#jester: where the pilot go the RIO follows
tgmsunmontue · 5 months
Saga of Solitude 4/?
Nepo!Baby Bradley and his life at USNA and afterwards. DADT fully in force. IceMav AU. (Begun prior to 'It's not who you know' - the non-angsty version).
PROLOGUE (He remembers)
HANGSTER FIRST MEETING (Lonely Nights - set 2009)
Updating ~weekly (longer chapters).
ONE (2000) TWO (2001) THREE (2002)
                His summer at home is very different. He insists on looking after the girls every day that he’s home, making the most of his time with them. He works on their swimming with daily trips to the swimming pool, then the library or playground. Gets them out of the house so Ice can rest and Sarah and Melissa don’t have to worry about a day-camp for at least three weeks of the summer. He enjoys family dinners, watching movies with Ice, playing cards and just being at rest. Pete is off somewhere and Ice is tightlipped about it, and he wonders if they fought about it. Wonders if Maverick even knows about the operation. Mav hasn’t asked about Ice in any of their Saturday phone calls, which is unusual when he’s deployed and Bradley is home. He doesn’t know what to say or do though to make it better.
                Tamsin and Petra are seven and five now, still think he’s the best thing ever and it’s nice to have people in his life who are so easy to please. He takes photos and sends them to Natasha, tells her he’ll see her soon on the carrier for their summer placement. He can’t wait, but also he doesn’t want to leave where he is right now. How actual parents do this he has no idea.
                He doesn’t expect anything for his twentieth birthday, not with Ice’s health and Maverick being deployed but Ice tells him to get dressed and that he’s going out. Tamsin and Petra were already picked up by Melissa, her coming in and checking on Ice before decrying that he still needed to rest.
                “Uncle Slider?”
                “Hey kid. Come on. I’m taking you out.”
                “Uh. Okay?”
                “It’s fine. Ice and Maverick both know. This is a sanctioned mission.”
                Bradley laughs then, follows him out to his car. They end up in a military bar, not definitively army or navy or air force but something of a mix, a neutral territory.
                “Everyone, this here is Bradley Bradshaw. Goose’s boy.”
                Oh. Holy shit.
                These are all people who knew his dad. That definitely know Iceman and Maverick. Maybe not about them being a couple, and he’s not going to say anything. Names and callsigns, he doesn’t know what names belongs to who, but Wolfman, Merlin, Jester, Sundown, Chipper, Warlock. Nearly all of the 1986 Top Gun class his dad was part of and he feels Slider’s hand pat his shoulder as he goes up to get a round of drinks. The stories start then. and he understands the need for the alcohol now. And the neutral territory. They’ll all be able to walk out and leave this behind them.
                He doesn’t say much, just listens intently and wishes he could take notes. His dad, his parents, have never felt so alive than they do right now, everyone talking about them. The jokes and pranks his dad played, his fierce loyalty, his patience. His mom’s ability to put them in their place with a look, but her sense of humor and love of life. Also her view that RIOs were better than pilots. He hasn’t ever heard Maverick or Ice say that, but then again this isn’t something they ever talk about. Apparently many of these men used to visit when he was little, and he hates having to admit that he doesn’t remember many of them, lost to childhood.
                “Do you play?” the one Bradley thinks is Merlin asks, head jerking toward the piano.
                “Do you play the piano? Your old man was pretty talented. Pretty sure half the women Maverick picked up were only because he had Goose as his wingman.”
                Slider coughs a sip of his beer and Bradley catches his eye. Slider knows and Maverick and Ice, he knows he does. The idea of Maverick picking up anyone that isn’t Ice sits in his gut oddly, even if they seem to ignore each other a lot of the time.
                “Yeah… I can play. I’m part of the D’n’B, as well as the choir at USNA.”
                “Oh great, come on then. Great Balls of Fire for us old timers aye?”
                “Yeah. Okay.”
…             …             …
                Later, when he lets them back into the house, Slider apparently staying in the guest room, he sets the coffee machine going when Slider accepts the offer of coffee.
                “You seem pretty at home here.”
                “It is home. Even more than Mav’s place really. Mav comes here more often than Ice goes there. There’s room for the girls and for me.”
                “Ah yes. The girls,” Slider says, letting out a huff of breath which Bradley isn’t sure how to take. Disbelief, annoyance? He’s not sure. “The lengths Ice has gone to keep himself safe. Well. Him and Maverick I suppose.”
                “Oh. Yeah. Widower and divorcee. Just friends…” Bradley mutters, because he knows now, now that he’s a bit older, that Maverick and his mom marrying tidied several things up legally, but also offered something for Pete to fall back on. Grieving widow not prepared to marry again, no woman will ever measure up to his late wife, Etc. etc. Slider hums, takes a sip of his coffee and studies Bradley over the rim of the mug.
                “I know you’re at USNA and you’re keeping it quiet just how… entrenched your upbringing has been in the Navy, but I just thought I’d let you know you aren’t alone, no matter how it might feel. Tonight, thought I’d try and show you that level of brotherhood. Any one of those men would help you out.”
                “Uh, thanks Uncle Slider.”
                “Don’t mention it. Now. Have Ice and Mav pulled their heads out of their respective asses yet, or are they still not talking?”
                “Oh. I thought that might be the case…” Bradley says, letting out a long sigh at having his suspicions confirmed,
                “Neither of them have told you?”
                “Huh. Well. They’re both stubborn jackasses and can’t tell each other that they love each other with normal words.”
                “What happened?”
                “Maverick got new deployment orders, said he was going to put in a special request. Ice said he’d breakup with him if he did that. Which went as well as you can imagine. I didn’t hear the yelling, but Sarah tells me it was impressive.”
                Bradley groans.
                “Ice also said he wants to break up with him because he shouldn’t be burdening Mav with a dying man, which I thought was a bit melodramatic myself. Clearly he’s spending too much time with Maverick. Anyway, they said they’d talk when Mav got back.”
                “God they’re idiots. And Ice isn’t dying. Melissa told me he’s going to be fine.”
                “That they are. I wish I could say they’ve mellowed with age, but they haven’t. Gotten more stubborn. Your father and I used to despair of them getting their shit together.”
                “Do you really think they have their shit together? Even now?”
                Slider makes a you’ve got me there expression and shrugs his shoulders.
                “At least they’re… more together than they were. Even if they have to deny they’re anything more than friends. Having to hear them make comments about being like brothers when someone questions how close they are… it’s all a bit messed up.”
                “Yeah. it is.”
                “How are you handling it all?”
                “Handling what?”
                Slider just gives him a look like he thinks Bradley is an idiot.
                “Your step-father is deployed, your other father figure is sick. You’re about to start your third year at boat school all while… keeping a big part of your identity under wraps. Ice had me. Mav had your dad. Tell me you have someone.”
                “Oh is right kid. Hell. Neither of them did it alone. They had people who had their backs.”
                “I don’t have anyone. But. I could. She’s…”
                “Yeah, wild concept I know, but they let women serve in the Navy now.”
                Slider rolls his eyes and lets out an exasperated sigh.
                “Lord you’re an ass. You’re both the best and worst of them all.”
                “What do you mean?” Bradley asks.
                “Your dad, your mom, Mav and Ice. You remind me of them all at different times. Just then you were all Ice, but earlier, all I could see was your Dad. And Carole. Then I see you with Tamsin and Petra and all I see is Maverick with you when you were little.”
                “Makes me feel old.”
