sinnerzofsilence2 · 3 years
Vivienne and Celeste the Lustful
It is closing time at the public library. Vivienne, along with another, go through each aisle, sorting out each piece of literature and finding ones that have been misplaced. One of them was a strange book that she spotted while going through the kids section of the library. The book was in the section with all the comic books. “Huh... this is an odd book.” The librarian carefully picked it up, examining it further. Mostly a blank book with some black tendrils surrounding it.No title or name of an author. “Hey, James!” Vivienne called out.
“Yeah?” He answered from the front desk, looking through his computer.
She walked to him and showed him the book. “Do you recognize this book?”
He looked at the book, having a puzzled look on his face as he takes it for a moment, opening the book and seeing the words seem to be in gibberish. He checked the front and back page of the book to find anything. “Nope.” He answered. “I don’t the name of the book and these words ain’t gonna say crap even if I look it up. Plus, without a name of a title or an author’s name, I  reckon this book is just pointless to keep here.”
“You sure...?”
“Either keep it or throw it away.” He simply says. “If I have never seen it or unable to find it within our records, then it’s useless to be in this library.”
“Well... if you say so.” Vivienne left off with that, though a bit curious with the book and decides to put in her bag to take home with her. She finishes off the end of day, saying goodbye to James and headed back home.
Once home, she puts her bag and purse away, getting some towels and taking a quick shower. Once done, wrapped in a towel, she got out and puts on a bathrobe, waiting for her hair to dry up. In the mean time, her thoughts focused on the book, getting up to grab her bag, rummaging through and grabbed the book.
She flipped through several pages. A good amount containing a page full of words with some containing several drawings, some she is able to depict while others seem like a splodge on paper. Wasn’t until she came across a page that looked like some kind of poem. The words don’t seem to make sense and se thinks she would sound silly speaking this gibberish. But for some reason, she decided to humor herself and read out the words on the page. As the final words was said, Vivienne merely lets out a chuckle.
“This is such an odd book.” She said until noticing that a page was slowly moving on its own. It was enough to freak her out, throwing the book away to the floor. Soon a black sludge began forming underneath the book, its texture looking almost like tar. “Wha-... What the hell?!” Soon the tar-like sludge began to move on its own forming tendrils and attempts to grab Vivienne by the legs. The woman screamed, trying to pull herself away as was brought to the floor by the tentacles. She was able to pull her leg away with her might, tearing the tendrils apart in the process but it was no use as the sludge sprouts more tentacles. They wrapped around her legs, pulling her in as she tries to dig her fingers onto the carpet floor but to no avail.
The tentacles tear off her bath robe as the towel wrapped around her head, dragging her into the large puddle of black sludge. Vivienne struggles to free herself, panicking to figure out on how to get herself out of this. The tendrils wrapped all around her body, slowly sinking her deeper into the sludge almost as if she’s being dragged into some portal. She screamed for help until one tendril clogged up her mouth, going down her throat and then feeling another going up her slit, both thrusting in and out of her as Vivienne was confused and scared from this whole situation. ‘Wh-what is going on?! How is it pulling me in the sludge when... there’s nothing underneath it?!’ She thought to herself. ‘This... thing... is literally fucking me... oh god it’s LITERALLY fucking me! Why?!”
After a while, she felt another tentacle going up her ass as it too began to fuck her in all of her holes. ‘Oh god... I can’t... I can’t get out of this... but... why does a part of me don’t... want to...?‘ The tentacles pumped into her, using her to their liking as she soon let out muffled moans rather than screams from the pleasure now overtaking her. Soon enough, the tentacles all thrust deep into her, cumming inside her, enough to even bloat her stomach a bit. Vivienne even came herself. ‘Oh fuck... I-I... I came... this.. thing made me cum...’ Her vision became hazy, lost in the ecstasy as she was finally submerged into the sludge, extending her hand out hoping for some force of some kind to reach and pull her out but only for nothing to happen. Vivienne slowly disappears into the black sludge, until it was nothing but her hand poking out from the surface.
The her hand then got enveloped by the sludge, forming almost claw-like fingers as the skin turned a dark grey. The hand made movement, soon a whole arm emerge, slamming flat onto the floor. Slowly a figure rises from the sludge but was still covered within it. Eventually the sludge drips off the figure, revealing a nude, female body and the tentacles drooping down like hair. The face of the figure opened slowly opened their four eyes, taking in a deep breath and exhaling. “It... it worked?” They spoke, their voice almost sounding other worldly as it leaves a slight echo behind it. They walked around, getting used to the bod they have now consumed until finding a tall mirror and looked themselves over. “It worked...! It actually worked! I have a body!” They felt themselves over, even fondling their large, squishy breasts and then down to their legs. “Ah yes...” A large smile spreads across their face, turning to her back to look at the big ass they have, the tentacles that is their hair moving away for them to get a better look, moved their hips a bit to see their ass jiggle a bit. “Yes! It has been so long since I had a form of my own! Even those worthless followers I culminated long ago never managed to commence the ritual to bring me back. How a mere mortal like this woman was able to summon me is a mystery but... fuck if I care!”
