#jesus christ oh my god it's both amazing and horrifying
tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
G-guys take it easy on the ask box-
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venusjaynie · 1 year
stranger things social media!!
all the older kids are 18-21 and The Party are 15-16
steve harrington x fem!reader
series mastlist
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Liked by itsbuckleybitch, thefreakmunson, dustybunhenderson, willthewise and others.
y/ns.priv24: "baby, take a pic with this sweet view behind me."
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itsbuckleybitch: he looks like a stickman
↳ stevie.h: shut the fuck up
↳ y/ns.priv24: you're so right rob
↳ stevie.h: wow babe i expected better from you
↳ y/ns.priv24: you're a very cute stickman
thefreakmunson: the thought of the both of you atop a mountain taking pictures of each other is so cute it makes me sick
↳ y/ns.priv24: love u too eddie
b.hargrove: harrington wtf is wrong with your face
↳ stevie.h: bite me hargrove
johnnybyers: this comment section is the reason i'm fucking insane you are all so annoying (even you baby sis)
↳ y/ns.priv24: i may be annoying but at least i'm mom's favourite.
↳ johnnybyers: i would come back with something equally as harsh but we both know will is mom's favourite
↳ y/ns.priv24: ...yeah that's true. seriously he gets possessed by some fucking demon one time and all of a sudden he's the light of mom's life
↳ willthewise: not cool big sis. not cool
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Liked by b.hargrove, nanceewheeler, mikey7 and others
stevie.h: just chillin by the sea with my favourite girl
tagged: y/ns.priv24
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itsbuckleybitch: wait why are you guys kinda cute
↳ stevie.h: you're only realising this now???
dustybunhenderson: you are literally my parents
↳ stevie.h: not cool dude
↳ dustybunhenderson: mom dad's being mean to me
↳ y/ns.priv24: steve don't be mean to our son
↳ stevie.h: oh my
nanceewheeler: the cutest ever
↳ y/ns.priv24: um not as cute as you and j
↳ stevie.h: excuse me we're way cuter than nance and jonathan
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Liked by b.hargrove, johnnybyers, stevie.h, itsbuckleybitch and others.
y/ns.priv24: it's all well and good that billy and steve got over their issues, and i'm glad they aren't at each others throats 24/7 anymore, but can i just point out that they aren't even planking correctly? did no one else notice this?
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b.hargrove: okay rude
↳ y/ns.priv24: learn how to plank first then you can call me rude
↳ b.hargrove: you bitch
↳ stevie.h: hey cut it out dumbass. that's my girl you're talking to. i'll beat your ass
itsbuckleybitch: i did notice, and i'm really glad someone spoke up about this issue. thank you.
↳ y/ns.priv24: i appreciate your concern for the wellbeing of my boyfriend's and his (boy)friend's back. you're welcome.
↳ b.hargrove: WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT
↳ stevie.h: yeah dude wth
↳ y/ns.priv24: call me dude again and i'll skin you alive bro
↳ johnnybyers: go little sis. you slay.
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Liked by y/ns.priv24, nanceewheeler, stevie.h, dustybunhenderson, thefreakmunson and others.
itsbuckleybitch: amazing show yesterday dingus. we had a blast
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y/ns.priv24: currently googling how to become a microphone
↳ stevie.h: glad you enjoyed the show sweetheart
↳ y/ns.priv24: i really did. you're incredible stevie
↳ thefreakmunson: oh my god get a room
b.hargrove: loved the show man (also currently googling how to become said mic)
↳ y/ns.priv24: SEE. BOYFRIENDS.
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Liked by y/ns.priv24, stevie.h, johnnybyers and others.
nanceewheeler: y/n and i's favourite boys
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mikeymikey: hey i thought i was your favourite
↳ nanceewheeler: why would you think that?
y/ns.priv24: stevie i forgot how big your arms are can you choke me
↳ stevie.h: oh my god
itsbuckleybitch: this is quite horrifying
↳ stevie.h: i apologise for my girlfriends unhinged comments
↳ itsbuckleybitch: no i meant your face in the picture dingus
willthewise: i'm actually y/n's favourite boy.
↳ stevie.h: sure you are buddy
↳ y/ns.priv24: oh steve how do i put this nicely...
↳ stevie.h: you're on the couch tonight
↳ y/ns.priv24: NO STEVE WAIT
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Liked by nanceewheeler, stevie.h, willthewise, mikey7, and others
johnnybyers: my person.
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y/n's.priv24: stop you guys are so cute get married rn.
↳ jonnybyers: thanks kiddo (ik you only want us to get married so you can be a bridesmaid for nance)
↳ nanceewheeler: correction - maid of honour
stevie.h: you guys are almost as cute as me and y/n
↳ y/ns.priv24: i'd say we're equally as cute.
↳ dustybunhenderson: i agree with steve. my parents are the cutest
↳ stevie.h: DUDE
↳ y/ns.priv24: HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Yeah, so I finished Breaking Dawn.
Holly shit. Holly fucking shit. Holly Jesus fucking Christ holly fucking hell god damn shit. THIS BOOK IS AMAZING.
I am serious. I am not being ironic or trying to be cool or contradictory or nothing. This book is absolutely batshit insanely fucking good. THIS IS GOOD FUCKING FANTASY.
Look. I've read and watched plenty of reevaluations of the series in the past couple of years, and I think we all know by now that it is far from perfect and there's a lot to criticize, but that the criticism and cultural uproar at the time was just pure misogyny and hatred to anything that girls like (a day will come when we talk about Justin Bieber and how the entire world decided its number one enemy was a 13 year old boy who wanted to be a pop singer and was beloved by 13 year old girls but it is not this day), and that Meyer is actually a very good world builder. This reread really solidified this for me, but even more so then before. I really do believe she is a good writer. NOT GREAT, but good. Until Breaking Dawn.
I am not joking when I tell you that this is one of the most incredible books I have ever read in my life. It is leaps and bounds better then any other book in the series. I think the other books are fine and enjoyable, they definitely don't hold the same charm over me as they did when I was 16, but they are absolutely entertaining and even truly touching (New Moon specifically). But this... this is just a different league altogether. This book is mature, and brutal, and aggressive, and disgusting, and horrifying, and reached fucked up territories that few writers dare to explore and I absolutely admire Meyer for this.
Part One - Bella:
It's a pretty short section of the book so there's not much to say about. It's sweet and fun but nothing much more.
Horny Bella is the best Bella. Get some girl.
Part two - Jacob:
Anyway, this right here is what brilliance is made of. I need to find a way to articulate it properly. It's the first time I have ever been so acutely aware of the narrator because the entire narration is in first person and so all the sections that are supposedly general descriptions are an active thought of Jacob that in almost every single moment are being experienced not just by me but by his pack(s) and by Edward and are commented on in the story. I don't even know how to explain just what an unbelievably wonderfully complexly imaginatively fucked up this is. Just. Amazing.
I'm okay I swear. But seriously. Leah's story is amazing as is, but it's the room Meyer gives her to be both filled with sorrow and with just pure spiteful rage. I love that she is not perfect, she is not currently nice, because she can't be nice, but a day will come when she might be better, be in a better place, and that's okay because we understand her. I just love her so much.
Speaking of which, I love the new bond between Rosalie and Bella but I also love that it's not entirely a good things? Like, there is a very clearly stated undertone that Rose cares more about the fetus than she does about Bella, and I just respect that? She isn't just magically sweet and kind, it's twisted and complicated and good storytelling (I forgot to mention in the Eclipse post Rosalie's backstory, but obviously that's also amazing).
Seth is also the most wonderful and pure cinnamon role in history and I will die for him.
6. this:
Leah: Mom dropped him a lot when he was a baby. Jacob: Oh his head, apparently. Leah: He used to gnaw on the crib bars, too. Jacob: Lead paint? Leah: Looks like it.
7. This section is just so fucking brutal. The physical toll of carrying the baby for Bella, Edward's agony, Jacob's suffering, Leah's everything, the coming attack from the wolves, the birth... Immaculate.
Part three - Bella:
If there was one Mary Sue I would stan, it was Bella. You're doing amazing sweetie!! You go and be an awesome newborn. We believe in you!!!
All the vampire descriptions are just so fucking good. The whole distractability, the way the new senses literally overwhelm you. I love it all.
You know what? I really don't mind the imprinting. Meyer goes to great lengths to say that it's in no way romantic. It's not the Greatest Thing, but, I mean, I'm reading a fantasy book... my suspension is very much suspending...
Jacob's being an ass again, only caring about what he wants, but it's only for like two chapters so it's fine.
I can't help but love the congregation of vampires, it's just so fun and interesting, and even though we spend so little time with them they are all so distinct.
It's a great showdown. I love it way more then I did the first time. I am still fond of the What-The-Fuck-They-Are-All-Dying???? scene from the movie, but it's intense even without it.
and this:
Garrett: If we live through this, I`ll follow you anywhere, woman. Kate: Now he tells me.
Good job all around. Now I need to go buy Midnight Sun.
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lihikainanea · 3 years
FIRST OF ALL, I have this like, weird interest in fashion over the past two years or so. I've never particularly been into it, but now my instagram is mainly fashion inspo and like, who is this person???? I've never considered myself fashionable, much less interested in fashion and now I swear to god I spend Sunday afternoons ~judging people~ and looking up latest fashion trends and how to wear things and I am just LOVING IT. And since nobody asked, I'm going to go ahead and list you my top fucking fashion ABSOLUTELY DO FUCKING NOT pet peeves:
1) Matching pantsuits. Hello, no. I know the designers that are trying to bring this back, and it's a hard no for me dawg. I am in my almost mid thirties and I ain't trying to look like a fucking old maid, thanks. These will never be fashionable. Just stop.
2) Derby shoes. These literally don't go with anything. I'm not sorry. If you're that committed to huge, clunky, ugly fucking shoes, get clogs. I ain't saying you have to wear heels, not at all. But find yourself some nice oxfords, a nice loafer, hell even some mules--and they will be infinitely nicer than fucking derby shoes.
3) Layering. No, kids. Baum und Pferdgarten, I love you. I do. I have a few of your dresses. But ya'll motherfuckers need to stop with this pajama-esque, mixed and clashing pattern, oversized bullshit looks that you call fashion. There is a way to wear slouchy, and babes, THAT AIN'T IT. YOU LITERALLY LOOK LIKE A FUCKING WARHOL PAINTING THREW UP ON YOU. Mixing patterns is cool, we like that, but Jesus Christ it has to have some consistency.
alright, now onto the actual ask.
All of this to say, I kept a keen eye on the Met Gala this year and I was...perplexed. At best. Horrified, at worst.
So like, tiger right? There's little else in the world that tiger hates as much as Bill's outwardly Hollywood side. The parties. The schmoozing. And I mean, she knows it's part of his life so that's fine, but in fairness--Bill also abhors this side. He loathes it. And he's been to the Met gala once, which notoriously never allows a +1 unless that +1 is famous, but low and behold--by some stroke of luck--Bill's invitation this year allows for it.
"No." tiger says immediately.
"You don't even know what I'm going to ask!" he exclaims.
"I know what that is," she points to the invitation in his hand, "And no."
It's a hard no. It takes Bill weeks--because like, tiger ain't Hollywood. She doesn't want to do the dress. She doesn't want the mingling with fucking celebrity guests. She doesn't want the paparazzi. She wants none of it. But like, eventually--after so much begging--eventually Bill gets her to agree. His stylist will get a dress for her. Hair and make up is taken care of. Bill promises her that she can just slip in the back, sit at the table, and have cocktails to her heart's galore while he walks the red carpet. She doesn't have to be photographed--and truth be told, tiger's a nobody so people aren't really interested in photographing her anyway. That's fine by her.
The dress worries her, because tiger isn't exactly celebrity material but the stylist is so kind in taking measurements. Bill handles everything--the flights, the make up reservations, the hair appointments. On the day of, he checks them into the Bowery Hotel and then tiger doesn't have to worry about a thing. He shoves a fluffy robe at her, and then there's just a flurry of activity--massages first. Breakfast after. A stint in the steam room--which they absolutely have sex in. Facials. Manicures--for both. A light lunch. And then the bell rings and in come a flurry of a team ready to glamorize them--Bill's favourite groomer, his stylist, tiger's make up artist, her hair stylist. The primping process is the longest tiger has ever been through--but there's wine, there's snacks, her Big Dude is right beside her looking handsome as all hell. And when tiger puts on a dress that is worth more than she makes in a year, when her hair is all done up and her make up is perfect--she begrudgingly admits to him that yes, Beeeeeel, she does feel pretty.
"You look stunning kid," he praises, pressing a gentle kiss on her cheek. To her slight embarrassment (but secret joy), he hands his phone off to his assistant and asks for a few pictures.
And like, here's the thing right? The Met Gala has a strict policy: no spouses or couples seated together. Seriously, it's a thing. Look it up. And while tiger is mildly freaking out about that, she calms down considerably when she does see a name tag at her table that she recognizes.
Alex. Skarsgård.
Tiger smiles, Bill grimaces.
And that's what starts it, right? Bill is at a table far away but not too far, and right where he can keep her in his line of sights. He knows she wasn't looking forward to this so he wants to keep an eye on her, but then like....why the fuck does she look like she's having so much fun? Alex is cracking the whole table up, being his usual charismatic self. Tiger is laughing, guffawing actually, beyond control--her hand on his, clutching his forearm. Bill barely even makes conversation with his own table, he's staring so intently at the two of them and tiger looking like she's having the best night of her life.
Bill's blood is boiling. It boils even more when he sees tiger make a face at her main plate--her nose wrinkling, her lip curled in disgust--and without missing a beat Alex's fork swoops over, plucks all the green onions from her food, and tiger smiles gratefully at him. Bill slams his napkin down on the table.
"Excuse me," he mutters in response to the curious glances. And then he stalks over, heads right to her table, and he's so silent that she jumps a mile when she hears his voice in her ear from behind her.
"A word, kid?" he says.
"But the food just--"
"Now." he says insistently. He holds a hand out to her, helps her push her chair back and stand. But then he's basically dragging her to a restroom, and poor tiger isn't quite used to heels this high.
"Hang on bud," she pleads, "I'm not that coordinated."
But he doesn't hang on. Instead he reaches back, loops a strong arm around her waist and basically carries her on his side to the bathroom. Tiger's feet don't hit the floor for a good 200 feet. And once inside the bathroom, he locks the door and glares at her.
"If that dress wasn't couture, I'd have you on your fucking knees kid," he threatens. Tiger's eyes get wide.
"What did I do?" she asks innocently. Bill just glares.
"Having a good time, are you? Having the best night ever?" he accuses.
Tiger is starting to get a feeling what this is about, and oh man--she's about to rile her Big Dude up. Dressed to the nines, in a public place, surrounded by riches, and Bill is about to get a bit possessive over her? Tiger is a sucker for it every time.
"Yes," she plays into it, "Alex is being amazing. He's so--"
She doesn't get to finish the sentence, because Bill growls and lunges for her, pinning her back against the cool tile.
"You are mine," he snarls. Tiger just tilts her chin up, bites onto his bottom lip.
"Prove it." she challenges.
The roar Bill lets out is fucking feral. Tiger doesn't even have time to react before her dress is pulled up, he yanks his belt undone, and he's slamming into her. She moans, and he grabs her face in his hand.
"Don't come," he snarls, "Don't you dare come."
And like the good girl she is for him--she doesn't. She grits her teeth, tries to stave it off even as he slams deep into her, growls as his release fills her up, bites her neck hard enough to leave a mark. She whimpers, her knees wobbly, and tries to reach for a tissue.
"No," he grabs her hand.
"But it's messy," she pleads. But another glare is enough to silence her, and he swiftly pulls her panties up, smoothes her dress back down.
"You're going to sit there, full of my come for the rest of the night," he tells her, "And I want you to think of that, I want you to feel it, every time you look at him."
"Bill--" she whimpers. He silences her with a rough kiss.
"Go on," he said, "Back to your seat."
On shaky legs, she turns and tries to walk out as nonchalant as possible. He waits a few minutes before exiting, going to find his seat and sitting back down. He keeps an eye on her for the rest of the evening, but he doesn't even have to--every time he looks over at her, she's already staring at him--her eyes wide, needy, her knees pressed tightly together.
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Not Alone: Chapter Nine
-> an apocalyptic series with bnha characters but without quirks because im the writer and i can do whatever the fuck i want :P bruh its 3:45 in the morning and i have a softball game in six hours but fuck sleep right? This is the l o n g e s t chapter ive written and it took hours i was writing it while listening to true crime podcasts lol new characters unlocked
-> Word Count: 6.9k haha n i c e
-> Warnings: pervy doods, blood, sexual assault, violence, guns
-> Taglist: @5sosfckss @laudthingcat [if u wanna be added lmk <3]
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The sunlight coming in the window blinded Y/n as she woke up disoriented. She shivered from the cold breeze that came from down the hall. She noticed she was lying on Kirishima still and smiled, thinking about the night before. But stopped when she noticed that his shirt was soaked in cold sweat.
