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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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I can finally release my SECOND feature in issue #29 of @jellybabymag, Mrs. Bad Kat. Shot with my very own, handmade latex clothing, @underground_latex. Medcity's ONLY latex fashion Haus. In my own studio, @bitch_kitten_studio. I just ordered 13 more yard's of latex sheeting and have SEVERAL patterns all ready to go! Keep your eyes open for do much more!. . . . . #suburbanmermaid #suburbansiren #medcitymermaid #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #jellybabymagazine #mnphotographers #bitchkitty #bitchkitten #dontbeabitch #latexlingerie #latexfashion #latexmodel #latexlovers #ihavethisthingwithpink #latexmaker #alternativematerialmakers #imgoodwithmyhands #momboss #rochesterposse #rochesterunderground #minnstagramers #alternativemakers (at Rochester, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0SQx7alPnH/?igshid=15pnmtup6np45
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genevievemuree · 7 years ago
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Another shot from #jellybabymagazine @allydoesmakeup 💋 @riowarner ✨⚡️✨ @gracevandien 🌟 Photo by meeeee @genevievemuree Thanks @jellybabymag (at Hollywood)
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catchild · 6 years ago
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"Truthseeker" was heavily cathartic for me. My dad had died two weeks before and all I felt was pain, I couldn't find a moment to grieve between doing all the major things I didn't expect to be doing for my elderly mother who had just lost the man she had loved over half her life. My sister told me to make sure I didn't burn myself out, but I never take myself into account during a time like that to understand what my limits are. @sugartabi came into my life with such kindness and warmth and allowed for me to take a moment to really feel the weight of my grief. She is a great friend and a great artist to work with, and I'm so happy and honored to be published with her in the latest edition of @jellybabymag 💕🌿✨ Credits for this set - Model: @sugartabi (she pulled off some gorgeous poses for this set) Mask: @hysteriamachine Collar: @miss.overdose.shop Wig: @ardawigs (styled by me for this shoot) I know that my dad would be proud of me, I just wish I could share the joy of my accomplishments with him still. #jellybabymagazine #sugartabi #sarahtrickler #hysteriamachine #truthseeker #darkfantasy #ardawigsvenus #victorianfantasy (at Tumwater, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpPet1OAM0W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sktp1z9uc2jm
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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My set in @jellybabymag, #SuburbanMermaid is available now! #midwestmermaid #minnesotamermaid #medcityMermaid #suburbansiren #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #fiveohseven #507 #507LIFE #photography #photographyofminnesota #rochmn #rochester_mn #minnesota #igersminnesota #thisismyminnesota #capturemn #minnstagramers #midwestisbest #minnesotaexposure #rochesterartist #RochesterUnderground #rochesterposse (at Rochester, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxsx7KJlfvh/?igshid=4lafhuj6feka
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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Repost @medcitymermaid (@get_repost) ・・・ My set in @jellybabymag, #SuburbanMermaid is available now! #midwestmermaid #minnesotamermaid #medcityMermaid #suburbansiren #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #fiveohseven #507 #507LIFE #photography #photographyofminnesota #rochmn #rochester_mn #minnesota #igersminnesota #thisismyminnesota #capturemn #minnstagramers #midwestisbest #minnesotaexposure #rochesterartist #RochesterUnderground #rochesterposse (at Rochester, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxhGVqalhq0/?igshid=168q9nxqowzwy
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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Did you manage to catch my very first set in issue #22 of @jellybabymag?? It will knock your sox off! #SuburbanMermaid #suburbansiren #medcityMermaid #ihavethisthingwithcolor #livelifebrighter #ihavethisthingwithpink #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #fiveohseven #507 #507LIFE #rochesterminnesota #rochestermn #rochesterunderground #rochesterposse #midwestisbest #igersmidwest #mymodernmidwest #minnesotaexposure #rochesterartheads (at BitchKitten Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuSEUo6g2ow/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kkxncq5xfr9d
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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@bitch_kitten_studio, Minnesotas most #COLORFUL Creative Space. #SuburbanMermaid #suburbansiren #medcityMermaid #ihavethisthingwithcolor #livelifebrighter #ihavethisthingwithpink #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #fiveohseven #507 #507LIFE #rochesterminnesota #rochestermn #rochesterunderground #rochesterposse #midwestisbest #igersmidwest #mymodernmidwest #minnesotaexposure #rochester_mn #rochesterartheads (at BitchKitten Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJuUX_hIO5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12r5kn2uux35f
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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Barbie Baby . . . . . . #suburbanmermaid #suburbansiren #medcitymermaid #unicorn🦄 #unicornhair #mermaidhair #colorfull #livelifebrighter #ihavethisthingwithcolor #ihavethisthingwithpink #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #fiveohseven #507 #507LIFE #rochesterminnesota #rochestermn #rochesterunderground #rochesterposse #midwestisbest #igersmidwest #mymodernmidwest #minnesotaexposure #rochester_mn (at BitchKitten Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsn14aOha1N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15xa6eqs9ml3x
