#jesus christ on a bike honestly
poetlcs · 1 year
people who are like "oh people don't know women do these things because media is written by men so we don't see women portrayed this way.." like yeah ok men write a lot of media but thats beside the point because I also I KNOW IN REAL LIFE WOMEN??? I'm not relying on the media to tell me what women are like BECAUSE I KNOW A LOT OF VARIED WOMEN??
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rosquinn · 17 days
Tumblr media
this scene is actually fucking insane
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
leaving bikeriders anon here again i’m going crazy over the back and forth constant neither of them saying anything out of nervousness of it all like of COURSE it would take them forever to actually get together there would have to be an honest to god crisis a completely off-kilter situation for them to get together they’re so bad at communicating. also have not been able to get the thought of them running into each other by chance at a bar across town and even though bucky showed up with people he just ends up at a table in the corner with gale the whole night. gale jokingly asks if john is even old enough to drink which turns into a whole thing where john suddenly has to prove to gale that he CAN drink and he IS old enough and is Definitely Worthy of gale’s attention. anyways!
HIII i'm still ON one about this too dw
exactly my goddd the back and forth would be physically painful to write/read honestly lol the flirtation and the sexual tension!!
ur so right smth absolutely wild would have to happen, or one of them would have to slip up, or there'd have to be an argument where feelings are blurted out in anger/hurt, orrrr, in relation to your idea at the end which i'm going clinically insane over bee tee dubs:
john is so offended by the insinuation that he's too young to drink even if gale's joking, made worse probably by gale throwing in a kid– "you old enough to be in here, kid?" with the corner of his mouth quirking up a bit.
john puffs his chest out and tries not to let the one beer he's had slur his words, goes "'course i am" all huffy, rolls his eyes, reaches for gale's full shot glass while holding determined eye contact and tips it back without a second thought, really has to clench his fist in his lap for a second when it threatens to come right back up, not used to anything quite so harsh.
it's not gale's intention to egg him on like that, john's just bristly, a messy college kid used to bulldozing his way through life, never turning down a bet or challenge, has maybe been watching a pretty girl hang off gale's other side on top of everything and wants to prove that he can be exciting and mature too.
john ends up drinking too much, taking whatever shots the others in gale's group pass him for their entertainment until gale shuts the next person who tries down with a pointed glare, slides the shot glass away before john can reach for it, says "alright, we're cutting you off" when john whines out a complaint, leaning heavily against gale's side.
the night ends with gale helping john out of the bar because john's friends leave long before he does. he gets john out to the parking lot out front, gets him situated on the back of his motorcycle, keeps a hand on his shoulder and asks where home is, and john's like, "oh, no, can't go home like this buck, dad'll gimme a shiner" and gale's jaw clenches hard, but it's not the time to get angry.
he's at a loss, because he's not gonna bring john home to an environment he's had a faint suspicion isn't the greatest since they met (however that might have been, that's shit for me to plot out later lol) but bringing him to his house seems like a bad idea, but he's also not sure what to do and john's friends don't seem the greatest to just leave him with a borderline stranger. so what else is there to do?
"am i gonna have to tie you to me, or are you gonna hold on tight?" he asks as he climbs on the bike in front of john, and john giggles out a "y'can tie me to wh'tever y'want," filter completely gone from how sloshed he is, and gale looks to the sky and says a silent prayer because jesus fucking christ. what.
i'm like 99% certain that alcohol would be involved in a feelings confession, probably that night when it slips out from john's lips, so drunk he doesn't even realize it. nothing would happen that night, because gale's trying to be a responsible adult and he wants to make sure john's not just saying shit, but he's also quite forward, so he'd bring it up in the morning after he's brought john a water and some painkillers, and john would go so red and he'd drop his head into his hands and whisper an "oh my god" because he can't believe he's slipped up so bad.
and then yk. feelings–talk ensues. john is so mortified, he wants to die. gale is so enamoured but trying to be realistic about things. etc etc i'll flesh it all out eventually when it's time to start writing it >:)
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ahiddenpath · 11 months
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
I just got home from seeing the Japanese audio/English sub. This is not a review, and I doubt I'll feel the same way about it in a few days, because I'm all up in my emotions and I haven't had a think on it. So here is nothing more or less than my visceral, 100% subjective reaction.
Extreme spoilers beneath the cut, spoilin spoilin all day long. Also cussing and blaspheming, apparently I like to keep it classy.
My head is a boiling vat of pudding.
As the film ended, someone screamed, "Toei why you gotta do us like that?!" Someone else yelled, "Jesus Christ I did not need that in my life." As we filed out, another gem: "They had a digital god in this one, and they still didn't unfuck Kizuna." (That last one, I think, while funny, was not relevant. This wasn't about the older kids, they had their turn and several more, lmao).
Some notes:
-Genuinely I was not prepared for a horror. Or child abuse. I love horror games! I watch them nearly daily! Did you know I have only once been more upset/disturbed by a horror video game than I was by this movie?
Did people take their kids to this? Like, that seems totally reasonable to me, taking your kid to digimon!!! Jesus cHRISt!!!!
-I thought my bar of, "I want to see the 02 kids grown up and interacting," was so, so low. I thought my bar could not be lower. But this was Lui's story, not theirs. And this is Toei's story, not mine, so I have to accept that... They wrote what they wanted to. But yeah, the bar I thought was low was not cleared.
-SOMEONE HELP ME, Himekawa is older than Lui. Himekawa's group, they were the first Chosen. Right??? Does the time line not shake out here??? Himekawa was probably about 10/11 when she was Chosen, and she's a full ass adult in Tri??? So, like, I guess the question is, how much older is her group than Lui at age 4? Are they at least 6 years older???? But- God what age would that make- God damn let me get the chart. Shit, I'm lost. Help??????
Shit I liked:
-Lui's second birthday scene
Not the original scene where Lui meets Ukkomon. This is the second birthday, his 8th birthday, where they sit in a dark room full of presents and treats. Ukkomon mentions Lui's parents and friends. They enter the room and proceed to not say a single ducking word while Ukkomon and Lui talk and talk and talk, and it is the creepiest and most atmospheric shit I have seen. Holy shit!!!!
Obviously, the audience already knows shit is fucked up with Ukkomon, but at this point, ooooooooooooooooo baby that tension is HIGH.
-Power in the hands of children
Ukkomon is, like, seconds old when he meets Lui. Lui is 4 and extremely disenfranchised, even for a 4-year-old. Lui wishes for what he doesn't have. Ukkomon devotes his whole self to those wishes.
What happens when a 4 year old meets a baby genie? When that much power is in the hands of the innocent?
You don't want to know, trust me. Lowkey wish I didn't know!!! Christ on a bike!
As much as we love digimon and the Chosen and all of that, it's always been messed up how much power they have, and how much responsibility. It's so much pressure, it's so high stakes! It was really cool to see Toei explore how sideways all of this could go, literally at any moment.
-A few character moments
Honestly that part where a girl is chatting up Ken and Wormmon is visibly pissed is, like, my favorite thing in this movie. Oh! Also I loved seeing the international Chosen, that was so great. The gut scream of WALLACE/WILLIS in the theater when he appeared!!!!!!
My husband said he liked how there was a command center in Imperialdramon's head. I think that was actually some kind of... plane??? Made by Ukkomon??? I have no idea. You know, the place where Ken and Daisuke are accused of flirting.
Stuff I didn't like
-It was half flash back
I'm being a little harsh here, because stuff other than flashbacks happened in the first 46 minutes, but... I checked my phone after the final flashback (not counting Lui jumping into Ukkomon in the end). I was 46 minutes into a roughly 90 minute film. I'm not against flashbacks in principle, and I tend to like new characters, but... This just wasn't what I hoped for in a movie about the 02 kids. I accept that this is 100% subjective.
-It was too damned fucked up for my tastes
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus H Christ!!!!!
Okay, so first of all, I generally am of the opinion that a lot of recent media has substituted trauma for substance. It's easy to make an audience pity/relate to/feel protective of a character by showing them suffer.
Lui wetting himself was so disturbing for me- in children, that's often a sign of ongoing abuse. I could easily be reading into it, but that combined with the range of age of his bruises (and he had more fresh contusions, too, they start red and turn purple and brown and eventually a yellow green) hinted that this wasn't some one off occasion caused by a sudden spike of stress. That was Lui's life. And he really might have frozen to death that night, if not for Ukkomon.
In a way, if I'm right and not just reading into things, this scene was well done. But also, like... I just don't enjoy the substitution of trauma for gradually making us care about a character and understand what they've been through. It seems like some kind of heavy handed short cut, and it usually has the opposite effect on me- thrusting me out of the narrative and making me distrustful of it.
Or maybe I'm just distancing myself, because I genuinely get so upset.
And don't even get me started on the scene where Ukkomon dissolves. I was not ready for that shit. It was just too much for me, I'm sensitive, lmao!
-I'm not sure what I think of the Chosen reacting to Lui's story
I kind of felt like the Chosen were oddly hard on Lui? They weren't actually, in reality they encouraged him to find a resolution with Ukkomon and reminded him that relationships go two ways.
