#jercy if you squint
Jason and Percy.
Everyone expects Percy to be the feral one, and to some extent he is. Jason is polite and rule following and Percy definitely isn’t.
But one of them is down with murder and chewing your enemies to death and it isn’t Percy
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irishskeptic · 5 months
Percy knows his culture and feels connected to it even more than to his divinity, but he is not accepted as a Latin American.
Jason doesn't know anything about his culture except the language and almost doesn't feel connected to it, he is the son of Jupiter, he is the Roman, he feels connected to his divinity and despises it.
Hell, he didn't even know he was of German descent before reuniting with his sister, and he's not sure he'll ever be considered German.
Percy feeling more connected to his Latin culture than his Immortal descendance vs Jason who wishes he was more in touch with his German descendance than his Roman blood.
@ishouldsleepbut @florenceisstrange @aki-bara @ashthenerdtheythem
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Okay I saw the prompt list right...
17 angst jercy? Hurt my feelings please
don’t call me: version 1
umm hi Sky my writing demon loved this prompt very much, like very very much. I kind of wrote two different versions because I didn't know which direction to go in so I said fuck it and just did both?
I think I'm going to post one to this ask and then the other separately just for some order. thank you for sending it in and I hope it's angsty enough? you know me and angst aren't friends
prompt: “Don’t call me, I don’t want any contact with you.”// jercy// 383 words
CW: blood
[all images have alt text]
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Percy can feel the tears running down Jason's cheeks like they're his own. He almost touches his face to check. But then he remembers the blood coating his hands, making his fingers slide as they try to grasp Riptide.
"What did you do?" There's a sob breaking the blonde's chest. If he squints he can see the ribcage split open.
He swallows the bile threatening to scorch his throat. The lie tastes sandpaper rough against his tongue. "I killed her."
"Why?" The right lens on Jason's glasses is cracked through the middle. It makes his blue eyes look split apart, like a yawning ocean.
"She almost killed me so I killed her first."
"But she was all I had left." The voice is so small he wants to crawl into his own ear to hear better.
"You have me."
"No," And the viper is back with venom. If anyone stood before them now they wouldn't be able to tell who the good Roman child was. Jason? They would say. I used to know him. Good soldier. Always had his head on straight.
Fists curl golden hands. Hard set jaw strong enough to clamp down on a bicep and rip clean off. Mind feral enough to consider it. Wildness stares at him and it looks just like hate.
"No I don't have you." The words are spitting. They taste deadly in the air. "You killed my sister. Don’t call me, don't look at me, don't try to find me. I don’t want any contact with you.”
The ground swallows Percy whole. He is once again in a labyrinth.
Thalia Grace pulls herself off from the wall she's leaning against, picking dirt from her nails with the top of an arrow.
"I’m sorry." Her voice is as strong and distant as ever. "It had to be done."
"Find a way." Percy cannot hold on much longer. He is keeping everything wrapped tightly enough to choke him. "I can't lose him." Viper has a meal.
"I really am sorry Percy." She sounds small and far away. He knows she's already back with her Goddess. He is speaking to her echo.
"Just find a way." He sinks to the floor, head cradled against blood-slicked palms. "I want my heart back."
The sky cracks. The earth doesn't respond.
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silkhy-john · 3 years
Nico always knows where the hunters are. He brings Jason to see Thalia since him (Nico) and Artemis are chill and he pretty much has an honorary membership at this point:
Thalia: omg Jason it's nice to see you again, what do you like to eat that isn't staples
Jason: Percy
Nico: that's a staple... A staple in his diet.
Thalia: jason no
Thalia: just this once, please–
Artemis: no, Thalia, I will not persuade your brother to join the hunters, that is final
Percy thrice a day guys, Jason's gotta get his vitamin D somehow (Percy is is his sunshine, also, INNUENDO)
Wow, I'm really becoming a Jercy (Jasercico if you squint) blog, right?
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imaginejercy · 7 years
jercy, soulmate au: you only see the color that your soulmate's eyes are until you meet them and see ALL colors
(*squints* Is this three sentences?)
