#jelle sels
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daikenkki · 3 months ago
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stateofsport211 · 3 months ago
Helsinki Ch R1: Joao Fonseca def. Jelle Sels [LL] 6-2, 6-3 Match Stats
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📸 ATP official website
It was a complete masterclass from J. Fonseca, who controlled the flow from his powerful baseline play to his intuitive volleys at the net. This way, he outplayed J. Sels, who already had limited options, dominating the match as he converted 100% of his 4 break points thanks to his initiatives and aggression, while J. Sels' sole break of serve came from a service game slip from the Brazilian.
Besides, J. Fonseca's dominance was also reflected through his service games. Even though he scored 3 aces than J. Sels' 4, J. Fonseca won 69% of his first serve points, 15% more than J. Sels, which helped him dominate the flow. Interestingly, the unseeded Brazilian won 82% of his second serve points, leaving J. Sels' second serves more vulnerable as the Dutch only won 38% of his second serve points.
The second round would be a revenge mission as he will face Jan Choinski, who knocked out qualifier Sandro Kopp 6-2, 6-1 in a convincing showing. With their latest meeting being in Estoril (250), where the Brit won in three sets, this could be intriguing to see how the latter nailed the pace and the aggression indoors (and on the hard courts), where their range consistency would be tested. This could be a great start of a packed day!
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chaoscouncilcreaturecorner · 7 months ago
Water & Beach-Themed Names & Pronouns List
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🤍 Masculine Names:
🐚Caspian - Origin: Caspian Sea
🐳Kai - Origin: Hawaiian - Meaning: "Sea"
🐚Ren - Origin: Diminutive of Rene or Japanese - Meaning: "Water lily; Lotus"
🐳Maxwell - Origin: Scottish - Meaning: "Great steam"
🐚Clyde - Origin: Scottish River Name
🐳Alon - Origin: Hebrew; Filipino Word - Meaning: "Oak tree; Wave"
🐚Solomon - Origin: Christianity; Hebrew - Meaning: "Underwater bridge; Peace"
🐳Earwyn - Origin: English - Meaning: "Friend of the sea"
🐚Salmon - Origin: Hebrew; English; French - Meaning: "Salmon; Peace"
🐳Mortimer - Origin: French - Meaning: "Dead sea; Stagnant sea"
🖤 Feminine Names:
🫧Cordelia - Origin: Latin; Celtic - Meaning: "Heart; Daughter of the sea"
🦑Mira - Origin: Latin, Slavic, Arabic, Sanskrit - Meaning: "Admirable; Peace; Female ruler; Ocean"
🫧Maya - Origin: Greek; Central American Indian empire name; Latinate Variation of May; Spanish, diminutive of Amalia; variation of Maia; Hebrew - Meaning: "Water"
🦑Talia - Origin: Hebrew; Australian Aboriginal - Meaning: "Gentle dew from heaven; By the water"
🫧Tallulah - Origin: Choctaw, Irish - Meaning: "Leaping water, Lady of abundance"
🦑Maren - Origin: Latin - Meaning: "Sea"
🫧Sabrina - Origin: Celtic, Latin name for the River Severn
🦑Marina - Origin: Latin - Meaning: "From the sea"
🫧Guinevere - Origin: Welsh - Meaning: "White shadow; White wave"
🦑Jennifer - Origin: Cornish variation of Welsh Guinevere - Meaning: "White shadow; White wave"
🩶 Neutral/Androgynous Names:
🌊Haf - Origin: Welsh; Icelandic - Meaning: "Summer; Ocean"
🦈Current - Origin: Water current - Meaning: "The motion of the Ocean"
🌊Siren - Origin: Greek Mythology
🦈Tasi - Origin: Chamorro; Christianity - Meaning: "Ocean; Sea"
🌊Dipsi - Origin: Hindu; Bislama - Meaning: "Light; Ocean"
🦈Daria/Darius - Origin: Persian - Meaning: "Sea; Possessing Goodness"
🌊Pelagic - Origin: Greek - Meaning: "Of, Relating to, or living or occuring in the open sea; Oceanic"
🦈Mer - Origin: The Word Mermaid/Merman; Spanish - Meaning: "Ocean; Sea"
🌊Wave - Origin: English - Meaning: "Arched form of water or sound"
🦈Bahari - Origin: Swahili - Meaning: "Sailor; Ocean"
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Nature Themed:
Animal Themed:
Sea/Dragon [Leafy Seadragon]
Mythology/Legend Themed:
Mer/Mermaid [Merman, Merfolk & Merbeing Also Work]
Ich/Ichtyo [Ichtyocentaurs]
Beach & Pool Themed:
Emoji Themed:
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🪸These weren't requested, just decided to post some things as well until we start to get requests!
