#jen atkin
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Kendall Jenner as Marilyn Monroe
#kendall jenner#marilyn monroe#halloween 2023#beauty#mary phillips#makeup#dani michelle#style#jen atkin#hair#theory#fashion#halloween#pro-royalty
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@jenatkinhair: When the crew forces u to go out
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Shot by Ted Emmons for OUAI Hair Gloss Campaign.
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Jerry Reed, Chet Atkins & Waylon Jennings at RCA Studio B in the 1960s.
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Dust Volume 10, Number 11
Photo of Alan Licht by Stu Lax
One of the oddest, most disturbing developments in recent years is the devaluation of expertise. If a souped up auto complete program can write a screenplay, who needs writers? If scientific guidelines about how to stave off a plague make us angry or confused, who wants them? Anybody can be anything, given enough cash in their pockets, thought, evidence and fact be damned. So, it is somewhat unfashionable that Dusted continues to seek out artists who are good at what they do, whether they are conservatory trained or DIY, steeped in historical tradition or trying something new. Our monthly Dust highlights another batch of them. Bill Meyer, Andrew Forell, Tim Clarke, Jennifer Kelly, Jonathan Shaw, Ian Mathers and Bryon Hayes contributed.
John Butcher / Florian Stoffner / Chris Corsano — The Glass Changes Shape (Relative Pitch)
This autumn, English saxophonist John Butcher celebrated his 70th birthday. For the occasion his fellow musicians donned t-shirts proclaiming, “You can only trust yourself and the first ∞ John Butcher albums.” Yes, he puts out quite a few, and no, I’m not up to date. The completist’s task is even more daunting when one considers just how much music is packed into each of the nine improvisations on this concert recording, his second with guitarist Florian Stoffner and percussionist Chris Corsano. Timbres, volumes and modes of attack change from second to second, living up the album’s title; not even the music’s form I fixed. No one’s resting on laurels here. Corsano plays with rare spaciousness, and Butcher often seems to be playing up the contrasts between his horns’ tonal fluidity and the jagged edges of Stoffner’s contribution. Pardon the paradox, but each track is a subdivision of ∞, and there’s no end to the time you could spend getting profitably lost in one.
Bill Meyer
Cybotron — Parallel Shift (Tresor)
in 2019, legendary Detroit producer Juan Atkins rebooted his 1980s electro project Cybotron with Laurens van Oswald (nephew of Basic Channel founder Moritz) and Tameko Williams (Detroit In Effect). Atkins takes the technological matrices of his hometown’s now largely defunct manufacturing plants and Kraftwerk’s “Autobahn” and twists them through an afro-futurist wormhole. The trio’s latest 12” single “Parallel Shift” sets Atkins’ robotic vocals and lockstep machine beats against melodic synths and warm bass tones. As Atkins insists on a “parallel shift”, smuggled elements of Clintonesque funk and drifting reverie suggest subversion of strictly linear time. The B-side “Earth” is a more straightforward piece of electro with the emphasis on syncopation. The track flickers with sci-fi synths as Atkins posits human rhythms as a form of cosmic consciousness. Volume up and eyes closed, you will be transported.
Andrew Forell
Dean Drouillard — Mirrors and Ghosts (self-released)
This instrumental solo album by Canadian guitarist Dean Drouillard is a series of hazy noir scenes. At its brightest and most melodic, as in “Portland” and “Gorgasuke,” it’s reminiscent of the vivid, playful miniatures of Opsvik & Jennings’s A Dream I Used to Remember. Elsewhere, the album is decidedly more atmospheric and ambient, akin to the widescreen explorations of Daniel Lanois’s Flesh and Machine. The album’s largely introspective nature is no surprise when you learn Drouillard played and recorded all the instruments himself. His guitar playing in particular is evocative and tastefully restrained. At once intimate and widescreen, Mirrors and Ghosts feels both eerily melancholic and gently uplifting.
