#jesus ashley is an ACTOR
alliekitaguchi · 8 months
watching ash and laura in tlou: grounded doc genuinely made me cry because laura said she cried during joel's death scene hearing ashley crying and also seeing laura cry because people were threatening RONIN, her BABY, when the game came out because they didn't like that abby killed joel
they deserve the world and i'll actually kill anyone who hurts them!
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beatrixstonehill2 · 8 months
Ashley and Jacklyn were two trans men who met online, in an Instagram group about fantasies involving detransition. Both were on T for a few years and strongly considered top surgery, but deep down they both had a different idea of what their futures looked like.... They met and chatted for a couple weeks, eventually moving in together, throwing out all of their boy clothes in favor of lingerie and other very girly clothes, embracing their bodies and becoming a couple of bimbos, doing porn for fun. They knew they just had to both get knocked up and sport the perfect bimbo body, with a belly carrying at least triplets for the summer. They didn't want any old porn actor to knock them up, so Ashley had an idea.....
Without telling her friend, Melody, that she detransitioned, she called and asked her to come by and visit her new boyfriend..... When Melody visited, she was shocked to see that Ashley completely detransed, and her 'boyfriend' was a buxom bimbo with a voice deepened by testosterone. Ashley told Jacklyn that Melody was her trans girl bff, and they've known each other since forever. Ashley walked up to Melody, giggling, telling her, "Mel, I know you had a crush on me. Before you went and transitioned into this fake girl, you were just another horny boy that stared at my chest, now look at you."
"I, um...... I don't know. We were young!" Melody said.
"God, look at his boy-tits. Jesus Christ they're fucking huge," Jacklyn said, groping Melody's breasts.
"I know.... almost makes him look like a girl." Ashley joined in, grabbing and kneading Melody's other breast.
"But just look at him, walking around in clothes like this, flaunting his cock." Jacklyn massaged Melody's noticeable bulge. "Fuck, it'd get so big if he stopped taking estrogen."
"I-I'd never do that...." Melody said, nervously letting Ashley and Jacklyn fondle her.
"Awww, come on, Mel," Ashley encouraged. "You're really telling me you don't want a massive cock to play with?"
"No! I could never detrans! I love being a girl...."
Jacklyn bit her her, stroking Melody's already sizeable cock. "You'd make such a pretty boy. Well, you already do, since you are a boy..... Girls don't have big hard cocks, dummy....."
Ashley started fondling Melody's cock, too. "Man, these boy-tits and this cock. You have everything.... But I still say you ought to lose the boobs. Go on testosterone. Get this cock as big as possible."
"Guys, stop. I'm gonna cum...."
"Poor thing." Jacklyn pouted, massaging Melody's breast and cock harder. "So pathetic. It should be illegal for pervy boys like you to pretend to be girls..... I bet you jerk off in the girls' bathroom for fun, don't you?"
"N-No...." Melody looked away. "Well, sometimes....."
"Good little pervert!" Ashley said, slipping her hand into Melody's panties. "Go on, I know you have a crush on me. Doesn't matter that we both played dress up. I lived as a boy for years, yet I'm only a dumb breeder, and you? All the estrogen and makeup in the world can't stop you from being a perverted boy who's addicted to jerking off. It's your nature, darling...."
Melody came in her lingerie onesie, rolling back her eyes, shooting about three ropes of clear cum. "Fuck....."
"Awww, is that it? Hold on," Jacklyn said, returning a few second later. "Don't squirm, this won't hurt." She had grabbed one of her old syringes and filled it with some of her remaining testosterone.
Ashley giggled. "I thought we got rid of all that?"
"When you mentioned having a fake girl as a best friend, I figured we might need it....." Jacklyn injected Melody's hip full of T.
"No.....! Please!" Melody cooed, drooling lightly.
"Yes, my dear," Ashley said, turning Melody's head her way. "How's this? We're going to pump you full of T, get that cock over fifteen inches so you're hung like a horse, and you'll become our girly little boy-bitch? You'll get us pregnant, but only be allowed to cum when it's time to knock us up. We'll dress you like a perverted sissy still, but those big fat boy-tits have got to go. OK? You'll live with us, and answer to us. Are there any questions?"
Melody shook her head 'no'. "I'll..... be your perverted stud sissy...... you can use me however you please...... ❤️"
"I knew you had a crush on me after all these years. Now then, you need to practice on Jacklyn and I all day, learning to fuck like a boy, so you can get us nice and pregnant when that T kicks in, all right, slave?"
"Whatever you desire....."
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folklauerate · 9 months
I’ll say something else while I’m here-one of my biggest issues with Bridgerton s2 was the lack of cohesiveness. Jesus Christ no one is upset with characters making unlikable decisions and if you want a wedding for the sake of drama, Shondaland, have a fucking wedding, but make it earned! And on top of that, the wedding episode had the fucking audacity to be boring as shit! Just all trodding on and operating off of the assumption the viewer would be aghast and would sit through nearly an hour of boring yawn snooze because there were “stakes” and it seemed like the main pair might not get together. Like for fuck’s sake have as much drama as you like but at least make it well written! Instead the wedding episode is a dirge and not because it’s a reflection of some character’s mental state or any seemingly deep reason, no; it’s like they decided there would be a wedding and shrugged when it came to getting the character’s there. It doesn’t count as good writing if you’ve spent the past months/years trying to wrap your head around or write fic around the reasons why x decision by y characters make sense to fill in gaps that shouldn’t be there in the first place and that’s all this fandom has done.
People’s issue with side plots taking up too much time isn’t really that they take up too much time-it’s that none of them follow a set of overarching themes of the season and feed into them or a main storyline in a significant way, giving the illusion to the viewer that they’re completely separate from the romance at the core and therefore taking away from it, as opposed to everything being harmonious.
On top of that, the characterizations are so fucking varied and there’s a large tonal shift between s1 and s2 in terms of the way the Bridgersibs interact with one another. Siblings can fight and be rude and whatever to one another but for them to turn into completely different people out of nowhere is so ??