🪼All of the dividers are from: saradika.tumblr.com! Thank you so much for these beautiful dividers! ^^
~ Created Mainly By: 🧨⛓️📻 {{ Wilbur/Alastor }}
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alfredol70 · 14 days ago
Luca Nardi vs Jelle Sels | R1 Koblenz • Highlights
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framokcheesecake · 4 years ago
Comment faire un gâteau au fromage parfait avec un Robot Pâtissier
Pour le cheesecake:
Beurre, pour enrober la casserole
2 livres de fromage à la crème entier
1 tasse de sucre granulé
1 cuillère à soupe de fécule de maïs ou 2 cuillères à soupe de farine tout usage (facultatif)
1/8 cuillère à café de sel
1/2 tasse de crème sure
2 cuillères à café de jus de citron fraîchement pressé (facultatif)
1 cuillère à café d'extrait de vanille
3 gros œufs
1 gros jaune d'oeuf
Pour la pâte:
12 rectangles de biscuits Graham entiers (6 onces)
5 cuillères à soupe de beurre non salé
Moule à charnière de 9 ou 10 pouces.
Robot pâtissier ou batteur à main électrique (si vous n'en avez pas, vous pouvez l'acheter sur amazon)
Plat à rôtir ou autre plat assez grand pour contenir le plat à charnière
Réchauffez le gril et détendez le cheddar à la crème. Organisez une grille dans la position centrale inférieure du poêle et chauffez à 350 ° F. Sortez les carrés de cheddar à la crème de leur étui et laissez-les revenir à température ambiante sur le comptoir pendant que vous installez la couverture, environ 30 minutes.
Enduire le récipient de margarine. Utilisez vos doigts pour recouvrir un peu de margarine partout sur la base et les côtés d'un plat à structure à ressort de 9 ou 10 pouces.
Enveloppez le contenant de papier d'aluminium. Coupez 2 énormes morceaux de papier d'aluminium et placez-les sur votre plan de travail l'un sur l'autre en croix. Placez le conteneur de structure à ressort au centre et pliez les bords de la feuille en se déplaçant sur les côtés de la poêle. Le film vous offre une sécurité supplémentaire contre la pénétration d'eau dans le récipient pendant l'étape de douche d'eau. Tout d'abord, vous devez faire une pâte moelleuse pour cela, vous devez avoir Robot Patissier pour votre cuisine.
Installez l'extérieur. Écrasez les graham saltines dans un pâtissier Robot (ou dans un paquet utilisant une épingle mobile) jusqu'à ce qu'ils structurent de fins morceaux - vous devriez avoir 1/2 à 2 tasses. Dissolvez la tartinade au micro-ondes ou sur le brûleur et mélangez-la aux restes de gaufrettes graham. Le mélange doit ressembler à du sable humide et tenir en un tas lorsque vous le pressez dans votre main serrée. Sinon, ajoutez des cuillères à soupe d'eau supplémentaires (une par période) jusqu'à ce que le mélange tienne ensemble. Déplacez-le dans le plat à charnière et utilisez la base d'un verre pour le presser également dans la base. (Pour obtenir des directives peu à peu de cette progression, voyez Comment faire une croûte de biscuit Graham.)
Chauffez la couche extérieure. Repérez la couche extérieure dans le gril (attention à ne pas déchirer la feuille). Chauffer jusqu'à ce que le revêtement soit parfumé et commence simplement à dorer sur les bords, 8 à 10 minutes. Laissez refroidir la couche extérieure sur une grille de refroidissement pendant que vous installez la garniture.
Mélangez le cheddar à la crème, le sucre, la fécule de maïs et le sel. Repérez le cheddar à la crème, le sucre, la fécule de maïs et le sel dans le bol d'un mélangeur équipé d'une connexion d'aviron. (D'un autre côté, utilisez un mélangeur à main électrique et un énorme bol.) Mélangez à vitesse moyenne-basse jusqu'à ce que le mélange soit lisse, semblable à un glaçage épais, et qu'il ne reste plus de morceaux de cheddar à la crème. Grattez le mixeur et les parois du bol avec une spatule.
Incorporer la crème fraîche, le jus de citron et la vanille. Ajouter la crème âcre, le jus de citron et la vanille et battre à vitesse moyenne-basse jusqu'à consistance et richesse. Grattez le batteur et les parois du bol avec une spatule.
Incorporer les œufs et le jaune chacun à son tour. Avec le mélangeur à vitesse moyenne-basse, incorporer les œufs et le jaune chacun à tour de rôle. Tenez jusqu'à ce que le dernier œuf soit à peine mélangé au frappeur avant d'inclure le suivant. Dès le début, le mélange aura l'air grumeleux et cassé, mais il se rencontrera au fur et à mesure que les œufs seront travaillés.
Mélangez quelques fois à la main. Grattez le batteur et les parois du bol avec une spatule. Mélangez le joueur entier plusieurs fois à la main, en étant certain de gratter la base du bol, pour vous assurer que tout est fondu. Le frappeur terminé doit être épais, lisse et velouté. Essayez de ne pas insister sur le fait que vous voyez dans une large mesure quelques taches de cheddar à la crème non mélangé; ils se ramolliront dans le frappeur pendant la préparation et n'influenceront pas le gâteau au fromage terminé.
Versez le frappeur sur la couche extérieure refroidie. Assurez-vous que la couche extérieure et les côtés du plat sont froids - au cas où ils seraient suffisamment froids pour entrer en contact sereinement, vous pouvez continuer. Versez le lecteur sur l'extérieur refroidi et étalez-le en une couche uniforme.