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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Did you manage to catch my very first set in issue #22 of @jellybabymag?? It will knock your sox off! #SuburbanMermaid #suburbansiren #medcityMermaid #ihavethisthingwithcolor #livelifebrighter #ihavethisthingwithpink #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #fiveohseven #507 #507LIFE #rochesterminnesota #rochestermn #rochesterunderground #rochesterposse #midwestisbest #igersmidwest #mymodernmidwest #minnesotaexposure #rochesterartheads (at BitchKitten Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-VSdWBW0j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=eifjj3ja18b8
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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I'm celebrating my very first set in issue #22 of @jellybabymag?? Check it out today! #SuburbanMermaid #suburbansiren #medcityMermaid #ihavethisthingwithcolor #livelifebrighter #ihavethisthingwithpink #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #fiveohseven #507 #507LIFE #rochesterminnesota #rochestermn #rochesterunderground #rochesterposse #midwestisbest #igersmidwest #mymodernmidwest #minnesotaexposure #rochesterartheads (at BitchKitten Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-TnmchqWP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=720n8ra2t21o
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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Did you manage to catch my very first set in issue #22 of @jellybabymag?? It will knock your sox off! #SuburbanMermaid #suburbansiren #medcityMermaid #ihavethisthingwithcolor #livelifebrighter #ihavethisthingwithpink #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #fiveohseven #507 #507LIFE #rochesterminnesota #rochestermn #rochesterunderground #rochesterposse #midwestisbest #igersmidwest #mymodernmidwest #minnesotaexposure #rochesterartheads (at BitchKitten Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-SQhthUlv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=twis28i2qhib
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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My set in @jellybabymag, #SuburbanMermaid is available now! #midwestmermaid #minnesotamermaid #medcityMermaid #suburbansiren #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #fiveohseven #507 #507LIFE #photography #photographyofminnesota #rochmn #rochester_mn #minnesota #igersminnesota #thisismyminnesota #capturemn #minnstagramers #midwestisbest #minnesotaexposure #rochesterartist #RochesterUnderground #rochesterposse (at BitchKitten Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrmObzpFhHo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8fhj7kmrjprr
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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Available NOW! My latest set Suburban Mermaid is out in issue 22 of @jellybabymag! I'm so excited! Shot @bitch_kitten_studio, set design and accessories by @door816. #SuburbanMermaid #suburbansiren #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #jellybabymagazine #mnphotographers #minnesotaexposure #minnesotamermaids #medcity #mermaid #medcityMermaid #publishedmodel #professionalmodel (at BitchKitten Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/BriehLKhkjg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tmovh9lguz8g
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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Ever had tea on the bottom of the sea? #SuburbanMermaid #suburbansiren #rochesterminnesota #rochesterposse #midwestisbest #igersmidwest #mymodernmidwest #minnesotaexposure #minnesotamermaids #medcity #mermaid #medcityMermaid #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #mermaidhair #mermaidqueen #mermaidssmokeseaweed #mermaidphotography #Mermaidshoot #fantasyedits #fantasy #mermaidqueen #mermaidart (at BitchKitten Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/BreWgKFlL3A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12d0ir94xtsvt
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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Sweeter than sweet... JellyBaby Issue 22 has launched! My newest set, Suburban Mermaid, Tea Under the Sea is available NOW! Go check it out! www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1547226 XOXO, #JellyBaby #SuburbanMermaid #suburbansiren #publishedmodel #twicepublished #photography #colorfull #bright #ihavethisthingwithcolor #incolourfulcompany #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle #jellybaby #fiveohseven #507 #507LIFE #rochesterminnesota #rochestermn #rochesterunderground #rochesterposse #midwestisbest #igersmidwest #mymodernmidwest #minnesotaexposure (at BitchKitten Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrczZ0UhbtN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dw481euznmv9
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real-underground-baby · 6 years ago
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The only way to start a #Monday! Relax, it's #GLITTER... #SuburbanMermaid #suburbansiren #glitterlife #hologram #rainbow #ihavethisthingwithcolor #creativehappylife #photographyislifee #rochmn #rochester_mn #minnesota #igersminnesota #thisismyminnesota #capturemn #RochesterPosse #RochesterUnderground #midwestart #midwestisbest #jellybabymagazine #jellybabystyle https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZaBGjh4oV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2l4moah6827a
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