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People know me as a published author. A handful have asked if writing is difficult. My response usually goes something like, "Not too hard. People have already invented the alphabet. So there is no need of you to invent a new one. People have already put letters into words with meanings. So there is no need to bother with this particular part of writing either. You are now well on your way to write something meaningful. All that you need to concern yourself with is to find the appropriate words and put them in an order that makes sense to most readers.
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Am available for hookup either incall or outcall
Sounds too good to be true
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(via teardrop-tits, teardrop-tits, loveawomaninherpanties)
Love your pose. Very creative. ~Brian

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The Invisible Waves
The bright mid-morning sun forces JD to squint on this particular Sunday as he looks out his kitchen window. It has been three weeks since our "all-knowing" government instituted unprecedented restrictions on our free and democratic society. Distancing self-imposed isolation, face masks, and constant hand-washing are all in the name of keeping safe. Keeping us healthy is the order of the day.
Code Yellow
Checking his FitBit for the temperature and time, he decides to do his fibromyalgia ravaged chest a world of good by going for his daily walk. It is excellent exercise.
Being an observant man, not too long into the walk, he begins noticing only a few cars on this usually busy avenue. It is exceptionally much less than the normal flow of traffic. The consequence is a reduction of carbon monoxide spewing into the environment. To mankind's pearl, the planet is quickly warming JD hears in public and social media. Many world powers are signatory to a pact of keeping the earth's temperature not rise more than 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit. This was agreed to at the UN Climate Change Conference held in Glasgow, Scotland.
JD began to notice many people were walking.
Moms and dads,
Children and grandchildren,
Dogs too of all shapes and sizes,
Walking together as families.
Children are laughing and running ahead,
with their dogs at their heels.
Some puppies are playing in the snow.
Moms, dads, and grandparents
desperately trying to keep up and acting as rear-guards
if you will.
Talking. People are actually talking to each other.
Perhaps this phenomenon is happening for the first time in who knows when.
There is a sense of oneness with life,
a harmony and playfulness are in the air.
Another Wave
Eight months into COVID-19 and
the behavior of the local citizenry is much different.
Walking around the city's second-biggest mall,
JD takes notice many are not behaving in the 'new normal.'
People are supposed to obey "Please Stay 6 Feet Apart," the signs say.
Someone forgot to mention to the signwriter that we are sort of a metric nation. Many questions, "What is the meaning of 'foot?'" Aren't signs supposed to inform and not confuse?
The new catchphrases are 'social distancing' and 'wash your hands.'
People are reading, but only a few abide by the direction on the signs at the storefronts. Signs also indicate the maximum number of people allowed on the premises. So potential shoppers queue up.
Many are not two meters between. 'So what is a meter?' many are thinking.
Many are also not so obedient in following the directional arrows tapped to the store's floor. As a long-time college teacher, this abnormal behavior gave JD pause for thought. This virus kills, damn it!
Daily the newspapers report the number of new cases...and deaths, now over 300 at last count. Oh My God, the virus is still spiking.
Public announcements are continually broadcast. Code Red is in effect.
Photographs plaster the pages of all newspapers showing people with trolleys queued in front of a big box and liquor store entrances. Nobody is socially distancing.
Daily, the TV evening news shows the streams of car's headlights on main streets coming home from work.
In their cars, these people are commuting using 'social distancing.'
But what about when they are out of their cars and in their place of employment?
At this point in time, even many churches took it upon themselves to defy government orders by holding church services. Such an action flies in the face of the authorities and is a total lack of concern. Such complacency is killing people!
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The Tower of Know
A Micro Story
Good day. Over the weekend I was thinking about you and formulating in my mind what to write. I hope that you like this. ~Brian
It has been demonstrated over the fulness of time that some lessons are better learned through lectures, poems, stage plays, trial-and-error and storytelling. It has been my experience that stories are the best medium. People since the Greek philosopher Homer have relied on them to make a point.
Quite a long time ago, (I was going to write, "Once upon a time," but this is a bit too cliché, there were two cities; Know and No. Now the City of Know was situated on top of the highest hill of the land overlooking the broad valley. It was the oldest city of the two. Over time, it acquired much wisdom through book learning. The citizenry of this city averaged around the age of 40-something. They were very scholarly; indeed, everything by the book was their way of doing business. It is said quite openly that its ruler, Mayor Pete, is the wisest of the wise.
In the valley far below — about 10 leagues (about 50 kilometres) away — was the City No. This city was the youngest in the land (and in our story). The citizenry of this city averages around the age of 20-something. Most were still gaining a practical education. Everything was not necessarily by the book simply because they were still book-learning. Mayor Re-Pete is their leader.
Now there came a time when Mayor Pete wanted to build a tower; dedicated to learning. This Tower of Know as it was called was to be the largest tower ever. Evidently, he had never heard of the Tower of Babble recorded in the Old Testament, Genesis. He wanted people from all over the valley to see and want to pilgrimage to it as it sits on top of the highest hill of the land.
