#jensen x platonic reader
ellieslittleburrow · 5 months
Summary : Your phone dies just when you lied to your father about where you are. How does he react when he finds you?
Warnings : Being chased by somebody
A/N : woo woo! First Beau fic, thanks to @dreamerbouquet 🪷🪷 alsooooooooo, i'm so angry at how my writing is so repetitive yall 😭 i hate it i need a change.
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-- Your phone dies before you get to send that last text..
Fucking hell. You just lied too-you weren't right...quite on Ousel Falls, you're still in the woods near by, limping your way out as you dragged your bicycle through the mud.
You SOMEHOW trip over something and fly forward, landing over a broken branch that brushes your skin just enough to remove it.
Fuckking hell..
Thankfully, you know your way through the vast space and so you walk...and walk, spinning around when a creaking sounds behind you..."Hello?" You say, frantically looking around. Dear god...
Another creak sounds and a figure appears from afar, seemingly running towards you. A gasp escapes your lips and you push away the bicycle before spriting forward, in spite of your aching foot. You run and hop over branches, looking over your shoulder at the person running after you.
You didn't have time to back down, you thought of your father, what he'd do-Thankfully you're only a little under a mile away from the entrance of the woods, and so your feet spring faster-and as you look back once more, you bump into something-which you push away.
"N-No." You push agaisnt it-
"I'ts me, it's me-it's dad."
"We have to go they're com-"
"Calm down, calm down honey-it's just a bunch of kids" Your dad shakes your body gently, leaning close to you to get your attention. "They ran away already, just a bunch of kids."
You take a breather, processing as your heatbeat starts slowing down...
"Come here." He says, pulling you into his chest, one hand envelopping your back and the other resting over the back of your head. "Dear god...you scared me-i thought-" He shut himself up, proceeding with a long sigh.
You pull away from him, biting your lip in an attempt to dtop your quivering chin. "I'm sorry...i-" a sob escapes your throat and you lean back into his chest- Relief has finally hit you and your muscles relaxed... "i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you-or for my phone to die i-"
He interrupts you, pulling you away firmly. And when your eyes meet, a wave of emotions travels through his eyes. He looks worried and sad and relieved and angry, all of which overwhelm you.
"What did i say about going to the woods alone?" His voice is firm. But the tenderness in his furrowed eyebrows isn't. "What did i say about that?" He demands a response and you just don't have one.
"I-i m-i don't know-I I didn't take it that seriously-" you stop yourself, hell..you just exposed yourself-you shouldn't have.. "i'm sorry."
Your dad rubs your back "It's okay.." He rests his chin over your head, temporarily planting kisses on it.
"It's okay...i'm here now." Your dad reassures you one last time before stepping back. "Do we need to go to the hospital?" He kneels down when his attention lands on your bleeding leg.
"No, no need for that." You reassure him back, staggering back when he held your leg up a little high. You rested your hand on his shoulder, balancing yourself. "I'm okkay."
You're not-You wince as your father examines what turns out to be an open cut.
"Can you walk?"
You roll your eyes. "Dad, it's not that serious it's just a c-"
"Can you or can you not?" He cuts you off.
"I caaaan..." You groan in annoyance. It's a lie but-he's already tired enough
"Okay....let's go then. If i notice you're limping i'm carrying you back." He orders and a smile appears on your face.
"Okay" You can't fight that. "Thank you."
"I'm...i'm just glad you're okay, honey."
I wish i could've made this one longer. But i'm too tired. Anyway, kissies yall, i hope you enjoyed reading this 🥀🥀🥀❤️❤️❤️
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castiwls · 6 months
brother, brother - d.w
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Paring; dean & sister!reader
Synopsis; John Winchester was never a great father but where he failed someone else stepped up
Warnings; none
Notes; this has been sitting in my drafts for ages omg
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You smiled at your brother as he appeared beside you, beers in hand. He passed one to you as he took a seat on the bonnet beside you. “Thanks.” You smiled before taking a sip. Your brother nodded before taking a sip of his own drink. 
“Remember how dad flipped the first time dad caught you drinking? Man, I think I saw fire in his eyes.” Your brother chuckled turning his head to take at you. “Oh yeah. I think that was the first time I ever faced his wrath.” You joked bumping shoulders with him. “I think I was too drunk to truly care to be completely honest.”
“You were a mess. I spent most of that night awake in case you were sick.” He shook his head. “Then you actually were sick.” He rolled his eyes. You grimaced slightly. “Please don’t remind me,” You took another sip. “Being sick on the floor in front of my younger brother was bad enough. I think I traumatised Sam that day.” 
Dean laughed. “Traumatised Sam!? It was me who had to clean it up, missy.” He exclaimed. “And I was very thankful you did.” You joked before looking out into the empty field. 
Your childhood was a touchy subject. Something which all three of you chose not to talk about unless necessary. Growing up you’d always known that your home life was less than normal, that your dad never acted in the way you saw dad’s on the TV act.
As you’d grown up you’d simply come to the conclusion that maybe John Winchester was never meant to be a dad, sure for the first two years of your life he’d played the part but even then you knew it wasn’t perfect. 
“You look like you're thinking quite hard there, you okay?” Dean bumped his shoulder with you drawing you back into the present. “I’m fine, just thinking…” You trailed off looking down at the drink in your hands. You felt your brother wrap an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer.
You both fell back into a comfortable silence for a moment before you turned your head to face him “You were more of a father to me than he ever was,” You smiled at your brother “Just so you know.”
Dean pressed a kiss to your forehead before resting his head on top of yours.
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pinchofhoney · 1 year
Omg Dean Winchester x Reader (platonic) where Dean and Sam are on a hunt and maybe reader was kidnapped??? And when they save her, she just immediately gets attached to Dean? Like she can't leave his side and at first he's really annoyed but eventually gets used to it?
(Sorry for all of my platonic requests I just don't see enough of them 😅)
frozen fear
dean winchester x fem!reader
word count: 2.9k
warning: platonic relationship, mild swearing, one description may be disturbing to some readers, comfort
summary: Life has a way of humbling even the bravest, and it's not always a gentle lesson.
a/n: hello!! thank you so much for your request! i had a lot of fun working on it; while planning the plot i felt the same feeling i had when writing my little fiction stories before my disappearance and honestly i missed it a lot!! but, in the middle of writing, i realized that it escaped my attention that you wanted it to be just sam with dean on the hunt, so unfortunately the text i wrote will be a little different from your request:(( i'm so sorry, i hope you enjoy the story anyway!
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
taglist: @wolfmoonmusic @alexxavicry @one-sweet-gubler @lonelywitchv2
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gif is not mine, credit to @/justjensenanddean
You shifted onto your back, letting your tired eyes wander across the shadowy ceiling. The wall clock's relentless ticking concealed the time, but you were certain that sleep should have already claimed you by now. Resting in one of the motel's less-than-cozy beds, nestled near Telluride, Colorado, the room's silence was intermittently shattered by Dean's unrelenting snoring, which was pushing you to the brink of madness.
With a soft sigh, you raised yourself into a seated position, your hands cradling your tired face, a silent battle raging within you to resist the urge to suffocate Dean with a pillow. Your gaze darted to the sleeping Sam, then settled on Dean's back as he lay on his side.
You arrived in town alongside the Winchester brothers, ready to tackle a puzzling string of mountain disappearances. The circumstances surrounding the case remained a mystery to you, with the root cause still shrouded in uncertainty. Although you had your suspicions, you knew there was plenty of work ahead, and the prospect of a sleepless night didn't exactly lift your spirits.
You arched your head back, returning your gaze to the ceiling as another sigh escaped your lips. At last, you shifted your legs over the edge of the bed, rising to your feet. Your hand reached for one of the brothers' jackets, and with a simple motion, you exited the room. You hoped that a quick walk in the cold, fresh night air could make you sleepy. Maybe the wind will whip me into such a state that I'll lose my hearing and finally drift off to sleep, you thought slightly amused, looking for positives in this pathetic situation.
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The sun's faint morning rays began to seep through the curtains of the dimly lit motel room. Sam stirred in his bed, his sleep-laden eyes blinking open as he noticed the absence of a familiar presence beside him. He frowned and turned his head, only to find an empty bed where you had been resting just hours before.
Sam sat up abruptly, his heart racing as he scanned the room. Dean, who had been sprawled out in another bed, all this time snoring softly, was now roused by Sam's sudden movement. He blinked blearily, struggling to comprehend the situation.
“Dean!” Sam hissed urgently, his voice tinged with alarm. “Wake up! Y/N's gone!”
Dean sat up sluggishly, not entirely comprehending the commotion. As far as he was concerned, there was no need for alarm. Nobody had forcefully confined you to the room, so it seemed obvious to him that you had simply risen early for a morning stroll.
“Sam, relax,” Dean muttered, not quite grasping the gravity of the situation yet. “Y/N probably stepped out for breakfast or something. She'll be back.”
But as Sam's gaze darted around the room, he noticed something that heightened his unease. “Dean,” he said, his voice tinged with increasing concern, pointing at the empty hook where Dean's jacket should have been hanging.
Dean finally started to stir fully awake, glancing at the vacant hook, and then back at Sam. “Okay, so maybe Y/N took my jacket too. It's not a big deal.”
As Dean spoke, Sam's eyes fell upon something on the nightstand. It was your phone, usually never left behind. He grabbed it and held it up for Dean to see. “Dean, Y/N's phone is here,” Sam said with a sense of growing concern. “She wouldn't have gone anywhere without it.”
Dean's eyebrows furrowed as the realization set in. The absence of both you and your phone suddenly felt more ominous. “Alright, let's not jump to conclusions,” he said, though the unease in his voice was palpable. “We'll wait a little longer, but if she doesn't come back soon, we need to check things out and see if there's anything else strange going on.”
The rhythmic ticking of the wall clock served as a relentless reminder of time slipping away
Dean fought to keep his emotions in check, methodically going about his morning routine, from toothbrush to getting dressed. His emotions were simmering beneath the surface, but he was determined not to let them get the best of him.
Meanwhile, Sam perched at the table, your mobile phone resting prominently before him. His gaze remained fixed on the device, a glimmer of hope that you might soon breeze through the room door, bearing coffee and a bagel, filling the space with your familiar presence.
“It's a quarter past eight already,” Sam remarked, his eyes shifting to his brother. He leaned on the table, his fingers anxiously toying with the first signs of stubble on his chin. “We have no idea when she left,” he added with a touch of frustration.
Dean pondered the situation briefly, meeting Sam's gaze before letting out an exasperated huff. “Damn it,” he muttered under his breath, his annoyance clear in his expression and tone.
The mounting tension in the room finally propelled the brothers into action. Dean grabbed his flannel shirt, throwing it on, and Sam slipped your phone into his pocket before they headed toward the motel room door.
“We’ve got to figure out what’s going on,” Sam declared, his voice determined.
Dean nodded in agreement, his jaw set. “I swear I'm gonna fucking kill her if she's just making fun of us.”
As they prepared to leave, Sam hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering over the doorknob. He glanced back at the room, a glimmer of hope still flickering in his eyes. “Let's leave the door unlocked,” he said quietly, as much to reassure himself as Dean. “Just in case Y/N comes back.”
With that, they stepped out into the brisk morning, making quick strides in the direction of the parked Impala.
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You slowly regained consciousness, a disorienting haze clouding your senses. Your body ached with a piercing pain, and a strange, unpleasant feeling gnawed at you. Panic coursed through your veins as you tried to make sense of your surroundings.
It was pitch black, and you couldn't see a thing. The air was thick with a noxious stench that seemed to cling to your very skin. Your head throbbed with a dull ache, and you groaned, attempting to move, only to realize that your limbs were bound, and you couldn't feel solid ground beneath you.
Panic turned to terror as your hands met resistance above your head. You strained your neck, struggling to see what lay beyond you. And then, as your eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, the horrifying truth revealed itself.
You were hanging from the ceiling, head down, alongside two other lifeless bodies. Their forms dangled grotesquely, and it was clear they had been here for some time, their lifeless eyes staring into nothingness.
The realization hit you like a sledgehammer. You were trapped in a Wendigo's cave, your own fate hanging precariously above you. Your heart pounded, and terror coursed through your veins as you fought to remain as still and silent as possible, praying that the creature responsible for this nightmare wouldn't return anytime soon.
As you pored over the Winchester brothers' father's journal, your suspicions honed in on the Wendigo as the likely culprit behind the recent disappearances. Still, you couldn't help but question the accuracy of your deduction. While it was true that the brothers had successfully hunted down one of these creatures before, encountering a Wendigo in Colorado felt like a rare occurrence, far from their usual hunting grounds.
There was no room for doubt now, but finding yourself on the potential victim list hardly allowed you to relish your accurate suspicions.
Your heart raced in your chest, its thunderous beats resonating in your ears like a drumroll of dread. The blood surged to your face, turning it into a stifling mask of heat and anxiety. What made it all the more unbearable was the uncertainty, not knowing how long you'd been hanging there or when the fiendish creature might return to its lair.
Straining your ears, you listened intently for any hint of the creature's reappearance, but the stifling silence held sway.
Then, a faint yet unmistakable sound reached your ears—a distant shuffle, accompanied by muffled voices. Hope surged within you as you recognized the voices. It was Sam and Dean.
Tears welled up in your eyes as their voices drew nearer, and you struggled to rein in the overwhelming rush of relief and joy. Their flashlights cast wavering beams that danced eerily on the cave walls as they advanced cautiously.
“Y/N?” Sam's voice reverberated through the cave, laced with concern.
You managed a weak response, your voice trembling with emotion. “Here!”
Their flashlights swept over you, illuminating your precarious predicament. A mixture of shock and unwavering determination twisted their faces as they took in the horrifying scene before them.
A wave of relief washed over you like a soothing tide as Sam and Dean hurried to your side. Sam swiftly sized up the situation, his nible fingers skillfully working to free you from your bindings. With each passing moment, the suffocating grip of fear and captivity began to loosen its hold.
Dean, standing guard with unwavering vigilance, maintained a watchful eye on the cave's entrance, ensuring that the Wendigo wouldn't return to catch you in a vulnerable moment. His weapon remained poised and ready
As Sam's efforts finally set you free, you were lowered gently to the cave floor. Weak and disoriented, you clung to him, finding solace in the reassuring presence of your friends amidst the foreboding darkness that had held you captive.
With you safely on the cave floor, Sam turned his attention to your well-being, his concern etched on his face. “Y/N, are you okay? Can you stand?”
You nodded weakly, your voice quivering from a mixture of exhaustion and unease. “I think so.”
In response, Dean allowed himself a small sigh of relief, his furrowed brow smoothing out somewhat. He turned his attention back to you, his worry palpable. “Can you fill us in, Y/N? We all went to bed in the motel room, and now you're hanging in this cave. What the heck happened?”
Balancing yourself with Sam's support, you drew in a steadying breath to calm your frazzled nerves. “I don't know, Dean,” you confessed, your voice laced with a mixture of fear and frustration. “Your snoring was so deafening that I was on the brink of committing a crime. I had to escape the room for some respite, and then... Then I woke up here, like this, with no idea how I ended up in this nightmare.”
The haunting memory of that heart-stopping moment lingered in the air, causing your eyes to brim with tears once more. It was at this very moment that the full weight of the situation began to sink in—what might have befallen you, the chilling possibility of ending up like the lifeless body you had been hanging beside just moments ago.
As you gazed upon the concerned expressions of the men, the urge to reassure them that you were alright welled up within you. You only needed a little time to collect yourself. However, something beyond their shoulders seized your attention with a grip far stronger.
Your eyes widened in sheer terror, and your heart raced, momentarily clouding your thoughts with a hazy fog of panic. It took you a precious moment to summon the words, but finally, your voice found a way past your constricted vocal cords. “D-Dean!” you exclaimed with a raised voice, your trembling finger pointing emphatically toward the gaping maw of the cave entrance.
Your panicked cry pierced the cave's silence, and the Winchester brothers pivoted toward the cave entrance, their expressions shifting from concern to sheer determination.
Before your eyes, the Wendigo emerged from the shadows, its grotesque form illuminated by the flickering light of Sam and Dean's flashlights. The monster snarled, a chilling, otherworldly sound that sent shivers down your spine.
Sam and Dean wasted no time. With a practiced synchronicity born from years of hunting, they unleashed a torrent of fire upon the creature. Flames danced and crackled in the cave's depths, casting unnatural, shifting shadows.
The Wendigo roared in agony as the flames consumed it, its monstrous form writhing in torment. The stench of burning flesh and the creature's wails filled the cave, creating a nightmarish tableau of desperation.
You wanted to do something, to help the Winchesters in some way, but fear paralyzed you. You'd encountered countless demons, monsters, and shapeshifters in the past, but facing this particular breed of creature was an entirely unprecedented experience for you.
As the Wendigo was consumed by the flames, its otherworldly shrieks reached a deafening crescendo before being abruptly silenced. The once-terrifying monster was now nothing more than a pile of smoldering ashes, its threat extinguished by the relentless fire.
Sam and Dean turned to you, their expressions now radiant with a mixture of exhaustion and relief. Sam extended a hand toward you, his eyes filled with understanding. “Come on, Y/N, let's get out of here.”
You nodded, your throat still tight with the remnants of fear, and took Sam's hand as he helped you to your feet. Dean followed, his grip firm on your shoulder, offering silent support.
The three of you made your way out of the cave, stepping back into the cool night air of the Colorado woods. The moon cast a pale, comforting glow upon the landscape, a stark contrast to the horrors you had just faced.
As you reached the Impala parked nearby the forest, Dean spoke, his voice tinged with weariness. “We'll head back to the motel, Y/N. You need some rest.”
Sam nodded in agreement as he opened the car door for you. “And a hot shower wouldn't hurt either.”
You climbed into the car, the leather seats offering a welcome comfort. Dean took the driver's seat, and Sam settled in beside you.
The engine roared to life, and as the Impala rumbled down the winding forest road, Sam turned to you with a small, reassuring smile. “You did great back there, Y/N. We've got your back.”
The only source of comfort during this terrible ordeal was Dean's jacket, now worn and stained. It still clung to your shoulders, providing a bit of solace. You folded your arms across your chest, embracing the jacket's familiar warmth as if it was a security blanket. Taking a deep breath, you tried to reassure yourself that the nightmare was over and you were now safe.
Recent events had shattered your belief in your own fearlessness, exposing the simple truth that you had a long way to go before you could match Sam and Dean's hunting prowess. Yet, uncertainty gnawed at you, making you question whether you were truly prepared to reach their level of expertise.
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Weeks drifted by, and the memories of the Wendigo's cave continued to haunt your every waking moment. Anxiety had taken root deep within you, coiling around your thoughts like a relentless serpent. To cope, you found solace in staying as close to Dean Winchester as possible, as if his presence alone could shield you from the lingering horrors.
However, this newfound need for constant presence began to grate on Dean's nerves. He valued his personal space and independence, and your persistent closeness was beginning to wear on him.
One evening, as you shadowed his every move in the bunker, Dean couldn't help but voice his frustration. “Y/N,” he began, his tone laced with irritation, “I appreciate you being cautious, but you don't have to be glued to my side every second.”
Your eyes widened, and you stammered a response, “I-I'm just trying to be safe, Dean. You know, in case something happens again.”
Dean sighed, his irritation softening into understanding as he looked at you. He leaned in closer, his voice gentle but firm. “Y/N, I know you're scared, and it's okay to be cautious. But you have to remember, we're hunters. Our lives are filled with risks, and we've faced worse than that Wendigo together.”
He continued, his eyes locking onto yours, “You're safe now. I won't let anything happen to you, but you also have to take care of yourself. Being a hunter means facing fear head-on, and sometimes that means standing on your own two feet.”
You nodded slowly, the weight of his words sinking in. Dean was right; you couldn't let fear rule your life forever.
With Dean's words echoing in your mind, you began to make a conscious effort to rely on yourself more. There were moments when you found the courage to try out on your own, even if it was just for a short while, to confront the remnants of your fear. Gradually, you felt a glimmer of your old, independent self resurfacing.
But there were still times when the weight of anxiety bore down on you, and in those moments, you sought solace in Dean's presence. You found comfort in his unwavering support and understanding. He noticed your struggles and approached them with patience and acceptance.
Instead of pushing you away when you clung to him, Dean embraced your need for reassurance. He let you lean on him when the anxiety became overwhelming, understanding that healing was a gradual process. Whether it was a reassuring word, a comforting touch, or simply his silent presence, Dean was there for you.
You both found a balance. You were getting better at facing your fears, and Dean was getting better at being there when you needed support.
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daughterofcain-67 · 10 months
𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕤
(Dean Winchester x Female Reader)
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𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝: Dean Winchester + mistletoe + you'd make a cute elf = chef's kiss (@atrox-fortuna)
Hello sweetie! I absolutely loved this idea and had a great time writing this and I really hope you enjoy this! Thank you again for suggesting this idea, love! ❤️❤️❤️
𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝: Oh okay. Dean Winchester and Beau Arlen for all of them. Secret Santa and you’d look cute as an elf for both. Sitting by a fire. Both. Yes to alllll (@hobby27)
Hi sweetness! I’ve got a number of ideas for both Beau and Dean but I hope you enjoy this one for “you’d make a cute elf” and I will be sure to tag you in other posts with Secret Santa and Sitting by a Fire! Thank you for your support, Love ❤️❤️❤️
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Christmas isn’t celebrated often by the Winchesters and it mostly depended on if they were tangled up in saving the world again or occupied with another hunt. This year, though, you wanted to make sure Sam and Dean would be able to celebrate the holidays and enjoy themselves for once.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: None, just a bunch of Christmas fluff!
