#jen and rick and hulk are coming soon
getreadytosmash · 7 years
The wolf among us au pt. 1
Since these are pretty long and taking forever I'd thought it'd be best to do these in parts. Anyway, as you know, my oc bloc @ice-ice-bxby has a wolf among us au so I'd thought I'd do this for my smashers! @awkward-snake-girl was a massive help and wrote Leader's as well as gave ideas for Skaar's.
The wolf in sheep's clothing
Once upon a time there was a woman who found a baby wrapped in wolf fur. Saddened by his abandonment, she decided to adopt the child and raise him with her tribe. Over time, she noticed odd things about her son, he could sense things others couldn't and was faster and stronger than the other children. Worried that people would start to notice the odd traits of her child, she desperately kept a tight hold on him and forbade him to spend time with anyone else.
Unfortunately, the son felt trapped by his mother. He didn't understand why he was diffrent and why the forest called to him, like a terrible twisting in his chest. This ended up causing a lot of arguments between him and his mother, she wanted to protect him but he just wanted to be free.
One day, he left his home after a bad argument and ran into the forest. He ended up getting lost and was searching for a way to leave when a wolf suddenly appeared. Before the son could run in fear, the wolf nuzzled him and to his amazement, spoke. "Hello brother." The wolf said, shocking the son into silence. "I've been waiting to meet you." The brothers spent the next few hours reuniting and learning about what happened to the son. It was revealed that the their mother was trying to move them to a new home. She could only take one cub at a time to keep them safe and was going to come back for her other cub when a human stole him.
Horrified that he was taken from his true home, the son wondered how he, a human, was meant to live with wolves when the brother shifted into a human. "We shift through our fur. Find your fur and find yourself." The brother said before running off to fetch their mother. It was then that the son remembered the fur his human mother found him in and swore to himself that he would finally live how he was meant to be, free and no longer feared.
Later that night, the son was preparing to leave when the most terrible sight was held before him; his human mother was burning his wolf fur. "Why do you need it? When you have me?" The mother tried to say this but the son, horrified beyond words, ran off to see his brother and share the terrible news. But to add to the horror, he found his brother in his human form, dying on the forest floor.
"They came for me." His brother gasped out as the son cradled him close. "I was looking for you but it's too late now. Take my fur, and be what you were always meant to be, a wolf." The brother said and died in his lost one's arms. Determined to do right, the son took his brother's fur ad for the first time, shifted into his true form. His human mother began searching for him around this time and stopped in horror as she watched her child turn into a wolf.
"I need to leave, you know I don't belong with these sheep." The son pleaded and started to back away, feeling torn at the sight of his crying mother. Even with their fighting and lying, he still loved her. To his surprise, his mother sniffed but gave a serious look. "You're right. I couldn't keep you forever so be free and be happy my son." She said and with a heavy heart, watched her beloved, her only, child flee to where he belonged.
Tears of a molten man
There was once a man who was like a king. He was respected by the armies he led and by his daughter who admired him deeply with how strong he was, even after his beloved wife's death. But since everything was so perfect in his life, this made the General boastful and full of pride, thinking that he was everything.
One day, a man who's eyes glowed like the greeniest grass the General had ever seen appeared. "Come, I have something only a man so worthy and brave is allowed to see." The General, too trusting, set after the man with the green eyes, enchanted in a way he hadn't been since his wife died. The green-eyed man led the General to a large mountain and pointed to the top with a smile. "Inside lies a prize for you. Obtain it and I will gift you with true love."
Believing this, the General started to climb up the mountain and inside, only to realise that the green-eyed man had lied and tricked him-leaving him trapped inside the mountain. Hurt and feeling foolish, the General waited for his army to rescue him.
But they never came. Instead, he could hear cheers and celebrations from the town, happy that the General wasn't here to boss them about. Days turned into weeks and soon everyone assumed that the General realised that no one liked him and finally left. Hurt, the General spent his time wishing for death to come and take him when the most amazing thing happened; a woman made of fire formed in front of him, warming the cool, crisp air and brightening the dark sky. She stared at the General sadly, tears of lava appearing in her eyes. "You have a heart and soul of fire." She said, her voice warm and mystical, coming over to sit near the General. "Tell me Molten man, who has put our your fire?"
So the General told her his story, and by the end of it, tears were sliding down his face in grief that he hadn't felt in a long time. "I will give you a gift." The lava lady said, deciding and reaching over to wipe his tears, not burning either of them surprisingly. "A gift to always burn bright, no matter what people do or say." The General looked at her in wonder, his face and chest feeling hotter and hotter by the moment. His tears became lava, his heart became a coal protected by fire that swirled brightly, making his eyes burn like the sun and turning his blond hair as black as coal. "Thank you." The now-Molten man said as the Lava lady gave him a warm kiss that felt like a ghost of his wife before burning away.
Fuelled by anger and hurt, the Molten man used his new power to overflow the mountain with his anger and sadness, overflowing it and burning the town. He ignored the screams and cries of help, like how they ignored him. By the end of his grief fuelled tantrum, the town was ash and his daughter, the only person who searched for him but could not find him, was left with her home perfectly untouched. Ashamed by what he had done and anger for the one who tricked him, the Molten man set out to find the green-eyed man to seek revenge. For making a fool of him and most importantly, for pouring water on his firey heart.
The Ocean Child
Once upon a time in a kingdom by the ocean, there was a widowed king who fell madly in love with the goddess of the sea. Every night, after his son Philip went to bed, he would row out to the middle of the ocean to visit his love.
However one night he saw the goddess looking very tired, and saw she wasn’t alone. For In her arms she held a tiny baby.
At first the king was overjoyed to have gotten another son, but when the baby yawned he was horrified to find rows and rows of teeth.
The goodness explained that this was a very special child and she needed him to take care of him. If he was cared for, he would bring great fortune to his kingdom. However if the child was treated cruelly, terrible things could happen.
So the king took the child home and named him Samuel, and for a short time everything was good. At first he did his best to care for the child but when he was older, her grew more and more ashamed of him, often neglecting him or leaving him in the hands of his cruel older brother. Unfortunately the kingdom wasn’t much kinder to him..
One day, when Samuel came of age the goddess returned and explained to the king and the older prince that in order for the kingdom to thrive, he needed to take the throne. The prince was outraged, but his father agreed, knowing it wasn’t wise to anger the goddess. But the older prince hatched a plan.
One stormy night Philip lead Samuel out to a cliff by the sea, the bottom covered with sharp jagged rocks and pushed him over the edge. However just when he thought he had perished, something amazing happened. There was a burst of rainbow light and a huge wave crashed against the cliff with Samuel on top of it, his lower body transformed into a the tail of a shark. “You have hurt me for the last time!” And he sent a giant tidal wave that consumed the entire kingdom, transforming them all into deadly sea creatures. All accept Philip and the king.
Soon all that was left of them was a few bones, and in there place was a group of very full sharks. The end.
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placetobenation · 5 years
Back in June 2013 the Place to Be Nation invaded the information super-highway with the launch of the website you are visiting just now. Since then a back catalogue has grown to include thousands of podcasts and written pieces, some of which you might have missed and it is my arduous task pleasure to go through the archives and bring you some of the highlights of PTBN through the years.
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This weeks podcast is an audio anniversary for Jennifer and Mirandia as Geek & Sassy #1 hit the PTBN POP feed in this week in 2016. In this episode our wonderful hosts give a brief introduction to their new audience and how they developed their geekiness, followed by about their favourite TV shows, and how they think some were cancelled far too early. To find out where they rank Doctor Who and Harry Potter in their Top 5 Fandom discussion, or to see who they picked as their Nerd Eye Candy of the Moment, click here to listen.
And while you’re listening to Geek & Sassy #1, take a trip down memory lane with JT Rozerro and Chris Jordan as they bring us Part 1 of their look at wrestling video games in We Miss The 90s. Together they discuss the good, the bad, and the King of the Ring of video games from both the WWF and WCW in the first part of the decade and give their rankings on their favourites.
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JT: Hey Jen… I mean Andy… Or Cowboy? Wait who the hell are you? Regardless you look like someone that played a lot of wrestling video games in the early 90s, so you want to hang around and chat it up with me?
Chris: Who the hell am I? Let me introduce myself.
Now that introductions are out of the way, I would be glad to hang out and talk about wrestling games. It’s probably the only genre of gaming that I’m familiar with. It wasn’t uncommon to find a young me, unshowered and surrounded by empty containers of Cup O’Noodles, trying to land a Macho Man elbow on an evil, beaten Hulk Hogan. I can’t recall how many games I played back in the day. It probably goes back to the Nintendo era.
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JT: Hey Chris! Unshowered is the best way to game, I would assume. That’s what I am told anyway.
I certainly dove into wrestling video games through Nintendo first and foremost. I have one game we we will start with and then I am going to pull one out the NAHSTALGIA BIN in a moment.
First up… WrestleMania Challenge! I remember this game very vividly. I remember renting it and sitting in my basement and playing on a very old, barely working TV. But I remember loving it.
It had some great theme music, a solid roster and… Rick Rude with short hair! It also had my personal favorite of the day, Brutus Beefcake. The game was interesting because it was centered mainly around the Ultimate Warrior instead of Hulk Hogan (1990, natch).
You remember this gem? Was it a gem?
Chris: A gem?? WrestleMania Challenge? I don’t think so, dude. I will admit, though, that it was a step up from the previous WrestleMania game. The roster was pretty stacked with eight whole Superstars. Guys like Hogan, Warrior, Boss Man, Andre the Giant, Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, Randy Savage and Rick Rude.
However, I remember being disappointed in some aspects of this game. The theme music was there, but it was more like 8-bit versions of elevator renditions of their theme music.
JT: Yes it was terrible. I lied.
But… I was a theme music junkie and it wasn’t as readily available then as it is now, so you took whatever you could get. I loved theme songs so much that I made my mother call WWF headquarters to see if they would sell a cassette of them for me. She did. They didn’t. I was crestfallen. Crest. Fallen.
However… Let us switch promotions briefly to discuss WORLD. CHAMPIONSHIP. WRESTLING.
My favorite game of the very early part of the decade. It was unique and had some different stuff from what the WWF games offered, mainly that you chose your moveset before every match. Plus the roster was loaded… Sting! Flair! Steamboat! Rick Steiner! Road Warriors! THE GAMESMASTER!
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I rented this one over and over and over…
Ever have the experience here? If not what was next in your canon?
Chris: I remember the WCW game very well. I also rented the hell out of that one. Not only could you select the wrestlers’ moveset, but they also had finishers, which was the first time I played a game that grasped that concept. The WWF games at that point, from what I remember, didn’t really incorporate finishers and yes the roster was also pretty cool at the time. DR. DEATH(!!), Eddie Gilbert. It had Rick Steiner, but not Scott Steiner which I found disappointing at the time, because I was hoping to pull off a Frankensteiner, the coolest move in wrestling back then.
Interesting thing is that the Road Warriors were on the cover, but they were on the WWF roster by the time I got my hands on this one.
I used to bring this back to the video store where I rented it, and then re-rent it. It got me in trouble with this one older kid at the store one time because I re-rented it in front of him, and he threatened to roll me for it and not return it, jacking up my mom’s rental account with bogus late fees.
JT: Ha! That is an awesome story. And it is a legit threat! That would have sucked man. Did you back down? I hope not…
Yes that was a mindfuck for sure, especially since I didn’t really watch NWA/WCW until 1992, so I was playing with a roster I didn’t have great knowledge of at all. The theme music of the game itself was pretty pimp though.
So, Genesis comes out and with it we get Super WrestleMania. I stayed loyal to NES but my good buddy Jim had it so I got to sample this game but don’t remember much about it. Eventually it came out for SNES too, but I was behind the curve on that. Did you ever dabble into the land of Sega?
Chris: I actually invited the kid back to my place to give it a whirl, then we ducked into a Woolworths where I ditched him and ran home before he knew what was up. He didn’t know where I lived and I didn’t really want him over anyway.
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Yeah, Sega Genesis was awesome. I tried Super WrestleMania for Genesis, and the first thing I noticed was that the wrestlers had finishers, whereas the SNES version did not. One of the reasons why I picked up a Genesis, really. My favorite Genesis wrestling game, however, was Royal Rumble. The theme music was all there, the roster was stacked with guys like Hogan, Savage, Undertaker, IRS, Rick Martel, Razor Ramon, Jim Duggan, Crush. By the time I acquired this game, I was of legal drinking age (19 in Canada). My friend, Craig, and I would get into some beers and play video games on the weekends.