But, like. Could someone have, like... Idk I was really waiting for someone to cry or hug Lui or reassure him or something? Instead it was like, "Poor Ukkomon. He tried so hard and you relied on him too much!"
And my visceral reaction to that was, "UKKOMON KILLED AT LEAST ONE OF LUI'S PARENTS AND MADE THEM MEAT PUPPETS FOR YEARS, JESUS!!!! AND YOU WANT LUI TO GO SEE UKKOMON AGAIN?!?!?!?!?" Like, that whole thing was literally a nightmare??? But Ukkomon was an actual whole ass baby god, and then again, as my husband put it, "Ukkomon did what CPS wouldn't." Lui needed help, stat.
I'm gonna need some time to sort how I feel about this. I can say that, as I watched, I felt like the emotional tone was really off for the last half of the film. All I could think about was the horror, and any time someone criticized Lui, or even told him to go see Ukkomon, I was just like- MEAT. PUPPET!!!! MEAT!!! PUPPET!!!! (Did those kids that Ukkomon made Lui's friends also die?!?!?!). Literally, snow was falling and the Chosen were playing, and my head was like, MEAT. PUPPET!!!!
There's no walking back that emotion, at least not in a 40 some minute window. Not for me, personally. I'm probably going to have nightmares. If I knew going in that this was a horror, I'd be fine with that. But gdi I though I'd see my blorbos having good times mixed with a plot.
Instead, nightmares.
-Lui's final scene with his mother
Lui tells himself, "This time, when I go back in time... I won't rely on Ukkomon for everything" (paraphrasing). He sees his mother inside his memory of his 4th birthday. He says to her, roughly, "Lui loves you, please remember that."
And magically, the mom is kind to him that night.
Now, to be fair, even disastrous relationships can have good times. Maybe it would have been just that night that was better. But there was this feeling of, "Oh, if I just talked to my mother when I was 4 years old and horrifically abused, it would have been different."
That just isn't how that works. If I had to guess, the film is just supporting communication. But god, don't ever point back to the child victim like that. Too bad that 4 year old doesn't know how to communicate with his abusive caregiver! Things might have been different!!!!!
I'm sensitive to this kind of thing, so it's totally possible I'm fixating too much on this or blowing up the importance of this moment. But yeah, not a good emotional reaction to that.
In summary: this was not the film I wanted. In fact, it's a film that will stick on me like a burr, but like. In a bad way? But also it did have some killer ideas. Ukkomon has to be one of the most interesting things to hit Adventure in years. So much power in the hands of an innocent, so disastrous so very fast.
My brain is still pudding. Time for some nightmares. Good night, I hope the film didn't distress you if you saw it! And my sympathies if you took your children, the biggest of oofs (how could you have known??? You couldn't have).
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scrollonso · 25 days
Forever — Strollini
Honestly, Lance should have expected something like this. With how often he’s been embarrassing himself recently, it should have been all over his radar that this was a bad, bad idea. But part of what lead him here is the inability to think things through.
Despite that hard learned lesson and the hefty white casts he now sports, Lance obviously has not internalized the lesson that he is doomed to embarrass himself. So that’s how he ends up where he is now. He’s going to blame the bike because if he hadn’t rodd around that track and broken his wrists then he wouldn’t be suffering from the worst case of blue balls he’s ever experienced.
Worse than puberty truly. He’s already losing his mind. Because like the true genius he is, he tried to stop his fall with both his hands. And like the heartless bitch gravity is, she punished his genius by fracturing and displacing his right wrist, fracturing his left wrist, partially fracturing his left hand and finally fracturing the big toe on his right foot.
That was only two weeks ago, but Lance is already extremely frustrated with every part of his life, he can’t write, most of his tasks now operate at one tenth of the speed he normally performs them at, and he can’t even waste time by masturbating because he has no idea how he'd even try with his current situation. He can’t twist either one right, he can’t squeeze on the upstroke, he can barely manage an upstroke without coming clean off the shaft and overshooting the whole thing. And he’s losing his mind.
He’s irritable, he’s touch starved, and with how just generally shitty he feels in the cast itself he’s in no position to ask Luca to help him come to orgasm. He's been helping so much these past fourteen days that Lance would feel too bad to ask him to do anything else for him. So, Lance is alone, out of options, and mind numbingly horny.
All of this combined with his disastrous luck is how he finds himself in this position now. He’s sweaty, his free hand is covered in tacky lube, and his hips and thighs ache from trying to fuck his useless hand, he’s worked himself up into such an overwhelmed deprived frenzy that to his horror he starts to cry and of course, because the world like to laugh at him, Luca walks through the door.
He didn’t hear the elder enter the apartment, and he didn’t hear him knock either. He doesn’t even try to cover himself up with the blanket it’s too far away. Lance simply releases his cock, throws his arm over his eyes as he begins to cry in earnest, and rolls onto his side away from Luca because at least his bare ass is better than his slicked-up, hard penis. Except, in rolling away from Luca he lands harshly on his tender wrist, and he ends up coughing through an episode of shooting pains.
“Jesus Christ.”
“Don’t look at me.”
Lance sobs out. He knows he’ll feel even more ashamed and even more mortified once he faces Luca having cried this much over not being able to jerk off, but he can’t help it. Everything is culminating all at once and he’s drowning.
It’s silent for a moment before Lance startles Lance by draping his blanket over his lower half and sitting on the edge of the mattress where Lance is laying.
“Come on, take a deep breath.”
Lance tries, but he really just can’t. Luca sits with him as he struggles to will his hard-on away and control himself enough to convince the other to leave.
“What’s the matter, caro?”
Lance pulls his knees up to his chest, trying to vanish into thin air.
“Luca please.”
“It’s okay, just talk to me. Let it all out.”
Lance sniffles, finally managing to reign in his tears. He can’t bring himself to face Luca as he airs out his humiliations.
“I’m just really overwhelmed and frustrated.” Luca hums and gently places his hand on the sweaty nape of Lance’s neck and pets his fingers through the soft hair the other is beginning to grow out.
“There’s so many things I can’t do by myself anymore with both my handa out of commission and it’s all just piling on top of me, and I just wanted one thing and I couldn’t—”
Lance curls into a tighter ball and tries to stop himself from crying again.
“It’s okay.”
“I just wanted to jerk off and I couldn’t even do that because nothing feels right, and it’s been two weeks with the casts on and a week on top of that just because of life since I’ve orgasmed and I’m fucking losing my mind I’m so horny.”
Lance starts to sob again. He’s probably a little overtired. He’s used to sleeping on his side and rolling back and forth when he gets uncomfortable, but the cast has interrupted his sleep cycle as well, fucking over yet another thing for him, so he hasn’t been sleeping as well.
Luca doesn’t say anything just continues to pet through Lance's sweaty hair until he manages to stop crying again.
“I’m sorry.” Lance whispers. “You can go back to what you were doing. I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Amore,” Luca sounds more serious than Lance expected him to. “Do you need help baby?”
Lance sits up as quickly as he can with only Luca to support himself. He looks at the blurry image of Luca through his tears and cannot tell if he’s being serious or not.
“That’s mean.”
Lance clicks his tongue against the back of his teeth and transitions his hand from tugging through Lance's hair to holding the nape of his neck again.
“I’m being serious. You are obviously suffering, and you're my boyfriend. Why would I be mean to you?”
There’s an obvious difference to Lance even if Luca's right. It’s not logical for him to be afraid of his boyfriend helping him out. There’s no reason for him to be and even as he’s sitting here thinking about it he can’t really pinpoint why he feels this way. Or why it sits a little uncomfortably in his chest. They've been dating for almost seven years, sex isn't something foreign to them but this situation is.
Lance heaves in a deep breath, his flagging erection has sort of started to take interest in the conversation because despite everything he’s feeling he is desperately horny.
“But I mean, why?”
Luca tugs gently on Lance's hair and just lightly chuckles at the younger.
“Caro, I just walked in on you fully weeping because you can’t jerk off. It’d be cruel to not use my two working hands to help you.”
Lance splutters and shoves Luca's shoulder, both of them cringing as they realize his hand is still slick with lube. Luca takes off said shirt and Lance can’t help but giggle.
“Is it weird that I’m nervous?”
Luca smirks at him, a hint of confusion coloring his expression, it just makes Lance want to giggle more. Luca chucks his shirt on their laundry pile and shifts so he’s facing the still naked younger.
“I don’t think it’s weird, but you don’t have anything to be nervous about. You’re gonna feel so good after.”
Lance squirms and hides what he can of his face in his one semi-useable hand. He curls forward covering his hidden face with his knees. Luca tuts again and gently slips into the space behind Lance on the bed, between him and the headboard.
The gentle scrape of the denim of Luca's jeans against his skin has Lance shivering. Luca's hands grip his hips, thumbs digging into the small of his back and Lance gasps, muscles twitching.
“Come on, baby.”
Luca guides Lance so he’s leaning back against his bare chest. Lance sighs, wringing his hands in the duvet cover and adjusting his cast to rest comfortably on Luca's bent knee. Surprisingly, Luca doesn’t make to immediately remove the blanket covering Lance's nakedness. No, he just tucks his chin over his shoulder and caresses from just above Lance's naval up to his collarbones. Running his fingers over every bump and ridge, glancing over his nipples, and then tipping his head to mouth at the salty skin of Lance's pulse point.