Déplacez le récipient vers la douche d'eau. Déplacez la poêle dans un récipient de cuisson au gril ou un autre plat chauffant suffisamment grand pour la contenir. Faites chauffer quelques tasses d'eau jusqu'à ébullition et videz l'eau dans le plat de cuisson, en faisant attention à ne pas saupoudrer d'eau sur le gâteau au fromage. Remplissez la poêle à environ un pouce, ou juste en dessous du moindre bord de la feuille.
Préparez le cheesecake. Préparez le cheesecake pendant 50 à une heure. Les gâteaux préparés dans un plat de 10 pouces cuisent pour la plupart en 50 à 55 minutes; les gâteaux dans une poêle de 9 pouces cuisent en 55 à une heure. Le cheesecake est fait lorsque les quelques centimètres externes semblent légèrement gonflés et fixés, mais le cercle interne malgré tout se trémousse (comme Jell-O) lorsque vous secouez délicatement le plat. Quelques taches d'ombrage brillant grillé conviennent, mais dans le cas où vous voyez des fissures commencer à encadrer, passez immédiatement à l'étape suivante.
Laisser refroidir le cheesecake dans le gril. Laissez le cheesecake dans le gril. Mood tuez le poêle et aérez l'entrée ou maintenez-le ouvert avec une cuillère en bois. Laisser refroidir progressivement le cheesecake pendant 60 minutes. Passez une lame autour du bord du gâteau et laissez refroidir complètement le gâteau. Expulsez le gâteau au fromage du poêle et de la douche d'eau, ouvrez le papier d'aluminium et déplacez-le sur une grille de refroidissement. Passez une lame mince sur le pourtour du gâteau pour vous assurer qu'il n'adhère pas aux côtés (ce qui peut provoquer des fissures en refroidissant). Laisser refroidir totalement le cheesecake sur la grille.
Refroidissez le cheesecake pendant 4 heures dans la glacière. Refroidissez le cheesecake, révélé, pendant 4 heures ou aussi longtemps que 3 jours au frais. Cette progression est essentielle pour permettre au cheesecake de devenir cheesecake et obtenir une surface de cheesecake immaculée - ne la faites pas monter.
Tête du cheesecake et servir. Retirez le gâteau au fromage de la glacière environ 30 minutes avant de le servir. Démouler le gâteau et la tête du gâteau au fromage peu de temps avant de servir. Vous pouvez apprendre au gâteau une chose ou deux à partir de la base de la poêle à charnière, ou utiliser une énorme spatule décalée pour décoller tendrement la coque du récipient et la déplacer dans un plat de service.
Conserver les restes à découvert: les restes se conserveront au réfrigérateur, à découvert pour éviter l'accumulation de condensation, pendant plusieurs jours.
Alterner les croûtes: Remplacez les miettes de biscuits Graham par 1 1/2 à 2 tasses de tout autre biscuit écrasé, y compris les biscuits sans gluten. Les biscuits au gingembre, les gaufrettes au chocolat et les biscuits au beurre font tous d'excellentes croûtes pour le gâteau au fromage.
Idées pour garnir votre cheesecake:
Étalez le dessus d'une fine couche de crème sure ou de crème fouettée.
Versez la gouache molle au chocolat sur le dessus du gâteau au fromage.
Ajoutez des fruits frais hachés, seuls ou mélangés avec un sirop de fruits.
Réchauffez du beurre de cacahuète avec un peu de crème pour former une sauce et versez-le sur le gâteau au fromage.
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stijnlieshout · 6 years ago
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ATP Challenger Meerbusch 2018 - August 16 2018 - R2 - Pedro Sousa (POR/2) def. Jelle Sels (NED/Q) 6-3, 6-1
Sousa’s last two Challengers have been good with one win and one runner up result. He’s trying to make the final push towards the top 100 for a while now. At rank 124 he is close and he has had a rank of 102. Pedro’s good run would continue, as Jelle Sels had an off-day. His serving was mediocre and he hit too many unforced errors. It was unfortunate to see Jelle go out after such a successful run through the qualifiers. It was Jelle’s fifth match in this tournament and I was really looking forward to a good performance from my countryman. But Pedro was just too good. His court movement was solid and he made few mistakes. A pretty easy straight sets victory for the Portuguese second seed.