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The Holiday season seemed to be up in the air every year for the Winchesters. Sometimes they would be able to celebrate, other times they were typically on yet another hunt and they were neck deep in whatever they were doing to celebrate. Let’s say the average Christmas the Winchesters had was maybe once every five years or so.
This year, though, you were determined to give the Winchesters the best Christmas they’ve ever had, whether they were on a hunt or not. You noticed that in the three years that you’ve lived in the bunker with them, that they never even decorate! This would be your fourth Christmas with the brothers and you were determined for that to change.
This was your favorite time of the year, not that it was necessarily always wonderful like the song implied, but you were the type of person that liked to give gifts, you liked to surprise people. You wanted to surprise Sam and Dean and make them happy, give them something to look forward to even though they didn’t know they were supposed to look forward to something when they’d come home.
Dean, your boyfriend of a year and a half, and his little brother were off in Montana somewhere for a week for some hunt that they thought could be a Wendigo. You wouldn’t know the results of the hunt until they would come back but in the meantime, you had a mission of your own.
You took one of the bigger vehicles in the Bunker’s garage, one that had a big enough bed in the back to fit whatever decorations you needed. Of course you knew that you could always order offline, but you wanted to go out and about. There was just something different about shopping in person every once in a while that you enjoyed.
You found yourself at the nearest Walmart and you were glad that it was still early December so not all of the decorations were limited. You went to the holiday section in the store and saw all of the different ornaments and began to wonder what the boys would like.
“They’re all about flannel…” You spoke to yourself under your breath so you started to look at some red and black, possibly some silver ornaments. You saw some of those colors and you picked them up and put them in the cart you were pushing around. Then you came across the other ornaments that were a little more random, others would call them a little more personal.
Your eyes widened when you saw two specific animals, a moose and a squirrel. Both of them were wearing adorable little Christmas caps and you instantly picked them up and put them in the cart, knowing you couldn’t possibly pass those up. Then you saw a computer ornament that would be perfect for Sam, a pie for Dean, a pair of cowboy boots because you knew Dean liked his cowboys and western tings, then you picked up a magnifying glass for Sam since he liked true crime related things with serial killers and unsolved mysteries.
Then you were even able to find some ornaments for yours and the boys’ friends and you thought they would be good additions to the tree. You grabbed a fairy for Charlie since she liked fantasy, although you thought it would be better if it were a dragon or even a D20, but maybe you could find something like that online if you changed your mind later down the road. For Jody Mills, you found a star since she was a sheriff. For Garth, you found a little wolf since he was a lycanthrope now. As for some of your other friends, you would need to shop online for some of their ornaments such as Castiel. You thought it would be a little too cliche to get angel wings as Cass’ ornament, but maybe a trenchcoat? Or possibly a giraffe since you knew Crowley had called him that once or maybe twice.
Along with the ornaments, you grabbed some red and silver garland and you even found some red cardinals that you thought were adorable, so you picked up a few of those as well. They were one of your favorite birds especially since you liked the meaning behind them and what it meant when one would visit you.
While you were on the hunt for any other decorations for the bunker, you could hear your phone ringing. You pulled out the device from your pocket and smiled when you saw Charlie’s name pop up on the screen. You answered the call instantly and held up the phone to your ear, “Hey, Stranger!”
“What’s up, bitch!” You laughed at her typical greeting.
“It’s good to hear from you! How’ve you been?” You asked as you grabbed a wreath for the door.
“I’ve been good. Little busy now that I’ve started hunting too, but it’s nothing too hectic right now. What have you been up to?” Charlie asked on the other line.
“Well, other than struggling to keep the boys in line when they’re home, things have been pretty good. I’m actually at the store getting some decorations for the bunker as a surprise. You know it’s been almost four years since I’ve lived with them and they haven’t celebrated Christmas?”
“Damn, that long? Well I know they’ll be super excited. You said it was a surprise? Are they gone from the bunker right now?”
“Yeah, some hunt in Montana. They’ll be gone for a week so I wanted to do this while they were away.”
“Well let me help you! I’m in the neighborhood right now actually so I can help you decorate the joint so you don’t have to do it all by yourself.” She insisted and you grinned.
“Really? That would be a great help.”
“Of course! You know I’d do anything for you and those boys! Do you want me to pick up anything before I head on over?” Charlie asked and you hummed as you tried to think.
“Well, not that I can think of right now. But how long will you be in town? I’m starting to wonder if we should have some kind of tree decorating party or something at the bunker and get some friends over.” You admitted.
“People still do that kind of thing? Honestly I probably won’t be in town that long but I’ll make you a deal for next year. If you manage to decorate the bunker next year and you plan out a tree decoration party or whatever, then I’ll go and even let Garth know about it if I run into him!” Charlie promised.
“But for now since it’s been a while for the boys, what if the three of you decorated the tree by yourselves this year and make it special. And don’t forget the mistletoe.” You could hear your friend chuckle on the other line and you smiled.
“Yeah, I supposed Dean would get a kick out of that.” You chuckled.
“Let me know when you’re on the way back to the bunker and I’ll meet you there!”
After the phone call you realized that you had gotten a text from Dean and you grinned. It was sweet that he would check in every once in a while when he was away on a hunt just so you knew he was okay and hadn’t been killed or anything like that.
DW: Hey, Sweetheart. Sammy and I got to the hotel already and now we’re off to the camp grounds to see if this really could be a Wendigo we’re dealing with.
Y/N: Hey! I’m glad you guys made it to the hotel! If you need anything just let me know, and be safe out there!
DW: Will do, Darlin. I’ll call you sometime tonight.
You smiled at the thought of him calling that night.
When you put the phone in your pocket, you left the decoration section and started looking at Christmas trees. You wanted the perfect tree to put in the Bunker. You weren’t sure if you wanted the tree to be pre-lit or not, although it would be a little more convenient that way. You didn’t exactly want to struggle with untangling those lights.
Honestly you hadn’t had any idea the types of trees people came up with. You were under the impression for so long that Christmas trees were just green, sometimes pre-lit, but the only difference you thought of were the sizes. But as you walked through the store, you saw that there were white trees, some of the trees had some sort of artificial snow on them, some of the trees were different colors like pink, red, purple or even blue, and you saw some black trees as well.
You supposed a lot of people were more creative to come up with some sort of themes and use these trees. Maybe they used Pinterest a lot. You thought the boys would prefer a traditional tree, so that was what you were going with.
Once you found the perfect tree for the Bunker, you bought it and one of the workers helped you get it to the car. You just hoped that this little surprise would put a smile on Sam and Dean’s faces.
They deserved a little positivity in their lives.
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That week seemed to have passed by faster than you thought that it would and you couldn’t thank Charlie enough for helping you decorate the Bunker earlier this week. The place looked great and you were so excited for their reactions.
You knew that the boys would be coming home tonight so you decided to go ahead and make something for dinner. You knew Dean needed a break from the burgers and fries, at least according to both you and Sam.
You were in the kitchen and you were making some Philly cheesesteak stuffed bell peppers. It was simply a recipe that you found off Pinterest that was a little different. It was something a little healthier that you knew your boyfriend’s brother would appreciate. You thought Dean might like the Philly cheesesteaks aspect of it, but just incase he didn’t you had a cherry pie baked.
While you were in the middle of taking peppers out of the oven so you could put the pie in the oven, you heard the door open followed by two sets of footsteps. Of course you knew exactly who they belonged to and once you put the pie in the oven, you took off your apron and started walking out so you could see the look on their faces.
Just as you were beginning to make it into the bunker you could hear Dean’s voice first, “Y/N?”
“I’m here.” You chuckled and both the boys saw you from the top of the stairs before looking back out in the lobby area of the bunker.
You and Charlie had strung up lights along the railing of the stairs, there were lights wrapped around the pillars that would lead to each room. On the table that was practically a global map, you had a red and black plaid flannel tablecloth as well as some cotton stuffing to resemble fake snow on the table. On top of the stuffing, you had a little Christmas village that had sort of a western theme to it that you knew Dean would love.
Of course that would be the first thing the boys would see but you had a bit more up your sleeve than that.
“Hey, boys! How did it go?” You asked with a smile as the two started walking down the stairs.
“It went well, but what is all this? When did you have the time for all of this?” Dean asked.
“Well while the two of you were out this week, I thought I’d decorate the place.” You grinned proudly.
“This looks amazing, Y/N. You didn’t have to do it all by yourself, did you?” Sam asked and you shook your head.
“Nope. Luckily for me, Charlie happened to be in town so she helped me out with a lot of it, if not most of it. I just wrapped up the finishing touches this morning.” You admitted.
“Wait, Charlie was here too? She was in on this whole thing?” Dean asked and you nodded.
“Yep! I told her that it would be a surprise for you boys and she hopped right on the opportunity to jump in when she could. But now she’s on her way to Wyoming if I’m not mistaken.”
“We’ll definitely have to give her a call and tell her thanks for the help on this.” Dean insisted and you smiled.
“And I’m sure she’d love to get a call from the both of you. Now go and wash up so we can eat dinner. You both smell like sweat and Wendigo guts.” You laughed.
“Alright, alright. We’ll go.” Sam said and he was the first to walk off to the library.
“Thanks for the surprise, Darlin.” Dean said before he leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“Oh this isn’t all of-“ you started to add before you were interrupted.
“Dean! You’re gonna want to see this!” You both could hear Sam calling from the library, causing you to smile a little smugly.
“What did you do?” Dean asked you, only for you to shrug.
“Why don’t you go with your brother and find out?” You smirked.
Dean raised a brow before he started walking into the library. You walked beside him because you couldn’t wait to see the reaction on his face. The moment when you saw Dean’s expression turn from confusion to excitement, you knew that all of this was worth it. This was exactly the expression you wanted to see as you watched the smile appear on his face.
“Holy smokes!”
On the tables where Sam, Dean and you all tended to do research, you had some plaid table clothes that matched the one in the lobby. These just didn’t have any snow or villages on them. Instead, these tables still had the lamps on top of them but they also had some candles that would make the room smell a little more like Christmas when they were lit up.
Along the bookshelves, you had some lights on the tops of them as well as some more of the fake snow. There were some penguins and some polar bears on the tops of the shelves that weren’t occupied by some kind of legendary weapon and what not. Then on the other pillars in the library, you had wrapped some lights around those as well.
Finally, in the opening and in front of the telescope at the end of the library was a tall, pre-lit, plain looking Christmas tree that was just waiting to be decorated.
“Y/N, this just keeps getting better and better! This is amazing!” Dean insisted and you chuckled a little.
“I’m glad you like it, but you guys go ahead and wash up and get dressed in something more comfortable. I’ll finish up with dinner and after that we can decorate the tree.” You insisted.
“You sound like such a mom, Y/N” Sam laughed and you snickered.
“Careful, Sammy. She could take your laptop privileges if you don’t do what she says.” Dean teased back.
“Or I can take your pie privileges and you won’t get any after dinner. Which would be a shame because it’ll be fresh out of the oven too.” You said and put your hands on your hips.
“She told you. And it would be a shame if you lost pie privileges. It smells like it’s cherry too.” Sam said.
You watched as Dean’s eyes widened and he rushed to the room so he could hurry up and get washed up and changed, causing you and Sam to laugh amongst yourselves. It was like there was nothing on God’s earth that could keep Dean away from pie.
Once everyone was changed into something more comfortable you guys ate dinner. Sam was dressed in a navy blue v-neck with some black pajama pants, Dean had a black t-shirt that was a little snug and some red and black plaid pajama pants, and you had on one of dean’s black shirts and some green sweatpants with a little snowman on one of the pant legs.
Dinner was a little amusing you supposed. Of course Dean complained about dinner not being something greasy like a burger or pizza. Sam seemed to like it though, but both you and Sam found it amusing that after the complaining, Dean ended up getting seconds. It never hurt to change things up a bit, give his intestines a change of pace.
Then a little while after, you guys had a slice of the cherry pie, which Dean practically inhaled in a matter of minutes. Then again you couldn’t expect anything less from the pie loving man.
After dinner, you cleared off the table and you three decided to go ahead and decorate the Christmas tree!
You played a little Christmas music in the background and watched as the two hunters tried to figure out how they should arrange the garland on the tree. Then came some of the cardinals, and eventually it was time for the ornaments!
“Where do you think people get the idea for some of these ornaments. I mean who decided it would be a good idea for these animals to be on a tree?” Sam asked while he was hanging up his little moose. Naturally it was in a higher spot on the tree since he was practically a giant.
“Maybe zookeepers wanted to have Christmas trees too.” Dean chuckled as he hung up his squirrel somewhere in the middle.
You smiled as you hung up the fairy that reminded you of Charlie on the tree. You hoped that all of your friends were doing well and that they would be able to celebrate Christmas too one way or another.
“Okay, random thought.” You started so you guys could have some kind of conversation while decorating, “Santa Claus… real or not real?”
“Are you kidding? No, he’s not real.” Sam said right off the bat.
“Wait, why not, Sammy? I mean we’ve come across less believable things. Hell, your imaginary friend turned out to be real.” Dean piped up.
“Come on, Dean. No one, magic or otherwise, cannot travel the entire world in a single night and manage to hit up every single house or apartment.”
“Okay but you forget,” You said, “Not all of the houses necessarily celebrate Christmas, nor do they have children in some of the houses. So that eliminates some of the houses that he would have to go to.”
“Yeah, not to mention that even with the houses that do have kids celebrating Christmas, they may not believe in Santa either and their parents buy them gifts instead. So there goes even more of the houses that he would need to visit.” Dean continued.
“Okay okay, I guess I’ll buy that argument but that still leaves like a zillion houses either way you look at it. And then there’s the amount of time that it would take for Santa to get to those houses. It takes Dean and I a couple of days to go to certain states just here in the US. Santa has to travel internationally.” Sam argued.
“Okay, while I firmly believe that Baby has a magic all her own, we don’t exactly have a sleigh or flying reindeer, Sammy.” Dean reminded.
“Have you guys stopped to consider the fabled magic Santa has? What if he’s just some kind of which or sorcerer? He could easily have placed a spell on the reindeer or even attached hex bags to the reins, or hidden them in the sleigh itself.” You reminded.
“Then there are the time zones. That could extend some of Santa’s time.” Dean chimed in.
“I’ll believe the hex bags, maybe the whole time zone thing. But until we actually come across Santa Claus himself on some random case, then I’ll believe it when I see him with my own two eyes.” Sam said skeptically.
“Such a skeptic, Sammy. Weren’t you the one that believed in angels before I did, way before we met Cass?” Dean laughed.
“That’s different!”
“Oh yeah? How’s that different?”
“Well there’s proof of Biblical events happening in history, and if evidence of miracles happening then angels had to be real too. Then Cass pulled you out of perdition as he likes to call it.” Sam reminded.
You smiled and shook your head as the boys bickered before you spoke again, “Guys, moving on. Why don’t we exchange gifts this year?”
“I don’t see why not. But if we did, who would play Santa that night and hand the gifts out to everyone?” Sam asked.
“I think that’s one of those things where we can cross that bridge when we come to it.” Dean answered, not really wanting to make that choice that early, but then he stepped back to look at the tree.
“I think this looks great.” He smiled fondly, then you and Sam took a step back to look at it as well.
“I do too. This turned out really great.” Sam said with a grin, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at the work the three of you had done that evening.
You smiled as you admired the once plain looking tree now covered in red and silver garland, the red, black and silver ornaments turned out to look nice with the tree as well. The special ornaments to remember all of your friends and family gave it that personal touch it needed to be the perfect Christmas tree after all.
“Now all it needs is the topper.” You said.
Sam nodded and he walked over to the box and pulled out the silvery star to put on top of the tree since he was the tallest. After initially putting the star on, he had to adjust it a little but once it was on top of the tree, it was complete.
“Perfect.” You smiled happily.
“Alright… I don’t know about you guys, but I’m beat from the hunt and the drive home. I think I’m gonna head to bed.” Sam said and both you and Dean looked over.
“Rest well, Sam.” You insisted.
“We’ll take the day off tomorrow instead of looking for another case.” Dean said and Sam nodded.
“Sounds good to me. Night guys.”
You smiled to yourself whenever you watched Sam walking off, both boys deserved the day off. It was definitely well deserved.
Then you felt Dean’s arm wrap around your waist. You lifted and glanced up at him and saw that his attention was on the tree again. It was like he couldn’t get the smile off his face, which made you so glad. It was like it had been so long since he’s had a genuine smile like this.
“You aren’t happy, are you?” You asked in a joking tone.
“No, not in the slightest.” You snickered when he joked back before he looked down at you.
“You know, if you ended up being the ‘Santa’ this year, I could always be your elf.” You pointed out.
“And you’d make a cute elf. We’d have to make sure that Santa won’t come and snatch you.” Dean chuckled before he leaned down and pecked your lips.
“Oh! That reminds me!” You said and you got out of his grasp to go and look for one last thing.
Dean lifted a brow, the curiosity getting the best of him, and he watched you go through the boxes on top of one of the research tables as if you were looking for something specific.
Then he watched you pull out one of the most iconic plants this time of year other than the poinsettia. You pulled out some mistletoe that had a red ribbon tied in a bow attached to it. Dean couldn’t help but grin, “Really?”
“What?” You snickered.
“I can’t believe you actually went and bought some mistletoe.”
“I had to! I couldn’t resist.” You shrugged with an innocent look on your face, “Now, help me think of where we can hang this up.”
“I think I have an idea of where to hang it.” Dean spoke as he took the mistletoe from you, then he held your hand with his free one.
You lifted a brow but followed him, intertwining your fingers and you ended up at you shared bedroom door, making you smirk and look back at Dean, “Really? Here?”
“Why not? I think it’s the perfect spot.” Dean chuckled and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“Fine, I suppose we can put it there.” You agreed and watched as Dean went into the bedroom and grabbed whatever tool’s he’d need to hang up the mistletoe. Eventually, he managed to screw a hook just above the door and he hung the mistletoe from it with some string, then he looked at it.
“There we go, I think that’ll work just fine.” He said as he set his tools down on the table in his room that was next to the door. You could watch him since his door was still open then he stepped back out where you were and you found yourselves beneath said mistletoe.
Dean placed a large hand on your hip and you stepped closer to him. Of course you knew this was the whole reason he wanted to hang the decor above his door, but you didn’t mind. Not actually.
You gazed into his eyes and saw that his gaze was softer than normal, “Thank you… for all of this. Honestly this has probably been one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time.”
You grinned at his words before you reached up and placed your hand on his slightly stubbled cheek since he hadn’t shaved all week, and you felt him lean into your touch before you spoke, “I’m happy to do it for you.”
“Dean, both you and your brother deserve so much. You two risk your lives to save the world constantly. You deserve to have a merry Christmas instead of only celebrating it every so often. You’re so deserving of joy and happiness and this was honestly the least I can do.”
You watched as Dean moved his cheek from your hand as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before he looked down at you, “Y/N, you have already made me incredibly happy just by being by my side. I have that joy all year round just because I have you here and honestly, I don’t know what kind of a man I would have turned out to be if you weren’t here.”
“Probably someone that’s a little more reckless than usual maybe. Maybe a little more self sacrificial.” You teased and Dean playfully rolled his eyes, although he knew it likely would have been the truth.
“You know what I mean though.” Dean said and you nodded a little.
“I love you, Y/N.. more than you’ll ever know.” He said in a softened tone, causing your heart to race.
Sure you’ve said those words to each other before, but it was in the moments like these where the words held a different kind of weight to them.
“I love you too, Dean. More than words can express.”
You felt Dean’s hand move from your cheek to the back of your neck as he leaned down, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. Your eyes fluttered to a lose as you relaxed against his embrace. His touch always made you feel warm, comforted even. His kisses always seemed to take you out of reality.
Life may not have been perfect for these boys, but you knew you wouldn’t want any other kind of life. As long as you were with Dean, that was all you could ask for. Dean was the sweetest kind of addiction you could have had.
When Dean pulled away, he looked down at you and smiled. Then out of nowhere, he picked you up and you wrapped your legs around your waist as he carried you off into your shared bedroom.
As he shut the door behind himself, you leaned in and kissed him once more as the two of you enjoyed the night together.
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Hello everyone! Thank you for reading! I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying your December so far! Love you all~
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@deans-spinster-witch @roseblue373
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Bring Me Back
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Summary: When a panic attack hits Y/N hard, the boys know just what to do.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: TW panic attacks, symptoms of panic attacks, fear and worry, brief discussion of therapy and medications.
Pairings: No romantic pairing. Jensen Ackles x teen!reader, Jared Padalecki x teen!reader
Word Count: 1,268
A/N: I got a request from the dear @kayyay1219
...Maybe if the reader is a teenager and she’s having a lot of panic attacks and she’s at work one day shooting Supernatural and Jared and Jensen walk in and she’s having a panic attack. Then they help her by calming her down, calling her sweet nicknames... ... If it’s not too late to request something in my request, can you have the reader have a huge panic attack to the point she gets sick and Jensen and Jared take care of her?