                “Surely getting old beats the alternative,” Bradley says, and he means it as a joke, before realizing that the alternative is death, and given his parents, and Ice’s cancer and Maverick currently being deployed it’s far too close to home.
                “Shit kid, you’ve gone pale. Take a pew. It does beat the alternative. You’re right. It’s a privilege getting to watch you grow up. And my own kids. Maverick and Ice are proud of you. I hope they tell you that.”
                “Uh, no. Not really. I want to make them proud though.”
                “Well, they tell me every time I talk to them. They’re not the best with words.”
                “Yeah. I do know that.”
                “Try and be better than them. Trust someone.”
                “I’ll try.”
…             …             …
                His palms are clammy when he places the call, waiting for Natasha to pick up. She meant to be arriving Sunday afternoon, but if she can change her bus ticket then… he can try this whole trust thing.
                “Hey Natasha.”
                “Bradley. What’s with the phone call?”
                “I was wondering if you wanted to come and stay for a couple of nights before we start our stint on the carrier.”
                “Seriously? You offering up accommodation?”
                “Yeah. You want to meet my kid sisters?”
                “They are the superior Bradshaws.”
                “Ha. Yeah. Um.”
                “Are you asking me out? Is this a weird date thing?”
                “No! No. Just. Definitely not. Not a romantic thing. Not at all. I am definitely not interested in you like that at all. Ever. Never will be.”
                “Wow. Okay. Thanks for that ego boost.”
                “Shit. No. Look. You’re my best friend. Can we just… talk when you arrive?”
                “There has to be a talk? For friends? Why… oh. Okay. Right. Holy shit. Of course. I’ll see you Friday. Can you pick me up from the bus station?”
                “Yeah. Course.”
…             …             …
                Later afternoon on the Friday he sees her step off the bus and grins, raises a hand in greeting and then she’s shoving her bag into his chest while she hitches her garment bag over her shoulder.
                “Come on. Take me home sailor…”
                “Ugh. Don’t say it like that.”
                Natasha snickers at his expression and they talk about her visit to her cousin, which he understands is one of her few family members that talks to her. He’s not sure what she’s done exactly that has made them angry at her, but he’s hoping that they might be able to exchange stories, he just has to take that leap of faith and open up first.
                He stops in driveway of Ice’s house, rests his hands on the steering wheel and wonders if he should say something. Prepare her. It’s not even been a month since they left boat school for their short three weeks of leave. Nothing has changed and yet he’s about to do something risky.
                “I’ve sort of got a complicated family.”
                “You and everyone else. You’re not special.”
                “No. I know I’m not. I don’t want to be. Just… this is my uncle’s house. He’s the father of my sisters.”
                “So, they’re actually your cousins?”
                “Well. Tom isn’t related to me by blood at all. But he was my second legal guardian. I lived with him and his wife when my step-father was deployed.”
                Her eye snap to him then and he licks his lips.
                “Should we go inside? I can introduce you to my uncle. Uh. He’s got cancer, recovering from an operation from a few weeks ago.”
                He doesn’t give her much choice, slides out of the car and grabs her bag, not going around to open her door because he wouldn’t for any of his friends and she is just that. Maybe the closest thing he’ll ever have to a grown adult sister if this whole weekend pans out like he’s hoping it will. She follows him and when he pushes the door open and kicks off his shoes Ice is in the kitchen making some tea, a herbal one that makes the kitchen smell earthy and sweet. Apparently one of the few things that helps the soreness in his throat.
                “Hey Ice. This is my friend Natasha Trace. Natasha, this is my uncle Tom, also known as Rear Admiral Kazansky.”
                “Nice to meet you sir,” Natasha says, smiling tightly and she shoots Bradley a small glare.
                “And you Natasha. No titles inside the house necessary. Or out of uniform. Welcome. I’m sure Bradley will make you feel welcome and show you around. I’m just going to go and do some reading.”
                “You’re meant to be resting,” Bradley states.
                “Turning pages in a book isn’t exactly taxing Bradley,” Ice says, rolling his eyes. “Also why you’re on hosting duties. I’ll be in my study.”
                He watches Ice walk away, glances to where Natasha is also watching him and then she’s turning to him, eyes flashing and stepping in close.
                “Rear Admiral! Your uncle is a Rear Admiral!”
                “I did say it was sort of complicated. Uh, and that isn’t all of it. You want a drink?”
                “Do you have beer?”
                “Sure,” Bradley states, because while he doesn’t drink very often, he knows Ice isn’t going to be angry if he offers a guest a bottle. First he shows her the guest bedroom so they can leave her gear, before leading her out to the back garden, both holding bottles of beer.
                “So… if having a Rear Admiral as an uncle isn’t all of it, what is all of it?”
                “Well. My stepfather is currently deployed. His full name is Captain Peter Mitchell, callsign Maverick.”
                “The guy with the air-to-air kills. Oh my god. Ice is Iceman.”
                “Yeah. There’s more. My dad was a RIO. He flew with Maverick. Um,” he swallows against the tightness in his throat. “He died in a training exercise. Nick Bradshaw, callsign Goose. I was three.”
                “Holy shit. I just thought you were going to tell me you were gay.”
                “Well. That too. But I figured I’d get the more shocking stuff out of the way first.”
                She lets out a huff of amusement and Bradley knocks his shoulder against hers, his stomach churning with nerves.
                “It’s fine. I’m not telling anyone. So… your sisters are Kazansky’s kids?”
                “Yeah. His ex-wife Sarah has them tonight, but she’s dropping them off tomorrow.”
                “Okay, so it is a little complicated. I’ll give you that.”
                They sit in silence for a bit but then he hears the roar of a bike and he stiffens, immediately alert. Then the front door is opening and he’s heading towards it, heart racing.
                “Ice! I’m home. Bradley?”
                Ice has beaten him, his study is closest to the front door and Bradley wonders if he knew Mav might be home early. He wasn’t meant to get back for months. Wasn’t meant to see Bradley, not that he’s paying any attention to him right now, his hands are on Ice’s face, pulling him down into a kiss, words being exchanged between them too quiet for him to hear. He glances back to see that Natasha has followed him, her eyes wide as she looks at Ice and Mav kissing in the hall. Bradley can’t help but look back. He’s never seen them like this, and he guesses it’s after a fight and a deployment, however short, and there’s definitely passion and depth of emotion there. Pretty sure there isn’t going to be any further talk of breaking up.
                He turns to Natasha.
                “We should go out for dinner. Come on. My shout.”
                He can get Ice or Mav to pay him back later, pretty sure they’ll appreciate the alone time right now. He hugs Mav hello and goodbye, does the briefest of introductions and lets them know they’ll be back later.
…             …             …
                “God I hate you for making you go,” Pete says, his lips placing soft kisses along his jaw. “I love you more than I hate you though.”
                Tom lets his hands run down Pete’s chest, trembling slightly because as much as he’d pushed him to go, he’s so glad to have him back. He’s also glad that Bradley has just upped and left them alone, because he doesn’t think he has it in him to hold back and remain stoic in the face of Maverick safely returned to him once again.
                “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you go. I just…”
                “Don’t ever make me leave you again. Not when you need me.”
                “I’m fine.”
                “Bullshit. But I’ll let you believe it if you need to.”
                “Pete…” his voice sounds rough and broken to his own ears and he wraps his arm around him. “I’m sorry.”
                “No more talking of setting me free, or being a burden okay? You are mine you hear me?”
                Tom nods, throat tight.
                He’s not going to ask how or why he’s back two months earlier than planned.
                Doesn’t care.