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maceikblog · 3 years ago
Co się dzisiaj działo? #21 21.1.2022
NHL: Penguins-Senators 6:4 (3 zwycięstwo z rzędu Penguins, awans na 5 miejsce w konferencji)
Australian Open: Magda Linette/Bernarda Pera-Samantha Stosur/Shuai Zhang 6:7(6) 6:1 7:5
Turniej ITF w Monastyrze: Maja Chwalińska-Nigina Abduraimova 6:1 6:2
Maja Chwalińska/Katherine Sebov oddały mecz walkowerem z Eufice Wong Chong/Hong Yi Cody Wong
Turniej ITF w Kairze: Daniel Michalski-Denis Klok 3:6 6:0 6:3
Challenger w Forli: Kacper Żuk/Luca Margaroli-Jonas Forejtek/Jelle Sels 4:6 4:6
Krykiet, mecze jednodniowe
Afganistan(222/8, Hasmatullah Shahidi 73, Rashid Khan 3/31) pokonał Holandię(186, Scott Edwards 68, Brandon Glover 3/43). W serii jest 1-0
RPA (288/3, Janneman Malan 91, Tabraiz Shamsi 2/57) pokonało Indie (287/6, Rishabh Pant 85, Shardul Thakur 1/35). W serii jest 2-0 dla RPA
Sri Lanka (254/9 , Pathum Nissanka 55, Jeffrey Vandersay 4/10) pokonała Zimbabwe (70, Takudzwanashe Kaitano 19, Richard Ngarava 2/46). Seria zakończyła się wynikiem 2-1 dla Sri Lanki
ICC Puchar Świata U-19:
RPA pokonało Irlandię 153 runami
Sri Lanka pokonała Indie Zachodnie 3 wicketami
Seven's World Women's Series w Maladze:
Polska-USA 7:31
Mistrzostwa Europy w piłce ręcznej:
Rosja-Hiszpania 25:26
Polska-Szwecja 18:28
Niemcy-Norwegia 23:28
Mistrzostwa Europy w futsalu:
Rosja-Słowacja 7:1
Polska-Chorwacja 1:3
Tata Steel Chess w Wijk an Zee, 6 runda: Jan-Krzysztof Duda zremisował z Viditem Santosh Gujrathim
Puchar Świata w skokach, kwalifikacje w Titisee-Neustadt
24. Jakub Wolny
40. Andrzej Stękała
44. Aleksander Zniszczoł
46. Maciej Kot
49. Klemens Murańka
53. Tomasz Pilch
Puchar Kontynentalny w skokach, konkurs pań w Innsbrucku
30. Anna Twardosz
34. Kamila Karpiel
35. Pola Bełtowska
39. Joanna Szwab
Puchar Świata w Biathlonie, bieg indywidualny pań w Anterselvie:
12. Anna Mąka (najlepszy wynik w karierze, awans do biegu masowego)
84. Kinga Zbylut
89. Natalia Tomaszewska
2. Bundesliga: HSV-St.Pauli 2:1 (pierwsza wygrana HSV w derbach od 10.03.2019)
Europe Cup w tenisie stołowym: Dartom Bogoria Grodzisk-Roskilde 3:0 (awans Bogorii do półfinału)
PDC Challenge Tour:
Pierwszy turniej wygrał Scott Williams, który w finale pokonał Roberta Owena 5:2
W drugim również najlepszy okazał się Williams, w finale pokonując Lee Evansa 5:2
Polacy nie startowali
Mistrzostwa Europy 2 dywizji w halowym hokeju na trawie:
Polska-Irlandia 4:1
Polska-Hiszpania 3:4
(Polki na 3 miejscu po pierwszym dniu)
European Tour w Golfie, Abu Dhabi HSBC Championship: 2 runda
16. Adrian Meronk (runda nie została zakończona)
0 notes
sydneyhamphrey1716 · 4 years ago
Jelle Sels v Guido Andreozzi Live Stream
Competition: Andreozzi - Sels live
Cobolli - Gaio match overview, prediction&tips
One and the other player has got a line of lost games.
Gaio could have problems with physics compare with it opponent - last days they played more matches than their opponents.
In this match the chances to win of both players are almost equal.
Recently, the players did not play each other.Pucinelli De Almeida - Jarry match overview, prediction&tips
In the last matches we may see a scene of defeats of two players.
Pucinelli De Almeida could have advantage in physics - more days for rest in last days.
In this match Pucinelli De Almeida is a favorite.
Recently, the players did not play each other.De Jong - Van De Zandschulp match overview, prediction&tips
Two players are playing changeable.
De Jong could have advantage in physics - more days for rest in last days.
In this match Van De Zandschulp is a favorite.
Recently, the players did not play each other.
Cobolli - Gaio match overview, prediction&tips Ambos equipos tienen una serie de derrotas en los últimos partidos.
Cobolli podría tener ventaja en la física - más días de descanso en los últimos días. En este partido, las posibilidades de ganar los dos equipos son casi iguales. Recientemente, el equipo no jugó entre sí.Pucinelli De Almeida - Jarry match overview, prediction&tips Ambos equipos tienen una serie de derrotas en los últimos partidos.
Jarry podría tener problemas con la física comparar con ella oponente - últimos días se jugó más partidos que sus oponentes. En este partido, el Pucinelli De Almeida es el favorito. Recientemente, el equipo no jugó entre sí.De Jong - Van De Zandschulp match overview, prediction&tips Ambos equipos están jugando inestable.
Van De Zandschulp podría tener problemas con la física comparar con ella oponente - últimos días se jugó más partidos que sus oponentes. En este partido, el Van De Zandschulp es el favorito. Recientemente, el equipo no jugó entre sí.
Cobolli - Gaio match overview, prediction&tips Beide Teams haben eine Reihe von Niederlagen in den letzten Spielen.
Cobolli Vorteil könnte in der Physik haben - mehr Tage für Ruhe in den letzten Tagen. In diesem Spiel eine Chance, beide Teams gewinnen sind fast gleich. Vor kurzem hat das Team nicht spielen einander.Pucinelli De Almeida - Jarry match overview, prediction&tips Beide Teams haben eine Reihe von Niederlagen in den letzten Spielen.