Lance sucks in a sharp breath before melting in Luca's arms. It’s a blessing and a curse to share so many of your sensitivities and kinks with your boyfriend because it’s obvious to Lance, in this moment, that Luca paid attention and is now using that knowledge. The delicate nickname, the wet kisses, it’s all foreboding an orgasm Lance won’t soon forget. Luca laces his fingers over Lance's, still clutching the blanket.
“Can I take this off?”
Lance nods, pushing it down and exposing the smooth skin of his thigh. Luca finishes the job, kicking the blankets all the way down the end of the bed. Lance gasps as his now fully hard again penis flops up onto his stomach again.
“Poor desperate Lancino. All worked up.”
Lance arches his back. He feels like he’s been electrified. He needs Luca to touch him like yesterday.
Luca resumes his petting of Lance's chest, knuckles barely glancing off the sides of Lance's cock. He jerks in Luca's arms, hips bumping back against Luca's. The strangled sound he lets out has Lance giggling in his ear.
“So needy. Where’s our lube, baby?” He knows, of course he knows, he bought it and put it there himself. But he wants to torture the Canadian a bit.
Lance gestures to the nightstand where the half-used bottle sits, top still popped open. Luca kisses up Lance's neck, dragging his tongue across the skin, and taking the lobe of Lance's ear between his teeth. He stretches over and grabs the lube, free hand coming up to rub circles on Lance's sternum.
“Lancino, come on relax for me. You’re so tense.”
And Luca's right, Lance can feel all the muscles in his chest, back, and shoulders all taught and primed waiting for anything to happen. But he can’t release any of that tension. Luca licks around the shell of his ear and continues to rub across Lance's chest. He places the lube into Lance's hand and directs his own hand underneath the bottle.
Lance squeezes a healthy amount of lube across Luca's fingers and then closes his eyes, trying his hardest to unclench.
“I don’t think I can, Ange. It just hurts so much.” It does. Lance's cock is aching. He’s wound up tight, ready to collapse, but he can’t. “Please.”
Lance just wants Luca to touch him. He won’t even be picky. Whatever Luca will give him, he’ll take. Luca hums.
“Since you asked so nicely. How could I say no to my sweet boy?”
Lance squirms as Luca whispers in his ear. He can feel his thighs clenching, even just the slight friction of the tip of his cock sliding against his stomach is starting to push him toward the edge.
“Mhm, please Luc'. Need it” Lance gasps out as Luca's fingers circle the perimeter of his nipple. He drops the lube and clutches Luca's knee.
Luca chuckles and smacks a quick kiss to Lance's cheek.
A strangled moan escapes Lance's throat as Luca finally wraps his hand around his dick. He doesn’t even start to move it yet, just holding it with the barest amount of pleasure as he rolls one of Lance's nipples in between his fingers. Lance squirms and the light shifting of his shaft in Luca's finger has pre-come dribbling out of his slit. He groans as Luca flicks the tip of his nipple and then moves his hands over to the other one and begins the same treatment.
“Oh fuck.”
Lance moans. Luca snickers and squeezes his fingers briefly around Lance. He licks up the line of Lance’s neck.
“Feel good, amore?”
Lance nods frantically shifting his grip further up Luca's leg to his hip and spreading his legs as wide as he can between Luca's. Their knees knock together. Lance flexes his fingers in his cast wishing he could touch more of Luca.
“More, please, more.”
Luca slowly starts to stroke Lance's cock, tightening his fingers as he rounds over the tip. Lance can’t believe the sheer amount of unfiltered sounds he’s making as Luca jacks him off. He tries to steady his breathing because he’s already panting like he’s run a marathon, but he can’t. Everything feels heavy and sharp in the best way. Luca finally releases his nipple from the death grip he’d been torturing it with and smooths his hand down Lance's sternum. He presses his hand firmly against the flat of his stomach, right above where his abdomen trails into his grown out hair. Luca pauses in his firm stroking and runs his fingers lightly along the vein on the underside of Lance's cock.
He presses with his other hand, tipping Lance's hips until he’s laying just a little flatter. Luca's slick hand stops at the base of Lance's penis, thumb resting around the shaft and his fingers reaching down to roll Lance's balls between them.
Luca mouths at the juncture of Lance's neck and shoulders, while playing with Lance. He pulls up and then massages him as he lets them relax against Lance's body, fingertips grazing against Lance's perineum. Lance can feel his thighs and hole clench. He wants Luca's fingers in him, he realizes quickly. But he doesn’t dare voice that desire for fear of Luca stopping what he’s doing right now.
“Shit, Lance, you’re so hot.”
Lance knows he’s been vocal despite not consciously trying to moan for Luca, but he doubts either of them were expecting the volume of the response that comment pulls out of him. Luca giggles and kisses down Lance's shoulder.
“You like when I compliment you, hm?”
Luca murmurs into Lance's skin. The heat of his breath has Lance shivering. Luca drags his hand back up Lance's torso and just glances around the base of his throat before pulling off his skin and cupping beneath his mouth. Lance moans but doesn’t really understand what Luca is doing.
“Come on, baby, spit for me.”
Lance works his tongue over in his mouth and tips his chin down to drool into Luca's hand. Luca hums and brings his cupped palm down to Lance's cock. His other hand gently releases Lance's balls before coming up to stroke over his swollen shaft again. Luca drips the spit down Lance's cock before taking his slick palm and rotating it against the head of.
“Fuck, fuck!”
“There we go, let it out.”
Lance can feel himself tearing up. All the excess energy inside of him is begging to come out anywhere. It feels like he’s been edging himself for hours, days even, and despite his desperate need to cum his orgasm won’t wash over him.
“Mon amor, it hurts, please.”
Heat radiates off Luca's chest where he’s pressed, skin to skin, with Lance. Lance can feel the tingling of pleasures beginning to rise from his feet, like the numb static feeling when your limbs fall asleep. He finally releases Luca's hip and cups his cheek as he turns to face him. Their lips meet and Lance snaps. He moans and pants into Luca's mouth as he blissfully orgasms. Luca slows his movements, gently coming to a stop, but not taking his hands off Lance just yet. He collects Lance's cum in his hand, letting the younger ride out the waves. As Lance finally slumps against Luca's chest, Luca releases the younger bringing his lube covered hand to pet Lance's side. He absentmindedly wipes the collection of cum across Lance's chest.
Lance whines dropping his hand to hold Luca's wrist in place as he smears Lance's own ejaculate across his pecks.
Luca chuckles and smacks a wet kiss to Lance's cheek.
“It’s only fair.”
Lance groans and sits himself up more from where he’s slumped down against Luxa and the mattress. He goes to sit up when he notices that his erection has not started to flag. He may not be nearly as hard as he was before he came, but he is still definitely hard. He whines and flops back against Luca, suddenly overwhelmed yet again.
“Oh baby, still all worked up?”
Lance whines again and can feel the tears start to well in his eyes. He just wants to go to sleep, and stop being embarrassed for more than like five minutes. Luca shushes him and gently nudges Lance's temple with his nose.
“You’re alright. Talk to me Lancino, do you want to cum again?”
Lance feels like he could scream. He just doesn’t know. He doesn’t know if he can come again. He doesn’t know if he wants to come again. All he wants is to shower and sleep, but he’s still so worked up and aching.
“I don’ know.”
He sobs wetly. Luca helps him sit up, away from his chest and lays Lance down flat instead. He straddles the younger’s thighs and tries to lay on him as comfortably as he can while being mindful of Lance's injury. He soothes Lance as much as he can without wiping more lube and cum over the younger and presses small kisses into the other’s skin.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you. Just breathe, baby.”
Lance inhales sharply and tries his hardest to calm down. He feels a little better having Luca on top of him and tries to focus on the comforting pressure of being pinned.
“There we go, good job caro.”
Lance sighs at the praise and brings his hand up once again to lace into Luca's hair. He directs the elder into a grounding kiss, slipping his tongue between Luca's lips. Lanfe always feels better after being kissed. It regulates him in a way he can't describe. It’s his favorite part of any intimate moment. A closeness that isn’t even emulated through sex. Kissing Luca makes the world feel a little less like it’s about to collapse.
He sighs again this time into Luca's mouth before relaxing his arm and letting the elder pull back just enough to breathe. Luca looks deep into Lance's eyes and he can tell the elder is amused. It would be pretty funny, he supposes, having your boyfriend cum in your arms and then have a meltdown over still being hard before kissing you senseless.
Still, just one more embarrassment tally to add to his chart.
“You’re cute.”
Luca murmurs, still close enough that Lance practically swallows the sound. He gulps and closes he eyes as he knows his face flushes even redder than it already was. He scrunches his nose and sighs. He can still feel himself erect between his and Luca's body, and it’s likely the elder can feel him too. He needs to sleep. Lance needs this to be done.
“I think I have to cum again.”
Lance whispers, nervous to even acknowledge it. It’s not really a common aspect of his refractory period to be ready to orgasm so close to his last one. He can’t recall an instance where he’s come twice in one encounter with someone, let alone twice in the same hour. It’s making him a little nervous.