…             …             …
                He knows he made the right call when he and Natasha return a few hours later, having decided to also see a movie. He walks in and he does a double take, Ice and Mav were clearly lying with each other on the sofa, although they’re in the process of separating when they see them. He wants to tell them they don’t have to, that it doesn’t bother him, then he realizes that it maybe bothers them, having other people see them like that. They excuse themselves to bed and he guesses it’s too late for them to try and slip back into the closet with regards to Natasha knowing. He knows that wasn’t in the plan. Mav isn’t meant to be here, but he’s pretty sure Ice isn’t going to be sending him back to his own house anytime soon. He should let Slider know they pulled their heads out of their asses.
                The next morning they’re sitting around the table, quietly drinking coffee and eating, discussing plans for the day when he hears the knock at the front door. Then it’s opening, he grins across at Ice and Mav, glances at Natasha with a smile on his face.
                “Tamsin and Petra.”
                That’s all the warning they get, there’s the sound of running feet, then excited gasps and…
                “Papa! Papa! You’re home!”
                Oh shit, he’d forgotten about Petra and Tamsin both calling Mav Papa. And of course they’re going to be excited to see him. Tamsin hops onto Ice’s lap and gives him a kiss on his cheek and he’s automatically pushing the hot drinks to the center of the table where they’re less likely to get knocked. Then Sarah and Melissa are walking in, looking tired and Melissa is still in scrubs. Bradley does the introductions, watches Natasha’s face as he deliberately drops and her wife Melissa. He’s pretty sure he’s just earnt the complicated family descriptor, because she’s looking at Maverick and Petra, then Ice and Tamsin, immediately seeing the resemblance he didn’t see until last year.
                He knows everything is going to be fine though, Natasha compliments Tamsin’s t-shirt and Petra’s hair clips, and immediately the novelty of someone new to talk to is there, increasing the level of chatter. Natasha looks thrilled, immediately moving to sit on the ground so they can play with her hair. He looks up to find Ice and Mav both watching him and he mouths what at them, trying to figure out what they’re thinking.
                They sure as hell know Natasha isn’t there as a potential girlfriend, although given that Tamsin has just asked that very question and Natasha has explained that no, she is definitely not Bradley’s girlfriend, just a friend of his from school. That’s when they make the connection of her being the one who drew the pictures and she’s dragged away to do coloring. He turns on them.
                “Just thinking that you’ve got the same luck we had in picking good friends is all,” Ice states, and Bradley glances to where Natasha has been taken by his kid sisters.
                “Yeah. I guess I do.”
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pollyna · 2 years
Hollywood has this long, lumpy, green, extremely ugly couch in his living room and the fuckin' thing takes out almost half of the space and no one wants ever to sit on it, but the pilot doesn't want to dump it. He says it gives the place character. Goose says it's because Hollywood is too lazy to move that thing and Wolfman is even lazier. So the monstrosity stays there, no matter how many people offer to take it out.
The only person who finds it comfortable is Iceman, but Maverick thinks it's more an enduring male posture to assess he's the boss around and everyone else is too weak. At least until Ice doesn't only sit all night on that thing but fall asleep too, all 6' feet of him snuggling comfortably and Maverick can feel is heart beating a little faster because he's just as beautiful asleep as he's awake. And apparently he's the only one who notice that he's shivering a little, probably because of the air conditioner pointed at the couch. Or probably nobody notices because nobody's looking at him. He is going to ask for a blanket or something when Mav realises all his classmates are a getting ready to move the night to a bar and no one of them is the least worried about Ice. He does that, sometimes, he will probably sleep until morning, no need to fret over nothing Mitchell Slider say, with a foot already out of Hollywood's house while talking with Goose about something that makes his best friend really passionate, so probably Bradley.
The house is empty before Maverick can ask one of them where they're going and he finds himself alone with a sleeping and still shivering Iceman. The couch is big, okay? The couch is big, ugly, lumpy as hell but Maverick doesn't know where the blankets are, doesn't have his jacket with him and doesn't know how to turn of the air conditioner, so the next step is the logical one. He's sure of it. One hundred percent sure, he could bet his life on it and it will probably make Ice's sleep less cold and less cold mean more relaxed and a more relaxed Iceman is good for everyone right? Right. Okay. He sits near Ice's head, enough to share a little of his bodyheat but not close enough to actually touch him and he can already feel the other way relaxing a little bit, enough to be comfortable in his sleep. Mav himself is feeling the effect of the day and he's ready to take a nap, just enough sleep to be awake and a little more present to drive his bike home and sleep in his own bed. But Iceman couldn't be Iceman if he didn't spend all his time royally fucking all Mav's good intentions, this time fast enough that he finds himself cuddling him without even realising. Or maybe he does realise but again, he's tired and the beer is comfortably warming his stomach and he's hugging Iceman against his chest, dreaming of flying on the fastest plane every built and to win every competition he is in.
The next morning, because apparently his nap got to be a seven hours long night of sleep, Ice is still against his chest, but this time is his face against Maverick's chest and not his back. Iceman who is very awake and looking at him with a strange soft expression he never saw on his face before. He doesn't know who tries to close the distance between their faces before the other but it's only an almost kiss because Wolfman quite literally screams from the kitchen the coffee is ready if you two love bird don't want Jester to kick your asses seven ways to Sunday you have to get up!
I'm going to kill him is what Maverick says while Ice laughs against is neck, and even if they didn't kiss it's nice, he likes this. We should go on a date and then find someplace more comfortable to sleep on Ice says, or asks?, getting up. Maverick is smiling back and yeah, yeah we should.
(They're late in class and Jester is pissed. The four of them, Goose and Slider too, has to run around the base for an hour but Maverick doesn't think much of it, not when Ice smiles at him, promising to meet him at 8 pm in front of the new restaurant in town.)
Now cross-post on ao3 too.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Hey there!! It’s me again!! ☺️☺️ I was wondering if I could get another Maverickxreader imagine where reader is a pilot and her plane crashes bc she went through jet wash, like Maverick did in the movie, and she crashes, her and her RIO are ok, Maverick freaks out on the pilot the jet washed her and panics bc he doesn’t know if she is ok, when she gets back to base he runs to her and kisses her and is super relieved and fluff ending 🥰
Hello again! Thank you for requesting, I hope you like it!💛💛
Hear What?
Warnings: mention of injury, in-flight violence, possibly fatal accident
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"Get out of there, Chipper! Let me take the shot!" I yell through the mics, dodging the jet around my wingman's tail as he continues to obstruct my view of the target.
"I've got it, Ghost, calm down!" He calls back, voice audibly strained as he tries to get the right angle.
"You're gonna get us killed, just move!" My RIO, Breaker, joins in, growling at the unreasonable pilot as he peers over my shoulder, tapping my arm when he notices us getting too close, the jet threatening to enter the jet wash. Reluctantly, I slow a little and duck out of the way, seeing if I can get an angle on the target from another area, only to groan in frustration when Chipper once again gets in the way.
"Chipper, I'm serious, move!" I warn him again, breathing heavily under my helmet as I calm myself.
After a couple of minutes of quiet, he replies, somewhat snider than I would've hoped.
"Fine, have it your way." Instantly, he pulls his plane away, flying straight across my flight path.
"CHIPPER!" Both Breaker and I scream into the mics as we head straight into the jet wash, the jet instantly being carried in the current, starting to spin horizontally, going into a totally unrecoverable position, the two of us yelling the word "mayday" to the tower, hoping they'll send help. Panic and fear rise in me, the danger of the situation grave and severe, especially if the jet fails me one last time, one last hurdle still present to overcome. Sweat covers my brow as my finger finds the button it's searching for, flipping back the cover.