Tears streamed down her cheeks, “No. No.” She pushed him and his body compressed against her push, but he didn’t stir.
“Y/n what is it?” Mina came running in the room.
Kirishima sputtered and snorted. He rolled over knocking Y/n off and onto the floor. She started to laugh, “He’s alive. I thought… He’s cold. Oh my god he’s alive. His fever broke. He’s going to live.” Y/n jumped up and grabbed the next vial of medication.
Mina rushed to his side and felt his face, “Oh fuck, I was scared. I thought for sure he was gone.” Mina hugged her when she came back. Mina smelt like Hades and Y/n smirked. They had traded sleeping partners for the night.
Y/n hugged her back, but noticed the difference in their bodies. Mina was melded into Y/n, squeezing her where as Y/n was rigid.
They gave him his next shot and pulled the bandages off his leg. The red lines had receded but the wound still looked red and angry. She knew they weren’t out of the danger zone, but she felt good knowing that they were one step closer.
He slept the entire day and Mina and Y/n hung out. They took turns keeping watch and playing with Hades. Y/n could see Hades’s affinity towards Mina getting stronger. She knew that even she felt different. She was getting closer to Mina and Kirishima.
“Y/n what’s for dinner?”
Y/n shrugged down at Mina from the window of the barn, “I can go kill a bird.”
Mina nodded, “Alright. I’ll start the fire.”
They sealed up the house completely and decided to cook in the bunker. It was gross and sweaty with a fire down there, but it made perfect sense. No smell escaped out into the wind.
She climbed down with her bow and quiver and headed across the grass. She slipped into the forest, but instead of finding a tree to climb she froze. She smelled them before she could see or hear them. She slid against the tree and waited to figure out where the smell was coming from.
“It was rude of you to leave without the escort we offered.”
Y/n turned to the voice but something smacked her in the forehead and everything went black.
“Wake up.” Pain overwhelmed her as she opened one of her eyes. She saw bars in front of her face. “Please wake up.”
In the muted firelight she could see a girl poking her with a stick. It made a small cut on her arm, but that wasn’t where the pain was coming from. She closed her eyes tightly and then opened them again. It was dark, the firelight licked across the dark metal bars of her cage. She turned to the girl.
“Where are we?”
“The others have us.” The girl said. Y/n’s stomach fell into her bowels. Her heartbeat and breath quickened. She pushed the door to the cage with her foot. Her boots were gone.
“Where are we specifically?”
The girl frowned at Y/n, “What?”
“Our location.”
The girl shrugged. She was skinny and filthy. She made Y/n think about Mina, which made her panic. She wondered if they knew where Mina and Kirishima were. She saw her bow and quiver leaning against the tree near her.
“There she is.”
Y/n looked up at the filthy scumbag who had chased her into town. He was grinning again. He seemed very proud of himself. “You’re a pretty girl. What’s your name? I bet it’s something pretty like Jessica or Stephanie or Grace.” Y/n licked her lips and put a finger to the source of her pain. He winced as she touched the red sticky spot. “Sorry ‘bout that. I had to surprise you. Bet it hurts doesn’t it.” He kneeled on the ground in front of her cage. “Wanna tell me about how you got outta town?”
Y/n gulped.
He rattled the cage suddenly and started laughing at her horrified expression. “Jesus you aren’t mute are you? I like it when you girls scream.” He pointed to the girl next to Y/n. “I guess we can make her scream for you.”
The girl shied away from the bars and curled into a small ball. Y/n wanted him dead. Right now.
He pointed at Y/n again, “You’re going to fetch us a good price. I know it.”
Fear rocked Y/n. She didn’t have a plan. That was one of her rules. Her plans where capture was a possibility had never included a cage. She always thought the girls were grabbed and dragged to trucks.
He walked back to the fire and howled into the night air. She watched as he unzipped his pants and peed on the fire.
“Jesus Christ that’s disgusting you fucker.” The hot steam rose from the fire, polluting the air around it. A large group of men started to bitch and complain. Y/n looked at the girl who had a disgusted look on her face.
“I don’t know about you but I don’t want that inside me.” Y/n gasped at her language. The girl grinned at her, “Names Jirou.”
“I’m Y/n.” Y/n looked around for Mina and Kirishima but she didn’t see them anywhere. “How old are you, Jirou?” She asked softly.
Jirou spat on the ground outside of her bars, “Sixteen.” She was malnourished. She would be made to work the farms. She wouldn’t be a breeder.
Y/n wouldn’t let either of them end up that way. She saw a small silver thing on the ground and looked at Jirou.
“Poke that stick this way again.”
She slipped her skinny arm through the bars and passed it to Y/n. Y/n looked back at the men. They were getting drunk and the fire was starting to dim. She flicked at the silver thing and dragged it back to her with several small movements. It was an old rusty nail with a silver tip. She reached her fingers through the bars and grabbed it.
“How old are you?” Jirou asked, watching the men.
“You look older.”
Y/n wanted to frown at her, but the nail in her hands felt too amazing to bother. She passed Jirou the nail, “Pick your lock.”
She eyed it smiling, “Wow you’re good.” She reached her hands through the bars. Jirou made funny faces and then Y/n heard the clunk of the lock. She picked the lock faster than Y/n did. Y/n had only ever picked a couple.
She nodded, “Mom says we have to do whatever it takes to not be a breeder. I will die before I go there.” Her words reminded Y/n of the girl in the back of the truck who screamed. She felt sick. She was even more determined to save Jirou. The rusty nail clanked in the lock. “Want me to do it?”
Y/n gave her a look, “They’ll notice your tiny arm slipping through to my cage.” She fumbled with it again. “Dipshit is coming back.” She pulled her arm in and sat on the nail.
He grinned at Y/n, “I think I wanna taste the merchandise before I give it away.” He pulled a key out of his pants and licked his lips. He got down on the ground in front of her cage and stuck the key in. “You’re gonna like this.”
Y/n felt like throwing up.
He opened the door and reached in lightning fast. His huge hand grabbed her thin wrist and clamped down. He dragged her from the cage. She kicked at him but he was too strong. He pinned her to the ground on her stomach and pulled her hair, whispering into her ear, “Scream and I slit your throat.” He let go of her hair with force and shoved her face into the pine needles and dirt. Y/n coughed and choked. Her eyes flickered at Jirou.
“Don’t do this in front of her,” Y/n begged.
He shoved her face in the pine needles again, “She needs educating. Where you two are going, you’ll both be needing to know how to make a man happy. Think of me as your teacher.”
Y/n felt him grind himself against her and threw up. She couldn’t stop herself. She didn;t have anything in her stomach but bile filled her mouth. She spat it to the side of her face, scared that he would rub her face in it.
He pulled her pants down and she felt his hands on her underwear. She wanted to scream and fight but her hands were pinned. If she screamed, he’d kill her. She made the snap decision that death would be better than this and opened her mouth to scream, only to feel him put all his weight on her.
“Shhh Y/n. Don’t scream. We need to go now. Before they find him.”
Tears sprung from her eyes as she looked back and saw his open eyes still staring at her. The rusty nail stuck out only a little bit from his head, next to his eye. Blood trickled down his face.
Jirou heaved him off of Y/n quietly. The fire was only twenty feet from them and she could see that the group of men had dwindled. They must have gone to sleep. Y/n pushed herself up and grabbed her pants. She saw her knife in his boot and took it, holding it tightly. She wanted to stab him so bad.
Jirou grabbed her hand and pointed to the woods.
They walk hunched over. Y/n grabbed her boy and quiver and followed Jirou into the forest. They ran fast, even though they were barefoot. She recognized the forest after a few moments. Even in the dark she knew where they were.
“Oh shit.”
Y/n stopped after hearing Jirou speak. She was preparing for the worst but instead it was the best. She saw yellow eyes glowing in the dark. She quickly dropped to her knees, ignoring the branches that cut her skin. His paws were around her neck within seconds. His warm breath was in her hair. She started to cry and Hades held her like a mother would a child, and she elt soothed.
“He’s yours?”
Y/n nodded through the tears, “Hades.”
“He’s a big dog.”
Y/n smiled, “He’s a wolf. A tundra wolf.”
“Well we better get moving before they find us.”
Y/n stood and ran toward the farmhouse. She knew it was through the woods and not far. They could hide there until the men were gone. Her brain couldn’t seem to make her own survival important. She needed to know if Kirishima and Mina were safe. Jirou ran as fast as Y/n did. Her footsteps were a whisper in the grass beside Y/n. Y/n burted through the door. The house was dark and silent.
“Mina? Kirishima?” The living room was empty. The blankets were gone. She didn’t know where to go. She didn’t know where Mina and Kirishima would have gone. She ran down the basement steps into the bunker. Nothing was there. She ran back up the stairs, “We need to go hide. They’re gone. They might be looking for me.”
“My friends.” The words felt funny in her mouth.
Y/n grabbed Jirou’s sweaty fingers in the dark and pulled her back out to the barn. They slipped inside the dark of the barn. She dropped to her knees in the hay and felt for the hatch. It had hay glued on top of it. It was impossible to find even in the bright of day. She only found it because it was open when she arrived.
“Hurry climb down here.”
Hades jumped down into the whole like he had before many times. Jirou felt for Y/n in the dark and then the hatch. Y/n climbed down after her and pulled the huge hatch back over the hole.
Y/n felt around in the silence for a stool. She sat and suddenly the pain in her feet was overwhelming. She knew they had been cut.
“Did your feet get cut?”
Jirou was closer than Y/n thought, she whispered right in Y/n’s face, “No. My mom made us walk and run in the woods barefoot all the time. They always take the shoes.”
“Yeah mom was a warden at a maximum security prison before. She says she knows all the worst things people can do and she knows why they do it.”
Y/n shivered at the thought.
They don’t hear voices or any noises. Eventually Y/n fell asleep on the wooden floor against the warm fur of Hades. Jirou slept against her. Y/n’s feet pounded too hard for her to get a good nights sleep.
“It’s been five days Y/n. He walks to the same spot and makes weird noises. I have a hunting hound. He does the same thing when he wants me to follow him. We need to get following him in the woods.” Jirou had not stopped talking for five days. Mom this and Mom that. Y/n didn’t know what to do to make her quiet. She didn’t take Y/n’s silence as a hint. “Yup that wolf is trying to tell us the way to go to find them. Are your feet better?”
Y/n looked at the cuts on the bottom and nodded, “They have scabs.” She rubbed salve into the bottoms of her feet and pull her socks over the scabs. She pulled on the boots she had stored in the farmhouse bunker ages ago.
Jirou threw a huge bone for Hades. He ran to get it and chewed it in the field, “Not so sharp is he? My hound brings it back.”
Y/n looked at the bone and grimaced, “Is that a human bone?”
Jirou shrugged, “Does it matter?”
Hades picked up the long thin bone and walked toward the same spot in the field like he had for the past five days and whined.
“Okay let’s follow him then.” Y/n slung on her backpack and looked back at the farmhouse. She had left a note in the bunker under the barn. Mina knew it was her favorite hiding place. Y/n’s heart hurt and she decided to not look behind her. She didn;t run through the field. Hades trotted along like a real dog. He didn’t wait at the meeting tree.
Nothing was the same.
She opened the cabin door and suddenly her life felt lost. She knew she would regret opening that stupid door and helping Mina. But she never imagined her regret would be being separated from them.
Her heart hurt when she thought about the kisses she shared with Kirishima. Her stomach hurt when she thought about Mina being taken.
Hades picked up the pace as they entered the woods.She reached out and brushed her fingers along the meeting tree. Instead of going the way home to the cabin he cut a hard left and they climbed a different hill.
“So then when I was twelve she says she wants to try to go to the city. So we get all dressed up and I mean bathed and spiffy. We walk all the way to the city but they don’t just let us in. We have to go through a bunch of tests and other nonsense. The city was brand new. It looked like nothing I’ve ever seen. Anyway they come to us in the bright white clothes and make me take all my brand new clean clothes off. They burned them. Mom was mad then. My aunt failed the diabetes test they gave us and so if we wanted to go into the city we would have to leave her behind. No diabetes in the city. Mom said they could shove that up their asses. So we left the city. My other aunt got grabbed there. Mom thinks it was because she tested healthy they told the bad ones to take her to the breeder farms. They drove up in their trucks and held guns on us. They dragged her into the truck. She screamed and reached for us. Mom never moved. She just watched. I never saw my aunt again.” Her story was the story of thousands of women.
“I’ve seen them taken too. They always leave the kids behind.”
Jirou put a finger to her lips, “Shh you hear that?”
Y/n listened. All she heard was her own heartbeat and it dawned on her that as Jirou chatted on, she listened to the forest the way Y/n does. Y/n doesn’t hear them. No birds, no squirrels. She stopped walking. She pulled an arrow instantly and held the bow ready.
A branch broke to the side of them. She swung the bow with the arrow trembling in her hands. A huge black bear groaned and walked past them to the ridge below them. Hades growled and crouched. He looked at Y/n but she shook her head.
They didn’t turn their backs on it. They walked up the hill backwards until the bear was far enough away. Hades’s dark hackles stayed up until he started sniffing the ground again. He wandered in a circle for a bit.
“So then I was saying to Mom… hey look I think he has a smell. Not totally useless is he?”
Y/n glared at her.
Jirou put her hands up, “What? He’s no hound but I think he’s got the scent.”
They followed him through the thick woods until he suddenly stopped waking. They hiked for hours and that was the most animated she had seen him. He growled in his low town and crawled along the forest floor on his belly. They follow him low to the ground. Y/n was scanning the forest but she saw nothing.
“There.” Jirou pointed to a man wearing camouflage high up in a tree. He held a sniper rifle. There was no way they wouldn’t get around him. She pulled her bow out but Jirou stopped her hand and pointed to a man in another tree just behind him.
“We wait for dark,” Jirou whispered.
Y/n looked at Jirou and frowned, “Where’s your home?”
Her brown eyes look haunted. “It’s back closer to the town by the big river. Mom was taken when they were looking for some girl. They searched all the houses and found my aunt and mom hiding. They didn’t find me. I snuck out the back and over the pointy log wall. The others snatched me outside the gates. The hunters were long gone though, so they were gonna wait for them to come back.”
“It was me,” the words slipped from Y/n’s mouth. Jirou crouched in some larger bush and sat, waiting for nightfall. Y/n spoke after a while. She felt awkward in Jirou’s silence. She was never silent. “I can help you find your mom.”
“She never got taken.”
“Where’d she go?”
“Knowing mom she went to hell. She was a mean and spiteful woman. Full of piss is what my aunt said.”
It hit Y/n like a club to the face, “She died?”
Jirou glanced at her, “I told you what she always said. You do whatever it takes to not go there. They woulda put her in the fields anyway. Her insides were injured having me. She couldn’t have more kids.”
Y/n wanted to cry. Jirou had a mother. She had someone. Y/n felt like it was her fault somehow.
“I’m really sorry Jirou. Do you have anywhere you can go? Do you have other people?”
Jirou shook her head, “Nope. It was me, mom and my aunt.”
Y/n decided she wouldn’t ever leave her. No matter what she wouldn’t leave her.
The day faded to night slowly. Spring was further along and the days were longer. The cool air was still fresh and crisp but the sun was getting warmer.
Hades slept again Y/n and Jirou whittled a small piece of wood. She passed the finished product to Y/n. She didn’t know what it was.
“It’s a rook.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow.
“For chess,” she said it like Y/n was an idiot.
“The game?”
Jirou nodded and smiled, “I’m making the pieces for a board. I guess I have to start over. Mine were in our village.”
Y/n looked confused, “You have a village?”
Jirou shook her head, “Nope. Had. The others came last month and burned it to the ground.”
“Life’s hard, Jirou. I’m convinced the god that everyone talked about before, hates us.”
Jirou’s eyes hardened and she pulled her dark blue hair back from her face, “Don’t ever say that. No matter what we have to believe that he’s going to help us. The evil is us.”
Hades jumped but it was too late. As she heard the branch snap behind her she saw a blak hood go over Jirou’s face. Y/n jumped but the guns were on her.
“What’ve got here?” The man standing before Y/n was grinning. He held a rifle to her face.
Hades was ready to attack but Y/n put her hand out, “No Hades. No.” He looked at her face confused. She could see it in her eyes. She shook her head and then looked at the man. “We’ll walk with you but you can’t put that over my head. If he can’t see my eyes he’s going to lose it and kill at least one of you.”
