#jenna sommers: aesthetics
winterrnighttsposts · 11 months
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Jenna Sommers
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criticaldesign-turbo · 6 months
Fashion and Fame
“DNA, The Kardashians & The Konsequences” by Marie Clare Jones
Marie Clare Jones explores the popularity of ancestry kits and the commercialization of DNA testing. It imagines how Kylie Jenner could introduce K-DNA kits through her brand, Kylie Cosmetics, and explore the implications of widespread DNA testing through a timeline linking DNA, the Kardashians, and its consequences. The project raises important questions about DNA ownership, commercialization, and ethical implications for the future, culminating in the creation of two spoof articles where children sue their parents for irresponsible use of K-DNA Kits. Overall, it offers and questions insights into the potential uses and ethical concerns surrounding DNA in a commercial context.
2) “How the Shein influencer trip marked a turning point in the brand-sponsored vacation trend” by Jenna Benchetrit
Shein, an online store that specializes in selling clothes and shoes, is one of the largest retailers with $100 billion in sales in 2022. Known for its extremely low prices, the online shop sources directly from China. Like other fast fashion companies, Shein has faced criticism for poor working conditions, high levels of toxins in its clothes (with no commitment to using standards), and extremely high CO2 emissions (source: https://time.com/6247732/shein-climate-change-labor-fashion/).
The article discusses Shein's attempt to "greenwash" these criticisms by sponsoring and paying influencers to visit a "fake" manufacturing facility, in the hopes that they would promote Shein as "not as bad as everyone thinks." However, this move sparked a huge backlash and controversy for the influencers. This situation is critical as it highlights how such companies try to improve their image without making substantive changes.
3) “Dirty Laundry” by  Carole Frances Lung, Aditi Mayer, Minga Opazo, Alicia Piller, and Sommer Roman
The San Luis Obispo Museum of Art held an exhibition called "Dirty Laundry" focusing on the problems of fast fashion. Fast fashion makes lots of cheap clothes quickly to keep up with trends. This leads to waste and harm to people and the environment. The works in "Dirty Laundry" highlight critical design aspects by making people think about the problems of fast fashion. They use creativity to show how this industry harms the environment and people. By raising awareness the exhibition encourages viewers to think differently about the clothes they buy and the impact of their choices.
4) Smog Free Project by Daan Roosegaarde
Led by Daan Roosegaarde, the SMOG FREE PROJECT is an urban innovation project that showcases the aesthetic value of clean air. Roosegaarde crafts SMOG FREE RINGS from compressed smog particles gathered from the SMOG FREE TOWER (world's first smog vacuum cleaner which creates clean air parks). You can donate the city 1000 m3 of clean air by sharing the SMOG FREE RING.
It is currently included in the permanent collections of the National Museum of Zurich, Utah Museum of Fine Arts USA, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, and The Biosphere Environment Museum in Montreal.
5) Solar-Powered Jacket by Vollebak:
The Solar Charged Jacket is made of a highly adaptable material that can be quickly charged and made to glow in the dark by any kind of light you can find. For example, a phone flashlight can be used to draw on it. You can use sunlight to charge it. If it is fully charged it glows completely. The piece deals with fashion's functionality and sustainability while presenting creative responses to environmental issues.
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melnchly-a · 4 years
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ourworldofwonders · 3 years
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Jenna Sommers
Characters that deserved better
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Jenna Sommers x Jo Laughlin (The Vampire Diaries)
"Ooh, the photobox is out," Jenna says as she walks into the kitchen, clocking sight of the pastel pink, floral-patterned box on the table. "Should I be worried?"
She moves to the fridge, taking out a carton of apple juice. Jo laughs.
"Only if anyone sees this one," she says.
Jenna pauses in her search for a glass, backtracking to look over Jo's shoulder. Her gasp quickly bubbles up into laughter as well.
"When did you take that?!" she asks, trying to swipe the offending photograph out of Jo's hand, to little success. "Oh my god, I'm half-naked!"
Jo finally lets her take it to inspect the background, even as she grins up at her and says, "It was from that time we went up to the Falls, remember? You wanted to camp out there - terrible idea - and we--"
"Went skinny dipping," Jenna finishes, her eyes wide. "Oh god. That's why it doesn't look familiar, I was seventeen in this." She tilts her head, eyebrows raising. "I looked pretty good in that underwear, huh."
An arm wraps around her waist, a hand om her hip. Jo smiles up at her, soft eyes, soft lips, soft voice.
"You look beautiful in everything," she says.
Jenna rolls her eyes, but her heart's already infected as it softens as well. She makes a little noise, pretending to pout in protest.
"No fair, I thought I got to be the cheesy one in this marriage."
But she still leans down and kisses her, Jo's grin melting into it against her lips.
"You do, but only on Valentine's day, anniversaries, and Christmas," Jo says, giving her another quick peck. "Oh, and my birthday!"
Jenna just shoots her a mocking glare and kisses her again. She glances back down at the table of photos as she sets the one in her hand down. Before she can move away again to continue looking for a glass, her eyes catch another photo.
"Oh my god, Halloween!" She points it out, but is already swiping it from the table before Jo can. "Do you remember? You dressed up as--"
"No!" Jo's already trying to get the photo from her with a mortified blush creeping across her cheeks. "That one forever remains that the bottom of the box and the bottom of my memories! Give it!"