One time we teamed up with myself as Savage and Craig as Hogan, and we would go into tag tournament mode. I found myself knocked out on the mat, with one of the opponents also knocked down next to me. Craig, as Hogan, went to hit a legdrop on the opponent, and he nailed ME with it instead! We have no idea how that happened. Needless to say, as marks, we turned it into an angle and would fight each other the next match. Good times!
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JT: Woolworths! We need to do 90s malls and department stores in a future installment of this for sure. And good, screw him. It is your right to renew!
I did like Genesis but I was Nintendo through and through and couldn’t be swayed. Royal Rumble was really awesome and Josh Richer and I would have some real battles. Rumble matches felt like they could go on for hours in that game. It was also frustrating that Genesis and SNES had slightly different rosters:
Genesis had Martel, IRS, Duggan, Shango and Hogan!
SNES had Flair, Perfect, DiBiase, Yokozuna and Tatanka!
I liked having Flair and Perfect but I really wanted Hogan and Shango… Papa Fucking Shango in a video game! Baller. Plus the Model’s theme sounded great in that game.
Also frustrating was that on the box for SNES, Mr. Perfect had on his black tights from Survivor Series 1992 but I could never figure out how to get them to appear in the game. Drove me nuts.
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I want to circle back to NES and Steel Cage Challenge. The graphics seemed to take a step back but the cage match gimmick was neat plus it featured The Mountie’s theme in MIDI form. I have a good story about renting this game, but first… Any memories of it?
Chris: About the different rosters for SNES/Genesis Royal Rumble: I was a little miffed that the Genesis version never had Mr. Perfect, as he was my #1 guy at the time. My friend, the aforementioned Craig, had both a SNES and a Sega Genesis because he let his pimp hand do the talking like that. I also enjoyed the Royal Rumble match feature that you, as a player, could come back as another guy if you were eliminated…except when you came back as Duggan.
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Anyway, on to Steel Cage Challenge. Yes, I remember this game also. I rented this for the NES console many time in my quest to be champ. One note about my gaming skills: I’m not skilled. Where it would take someone a couple hours to beat a game, there were games that I could never beat. Choosing Bret Hart, I would struggle to barely beat guys after the third match in championship mode. One guy that always beat me was The Undertaker. This was the first WWF game to feature a cage match, so i was pretty stoked for it.
You’re right on The Mountie theme. Classic mark out music.
JT: Yes being able to re-enter the Rumble was pretty clutch. To me that was the first game with a ton of replayability (that a word?) and I squeezed every ounce out of it.
I was so psyched for Steel Cage Challenge when it came out. Having that generation of stars in a game was neat and the cage just added to it all.
The day it came out, as soon as I got to my grandparents’ house after school, I called The Movie Center to ask if it was in stock. When the girl answered she said “The Movie Center, Phoenix”. After she confirmed I asked my mother to stop at the Movie Center on the way home to pick it up. Well, we get there and they don’t have it. Apparently there were two Movie Centers and the one I had called was in the Phoenix section of town. I thought Phoenix was that girl’s name. Of course, being 12 and desperately wanting to play this game, I lost my shit and my poor mom drove back across town so I could get it. And I played the shit out of it and eventually bought it. It was a lot of fun, even if IRS’ theme music was just a typewriter clicking and clacking over and over during the match. Looking back, I know the game sucked hard but whatever it was great the time.
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Before we go fully into the next generation games for SNES and Genesis, I wanted to toss two more rare ones out there to see if you ever experienced them:
King of the Ring for NES Rage in the Cage for Sega CD
CJ: Your mom was pretty cool to drag you to the other side of town for a wrestling game. I come from a small town and my mom would have made me walk or take my bike. She was NOT cool. And Phoenix is a good name for a girl. It limits her career choices down to stripper or porn star, so it should be easier to decide what to do with her life.
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King of the Ring for NES is one that I can remember playing. Rage in the Cage for Sega CD however…I have to hearken back to my friend Craig again. This guy had all the cool stuff back then. He had Sega CD and Rage in the Cage was one I can remember playing at his house. I thought it was cool immediately with the Fink doing intros and short videos. Any game with Kamala in it was kick-ass. That loading time, though. I can remember the game freezing a few times. One time, Craig was one win away from the championship and it froze on him. He started going all Ric Flair on us, dropping elbows like a lunatic.
JT: King of the Ring came out very late in 1993 and got lost in the shuffle because most people had moved on to the next generation consoles. It had a cool roster though: Hogan, Savage, Bret Hart, Undertaker, Michaels, Ramon, Bigelow, Yokozuna, Perfect, Luger (as Narcissist!) and YOU! That is right, our first, albeit very rudimentary, CAW! Plus you could do a tournament, which was cool. My buddy Jim had it and I played it out of pity when I went over his house but eventually he stepped up to Genesis and that was that.
I can’t believe you played Rage in the Cage! We would stare at that magazine ad with jealous eyes, unable to process that such an awesome looking game was just impossible for us to ever play. Kamala! The Nasty Boys! CAGES! CDs? Mind blowing.
OK, we can now dive fully into SNES. We need to talk about Raw, which was a kick ass Christmas gift in 1994, but first… did you ever play WCW SuperBrawl? The KB Toys in the Warwick Mall had it in the discount bin for all eternity and I would always stare at it but never pulled the trigger on the $15 or so it would cost to bring it home. You ever get to play that one? And did you have Raw for SNES? Or were you solely Genesis?
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Chris: You know something? I cannot recall the SuperBrawl game, which is weird because my friends and I were HUGE wrestling geeks and how this one got past us, I don’t know. I wasn’t too big on SNES, as I was Genesis-centric. You know another genre of game I was fond of was baseball, and I had the Genesis for another reason: World Series Baseball. But aside from the original NES, Genesis was the only other system I owned.
Now Raw was a game that I played. Again, Friday nights at Craig’s were filled with nothing but wrestling games, wrestling tapes, and backyard wrestling. Our mutual friend Leon tried to make me submit with his figure-four leglock, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Anyway, Raw was a kick-ass game, with my favorite character being Doink, because he had that top rope Whoopee Cushion. But this game also had The 1-2-3 Kid, Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels, Diesel and the late, great Owen Hart! Again, Royal Rumble mode was the best for me, as I had no skill to beat anybody, but could also sneak someone over the top rope if I needed to. That was me: the cheap shot artist.
Did you have a favorite character?
JT: I bet SuperBrawl is still in that bin in front of KB in Heaven.
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Yeah Raw had a loaded roster for sure and again the ability to park on the character pages and listen to the themes was big for me. I would dub the themes to cassette and use them for entrance music for my Hasbro figures or my wrestling buddy matches.
The game also had a nice array of finishing moves and stood out for including Luna Vachon, who I believe was the first female competitor involved in one of these games. Was it weird that they had male vs. female violence in a kids’ game in 1994? Doesn’t really fit the profile. Are they saying she isn’t a woman? Michaels and Diesel were my jam in 94, so I definitely favored using them.
Apparently there was a Genesis MegaDrive version that had Gorilla Monsoon (!) and Stephanie Wiand (!!) doing commentary instead of McMahon and Lawler. How bizarre.
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A year later we radically take a left turn and are gifted WrestleMania: The Arcade Game. With games like NBA Jam and Mortal Kombat all the rage, WMTAG was much more in your face and…zany? I guess zany. There were exaggerated movements and crazy finishers (Doink’s hand buzzer says hi!) and Vince McMahon screaming (THAT’S GOTTA HURT!) and… it was surprisingly a ton of fun to play. The moves were crisp and the action was non stop. Plus the graphics were pretty great and the details were super sharp. Even though it had a limited roster and even less match options it had great playability and I wasted many hours on it. Did you enjoy this game as much as I did? Or am I in a silo here?
Chris: Recording the themes from the video game for your action figures just shows proof of your hardcore wrestling love. That sounds awesome **coughnerdcough** Oh, who am I kidding? I used to put on weekly shows and PPV cards with my younger brother’s action figures all he time.
Now that you mention it, I totally forgot about the inclusion of Luna in the Raw game. Of course, I would never pick her because I was sexist. I had no issue with hitting her over the head with a weapon, with equal rights and all that. That was definitely the first selectable female character, however. Also, this was the first game where some characters could win with a roll-up. No recollection of a rival’s theme music playing just before said roll-up, though. While we’re on it, I seem to remember that the Sega 32X version included Kwang. I only remember this because my hardcore console-collecting friend Craig informed me of this over the phone one day, which made me do a spit take, literally. YooHoo everywhere. Never got a visual confirmation of that Kwang, however (he really was).
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Now Wrestlemanial The Arcade Game is legendary among me and my friends because I ABSOLUTELY HATED IT!! I refused to play it. It had taken my love of wrestling and turned it into an over-the-top, cartoonish display of comic proportions. It was still real to me, dammit, before that was even a phrase to coin! You had Doink pull out a HUGE mallet to hit over the opponent’s head, Bam Bam Bigelow’s fists actually WERE fists of fire! I couldn’t stand it because I wanted realism out of my fake sport. Was that too much to ask for?
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JT: Kwang is such a random inclusion. There was nobody else left on the 1994 roster they could have swapped in? Jeff Jarrett even? Sparky Plugg? Bob Backlund! Weird.
It breaks my heart that you hate WMTAG so much! It was nutty but super fun and those graphics? Straight fire.
Ok, so I am thinking we can draw the line in the sand here and spin off a second part that covers the back end of the decade and the next gen consoles like PlayStation and Nintendo 64. Before we go, I have two asks:
– Give me your closing thoughts on the first half of the decade in wrestling video games – Rank all the ones we discussed based on your love and memories, not based on their actual quality as a game
And… one more… who was your favorite character to be out of all these games?
Chris: So for me, looking back at the early part of the 90s, I can say that the games for the most part were not that great, but they were AT THE TIME! It was easy to get stoked for certain wrestlers appearing in the games, the gradual improvement of the theme music and the improvement of the graphics with each console. The downside early on basically came down to moveset and the lack of finishers. We tend to get nostalgic, but really, would any of us go back and play them now on any kind of serious gaming level?
Ranking the games, for me, begins with my #1: Royal Rumble for Sega Genesis.
2. WWF Raw for Sega Genesis 3. WCW Wrestling for NES 4. WWF Steel Cage Challenge for NES 5. WWF Rage in the Cage for Sega CD 6. WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game
This is just the games I played and my enjoyment level of them. My favorite character was Randy Savage all the way. I just wish that Mr. Perfect was in the Genesis version of Royal Rumble, or I would have gone in that direction.
JT: Agreed. Looking back, these games were sort of a hot mess, but at the time they were so cutting edge and amazing to play. The themes and variety of characters are what always sucked me in. They really did make the leap with those next gen games, especially Royal Rumble.
My list is as follows, and is pretty similar to yours:
1) WWF Royal Rumble for SNES 2) WWF Raw for SNES 3) WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game for SNES 4) WCW Wrestling for NES 5) WWF Super WrestleMania for SNES 6) WWF WrestleMania Challenge for NES 7) WWF Steel Cage Challenge for NES (TAKE THAT MOM!)
Looks like Royal Rumble reigns supreme!
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OK, we shall part ways for now and soon return to look at the new wave of games for the next set of consoles. We will be back even sooner with a whole new topic. Until then…REJECTED! THAT’S GOTTA HURT! PIN HIM! PIN HIM! PIN HIM! YOU HAVE TO GIVE CREDIT TO… CHRIS JORDAN!
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ramajmedia · 5 years
10 Marvel Comics You Need To Read Before MCU Phase 4 | ScreenRant
With so many Marvel Studios projects in development, it might be time for a refresher course. Between sequels, new properties, and a handful of new television series on the way, Marvel fans have plenty on their plate. However, if you have a few blind spots in your Marvel knowledge or simply don't read comics,  this list should help fill some blanks. For this list, we've compiled some landmark Marvel comics that correspond to the next few Marvel projects.
Never read a Moon Knight book? Who are the Eternals, anyway? Don't worry, here's some recommended reading to prepare you for the onslaught of content that Marvel Studios has up its sleeve. Here are 10 Marvel Comics You Need To Read Before MCU Phase 4.