He nodded, “You walk with the wolf. I’ll kill him if I have to.” He removed the hood from Jirou who looked at Hades. Y/n gave her a sharp look. She knew the desperation on Jirou’s face was trying to over take, Y/n felt the same way. But they couldn’t win the fight. They could die like her mom.
One of the other guys with a gun smirked at Y/n. He was young and bold looking. He spoke to Y/n and she could hear the smile on his face, “I’d ask if you were spies for the other but you’re girls. What girls would help them out? So that leaves me with only one assumption,” He grinned and nudged Y/n, “You’re lookin for a date.”
Y/n doesn’t speak.
Jirou snorted, “You wish. No we’re looking for our friends. The other had us but we got away.” Y/n shot her a dirty look and Jirou scowled. “Don’t give me that look Y/n. Mom says we need to remember some ways of the world before an manners is one of the things we all seem to forget about.”
The man with the gun grinned, “Her mom sounds like the kind of girl we are always looking for. Warm my bed, bake my bread and say please and thank you like a lady should.”
Jirou shoved him, “My mom never warmed no man’s bed. She wasn't no lady. She was a survivor.” The man shoved Jirou back and Y/n caught her.
“Easy kid.”
The leader got in Y/n’s face with his gun. Y/n looked into his dark red eyes angrily, “Her mom just died creating a diversion for her to escape the hunters.” He made a face that surprised Y/n, remorseful.
“I’m sorry Jirou, is it? Never speak ill of the dead, unless they’re the monsters who started all of this.” He held his hands out.”
Jirou sniffed and wiped her nose on her arm, “It’s nothing. She died the way she wanted.” Y/n knew the pain Jirou felt and the strength she hid behind. The leader's eyes told her that he did too.
Hades nudged against her. He was nervous and whined. She looked as they entered a huge camp. The fires were lit making the woods smoky and smelled of food. Her mouth watered as her stomach grumbled. She didn’t the last time she actually ate.
“New recruits?” A man asked, looking Y/n up and down and nodded his head. Hades lunged at him. Y/n seriously thought the wolf could read minds, and that man’s mind was not pure. He jumped back, “Holy shit is that a wolf?”
Y/n laughed, she couldn’t help herself. Hades was hovering over him snarling. The men who had escorted them laughed at the fallen men and Y/n called him, “Hades.”
He snarled once more and ran to Y/n’s side. He stood tall and proud with his chest out. He snarled at everyone.
“You have my friends here don’t you?”
The man with the smile frowned, “Who?”
“A girl and a guy. They’re really good friends.”
His eyes narrowed, “No one’s come recently. Except you.”
“Don’t lie to me. He’s tall with red hair and red eyes. He has an injury on his leg. She’s younger and about my size. She has pink hair and black eyes. They’re really close.”
He shook his head, “Look we don’t have anyone here. We don’t take prisoners.”
Y/n looked at the guns surrounding them and raised her eyebrows.
He laughed, “You were spying on us and have a huge wolf as a pet.”
Y/n didn’t laugh. She wanted Kirishima and Mina,”
Jirou gave Y/n a look, “Why would he bring us here if they’re not here?”
Y/n shrugged, “The smell of food.”
The guy with the gun in her face pointed at Hades, “Keep him under control and we can drop the weapons.”
Y/n patted Hades on the head and scratched his ears. He shook his head once. He was still agitated,
The camp was like nothing Y/n had ever seen. It reminded her of the band of merry men Robin Hood joined in the forest.
She heard a noise she had never heard before. She turned her head when she saw where it came from. A small boy with white blond hair ran past her. He had his arms stretched out. He latched onto Hades, making her jump to his rescue but Hades looked at her and lowered her body for the child.
“Andy no, Not the wolf. Oh my god I’m so sorry.” A dark haired woman walked up to Y/n. She looked older, maybe thirty. She was dressed in a long gathered skirt and a blouse. She was pretty in a simple way. She looked at Jirou and smiled motherly. “We need to get you cleaned up and get some food in that belly. You look like you must be starved.” She looked at the man next to Y/n, “Watch him for me while I get her taken care of?”
The man nodded and kneeled next to the boy who was shrieking and hugging her wolf. Hades panted, contented.
“His name’s Hades. Be careful, okay Andy.” The man put a hand out for Hades to sniff.
Jirou gave her a pleading look as she was getting dragged off. Y/n wanted to reach for her but she didn’t. The woman with the black hair had dark doe eyes that instantly made Y/n feel comfortable.
Y/n looked around and noticed that there were fires everywhere. Small tents lined the forest and lean-tos were staggered amongst them. She had never seen anything like it. Clothes hung from lines in the trees. The canopy provided the perfect shelter. She felt like she had entered a sacred site. Everyone was busting about, as if on a mission.
“This is like the Shire.”
“You’ve read The Hobbit?”
Her neck almost snapped as she looked back him,”Yeah, have you?”
He nodded and patted Hades once more.
“Wolfie wolfie wolfie.” The white haired angel cries into Hades’s dark fur. He looked down with the hug and struggled to escape.
“He’s done.”
The man pulled the boy off, making him make an ungodly noise, “Nooo Bakugo. I wanna hug the wolfie. I wanna wolfie. Miiiine.”
Y/n gasped, “Bakugo?” The eyes and the smile. He looked almost exactly how they described him. “Mina and Kirishima’s friend Bakugo?”
His face dropped, “Mina and Kirishima? My friends?” Y/n nodded. His face grew savage. He let go of the boy and gripped her arm harshly. He shouted in her face, “Where are they?”
Y/n pointed, “I thought they were here.”
Hades didn’t like the struggle going on. He lept in between them and knocked Bakugo to the ground. He had him by the scruff of his shirt and was making a noise she had never heard before.
He ignored Y/n. She sat on the ground and made a whistle sound and Hades tugged once more on his shirt before backing away. He turned and sauntered towards her. He was overwhelmed. She was overwhelmed. He curls onto her lap and as she stroked his ears while he trembled.
Bakugo stood up and walked toward Y/n. Hades growled and snarled in her lap. She looked up at Bakugo.
“I wouldn’t move if I were you.”
His dark eyes played in the dim light of dusk, “They’re alive?”
“Last time I saw them.”
His jaw tenses up.
Y/n turned to see a rugged man walk up to where they were, “Bakugo I need to go over some things with you.”
The white haired boy saw the man and started his tirade all over again. He was stomping his feet and pointing at Hades who trembled. She wrapped her arms around him and glared at the young boy. She hated children.
“Stop that you little brat. You’ll get us all killed,” Y/n hissed at him. The noise would no doubt draw the others or worse.
Bakugo laughed at her but his expression was lost.
Jirou walked over to Y/n in a clean dress with patches. Her hair was slicked back and wet. She was holding a platter of sorts covered in meat and something white.
“Y/n thith ith cheeth. You have to have thum.” Her mouth was near bursting as she spoke. Y/n grimaced watching her stuff her mouth. She sat beside Hades and Y/n. He raised his face instantly and started eating from Jirou’s plate.
Hades was making his weird wolf noise that he made when he was happy. It almost sounded like a cat purring but lower and deeper inside of him.
The platter was empty and Y/n had had nothing. She couldn’t stop looking up at Bakugo, who was talking to another man. He glanced at Y/n every now and then. She could tell that he wanted to talk to her.
“The people I’m looking for, Mina and Kirishima, Bakugo is their friend.” She pointed to him subtly.
Jirou raised an eyebrow, “You think that’s why Hades brought us here?”
Y/n shrugged, “Maybe. I think he smelled the food.”
Jirou grinned with food in her teeth, “Thank god for Hades and his belly.”
“I’m worried about where they are though. If they’re not here, where could they have gone?”
“The farms,” Jirou said nonchalantly, even though Y/n knew that Jirou feared the idea of it whether he had met them or not.
Y/n’s skin prickled thinking about them in the farms. Mina was old enough to be put to ‘work’ and Kirishima was strong. He would be made to work hard labor.
Y/n looked up and saw people eyeballing them. They pretended to be working near them, but they watched Hades as he ate. It made Y/n smile. If only they know how much of a pussycat he was.
She felt fingers bite into her skin, “Wolfie mine!” He shouted in her face. The little brat was back. She hated him. His greedy little fingers were wiping an orange paste on her shirt. She leaned away from him.
“Don’t look so horrified. He’s just a kid.” Bakugo picked the little monster up and carried him back to the doe eyed lady. Y/n felt sorry for her. She thought that her life must be horrid. Y/n looked at the orange stain mixed with debris smeared across her sleeve
She glanced up at Bakugo, “Is there somewhere I can wash up?”
He nodded at the dark haired lady, “Mary can take you.”
Mary smiled, “Followed me.” She passes the evil beast with the white hair to a man next to her. Y/n looked at Jirou who nodded.
“Just don’t get roped into the dress and them brushing your hair. It’s a bad experience. Hades is fine here with me.”
Y/n walked away from Hades, she knew that he would see the fear in her eyes and follow. She didn’t want him anywhere near the little monster
“You’ve never seen a child before have you?” Mary asked sweetly as they walked past a grouping of tents and lean-tos. She led her down a steep narrow dirt path.
“Not in over ten years. Just the ones left behind when the mom’s get taken. I don’t hang around long enough to get to the know them though.”
“That’s horrible. You leave little kids alone?”
Y/n didn’t care if she judged her. She was alive, “I was a kid too Mary. I barely took care of myself and Hades.”
Mary crossed her arms, “He gets tired once it’s after six. He really is a sweet boy. Once you get to know him, you’ll love him.”
She tried not to be rude but spoke her mind, “He will get you killed with noises like that. The infected love noisy things that lead to food.”
Mary looked back aghast, “We never leave camp. None of the children do.”
“So you have an agreement with the infected and the others that they stay out of your camp so the kids can be as noisy as they want?” Her sarcasm was filled with more sarcasm.
Mary laughed, “You really don’t have any social skills do you
She shrugged, “I’ve made it this long out there, alone.”
Mary looked shocked, “How long have you been alone.”
Y/n sighed, “Since the beginning.”
The walls surrounding the water were high and rocky. Nothing could get to the massive lagoon of crystal clear dark green water. The only visible path was the one she was standing on. She pulled her boots and socks off. Her scabs stung on the dirt and rocks. She pulled down her pants and ripped off her shirt. She ran down the remainder of the path. She ran onto the huge flat rocks that made a platform and dived in. The cold ripped through her instantly but she had never felt this clean. She remembered her baths as a small kid. They were filled with bubbles and hard plastic mermaids. This was much better. The freshness of the water made her feel alive in a good way. She lied on her back and floated.
She looked over at Mary as she jumped off the rock. Y/n blushed as she entered the water with a big splash. Mary had been completely naked. Y/n had never seen another naked lady before.
Suddenly a noise ripped through the air. She turned as several people jumped into the water. The waves and splashes were taking over the lagoon.
“Oh my god it’s freezing.” Y/n saw a small blonde girl who was a little older than she was next to her. Her teeth chattered and suddenly Y/n realized that her teeth were chattering too.
In a split second a hand pushed Y/n underwater. She sputtered and coughed as she forced her head above the water.
“Hey are you okay,” a guy asked, Y/n assumed it was the one who had pushed her under. Everyone was staring at her and she ran.
She ran faster to get away from their voices. She felt like a freak. She made her way to the nearest fire. She was alone, until she felt the warm breath at her hip. His cold nose felt warm against her bare skin. Y/n went to go grab her dirty clothes but Mary was there, holding a pile.
“Here,” she said. She was dripping wet too. They stood looking at each other in the firelight. Mary was so beautiful in her soaked dress with the water dripping from her.
“Thanks,” Y/n took the pile and pulled on the shirt and pants over her soaked underwear. She pulled her bra off once the shirt was on and covered her.
Mary took it in her hand, “What’s your name?”
Mary leaned in and kissed Y/n on the cheek softly, “Y/n it’s okay. You’re safe here. No infection and no others and no military. We take care of each other.” She took Y/n’s soaking bra and pile of dirty clothes and left. Y/n stood by the fire and realized she had kissed her. She had liked that Mary kissed her. It was a nice feeling. Not nice the way Kirishima’s was. Hers was sweet and soft. It made her happy.
She looked down at Hades, who had turned his face in the light of the fire and whined. She patted his head and looked to where Mary walked. She dropped Y/n’s clothes into a basket and pointed to a bright orange glow in the woods across the camp. “Come to the fire. We sing and play guitar.”
Y/n pulled on her dry clothes and wrapped her arms around herself. Hades and Y/n followed Mary through the woods to where a large bonfire is burning. She could hear the music faintly in the crackle of the flames and embers. It was folk music, but better. She hadn’t heard music since before. She felt like an outsider but the people at the fire smiled at her. Someone shoved over on the log in front of her to make space. Hades watched her sit in a crowd. He didn’t know how to respond to it and whined a little.
Heat waves rose from the huge fire making it hard to see across where the musicians sre. The logs were built higher than the people sitting. She could make out a man with a small guitar. He was old and had a beard. A man started singing with the small guitars. His voice was incredible. It was raspy and sweet. Y/n was in a trance. She sat and closed her eyes. The music brought back something soft and sweet that she never knew she was missing. The sweet voice sent shivers down her spine and her throat was thick with unfelt emotions. They sat in a huge circle, warmed by the fire and the raw human emotions inside of the song. It was about love and sacrifice.
This was the greatest moment of her life. She had experienced nothing like this, even before. Time passed, she didn’t know how much. Songs were sung. Whiskey was passed and drank and swayed her body like everyone else. Her guard was not only lowered but completely destroyed.
In the light Y/n could see Mary. She sang and laughed and drank. Her eyes sparkled in the orange glow.
Slowly people trickled away from the fire. Hades had crept up and was lying at her feet. The pile of logs and lumber on the fire had burned down to ash and in the embers she had seen something she never expected. Bakugo was the singer with the haunting voice that had lit her up. He felt the music, she could see that. His eyes were closed and his fingers gently stroked the guitar. He finished the song and Y/n couldn’t help but see him differently.
He walked over to where she was sitting and sat down beside her.
“You’re a good singer.”
“We need to talk.”
Sitting beside him made her insides crawl.. He didn’t look sweet and soft like Mary did. He looked annoyed and angry with her. She felt intimidated by him. He didn’t seem like the goof Mina described. He was intense.
“I know you.”
His long legs seemed huge compared to hers. His were thick and strong looking. His face was handsome like Kirishima’s, but more commanding. She wanted to listen to him for some reason. She felt like he could keep her safe, like he did with everyone else there.
“So where are they?”
She shook her head and tried not to watch his mouth. “I don’t know. They were at my farmhouse last time I saw them?”
“How did thg look?
Y/n gulped, “Great. Kirishima was hurt a bit but I got him medicine. They were fine when I left though.”
“Where did you meet them?
“First my cabin,” She stated the story at the beginning and tried to not stare at his lips as he processed what she had to say. She wanted him to sing to her more.
im so tired holy fuck
15 notes · View notes
janeyseymour · 4 years
Escape- pt 17
pt 1. pt 2. pt 3. pt 4. pt 5. pt 6. pt 7. pt 8. pt 9. pt 10. pt 11. pt 12. pt 13. pt 14. pt 15. pt 16.
Jane Seymour has stayed with Henry for long enough. Cue Catherine of Aragon and the rest of the girls to save her.
There's a new arrival in the family. But nothing is ever easy.
“Uh Cath?” Kat popped her head into the living room.
“Hm?” She didn’t look up from her book.
“Do you have that hospital bag ready for Jane?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Baby’s coming,” she replied casually.
“Uh, how do you know?” Catherine set down from her book.
“We were watching a movie in your room, and her water broke.”
“Hey Lina.” Jane entered the room with a laundry basket full of the sheets from the bed she had already stripped.
“Uh Jane? Kat just told me your water broke?”
“Oh yeah. I already stripped the bed and put new sheets on. Just let me go throw these in the wash real quick.”
“You’re going into labor, and you’re cleaning the house?” Aragon had started to get frazzled.
“I tried to stop her Cath. She wouldn’t hear it.”
“Janey, honey, don’t you think we should start heading for the hospital?”
“I’ve read some of those parenting books, and labor can sometimes last days, especially with your first born. I want to stay in the hospital as long as possible after he comes.”
“It’s a she, and we should go. Come on.”
“Lina dear, I love you, but it’s going to be okay. I’m going to go put these things in the wash and then rest for a bit. We can take it from there.” She leaned up to where Catherine was now standing, grabbed her shirt, and pulled her into a kiss. The blonde sauntered away.
“She’s weirdly calm about all of this,” Kat said when she thought Jane was out of earshot.
“This,” Jane popped her head back into the living room. “Is the least of my worries.”
Hours later, Jane was in active labor. “Jesus Christ Catherine, this fucking hurts! Why don’t you have to go through this fucking shit you asshole!” The contraction began to subside. “I’m so sorry. You know I don’t mean any of it. I love you,” she sighed.
