it. When the flames had papuci de casa din pasla licked at Rattleshirt, the ruby at her throat had grown so hot that she had feared her own flesh might start to smoke and blacken. And Elizabeth Crozier, Fort Campbell, Ky. Sweet, sad, hilarious and propulsive with its narrative, it the story of Sin Dee (Kitana Kiki Rodriguez), who on being released from prison is told by her best friend that her boyfriend is cheating. The airplane being here in Paris, debuting at the Air Show, flying circuits every afternoon, it generated more interest. 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Friends may visit French Mortuary, 1111 University Blvd. He speaks of a part of Georgia where as much attention had been paid to the comfort of the negro as in any part of the United States. This is why I say that they are the most amazing and most accomplished class.". The three surviving fiery fingers had not been sold yet, but they were chattels of the Lord of Light and could count on being bought back by some red temple. “Escort our guests to the baths, that they may refresh themselves, and bring them food and drink.”. They are studying. A horno teka hc 610 me blanco long time Boeing customer, British Airways ordered 59 Airbus A320 family aircraft in August 1998. Some of its people have made significant contributions to the country and to the world.". Our correspondent, whose letter bears date the 13th inst., says:. If you leave early, you might be able to fulfill all your personal responsibilities. Ysilla had the tiller.. 891 4336.. External industry factors affecting small businesses, such as competition, legislation and changes in technology, influences the enterprise's decision criteria. Spoke, I suppose, some half an hour, and dismissed. "It's only a blessing from God Almighty that I have this opportunity, Rod, to go see the pope and be in the same room with the president and the pope and all the dignitaries of the United States," said Ortner, who is a Dunkerton native. Men would break up all ranks of society, and throw all property into a common stock; but Christ would inspire the higher class with that Divine Spirit by which all the wealth and means and advantages of their position are used for the good of the lower.. The plan which I adopted, and the one by which I was most successful, was that of making friends of all the little white boys whom I met in the street. Game for the Hoppers, who will play Kannapolis for the 21st and final time this season.. I have said already that as soon as the old man sat down in his chair he would fix his eye on something and not remove it the whole evening. And what’s the use of the high-flown stuff? I shouldn’t have understood it myself. In short, shoppers heralded the new store as a victory for Virginia gun owners. There's a single 120 mm fan on the back panel and a couple of hose grommets for custom water cooling loops. On cloudy days it looked to be white rock. This 25 years old lady showed an expansile, osteolytic, trabeculated lesion involving the epiphysis and metaphysis of the distal end of the radius, with a narrow zone of transition, the lesion extending upto the articular surface (Figs. In the first place it happens to suit me, and secondly I am not at home, but out with you . Unlike most artists who visit the Garden stage as an opener, Springsteen's refusal to open for other artists (after disastrous experiences doing so) meant he'd only been there once before, as an opener for Chicago in 1973, before he'd put his policy into effect.
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sunflowersstan · 5 years
Andante, Andante
So. This is just a little snippet I wrote, and I’m not sure if I’ll continue from here. It’s Alpha!Steve Rogers/Omega!Female Reader (if you’re not into that, please ignore this as I wanted to try something out of my comfort zone). I tried to make the reader, although female, as neutral as possible (my goal was to not include any defining features that indicates she’s a specific race. If I messed up though, please feel free to correct me). Slightly nsfw, so be careful of wandering eyes.
This version of Steve was inspired by @howdoyousleep3’s Alpha!Steve in her fic “Like It’s the Only Thing I’ll Ever Do”. Please read it, it’s a fantastic series and will satisfy your stucky cravings. 😉
Thank you to @howdoyousleep3 and @leisurelypanda for the encouragement! Title came from the song “Andante Andante” by ABBA.
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written fanfiction, so...please accept this garbage. *runs and hides*
The wispy autumn breeze caresses her face as a window is opened, bringing a welcome chill into a room that has been steamy for the past five days. Her eyes flutter open, a pleasant ache tingling through her core as she adjusts positions on the bed. Only the sheets are covering her, covers and pillows strewn all around the room. Her eyes land on him. An alpha. Her alpha.
Her alpha that is built like a jetliner, but is sweet as sugar. Sandy blond hair, a matching beard that is grown out a little longer than its usual length. Soft blue eyes that lets her know she’s home. Her safe place. Her refuge.
She can’t help but be in love.