And on the topic of characterizations-WHERE WAS KATE’S??? Anthony gets 28363938 motivations for why he is the way he is and then is honestly left floundering with all of them, until you’re honestly a bit ?? as to why he can’t marry for love, and then you get Kate who is just… There. Why can’t she marry for love? Why is she hellbent against marrying? Why is she prioritizing her family’s finances and Mary/Edwina above herself? What conversations did she have with her father before he died to make her this way or was she always like this? What were their lives like in India? I could keep going! At least in the book you get some half hearted “I’m too ugly and old to get a match” reason but in the show no one is going to fucking believe Simone Ashley is too ugly or old to get whatever lord she wants 😭✋ and THEN???? To top it all off-Kate and Anthony don’t have a single meaningful discussion around an entire eight episodes!!!!! Not one!!!!!!!!! What fucking growth happens between them fucking and the coma and then their fucking dance to have them propose? If the actors themselves had to invent all these so called secret conversations their characters had in between everything to make things make sense, I really don’t think that’s a hallmark of good writing. They rush that happy ending in there at the end and it feels like they forgot they had to end the fucking show with these two characters together and they just said “fuck it let them kiss” and that’s what we got. WHAT CONVERSATION OF SUBSTANCE DID THEY HAVE. And what fucking argument can you make that it’s okay that it didn’t happen on screen??) NONE!!! It’s TV! It’s a VISUAL FORMAT??? Oh my god.
I told myself I wouldn’t rant about this, just redirect people to walle’s thoughts on this, which is (in her own words) how she sat shiva for the fucking wreck of what Bridgerton s2 is. Walle if you don’t know wrote a thousand cuts and s2 was the nail in the coffin for her. It was so so so bad. It went against such basic principles of storytelling. The writing was so abhorrent. It was insane. And to defend it feels more insane it feels like you’ve been taken hostage by this damn show and you’re writing thinkpieces on tumblr and twitter to make it make sense!
What grates me is that it really could’ve been good. The juice was there. The actors are amazing. The production team is clearly so so dedicated and hard working. IT WAS ALL THERE. Honestly the way the show was marketed in the trailer feels completely different from how it came out and I have to think there was some fuckshit going on behind the scenes given the large tonal shift during/after ep 4 and CVD’s hasty and odd departure.
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I just looked at all the new photos
Val with 2 guns-yep that script leak of him comparing them to dicks is probably true (also why is there a poster of himself with guns wtf??)
Vox in front of those TV screens-Jesus dude, my fucking eyes hurt looking at the clash of blue, white, and red
Charlie with drawings-Inside Every Demon is a Rainbow?? She gonna sing that or make a reference to it?
Angel and Husk singing-I don't know what it is, but Angel looks particularly off here.
"Vaggie"-I think her head looks too big/ she looks pretty off. I also had a headcanon she went to Hell because she murdered a r*pist or something. But she's a fallen angel now??? Can't wait to see this bullshit 💀 (also not sure if it's been pointed out but-*female angels named after women's genitals="Vaggie/Vagatha" 😐
Cherri-Why did they post her in her default pose? (Also I'm so sorry to Kendraws, fuck Viv for stealing her design from you)
Charlie/Rosie/Alastor-Where the fuck are your shadows??? This looks so fucking off and stilted?? (Same goes for that shot of Charlie in front of the bar)
Charlie/Alastor-God this should awaken something in me but it doesn't. This shot looks so bad dude. His face/mouth looks so off.
Carmella Carmine and two demons-This shot probably looks the fucking worst. Jesus, just look at how weird this looks.
Angel Dust on the bed-Wtf is this blank expression?? What did they do to you, Angel?? Also him sitting and flipping someone off-thats a weird shot too. I can't explain it but he just looks fucking weird.
Vaggie/Charlie pointing at her-their heads looks so fucking weird dude. Especially Vaggie's. Looks too weird.
Charlie/Lucifer-others are saying this too, but he looks (and sounds) like Charlie's older brother and not her father. Also... too much red. Why is he coated in fucking red???
The only shots I like?
Sir Pen, Vaggie hanging off the boat, Alastor w/horns/talking at his radio station, Niffty, the shot of the whole gang, Angel next to Niffty (his facial expression looks good here).
Dude... what the fuck is this. 4+ years of this?? I hope fans come to their senses and realize that these Same Face Syndrome Characters, overabundance of reds/pinks/whites, nauseating colors and camera work, animation errors, and garbage writing (based off script leaks) were not worth it, and all the money they spend on Amazon or merch, is not fucking worth it.
Guaranteed Viv spent most of the money on her precious Broadway actors to skimp on the animation (probably paid out of her own pocket too) THE THING SHE CLAIMS TO CARE AND LOVE THE MOST ABOUT.
Ashley, Michael, and everyone else, you guys dodged a massive bullet. I can't wait for this soulless train wreck to get mocked mercilessly online and Viv throws the biggest fit of her life, ruining her career.
That moment can't come soon enough.
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solarflicker · 1 year
Since Starlight Express (my beloved) is getting a revival, it is very important to me as an American that it flops for being too weird. It has to be off putting to boring people. Apparently it is also going to be updated for modern audiences. This is everything I would do to make it so weird it flops in no particular order.
- Trains have Bluetooth connection instead of being coupled. CB kills with an EMP. This is Cool and Modernized.
- Skate insurance is too expensive, actors must run around as fast as they can
- One new character: a car that is suspiciously similar to Lightning McQueen.
- Alt: CB is reworked into a semi truck. He rides a skateboard.
- Nuclear fission powered Rusty
- The moving seats just vibrate
- Make the bizarre spirituality even more prominent. Raise more questions about how this world works. Answer none of them.
- make it clear that Rusty is literally train God/Jesus. Crucify him.
- unnecessary turntable in every song
- The internationals are reworked into something today’s youth can relate to: tiktok aesthetics
- Woke Greaseball x Tradwife Dinah
- Pearl is an influencer car for selfie taking
- Pearl has a new personality. She is the coach car version of Bad Cinderella.
- guest appearance from Skimbleshanks. An actor has to get into full Cats costume to make a one minute appearance
- roller derby segment. No more racing, just an all out slug fest. (this is not how derby actually works lol)
- maximize tiktok integration. Anything that can have a meme should definitely have a meme, regardless of if it works or not.
- make it about generational trauma somehow. do not explain where baby trains come from.
- Ashley is back! She vapes now.
- Bring back Volta’s whip
- make the freight cars jam skaters
Also this just occurred to me but do the actors get mouth guards? Because the one I use I can talk and presumably sing with no problem and these guys are going like 40mph??
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cyclone-rachel · 3 months
Thoughts on The Boys, episodes 2 and 3:
Episode 2:
Huh. Guess I have to watch The Wire.
Will Ferrell? What are you doing here
Guess they couldn’t have Clancy Brown play the coach
He played the coach, right
Oh hey, he’s back!