Luca reaches over and grabs the lube from where he dropped it earlier. He slicks up his hand again and Lance is once again struck by just how strangely amazing of a boyfriend he has.
Lance feels infinitely clearer headed than before the first orgasm. And much less like the world is going to end because he can’t get his hand to make him feel anything except like a teenager trying to jack off for the first time. But that clear headedness also comes with the stark realization that it is in fact Luca with his hand wrapped around his cock. It’s Luca who he can feel hard against his thigh. His boyfriend who is working his thumb in tight circles against the frenulum of his penis, who he just kissed so intensely it might just ruin all kissing for him in the future. Lance was sure life couldn't get any better than this, better than being so intimate like this with someone.
Because, shit, the warm ferocity with which Luca kisses him has Lance already wanting more and they’ve only just stopped. He cranes his neck and begins to lay his own set of kisses and marks along the unmarred skin of Luca's neck. Lance's known Luca for a long time, which is why he isn’t surprised to find how sweaty he is and how much he tastes of salt. He hasn't changed much since the first time they fucked.
It doesn’t take nearly as much effort for Lance to reach his peak the second time. He’s oversensitive and thrumming with the residual energy from his last orgasm and simply Luca stroking him calmly brings him up and over the edge again until he’s cumming against his stomach.
He grips Luca's hair tighter eliciting a hiss from the elder.
“Caro, baby, I’m not going anywhere.”
Lance blushes and resorts to just petting over the back of Luca's head. He believes Luca, of course he does. It's been seven years of this, why would it change? And now, he can’t stop thinking about how safe and how secure Lucw makes him feel, not just here and now as he recovers from his second orgasm, but day to day.
Lance wraps his arm around Luca's shoulders, hauling the other closer. He buries his face into Luca's neck and just tries to breathe.
“Lance? What’s wrong?”
Luca's hand is trapped between them.
He sobs. Another embarrassment tally. He keeps hiding in Luca's neck. He can’t bring himself to let go knowing that the other will look at him a know that something has shifted enough in Lance that he will never recover from this.
Maybe he’s just being dramatic. But god, it feels like if Lance ever has to wake up one morning without Luca by his side, constantly loving him and supporting his every move, Lance won’t know what to do with himself.
But what even is the resolution? Of course he's in love with Luca, he has been for at least six years, but what if Luca doesn't feel as strongly? He doesn’t know. All he knows is he needs a minute, he needs Luca right now, and he needs to sleep.
“I think I’m over-tired.”
He hiccups out against Luca's skin. Luca shifts, leaning over to the nightstand again, and though he’s still hiding his face against the elder’s neck, Lance can hear him pull a few tissues out of the box. Luca's cleaner hands come to rest on Lance's hips soothing over the planes of his side as the younger attempts to derail what feels like it could be a full-blown anxiety attack. He hates feeling so out of control.
“I’m here for you, Lancino. I’m right here.”
“Okay.” Lance whispers. They lay there just existing for so long.
“I’m sorry.”
Lance eventually whispers out.
“Do you—” Luca clears his throat and it’s one of the first times Lance really sees Luca's usually calm demeanor crack slightly. “Do you need me to leave?”
Lance shakes his head and pulls Luca as close as he can with one arm.
“Please don’t.”
Luca rolls them over onto their sides, carefully guiding Lance's left arm to rest comfortably before hauling Lance tightly into his arms.
“I won’t, not until you tell me to. Take some deep breaths for me, baby.”
Lance inhales heavily, chest pressing against Luca, and then shakily exhales for as long as he can trying to will away the heavy sadness creeping in from the edges.
“Good job and again.”
They lay together and just breathe until Lance's cock is fully soft and he feels less on the precipice of complete breakdown. Luca continues to rub Lance's back and though he’s stopped coaching Lance through his breaths, he still breathes in time with the younger.
If Lance thought he was exhausted before, now he can barely keep his eyes open at all. He sighs and jerkily brings his hand up to rub at his eyes. He really should get up, clean up, and go to sleep, and hopefully when he wakes up tomorrow everything will be better and feel less like the apocalypse is upon him.
Luca brushes Lance's fringe away from his eyes and gently thumbs over the skin right next to Lance's eye.
Lance nods. He unwillingly tears himself from Luca's arms, sitting up as best he can and wiping his cheeks with the back of his wrist. Luca strokes over Lance's shoulders until he laces his fingers in his hair again, nails gently scratching over Lance's scalp.
“Come on, baby. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Lance tries to stand, but his legs are jelly underneath him. Luca comes around and holds out his hand. And Lance wants to take it. He wants to snuggle into Luca's side and fall asleep together. He wants to wake up together. It’s confusing. Luca'a never felt anything like this before, usually not this strongly about Luca, and definitely not about anyone else.
He can feel his stomach lurch at the thought of waking up with only his pillow for company, to wake up and cook his breakfast and drink his coffee knowing Luca isn't there and he's alone again.
He can feel himself starting to tear up again and quickly banishing any thoughts of that from his mind. It’s a problem for tomorrow’s Lance.
He takes Luca's hand.
Luca helps him stand, his other hand on Lance's hip until he’s steady on his feet. Luca leans forward and kisses Lance's cheek.
Luca asks and Lance nods, distractedly, still caught up in his own thoughts. If Luca notices, he doesn’t comment and instead guides Lance to the bathroom, letting him sit on the toilet as he prepares the bath.
Lance takes a moment to just obverse Luca, really look at him and let what they’ve just done sink in. Has it changed the way he feels about Luca? He doesn’t feel different and yet he sort of feels like he’s ben spun upside down and can’t recognize the world exactly the way it always was. He loves Luca, more than anything. More than Esteban, more than his dad, more than Formula 1.
“Caro, let’s get you in the bath.”
Lance shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts and takes the hand Luca is offering him once again. The elder helps him step into the tub, mindful to keep his arms out of the water. And crouches down to Lance's level. Luca carefully wets his hand and drags Lance's sweat drenched hair until it stays out of his face.
Lance feels any of the remaining tension leak from his muscles as Luca gently runs the soap slick washcloth across his skin. His eyes start to droop involuntarily, soothed by the warmth of the bath and the relief of finally having cum.
“Don’t go to sleep yet, amore. You’re almost done.”
Luca quickly washes Lance off and finishes the bath. Lance manages to stand and help himself out the bath. Luca wraps him in a large towel and delicately dries the younger off.
Lance's tongue feels heavy in his mouth, the thoughts in his brain are mushing together. He’s so tired. And that sleepiness has to be the reason for the heat in the bottom of his belly, for the inkling, nagging desire to kiss Luca again.
Luca corrals him into a sleepshirt and some clean boxer briefs, before herding him into their room. He gently tucks Luca into the bed.
“I’ll be back I’m just gonna change your sheets.”
Lance's chest clenches. Luca changing his sheets means he’ll leave. That means he’ll be going to sleep alone and waking up alone.
“Wait—” Lance reaches out and grabs Luca's wrist. Luca startles and pauses, just watching Lance. “Don’t—don’t go, just come sleep please.”
He’s too embarrassed to say anything else and he knows if Luca pushes back he won’t fight it. All he wants is to be held and more importantly, to be held by Luca in this moment, to just relax and sleep, and not worry about what everything means.
“Okay, baby.”
It’s a testament to how tired he is that Lance sleeps a dreamless sleep and even manages to sleep through Luca waking. He sleeps more soundly than he has even before breaking his arm and only rises when Luca comes to get him. Lance blinks awake to Luca's smooth finger caressing his warm, pink cheek and blearily registers that Luca is talking to him.
“There we go, Lancino.”
Lance hums and nuzzles into the pillow beneath him. He’s hesitant to get out of bed, getting out of bed feels like it’s the end of whatever this is and even after the orgasm euphoria has fled his system, he’s not ready for this to be over. He’s not ready to return to whatever crafted balance he and Luca had perfected after so long.
Which confuses him, because it’s not like he and Luca weren't boyfriends before this, or even merely acquaintances. Luca is one of his closest, most trusted friends as well as his lover. They live together, and despite everything and every move they’ve made, they’ve chose to live together again and again. He doesn’t know what his life would look like without Luca in it. But he’s never felt like this with him before, not this intensely.
“I made some breakfast, let’s get you up, huh?”
Lance sits up and slowly stretches out the aches in his muscles. Luca stays by his side until Lance manages to pull himself all the way out of bed. Luca wraps his arm around Lance's waist to give him a good morning hug and Lance snuggles his face into Luca's neck. Luca guides Lance into their kitchen and to the table.
And things have sort of gone back to normal, that level of intimacy they reached in their bedroom isn’t there anymore, it doesn’t infuse every one of their actions, but Luca is taking care of him even more than he had been. And maybe it’s only because last night revealed how much Lance had been really struggling with his cast.
“Did you sleep okay?”
Lance can feel his brow furrow in voluntarily. He can’t really describe why, but even though Luca is treating him with care he can’t help but feel like something is missing. It’s not as though he wants Luca to stop, he doesn’t even know what he wants.
“Uh yeah, I did.”
