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backpacksnstuff · 3 years ago
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“Young person worry: What if nothing I do matters? Old person worry: What if everything I do does?” If you tend to freak out about…well, everything (climate change, parenting, diseases, death, people hating each other), this book might help you to calm down a bit. The fact that it’s written as a series of notes makes it even more perfect - The Ultimate Book of Calm for the world we live in at the moment. #bookstagram #bookstagrammers #instabooks #instabookstagram #whattoread #whattoreadnext #weather #jennyoffill #americanliterature #americanauthors #climatechange (at Tallinn, Estonia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVSk4_GgC2k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ancheoggisidormedomani · 6 years ago
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"Questo libro è per chi non dorme la notte, e legge Il Libro dell'inquietudine di Pessoa, per chi si deve comprare un paio di occhiali nuovi e sa già che li prenderà fuori moda." . . . www.seunanottedinvernounlibro.it #libro #libri #libreriaonline #libreria #book #books #bookstagram #cit #citazione #seunanottedinvernounlibro #romanzo #libriusati #instabook #instabooks #bookshop #bookpride #letteratura #jennyoffill #sembravaunafelicità #nneeditore https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQbJzyomxG/?igshid=1vbw49vaev6vi
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intellectures · 2 years ago
Climate Fiction: Alles wird nur noch verheerender
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Climate Fiction ist die literarische Antwort auf den Klimawandel und dessen Folgen. Unter diesem Schlagwort suchen Autor:innen weltweit nach Wegen, über die Klimakatastrophe zu schreiben. Denn Fiktionen, die die abstrakte Bedrohung der Erderwärmung in glaubhafte und konkrete Geschichten überführen, wichtig, um aus der selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit unserer Zeit zu treten. Eine Erkundung eines wachsenden Genres – von Frank Schätzing über Maja Lunde bis zu Jens Liljestrand. Read the full article
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jennyoffill · 7 years ago
Thrilled to be included on this illustrious list! We just lost power for a few days so the "grimy" part of the description has never been more accurate.
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stanggubbels · 5 years ago
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Stang werkt voor boekhandel Donner en maakt o.a. de maandelijkse boekenleggers. Of course, the world continues to end.
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coldhotsaucekiss · 5 years ago
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A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, “You are mad, you are not like us.” • • • This novel perfectly articulates the ever present existential gloom of our technology driven era. The book reads like an extended poem, with a simple stanza sentence structure that is both lyrical and poignant. It is the human condition to yearn for a return to innocence once the damning facts of the world have been uncovered and the bliss of ignorance is forever shattered. We all live in carefully maintained illusions that can vanish overnight - you never know when your world will change forever. Highly recommend! 10/10. • • • #sundayreads #sunday #sundaze #bibliophile #readersofinstagram #read #reading #booklover #bookworm #alwaysreading #2020 #weather #jennyoffill #newyork #newyorkcity #nyc #family #change #reinventyourself #changeistheonlyconstant #librarian #growth #instaquote #madness #knowledgeispower #novel #fiction #booknerd #bookaddict #bookreview https://www.instagram.com/p/B_v56LFAO-7/?igshid=11tia9h3a4n3n
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thisliterarylife · 5 years ago
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one of my favorite reads so far of 2020. 📖 #amreading #bookstagram #bookworm #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookish #jennyoffill #mustread #signedbooks #bookshelf https://www.instagram.com/p/B89dUXvnlPH/?igshid=14u8rmfw6oh0m
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primecollector · 5 years ago
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Plumpton to Victoria with #jennyoffill as companion #deptofspeculation @nypl (at Plumpton, East Sussex) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8yjqHtlWtZ/?igshid=19v6biqpuqtkf
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zareidy · 8 years ago
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A few years ago, I stumbled upon a marvelous children's book, Sparky!, written by Jenny Offill and illustrated by Chris Appelhans. I was immediately drawn to the cover, with an elegant yet simply drawn sloth draped over a tree branch, and forever captured by the story of a girl who learns to love, not for what you want others to be, but for who they really are. Gorgeously illustrated, frequently funny, and always touching, Sparky! has been one of my favorites ever since. My mom shares a similar fondness for the book and its lesson, so I made her a rather large plush reminder of how much I love her and appreciate her love for my true self. Kudos to Offill and Appelhans on this beautiful piece of art, and for creating such a lovable sloth.