Pucinelli De Almeida Vorteil könnte in der Physik haben - mehr Tage für Ruhe in den letzten Tagen. In diesem Spiel ist Pucinelli De Almeida ein Favorit. Vor kurzem hat das Team nicht spielen einander.De Jong - Van De Zandschulp match overview, prediction&tips Beide Teams jetzt unregelmäßig spielen.
Van De Zandschulp könnte Probleme mit der Physik zu vergleichen mit ihr Gegner haben - letzten Tagen spielten sie mehr Spiele als ihre Gegner. In diesem Spiel ist Van De Zandschulp ein Favorit. Vor kurzem hat das Team nicht spielen einander.
Cobolli - Gaio match overview, prediction&tips Обе команды имеют ряд поражений в последних матчах.
У Gaio могут быть проблемы с физикой на фоне конкурента – в последние дни сыграно больше матчей чем у суперника. В этом матче шансы на победу обеих команд практически равны. В последнее время команды между собой не играли.Pucinelli De Almeida - Jarry match overview, prediction&tips Обе команды имеют ряд поражений в последних матчах.
У Jarry могут быть проблемы с физикой на фоне конкурента – в последние дни сыграно больше матчей чем у суперника. В этом матче Pucinelli De Almeida является фаворитом. В последнее время команды между собой не играли.De Jong - Van De Zandschulp match overview, prediction&tips Обе команды сейчас играют нестабильно.
У Van De Zandschulp могут быть проблемы с физикой на фоне конкурента – в последние дни сыграно больше матчей чем у суперника. В этом матче Van De Zandschulp является фаворитом. В последнее время команды между собой не играли.
Cobolli - Gaio match overview, prediction&tips Двата отбора имат по редица поражения през последните игри.
В Gaio може да има проблеми с физиката с съперник - през последните дни играе повече мачове, отколкото съперник. В тази игра шанс да спечели и двата отбора са почти равни. Наскоро отборът не играе един на друг.Pucinelli De Almeida - Jarry match overview, prediction&tips Двата отбора имат по редица поражения през последните игри.
В Pucinelli De Almeida може да бъде предимство в физическа подготовка - имаше повече дни, за да останат в последните дни. В този мач, Pucinelli De Almeida е фаворит. Наскоро отборът не играе един на друг.De Jong - Van De Zandschulp match overview, prediction&tips Двата отбора играят хаотично.
В De Jong може да бъде предимство в физическа подготовка - имаше повече дни, за да останат в последните дни. В този мач, Van De Zandschulp е фаворит. Наскоро отборът не играе един на друг.
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daikenkki · 4 months ago
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stateofsport211 · 3 months ago
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📸 🎥 ATP official website
J. Fonseca then started the second set with some intuitive volleys before holding his serves to 1-0. He continued through his consistent hitting, going after J. Sels' forehand before his backhand error caused the break of serve to 2-0, strengthening his position with a service game hold to 3-0. After J. Sels went on the board with a service game hold to 3-1, a service game slip occurred for J. Fonseca, whose prevalent forehand errors caused the break-back to 3-2. By then, the Dutch lucky loser held his serves to 3-3.
J. Fonseca almost had a slight chance when J. Sels' backhand error set his one-point lead, but the latter still held the specific service game. It was not until the penultimate game, where J. Fonseca's forehand winner paved the way before J. Sels' forehand errors caused the break of serve (5-3), which allowed the Brazilian to serve for the match. Despite conceding one point, J. Fonseca still took the second set 6-3 to secure his spot in the second round.
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alfredol70 · 3 months ago
Joao Fonseca vs Jelle Sels | R1 Helsinki • Highlights
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stijnlieshout · 7 years ago
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ATP Challenger Meerbusch 2018 - August 11 2018 - Q1 - Jelle Sels (NED/4) def. Corentin Denolly (FRA) 6-1, 6-1
The first of two Dutch-French encounters today. Jelle Sels (ranked 368) demolished Corentin Denolly (ranked 504) in one hour and one minute. Dominant all the time, Sels had Denolly under control throughout the match. Corentin served some double faults at crucial moments and Jelle didn’t make a lot of mistakes. 
Solid win for Jelle, who celebrated his 23rd birthday the day before and went on the Meerbsuch roadtrip with his buddy and also Dutch pro Gijs Brouwer. Jelle has made good progress in the rankings and is one spot away from his all time high rank of 367. Later that day coincidentally we chatted a bit about his life on the tour whilst we were rooting for Gijs Brouwer to win. The boys couldn’t afford to bring their coach with them on trips like these (only in larger groups) because it’s tough to cover the costs. Jelle explained you need to get deep in Futures (SF or F) and play out-of-ITF/ATP tour money tournaments in Germany or France to earn something. I hope Jell will continue to play well. His next tournament is a $25k future in Poland.