I so apologize that this request took me SO long to get out. But I hope you enjoy it anyway. ❤️
A/N 2: As always, this story is about a Jensen and Jared from a different part of the multiverse and doesn't reflect anything to do with their real life. This is a complete and utter work of fiction. 😊
The beautiful dividers below and at the bottom were created by @saradika
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“Jensen, can I talk to you?” The make-up artist, Alicia, stuck her head into the wardrobe trailer where Jensen was laughing with Jacob, one of the set costumers as he shrugged into Dean’s green and brown flannel. He looked into the mirror and caught Alicia's eye.
“Sure, Al. I'll be there right away.”
But Alicia shook her head. “No, I think, I think you need to come now.”
Jensen turned quickly to face her. “What's wrong?”
“It's Y/N.”
Jensen didn’t say anything more, just walked briskly to the door. His long legs brought him to the hair and makeup trailer quickly. He took the stairs in one big step and pulled open the door.
Inside the trailer, Dani, their onset stylist, was standing over Y/N and patting her shoulder.  
“It's okay, sweetie, it's okay.”
Jensen felt his heart leap at the scene in front of him. Y/N sat in the makeup chair, leaning back, her face was pale, a sheen of sweat covering her brow and tears streaming down her face. She was gasping, her breathing rapid and shallow. Her hands were locked onto the arms of the chair in a vice-like grip. 
Jensen walked closer and she turned to look at him. “Jensen,” she panted, “Jensen, please, please help me. I’m…I think I’m dying. I can’t breathe.” 
Dani continued to pat her shoulder and Y/N smacked her hand away. “Get off me!” She yelled, terror suffusing her face. She sat forward in the chair and kept trying to suck in enough air. She was rubbing her chest when suddenly she pitched further forward and threw up on the floor in front of the chair.
Looking back at Jensen, she pleaded with him again, her voice hoarse and desperate. “Jensen, please, something is wrong, really wrong this time, I know it.”
Jensen moved towards her and spoke to Alicia over his shoulder. “Grab a towel?” She quickly pulled down a small white hair towel from the shelves behind her and tossed it to him. 
Dani stepped out of the way as Jensen stooped to wipe up the mess on the floor, before tossing it all into the sink. Dani had grabbed a bottle of water and passed it to Jensen and then moved away to wash out the towel and toss it in the laundry.
Jensen opened the bottle and then passed it to Y/N moving to stand in front of her chair. He got down on his haunches just as Jared ripped open the door and pushed inside.
“What’s happening?  He asked, frantic worry on his face. 
With the two giants now crowding the small trailer, Alicia grabbed Dani’s hand and pulled her towards the door. “We’ll wait outside. Let us know if you need anything.”
Jared waited for the women to leave before walking closer to his best friend and their young castmate. 
“Another panic attack?” Jared asked, sadness replacing some of the worry.
Jensen nodded but Y/N was shaking her head. “No, no! It isn’t this time. This is real, I’m really gonna die.” She clutched at her chest and spoke in a rasp. “I can’t breathe.”
Y/N began to hyperventilate and Jensen took the water away from her; she was shaking too much to drink. “I’m gonna pass out. I’m not gonna wake up.”
Jensen reached forward and gently pried Y/N's fingers from where they clutched the padded arm of the chair. Then he scooped her up and carried her over to the small window at the back of the trailer. He opened it, letting a soft breeze roll in, bringing the fresh scent of grass and earth into the trailer. He pulled over a chair and sat under the window. 
He looked at Jared and nodded towards the sink. “Get a wet cloth.”
“Yeah.” Jared said, knowing the drill as well as Jensen by now. 
Jensen settled Y/N so she was comfortable in his lap. He held her close, but didn’t restrain her in any way. He knew it would get so much worse if she felt trapped. He just wanted her to feel safe. When Jared came back, he began washing her clammy face with the cold, wet cloth.
Jensen was breathing deeply. “Breathe for me, baby. Just in and out, in and out. Good girl.” He said as she tried to copy his deep breaths. Jensen looked into her eyes, pulling her frantic gaze to his. “Listen to my words, okay? What you're feeling, it’s not real; the panic, the feeling that you’re going to stop breathing, it’s only that, just a feeling. You are here, with us. Nothing is going to harm you, you have nothing to be afraid of, do you hear me?”
Y/N nodded disjointedly as she listened to Jensen’s familiar words. It wasn’t the first time he’d told her these things and she struggled to remember that he’d been right every other time; she fought to remind her brain that she was safe with Jensen and Jared right beside her. 
Jensen began to talk to her about mundane, everyday things - his ride into set that morning, silly, funny things his kids had done over the weekend, things that made her let out little bursts of laughter and pulled her further back from the edge. Eventually she took her bottle of water back and began to sip at it.
Jared wet the cloth two or three more times, coming back to wipe her forehead and cheeks, as well as down her arms. He held the cold cloth to the pulse points in her wrists, and the sensation seemed to clear away most of the cobwebs that still crowded her mind. She began to take part in the conversation instead of just listening and occasionally laughing.
She slowly came back to herself, her breathing returning to normal and her temperature dropping. Her stomach stopped aching and her muscles relaxed. As Jared talked to her about the new puppy they had living at their place, Y/N felt the last of her panic fall away. 
“You should come see him next weekend.”
She sat up in Jensen’s lap, slightly embarrassed now that everything felt normal again. “I’d like that.” She said to Jared. Then she shook her head. “I’m sorry guys, and I need to tell Dani I’m sorry too.”
“Uh uh.” Jensen said with a kiss to her forehead. “No apologies, remember? And Dani’s fine. She gets it, sweetheart. We all do. So no saying ‘I’m sorry.’ Okay?”
She nodded. “Okay, then I’ll just say thank you.”
Jared leaned in to give her a stubbly kiss on the cheek. “Anytime, kiddo. But you’re gonna talk to your therapist on Thursday right? Make sure you tell her you’ve had two panic attacks in the last two weeks. She may want to change the dosage of your meds, or increase your appointments with her for a little while, until you work through whatever has brought the attacks back on.”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, I’ll talk to her about it.” She hugged Jensen first and then Jared, before she stood up. “I’m gonna go for a walk, wanna come?”
The boys stood up and each offered her an arm. She smiled as she slipped an arm into each of theirs. They all laughed as they tried to file out of the hair and makeup trailer without unlinking arms. 
Y/N didn’t want to let go of the twin pillars who kept her standing, kept her protected, and just like their heroic characters, would always bring her back. Always. 
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @akshi8278 @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl92 @hobby27
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deadlymistletoe · 2 months
Deadly's Supernatural + Other J2 Characters Masterlist
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Supernatural Characters x Reader (Platonic - occasionally includes background relationships)
You sneak a dog into the bunker behind Dean’s back in fear of him turning her away, but it doesn’t take long for Cas to accidentally out you. (light background Dean Winchester x Reader)
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book-place · 1 year
Panel Chaos
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Jared Padalecki x reader platonic, Tom Holland x reader platonic, Jensen Ackles x reader platonic
Request: Hey there again! I had another idea for a request like Tom Holland meeting Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles bc I feel like they give the same energy:)
Request by: @theslayerofthevampires
*not my gif*
Summary: Your co-star meets your other co-stars
A/N: I didn’t really know how to end it- sorry!!
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“-so, yeah, I’d say there’s lots of pranks going around on set.” You snickered into the microphone.
To each side of you, your co stars began sobering up after the cackling that had taken place at the story you just told in response to a fan question.
The panel was going smoothly, Comic Con once again a success in your eyes as you sat in between Jared and Jensen for your last interview of the day.
You played their younger sister in the show, Supernatural, for the past four seasons now, and it was safe to say that you loved working on that show with your whole heart. The actors just made it even better.
All of a sudden, before another person could move to ask a question, the whole crowd let out one large, collective gasp that had your eyebrows furrowing in confusion along with Jensen and Jared’s.
“What? What is it? Is something on my face?” You hurriedly began swiping at your forehead with the back of your hand.
Then, everything went dark and you let out a small shriek of surprise. Someone had covered your eyes.
“Guess who,” A british voice you knew all too well floated through your ears.
“Tom!” You squealed in pure joy, leaping from your seat- practically dropping your microphone in the process- and turning around to give the man a large hug.
Several ‘awes’ of adoration sounded through the crowd at the action.
You pulled away from the brunette man after a moment with a large grin, “What’re you doing here?”
He smiled back, “A little birdie told me that you had a panel going on right now. My interview just got out so I asked around with some of the staff and they said it would be fine to drop by for a moment.”
Tom Holland was most famously your co-worker in various marvel movies that you starred in as Peter Parker’s sister, and you hadn’t seen the man in over five months due to conflicting work schedules.
“You gonna introduce us?” Jared’s voice filled the area and you could practically hear the teasing smile behind it.
“Right,” You spun around to face the two of them, as well as the rest of the crowd, while some staff brought out an extra seat and microphone for the man, “Guys, this is Tom. Tom, this is Jared and Jensen.”
“Hey, man,” Jensen greeted, shaking his hand, “Good to meet you.”
“You as well,” He answered back politely, “I’ve heard many things about the two of you.”
“All good things I hope.” Jared hopped it.
Tom slowly turned with a mock awkward look towards the audience, leading them to roar with laughter, you and the others joining along with giggles of your own.
“No, seriously though, of course I’ve heard some great things.” He chuckled a little bit when he rephrased.
Jared pressed his lips together, acting as if he was mad, “I can’t say the same about you.” Before dramatically whipping his head to face the other way.
The crowd was going crazy.
Through the bright lights, you could squint and see people that were doubling over in laughter that never seemed to end.
“So,” Jensen spoke into a mic, a wicked grin on his face, “I heard that you and Y/n, have been working together for years… any embarrassing stories you have about her?”
Your eyes widened and you quickly flew from your seat and slapped a hand over Tom's mouth, “No!” You shrieked, “No! No stories!”
The poor crowd hasn’t seemed to have caught their breath once since Tom appeared on stage.
You threw a glare in Jensens direction, “Not funny.” You said through gritted teeth.
He just laughed though, knowing it was all for show.
Finally, you relinquished your hold on Tom and wagged a warning finger in his face, “Don’t you dare, Mister. Or I’ll call your mother.” You threatened.
His eyes widened, no doubt with real horror this time, “You wouldn’t.”
“I would.” You crossed your arms determinedly over your chest.
“She does the same thing to us,” Jared gaped.
“Always threatening to call our wives.” Jensen continued.
All three men shuttered in sync.
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alyssaswrld999 · 4 months
Why Are You Doing This To Yourself?/ Dean Winchester x Reader
Warning: Vaping, Deppression, Self-harm, Kissing, Comfort, Deep Conversations
Story Prompt: Y/n has been hunting with Dean and Sam for a long time. She has had trouble dealing with some stuff that's on her mind and everything going on around her lately. Y/n finally finds her best solution and she has considered "Vaping calms her". Dean finds her and he has so many thoughts on this.
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Y/n's POV:
Lately hunting has been a struggle for me. Everything has just been going wrong and I feel like I'm messing things up. Im having a hard time believing I'm gonna be ok. That it's gonna just get better and I can move on.
Is it though?
Am I going to get through this?
Am I doing good by putting others first?
Life as a hunter is never easy at all. I always hear Sam and Dean say "This life isn't easy". It's true I mean this life puts the ones you love in danger.
This life makes you end up dead.
This life makes you a different person.
It changes your whole aspect of reality...
Ever since Charlie died I've had a hard time. So has Dean and Sam. Charlie was my bestfriend and she would always call and check up on me and the boys.
But now since she's gone I have no one else to be a nerd with. Me and her loved the same music, movies, etc. She was like a sister to me and I miss her.
I just wish she was here...
I get up from my bed in the bunker and I walk over to my desk. I open the left drawer and I pull out my vape. I never told Sam and Dean that I started because I didn't want them to worry.
The only time that I use it is when I'm overwhelmed and just need to calm down. It helps me and it let's me take a break from the stress.
I walk back over to my bed and I put some music on and start to take a hit. It was relaxing to know I can have a moment to myself.
Suddenly someone knocked on my door. "Y/n you awake?" Dean said.
"Yeah give me a sec" I said quickly. I take my vape and put it in my bra really quick. As I fix my shirt Dean opens the door. "Hey" I said smiling at Dean.
Dean looked around my room and then looked at me. "Hey... does it smell fruity in here?" Dean asked. I look around and played dumb. "Uh no not really I mean the only fruity thing in my room is my perfume" I said.
"Oh okay uhm well I came In here to ask you if you wanted to spend the night with me? In my room and uh we could watch a movie?" Dean said smiling.
Dean and me would do this every Friday night and I mean it is one of the best things me and him do. This would make me feel better I mean it's Dean. I love him a lot and well even if we don't stay in the same room that doesn't mean he isn't the best boyfriend ever.
I just don't want him to know I vape because I don't want him to worry. He already has enough stress on his plate and it ain't fair to him or Sam.
"Of course I'll spend the night with you De" I said. Dean smiled and got excited at my answer. "Alright uhm I'm gonna make the popcorn and set up the movie. You go to my room and make yourself comfy ok" Dean said.
I nodded my head and laughed at him. "Alrighty De I can do that" I said. Dean walked up to me and kissed my head. "I love you Y/n" Dean said.
I love how Dean gets like this because it's so sweet. He acts all tough but the truth is he's just my big teddy bear. "I love you to Dean" I said kissing his cheek.
Dean then walked away and went to make the popcorn. I sighed and got up to put my vape away in my desk. "Can't let him see me hurting" I thought.
I change my clothes and put on my black night pants and Dean's grey tshirt. I mean you can't have a good movie night without being In comfy baggy pj's.
I get into Dean's room and make myself comfortable on Dean's bed. I brought my pillow and my favorite blanket. I set it up on Dean's bed and I finally lay down and wait for Dean.
Pretty soon a couple of minutes later Dean comes back with a bag of candy, popcorn, and two beers. I chuckled at him seeing him struggle. I get up and walk over to Dean smiling at him.
"Let me help you De" I said grabbing the beers and popcorn. I walk over to the bed and sit down and set the snacks up. Dean puts down the bag of candy beside me and then walks over to close his bedroom door.
"I'm gonna change real quick so is it cool if you set up the movie?" Dean asked. I nodded my head and grabbed his laptop and pulled up the movie. He wanted to watch "Scream" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre".
"Thought you only wanted to watch one movie?" I said. Dean turned around and as I looked up I was really liking his pj's. He had only grey sweatpants and a white tshirt.
"Yeah uh I was just thinking if you wanted to watch another movie we could have two? I mean it's just fun to do these movie nights and well just wish you could stay in this room with me all the time" Dean said.
I nodded my head and tapped the bed. "I mean we could make that happen" I said. Dean smiled and sat down on the bed beside me getting comfortable.
4 hours later me and Dean are still laying in bed watching movies. As I was sitting there I kept having the urge to go and have a quick "break". I look over at Dean and seen that he was asleep.
I get up quietly and cover him up with the blankets. "I'll be back" I whispered as I lean down to kiss him. My lips make contact with his forehead and I sighed as I pulled away.
I make my way out of Dean's bedroom and make my way down the hall to mine. My breath kept getting quicker and quicker as I made it closer to my room.
I didn't even realized that I arrived at my bedroom door and opened it. My feet were moving for me and my mind was fuzzy. The next thing I know I have my vape in my hands and I'm taking hits from it.
I didn't even hear the footsteps coming down the hallway to my room or the faint voice calling my name. I was just focused on inhaling the vape.
"Y/n..." Dean said. I finally came back to reality after calming down and realized I've been caught. I turn and look at Dean and he was pissed. "Oh shit..." I mumbled.
The expression on Dean's face explained everything that he was feeling. He seemed Angry, confused, sad, upset. "Why the hell are you vaping?" Dean said walking towards me. I froze in place not being able to move away. I was angry at myself that I could be so stupid to give up quickly to hit that stupid damn vape.
"Dean let me explain" I mumbled. Dean kept walking toward me and grabbed my vape from my hands. "I can't believe that your doing this to yourself" Dean said with venom at the end of his sentence.
"Dean just let me explain" I said. Dean looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Y/n why? Why do this" Dean said with less venom. I started to tear up and Dean noticed. "No... no you don't get to do that not after this" Dean said holding up the vape. I look down at the floor finding it more interesting to look at then Dean at the moment.
All I hear is Dean's footsteps leave the room and I start tearing up again. I look up and seen he was gone and I felt my heart breaking as I fall to my knees on the floor. I wanted to shout and scream but I couldn't. All I could do is sit there and cry on silence with no one to hear me.
Dean was hurt by me doing this to myself and he has every right to be. But at the same time he doesn't understand how I feel about anything. How I have to just live with this pain and not show it. And because the fact I never show it I always feel alone.
But I need Dean to be here for me but he won't. I understand why he won't be but still. He stormed out instead of talking it out with me. Do I need to be alone? Do I need to suffer alone? Who knows...
The next day was more stressful and awkward as last night. It was different and I felt more alone than I was before. I woke up in my room and I felt a tug in my heart. I didn't want to get out of bed but I knew I needed to face the day.
I open the door slowly and I take a quick breath. "Hopefully no one's awake yet" I thought. I walk out of my room and I make my way to the kitchen to see Sam on his laptop. I quickly walk over to the coffee maker and make myself a glass of coffee. "Good morning" Sam said.
I sighed and turn to look at Sam. "Mornin" I said. Sam looked at me and raised his eyebrows in question. "Are you okay?" Sam asked. I sighed and took a sip of my coffee but I choked at the bitter taste. "Yeah... uhm I really don't know how to answer that" I said.
"Wanna talk about it?" Sam said closing his laptop. I looked at Sam and was about to respond until Dean entered the kitchen. I look away and put my coffee mug down. "I'll see you later Sam" I said leaving the room.
As I walked away I heard Dean scoff and I then decided to hide beside the door to the kitchen. "What was that about" Sam said. I heard Dean sigh and then he began to speak.
"Y/n was vaping"
"Wait what? Why would she do that"
"I don't know Sam"
"Did you talk to her about it"
"No, I stormed off last night and haven't talked to her since then"
"Dean you need to talk to her"
"Why Sam? There is nothing to say, I just can't believe she would do something like that to herself"
"Well Dean talking is better than leaving her to fight with whatever is going on alone"
I finally had enough listening and I made my way back to my room. I just didn't want to be around Dean because he clearly has nothing to say to me.
As I enter my room a whole new wave of depression hit me. I couldn't take this pain anymore and I just didn't want to see Dean right now. I shut my door and I rush to my bed seeming as that was the only thing to do.
"Why Charlie" I thought. As I sink down more into my bed the thoughts kept spilling like it was a waterfall in my head. What after felt like moments I heard a faint knock at my door. I didn't respond. The only thing I could do was listen.
After a moment the knock came back but it was more louder. Then finally the door knob turned and the door was opening. "Y/n?" Someone said. I didn't move my head to see who it was but the type of voice and the way the person acted from what I could hear was Sam.
"Y/n please can we talk" Sam said. I didn't move and Sam sighed. I thought he was going to leave but I was wrong. "Y/n Dean told me what happened and I was wondering if you could talk to me" Sam said gently. The next thing I know Sam is sitting on my bed and rubbing my shoulder softly.
I finally gave in and I latched myself to Sam and I was crying. I wanted to tell him what was going on but all I could do was cry. I couldn't stop crying because of all of my thoughts playing over and over in my head. I felt like I was crazy and I didn't know what to do.
"Hey, hey Its gonna be okay... it's okay Y/n" Sam said rubbing my head softly. I sobbed and I looked up at Sam. "I- I'm sorry" I said softly. Sam rubbed my head and comforted me. "It's okay you don't need to apologize. Just tell me what's going on and we will find a way to make everything okay" Sam answered.
I nodded my head and I started sobbing again. Sam comforted me until I calmed down to where I was ready to talk. I pulled away from Sam and I straightened myself to sit up.
"Its- there's just been so- so much going on" I mumbled. Sam looked at me concerned and rubbed my back softly. "After Charlie- after everything its just- I'm losing it Sammy" I said looking up at Sam. Sam gave me his usual empathetic look and nodded his head.
"Y/n I understand how you feel... and your not gonna lose it okay"
"But how do you know im not"
"Because you have me, Dean and Castiel"
"Are you sure about Dean? Because clearly from last night it explains he is mad at me"
"Dean's not mad at you Y/n he's worried and wants you to be okay"
"I understand he is worried I just don't want him to be... I just really need him right now and I don't want him being distant"
"Just give him a bit to calm down Y/n... he loves you"
"Okay... thank you Sammy"
"You're welcome Y/n"
Sam pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around him. "It's gonna be okay" Sam whispered. I nodded my head and I pulled away. I laughed a little wiping my tears away and I smiled at Sam.
"Yeah... yeah it's gonna be okay" I replied. Sam smiled and got up from the bed. "I'll let Dean know your okay" Sam said leaving the room. I nodded my head and smiled while wiping my tears.
After a couple of moments Dean appeared in the doorway. "Hey" I whispered. Dean walked towards me and I stayed still. "Look I'm sorry-" I said but was interrupted by Dean kissing me. I pulled away a few minutes later and Dean held my cheek.
"Y/n you don't have to apologize okay" Dean answered. I started to tear up again and I gently smiled. "I love you... and I'm sorry for walking off last night" Dean whispered. I kissed his cheek and I nodded my head. "I understand why you did it though... and you don't need to apologize either" I said.
Dean sat down and pulled me in for a hug. I sighed and wrapped my arms around Dean as he kissed my head.
"We're gonna get through this"
"Yeah... we are... one day at a time"
"I love you Y/n"
"I love you too Dean"
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spnexploration · 2 years
Accidents Happen
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, reader.