Tim Clarke
Fievel Is Glauque — Rong Weicknes (Fat Possum)
Though Fievel Is Glauque are technically a duo — songwriters Zach Phillips (Blanche Blanche Blanche) and Ma Clements on keys and vocals, respectively — for new album Rong Weickes they assembled a crack team of six other players. Musicians on drums, bass, electric guitar, woodwinds and brass flesh out a dizzyingly complex and gratifyingly daft soundworld. Think 1970s prog-folk; think Napoleon Murphy Brock–era Frank Zappa; think Julia Holter spiraling down a jazz-fusion black hole. Rong Weicknes is a LOT. Tellingly, many of the album’s most accessible songs, including singles “As Above So Below” and “Love Weapon,” plus the beautiful and relatively calm “Toute Suite,” arrive early in the track list. Opener “Hover” is perhaps the best example of the band’s bonkers “live in triplicate” working method, in which multiple takes are stacked one on top of another, then chiseled down to reach a final mix. It’s chaotic, like multiple candy-colored Escher staircases spiraling off in different directions at once. In this realm of music-making, too much is never enough, and the line between virtuosic brilliance and over-the-top absurdity bends and blurs. Given the chaos is cumulative, listening to the album from front to back tends to result in ear fatigue during the second half, no matter how many brave attempts it takes to tackle it all in one go.
Tim Clarke
Helena Hauff — Multiplying My Absurdities (Tresor)
Hamburg DJ and producer Helena Hauff’s debut EP for Tresor is three tracks of full-on throwback acid trance. Expertly structured over 22 minutes of build, crescendo and release, Hauff combines thumping beats and bass tones with a detached darkwave cool and a healthy smear of analogue soot. Think Roland drum machines & 303 bass, squelching synths, arpeggio runs and all nature of odd grimy ghosts grumbling in the machines. Hauff reaches her apotheosis on “Punks in the Gym”, named for an Australian rock climb known as the hardest in the world (and now closed as an Indigenous Heritage site). It starts hard, with the bass in the red zone and the drums not far behind, and arpeggiated synths screaming like a drill sergeant. The plateaus, when they come, are mere toeholds for the next ascent. It’s a relentless, punishing piece. And when, near the end, Hauff drops everything but the kickdrum, it’s like watching the sun rise at an outdoor rave to, hearing nothing but your beating heart.
Andrew Forell
Rafael Anton Irisarri — Façadisms
Rafael Anton Irisarri creates music with the grandeur of a vast, wasted landscape. He brings his experience as a mastering engineer to bear on all his recordings, rendering them dense and immersive, stacked high with thick waves of guitar and synthesizer tone. Façadisms is no exception and features two highlights. “Control Your Soul’s Desire For Freedom” features searing cello from Julia Kent and angelic vocals by Hannah Elizabeth Cox, and “Forever Ago is Now” features string arrangements from T.R. Jordan, which carry the album’s most anthemic chord progression. Façadisms’ blasted textures are never less than compelling, but these tracks are twin peaks within the record’s glowering sonic geography.
Tim Clarke
Charlotte Jacobs — Atlas (New Amsterdam)
Charlotte Jacobs’s songs are a little shy. They lurk in corners and grow up from cracks. They venture fluidly out of empty space, eddying and cascading through echoing caverns, with just a little glitch beat or a surge of synth tones to ground them. Jacobs is a conservatory Belgian composer and singer here making her first solo album. Her voice comes in breathy flutters, a little like Mirah at her most acoustic and spare, but she hedges that fragile bloom in masses of digital sound. A devotee of Ableton, she makes the synth sound like all kinds of instruments, a quacking oboe in “Celeste,” a ghostly choir in CYTMH.” Records seldom sound simultaneously this bare and this layered. There are many elements in play, but all scrubbed clean and hemmed in by silence.