He turns around, naked as the day he was born, eyes twinkling at what he sees. His cheeks flush, a sweet smile brewing at the corner of his lips. He crawls back into bed, immediately wrapping her in his burly arms. “How are you feeling?”
It’s a personal question. This was her first heat that she’s experienced with an alpha, which set off his rut. Their intermingled scent permeates the room. She could get used to this being a recurring experience.
“Good.” She answers, eyes flicking down to his plush lips and back up to his eyes. His long eyelashes frame those stunning eyes that are scanning over her body, landing on the new marks he scattered over he breasts, her collarbone, and her thighs. He smirks to himself, as if he takes pride in the picture he’s painted. He is an artist, after all.
“Yeah?” He responds, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Mmm sugar, you smell so good. Smell like me.” He mumbles, taking a deep breath through his nose once it reaches her scent gland. She lets a soft noise escape from her lips, fingers curling into his hair. “Glad I could be here, help you, provide for you.” He rumbles. If there is one thing she learned about her alpha from this heat, it’s that he is insatiable. He thinks of her as the most gorgeous person in the world, treasures her, satisfies her more than can be articulated.
“Steve,” she whispers, bringing a leg over his, a large hand gripping her hip, creeping down towards her ass to grab at it. “God, Steve Rogers, you are something special.” She lets out a breathy giggle, caressing his cheekbone one he looks back up at her.
He kisses her, hand landing in her hair as their lips move, press, and nip against one another. He reluctantly pulls away, tipping her chin up when he brings his hand back down to her face. “Could say the same about you, baby. You were a sweet girl for me during your heat, yeah?” She nods, biting her lip. “Course you were, angel. Always such a good girl for me.”
She melts against him. To other people, she is kind, but she can be feisty when needed. She’s independent and compassionate, capable in more ways than one. With Steve Rogers as her alpha though, how can she resist giving into her baser needs? Comply with what her instincts (and her designation) tell her to do? She’s never been so eager and pliant to please another man before.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events (after 1940)
1941 – World War II: During the preliminaries of the Battle of Rostov, German forces reach the Sea of Azov with the capture of Mariupol. 1943 – World War II: Around 30 civilians are executed by Friedrich Schubert's paramilitary group in Kallikratis, Crete. 1944 – World War II: Captain Bobbie Brown earns a Medal of Honor for his actions during the Battle of Crucifix Hill, just outside Aachen. 1952 – The Harrow and Wealdstone rail crash kills 112 people. 1956 – The New York Yankees's Don Larsen pitches the only perfect game in a World Series. 1962 – Der Spiegel publishes an article disclosing the sorry state of the Bundeswehr, and is soon accused of treason. 1967 – Guerrilla leader Che Guevara and his men are captured in Bolivia. 1969 – The opening rally of the Days of Rage occurs, organized by the Weather Underground in Chicago. 1970 – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wins the Nobel Prize in literature. 1973 – Yom Kippur War: Israel loses more than 150 tanks in a failed attack on Egyptian-occupied positions. 1973 – Spyros Markezinis begins his 48-day term as prime minister in an abortive attempt to lead Greece to parliamentary rule. 1974 – Franklin National Bank collapses due to fraud and mismanagement; at the time it is the largest bank failure in the history of the United States. 1978 – Australia's Ken Warby sets the current world water speed record of 275.97 knots at Blowering Dam, Australia. 1982 – Poland bans Solidarity and all other trade unions. 1982 – After its London premiere, Cats opens on Broadway and runs for nearly 18 years before closing on September 10, 2000. 1990 – First Intifada: Israeli police kill 17 Palestinians and wound over 100 near the Dome of the Rock. 1991 – Upon the expiration of the Brioni Agreement, Croatia and Slovenia sever all official relations with Yugoslavia. 2001 – A twin engine Cessna and a Scandinavian Airlines System jetliner collide in heavy fog during takeoff from Milan, Italy, killing 118 people. 2001 – U.S. President George W. Bush announces the establishment of the Office of Homeland Security. 2005 – The 7.6 Mw  Kashmir earthquake leaves 86,000–87,351 people dead, 69,000–75,266 injured, and 2.8 million homeless. 2014 – Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person in the United States to be diagnosed with Ebola, dies. 2016 – In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, the death toll rises to nearly 900. 2019 – About 200 Extinction Rebellion activists block the gates of Leinster House (parliament) in the Republic of Ireland. 2020 – Second Nagorno-Karabakh War: Azerbaijan twice deliberately targeted the Church of the Holy Savior Ghazanchetsots of Shusha.
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