Before Percy met his soulmate, all he sees were blue.
Before Jason met his soulmate, all he sees were green.
It’s only after they met and locked eyes with eachother that they realized how beautiful the two colors are.
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Okay so for jercy prompts: Late night after prom or a night on the town In the car for a long road trip Hiking in the woods and Percy is super done with it Percy singned Jason up for a modeling shoot Jason is sore and Percy is massaging him
Read on AO3 or under the cut
Summary: Sunrises are fun
I’m so sorry I literally just butchered the prompts you gave me. I misread it the first time and I just mismatched the prompts so it’s Percy is super done with it + Photography + Massage (?) like idk why but im so sorry I mismatched your prompts but i was already in too deep to change it (i swear I’ll get to ur original prompts after im done with the others but for now hope ur fine with this)
Jason was in a deserted beach in the middle of the night taking pictures because it was a good idea for his photography class project. Percy was also in a deserted beach in the middle of the night but he wasn’t here for a project, he was there just because Jason asked him to be.
“Why did I agree to this?” Percy groaned as they walked on the dark beach.
He knew it would be better if they ended on the beach; one because he really wanted to get a picture of the sunrise and two because he knew Percy loved going to the beach and maybe, just maybe, he thought that ending this little photo taking adventure in one of Percy’s favourite places would perk him up a bit.
Jason was trying to take a shot of the boardwalk slightly being lit up by the city behind it. He needed to get more pictures to use for his actual project and so far his memory card is just filled with pictures of— things he can’t really submit for his project. Well, he could but he most certainly will not. Maybe one day but— no he won’t.
“Because I’m your best bro and I asked you nicely and you love me?” Jason said adjusting the settings of his camera still not looking at Percy.
“Oh, yeah right that,” Percy said quietly and then yawned loudly.
Jason tried to pretend that it didn’t affect him when Percy said things like that so casually. He meant it in a friendly way because they were friends; they were bros, the best bros in the world. Yeah, he shouldn’t really let himself get too carried away with that.
“You told me you would show me around the city sometime when I moved here,” he reminded him.
“Yeah, I meant during day light hours not in the middle of the night.” Percy squinted at the sky. “Or morning? Is it morning already? I can’t tell my body clock is messed up.” He looked at Jason then giving him a deadpanned expression.
“You’re the one who said you knew this place like the back of your hand,” Jason replied fighting a smile wanting to break loose.
“I’d know it better if the sun was up,” Percy grumbled.
“It’ll be up in a few hours.”
“If you think I’m going to give you a day tour now after you’ve dragged me into wee hours of the night in the no.”
“No witty comeback?” he teased. “Just no?”
They kept walking along the beach. Jason was getting some more pictures of just empty spaces that actually just border on sad. Well, his teacher will like it at least.
“It’s too late or early for a witty come back.” Percy yawned again. “So, just no.”
“Wait, does that mean you’ll give me a day tour tomorrow?” he asked with an overtly hopeful expression that made Percy bump his shoulder with his. They walked on.
“Don’t push your luck,” Percy said but the words didn’t have sting behind them.
“I’ll give you all the blue candy you want,” he said.
“Tempting.” Percy was starting to smile.
“I’ll even get that bubble gum that turns your whole mouth blue.”
“You think I’ll just cave if you offer me blue candy?” Percy raised a brow his mouth curving into a sharp grin.“Little bit.” He shrugged smiling back.
“Well, you’re right.” Percy stretched out his arms and Jason took the opportunity to take another photo. “But not tomorrow or later or whatever okay? I’m beat.”
“Sorry, I had to drag you into this,” he said apologetically. He really was sorry but this project already sucked so he thought dragging Percy along would make it suck less. He didn’t think Percy would actually say yes. He was grateful though and he let Percy know it.
“Thanks, by the way.” The shutter of his camera clicked again as he took a photo of a photo booth as they made their way back to the pier. “You really didn’t have to do this.”