“I know honey.” She wiped some of the tears away. “I really think we should leave now. You’ve put it off long enough, and I think it’s time we go get you checked out.”
“Just five more minutes,” she grunted and looked at the clock: 11:55 pm. “At midnight, we’ll go. I promise.”
“Well, why don’t we start getting you to the car then? By the time we get all the things in the car and-”
“I already put the bags in the car. Anna installed the car seat for you too,” Kat’s voice was getting panicky. She didn’t like seeing Jane in pain. “Come on Jane. I think it’s-”
“It’s okay. It’s fine. Really, we can just stay here.” Her face began to contort. “I’m fine,” she repeated over and over, gradually getting louder and louder, her eyes being clouded with tears.
“Come on,” Catherine began to lift the woman in labor out of the chair.
“Let go of me!” She blurted out. “I’m not going! I can’t do this. I can’t do it.”
Aragon sighed, wishing she could tell her girlfriend she could just give up and stop or that she would take over. It killed the older woman to see the blonde she loved so much in so much pain.
“Baby, I know you’re afraid, and so am I. But you’re doing great.”
“How are you afraid? You don’t have to push a fucking watermelon out of your vagina!” Jane snapped.
Well,” Catherine thought for a second. “I suppose you’re right, but I believe in you. Just think, in hopefully a few short hours-”
“Hours?” Jane screamed in outrage.
“Well, hopefully sooner. But in a few short moments, you’re going to have your beautiful baby girl in your arms.”
“Boy.” Jane gritted her teeth.
“Seymour, if you wait any longer, you might be having me deliver your baby,” Anna laughed. Jane’s face changed from pained to horrified.
“Okay, fine. Let’s go.” She allowed both Catherine and Kat to lead her out of the house and to the car, the other three wishing her well from the doorstep.
“Let’s go have a baby.” Catherine kissed the younger woman’s forehead before pulling out of the driveway.
“Let’s get this bullshit over with,” An already exhausted Jane muttered.
“Miss Seymour, you’re just not progressing. You’re still only at three centimeters. The way you’re contracting, you should be well on your way to pushing by now.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Jane shrieked. Catherine shot the nurse an apologetic look.
“Do you want the epidural?”
“Yeah Jane, why don’t we try the-”
“I don’t need it! I’m not weak!” Jane insisted through tears. “I don’t need it.”
“Are you sure?” The nurse looked at her rather uneasy. “It really will help with the-”
“I said no!” Jane snapped at the nurse. Once again, Catherine gave the nurse an apologetic look.
“I’m not having a c-section if the baby is perfectly healthy, and I am capable of pushing! I don’t care how long it takes my fucking body to- jesus fucking christ,” Jane swore under her breath as a wave of pain hit her.
“Jane, I really think you should cons-”
“Catherine! How many times do I have to say I’m not doing it! I’m progressing anyway! I’m at seven!”
“Are you ready Miss Seymour?”
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Jane?”
The doctor rolled his eyes at her. “Are you ready Jane?” He tried again.
“He’s beautiful Jane. I’m so proud of you.” Catherine kissed the top of Jane’s head.
“Do you have a name?” The nurse smiled at the loving couple.
Jane’s face went from content to horrified. “How did we forget to think of a name?”
“I think I know the name honey.”
“I’m sorry,” Jane sighed to the nurse. “Can we just have a few minutes?”
“Of course. For now, we’ll just call him baby boy Seymour.”
“Baby boy Aragon actually,” Jane interjected, a small smile appearing on her face.
“Really?” Catherine looked at her in wonder.
“I’ll give you two some time.” The nurse smiled and left the room.
“So, what name?” Jane asked casually, as if she didn’t just tell the nurse her baby was to have Catherine’s last name.
“No. Why my last name?”
“Well, I figured we’re probably going to get married at some point and I’m taking your last name, and you’re going to adopt him, so it would just make it easier to have it be Aragon now than have to change it in the-”
“Marry me.”
“What did you just?”
“Marry me. I mean it.” The hispanic dropped down to one knee and pulled out the ring she had been fidgeting with in her pocket for the last few months.
“Yes. Yes, of course I will,” Jane gasped, tears falling down her cheeks. “I love you. I’m sorry for crying. It’s this whole new mom thing.”
“Don’t apologize. There are a lot of things making both of us emotional right now. But uh, the baby’s name,” she trailed off.
“Yeah?” She looked at Catherine with teary eyes.
“Edward John.”
“You remembered?”
“Of course I did.”
“So, you got engaged... When am I going to be an aunt?”
“Honestly? I’m not sure. I really want kids, but Henry isn’t so keen on the idea yet.” A face of disappointment glossed over a younger Jane’s face before she smiled again.
“Yeah. But I think I want a little boy: Edward John. I just really love that name.”
“That’s a really nice name.” ‘Edward John Aragon,’ Catherine thought immediately. “Edward John Tudor. No.’ She would never see the name Edward the same.
Then it’s Edward John Aragon,” Jane laughed lightly. “Take your son real fast.” She handed Edward over.
“Why don’t you try to get some sleep? I know you’re exhausted.”
“I am not.” She shifted slightly in the bed. “Just sit with me.”
“That’s a small bed. We won’t both be able to fit.”
“Just wait.” She slowly got out of the hospital bed.
“Jane Seymour!” Catherine all but yelled.
“Eat a dick and sit down. I’ll lay on you.”
“You’re quite the woman.” Catherine’s phone dinged. “The grandparents are here, and so are the girls.”
“Tell the grandparents to come in. We’ll see the girls after.”
“Honey, are you sure? You should really get some rest.”
“After I see everyone, okay?” She stifled a yawn.
“Janey,” Catalina began to protest.
“Not. Now. Lina.” She paused in between each word.
“Okay,” she backed down and told their parents to come in. “Wait, I forgot something. Give me your hand.” She slipped the ring onto Jane’s finger.
“I love you.” Jane kissed her chin.
“Where’s the baby?” Margaret ran in.
“Mom, please don’t yell. But he’s right here. Edward John. Eddie.”
“Oh my god! He’s-”
“Marge, I can’t get all of this shit in here by myself!” John dragged six gift bags in.
“John Seymour, watch it!” She snapped before turning her attention back to the baby. “Oh, he’s so handsome. Looks just like you.”
“Here.” Jane handed her son off.
“Eddie, I’m Nana,” she whispered. “I’m going to spoil you like crazy when you come home.” Jane’s face fell. The couple was thinking of staying near the other girls once things settled down.
“Catalina! Where is he? Where is this beautiful baby boy?” Catherine’s mother Isabella half-whispered.
“Right here,” Catherine didn’t take her eyes off of her fiancee.
“Bella! I got him. Oh, he’s so handsome.
Ferdinand, or Fred, walked in to admire the baby but stayed silent.
While the two older women fussed over the new baby, John greeted his daughter, having finally gotten all the presents into the room.
“Hey Janey honey. He’s beautiful- just like you.” A tear fell down his face.
“Don’t cry Dad.”
“I’m just really proud of you. I’m proud of you too Cath.” John reached over and patted Catherine. “Did she break your hand during labor?”
“She’s going to say I didn’t, but I ‘m pretty sure I felt some bones shift.” Jane looked up at her fiancee. “I’m sorry.”
“Did anything else-” John caught the engagement ring on his daughter’s finger from the corner of his eye. “Nevermind.”
“I’m just so happy he’s out. Being fat sucks.”
“You’re not fat. Come on now.” Catherine kissed her temple.
“Mhm,” she sighed. “I’m heavier than I’ve ever-”
“Because you carried a baby. Your body did the most amazing thing. Mom said the same thing,” John interjected. “I’m going to attempt to get Mom and Bella to let me hold him. The name?”
“Edward John.” Jane smiled. “After you.”
“Rest up now, okay?”
“Okay Daddy.”
“Cath, we have a few things to discuss later.” John gave her a pointed look before breaking into a smile.
“Yes sir.”
After a few minutes, the grandparents left with promises that they would be over to the house as soon as possible.
“Are the girls still here?”
“The other girls went down to get some food, but I’m here,” Kat stood in the doorway awkwardly.
“Oh Kat dear!” Jane smiled warmly. “Come meet him .”
“It’s a boy?” Kat’s eyes went wide. She really should’ve bet with Jane.
“Yes love. Come meet him.” Kat hesitantly stood by Jane’s bedside.
“He’s beautiful Jane.” Kat admired the baby.
“Would you like to hold him?”
“I- I couldn’t,” the pink haired woman stuttered. She was stunned that her friend trusted her to hold the light of her life.
“Do you not want to?”
“No I do!” She rushed out. “I just don’t know how, and newborn babies kind of scare me.” Jane patted the area on the bed next to her. Kat sat down quickly.
“Now, just put your arms how mine look,” Jane instructed. “When I hand him over, make sure you hold his head up. He can’t do that himself yet.” Kat did as she was told, and Jane gently passed her son over.
“Wow,” Kat gushed. “Hi little guy,” she whispered. “I’m Kitty. I’m going to be the best-”
“Big sister,” Jane interjected lovingly.
“I’m what?” Kat’s eyes practically bulged out of her head.
“You already told me you think of me as a mother figure, and I’m more than okay with that. So, you’re going to be like his big sister, if that’s alright with you.” A single tear fell down Kat’s face. “Honey, if you’d rather be an aunt-”
“No no. I’d be honored.” Kat couldn’t wipe the grin off her face before handing Eddie back to Jane.
“Where’s my goddaughter?” Anne came running into the room, Anna and Cathy not far behind.
“It’s a boy Anne.” Catherine rolled her eyes. “And no one told you you were the godmother.”
“What the-”
“That sentence better be finished with a heck Anne,” Anna looked up. “Listen, I may have the mouth of a sailor, but I know when it’s the time and the place. The time and the place is not now or here.”
“Thank you Anna.”
“No problem Seymour. Now hand over that beautiful baby boy.”
“Me first!” Boleyn whined. Anna backed off and allowed the woman in green to hold him first.
Each of the girls was able to hold Eddie and gush over him, claiming they were going to be ‘the best aunt’. Kat held back.
“Kat, do you not want to hold him again?”
“Again?” Anne whisper-yelled. “Are you telling me I wasn’t the first to hold him? What is this shit?”
“I would love to.” This time, Kat easily held the small child close to her. He opened his eyes and stared at her.
“And he looks at her first too? What the hell?” Anne continued to whine.
“He’s just admiring his big sister is all,” Jane slipped in.
“Woah. What?”
“Jane told me I could be like his big sister. Sucks to be anyone but me! I have the most amazing baby brother.” Kat stuck her tongue out towards the others before turning her attention back to Edward. “You are so loved already.”
Once all introductions were made, Catherine shooed the other queens out of the room. Katherine was the last to leave.
“I just wanted to say,” Kat’s tone was full of love. “You two are going to be the best moms ever.”
“Thank you Kat,” Aragon said fondly.
“Thank you love, but we aren’t going to be able to do it without the help from the big sister.” Jane winked. “Come here real quick.” Kat made her way across the room and over to Jane.
“I really have to go. The others are waiting, and Anne’s already pissed I was the first in the room and the last out.”
“I just wanted to tell you that I love you, and thank you for being by my side through all of this.”
“I love you too,” the pink haired woman paused. “Mom.” Jane beckoned for Kat to come close. She kissed the top of her head as Kat looked down at the little bundle of joy in the blonde’s arms. Unbeknownst to the two women at the moment, Catherine snapped a photo of her found family on her phone. Posting it to her social media, she smiled.
The light of my life with the two lights of her life. Congratulations Janey. Thank goodness she had already blocked Henry and Thomas from viewing her page.
“Catherine?” Jane’s voice was panicked. “Catherine, wake up!”
“What?” she mumbled from the chair she had settled in for the night.
“I don’t feel all that great.”
“Love, you were in labor for three nights. I’m sure you’re exhausted. Try to get some rest, okay?”
“Lina, I don’t know, but this feels different. This pain is different than the other pains. I’m really cold, and it’s getting hard to breathe.” Catherine stood up and put a hand on Jane’s forehead.
“I’m getting a nurse.” Catherine walked out of the room for a few minutes, and when she came back with a nurse, Jane was gasping for air.
“Miss Seymour? Miss Seymour!” The nurse yelled when Jane fainted. “Doctor!”
Aragon was pushed out of the room as multiple doctors began to surround her future wife.
Nothing was ever easy.
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staliasjeronica · 4 years
Thoughts on Dangerous Lies *Spoilers*
- Katie and Adam are so sweet please-
- Also Cami in purple lighting? I think yes.
- The way I was just thinking of a Jeronica au where Veronica is a waitress who leaves on her break to go hang out with her boyfriend and comes back to a robbery and Jughead’s the detective/cop, and then I play it and they come back to a robbery I—
- This just proves how amazing of an actress Cami is, Riverdale just holds her back. It’s the same kind of thing when Lili was cast in Hustlers. Riverdale writing is seriously holding back their potential and talent.
- God I wish they’d let Veronica dress like this because while she always looks absolutely stunning in everything she wears, imagining Veronica growing out of the elite-looking lifestyle and wearing regular clothes would hit so fucking hard. The two times she’s worn jeans? Breathtaking.
- “But I’m hungry!” Adam whines, and then as the camera starts to focus on Katie you can see him pop in again UGH I LOVE ADAM AND KATIE’S RELATIONSHIP SO MUCH.
- Katie finding Leonard :( The emotion in her eyes PLEASE I’m about to cry
- You know what, any other movie probably would have made him take the money, while she didn’t (or the other way around) and have them lie about it behind their backs but this didn’t, they made it mutual and that’s so different. I like that.
- They’re right though. They (the company and the police) have to make sure the caretaker didn’t (accidentally or not) have a hand in the passing of the client.  It’s part of the reason why I’m afraid of becoming a caretaker for my mom like my family wants because what if something bad happens and it’s an accident and it’s my fault? It’s horrifying to think about but it’s reality.
- Katie getting angry as she should. That exact passion is exactly why they should let Veronica go off on both Betty and Archie
- “I’m just sick of being poor” FUCKING MOOD
- But now that they own the house… that means the money is theirs and there’s no reason to hide it. They found it in the house and it’s not illegal or anything. Yeah, it’s a lot of money but the only investigation would be about where Leonard got it.
- Adam wanting to immediately buy cars and shit instead of the right and adult thing like Katie does is such a big red flag. Like sure he MAY be kidding but he doesn’t seem like it. I wouldn’t put it past this movie to make him the secret bad guy or something.
- Adam is being wayyyyyy too eager… if he isn’t the bad guy he’s definitely going to fuck something up.
- Ooh this mystery of who called him and why… Riverdale’s mysteries could NEVER
- “Old man kicks the bucket and you move in?” I mean…. yeah…. that’s kinda what happens when someone gets a house from somebody’s will.
- Adam telling Katie not to get the lawyer involved…………………. mmhm that’s another red flag. Fuck he’s going to be the bad guy isn’t he.
- But they’re making him too sketchy… it’s way too obvious for it to be the husband.
- Ahh thanks Adam for contaminating her hand with probably stolen diamonds…
- Katie you’re not supposed to throw away medications you have to dispose of it at the pharmacy or whatever
- MORALS VS. DESIRE… PLEASE LET KATIE’S MORALS WIN. It literally seems like she killed him when it’s obvious she didn’t please I don’t want my baby girl to go down for this!!! But I’m sad that it probably might be the husband smh… or maybe she’ll get a divorce for how he’s acting.
- OH BITCH………. RIP MR. CALVERN………. Why the FUCK was he there when he KNOWS they inherited the house/are living there???
- “I’ll take care of it” Adam…… you dump the body WITH a backpack where it would be found….. Jesus Christ
- “We got plenty of travel money” YEAH STOLEN MONEY YOU FUCKING DUMBASS
- Knew that somehow Adam wasn’t going to make it to the end. Rip :( However again this is why Riverdale should let Veronica show emotion because she’s so fucking good at it!
- Aww she’s pregnant 🥺🥺
- Wait so did she really not hear him say “the garden” or??? Also he was awful at hiding those diamonds sjfhajkdhfas
- Overall my thoughts on this movie is: I really loved it. Cami did amazingly well and all of the other actors were incredible and the way they work together showed greatly in the movie. The twist was actually really good, and I didn’t really see it coming. I mean of course like twenty seconds before the reveal I got it, but, still it was very entertaining and interesting. If I had to give it a rating it’d be 8 or 9/10
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flockofteeth · 4 years
these days i have some understanding of what cultural christianity is but there was a time when i was confused and horrified by the idea of someone calling me "christian"
both myself & my family were never religious and i spent a fair amount of time trying to avoid or reject the christianity in my wider circles while i was growing up  so someone being like "hah! you were christian all along!" had me like NO!!!
and like once i realised that it means on like a zoomed out, compared to other places & cultures level then i kind of twigged and i relaxed enough to realise the ways that christianity has permeated and influenced my life
and now its pretty funny to me because once the denial goggles are off its like, oh. 90% of my exclamations of shock/horror/amazement are some variation of "jesus", "christ" or "god". how was i ever surprised by this concept lmao
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toutallyahoe · 6 years
Dating Connor Would Include
Anon from Tumblr
Connor x [Name]
I was about to make one for my queen, Kara, but Connor works
Also, I would like to appreciate Tumblr's new update. No, not the still hideous color change (that wattpad also fucking copied like what the fuck wattpad what the fuck) but the text change
Morely, on the maximum text blocks we, fellow writers, bloggers and shitposters, have justice on. Yes. Fucking finally Tumblr. You did something actually right this time.