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10 Black Widow: The Finely Woven Thread
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Based on photos, casting, and rumors, there isn't any one Black Widow book that the film is based on. Seeing as the movie is setting up to be an amalgam of trademark Black Widow elements, this modern-day classic might be a great spot for new readers to jump on board.
The Finely Woven Thread by Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto is the gritty spy thriller that fans of the movies have always wanted. Between Edmondson's compelling mystery and Noto's painterly art, this is a must-have for Black Widow fans and new readers alike.
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This story probably won't reflect the plot of the movie, but it shows just how compelling a Black widow solo adventure could be (and has been in comics for decades now).
9 The Mighty Thor: Thunder In Her Veins
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With Natalie Portman's Jane Foster gearing up to wield the hammer, fans should probably pick up Jason Aaron's work on Thor. She has her first adventures as Thor in Aaron's Thor: The Goddess of Thunder, but for a while, her identity was a secret. However, the reveal of Jane Foster as Thor has created a new fan-favorite for many and one of the most compelling character arcs in Marvel's recent history.
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The Goddess of Thunder is a great starting point, but fans that want to skip the mystery should pick up The Mighty Thor: Thunder in Her Veins. This story arc begins a true epic that fans will want to read in full. Not only will it have you in tears by the end, but it also helps set up one of the better recent crossover events, War of the Realms.
8 Moon Knight: From The Dead
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Moon Knight, arguably the most underrated Marvel character in existence, is finally getting his own series on Disney Plus. If you've never heard of him, let Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey's From the Dead be your introduction.
Who is Moon Knight? He's an ex-mercenary with multiple personalities possessed by a moon god. He fights anything from mobsters and robots to vampires and ninjas. The Marvel universe is a crazy place, and From the Dead shows how Moon Knight can tackle any corner of it with style and brutality.
This run is an anthology of different Moon Knight stories, and between Ellis' trademark wit and Shalvey's kinetic artwork, it'll hook newcomers with ease. If you feel compelled to read further — and you will — check out the runs by Charlie Huston and Jeff Lemire.
7 Neil Gaiman's Eternals
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For most movie fans, the Eternals are a bit of a mystery.  The Eternals are essentially evolved humans — ancient prototypes of humans created by Celestials, which fans will remember from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Marvel legend Jack Kirby created the characters, but for a modern introduction, check out Neil Gaiman's Eternals.
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His series contains the cast of the upcoming film as well as the official (retconned) backstory of the Eternals. It's quite likely that this book is the basis for the movie as well, so definitely pick it up.
6 Hawkeye: My Life As A Weapon
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My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction and David Aja is the basis for Marvel's upcoming Hawkeye series on Disney Plus, right down to the show's title card. It deals with Hawkeye's life outside of his career as an Avenger, as well as the training of his apprentice, Kate Bishop.
RELATED: Hawkeye Disney Plus: 5 MCU Characters We Want To See Return (And 5 We Don't)
Hawkeye's somewhat-but-not-so ordinary life is a lot more compelling than you might think, and once you read this series, he'll likely become your favorite Avenger. It's got great action, witty humor, and some pretty innovative issues — entire books are told through sign language, and one issue even stars his dog.
5 All-New Captain America
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Now that Cap has passed the shield to Sam Wilson in Avengers: Endgame, fans won't being seeing him again until The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney Plus. Can Sam Wilson fill Steve Rogers' shoes? Well, he already has. All-Captain America by Rick Remender is Sam Wilson's first adventure as the winged Captain America.
In the first arc, Sam Wilson must thwart an emerging Hydra threat while living up to his new mantle. This series is proof that Sam is the man for the job, even if fans aren't ready to let go of Steve Rogers.
4 Ms. Marvel: No Normal
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As a nerdy superhero fan from Jersey City, Kamala is so familiar with the Avengers' antics in New York that she even writes fan fiction about her favorite heroes. When she acquires Inhuman powers, she names herself after her idol, Captain Marvel.
RELATED: 10 Things You Should Know About Ms. Marvel
Kamala is already a well-established character with plenty of different appearances and team-ups throughout the comics, so where better to start than from the beginning? Ms. Marvel: No Normal by G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona contains her origin story and is a must-read for any Marvel fan.
3 She-Hulk: Single Green Female
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She-Hulk is more than just female Hulk. Jennifer Walters is a character that not many people are familiar with, but unlike her cousin Bruce Banner, she actually enjoys being the Hulk. A great entry point before her Disney Plus series is Dan Slott's She-Hulk: Single Green Female, where Jen must balance her life as the Hulk with her very demanding career as a lawyer.
RELATED: 10 Storylines Disney+'s She-Hulk Series Could Use
She's not a scientist like Bruce, but a lawyer in the emerging field of superhero law. Naturally, superhero lawsuits come with plenty of cameos and crossovers, but this is very much a She-Hulk story that manages to stay breezy and fun while distinguishing Jen Walters as her own unique character.
2 House of M and Vision
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The Disney Plus series WandaVision is a head-scratcher for most fans, so this entry cheats a little to give readers the best primer.
The concept of the show seems to be based on a combination of two different books: House of M by Brian Michael Bendis and Vision by Tom King. In House of M, Scarlet Witch loses control of her powers and alters reality for the worse. In Vision, the titular hero tries to settle down and have a family, until everything goes horribly wrong.
Concept art for the series depicts Wanda and Vision in an idyllic, sitcom-esque lifestyle, but everything is not what it seems. This suggests influences from both of these excellent stories, so definitely check them out.
1 Doctor Strange: The Way of the Weird
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The last two Avengers films prove that Stephen Strange has come a long way since his solo film in 2016. Since his next film is said to be the MCU's first horror movie, it might benefit fans to pick up a comic where Strange is experienced and more than familiar with the scariest aspects of magic.
The Way of the Weird by Jason Aaron is Strange is his absolute strangest. For him, protecting reality is just another average day, despite some of the creepiest and most grotesque threats always knocking at his door. Chris Bachalo's art makes this an especially unique read — if you want to see what a Doctor Strange horror movie might look like, then look no further.
NEXT: 10 Scenes That Define The MCU
source https://screenrant.com/marvel-comics-read-mcu-phase-4/
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Who is She-Hulk? A Guide to Marvel's Next TV Star
Avengers: Endgame gave us a Hulk in the laboratory. Now Disney+ will be giving us a She-Hulk in the courtroom.
One of the better parts of Avengers: Endgame was the fact that Professor Hulk was a viable character, able to exist in normal scenes without sticking out like a sore thumb. Once they had that tech figured out, it was only a matter of time before She-Hulk became part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And now, here we are, with the announcement of She-Hulk getting her own Disney+ show!
She-Hulk is high on the list of “top Marvel characters to not yet show up in the MCU,” especially now that both the X-Men and Fantastic Four are inevitable arrivals. Since her introduction in 1980, she’s been a major fixture in Marvel and a fresh enough take on an existing property that she rarely feels redundant when standing next to her brutish cousin.
So who is She-Hulk? Let’s take a look ...
The funny thing about She-Hulk’s creation was that she was made for the sake of legal strategy. The Lou Ferrigno Incredible Hulk TV show was a massive hit and Marvel came to a dire realization. Since it was an easy trope to give a popular male character a female counterpart (ie. the Bionic Woman), there was strong potential that the TV show would introduce a female version of the Hulk. But if that happened then the character would belong to the TV show! It’s like why Skeeter from Muppet Babies never shows up in actual Muppets stuff.
So Stan Lee went, “John Buscema! Get over here! We’re making a She-Hulk comic!” Then he let David Anthony Kraft and Mike Vosburg take care of the rest of the 25-issue run.
Funny enough, with Savage She-Hulk #1 existing to counter the TV show, the very first narration box even calls attention to the show via making a joke about whether Banner’s first name is David or Bruce.
read more - Eternals: Who is Marvel's Black Knight?
Jennifer Walters starts out as a mild-mannered lawyer until the day her cousin Bruce Banner shows up because he needs someone to confide in about his whole Hulk situation. They’re hanging out for a good 10 minutes before a criminal involved in one of Jen’s cases shows up and shoots her. In order to save Jen, Bruce MacGyvers together a blood transfusion and then splits. Jen soon discovers that she can transform into a giant, jacked, green woman, and so we have She-Hulk.
It’s your usual Bronze Age fare after that. She does double-life hero stuff because She-Hulk gets blamed for tragedies. The supporting cast is boring. The villains are forgettable (outside of a half-man/half-elephant).
Somewhere, it’s established that Hulk isn’t a rage monster simply because of the gamma radiation, but because Banner spent so much of his life holding down his anger. She-Hulk plays on that by showing that instead of being driven by fury, her second form is based on Jen’s lack of confidence. She-Hulk is strong in all the ways Jen Walters could never bring herself to be.
With her series done, She-Hulk went on to become a member of the Avengers. She remained a regular part of the team up until Brian Michael Bendis’ mid-00s reinvention of the team. What’s interesting is that she was actually part of two major teams at the same time for a period.
read more: The History of Ms. Marvel
As an Avenger, she was pulled into Secret Wars, where a cosmic hipster forced the heroes and villains to fight for the sake of Marvel raking in the sales. Outside of Spider-Man’s symbiotic black costume, the biggest development to come out of the story was Ben Grimm getting cured of being the Thing and remaining in space. She-Hulk took his spot as the Fantastic Four’s down-to-earth muscle for the next few years.
Naturally, Thing returned eventually and She-Hulk was no longer needed. Regardless, this experiment was put together by one John Byrne and he wasn’t finished with She-Hulk by a long shot.
Having found an identity more from her team adventures than her original solo run, She-Hulk gets a more defining spotlight with the 60-issue run of Sensational She-Hulk. No longer playing up a dual identity, Jen dives headfirst into the ridiculousness of the Marvel universe and everyone in it. A lot of it is played for laughs, including She-Hulk’s newfound ability to break the fourth wall.
Fun fact: if you use She-Hulk to defeat Deadpool in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, she’ll give him hell for ripping off her early '90s style.
It’s a fun five years of comics that I’m rather surprised hasn’t been revisited. I’d admittedly be all about her show being like this run, but I’d rather save that for when Gwenpool eventually gets her own Disney+ series.
Outside of being a fixture in the Avengers, She-Hulk doesn’t have much going on until the mid-00s, when Dan Slott and Juan Bobillo relaunched her with another wacky series of misadventures that doesn’t quite go full Deadpool, but does play with the ridiculousness of the superhero world. More specifically, the ridiculousness of law in a superhero world.
Like, if ghosts exist, can they testify in court? If Spider-Man is testifying, how do you know he’s the real Spider-Man? Crazy stuff like that.
read more: The History of Moon Knight
Unfortunately, the second half of the series doesn’t work out as well. Mainly because Dan Slott goes into full “continuity cop” mode and has to bring any changes to the status quo from other Marvel writers back to earth, including his own interesting developments. Like there was an X-Men story where She-Hulk and Juggernaut had a brief fling. Rather than ignore or build on that, there’s a whole reveal that it was a She-Hulk from another dimension who did the deed with the unstoppable one.
Peter David took over writing duties after Slott left and while it didn’t last long, it wasn’t half bad.
There was a time when there were SO MANY Hulk-based characters running around at the same time. Rick Jones (A-Bomb), General Ross (Red Hulk), Betty Ross (Red She-Hulk), Hulk’s barbarian space son (Skaar), Hulk’s alternate future daughter (Lyra), and not to mention all of Hulk’s space gladiator buddies who had settled on Earth. Jen was...there.
Even though she didn’t leave much of a lasting impression, Lyra starred in her own miniseries, All-New Savage She-Hulk, and Jen acted as a mentor and a supporting character. So Lyra’s deal? Okay, deep breath.
read more: Complete Schedule of Upcoming MCU Phase 4 Marvel Movies
In an alternate future, men and women are barbarians going through a literal gender war. The amazon warrior Thundra has had a few run-ins with the Hulk via time-travel and decided to make the strongest warrior ever via getting impregnated by him. In a non-sexual way. Really. As a teenager, Lyra the She-Hulk was ostracized by her peers for being partially created by a dude, but she could kick ass and that was what was important. She went back to the present to sleep with and/or kill Norman Osborn and hooked up with Jen along the way.