You don’t know the half of his low point
“sensitivity readers” and how many of those did you hire?
he’s gonna be fun
“braindead maniac” does describe the comic version
Of course
Don’t take anything they give you
Oh, it’s his mom that’s doing that stuff
Far from “wee” Hughie.
wait who’s this guy playing the boyfriend, I feel like I’ve seen him before
Oh he was the original Dove on Titans, that makes sense
she has a speech therapist?
I love her so much
Oh dear
Fuck off, Butcher
Oh no, they’re making a movie about Ryan
“Homeboy” oh no
Anakin too
This man says volumes with his face
again, I love Sage
Ashley changed her look! I forgot when she ditched the bangs
Oh ouch
Do you not know what the word solo means
That’s the exact wrong advice to give him
Is she 32?
oh she’s a decade older. I see.
Is that the right idea?
What are they doing
Ryan is not a good actor
Using the Captain America line, I see.
He’s gonna go on a power trip
Damn, really?
I want Kimiko’s jacket
Nothing like free hotel breakfast
Oh no, these weirdos are flat earthers too?
“Starlight is a lizard person” jesus
not the minion memes
oh they are calling him Dakota Bob
“soldier boy held captive by the CIA” well he’s being held captive by someone
fuck, they’re climate change deniers too?
“soldier boy + liberty= secret lovers?” I mean, maybe
gosh there’s so much here.
“stormfront is alive” the fuck she is
“tinfoil hat wearing nazi motherfuckers” correct!
Kimiko are you okay
you can tell this was filmed in 2022 because that’s the year before last’s baja blast
hahaha these guys believe delaware isn’t real?
How dare you come for Tom Hanks
god, Frenchie doesn’t believe in the moon landing?
omg I love her
Yeah, you should go to the hospital
So glad that he didn’t mean that
Thank you, Hughie
Haven’t seen him in a while
The political commentary on this show is too real.
Hahaha I love her
So like conspiracy theorist Jubilee.
A-Train redemption? That would be nice.
Let him have his moment, man.
He’s gonna have to work on his restraint
Kimiko are you okay
Firecracker said “fuck the French” I guess
She’s not gonna do it
That’s like 3 references in one
Drown his ass in the chocolate fountain
“Zionist cabal” NO
Run, bitch!
Hughie cheering on his girlfriend I love them so much your honor
oh hey she’s back!
Go off, Hughie
ooooh Kimiko what are you doing
Episode 3
This is not going to go well.
Also look how few Starlight supporters there are compared to the Homelander supporters
Fuck off
“they want to get rid of superheroes” and what do they think Starlight is, then?
What has she actually said?
There are not seven of them.
I do really like those suits
Oh good, Butcher seems to be doing the right thing
gosh, I do kind of hope she doesn’t believe all of this and is just looking up what will cause the most controversy and clicks. Would be funnier if she was a true believer though.
She’s not wrong
He is that petty
“make a sandwich out of her”
Guess we know Starlight says trans rights, good for her
I’m sure he’s gonna try
Just let him go into the basement and see there are no kids in there.
Well, then she’s gonna be out of a job
Love how The Masked Singer hasn’t changed here
Eyyy kimiko’s a hacker good for her
Kimiko and Helena would be great friends
I love Hughie wearing a dolly parton shirt
Maeve didn’t blow a dude
as far as I know
oh this is fun
“dodgy incel” he’s not wrong
Oh, his voice is changing
That’s fuckin’ brutal.
I’m obsessed with her
do I like Ashley now?
She is a girlboss
gosh, this song
It is clearly not nothing
He also helped take down Stormfront
Not wrong on any of those counts
MM is a great character
You two should hide
Oh yikes
Not the best thing to see
Get your head in the game
Oh hey, it’s Nina
Glad Butcher threw those away
Why did she end that sentence with a question if she wasn’t lying
You said she would be fine!
Ashley are you alright
Yes, go after her, queen
What is a dinosaur doing on her poster
Oh damn, Annie as a bully
She is better
Hasn’t she been traumatized enough
Oh no this is very out of date
also how dare they use Maeve’s image for this
Hughie can chill.
There’s no way the vents are that big
Oh no
Hughie get out of there
“critical supe theory” I think that is just known as the works of Garth Ennis and a few other authors here in the real world, ma’am
Is Stan dead? I can’t remember
How did Homelander know
Hughie’s sweat is going to get him hurt
Well they’re not performing that show anytime soon
Yeah, listen to her
You can try
And how would you do that?
why is she watching reality TV
Is he really?
Oh no
Stop talking about how people smell, Homelander
“gave you everything that I ever wanted” oh that was pointed
oh hey mirror Homelander is back
What start?
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epickiya722 · 1 year
my god kiya curls up in ur inbox sobbig . i played the re4 original game on the switch and it was so silly and goofy like . re2 like scary some sure with bad guys n stuff but it was still Silly and Goofy and not Too dark yk?? like a mix of re2 and re7 yk???? and so obviously now that im done and i wont get spoiled for playing the original by watching the remake i go to watch the remake and im so serious some scenes have me staring at my screen in fufkjdnsging horror like on the verge of sobbing wailing screaming like what the HELL . like what the actual hell what the FUCK like wha tthe fuck YOU KNOW??? 1 ashley's va jesus CHRIST my god like she didnt have to go THAT HARD but she DID and its HORRIFYING . 2 THE FUCKING SCENE WITH SADDLER AR EYOU FNUCSDKJAGNSIU WHAT . WHAT . WAHT. NO FUCKING WONDER LEON IS SO FUCKING DEPRESSED IN VENDETTA IF THIS SHIT IS CANON LIKE IS ASHLEY FUCKING OKAY AFTER THIS SHIT??? IS HE OKAY???? WHAT THE FUCK !!! LIKE WHAT THAUDKGJSFGDSANKJAKG LIKE . WHAT. THE HELL. WHAT THE ACTUAL . WHAT . AND I HAVENT EVEN SEEN THE WHOLE SHIT WITH KRAUSER YET LIKE THIS SHIT HAS ME LITERALLY HORRIFIED . HELP . WHERE IS MY FUN SILLY QUIPS AND FUN GOOFY SMILY LEON WHERE'S MY SCARY BUT RELATIVELY NOT TOO DARK RESIDENT EVIL 2 TYPE BEAT WHAT IS THIS SHIT . THEY REALLY SAID WHATS THE #1 WAY WE CAN MAKE THIS SCENE FROM THE ORIGINAL INTO THE MOST TRAUMATIZING HORRIFYING HELPLESS TRAGIC SCENE YOUVE EVER SEEN IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE . AND THEN THE VAS (ASHLEY. FUCKING ASHLEY'S VOICE ACTOR). REALLY JUST PUT THEIR EVERYTHING INTO IT LIKE JESUS . AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE WHOLE ADA SHIT LIKE THIS LITERALLY . WHAT THE FUCK. LIKE . IS LEON . LIKE WHAT THE FUCK .