Jennifer Kelly
Alan Licht — Havens (VDSQ)
With Havens, Alan Licht flips the attack-decay-sustain-release envelope of the guitar on its head, folding notes and chords over each other in waves. He does this with a heft to his tone, so that chord progressions become waterfalls and melodies emerge like vine-like shoots, growing in many directions simultaneously. Licht’s songs mesmerize with repetition, but the tones resonate such that they fold back on themselves, creating entirely new patterns for us to discern. The cover art reflects his steel string sorcery, as a dull-colored house surrounded by twilit swirling clouds emits beams of red, yellow, and orange light from its many orifices. A variety of energy levels and frequencies are represented here, and they reveal themselves in surprising ways. Throughout his career, Licht has straddled the worlds of indie rock and the avant-garde, and Havens tugs at both sides, creating a new universe entirely: one where resonance rules over everything else.
Bryon Hayes
Longobardi + Cecchitelli — Maloviento (LINE)
Italian sound artists Ernesto Longobardi and Demetrio Cecchitelli create minimalist environmental works built from droning sub-oscillations that emerge from a haze of white noise. The four pieces on Maloviento, titled by duration, are arctic. Slow, evocative of shifting ice and wind swirling across bleak landscapes.. 14’24” is frigid amalgam of staticky cracks and sheets of white noise that rise and fall with increasing intensity. The duo intersperses these with sounds of dripping stalactites and pings of some distant beacon signaling into the abyss. It immerses the listener in an alien and alienating environment in which you find yourself clinging to these noises as the only way to get your bearing. 21’18” is slightly kinder. More recognizably human sounds emerge. Breath labored by cold, a trudge of footsteps and a muttering voice culminating in the introduction of a flute. Tentative at first, it gathers strength and warmth before being absorbed into the ice. Riveting stuff.
Andrew Forell
Man/Woman/Chainsaw — Eazy Peazy (Fat Possum)
Young London sextet Man/Woman/Chainsaw emerged from the scene that includes bands like Black Midi and Black Country, New Road with whom they share a similar omnivorous musical DNA. Vocalists, bassist Vera Leppanen and guitarist Billy Ward have been playing together since they were 14. Now approaching 20, and joined by contemporaries Emmie-Mae Avery on keys, violinist, Clio Harwood violin, Ben Holmes on guitar and drummer Lola Waterworth, M/W/C play punk infused theatrical rock, not quite as knotty as their near contemporaries, but fully embracing the chaotic energy of musicians pushing themselves to fit all their ideas into songs that dance delicate and furious. The acutely observed kitchen sink dramas of “The Boss” and “Sports Day” burst from the speakers, withering in word, and balanced by Harwood’s sawing violin and Avery’s delicate keys. Leppanen a powerhouse on the former, Ward all snarling self-deprecation on the latter. In contrast “Grow A Tongue In Time” is almost dainty with its curlicue of violin, bass, and keys tempered by Leppanen’s rasp that speaks of a desperate frustration echoed in the washes of cymbals that swarm towards the end. A band with space to grow and one to watch out for.
Andrew Forell
The Modern Folk — Primitive Future III (Practice)
This expansive collection spans 20 songs and nearly as many years for the folk centric but ambi-curious guitarist Joshua Moss (who, full disclosure, recently started writing for Dusted). His music here takes many forms, from the blues rock chug of “Shiver Shaker,” which could pass for an alternate universe outtake from Jon Spencer’s Heavy Trash to the cosmic twang of “Hippy Sandwich,” running closer to Ripley Johnson’s Rose City Band or the Heavy Lidders or whatever Matt Valentine is doing this week. There’s room, too, for lucid, radiant blues-folk picking, twined with bowing in “Braided Channels” or abetted in shimmery gossamer by Jen Powers on dulcimer on “You’ll Have That,” or left to strike out unadorned on luminous (and aptly titled) “Subdued.” Some artists try something different to prove they can. Moss lets the change grow out of old roots, supple, green and lovely. One other item of note: all proceeds are earmarked for hurricane relief.