‘What is happening?! Wh-who are you?!’ A voice was heard from within the entities mind.
“Hmm... Oh... It’s you.” They said. “Curious that you are still alive. I would have thought your mind would be broken to the point I fully took control of your body as my own.”
‘Wh-... WHAT?!’ Vivienne screamed. ‘What do you mean?!’
“Hehehe, a mortal shouldn’t have survived this. I wonder what makes you so different.”
‘What... what’s gonna happen now...?’
“Tell you what... why don’t you tell me your name and how you came across my book.”
‘Vivienne... Vivienne Tinsel... I’m... a librarian and I just... found the book! Though it didn’t belong in our library. I just found it, I swear!’ She pleas.
“Seems a follower of mine gave up on the book. Incompetent fools.”
‘So... what... who are you?’
They merely giggled and responded. “I am a astral being of the void. An eldritch creature of darkness. Celeste the Lustful.” Celeste introduced themselves. “Vivienne... normally a mere mortal wouldn’t survive being consumed by a creature from the void. You are... special~”
‘So... what does that mean?’ She asks curiously.
“I’ll make you an exception. You are kept alive. But you and I... are now one~”
Before she knew it, Vivienne suddenly opened her eyes and was confused, standing in front of her tall mirror as she looked around in the nude, her hair frazzled. “Was... was that all a dream?” Vivienne looked to the location where she threw the book, it’s no longer there until she looked back at the mirror and was scared off by not a reflection of herself but the entity before her. “Boo~”
Vivienne dropped to the floor, screaming as she stared at the entity. “What the fuck... It... it wasn’t a dream...”
“It certainly wasn’t darling.” Celeste replied.
Vivienne got up from the floor, standing back up and approached the mirror. “You’re... Celeste?”
“In-fucking-deed~ Do you like what you see~?”
“Your body is... very uh... um...”
“Yes...? Go on?”
Vivienne didn’t want to sound rude for what she wanted to say but there’s no other word that she can think of to describe their body. “It’s very... slutty.”
Celeste merely squints their eyes, crossing their arms beneath their hefty breasts. “Well, that’s the point. I’m not called Celeste the Lustful for nothing.”
“O-Oh well I mean...-”
“And you’re telling me that I look slutty. Have you looked at yourself? My tits are twice as big as yours and yours are quite big!”
The comment left Vivienne blushing but then a thought occurred to her. “Are you supposed to be an... otherworldly being? Why are you... speaking like... we... do?”
“You answered your own question.” Celeste says with a smile. “I’m an otherworldly being that has lived for years. I’m able to pick up on your worlds language and speech very quickly~ Hell, a mere demon would be able to learn quite fast if they were to possess a human.”
“Wait, wait, wait... demon? Those... those are real?!”
“Uh... yeah. Some can be assholes. Why do you think you humans have exorcists to fight against them? But enough about that... so... now you and I are now... one~”
“... Wow... this is gonna be weird to get used to...” Vivienne stayed silent, already regretting bringing the book home with her. Or maybe she won’t. She still doesn’t know how to feel about all this.
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sinnerzofsilence2 · 3 years
Heated Azure for Neroxa and/or Jenosa?
how about both ;3
The duo decided to rest at a local hot spring. The goth paid upfront at the front desk, being flirty to the person owning the hot spring, along with Jenosa though her being more forward, making sensual gestures and giggling from seeing heir face blush. The two head into the locker room, the goth being real handsy as they both undress. Neroxa got in front of Jenosa, groping her tits. "Mmm is it me of they have gotten bigger?"
"Uh, I think they've like always been the same. Is that bad?" Jenosa says.
"Nah... they can need to be a bit more bigger~" The goth girl grinned, reaching over to her pants to pull out her phone. She reached down Jenosa's crotch, inserting two fingers into her nook, fingering her as she opens the app on her phone. Pressing her finger on the screen, she slowly slides the dial to the right, watching as Jenosa's boobs began growing, bouncing and jiggling as the android let out moans of pleasure from the stimulation of Neroxa's fingers. "There! All done~"
Jenosa fondles her newly sized breasts, smiling happily. "Thank you, Ne Ne~! They're like so big and squishy!"
