fluffy-wolfe · 2 years
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A commission where the client wanted Jenosa from Scurge: Hive drawn in anger and with flames erupting around her.
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high-on-e · 1 month
since i started my metroid journey with zero mission, i was on the lookout for other gba games i might like, ideally some hidden gems no one talks about. i found scurge: hive and it's like metroid and it also has a cool gal as a protagonist! ever since i found it i can't help but ship samus and jenosa a bit :3
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gubbles-owo · 10 months
It's been a while since I've messed around with picrew, as for the most part I've used it to try and visualize/experiment with OC designs. This one was shared with me a couple days ago, and it's got a lot of colorful options! For funsies, here is Jenosa Scurgehive from hit hidden gem GBA/DS title Scurge: Hive
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But like, running out to the convenience store on a chilly day, on vacation from all the deadly galactic virus blasting. Comf casual wear =w= Here's the link for this one! https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/701767
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davidhoangsworld · 1 year
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Jenosa arma
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sinnerzofsilence2 · 3 years
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NAME: Jenosa
AGE: ???
HEIGHT: 5′8″
SUMMARY: She was once a combat android for the Fleet. However, a very old model that became obsolete once the newer android models hit the scene leaving many older models to be abandoned or becoming scrap. Jenosa, on the hand, was found from a certain collector and was then bought over by Neroxa. With Neroxa’s background being robotic engineering, she used that skill and repaired, upgrade, and reprogram to their liking. Jenosa is Neroxa’s personal android slut, following any command but also having free will of her own. Due to an accident of reprogramming Jenosa, she is bit of a ditz though Neroxa loves it and doesn’t mind it all too much. As long as she got an android she’s willing to fuck all the time, Neroxa is happy and finds the android’s bubbly, ditzy personality cute.
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Jenosa Arma from Scurge: Hive
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nebularobo · 5 years
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Commissions from October/November 2019
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spaceskam · 5 years
Day 3 of femslash february, this time for @chamblerstara who once upon a time told me you enjoyed this pairing :D (special thanks to @partsofthesamecosmicbeing who gave me a prompt that inspired this fic!)
warning: substance abuse
Rosa Ortecho knew from a very young age that she was destined to die young.
Mimi DeLuca had done her best to hide that from her, but she was a bad liar and couldn't hide the face she made while reading Rosa's palm when she was eleven years old. She didn't tell her exactly what had caused her whole demeanor to change, but she figured it out very quickly after spending hours studying the lines on her hand and comparing them to a book on palm reading. She was going to die young, it was just a fact of the stars.
It took less than a year for her to come to terms with that fact. At first it made her cautious, scared to do anything, but puberty hit along with some other not-so-fun brain shit and Rosa decided she was perfectly content with looking pretty for her casket. It meant she could be reckless and it didn't matter.
Sure, that recklessness that earned her a lot of shit from her parents and her sister and her friends, but she liked it. She liked the feeling of everything being completely spontaneous, even to herself. 
It was why she skipped out on a family dinner. She knew she was supposed to be doing better and she had promised a family dinner, all to set better examples for Liz and show that she’d be reliable enough to go on that road trip with her this summer. Instead, she took the car and she was now somewhere in Texas.
Rosa stepped out of the car without turning it off, all but dancing towards the convenience store door. Maybe she was a little high and may she shouldn’t have been driving, but who cared? She was going to die young anyway.
She meandered through the isles, grabbing two large bags of skittles and a 2-liter of coke before heading towards the counter. Behind the register stood a tall, young blonde girl who looked like a goddamn goddess. Rosa smiled at her, her mind hazy with pot and pills and making it impossible to walk away from the vision in front of her.
“Hey,” Rosa said. The girl gave a crooked, half-assed smile. “I’ve never seen you before.”
“Should you have?” the girl asked. Her name tag said Jenna.
“I wish I had,” Rosa said. Jenna rolled her eyes. “I don’t see many girls like you at all.”
“And what kind of girl do you think I am?”
“Gorgeous, yet you’re not a bitch about it. I know a lot of girls who are tall and blonde and are bitches about it,” Rosa said, “That’s hot.” Maybe she was a little angry at Isobel Evans for standing her up again, but it didn’t matter. This girl was much more interesting.
“I see.”
“And you’re not getting offended by another girl hitting on you, so clearly you’re even hotter than I thought,” Rosa said, grinning loosely. Jenna huffed a laugh and leaned against the counter.