Anyway, Lyra’s deal is that anger is her weakness. If she gets mad, she gets weaker.
So Jonathan Hickman wrote Fantastic Four and FF (Future Foundation) concurrently and brought huge interest into that side of Marvel for a bit. A couple years later, Hickman wrote the 2015 version of Secret Wars, which was partially Marvel’s way of getting rid of Fantastic Four/FF for a while because of movie rights bullshit. In the in-between, Matt Fraction wrote the two titles.
His Fantastic Four was more or less forgettable, except for a scene where a rightfully pissed Human Torch ranted at Reed and Sue for constantly patronizing him. God, that part was so good.
read more - The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Who is John Walker?
FF was something very different. Fraction teamed with Mike Allred and had a team of She-Hulk, Ant-Man, Medusa, and a pop-star named Darla who was wearing a robot Thing costume. The whole thing was easily the better series of the two, was quirky beyond belief, and only now do I realize that her show needs a group of super-smart underground mole creatures announcing that they must protect “The Jen” at all costs.
There was a time when Charles Soule wrote like 99% of comics. He might be writing this article for all I know. I’ll have to check the byline later to be sure it’s me. Not only is Soule incredibly prolific, but he’s also a practicing lawyer. Kind of the perfect choice for She-Hulk, right?
Javier Pulido is on art and it’s something you either love or hate. He has some really cool layouts, but Jen’s wonky eyes might take you out of the book too often.
Anyway, it’s more emphasis on She-Hulk’s lawyer stuff, including a courtroom showdown with fellow super-lawyer Daredevil. As much of a main event as that is, the highlight to me is She-Hulk’s time assisting Kristoff, Dr. Doom’s adopted son who is so casual about the utter weirdness of his father’s machinations.
You know how I have been gushing about all the fun runs with She-Hulk? Lately, she’s been...not so sunny. The story Civil War II happened, which not only started with She-Hulk getting beaten within an inch of her life by Thanos, but later on, Hawkeye killed Bruce Banner. Don’t worry, Bruce got better thanks to very bizarre comic book reasons, but for a time, Jen had to deal with some nasty trauma.
It was here that they brought back a concept from the early 90s run: She-Hulk has a gray form that makes her rage-driven and more like Bruce. Her new series was titled Hulk because of her daily struggle with not turning into the beast and ruining everything. Mariko Tamaki’s run on the book is tense and takes its time getting to the monster at the end of the book, but is still not as dark as the pitch would initially have you believe. It’s not about living with trauma, but living through trauma and finding the light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s fine for what it is, but I’m hoping it’s not the tone of the Disney+ show. At least MCU Thanos isn’t around to clobber her.
Gavin Jasper writes for Den of Geek and wonders if Tim Blake Nelson will finally return for the She-Hulk show. Read more of his articles here and follow him on Twitter @Gavin4L
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Gavin Jasper
Aug 28, 2019
from Books https://ift.tt/2NCWfkG
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getreadytosmash · 3 years
⏳ 20 years ;3
Future verse
A part of Hulk felt like skipping or heaving his brothers up into his arms once more when the bright flash happened, dropping younger versions of his siblings onto the dirt in a way that felt so painfully familiar and delightful all at once.
He knew Bruce and David were staring, eyes caught on the fact that 20 years had passed for Hulk and while he mostly looked the same, there were subtle differences. His pants, while still mainly blue, now had purple patterns at the sides, with Hulk's hair now curling, making him look more like David than ever. The necklace of three wedding rings (his for Cai and Betty while Joe had one too from Betty) round his neck, sunflower tattoos patterned all across the left side of his body.
"So, uh...yeah, 20 years have gone by, it's...a lot," He turns his head to smile down at them, feeling another clench of his heart to see his brothers looking so young. "The town's grown and we've spread out a bit more and I'm sure I can get the rest of the family here soon though, god knows they're gonna be excited at seeing you guys, god knows your older selves and C-"
"Ah, ah! Don't spoil too much so soon!" Bruce shifts into reality, gamma energy pulling away from Hulk to create an almost holographic green version of Bruce that walks alongside him. He doesn't need to look behind him to know that David and Bruce are making surprised noises. The shock of going from a time where Banner hated him and feared what he held inside himself, and now he was walking alongside Hulk, raising an eyebrow in that same way he always did before-
"Gotta make sure the baby brothers gots a place ta'sits when they get dolled up the hot tea, 'eh?" Joe phased out too, grinning and elbowing Hulk's side playfully and earning a fond headshake from Bruce. "God knows that the Missus' hate gettin' date night inta'ruppted an' better for us all t'have some sorta heart t'heart 'fore we get into it."
"He has a point," Bruce nodded.
Well...Hulk suppose he did. David and Bruce had a lot to know, like their mother and Karen coming back from the dead, Red having another kid, Hulk himself having a few more, Rick getting married and his own teams, Jen taking on more space missions and her own engagement...and so much more with the kids and what happened in Bruce and David's universe.
"Alright, alright," The green-skinned man rolled his eyes. "We'll let them know when we get inside, god knows we have enough-"
He should have expected it, in fact, for it to come sooner...but Hulk still yelped suddenly when he felt large arms suddenly pull him into a hug and-
Yup. David and Bruce, hugging him tightly and excited and curious looks on their face as Bruce and Joe laughed. It would have been a bad idea really, to spoil so much of their future for them...but his brothers had already done so much, giving them the gift of knowing Bruce and Hulk and the rest of their system being so happy was the least they could do.
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getreadytosmash · 3 years
][For Jen][ Almond Chocolate Coconut || Black Raspberry Cheesecake || Chubby Hubby || Cotton Candy Explosion || Death By Chocolate || Devil’s Food Chocolate || Ginger Crème Brûlée || Heartbreak Healer || Lemon-Lime Sorbet || Masque of the Raspberry Sorbet || Neapolitan || Orange Pineapple Whip || Phish Food || White Raspberry Truffle
Ice cream headcanons
Almond Chocolate Coconut: a touch headcanon. Jen often likes initiating contact! It's a big thing that helped when she was a kid and Bruce would come over, bruises and beaten from his father, and it helped even more as she got older and things got rougher. Physical contact is one of the best ways to help Jen calm down and out of everyone, she's most likely to hug you.
Black Raspberry Cheesecake: a sexuality and/or romanticism headcanon (romantic orientation, sexual orientation, etc). After becoming She-hulk, Jen is both more open and more reserved about who she dates and has sex with. Being big and green and gorgeous did so much for her and helped Jen in feeling more confident to go after what she wanted, but it's also come to a point where it's harder for Jen to form relationships over the whole "I'm She-hulk" thing and the longer lasting issues of gamma not always being perfect. She's found herself leaning more into the demiromantic side of things over the years.
Chubby Hubby: a body image/self esteem headcanon. Jen considers becoming She-hulk to be the best thing that's ever happened to her body tbh. It allowed her to transition in the most perfect way, it gave her fame and power and it took away any chance of being scared again when it came to any violence. She's hot, she's strong and the fact that she gets asked to be on magazine covers and signing autographs by some people really helps make her feel better than ever.
Cotton Candy Explosion: a childhood/child(ren) headcanon. As a kid, Jen was really set on being a dancer, mostly a ballerina. She quit the dream for being a lawyer instead when Bruce's mother was murdered. It seemed like a better cause to want to learn to help people, especially when Brian Banner was merely trialled for insanity rather than facing a murder charge.
Death By Chocolate: an indulgence/guilty pleasure headcanon. Jen likes those FANCY baths with the best smelling bombs and flowers, champagne and fruits/chocolates to nibble every Friday or every other Friday. She deserves it and everyone in the base knows to NEVER disturb Jen when she goes off for her Friday baths. Rick still has nightmares.
Devil’s Food Chocolate: a vice headcanon. I suppose wanting to BE She-hulk is a vice?? It was actually a big part in her early storyline where she was supposed to stay human when at work and she struggled so badly, as well as hulking out as soon as she got out of work. Jen kinda,,,never wants to be human again and this can cause some issues at certain points.
Ginger Crème Brûlée: a gender headcanon (gender identity, gender presentation, butch/femme, gender feels, etc). Jen was VERY feminine presenting as a child/teenager when she had begun her transitioning and had been worried over how others saw her and a lot of Jen's gender experience relied on how she was perceived by those around her and what women should have looked like. Being green did a BIG boost and at first, Jen was a Typical Summer Body Model,,,just 6'6 and green with big hair for a period of time before she started to find what SHE wanted in herself.
Now Jen is a lot more confident and happy in how she presents herself because all that matters is how she sees and what she feels like. That includes being 7'7-8'2, ripped and being happy to either wear a suit or dress to stun people with.
Heartbreak Healer: a sad/angsty romantic or queerplatonic headcanon. No one ever really stays with Jen as a hulk and part of that is from how hectic her life can be, her physical body and the fear that a good majority of people can't cope with the sheer stress of a media life AND a hero life. That, and Jen's immortal, who's going to be able to stay with her? Can she really keep on living and loving people when she knows that they'll all just leave her in some way?
Lemon-Lime Sorbet: a sexual/NC-17 headcanon (alt: a secret(s) h/c). Her libido is INSANE. Jen can go almost ten rounds and only needs five minutes before she's up for another round. It acts up if she hasn't got anything else to direct her energy towards, but sometimes Jen likes to let it build up purely for how good it feels to spend as long as she likes, especially if she wants to tease a partner and wear them out.
Masque of the Raspberry Sorbet: a fear/horror headcanon (alt: a costume(s)/facade(s) headcanon). She's scared of the cold because after coming back from death when she had been shot and other times, the cold reminds Jen of dying and how it felt, the fear that she might never go back and she's always going to be stuck in that hellish landscape, with Brian and shells of people she knew...best to keep Jen warm.
Neapolitan: an intimacy/vulnerability (or lack thereof) headcanon. Out of everyone in he hulkfam, Jen is the most willing to be vulnerable I'd say. And it's more important on the fact that she's had the most normal childhood out of everyone and KNOWS that vulnerability is important. She has a harder time herself with showing the same intimacy when it's bad, but she tries to get the people around her to be more open, especially since all she wants to do it try and help the people she loves.
Orange Pineapple Whip: a kinky headcanon (alt: an eccentricity h/c). Jen sometimes risks wearing lingerie under her clothes on days that she feels a little playful with a partner. There's more of a chance where she gets into a fight and maybe her clothes get a little ripped up and shows some of her lingerie, which...maybe Jen likes when she gets to see their cute faces when they flush at the sight of her underclothes.
Phish Food: a music headcanon. She can play the piano! It's faded somewhat over the years from lack of practice, but Jen can still do "Part of your world" just fine.
White Raspberry Truffle: a weakness headcanon. At the end of the day, it's always going to be Jen's own fear that makes her weak. She's scared of what people think of her for so long, scared of the cold, scared of death, scared of her family being hurt...Jen may be stronger than anything and sensational, but she's still scared that one day her power will run out and she'll be overtaken by her fear.
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getreadytosmash · 3 years
Bruce's tongue flicked out to taste the air. It was a new urge, but one he wouldn't help. He had just poked his head into Rick's room as the young man was reading, intending to call him for lunch, when suddenly his legs had gone numb and he'd fallen over. Barely moments later left him in the current state he was now in. A naga. A creature with the top half of a person and the bottom half of a snake. Bruce was slightly more blended then that, however; scales had appeared under his eyes, on his forearms, and trailing up from his waist. His fangs, previously tiny, now pokes out from under his lips, leaving him with a slight lisp, not helped by the occasional flicking of his forked tongue. Honestly, the worst part was that his nanotech had responded to the change, and now he was essentially in a long sleeve crop top. His cheeks had flushed darker and stayed that way, slight embarrassment over his body being on display like this. "Thisss... isss humiliating...." he murmurs, shifting closer to Hulk and David, his huge tale wrapped carefully and loosely around them. They were so warm, and his new cold-blooded instincts screamed to cuddle up with them tighter, but he didn't want to risk hurting his brothers. "Least it wasn't me this time," David laughs brightly. His optimism was welcome, at least.
"If it helps, Rick is working hard at fixing it and he's contacted Dr Strange to come as soon as he can," Hulk was trying his best to soothe Bruce, both because he cared for the other man and partly because it was his job to make sure Banner was safe and protected.
