#jesc 2020
eurovision-facts · 3 months
Eurovision Fact #693:
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Barbara Pravi (France 2021) co-wrote France's two most recent winning songs for Junior Eurovision. She had a hand in writing the 2020 entry "J’imagine," and the 2022 entry "Oh Maman!"
"France's 10 most recent Top 10 placings at the Contest," Eurovision.tv.
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invece-sto-sdraiato · 5 months
New introduction post for Tumblr <3 (I’ll try to not make it long. SIKE!)
Welcome to this disaster central :3
hiii people, I’m Aditi! (nickname: Addie) 18 year old Indian (tamil) girlie. Introvert and bookworm. Professional weirdo in her cringecore era. Will overanalyse anything and everything. I love making lists. Straight (eww) but not immune to pretty women. Forget I said that. This is my main account (I am losing track of how many fandoms I am in so pls bear with me)
Have been a eurovision fan since 2020. My brother’s more into jesc. Obsessed with melfest (especially older editions), mgp and sanremo mostly. Anything that’s even remotely Italian/Slovenian/French fascinates me. Major Italian indie fan. And then there’s joker out. They’re the reason I formed this account ❤️ can never have enough of them, can you? I’m also an absolute sucker for crime thrillers.
Other Artists 🎶: Alexander Rybak, Benjamin Ingrosso, Fulminacci, Ditonellapiaga, PTN, Rovere, Ghemon, Tananai, Fabio Rovazzi, Santi Francesi, Alvan, Itzy, Lindsey Stirling and I could go on but I won’t, for everyone’s sake.
Series/Shows 📺: NCIS, Supernatural, House MD, Sherlock BBC, The Big Bang theory, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, all Glitch Prod. shows (TADC, MD, MR and SP), Lackadaisy, Panhandle and others which I probably don’t remember much of. Also indie animation in general.
My hellaverse side account : @nightowlstardust
A slight warning that I do vent quite a lot so you might see that.
Anyways, feel free to chat with me anytime (my chronically online ass ain’t going nowhere) i promise I’m friendly, even if i might not seem like that 😊
bye lol hope reading this didn’t give you a headache (also I accept no blame for any or cursed posts you might see, it’s not my fault my humour’s broken 😆)
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lil-scout-precure · 10 months
Junior Eurovision 2023 detailed opinions before the show. Part 2
And here am I, with the second part of my Junior Eurovision 2023 personal opinions by tier (rather than ranking, these songs are more difficult to rank than in adult Eurovision). We covered the 2 lower tiers, the ones that are not the worst songs of history (they're kids after all, and at least the songs are less disastrous than some of the worst entries in the adult edition's history) but not the best compared to the others. Now it's the turn for the third one, the wildcard (for reasons I will explain), as the last two will be joined in one (or two, if Tumblr limits the content size).
The tier-list, for reference
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Tier 3: "Not winners, but I identify myself with them"
A small talk before the first song of this tier, to explain why is it a wildcard I didn't think I would bawl "It was Eurovision, not depression!" over MORE THAN ONE SONG in this year's Junior Eurovision. Sure, one thing is one depressing/tear-jerking song per year like Forever (2020) or Nezlamna (2022, and by a lot considering the lyrics and the war); but more than one is because either I got too emotional lately or these songs really tugged me in the heart, one way or another, by any mode. The only reason they are not in the lower tiers and in a personalized one as a wildcard, although still not the top favorites T-T
🇵🇹 Júlia Machado "Where I Belong"
Portugal surprised me a lot the two last years. One with Simao's "O Rapaz" and his out-of-the-box voice that would send him to adult Eurovision in a click (even if the Discord fandom says he sounds like a grandpa ._.), and then Nicolas' "Anos 70" with a Damiano David-like voice (affectionate) and the rock ballad of the rock ballads in JESC (how don't we have that kind of songs this year? ;w;). And I was hyped for Portugal's selection, expecting everything...except this.
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Sure, the signals were clear when they said the song would talk about Júlia's personal experiences with bullying during her school studies in USA, but I expected it to be more of a "Stand By You"-like entry (Albania 2021). And then the song came and gave me the slap. For being a soft ballad, as someone who understands almost 50% Portuguese vía childhood comics and dubbing, the hit felt as hard as street concrete, and fricking relatable. Like wanting to hug Júlia each time I heard it.