↳ ❝ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴄᴏɴɴᴏʀ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇ❞ ↲
• lots of surprise kisses
• lots of them
• like a lot
• don't know why but this robo boi loves kisses
• a bit shy but still, he won't hesistate to initiate the sweet actions of lip-locking
• whether be on a case or just between the two, he will kiss his [Name] when he can
• he just loves kisses okay?
• add some biting and you'll get a full on make out session
• "Detective [Last name]?"
• "Yes, my love?"
• "My lips are rather cold."
• "Oh dear, now that's bad thing. Should I warm it up then?"
• "Yes, I think you shou--"
• "Sorry Hank..."
• and when there's lots of kisses, there would be hugs and cuddles too
• especially when it's a busy day and his [Name] is so stress, overwork or just tired, he will not do anything other than cuddle with his [Name]
• just cuddling on the couch, floor, bed or anywhere really, Connor doesn't mind
• just as long as his [Name] can relax and just not stress out of things
• he enjoys [Name]'s arms wrapped around him
• he feels safe and hearing the [Hair color] haired male's heart beating in a rhythmic pattern oddly calms him
• maybe because of the fact that he knows this heart beats just for him
• "Your heart beating accelerated a bit... May I ask why?"
• "Because I'm with you..."
• "I don't fully understand. Why can I be the cause of such behavior?"
• "Because I love you, my love."
• this robo boi just being there for his [Name]
• through thick and thin
• he supports his [Hair color] haired lover to the best as he can
• being the shoulder cry on when his lover just breaks down
• would often remind that being human isn't bad
• telling the [Hair color]haired male that flaws doesn't make him weak
• just being there for [Name]
• "It's alright... Everything will be fine..."
• "T-thanks my love... I... I didn't m-mean t--"
• "Don't worry... You're amazing [Name]..."
• "What have I done to deserve you Connor?
• "By existing and being you..."
• appreciating every single thing about [Name]
• every. single. thing
• flaws and all
• Connor adores his [Name]
• so he gives compliments to the [Hair color] haired male
• lots of compliments
• like seriously
• a fucking lot
• each hour of the day there seemed to be a compliment waiting for the android to say to his lover
• and [Name] literally wonders on how the fuck can this robo boi think about these many conpliment on times
• then remembers his adorable lover is an android
• "-- so, there was thi--"
• "Detective [Last name]."
• "C-connor! Didn't see you there... W-wha... What are you doing?"
• "I am here to deliver my daily reminder for you."
• "Uhh, oka--"
• "You are amazing and a hard working man who deserves everything but the best in this world."
• rA9, this android would be the death of him
• [Name] would often be caught by surprised from the compliments his sweet lover say out of nowhere but rA9 he loves it
• "You're too sweet sometimes, my love..."
• hanging out in Hank's house since the old male is considered a father figure for Connor
• it's like a weekly thing where the two would stay and hang out with Hank
• about two to three times a week
• depends on the schedules the three have
• just lazing around, watching some sports or some old movies the old male had and be a family
• also taking care of the Saint Bernard, Sumo, often times being there
• "Can you both stop being lover dovey for a second? Jesus Christ."
• "Sorry, Hank."
• "Not my fault that Connor is just adorable at times... Well, every time..."
• "Just keep your lovey crap to a minimum, we're already getting the best part of the movie."
• "Got it old man."
• "Call me that again and I swear [Last name], you will only see my son at the precinct."
• "Fuck! I won't call you ever of that again but please don't take away Connor from me!"
• "[Name], I think Hank was jok--"
• "Jesus Christ, Calm the fuck down!"
• Hank being supportive of the twos relationship
• despite getting annoyed sometimes from their lover dovey crap, he is happy to see Connor and [Name] have each other
• also loves to annoy the crap outta Gavin who looks absolutely horrified everytime he sees his best friend make out with the android
• Hank would absolutely shout in support while Gavin dies everytime
• also, Tina is on board with it
• everyone in the DPD finds the couple adorable and happy to see the hard working [Hair color] haired has someone to care of him
• "Go get 'im [Last name]!"
• "I'm dead. This is hell. I'm fucking dead. My best friend is fucking a plastic. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck--"
• annoying the shit outta Gavin
• or anyone at the DPD really
• but mostly Gavin
• just being all sweet and flirty next to the brunet detective and the male couldn't escape
• annoying Gavin is like a bonding moment for Connor and [Name]
• every day they fuck with Gavin being all sweet
• Gavin is fucking done
• so fucking done
• "I'm sorry but you're going to jail."
• "And why is that, Detective [Last name]?"
• "Because you stole my hear--"
• "Awe, is little Gavin jealous?"
• "W-hy the fuck would I be jealius of you two?!?"
• "Hmm, I don't know... Connor can you perhaps list out on why wittle Gavi-wavi is a jewwy potato?"
• "Of course. He is single and he looks like a potato."
• Hank cackling a few tables away as Gavin storms off and muttering about fucking androids and fucking best friends fucking a plastic
• "God, this is why I love seeing you two together. This shit is amazing!"
• having Connor trying to cook
• that may have set the fire alarms
• once
• twice
• o-okay it was six times in his so called "cooking attempts"
• seriously, for an advance android with the latest tech and features, you would've thought he'll be able to cook
• like seriously
• once a week, [Name] atleast gets woken up by the loud beeping  noise of the smoke detector
• and immediately know his brunet lover trying to cook
• this leads to helping and teaching Connor to cook some basic food
• now the android can finally make a toast without the fucking toaster catching on fire
• "Good morning, [Name]. I made you breakfast."
• "Connor, my love?"
• "Yes [Name]?"
• "You know I love you right?"
• "Of course I do."
• "And you know I'll die for you, right?"
• "Yes, although I don't want you to die."
• "Good... Because fucking hell I'm not eating that toast my love."
• "But I worked so hard for this..."
• "Connor, my love... That toast is literally on fucking fire..."
• constantly getting "I love you" and "I adore you"
• it's adorable really
• Connor would often say it
• whether in public or not
• he isn't afraid to say how much he loves and adore his [Name]
• he loves the [Hair color] haired male so fucking much
• so fucking much
• and he isn't ashamed of loving this human
• this human with flaws
• the flaws that made him more unique than others
• his human
• his [Name]
• "[Name]?"
• "Yes, my love?"
• "I love you."
• "I love you too... So much Connor..."
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thegoblinbee · 5 years
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These are all the books I have read since August 29th. They have all been really good. One is a heroin memoir, one is a memoir of a pimp who operated in the 50s-70s (ish), one is a book of short stories, one is a book of poems, and one is a multiple personality disorder memoir. (Every single time I read or watch something about MPD, I seriously feel like, “That is me” except without the total amnesia after switching and the super-distinct personalities, although I know the nonetheless-pretty-fuckin-distinct personalities are definitely inside me pulling strings -- I’ve done the tiniest amount of work with them in therapy and I know they will emerge as much more distinct when we do more. I think I am like... MPD-lite or something.). (I know MPD isn’t the name used for it anymore, now it’s DID -- dissociative identity disorder -- and I think both are useful descriptors in their own ways.) Reading the book of poems really made me feel like, “Wow, I can totally do this. I am as good or maybe even better than this woman, and I should fucking publish my poems already.” Most of the others made me feel like, “Fuck, do I stand even the slightest chance of ever being this good?” Especially Jerry Stahl and Iceberg Slim. It is astounding to me how beautifully and lyrically and lushly they both tell their harrowing and horrifying tales. Iceberg Slim is the most shocking of the two in his masterful prose -- that such a ruthless, unbearably cruel antihero can write so beautifully as to make you gasp and lay your hand to your chest and say, “Jesus fucking Christ,” that he can even, at times, inspire genuine sympathy as he explains how he got to where he ended up is just... fucking mindblowing. Just... mindblowing. It was recommended to me by Dave Chappelle, though not personally -- he talked about it one of his specials and I just had to read it after the way he talked about it.) The one about MPD is not especially well written, but it is not bad by any means. Just... average. Competent. And it took me on an amazing journey that felt very kindred with my heart. It only took me two days to read both that one and the book of poems. The Murakami book is mostly really good as well, though one story was just way too esoteric for me. His style is so distinct, so hard to describe. Very crisp and sparse yet also quite rich. That’s the best I can describe it. It was recommended to my husband by Obama, also not directly. It was on his summer reading list and my husband thought it sounded like a book I would enjoy. He’s such an amazing gift giver, oh my God. I can’t decide if I will read a Lorrie Moore book next, or another Murakami (I bought but never got far into Norwegian Wood a thousand years ago), or dive in to the seventy-five thousand million page pair of books by Janet Fitch -- it’s a story in two parts and each is like... 700 pages long and it’s been so long since I read the first one that I know I gotta start all over from the beginning rather than just pick up at the second book, so I am dreading it a little bit. Either way, I will also simultaneously read a book of poetry by Mary Oliver, who I have been meaning to read for a long time now. Bam! I am reading like a motherfucker, bam! I haven’t read this much in so fucking long and I really needed it. Both as a writer and just, like... as a person. I used to read like 4-5 books at a time and spent hours every day just reading. I’ve missed it.
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samcro-saint99 · 6 years
Hey, Dolls! I’m back! I am so sorry I have been gone for so long, but I'm hoping that this will make up for that! This was a request from the lovely @head-in-the-clouds-bx , I really hope you enjoy it, Doll! Welcome to all the new dolls, and as always I am so thankful for all of you! 
All my Love, 
Saint xxx
P.S - I would apologize in advance for any way I may have butchered the Italian language! I am an uncultured Aussie, who relied heavily on google translate for this!
P.P.S - As always a big thank you to the amazing @thirstygirlclub for motivating my lazy self and assisting in the final read!
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“WHAT are you up to, little man!” You laughed as you jumped around the corner and into the kitchen, wrapping your arms around him while he giggled (as though you hadn’t caught him trying to climb up to the lolly cupboard). 
“Nothing mommy” 
“Are you sure you weren’t breaking into the cupboard?” 
“No!” He laughed innocently as you tickled him. 
“Well, I guess you don’t want a....‘Mommy Special’ then….” You teased looking to the roof when his little head snapped up to look at you excitedly, “at the table” you whispered with a smiling wink. 
Five minutes later the table was covered in artificial colors, flavors, and all things sweet and sticky, and his face was covered in chocolate and ice cream. You knew it wasn’t the healthiest thing in the world, but the smile on his little face was worth sleepless night with an overactive toddler. 
“Daddy!” Abel screamed from the table, running to the front door at the sound of Jax’s Harley in the driveway. 
Jax came through the doors carrying Abel on his hip, a charming smile on his face as he looked at you. 
“Hey Darlin’” he greeted before his eyes landed on the table covered in treats, his eyebrows raised as he looked between the two of you. 
“Mommy's naughty”Able mumbled with a cheeky giggle. 
“Hey!” You gasped, placing your hand to your chest in feigned insult.
“She sure is, Little Dude” he smirked, leaning down to kiss your head before eating a gumdrop from the table. 
Before you could find a witty comeback, Thomas’ cries broke through the house. “Someones awake - Mommy’ COMING, BABY!”s
You sat quietly on the couch, enjoying a moment of silence. Jax was at the club, and the boys were out for the count. With a glass of wine beside you, you stared at a framed family photo in your hands trying to think how you could be so lucky to have your boys. Your family. And although you shouldn’t have been, you were thankful everyday that Tara had given up and left Charming. You and Jax had been together for a little over two years. You loved them, and they loved you. 
Your mind wandering was interrupted as your phone began to buzz, an image of your parents came on to the screen with a Skype request.
“Ciao Mammi!” You smiled, waving at the phone as your mothers face appeared on the screen. 
“Il mio bambino” she sang, a bright smile stretched across her face “[Y/F/N] mettiti dieter il too pigro, é cosi [Y/N]!” She yelled through the house to your father, before he walked into the room to stand beside your mother. You had to admit, seeing them both together did make you quite homesick. 
“Ciao Papá, come ti senti-”
“No, no, no you must use American, it is good we learn” he encouraged in broken English.
“Yes, one day we come visit you, and we can speak to Jackson and our sweet little grand-bambinos!” Your mother cheered with a warm heart, clasping her hands together. 
Although your parents had never met Jax or your children, they were thrilled that you had finally settled down, and even more thrilled to finally be grandparents. 
The three of you talked for almost an hour before Jax came home. 
“Baby come say hi!” Jax leant over the couch behind you, smiling at your parents.
“Hey Mr and Mrs [Y/L/N]” 
“Hello Jackson, how are you? How is work?” They continued to bombard him with questions which he answered flawlessly. Your parents adored Jax, and with every word, he spoke he charmed them more and more. 
When you had finally said goodbye to your parents, you just turned to smile quietly at Jax. 
“What?” He asked with a chuckle. 
“I love you so much.”
The next morning, you sat up in bed as you heard the door to your bedroom open. 
“Good morning Mommy” Jax whispered as he carried Thomas in on his hip with Abel by his side. Your heart warmed at the sight. 
They all climbed onto the bed, Jax placing Thomas in your arms, as Abel hopped onto your lap. 
“Boys don’t you have something to ask Mommy?” Jax encouraged. 
“Mommy, will you marry Daddy?” Abel asked with a big grin as he opened Thomas’ closed fist to reveal a diamond ring, taking it to hand to you. 
You smiled at Jax, tears brimming in your eyes, before turning back to Abel.
“What do you think, Little Man? Should I?”
He nodded his head vigorously, before you grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug.
 “Then I guess I better” you said, planting a kiss on his squishy little cheek as he giggled, before leaning over and pressing a kiss firmly to Jax’s lips. “I love you, Darlin’”
While Jax was at work that day you decided it was time for a little alone time, sending the boys off to Grandma’s. When Jax arrived home and caught sight of the look in your eyes he grew curious. 
“Where are the boys?” He asked, a lustful glint in his eyes as you curled yourself around him. 
“With Gem. We’re all…a….lone” you purred, nuzzling into his neck. 
With a growl, he grabbed you from behind and carried you off to your bedroom. What followed was pure ecstasy. To put it as simply as possible - it was a good old fashioned fuck. 
Jaxs hands gripped tightly into your hips, as the sound of your passionate moans and groans filled the room. They say all good boys go to heaven, but fuck that. Bad boys bring heaven to you. 
You were on the brink, your core tightening, your heart racing, when….
“Ah, Mio Dio!” You heard a gasp from the doorway behind you. Jax climbed off of you allowing you to turn in time to see your parents horrified faces in the doorway. 
“Um…I…Oh God…” was all you could muster as you pulled the sheets up to cover Jax and yourself. 
Your parents stared aghast for a moment before embarrassingly excusing themselves to the living room. You sat there, eyes wide in shock, your mouth hanging open, as Jax started to chuckled. You turned to him with a look that would scare even Happy. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!!! My parents just saw us fucking like a pair of fucking dogs!”
“Darl’, you’re overreacting, Gems walked in on us before, and she was chill” he reasoned, attempting to pull you into a hug before you started to slap him furiously. 
“Yeah but that's YOUR Mother! The fucking Biker Queen herself! My parents are more Catholic than the fucking POPE! Jesus Fucking Christ” you squealed uncontrollably, pulling your legs up to bury your face in them.
“You do know that we’re big kids, right?” He asked sarcastically. 
“I can't ever look at my parents…ever again” you mumbled, flopping back onto the bed. ———————————————————————————————————
“Mammi….Papá” You said tentatively, as you walked into the living room, Jax following close behind. 
“Oh..uh hello Bambino” your father smiled awkwardly, his cheeks still red.  
“I-um thought you weren’t arriving until next week?”
“We decided to come early and surprise you…” your mother explained 
“You certainly did” Jax snickered, earning him a jab in the ribs. 
You crossed the room and pulled both your parents into a tight hug, despite the awkwardness it was still terrific to see them. 
The next few hours passed more or less in the same mood, small talk and uncomfortable attempts to avoid eye contact. But it was sitting over afternoon tea that things got bad. 
Fiddling with your teacup, you decided that the situation needed a little brightening. 