Jennifer Kelly
Paprika — S/T (Iron Lung)
Paprika had already released the excellent, caustic Let’s Kill Punk LP this year, so this new EP is an unexpected November surprise. Are you thankful? It’s pungent and nasty stuff — Paprika sounds like the grittiest elements of NYC punk rawk, c 1976, partying with the hepped-up hardcore of Government Issue or Dirty Rotten EP-period DRI. If that sounds like fun, it sort of is, if you can listen past the nihilistic sentiments expressed in tunes like “Catatonic Pisser” and “Wasting Time.” This reviewer especially likes the self-lacerating qualities of “Supply Chain Wallet,” which explores the ways in which even filthy, greasy punks have a variety of fashion sense, implicating them in capital’s machinery. The band is more direct: “I’m chained to my wallet / Don’t you fuckers know? / Money is dirt.” Word.
Jonathan Shaw
Rock Candy — Swimming In (Carbon)
Rock Candy is Krysi Battalene (Mountain Movers, Headroom) and Emily Robb. Both are guitarists of just renown who, if they decided to open up an optical shop, would specialize in third-eyewear. Together, they refrain from six-string calisthenics in order to focus on nuanced expressions of motion. “Swimming In” is all about drift, albeit with enough surface tension for a stuttering guitar figure to loom over the undulating organ-scape. “Across A Mirage” sets slide vs. reverb, each fighting for footage on a mechanical Clydesdale beat. The cost of vinyl being what it is, some folks might question the point of picking up singles. This year, Rock Candy is the angle that dispels such faithless notions.
Bill Meyer
Sif — Aegis of the Hollowed King (self released)
If you were going to make solo instrumental doom metal about video games, Dark Souls is certainly one of the few that feels like it actually fits. What makes the second LP from New Orleans-based Sif work as well as it does, though, is how much Aegis of the Hollowed King engages with what’s actually compelling about the FromSoftware series beyond any surface level trappings of swords, monsters and boss fights. Here focusing on what even they admit is an “understandably maligned masterpiece,” Dark Souls II, these four tracks don’t try to overwrite the game’s fantastic actual soundtrack (by Motoi Sakuraba and Yuka Kitamura). Instead they invoke how much of the experience of painstakingly making your way across Drangleic is suffused with melancholy horror (yes, occasionally leavened with moments of brutally-won success). That atmosphere has been translated into a doom metal idiom, but that just means even the most elegiac elements here continue to crush.
Ian Mathers
Sulida — Utos (Clean Feed)
The phrase “good old-fashioned free jazz” could be applied to this Norwegian trio’s album, no disrespect intended and none dealt. Marthe Lea’s gruff tenor sax balances the unbridled emotion and considered poise of Ayler and Tchicai, and Jon Rune Strøm and Dag Erik Knedal Anderson negotiate points of structure vs. flow in ways that would do Hopkins and McCall proud. There are also moments that bring to mind Don Cherry if he had given full allegiance to the Swedish woods instead of the world. And yet, the character of each musician shines through, so that this music feels alive rather than merely reanimated. Ready to rumble by unfailingly lyrical, Utos is a friend in unfriendly times.
Bill Meyer
#dusted magazine#dust#john butcher#bill meyer#cybotron#andrew forell#Dean Drouillard#tim clarke#fievel is glaque#Helena Hauff#Rafael Anton Irisarri#charlotte jacobs#jennifer kelly#alan licht#bryon hayes#Longobardi + Cecchitelli#the modern folk#Man/Woman/Chainsaw#paprika#jonathan shaw#rock candy#ian mathers#sif#sulida
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“Eddy devised a technique of playing lead on his guitar's bass strings to produce a low, reverberant "twangy" sound. He bought a 1957 Chet Atkins model Gretsch 6120 guitar and in November 1957, Eddy recorded an instrumental, "Movin' n' Groovin'", co-written with producer Lee Hazlewood. As the Phoenix studio had no echo chamber, Hazlewood bought a 2,000-gallon water storage tank that he used as an echo chamber to accentuate the "twangy" guitar sound.”