"Oh, come on, I think you look adorable!" Jenna teases, stepping back out of her reach. "Look, you have the bunny ears, and the stockings, and... wait, was this Halloween?"
"I will kill you!"
"I'm definitely thinking this wasn't Halloween."
There's a drawn-out, whining call from the living room, interjecting before either of them can say anything else.
"Just a second, sweetheart, I'm getting your sister a drink," Jenna calls back.
Jo holds her hand out, palm up, with a pointed look. Jenna grins as she hands the photo to her.
"You win for now," she says as she goes back to getting a cup for the carton in her hand, pointing it at Jo. "But when Liv, Luke, Elena, and Jeremy get here, don't think I'm not going to pull out every single embarrassing photo of you in there from when we were younger!"
Jo gives her a mock scandalized look. "You wouldn't."
"Oh, I would. But, uh," she clears her throat, gesturing to the box, "maybe best to take a few of them out for now."
Jo smirks and holds the first one up again. "Of course."
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lcstpaths · 4 years
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jenna sommers   ,   canon
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littlelindyloo · 4 years
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Jenna Sommers
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kathleen-grant · 7 years
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The Vampire Diaries aesthetic: Jenna Sommers
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firewolf1864 · 7 years
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martyrscomplex · 6 years
tag drop 1
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lingeringscars · 4 years
russian classics aesthetic. &. Jenna Sommers.
Brothers Karamazov.   orthodox monasteries. deep woods. starry nights. the sound of paper being torn. dimly lit rooms. withered roses. an unfinished letter. piles of books. the sound of shattering glass. ticking of clocks in a silent house. heavy wooden furniture. the air before a storm. the smell of earth. a crowd of people dressed in black. distant murmurs. emptied streets. the fear of walking alone in dusk.
Crime and Punishment.   coldness of the skin against a blade. slender pale fingers and slightly shaking hands. a red stain blooming on white fabric. lonely steps in a corridor. the slow dripping of water. looking out of the window into the thickening darkness. a single dying candle on the table. listening to one’s breath and counting heartbeats. too many stairs. the desire to be invisible. a subtle memory of kind words.
The Idiot. classical statues. wealth covered with dust. a dark house tainted with inherited madness. an unsettling feeling. long walks in a park. useless chatter. a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench. a melancholic face. an unexpected spring rain. the joy of reading one’s favorite book. the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around. looking at cloudless sky.  
Anna Karenina. fields of crops. flowers brought from an early morning walk. the wind caressing a girl’s hair. a bowl of fruit. the smell of ripe pears. the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea. children’s laughter coming from the garden. soft sunlight and white curtains. the sensation of velvet against skin. pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor. a sudden silence in a room full of people.
War and Peace.   a glass of wine. the brightness of a crystal chandelier. white lace. a raging snow storm. the sound of a door being gently closed. the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ball room. indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light. the sound of a saber being drawn. closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing. the sweet smell of strawberries. a pair of gloves left on an armchair. light scent of powder.
The Master and Margarita.   the chaos of a lively city. ambient jazz in expensive restaurants. jumping on off a moving tram. the sight of Moscow from the roof of a house. yellow flowers in a vase. leaning out of the window. shelves stacked with books. a small tin box with old photographs. strange shapes in the night sky. laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony. colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind.
Eugene Onegin.   a lonely mansion. reading a book in the parlor. faint piano melody lingering in falling silence. long evenings. passing seasons. discussing french novels of the moment. unspoken thoughts. leaning against the door frame. quickly averted glance. eating a peach absent-minded. bright mornings. footprints in snow. a loud gunshot terrifying a flock of birds nearby.
A Hero of Our Time. byronic boredom. getting up late in the afternoon. the hidden unspeakable sadness of existence. shakespeare’s tragedy opened next to untouched breakfast. cigarette smoke. polished boots. walking with one’s coat wide open letting the night chill break through to the bone. carved wooden chair. fading warmth of the ashes late in the evening. the thought of farewell.
Fathers and Sons.   birch groves. morning mist. moss covered stones near a moor. scientific books. white roses. cheap champagne. shabby pocket-watch. light-hearted irony. a maladroit cello sonata. freshly mowed grass. leaving thoughts come and go. a slow yawn. picturesque plates and bowls filled with traditional dishes. drinking tea on the porch. longing for the future.
Doctor Zhivago. a strange feeling of loss. writing poems in a diary. traveling by train. the hesitation before touching someone’s hand. the gaze of one lost in thought. the warmth of cinnamon. a scarf brightly embellished with flowers. a glass of water. two people listening each on the other side of the door. a threadbare jacket. the tempting void. the evanescent serenity of yesterday.
Dead Souls.   horses in a merry gallop. delicious smells mingled. grotesque and bizarre tragedy. luxurious attire cheap soul. masks. a perfumed love letter. the triumph of sarcasm. an unattached wheel rolling down a dusty road. the atmosphere of commedia dell’arte. puzzling speeches. a baffling caricature drawn on a handkerchief.
Cherry Orchard. a lone chair in an empty room. falling blossoms. old samovar. the unsettling need for change. a mirror reflecting full moon. the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance. a piano out of tune.
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lcstpaths · 6 years
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                       jenna sommers tag drop.
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