“Mammi, Papá - Jax and I have something to tell you…” you looked to Jax for reassurance, and with a small nod from him, you continued. 
“We’re getting married...” 
The looks on your parents faces started as excitement, before returning to the brooding look of despair. 
“Whats the point…you've already done it all” your mother muttered, as you gasped. 
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing! Your mother and father began to lecture you on the sin of premarital sex, while your mouth hung open in disbelief, and Jax tried to contain his laughter. You almost thanked God when Abel ran into the room, pausing at the sight of strangers, before telling you that Thomas was crying, which had been drowned out by the argument. Taking Abel by the hand you stormed out, thankful for the distraction. 
Picking Thomas up you sat down on the couch and pulled Abel up to sit on your lap, and before long Jax came to sit beside you, wrapping his arm around you. 
“Hey..don’t worry about your parents - they’ll come around”
“I just didn’t expect them to behave like that.” You said with a sigh, leaning your head against his shoulder, as he pressed a gentle kiss to your head. 
Once again you opened your eyes to the sight of your parents standing in the doorway, but the looks on their faces were not ones of shock this time, they were ones of realisation. Realisation that they had overreacted. That you were a wonderful mother. And that you had a beautiful family. 
You just stared at your parents, anticipating more argument. Silently your mother made her way over to stand in front of you. Reaching out she gently stroked Abels hair, and after he had looked to you for reassurance, the look of panic on his face turned to a smile as he looked up to your mother. 
Your father padded over the soft carpet to join you and stood soundlessly, hazing fixedly at Jax, before reaching his hand out for Jax to take. As the pair shook hands, your father rasped in a hushed tone. 
“Prenditi cura di nostra figlia, figlio.”
Your lips curled into a heart warmed smile. Your family was whole. 
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astronomicalegotism · 6 years
Level Two: MadPat
Revenge Is Best Served Together (Book One)
Part 16
It was instantaneous, One second he was staring wide eyed at broken animatronic in front of him holding the baseball bat that had caused it (And after all the shit Scott had put him through being able to do that was the most therapeutic and yet mentally scarring thing Matt had ever done) and the next he was blinking rapidly from a harsh white light, a stark contrast from the dark and dusty place he'd been before. It was a simplistic room, there was nothing in it which was both reassuring and a cause for panic because, yes there wasn't any noticeable threats but Oh god where was the door-
He instantly realised that A: He wasn't holding that baseball bat anymore and B: He wasn't alone. He instantly tensed up at the sight of the other three in the room before relaxing as he recognised them. Where the hell was Nate though, Nate should be here too right?! Why wasn't he here?!
Matt swallowed harshly but made no move to alert the others to his presence. He'd already known that Mark and Jack where here thanks to Nate, but when Nate had said maybe others, there been a part of him that had been hoping that that had meant more than one person, if simply just because maybe their chances of getting out of here would be higher with more people.
"Ethan!!" Matt awkwardly stood by the side lines in shock as he watched Mark basically throw himself at the poor guy, engulfing him in a tight hug. This was definitely one of those times when the ability to just fade into the wall would be just wonderful. He took note of what they all looked like, after he got over the shock of seeing them that is.
Jack was trying to subtly hug himself, nails digging into his arms. He was looking at Mark with a strange expression on his face, like he wanted to run over and join in the hug but something was stopping him. But what?
Ethan was trembling, a fresh set of tears tracking down his face from red eyes that made it clear that this wasn't the first time he'd broken down. Matt knew the least about Ethan out of all of them in the room, he knew that he used to be Mark's editor and had his own channel, but that was probably about it. That was also semi the case with Jack as well, while they weren't acquaintances and got along fine, they weren't exactly close. The one he was the closest too was Mark and even then...
Mark was staring at Matt, his head facing was from Jack and over Ethan's shoulder. His eyes were narrowed, giving away nothing about what he was feeling. He'd made no effort other than that to acknowledge Matt's existence which was...strangely out of character for someone like Markiplier.
A sinking realisation struck Matt.
Oh god he was completely alone in this.
He didn't have the same close bond like the three gamers did. He was just Matpat, the theory guy to them. They-
"Mathew!" Matt let out a squawk as Jack suddenly spotted him and ran over, giving him a brief hug. Matt could tell just by those few seconds that Jack's heart was just about ready to burst out of his chest. "Oh thank god I'm so glad someone smart is here." Matt blinked repeatedly as Jack smirked teasingly at him, letting out a small nervous chuckle. Okay, Jack was obviously trying to joke around with him and forge a connection with him, so who was Matt to get in the way of that.
"Well you know me, I'm known for my unbelievable talent of escaping unexplainable night dimensions." Out of the corner of his vision he could still see Mark and Ethan, the older man not having taken his arm off Ethan despite them having stopped hugging a while ago. They were such close friends...
Jack coughed obnoxiously and brought Matt's attention back onto him. Matt's face flushed as he realised that he totally just zoned out on him.
"Sorry I Uh-" I What?! What Mathew, what are you going to say that's not going to make you look like a lunatic?! "I have no idea what's happening." Matt finished lamely, making Jack snort a little. Jack had opened his mouth, probably to say something in response but he was cut off by the sound of a slow clap. Everyone instantly drawing their attention to the new comer in shock.
Especially Matt.
His hair was a mess, Brown tufts of hair sticking up all over and mattered.  A old and rusted looking flamethrower rested causally over his shoulder, strikingly calm and yet dangerous eyes lazily scanning over all of them before finally resting on Matt himself.  A dark smirk made its one onto the previously bored burnt face. Horrified scars caused from flames scattered his entire body, grotesque and obviously not having been treated properly. There was an unspoken agreement between all four of them as they all promptly backed the fuck up, leaving a wide distance between them and-whatever that thing was.
"Ego," His mind supplied, "He's an ego...My ego. Just like how Nate had-has Natemare."
"Well well well Mathew Patrick, we finally meet." Matt could only stare in horror at what might as well be his own reflection. Matt had never been more simultaneously terrified and yet curious in his life. His overwhelming desire to find out as much as he possible could about all of this was almost enough to make him not be on the verge of a panic attack.
"What the fuck Matpat you have a psycho twin?! Also wait holy shit Matpat's here!!" Ethan's eyes darted between the two, mouth hanging open. Matt registered Mark face palming distantly, his full attention on the person in front of him.
"Who are you?" Matt asked, wincing as his voice broke a little. Brilliant, absolutely amazing. Love my life.
"I go by many names,"
“Oh my god." Matt took a small step back as it finally clicked. The Musical. God he never regretted featuring in a fanmade fictional production based on an indie horror game more in his life,
"Mainly because I was never really deemed important enough to get an offical one that is." Almost red brown eyes drifted over to Mark for a few seconds before snapping back to Matt. "Antimatter, Madpat-
"Evil dirtbag with a chainsaw."
"Suck a dick Markiplier. I suppose Mad would be the most appropriate currently." Madpat, Madpat...Yeah he's definitely read that name before somewhere.
"What the point of all this, what's going on?" Wait, when had Mark put himself in front of all of them?
Madpat tilted his head in consideration, clicking his tongue repeatedly. Matt took that opportunity to glance back over at Jack and Ethan. Jack had clenched his fists, but what Matt found strange was how the Irish man had positioned himself to still be closer to Matt, away from Mark. Something had definitely happened between those two. Ethan, the poor thing, looked beyond confused. Clearly they were both in the same boat.
“Eh, technically not supposed to tell you but where's the fun in that? Nothing wrong with a good old healthy rebellion every once in a while." Mad shrugged carelessly, the flamethrower only back clanging a little. "Basically," Mad clicked his fingers and the room around them shifted to that of a throne room, Mad sitting where the king would with his feet slung over the side and a tacky crown now resting on his head. "You're now in my own little a hell, a dimension that I can control with ease and!" Mad clicked his finger once again and Matt found himself once again in the old pizzeria, although this time it was horribly distorted and glitching. There were tiny versions of all the animatronics dancing jerkily at Mad's feet, a horrible screeching and crackling noise coming from all of them. Ethan screamed while Jack let out a disturbed "Jesus Fucking Christ!!!" next to Matt.
"Unless your good old pal Natemare," Mad spit the name with disgust, "I actually have a plan here instead of just screwing around like a toddler in a sandbox." Mad rolled his eyes.
"Why are you doing all this?!" Ethan yelled, only to stumble back as Mad's piercing glare locked onto him for the first time. Mad clicked again and they were back in the white room.
"Oh well, that's simple." Mark growled lowly and stood in front of Ethan protectively as Mad strolled over to them, leaning right into his personal space. "It's because I hate you." A shiver ran down Matt's spine as Mad hissed, his voice filled with boiling hot emotion that Matt found a bit uncomfortable hearing being said with his voice. He didn't even know he was capable of that tone...
Mad laughed and booped Mark on the nose, laughter as the man swung out to punch him, on,y to come into contact with thin air as Mad clicked his fingers again and appeared at the back of the room. Mad looked at his hands for a few seconds before cackling.
"God I love you Warfstache, this is amazing." Matt's eyes widened, as did Mark's. Warfstache?! Wilford Warfstache?! Matt resisted the urge to groan.
He was in over his head.
"So what are you going to do with us?" Jack asked, voicing what they had all been thinking. Matt tensed up, holding his breath as he waited for the response. Please don't be that bad...
“Oh, just a series of tests." Tests? Matt perked up a little. Mad waved his hand dismissively. "I'm going to put you through a mixture of testing your knowledge and fears." Okay could be worse? "And by you of course I mean Matpat, And Matpat alone. The rest of you will simply be test subjects that he has to save." Spoke too soon, shit-
"WHAT?!!" Jack and Ethan screamed, drowning out Mark's mumbled of, "We're screwed." Matt felt like his legs were about to give way. He hid his head in shaky hands, muffling a quiet groan. This was too much, he couldn't do this. He just wanted to go home and snuggle with Stephanie and never leave the house ever again.
Mad clapped his hands together. "Whelp, enough wasting time let's-"
"Wait." Matt lifted up his head slightly and Mad paused. The Ego made a go on gesture and Matt gulped before continuing. "Nate. What...what happened to Nate?" Mad inhaled sharply, a reaction Matt had definitely not expected. There was a suffocating silence for a few seconds before,
"He's in a better place now. Level Two begin, good luck or whatever." And just as Mad clicked his finger to start the game, Matt's legs gave way underneath him and he lets out a pained sob.
I can't do this.
The library is silent aside from the mutterings of The Host and the tapping of Dr Ipliers feet as he looks through one of the Hosts old medical books. The Host himself has finally removed his hand from Nate's head and is now waiting with fingers crossed in the hopes that he has been successful. Nate's eyelids flutter against the warm blanket underneath him, strong sent of coffee gracing his senses as he is brought back to consciousness.
"The Host smiles in relief and asks if Dr Iplier could come over before then looking back at Nathan. Nathan Nfeels drained and weak and The Host reassures Him that it is only normal to experience such things after what he went through. Nathan's eyes fly open and he attempts to bolt upright only to collapse almost instantly back down on the couch. The Host realises his previous error and makes an effort to mend it, telling Nathan that he means them no harm."
Nate scrunched up his face as his sharp pounding headache slowly recedes, his vision focusing uneasily on the bloodied bandage wearing Markiplier clone in front of him that's narrating everything that's happening. What- what the fuck? What's-where is he what happened?! Nate tries once again to sit up, only to pathetically fall back down harshly. Nate grits his teeth in frustration before suddenly jolting back, eyes wide in fear as a hand reached out to him. The creepy bandage guy frown deeper and moves his hand back inside of his weird trench coat, narrating a quiet apology. Nate frowned a little himself, since when was he so jumpy?
"The Host suggests quietly that it most likely has to do with whatever is left of Natemare's fear magic, The Host is regretful when he says that he didn't manage to remove his affects completely. The Host Would also Like to suggest that maybe Nathan should stop attempting to move, on the off chance that he hurts himself." Nate reluctantly forced himself to relax. It's not like he had a choice. He bite his lip, trying to remember what had happened in the room with Natemare but it was all fogging and blurred, like someone was preventing him from seeing it.
"What-" Nate instantly started coughing harshly, to the point where it physically hurt him. Bandage guy furrowed his brows.
"The Host hesitates before informing Nate that he would be better off not trying to speak for a while. The...incident that happened with Natemare badly injured his vocal cords-" Nate's heart genuinely skipped a beat, "And The Host Thinks That Maybe Nathan shouldn't test it, lest he raises the likelyhood his voice being permanently damaged." Oh god.
"Oh, I see he's awake." Nate startled, letting out an involuntary yelp as another identical man walked over to them wearing a doctors outfit, his hands stained with almost black blood that made Nate squirm a little. But there was one main thing on his mind.
"Holy Fuck how many of there are you?" Nate croaked out hoarsely, his eyebrows raised despite the new onslaught of pain that sentence brought him. Fighting back the urge to start coughing again, Nate silently remarked just how The Host (?) managed to stare at him in disappointment without having visible eyes. The doctor frowns at him and tuts a little before,
"I'm sorry. You're dying." Nate doesn't even get time to panic about that before the Host groans.
"The Hosts asks Nathan to please ignore that, Dr Iplier says that to everyone, You're fine." The Host stands up, moving over to one of the many piles of books surrounding them and picks up a cup. "Here." Nate flinches a bit before accepting what was handed to him. The Host does something that's almost close enough to be a smile before turning to Dr Iplier.
Also by the way Dr Iplier? Like Markiplier? At least Natemare sounds kind of cool.
"The Host Would Like to impress his disbelief to that," Nate's eyes widen. Did he just- "Yes. The Host leaves Nathan to freak out a little as he turns to Dr Iplier, asking for update on Natemare's condition?" Well that caught Nate's attention. Dr Iplier shifted uncomfortably at the two people's attentions on him.
"Well, I've detected no changes but..." Dr Iplier sighs. "He's stable at least, affectingly dead though. He's minutes from fading, there's not much left of him for me to try revive Host, I'm sorry." The Host just shakes his head.
"No I-The Host will not let Darkiplier win. We will need all the help we can get and Natemare is a very powerful ally." Damn It why can't I remember barely anything that happened that would really make understanding this whole thing a lot easier!
"Well... I mean, We could always use Nate." Nate's eyes snapped over to Dr Iplier. He would of moved his head too but he didn't want to risk it. The Host was already shaking his head because Dr Iplier even started speaking.
"The Host refuses, Nathan just woke up and can barely sit up he-"
“Host we don't have much time here! From what I heard, Mad has already started his level and then after that it'll be Anti's turn, we can't afford to hesitate, Darkiplier is this close to taking away everything! Nate will be fine, I'm not suggesting draining Nate's energy, god knows if he even has any left." Nate wonders absentmindedly Dr Iplier remembers that he's still in the room or not.
"The Host understand what Dr Iplier is suggesting, but he worries about the possibility of being unable to separate them-"
“Host you know it's all we've got here-" Alright that's it.
“Uh hello? This ob-Obviously involves me so..."Nate grits his teeth and forces out the rest, tears threatening to form in his eyes and his throat basically screams at him to stop. "Why didn't you assholes tell me what's-" Nope shit, that's all I'm getting out. Nate starts coughing violently and Dr Iplier is at his side in an instant, grabbing his hand and stilling it. Nate didn't even realise he was shaking life a leaf until now.
"No talking." Nate nodded weakly, tears streaming down his face without his consent. "You want to know what we're talking about right?" Nate nods again, and he can't help but feel a little humiliated for no reason. He decides to take back whatever pride he has left and snatches his hand out of Dr Iplier's grip, although his instant regrets it as his hand starts shaking again. The doctor takes a deep breath before he starts to explain.
"Basically, Natemare is dying. By all rights he should be dead, in fact he was for a short amount of time before I anything to do with it." Nate raised his eyebrows. Well Shit. "But obviously, healing needs active participation on both parts and while I may have brought him back for now, I'm afraid that won't be enough for long. And Natemare is too drained to be able to bring himself back. He's essentially a lost cause and we might as well give up-" The Host kicks him, "Ow!! Let me finish!" Dr Iplier glares at him before continuing.
"These two are definitely close then, what with acting like an old married couple..." Nate thought, before his face turns bright red when he remembered the Host could hear him. Oops. The Host coughs awkwardly but otherwise didn’t acknowledge him.
"But, as I was saying, it is possible for Natemare to be able to heal and come back if he gains energy from his host or Uh, Creator I guess to ease confusion. But, Natemare is too far gone that simply coming into contact with you or being around you will have no affect."
"Which means?" Nate lets out a muffled protest as the Doctor covered his mouth.
"Nate." He warned, "I do have means to ensure that you stop further damaging your vocal cords, don't make me use them." Nate gulped and gave him a thumbs up, his heart racing. It takes everything in him to not lick the Doctors hand.