sobs wails curls up on the floor. sorry i just needed to press pause and take a break because that shit had my heart beating quicker in my chest like tearing up levels of what the fuck. idk maybe im abnormal but i was NOT expecting that. when she went to pick up the gun i was just like. what. what. what. what. what. what. AND THEN IT PANNED TO LEONS FUCKING FACE AND I JUST . LIKE. HAD TO FUCKING CLICK OFF LMAO. im gonna go back and finish it but JEEZ
Leon is such a tragic character, I swear. It's like "will he get a break or...?"
Genevieve Buechner, Ashley's VA, really did put her heart into that role, she did such an amazing job.
Just overall, the remake is amazing. So many feelings, the details are amazing, just everything... *chef's kiss*.
You know who made me cry though? Luis. LIKE WHY?!
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coll2mitts · 2 years
Since 2008, I've worked with time clocks. You know, the antiquated hardware installed on the wall in your local grocery store or factory or fast food restaurant that employees punch in and out on so they get paid for the amount of hours they were there. I deal with the software installed on those things. Yes, it's just as exciting as it sounds.
Back in 2016ish, our company acquired another company, and the new devs used HipChat as their messaging system. Because it wasn't interfaced with the pile of other messaging systems we already used, I got to pick my own chat avatar, and since devs generally don't give a shit about professionalism, I picked this guy:
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared had been out for several years at that point, but in contrast of the 46M+ views it has today, it felt pretty niche internet at the time. I was pretty confident nobody I worked with directly would have any fucking clue what he was from, even if they happened to be based in the UK. I really wanted to lean into my "clock girl/queen" image by choosing an avatar that was the personification of rotting away in a job I didn't like.
Even when we were forced to transfer to Slack back in like 2018, I kept him. He's very jaunty.
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Also, yes, I know how the nick names sound. I didn't create or encourage them.
Seemingly unrelated, I've been on tumblr since 2012 but I haven't been on tumblr in the same way people outside of this community assume a user of this hellscape would be because I was a millennial with a mortgage. Sure, I've seen the magical hat post, and I was aware of superwholock, but I learned about dashcon by watching retrospectives on YouTube. My tumblr experience was Mad Men gif sets, nail art, and Wil Wheaton posts until I peaced out from the navigation page entirely when it started promoting cute chibi drawings of the Columbine killers because - and I cannot stress this enough - fuck off with romanticizing that bullshit, jesus christ, get some help.
That said, when I come across the opportunity to learn about obscure tumblr artifacts like the Pandom, I dive in to absorb whatever the hell I missed. A bunch of teenagers swooning over an emo-looking Disneyland actor seemed pretty par for the course, until I was surprisingly shocked to my core when Ashley Norton casually mentioned Pan fell in the "tumblr sexyman" genre, and when citing examples of a tumblr sexyman, my main man clocky flashed across the screen.
Uh wut.
I quickly find out that the DHMIS clock's name is Tony, although his full name is up for debate. His sexyman status is not a joke. He's shipped with other characters from the show. This irritating clock that represents the existential crisis we experience when confronted with the unrelenting progress of time aging our decaying bodies is now a grumpy-but-lovable, well-dressed British man who cuddles with his boyfriend. And leaves hickies all over his body.
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Look, I'm not here to kink shame. If you want to write Padlock fanfiction, more power to you. The world sucks, and as Tony very astutely points out, we're all going to die one day. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody, pursue whatever brings you joy.
I just want to remind you all that I've had Tony as my work avatar for like 7 years, and there is a possibility my colleagues may associate me with a fandom that sexualizes a wall clock by drawing pictures of him spooning with a coffin because they're in a romantic relationship.
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sonyclasica · 1 year
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El álbum del musical con 9 nominaciones a los Premios Tony ya disponible en formato digital. Incluye dos bonus tracks “Friends” y “Maybe Love” interpretados por Brandy Clark & Shane McNally.
Consíguelo AQUÍ
Hoy, Sony Masterworks Broadway, junto a los productores Mike Bosner y Jason Owen, estrenan Shucked - Original Broadway Cast Recording.  El álbum, que ya está disponible en formato digital y que saldrá a la venta en CD el 9 de junio, incluye piezas musicales del espectáculo de Broadway, como "Independently Owned," el tema estrella interpretado por Alex Newell; "Somebody Will", una potente balada country interpretada por Andrew Durant; y "Maybe Love", una tierna canción de amor a cargo de Caroline Innerbichler. También se incluye en el álbum de Shucked  los bonus tracks “Friends” y “Maybe Love” interpretados por Brandy Clark y Shane McAnally.
Shucked, la nueva comedia musical de Broadway, está nominada a 9 premios Tony: Mejor musical, Mejor guion de un musical (Robert Horn), Mejor banda sonora original (Brandy Clark y Shane McAnally), Mejor interpretación de un actor en un papel principal de musical (Kevin Cahoon, Alex Newell), Mejor diseño escénico (Scott Pask), Mejor diseño de sonido (John Shivers), Mejor dirección (Jack O'Brien) y Mejor orquestación (Jason Howland).
Producida por Jason Howland, Billy Jay Stein, Shane McAnally, y Brandy Clark, la grabación original de Broadway Shucked incluye música y letras originales de Clark y McAnally que, juntos, obtuvieron 3 Premios Grammy® y 18 nominaciones a los mismos premios.
Brandy Clark comentó: "Este reparto original de Broadway es tan especial, y este álbum es una cápsula del tiempo musical para que las generaciones actuales y futuras descubran y vivan la magia que es Cob County y Shucked".
Shane McAnally dijo: "Escuchar a estas increíbles voces y músicos dar vida a estas canciones ha sido uno de los mayores regalos en el proceso de desarrollo de Shucked. Trabajamos mucho para crear una atemporalidad y un contrapunto emocional a la magia visual y la diversión de la versión escénica".
