littlelindyloo · 3 years
A Handy Tip...
I recommend watching all 15 seasons of Supernatural but stopping on S15 Ep19. Trust me it will save you a boat load of heartache!
That way Dean is still alive and you don’t have to go through his (totally pointless) death scene crying your eyes out like a big baby!
I was committed to the cause and went ahead with episode 20 because I’m a loony! Learn from my mistakes, this was the second run of the entire show for me and I didn’t. Third time round I’m skipping episode 20! Never going through that again, twice was more than enough!
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littlelindyloo · 3 years
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Robin/Damian Wayne
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littlelindyloo · 3 years
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Red Robin/Tim Drake
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littlelindyloo · 3 years
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Red Hood/Jason Todd
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littlelindyloo · 3 years
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Nightwing/Dick Grayson
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littlelindyloo · 3 years
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The Joker
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littlelindyloo · 3 years
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Batman/Bruce Wayne
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littlelindyloo · 3 years
Wow I haven’t been on here in ages...
I’m currently writing a book that I’ve been putting together since around 2016ish. One of the main characters is based on someone I love but shouldn’t. I try to get him out of my head, my life...just get rid of him in general but he won’t go away! I bump into people who have the same name as him all the time, and his name isn’t a typically Scottish or British name, it’s really not that typical at all. Even the anaesthetist in the hospital where my mum had major life prolonging surgery had his name. Even in the darkest times in my life, he’s there in some form, I cannot shake him.
So I’m finally writing this book after mind mapping it for a few years. Maybe it will help me finally get him out of my life. I do hope so!
Anyway that’s why I’ve not done any mood boards lately, I’ve been busy writing!
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littlelindyloo · 3 years
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Batman/Joker Knightmare Timeline
Rather than do individual mood boards for Batman and Joker, I decided to do one based on the Knightmare scene from Zack Snyder’s Justice League because I thought it was pretty amazing and I’m hoping somewhere down the line we see more of these two. Not holding my breath though.
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littlelindyloo · 4 years
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For Poppy, crossed the rainbow bridge almost 2 months ago, greatly missed!
1st November 2006 - 7th January 2021 💔
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littlelindyloo · 4 years
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House Pukwudgie
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littlelindyloo · 4 years
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Leo Zodiac 2
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littlelindyloo · 4 years
I was going to rewatch The Vampire Diaries as it’s been a few months since I first watched it, but it’s missing from my list!!! Netflix what the fuck? However The Originals is still there! O_O
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littlelindyloo · 4 years
I’m 17 episodes in and this is how I feel now (no spoilers pls)
I’ve been a huge Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan for over 20 years, then Angel and Firefly, then Serenity. I’m a sc-fi geek and I love horror and fantasy. Strange is it not that I didn’t start watching Supernatural until last year when my mum was terminally ill in hospital and I needed an escape. My best friend has watched it since the very beginning and would often reference things I didn’t understand, but that was okay because I would do the same with Buffy/Angel. It wasn’t because I wasn’t interested in Supernatural, I had just come in late to the party and couldn’t find anywhere to start at the beginning, and I wanted to start there because I had a feeling I would become invested. I had watched about 6 or 7 episodes last year, then my mum came home and I nursed her for 4 months until she passed away. So fast forward to when lockdown happened here in the UK I finally had no excuses not to delve into my looooong Netflix watch list and forgot all about Supernatural. I binged The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Legacies, iZombie, Veronica Mars, Teen Wolf, Wynonna Earp, Lucifer etc etc. It had been so long but 3 months ago I decided to pick up where I left off with Sam and Dean...and then it happened! I was invested!