The words come out harsher than he means for them to, he’s not angry or at least he doesn’t think he is. Luca frowns and tries to meet Lance's eyes. Lance knows he’s acting strange. He doesn’t want to act strange. He closes his eyes and breathes deeply. What is he feeling? Why is this making him upset? Is he upset? He’s not upset, not really anyway.
“Okay,” Luca offers, trying to end the silence when Lance doesn’t offer him anything further. “I started the sheets in the wash. You can let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you.”
And that makes Lance feel awful about being so grumpy because Luca is just trying to be nice, more than nice he’s going above and beyond to take care of Lance, but something seethes deep in his stomach because there’s something missing. He doesn’t want to upset Luca or sound ungrateful, because he’s not he’s so thankful for Luca. So, he sucks it up and stuffs that weird feeling down deep into his stomach.
“Thank you mon ange. You’ve really done more than enough for me.”
Lance smiles and reaches out to squeeze Luca's hand.
Lance stares at his ceiling, the same plain white plaster he’d been looking at the whole night before Luca found him. Luca wasn’t the only thing on his mind then, but he is all Lance can think about now. The feeling of his hands on every part of Lance’s skin, the press of Luca's erection against the small of his back, and no matter how hard Lance tries he can't escape the thought of the heat of Luca'a mouth against his.
Every time he looked at Luca today, his eyes went immediately to the elder’s mouth, the shape of his lips against his, the tips of their noses brushing, the heat radiating of Luca's cheeks. Kissing is Lancd's favorite aspect of any relationship, it makes him feel so loved and so connected to his partner, more so than any aspect of sex. But in all his experiences kissing people, nothing has come close to the way kissing Luca made him feel. Especially not like yesterday.
He idly brings his hand up to his mouth and across his neck where he can feel the slightly irritated skin from Luca's teeth. Lance shudders. It was good sex, there’s no doubt in his mind. It might have been the best sex he’s ever had, and they barely did anything at all. Luca wasn't the only person he'd fucked or gotten fucked by, he'd had three experiences before they started dating that were just fine.
But then what is it about Luca just giving him a hand job that is so different. What is it about the dirty blonde Italian that made him want to spend the rest of his life with him. That's what it was. That's what was different. Now he was sure, without a doubt, that Luca is who he wants to be with forever. That he wants to share everything with Luca. These past few years have been the best years of his life, F1 and MotoGP aside. The highlight of his day continued to be Luca. Seeing him. Talking to him. Kissing him. Holding him. He never wanted this with anyone else.
A knock on the door draws Lance out of his own spiral of thoughts and he gives Luca the affirmative to come in, though it was their room so Luca didn't need his permission. The elder pokes his head in and smiles. Lance feels something flutter in his chest and can’t help but smile back.
“Hey, hope I’m not interrupting?”
Lance shakes his head and rolls over to watch Luca come into the room, hands behind his back. Luca hums and walks right up to the edge of theur bed, not hesitating before laying down and pulling the Canadian closer.
"Missed you so much, Caro" Luca hums, glad to be back from the ranch.
The warm feeling he had in his heart returns with Luca's sweet words. It’s the same feeling he had when he kissed the elder. Lance is overcome with so many emotions he can’t place any of them. He can’t think straight. All he knows is, he needs to kiss Luca again right now.
Lance hums and takes one of Luca's hands in his, thumbing over his knuckles.
“I really want to kiss you again.”
Lance whispers out. It’s not exactly something he’s ashamed of, but he can't help but be nervous around his boyfriend, even years into their relationship. Luca squeezes Lance's hand. Luca's other hand comes up and he strokes his thumb across Lance's cheekbone.
“You can.”
Lance carefully brings his casted hand up and pulls Luca down by his shirt, pressing their mouths together nearly desperately. Luca carefully clambers into Lance's lap, straddling his thighs. Lance wraps his arm around Luca's waist and just focuses on the feelings he’s having kissing Luca. It’s pleasant and tingly all across his body right out to the tips of his fingers. The world falls silent around them until all Lancw can hear is the ringing in his ears. Reluctantly Lance separates them and studies Luca. His heart feels like it’s in his throat and he it’s all he can do to stop himself from kissing Luca again.
Luca watches him just as closely, a look of fond confusion coming over his face as Lance never manages to tear his eyes away. Luca cups Lance's cheeks, squeezing them gently and the small grin growing into a full-blown smile.
A shiver makes its way down Lance's spine, and he doesn’t notice his eyes are closed until he has to open them again to look at Luca. Lance shakes his head minutely. He needs to kiss him more. Luca pouts and makes a small sound of disappointment.
“Need another?”
Lance nods, arching up until their mouths meet once again. Luca carefully leans his weight onto Lance, hands still around the younger’s face. Lance accepts the press of Luca against him and carefully leans back until Luca is lying flat on top of him. Lhca giggles into the kiss and carefully tilts his head to deepen it.
It’s life changing to know kissing could even feel like this. That there was something even greater than what he’d already known.
They separate again and Lance studies Luca's face.
“You know I love you?”
Luca hums and leans down to nudge his nose into Lance’s cheek.
“I know, Caro.”
“Do you love me?” Lance questions
“So much, I love you more than anything.”
Lance can't help but smile
“Will you love me in two years?”
The elder’s cheeks flush a delicate pink, and he hums, leaning down once again to kiss the younger’s cheek. “I will, I'll love you even more than I do now”
Lance ponders.
“So you don't love me the most now?”
Luca smiles. He strokes his knuckle gently down the line of Lance's cheekbone.
“I love you more every day, I'll love you more tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that.”
He thinks of all the times he’s spent wishing for Luca to be with him, the jealous pits anytime Luca mentioned an ex boyfriend or a fan who told him how hot he is, the weird disconnect between him and all his previous partners, and everything slots into place.
Lance blinks and looks at Luca, really looks at him. At the blush on his cheeks, the shine in his eyes, he thinks about the care Luca paid to him last night, the feel of his hands running over him in the bath, of his arms around him as he slept. And Lance realizes, as the air is sucked from his lungs, he wants this all the time, he wants last night all the time, kissing Luca feels so right because in a strange turn of events, he’s in love with Luca and he needs to marry him now. He has been in love with Luca for who knows how long. And evidently, Luca is in love with him.
“Oh fuck.”
Lance breathes, hand clutching Luca's hip. Lance smiles softly.
“I know, huh?”
Luca whispers.
“You love me.”
Lance couldn’t stop himself from saying it even if he wanted to. But he’s so caught up in the joy of his discovery not even the hand of God could stop him from telling Luca. Luca closes his eyes and presses his forehead to Lance’s collarbones.
“Yeah.” Luca breathes into Lance's skin. He's loved him forever. “Imagine that.”
Lance carefully rolls them over, pinning Luca to the bed and cupping his cheeks.
“Luca, I wanna marry you.”
Luca reaches up and pulls Lance down to kiss him. Lance smiles against Luca's mouth and presses his weight down firmly on the elder. Luca hugs Lance close to his chest, slipping his tongue into Lance's mouth. Lance loses track of how long they kiss for, but his jaw aches when they finally separate.
“I'm gonna marry you.” Lance whispers “Luca, I love you. I’m in love with you.”
“I know, Caro.” Luca nods, refusing to let any space form between them "I can't wait to marry you."
"After I propose." Lance cut in
"After I propose" Luca insisted, they'd figure it out later.
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can i just say how much i LOVE mischa bachinski like- and as much as Penny/Jane deserved to win i kind of with mischa won, he had Talia to go back to, he deserved a life. That being said, they all did of course but I honestly think if it were up to me, my choices would've been
1: Mischa
2: Constance
3: Jane/Penny
how in the sweet jesus christ on a bike did they bring penny back to life. Like- she had no f.cking head???? how did they manage to bring a HEADLESS person back to life.
(i saw rtc live at my local theatre a few days ago and that question has been HAUNTING me ever since)
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planetaryplut0 · 1 year
I Read The RTC High School Script And Came Out A Changed Person
-“he skips classes oooh it’s so groovy” what the fuuuuuck
-okay the tambourine thing is funny
-why a carny
-but the circus by day femme fatale by night is VERY noel
-“a broken woman” the fuck
-honestly the entirety of Noel’s lament is absolutely awful
-“i liked the part where the two boys dances” the FUCKKIKK
-“we pass around the cookies” why why whyyyy kill me nowww
-“i wanna dance with you baby” nooooooooo
-“the funky cat women” makes me think the zolarian catgirls smell like litterbox
-“you’ve danced with our daughters”
-“that mangy hound”
-why cookies not vodka
It ends after Constance and Ocean's conversation about the birthday party
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iwonderwh0 · 8 months
Watching saltburn because I hear too much about it
Spoilers ahead!!! If you haven’t seen it but planning on, scroll away, cuz there are some twists that are worth experiencing first-hand. The internet made it look like it’s gonna be some trash shock movie, but it’s a really false advertisement I’d say.