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freesurebets-blog · 6 years ago
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Make 7.4% on this bet: Bet 31.59 on Jelle Sels (None Q: 3.4) and win 107.4 Bet 68.41 on Frederico Ferreira Silva (Betway Q: 1.57) and win 107.4 More chances: http://toomuchluggage.com #merrybet
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johnsellph · 5 years ago
The 1964 Tour de France, Part II
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Part II of the series looking at the 1964 Tour de France is a stage-by-stage account of the race to show race unfolding from stage wins to accidents, punch-ups to punctures and oddities of the time as using cabbage leaves to protect against the heat and the infamous incident of a fortune teller predicting Jacques Anquetil’s death in the race.
The race starts in Rennes and Edward “Ward” Sels (Solo-Superior) wins Stage 1 and takes the yellow jersey. The Belgian keeps it on Stage 2, a stage described as “as locked down as a safe” in the pages of L’Equipe and so far no breakaway has managed get a gap on the bunch and André Darrigade wins the sprint.
Stage 3 is a split stage and sees the race cross into Belgium in the morning for what should be a triumphant homecoming for Sels only for his modest team mate Bernard Van de Kerckhove joins a breakaway, wins the stage and takes the race lead to steal his leader’s thunder. The afternoon has a 21.7km team time trial with a convoluted formula for times but KAS-Kaskol wins and Poulidor’s Mercier-BP-Hutchinson team finishes 14 seconds faster than Anquetil’s Saint Raphaël-Gitane-Campagnolo team while Van de Kerckhove stays in the lead. Sels and Van de Kerckhove aren’t just team mates, they’re room mates that evening and things are frosty.
Stage 4 is a 292km jaunt to Metz where German rider Rudi Altig (Saint Raphaël) wins the stage and gets plenty of applause from the local population, some of whom were born German and became French after the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Thanks to the substantial one minute time bonus Altig propels himself up the GC on the eve of the Tour’s visit to Germany.
Stage 5 and the big news is the race is going to Germany for the first time. Decades before, Tour founder Henri Desgrange loved to take the race to France’s eastern border with Germany and ride into areas that were once German, a sporting version of revanchisme explained in more detail in Nationalism, Psychogeography and the Tour de France. Now the race is actually going into Germany with a finish in Freiburg and Desgrange’s edgy tone is gone, instead gendarmes and Polizei cooperate and L’Equipe describes the stage as a shared endeavour between France and Germany.
It’s 161km, a short stage for “le cyclisme moderne” says the TV commentary, designed make the racing more lively as opposed to the “interminable randonnées which made up the large part of old editions”. The stage crosses the Vosges mountains and the hero of the day is Altig who takes the yellow jersey on home soil, he’d broken away with young French rider Georges Groussard (Pelforth-Sauvage-Lejeune) with over 100km to go and they’re later joined by three more including Joseph Groussard, brother of Georges, and Willy Derboven (Solo-Superior) who joins as a “policeman” to mark Van de Kerckhove’s yellow jersey and sits on all day which allows him to stay fresh and he wins the stage, a consolation for his team as they lose the yellow jersey.
Stage 6 and a link between 1964 and 1989 as Dutch racer Henk Nijdam (Televizier) takes the stage to Besançon with a late attack. His son Jelle would win two stages of the 1989 edition, also with late attacks.
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Stage 7 begins after a short bus transfer from Besançon to Champagnole. Today it’s normal and deliberate to have a stage finish in one town and a start elsewhere the next day but in 1964 this is is a rarity. It’s portrayed as modern, and so is the racing, the talk on TV the high speed and how close riders still are on the general classification when in the past they’d have lost or gained minutes so far thanks to splits and mishaps. The 195km route crosses the Jura mountains where Julio Jimenez wins the mountains points on the Col de la Faucille, showing ambitions for the mountains competition. After the descent a thunderstorm breaks on the race and the conditions get dangerous. The peloton splits with Poulidor and Georges Groussard among the front group of about 20 and they take time on Anquetil with Jan Janssen (Pelforth) the stage winner (pictured above at a later point in the race).
Stage 8 is 248.5km and in the Alps, a giant stage. After an early start at 8.20am they cross three light passes: Sixt, Marais and the Tamié. Then the scale changes in the Maurienne valley and they tackle the Col du Galibier via the Télégraphe. Anquetil and Poulidor slide into a move mid-stage which is the equivalent of poking a wasps’ nest. Federico Bahamontes (Margnat-Paloma-Dunlop) slips away on the approach to the Télégraphe with Henry Anglade (Pelforth) who is an outsider for the overall classification for company. Bahamontes floats away from Anglade as soon as they start Télégraphe to lead him by 1m30s at the top of the climb but on the short descent Anglade reclaims thirty seconds, a reminder that Bahamontes seemed to climb faster than he could descend. The “Eagle of Toledo” extends his lead on the Galibier with enough time to ensure he can enjoy the descent to Briançon and enjoy the stage win. Behind Poulidor sets off in pursuit on the Galibier, seemingly worried by Bahamontes taking so much time and finishes second, taking the thirty second time bonus to move up to third overall with Georges Groussard in the same group who takes the yellow jersey. Anquetil had struggled on the Galibier but rejoins on the descent and only to puncture with one 1km go. Who is the favourite to win the race? Poulidor “without a doubt” announces TV commentator Robert Chapatte.