Synopsis: While guest acting on Supernatural, things go awry filming a fight scene with Jensen. Platonic but definitely some hurt/comfort!
Warnings: accidental punch to the face
A/N: Had this idea while watching the gag reels. Normally, I don't like Jensen and Jared fics because they're real people and I don't want to put words or behaviours on them, but this one is short and sweet and I hope they wouldn't feel upset about (not that they would ever read it!). So please recognise that this is an imaginary situation with fictional characters, who happen to be fictional versions of the actors in Supernatural 😆
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Punch right. Dodge left. Duck. Attempted block left, react as if hit. Grab Jensen's arm and buckle knees.
I chanted the fight choreography in my head while performing it, trying to ensure I didn't screw it up while the cameras were rolling. My character had to be able to partly hold her own against the mighty Dean Winchester, before finally being overpowered.
Attempt roll away. Jensen pins my arms, squirm. React to fake punch on the right, then-
Fuck. Punch was on the left. I hissed and my eyes stung as Jensen's fist connected with my nose, the outcome of me dodging the wrong way and moving into his punch rather than away. His eyes went wide momentarily and my face ached.
I made the split-second decision to keep going, pulling my wrist out of his grasp and kicking my legs at him. He dodged and reacted like we'd practised, so we kept going.
I got out of his grasp, scooting back along the ground and searching ineffectively for a weapon with my hands. My nose was throbbing and my face felt hotter than normal.
Jensen stood up, angry Dean face on. He advanced towards me threateningly, grabbing his angel blade off the table where it'd fallen earlier.
"Ok! Ok!" I said my line, hands up in front of me. "I'll take you to him."
We held our positions another moment or two. "CUT!" came the call.
Jensen instantly dropped the knife prop and came over to me, crouching down to my level. "Shit, sorry Y/n! Let's get you to first aid."
"I'm fine, I'm fine," I tried to reassure him, embarrassed.
"Your nose is bleeding, you took a proper punch to the face."
He took my hand with one hand and his other hand went around my back to my shoulder. He helped me to my feet.
"It's not that bad," I said weakly, disliking that I was guest actor and already causing a fuss.
Jensen gave me a look that brokered no arguments and led me to first aid, his arm still around my shoulders.
"What happened to you?" Alice, the first aid officer, exclaimed.
"I got the choreo wrong," I half-mumbled.
"Jensen! Did you do this to this poor girl?" Alice berated him good-naturedly as she ushered me to sit.
"Unfortunately yes," he responded, at the same time as I gushed, "No, no, it was my fault."
Jensen hovered while they fetched me ice and cleaned up the blood. His brow was creased and he looked guilty, watching the first aid ministrations. My face flushed, embarrassed.
"I'm fine, really," I mumbled to him, not making eye contact.
Eventually, someone came along to fetch Jensen for more shooting. It sounded like they'd rearranged the schedule and would film his close-ups while they waited for me.
"The make-up department are going to kill me," I joked to Alice.
"Oh, I dunno," she replied, "you just made their job easier. So long as you only need to film post-punch scenes!"
Alice eventually let me take the ice off and she inspected my face. "I don't think anything's broken, but you'll probably have a hell of a bruise and maybe even a black eye or two."
"Great," I deadpanned.
Jared appeared while I was standing up and thanking Alice.
"I heard Jensen did a real number on you," he said from behind me.
I turned around, looking up at him as he was significantly taller than me. He whistled low when he saw my face.
"It was my fault," I said, embarrassed. "Went the wrong way."
He shrugged, "These things happen. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Great. Now, do you want help plotting your revenge?" he said with a cheeky grin. "I have many great prank ideas."
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jensensfanfic · 1 year
HII! clay x gn!reader x justin (it’s all platonic!!!! we are friends!!!!!!) where it’s late at night and you show up at their outhouse out of breath and damp from the rain saying the line, “i didn’t know where else to go” and clay and justin hang out with you?
of course, friend!!
pairings: justin x gn!reader/clay x gn!reader (both platonic)
warnings: a soggy reader (lol), angst themed - but there's nothing specific
a/n: I didn't really include the hanging out part, I'm sorry! I hope you still like it!
Halfway through your short walk to your friends' house, you feel light drops of rain start to fall, and then all of a sudden, it's chucking it down. You throw up the hood of your jacket, but it doesn't do much good in keeping you dry. You start to run as you see a flash and then hear the booming claps of thunder.
You arrive at the Outhouse, and your fist pauses mid-air when Clay opens the door before you can knock. He takes in the sight of you, drenched head to toe. "Uh– hi! I didn't know where else to go, I had to get out of my house, I–"
"Explain later– just–" Clay grips the front of your hoodie and pulls you inside. "Get in here, oh my God!" He kicks the door shut and then yells for his brother. "Justin! Dude, are you done in the shower!?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm right here, chill." You hear his footstep as he rounds the kitchen towards you and Clay. He pauses and then laughs. "Jesus fucking Christ. You look like a drowned rat."
"Justin, for fuck's sake." Clay rolls his eyes at him. "Just move so our friend here can go get changed."
Justin continues to chuckle as he walks over to his bed and dives on to it. He gets comfy with his head propped up against his pillows.
Clay takes your jacket and throws it straight into the laundry hamper. "I think you still have some clothes here, right?"
"Yeah, you do." Justin's head is already stuck into one of Clay's AKR comics. "Lainie washed them for you, they're in the second drawer."
"Thanks, guys." You kick off your heavy shoes, grimacing at the squelching sound they make as they hit the ground. "Do you mind if I shower, too?"
"'Course. You go get dry and warm, and I'll get a drink ready for you for when you're done. Then you can tell us what's up."
"Alright, thanks, Clay." You can't hug him with your dripping clothes on, so you go for a fist bump instead. Then you turn towards Justin. "You, too."
"Welcome." Justin says, peeking his head over the comic to see you. "Don't use the blue towel, by the way. It's, um... let's just say I was very sweaty after practice today. It's ripe."
Clay snorts, and you laugh. "Okay, yeah. Thanks, buddy."
Taglist: @mockerycrow @wqxianwriting
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brightlilith · 2 years
Piring: Eventual!Dean Winchester x reaper!reader
Series summary: The reader is sent to the United States to guide Dean Winchester's soul to Jumadeung where The Jade Emperor offers him a job for a year and a half, because his life was far from over.
Episode summary: Dean receives an interesting proposal that the reader doesn't know what it is.
Warnings: main character death, angst, not reviewed, English isn't my first language, more?
Words count: 3.5k
A/n: I didn't know what time Dean was born, so I just added a random time. I'm thinking of doing background stories, so the main story doesn't get boring... what do you think? Constructive criticism is appreciated. Do you have an idea for the next chapter? send me an ask💗
Disclaimer: Rights reserved The CW and Netflix. I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this fanfic. The writers, directors, producers, and the CW and Netflix own the quoted characters! This fanfic is for the entertainment of the audience, fans of the series and those who haven't gotten over Dean's death, like me!😭😭😭
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“Dean Winchester, born at 4h10, on the 24th of January 1979.” I said while he looked at me alertly. “This life has been harvested.”
I looked at that poor soul, he shouldn't be dead, but it's something he asked for, he let himself go. If he wanted he could let his brother, Samuel, save him. He would have a chance to live, but I know that the apple pie life he wants so much would not be possible, there are people to be saved.
He thinks more of others than himself. But, for the first time in his life, he allowed himself to think about him, and how he could rest.
He was tired, it was remarkable.
“Who are you?” he asked, his defensive manner making me want to laugh.
“Please, follow me.” I turned around totally ignoring his question and walked towards the exit. “Your brother will be fine, he'll make it out alive.”
He followed me, still reluctantly..
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Taking the key out of my suit pocket, I place it in front of the wooden wall, instantly turning it into a door. I opened it and the blinding white glow hit us, I gave him room for Dean to go first, he's always alert.
“It's okay, as soon as you walk through the door, your future will come to light.” I told him softly. I wasn't one to show emotions, but I felt good and comfortable around him. Like that's my comfort person. What is that supposed to mean?
He looked between me and the door, walked to the door and before passing by, gave him one last look at his brother, who was crying while his forehead was connected with that of his lifeless body. One last tear ran down her face and so he passed through the door, instantly arriving at Jumadeung.
I went through the door immediately after him, without taking one last look back.
My way of going to Jumadeung was simple and easy for me, better than going to an Óctuplos shop and having that door process until I arrived in Jumadeung. On the other side, Dean was waiting for me to cross, he was fascinated by what he saw, having never seen anything like it. Maybe this is beyond him?
“C'mon.” I moved on, not giving him time to see everything.
He led him to The Jade Emperor room's, she wasn't there, but she would be here any minute. I gave him room to enter and soon he did, I followed behind him.
“I'll leave you here until the jade emperor arrives,” I told him and turned toleave.
“Who?” He asked, finally saying something after minutes of silence.
“She will explain everything to you, goodbye Dean” As soon as I left the room, I sighed heavily.
I walked just a few meters when a lady stopped me and handed me a box of juice, I took it and thanked her with a slight smile. The lady went straight to the Jade Emperor's office. Almost every day, she would show up and hand out drinks to everyone. She is the Jade Emperor, she takes care of everyone.
I moved on and went to my office.
I really wanted to know what the emperor wanted with Dean, I'm a curious person so to speak, but nobody needed to know that.
I entered my office and sat in my chair, there was a coffee waiting for me, Eun-bi probably put it on.
I took a sip of coffee, the coffee was steaming, the burning sensation was satisfying.
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It's been a few hours since I last saw Dean, I wonder what the outcome was.
Knocks on the door echoed throughout my room, and then Dean and the emperor entered.
She had a cynical smile on her face.
“Hi Dean, did you find your answers?” I asked him gently, he nodded.
“Y/N, Dean will be your new work partner.” She spoke, her voice calm and smooth “I hope you get along. Excuse me.”
And so she left the room, taking with him all the answers to all the questions I had in my mind.
Why didn't Dean go to his well deserved rest?
Did he not want this?
What is the reason for me to specifically had to drive him to Alem?
So many questions and zero answers.
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Next chapter
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My general taglist: @ihatepeanutss @lovelyy-moonlight
© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
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castiwls · 8 months
"sacrifice, that's what we do for the people we love"
being the middle child in the winchester family...
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I’d imagine you being like two years younger than Dean and two years older than Sam. So like literally the middle child
Your memories of your mum are fuzzy but you can recall a few things
When Mary died you were only two so you didn’t really understand what was going on for a while.
When you all first left Lawernce you spent most of that first night in a motel room crying because you wanted your mom and your bed. (Dean had to comfort you cause John left his two toddlers and baby alone in a motel #dadoftheyear)
When you were like ten your dad told you about what he had been doing for the past eight years. You were terrified but he made you promise not to tell Sam. He also made sure you knew that it was your job to keep Sam safe. 
Basically, you stopped being a child at ten.
You and your brothers were really close.
You and Dean basically trauma-bonded over hunting and also having wayyyy too much responsibility at a young age. 
Out of you and Dean, you were more emotionally available so Sam tended to tell you more.
As he got older he would talk to you about getting out and stuff. While your dad and Dean were very much into hunting you and Sam were more of on the sidelines. 
Sam got his love of reading from you. He’d always tell you about the books he was reading and what he was doing in class.
You’re the mediator for the family. It was always you who broke up fights. You were also able to calm your father down.
Mentioning in a passing comment that you didn’t want to hunt when you were like 15 and John flipped.
“If you don’t want to help kill the thing that killed your mom then you can get out.”
So you did. You left at 15 for 6 months.
In reality, you went to stay with Bobby but you never told your dad that.
Dean begged you to stay and would call every day. So would Sam.
Around this time Sam also started to want to leave. 
“I wanna come stay with you.” You sighed leaning against the wall. The phone rested between your ear and shoulder. “You can't Sam. Dad would flip your too young.” He let out a frustrated noise but let the topic go. (for now)
Dean would also call often and beg you to come home.
“Look he didn’t mean it, alright. It was just a heat of the moment thing.”
You did eventually come back. (Bobby wasn’t happy but let you go)
Your brothers were overjoyed and you actually got an apology from your dad (shocker.)
Things were ok for a few years and then Sam got a bit older and started talking about school. He’d only talk to you about it though. It wasn’t that Dean hated the idea but he didn't understand.
One day when you were 18 and he was 16 Sam asked to talk in private. So you took him to a dinner near the motel and he told you about Stanford.
“One of my teachers thinks it's possible.” He pushed the pamphlet towards you. “I just need a signature from an adult and I know Dad won't sign it.” You quietly looked over the pamphlet for a moment. A sense of pride washed over you as well as relief. This was his way out. “Of course, I’ll sign it.”
You both kept it quiet for the next year and when his acceptance letter came in you both kept it to yourselves but you were so proud
#proud parent moment.
Though eventually, Dean found the letter. 
“Did you know about this?” He asked holding up the letter. You felt your blood run cold as you grabbed the letter from him. “Yes. I did know.” You admitted. “It was me who signed the papers.” Your brother's eyes widened a look of betrayal crossed his face. “Why would you do that?” His voice began to rise as he spoke. “Because Sam deserves a future Dean.”
You two didn’t speak for a while after that. Dean got over it though.
When it came time for Sam to leave that's when all hell broke loose.
You’d never heard your dad yell so loud. He and Sam went back and forth for hours until your younger brother just walked out. You and Dean both followed him. After calming him down you went with him to the bus and said goodbye.
Dean was kinda non-plussed (inside he hated it and was worried sick). You were worried but happy that he was getting out.
When you and Dean went back to the motel John was furious. He blamed you (of course)
“This is your fault. You're the one who put all those ideas in his head and look what happened.”
Dean jumped in front of you and told him to back off. 
“Sam’s his own person you can’t blame her for this!”
After this, you and Dean get closer. John starts taking more hunts alone meaning that you and Dean spend a lot of time just driving around.
You would probably class this as the first time in your life you felt truly happy. Hunting with Dean was easier and there were fewer arguments.
Sam would call u often to update you. When he told you that he’d met a girl you were so happy for him. (it really seemed he got out)
But then your dad went missing and Dean insisted on getting Sam to help.
You were glad to have both your brothers back but at the same time felt insanely guilty as you watched Sam fall back into hunting.
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ohtobeleah · 9 months
Was It Over? // Jake Seresin
-> Chapter Six:: [Conflict & Chaos]
Summary: As panic consumes Jake after finding out about your current medical condition, Jake calls your mother to fill in the gaps. Nurse Lydia escapes being taken to her supervisor and Jake lets loose on his mother who tries to stop him from leaving.
Warnings: Sick!reader. Breast cancer diagnosis. Jake Seresin x F!reader. Angst, hospital & medical inaccuracies. SLOW BURN ROMANCE/ Inaccurate medical information. Relationship turmoil. Overbearing mothers.
Word Count: 4.4K
Author Note: Okay Sick!wifey maybe there is another guy. Or not, who knows. My guess is a platonic friendship that will ultimately end in heartbreak.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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November 2nd 
“You look like you've just been told you’re dying?” It was a voice you didn't recognise that pulled you out of the bottomless pit of worry you'd fallen into as you sat on the edge of the raised garden bed just outside your doctor's office. “It's okay, you were probably just told that so it's alright to look like your whole world’s just been flipped on its head.” The man shrugged as he came to sit beside you with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. 
“Sorry, sorry–” You shook your head as you wiped your tears and dried your face, probably as patchy and puffy as ever. “Are you a doctor here?” 
“Me?” the man smiled as he pointed to his chest with a scoff. “Oh no, no I'm uh–I’m a patient I guess.” The man corrected you as he watched you try to fix yourself up. Before you knew it there was a tissue being held out of you to take. 
“Thanks.” You smiled softly with gratitude and accepted the tissue the man wouldn't be wanted back anytime soon. 
“No problem.” He nodded. “I saw you come out of Doctor Parsons' office, she's got a pretty rough gig don't you reckon?” 
“I'll say.” You agreed, Doctor Parsons probably wanted to go into her profession to help people, but nowadays all it seemed like was she was dishing out hard to swallow diagnoses. “You’re a patent of hers too?” 
“Unfortunately, Pancreatic– what about you?” The man asked as you tried to wrap your head around the idea of exchanging diagnosis with another human being. 
“I uh–I was just told I have breast cancer.” This complete stranger was the first person you told, before you mum, before your ex husband, before your kids or extended family. This stranger who was sitting next to you outside your local doctors office was the first person beside your doctor to know you had cancer, that your cells were dying–that you were, in fact, dying. 
“Oh yeah? What's the going rate for that one?” This all seemed too normal, too calm to be talking about. It wasn't the reaction you'd ever expected although you weren't really thinking about how people would react. “Sorry, I'm being too nosy.” The man beside you reached out and extended his hand towards you. “I’m Jensen, I don't mean to pry, it's just I don't see an awful lot of young people come into this particular doctors office and when I saw you rush out like your world had just been rocked I couldn't help but to follow you out here.” Jensen smiled as you shook his hand. “I'm also incredibly self aware of how creepy that sounds, so again, I'm sorry.” 
“No no–” You chuckled as you let go of Jensen's hand. “It's okay, it's just uh, fresh I guess, like ten minutes ago fresh.” You tried to explain the best you could. “Y/n, my names Y/n–” 
“Damn Y/n that's hot off the press–” Jesne pressed his lips together in a fine line, he understood what it was like to feel the crushing weight of the world on your chest. He was only in for a chat with doctor Parsons the day he met you. “Listen, in the hopes of not being too forward, can I give you my number?” He asked with a caution laced between his words, ready for rejection. “Not in a, I'd like to take you out sometime, although I wouldn't be opposed.” You had to stop yourself from looking as shocked as you were. Were you really being picked up out the front of a doctor's surgery? “But in more of an I understand what you’re going through kinda way and if you ever need an ear to vent to about the not so glamorous journey you're about to go on, I'd very much like to be that person for you, I always wished I had someone when I first started my battle.” 
“Uh, yeah–” You couldn't help but to smile through the dried tears on your face. “Sure, yeah that sounds really nice actually.” WHen you unlocked your phone the realisation that Jake, your ex husband, had been the last person you called dawned on you. He didn't know, he could never know. He wouldn't care enough to want to know. And yet here this stranger was, willing and ready to listen. “And for the record maybe when the dust settles I wouldn't be opposed to the idea either.” 
“I vow to be your faithful partner in sickness, and in health.” Jake could hear your vow’s ringing out inside his mind as he raced around his childhood bedroom getting his stuff packed to leave. Your voice sounded as if you were standing right before him, plaguing his mind with haunting memories of promises he’d failed to keep. 
“I promise to love you unconditionally, to honor and respect you, and bring you solace in times of need.” Your voice was like a hauntingly beautiful memory reminding him of the vows you’d promised each other on your wedding day, right after his father had told him that happiness was essentially a hallmark card scam. Jake could hardly focus as he tried to compose himself enough to just think about what was going on for a second—but then his own voice echoed around in his mind, the voice of his former self who hadn’t yet ruined his marriage spoke up through the darkness of his fuzzy and fragile mind. 
“I take you for better or worse, in sickness and in health, in chaos and conflict, through heaven and hell.” Jake felt an anger so deep and overwhelming that he stood from his twin bed and walked a few quick paces across his room to where his closest door was. The animalistic growl that left his body when Jake slammed his fist into the wooden door woke his mother who was sleeping soundly a room or two down the hall. She hadn’t been woken so abruptly like that in years. Not since her children were young adolescence. 
With his busted hand and a pain in his chest he could only describe as emotional turmoil, Jake stumbled back over to his bed and picked up his discarded phone. He mulled over the decision for a few seconds before he went through his contacts to find probably the only woman who could give him more of the story. 
Your mother, Mary O’Riley. Or as Jake affectionately called her for the better half of your relationship, Maz. 
Jake's thumb lingered over her contact for a few seconds before he decided that yes, yes he needed more information. He needed someone to tell him this was all just some sick fucked up prank. He needed someone to tell him that you were in fact, alright, and that you weren’t lying in a hospital bed right now, without him there to hold your hand and tell you everything would be okay. 
He’d promised you in sickness and in health. 
Jake listened with anticipation and dread as the phone rang against his ear. It rang and rang and rang until finally at the very last second she could—your mother picked up the phone while she sat at your bedside. 
“Jacob—“ He heard her coo into the speaker. “You—“
“Tell me she’s not sick Maz.” Was all Jake said. It was stern and filled with heartbreak. “Please, tell me right now that she’s not in the hospital right now.” Your mother could tell Jake was holding back tears through gritted teeth as she turned her head over to the nurses station to see Lydia almost hyperventilating over her mistake. “Maz! FUCKING TELL ME MY WIFE DOESNT HAVE BREAST CANCER!” 
The sudden outburst made your mum jump nearly out of her seat as she pulled her phone slightly away from her ear, but it didn’t surprise her. Jake loved you so much, it was only natural he’d be in a state of shock finding out the way he had. 
“Jake, sweetheart, I need you to sit down for me.” Mary cooed softly with a sincere expression of empathy. “Please, just sit down and I’ll explain what’s going on.” 
Lydia had never felt more stressed in her very short lived career. Once she had hung up the phone with who she now knew was probably your ex husband, Lydia's immediate plan was to come clean to your mum as she sat by your bedside. Luckily, your condition post op was pretty good all things considered and instead of taking up another room in the ICU, your surgeon said that it would be best for your recovery to be placed back in the room you would see out the next few weeks of chemotherapy in. There was no escaping the oncology ward, not even a stroke could save you as it seamned. 