Ohh, I love the beginning, it promises theatrical, level of over the top drama, just how I like
Thank god there are subtitles I can barely understand their accent
Damn, I just thought about how what I know about this movie reminds me of “Bright Young Things” and now one of the characters straight-out mentions the novelist who wrote the “Vile Bodies” (screenplay the movie Bright Young Things is based on) was basically writing about his family. Okay, so that was really spot-on impression
What’s Felix’s deal? 🤔 it looks suspiciously like love-bombing from his side what he’s doing
Damn, Oliver might be as weird as that math nerd with anger issues if not weirder. Only 20 minutes in, and our protagonist is already a creepy stalker
Oliver what the fuck, what was this sudden condescending parent mode switch with cleaning up as if just to be arrogant about it 😂
I feel like Felix might be in danger, I don’t trust Oliver anymore
Honestly I’m not even sure if Oliver is telling the truth, he might be straight out lying to gain sympathy, kinda looks like it
I really don’t understand why Felix keeps Oliver around. I don’t think he likes him that much as he is trying to show at all, and he already showed his gratitude for that bike. It’s like he needs him for something maybe?
Oh so Oliver did tell the truth
What does Felix wanttttttt I’m so confused
The complete shift of the room to instantly shower Oliver with compliments what’s up with that? Is it some rich people thing??
And instantly back to talking shit about the person who just left! Damn that really is theatrical shit
“But he spoke Russian all the time and it just sounded so romantic” lmaoooo no it did not 😭
The way they talk!! Jesus Fucking Christ, what an impressive skill of bullshitting. Absolutely no one mean what they say, that’s even impressive
Oh, I’ve heard something about the bath scene
Belle Delphine bath water, is that it? Is that the level of gross that impressed people?
The fucking mind games everybody is playing oh boy
I don’t understand what’s going on anymore
Is Oliver just trying to prove he’s not gay?
Oh the fucking song pick oh my god this is painful to watch and I don’t even like Oliver
I’ll have to watch some explanation after this movie, it’s so confusing, what happened
Oh, will it turn out that he lied about everything?
Oh my god
Oh my god
Fuckkkking Oliver the migraines he just keeps going Jesus Christ
Is he gonna kill Felix? I feel like someone will get killed, maybe even on accident
Wait but HOW
Was it the wine?
Is he stabbed to the ground, why can’t they move him?
The lunch scene, red curtains, wine that overflows the glass ohhh boy I love that
Oh here goes the gravefucking
Wait, I thought the movie is about to end, but there’s still quite some time on the timeline
Oh for FUCK’S SAKE this was so sudden
“Is everything alright?” God are you stupid? What kind if question is that 😭😭😭
Ohhhhhh the reveal
Ohhhh so it was the wine
I actually liked it a lot
As a movie I mean
And Oliver is such a realistic psychopath in a way he pretends to be harmless pathetic loser, oh my god, Good job
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jamiemaybeme · 2 months
every single reference to christianity i can find in bears' in trees songs because. yeah. fight me
uhhh idk why i'm doing this at 1am but enjoy ig
just five more minutes:
4am: "for god's sake it's only 4am"
fly out to alaska:
"well moses saw God in a burning bush, so i'm praying please"
bits n' pieces:
fyaaa (bandcamp exclusive): "praying to saint jude all of our lives"
i see blue:
nights like these: "stop asking st anthony"
EDITED: two of my very lovely friends, berry and jamie 1, pointed out that "mother help me, madonna and child" is a reference to mary and Jesus. thank you guys!!
i want to feel chaotic:
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rust: "a broken piece/of God's great plan"
"stop me eating the sand/stop me feeling so goddamm bad"
keep me safe:
laugh/cry: "demons of the soul"
and everybody else smiled back:
heaven sent is a coffee cup: ..."heaven" (repeated throughout the song)
mossy cobblestone (kind of): "stained glass" - stained glass windows are often found in churches
"my body is a temple" - common idiom with religious connotations
"and God knows i'll live forever/or die in the attempt"
confidant: "but because you were my home/built on stone instead of sand" - reference to the wise man and foolish man, a parable Jesus told in the new testament (in the bible)
little cellist: "“even Jesus Christ himself needed help to bear his cross”"
sun machine: "i cradle God on my walk to u n i"
"she preaches gospel truth down the hall"
if i just ask politely: " you tell me you're going to church in the morning"
"they said the clouds opened up/and the heavens came down" (technically it's an idiom but leave me alone idc /lh)
every moonbeam every fever dream:
kind love: "set 'em in stained glass windows/build cathedrals to our flaws/the spire's crowned by galaxies"
doing this again: "oh [my] God we're doing this again"
"my mother 'cites a rosary downstairs"
"but Lord these blesséd words fail me"
how to stay shining:
bart's bike: "find heaven sent in brooklyn street" - a reference to heaven sent is a coffee cup
how to build an ocean: instructions:
i can't see anything i don't like about you: "when i'm good, good god, i'm great"
"i am everyone and everything all of the time/oh god i'll be..."
all you get is confetti: "you are magdelene, mary" - mary magdelene is a woman from the bible, who was possessed by demons until Jesus told them to leave her alone. she then became a follower of Christ and was with him until his death. in all four gospels she is cited as one of the women, or the only woman, to be the first people to see Jesus' empty tomb. she also is the first person said to see Jesus resurrected. he speaks to her and she does not recognise him until she says his name.
henry says: "but/and i'll make snow angels out of all their bad dreams"
hot chocolate: "and if it snows right now that would be heaven/i mean honestly, that would be heaven"
nothing cures melancholy like looking at maps: "praying the police won't call on us"
we don't speak anymore: "we can part any sea/that surrounds us" - in the old testament, moses leads the israelites out of egypt by parting the red sea. it is a miracle that God performs through him. moses is also mentioned in fly out to alaska (above).
unreleased songs:
tea: "whether it's the devil's water or the holy water/your essence bleeds out and you diffuse"
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and now I even like you when I’m sober (honestly that’s a first)
Fandom: Nancy Drew (2019)
Pairing: Nancy/Ace
Tags: AU, meet-cute, drunk-texting, fluff & flirt
Summary: After a tipsy girls’ night, Nancy drunk-texts the delivery man. She thinks they’re in love now.
"Jesus bloody Christ, where's the pizza?" Bess moans loudly, pretending to clutch at her stomach with a grimace. "I'm starving."
George glares at her. "You emptied half the chips bowl all on your own," she scolds her. "And half the bottle of wine. Maybe that's the problem."
Bess shakes her head, waggling her finger at her. "Nonsense. Wine is grape juice, I'm just being healthy and getting my five fruits and veggies a day." Turning to Nancy, she pulls the puppy eyes and trembling lip. "But grape juice will not sustain me, Nance. It simply won't."
Nancy resists the urge to laugh. Grabbing her phone, she checks the food delivery app and follows the little bike trailing on the screen: "It says that Ace is on his way. Should be here any minute now."
"Ace?" George says, wrinkling her nose. "Is that a dude or a dog?"
Read more on AO3!
Happy birthday to my darling @flythesail !!! 💜💜💜
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queerfables · 5 months
911 Season 6 liveblog part one
Character: "Nothing's going to happen"
Me: "Something's gonna happen"
My wife, chiming in from across the room: "Noooo, what could go wrong?"
Me: "I know right! On the Things Go Wrong show?"
My little boy is watching with me now and he's very excited about the fire engine. "Car!! Truck!!"
He lost interest once the vehicles were off the screen lol. A boy who knows what he's about.
Aw Bobby and Athena are being cute
LOL @ "Buck, you don't even have a couch" Get him, Chris
Oh Jesus Christ not hand gore I can't deal with hand gore
Josh is me "Why not? You guys love each other, just get back together already."
I've missed Josh and Maddie's dynamic
Lol at threatening to cut the car up so they could take it to the hospital with the contestants
Oh no are they finally gonna get back together?? Thank goodness
I'm way too soft about them
Did Chimney just call this a one night stand oh my god??
Listen I have casually hooked up with exes after the break up and this was. Not that.
Noah seems nice
Oh no Maddie helping the older brother find his little brother in hide and seek because he was scared he'd run away that's so soft
Lmfao Buck has a clipboard again
Hen calling it a weapon in the wrong hands
Crying with laughter that Bobby didn't know why Buck was being so weird
But very emotional that he picked Hen as his interim replacement
"Is this because I don't have a couch?"
I love how the couch is such a blatant stand in for Buck's relationships
Okay I'm in love with these neighbours having an affair and being so extra about it that they built a secret fucking tunnel between their houses
Plus the wife is so hot, if her husband isn't going to romance her then someone should
Watching Hen be the cap is great, she's really good at it
Oh Hen, running out of time in the test is crazy stressful I have so been there
Oh my god she fell asleep at the wheel that's terrifying
Jeeze, having to triage who has the better chance of living is really rough
Hen and Buck are both gonna take this so hard
Eddie and Chimney trying to take care of them
Oh Hen no. You just took on so much and you haven't slept right in days.
Holy shit they found a body???
Holy shit the kid who
The kid who went missing
The reason Athena became a cop
Holy shit????
Tiny Athena is so cute
Could the girl have fallen in accidentally?
Bobby can't you see she's afraid he did it?
I'm high key obsessed with the missing girl's older sister.
It doesn't make sense that Reggie Senior did it. I think he hid the body to protect his kid.
Jeeze I really thought this was gonna turn out to be a tragic accident, I can't believe Junior targetted and killed her on purpose.
This was honestly a great episode. I didn't think that solving this mystery could live up to the impact of leaving it without a resolution but they really proved me wrong.