“Usually I don’t go for girls who hit on me at work,” Jenna said. Rosa licked her lips and gave her a once over.
They stared at each other for a moment before Jenna let out a soft breath and a smile, pushing herself up to ring up Rosa’s things. However, she’d already given her a positive reaction. Rosa had no intention to let that slip away.
“So, what are you doing after your shift?” Rosa asked. 
“Going home. I have an early morning,” Jenna answered, “Your total is $8.13.”
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?” Rosa said, pulling out a crumpled five and four ones.
“ROTC,” she responded. Rosa raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side.
“I bet you look hot in uniform,” Rosa said. Jenna huffed a laugh and went to give her her change. Her hand lingered just a little too long before Jenna grabbed her wrist and tugged her close. Rosa couldn’t help the reckless grin that found her face. 
"I get off in an hour.”
“I can wait.”
Rosa wasn’t stupid. She knew the look in a girl’s eye when she saw it. Or, maybe it wasn’t the look. Maybe it was the lack of pushing her away even when they were in a small town. Rosa knew what it was like to have different interests in a small town. The only way to get your fix was by being risky. Rosa was being risky.
Jenna was taking her risk.
Rosa waited for her and admittedly sobered up a little bit. She wanted to remember at least one rendezvous with a leggy blonde. Jenna let her hair down and walked to Rosa’s car with a purpose, sitting in the passenger seat.
“You’re ballsy,” Rosa said, “I like that.”
“No offense, but I’m not in the mood to talk,” Jenna admitted bluntly. Rosa let out a blissful little breath. Oh, how she loved women who knew what they wanted.
“I’m Rosa, by the way,” she said, putting the car in drive and quickly heading somewhere a little more secluded.
“Jenna,” Jenna replied, shifting in her seat. Rosa grinned and turned the radio up.
She drove them to the desert that she’d driven to more than a few times and Jenna wasted no time before climbing into the back seat once it was parked. Logically, this was stupid and reckless and could probably led to her getting killed. But, somehow, that’s where all the fun laid.
“You’re not scared I’m gonna kill you?” Rosa asked, following her easily. They sat across from each other, waiting to see who would make it very clear what they were doing. Jenna took a deep breath and squared her shoulders, tilting her head to the side. 
“It’s a stereotype for gay men to find random hookups, right?” she said, “So why can’t I?”
“You know,” Rosa laughed, moving closer, “I really have not met a single person like you before.”
Jenna closed the space between them first, every bone in her body exuding confidence as she kissed her. Rosa laughed and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her closer as she kissed her again. Somehow, despite her ridiculous legs, Jenna navigated the backseat all too well. It made Rosa question if she’d done this before. She didn’t ask. She didn’t really want to know.
Rosa let her take the lead, let the military-bound girl ignore the fact that she tasted of weed and wreck her anyway. It was easy to no longer be upset about the fact Isobel stood her up and it was easy to forget that Maria was too close to Liz to be an option and it was easy to forget her mother didn’t give a shit about her enough to tell her who her real father was because Jenna from a gas station in Texas knew how to use her fingers too well.
It ended with heavy breaths and a stupid, lazy kiss that felt more obligatory than actual desire. However, when Rosa looked at her, her eyes half-lidded with pride and a smirk on her face, that desire came back. She leaned over and pressed a proper kiss to her lips, stealing the breath from her. Her hand slipped down to unbutton her khakis.
“What are you doing?” Jenna asked, stopping the kiss. Rosa paused.
“Do you not want me to?”
Jenna paused for a minute, staring at her like she was questioning if she was serious. If the tone wasn’t so confusing, Rosa may have laughed. Or she actually probably did laugh out loud and chose to ignore that she did. Jenna nodded.
“Do it.”
The hookup ended too soon. It left Rosa feeling happy and wanting to ask to see her again. She liked the way this girl looked and kissed and carried herself. She liked the way that, even though she had her life together and had plans, she was risky. She felt like a good idea.
“Hey, can I ask you a question?” Jenna asked as they drove back to the gas station. Rosa got prepared to say yes to a date and add a playful warning that she was destined to die young like she always did. “What’s the point of coming to Texas to hook up with people?” Rosa hid the fact that felt like a kick.
“Bigger state, more options,” Rosa said. Jenna let out a breathy laugh.
“Okay,” she said, “So, there’s probably no chance in seeing you again, huh?”