Shucked, con guion del ganador del Premio Tony®  Robert Horn, música y letras de Brandy Clark y Shane McAnally, y dirección de triple ganador del Tony®Jack O’Brien, las estrellas (en orden alfabético) John Behlmann, Kevin Cahoon, Andrew Durand, Tony Award nominee Grey Henson, Caroline Innerbichler, Ashley D. Kelley y Alex Newell.
El conjunto de Shucked incluye a Jimmy Brewer, Audrey Cardwell, Dwayne Clark, Rheaume Crenshaw, Jaygee Macapugay, Scott Stangland, Yasmeen Sulieman, y Quinn VanAntwerp. También participan Miki Abraham, Ken Wulf Clark, Traci Elaine Lee, y Alan Wiggins.
1              Overture                               
2              Corn                                                      
3              Walls                                                     
4              Walls (Reprise)                                   
5              Travelin’ Song                     
6              Bad                                                        
7              Woman of the World                          
8              Somebody Will                                    
9              Independently Owned                       
10           Holy Shit                                               
11           Maybe Love                                         
12           Corn (Reprise)                                     
13           Entr'acte                               
14           We Love Jesus                                   
15           OK                                                         
16           I Do                       
17           Friends                                                 
18           Best Man Wins                                    
19           Corn Mix                                               
20           Maybe Love (Reprise)                       
21           Friends (Acoustic Worktape - Bonus Track) | Brandy Clark y Shane McAnally
22           Maybe Love (Bonus Track) | Brandy Clark y Shane McAnally
 Fotos de producción del reparto de Broadway disponibles AQUÍ (fotos de Matthew Murphy & Evan Zimmerman) y fotos promocionales del reparto AQUÍ  (fotos de Emilio Madrid) con autorización para uso de prensa y redes sociales.  
¿Qué se consigue al emparejar a un escritor de comedias semineurótico de Nueva York con dos superestrellas de la música de Nashville? Un divertidísimo y audaz musical sobre la única cosa de la que los estadounidenses de todo el mundo no se sacian: el maíz. Shucked es la nueva comedia musical que demuestra que a veces derribar algunos muros, en lugar de hacerlos crecer, es la única forma de preservar nuestro modo de vida. Shucked está a punto de dar la vuelta a Broadway y ofrecer un grano de esperanza a nuestra dividida nación.
Con coreografía de Sarah O’Gleby, y supervisión musical, dirección musical, orquestación y arreglos del nominado al Premio Tony Jason Howland, el equipo de diseño de Shucked incluye al ganador del Premio Tony Scott Pask (diseño escénico), la nominada al Premio Drama Desk®Tilly Grimes (diseño de vestuario), el nominado al Premio Tony Japhy Weideman (diseño de iluminación), el ganador del Premio Tony John Shivers (diseño de sonido), la ganadora del Premio de la Academia® y del Premio Emmy®Mia Neal (diseño de pelucas), y Stephen Kopel, C12 Casting (dirección de casting).
Las entradas ya están a la venta en www.shuckedmusical.com y www.ticketmaster.com.
Shucked cuenta con la producción de Mike Bosner, Jason Owen, AEG Presents/Jay Marciano/Gary Gersh, Jeffrey A. Sine, Richard Smith, Silvia Schmid, Bob Boyett, Jeremiah J. Harris, James L. Nederlander, EST/Emily Tisch, Sony Music Entertainment, DudaAllen, David W. Busch, Karen Fairchild, Horipro Inc., Gordon-Helfner, John Gore Organization, Madison Wells Live, S&Co., Terry Schnuck, Jimi Westbrook, y ZKM Media.
"una banda sonora  rica en melodías y llena de vida, compuesta por las estrellas de la música  country  Brandy Clark and Shane McAnally”
"Las canciones de Brandy Clark y Shane McAnally son inmediatamente pegadizas..."
"melodías  inolvidables y letras ingeniosas"
Sony Music Masterworks es una empresa global de entretenimiento especializada en música grabada y experiencias en directo. Las producciones teatrales y álbumes de reparto publicados a través de su sello Masterworks Broadway incluyen Back to the Future, KPOP, Almost Famous, The Old Man and the Pool, Sing Street, Lempicka, POTUS, Macbeth (Daniel Craig), Flying Over Sunset, The Prom, SpongeBob, Harry Potter, Hello, Dolly! (Bette Midler), Kinky Boots y Once, además de las bandas sonoras de los filmes musicales The Prom, Tick, Tick…Boom!, y Matilda. Para actualizaciones por email y más información, visita www.sonymusicmasterworks.com.
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real-jaune-isms · 3 years
Help me. I’m having intense 2006 flashbacks.
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And I don’t hate it...
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
9, 20, 23 (idk if uv done any of these already)
omg hello mikey i love you i’ve missed you i hope you’re doing well
9. How tall are you? i did answer this already but i’m almost 5′4!
20. Are you religious? yes!! i’m jewish and i would say my family’s slightly more conservative than your average jew these days. not anywhere near orthodox but yeah i keep kosher, had a bat mitzvah, fast on yom kippur, etc
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? i have met........broadway actors? does that count? well they were celebrities to me so i’m saying yes. yeah i met uhh well. a fair few. betsy wolfe, alex brightman, ben tyler cook (briefly), ashley park, beth malone, andrew keenan-bolger.......i mean those were the people i was like Really Stoked to meet but i’ve stage-doored at a lot of shows so i’ve chatted with or met quite a few casts (waitress, mean girls, the prom i think?, etc etc). i don’t know if you’re a musical theatre kid so i might have just rambled for ages about something you don’t care at all about but there you go
i have never met any like Real Celebrities. but i did pass jesse tyler ferguson on the street once in times square
get to know me uncomfortably well !!
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period-dramallama · 2 years
My review of episode 666 of Becoming Elizabeth literally the day before the next episode 💀
+Henry Grey makes a good point about Tommy S accidentally inspiring rebels by not being punished
+"I would like to see some justice" that line delivery was hilarious. Leo Bill almost always plays loser characters so he's underrated as an actor
+the falcon ripping probably never happened IRL but at least the foreshadowing paid off
+Tommy S refusing to talk until his trial- very realistic
+Oliver Zetterstrom continues to be awesome
+there's an extra in the background with a French hood headband and no veil. She literally walks through the shot and you can see her lack of veil from behind
+and another one!
+"Jesus what a day" that line is cheesy but he ALMOST made it work
+"what rogue?" WHAT ROGUE DO YOU THINK
+"sir two eyes" I see what you did there 👁 👁
+where are Elizabeth's demands for Kat Ashley back??