"I'm gonna eject!" I shout at Breaker over the screaming controls, waiting for an affirmative before compressing the button.
"Maverick, you're gonna want to hear this!" A panting aviator calls to me as he charges into the room, breathing heavy and uneven as if he just ran here.
"Hear what?" I question, confused as to what is going on, instinctively pushing from my seat and going over to him, ignoring the other pilots and RIOs in the room.
"Ghost and Breaker spun out on a training flight...they crashed and had to eject..." I barely hear the rest as I sprint from the room, pushing past the people in the hall, my feet pounding on the hard floor as I go. Calls and shouts of protest and irritation accompany me as I hurtle past, though I don't pay any attention to them, nearly crashing into a wall as I turn a corner, my hands just catching me as I skid on the floor, the light sting in my palms going unnoticed.
Finding the changing rooms, I throw open the door and explode into them, racing past the confused aviators in my rush to get to the runway, emerging onto the wide space with a new sense of urgency. In the distance, I can already see a helicopter hovering into view, my gaze returning to the line of commanders waiting alongside the helipad, easily recognising Jester and Viper amongst them. Nervously, I go to stand behind them all, bouncing on the balls of my feet as I watch the aircraft intently, cracking my knuckles as I shift from foot to foot, lip between my teeth. Dull cramp sets into my muscles as I remain tense, urging the helicopter to move faster, praying that (Y/n) is alright and not injured in any way.
Eventually, the whirring of the rotors becomes audible, the craft soon starting to lower in altitude, dropping until it's just above the pad, where we all turn away slightly to block out the harsh wind surrounding it. As it touches down, I race forwards, disregarding Viper as he calls me back, my mind focused on finding (Y/n), though my voice falls flat through the pounding of the engine. I stop just short of the cabin, waiting anxiously as the rescue team help each other out, before lending a hand to a familiar figure: Breaker, mostly unscathed except for a contusion on her lip, shoots me a weary smile as she steps out, pace unsteady as she staggers away. Eyes wide, I step forwards, nearly sobbing in relief when I see her climb out, her body in one piece as she does so, my body instantly following my instinct as I go to meet her, sweeping her up in my arms as soon as possible.
"Oh god, you're ok, you're alive! Thank God!" I ramble into her hair, crushing her as carefully as I can into me, happy to feel her under my hands.
"Yeah, I'm here. A bit bruised, but otherwise ok." She affirms, returning the embrace with a sigh of relief, pressing her face into my neck.
"You have no idea how happy I am right now." I tell her, pulling away slightly so I can look her in the eye, before carefully leaning in. Softly, I press our lips together, pouring my emotion into it, excitement and elation filling me when she kisses back, completely forgetting that there are people around. Smoothing our lips together, I lick at the opening and dip my tongue into her mouth, sighing as she eagerly accepts me, glad that she's alright.
Pulling apart, I continue to hold her against me as she is walked into the med room, where she is checked over for injuries and shock. The entire time, I make sure I have some contact with her, enjoying the security that comes with it.
And from the look on her face, I can tell she feels the same way.
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rpchive · 6 years
111th Encounter-- Play The Game
take a chance!
Azreldeh floats idly in the console room while Jay and Demo remain seated at the console. Nydins has gone off to eat, and Rio seems to be elsewhere. Daedalus meanders into the console room, shortly followed by Collin. "Ah, there you are. Got stuck with piloting duty or something, huh?" Demo: Hey, someone's gotta look after all this stuff when Nydins isn't watching... Daedalus: Makes sense. Didn't realize you had a license to drive vending machines, though. alienrabitt: Well, I mean, I built it, so... Collin: I forget that sometimes, honestly. Feels like a different life when I think that far back, which... actually is kinda accurate now that I think about it. Demo: Yeah, seriously...uhh, I guess we're landing soon, but I'm not really sure where...I can't read these coordinates for anything...
alienrabitt: Your guess is as good as mine. I just hope it's nowhere dangerous...
Demo: Ugh, don't encourage it...
The IT slows to a stop over time, and Demo opens the door to find someone waiting on the other side. Though she quickly tries to close it, the person stops the door from fully closing and pulls it open enough to slip into the IT. A blue demon stands in the doorway; violet horns curving behind her head in the vague shape of a heart as her gold eyes settle on Azreldeh. The demon is dressed in a black, silken robe with purple trim and a purple and gold sash tied about her waist; her long, black hair done up in a knot that prevents it from touching her clothes, small bells can be heard jingling as she turns her head to face Demo. "...Sorry about being so pushy, but I needed to be here." Collin: W-Woah, hey, hang on a second! Who are you? ???: Oh, forgive me. My name is Merri; I'm...well, I guess the equivalent is somewhere between a court jester and a handmaiden. I practically raised Azreldeh, so of course once I heard that she'd gone missing, I looked into it immediately. A moment passes as Collin visibly struggles to sort through the new information before he finally replies again. "You what? Azreldeh, do you know her?" Azreldeh: ...I do, but...why are you here? Merri: You never came home! The entire 7th district has been looking for you everywhere; we went into a state of panic once the next in line for the throne went missing... Daedalus: The next in line for what? Are you telling me this flirtatious disaster on wings is royalty? Merri: Watch your tongue, or I'll rip it out...! ...But yes, she's royal.
Azreldeh: The only royalty I am is royally confused. Look, I'm...not going back to the mirror. There's no point; the district never even meant anything to me.
Merri: You...! You don't mean that; you've spent your entire life working towards the throne! You can't just give up! We need you!
Azreldeh: Find someone else.
Merri: ...No way! You need to come back now! The entire court's gonna get involved if you don't! Collin: Look, I don't mean to butt in or anything, but I'm pretty sure Azreldeh was banished or something anyway. I don't think she could go back even if she wanted to. Merri: And just what would you know about Azreldeh?! Collin: I mean, she helped us out the last time we were in the mirror world, which was partly why she wound up with us afterwards. The "royal" thing is definitely news to us though... Merri: So you're the ones responsible...I should've known the moment I saw you that you'd all be trouble...fine. If you won't come back on your own; I'll give you a reason to come back!
Leaving the IT, Merri leaves the door open, allowing the group to see a large, red, runic circle form beneath the whole of the IT. As Azreldeh begins to protest, Merri finalizes the cast, causing the entire interior of the IT to burst into a flash of red light. As the spell subsides, Daedalus and Demo find themselves alone in the console room with Azreldeh, and Merri is now holding a rectangular, black box with intricate, ornate gold decorum covering it. Contained within are dolls of everyone else that had previously been upon the IT.
Merri: ...I'm surprised; it looks like a couple of you were exempted! It's very rare for someone to be immune to trickster magic...
Demo: Wh-what did you just say?! What did you just do?!
Merri: Isn't it obvious? I'm a court jester; tricks, pranks, and jokes come naturally to me! I have fae blood, after all; it'd be an insult for me to not be the best at what I do. Regardless; I've taken your friends hostage. If you want them back, you'll have to come to the 7th district and face the other 6 court members in their trials! But, of course, this wouldn't be fair if I didn't have rules, especially for both parties. The first rule is that you will always get the person bargained for back. The second is that, if you fail the trial, the person you bargained for will be punished for the loss before being returned to you! And the third is that all the trials will be one on one challenges. You won't be able to join a trial unless the previous person failed or becomes incapable of completing it on their own. Understand?