Percy shrugged like going out in the middle of the night with your best bud to take some vaguely sad pictures for a project that isn’t even yours is no big deal at all.
“It’s cool,” Percy said. “I mean it’s for me too you know.”
“Really?” he asked genuinely curious and surprised.
“I couldn’t let some tourist get mugged on my watch, you know?”
“I’m not a tourist!” he defended. He really wasn’t he’s been living in New York for almost a year. He’s well past his big-eyed awed obviously not from here stage.
“You keep saying that and I still don’t buy it.” Percy looked at him with a critical eye the let out a snicker. “Why did we have to do this in the middle of the night?”
“It’s technically morning,” he pointed out.
“It’s technically too early to do anything at all.”
They continue to walk down the pier while Jason was shut taking random shots of dark places.They’ve spent the earlier part of the evening they spent catching up and now they just enjoyed each other’s company.
Jason chanced a look at Percy then and quickly took a photo of him while Percy was too busy looking at the waves lapping the shore to notice what Jason was doing. He didn’t do it often, take covert photos of Percy that is. It was just an odd picture here and there. He only takes it at times where the light is good and it’s hitting Percy’s face just so. Not his fault that happens most times than not. He takes photos of his other friends too sometimes so it’s not weird. It’s not bordering on a crush. He totally did not fall for his best friend. His best friend who is objectively handsome, with a brilliant sense of humor, has a heart as big as the grand canyon, kind as hell, loyal to a fault, and was actually willing to go out into the city in the middle of the night just because he asked.
Damn it.
He never stood a chance.
Before he could even try to process this revelation a naked man was running naked on the beach to the water screaming ‘Hail Poseidon’.
“Hail!” Percy yelled concurring with the naked man and looked at Jason expectantly.
“Hail!” Jason shouted to the beach.
Percy pulled him close by clasped his shoulder and they laughed freely with the chill biting in the air.
“Hey, you wanna see the sunrise right?” Percy looked at him with that twinkle in his eye that promised mischief or wonder or both.
Jason could do nothing but follow willingly and though he was not yet fully aware, with all his heart.
It was 10 minutes to sunrise and Jason and Percy were sitting at the edge of the boardwalk. Jason’s legs were dangling over the edge while Percy had his back resting on the side of Jason’s arm his head tipped back cradled on the side of Jason’s neck and shoulder, he might have been sleeping, but he was surely comfortable.
Jason was flicking through the photos he’s taken trying to figure out which ones to use. Jason skims through the landscapes trying to decide if too many pictures of negative spaces would make people feel too depressed.
He clicks next and finds it reveals the one he took of Percy at an intersection with the street lights blinking in the background. The Percy in the picture was looking straight at the traffic light above them the traffic blurring almost like flowing water behind him. He took this just as Percy was trying to explain to him how not to get run over while walking the streets of New York. Both by cars and by people. Jason said he knew how to cross the street but Percy carried on and told him how to anyway. There was a lot of exaggerated hand holding and almost actually getting hit by a car.
He clicks next and then there’s a picture of Percy leaning just in front of a neon sign smoke wafting through the air from someone else’s cigarette. It was taken in such a way that you wouldn’t have guessed that the sign Percy was standing on was of a pizza place. Percy claimed it was one of the best in town and he couldn’t believe that Jason has never been there before. He burned his tongue on the hot pizza but he didn’t care he realized a while after because all he could think about was the bright expectant look on Percy’s face when he took his first bite. He wanted to take a picture of that too but he felt like it would ruin the moment. Some things are better preserved in a memory than a photograph.
The next picture is still of Percy. He isn’t looking at the camera in this one too but straight through it, at Jason. The photo caught Percy laughing at something Jason said, the look in his eyes fond and the smile bright. His cheeks were slightly red but Jason could attribute that to the cold night. What else could it be.
Jason was completely distracted as he was going through the photos that he didn’t notice Percy moving to to peer directly behind him.“Let me see a picture,” Percy murmured right next to his ear.
Jason was startled almost dropping the camera into the jagged rocks below. He quickly recovered clutching the camera tighter to his body hunching over himself protectively.