All the easiness that came from their hookup seemed to leave once it was said allowed. Even if she asked her on a date, it was pretty impossible. Not only did they live in different states, but they were too different. Rosa would only bring her down. That’s what she was good at.
“I’m cursed to die young,” Rosa said as she pulled to a stop at the gas station, “You don’t want to get involved with me.”
Jenna sighed and looked at her. She just stared for a moment before she leaned across the center console and kissed her. Rosa almost thought it meant something.
“If you’re ever around, come find me”
Rosa watched her walk to her car and get into the front seat. She thought about asking for her number and she thought about just never going back to Roswell. If she disappeared to go runaway for a girl she met once, no one would question it. It was a very Rosa thing to do. But if there was one line Rosa refused to cross was leaving Liz on purpose. She wasn’t her mother.
So, instead of trying to fall in love, Rosa drove home and promised herself she’d see Jenna again one day. Even if it was ten years in the future.
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csarracenian · 6 years
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A commission for @etherschooner Samus Aran and another fellow space bounty hunter Jenosa Arma, from Scurge Hive
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lesserknownwaifus · 4 years
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Jenosa Arma from Scurge: Hive
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Jenosa Arma from Scurdge Hive
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isisdreamweaver · 7 years
Character Headcanons That Also Apply to My Fanons
Because I mentioned I’d do this.
Samus Aran, as I believe I’ve mentioned before (on my main blog at least) is a panromantic asexual and loves to make space ace jokes. In my Metroid fanon, she’s loved several different people but either they died (a universal constant for her) or she opted not to act on those feelings because of what happened to the aforementioned people. In the private RPverse between a friend and I, she’s married to Scurge: Hive’s protagonist, Jenosa Arma.
And speaking of Jenosa Arma, she’s bi.
Lucina is a biromantic asexual and apparently my dreams ship her with male Corrin and that’s interesting (seriously that happened in a recent dream and I’m still puzzled).
As I’ve mentioned before, the Commander of XCOM, a white/Japanese (did i do that right) woman named Takashi Lund, is aromantic asexual. I’m pretty sure she and Bradford are platonic life partners too, and I could’ve sworn there was a term for that aro people use, but it’s honestly eluding me.
I also headcanon’d Tracer of Overwatch fame as a lesbian and that came true which is amazing.
Twilight Sparkle is a demiromantic asexual, Sunset Shimmer is an ace lesbian, and both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are aroace. Also Starlight and Trixie are girlfriends I don’t care if Hasbro denies it there is no way these two are straight. They’re lesbians.
Princess Celestia is pan ace (I seem to have a lot of pan ace and ace lesbian headcanons kgjnfkjhn), Princess Luna is also ace (I keep flipflopping on her romantic orientation but she’s married to a guy in my fanon so there’s that to work with at least), and Princess Cadance is a bi ace.
Pidge/Katie Holt honestly comes across as a trans woman to me and I’m sticking to that headcanon until the day I die. Alas, I have no ideas for Voltron: Legendary Defender fanfics at the moment fkjgnkghn.
Rey is demisexual and Finn is her one true love. Also Poe Dameron is gay let’s just all agree on this. Finn is bi in my book. Unfortunately I don’t have any Star Wars fanfic ideas either kfdgjnkfghnkjn.
There are more but I can’t think of them at the moment.
Yes, I have a lot of asexual headcanons and original/fan characters. Because, well... I’m asexual so I want to feel represented, y’know?