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Stage 9 is 239km with the Tour going from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean in just two days. Bahamontes is first over the 2,802m Col de La Bonette-Restefond with Anquetil and Poulidor close behind the rest of the race is scattered down the mountain. Things regroup on the descent with a lead group of 22 riders coming into the finish in Monaco on the ash-covered Louis II athletics stadium. Riders jostle for position going into the entrance knowing it’s hard to overtake on the loose surface. Anquetil wins the battle to enter the track but Poulidor overtakes him and sprints for the line. Only the bell rings out and there’s another lap to do allowing Anquetil to win the sprint for the stage ahead of Tom Simpson (Peugeot-BP-Englebert) and take the minute’s time bonus. Groussard stays in yellow.
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Stage 10 is a split stage and the morning’s race is along the Côte d’Azur. Poulidor attacks from the start, presumably his wounded pride is smarting but he is quickly caught. A move containing Nijdam, Altig and Janssen goes clear with 17km to go and Janssen wins the stage to extend his the lead in the points competition.
Stage 10’s second half is a 20km time trial and Anquetil wins, 36 seconds ahead of Poulidor who get 20 seconds and 10 seconds respectively in time bonuses. Groussard finishes 24th and loses 2m51s to Anquetil but stays in yellow.
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Stage 11 to Montpellier ends with a sprint finish but it was a lively day in roasting heat. Many riders put cabbage leaves under their caps or better still, put one under the cap and a second is tucked under the back of the cap and hangs out to shade the nape of the neck. Hydration is important and Anquetil reportedly got by with two bidons of tea, six bottles of Coca Cola… and two bottles of beer. The bunch split due to a crash, Anquetil tried a late attack but in the end Ward Sels took his second stage.
Stage 12 sees Nijdam in a late move again but he’s joined by compatriot Jo De Roo (Saint Raphaël) who wins the sprint for the stage win in Perpignan with the Pyrenees on the horizon.
Stage 13 goes to Andorra via the Col de la Perche and the seemingly endless combo of the Col de Puymorens and the Port d’Envalira. Julio Jimenez (KAS) takes off solo at the foot of the Perche and his lead goes up and up and he wins the stage by over eight minutes and closes in on Bahamontes for the mountains competition. Behind Anquetil and Poulidor trade soft attacks but the two big climbs are hard to exploit, the gradual gradients suit sitting on a wheel. Groussard is still in yellow with his Pelforth team mate Anglade now up to third overall.
The race reaches Andorra for the rest day but this is far from benign. A bored Anquetil decides to break with his habit of total rest and goes for a ride and drops by a party held by Radio Andorre for an interview and is tempted by some méchoui or a whole roasted lamb where he eats plenty, washed down with plenty of of sangria.
Stage 14 is out of Andorra to Toulouse. Before the Tour had started a fortune teller called Marcel Belline had a column in France Soir, a newspaper, and had predicted Anquetil would die on Stage 14. Wacky? Yes only Belline had correctly predicted various world events and celebrity deaths, for example he foresaw Marilyn Monroe’s suicide in 1962 and President Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 and plenty more, presumably he had his share of false alarms but newspapers adored his predictions and businessmen and politicians paid beaucoup for private sessions. As soon as the stage started Anquetil was in trouble. Was it nerves about this prophecy or was yesterday’s méchoui misfiring inside or could it be a sangria hangover? Maybe it was all three but what was certain is that he’s dropped on the Envalira as Poulidor and his Mercier team set a fierce pace. It turns out they’d ridden 40km before the stage as a warm-up, the attack was pre-meditated. Yellow jersey Groussard is dropped too but Anquetil is further back and feeling dreadful, ready to quit even. Team mate Louis Rostollan is there to encourage him and push him back on his bike, literally as Anquetil would get a 15 second time penalty for being pushed by up the Envalira. Anquetil’s directeur Raphaël Géminiani hands up a drink, some accounts say it’s whisky, others champagne, but it’s just the tonic and amid dense fog on the descent Anquetil picks up Sels, then Groussard and then more and the chase is on. Poulidor is still ahead in a group of seven as they exit the Pyrenees with Anquetil and Groussard’s group about a minute behind and the pursuit lasts 88km during which Poulidor seems to break a spoke in his wheel but he can’t afford to stop for a bike change or a spare wheel. Eventually Anquetil makes it back to Poulidor’s group and things ease up. With 24km to go Poulidor does get a new bike but his mechanic seems too excited and instead of pushing him back up to speed, propels him to the ground. Anquetil and the others spot this, accelerate and Poulidor is left battling into a headwind and loses 2m36s. The stage is won by Ward Sels. Having hitched a ride to Anquetil Groussard stays in yellow with Poulidor slipping from third to sixth overall.
Stage 15 goes back into the Pyrenees with the Portet d’Aspet, the Col des Ares and the Col du Portillon before a descent to the finish in Luchon. After a calm start there’s a flurry of attacks with Bahamontes and Julio Jimenez duelling for the mountains points. More riders launch moves to win the stage with Tom Simpson and Francisco Gabica (KAS) looking strong. Only for Poulidor to burst out of the peloton on the Portillon, ride straight past Simpson and Gabica, and take the stage by 1m43s on the peloton with Anquetil and Groussard, with Bahamontes a few seconds behind having struggled on the descent. With the attack and the time bonus Poulidor is up 2m43 and the misery of the previous day is wiped out.