“Uh, What?” he asked.
Percy looked at him clearly amused. “Let me see some pictures.”
Uh oh. “Uhh…”
“Come on,” Percy moved closer into his space trying to pry the camera out of his arms from behind him wrapping his arms around Jason.
Jason was overtly aware of the situation and their current positions.
“I’ll show you later,” Jason promised thinking maybe he could quickly take out the memory card.
“What’s wrong with right now?” Percy insisted. He changed tactics and suddenly the arms around him were no longer trying to grapple the camera out of Jason’s grasp but coaxing him to loosen up. Hands travelled from up his forearms to rest on his shoulders kneading them comfortingly.
“The battery is going to die,” Jason reasoned his voice a little bit strangled.
“You have three more in your bag.”
“The screen is tiny.”
Percy could feel Jason cracking and Jason knows Percy knows he’s cracking but he won’t give up that easy.
“It’s not ready yet,” Jason tried to reason again knowing full well it was futile.
“Just show me,” Percy said his voice impeccably closer now to Jason’s ear.
Jason turned his head and was now face to face with Percy, who was looking victoriously at him. What he wouldn’t give to capture this moment right now and let it live in a photograph forever. Percy looking at him that ever present twinkle in his eye sparkling, hair tousled by the breeze with the city behind them slowly coming to life. He wanted to look at the vision in front of him forever, but in a blink of an eye, as quick as a camera shutter, the air changed. Now, charged with a tension inexplicable. Jason was too aware of his breathing. Too aware of every inhale and exhale. Too aware of the too little space in between them.
Before Jason could think of moving closer, closing the gap, Percy moved backward and pointed at the horizon forgetting all about the camsra and pictures.
“Wouldn’t want to miss the sunrise, right?” Percy said as he sat next to Jason, his legs swinging from the ledge. He didn’t go too far, on the contrary, he didn’t move away at all. Just turned and sat down with arm pressed closely along Jason’s.
As suddenly as it appeared the moment was gone and Jason felt like he imagined it all. Jason tried to swallow the lump in his throat and looked straight into the horizon. He bit his lip chiding himself for projection his own feelings to his best friend. The crux of it all though was at that before that blink-and-you’ll-miss it moment he knew he didn’t have a chance and he knew nothing would ever come of his feelings but then that moment came and he actually believed, even if only for a moment, that maybe… something. He marveled at how even just a second of hope could bring him down so spectacularly.
He fixed his eyes on the changing skies watching as the darkness was replaced with various the coming dawn. He took a moment to just look at it allowing himself to be captivated by it. He grabbed his camera and took a picture. He turned to look at Percy to take a picture of him too only to find Percy already looking back at him.
“Don’t you want to watch the sunrise?” Jason asked voice suddenly small.
“I’ve seen it before,” Percy shrugged looking at him smiling.
Jason’s heart was trying to beat out of his chest. If he didn’t know better he would think that Percy was going to actually do something. He knew better of course so he knew Percy wouldn’t lean in and close the gap.
Then Percy did something really strange and kissed him. Softly. Sweetly. Almost innocent. Just a peck. Jason felt his eyes close nonetheless. He didn’t open his eyes after the kiss. Instead he buried his face in Percy neck face burning his embarrassment.
“Hey,” Percy said voice suddenly filling with worry. “Hey, Jason. What’s wrong?”
Jason shook his head arms wrapping around Percy’s waist to pull him closer his shoulders shaking with laughter.
“Jason.” Percy moved away just far enough to make Jason look him in the eye. “Why are you laughing?”
Jason just laughed harder when he saw Percy’s pout. “I thought for a second there– I mean I thought you didn’t feel the same way.” He buried his face in Percy’s neck again because that seemed like the least embarrassing thing to do.
He could feel Percy chuckling but then he felt a hand running through his hair comfortingly.
“Well if it makes you feel better,” Percy said. “I do feel the same way. I don’t just give midnight city tours to just anyone you know.”
“Percy, shut up.”