Holy fuck he got buried under the tree that's crazy
I love watching all the kids get older and go through new challenges and develop who they are. Lol at Christopher getting snarky with his dad in new and exciting ways.
And lying to him, apparently. Good for you, Chris.
I'm crying with laughter over Chimney getting accidentally abducted and Buck chasing him on a bike
Aw this heart to heart with Eddie and his dad is really nice
It's interesting but I've been thinking about the fact that s5&6 had a different show runner to the other seasons, and what I'm really feeling is that the character she doesn't quite get is Buck. I just feel like the story arcs he's been getting lately have been stuff that's come out of nowhere, like they're not sure what to do with him. I'm just not completely sold on this sperm donor arc and I remember reading some stuff about where it goes that has me very dubious
Noah thinking maybe someone else heard to get the address was a good call
Jeeze these kinds of calls are always gonna be so rough for Maddie
Wow Hen I love your sweater
Hen was such a good choice for Buck to chat to about this, she's been through it from a few different angles and she has great advice
That dog actor was very excited about getting its "stand up now" command, the tail was wagging like anything
Oh Eddie, I get that you're pissed but that was not your best moment
Very soft that he was able to pull himself back and actually talk to his kid. He's a good dad.
Oh I'm really happy that Maddie was able to help that mum and her daughter T_T
Athena snarkily calling Buck "Detective Buckley" my beloved
"The raccoon definitely didn't do this" Oh Athena you don't get to mock Buck any more you sound like you're trying to do the opening credit zinger
Oh God he's gonna get buried in insulation goop
Gosh I hope Noah wasn't the one behind these robberies
Shit I bet it was, since there was the whole thing about Maddie showing him how to access past calls
And it was done under Maddie's name? Yeah I just bet it was oh no I liked him
Oof well at least he had an empathetic reason
"That was weirder than usual" lol
Awww Hoover
I'm really happy he found a good home in the end
An explosion at the - Oh shit Karen!!!!
Omg it's Karen and Hen's origin story and it's CUTE
This is SO CUTE
Hahaha and Chimney was behind it? He's diabolical I adore him
"That woman is not even my type" PLEASE
Denny is sweet, I'm happy we finally got to see more of him after those first couple of seasons where he was important to the story but not actually on-screen much
I'm really happy to be seeing more of Karen in her element too, this is a cool episode
"It's pretty cool except they want to catch an alien and mom won't let them" CUTE
Denny is ok thank goodness
Oh I'm emotional about the fact that Hen can't accept Bobby telling her not to suit up until she meets Chimney's eyes and sees his nod. Their friendship means so much to me.
I love seeing the way Hen and Karen have changed since being together in the way they are with each other in these early flashbacks. I just think they've made each other better people and it's cool to see that even just in the little ways their actresses play them
Oh I'm really glad Toni called so Athena could show up for Hen
Chimney I'm so obsessed with your matchmaking techniques?? Set them up on a blind date without telling one of them? Call to say their ex is dead so they won't get on a plane???
This is a nice scene for Hen and Denny
Little baaaaaby!!
I have mixed feelings about Hen giving up on med school. But obviously I'm happy she isn't leaving the team. Maybe something for her to revisit at another time in her life, idk.
Dedicated skeptic Eddie is my fav
Please tell me someone has written fic about this I'm desperate here
But probably not as desperate as Buck
The universe is conspiring to trap Buck in a kinky chastity fantasy
I literally could not be happier
LOL Chimney and Hen's reaction to Eddie picking up the "cursed" braclet
Oh no wonder Eddie hates superstition
You guys should just do this the old fashioned way. with a turkey baster.
(or, you know, a $2 syringe from the pharmacy)
It would be cheaper and more convenient
This is not relevant to anything but god Eddie is so pretty
This Felisa is also very pretty
Just doing the math here but maybe they should make out
Buck finally got to make his, ahem, donation. Happy for you, bud.
"The terrible twos are no joke" "she's not even two yet" "try telling her that" Yeah that's. Real. Lmfao.
(The little guy is definitely at the age where he has big feelings about the things he wants and not such a big capacity to understand reasons)
Babysitter Buck is soooo cute
"Come on, you must be hungry, I am" give it up, Buck, that kid will eat or not on her own schedule
Am I supposed to recognise Darius? I don't remember him
Did that guy just kill his boss with his mind?
Oh it was just a fantasy lmfao
Omg Christopher has a crush on someoooone
Yeah setting up your toddler's bedroom in the living space was never going to work
Why are these idiots on the roof of the fire truck
Absolute dumbasses
Wow Bobby's taking his engine's honour real personally
Lol I love this guy calling himself a "nice guy" vs Darius as a macho jerk who treats women like crap when not ten minutes ago he was calling May a bitch and Darius was telling him not to
May was a badass on that call
Awww and she got the guy, too. Very cute.
"Look! Swords!" Buck you dork
Buck and Hen being cute buddies I love them
Is this some kind of homage? I don't recognise it
The Santa Ana stuff is making me think of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and honestly that would make a HILARIOUS cross-over
My wife keeps laughing at me because of the faces I make at this show. It's a shame xe've gone to bed because the expression I pulled when that dog dropped a human hand on the doorstep was a doozy
Oh no this is CUTE. They were both so worried about each other's lost appendages they didn't look for their own, but they found each other's.
Oh it's cool to see Bobby's sponsor
"It's a haunted house." "Yeah. With really good bones" Lol it would be the housing market that cures Chimney of his superstitions
Oh no Wendall T_T
This midnight team group chat is adorable
Heeee that was a fun prank on Josh and the way he figured it out was extremely funny
Awfully convenient that nothing terrible actually happened in that house
Still, I'm happy for Maddie and Chimney
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slimylayne · 2 years
I’ve been meaning to be sappy for a moment and say I highly recommend adopting riks “cocky” (ooer) mentality
You know what I’m talking about, he’s always going on about how he’s THE rik mayall, the second coming of Christ, in fact, BETTER than Jesus, changed the course of history and time and space with his light entertainment, however some of us see him in interviews and hear other peoples versions of him and realise he’s not really THAT full of himself at all, some people even call him insecure, he appears a little nervous in some interviews, is really polite and welcoming irl etc etc
But honestly he’s taught me that sure, you might look a bit cocky (he can get away with it cuz he’s rik) but putting yourself on a pedestal and talking about how great you are is actually,,, really helpful when you are someone who tends to doubt themself
I am constantly battling with my brain like “that was stupid, you’re an idiot” “no I’m not” “yes you are” over little things that don’t even matter but it still hurts, but being like “that tiny mistake doesnt fucking matter, I’m literally a genius anyway” is way more helpful than you expect lmao
I also admire him SO much for having this mentality in the face of his memory problems after his accident, because I have a shitty memory, I am very clumsy and I blame it on autism, which is a bit less of a fucking burden than brain damage from splitting your head open in a quad bike crash??!!! I get very upset when I make mistakes or forget things or I’m clumsy, but rik? He just fucking brushes it off and carries on, has a laugh, says oh fuck nevermind, I’m the best anyway.
I highly recommend you try thinking of yourself as the greatest human to ever walk the planet because it makes you feel SO much better about everything, and thank you SO MUCH rik for teaching me that
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pbandjesse · 11 months
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I had to sleep in an extra half hour. Because when I woke up today I was so dizzy and groggy I was close to tears. So I reset my alarm and laid back down. I got up for real at 730. And felt much better.
I really liked my outfit and I felt good. It was very cold out but I was prepared for it. I wore lots of layers and even put on my fluffy brown boots just for a little extra warmth.
James and me went down together. I waited at the door with their bike when they forgot their helmet. We were both forgetful today. I forgot my thumb ring and I was really bummed about it. Convinced that I had possibly lost it. But thankfully when I came home it was right on my desk.
I got to camp around 830. And it was cold!!! Very cold! It was 28 degrees this morning! Everything was so frosty. Thankfully the office was nice and warm.
I spent the first half hour eating my breakfast and working on my homestead lesson and starting to dig into my second program about natural dyes you can make at camp. It was nice just sitting and working.
Sarah would come in a little after 9. And slowly everyone else came through. There wasn't much we needed to set up. So we got to just chill in the cozy office and be silly.
Elizabeth wasn't feeling great. She actually would go to urgent care because her breathing was struggling. She may have pneumonia. I hope not! But because she wasn't feeling amazing she said if I still wasn't feeling good I didn't have to go on the hike. And I was debating it. Mostly because it was so cold.
But I decided that I would go on the hike. Because the babies were so stinking cute. And it would be such little groups of 8 that I was like. Yes. I want to do this.
And it was so fun. Like genuinely. My group was the Bison group. And they were so fun. I got to teach them big words and talk about history. We touched pinecones. We pet moss. We smelled black walnuts. We met the horses. I showed them some mushrooms. We looked at the wah things grew together. It was honestly awesome.
We had some little tears. Because they have tiny legs and one of their dad's was there so it was easier to be more emotional. Like that's pretty normal. But even though it was cold it was so nice. It was beautiful. And I had remembered to wear layers and I have my hat and gloves on. And my hair got pretty shocked from the cold. Which always makes it so dry. But it's all good. I was having a great time.