At least Rick had the sense to keep whatever magic was going on in his room this time, making it simply bad luck that Bruce had opened the door right as Rick had been translating a spell from some old language. Hulk was just thankful that he wasn't hurt at least, magic wasn't always...the safest when it came to Rick. It was almost at the point where Hulk was starting to think any magic that went wrong was secretly some ploy just to create drama within the team by hidden forces that took pleasure in their suffering.
Still, until then, Rick and Jen were assigned to finding Dr Strange, Sam was working on checking the spell book and making comparison notes of any magic he's already seen, Skaar had been sent to collect some blankets as well as a dress or skirt that could help make Bruce feel more comfortable and Red was working above them in getting large overhead lights on for warmth. He was so proud of his team for how easily they came together at times like this...
"Hey, we're gonna fix this, alright?" Bruce was going to be safe and okay, Hulk wouldn't let him return home injured or stuck like this and he would take care of his alter's counterpart, no matter what. "You don't need to worry about a thing, we usually solve stuff like this within a day at least....and it could be worse," Hulk gave a small wink. "Coulda' been turned into a slug like Red was....or have your snake body want to eat rats like Icarus."
He makes a point to ignore the "hey!" from above, anything to make Bruce feel better. Still though, maybe it was a good idea for Bruce to send a text or phone call home? There was a chance he'd need to stay overnight with David just in case they found a way to fix him and he wasn't here for it.
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getreadytosmash · 4 years
◘ For Rick
"So...I dunno if this is weird or creepy, I think a bit of both but I heard that this helps for people. It's a thing where you leave a voice message and then like, destroy the phone? I dunno, it sounds weird but I'm hoping that...maybe it'll work."
"Uh, hey again? This...seemed like a good place to go since...things are so shitty honestly. Everyone keeps- they're just-"
"....Skaar hasn't been home for a while. He stays in the jungle and- and I keep thinking he's maybe- just to, you know, try and see you but Sam keeps trying to explain that it doesn't work that way. They got into a fight and- n-no, you shouldn't know what Skaar did to him. You should know Skaar as the good Skaar that loves you and wouldn't hurt anyone over you like that. Jen won't come out of her room, even though it's been a month and we've brought stuff out she won't take any of it. Red and Hulk....I- I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm empty now."
"I knew it wouldn't last forever, I knew that much. From Samuel and myself. But I didn't think that it would have hurt so much. It was too soon, you didn't deserve this and- and I'm sorry. I'm sorry we're not gonna see you. I want to see you so bad, but I'm glad you aren't stuck with Brian until we arrive."
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getreadytosmash · 4 years
💍 Mattie and Skaar please!
send me 💍 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
where they get married
In Vista Verde since its the proper home for Mattie and Skaar and where they met after all.
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
They get married in late April since it's the perfect weather of spring and they get married at night since it's more typical for Shadow weddings and I like the idea of Mattie and Skaar having a wedding from his people.
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
I'll post what happens in Shadow weddings in a reblog after I post this but I imagine the main ceremony itself is done like this and then afterwards they have a Earth party with their family, but the main thing is done in private as it us a bond shared only by Skaar and Mattie.
what their wedding cake looks like
I like picturing them having a cheesecake! Something chocolate and strawberry since it's their favourite flavours.
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….who smashes cake into whose face
Mhm,,,,probably neither of them directly but Samuel and Rick??? Finally the telepathic bond comes in handy.
who proposed to who first
Skaar proposes to Mattie a week before she leaves for work and a part of me is saying "and before something happens to the smashers >:3"
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
Welp there's not EXACTLY a aisle but,,,Hulk walks Mattie to the room it's happening in and gives her a small smooch on the head.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
I imagine Sakaar to be rather Punjabi based if it was human so! Skaar would have looser pants or a skirt with his outfit while Mattie probably leaps on that fashion and would love to wear something similar to that degree.
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what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
A lot of sunset colours like orange and golden browns that fade into dark blues, like the sunset changing into the darkest nights. It's an open wedding so a large table that everyone can sit around and eat while relaxing as well as a bonfire.
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
They have some sunflowers since Mattie thought it would be cute and funny to have the biggest flowers for the physically biggest wedding. There's also a lot of field flowers since they both like representations of their freedoms.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
Skaar talks about how important Mattie and the family have been to him, and that he's glad he'll always be able to remember the memories he makes with them in the future.
Mattie talks about how happy she is with how her life's turned out and how she wouldn't change a thing, especially with the things she wanted to do and enjoy with a husband by her side.
if anyone’s late to the wedding
Red and Skaar are almost late due to Red wanting to have one last adventure with Skaar while he was single. A big "before you become a married man and your duties lie with your family" thing.
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
Rick, Hulk and Lyra are Skaar's groomsmen while Jen, Red and Leader are Mattie's.
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
The guys wear grey and Mattie decided on light blue since green...wouldn't really work for Jen and Lyra. I'm laughing at Mattie going dress shopping with Jen, Lyra and Betty though, it's awful And amazing.
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who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
Red and Hulk give a speech together and I absolutely think that either Lyra or Samuel give one that's super awkward but touching??
who catches the bouquet( s )
Samuel does and he gives the most ragged look as soon as anyone comments about it.
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
A lot of sweet photos of them looking lovingly at each other but there's definitely a silly photo or two of Jen using the bouquet to make a flower crown on Skaar while Mattie laughs in the background. Mattie probably tries to get a shot in with at least everyone tbh.
what sort of food they have at the reception
They have a lot of sweet and picnic foods along with some ribs and meat since it's what Skaar first had on Earth and tbh I've kinda had the headcanon that Mattie needs to consume a bit more meat than most people?
who cries first during the ceremony
Hulk does and then Rick as they're the biggest saps....and then Mattie when she sees them crying and Jen passively gives out hankies to everyone.
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
Mattei gets shirfaced by the end of the night and there's a LITTLE BIT of mead so everyone's suddenly arm wrestling and Rick tries to beat Hulk at Just Dance and someone ends up making a full body crater on the floor.
what their rings are like
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They have something simple since wedding rings could be easily lost for them so there probably isn't that much effort and Mattie has nicer ones in a jewelry box.
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
I'm picturing little dips of sweets like chocolate and caramel with snacks! Or like those pop cakes? Definitely little sweet treats and Red for sure sets off fireworks for the happy couple.
where they go for their honeymoon
They go to France for a week and spend some time in the wild as well as some time with Mattie's grandmother. They probably go back with her grandmother actually.
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
Red almost melts the cake and then that leads to Hulk tackling gin and they almost roll off a hill...its a messy event that leaves Skaar and Mattie cackling.
who officiates the ceremony
Samson!!.....I'm kidding, Skaar and Mattie do it together and Samuel does the legal paperwork for them.
what song their first dance is to
I,,,really like imagining it's kinda like,,,folklore music? You know, like that soundtrack Rapunzel and her man dance to when they reach the kingdom for the first time, no actually lyric songs tbh.
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
Hulk walks Mattie to the room where it happens but other than that there's no walking.
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getreadytosmash · 5 years
18, 19, and 20 for Skaar and Leader please!
What’s the trashiest item in your OC’s wardrobe, when was the last time they wore it and why do they still have it?
He has this really awful jeans that have these weird diamonds up the knees but there's no jeans at the back until it reaches his thighs??? No one knows where Skaar got these from and Rick calls them "The asslesz chaps ugly brother".
Samuel is iconic for awful outfits because the gang get him stuff but he just never notices because he's half asleep always and the sleeping pills have stopped working. It's a jumpsuit without sleeves but it's entirely in flannel. Samuel wore those 80s shades glasses that were moslestors often wore back then with it and Jen crushed the sink when he walked in one morning.
How Dehydrated is your OC right now? Are they going to fix this?
Skaar isn't ever that dehydrated and that's because he comes from a desert based planet so he's like a loving cactus - Skaar stores any water in him to live off it for months. He drinks plenty though because he never takes supplies for granted and drinks a bottle a day.
So dehydrated. Samuel hates water like any reasonable person so he will only drink it when Hulk grabs him and holds him in a headlock until he gives in. Even then he pours it into his caffeine and just...drinks it like that. Its chaotic.
What’s your OC smell like?  no, not that “Vanilla and Anxiety” evocative stuff, realistically.  Body odor? what have they been touching all day? When was thier last shower? Did they put on any kind of artificial scent?
Skaar smells a lot of sweat and clay and whatever he's been fighting that day. He smells like that most days due to hating baths and he only has one every two weeks and after that? He smells of whatever soap that's nearby and even more like clay due to his rock powers. He likes the rub on perfumes that Mattie does so long as they aren't too strong.
Samuel smells strongly of metal and oil and not exactly the metal-metal kind but that metallic blood smell?? Somedays he smells sweaty if his work's been a bit more physical than usual but Samuel often uses scent concealers to smell of nothing so he can avoid noisy father hulks. He takes a shower at least every other day or as soon as his latest work binge is over.
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getreadytosmash · 7 years
Ready as I'll ever be (a music fic)
For @sharpmidnight! I know that Elsa/Brenda sings Cassandra's part but since I haven't seen her or her characters yet I figured I'd just do Carla. For anyone who's unfamiliar about tbis; SharpMidnight has a au where her character, Carlos, snaps and becomes a bad guy. He crystallized Carla and was planning to go after Leader to hurt him too. For this, Carlos has kidnapped Dawn to lure Carla and Leader to his base. The fic is based off the song 'Ready as I'll ever be' from a Rapenzel TV show SharpMidnight told me about. Sorry if any of the characters are ooc.)
Dawn struggled in her bindings as she glared up at Carlos, the now-villian glaring down at her with a dark smirk playing on his lips.
She'd been captured after a distress signal had played on the Agents of s.m.a.s.h's database, meaning that someone was in danger or had a large source of gamma. Dawn had rushed off to explore, not listening to her family's warnings. Like a fool, Dawn thought. Now she was tied up and at the mercy of her insane cousin, with no way to call for help.
"I warned you Dawn. You shouldn't have come here, you had no part to play in this but you just had to be nosy, didn't you?" Carlos's cold voice, a stark difference to his usual stutter, snapped Dawn from her thoughts. She glared up and was about to talk back when he turned around and carried on speaking, paying no attention to her. "But oh well, at least you'll make good bait. Soon you'll all pay for pushing me around like a mouse...now I'm the main kitty cat..."
"Carlos! Stop it! You're acting crazy!" Dawn yelled out, a last final attempt to get him to stop this madness.
To her surprise though, Carlos smirked and started singing, his voice smooth and rough from being unused to singing. "Believe me I know, I've sunk pretty low, but whatever I've done, you've deserve!" He glared as he sang this, making Dawn flinch back, any thought of interrupting left her at the dark gaze.
"I'm the bad guy that's fine! It's no fault of mine and some justice at last will be served!" As he sang this, Carlos began climbing up a large ladder where a machine loomed mysteriously for whatever purpose, Dawn didn't know.
"Now it's time to step up or it's time to back down and there's only one answer for me..." He climbed to the top of the ladder and started to do some finishing touches on his machine. "And I'll stand up and fight, 'cause I know that I'm right! And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready!" He smirked and glared down at Dawn's fearful face. "Ready as I'll ever be!"
Meanwhile, the Agents of s.m.a.s.h were gathered around a medical bed where Rag Doll was lying down, clutching a broken arm. "You alright?" Hulk asked with concern. "We found you passed out outside when we were looking for the Leader. He didn't do this to you, did he?" Ennui groaned and shook his head. "N-No....you have to find Leader! He's in danger, it's his cousin that did this..." the smashers eyes widened at this.
"His cousin!? Is all of Leader's family crazy!?" Red yelled and crossed his arms while frowning. Ennui rolled his eyes but smiled softly at A-bomb's concerned look. "We've called shield but how are you going to come and help?" Ennui groaned again but looked to the entranceway of the medical bay and smiled when Carla stepped through. "I'm not...she is."
Carla smirked, holding a large sword in her hand and smoothing down her new shield outfit that had bandages like Ennui's across her arms and her hair tied up. "Now it's time to rise up or it's time to stand down and the answer is easy to see!" The team looked at each other in confusion at her singing while Ennui rolled his eyes and smiled at Carla's velvety and low voice.