“The Host hates to interrupt but he would like to politely ask the Doctor to get the hell on with it." Dr Iplier scowls as Nate wheezes, only to cough again. Come on even laughing hurts?! Oh fuck me.
“To put it short, the only way for Natemare to gain enough energy is for him to...fuse with you. Possess you or however you want to put it, basically you two would have to become one, in fact doing that would actually help you be able to heal quicker as well." What like Steven Universe?
"Kind of like Steven Universe." The Host says, a ghost of a smile on his face that is quickly widened away by his normal frown. "The Host knows that it will work, it's happened before but..."
Nate makes a motion for him to go on, although he's a bit worried to hear what comes next.
"There is no way of knowing that once the two of you fuse, you'll be able to separate again afterwards."
"...Well Shit."
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tiny-writes · 7 years
Maybe an imagine of Heather Chandler trying but failing to ask reader out? I think it’d be funny to see the normally put together demon queen get flustered.
This is the Demon Queen?
Pairing(s): Heather Chandler x reader
Summery: Heather hates this and everything that goes with it.
Word Count: 1,607
A/N: I’m really sorry if Heather is out of character at all. And I’m sorry that this was so late. I hope this is what you wanted!
    Oh god, she hated you so much. You were the very bane of her existence. You did absolutely nothing but get in her way. And catch her eye. It was true, the toughest, meanest girl in the school was in love with your scrawny ass. She absolutely hated it everytime you bumped into her in the hall, or walked into the bathroom at the same time as her. The worst moment of her life was one time when you spilled your drink on her. To uphold her position as number one, she was forced to make a fuss and yell at you in front of basically the entire school. She watched your face as it happened, and never once did she break eye contact with you. Your horrified face and teary eyes haunted her even now, and she remembered how you got in trouble because you were late to class because you were sobbing in the bathroom. Every time she saw your face in the hallway, or looked at you when you had to present, she couldn’t focus, she would just be drawn in by your face and voice. She thought you were perfect in every possible way, and she couldn’t imagine life without seeing you, and if you didn’t go to her school, she would probably poison herself or something. You didn’t know each other very well, but she was absolutely sure she loved you.
    “Heather? Did you even hear what I said?” Heather was brought back to reality by Duke’s unwelcoming voice.
    “I heard what you said, but I don’t think Veronica did,” Heather said, pointing to a startled Veronica.
    “Well, I said that the pep rally is coming up,” Duke started.
    “And we have to find dates?” Chandler finished.
    “Yeah! Sounds like a great idea!” McNamara agreed. Veronica just meekly nodded along. So this was it. Heather Chandler was on a mission, a quest, an adventure. Heather Chandler was going to ask you out today.
    You had noticed it all morning. The Demon Queen would follow you through the hallways, always right behind you, even when you didn’t have classes together. Your only question was why she was following you, and why she was so flustered during all of it. Yes, despite her bitchy attitude, you absolutely adored Heather. Everyone else seemed to hate her, but you couldn’t see why. Well, there was that one time that you spilled something all over her and she had to yell at you. It was really scary, but you could see the remorse in her eye. You know she didn’t want to do it. The thing was, beyond that, she didn’t talk to you at all. Maybe if it was an assigned thing, but not anything else. Now, she was following you around like a stalker. You don’t know what could have piqued her interest so much. Lunch came around in its own time, and you eagerly rushed towards it with great hope. That is, until Heather Chandler sat down next to you. The entire room went silent, not a word was uttered, then people started to draw conclusions and gossip. Heather didn’t care. She needed to do this.
    “So, um, nice weather we’re having?” She said, her usually calm and cruel demeanor was starting to crack and fall.
    “Uh, yeah, I guess,” you looked to the window to find an endless amount of rain and thunder, but you didn’t dare argue with the queen.
    “How are you?” She asked softly. This entire conversation was extremely surreal. What the hell did your mother put in your breakfast today?
    “I’m fine,” you answered, gaze drawn to your food. “What about you.”
    “I am,” she thought for a minute. “I’m doing fine.” The conversation was lost there and you both sat in silence for a few minutes.
    “Why are you here?” You blurted out. You didn’t mean to come off as rude, but it happened anyway.
    “You seem like an interesting person,” she paused, then realized what she said. “To add to the Heathers! You seem like an interesting person to add to the Heathers. I’m just, scoping, y’know?” She rushed.
    “Oh. Ok,” you sighed. You had hoped it was for a different reason, with the pep rally coming up and all. Silence overcame the two of you again as lunch began to end.
    “Hey,” she said, calling your attention. “Do you wanna maybe, join me,” she took a look at your face one last time, “in the Heathers?” Jesus Christ, how hard can it be to ask someone out?
After lunch, you had nearly all of your classes with Heather, which was extremely unfortunate for the both of you. For the next period, you tormented her mind in how perfect you were. Every time you answered a question or leaned down to take notes, she remembered it and took note of how amazing you sounded or looked. The period after that, you two sat next to each other. Apparently the universe thought that wasn’t bad enough. Heather watched the teacher with dread as she called out that there was going to be a group project, but you had to work with the people at your table. Since you and Heather were the only people at your table, you slowly shifted so you were facing each other. You two basically didn’t say a word as you worked on the project, and the both of you couldn’t be happier about that. Until, of course, you were forced to talk to each other.
“So what are we even doing the project on?” Heather asked, her cool and collected nature slowly fading.
“I was thinking we should make it on Tsar Alexander II,” you quickly responded. Heather nodded in approval and you both got to work.
Of course you two had to finish the project early, leaving you in such an awkward silence that it left the entire classroom silent.
“So, uh,” Heather started. Whatever was coming out of her mouth, she couldn’t control it at all. “Would you like to,” oh god oh god oh god whatever you’re about to say don’t, Heather thought. “Would you like to,” no stop, “get a better fashion sense?” Heather asked, trying to make up for the sentence that would be. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t offended.
“Excuse me?” You asked.
“I mean, it’s ok, but you won’t blend in with the Heathers like that,” if you could see how hard she was trying.
“Who said I was trying to blend in with the Heathers?” You stood up, thinking that you’d understand the situation better if you removed yourself from it.
“Well, I,” Heather fumbled with her words as you stormed off. You told the teacher you were going to the bathroom and she just shrugged in response. You flew down the halls as fast as you could and happily accepted the solitude of the bathroom. After a few minutes of just sitting there on the bathroom floor, you heard a knock coming from the door. You raised your head at the sound and saw Heather standing at the doorway.
“Mind if I come in?” She sheepishly said. You shook your head ‘no’. She slowly walked over to you and very hesitantly took a seat next to you on the floor. “I’m really sorry, that was rude,” she apologized.
“I’m sorry for storming off like that, I should’ve taken a moment to clear my head in the classroom,” you said. She blinked a few times and weakly smiled and you took a moment to think. Oh Lord, Heather was apologizing to you. How many people at this school could say that?
“I didn’t even mean to say it. It just kinda came out after I realized what I was saying,” she laughed. You whipped your head around to face her, confusion written all over your face. She fell quiet at that.
“Do you really want me to join the Heathers?” You asked her. She nodded. “Do the others want me to?” She shook her head ‘no’. “So then why do you want me to join?” She opened and closed her mouth like a fish before reaching a conclusion.
“Look, I’ve liked you since day one, and I’ve been in school with you for three years. I just want you to be in our group so that I get to see you more, and maybe I’ll get the confidence to ask you out some day,” she sighed. There was a long pause before she realized the entirety of what she said. “But! Forget that last part please.” Meet the new kind of tomato that scientists just discovered! It’s called Heather Chandler, and it’s more red then any kind of other tomato!
“You’ve wanted to ask me out all day! That’s why you were following me to classes,” you felt proud of your newfound discovery. “Hey, Heather?” You said, calling her attention. “I-I’ve always dreamed of this. Well, maybe not in a bathroom, but this is one of the best things that has ever happened to me, and I wanna ask you something.” Heather looked up, eyes wide. “Heather Chandler, will you go to the pep rally with me?” She softly smiled at you and whispered the one thing you’ve been wanting to hear from her all of these 3 years.
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bitsandbobsandstuff · 7 years
Cracker Jacks and kiss cams
Summary: A story in which Bucky Barnes is very smitten, there’s a baseball game between the New York Mets and the Chicago Cubs, and Cracker Jacks are consumed.
Prompt: “I never thought you’d break my heart” Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: None. A bit of language maybe, but this is all just sappy fluff. 
A/N: This is my submission for @just-some-drabbles​ Rom-Com writing challenge, thanks for letting me join last minute and congratulations on reaching 4k! This story came about because I really love baseball, I really love the Chicago Cubs, and I really love Bucky Barnes, so all in all, it felt like a win-win.
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(Bucky, opening Google search)
“how do you know if a woman is interested” “when do you know if a woman wants to kiss you” “how to tell a woman you love her without saying it” “why do I suck at talking to her” “oh my god why can’t I just ask her out” 
(Bucky, texting Steve)
Bucky: help me Steve: ? Bucky: how do I tell her I like her? Steve: seriously? Open mouth, say words. Try not to be a dumbass Bucky: aren’t you supposed to be my best friend stop being a DICK steve Steve: stop being pathetic bucky Bucky: you’re an asshole and I need a strategy fucking help me Steve: I gave you a strategy Bucky: you are literally the worst wingman on the entire motherfucking PLANET Steve:  (ง'̀-'́)ง
(Bucky, talking to Siri)
Bucky: Siri, there’s this girl I like and I want to ask her out but I don’t know how. I don’t know if she feels the same way and I really want to tell her she’s amazing and then she smiles at me and I have no idea how to talk to her and she’s so far out of my league, what am I supposed to do? Should I just ask her out? How do I do that? Siri: Okay, I’ve found several lists of ways to ask a girl out. Bucky, scrolling: These are stupid. I’m not some 13-year-old punk kid. Siri: Now searching, ways to ask out a 13-year-old punk kid. Bucky: What? No! Siri: Now searching, why do I like a 13-year-old punk kid. Bucky: Siri what the actual fuck?!
Bucky throws down his phone with an exasperated groan and falls face first onto his bed. His voice is muffled into his pillow when he shouts. “Why is this so damn hard?” 
Jittery. That’s the best word to describe this feeling. 
Bucky is slowly working his way through the packed crowd surrounding Citi Field, eyes scanning the sea of blue and orange for the familiar face he is so anxious to see. He registers the ebb and flow of conversation, fans from both teams screaming back and forth, but he tunes most of it out. He is far to wrapped up in his own drama to worry about anything else around him.
And then he spots her, the source of his personal agony standing near the entrance, a content smile on her lips as she absorbs the excitement around her. Bucky feels his brain stutter and he thinks to himself, isn’t it just the strangest damn feeling when the rest of the world goes quiet and blurry and all you see is one person in front of you.
He has it bad. Like, this is really bad. 
Reaching a hand up, he tugs on his blue Brooklyn Dodgers ballcap (because he’s a Brooklyn boy at heart god dammit, and he still hates Walter O’Malley for moving them to LA and he’s never fucking letting this go), nervously adjusting the brim over his eyes, tucking his hair behind his ears, smoothing the front of his blue and orange Mets t-shirt.
“Get it together Barnes, you can do this, you can do this, you can do this.” He mutters the pep talk under his breath, testing the inflection on different words, hoping to convince himself.
Nope, doesn’t work. Still that burning hot feel of absolute panic, riding him hard.
She’s turning now and her eyes meet his, and her arm curves up to wave excitedly, and a heartbreakingly beautiful smile lights up her face, and Bucky trips over a non-existent crack on the pavement.
Jesus Christ man, get your shit together. 
He manages some semblance of a smile when he finally reaches her side and says “Hurgh –“ oh my god Barnes, that’s not a fucking word, but thank God she takes pity on him and ignores his inability to communicate, stretching up to wrap him in a tight hug.
“Thank you so much for inviting me Bucky, it’s been so long since I’ve seen them play.”
Her voice is soft in his ear and he feels her warm breath tickle his neck, sending a flash of longing zipping down his spine. He supposes he should let go, but now that she’s hugging him it seems a waste to let the moment end so he holds on tight, and maybe he pretends the heavy press of the crowd is the reason for his lingering hug, because it seems like solid rationale.
She’s a little breathless when she finally pulls back, but she holds onto his forearms, leaning back to look up into his face and Bucky is trying desperately to rearrange his features into something a little more genial and a little less ‘I love you please have my babies.’ He’s pretty unclear right now what his face shows, but she hasn’t slapped him, so it must not be too creepy.
“You’re – um, yeah you’re welcome, really happy you could come with me, you love baseball, that’s so great it’s the best, I don’t – ” he pauses mid-babble, eyes flicking down to the throwback jersey she’s wearing, noticing the logo for the first time and the realisation hits him like a brick.
“Wait a minute, hang on. You’re a Cubs fan?”
She grins up at him, taking in his horrified expression with amusement. “Bet your ass I am. Have been my whole life. I bleed Cubbie blue, Barnes.”
Bucky groans dramatically. She was bound to have one flaw, he supposes, but did it have to be this? 
“Aw damn, I hate the Cubs, they’re seriously just, like, the worst.”
She gives him a consoling pat on the arm, feigning sympathy, and he melts  when he sees the laughter dancing in her eyes, but he tries his hardest to pretend disappointment.
“I’m gutted darlin, out of all the people in my life, I never thought you’d break my heart like this, standing there in that God awful shade of blue. You’re really killin’ me, I might have to give your ticket to someone more deserving.”
Bucky watches her nose scrunch up when she starts laughing at his dramatic speech, and he feels that familiar swooping in his stomach that always happens when she’s around and he immediately forgives her for this and any past Cubs related sins.
“You don’t mean that, you need a little healthy competition in your life. And besides Buck, I didn’t know your heart was mine to break,” she sasses back, giving him a wink, and he nearly swallows his tongue.
Bucky’s still racking his brain for his witty response when she loops her arm through his, and pulls him toward the entrance.
“Come on, I need some Cracker Jacks before the game starts. I love your hat by the way. Vintage, just like you.”
Bucky actually does have a strategy. He’s thought about it long and hard, debated every possible scenario, and he has to admit, it’s pretty good. All it took was a phone call to the stadium (a process during which he hung up three times in a panic before anyone actually answered), greasing a palm or two, promising some kids a photo with Steve, and here they are.
They pause at a kiosk to pick up two beers, three hot dogs for Bucky and a box of Cracker Jacks for her.
“Are you sure you don’t want something, um, more substantial?” Bucky questions, indicating a hot dog or a hamburger or something more than pure sugar.
“Nope!” She grins happily, pops the box open and takes a handful. Bucky’s momentarily mesmerised by the way her tongue catches the sweet popcorn, and he feels a flush working its way up his neck. It’s very possible the image of her eating Cracker Jacks may now be the sexiest thing he’s ever seen.
Like, ever.
He makes a mental vow to buy enough candy to stock her kitchen for pretty much infinity.
As they step out into their seating section, he feels himself begin to loosen up. The sky is a vivid blue, the outfield a bright green, the sunshine warm when it hits their faces.
Perfect baseball weather.
There’s a damp, clean smell surrounding them, the scent of fresh cut grass floating in the air as they make their way to the seats, and Bucky watches her enjoy the view, watches her take a deep breath of the cool air, watches her watching the players warm-up. He can’t seem to stop watching.
Be cool man, damn, his internal voice chastises again.
When they finally reach their row, he steps quickly aside (ever the gentleman), ushering her in first. She gives him a sweet smile and briefly squeezes his arm with her Cracker Jack-less hand, before dropping into her seat. He follows close behind, settling into his seat and gives a grunt of annoyance when he realises it’s won’t be a comfortable fit.
Swallowing hard, he plucks up the courage, and tentatively slides his arm along the back of her chair. “Um, is this okay? Seats are kind of small.”
“Of course, you might need to keep me warm anyway.” She gives him a nudge, sitting back into her seat and moving a little closer. He lets out a silent huff, his arm inching a little closer to her shoulders, fingers curling around her. If she shows the slightest hint of being cold, he’s more than prepared to snuggle.
Because he’s a great friend and all. Yeah. That’s it.
Propping her feet on the plastic seat in front of her, she turns toward him expectantly. “Okay, story time. Tell me why you hate the Cubs so much.”
Bucky’s easy laugh finally cracks his nervousness.
“Well, you’re required to hate at least one team in your division, that’s a rule. But it was one game that put the Cubs in the top spot. It was 1938, I got a couple tickets as an early birthday present for Steve. The game was great – you should’ve seen Ebbets Field back then, still so damn pissed they tore it down – and anyway, Dodgers were losing up until the bottom of the ninth, we had a huge rally, thought we’d walk away with the win, but there was one bullshit play and that was it. We lost by one.”
“Aw, poor baby.” She gives him a fake pout and rubs her thumb and forefinger together. “World’s saddest story, played with the world’s smallest violin.”