Following the appropriate manual, Mayor Pete broadcasted a Request to build his book learning tower all over the land. He wanted the best foreman and the safest workers. He always does his "due diligence."
Some time past and the Offers to Build the tallest book learning tower ever came into the City of Know. Mayor Pete ordered those with such knowledge, to look over and debate the merits of each offer. Of concern was the scaffolding. It all must be to appropriate specifications, by book learning. For the City of Know never lost a worker on such a temporary structure. Never. But then, nor did they ever tender outside of their city.
Well, as it happens, the City of No won the bid. Mayor Re-Pete was pleased, but more than a little concerned. He had never ordered a lead hand or workers for that matter to working on such an appropriate scaffolding. No, for they always worked as was their custom. With reluctance, he agreed.
With due fanfare (trumpets, fifes, and drums—the lot), it is announced that the City of No won the job of building the tallest tower ever in the City of Know.
Within the first month, five workers fell to their death. It was concluded that these inexperienced workers were simply were not accustomed to working on an appropriate scaffolding.
Mayor Re-Pete petitioned Mayor Pete, begging him to allow the scaffolding workers allowance to work with what they were accustomed to in the City of No and not the appropriate scaffolding.
Such was eventually agreed to.
Within a fortnight was erected the wobbliest scaffolding one ever set their eyes on. Its main construction was long bamboo scaffolding poles that swayed, like a field of mature rice in a late autumn breeze. With the combined weight of a worker with a tool belt, the bamboo moved from side to side even more; to and fro, to and fro. It made the citizenry in the City of Know darn right dizzy by merely looking up, way up at the swaying bamboo poles.
You know, it took the better part of a year to build the Tower of Know. You may be surprised to hear, not one worker was lost: not one soul.
The lights dim and a soul figure enters from the right-wing and proceeds to front centre stage. A single spotlight on the individual increases its candlepower.
A lone citizen—a vagabond or in the vernacular of today, a homeless or street person from Know—surveys the audience and begins speaking.
So, what do you make of this little tale? Worker's lost their lives. A public tragedy. Public outcries. The aftermath was a Royal Commission on Tower Construction Safety. I was invited as an intervener since I was a key witness to the calamity.
(Long pause)
There were many recommendations from the Commission. In short, when people go to a new workplace, they should keep in mind:
• The ways work is done are in place for a reason,
• New broom syndrome is real. Always be mindful and respect its consequences,
• People hate change. They get comfortable on the job, and
• Think new protocols—new ideas through very carefully before trying them out.
But it is more than just this. I like to think that this little tale comes down to understanding and practicing with the tools you have, time-tested by custom and through practice, just like you are receiving in your Microsoft Office Applications online or some other instructions. Learn it well. Be comfortable with it! Let things wobble. You will not fall.
(The spotlight dimmed leaving the stage in darkness)
Do you enjoy my writing? There are others, both here and in Kobo.
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Note: My philosophy is that price should not be a barrier to enjoyable reading. Thank you for enjoying your selection.
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Manitoba's other pandemic.
Since the pandemic began over 2 years ago, we have been constantly affronted with the statistics of its victims. Certainly, these are important. The general population should know about the dead, wounded and those who recovered. No question.
But there is another pandemic. One more deadly. One that has been ongoing for far longer than two plus years.
Cancer is expected to kill 2,800 Manitobans in 2021. This is 7.6 grandfathers, grandmothers, moms, dads and children each and every day of the year. I can never fathom why the news media never mentions these Manitobans. Talk about your lopsided journalism.
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The Utilitarian Gift
She lives in the Midlands, UK
He lives on the Canada Prairies
Travelling over 6,200 kilometres
Their words resonant
In their minds
In each other's heart
What a utilitarian gift
The English gave the world--
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The Utilitarian Gift
She lives in the Midlands, UK
He lives on the Canada Prairies
Travelling over 6,200 kilometres
Their words resonant
In their minds
In each other's heart
What a utilitarian gift
The English gave the world--
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A Fascination with Words
(C) Brian Westbrook
Writers have always been fascinated with words, their etymologies and the way their meanings work together to create something entirely different in the reader's mind. Perhaps this is what makes them writers.
Ernest Hemingway was a master story teller. His most famous speaks volumes in only six words.
For sale
Baby shoes
Never worn
The reader now knows the 'What.' But it is felt to the imagination to speculate on the 'Why, When, Where' and perhaps the 'how.'
The second "Wow" I wish to share happened while watching a television commercial advertising a particular breakfast cereal made by Kelloggs. Maybe you saw it. It shows a person ready to dive into a swimming pool. Across the screen in bold letters was written:
One day
The diver dives into the pool. Before the viewer's eyes was screen words was changed to:
Day one
Wow. This is such a sterling demonstration on how the context was changed by reversing these two words.
Both of these examples has demonstrates a lot about words and what can be done when put into a particular order. Brevity and word order is something every writer should consider when tapping on their computer keyboard.
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After waking up from a 9-hour head and neck cancer operation, the surgeon said he has some bad news. "We lost your right ear."
He was right.
For the last 3 years, I have looked everywhere and have yet to find it!
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