+music in the elizabeth/Robert scene was very teen drama mostly they've avoided teen drama. It's a nice track but it is giving 2000s teen drama vibes
+"I wish to take my c***ing bath" I can't stop laughing. GOD SAVE THE KING!
+GOD if she tries to save Tommy S...
+john heffernan slaying this episode
+"you might have stayed with me at Framlingham and avoided all of this" I really really really don't like this being treated by the narrative like it's an option elizabeth could take with 0 downsides at all. Set aside the religion issue, Elizabeth would look to Edward like she's picking sides
+"brave little Arrow" that's the dog's name?? The good boy gets a name?? I love it. Excellent choice of name.
+Mary saying elizabeth is headstrong... but rich coming from Mary
+elizabeth saying Tommy S should die good thank u show
+Amy robsart being strong willed and interested in current affairs I like it
+"actually YOU'RE cain!" 10/10 sibling dialogue
+"you win because you always do" mmm yes
+foreshadowing for Mary imprisoning elizabeth???
+I wish we got barnaby fitzpatrick
+I don't mind Ed saying Edward was named after him bc a) maybe he's making it up to look cool b) maybe Jane told him that to make him happy but told Henry Edward was named after Edward iv/Edward the confessor
+Tommy S's servant deserved better
+holding Tommy S's head down BISH NO WATCH YOUR FINGERS
+Kat Ashley has been absolutely useless all season so the reunion just fell absolutely flat. (I'm not saying the real Kat was 100% competent but she was better than show!Kat) That should be an emotional moment! But it just flops.
All in all... this show continues to yoyo on quality in a way that's just disorienting.
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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Naomi Judd Dead at 76
- “We lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness,” Ashley and Wynonna Judd said in a statement
Naomi Judd, half of the Judds with daughter Wynonna and the mother of actor Ashley Judd, has died at 76.
Ashley and Wynonna Judd announced their mother’s April 30 death in a statement to the Associated Press.
“Today we sisters experienced a tragedy,” they said. “We lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness. We are shattered. We are navigating profound grief and know that as we loved her, she was loved by her public. We are in unknown territory.”
Travis Tritt called the elder Judd “one of the sweetest people I’ve ever known,” recalling their work together on film and on stage.
“This is heartbreaking news,” he tweeted.
“Oh, sweet Jesus … we are saddened beyond words,” the Oak Ridge Boys tweeted.
Naomi Judd’s death comes one day before the Judds are to be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame.
“I’m just heartbroken over the loss of Naomi Judd,” Loretta Lynn wrote on Facebook. “My fellow Kentucky girl, my friend and an amazing singer. There are no words.”
Another Kentuckian, country singer Crystal Gayle, said Judd “was always so special to be with.
“She accomplished so much and she will be missed and loved forever,” Gayle tweeted.
The Judds released six LPs and an EP between 1984 and 1991, scoring hits such as “Why Not Me” and “Give a Little Love.” A reunion/farewell tour was slated for later this year.
“I loved the Judds’ records - Naomi’s low harmonies, sass and spirit were a wonder,” Amy Rigby tweeted.
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figuring-it-all-out · 4 years
Header Breakdown
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I’ve made a few posts explaining why I add new images to my header but I never explained the original images. So I thought I’d do that here. But since I’m nice I’m going to put it under a read more button. ;)
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Loki, specifically from Marvel Comics “Loki: Agent of Asgard” which explicitly features a genderfluid Loki.
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Anna Faris’ character from The House Bunny, which was the first chick flick I watched that made me feel truly feminine.
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Ruby Rose, a genderfluid actress who uses she/her pronouns.
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Pidge from “Voltron: Legendary Defender”, who while not explicitly stated as being nonbinary or genderfluid definitely gives off that vibe (at least to me).
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Katy Perry. “Girly” pop music has always helped me feel feminine and Katy Perry is one of my favorite artists.
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Asia Kate Dillon, a nonbinary actor with they/them pronouns.
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Mulan, who I latch on to due to her tendency to present as a gender different from the one she was assigned at birth.
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Demi Lovato. One of the female pop artists who helps me feel connected with my femininity.
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Bex Taylor-Klaus, the actor who played Pidge in “Voltron” BUT they are also nonbinary so yay!
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Amber Benson as Tara Maclay from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. WAY before I knew I was LGBTQ I strongly related to this character and still do, which makes sense in hindsight but at the time I just knew I was drawn to her.
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Hailee Steinfeld is one of the music artists who makes me feel in touch with my gender. ESPECIALLY her song “Most Girls”. That’s like my feminine anthem.
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Laverne Cox, a trans actress and activist.
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Taylor Swift, who is probably the queen of making music that makes me feel feminine. Also, she’s just one of my favorite artists of all time, period. I used to have a different image of her but then “You Need to Calm Down” was released and that’s hella queer so I used this image from that video.
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Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor, the first Doctor who’s a woman and thus cementing the character’s status as genderfluid.
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Hayley Kiyoko, aka Lesbian Jesus™. Need I say more?
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Stephanie Beatriz as Rosa Diaz, a bi actress playing a bi character on TV which is representation I LIVE for.
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Nicole Maines as Nial Nal from “Supergirl”, TV’s first trans superhero.
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Brie Larson as Captain Marvel, Marvel’s first solo film superhero movie lead. Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel’s alterego) represents a lot of what I aspire to be as a woman with her strength and confidence.
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Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods (Legally Blonde). Like The House Bunny, I just like that this movie makes me feel femme.
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Jonathan Van Ness, a he/him nonbinary & genderqueer figure who appears on Netflix’s “Queer Eye”
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Keanu Reeves as Neo from The Matrix, directed by the Wachowski Sisters & a film that makes me feel very nonbinary.
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Kaitlyn Alexander as LaFontaine in “Carmilla”, a nonbinary actor playing a they/them nonbinary character.
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Sam Smith, a nonbinary musician with they/them pronouns.
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Liv Hewson, a nonbinary actor.
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Double Trouble, a nonbinary (possibly genderfluid) character from “She-Ra & The Princesses of Power”.
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Lachlan Watson, a nonbinary actor.
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Jacob Tobia, a nonbinary actor, author & activist.
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Violet Harper, a nonbinary (possibly genderqueer) character from “Young Justice”.
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Charlie, a nonbinary & pansexual character from “Legends of Tomorrow”.
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Harley Quinn from Birds of Prey where she’s a liberated, bisexual badass.
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Mr. Susan Link from Missing Link, who I always thought was trans coded or at least queer coded.