“Miss O’Riley?” Lydia’s voice shook as she walked into your hospital room to see you sleeping in a drugged out haze of pain relief post op. You weren't expected to be awake for another few hours or so to allow your brain time to rest. “I need to speak with you for a moment, if you have a second.” All of this was going on around you without your knowledge. And quite frankly you wouldn't have wanted to know anyway– I mean, who really wants to be told that their nurse accidentally rang your husband and violated your privacy accidently? Certainly not you. 
“Is something wrong with my daughter?” Your mother asked as she held your hand, watching at the monitor told her you were stable, that your heart was beating and that you, despite the odds, would survive another day. 
“No, no, your daughter seemed to be responding well post surgery–” Lydia's voice still shook with nervousness for the reaction her actions would invoke. “It's just that I’ve uh–” Lydia was only young, she had so much left to give to the healthcare industry, one mistake couldn’t end her career before it had even started could it? “I accidentally called your daughter's husband, I automatically assumed he would be her emergency contact because he was listed as her husband and–” Lydia tried to get her explanation out as quickly as she possibly could before your mother had a chance to speak. “I'm so sorry, I told him about her current medical condition.” 
“Oh god.” Your mother groaned as she looked back to where you laid peacefully unaware that Jake now knew about your whereabouts and health status. “She didn't want him to know, at least not yet anyway.” Your mother explained as she sighed and ran her hands over her face. 
“I'm so sorry, I just assumed and before I knew he was asking what the hell I was even talking about and then I looked further down the page and saw that you were listed as her emergency contact.” Lydia was currently seeing her entire career flash before her eyes. All your mother had to do was request to speak to her supervisor, request that she report she violated HIPAA, but she didn't. Your mother simply nodded and accepted the fact a young girl who was only just starting out had made a mistake wasn't life threatening. 
“It's alright, just uh, he’s going to come, if I know that man he's going to be on the first flight here so as my daughters medically proxy, can you please adjust her visiting list and add Jake Seresin to the list.” Your mother knew Jake would be calling any minute now and that he knew there was no vacation away. Now that he knew what was going on. Mary fished her phone out of her handbag and sat it on your bedside table in anticipation. She was almost going to set a timer just to see how long it would take her son in law to call. 
“You–you aren't going to report me?” Lydia was at this point, in tears. She was so overwhelmed that she could barely see. Your mother felt sympathy for the young woman and really didn't want to be a part of whatever reprimanding could come of a simple mistake. So, she simply shook her head, looked back at her phone for a fleeting moment before she turned to look at you and finally back to Lydia who couldn't have been more thankful for the words that came out of your mothers mother. 
“No dear, no I'm not going to report you, mistakes happen–” Your mother pressed her lips together in a fine line as she reached up to touch your cheek with the pad of her thumb. “My daughter knows that all too well.” 
“Please, just sit down and I’ll explain what’s going on.” Jake listened to what Maz had said and he did what he was told. He had always respected your mum and her natural born wisdom that Jake clung to through the time he had known her. “Are you sitting down?” 
“Yeah, yeah i'm sittin.’” 
“Jake–” Maz sighed heavily into the phone. “Back in november when Y/n called you about taking the kids for christmas she was sitting in her doctors office.” Jake didn't speak, he listened carefully to every word your mother spoke. His head was spinning as his heart raced. Tears streamed down his cheeks as the realisation set in. “She’d just been told she has a very aggressive form of breast cancer– stage three A, triple positive grade three invasive doctoral carcinoma.” 
“Wh-why didn't she just tell me?” Jake knew that the two of you had never been more divided in your marriage, but he always thought that if you were sick to this level, that you'd call and he’d come running. Come hell or high water Jake was going back to Rhode Island to be with you. 
“That's a question you’ll just have to ask her.” Your mother replied. “But she's not alone, I'm with her right now, she uh–had a stroke only about an hour after she’d been admitted to oncology, good thing we were already in the hospital when it happened or else it could have been a hell of a lot worse.” 
“Maz–” Jake croaked out. “I don't know what I'm supposed to do.” He cried softly into the phone, it broke your mothers heart. “Tell me what I'm supposed to do.” He wasn't asking if he should get a ticket on the next flight out, no. No Maz knew exactly what Jake was asking her and again, it wasn't a question she held the answers to. 
“You just have to show up for her.” Was all your mother was able to say. “I dont have the answers this time Sweetheart, I’m not sure how to fix what's broken between the two of you, but I wanna know how soon you can get here–” Your mother paused as she tried to hold back her own tears. “She's not in a good way, she needs her husband Jake, she needs you here.”
Jake remembered that phone call, the one where you initially asked him to take the kids for christmas. He should have asked more questions, should have pressed you a little harder for information. Maybe, just maybe if he did back then, you would have crumbled and told him the truth. 
“I'll be there as soon as I can Maz, consider me on the next available flight.” 
in sickness and in health, in chaos and conflict. It was the only thing Jake could tell himself over and over again as he walked down the large staircase of his parents place. in sickness and in health, in chaos and conflict. Jake had one thing and only one thing on his mind, getting back to you. 
“Jacob?” Jake froze as he got to the bottom of the staircase, his mother stood at the top, dressing gown pulled snug against her as she folded her arms across her chest and frowned down at her grown adult son. “What’s going on? It’s almost four in the morning?” 
“I just got off the phone with Maz—“ Jake explained as he watched his mum walk down the stairs, her eyes tired from a restless sleep. Having a home full of children and grandchildren didn’t help. “Y/n’s really sick, she’s uh—“ Jake wasn’t sure he wanted his mother to know about your diagnosis before he’d truly had a chance to process it himself. So, he didn’t divulge. “In the hospital, I just need to get back.” 
“Get back?” Janeen frowned in displeasure at her son's decision to leave. “What do you mean get back, you only just got here.”
“My wife’s in the hospital Ma, I need to go and make sure she’s alright.” Jake didn’t think he’d have to spell it out, but he did. “I promised her in sickness and in health, unfortunately she’s taken a turn for the worse and she’s at the very least right now the mother of my children, so I need to go and be with her and figure out what’s going on.” 
“Y/n is a grown woman who can take care of herself.” Janeen reached up to touch Jake's cheek, however, before she could run the pad of her thumb across Jake's scruffed cheek, he pulled away in anger. “She decided that when she left you? Or don’t you remember what that woman put you through?” 
“Ma.” Jake clenched his jaw under the dim light of the main foyer. “I love you, I do, but you need to stop disrespecting her.”
“Disrespecting her?” Jake's mother scoffed as she watched him pick up his duffel bag and head towards the front door. “What about the disrespect she showed this family? The disrespect she showed you when she was unfaithful to her wedding vows and left you! She took your kids away from your Jacob and what? You’re running back to her the second she gets a runny nose?” Jake was holding his tongue between his teeth as his mother followed him out to the cars, he’d already called a taxi. “Honestly I never in a million years thought you’d settle for someone so—“
“MUM!” Jake snapped abruptly, he wasn’t proud of raising his voice with the woman who raised him, gave him life, but my god did she need to back off. “SHUT, THE HELL, UP!” Jake hissed as he saw headlights coming up the drive. “I’m leaving my children here until I figure out what’s going on but so help me god if I get back and your attitude hasn’t done a full three sixty about my wife, the love of my life, you will never see her, or our kids, or me, again!” 
Janeen remained silent as she watched the taxi Jake had called pull up to where they were standing. She watched with teary eyes as he threw his bag into the back seat and greeted the driver kindly. He was an older gentleman. Probably mid sixties. 
“I will call you when I know more but you have to stop degrading her, I’m the one who drove her away.” Jake had wanted to say this since the first comment his mother ever made about you way back in January just after he’d told her the two of you were separating. Jake took his mother in his arms, he towered over the smaller built woman with graying hair. He let his chin rest on the top of her head and didn’t hold back. 
“Just because you never had the courage to leave dad when he stopped loving you the way he should doesn’t mean you get to project your pity on my wife for doing what you always wished you should have.” Jake had never felt such a weight lifted off his chest and immediately knew that the chances of him being invited back for next years Seresin family Christmas was probably a long shot. “You should ask Jasmine about her new nanny.” Jake finished as he pulled away. “I heard she's a really good people pleasure.” 
“Ordinary streets, Extraordinary stories.” Jake read over your shoulder as you jotted down some ideas for your latest project. “Huh, I like that, it's sorta catchy.” He smiled softly against your cheek before leaving a gentle kiss in his wake. His eyes lingered down to your book proposal for your publisher and continued reading as you sat at your desk, glued to your laptop like a woman on an impossible mission against time. “This collection of stories centers on the idea of ‘accidental death’ and the upheaval caused in the lives of those who lost a loved one in this way.” Jake read outloud over your shoulder in the dimly lit office. “I'm starting to think I should sleep with the lights on at night.” 
“One eye open will do.” You mumbled back as you re-read your last sentence and continued on typing like your husband wasn't trying to coax you away from your work. “I have a deadline to meet, so shoo fly, don't bother me.” You teased as Jake moved your hair to one side and began to kiss the juncture of your neck and shoulder. Seduction was usually his strong suit. 
It was no shock to Jake that almost immediately out of college you started writing non-stop about the things you were most passionate about. He thought you'd stick it out and become some wildly successful fiction novelist. Perhaps lean into your fascination with dystopian hierarchy, but no. You really came out of the left field when you picked up a publishing gig to write and publish not one, but three true crime biographies. The little bookshop on firth you worked at were so overjoyed for you when you’d told them the big news. 
“You are working yourself to the bone, Honey.” Jake replied softly as his hands trailed down your stomach to feel the small but swelling baby bump that was growing bigger by the day. 
“Says the guy still in his flight suit–” You fired right back without taking your eyes off the screen of your laptop. Your fingers worked fast to type the thoughts in your mind onto the screen before they were forgotten. If you let your mind wander too far away you'd lose your momentum. “Jake, I need to finish this chapter before bed.” 
“No, no, what you need Hon, is to close your laptop and follow me to where I've run you a bath for your surely aching muscles, swollen feet and to ward off that impending cold I know you're coming down with.” Jake caught the way your fingers froze across the keys of your laptop at his thoughtful words, you hadn’t even mentioned feeling under the weather yet. “I heard you sniffling while cooking dinner–thought I better be proactive and try help you sweat it out.” 
You felt the heat in your cheeks rising as a smile crept across your face. You looked down at the ring on your left ring finger and tried not to cry. You could have blamed it on the raging pregnancy hormones from the twin Seresin babies currently using your body as a host, but you knew it was just the overwhelming love you felt. 
“You ran me a bath?” It was something you didn't know you needed until Jake had mentioned it. 
“Not to toot my own horn or nothin but I lit your favorite candles too, even went as far as to put a few rose petals in the bubbles.” Jake watched as you spun around in your chair to face him with big teary eyes and an even bigger baby bump. “Gotta look after my girl, can't have the mother of my children feeling sick, now can I?” 
“I'm intrigued to see what kind of special treatment I'll receive if I'm ever really unwell if this is what I'm getting for a runny nose.” You teased as Jake helped you up off your work chair. His hand went straight to the small of your back to guide you out of the study down the hall towards the bathroom where he had everything set and sorted for you. 
“Hopefully we never get to the point where you're chronically ill.” Jake kissed your temple as he walked with you. “Never wanna see you sicker than a cold.” He explained as your eyes went wide with wonder and ore at the sight of your bathroom fully lit with candles. “But trust that I'll be right by your side, holding your hand through whatever may come.” 
“You really didn't have to do all this for me.” You sighed as Jake started to help you undress. You watched him with love filled eyes through the mirror as his hands roamed your body, stripping articles of clothing from your pregnant silhouette.  
“Nonsense, I'll always do things like this for you.” Jake shrugged it off like his actions were no big deal. To him at that moment they really weren't, he was just trying to help wherever he could. “But you should probably wake up now–” 
“What do you mean?” A slow steady beeping broke through your mind as your body began to feel numb.  “Jake—“ You frowned as the bathroom faded around you. “Jake?” You called out as you felt yourself feeling heavy and lethargic. “Jake—?” 
“Sweetheart can you hear me?” Your mother asked as your surgeon tried to assess your ability to open your eyes. The small light that was shining in your eyes did little to cure your confusion. 
“Jake?” You asked again as your eyes fluttered open, you groaned softly in annoyance to the light of the hospital room you woke up in. “Where’s Jake?” Everything was so blurry, so confusing, the last thing you remembered was getting ready for a bath, now you where here in a hospital room. 
“He’s not here Sweetheart, do you remember what happened?” When you didn’t answer your doctor interjected to jog your memory. 
“You had a minor stroke Mrs Seresin, lucky for you you were already on sight when it happened—do you remember why you’re here?” As you looked around at the Christmas lights that now decorated your hospital room and the small Christmas tree in the corner on the coffee table near the old recliner, you remembered. 
“Oh.” That’s right you thought to yourself, you were separated. Jake didn’t care, not anymore. He’d stopped running baths for you years ago. “Oh, yeah—I remember.” You whispered before a single tear ran down your face. 
“I remember everything.” 
Tags: @blindedbythelightt @starset21 @tayl0rhuynh @mamachasesmayhem @marvelogic @itsmytimetoodream @maverick-wingman @kodzukenmaaa @eternalsams @seitmai @nota-professional l @jessicab1991 91 @hardballoonlove @senawashere @lafrone @fanficfandomlove @withahappyrefrain @dizzybee03 @maisie-rebloging-blog @goldenseresinretriever @a-reader-and-a-writer @sunlightmurdock @shelbycillian @memoriesat30 @accioprocrastination @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @athenabarnes @eternallyvenus
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pascallatte · 2 years
Oi, Pedro!!
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x actress!reader
Summary: Y/N and Pedro’s friendship from the pov of fans and friends collected in 2012.
Date: December 2012
Warnings: age gap but still platonic!reader but with a hint of something cause 👀 friends don't- you know what you’ll know once you read it. a curse word.
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P.s. This contains videos posted by fans and friends so this is the quick buildup of their relationship when they were seen together last April to November 2012
Vid 1: caught by fans last April, doing an ice cream run the night before Pedro’s birthday.
Whispers were heard as the video started, the camera clears out and zoomed in on the pair on the far side of the sidewalk.
“Is that really them?” the guy walking ahead asks.
“Of course, I know and I’m sure that’s Y/N.” The one who’s recording zooms in on the pair.
“Oh my Godd” she let out a loud gasp as she shook her male friend,” She’s with Pedro!!”
“Who?” The guy asks as he tries to get a clearer look at them.
“PEDRO PASCAL! You douche! Look they’re getting ice cream, come on let’s go say hi”
The video focuses on the two of you who were standing in line, in front of the ice cream stand. You are seen chatting with him, rather enthusiastically before bending down to somehow calm yourself down after all that laughter.
Pedro who was listening to you the whole time tried to help you up as you continue to fall down to a kneeling position before threading his arms around your waist in a way to stabilize the woman he was with. They calmed down after a few seconds before it looked like you were beckoning Pedro to share his thoughts as he was then seen explaining with the same enthusiasm you did a while ago.
The one recording got close enough to start a conversation and she did.
“Hi excuse me, sorry for disturbing your time. But I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of you, y/n, and I’m hoping to see you in more projects in the future.” The girl starts as she focuses the camera on you who, in shock, moved behind Pedro while clutching the side of his jacket.
“Oh hi! Thank you for the support and uhm you weren’t disturbing us, and uh- yeah, Thank you again!!” You said somewhat nervously as you shyly giggled while looking at the pair who approached you and then at Pedro, with a somewhat “I don’t know what else to do, help me” look.
Guys the look!!! The motherfreaking look, Y/n gave Pedro AAAA that isn’t a look friends give each other if they’re asking for help but for the sake of this video I’m gonna let you guys judge.
The video resumes as Pedro clears his throat and with a small smile, he begins,” AH yes thank you for the supporting y/n but we really need to go. It was nice meeting you yeah?”
And as if god was with them, as soon as Pedro finished talking, their ice creams were done and he was seen taking both before pulling you by the hand.
“Oh, it was nice meeting you too, and have a happy birthday tomorrow sir!!” The male friend says before he was seen ordering.
Walking away, you were seen smiling towards the camera mouthing a small thank you, before side-hugging Pedro as a sign of thank you.
Ok but that was cute… I cannot think of anything but Pedro understanding the look on y/n’s face as she looked up at him
Vid 2: a very old ig story from one of the producers of Supernatural, September 2012, finishing up se 8 in Vancouver
Music was heard blaring in the background. They were in some sort of resto-bar in Vancouver as they were shooting for Supernatural SE 8. The video camera then flips to show two of the show’s producers with the on-show siblings: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Y/N L/N who was seen wearing only a knitted jumper set and a beanie.
They were asked to say hi one by one before Pedro, who was trying to stay hidden, was seen seated just right beside you.
now hold up, ever since I watched this, it made me curious as to why Pedro was there if he wasn’t part of the cast. It’s cute that they’re seen hanging out and supporting each other’s works but really, you’re gonna fly to Vancouver just to hang out OMG I’m telling you, guys, something is up between the two.
The video then continues to rotate as the producer shows the interior of the place they were at, he then starts talking about the upcoming release of supernatural season 8. But despite the loud music in the background, a short whispered conversation was caught in the recording.
A small voice saying “cold” was the first thing heard followed by a loud “what?”.
But when the video camera rounds the table once again it was then clear that you and Pedro were the ones whispering to each other.
The camera was passed to Jensen who also proceeds to say random stuff to the camera with the occasional screams.
The whispering then continued but this time louder.
“I said, it’s too fucking cold, I told you it was a bad idea to go here straight from the set.” You said that was slightly heard.
Pedro then replied sounding rather smugly “ I know but I also told you to bring your puffer with you cause you get cold easily, now whose fault is that.”
A loud smack was heard in the background that made Jensen look to his right before laughing and continuing whatever he was previously doing.
“I know OK! I just thought it would be warmer here 'cause it is a bar and-…” you said but was soon muffled as the music got deafeningly louder.
As the phone was passed to Jared, he calls and taps you on the shoulder first, before sharing the camera with you. In the last few seconds of the video, you were seen wearing a blue puffer jacket that looked at least 3 sizes bigger than you.
oh….we know who gave her that jacket. And aaaaaaaa y/n complaining because of the coldness is so me because as soon as the temperature drops I’d be running my mouth all the time.
Vid 3: caught by fans in a bar in downtown Manhattan 2012, November
Pt 1
The video started with you walking rather happily, you can actually call it skipping at this point. Shushes were heard in the background when you started sprinting down the path.
Stopping in front of a bar in downtown Manhattan, she brings her hands towards her mouth in an O position before shouting “ OI Pedro!!” and raises both hands up to wave.
The fans taking the video sounded shocked and muttered multiple “Oh my gosh Pedro’s here”, “Pedro oh shit he’s with her again”
In the background, Pedro was seen turning excitedly before jogging towards you and pulling you into a tight hug before placing his hand on your cheeks while telling you something that the video wasn’t able to get. 
After a brief chat out in the entrance, Pedro wraps his arm around your shoulders before leading you inside.
hold up I, when I don't see my friends for months straight, never really hug them that long and then maintain eye contact cause we'll be too distracted and excited to catch up but theyyy don't see each other for a week and they react like this, i- I don't wanna say or think of any more excuses. Ok back to it then
Before the video ended, the fans recording shouted your names while you turned around for a quick wave, then proceeded to enter the building.
It seemed like you two were catching up as this was a week after that red-carpet event you were absent from because of an illness that made you stay at home.
Pt 2
That same night a fan in the bar posted on her Facebook a pic of her male friend with y/n and Pedro. The picture was followed by the video below.
“Girl you better record all this, 'cause I wanna rewatch the moment I met one of the best pairs ever in the media industry,” her male friend told her before they were seen walking towards the table you and Pedro were sitting at. The one recording then followed her friend to have a closer look.
“-nd yeah that’s what happened, people do tend to follow you around,” Pedro’s voice was heard before he was even seen on camera.
Straightening themselves up her friend slowly walks to the table and pats you on the shoulder. Pedro gave the one recording a look before nodding towards you who was caught taking off your beanie.
With a wide smile, you looked at them with a “Hi, hello”
The male friend quickly greeted back and asked you how your day was. You responded enthusiastically. The same person was also seen waving to Pedro and he waved back with a small shy smile.
“Y/n, I know this is a little going past the line but I just wanna say that despite being sick in the past week and a half you are motherfucking glowing girl.” The male friend said with a lively tone.
With a laugh you looked towards Pedro who is seen nodding while looking you up and down. Turning back to the fan you laughed and said “Awww thank you!! Not what I expected but that is different than what I usually hear.”
The chatting then continued for another minute of chatting before the male friend asked for a picture to which you eagerly stood up and pulled them for a hug before finding a place for the picture.
A shot was already taken with the fans’ arms wrapped around you to form a hug when you suddenly separated yourself and went back to the table to pull Pedro up.
A loud “Come on Pedro!! Just this once, I don’t wanna do it by myself.” Was heard from you while Pedro was seen standing up rather slowly before pulling you by the neck and walking towards the camera.
You asked the friend to take another picture but with you three in which they nodded enthusiastically as they looked at you.
Fixing yourselves up, the first photo was with you three just smiling and standing stiff. Then the second pose was when you placed your arm over Pedro’s shoulder, who was forced to lean down by the way, and your other hand squished his left cheek. A couple more photos were taken before the fan said a quick thank before they were seen going back to their tables, however, Pedro was stopped by a female fan for a quick picture and a wave.