Carla lifted her sword and looked at the hulks with a determined stare, she would rescue Dawn and find Leader. "And I swear by the sword, if you're in, get on board! Are you ready?" Skaar raised his own sword and sang back, surprising everyone. "I'm ready!" Rick and Jen looked at each other before shrugging and sang too. "We're ready!" Carla grinned and ran out, the team following her. "Ready as I'll ever be!"
Far away from Vista Verde, Leader was waiting under a large tree, waiting for someone.
"You called me?" A voice rang out, making him smile when Mattie walked up to him, a dagger in one hand and a axe in the other. "I came as soon as possible, it's not often my little brother calls me for help." Mattie said, smirking when Leader rolled his eyes and blushed lightly.
"Whatever...you don't have to help me you know, I should be doing this on my own." Leader said and had to stop himself from grinning when Mattie shook her head, a determined look on her face. "No! I'm just as capable of helping and as your sister, it's my job to be there for you. I *want* to help." Leader sighed and looked out into the distance, starting to walk away from the tree. Though he looked back in surprise when Mattie's sweet and smooth singing started to echo in the night as she walked along with her brother.
"Are you quite sure we can do this?" At her question, Leader clenched his fists around the axe, as if it would give him answers. Smiling at his sister, Leader took a deep breath and replied in song, his own soft voice quickly growing into a melodic duet with Mattie's. "Together we will guarantee, now it's time to redeem and the outcome will hardly come free but I'll save my home and family!"
Elsewhere, Carlos pulled a lever and watched his creation go into hiding, a secret weapon in the dark. "I'll make them hear me now that the line's in the sand!" At the same time, Carla was in the jet, speeding along with urgency. "Prove they can trust me with our moment at hand!" Unknowingly at the same, everyone looked into the night sky, a pathetic fallacy when compared to the storm inside their chests, and closed their eyes, the last lyrics leaving their mouths with an air of finality. "And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready...ready as I'll ever be..."
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getreadytosmash · 7 years
What monsters are the Smashers in the monster Au?
*cracks knuckles*Right so, we'll start from the youngest and go up. Rick was killed in a frek acident during the 80s. He decided to not move on and instead starting to roam around as a ghost for the years to come. He can phase through walls and make himself invisible at will. He loves to haunt buildings and people though he tries to not be that bad. He originally looked like a human but over time his form changed to his A-bomb form after extended time in a world he no longer belonged in. He joined the others when he tried to spook them but ended up getting scared by them instead. Jen is a Harpy from the Victorian era. She was captured from Greece and was originally going to be dissected by scientists but was rescued by Hulk. Her wings are large and kind of annoying since Jen can't use her arms that well due to the wings bring in the way. She sees Hulk as family since he rescued her and swore off killing men because she knows how much he hates killing. To this day, she still steals their clothes to make herself a nest and roost. Hulk is a Deer Centaur that comes from the Medieval era. He's very awkward with his horns and wishes why the gods cursed him with massive antlers that break all the doorways. He was originally hunted by humans until he ran into a castle and something sacred the hunters off that soon revealed himself to be Red. Ever since then, he's travelled about and picked up other monsters as his family. Though he often wonders what the point of having muscled arms and a full stag body is. San'syx or Samuel/Sami as the others call him since they find his ocean name dumb, was a siren from Hawaii but was caught in a storm and lived along the coasts of Scandinavian countries for a few years during the Viking age. He gets angry at being called a mermaid since 'they're two diffrent things' but is secretly heavily grateful to the others since they rescued him out of a trap and stopped a viking from killing him. When he moved in with them, the others put water pools leading to other rooms so he can get around easily. He can shift his tail away into a long orange dress but chooses not to. His mother was a Kraken that fell in love with a human man, making his brother human. Red is a vampire that lives as far back to the Greek era. He travelled around a lot and at some point just after ww2 he had a daughter with a human (Betty's still alive, she had an extended life among other abilities) but moved on when Betty was old enough to fend for herself. He protected Hulk when he was getting hunted and ended up becoming quite protective and ended up travelling along with Hulk, picking up other monsters along the way. Nobody knows how old Skaar is, just that Rick left the home one day and came back with a werewolf that acted suspiciously like a caveman. Skaar is heavily attached to his pack and will happily attack anything that dares harm them. He mostly stays in his large wolf form but will turn human if asked too, though he has been known to chase Jen, Hulk and Sami around because of their more animal forms.Devil is the same, Arthur and Sampson are humans, Coral is a mermaid, Thad is a Satyr while Betts is feline centaur.
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getreadytosmash · 7 years
The Past that Smashed
Chapter 20
Red’s POV
Everyone went towards different places of the base, but I decided to be closer to Leader. We never know who it could be. They could possibly be one of Leader’s allies or something and I’m not going to lose that small green bean since it takes forever to get him again.
So far, nothing happened, but…I felt like something was there. I looked back and swore something moved. It didn’t look too big but it wasn’t small either, so it wasn’t Icarus. It had to be a person.
I cautiously walked through the halls. Then I noticed a shadow that glided through the right hallway, too close to where Leader was. I flatten myself to the wall on the right and quietly went to the where it ended. I was at the corner to I turned fast to see if anyone was there. Hmm. It was empty.
I turn around to see a pair of strings dangling there. I glance up to-OWW!
Someone has kicked my face while doing a flip and landed on the floor. What the hell?! Who’s the fuck is this guy?! I’ll show him not to mess with me.
He was a lanky man with messy black hair with a black mask that covered his face but had black and orange goggles. Black shirt with grey lines, no sleeves, black pants, black gloves and combat boots….wait. He kinda looks familiar. The weird part is that he had bandages wrapped around his whole arms to where his wrist was, like a mummy, but the ends were long enough that it looks like two whips. A bit comical if you ask me.
He ran towards me, so I swing my right arm first. He then slid in order to avoid me, but wrapped his bandages around my arm to swing up to the ceiling. I almost tripped so I glared at him.
“What’s the matter? You never fought a Hulk before?” I mocked.
Suddenly he jumped onto my shoulders and covered my eyes with those goddamn bandages.
“Hey! Get the hell off of me!”
I tried to grab him but I kept missing. I must look like a blinded idiot trying to catch this fucking bug.
I tried to throw myself into a wall but he jumped off before I can squish him. It’s useless! Why am I the one getting hurt?
He then ran towards me again. I tried to focus on him NOT going either above my head or the ceiling. I gave an attempt to grab him but he slid between my legs and those bandages of his were in front of my legs causing me to trip.
How am I getting beaten by a half mummy with no powers?
“Hmm…pity, I thought it was going to be a thrilling fight. But turns out to be a huge disappointment,” he casually said.
“You want a fight?! Well I got one!”
I charged after him growing multiple punches at him. He kept dodging them by doing flips or swing from the ceiling. As he spun, I can’t help but feel like I’ve seen him before. When in the hell with he stop moving?!
“Red! What’s going on?”
I saw that Hulk and Skaar was coming towards us. I looked back to see the guy being distracted so I punched him before he could move. I did see him fly but I turned to the other two.
“I found the pest who broke in. Be careful though since he is a slippery guy,” I warned.
I then heard two gasp from the other side. Walters and Jones both have horror looks on their faces.
“Red! What did you do!” yelled A-Bomb.
“What do you mean-WHAT THE HELL!?”
I turned around to see the guy laying on the floor but in a very disturbing position. Can legs even bend like that? It looked like he was run over by a bus.
“Red? What happen here?” asked Hulk in disbelief.
“I didn’t punch him THAT hard!” I argued.
“Oh god! How do we hide a corpse? Let’s make Devil bury him,” suggested a panicking A-Bomb.
“Rick! We don’t even know if he’s dead,” argue Hulk.
“That’s true, but I’m not going over there to see if he’s alive,” said Jen.
We started arguing on what to do with him. We didn’t noticed Skaar walking towards him and poked him.
“Intruder still moves,” announced Skaar.
We all looked at him, dumbfounded, until we saw his legs twitch. He slowly got up in the most disturbing way, as if he was a balloon being inflated. He stood up and started at me like nothing happened. He turned to She Hulk and walked over to her.
“Sorry. I was looking for Lady Liberty but I found an angry tomato. The only reason why I attacked him was because I was bored and also wanted to observe his fighting skills. I positioned myself that way on purpose to see everyone’s reaction,” the intruder scoffed indifferently.
“Okay? But why are you here?” Walters asked.
“Do you not remember the messages?”
“Jen, what’s going on?” ask Hulk.
“What messages?”
He let out a sigh before looking at Walters and replied, “I’m Agent Rag Doll. I’m here for the computer thing bullshit from weeks ago. I also told you to not tell anyone else .”
She Hulk looked at him with confusion and then realization.
“You’re a guy?”
“Last time I checked, I was.”
“But I thought you were-”
“It’s the name, isn’t it. You are not the first one to make a mistake like that.”
“How do we know we can trust you?” asked She Hulk.
“Yeah. How do we know that you’re not some other villain trying to get information on us?” I sneered and stood in front of him.
He was going to respond until we heard some footsteps heading towards us. Another guy was running I’m the halls then stopped, almost slipping, and ran between us. Wait! Isn’t this guy-
“Okay! No fighting, please! We came in peace, even if this idiot came running alone. So everyone no punching, no poking, no petting, no patting, no pulverizing, no pinching, no prodding, no….any other p word I miss?” wondered David Jerry.
“How about puking?” offered the other man.
“Oh, and poo-”
“David Jerry! What are YOU doing here,” exclaimed A-Bomb.
“Well, we came because-AHHH!” screamed David.
We looked back and saw Icarus trotting to me with something in her mouth. A-Bomb went behind me. Isn’t this the photo that Albizu was going to show us in the morning?
It was a picture of two boy at a dance. The one with the orange shirt must have been Sammy. The other one….wait.
“Is it me or have we seen the black haired boy before?” wondered A-Bomb.
The guy then slid is mask down and his goggled up. We both stared at him. This is the guy who danced at the concert and supposedly left with David.
“Sup. I’m Ennui Shorts. I lied about the whole computer thing. Yeah, I’m just here for Sams,” Ennui confessed.
“Well it took you long enough to get here,” said a voice behind Hulk.
Carla came out, holding Icarus, strolling to where Ennui and David was.
God! How many more people are coming anyway? Does this kid have an army or something?
/Ahh! Another chapter finished. I have nothing to say so I hope you enjoyed it./
(Woo! The fight was great, Red, you suck at fighting smaller guys -_- and I loved how everyone thought he killed Rag Doll until he did the creepy rising from the dead part lol. And so, another person of Sam's arrives! I'm looking forward to this reunion and maybe soon they'll learn who this mysterious child really is...)
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getreadytosmash · 7 years
The Past that Smashed
Chapter 14
Ennui’s POV
I’m in my room at the middle of the night getting ready. I have prepared my bag that I was going to take to the Hulk’s base. I know it’s going to be a long trip, but I have to be there. I was about to leave until I heard the door open from behind me.
“So what time are you leaving?”
My heart stopped.
I looked back and saw one of the major agents, my mentor to Sir Unknown who wears a silver mask with a fancy black suit. I never told no one about this so I can’t get caught now, even if I will get in trouble. Usually I would never do anything like this but….Sams is over there. Well time to create some bullshit.
“I was called to go to the Hulk’s base, however they prefer to keep it quite. I cannot inform you anything about this situation, sir.”
He walked slowly into my room. Please for the love of God, get out. He then turned to me.
“You know….you are my favorite student. I trust you more than anyone else, with the exception for one person,” Unknown said.
Where the hell is this going?
‘You were like a son for me. I know almost anything about you, your family, your hometown, your likes, and etcetera. However you never told me some of the reason for a few things like your goggle’s color, your private jet named Uel, your password is maS, and that picture of that boy in your phone.”
….Fuck. Nope. Not tell him. I’m not saying anything.
“Not everything is actually linked into each other. What if they are private information about my life that I have the right to remain silent about?”
“I know who was your hero when you were younger.”
I rolled my eyes. They were friends when they were younger, my ex hero and Sir Unknown. “I know,” I replied.
“Well, what if I told you that Natty actually told me some of the truth about your boyfriend.”
Wait! No! What!? GOD, I WANTED THE GROUND TO EAT ME ALIVE!….I still don’t know about the ‘boyfriend’ part though. It’s rather complicated. *cough*
I was about to say something until he put his hand up.
“We actually know why Hulk is going to the past.”