We would slowly walk back after we met the horses. And I had a nice time chatting with the babies about their favorite things. Some of my favorite quotes of the day:
-"Do you have a mommy?" "Yes! "Still???"
-"Jesus Christ I don't like these woods"
-"Did you know that when fire comes....we all die!!!" (In a very cheery, singing voice)
-"I hate leaves. They are so loud."
-"I want my mama. I don't like these trees. I don't trust them"
Just all in their presious baby voices. Just a delight.
Lunch was chill except then Gabe decided to cut it by 15 minutes. Which was only annoying because I didn't want to go outside. But it's fine. I accidentally microwaved metal. Because I didn't realize the lids of our jars are metal for some reason but thankfully I did not destroy evehrbtkng. Just burned my hotdog just a little bit.
After lunch we went back to finish setting up our afternoon programs. We changed all the locations because it was so cold and we didn't want the reptiles outside. So Celia would move to the lodge and I would move from the field over to pioneer one so I would be closer. Then Gabe would veto me being on the porch to be in the sun instead because he decided that would be warmer. Even though it didn't change anything. Whatever.
The program was fun though. The 15 minute rotations work pretty well with the little kids. And I really liked doing the leaf rubbing with them. I framed it as printmaking, specifically monotyping. And they weren't amazing at it but they did really like it and the teachers really liked it. Some of the trouble was that they are learning to properly hold a pencil right now so having to hold the crayons in a strange way was tough on them. But we did pretty well! Plus it was just fun. It was cold but it was still a really beautiful day.
We finished up and I just had to sit down for a few minutes. I chatted with Nick for a bit. Before we went back to the lodge to start cleaning.
I decided to focus on the bathrooms. I put music on but I didn't have my headphones so when Nick came in the room he was like "....is this 100gecs??" Yes. Yes it is.
I actually enjoyed cleaning though. And would end up doing all 5 bathrooms. And then went to organize the cleaning closet because it looked embarrassing. Heather was giving someone a tour for an overnight in a few weeks. And so I made it nicer and not so ugly. I also found three different broom wall mounts. I might have to ask Joe to help me hang those. Or if he's fine with me just doing it myself. It's really just finding the studs. Which I think I could figure out. Measuring from the doorframe? I'm assuming they would be in regular intervals. I will have to look into it more. We finished up cleaning with sweeping everything for Bonnie and Jeff to work on mopping. And then we all headed back to the office.
I would continue my work on my lessons. Heather had printed all the bcps standards for the year so I could create reasons the new programs would fit with curriculum. So I focused on that. And I'm really happy with it.
While I was working on that Celia commented about doing something after work. I always go to the Dutch market on Thursdays so I suggested that. And so after she went to measure the tanks in the nature building we would head out.
We took our own cars and met there. And I always hate the parking lot because the spots are so tight. But I had fun being there!
We looked at all the stones and were being really silly talking about the best and worst stones. The silly properties people say they have. We smelled all the soaps. It was fun.
We went to get candy. I got buckeyes which I remember making as a child with my teacher for a parent Christmas present. And I got orange jelly slices. But sadly the pretzel stand was closed for a wedding but that was okay. I was only a little sad.
So Celia got nachos from the new Mexican place. And I went to zooks for the first time for a grilled cheese. We hung out and talked and it was good. Celia would fall in love with an octopus plushie that cost $89. The shop keeper clowned on her that it was going to be so sad without her. It was very silly. He leaned over to me and was loudly whispering "she seems just gullible enough to fall for this!" And she goes "hey!! I might be gullible but I'm not dead!" We had a good laugh.
Went to the bakery where I got to many things but it was so cheap. I was honestly just a good time.
I was getting tired though. And after circling one more time it was time to go.
There was a lot of traffic on my drive home. But I made it back by 6. When I got up here I held Sweetp while a while. Who has been wildly cuddly. And poked at James who was recording their podcast. And I decided I would go do some sewing.
I'm trying roe design a giraffe. They always come out s little wrong. But as a first go for this new design it's not terrible. It's really just an issue of connecting the legs. I like his silly little face. I'll keep trying. It was a fun hour and a half working on that. But around 730 I moved to the couch to work on this post. And Sweetp cuddled up on me and we have been laying here since.
James just got done thier podcast and talked to me about how talking to the mortgage guy went today. We have almost all of our documents in and things are going well. It's almost warp speed but it's exciting. I am trying to not get to excited but like. It's still exciting! Even if this one doesn't work out, we are on a path!! Things are happening.
I am ready to go to bed now though. I am goj g to shower. And try to get very moisturized from a from cry and cold day. And then I will hopefully sleep easily.
I hope you all sleep well. And are the appropriate temperature. I love you all. Good night!!
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Ask an RTC fan thing!! 1. fav character? 2. fav song? 3. fav line? 7. saddest scene? 8. fav ship? 14. fav funny moment? enjoy :)
noel gruber noel gruber noel gruber
as much as i wanna say Noel's Lament, gotta go with Ballad of Jane Doe. Just- holy shit. Tied with Fall Fair Suite/opening number (tragic fact i think?) that one is coo
like any interactions between Noel and Ocean, my favorite lines from them being, "Noellll, i love you!!!!!' You challenged my pre conceived notion that ALL gay guys are fun to be around!!," "Jesus Christ... on a bike." and, of course, "GODDAMMITKEEPITINYOURPANTSFORONESECONDYOUHORRIBLESUCCUBUS"
gotta be Constance's monologue for me, I get really teary at SA stories, and it's honestly heartbreaking.
all of space age bachelor man, or the lines i mentioned before. OR any of Constance's and Jane/Penny's interactions.
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vogelmeister · 1 year
i really need to sort out goud's practicality for production bc so far in sets represented we have
two bedrooms (anne-fleur's and merel's) (anne fleur's gets seen twice im pretty sure and actually so does merel's i think.)
THREE!!! separate train stations (zuid, amsterdam and almere although ngl all these need is a sign that can be changed)
one metro stop (henk sneevlietweg, can probably be same sign as the stations)
the rijkmuseum????
HET VONDELPARK???? (honestly this can be a bare stage use ur fucking imagination)
dirk-jan's living room
the rooijakkers' living room (more important than dirk-jan's and the context of dirk -jan's is a house party which can probably be shown with v little stuff but the rooijakkers living room has some pretty significant scenes.)
the bookstore in which merel works at
the tacky tourist shop anne-fleur works at
a singular post box? and merel's bike (i know my drama society has a bike bc parfumerie and merel would have a mint bike although she never ever rides it so thats something else we probs dont have to see it. im pretty sure the bike in parfumerie was unridable bc the actor playing arpad never got on it.)
leidsplein yay!! (also quite easy ngl)
also like, cafes but honestly... same set of chairs but shown through props)
theres also an unnamed bar but tbh she is shown for 0.2 seconds while the focus is split between that and a train
the fictitious bar on Prinsengracht, De Zwarte Vogel, and the canal in front of it (rip)
uh, just canals and shit.
well i know what im doing when i have time
i should have just kept maths
not because i like maths
but if i kept maths this play would Not exist
if u know u know
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honeyflies05 · 2 years
hello and welcome to honey’s live thoughts from tonight’s episode
I just RAN from the bathroom
felt like I was 6 again and my sister was screaming that the show was on
this park ranger man💀
how does a tree DO that
curiosity killed the birdwatcher… really.
captain henrietta <3
that ROCK looks real secure💀
hen wielding a chainsaw>>
yeah that Ranger deserved that
better BUCK next time
I loved that scene
opening himself up to possibility? YOUR POSSIBILITY IS RIGHT THERE. HIS NAME IS EDDIE DIAZ.
“they could be both” BAHAHAHA
frat boy Connor💀
“this is the wrong kind of Mayo” I TELL MY MOM THIS ALL THE TIME
chris’s school???
okay roommate era
isn’t this that one girl from tiktok
how did people pull the sperm donor out of nowhere and they were RIGHT?????
and why would they choose BUCK???
you know who I miss? Ravi. I’m hanging onto that “Ravi on 911” in his twitter bio
poor hen
drunk driver!
it’s always the damn prius’
i forgot buck had a bike
“definitely jail”
i wish I had a snooze button I could hit💀
random college buddy knows where buck lives???
buck breakdown era
fr. why buck?
someone choosing buck for the first time?? not in the way we wanted BUT
what is this girl SAYING
maddie is ALWAYS taking these types of calls
lizzo also makes me clean
i too fight the fitted sheets
imagine eddie having to come pick up a drunk buck from hen’s
bartender buck would be disappointed
buck please stop making dick jokes💀
“donor not dad” HURTS
who is this new guy honestly💀
I never said I was smart
it’s always the sorority/frats
“…it’s two o’clock in the afternoon”
“it’s five o’clock somewhere”
MY comfort firefam
i can’t believe they just narcan’d a dog
drunk buck is a happy buck
eddie being a father of a teenager<3
when they work through their problems together❤️❤️❤️❤️
man I wish I had a healthy household like this growing up
maddie handling domestic abuse calls with PROFESSIONALISM now <333
“like… the vacuum cleaner”
is he saying YES😐
this is gonna cause some problems!!!
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