Happy Birthday, Duane Eddy!
Born April 26, 1938.
Olaf Jens
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Hallmark’s October Movie Slate Includes New Hannah Swensen and Curious Caterer Mysteries (TVLine.com)

3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Ghost Premiere Date: Saturday, Oct. 7 at 8 pm A ghost from the 1920s refuses to leave the home just listed by Anna, a new real estate agent. Worse, the spirit is convinced she cannot “pass over” until she gets Anna back together with her ex; Julie Gonzalo (Supergirl), Chris McNally (When Calls the Heart) and Madeleine Arthur (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before) star.

Field Day Premiere Date: Saturday, Oct. 14 at 8 pm Jen (Witches of East End‘s Rachel Boston), Marissa (Virgin River‘s Carmel Amit) and Kelly (Good Trouble‘s Shannon Chan-Kent) are moms from different backgrounds who are thrown together to plan the annual Field Day at their kids’ school. Along the way, they navigate a myriad of obstacles, including an unsupportive head of the PTO. New to town and still trying to move on following the loss of her husband, Jen is thankful to have the encouragement of Dan (Saving Hope‘s Benjamin Ayres), the school’s PE teacher who is becoming a good friend…or could this be the start of something more? As the planning continues, Jen, Marissa and Kelly bond as friends who will stop at nothing to make sure their kids are happy, with each of them finding their own path as their friendship grows stronger.
Hallmark Movies & Mysteries

A Zest for Death: A Hannah Swensen Mystery Premiere Date: Friday, Oct. 6 at 9 pm They say the real estate business is deadly, but no one is more surprised than Hannah Swensen (Days of Our Lives‘ Alison Sweeney) when her mother, Delores (Barbara Niven), discovers the dead body of the homeowner – and regular customer of The Cookie Jar – while house-hunting for her sister Michelle (The Flash‘s Tess Atkins). Hannah is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery and is convinced that the prime suspect Mike (All My Children‘s Cameron Mathison) and the Sheriff (Day of the Dead‘s Mike Dopud) are focusing on isn’t the culprit. Hannah’s sleuthing becomes a family affair when Delores, Michelle and even her sister Andrea (Heartland‘s Lisa Durupt) – who pays an unexpected visit – take part in the investigation. As Hannah uncovers clues she slowly rules out suspects and is led to the shocking truth about the killer’s identity.

Curious Caterer: Fatal Vows Premiere Date: Friday, Oct. 13 at 9 pm In the third installment of the franchise, professional caterer and amateur detective Goldy Berry (Awkward‘s Nikki DeLoach) is hired to cater for a big wedding. The bride, Jessamyn Cole (Superman & Lois‘ Amanda Khan), is the ex-wife of Goldy’s current romantic interest, detective Tom Schultz (the ubiquitous Andrew Walker). The town is shocked when they find the groom, Sterling Clearwater (The Flash‘s Kareem Malcolm) dead and Jessamyn missing. To complicate matters, a new detective (Dangerous‘ Brock Morgan) with a vendetta against Tom is hired to oversee the case. Forced to take matters into their own hands, Goldy and Tom must find Jessamyn before she meets Sterling’s fate.
To read the full article at TVLine.com click this LINK.
TVInsider has a write up also.