Bucky ducks his head, a lopsided grin tugging up his lips. “Thanks for the sympathy. Well, it wouldn’t have been a big deal, but then Steve goes and picks a fight with a couple mouthy punks from Chicago, and next thing I know, I’m sporting a broken nose and Steve’s missing a tooth and most of his dignity, and ever since then, well - we’ve both held pretty tight to that hate.”
She throws up her hands, stopping his story. “Wait, wait, wait. Steve got into a fight with someone?”
Bucky snorts. “Shocking, right? He’s usually so calm and easy going.”
She nods thoughtfully, looks deep into his eyes and there his stomach is doing that stupid little flip again. “Well I get it. Although that’s a hell of a long time to hold a grudge.”
“I’ve always excelled at stamina.” The flirty comment falls from his lips without a thought, and he follows it with a suggestive wink, heart racing delightedly when he sees her eyes sparkle.
The game flies by. Fast. Way too fast. Everyone around him is laughing and smiling and chatting. Must be nice to be so god damn carefree.
Bucky Barnes is reaching his breaking point.
The game is nearing the end of the 6th inning, the Cubs are up by one run, there was a double-play on the field that will probably top the SportsCenter highlights reel, but to be honest, he hasn’t paid one ounce of attention to the game. His mind is occupied with a more pressing, panic inducing topic.
“Fuck, fuckity, fuck,” he whispers, the sudden sweep of nerves drying up his throat. He can feel his right hand beginning to sweat, and he rubs it unconsciously on his leg. His left hand taps a nervous rhythm on his knee.
She glances at the rapid movement of his fingers, head tilting with a curious question. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m good, I’m, yep. Good. Right.” His voice is several octaves higher than normal and he clears his throat quickly and tries again. “Sorry, yes. All good.”
“And that’s the end of the 6th inning!” The announcer’s cheerful voice rings out, echoing through the stadium. The sound of laughter and chatter swells, as the Dodgers head into the field.
Bucky legitimately thinks he’s gonna throw up.
The beginning chords of an upbeat song fill the stadium, and the announcer’s voice is back.
“Hello fans! Pucker up, it’s time for today’s Kiss Cam!”
This was a new invention since Bucky was last at a Dodgers game in 1938. He saw it a few years ago and figures it’s a funny way to include the crowd in the stadium experience, always good for a laugh.
For a laugh, or even - oh god oh god oh god.
Turning his attention to the giant video screen in the outfield, wiping a slick hand on his jeans, his heartrate pounds into overdrive.
The camera flashes first to an older couple, the woman laughing when her husband dives in for a sloppy kiss.
The camera flashes to a young dad and his daughter, and she giggles when he plants a wet kiss on her cheek.
The camera flashes to a dark-haired man in a blue Brooklyn Dodgers baseball cap and a pretty girl in a Chicago Cubs jersey.
Shit, this is it, this is it, this is it.
“Bucky! It’s us!” She’s laughing excitedly, and Bucky takes a huge breath and turns to her.
“Um, do you – ” but she’s already jumping to her feet, pulling him with her, stretching to reach his lips and her breath tastes like sticky sweet caramel from the Cracker Jacks and Bucky is floored.
When her mouth presses to his, he feels a sizzle of electricity skitter across his skin and he does the only natural thing. Curving one arm around her waist, gently gripping the back of her neck with his other hand, he pulls her flush against him and with a sweep, dips her backward over his arm. She gives a small squeak of surprise at the move, and Bucky swallows the sound greedily, sinking deeper into the kiss. He can feel her lips smiling against his, and there’s a wild burst of excitement in his chest when she grips tight to his shoulders and kisses him back with more enthusiasm than he ever could have hoped.
Distantly, he can hear the crowd whistling and clapping at the show, but he ignores everything except the feel of her soft lips and the way her fingers burn his skin through the fabric of his shirt.
Incredible, he marvels. If he’d known this was what their first kiss would feel like? He would’ve started kissing her the moment they met, and he probably would’ve never stopped, because this right here, is something he can imagine doing every day, for the rest of his life.
It takes an eventual tap on his leg from the older gentleman sitting next to him, to finally come out of the haze surrounding the two of them. Vaguely, he hears the stadium catcalling when the announcer calls out “okay son, time to come up for air.”
Bucky slowly pulls her upright, settling her back on her feet before he gently breaks the kiss. He knows thousands of people are watching, but he can’t seem to look away. Her eyes are wide in her face, and he feels a flicker of pride when he notices her delicately swollen mouth. Reaching a thumb up, he swipes it lightly over her bottom lip, before dropping another quick kiss on her lips, ending with a light kiss on her nose.
The entire stadium is on their feet, cheering on the guy who obviously just made the move of a lifetime. Giving the crowd an embarrassed wave, he falls back into his seat, pulling her down next to him, and he can’t stop the silly grin now permanently etched on his face.
“Well, so okay. That went better than I expected.”
She’s staring at Bucky with a look of shock and something remarkably close to desire, if he’s not mistaken (and later that night, he happily discovers he is definitely not mistaken). She shakes her head, trying to clear the cobwebs. There’s amusement colouring her voice when she breathlessly chastises him.
“Bucky Barnes, did you plan this?”
Threading his fingers with hers, he lifts her knuckles and brushes his lips across them, giving her a quiet chuckle. Leaning toward her, his other hand cups her cheek and he inhales the warm scent of vanilla on her skin, before he whispers in her ear.
“I might have, yeah. Is that okay? I’ve been wanting to do that since the first moment we met, I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
He hears her gentle laugh and he nearly faints when she leans into his touch with a low hum.
“Yes it’s okay, but just so you know - you had me with the Cracker Jacks. Once you bought those, I was all yours.”
“Good to know,” Bucky whispers and he presses his lips to hers again. The taste of sunshine and Cracker Jacks fills his mouth, and God, isn’t that just the most delicious thing in the world?
TAGS: @buckyappreciationsociety​ @stentorian-lore-n​ @ihavemymomentsstill​ @badassbaker​ @psingh97​ @justreadingfics​ @palaiasaurus64​ @4theluvofall​ @psychicwitchphilosopher @mrshopkirk​  
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writterings · 6 years
hey fam you got any comic recs for my dying soul tapastic doesnt sate my webseries needs
*crackles knuckles* oh boy do i. (though the majority of them aren’t webcomics, my bad). also sorry for how long this got lmfaooo. 
Literally Any Thor Comic
Here’s my 80 Slide powerpoint I did on his character if you want some ideas: X
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl!
Description: Part girl, part squirrel, full time hero and also computer science student! And she’s unbeatable!
My Review: Literally one of the best Marvel comics I have ever read. Genuinely funny, heartwarming, and clever. It even makes you care about characters you’d never even consider thinking about before. It also has a subtle way of incorporating social commentary without it being overbearing. The art is a bit off-putting at first, but you learn to love it. I love this series so much. 10/10.
Description: Bobby Drake AKA the X-man Iceman is a gay mutant and he just can’t catch a break. He struggles with his homophobic parents, the fact that he literally just realized he was gay due to a younger version of himself from the past coming out to him, and also Wolverine’s evil son stealing one of his students. Oh, and also he’s trying to enter in a relationship with a guy who seems perfect in every way. Typical X-men solo-series story. Or not. 
My Review: The series was cancelled early due to how it was ��unpopular” so the ending is kinda rushed and a lot of the loose ends aren’t tied up, but otherwise it’s a really good story. It deals with a lot of serious topics such as what it’s actually like being gay, realizing you’re gay later in life, and dealing with less-than-supportive parents. Basically, it’s kinda a story that only gay people would get (though anyone could enjoy it). I also met the writer, Sina Grace, too, at the Philly Comic Con and he was so nice! Anyways, the series is a solid 7/10 but had the potential to be 10/10 if it had been allowed to continue. 
Description: Blink from X-men, an older and jaded Ms Marvel, Valkyrie from Thor Ragnarok, Iron Lad from Young Avengers (who is also the younger version of Kang the Conqueror), and a chibi-fied version of Wolverine team up to save the multiverse. ‘Nuff said. Also features Peggy Carter as Captain America.
My Review: It’s only three issues but so far this is one of the most fun series I’ve ever read! I can’t wait to see where it goes, and I’m loving how they’re developing the team’s relationships with one another. 10/10.
Boom! Studios
Loki: Ragnarok and Roll
Description: When the god Loki is wrongly banished to earth…what’s he supposed to do? Start a rock band, of course. 
My Review: I literally just finished reading this series and I’m totally in love! It has no relation to Marvel’s Loki at all, but follows similar ideas about his character and somewhat feels like a disgruntled Loki fan’s fix-it fic about his treatment in the comics. 8/10, my only complaints are how short it is and how I wished certain aspects were more fleshed out. 
Description: The story of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion through Judas’ point of view. 
My Review: Beautifully written, with beautiful artwork. I think I actually cried the first time I read it. 10/10, and again my only complaint is that I wish it was longer. 
Description: Sixteen of the world’s worst serial killers all came from the same town. When a rag-tag group of “friends”, including an FBI agent, local cop, a serial killer, and the local goth teen, try to investigate why this town produces killers….the answers aren’t pretty. WARNING: This comic is intended for mature audiences only. 
My Review: Honestly, intriguing and scratches the mind-itch Netflix’s Mindhunter leaves in your brain. The ending was really rushed and the ultimate reveal at the end fell pretty flat but otherwise it’s a gorey, gross, horrifying, and fun comic. 7/10.
Sweet Tooth
Description: A pandemic wiped out most of the world’s population ten years ago. Also around ten years ago, children started being born with animal-like features. Gus, a boy with deer antlers, must now try to survive both the post-apocalyptic environment he’s been thrust into while simultaneously avoid the government who thinks kids like him are the cause of the disease. WARNING: This comic is intended for older audiences. Much blood and cursing. 
My Review: One of my all-time favorites. Not much to say, really. I hated the ending, for the same reasons I hated the ending of Harry Potter but otherwise it was amazing. 9/10.
Description: When the Rhodes’ family loses their 10-year-old son, their lives fall apart. And then when he returns a year later, as a 20-something-year-old monster-fighting warrior from a Lord of the Rings fantasy land, that’s when their lives really go to shit. 
My Review: GOD, this is also one of my all-time favorite comics. It is a bit predictable at times and I wished a few things were played out differently, but all that is made up for with the interesting plot, the amazing artwork, and the characters themselves. 9/10.
Kill the Minotaur
Description: The story of the Greek hero Theseus, but with a few very drastic twists. WARNING: This comic is intend for older audiences. There is sex, blood, and much cursing. 
My Review: Honestly, you need to read this comic in one sitting otherwise the magic is lost. The ending isn’t surprising, but the way it’s dropped on you make it feel like it is. 9/10.
Evan Dahm Comics
Description/Review: I honestly don’t know how to describe this. Let’s just say this is nearly some Tolkien-level of world building, mixed with an ATLA-type of vibe in regards to the in-universe politics and interweaving stories. Start with Rice Boy, then Order of Tales, then Vattu. Solid 7/10, but that’s just due to a lot of little things and nitpicks that’ll become obvious if you read it.
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bemorecronch · 7 years
That's My Toy (Jared Kleinman X Reader)
WARNINGS: heavy smut- like Jesus. Includes exhibitionist stuff and sex toys. Also swearing. You and Jared had always been a little sexually adventurous. At first he'd been uncomfortable with anything intimate, his self-confidence had always gotten in the way. But 6 months in you'd assured him how attractive he was and now he was pretty much game for everything. That's why it was no surprised when he brought them home. “Those are actually kind of cute.” He's packaged black lace panties in a small box. They had a small bow on the front and seemed heavy when you lifted them. In the bottom of the box was a small controller with 3 buttons. You cock an eyebrow and he's biting his lip, grinning madly, “they vibrate.” You feel them in your hand. The lower part of the underwear was thicker and hard. As you were holding them Jared took the controller and pressed the first button. They began to quietly buzz in your hand and you felt yourself blush a little, “I’m so up for this.” You chuckle and he kisses your neck, “we should go to dinner tonight.” Heat rises to your face, “If I'm wearing these then you're buying.” * It turned nine'o'clock when you stepped outside. A low cut, red dress slightly above the knee. He can't keep his eyes off you as you make your way down the stairs. He takes your hand, “you look amazing.” He whispers and you lift your chin smugly, “yes. Yes I do.” He kisses you lightly as you make your way to the car. You strap yourself in and feel yourself begin to grin, “you've got the controller, right?” You ask. He smirks and nods, “back pocket.” You graze your hand on his thigh and twitch as you feel the stationary vibrator press into you, “I’m a little nervous.” You admit quietly and he suddenly looks serious, “if you want to stop just say acorn and I'll stop.” He pulls into the restaurant car park and you both make your way inside. It looks pretty god damn fancy as your seated and order. He forces you to sit though the starter and the main course with nothing. He could see you were getting turned on and fidgeting. he just grinned and winked as your plates were taken away. After the meal was over Jared stood up, “I’m going to the bathroom.” He kissed your cheek and you felt yourself begin to blush. You watch him leave and shut the door and suddenly- almost instantly, you feel the underwear begin to vibrate. It's slow and toying as it presses against your clit. You inadvertently sigh and cover your mouth. He comes back out and is smiling. You must be bright pink because he's chuckling a little, “you ok there?” You nod quietly, not trusting yourself to make any noise because fuck this feels good. “Damn, you're excited for this.” He whispers. You look up a little confused before someone puts their hand on your shoulder. Evan, Connor, Alana and Zoe are standing behind you. Both you and Jared try to conceal the horrified look on your faces. Alana cocks her head, “you don't mind if we join you, do you?” She asks, although she's already sitting down. Jared leans back, “actually yeah…” He begins, but they've already sat down. Your brain begins to fuzz as all you can wonder is why Jared hasn't shut these off yet. You smile and try to regulate your breathing as you take out your phone to text Jared: ACORN! You see Jared look at his phone and then back at you confused. He shakes his head subtly as you see his hands reach into his back pocket. His eyes widen in horror as it dawns on both you what's happened. He's lost the controller. He's lost the fucking controller. Suddenly the vibrating gets a little more intense and you squeeze your eyes shut and try to breath, “(Y/N), you ok?” Zoe looks at you concerned and you smile and shrug, “yeah. Fuck I'm good.” You sigh out and see Jared trying to repress a smile. Connors leans his elbow against Evan, “You sure? You're like- shaking.” You almost inadvertently slam your fist off the table, “Jesus Christ, yes.” You try to contain your voice and Connor leans back, “just asking dude.” You can feel the underwear vibrating and pushing against you and the seat. It feels amazing against the lace and if you could outwardly scream you would. You start twitching and out of the corner of your eye you see a small kid. He has in his chubby hands the highly familiar black controller. He's hitting it against the table as his parents ignore him and inadvertently sending pulses against you. You make eye connection with Jared which briefly almost brings you to the edge. He's trying not to laugh, but you nod towards the kid as the rest of the group chatters among themselves. He follows your gaze and let's out a loud laugh. The group looks at him and he shrugs, “it's uh… Connors stupid hair.” The group rolls his eyes and Connor punches his arm. Your mouth is dry and your fingers lace into the table cloth. You have to get these panties off now, “I- uh- bathroo-oh, bathroom.’ You whisper as you stand up, “wait, I think there's someone in there. Besides you haven't told me about your latest drama project.” “Yeah, (Y/N),” Jared’s grinning as he sits back in his chair and enjoying himself far too much. You would be thinking of a good insult if you could think of anything other than small grunts, “tell us about it.” It's almost irritating that he's very clearly getting off on this. It would be if you weren't in exactly the same boat. “It's-“ you begin, vibrations pulsing and you lean your hands against the desk, “it's good- it's so good. Oh my god..” You're blushing and Jared’s covering his mouth for laughter. Alana however was clueless, “so you're pleased with it?” She asked. You nod and run your hand through your hair, “yeah, yes. Fuck yes. I'm so… Pleased.” You're whispering and Alana leans in, “what?” You gingerly sit back down and the pressure of the seat is too much, you breath out loudly, “I do-oh I don't think f-f-feeling well.” You can feel yourself start to cum as you collapse in your chair. “I think we should go.” Evan looked at Connor, who nodded. Alana’s eyes looked worried, “yeah, do you want Jared to take you home?” You put your head in your hands and clamp your mouth for fear of groaning, nodding lightly. You hear chairs scrape as they stand up to leave. As soon as they're gone Jared burst out laughing, “oh my god.” You're face is in your hands to cover the fact that your bright red, “I need you to- to- oh god. Jared I-“ you hum into your hands, “I need you to grab the controller. Now.” You manage to get out, but he's sitting giggling, “wait is it still going?” You nod quietly and he chuckles before walking over to the kids table, “that's my toy.”
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