I sat on all this for a really long time, and, conceptually, I feel like this arc was a genuine breath of fresh air! writing these logs will be a pain now, but in the moment, all this was super fun to write, and I was so excited to get it all out there
Daedalus: You little-
He catches himself and forces himself to take a deep breath. "... Okay, question time. What the hell do you mean by someone being "punished" before being returned?" Merri: That's gonna be decided by the council member you're challenging! It could be anything.
Demo: ...What happens if we break a rule?
Merri: If you break a rule, then we're allowed to do anything we want to one of the friends you're competing for. And if we break one, you automatically win that trial, no consequences! Daedalus: I'm guessing once we get someone back, they're allowed to help with theses trials too? Merri: Of course! They'll be free to participate, if they're able. Daedalus: How comforting... Demo: ...So we're starting with you, right? What do you want?
Merri: Hmm, yeah, I guess I should be the first to show you how things will work. Alright, um...I'll bet...hmm...Hod. Or, well, Paprika now, isn't it? I doubt she'll help any of you much, but it's a start. My trial is simple; all you need to do is get Azreldeh to the 7th district so that you can do everyone else's trials! It's basically a giveaway! Anyway, I'll be waiting, so hop to it!
With that, she closes the door of the IT, leaving the trio behind.
Demo: ...This isn't fair... Daedalus: Fair or not, we're royally fucked if we don't play along. Pun not intended, but not taking it back.
anyone Azreldeh fucks gets royally fucked, one way or another
Azreldeh: ...We won't need to move the IT; I just need a mirror. The mirror I use will always lead to that dimension, though, so maybe we shouldn't go crawling through the bathroom mirror... Daedalus: Fine, I'll go dig one out of a closet or something. I'm sure the IT can whip something up. I'll be right back.
Daedalus hurries back into his room for a minute, then returns shortly with a full-body mirror on a set of wheels. Pushing the mirror up against a wall, he dusts his hands and turns back to the others. "Think that'll work, oh super secret princess?" Azreldeh: ...It will. Look, I...I'm really sorry about this, I never knew Merri would--
Demo: Save it. You're just gonna have to say sorry to everybody else that this happened to. Might as well do it all at once...
With a quiet nod, Azreldeh heads over to the mirror, gripping the frame tightly. The frame blackens, warps, and twists into a wicked shape as her reflection shifts from standard to her dimensional standard, where it refuses to make eye contact with anybody else, its tail curled around itself in discomfort as it shields itself with its wings in shame. Azreldeh wastes no time in pushing her way through the mirror, refusing to allow either former trickster a full view of her reflection. Daedalus glances over to Demo and considers saying something for a moment. He shakes his head and sighs instead, then steps through the mirror after her. Azreldeh descends the crystalline steps of the mirror towards what is presumably the 7th district. Merri waits patiently at the base of the steps, seated upon the box that now contains an unknown amount of their friends within. Daedalus: Oh for fuck's- Can you not treat our friends like a fucking chair? Merri: Oh, don't worry; I took the time it took you to get here to distribute your friends among the council. All that's left in here is Paprika! Don't worry, the box is very sturdy. Daedalus: That's not really much better. Look, whatever, we're here. Now give H- Paprika back. Getting up from the box, Merri unlatches it, retrieving the lonely doll from within and tossing it up into the air. In a red flash of light, Paprika returns to normal, crashing down briefly only to be caught and gently places back upon the ground by an unseen force.
Demo: Do that again and I'll rip your horns out...
Merri: Do what you'd like, but don't forget that I'm the only one who can change your friends back. Anyway; your next trial will be whoever is the closest council member...good luck! Daedalus: What, you're not gonna give us a map or something? Merri: Why would you need a map? Azreldeh lived here! Daedalus: Fair enough. You alright there, Paprika? Paprika: Wh-where...where is this?! What's going on?!
Demo: Another thing we'll have to explain to everybody else; look, just...this is the dimension Azreldeh came from; that demon kidnapped everybody else and turned them into dolls; and if we don't do some dumb stuff for their council members, everybody's gonna stay that way...
Merri: Well, not everybody. Aside from Paprika, there's two people I had to change back already. One of the council members needed them as they were for their trial. Daedalus: The hell is that supposed to mean? Who were they? Merri: Jay and Maya. They're currently with the third council member. Daedalus: Oh hell... Jay's gotta be losing it right now, knowing him.
--it took me a minute to remember why that sounded wrong, but we’ll get to that
Demo: Azreldeh, do you know where they are?
Azreldeh: Oh, definitely. He's gonna be the easiest to find; he never leaves his room. Daedalus: The fact that you already know who would want that sort of setup concerns me for a number of reasons. Azreldeh: N-no, I just know who has which seat is all! And the third council member is never at any meetings in person; he always sends somebody else for him or projects. Daedalus: Alright, well lead the way then. The sooner we get everyone back, the better. Azreldeh leads the small group into the 7th district, where Paprika gets even closer to her, increasingly more unsettled by their surroundings. She does not untense until the group reaches the courtyard of an absolutely massive, black building that seems to stretch for miles in the other three directions.
Demo: ...This might take a while...
Azreldeh: Nah, it'll only be a few minutes. He hates stairs. He lives on ground level in a room that's not surrounded by anything else for about 3 blocks. Daedalus: He hates stairs but he lives in... Ugh, nevermind, not even gonna question it right now. Let's just find this dude. Azreldeh leads the group towards the long stretch of empty, featureless hallway that leads towards the third council member's room. The shortcut seems to have been made exclusively to cut down the time and distance it would take to get back to the room, but the halls surrounding the doorway still seem to be just as long as Azreldeh had promised. The shortcut lets out to a singular, gray, metal door among the expanse of blackened bricks; a small, glass slat of a window being the only thing visible upon its surface. Knocking upon the door, Azreldeh is met with the nervous, high-toned voice of either a young adult or a child. "...If you're not the princess; take a hike! Meeting's not for another 7 months, so don't bother trying to lie to me."
Azreldeh: I am the princess; now open the door...
???: "Oh, miss Azreldeh; why didn't you say so?! Here to play my game at last; I never thought I'd see the day. Normally I wouldn't even dream of doing this, but for once, I'll open the door in person, just for you!"
After what feels like at least 10 minutes, a demon no taller than three feet answers the door. Face obscured by a mess of black hair, all that is visible beneath it is an ear-to-ear grin upon pudgy, freckled, purple features. The demon is dressed in a style that could only be described as a disastrous mix between anime protagonist and 90s hacker aesthetic; the ragged collar of his comically oversized, red cape shielding the remains of his face from view. Turning around to usher everyone in, tiny, dragon-like wings that are absolutely incapable of granting this demon any form of flight or levitation can be seen barely poking out from the edges of his large cape.
"Oh, I've never been happier to have company! I've never even had company! Well, come in; come in! Ehh, I...guess the other three can come too...jeez, three girls at once; I must be really lucky today!"
Making a point to step over the demon on the way in, Demo rolls her eyes. "Don't hold your breath; not like anyone would be able to tell..." Daedalus: This is gonna be a riot, I can already tell...
He follows the other in, taking an exaggerated side-step away from the demon to put a distance between them. With a little grunt, the council member shoves the door closed behind the group, then starts to head to the center of his room, where the dim glows of absurd amounts of electronics can already be seen. Varying cables run along the length of the floor for what feels like miles, all of them incredibly neatly organized, making it difficult to trip or step on any individual wire. Everything seems surprisingly well kept and clean despite the lack of lights from anything other than displays, keyboards, screens, and the like. Upon reaching the center, an array of electronics from all ages are set up, each individual object in peak condition, well kept and running perfectly. Each one, however, seems to have an adapter that connects to something elsewhere, all the wires converging into a massive pillar in the dead center of the room, which stretches even out of the room, making it seem like the room had simply been built around the pillar solely to house it.