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Bridget Marquardt from “The Girls Next Door”. That show is my guilty pleasure, it makes me feel so feminine and girlish. Bridget has always been the girl I relate to the most on the show too.
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Amanda Seyfried as Karen Smith from Mean Girls. Mean Girls was a movie that made me feel feminine LONG before I watched it & a few personality quizzes I took said out of the Plastics I was most like Karen, so here we are.
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Ruby Rose as Kate Kane/Batwoman, a Jewish Lesbian superhero absolutely kicking ass.
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Moana from Moana. “How Far I’ll Go”, a song from the film about appreciating what you have but longing for more, always resonated with me before I even knew I was genderfluid.
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Simon from Love, Simon, a film that allowed me to fully embrace my gender identity.
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Trace Lysette, a trans activist and actress.
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Ashley Graham, a plus-sized model who make me feel better about being bigger.
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The Angels from Charlie’s Angels (2019). That’s a film that makes me feel feminine in a deeper way than other films do, with its themes of sisterhood and the fact that its made by women.
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Little Mix, another musical group that makes me feel in touch with my gender as a woman.
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Ben Schnetzer and Joe Gilgun from the 2014 film about Pride, which is about U.K. gay activists who work to help miners during their lengthy strike of the National Union of Mineworkers in the summer of 1984.
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akamaiden · 6 years
Hola, may you please write #23“I’m proud of you.” and #60. “Cum for me.” for Marco Ilso? Something like the reader is his friend and he broke up with his long time girlfriend two months ago and she isn't sure if it's the right time to tell him about her feelings, but when she sees another girl flirting with him she makes her move? Sorry it's long 😊😊😊
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A/N: This is my first time ever writing for Marco so any feedback is highly appreciated. This gif belongs to @therealcalicali.
Pairing: Marco Ilsø x Reader.
Warnings: Smut, as always.
Words: 1613.
You had just arrived from work, you were putting your phone to charge. You turned it on and looked shocked at the twenty missed calls.
“Jesus,” you talked to yourself. 
All the calls were from Marco. You called him immediately, worried with him. He answered you at the first ring. 
“Y/N, I-i need you,” he sobbed on the phone.
“Marco, are you crying? What happened?” you asked. 
“Ashley, she just, she broke up with me,” he sobbed.
“Jesus. Try to calm your breath. Where are you?” you asked already grabbing your purse and the key of your car.
“H-home. Are you coming? Please, I need to talk to someone about this. It's all my fault,” he said.
“I'm coming,” you said already getting into your car.
You broke at least six traffic rules but you honestly didn't give a fuck. When you got into Marco's apartment the first thing you noticed it was his opened door. You quickly got inside and closed it behind you.
“Marco?” you said.
“Here,” he said.
You followed the sound of his voice and founder him sitting in the floor. 
“Hey, I'm here,” you said touching his shoulder gently.
“She left me and it's my fault,” he said.
“What happened, Marco?” you asked sitting at his side. 
“Remember that I made a test for Vikings?” he said.
“Yes, you were so excited about it,” you said.
“I'm in. I'll start on the next season, I'll be one of Ragnar's sons,” he said.
“This is amazing, Marco!” you said. 
“Yeah, I thought the same way. Before I said that this means passing a lot of time in Dublin,” he said.
You understood everything. Ashley was so jealous and possessive, obviously she made Marco choose between his role or her. But you were happy that he chose his role, instead of that fake blonde bitch.
“Do you think you made a bad call?” you asked carefully.
“I don't know, Y/N. I always wanted to have bigger roles and participating of one of the most watched tv shows at the moment is simply perfect. But I lost Ashley,” he said.
“What if she is right? That the role is no big deal and that I'm wasting time?” he said.
“Hey, hey. Stop it. It's your chance to show how good actor you are. If she didn't understand this, I'm sorry but she doesn't support you,” you said. 
“Maybe you're right, Y/N. Thanks for being such a great friend, can you stay here? We can buy pizza or something,” he said.
“This looks great, Marco,” you said.
It's been two months since Marco was single and everyday you asked yourself if it wasn't time for you to confess your feelings for him? It looks like a good ideia, but what if he didn't feel the same way? What if this fucked up your friendship. You simply couldn't risk it.
You were going pick Marco, he convinced you to get out with him. And considering that he would drink his ass off, you were going more to take care of him. 
When you arrived at the party he started drinking and dancing, at least he was having fun.
You saw one girl staring at him, you felt your heart tighten in your chest. It was a matter of seconds so she came closer and starting dancing with him. You turned your back to the scene, you didn't need to watch this.
“When will you tell him, Y/N?” Alex asked you.
“I don't know what you're talking about, Alex,” you tried.
“You're a terrible liar. I know you love him, it's written all over your face,” he said.
“Is that obvious?” you asked.
“I don't know why Marco didn't notice yet,” he said.
“It's pointless Alex. He'd never liked me. His ex looks like a super model, I'm nothing in front of her,” you said.
“Oh, stop it. You're beautiful, Y/N. Sooner or later Marco will notice this,” he said. 
“I hope you're right,” you said.
Before Alex could say something else, Marco came closer and hugged both of you. 
“Alex, my man, can you take care of Y/N?” he asked.
“Where are you going?” you asked him.
“I'm going have some fun to that beautiful blonde,” he said. 
“Marco, no. You can't,” you said without thinking straight.
“Why not? It's been two months, I need to get laid,” he said. 
Alex chuckled and left you alone, you looked over your shoulder and saw him dancing and talking with the girl.
“Because, I-i... I love you,” you said not looking at him, avoiding his judgmental look.
“You what?” he asked lifting your chin.
“I love you, but I know that you don't feel the same way and of course you deserve better than the clumsy and silly me. If you prefer I can give you some time, you know...” you said.
“You're not silly. Clumsy? Well, you definitely are. But I think it's the cutest thing. I never imagined that,” he said.
“It's been such a long time, but you were always fooling around with random girls so I thought-”
“You thought wrong, my dear. You're right, I can't go with nobody else but you,” he said and kissed you. 
God, he was finally kissing you. You imagined this so many times and still, it was even better than your sweetest dreams.
His tongue easily dominated yours, he was sucking your tongue, dominating the kiss while he was pressing your hips.
When breath became a necessity, you said, “Let me take you out of here,”
You drove insanely, breaking at least two traffic rules but again, you didn't give a fuck about it. 
It was the millionth time that you were going to his apartment but this time was different, the sexual tension it was so thick that if you had a knife it would be possible to cut it off.