“Make me.”
Jason took the challenge as it was supposed to be taken and pulled Percy’s face in and kissed him soundly. Making out at sunrise by the beach was not the way he thought this adventure would end but it is a wonderful way to start a new day wasn’t it?
When they eventually pulled away and Jason opened his eyes he saw Percy looking at him with a smug smile. He looks very proud of himself and he tells him so.
“You look proud of yourself,” Jason murmured.
“Little bit,” Percy admitted.
Jason couldn’t help himself and kissed him again.
Jason was in his bed with his laptop propped on his lap as he perused through all the pictures he’s taken– technically– yesterday. Percy was also in Jason’s bed under the covers sleeping peacefully.
Jason looked at Percy’s sleeping form and he couldn’t help but smile.
How’d he get so lucky, he thought.
Percy stirred from his slumber and turned to look at Jason with sleepy eyes.
“Go to sleep.” Percy closed Jason’s laptop and curled around his waist.
Jason couldn’t argue with that so he let himself be pulled down under the covers. Their arms finding their way around each other and their legs tangling with one another’s.
“You can take more pictures of me later,” Percy whispered as he burrowed further into Jason’s arms.
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Let. Him. Go.
Nobody is surprised that i have another dark jercy fic. This struck me out of nowhere, so i had to rush into my phone’s notes app to get it down. I hope you enjoy young ones :)
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Percy's wrists were bleeding. The rope burning into his skin; it felt like fire. He smirked at his captor.
"Is this the best you got?"
His words slurred, a product of a swollen jaw and a broken nose.
"You really have a death wish son of Poseidon?" The stranger spat.
"The universe has been trying to kill me since the day I was born. You do not scare me." He scoffed, wincing at the motion.
"You are tied up, bleeding out, and there is no-one coming to rescue you," Silver eyes glittered with arrogance, "And you are not even a little scared?"
Percy rolled his eyes, "Do you think you're special? Because so far you haven't given me any reason to be scared."
"Conceited child!" The stranger roared, slapping him. The crack echoed around the room.
"Are you done?" He deigned to laugh.
"Give me the key Percy Jackson,"
"I mean I don't really know why you think my answer would have changed since the last time you asked me. I. Don't. Have. It."
"You were the last one with it, you insolent fool. Don't you dare lie to me."
"What are you gonna do?" He smirked, "Kill me?"
The stranger cocked their gun, put the cool metal to Percy's forehead.
"Okay," He shrugged.
They clicked back the safety, pressing the weapon further into his skin, "Are you sure you don't know where the key is?"
"You know, I recall something about it." His lips twitched, holding back a smile.
The stranger pushed into his space, their noses brushing, "Where. Is. It?"
"Mhm no i was talking about my mom's apartment key. She lost it the other day and I think I remember where she put it."
The last thing Percy saw was a flash of silver before something slammed into the back of his skull.
He blinked, squinting at the harsh light over him.
"Ah you're awake,"
"You still haven't killed me?" He frowned, "Wow they really don't make villains like they used to."
"You think you're so funny half-blood," The stranger smiled, "But let's see who will be laughing now."
Before he had time to ask what was happening the door slammed open and a body was being thrown into the room.
He squinted trying to make out the figure in the darkness.
The person groaned, and then cursed as the silver-eyed stranger grabbed their hair and yanked them into the light.
Percy's body went still. The world narrowed, blurred, morphed.
His voice was made from malice and violence, "What the fuck is he doing here?"
"You do not want to tell me where the key is, so I thought i’d provide a little motivation."
"Let him go."
"No I don't think I will half-blood." And the stranger yanked harder at that beautiful blonde hair.
"Fucker," Percy spat, "Leave him out of this."
"Jason," He rasped, pulling at the ropes around his wrists. He needed to get to him, needed to touch him, hold him, make sure he was—
"Are you going to tell me where the key is Son of Poseidon?"
"Don't do it Percy," Jason Grace finally broke.
"Nobody asked for you opinion," The stranger wrapped a hand around the blonde's throat.