At the base of the wired pillar are a handful of chairs capable of reclining all the way down to a lying position; two of which are currently occupied by Maya and Jay, who seem entirely unresponsive and unconscious.
???: Isn't she beautiful? All this technology has convirged to create the most flawless ARG known to this entire dimension! I only managed to test run it once, but the guy I brought in didn't leave the same. I've heard whatever I've built is so incredibly powerful, connecting to the game can destroy your entire perception of your actual reality! So naturally, I figure it's the only challenge fitting of your....entourage. Daedalus: ... You're somehow doing yourself a negative amount of favors, which I thought was impossible until this exact moment. ???: Hahahaha! So, what do you think? You and your entourage against my CHaRMs; what do you think will win?
CHaRM stands for Cognition Hamperer and Reality Manipulator
Azreldeh: You...seriously did this? All by yourself?
???: Of course I did!! Who do you think I am?! I'm the one and only; the OG; the coolest;  the smartest; the best of the best; the 100%! I! Am! Anagram!!
A massive screen lights up upon the tower displaying "4N46R4M" in big, white letters. Daedalus: ... I'm trying to hold it in. I'm really trying...
this guy and Asmodon would be best friends
Anagram: ...Ooh, if I could pick who did this...alright, pal; I was told all I could do is issue the challenge; but for you guys, it's first come, first serve! So...pick which one of you will be lost to my CHaRMs first, alright? Daedalus: Oh don't worry. I'm sure everyone's just chomping at the friggin' bit to give it a whirl, but if no one else objects, I'll go. Paprika: A-are you serious?! This thing could seriously mess you up...!
Anagram: Oh no, let him try. If he can even make it past the launch sequence, I'd give him an hour tops before he totally forgets who he used to be. Daedalus: Look, out of any of us, I'm the one that Jay and Maya would be most familiar with, aside from maybe Demo in Jay's case. If we need to find them and snap them out of... whatever this is, I'm probably the best starting point. Azreldeh: ...Please be careful...
Demo: Please bust this turbonerd's toy from the inside out. Daedalus: Oh I'd be glad to. Anagram: Ugh, if you're done being such a punk, lie down and get wrecked by CHaRM already. Quit wasting the princess' precious time. Daedalus: Don't worry, I won't take long.
He steps over to the nearest open chair, stretches himself out for a moment, and then takes a seat. As the chair reclines back and Daedalus' vision clouds to a dark void, several checks run for a moment before CHaRM kicks on in full. Daedalus' perception jumbles if only for a moment as the game attempts to assign him some sort of alternate persona, but fails to do so, loading him into the world as what seems to be a 1:1 replica instead. There is, however, one subtle difference upon his entry, but his cheeks return to normal so quickly that the symbol that had previously been there leaves no trace behind.
even though his tricksterism leaves him immune to CHaRM; Daedalus should still be at a disadvantage due to Lobotomy; but I don’t think it winds up bothering him, much to his convenience
Daedalus seems to have appeared quite a bit away from a town of some sort. The hill he's currently upon has a view of the town, but not much else aside from a few trees, one of which another person is currently patiently seated under, their car parked a little way away. Daedalus rubs one eye as he squints and looks at the area around him. "Ugh, well credit where it's due, it's definitely realistic here alright. Now then, uh..."
He awkwardly approaches the seated figure under the tree nearby, unsure of how best to start the conversation. "Uh, hey. Sorry to bug you, but can you tell me where I am?" A young man in his early to mid 20s sits beneath the tree, still in his work clothes from some sort of part time job. Stretching from beneath his short sleeved shirt is a long scar running down the back of his left arm from presumably his shoulder all the way down to his wrist; a jagged mark upon his tan skin that doesn't seem to have been made by anything recognizable. Sunglasses obscure the view of his eyes, but he turns to face Daedalus anyway. "...You're pretty much in the countryside if you're way out here. There's a town a little bit down the road if you're looking, though...your bike break down or somethin'?" Daedalus: Yeeaah, something like that. I'm in a bit of a hurry trying to find a couple of people too, so that doesn't help me much. ???: Oh, sorry man. Do you know where they are? Daedalus: Nnnnope, I'm kinda flying blind here. Name's Daedalus by the way. ???: Seriously? Your parents must've been really into classics. Mine's Allen. Daedalus: Eh, my parents were into a lot of weird things. Anyway, I'm looking for a guy named Jay and a girl named Maya, both in their 20s. Ring any bells? Allen: ...Maya? Like the place? Dude, you've gotta be from, like, out of town or somethin'. Anyway, don't think I've seen anybody with names like that in a while. Guess your friends skipped town. Daedalus: I somehow doubt that.
He eyes Allen's scar for a moment, then looks back at him curiously. "Hell of a scar you've got there. What kind of thing does that?" Allen: ...Oh, that? Dunno; I've had it since I was way little. My folks kinda skirted around it; I'm pretty sure they dropped me or something and don't wanna talk about it... Daedalus: Uh-huh... One last question, if you don't mind.
He takes off his sunglasses and blinks as he adjusts to the light for a second. "Does the name 'Collin' mean anything to you?" Allen: ...No, it doesn't. I'm not really sure what you're trying to get at here... Daedalus hums a dissatisfied note and puts his sunglasses back on. "Well, it's a little hard to explain, but the people I'm looking for might be a little confused about what's going on here and who they are. I've just got a funny feeling about you." Allen: ...Well, I'm not really confused. I mean, there's some stuff that doesn't line up; but who really knows everything about their childhood, or why they like what they do, man? Some shit's just inexplicable. Daedalus: Oh? Like what? Allen: I dunno, man; I just liked the night. I could never sleep right, I was always trying to get on the roof and stuff; as soon as I got my license, I started looking for a place with the best view of the stars. I'm not cut out to be an astronaut, I mean, I don't have the brains for that shit, but I just feel like I gotta get there, y'know? This planet just feels like a ball and chain weighing me down; I just wanna go...up. Daedalus: Like a road trip through the stars, huh? Seeing all there is to see? Allen: Anything, man; I just wanna get the hell out there. I wanna know what's there, who's there; I know we can't just be alone. There's gotta be more than just this... Daedalus: Oh believe me, there is. You don't know the half of it... or maybe you do? Allen: There you go with your weird, vague shit again... Daedalus can't help but smirk. "Hey, maybe I'm just trying to get you to think outside the box? I mean really, you've never thought that this place was kinda weird sometimes? Or maybe there was something you were missing, or forgot?" Allen: ...I mean, it is weird. Most of the time people don't show up from out of town, and none of them have been as weird as you. You definitely didn't come from anywhere around here; you're probably the weirdest thing I've seen in my whole life; especially with your taste in questions. Daedalus: I get that a lot. But seriously, you never thought that any of this was strange or suspicious? Allen: ...Not until you showed up. I guess it is a little weird to be so desperate to want to get to space; but I mean...what am I supposed to do about it? Even if I'm the guy you're looking for, I can't...do anything? I'm just me, man... Daedalus: Maybe, but if you're really who I think you are, you're a hell of a lot closer to the stars than you think, bud. Allen: ...I just...I dunno...I don't know anything about the guy you're looking for, and I definitely don't know you. Daedalus: Like I mentioned, his name is Jay. He's quite literally born from the stars, and he fell in love with my twin brother, Collin, the person who essentially wished for him to exist. He's stubborn as hell but cares about Collin with all of his heart. He also lost an arm from the shoulder down at one point.