When you got inside the elevator, he didn't lost time and he pressed a button that made the elevator got stuck. 
He slammed you against the wall and immediately you felt his mouth on your neck, trying to devour you. 
“Marco,” you moaned.
“Shhh, I can't wait until we get at my place. I need you now and I honestly didn't give a fuck about where we are. Do you?” he asked pinching your nipples through the fabric of your dress, making you whimper on his arms.
“Someone can see us,” you tried to reason with him.
“Then put a show for them,” he snaking his hand to your panties.
You could feel him smirking when he saw how wet you were for him.
“You're too wet for someone who doesn't want this, don't you think?” he asked circling your clit, after putting your panties aside.
“Marco,” you moaned his name. 
You felt like your body was on fire, he barely started and you simply lost the capacity to think coherently.
He took off your panties and slid two fingers into your pussy and you started riding his hand. 
“Look at you, Y/N. Look at you riding my fingers, fucking yourself on them,” he said pulling your hair, forcing you to stare at your reflection on the mirror of the elevator.
He started curling his fingers into you, hitting your g-spot repeatedly. 
“I-i... Shit, you'll make me cum so hard, Marco, babe,” you managed to say between moans.
“Then cum. Cum for me, kitten,” he said sucking that sweet spot of your neck.
You came hard yelling his name feeling the orgasm wash your body. He hugged you tightly and you felt his hardness pressed against your ass. 
“Are you that hard for me?” you said.
He nodded, “I'm gonna fucking ruin you,”
You turned around and kissed him while your hands were working on his pants, once you freed his cock you stroked them a couple times, getting him ready for you.
He picked you on his arms and putted you sitting in the safety bar of the elevator and without wasting more time he slammed into you.
“Fuck,” you squealed.
He smiled and started thrusting into you, hard and fast. He was so deep into, he found your g-spot and started hitting it repeatedly, making you see stars. 
“You feel so good around my cock, kitten. Look at you, you're taking my cock so eagerly,” he said. 
“Marco, you're so deep into me and it feels so gooood,” you said with your eyes closed. Your hands were on his neck, scratching and caressing him.
“C'mon open your eyes,” he said.
You opened your eyes and got lost into his dark green eyes shining in pure lust.
“Cum for me, kitten. Cum all over my cock, Y/N,” he said pulling your hair with one hand and the other he slapped your ass hard. 
You came yelling his name, lost in so much pleasure. He thrusted you two more times but when he felt you clenching around him, he spilled himself into your cunt. 
You jumped on his arms and he hugged you tightly. “I’m proud of you,” he said.
“What do you mean?” you asked trying to catch your breath.
“You're so shy but still, you putted a show for the security personnel.
“Shit, Marco! Where are my panties?” you asked. 
“This one here?” he asked showing you your lace panties that was wrapped around his finger.
“Give it to me!” you squealed. 
He laughed and pressed the button again and the elevator started working once again. 
“Not now, kitten. Come here, we still have the whole night before I'll give you this,” he said.
And you simply understood that he wouldn't give your panties, not any time soon at least.
Tags: @haliannej, @ivarsshieldmadien, @nothingeverdies, @mblaqgi, @ivarswickedqueen, @ivarslittlebadgirl, @tephi101, @dangerousvikings, @amour-quinn, @laketaj24, @filthystark, @feistybaby
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unbadgr · 6 years
so i haven’t used this space as a public journal in a while and it’s mostly been working out but also i miss the cathartic feeling of dumping all my feelings into a text post and sending it off into the internet aether where friends and strangers alike can read or not read. 
so let’s do that again. general life update and musings under the cut:
so the first big thing that happened recently: i got promoted to being a storyboard artist!!
it was a really sudden timing-based thing, basically i went into the week like any other week and then by friday i was finishing up my last revisions and getting ready to start on an episode the following monday.
and... since then i’ve kind of been going back and forth with ‘this is not such a big deal, this is the natural next step of my growth of an artist, don’t freak out it will be fine!!’ and ‘i think im freaking out.’ ‘cause it’s both a big deal and not a big deal. this is THE job i trained for in 7 years of college. so many all-nighters and tears and un-diagnosed mental health issues i had to endure and... i made it?? jesus christ i made it.
but then i take a step back and it’s like ‘yeah of course you made it you silly goose, you put in all the necessary hours and you didn’t give up you were already sitting comfy as a revisionist and you were planning on asking for a promotion ANYWAYS later this month. so be proud and reap your rewards because you earned them!’
i’ve had myself a few good cries since then and so far, it’s gone really well! my first review went great and  i’m working on finishing my first ep!
in other storyboard-related news, i was a part time remote instructor for my alma mater this past spring semester! together with a fellow alumn/co-worker, we volunteered to teach the senior storyboard class. we could meet once a week and class time as spent either doing in-depth critiques/notes and/or, essentially, group therapy lol.
 ‘cause for real, being an artist is half technical skill and half self-care, and we wished that was made more obvious to us while we were in school. so teaching a class using what we have learned from being in the industry and still having fresh memories of college (class of 2015 here) was a really cathartic thing for us (the instructors) and the students seemed to really appreciate the honesty. teaching a class of scared anxious twenty-somethings really helped me come to terms with my own experiences, as well as putting into perspective my place in the world and how i got here. giving notes on the student’s boards has also helped make me a better storyboard artist in general. it’s an experience i would love to have again.
in non-art related news, i joined a local gym! it’s kicking my ass and i’m looking forward to becoming a healthier, stronger person! and my PT reminds me of a young Furiosa with two-toned hair, so that helps lol.
oh and i also spent the last week in New York which was a lot of fun! pro tip: if your are ever in New York, defs get tickets to Sleep No More. it’s an interactive theater experience where you get to explore 5 floors of a “hotel” and follow around actors performing an adaptation of Macbeth set in 1920s/30s New York. wear comfy shoes and split of with your friends if you go in a group. trust me. 
and then when i got back from NY, i went to see The Adventure Zone graphic novel tour in San Diego! it was so fucking awesome and Ashley Birch was there as a special guest. she did the voices for Killian and the gerblins and it was just so delightful. the comic itself is gorgeous too.
and then tomorrow i’m off to NorCal real quick to watch Imagine Dragons in concert!! nbd!!
and then i’m never leaving LA again bc between seeing my students graduate, going to NY, San Diego, and SF, i have more than burned up my vacation days lol.
anyways, how about all those Comic Con trailers and announcements?? hot dang.
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