I always thought that my favourite Winchester would be Dean, I was wrong! I absolutely loved Dean, but through the seasons Sam became my fave. I always knew Castiel would be my fave ever character, I was so right, he is! I binged all 14 seasons in a little over 4 weeks and I would often talk on the phone with my “seasoned veteran” best friend about the show. Her fave is Dean and way back she was in denial about Destiel while I was none the wiser until now, I have the knowledge. During one phone call, she admitted that she could no longer deny that there was something between Dean and Cas, and that’s when I said “I agree, they’re soulmates!”. At that point I truly believed this and I still do, only my viewpoint has since changed. Back then I saw Dean as a heterosexual male and Cas kinda that way too, they had a connection and they didn’t quite know or understand why but it transcended brotherhood and friendship, to me it also transcended a romantic relationship. I believed that if they were gay or bi, it would most definitely happen, but they weren’t in my eyes. I saw it as Dean thinking “I know I love this person so much it burns my soul, but I don’t understand it because he’s a guy!”. The way that he would blame Cas for everything, take his anger out on him and his frustration (I mean season 14 he blames him for what happens to Mary, even telling him he’s dead to him), it smacks of someone who can’t wrap his head around how he feels. I blame his father for this, mind you I blame John for a lot of things, because I think in Dean’s head his dad would not accept Castiel as his soulmate for two reasons; I think John would be weird about it because Cas isn’t human and also takes a male form. That’s just my own personal opinion on why Dean can’t accept how he feels.
Now I like to do mood boards as a hobby, I do them for all my fave television shows and I recently started on my Supernatural folder. This is when my viewpoint changed about Destiel, I was on the fence, Pinterest kicked a football at my face and knocked me off the fence and I packed my bags and boarded a ship! Looking at the little things that may have passed me by on the show, the subtle looks, touches, words, smiles. It’s obvious! I don’t really know what sexuality Dean is nor would I ever dare to presume, all I know is that Castiel is an angel who can use any vessel he pleases, male or female. What I’m trying to say is that Cas sees the soul of a person, not their face (I think?), so it’s not as simple as being in love with a gender, it’s being in love with a soul. It’s just two souls who found each other and were connected. Maybe Dean is bi, maybe he’s not, what does it matter in the grand scheme of things? Love is love! That’s the beauty of fictional characters, they can be whatever you want them to be and you can think of them in any way you want. Like is a particular colour pink? Or is it coral, fuscia or magenta? Who knows, you decide!
I dunno, we can all call it whatever we want, interpret it the way we want because it’s a free world and we are entitled to feel any way we want! That’s just my personal take on the whole thing so please don’t come at me with nasty comments, if you have differing opinions then I respect that so please respect mine. There’s a girl on Pinterest who shouts at Destiel shippers “DEAN IS STRAIGHT” all the time, don’t be that girl, let others think what they want! Agree to disagree! If you ship it, that’s great! If you don’t, then that’s great too!
I’ve burned that fence down that I once sat upon, I’m sailing on the good ship Destiel! I believe what they have is real, I believe it is true love in its purest form, they’re soulmates! So I’m 17 episodes in, I don’t think I’m ready for the emotion! All I know is that episode 18 is coming for me, and it won’t be pretty! I’m going down with this ship until the end though! Like I said...I am invested...eternally so!
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littlelindyloo · 4 years
I’m re-watching Smallville, I’m 3/4 of the way through season 6 and I only started last Monday! Yes 6 seasons in just over 7 days, is that pretty good? I’m sure it’s amateurish at best compared to more seasoned bingers, but hey I am dedicated! ;0)
Anyway, it’s funny how you appreciate something so much more the second time around, the first time I was annoyed because they threw all the comic book mythos out the window and I was wound pretty tight back then over sticking to the material, but now I think it was a cool take on the whole Superman universe. Michael Rosenbaum is one of, if not the best Lex Luthors ever! He really is! And Tom Welling should have been Superman at least once in a movie, just once! Nobody since Christopher Reeve has been able to nail both Clark Kent and Superman and he was pretty close in the last couple of seasons. Brandon Routh was a bit meh as Superman but he was an awesome Clark! Henry Cavill is an awesome Superman, but he’s too confident and present to be that mild mannered reporter!
Just my opinion, Smallville was one of the best shows! I wasn’t swayed at all over James Marsters as Brainiac, nope, not me! (lies, liiiiiieeeeeesssss)
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littlelindyloo · 4 years
Buffy Summers and Dean Winchester have green eyes.
I don’t know why that is relevant, but I feel it is important somehow!
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littlelindyloo · 4 years
Buffy Fan Problem No.58943
Anyone else watch The Wedding Singer and wonder why Billy Idol is impersonating Spike?
No? Just me?
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