He pulls his sunglasses down again and points at Allen's scars with his gaze for a second. "How's that for a start?" Glancing down for a minute, Allen grabs his scarred arm reflectively before quietly whispering "Where the hell is Maya, then?"
Daedalus got really good at keeping his cool, and I kinda do wanna push him hard enough to really panic at least once. but, I mean...I’ve thrown a lot at him already, jeez...
Daedalus: Sorry, repeat that? alienrabitt: Maya; we need to find her, don't we? Daedalus: That we do! My guess is she's somewhere around the town down there, unless you know of anyone with a rough past and a tough outer shell? alienrabitt: Well, no, but if I was waiting for someone to meet me here, I bet I made friends with her twice. I doubt it's gonna be as easy as getting her to point a gun at me a second time... Daedalus: Nice, you do remember! I was gonna feel really fucking dumb if that didn't actually work and you were just some made-up person in this place. alienrabitt: It's...slowly coming back together. Kinda surprised I didn't question your eyes; but I can't really tell with my sunglasses... Daedalus: Honestly when you didn't recognize me at all I was a little worried inside. But whatever, that doesn't matter now. Right now we just need to find Maya and snap her out of whatever this place has done to her. alienrabitt: I'm...not even sure what's going on right now. Gonna miss having both my arms when we get home, though... Daedalus mumbles something in a more hushed tone before picking his volume back up. "There's gonna be a lot more than that to deal with once we're back... Uh, anyway, did you say you were waiting here to meet someone?" alienrabitt: Well yeah, she meets me here all the time when we're done with work. She'll probably be here soon enough... Daedalus: Sounds good. Guess we'll just have to wait here until she shows. Anything else you wanna know in the meantime? alienrabitt: How'd you even know where to look for us? Daedalus: Azreldeh led us to some other demon who had you and Maya hooked up to this simulation thing. alienrabitt: We're...what? What...happened? Ughhh...we gotta get out of here; where the hell is Maya...?
A second car finally pulls up beside "Allen's," and a young woman in a barista outfit quickly hops out, tossing her cap in the passenger seat, but keeping her long, black hair up in a ponytail. "...Sorry about the wait; we got all sorts of slammed suddenly. Mike had to slip me out the back door..."
alienrabitt: It's, uhh...it's fine. Hey, this is gonna sound kinda out of nowhere, but has anything felt a little...off lately?
???: Huh? Not really, why? Also who's this guy? He a friend of yours or somethin'?
alienrabitt: Sorta...technicality gets a little weird with him. So wait, work got really busy all of a sudden? Like, about...maybe an hour ago?
???: ...Yeah, we never have rushes like that. How'd you know?
alienrabitt: Well, that's when he showed up and started talking to me.
Jay gestures to Daedalus.
???: Seriously?! What, was that whole crowd your friends or something? What kind of prank is this?! Daedalus: Uh, they... shouldn't have been? I thought I came here alone... alienrabitt: ...Mae, did anything else weird happen?
Mae: Well, yeah; the road was blocked off, so I had to use some weird back road to get here. I'm lucky my car made it; it was seriously rocky...but I didn't see any construction or anything going on...
alienrabitt: Somebody tried to keep you from getting here...
Mae: Al, you're freaking me out a little here...what's going on?
you know; Zenith’s real name was Alexander. CHaRM called Jay Allen; and his nickname became Al
and the nickname Clair gave Zenith? Al
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Daedalus: Let me take it from here. Mae, right? Have you ever felt like things have been off around here? Or maybe you've had some strange thoughts or feelings that you couldn't place? Mae: ...Not really? I just kept coming up here because I figured Al'd probably slip and kill himself trying to look at the stars in the dark one night. Daedalus: Fair enough. Do you remember how you became friends? Mae: Yeah; he doesn't drink coffee, and I don't read physical books or anything, but we still wound up meeting on our way to work. I bumped into him, but I'd already finished my drink, so nothing spilled on him. Daedalus: Uh-huh... What're the odds, eh? By the way, do the names "Maya" or "Lobotomy Corporation" remind you of anything? Mae: ...How do you know about that...? Daedalus: Let's just say that this isn't our first meeting. My name's Daedalus, by the way. Mae: ...I never told anybody about...but I don't know if they know where I am... Daedalus: They don't. We dealt with them not too long ago, actually. We went as a group and took the whole place down, remember? Mae: ...I don't really...I remember a Sephirah...I was supposed to transfer to her division, but...something went wrong... Daedalus: Yeah, they put you on a ship with a flower monster and then tried to blast you out of the galaxy. Starting to sound familiar? Mae: I'm...not putting it past them. So how did I meet you two, then? Daedalus: Our friendly neighborhood giant robot flew in and carried you back to our ship in a glass coffin thing. A couple of drinks, a few fakeout gunshots to the torso, and a near-death experience or three later and we're all good pals. Maya: ...I'm still sorry about that...I'm...sorry about a lot of things...but we can talk about that when we get out of here. Daedalus: Good to hear that you're back with us, Maya. Now the question becomes, well... how to get the hell out of here. There is a low rumble like thunder before the trio's vision fades out, and they find themselves returned to Anagram's room, where he remains pouting a few feet away from Daedalus' chair. "Ugh, you did it after all...fine. Well, I can't give you anybody else since you...just got them, but I can tell you that the 2nd council member is heading for the 8th district with some...precious cargo. But they're being bodyguarded by the 6th council member; so you'll have to get through her first." Daedalus groans and clutches at his head as he leans over on one arm of the chair. "Ugh, fuck... Somebody pay attention to what he's saying for me..." Paprika: ...Will they be expecting us?
Anagram: All of us are expecting you. Now get going; if you wait too long, you're gonna have to go through more than just us. You came here, after all; you didn't think the word would travel, did you? Of course they heard about their counterparts being incapacitated and captured; so now youuuu have to play the heroes and get them back; or else demons will rush to the surface and terrorize humankind for all eternity for sealing us away! ...Not like you care about exposition; you probably just want your friends back, huh? Daedalus: I... hate all of you so goddamn much... Anagram: Hahahahaha! You'd better get moving! They're gonna get away if you can't catch up! Daedalus struggles out of his chair to a standing position. “God, shut the fuck up you stunted shut-in shit heap. C'mon princess, before our friends get even more fucked over than they already are. Chop chop."
yeah, there’s that relapse sound I was expecting
Azreldeh: R-right. We're at the center of the 7th district right now; odds are they'll be intercepted as soon as they hit the border of the 8th by their guard captains...
She floats out of the room, leading the group back out towards the courtyard. "...They'd probably be looking for the fastest way out; but from here, we can probably intercept them..." Daedalus: Sounds... good...
He stumbles for a second but manages to stay upright. "Fuck, this must've been what XL was talking about. Sorry if I'm getting a little, uh... testy. That damn chair thing must've aggravated this shit with my head." Paprika: I thought you were just mad at him, honestly...are you gonna be okay? Daedalus: I mean, I was mad, but... Look, I'll be fine by the time we catch up with the next batch of bastards. Someone should probably get Maya and Jay up to speed though... Maya: So I'm guessing everybody else is still missing...what exactly happened?