"Now get that sexy ass in the hot spring, my cute slut~" Neroxa slaps Jenosa's ass, making the android let out a tiny squeak but giggled gleefully, skipping straight to the hot spring with Neroxa following suit.
They both seemed to be only ones there which was fine either way. Enough for Neroxa to do obscene things to her favorite android slut. They both entered the hot spring, the goth girl letting out a sigh of relief as Jenosa got in front of her. Neroxa grins, putting her hands under the warm water and reached around to grope her tits.
At this time and Jenosa sees someone on the corner of her eye, turning to them. "Oooh~ Hey cutie~"
Neroxa does the same but not bothering to stop what she's doing. "Oh, hey there~"
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sinnerzofsilence2 · 3 years
gotta do Heated Azure for Serena, since Velena owns a hot spring and all :0c
Serena walked into the hot spring owned by her favorite sea dweller she loves seeing. Humming happily to herself, she didn't see the girl up in the front. The ice troll left the money behind the desk, heading to the locker room to undress from head to toe. She then went to the entrance where the hot spring is and see Velena was tending to it.
As if it was casual enough like it was to breathe, Serena called out to the sea dweller, fully nude. "Hey there, cutie~!" She smiled to her, regulating her body temperature, so she doesn't freeze the hot spring over, and slowly stepped into it. "Aahhhh~ This is nice~"
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sinnerzofsilence2 · 3 years
Hexina, ❌+Favorite Customers
Send ❌ + a topic for a drabble about it!
Today has been quite busy at the Open House. Customers come and gone, enjoying themselves as well as the food being served to them. Hexina, donning her cyberpunk style playboy bunny suit, had just finished serving a previous customer. She completely forgot to adjust her outfit, her nook visible and her tits partially spilling out as that was the one thing she sort of adjusted but in a rush. She even still had some cum on her, as well as some spilling out of her slit, as she headed to another table with pen and notepad in hand. It wasn't long until she sees a familiar face, and also her favorite customer and friend. "Oooh! Laxy!!!" The blue blood called out. Laxine sat on the table all on her lonesome, waiting for Hexina and, lo and behold, she hears that bubbly voice that she recognizes too well. "Heya, Hex~!" Laxine turned and waves at her, Hexina quickly walking over to her and giving her a hug. "Oh shit. I didn't know I deserved a sweet hug like that!" "Oh I missed you!" Hexina happily says with a big smile, pulling away from her. "I thought you wouldn't come back again! You haven't come around here the last couple of times and I thought you secretly hated me!" "Hate you? Pffft! Who can hate a face like yours? Plus, your fuckin' hot so a dumbass would be stupid enough to randomly hate you~" The teal blood grins and chuckled a bit. "Also... you kinda stained my clothes." Hexina smiled widely from the comment, blushing brightly until the mention of the stained clothes where she looks at Laxine, realizing she had stained her with cum that was still on herself. "O-Oh! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot!" Hexina apologizes. "Today's been really busy and I didn't get enough time to clean myself up. OH! And I was so excited to see you as soon as I saw you and well... you know I'm a huggable person! Hmph!" The blue blood puffed her cheeks, pouting at Laxine. "Calm your tits. I'm not mad at you. It's kinda hard to get mad at a cutesy face like yours." Laxine teased, gently pinching the blue blood's cheek. "Buuuuuut... perhaps you can make me happy with something special for me, hmm~?" The snake troll merely smirks, stepping forward a bit and getting a handful of Hexina's large breasts.
Hexina's pout then turns to a sultry grin, heart symbols being emoted from her cybernetic pupils. "Same as always~?" Hexina asks.
"You fucking bet, sweet tits~
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sinnerzofsilence2 · 3 years
👐 Amorra :3c
The cyborg minded her own business, looking through her phone until suddenly she was startled by a pair of hands copping a feel at her breasts. Considering this isn't the first time it has happened, she is merely annoyed and just let them have a grope. Many know that Amorra isn't afraid to get violent if they go too far. "Alright... you done now?" She said. "Ya got your daily dose of boob grabbing? Now leave me be before you lose that privilege by leaving your hands behind."
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sinnerzofsilence2 · 3 years
👐 Celeste~
The eldritch woman stood idly by though her figure would be enough to get a good stare from passing eyes. Perhaps even going as far for someone to cop a feel. Surely enough, it was the case. Celeste fels a pair of hands groping her large tits and instantly her hair tendrils extended and wrapped around the brave stranger daring enough to get a feel of her otherworldly bosom.
"Do you like how they feel~?" She says in a sultry tone. The woman turned her head to look at the stranger, her four eyes looking directly at them as the other hair tendrils gently caressed their cheek gently. "It has been a long time since I felt such an embrace like this~" She cupped her hands over theirs, keeping them on her breasts.
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