Percy let loose a broken scream.
"If I had known this would work I would have brought him in much sooner," The stranger grinned.
"Stop this Corrin, let him go. He doesn't have the key." Jason gasped, clawing at the hand still strangling him.
"No, don't you dare Grace," Percy's blood went cold.
"I'm sorry," Blue eyes blurred with tears, "I'm so sorry Pers,"
"I swear to the gods," His voice caught with fear, "Let him go!"
"Did Jason ever tell you how we met?" That smile was made of broken lies, and destruction.
"Let him go please," Percy's voice cracked, eyes still locked with that lightning gaze.
"We dated for a year," Corrin smirked, "I helped Krios rise, and I asked Jason to follow me. We could have had the world." He turned to face the blonde again, stroking a hand down his cheek, "We could have been unstoppable, my hero."
"I didn't want the world," Jason hissed, "I was happy with you and the legion."
"Liar, you were made for so much more. You know it and I know it." Silver eyes sparkled and it would have been beautiful if it did not mean death. "It's a pity really that I have to kill you."
A flash of bronze pressed against Jason's neck, blood already dripping slowly down that beautiful golden skin.
Percy smiled, slow and wicked. The earth shattered.
There was a bloodcurling scream, a flash of gold and then Percy Jackson was standing in front of a stranger with eyes of silver, impaled to the wall with pieces of concrete.
"I would have let you kill me, I would have let you torture me till I was begging for death. I would have signed on to be your slave if that's what you asked. But you decided to bring someone I love into this. And there are no lines, Corrin," He grinned, the name rolling off his tongue, "There are no lines I wouldn't cross to keep the people I love safe."
The stranger gurgled, blood leaking from his arms, his legs, his throat.
Percy stepped to him, put full lips to his ear, "The key," He whispered, "Is underneath the mountain I blew up when I was fifteen."
"Why are you telling me?" Corrin managed to gasp.
His smile was beautiful in its savagery, "Because you will not live to find it."
And with a single flick of his wrist Percy sliced those pieces of concrete through his pale throat.
Those silver eyes widened, hate flashing in them. Corrin did not move again.
"Percy," Jason groaned from the corner where he had been flung in the chaos.
"Are you okay?" He tried to hold in a sob as he pulled the blonde to him.
"I'm fine, are you okay? Oh gods you look horrible."
He laughed, "I've seen better days. I thought he was going to kill you," Long, dark eyelashes fluttered as he surveyed the boy before him.
"I thought he was going to kill you," Jason mumbled, pulling them together.
"He would have, i—" Percy breathed, "I would have let him. But you oh gods, he made you bleed and I saw red."
"I would have slaughtered him, burned the world if he killed you." Jason's voice scorched with fury.
"We are together now, my love." He whispered.
"Let's go home."
They each grabbed the chain that dangled elegantly around their necks, and watched as the metal molded, the glow giving away to reveal a key.
Percy Jackson and Jason Grace intertwined their fingers, stepped past the artwork of death mounted to the wall by jagged concrete pins, and walked into Olympus.
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Knock Me Down
Jercy Fic: Part I
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII
So this is my Jercy College AU! It only has two parts.......... But I can totally write more if you guys are enjoying it?
PLEASE LET ME KNOW! My ask box, comments, and posts are always open to your beautiful (and if it be so, unbeautiful) thoughts.
Anyway enjoy the "fluff" Jercy after all the dark stuff I've been throwing at you guys!
“Watch out!”
Percy whipped around watching in horror as a ball came flying towards his face.
A flash of blonde hair slammed straight into him and they both tumbled, hitting the ground hard enough to make their teeth ring.
Before Percy had time to register the pain or figure out who had knocked him out the way the blonde was already climbing off him and shouting to whoever threw the ball.
“What did you have to do that for Stoll?”
“I swear…“
Their conversation faded as they walked away. Percy lay face down on the ground, groaning as the impact of his knockdown hit him.
That guy was built like a damn truck, he thought.
Suddenly there was a shadow over his face, and he squinted up at the person standing above him.