Demo: ...Azreldeh turned out to be the princess of this district, and when she didn't come home, they sent her nanny to bring her back. She didn't wanna leave, so her nanny turned everyone into dolls and fucked back here into the mirror dimension. Now we have to do their trials or everybody else will stay dolls...
alienrabitt: And I'm guessing you don't know where anybody specific is...?
Demo: If I did, do you seriously think I would've gunned it for /you/? Clair's still out there...
Maya: Jeez, I didn't think you still got so upset with him...
Demo: Just...focus on what we need to do, please. I'm not comfortable here... Daedalus: Join the club. Azreldeh: ...So we're gonna cut through a couple of streets here, and from there we'll be on the road between the 7th and 8th districts...I bet the 6th council member'll already be waiting... Daedalus: Don't suppose they'll just want to play checkers or something, will they? Azreldeh: Knowing her? It could be...a number of things...
Approaching the road, the group finds who is presumably the 6th council member waiting for them. Pastel green hair interrupted only by the long, red horns shooting up at least a foot from her head is pulled into a long ponytail that stretches beyond her back rests between her long, skinny, bat-like wings. Her outfit, which is practically for decoration only, is a skimpy little black leather bikini with lace accents, a little blue bow resting at the center of her top. Wedged firmly within her cleavage are two of the dolls she is meant to be guarding; one easily recognizable as Fawkes, and the other barely recognizable as Collin around its other surroundings. Curling her tail in excitement, the demon rests her golden eyes on Daedalus and Jay as she smiles, her silky voice chiming happily as she addresses them. "So nice of you to not keep a lady waiting! You can call me Sír!"
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alienrabitt: You...! You...!! You put him anywhere else!!  Now!!
Sír: What's the problem? He can't see or feel anything; so it's not that big of a deal...not like it matters, you're looking pretty lacking...
alienrabitt: SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! Daedalus: I wouldn't fuck around with him if I were you... Sír: Again, he's not even aware of it, so it doesn't matter. Anyway, you have to do my trial now that you're here, huh? Looks like you're already volunteering, and I haven't even said what I want. Alright; so, like, here's the thing. I'm like, not supposed to let you through here without some really big fuss, but I totally don't wanna fight any of you, so like...I guess I'm gonna have to, like, pick something else? But I think I know what'll hold you up a really long time. You don't want anything to happen to this guy, right?
She points to Collin's doll.
alienrabitt: Just move him, just fucking move him...!
Demo: ...Yeah, you're right. So what do you want?
Sír: Race me on the edge of an active volcano! These dolls aren't fireproof, but, like, I totally am, so anything stuck to me is, like, suuuuper safe, and you're gonna get fucked, flatsy. Anyway, you can hold the robot, 'cause I like seeing you get all riled up like that. You're like, super cute when you wanna kill somebody.
you stupid fucking pisslord; he’s flatchested because he’s a man you idiot
Azreldeh: There aren't any volcanos in here...
Sír: Wait, seriously? Ugh, then, like, what's the hottest thing in here? Well, besides me.
Azreldeh: Probably the pit of actual fire around my dad's house? Sír: Right, then I guess we'll race around...fire, then. Kinda lame, but I mean, like, the screams of the damned'll probably scare you a little, I guess? Daedalus: The only thing striking fear into my heart is your butcher shop treatment of spoken language. Sír: What. Everrrrrr. So, like, are we gonna do this, or what? 'Cause, like, I've gotta catch up with Sake if you're not gonna commit.
alienrabitt: No, I'll do it...
Sír: Awesome; then, like, let's get hot I guess.
Snapping her fingers, the group finds themself abruptly teleported to the capital of the 7th district, where a massive, black bridge stretches across an ocean of green flames, the distant sounds of screams nearly drowned out by the crackle of the flames alone.
"Okay; so, like; it's just gonna be one lap, 'cause I really gotta get back to Sake, but if you lose, I'm gonna fuck up your little boy toy, okay? The robot's gonna get it hard enough, 'cause, like, you're not fireproof, so like, he's exempt or whatever. Anyway, I'm ready when you are, so, like, lemme know when you wanna start..."
Demo: Please get this over with so we can quit hearing her talk...
Shifting to their hermes form, Jay fastens Fawkes' doll to his back in one of the glass-like containers his own dolls normally contain magic in, wearing it like a backpack. With a quick gesture towards Sír, he readies himself to race off, and the pair of them shoot off towards the lake of flames within a matter of seconds. Daedalus: I can't help but think that turning into a rabbit for a race is...pretty ironic. Demo: Don't jinx it, dude... Daedalus: Please, knowing Jay, he'd tear himself apart to keep that valley demon from touching Collin if he had to. Paprika: It's...a little late for that. Daedalus: Look, you know what I mean. And you guys get onto me for cracking jokes, sheesh. As the pair rounds the halfway point, the pit of flames seems to flare up abruptly. Desperately trying not to let Fawkes burn, Jay makes a sharp turn up, effectively breaking off the track. As this happens, Sír glances back, notices Jay has stopped, and exits the pit as well. The pair returns to the group, and Sír continues to keep Collin right where she left him as Jay returns to his humanoid form, holding the ball with Fawkes in it in his hands as he stares down through it with a mixture of shame, hate, and disgust.
Sír: So, like, you kinda forfeit the race, which means that, like, I win? But I, like, have to give your guy back, so, uhh...hmm...alright, you can take him back, but only at the border of the 8th district. Got it? I'll meet you there. Until then, he stays like this, but you get your robot back, so, like, silver linings?
Shrugging, Sír takes off again, and Fawkes returns to his proper state, bursting Jay's container as he does so. Fawkes' body tumbles to the ground while his visor flickers wildly for several seconds. It finally resolves into a spinning wheel, then blips away after another moment. Fawkes pushes himself into a seated position and rotates his head back and forth to look around him. "... Well, this is definitely not where I remember being last." Demo: This...can she seriously get away with this?!
Azreldeh: Technically? Yes. Sír didn't break any rules, she just took advantage of her surroundings. Fawkes: I'm getting the feeling I've missed some things. What happened? Where is everyone? Paprika: A demon came to try and take Azreldeh back to the mirror, and when she said no, the demon turned everyone else into dolls. Now we have to do trials for all the council members of her sector, or everybody else will stay dolls...
Demo: If we win the trial, nobody gets hurt; but if we lose, the council member gets to do anything they want to the dolls they have. This one had you and Collin, and Jay just lost. She's gonna take Collin to the border of the next sector; your counterparts are there. Fawkes: That's... not very good news. Azreldeh: We just need to catch up. She said we couldn't have him back until we reached the border, and technically, once we get there, he's untouchable until he's "ours" again. Daedalus: So I'm guessing that's our next stop, then? Azreldeh: It has to be. The 8th district doesn't have to follow our rules. Fawkes: Then it sounds like we don't have time to waste. I trust you know the fastest way there? Azreldeh: Well, yeah, but Sake's probably gonna hold us up. Daedalus: This just gets better and better, doesn't it? Azreldeh: The good news is that he's not very strong, at least. He's probably gonna pick something easy, but time-consuming on purpose... Daedalus: Sounds like a swell guy already... Azreldeh: Normally, I'd say we could bribe him, but I'm not sure if that'd be considered cheating... Fawkes: What would we bribe him with? My chassis doesn't have a wallet, unfortunately. Azreldeh: Fish. Daedalus: ... Come again? Azreldeh: You'll...understand when you see him.
With that, she takes off towards the road again, leading the group away from the palace. Jay stays at the back.
alright, we pick up the trials again next time!
0 notes