“Girl, I don’t know how I handled that but I am going to remember that for the rest of my life.”
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a/n: hello if you get to read this thank you and sorry that this was a bit longer than usual, but I wanted to try this format so yeah here we have it. alsooo I haven't really decided on when I would post so if you guys can help me decide it would be of great help.
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Won't Leave You Alone
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Summary: Y/N is lost without her mom, grief is pulling her under and overwhelming her life. She doesn't want to deal with anything. What can Jensen and Jared do to help?
Warnings/Explicit 18+: TW talk of parental death and grief. Reader has lost her mother. Mentions of depression, anger, and deep grief.
Pairings: No romantic pairing. Jensen Ackles x teen!reader, Jared Padalecki x teen!reader
Word Count: 1,622
A/N: As a follow up to my story, What Do You Say, I had a request from the same follower, asking to do a story about the reader being depressed, not eating, and not being able to work after her mother's death, and how the boys come to help her. I'll keep the reader and their complete request private, but I'm thinking of you, sweetie, and hope this helps at least a little.
A/N 2: As always, this story is about a Jensen (and Jared) from a different part of the multiverse and doesn't reflect anything to do with his real life. This is a complete and utter work of fiction. 😊
The beautiful dividers below and at the bottom were created by @firefly-graphics
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Y/N heard her apartment door open down the hall, but she wasn’t worried. Even though they hadn’t been invited, she knew exactly who was entering her apartment even before they made their way to her bedroom door - the same two people who had been texting her and calling her all day, the only other two people with a key. 
Jensen called out to her as he walked down the hallway. “Y/N! Sweetheart, it’s just us. I texted to say we were coming by. Did you get it?”
I got it. Y/N thought sullenly.
“You haven’t texted back today,” Jared’s booming voice was easily identifiable, “we were worried. Why haven’t you texted back?”
Because I want to be left alone.
She could hear one of them knocking gently on her bedroom door, and she hoped they’d leave when they found it empty.
“Y/N?” Jensen said softly and she could hear her bedroom door squeak open. She knew the room would be dark and deserted, she hadn’t slept there in days. 
She’d spent every moment of the last week, engulfed in her mom’s big king-sized bed. It had been nearly two months since her mom died, and her scent - a soft, sweet vanilla scent - was starting to fade from Y/N’s life. But her mom’s room had remained untouched, and, as a result, the homey smell still lingered there, in her bedsheets, blankets, and pillows. So Y/N’d made herself a little cocoon out of them, and ensconced herself inside it. 
“Shit.” Jensen swore. “She’s not here, Jared. What the fuck?”
She heard the panic in his voice and guilt overrode her annoyance and desperation to avoid the world. She called out from behind the door across the hall. 
“I’m in here.” 
She said it quietly, half hoping they wouldn’t hear it. But in seconds the door to her mom’s room was opening and the two giants walked in. The apartment was on the small side and the bedrooms reflected that. So the two towering men seemed distinctly out of place in her mom’s smallish, very feminine bedroom. Her mom’s tastes had run along the lines of pastels and pillow shams, and Jensen and Jared, in their plaid and denim, contrasted sharply. 
When they finally caught sight of her in the dimly lit room, wrapped up completely in her mom’s blanket she could see the brief relief that spread across their faces, before worry set in again. 
“Hey, kiddo.” Jared said quietly, moving to sit beside her on the bed and pull her into a side hug. Jensen sat on the other side of her, facing her, and gave her a soft smile. 
“We texted you a bunch of times today, why didn’t you answer?”
Y/N shrugged. She didn’t want to answer, didn’t know how. But she could feel her annoyance bubbling up inside her, as it had been all week. 
The boys hadn’t left her alone. All she’d wanted, when she told her agent, Melanie, to tell the show that she needed time off, was to fall off the face of the earth for a while. She just wanted to succumb to the darkness that seemed to permeate her life these days. She was so sick and tired of smiling and performing as though her heart was still beating like normal, as though her world wasn’t shattering around her. 
But she hadn’t been able to disappear. She’d had messages and phone calls daily from the boys, and from other castmates and friends. There were lawyers calling her, and Melanie too, all working on her behalf, trying to get her emancipated so she could live on her own and not have to go live with her Auntie Bev in Seattle, or become a ward of the state. She didn’t want to leave Vancouver, and she was nearly 17 years old; it was ridiculous to consider putting her in a foster home for barely a year.
It was all just too much; she was so tired of thinking, tired of trying to figure out the next step, tired of faking normalcy. She needed quiet, rest…she needed nothingness for a while. 
And she needed to scream.
She could feel it like a bubble in her chest, could feel the frustrations and fears and overwhelming sadness rising up like air in her lungs.
“Y/N.” Jensen said with a bit of a frown at her prolonged silence. “You have to talk to us.”
Y/N clenched her fists in her mom’s blanket. “There’s nothing to talk about, okay? I’m fine. Sorry I missed your texts, I was just sleeping.”
Jensen gave her a look that said he didn’t believe her and she gritted her teeth. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Jared answered. “Y/N, honey, we know you’ve barely been sleeping, you’ve barely been eating too.”
“What?” Y/N asked angrily. “You don’t know that!”
“You’re skin and bones.” Jensen said quietly. “And your face is exhausted and gaunt. Y/N we know you’re struggling.”
Y/N scoffed. “Okay, whatever.” 
“What does that mean?” Jensen questioned with a frown. 
“It means, I don’t want to talk about this.” Y/N said, in a warningly low tone.
“Y/N -”
“It means leave me the fuck alone!” She screamed. And once the seal on her emotions was broken, they all came spilling out. 
“It means I took time off to get the fuck away from everyone, yet you’re all still here, you’re all still demanding answers, and I don’t have any! I don’t know anything, I don’t know where I want to live, or what I want to do about work. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I don’t know if I’ll be back. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, and I don’t know how I’m doing. I. Have. No. Answers! So, just get out and leave me alone!”
The ensuing silence was pulsing with energy, and echoing with her angry screams. She was panting heavily, like she’d run a marathon, and she felt a slowly dawning embarrassment. Surely Jared and Jensen would leave now, and tell everyone that she’d cracked. 
Jensen moved closer and took her face in his big hands. “I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t do that, I won’t leave you alone.” He looked at Jared and then back into her eyes. “We won’t leave you alone. We promised, remember?”
A noisy, broken, choked sound came out of Y/N’s throat, and then another. She shook her head harshly. “I’m fucking everything up.” She said, her words jagged and uneven, spit out between ugly sobs. “I’m letting everyone down. The show, Melanie, you, Auntie Bev, everyone. I’m failing.”
Jensen moved forward to hug her from the front and Jared pulled her tighter into his side so that she was in a kind of L-shaped hug sandwich. After a minute or two of letting her sob, Jensen pulled back to brush her tears away with his fingertips, and push her oily hair back behind her ears. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d showered and she suddenly felt gross. 
But Jensen pressed his lips to her forehead and Jared kissed the top of her head, clearly not concerned or bothered by her recent abandonment of proper hygiene. 
Jensen looked into her eyes again, snaring her attention. “Listen to me, sweetheart. You are not failing. And you are not letting anyone down.”
He took her hands and squeezed them. “People are calling and texting you because they’re worried, and just want to know you’re safe. All we need back is a simple, ‘Bad day, but I’m here.’ or ‘I just need to be alone, I’ll text you later.’ We don’t need you to explain anything to us, or apologize, or make any kind of excuse. We all understand the enormous grief you’re experiencing, and the adjustments you’re dealing with, sweetheart, and we don’t expect anything from you.”
“Exactly.” Jared agreed. “And people are only asking you questions because they want to take care of you, and help you in whatever way they can. But, you can only give us what you’re capable of that day, and that is perfectly okay. And if anyone you talk to ever suggests differently? Well, you just let us know, and WE will deal with them and their attitude.”
Y/N sniffled and nodded. “Okay.” She said gently. “I’m sorry I yelled at you and swore at you.” She said to Jensen and then turned her head to include Jared in her apology. “Both of you.” 
But he just shook his head. “No, baby girl, you don’t owe us any apologies.” He smiled his deep-dimpled smile and it made the room a little brighter. “You go ahead and feel free to scream at us anytime you’re frustrated and angry.”
Jensen nodded and banged his chest twice, like an angry gorilla. “Yeah, we’re tough, we can take it.”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, though it was a watery one. 
Jensen shifted to sit on the other side of her, so that she was tucked up comfortably between them both, warmed by them. 
“We’re gonna be here,” Jensen said as he adjusted the pillows behind his back, “no matter what. But we promise that we’ll be more than happy to simply let you cry, or scream, or sleep, or read, or dance to loud music, or watch awful movies, or walk in the park, or lay without moving, or play board games, or talk about your mom, or not talk about anything, or talk about everything.”
The boys squished her tight and she felt their love pressed into her. 
“Whatever you need, however you need it…” Jensen told her.
“We’re here.” Jared promised. 
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @nt-multi-fandom @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @sunshineandwings86 @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @awkward-and-indecisive @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @b3autyfuldisast3r @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @mysherlock221b @jensensgotyoudean @stixnstripesworld @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @norman1967 @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @b-i-t-c-h-i-e @twirpbunwarrior @mysweetlittledesire @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous
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adulting-sucks · 2 years
Outside the Storm
This is my entry for MIssy's 3.5K follower event: You were one of my first follows on here, I am happy to have the chance to participate. @saiyanprincessswanie
Summary: Steve Rogers is the most feared mobster in the Eastern US, and you had fallen for him. What happens when the love fades and you need to escape? In walks Andy Barber-is he your savior or another nightmare?
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Word count: 12,938K (Still no chill 😬)
Characters: Soft Dark Steve Rogers x Reader; Andy Barber x Reader; Jake Jensen and Reader (Platonic)
Mafia AU; Defending Jacob doesn't exist
Prompt: "No one else would get to hurt you again, you were his"
Warnings: Your media consumption is your responsibility-This story contains dark subject matter, please stay away if you cannot handle; Smut, lots and lots of Smut; Forced Anal play; angst, lots and lots if angst; Fluff
Once again, a huge shout out and thank you to @peyton-warren who kept me sane and walked me through every word. I couldn't do any of this without your support
You looked at your reflection, hardly recognizing the woman you saw, really just a shell of the person you used to be. You picked up the business card, running your fingers over the embossing on the front, turning it over to see the handwritten phone number, a number you had dialed over and over, always hanging up after the first ring.
You continued staring at your face, noticing new lines, feeling as if your youth was gone, your soul having survived a thousand lives. You stared at the name on the card, again twirling it over and over, dialing and hanging up. Until you didn’t.
“I’ll meet you tomorrow, one o’clock, the place we first met,” you said after you heard the click connecting your call. You hung up, not allowing time for a response, your heart pounding, blood rushing, your ears roaring.
You hid the card in your purse, a secret pocket only you knew about, knowing if he ever found it, you were dead. Steve Rogers was not a man you betrayed, yet with one call, you had sealed your fate, no turning back now.
You stared at your reflection, seeing nothing of the girl you were when you fell in love with the head of the largest mafia syndicate in New York, hell over all of the East Coast. That girl was dead, replaced with an older woman, one who was tired. You stood and walked over to your bed knowing sleep would elude you again.
You weren’t sure how you were able to do it, but you managed to leave the house unnoticed and alone, something that didn’t happen too often. Steve didn’t like you being alone with so many enemies who would do anything to get to him, even hurting you.
You sat at your regular table in the corner where you could see everything yet remain unseen, blending into the area around you. You sipped your soda, your eyes continuously scanning everything. He walked in just as your eyes made it to the door, your heart thundering in your chest, hands shaking.
“Thank you for agreeing to meet with me,” Andy Barber said as he sat across from you, a gentle smile on his face. “I know the risk you’re taking, I know what I am asking of you-” he continued, pausing at your scoff and eye roll.
“Do you really, Mr, Barber? What you’re asking of me will cost me my life, not that there’s much left of it anyhow,” you retorted, sarcasm dripping from every syllable. “Look, I will hear you out, I will take every word into consideration. But if I do this, I vanish, as if I never existed, and Rogers will never find me. Those are my terms.”
Andy shook his head in agreement, willing to give you everything you asked for for intel on Steve Rogers. He had built his career on doing the right thing, fighting the bad guys, and Andrew Barber was fucking good at his job. But getting to put Steve Rogers away for life, effectively crumbling the New York crime syndicate would be life changing. Steve Rogers was ruthless and cold, yet smart.
“I understand your hesitation but I will do everything in my power to get you out alive.” Andy placed his hand on top of yours, squeezing it to reassure you. You met Andy’s gaze, trusting him almost immediately, trying to ignore the warmth of his touch.
“Okay, when do we start?” you asked, your stomach somersaulting, a feeling you hadn’t had in a long while; you liked Andrew Barber. He was handsome, devastatingly so, his blue eyes so piercing they seemed to see your very soul. You liked how soft his skin was, the way his smile reached every feature on his face, so genuine. You wondered what his lips felt like, how his hands would feel exploring every inch of your bare skin as he kissed every part of you.
“Are you okay?” Andy asked, his voice cutting through your very sinful thoughts, thoughts that had you squeezing your thighs together. “Do you think you can start now, we can record everything for the record. I have an office no one knows about, one rented under a pseudonym by the district attorney's office just for cases like this.” Andy rubbed his thumb over your knuckle, soothing your anxiety, almost as if he had known you all your life.
“Yeah, okay. But we need to go now, and I will do it all at once. Steve thinks I’m at my mother’s house for the next week; I told him she was ill. It’s the only reason I was able to slip away unnoticed.” You looked out the window, wondering if this was truly the right thing to do. You had loved Steve Rogers once, did you still?
“I know how dangerous this is, and I wouldn’t ask it of you if I didn’t think you could handle it. Your strength is quiet, but strong. And if those marks are any indication of your life, then Rogers needs to go away for good.” Andy watched you shift in your seat, self consciously adjusting your jacket.
“Make no mistake, Mr. Barber. I am not a battered woman. These marks are for everyone else, so they know who I belong to. Steve has never hit me, never once laid a hand on me. These marks are the result of his love, of his fucking me into the ground.” You held his gaze, no shame in your words at all; Steve Rogers was a damn good fuck, the best you’d had.
“Be that as it may, it doesn’t change anything. Rogers needs to go away, and you need a new life. That is what I will give you, I promise. And please, call me Andy.” He smiled gently, your hand still in his grasp, his eyes never leaving yours, never showing one ounce of judgment.
You cleared your throat, unable to hold Andy’s gaze. No man had ever looked at you the way Andy was, not even Steve. “Well, Andy, let’s get this going. The sooner it’s done, the sooner I will disappear.” You grabbed your purse, leaving a hundred dollar bill on the table. Andy stood, leading you out to his car. There was no turning back now, even if you wanted to.
Steve’s POV
Steve pulled into the driveway happy to finally be home. He had been away for almost two weeks, and he couldn’t wait to see you. And fuck you. He had tried to sate his need with other women, but none of them could ever amount to you. You were perfect. Your hair, your skin, your pussy. He had turned you into the perfect woman, and he made sure to mark you everytime he buried his cock in you.
Steve made sure he had everything, almost forgetting the jewelry he had gotten you. The soft velvet housed a gorgeous white gold necklace and ring set, beautiful alexandrite in the center, small diamonds surrounding both in a teardrop shape. Steve knew you loved colored and rare gems, just how he saw you. Stunning and rare.
Steve still remembered the first time he saw you, standing outside of the lecture hall, laughing with the president of the most popular fraternity on campus, your hand resting on his arm. In that moment, Steve wanted to kill any man who even looked at you, and from then on, you were his. Everyone knew who Steve Rogers was, and Steve Rogers always got what he wanted.
Steve opened the door, surprised at how dark the house was, wondering where you were. You weren’t normally gone this late. He pulled his phone out, shooting a text to his head of security to see where you were as he wasn’t used to not knowing your location at all times. Hell, he’d even hired your best friend as head of his technology section. Jake Jensen was such a goofy motherfucker, he never once worried about you being alone with him.
As he waited for a response to his text, he pulled up the tracking app he had installed on your phone without your knowledge, one of the many secrets he had paid Jensen handsomely to keep confidential. He saw your phone showing at the hospital near your mother’s home, his concern and wariness growing.
He shot a text off asking if everything was okay with your mom, setting your present down, losing his tie and shirt. He made his way to his office, poured himself a bourbon as he waited for your reply. You’d never given him a reason to not trust you, but there was something about this that didn’t sit right with him.
His head of security texted back to let Steve know you’d been called away earlier by an emergency, your mom had collapsed and was found unconscious by her home health nurse. The agency had you listed as her emergency contact, calling you about her hospital admission.
Steve was considering this story when his phone rang, you on the other end. He listened as you explained the days events, the steady beep of the heart monitor playing in the background of the conversation. You told him it would be about a week before you’d be home, even with the home health nurses on duty. Steve, of course, told you not to worry about anything but your mother, that he would be here waiting, and to call him if you needed anything at all. He asked if you’d like him to join you once he returned, not revealing that he had already arrived home from his business trip. You told him it was fine and that you’d see him at home, ending with telling him you loved and missed him.
Steve hung up, alarm bells ringing in his head. He immediately called Jensen, commanding round the clock monitoring of your location and communication, to be reported directly to him. Steve poured himself another glass, staring into the fire. He wasn’t sure what would happen or what he would find, but hopefully it was just a feeling.
He drained the rest of his drink, leaving your present on his desk as he headed to his bedroom. He hadn’t slept in about a day and exhaustion was catching up to him. Steve decided to go straight to sleep, changing into flannel bottoms with no shirt, sinking directly into bed, his dreams sending him into even more concern and chaos.
You remembered the first time you saw Steve Rogers, his large shoulders, striking blue eyes, classically handsome looks all focused on you as if you were the only person besides him to exist. You found yourself pulled into the orbit of his space and you honestly felt you were finally where you belonged.
Steve introduced himself, his gaze never wavering from yours as you told him your name, the other man all but forgotten. You knew about Steve Rogers, everyone did, but you never thought Steve Rogers would care about someone like you.
He walked along with you, stopping to offer a ride when you realized you’d missed the last bus back to your apartment. You were hesitant, stranger danger and all, but you found yourself unable to say no, almost as if the world would shatter if you did.
The drive was comfortable, as if you two had known each other all your lives. And maybe for you, you had. Steve Rogers was everything you’d dreamed of, the man of every dream you’d ever had. Tall, nice, focused solely on you and you alone, even if you two had just met. You’d never had that in your life, always feeling invisible or unseen compared to your friends.
Steve listened as you talked about your goals, veterinary school always your dream since you could talk. You had always had a better connection with animals, humans had always managed to let you down or disappoint somehow. You had just finished your second year of your post graduate degree, your clinicals starting in a few days. You’d only been at the school to pick up your rotation for the next semester.
Steve had never been one for love or relationships; he’d learned early in life that you couldn’t trust or depend on anyone but yourself, something his father had always made sure he remembered, especially once he had started learning the business. The Family Fucking Business as the movies liked to say. Every time he watched The Godfather or Goodfellas, he always had a good laugh-nothing about his life was glamorous or pretty. Well, nothing until he met you.
He could listen to you talk all day, every minute, his life finally finding purpose outside of fortune and power. He was lost in the mellifluous sound of your voice and realized he’d missed the last five minutes of your conversation. You laughed at his confusion, finding yourself also lost in him.
He walked you up, stopping outside your door as he tried to memorize every last detail he could, not knowing when or if you would want to see him again. As you stood watching him, trying to find any reason not to say goodbye, you threw all caution to the wind, suddenly finding the courage to do something you never would have.
You stood on the tips of your toes, snaking your arms around Steve’s neck, and before you could change your mind, placed your lips on his. You felt Steve still and wondered if you’d just humiliated yourself until you felt him relax, a hand on your lower back, the other on your cheek as he leaned into the kiss, taking over.
You don’t know how long the kiss actually was, all you knew was the burning in your lungs finally forced you apart. You rested your forehead against his, both of you gulping in breaths of fresh air. Steve pulled back, his cheeks flushed as he continued stroking your cheek softly with his thumb, the trail of heat still on your skin as you allowed yourself to look at him.
You stood in silence, both too lost in each other to say a word. Steve asked for your phone number after a few minutes of being silent and still, handing over his phone as you held your hand out. You typed your number then called yourself to save Steve’s, placing one more kiss on his lips before you ran into your apartment and locked the door.
You leaned against the closed door, your heart pounding, your stomach fluttering wildly, brushing your fingers over your lips where you still felt his. You squealed in delight, scaring the kitten you’d just brought home from class after you performed an amputation on his tail caused by a deep infection which would not heal.
You picked up Nubbins, happy in a way you’d never experienced before. You were always the quiet one who was only spoken to when men were trying to hit on your friends, you were never the main character in any story. Yet, this man you’d only known for two hours had changed all of that. You heard him chuckle and wish you a good evening with the promise you would hear from him soon.
You made dinner and started going over your schedule for the next semester, your favorite movie droning on in the background when you heard your phone vibrate. You jumped, the noise scaring you for a moment as you weren’t used to anyone really texting you. Nubbins grumbled and yawned, moving to sit on the other end of your bed after you had so rudely disturbed his sleep.