#news#schedule#first look#photo preview#hallmark movies#link#3 bed 2 bath 1 ghost#julie gonzalo#chris mcnally#field day#rachel boston#carmel amit#benjamin ayres#fall into love#hallmark channel#a zest for death: a hannah swensen mystery#alison sweeney#cameron mathison#barbara niven#curious caterer: fatal vows#nikki deloach#andrew walker#hallmark movies & mysteries#hannah swensen mysteries#murder she baked mysteries#curious caterer mysteries
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Kendall Jenner as Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman
#kendall jenner#lynda carter#wonder woman#halloween 2023#beauty#greg swales#photography#dani michelle#style#jen atkin#hair#mary phillips#makeup#halloween#pro-royalty
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@jenatkinhair: My week in Kuwait/Rome/Cannes was incredible as evidenced by Bella’s last-day confession tape 😂
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Tagged by @snarkivistfic ! Thank you!
3 Ships You Like: There are many, and normally I'd just list MXTX ones but this time I'll break from that tradition and say FeiHua, Pingxie and my old favourite, akorima!
First Ship Ever: Uh. Probably Bob/Dot (ReBoot). LMAO
Last Song You Heard: Xi Lou by Song Jiyang
Favourite Childhood Book: idk, I read tonnes and don't think I ever really had a favourite exactly. There were the kiddie books and then authors like Enid Blyton (yes, I know, as an adult the Problems are clear) and Paul Jennings, Point Horror and Marmalade Atkins (thanks, local library!)
Currently Reading: Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Currently watching: Psych-Hunter. Also rewatching Mysterious Lotus Casebook & Ultimate Note
Currently consuming: Nothing
Currently craving: More hours in the day (it's bedtime but I'm not tired and have more things I want to do)
Tagging: @mostlikelytofangirl @liliaailil @wryamihere & whoever wants to do it!
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Raoul did Zendaya’s makeup for this LV campaign and I noticed he took Valentino off his instagram bio, is he no longer working for them?
Hmmmm they still have him listed as their artist on their website. A lot of Freelance Hair & Makeup Creatives usually have these partnerships with Beauty Cosmetics and Hair Care companies it’s good to have because it’s consistent guaranteed work for them and others have their own eponymous brands and use their freelance work to promote that like Pat McGrath, Danessa Myricks, Kim Kimble, Jen Atkin(The Ouai), etc. consistent work either way.
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MTO S4E16 - Cast / Characters
Just so you know who you'll be hearing this episode ... including the return of Beccy Stirrup as Ursula Francisco, such a GREAT Zhong moment by NayMyo Win, and some really tense Jaxon stuff that Cole pulls off brilliantly. Such a great group of folks in a great episode!
BARNETT BELL – Danyelle Ellett MICHELL L’ANGLOIS – Cass McPhee WILDER – Tina Daniels MEDIC KEEGAN – Anna Godfrey VAL NARVÁEZ - Rissa Montañez URSULA FRANCISCO – Beccy Stirrup MARIA L’ANGLOIS – Cat Blackard ZHONG JENTO – NayMyo Win TRINA HAUGEN – Alicia Atkins AGRICULTURALIST HAROLD MCVETT – Steven LaFond ROGER BRAGADO-FISCHER – Leeman Kessler ADDIE – Journee LaFond JAXON – Cole Burkhardt TUMNUS – Jen Ponton NASHWA – Dalia Ramahi
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13 Best Volumizing Shampoos of 2025, Hairstylist-Approved
Key ingredients: seaweed, algae, parley protein, argan oil | Fragrance-free: yes | Sulfate-free: yes | Who it’s for: people with thinning hair and delicate scalps Best Scent: Ouai Fine Hair Shampoo Why we love it: Ouai Fine Hair Shampoo transforms your hair from flat and limp to full-on bouncy. No surprise there—after all, founder Jen Atkin has styled practically every A-lister with to-die-for…
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Wildfires are a natural disaster that no one is ever fully prepared for. This week, the beautiful Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles turned into a scene of chaos and sadness as fast-moving flames tore through neighborhoods, leaving destruction in their wake. Among the countless people impacted was Jen Atkin, a close associate of the Kardashians and a former hairstylist for Kim Kardashian. Jen, who is also the co-owner of the haircare brand OUAI, shared her heartbreaking experience on social media. In her emotional posts, she revealed how the wildfire had taken away not just her home but also a part of her cherished memories. Her connection to the Kardashian family added a layer of familiarity to the tragedy, as fans of the famous family sent her