By rumours they say the clothing for Júlia will be a key part in the live version. And I really, really hope it results good, because this song (and the next entries) deserves the best staging and to not land last.
🇪🇪 Arhanna "Hoiame Kokku"
Estonia in the Junior edition? The surprise of the year, I say. After hearing Serbia and Kazakhstan were leaving this year (both for bad results in Yerevan, one having extreme sickness bc of COLD OPENING CEREMONY OUTSIDE to the point the jury show was shown instead of live, and the other with a good studio song and feeling plastered by the live version ;w;), I was hoping for a miracle to complete the 16-entry list. And Estonia, from all countries, entered the contest, and with a contestant kid already! A good reveal! It was 100% ensured they would bring a ballad rather than another song genre (Alika's "Bridges" gave them confidence, I see). But this one got me off-guard a lot.
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If I got emotional with this one was rather because of the studio videoclip streamed in YouTube (during work, and me trying to hide the emotional tears) than the lyrics themselves. But it still hit me a lot. Arhanna's vocals are such of a level I never imagined for Estonia, since I expected a lot of things being their JESC debut, and the piano touch speaks "inspired by Alika" a lot (in a good way, "Bridges" was amazing, even if Ollie's "Venom" was my first election). But the video, my lord in Christ, was the main reason I put this song in this tier. And adding that, by lyrics and all, this reminded me a lot of Sora and Mashiro's friendship (yeah, into the Hirogaru Sky Precure fandom since last months). Yeah...
Should they ruin the staging for this one, I will be totally angry. At least they would make the piano a "ghost-play" like in Alika's case, but please, please don't ruin this one with the live version!
🇵🇱 Maja Krzyżewska "I Just Need a Friend"
Another song that I underrated during its first version like Viola's "Bota Ime" from Albania. The Szanza Na Suckzes 2023 (Poland's current JESC selection) experience was something new for me, from the fact they decided to use ONE SINGLE ORIGINAL SONG to test which finalist went better (instead of one song per finalist like in previous years with Laura and Sara James, something that showed which kid had more potential better) to expecting it to be at least decent compared to the unspeakable crime TVP "sent" for Liverpool. As for the finalist kids, I agree with the fandom it should have been more of a pair given the song's meaning than just one kid, but well, TVP is TVP and we can't do anything. The song at first listening by Maja was not a big hit for me for then. I said "they either revamp it like with Laura's "To the Moon" or they will place last with Albania". And it was in the last places for a long time until the studio version came to YouTube (and then the video T-T)
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For the song first. WHAT A REVAMP. I had low expectatives and yet the new version WAS SOMETHING AMAZING. It was waaaay leagues above the Szanza version, it had more strength and feeling. And Laura sounded WAY BETTER. I was unsure where to place it for the moment. Until the next day the video was streamed early in the morning...To tell you that, by the end of the clip, I called my pet Yorkie, Canela, to my bedroom and hugged her hidden in the blankets while sobbing a lot before my normal wake-up hour, I say a lot of how I felt of the video. The dog there is really a good boy/girl :,)
Knowing Poland's history of Capcut add-ons in screen (Viki's countdown, Sara's butterflies and flowers, Laura's floating moon and a clip of her and her besties in the intro, Ochman's thunders and rain, and whatever tf they tried to make in THAT song in 2023), I just expect for them to NOT SCREW this song with those things. The song is NOT FIT for it, and it will be a CRIME if they dare to do it in the live version. PLEASE. NO. EFFECTS
And that's a wrap for this second part! Now we get to the best songs (in my opinion) for Junior Eurovision 2023! See ya! :D
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theescphteam · 2 years
Hello, Tumblr! We couldn't bring our 179 followers on Twitter here. I'm sorry about that. But maybe we could bring at least the closest ones? 😅
So here's my first blog, as the team's Jury Leader.
Please consider this as your new safe space, or should I say, a safer space for you to share your stories as a Pinoy Eurofan. Since 2020, we evolved from ranking reveals to everything else Pinoy with a Eurovision touch. As a team under The Philippine Eurovision Group (TPEG), we had two viewing parties, one online meetup, and two podcast team meetups. In addition, we conducted a lot of ranking reveals, both ESC and JESC, the next one is the JESC 2022 Ranking Reveal.
Relationships in all forms were also created outside JPT, and I love to see how this group became a family and a safe space for Pinoy Eurofans as this was also our main objective in JPT.