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backpacksnstuff · 4 years ago
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Time to cozy up 🧣🍁☕️ with an autumn book. So, what do we have here? 🧡 a Persephone book with the word ‘September’ in the title (‘The Fortnight in September’ by R.C. Sherriff). 💛 a book by the author I like and recommend (‘Weather’ by Jenny Offill). 🤎 a book I started reading but gave up because the time was wrong (‘Autumn’ by Ali Smith). So looking forward to reading them 😌 #books #bookstagram #instabook #instabookstagram #bookstagrammers #whattoread #whattoreadnext #autumnvibes🍁 #autumnbooks #cosyup #autumn #alismith #britishliterature #britishauthor #seasonalseries #weather #jennyoffill #thefortnightinseptember #rcsherriff #persephonebooks (at Tallinn, Estonia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTmc66foobs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jessiereads678 · 7 years ago
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What's your favorite book at all time? . This one is mine. The language is lyrical. The story follows two people’s relationship and marriage; the hurt and repairs we must make in every relationship. 💕💕 . . . . . . #deptofspeculation #jennyoffill #irecommendthisbook #bookrecommendations #bookreview #favbook #favoritebook #marriage #bookstagram #bookphotography #booklover #ilovebooks #instabook #booknerdigans #booknerd #bookstagrammer #bookish #booksofinstagram #bookaddict #bookstagramfeature #flowersturk #rsa_nature #kings_flora #flowerporn #tgif_nature #flowerstalking #awesome_photographers #nature_sultans #flowerstarz #macro_perfection #floralfix #ptk_flowers
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happyhippo1215 · 8 years ago
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So this book was very different from other books I have read. I like to change it up and this was a nice and easy read that was different. I liked it! #jennyoffill #deptofspeculation #itwasgood #bookchallenge2017 #readyforthenextone
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bibliobethblog · 5 years ago
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Hey everyone hope you’re doing well. Today I’m sharing the third part of my gigantic book haul. This lovely lot is part of the Women’s Prize long-list for 2020 and I’ve challenged myself to read all sixteen books. These were all given to me for my birthday from family and friends so thank you SO much to them for their generosity 😍Have you read any of these? I’d love to know your thoughts! #bookstagram #bookworm #bookhaul #womensprizeforfiction #womensprizelonglist #womensprize2020 #djinnpatrolonthepurpleline #deepaanappara #themostfunweeverhad #clairelombardo #actress #anneenright #dominicana #angiecruz #redatthebone #jacquelinewoodson #athousandships #nataliehaynes #howwedisappeared #jingjinglee #nightingalepoint #luangoldie #weather #jennyoffill https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2xtN4AHv8/?igshid=28x0j5nbd3uz
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budabiblog · 8 years ago
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♠️Eş romanı, "kırık dökük bir aşk hikayesi" Böyle demiş arka kapakta... Kırık dökük olması belki biraz da biçimindendir diyorum. Parçalı bir metin yapısı var. "Başlangıçta yeterince genç, yeterince sersemdiler; kendilerinden ve birbirlerine olan aşklarından emin." İlişkinin başından evliliğe, sonrası çocuk, sonrası kocanın aldatması, "pili bitmiş bir tutku" ve kadının yalnızlığı... Böyle bilindik bir hikayenin bu kadar güzel anlatılması... ♠️ Şiirsel demişler kitabın dili için. Şu "şiirsel" tabirini ben anlayamıyorum herhalde. Metnin dilinde bir ritm arıyorum, pek bulamıyorum. Bana kalsa şiirsel değil de "düşünsel" Çünkü evliliğin olaylarından çok, "eş"in yani kadının düşüncelerinden takip ediyoruz metni. Her deneysel metne, şiirsel demek mi moda şimdilerde? ♠️Jenny Offill hakkında türkçe kaynaklarda çok fazla bilgiye ulaşamadım. Yalnız şunlar: ▪️The New York Times’ın “Yılın Göze Çarpan Kitabı” olarak seçtiği Last Things romanının yazarı. ▪️"Eş" romanı, Los Angeles Times “İlk Kitap Ödülleri”nin finalisti olmuş. PEN/Faulkner ve IMPAC Dublin Edebiyat ödüllerinde de finalist. ♠️Roman göndermelerle dolu. Rilke, Eliot, Kant, Kafka, Martin Luther gibi isimlerin sözleri metni besliyor. En hoşuma giden alıntı: "Dünyanın ruhunuzu koruyabileceğiniz bir yer haline dönüşmesi diye bir şey yoktur.” Keats ♠️ Bir çırpıda okunan keyifli bir roman, Eş. Bu cümleyi kurmasaydım kitap hakkında bir şey söylemediğimi iddia edenler olabilirdi. #jennyoffill #eş (Tarihi Yeldeğirmeni Mahallesi)
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jennyoffill · 6 years ago
I couldn’t be happier to be teaching here until July 6th. Seems like an amazing festival.
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christenclifford · 8 years ago
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Save the date next Tuesday the 16th at 7:30 @dixonplace with amazing writers #jennyoffill and #hafizahgeter ///////::
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