You saw Steve in your banner notifications, your heart skipping a beat. He couldn’t wait any longer to talk to you, and you couldn’t be happier about not playing it cool. You texted with Steve well into the night, falling asleep past one in the morning. You knew you’d be tired for your first shift at the local shelter, your meeest clinical site, but it was completely worth it.
You woke up at six, heading to the shower first thing as per your normal morning routine. You dressed quickly, almost forgetting your phone on the way out the door. You had just locked up and finally opened your phone to check the time so you didn’t miss your bus. You heard your name as you came down the front steps, looking up to see Steve standing there with a cup of coffee.
You flushed, not used to having someone take care of you like this. Steve opened up the car door for you, making sure you were buckled in before he made his way to the drivers side. He asked for the name of the shelter, putting it in his GPS as he pulled away from the curb,
From that moment on, you never took another bus again. Steve was always there to pick you up and take you home, sending one of his most trusted men if he was working or out of town. Steve took you to dinner, to musicals, the movies, anything you wanted to do, Steve made sure you did.
The next two years continued like this, Steve being the loudest one at your graduation, your biggest cheerleader through all of it. Nubbins adored him, and you had to admit your heart melted every time you saw your large and cold man enraptured by a tiny ball of floof, finding Nubbins napping on Steve many times.
The sex was always amazing, right from the start. Steve was used to women falling all over themselves for a chance at him, even if for only one night. You, however, you didn’t. You wouldn’t sleep with him until you were sure the connection between the two of you was genuine. You weren’t playing hard to get, nor were you frothing at the mouth for a taste of him. Steve had never met anyone like you, and once he had tasted you, he was never letting you go.
The first time with Steve was straight out of one of your favorite romantic movies: slow, sweet, and incredibly sensual. You’d made your way to his house after dinner, heading in for a nightcap. As you sat and talked, you realized you were ready, you wanted to take this leap now.
You put your glass on the table grabbing Steve’s and placing it next to yours, moving onto Steve’s lap, straddling him as you started to kiss. You felt his hands move down your back, one coming to settle on your hip, the other in your hair as he held you close.
He groaned as you rolled your hips over his lap, feeling his cock harden beneath you, causing you to moan and roll your hips again, trying to find any type of friction.
Steve pulled back, pushing your hair out of your face, his hand caressing your cheek as he stared deeply, asking if you were sure that you were ready, that this is what you wanted. You nodded silently, never breaking eye contact as you felt him lift you from the couch, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carried you to his bedroom.
He kissed you deeply, moving you softly and gently to the bed, propping your head on his pillows. He kneeled between your legs, kissing you again, moving from your mouth to the shell of your ears, down your neck to the swell of your breasts.
He kissed down your stomach, his hands landing under your shirt and pushing it up, his lips following the trail of his fingers. You arched your back up to allow him to remove your shirt, so completely lost in the sensation of his touch and tongue. He removed your bra as he made his way back down your neck, his eyes locked with yours as he took one nipple in his mouth, the other in his hand.
You had never remembered being this sensitive, every lave of his tongue, every nibble of teeth, every kiss sending electric shocks up and down your body, your mind filled with nothing but Steve Rogers. He switched breasts, paying just as much attention to your other nipple, the cool air sending goosebumps down your flesh.
He kissed down your stomach, his hands moving to your pants, unbuttoning them and pushing them slowly down, making sure he kissed every inch of skin down one leg and up the other as he dropped your pants to the floor. Your hands moved onto his head, twining in his hair as he nosed your clothed pussy, your scent already intoxicating to him.
He rubbed up and down over your lace thong, fascinated with the wet patch forming from his ministrations, your grip on his hair tightening the more he teased. He finally hooked his thumbs under the waistband, all patience lost as he ripped them off easily, his mouth finding your clit immediately.
You cried out, his mouth so warm and wet against your cunt, every nerve firing off with pleasure as he sucked and licked, inserting two fingers in. You cried out again and again, the sudden fullness mixed with his suckling hurtling you over the edge, your orgasm immediate and hard.
He worked you through it, his cock straining against his pants as he watched you fall apart. You came a second time, crying out, barely registering the loss of his mouth before you felt him slowly slide his dick in, your walls grabbing on tight. He swore he had never felt a pussy this good, and from this moment on, it was only for him.
As you came back to reality, you found your hips moving in time with his, slow and steady as he fucked you, his forehead resting on yours, his eyes locked onto your face as he kept taking you apart. You opened your eyes, completely lost in the sensations your body was experiencing.
Steve hooked an arm under your right leg, allowing him to fuck you deeper and deeper, his fingers gripping your hip so tightly you knew would leave marks of the best kind. You told him not to stop, begging Steve to fuck you harder, slower, deeper again, cumming for a third time when you felt his hand drop to your already sensitive clit. You felt his rhythm stutter, his thrusts growing more sharp until he came, filling you up so completely you weren’t sure where you began and Steve ended, your bodies and souls wrapped in one sweaty shell, both trying to catch your breath.
Steve had you over and over, his appetite for you never diminishing even as the night turned to morning. He finally let you rest, your body curled around his as you fell asleep so easily. He held you as he also allowed exhaustion to take him, waking a short while later. He wanted you again but made himself let you rest as he went to make some food for you both. He didn’t have any plans for the rest of the weekend, as far as he was concerned, his only job was to fuck you over and over until you had to work on Monday. And Steve took that job very seriously indeed.
You’d never felt so beautiful, so wanted as you did when Steve was buried inside you, your taste all over his face after spending hours with his mouth in your pussy. You had tried to reciprocate his selflessness only for Steve to push you back down and make you forget your previous attempts. You wanted his dick in your mouth, his cum pouring down your throat, but that wouldn’t happen yet. At that moment, it was all about you, learning to read every moan, every gasp, every touch that made you sing.
It would be another month or so before you were able to fulfill your need to suck his cock. You were relaxing in his office, studying for your boards, Steve outside on the phone for business, and in that moment, you couldn’t help yourself. Watching him pace, yelling and frustrated, his veins were popping out of his neck, You watched him slam his phone down, your eyes drawn to the power this man exuded by simply existing.
You waited until Steve had calmed down and made his way back inside, dropping into his chair behind the desk. You poured him a glass of bourbon, setting it down in front of him, running your fingers through his hair as he hugged you. You dropped a kiss on his head, feeling him relax into you.
You couldn’t stop the need blooming through you, just the touch of his fingers creating a heat you could no longer ignore, nor did you want to. You lifted his face, peppering kisses down his cheek, over his jaw to the other side, moving from his face to his neck, licking and biting as you went.
Steve moved his head back, allowing you easier access to him as he wound his hands in your hair, tightening his grip the lower you went. You dropped to your knees, spreading his thighs to make room as you ran your hands up his legs, stopping at his belt. You looked up at him, silently waiting for approval, and so happy you’d decided to leave your hair down, your scalp tingling with each tightening grip.
Steve looked down, lust blown features over his face, twisting in ecstasy as your fingers ran over the bulge in his pants. With one nod, barely perceptible, you unfastened his belt, slipped your hands beneath the waistband of his boxer briefs, and pulled both down as Steve lifted his hips.
Your mouth watered at the sight, his cock hard and leaking. It took everything in you not to immediately shove him down your throat, but you held back, placing long licks up his shaft, stopping to suck the tip in before licking your way back down.
Each lick caused a sigh, each time you sucked just the tip, it caused him to pull your hair tighter, his hips lifting off the chair to push down your throat more. You lifted his cock, moving to suck his balls into your mouth, causing you to smile when your heard a moaned and strangled fuck leave his mouth.
You couldn’t deny how beautiful and sexy you felt in this moment, bringing this powerful man to his knees, a feeling you hadn’t felt often. You finally stopped teasing, your lips wrapping around Steve as you slowly worked your way down, taking a deep breath, starting to exhale as you worked his dick down the back of your throat, humming to relax enough to let him in and remind you to breathe.
You felt his hands tighten the more you swallowed, until you stilled, your drool running down. You looked up at Steve, waiting for him to relax. Once he stilled and his breathing was a little slower, you started to move, allowing him to fuck your throat, his taste filling your senses.
You allowed Steve to take over, his hips thrusting more and more, harder and harder as he worked towards his own end, your drool dripping down his balls onto the floor, and as you looked up at him, he swore he had never seen a more beautiful sight in his life.
You felt him start to thrust faster as his breathing quickened, moans and fucks falling freely from his mouth. You continued to let him lead, finally sated as he spilled his cum down your throat, his taste permanently seared into your memory as you swallowed it all down, waiting for Steve to release your hair before you moved.
As Steve slowly relaxed his hold on you, you made your way up, releasing his already softening cock from your mouth, making sure you swallowed every last drop. Steve grabbed you, settling you on his lap as he kissed you deeply, completely possessive as he tasted himself on you.
You should have seen the warnings then, felt the shift in Steve, but you were so in love, you missed it all. He loved you, he adored you, he worshiped you and your body. It started slowly, little marks here and there, nothing you couldn’t cover.
Eventually, it all changed. Steve marked you every time he took you, making sure everyone around knew exactly who you belonged to. He moved you into his home while you were at work, something you’d only spoken about, but hadn’t made a final decision on, and before you had a chance to discuss it with him, he showered you with gifts including a ring you’d had your eye on for a while. He made sure to fuck you so completely and thoroughly; it worked. You never broached the subject again, accepting this as your home.
Life continued on, and with each passing day, Steve’s obsession grew more and more. He wanted to know where you were every hour. He would text and if there was no immediate response, he would call. You made the mistake of not answering once while you were working; when you got home, Steve immediately took you upstairs and threw you down on the bed, tying your hands above your head.
You’d discussed exploring certain kinks, but this wasn’t about that. This was about ownership, obedience-you didn’t answer the phone, you needed to be punished, something to remind you who was in charge. That’s exactly what he did, edging you for hours, tears pouring down your face as you begged for release, your tear-filled promises music to Steve’s ears.
Once he finally let you cum, you thought that was it, but Steve wasn’t done with you. He spent the next hour making you cum over and over again, until your body went limp. You’d passed out, the last four hours too much on your body. Steve removed your restraints, and left you to grab a warm washcloth from the bathroom, cleaning you gently before gathering you to his chest. You woke up hours later, your body sore, warm from Steve’s body covering yours.
You were thrown into the dark side of this relationship, punishment becoming more frequent and painful. Steve wanted to make sure you remembered who you belonged with, belonged to, who loved you. You didn’t want to make anything worse, but sometimes your mind asked if this was actually love. And in those moments of doubt, Steve would be kind, he would be caring, he wouldn’t mark you as he fucked you.
In those moments, Steve was more of the man you fell in love with, less of the man who made you question your life with him. In those moments, he would hold you, kiss you, tell you how you had made him the luckiest man in the world. He would make love to you, show you off to people at any functions he attended.
In those moments, you were his shining light. You made him feel, something he thought he had lost the ability to do. Then he would flip a switch, the mere thought of you with someone else causing his jealousy to rise. Those moments were the worst.
Not only were you marked all over, you were fucked too hard and before you were wet, your screams of pain fueling his thrusts. He would take you any way her wanted; your pussy, your ass, your mouth and all you could do was allow him.
The longer this happened, the harder it was for you to hide your bruises, to walk without pain, making you quit your job. The more questions people asked, the more ashamed you became. Yet, in his own twisted way, you just accepted that this was what love was for Steve, therefore this is what love was for you.
You cannot remember the exact moment you decided maybe this wasn’t love, that maybe you weren’t meant to be with someone who had to make sure you and everyone around him knew who you were and who you belonged to. You became a toy, an object for him to display, to bend and mold to his will.
The first time you really learned about his work was a day unlike any other; it was the day your view of Steven Grant Rogers shifted into something irreparable. You had handed in your resignation and made your way home early, upset at losing something you had worked so hard for.
You headed to the bedroom to undress, stepping into a hot shower where you finally allowed yourself time to mourn your career. You loved animals, you loved helping them, and you had to walk away from that because Steve finally broke something inside your soul.
You dressed quickly and made your way to the kitchen. Steve wasn’t usually home this time of day, so you were looking forward to having the house to yourself for a while. You had to get every negative emotion out now or you would pay later.
You made your way to the kitchen, grabbing your favorite bottle of wine on the counter, opening the fridge to make something to eat. As you were making your sandwich, you heard a thump from the basement. Putting down your wine, you grabbed the largest knife in the butcher block as you made your way down.
You heard the thumping continue followed by groans, the noise getting louder the deeper you went. Your heart was thudding loudly, your only thought being you hope Steve wouldn’t be mad when he found your dead body.
As you rounded the corner, you stopped dead. In front of you was Steve, flushed from exertion. You watched as he punched a man restrained by chains hanging from the ceiling. You weren’t allowed downstairs ever, and now you knew why.
You watched Steve beat this man over and over, your mouth twisted in horror. This wasn’t the man you loved. This was a psychotic monster dressed to look like Steve. You watched the stranger’s blood splash with each hit, spraying all over Steve’s dress shirt, his knuckles bruised and bloodied.
You shoved your fist in your mouth to stifle your heavy breathing, willing your feet to move, to leave before you were caught, but you were frozen. The stranger looked over at you, his face swollen, but you saw him ask for your help.
You turned and ran before Steve caught you, the last sound to follow you out was screaming which ended with a gunshot. You ran upstairs and hid in the walk in closet, tears streaming down your face.
You’d always heard the rumors and whispers about the business Steve was in, but you never fully believed what anyone said. Now you knew just how naive you had truly been. You heard the door to the basement open, Steve’s voice carrying through the house as he gave directions to his right hand on removing the body.
You jumped as you heard him make his way upstairs, running to the bathroom and turning the shower on to hide yourself from Steve, and maybe also to try and wash away what you’d just witnessed. You quickly undressed and showered again, staying in for as long as you could.
You wrapped yourself in your robe, took a deep breath and opened the door to the bathroom, faking a look of surprise at seeing Steve home. He looked up at you, his clothes changed and blood free. He asked what you were doing at home, you said you had quit your job today and came home early.
As you walked to the closet to get some clothes, your heart once again thudded in your chest. You were scared it was so loud, Steve would be able to hear. You jumped when you felt Steve behind you, his hands working your robe off. You leaned back into him, afraid he would know the truth if you didn’t accept his affection.
Steve kissed your shoulders, up your neck, stopping at your ear. He whispered he knew you were lying and asked why you had been downstairs, his hand gripping your arm in a bruising grip. He grabbed your hair, pulling you to the bed as he bent you over, working his pants and boxer briefs down his legs, freeing his already hard cock.
You cried as he spit on your asshole, his cock in hand as he stroked it slowly. You begged for lube, for anything to prepare you for this invasion, but it fell on deaf ears as he pushed into you. As you felt him stretch your already abused hole, you hated the betrayal of your body, your cunt growing wet with each thrust.
Steve was relentless, fucking you slow at first, trying to allow you time to adjust before he started to fuck you deeply. You felt his hand reach around and gather your slick as he worked your clit. Your tears stained the bed, whether from pleasure or pain, you weren’t sure. You hated that he could make you feel so good while taking what he wanted with no concern for you.
He rubbed your clit harder, your orgasm rushing over you as you came all over his hand. You felt his thrusts quicken, however you weren’t able to keep track as he made you cum again and again. You finally felt him stiffen, your hole filled with his cum as he continued to fuck you through both of your orgasms, his dick softening with each twitch, your skin raw and irritated as his cum leaked out.
You sobbed quietly, long after he’d pulled out and left you limp on the bed, heading to the bathroom to clean himself off. He came back in the room, stooping down to whisper in your ear that you knew the rules. Downstairs was off limits and lying about it was why the punishment was so rough, dropping a kiss on your cheek leaving to change his clothes and head back down.
You laid on the bed, your tears soaking the sheets, unable to move, disgusted as you felt Steve’s cum leaking out of you. After what felt like hours, you finally stopped sobbing and lifted yourself off the bed, crawling on your hands and knees to the bathroom. You filled the tub with hot water, gently lowering yourself into the bath, the water stinging your sore and abused hole.
You sat in the water with your knees pulled up to your chin until the bath had turned cold and you started shivering. Only then did you stand up and wrap yourself in your fluffy robe, heading towards the closet carefully as you were still in intense pain.
You turned to look at the bed, still covered with cum, yours and Steve’s, but you couldn’t bring yourself to lay down. You opened the door, cautiously looking around for Steve, and made your way down to the guest bedroom. You laid down, covering yourself with the blanket as you started quietly sobbing once more, finally falling asleep once you’d cried all you could, which became the new normal for you.
Present Day
As you finished up the history behind you and Steve, Andy sat quietly, his attention focused only on you. You couldn’t meet his gaze, afraid you would see pity there. Pity was the last thing you wanted, especially from a man you’d known for twelve hours.
You stood and made your way to the table where you’d set your purse down, reaching in to grab your insurance. You walked back to Andy and placed the drive in front of him.
“This is everything I have on Steve. Names, positions, wives, girlfriends, everything you need to put not only him away, but many of those around him also.”
“How were you able to compile this without him knowing?” Andy asked, impressed by your strength and courage.
“My best friend growing up is a tech genius, former special ops. He has been helping me for a while. He created a software program that feeds from all known and unknown government databases. Facial recognition, full background checks, anything that has ever been documented, dark web shit too. I would get a lot of information from the wives. Get a little wine in them and they talk a lot. I would feed this to Jake and he would gather all of the intel he had and match it with what I was told.”
Andy got up and disappeared into another room, returning with his laptop. He plugged the drive in and opened the encrypted files with the password you gave to him. As he watched everything open, he realized that this was it. This was everything he needed to take down not only Steve, but most of his payroll, some high ranking officials and politicians. What Andy was looking at was a nuclear weapon and he held the code.
You sat quietly as Andy worked, your mind wandering back to Steve. You knew this would seal your fate and you would never see him again. You weren’t sure how you felt, or how you were supposed to feel. You were relieved because you would no longer be his prisoner, yet you grieved the loss of him. There was a time you were so in love with Steve, you couldn’t wait to be his wife. Now, you couldn’t even stomach looking at him let alone him touching you.
“This is it. This is everything I need to make sure Steve never hurts you again, or anyone else for that matter. Once I do this, once I make the call and blow this up, you can never go back again. Do you understand what I’m saying? Do you still want to do this?” Andy turned and grabbed your hands, his thumb rubbing a soothing motion.
“I’m sure, but I do have some requests. I disappear immediately when you are done with me. I don’t need anything, I have a sizable amount of money stashed away. I want a new city, a new name, and I want to be able to practice again eventually, in some capacity. I can do shelter medicine, work somewhere small, I don’t care. I just want some part of my life back.”
“I can make you disappear, I will be the only person who knows where you are. My plan is to keep you hidden the entire trial, which should be quick with everything you’ve given me. After the trial is done and I’m sure Steve and everyone associated with him are gone, once I’ve done this, I will make sure to find a way for you to resume your veterinary career.”
You didn’t know why, and this was something you didn’t think you’d ever be able to do again after Steve, but you trusted Andy. You believed every word he said; you couldn’t be sure if it was because you truly did or if it was wishful thinking, but right now you couldn’t care less. Right now, he was here and he was keeping you alive.
“I have an idea for your friend. I will have to make some calls and see what can be done, but this database he’s built would be an amazing asset to our government. FBI, CIA, every branch of the military, this would change the face of national security for the better. Would he be open to something like that?”
“I would need to verify this with him the next time he checks in and updates me on Steve, but I don’t think he’d turn you down at all.” You smiled, grasping Andy’s hand tightly, your feelings bittersweet. You looked up to see Andy staring deeply at you, his face etched with worry and pride. You tried to ignore the flutter of your heart at his gaze, reminding yourself this was just another business proposition for Andy, nothing more.
“Well, I think I will try and get some sleep.” You stood, clearing your throat to cover the sudden rush of emotion in your voice. “Were your men able to get me everything I asked for?” you inquired as you moved to grab your purse. You wanted to shower, take your Ambien and sleep if possible. Insomnia had been your constant roommate the last year or so, why would tonight be any different?
“Um, yes, yeah. They put the bags in the master bedroom for you. I’ve made up the bed, there’s a bathroom in the room for you so you will have complete privacy. There’s a television and any streaming channel you could possibly want. I will make sure to have someone bring your cat to you once we’ve made the arrest.” Andy stood to guide you to the room you would call home for the next week or so.
“I don’t want to take your bedroom, please don’t let me be a bother at all. The guest room or any couch will be perfectly fine.” You followed Andy down the hall, finally agreeing to take the master suite. You walked over to the bed and started looking through all of the items and clothes that had been left. You couldn’t wait to step into a piping hot shower, letting the world fade away for just a bit.
“Well, I will leave you. If you need anything, please let me know. I will most likely be working out in the living room. There are snacks and food in the fridge, anything you want is yours.” Andy moved to stand in front of you, lifting your chin up so you would look at him. “It’s almost over, I promise. Now, try and rest, I will check in on you later.”
You thanked Andy, your skin still warm from his touch, and you could have sworn you saw something in his face, his eyes, something that made your stomach flutter and your heart pound. You shook your head telling yourself Andy could have his pick of any woman, the last thing he needed was one as broken as you.
You made your way to the bathroom stripping as you went, the bag of toiletries in your hand. The shower was hot and soothing, your back finding relief from the tension coiled there. As you stood under the hot stream, you cried. You cried for the loss of yourself, you cried for the loss of your love, you cried at the sheer relief of escape. You cried until you had nothing left.