Ahhh, I love writing in more than 240 characters. Sorry, Twitter. Maybe you'll become a thing of the past, but we'll still post updates on Twitter. Not that much though.
Here's to more stories and ranking reveals! And yes, welcome to the team!
- Katcy (Jury Leader)
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il0veeur0vision · 2 years
Why do basically ALL of Serbia's songs in JESC always contain the word "свет" pronounced svet.
Examples: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2008
If you don't believe me, check!
Ps: I wasn't able to find the lyrics for the first 2 entries, so I don't know if they say it.
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straazdas · 2 years
Some of my JESC Winners 🌻
I don't know if I'll post of each year because I'm not that interested in JESC. But there are some songs I would like to share!
2023 - 🇲🇰 Kaži mi, kaži mi koj 2022 - 🇷🇸 Svet bez granica 2021 - 🇦🇲 Qami Qami 2020 - 🇫🇷 J'imagine 2019 - 🇦🇲 Colours of Your Dream 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 🇬🇪 Mzeo 2015 -
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arabela25 · 4 years
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Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2020 countdown: 19 days left!
Chasing Sunsets - Chanel Monseigneur, Malta 🇲🇹          [x]
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mojsvijet · 4 years
anyways stream j’imagine and have some fun
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euroblog · 4 years
Also, apparently we don't want to win this year cause the entry song will be written by Gromee aka the Snake Man from 2018 😂
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eurovision-facts · 2 years
Eurovision Fact #230:
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The representative for Malta in 2021, Destiny, was just 18 years old when she participated in Eurovision.
She finished first in her semi-final, and placed seventh overall.
Destiny, however, is no stranger to Eurovision glory, having won the Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2015.
Participants of Rotterdam 2021: Destiny, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Rotterdam 2020: Destiny, Eurovision.tv.
Sofia 2015, Junioreurovision.tv.
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Proper intro post!!
Hi I'm Addie (nickname that no one calls me)
Major introvert and bookworm. Professional weirdo and over analyzer. Not funny but I think I am. Can be a pain when I'm sleep-deprived hehe.
Been a diehard Eurovision (and jesc) fan since 2020. Late I know. But I'm not European 🙃
Do not ask me what my favorite esc song is. I'd first give you a death glare and then proceed to describe my favorite songs for an hour (possibly accompanied with a PowerPoint presentation)
Obsessed with italian indie. Actually obsessed with anything even remotely Italian. So obviously I'm a sanremo fan. Duh. 2022 was the first year I properly watched sanremo and it was awesome! I didn't sleep properly for a week. Haha. Also made me question whether italians are normal. They're definitely not.
Also a very avid melfest watcher. I know it seems basic, but who cares? Tbh all my faves are from older years (especially 2010 & 2011) I will maintain that Keep on Walking was robbed. Don't get me wrong tho, this is my life is one of my favorite songs from Sweden.
Continuing with Sweden, I love benjamin ingrosso. At one point I was so obsessed that i was watching almost anything that had him in it. I will become so insufferable if he ever decides to return to melfest.
And ofc, Joker Out. My current hyperfixation. I have known them since last year actually (from ema) but well, I became obsessed in april this year. I regret not listening to more of their music last year. Their first song that I liked was umazane misli. And then barve oceana.
I'm mostly a kris girlie, but i love them all! Who doesn't? My favorite song is definitely demoni. I will never ever forget the first time I listened to it. I just sat there with my mouth open for the whole song. 5th April 2023. But I love all of their songs. I never knew that was even possible, but here we are.
So if anyone did have the patience to read through this shit, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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lexa-el-amin · 4 years
you guys this song that belarus sent to junior eurovision is like a full meal
i feel so fed and nourished
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lil-scout-precure · 2 years
My thoughts about the JESC 2022 songs. Part 4:
(This will be in order of release of...YKW, screw this intro, you already know the drill. And also sorry for the delay, had some things to do)
🇦🇲 Nare "DANCE!":
"Qami Qami" from Maléna was something mystical and ethereal beyond anything heard and seen during the Junior Eurovision 2021 at Paris, France. The voice was soothing and still catchy, with a mix of techno and pop vibes that made their way to our hearts, giving the song enough soul to get its very well-deserved victory at said contest.