“You need some help up bro?” The blonde smirked, offering a golden hand.
He debated declining but his bones felt like jelly and he honestly didn’t know if he could stand on his own.
With a disgruntled sigh he clasped calloused fingers and allowed himself to be hauled up.
And when Percy Jackson finally got a look at his saviour, he knew he was in such deep godly shit, because the boy before him was sculpted by Aphrodite herself.
Blonde hair ruffled from whatever game him and his friends were playing. He wanted to run his hands through it. A jawline sharp enough to cut stone. He wanted to lick his way up it. And oh gods, crackling blue eyes. He wanted to stare into those pools of lightning forever.
“Sorry about nearly flattening you. I figured a little bruising to your elbows would be better than a concussion.” The boy laughed, and Percy saw stars.
“I’m Jason Grace by the way.”
“Oh uh, I’m-“ Percy started, trying to snap out of his crushing attraction.
“I know who you are pretty boi,” Jason smirked, “I’m not sure there’s anyone on campus who doesn’t know the son of Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis.”
He blushed, clearing his throat, “Well thank you for um, knocking me out the way.”
Jason nodded, a smile tugging at his lips, “Be sure to get that scrape checked out.”
Percy looked to where he was pointing and stared in horror at the blood staining his jeans.
“We should hang out sometime pretty boi.”
Before he could reply, Jason Grace was gone.
Percy grimaced at his bloody knee once more and retrieved his skateboard from the bush it had escaped under during the whole ordeal.
The skate home was nothing short of a lesson in agonized patience. He was sure his teeth were dust after grinding them in an attempt to stave off the pain.
If only there was some magical cure, that preferably tasted like his mom’s choc-chip cookies, to fix injuries instantly. Alas a shower and a band-aid would have to do.
Percy hopped and winced and cursed through his shower but when he was finally clean and warm in a fresh pair of sweats he managed to sit down and observe his injuries.
His knee was scraped and bruised and there was a lovely blue spot forming on his elbow but other than that he was fairly unscathed. He had had worse skating injuries, much to his mother’s dismay.
Speaking of his mom, “Coming,” he yelled.
“Hey honey, how was your day?” Sally Jackson smiled, looking up from the dough she was kneading.
He moved around the counter to kiss her cheek and snuck a brownie from the plate, before going to sit opposite her.
“I’m good thanks. How’d the talk go today?”
Sally was an author who hosted and participated in book-related events. Percy never really got into it but was so proud of his mother, he often asked to hear her stories.
“Oh it was great!” Her sea-blue eyes lit up, “Paul really outdid himself with this event, and everyone in the English department are such honeys.”
He smiled at her, “I’m glad to hear it mom. What odd theme did he pull off this time?”
Paul always hosted an event at the varsity for his wife when she came out with a new book.
Sally laughed, “He went for the ‘under the sea,’ since my heroine is a siren and my hero is a pirate.”
“Actually, it’s because I wanted to bring your ocean eyes to life,” A voice from the archway piped up.
Percy rolled his eyes at the cheesiness but didn’t fight back a smile as his mom melted into her husband.
“So son,” Paul started, eyebrows raised.
He gulped, half choking on his brownie, “Yes?”
His stepdad’s lips twitched, “I heard you took a bit of a tumble today?”
His mind immediately dragged him back to the godly sight of Jason Grace.
“Uh yes, a guy pushed me out of the way before I got KO-ed by a ball.”
Sally giggled, “And who is this mysterious stranger that saved my son and is making him blush redder than my garden tomatoes?”
Her inquiries made him blush harder, “Jason Grace.”
“He sounds cute!”
“Mom,” He groaned
She just laughed and turned to talk to Paul.
Percy made his escape, deciding to skip supper in favour of a bag of Cheetos and some video games.
When he finally went to bed at 2 am the only thing looping through his mind was the sparkling eyes of a certain blonde boy.
He was so screwed.
When should I post part II???
Also did anyone peep the "To Kill A Kingdom" reference?!?!
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