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robotsplayinggames · 4 years
@RobotsPlayingGames 🤖💜🕹️ Playing Scurge: Hive for the Game Boy Advance! It is a very underated game and I don't see many people talking about it but it's great. Also, is not expensive. I found the cartridge with the box and all for $6. The game was released on the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS in 2006. It follows the protagonist Jenosa Arma, a female bounty hunter tasked with hunting a parasitic lifeform called the "Scurge" an alien entity capable of rapidly adapting to and infecting biological, mechanical, and digital systems, including the player. Throughout the game, Jenosa Arma will have to battle various forms of the Scurge virus and race against the clock as the parasite slowly takes over Jenosa's body. The gameplay takes place in an isometric perspective. Scurge emphasizes platforming elements, though the game's isometric vantage point makes jumps difficult to align. Aiming and shooting is also a bit difficult as it can be noticed on my video but it is part of the challenge and fun. It's funny how she moans in different ways when she is hit specially when is she hit a lot in a short amount of time. 😝 This is a very fun game! Follow me 🤗 RPG: @RobotsPlayingGames 🤖💜🕹️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ -------------------------------------------- RPG: Robots Playing Games #scurgehive #gameboyadvance #gameboyplayer #gamecube #gameboycolor #gameboy #gc #gb #gba #gameplay #nintendo #ninstagram #nintendolife #retrocollective #retrogamer #retrogames #retrogaming #playinggames #videogames #gamergirlsofinstagram #girlgamersupport #girlgamer #gamergirl #gaminglife #gamer #games #gaming #gamerlife #DigitalArt #Designer https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtJTvqHGB4/?igshid=19b3aqjrso96n
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linksmovie · 7 years
Timeshifted Actors are employed to strong effect
One Woman Army: Jenosa is one tough cookie, but she probably had little real idea what she was getting into. Given to Erika Hernandez by Inyx after Hernandez arrives at Erigol, it is later given to the visiting crew of Titan. Last Disrespects: The Acolytes drop in during Illyana’s funeral, causing the X Teams there to fight.
Once maxed out, all routes converged into Commando and Hero (Do…
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sinnerzofsilence2 · 3 years
Heated Azure for Neroxa and/or Jenosa?
how about both ;3
The duo decided to rest at a local hot spring. The goth paid upfront at the front desk, being flirty to the person owning the hot spring, along with Jenosa though her being more forward, making sensual gestures and giggling from seeing heir face blush. The two head into the locker room, the goth being real handsy as they both undress. Neroxa got in front of Jenosa, groping her tits. "Mmm is it me of they have gotten bigger?"
"Uh, I think they've like always been the same. Is that bad?" Jenosa says.
"Nah... they can need to be a bit more bigger~" The goth girl grinned, reaching over to her pants to pull out her phone. She reached down Jenosa's crotch, inserting two fingers into her nook, fingering her as she opens the app on her phone. Pressing her finger on the screen, she slowly slides the dial to the right, watching as Jenosa's boobs began growing, bouncing and jiggling as the android let out moans of pleasure from the stimulation of Neroxa's fingers. "There! All done~"
Jenosa fondles her newly sized breasts, smiling happily. "Thank you, Ne Ne~! They're like so big and squishy!"
"Now get that sexy ass in the hot spring, my cute slut~" Neroxa slaps Jenosa's ass, making the android let out a tiny squeak but giggled gleefully, skipping straight to the hot spring with Neroxa following suit.
They both seemed to be only ones there which was fine either way. Enough for Neroxa to do obscene things to her favorite android slut. They both entered the hot spring, the goth girl letting out a sigh of relief as Jenosa got in front of her. Neroxa grins, putting her hands under the warm water and reached around to grope her tits.
At this time and Jenosa sees someone on the corner of her eye, turning to them. "Oooh~ Hey cutie~"
Neroxa does the same but not bothering to stop what she's doing. "Oh, hey there~"
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arellano68 · 7 years
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Section IV-F Adviser: Josefa Taqueban 1. Bienvenido Baltazar 2. Sotero Cabrera, Jr. 3. Rizalina Carvajal 4. Ernesto Chuidian 5. Fernando Cipriano 6. Leonilo Claveria 7. Marina Cristobal 8. Jeannette Cruz 9. Ruben Cruz 10. Emma Dagatan 11. Priscilla David 12. Reynaldo de leon 13. Romulo de leon 14. Herminio de luna 15. Jose de Roxas 16. Jenosa Elio 17. Eduardo Ellana 18. Violeta Geminiano 19. Amante Hermono 20. Celia Ines 21. Reynaldo Lanuza 22. Carlito Laxamana 23. Angelina Layson 24. Leticia Lizada 25. Corazon Mariano 26. Elena Mariano 27. Jose Mirasol 28. Caridad Misa 29. Engribaldo Nantes 30. Teresita Nepomuceno 31. Gloria Panganiban 32. Lourdes Pangilinan (Palileo) 33. Jose Parica, Jr. 34. Leticia Pineda 35. Crispin Pitiquen 36. Virginia Reyes 37. Renato Santos 38. Lourdes Sopang 39. Gloria Suagao 40. Nelia Sunga 41. Jaime Tapia 42. Eloisa Tolentino 43. Purification Tonog 44. Virgilio Tuazon
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