And by rule, the host country can't just relax completely by just making the plans for the next year's event. They have to show their own potential in a good or better way than last years' song, and if possible, host the JESC twice in a row! (This is not a drill, it happened at 2019 and 2020 in Poland after Roksana Węgiel and Viki Gabor won the contest at 2018 and 2019 respectively)
So what's the best way for Armenia to show they can still be one of the strongest contestants in this year's JESC? Of course, raising the bar Malena left for the next singer. And they did it with Nare and her song "DANCE!":
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If you hear this song after listening "Qami Qami", you'll see the glow-up Armenia's quality made for their JESC songs: From a calm and ethereal song to a groovy and techno disco room hit that not only invites everyone to dance and enjoy the moment, but also tells everyone the host country is ready to give us an spectacular number at their own JESC edition, if not winning twice and giving Armenia their third victory!
I know it is virtually impossible for a host to win the contest in these recent Eurovision editions, but let's face it, Nare has the strength to make this idea true! Even if they get a Top 5 place (as my main guess for her despite my wishes for her winning JESC), it would show how incredible they made this song!
🇺🇦 Zlata Dziunka "Nezlamna (Unbreakable)":
Before I get to the final song of JESC, let me speak things clear:
I am aware of what is happening in Ukraine. I heard and sometimes still hear the news about the sorrowful and hard situation they got into at this year's beginning. And even if I would prefer to be neutral about it as I live at the other side of the world, I can't deny I feel sadness for them, and some wishes for this situation to end in a good way for them and the other countries regarding this trouble. Like, I know why people are a bit sceptical about certain countries regarding their decisions about this event, but let's be clear (and this also talking for the possible absence of some of the previous champions during the announced Champion Number at the JESC, and not those with understandable personal/situational decisions like Maria Isabel): Not everyone from those countries represents the decisions and ideals of their governments. Some of them want this to stop at once, and some of them are not related or interested to participate in this event. Peace is a wish not only for Ukraine, but also the entire world.
With this said...I knew and considered from the beginning Ukraine would choose sending us a JESC song related to this situation. And they didn't disappoint in a good way. Zlata Dziunka was the one chosen to represent the country at Yerevan with "Nezlama"
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And while the first version of the song revealed at the national finals was something "not enough" to shine among the other JESC entries, the final revamp made it get stronger, in message and melody: Alongside the fact you don't need to search too much for the music video's meaning if you are aware of the actual situation, the vocals singing the English-Ukrainian lyrics got both more majestic and poignant than the original entry. Add this the genuine feeling transmitted by Zlata and the more-than-just-clear meaning put on the lyrics, and this song gets you in the feelings even if just for a little.
While in my dearest opinion, I see this getting a Top 10 or 5 placement in the contest, I'm sorry, but I could be happy or at least enjoy it if "Nezlama" manages to get the victory of the contest, one that would be heartful.
And yes, I know some people would not be so satisfied with this luck event and more after how they perceived Kalush Orchestra's "points landslide" victory at the adults' ESC. I know and I understand Chanel and Sam Ryder had more potential to be the winners and one of them would have gotten 1st place in a normal situation, but getting to the point of shunning Kalush and Ukraine itself for an "undeserved victory" is not the way to solve things. I would've been angry if I was in Spanish and British fans' shoes, of course, but we don't have to ever forget this: even if one country or other wins the contest, every or most artists are still LEGENDS even without the trophy! Sam Ryder is a recognized artist at the United Kingdom even at 2nd place. Chanel's musical career is on the go even at 3rd place. People still dance to Moldova's catchy train song and Give That Wolf a Banana even if they weren't in Top 3. Heck, even in Bolivia, Rosa Linn's "Snap" is a hit in every pseudo-mall and urban places around the cities, and she didn't need to 100% win the contest to make her song a hit! And I don't need to tell the situation with most ESC 2021 songs: They are still legends to remember and talk about during any ESC infodump or chatter, despite their final placement.
And with this final post, my Junior Eurovision 2022 song list personal opinions are finished. As I said, each one has its own potential and soul, and they can shine, some of them already becoming candidates for a victory! This is promising to be one of the most energetic JESC editions ever!
Best of luck for everyone!
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ducksrcool2 · 4 years
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We do be getting excited already
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weaversweek · 3 years
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eurovisionder · 4 years
Alicja Tracz - I’ll Be Standing (Poland 🇵🇱 Junior Eurovision)
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