What!? How did they know? There were only five of us who knew about that.
He went on. “We cannot tell you yet why until Hulk is done protecting that boy. I will only tell you this because I trust you. Doctor Strange is the one sending him back. He is watching both the Hulk and the boy but that is how I knew you sent that secret message at She Hulk with the help of the Albizu cousins. The reason why I knew is because of Natty telling me about how Hulk going back in time, then I asked Director Fury about this and he told me how and other information. There are still parts that I don’t understand but it’s not my business.”
They knew? They fucking knew? And here I am trying to keep this a goddamn secret.
“Sir? Are you stopping me from going?” I asked. I mean why is he here in the first place.
“No. We need you to be over there for more information about the boy because even we don’t know nothing about him. Even Doctor Strange is not telling us. I rather you tell me about this before so I could have lied about you going on a secret honeymoon maybe.”
I respect my mentor, but I hate him sometimes.
“Thank you, Sir. I will go as quickly as possible, but I’m only there personally. I don’t want S.H.I.E.L.D. knowing when I’m going.”
“Well then. Take the jet named Tiana, it’s the slowest jet but it’s the only her that doesn’t have a tracker. S.H.I.E.L.D would not worry about that one much so you can take it. By the way I took it off. But I’m making you take the slowest as a punishment for not telling me about your mission. It even need to be prepared so you are going to have to land a couple of times to fix it. AND it’s gas tank will run out quickly so you either find different ways to fill it up or leave the jet so S.H.I.E.L.D will have to take you back.”
He threw me the keys of the jet. Jesus. I’m being delayed for not saying anything about MY life which I don’t like to talk about. I grabbed my bag and head out the door. I bowed to him, since he likes that for some weird unknown reason.
“Hold up.”
Oh for the love of-
“Take these.”
He handed me some concert tickets. Why would I need this?
“Look at the name, my boy.”
I looked at it and it said that a concert at Vista Verde. Its in three day and it’s a DJ that was performing. I looked at the name….I hate him…..sometimes. DJ JD was going to perform. Of course he knew. Why wouldn’t he come. I couldn’t help but smirk.
“Now make sure to be there on time so those tickets would be such a waste if you didn’t go,” said Sir Unknown.
“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”
I looked at the tickets and thought of some fond memories of my teenage years until-
“Well, what are you waiting for? Go so you won’t be late.”
Shit! I need to go. I thanked him, again and left.
I ran out the door and towards where the jets are. I found old Tiana at the end and quickly got on. I took off remembering the problems of Tiana.
-Few Hours Later-
Remember what my wonderful mentor, Sir I’m so mysterious I have tentacles under my mask maybe? Hint the sarcasm in my mind please. Well it turns out that Tiana is slow as HELL and after fixing it, 10 minutes later it needs to be fixed again.
How am I going to make it over there? Is supposed to be like a day or less to travel over there on a jet. If I went on foot and hitchhike on trains or large trucks I can make it in about 4 days, since I don’t sleep a lot. But with this piece of crap I don’t even know. Hang on guys. I’m coming.
A-Bomb’s POV
So Hulk just told us that a tree house almost killed Sammy for fuck sake. Jeez. I really don’t like those aunts that he has. Especially Karen.
I did laugh on the part where Dawn came in and threw those bugs at the boys.
“You know what’s really great about Dawn?” asked Carla as she was drinking her tea. “Dawn was the reason why Robert and the other boys are afraid of bugs ever since she put cockroaches in their soup one time after not letting Sam or Dawn sit on the table with them. They’re all dicks, those cousins. Sometimes I want to give them a piece of my mind when I was younger.”
After that everyone went off doing separate things but I stayed with Carla. We are actually good friend since she said that she didn’t have a lot of people to talk to, like me, and usually boss people around.
She was petting Icarus, that giant rat that I kinda don’t want to get to close to.
“Jones, I’m bored. Do you have a radio to annoy the others? I feel like jamming out right now,” said Carla.
“Hell yeah, we do!”
I turned on the radio and put the volume really loud so the others can hear it. Carla has a thing to mess with people while not being in the same room with them.
Carla is basically everyone’s friend here, besides Red who sees her as a troublemaker so he keeps an eye on her. But I think the real reason is that he wants to know what’s going on with the time travel. I know for a fact that she HATES spoilers so of course she would not tell. She’s cool with Skaar and Jen, even if she does have a crush on her but they are actually okay. We think that she’s sees Hulk as an uncle figure for her since he was the only one she listens to.
Man, she’s been here for a while now. It’s been almost a month actually. I think she came at the 5th of August. It’s funny because the only reason she remembers the date is because her five pairs of shoes she brought with her.
‘In the name of love’ came on and we both sang our hearts out.
“IN THE NAME OF LOVE!” we both screamed.
“Goddamnit, kids! Turn that music down, I can’t train with that on!”
I noticed that Hulk was coming towards me, covering his ears. He gave me an envelope and left. I looked at it and I gasp. I got tickets to see DJ JD on 4th of September, and it’s only in three days! WOO! Man, I’m so excited!
Leader’s POV
She’s doing this on purpose. I just know it. And she’s secretly doing it to me. Jokes on her since we both like the same type of music.
“In the name of love!”
“Oh come on! Not you too!” groaned Red as he gave Leader his lunch.
/WOO! Got this one done. Get ready for more visitors coming. Sir Unknown was a last minute character, but I already made him part of it. Now let’s see what can you find here. Hmm those numbers look familiar for some reason, but I’ll let you guess. Hope you enjoy./
(Omg I love how annoyed Rick is "God damn it Sam, why must you almost get killed by a tree?" Lol! I'm surprised that you have time moving in this so the months are actually changing, soon it'll be Leader's birthday in this...Ennui is so in love with him omg it's so cute. His get is named after Sami, his password is after Sami, his goggles are orange...he even has a picture! I'm wondering when they first met, it makes me laugh to imagine Hulk being a protective dad, not wanting anyone to date his boy XD it'd be one hell of a shovel talk. The DJ event is going to be huge and I wonder why Ennui hates him...I'm looking forward to seeing him reunited with Leader. Ennui will get to him....IN THE NAME OF LOVE!)
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getreadytosmash · 7 years
Chapter 11
A-Bomb’s POV
We all stared at her for a long while not knowing what to say.
“Hey Hulk. What did you have to save Sammy from?” asked Carla.
“Oh! Yeah…right. I had to get you both out of a swimming pool because of a radio that fell in.”
Wait. That sounds a little too familiar.
“A-Bomb!” called Carla.
“Uh, yes ma'am?”
“You a fan of my movies right? I saw how you have designs that was based off of some of my films.”
“Yeah, but how did you know?”
“Well I kinda watch your show to know when it was time to come. Anyway, back to the question. There’s no time to talk about everything else.”
“Okay? I watched a lot of your films since they are so amazing and you are my favorite director.”
“Perfect. And I see that you are watching my ‘Crystal Aquarium’ film,” Hulk, describe what type of floaties we were on and what caused the radio to cause,” ordered Carla while pointing a  stuff snake at him with the name Mattie on it.
“Sure,” Hulk said uncertainty, not knowing the purpose.
“You were in a turtle floatie and Sammy was in a whale floatie. The radio fell because of a cat that was there.”
“Alright A-Bomb. Here’s the last thing I have for you. It will all come together for you and tell everyone else the meaning of this,” proclaimed Carla.
Carla went up to me and stood in front of me and simply said, “the S Theory.”
“No! You- It- it can’t be! Well. Uhhhh,” I stuttered like an idiot in front of Carla.
“Jones! What is it? What does it all mean?” demanded Red.
I couldn’t believe this. This is too much for me. Where do I even start? I looked at the TV and saw the movie. I went to pick up the remote and fast forward to a particular scene that Hulk will find out familiar.
“Okay. Let’s start from here.”
“Hold up. Why-”
“Let me explain Hulk. The climax of the movie is that the crew had to get all the fish out of the tank to another one correct? Well the last mermaids that were left was….Silas, a shark mermaid and Donna, who was a turtle mermaid. One of the feeders named Cordelia and a scientists named Mila tried to get them out of the tank. The bad guy, Mr. Katz, tried to drop this huge machine that will shock everyone in the water. The person who saves them was a visitor named Henry who saves everyone with a crane and carried everyone to safety. The movie was based off of that moment that Hulk was in,” I explain.
“However, there is a certain theory that everyone is talking about. The S Theory. For some reason in every movie there is a character that plays a huge part in it, starts with the letter S. As we see here this one is Silas. Then others like in EyeCatch that has Silvester, Long Hair that has Sean, and others too. Coat Black didn’t had one because it was a prequel to EyeCatch that was an organization that deals with weapons and and Coat Black that deals with stolen artifacts like paintings and selling them. Coat Black was EyeCatch’s backup if something goes wrong and that is why we saw Silvester in the end of Black Coat. Only in Samantha is where that main character has the letter S AND was based off of a true story and involve Carla but names and genders were change. The theory is that every person with the letter S is the same person in different universes because of the S and the same personality they all have that they were based off of someone. So if the theory is right then the person she based it off of was Sammy.”
Jesus Christ that was long. I don’t know if the others got it. Carla seems happy and looks very proud of herself that I understood it.
“That must mean that you were Cordelia,” thought Jen.
“And Dawn! That must have been Donna. Dawn is Sammy’s cousin,” Hulk explain.
“But what about Mila?” wondered Red.
“Mila was Sam and my kindergarten teacher and Sam did have a shark plushie named Millie after her,” said Carla.
“And Henry must be Hulk,” said Jen.
“Yup, you guys got it,” agreed Carla.
“Carla tell Hulk who Sam is?” asked Skaar.
“What!” shouted everyone in union.
“I only came here because Sam told me to after he left and never came back. All he said was that he will find me somehow but made me make a promise to him that I will come when Hulk was going to the past. I will refuse to give out Sam’s whereabouts so you are going to have to figure it out yourself. Every time you go to the past, I will tell you what happened later or any other information. Got it?”
Aww! The suspense of Sam’s or Sammy’s or whatever his name is identity. Well I least I can confirm the theory and I can ask a lot of questions about her movies. I feel like I have to binge watch all her movies just in case Hulk goes back.
“By the way, what ever happened to Mattie?” asked Hulk.
“Well, it turns out she wasn’t exactly a real snake and she actually escape from the zoo again at the same time Sam disappeared. Probably went looking for him. They never found her. It turns out she was human that was forced to transform into a snake by magic and couldn’t get back to normal. That explains her human personality.”
“Why Carla knows what happened to Mattie?” asked Skaar.
“Uhhh. I’m not telling. I already told too much anyway. It will ruin the fun and beside it Sam we want not Mattie,” declared Carla trying to hide her slip.
“You know what? Here have this stuff Mattie, I only bought it to scare Hulk. In surprised that they still sell these.”
Skaar took the snake and wrap it around his arm petting its head.
“Skaar likes Mattie.”
“Alright. Back to business,” said Red.
“Nope,” denied Carla.
“What do you mean no?”
“I have to go hide at a hotel and hope that no one saw me. You see how big my hair is? Do you know how hard it is to straighten it? Unless you don’t have another room.”
“You can stay here. Right Hulk?” I said. We have the answers right here and I’m not letting her identity be caught in public. If that happen, she’s going to have to go and people will ask why she’s with us.
“*sign* You can take my room, Carla” admitted Hulk. “I’ll see where I’m going to sleep at.”
“No that’s okay, I can get a-”
“My room! She can go to my room, since we are both the only girls here,” exclaimed Jen with the same idea of not letting her go.
Carla smiled really big. Oh Jen. You have no idea what you did. Should I tell her? Nah.
“Perfect. I need to get my stuff. Can you help me, Skaar.”
“Skaar help!”
They both went to get her stuff and Red look at me.
“Jones, stop trying to flirt with Albizu.”
“I’m no trying to flirt with her and I can’t. I’m trying to make her stay so we can have answers.”
“Wait, what do you mean you can’t?” asked Jen.
To say or not to say? That is the question. Imma say it.
“Well, it’s really hard to flirt with someone who is a lesbian. And jokes on you Jen and think she’s going to be after you.”
Red started to laugh while Jen didn’t know what to say. She was thinking about what she offered and blushed.
Carla and Skaar came back with a suitcase, a large bag, and…a cage? Because of the large bag was really heavy, the cage are fell down and -OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT!
