#jello's ☆ reminder
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submitted by @edwardian-girl-next-door 🤍🩶🖤
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seiwas · 10 months
iwaizumi tells you that if those barbell hip thrusts aren’t making your legs shake the same way he does, then you aren’t doing it right 😔
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abirddogmoment · 9 months
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Puppy stack for the record - just shy of 16 weeks!
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themarginalthinker · 11 months
Paul: ..uh, you might wanna slow down
Marko: neh, it's cool. I got a high metabolism
Paul: those are. edibles
Marko: ...I know? that's why I'm eating them?
Paul: they have weed in them
Paul: how. how many did you have
Marko: t-ten? twelve?
Paul: holy sh- that amount with your body weight?? it's fine. you're fine-
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vladdyissues · 8 months
Vlad is a gourmet Michelin star chef with exquisite taste in wine and expensive imported cheese and is an internationally-recognized chocolate connoisseur
Vlad also puts shrimp and olives in lime-flavored Jell-o and slathers it with mayonnaise and marshmallows and calls it something like "Charming Salad"
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kk i know we like the suffrage girl but what do we think of becky sue from dollars and sense
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nachosforfree · 3 months
Why did you bring up something from so long ago lmao
2022 was not that long ago first of all, and second of all I brought I was reminded of it again?
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sea-jello · 1 year
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y’all remember that strawberry dress from a while ago yeah i suddenly thought of it in the shower and went yk how i can apply this to bmc
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jellobubblelol · 2 months
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Here have a bunch of Jash Junction doodles from April-Now (I promise it looks better than the tumblr compression makes it look)
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skin-slave · 6 months
Rip to the founding fathers. They would've loved Doritos.
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caffeine-hifi · 7 months
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I have this piece vaguely inspired by the lesbian flag. idk if i should add more colors or if it's good as is
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jellojolteon · 1 year
Observed an interesting interaction that's sitting with me
Was in a public space where a public figure was about to speak, and a security guard was posted where I was at because it was on a balcony with a clear view of the stage area. I had popped over because it happened to be near where I work and I was just curious to see what I could, y'know? So I was standing on this balcony a few mins before the event, and the guard requested that we take a seat (they were available) if we would like to stay. I decided that was a sign that I shouldn't be blowing off my work by committing to whatever probably boring thing was really gonna happen and so left lol.
Of course, that's not relevant, that's just context for the fact that this fellow who works near me but whom I don't know, who had been standing there well before I had been, against the railing, reacted somewhat incredulously to this to the effect of "So I'm not supposed to stand?" and walked away when I was also leaving. Out of earshot of the guard (presumably) he mutters something about it being ridiculous and fine, then, he'd just go find another vantage point, while slamming open the door to the stairwell to leave.
I just. It just doesn't close a circuit in my brain. Is it the shock of being spoken to? Could he not reason fast enough that probably it's easier for the guard to keep track of onlookers if they stay seated and cannot just come and go? Or could he, and felt offended that in the eyes of this guard, by default, he was a disruption (or worse, security) risk? (Wouldn't his anger just make matters worse regardless?)
It just seemed like such a strange level of upset to reach, like in the seconds it took to leave the balcony he'd gone from surprise to anger. Or in retrospect, like he was already primed to be angry.
idk fam
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dailygrumbot · 2 years
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Day 52: Epithet Erased Style
Congratulations to jelloapocalypse and the rest of the crew behind Epithet Erased and Prison of Plastic.
Thought it would be fun to draw Grumbot in this style and for fun I grabbed a random word generator and generated a few all at once to say ‘if one of these fits him, I might say he has an epithet’ and record showed up and felt fitting. The second image is based on the promo art the epithet erased twitter was showing off.
But yeah, the first season is a 8 episode long thing which you can find on Youtube on Jello’s channel and as of today, Prison of Plastic is released as a book with an audio book version with the voice actors. They weren’t able to do a show again because it is expensive, but that’s another reason to support them! (Jello has also said it will not be animated again unless some miracle happens, but basically, the answer is no as it was a nightmare in production.)
Now I may not post tomorrow bc apparently the audio book itself is 11 hours long, but I’m also going to try and read at the same time since it was mentioned that some of the jokes work better as written words.
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yardsards · 2 years
there is an angel and a devil on my shoulders and i chose to listen to the devil on this night
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conclusion: it... tastes.
okay, like. there were obviously no reactions between the ingredients (unlike grilk, where the acid in the grape juice curdled the milk). so it tasted kinda like you'd expect cherry gelatin and white bread to taste.
but also like. okay, you don't really think much about the taste of plain, untoasted white bread in your daily life. but then you take a bite of it with nothing but a filling that's like 98% water, basically just a sip of kool aid in semisolid form. and then you truly taste the bread for the first time. it doesn't just not taste like anything; no, it tastes like *something* and that *something* is Nothing. but somehow the addition of the cherry jello INTENSIFIES that *something* and makes you taste it more than if you just took a bite of plain white bread without the jello.
and the texture... the jello was already a tad too watery and the bread a wee bit stale. the jello got almost entirely lost in the feeling of the bread but sometimes in the middle of chewing, a glob of jello would make itself known, simultaneously a respite from the bread and a new form of torment. it felt like it took an eternity to chew, though it was more like 15 seconds.
the combination of fake fruit and mass-produced bread conjures an image: a mockery of communion, handed out at a megachurch in the lorax movie universe where no one had encountered a live plant in ages.
the video wasn't really funny enough to warrant posting, but these screenshots of me tasting it about sum it up (fun fact: i accidentally deleted the first video so this was of me taking a SECOND BITE. but almost nothing about the first bite really processed for me so the second was practically a new experience in of itself)
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anyway, i give it a 3/10, only because i am using grilk as my baseline for a 1/10
(context: grilk jello sandwich)
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I’m forbidden from talking about Terro for spoilery reasons for now :(
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myalchod · 2 years
Me: Okay, I think I need to kill [redacted] here because of timeline things and also they can't be around for this argument because ripple effect but that feels like super rushed timeline-wise. I guess I don't have to kill them at all, either, but I don't knoooooooow. @unreliablenarratorink: I mean, you could or you could not, but also here is a logical reason why you don't have to do it yet even if you do decide to kill them. Me: OH. Fair point. And also that suggests a way to keep Saul out of the picture for this scene too, which is probably better. Me: Right. Good. I can leave that where it is for now. Me: .... apparently that means it's time to write the next scene just so it can make the whole damned situation worse! Seriously, Farah, you can stop anytime.
(Guess we'll see if I hate it when I'm more awake tomorrow? 🤣)
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