You turned the shower off, and stepped out, so thankful Andy had the men pick up a fluffy robe. You wrapped yourself tightly and stood before the mirror, wiping the steam to look at your reflection. You applied your moisturizer, brushed your teeth, and made your way to the bed to change. You sat down and grabbed the sleep medication from your purse, taking two. It had been days since you had actually slept, and all you wanted for tonight was a chance to escape.
You laid down, your phone in hand as you scrolled through your updates from Jake. You texted from the burner phone Jake had set up for you, completely untraceable by anyone. Jake created this phone just for you and that thought had you in tears again. If it hadn’t been for Jake, you would never have been able to do this. You’d have been stuck in this endless cycle with Steve.
You responded to let Jake know what was going on, catching him up on your conversation with Andy, your requests, and how things were going to proceed. Jake begged you to be safe, letting you know he would check in with you tomorrow. You said goodnight and dropped the phone back in your purse.
You turned on the TV, and found one of your favorite movies streaming. As you leaned back against the pillows, you drifted off to sleep immediately, your meds and pure exhaustion kicking in. You hadn’t even changed your clothes, still dressed in only your robe on top of the bed, dreamless for a few hours, the only amount of rest your brain would allow.
You tossed and turned, your voice strangled as you tried to wake up, but you couldn’t out run him. Steve was all around and no matter where you turned, he was there. You tried to climb out of the darkness, but it enveloped you, blinding and suffocating you. You jumped up, gasping for air as you felt a pair of strong hands on your arms.
You screamed, thinking Steve had found you, completely forgetting where you were. Andy continued to hold you, trying to keep you from hurting yourself as you continued to blindly fight. Andy grabbed you, pulling you tightly into his embrace, holding you as you started to calm down, your tears wetting his shirt as you sobbed.
You finally calmed down enough to pull back and see the worried look on Andy’s face as he still held you, you finally relaxing into his embrace. You felt safe as Andy gently rocked you back and forth, his hand rubbing your back. Andy didn’t ask you about it and you didn’t offer any explanation, but you knew he understood where the panic had stemmed from.
You started to breathe evenly, your eyes slowly starting to close as you were lulled back to sleep by Andy. You startled awake when you felt him lay you down and cover you with the blanket. As he turned to leave the room, you grabbed his hand and pleaded with him not to leave you alone. Tonight, you needed him, not realizing that this was the exact moment your feelings started shifting towards this man and away from the one who hurt you while claiming it was love.
Andy laid back down, staying above the covers, pulling you back to him, his arm around your waist as you quickly fell asleep again. What you didn’t know is that Andy was feeling the exact same shift in emotions, having been single for so long. Not to say Andy was a monk, but he had only accepted the physical from another person, always scared to make the emotional commitment too. All of that was different with you.
He thought you the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, everything from your hair to your smile instantly making him an addict. He didn’t think he’d ever be able to get you alone long enough to let you know who he was and what he wanted, but he was damn sure going to try.
He learned your patterns, watching you for about two weeks, non stop. He wouldn’t let anyone else do this, he needed you to trust him. He had seen the pictures, the marks, old ones fading while new ones littered your skin. He hadn’t given you enough credit though, which is how you surprised him when you turned around and asked him why he had been following you.
Andy was so impressed, you had rendered him speechless. As he stumbled to find the words, he almost felt like he was back in high school and talking to his crush for the first time. When he finally found his voice, he handed you his card, his personal cell phone written on the back. No one outside of his job had this number, Andy always trying to keep those around him safe. And now, you were the most important thing to him, the one thing he wanted to protect and cherish for the rest of your lives.
Andy felt crazy. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, but his first look at you had sealed his fate. You accepted the card, turning to head back to your car. Andy watched you pull away, looking away only when your car was out of his line of sight. Andy didn’t think you’d call. He thought it was going to take a few more encounters.
He waited every day, still making sure to keep you under his watch, even when you were at home. He knew what he was risking, but he couldn’t let you go. You called while he watched the light in your room turn on, making himself wait before he answered the call.
You agreed to meet him, and the moment he sat down across from you, he knew this was it. He was done. You had ruined him for any other woman. He couldn’t help but grab your hand to soothe you as you started to talk, Andy hanging on every word you said. When you agreed to leave with him, well, he couldn’t remember a time in his life that he had ever felt this happy.
He had never let anyone into his home before, always worried about privacy and protection, but with you, there was no other place he wanted you to be. He listened as you recounted you life with Steve, jealous at the way you spoke about Steve in the beginning, then wanting nothing more than to murder him with his bare hands by the end.
He didn’t pity you, he knew you didn’t need nor want that from him. He admired you, your strength, something he had never witnessed before. He was impressed at your ability to compile all of the necessary information before Andy even came into the mix. You were brave, you were fearless, and this only made Andy fall for you even more.
He not only learned about Steve, he also learned about you. He learned your passions, your likes, your dislikes, he learned what made you happy and what made you angry, he learned about you, the real you; the you who you thought was dead and buried. He learned it all, committing every last detail to memory. When all of this was done and Steve was locked away, he would give you all of this and more. He would give you anything you asked for.
He had wanted to kiss you when he walked you to the bedroom. Seeing you standing there in his space, his most sacred area in all of the world, it unlocked something inside of him. He wanted to grab you and kiss you stupid, but he knew you weren’t ready for that. He made himself leave, immediately making his way to the bar for another drink. It took all of his strength not to kiss you, throw you down on the bed and taste you until you couldn’t remember your own name, let alone Steve’s. He wanted to show you how you deserved to be treated, how you were the most important thing ever to exist.
He listened as the shower turned on, and all he could think about was the hot water running down your breasts, your hand running along your body, your cunt warm and inviting. He felt his pants tighten, his thoughts only on your naked body. He imagined himself between your thighs, one thrown over his shoulder as he ate you out, your wet pussy dripping your essence down his face. He imagined your scent trapped in his beard, his fingers coated in your slick as you came over and over.
He loosened his belt, opening his pants and pulling them down enough to free his thick and hard cock, the head coated in his precum. He gathered it on his hand, grabbed his dick and slowly started to stroke his shaft, making sure to wipe the tip every time he reached the top.
He imagined you turned around your face pressed against the wall as he entered from behind, your tight and warm pussy hugging him perfectly, as if it was made only for you. He started to stroke faster and faster as he pictured himself slowly fucking you, pulling you back to kiss your neck. He pictured your hips bouncing back to meet his thrusts, your moans the only thing he ever wanted to hear again.
As he felt himself about to cum, he wondered what you looked like when you came. He saw you in his mind, breathless and lost, your orgasm completely possessing your body and soul. As he pictured you cumming, he felt himself stutter, his thrusts into his hand uneven and rushed. He imagined your cunt squeezing his dick tightly as he came, his cum covering his hand and landing on his shirt. He panted as he tried to catch his breath, his ears filled with his heartbeat, his head filled with nothing but you.
After he cleaned himself off, he changed into sweats and a hoodie, needing a distraction to keep him from making his fantasy come true. He worked for hours, completely unaware of the time as the hours passed by. The drive you had given him was a dream for any lawyer; names, dates, every transaction on a credit card, any ticket, everything right at the tips of his fingers.
When he heard you cry out, he ran to the bedroom and threw open the door. You were still asleep, but you were crying and whimpering. He grabbed your arms and shook you, trying to wake you, but nothing worked. You screamed when you finally opened your eyes, trying to free yourself from Andy with your arms and legs.
When you had finally calmed and started to sleep, he tucked you in, dropping a kiss on your forehead before turning to walk away. Andy heard you stir and saw the look on your face, causing him to make his way back to the bed. He wanted to make sure you felt safe and comfortable, so he stayed on top of the covers.
He slipped his arm around you, pulling your body back against his, you fitting as if you were always meant his embrace. He felt you drift off again, following you into slumber not long after. Andy didn’t normally sleep, usually only three to four hours a night, but with you warm and safe in his embrace, he drifted off into the best sleep he could ever remember having. He would do everything in his power to make sure this is right where you stayed.
You woke up warm and comfortable, having slept better than you could remember. You stretched and rolled over, snuggling into the chest, startling when you realized you weren’t alone. You looked up, Andy sleeping peacefully, his arm around you. You reached out, caressing his cheek, the soft motion happening before you even realized what you were doing.
Andy stirred, clearing his throat as he brought you in closer, resting his chin on the top of your head. You let the warmth pull you under again, and for the first time, you felt completely safe and protected. You didn’t know what it was about Andy that inspired such confidence in you, but he did, and you would enjoy every minute while you could.
You woke a little later to Andy rubbing his hand up and down your arm, slowly bringing you back to reality. You stirred, stretching out your body as you felt Andy chuckle, the rumble low and deep from his chest. You looked up at him questioningly, offended you were being laughed at.
“I’m not laughing at you, put the pout away,” he said, smiling down at you. “You stretch like a cat, full body and long.” You slapped him on his chest and sat up, only just now realizing you were still dressed in your robe, which was hanging precariously open . You asked what time it was, moving out of Andy’s embrace to go use the bathroom and start your day.
Andy informed you it was a little past ten in the morning, which shocked you. You never slept past six maybe seven at the latest. Andy said he’d go get some food started to let you have some time to get ready.
As you entered the living room, your mouth watered at the smell of whatever Andy had made. Your stomach gurgled loudly, causing Andy to chuckle as he sat a plate in front of you. You took a bite, closing your eyes in pure delight as the flavors hit your tongue. You and Andy ate in quiet yet comfortable silence, you grabbing the plates once you were both done eating. Andy fought you until you compromised and allowed him to help you clean up.
As Andy sat down to do some work, you reached out to Jake to check in, needing to hear his voice and know he was safe. Jake informed you Steve had returned home early and was anxious to find out what you had been up to. Jake managed to stave him off for a while saying you were with your mother for testing that would keep you occupied for a few hours. You thanked him, promising him you were safe and would reach out to Steve soon.
Andy continued working, asking you questions over everyone in the files, and what you knew about them. You stopped about an hour later and texted Jake you were going to call Steve. Jake set the heart monitor noise in the background as you used your personal cell phone which Jake kept located at the hospital.
You gave Steve an update, making sure to keep the noise consistent as Jake helped keep the call authentic. When you disconnected, you sighed and rolled your neck and shoulders, tension immediately setting in when you talked to Steve.
Andy closed his laptop and asked what you felt like for dinner, anything you wanted. You told him your favorite food, and of course Andy knew exactly where to order it from, shocking you when he chose your favorite restaurant. You quirked an eyebrow and looked over to see Andy shrug. You had told him your favorite place during your story, and Andy made sure to remember.
You felt yourself loosen up, your mood instantly boosted at the fact that you were heard, a feeling that hadn’t happened in a very long time. While you waited for the food to arrive, Andy poured you a glass of wine, your choice being a sweet moscato while he sipped on the same.
When the food arrived, you and Andy ate, him regaling you with tales of his most humorous and memorable cases. You couldn’t remember the last time you had laughed so hard, Andy pouring more wine for you both as the night continued. You both decided to throw on a show you’d been wanting to watch forever, but you didn’t even make it through the first thirty minutes before your breath evened out as you fell asleep on his lap.
Andy looked down and made sure to cover you with the blanket across your lap as he went back to work, quietly so as not to wake you up. Whenever you moved, he stilled until you settled, keeping you covered up. His hand eventually found its way into your hair, gently playing with the loose pieces as he continued working through more files.
Andy drifted to sleep a few hours later, his head resting on the back of the couch. You woke up, waking Andy up to head to bed. Andy followed you down the hall, and as you stood outside the door, you looked at him, asking him to stay again. Andy silently followed you in, getting under the covers this time before pulling you into him again.
This became the routine for you two, sleep, eat work, spending time together, then sleep. This was your comfort zone, where you wanted to be. You weren’t sure you would ever feel safe or comfortable after Steve, but you wouldn’t shut the door to this chance if it happened.
On the last day with Andy, the end of the week you had agreed to in the beginning, you found yourself sad, disappointed that this was coming to an end, the day moving way too quickly for your taste. Andy slammed the laptop shut, leaned back and took a deep breath. This was ending way too fast for him also. You looked up to see Andy glancing down at you, your head laid across his lap as he played with your hair, your breath catching at the look on his face, a look you hadn’t seen in a long time.
Andy reached out, running his thumb over the apple of your cheek, causing you to lean into the soft and sweet touch. You leaned forward, your lips ghosting over Andy’s, your breath soft and timid. Andy leaned in, deepening the kiss as you lost yourself in his touch. As you moved to straddle his lap, Andy stopped you, his breaths short as he looked at you.
You immediately pulled away, embarrassed and ashamed at his denial. As you stood to leave, tears falling freely, you felt Andy grab you. He pulled you into his embrace, whispering that as much as he wanted this, he didn’t want to go too fast. He didn’t want to lose you, now that he’d just finally found you.
He grasped your chin, making you meet his eyes, wanting you to believe his every word. Andy meant it, he wanted to take his time with you, explore you, he wanted to love you in a way you had never been loved, but he needed to make sure you felt the same while he also needed to keep you alive.
“It isn’t that I don’t want to,” he said softly, his thumbs wiping the tears away as they fell. “I need to be able to keep you safe, to keep you alive, and I cannot do that until Steve is gone. I also need to know this is real, that your feelings are for me and aren’t just grieving a loss or fill a need. This is real for me, so real. I have never felt this way about anyone in my life.” Andy searched your face, trying to find the answers to the questions he so desperately needed.
You reached out and ran your hand along his jawline as you stood up to kiss him, every answer left behind on his lips. He kissed you again, pulling himself away leaving both of you breathless. You entered the bedroom, immediately finding home in his embrace, trying to memorize every touch, every breath before you were pulled apart.
Andy held you, both of you kissing, afraid to drift to sleep. Eventually, you both fell off into a dreamless sleep, morning coming way too fast for either of you. You packed everything up, Andy giving him men orders. After the car was packed, you and Andy stood silent as you drank each other in one last time.
“I am the only one besides my men who will know where you are.” Andy pushed stray strands of hair behind your ear as he continued. “Jake has been secured complete immunity on the condition he becomes a top tech professional for the US government, all branches. He will be set for life and will be able to contact you whenever he pleases.”
You nodded, trying to prolong this moment, still not ready to say goodbye. Andy moved to the side, opening the door to the SUV you were to leave in. Jake stepped out, his large and goofy smile on his face as he grabbed you in a tight embrace, lifting you off the ground. You cried tears of relief knowing your best friend, well actually family, was still alive.
He handed you a phone, going over all of the features as this was the last piece of technology he would be able to make for you. This phone was encrypted with only himself and Andy able to call or text. You could make calls and text of course, however Jake had made this phone completely untraceable with a new phone number spoofed every time you used it. Jake was excited to begin this new chapter, but completely scared of what time would bring. You assured him this was not the end, that Andy had made sure you’d always be able to reach him, even see him anytime you wished. As Jake said goodbye, he quietly whispered about how much he liked Andy. He approved, and that meant more to you than anything else. You watched another vehicle pull in, and squeezed Jake one last time.
As Jake was swept off to begin his new life, you turned to Andy, almost immediately seeking out his comfort. Andy helped you into the back of the vehicle, making sure you were buckled in and secure before placing a kiss on your lips, urgent and filled with sadness at having to let you go. You promised this wasn’t forever, Andy promised he would come back for you as soon as Steve was gone. Andy watched you leave, turning to head inside and start the war.
The cottage was so small and secure, Andy’s men splitting time between guarding you and also living next door. Andy made sure to call you every day, and every day, you received something from him. A book you’d wanted to read, your favorite fruit, anything that you mentioned, Andy made sure was yours.
It had been two months of non-stop contact, Andy reassuring you he was safe. He spared you the details of the raid, only letting you know that Steve was gone. The next day, you were awakened by gentle purrs and head bumps, opening your eyes to see your favorite cat.
It would be another few weeks before you were updated again, Andy unable to text and call daily the further the trial progressed. You’d kept tabs on the news, able to watch Steve’s empire fall. You felt a sense of relief pour through you once you’d read the headline detailing Steve Rogers fall from grace, his empire blown up from the inside out.
High ranking politicians, police, business men, other mafia contacts all brought down and eliminated by one Andrew Barber. You watched the trial end, Steve found guilty on all counts. Steve would never be free again, nor would he see the light of day, his sentence relocated to a very secure underground prison meant for the most dangerous men.
You waited for Andy, ready to finally be with this man who’d allowed you to live once again. With all of Steve’s people gone, it was safe for you to come back. You looked at your phone, waiting for a call, a text, anything to let you know Andy was coming back, but it never came. Another week passed with nothing from Andy. You called Jake to catch up with him, so proud of him. He was the most important and sought after commodity to national security, and you couldn’t be happier for him.
You were about to give up on Andy, resigning yourself to the fact you had once again trusted the wrong man. You snuggled with your cat, finally allowing your tears to fall. You fell asleep snuggled up, his purrs lulling your anxiety.
You were awakened a short while later, a hand on your cheek while gentle kisses were peppered down the side of your face. You opened your eyes, immediately seeing the one person you wanted more than anyone.
“Andy,” you breathed, immediately falling into his embrace. He kissed you, needy and rushed, wanting nothing more than to be here with you in this moment. He pulled away, his forehead resting on yours as he panted.
“Hi. I came as soon as I could,” he said, twining his fingers with yours. You leaned into him, kissing him again, holding him so close. You looked around, making sure the two of you were alone. He assured you the men were away in their place, that the two of you were finally and completely alone.
Andy gently laid you back, removing his shirt before climbing up to meet your lips. You sighed as he started to kiss your neck, softly nibbling, licking, kissing as he made his way down. He stopped at your collarbones, his hands sliding up your sides as you moved to remove your tank top, offering him access to the breasts he’d dreamed about since the first moment he saw you.
He nipped your nipple, taking it in his mouth as he bit and worked it over, removing his mouth to allow the cold air to hit as he worked over your other nipple, alternating between the two before moving his kisses down your stomach, his hands grabbing your shorts, pulling them down as he went.
You leaned back as he kissed up from your ankle to the knee, ending at the top of your thigh as he moved to the other leg, making his way down from your thigh to your ankle, chuckling when you huffed in frustration, so close yet still no relief. Andy made his way back up, your hands finding his hair as he finally reached where you wanted him most.
He inhaled your scent, losing all control as he dove in, his tongue licking up and down your wet slit, your moans sweeter than he ever imagined. He moved to your clit, sucking the small bundle between his teeth as he slid two fingers into you. Andy almost came right there, your pussy more sweet and soft than he had dreamed.
He worked his fingers in and out, sucking relentlessly as he felt your cunt tighten and squeeze, knowing you were close. He rubbed his clothed cock on the bed, seeking any type of relief while he made you scream, your cries overtaking every sense. He continued suckling, over and over, your juices running down his hand as he made you cum again and again, not letting up until you pushed his head away.
He kissed his way up, stopping at your breasts again, almost making you cum again from the sensitivity as he landed at your mouth. You kissed him deeply, your taste spurring you on more and more. You flipped him over, straddling his lap, his hard cock rubbing over your already oversensitive pussy.
Andy lifted his hips, allowing you to pull his pants down, grabbing his cock, dragging the tip up and down your wet slit, causing Andy to thrust up. You positioned him at your entrance, slowly sinking down inch by inch, his cock filling you to the brim.
You started to rotate your hips, keeping his dick nestled deeply inside, the motion making him still, allowing you to take what you needed from him. This was all about you, what made you happy, what made you feel good, marveling at how beautiful you looked in this light, fucked out yet still fucking.
You leaned down, your hair covering his face as he grabbed it and pulled you closer, kissing you slowly and deeply, following your rhythm. You rode him slow, barely lifting off his cock, taking him so deep you felt him in every part of your pussy, warm and slow.
As you continued fucking him, you sped up, your head thrown back in ecstasy as you balanced your hands on his chest. You bounced harder, your hips swiveling, feeling your orgasm building higher and higher. You continued your pace, chasing your end as you felt Andy thrust up, meeting you.
You let go, your cunt gripping him tightly as you cried out, his name the only word you seemed to know. You felt him still, his hot cum shooting into you, as he kept himself buried deep, not wanting to ever leave the shelter of your pussy.
You laid down across him, panting as your heart started to return to normal, your breaths short and shallow. Andy rubbed his hand up and down your back, his hot breath in your ear. He kissed you over and over, letting you know that this is what he had wanted for you. He wanted you to feel safe with him, knowing he would never do what Steve had.
You fell into a deep sleep, his now softening cock still sheathed fully as he continued to comfort you, making sure you were resting and comfortable. This moment was more than he had ever felt he deserved, and you would never be alone again.
His phone lit up, silenced to make sure you weren’t disturbed. He opened his texts, one message popping open from an unknown number. “It’s done, everyone is asleep.” Andy sent a message acknowledging he’d received it, closing his phone, placing it to the side nightstand. You moved, moaning from the action, Andy keeping completely still.
Andy was a man of few words, but many secrets; he would tell you one day, but for now, this Andy would be all you knew, the prosecutor so in love with you, he would end the world. Andy thought back to his conversation with his most trusted man, Curtis. Curtis had been with Andy from the beginning, helping him build an empire so secret, no one knew who the actual leaders were.
Andy sat silently as he processed the news Curtis had sent. Steve was gone, never to be seen nor heard from again, along with all of his men, leaving Andy in charge, Andy who now had a direct line to Jake.
Every last person in those files had been handled, allowing Andy to silently seize control. As he looked down at you again, he felt so warm and loved. Andy wasn’t sure of much, but he was very sure of one thing: No one else would get to hurt you again, you were his.
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