Something really huge and furry came out of it. Me and Jen both screamed at  it as came toward us and went into the vents.
“Was that a rat?” asked Jen.
“No, I think it was a pony,” replied Red.
“Oh no! Icarus!” Carla went after the rat and followed the sounds of where the rat was walking in the vents.
“Rick, go follow her,” ordered Hulk.
“Me! Did you see how big that thing is?”
“Okay then, why don’t we get Walters to go get it,” suggest Red with a smirk.
“Oh hell no! I’m not getting that! Make Skaar get it!”
“Skaar carries bag and can’t go.”
“For fuck sake. I’m going,” said Red. “I’m going to the camera room first to look for her first. Get the room ready. And no flirting with the director.”
“I’m not flirting with her-” I started but was cut off.
“I’m not talking about you Jones.”
“Hey!” yelled Jen after she realized who he was referring to.
Red laughed as the went to the camera room.
Carla’s POV
I ran all over the place to get Icarus, Sam’s pet rat, but she won’t stop running. Suddenly her took a left turn that lead to a closed door. Since I watched the show before I opened it and saw Icarus running into a glass case and was trying to get in.
“Icarus! Don’t run away from me like that!”
I noticed how hard it was struggling to get out of my arms and wanted to get into the glass case.
I looked up and almost cried. I held Icarus tighter as I saw who was watching me. Sam was on the other side of the glass.
We stared at each other. I can see tears almost coming out of his eyes. I want to say so many things to him….but I can’t. There are cameras here and I’m not giving Sam away.
The door opened and Red Hulk came in.
“I see that you met the Leader. Don’t worry, he’s not coming out of there anytime soon,” he assured me.
“Oh. Yeah. Sorry about that. Icarus would go to….random strangers if they smell like….anyone familiar to her,” I lied. Great fucking Carla. That’s the best lie I can give.
“If I was that rat, I would have run the opposite direction from him,” joked Red.
God I wanted to punch him.
“So is the room ready?”
“Yep. Follow me, I’ll show you where it is.”
I went up and followed him through the door and looked at Sammy one last time. Red was already ahead of me and I swore I heard him sobbing from the other side.
Jen took me to her room and made another bed for her on the floor. She left me alone so I can get comfortable with the room. As soon as she left, I cried.
??????’s POV
My phone was buzzing. How strange. I never had text messages for a long time. How annoying but I went to pick it up anyway.
Unknown: Shorts. Is that you?
Agent Rag Doll: Who’s asking. Get lost if you know what’s good for you. I don’t want to get into any problems. That’s too much trouble.
Unknown: I’ll tell you later, but I have something that might interest you.
Agent Rag Doll: How did you get into S.H.E.I.D’s contacts?
Unknown: Enn…it’s about Samuel Sterns.
Agent Rag Doll: …
Agent Rag Doll: I’m listening.
\Holy Crap that was a lot! The movies are based off my imagination like different dimensions that I decided to put in there. Leave me and my naming skills alone :P I had these names for a long time. Oh yeah introducing person A. Hope you enjoy.\
(Oh boy that was emotional! I can't believe Carla and Leader got to see each other for only a few moments before Red ripped them apart 😢. I really love the names and the s theory, top notch fan theory there! And Skaar's showing an affection to Mattie, *wiggles eyebrows* wait till he sees the actual girl, cue heart eyes. And oh boy Jen, you've gotten yourself into a wild predicament and Red ain't helping one bit XD. And person A!!! I'm looking really forward to learning more about Rag Doll and their goal with Leader. Dang Samuel, bringing all the lovers and drama to the smashers, aren't you?)
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getreadytosmash · 7 years
The Past that Smashed
Chapter 10
A-Bomb’s POV
It’s been three days when Hulk went to save Samuel from the car and snake. We are starting to get really worried about him. He’s getting really anxious and jumps a lot if he feels a breeze thinking if it is a portal. Nothing has happened yet, but I just hope something good and exciting though.
I went to get the mail and saw that there was only one. I grabbed it and noticed the cover, and it came from Los Angeles. I don’t think we know anybody from there. I looked at the back and it surprised me.
‘If you are not Hulk, then open this letter.’
Okay? That’s weird. I opened envelope to read the letter. Oh….OH MY GOD!
I screamed and ran into the living room where the others were at.
“What is it Rick?” asked a very concern Hulk.
I started to jump up and down. Man, I’m so excited! I can’t believe this!
“Sorry! But I can’t tell anyone!”
“Then why are you here then, if you can’t tell?” asked Jen.
“Uhhhhhh. You know what? I have, uh, things to do. Yeah, things. Okay bye.”
“That was weird,” said Jen.
“Looks like Christmas has come early this year for him. And it’s only July,” mumbled Red.
I have to tell someone, but it told me don’t tell any other Hulks about it. Then again there is someone who isn’t.I don’t know why I went to Leader’s cell, but I did.
I found Leader on the floor reading another book and sighed when he saw me.
Jesus, I’m so frickin happy right now.
“Leader! Igotaletterfromsomeoneandtoldmenottotellany-”
“Speak English, brute!”
“Whoops. Okay, listen to this. I got a letter today and told me not to tell another Hulk but since you are not a Hulk, I can tell you.”
“For fuck sake. What?”
“…THE FAMOUS SCI-FI DIRECTOR, CARLA ALBIZU IS COMING HERE! She’s my favorite director, my favorites movies are EyeCatch and Coat Black. Man, she is so cool! I can’t believe she wants to come here! You see I base my camera designs from EyeCatch so that’s way they look like that.”
I started rambling more about how I love Carla Albizu, until I noticed the confusion on Leader’s face.
“Why is she coming here anyway? For what purpose? And why now?” Leader wondered.
Hmm. I never really thought about it. It must be really important if she wants to come here.
“I don’t know. She said she will explain everything when she come since her plane was delayed. I guess we have to wait…But I don’t want to!”
“What you Hulks don’t have is patience, you always want everything to be quick. These things take time you know. And since Albizu is famous, she has to keep it a secret before the media sees her,” explained Leader.
I never thought about it. Since when did Leader know about the media. Maybe he is a fan too. I wonder what his favorite movie is.
“Welp. I gotta go. I’ll tell you when she comes. Maybe we can get her autograph.”
Leader stared at me for a few seconds then returned to read his book. Is he rereading Harry Potter?
Leader’s POV
I can’t believe it. She did it. She is actually coming here. She kept my promise and it was her plane being delayed. I never felt so happy,that maybe there is a chance that I can see her again. Then again I felt sad because here is no way of talking to her in this cell. But just knowing that she is coming is all I need.
My personal favorite movie she made was Crystal Aquarium and Samantha that she based it off of our childhood and was partially was a true story but had to put me as a female. Crystal Aquarium was about an aquarium that unknowingly took a type of fish that looked any regular fish but can turn into mermaids and must be saved before anyone finds them and experiment on them. She even named a shark like mermaid after my shark plushie and favorite kindergarten teacher who loves the sea, Millie. I thought about how she would always put references of our childhood, even if I did came back and said goodbye. Since she waited this long, then I can wait too.
Hulk’s POV
Five days passed after saving Sammy and I’m getting more nervous each day and for some reason I’m hearing an echo in my mind that said “What if Hulk couldn’t be there?” I think I’m turning paranoid. Finally the portal came when we were watching a movie that A-Bomb picked.
I fell into a completely different house. There was no garden or tree. There was a large table with food, balloons and streamers of hanging around and a banner that said happy birthday. A radio playing on a chair next to a swimming pool. And a cat on top of the fence.
I heard a splash and looked down to see Carla and Sammy in it with floaties.
“So whose birthday is it?” I asked.
“It’s mine, Hulk. I’m turning 8 today,” replied Carla smirking at Sammy who glared at her.
“Well then. Happy Birthday, Carla”
“Thank you. Hey Hulk! Did you know that I’m actually older than Sammy?”
“Hey! Your only older than me by 7 months and my birthday is in November,” argued Sammy.
“So what’s today’s date,” I asked
“March 30. But I’m still older,” replied Carla
“At least I know who’s going to show their gray hair first,” sneered Sammy.
“Hey, respect your elders!” she yelled.
“Fight me, grandma!”
They both were splashing water to each other’s faces. I laughed until I noticed that no one was here but only the cat that jumped down next to the chair with the radio.
“But where is everyone at?”
Sammy swam towards me in a whale floatie.
“Well, my brother accidentally sat on Carla’s cake so my dad had to take him home and get more clothes. My mom has a small fever so she stayed home. Carla’s mom went to get another cake and her dad is trying to get Carla’s cousin, Carlos, to come here but his parents are stubborn.”
I just remembered that Jen was asking for their last names since I never asked. I keep hearing about Sammy’s brother but I never heard the name.
“So what are your last names anyway. I never heard them and I might know you from the future.”
They looked at each other and grin.
Carla spoke first, “I’m Carla Albizu.”
Carla Albizu. Carla Albizu. CARLA ABIZU?! Rick’s favorite diretor is her. I even heard about Carlos too about helping her even if he was clumsy. Rick is not going to believe this.
“I’m Samuel Sterns. Oh! And my brother is Phillip Sterns.”
Wait. Phillip?! Is this the same Phillip? Then again he did told me that he was from Idaho with his brother who….was….a dropout student. Oh no. Did Sammy really dropped out. I’m deciding whether or not tell the truth about their future. Carla is really successful but I never heard of Samuel Sterns before. I kept thinking until someone splashed water on my face.
“Earth to Hulk. What’s the matter?” asked Carla.
“Sorry. I just. I think that I know your brother when I was in college.”
Sammy’s face fell.
“What about me?”
I can’t tell him. But I don’t know what would cause him to do that.
“Umm. He was too busy studying so I don’t think there was time to talk about our family.
“Oh. I get it. It has to be all about Phil since he’s older, bigger, and smarter than me and my whole family likes him better than me,” Sammy bitterly said.
“Sam, that’s not true. Your family loves you. It’s those no good aunts and all your cousins except Dawn that likes Phil. Besides my family loves you so you can count on us,” said Carla.
“Sammy, I know that I don’t really know you but I care about you. You seem way better than your brother and I came from the future. I thought I had no one to be there for me but I found a family of my own. And you can be part of my family too.”
Sammy looked at me then stared at the water. Carla swam with her turtle floatie towards him for a hug. Sammy looked at her then smiled then looked back at me.
We all looked at the cat who was now on top of the radio eyeing on a bird that was close by. Wait a minute. Why does this look familiar?
The cat jumped to catch the bird and radio started to shake…NO!
I grabbed Sammy and Carla as fast as I can when almost at the same time the radio fell in the pool. I can see the electricity from the water. That was too close. I put both of them down and they both were really stiff trying to understand what happened. They dropped their floaties on the ground and hugged my legs. I smiled and hugged them back since they are scared right now. We heard a car honk and at the same time the portal came. They let go of me and waved bye and I waved too.
I came back with everyone waiting for me. Before I said anything the doorbell ranged.
“I’ll get it!” shouted A-Bomb almost running to go and check.
“What is it?” She asked.
“I found out that Sammy’s last name is Sterns and his brother is Phil. Beside, you would not believe who Carla really is. Her last name is -”
A large snake was somehow on my shoulder.
I jumped up and noticed it was a stuffed snake with someone holding it.
A-Bomb was jumping up and down.
“Guys! Look who came! Carla-”
“Albizu?” I asked.
The woman smiled at me and held the same pose like the day I met her.
“And don’t you forget it. By the way Sammy sent me here.”
We were all silent at that moment.
/YAY! Behold Carla. The more chapters I put the more longer it is. I’m go in to skip ahead on Sammy’s age that Hulk has been going back but it only mentioned. I want to introduce you to new character soon. This is actually the last chapter that I was in before it was deleted. Hope you enjoy/
(Congratulations on reaching 10 chapters! And I can’t believe that Carla’s here now! And you put Millie and shark stuff which was really cute and sweet! I absolutely can’t wait for Leader to see his cousin again and the smashers finding out who Sami really is! Oh this is so cool! And that moment when Hulk told his future enemy that he can be part of his family ahhhh! I absolutely can’t wait for chapter 11! I’m looking so forward. Also, yes! Longer chapters and the movie sounds really cool, I'd totally go see it.)
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