melioralight-blog · 7 years
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Can i address the fact that even Rikuo’s mother approved of Tsurara. Look how happy she is in teasing Tsurara with Rikuo, mother can tell you know :3 i’m so happy for you Tsurara. Even though Kana or whatever has come to the house or helped her out with chores to appeal to Rikuo’s mother but it seems that Kana failed because Rikuo’s mother has her daughter in law in mind already ≧﹏≦ yeah
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melioralight-blog · 8 years
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Why people always judging to what ever we do base on how they see from us in a short period of time? They don't know us and they never did, what gives them right to tell us what they presume to be. Have they been through what we been through? no they didn't and yet they gave us shameless comments about us. I just want to tell them that your comments is unnecessary please keep those SOUND CLEVER GOOD FOR YOUR IMAGE COMMENTS to yourself, just shut up.
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melioralight-blog · 8 years
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It’s hard to tell the truth to the person you once call best friend that “ The chemistry between us doesn’t work out anymore, let’s walk separate ways” because there wasn’t any fight between us but it just feels off. I find myself feel suffocating when I’m with her. What should I do? That’s why i talk less and just smile because I don’t know what to do…… But deep down I feel so sad for doing what I’m doing
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melioralight-blog · 8 years
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When you have to handle everything at once, you'll eventually explode but in my case I turned mute.....even though my inside was crying out loud
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