messages of support. A Neighborhood in Ashes The wildfires spread quickly, fueled by dry weather and strong winds, catching many residents off guard. Jen, who lived in the Pacific Palisades area, described how she and her husband, photographer Mike Rosenthal, were forced to leave their home. "This is weird to post, but our house is gone," she wrote alongside a tearful video of herself holding her dog during the evacuation. Credits: Instagram The devastation didn’t just end with homes being destroyed. Jen shared that the entire neighborhood had been left in ruins. “We just got confirmation. Our whole area is demolished,” she said. Despite the sadness, she noted how her neighbors were coming together to support one another during this tough time. “Our neighbors are all taking care of one another and checking in,” she said, emphasizing the importance of community during such tragedies. A Personal Loss for the Kardashians' Close Circle Jen Atkin’s connection to the Kardashians made her story even more relatable to fans around the world. Having worked closely with Kim Kardashian and her family, Jen has often been seen as part of their extended circle. The Kardashians, known for their luxurious homes and close family ties, have faced their share of challenges with natural disasters in the past. While it wasn’t the Kardashians' own homes affected this time, the pain felt by someone so close to them was palpable. Kim Kardashian herself has spoken out in the past about the devastating impact of California wildfires. The family once had to evacuate their Hidden Hills mansion due to similar threats. This time, while the flames didn’t directly touch the Kardashians, the loss experienced by Jen Atkin brought the reality of wildfires closer to their fans and followers. Cherished Memories Lost The heartbreak wasn’t just about losing a house; it was also about losing the small things that make a house a home. Jen shared an emotional story about leaving behind her grandmother’s old church blazer, which still had tissues and mints in its pockets. She also expressed sadness over leaving a small grave for her beloved pet, Chewy, in their yard. These personal losses, while seemingly small, often carry the heaviest weight. Despite the tragedy, Jen tried to find hope. “We always push through,” she wrote. Her words struck a chord with many, as people across social media shared their own experiences of loss and recovery. The support and love she received reminded her that even in the darkest moments, kindness and community shine through. The Kardashian Family's Support While Jen didn’t explicitly mention the Kardashians in her posts, fans speculated that the family would undoubtedly be there to support her through this time. Known for their strong family bond, the Kardashians have often rallied around their friends and loved ones during tough moments. Whether it’s through emotional support or lending a helping hand, their compassion in such situations has been widely recognized. The wildfires have once again highlighted how quickly life can change. Even those who seem to have everything, like celebrities and their close circles, are not immune to the unpredictability of nature. In moments like these, fame and wealth offer little comfort compared to the love and support of family and friends. Credits: Instagram California’s Struggle with Wildfires This wildfire is just one of many that have plagued California over the years. The state is known for its dry summers and strong winds, which create the perfect conditions for fires to spread rapidly. Each year, thousands of families are displaced, and the destruction often takes years to recover from. This year, areas like Malibu, Hollywood Hills, and Runyon Canyon have been particularly hard-hit. Firefighters are working tirelessly to control the flames, but the sheer scale of the fires makes their task incredibly difficult. Many residents have been forced to leave their homes with just the essentials, unsure if they will have anything to return to. A Message of Hope Despite the tragedy, Jen ended her message on a hopeful note. “We’re going to be okay,” she wrote, thanking everyone who sent her kind words and support. Her resilience in the face of such a massive loss inspired many, showing that even when everything seems lost, the human spirit can endure. The Kardashian family, too, serves as a reminder of how important it is to stay connected to loved ones during difficult times. Whether it’s through reaching out to a friend, offering a shoulder to cry on, or simply being there, support can make all the difference. Read the full article
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