Stage 16 and more Pyrenees, 197km and the Peyresourde, Aspin, Tourmalet, Soulor and Aubisque. On roads lined with people and reports of the densest crowds ever Jimenez and Bahamontes take off again out of Luchon and battle for the mountains competition. Jimenez is dropped and fights back but Bahamontes is the superior climber and out on the road is the virtual yellow jersey. He clears the Soulor solo and wins the stage. Groussard stays in yellow but Bahamontes is now just 35 seconds behind only the Pyrenees are done and Bahamontes has run out of road. Anquetil is at 1m26s, Poulidor at 1m36s.
Stage 17 is a 42km time trial in the Basque Country with a technical, hilly course. Anquetil wins the stage while George Groussard implodes, losing 5m59s and the yellow jersey. Anquetil is the new race leader but Poulidor “only” loses 37s on the stage to keep him in contact on the general classification, he’s less than a minute down with Bahamontes at 3m31s.
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Stage 18 is almost a home start for André Darrigade, the top sprinter in his day. Only his day was a few years ago, he is 40 now. In a hectic finish he surges past Barry Hoban (Mercier) who looked to have the stage and wins in Bordeaux. It’s Darrigade’s 22nd career Tour de France stage win and his last.
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Stage 19 is marked by tragedy. Ahead of the race vehicle in the publicity caravan skids on a tight bend in Port-de-Couze, a town on the banks of the Dordogne river. Seeing the danger the waiting crowd are moved to the other side of the road, only for a police tanker truck to lose control on the same bend but this time it swerves to the other side of the road, hitting the crowd and falling into a canal, taking many people into the water with it. Nine people die and many sustain grave injuries. People in the crowd spontaneously start a rescue mission, one spectator plunges into the canal to rescue the driver stuck in the truck and more lives are saved. The race reaches the drama within a few minutes and the Tour’s medical staff work to help the victims as stunned riders look on, grizzly reports write of body parts in the canal below. It’s the Tour de France’s worst tragedy and there is a memorial plaque beside the road today.
The riders resume the route but in a slow procession at first and a few kilometres later someone beside the road, presumably unaware of the tragedy, insults the riders for being lazy. Pierre Everaert gets off his bike to punch the man and the police are required to pull him off. The racing gets frantic for the final 20km and it’s a sprint and there’s a big crash within sight of the line which takes out plenty and Ward Sels wins again ahead of Mario Minieri (Salvarini) who broke his cleats just as he launched his sprint.
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Stage 20 is the defining stage of the race, the battle between Anquetil and Poulidor on the Puy-de-Dôme that gives rise to the iconic photo which stands out as a highlight of the decade, possibly of a century of the sport. Only material from the time is rightly marked by the previous day’s tragedy. Poulidor is still 56 seconds down on Anquetil and better suited to the punchy summit finish with the final 4.5km at 11% and there’s a minute’s time bonus waiting at the top. Poulidor’s Mercier team get to work with a high tempo and as they start the final climb the lead group is down to 11 riders and as they reach the double-digit gradients with 5km to go it’s down to four riders: Bahamontes and Jimenez as the best climbers in the race and still locked in a contest for the mountains jersey, plus Anquetil and Poulidor as first and second overall. At 4km to go Jimenez attacks and moments later Bahamontes takes off in pursuit. It’s advantage Anquetil now as the time bonus Poulidor needs starts to look out of reach. The two match each other, riding side by side at times. With 900 metres to go Poulidor attacks and Anquetil’s bluff can last no longer and he cracks, conceding 42 seconds to Poulidor. It leaves Anquetil in yellow but only by 14 seconds, “13 seconds too much” he quips out of exhaustion at the summit but he’s tiring with the Giro in his legs.
Stage 21 and a 311km trip north to Orléans, transfers may be a new thing in 1964 but they’re still rare and the riders have to reach Paris under their own steam. The start sees Bahamontes send a team mate up the road early right at the start to take the mountains points at the Côte du Cratère and it’s job done for Joseph Novalès who wins the points and behind it’s now arithmetically impossible for Jimenez to win the mountains competition so Bahamontes will win his sixth mountains competition. A break forms with 40km to go and the peloton sits up, letting the six quickly take time and it’s from the move that Jean Stablinski (Saint Raphaël), in his French champion’s jersey, wins the stage.
Stage 22 is a 118km morning spin from Orléans to Versailles. Still just 14 seconds down Raymond Poulidor tries an attack but it’s too obvious. Instead it’s the world champion Benoni Beheyt (Wiel’s-Groene Leeuw) who wins the stage, a prestigious win for a rider whose rainbow bands are not as illustrious as he’d like after being accused of “betrayal” in the Worlds where compatriot Rik Van Looy is the big favourite only for Beheyt to pip him in the sprint, a touch of lèse-majesté but Beheyt’s supporters say Van Looy was too confident, launching his sprint from afar and was fading so Beheyt’s move endured a home win. Van Looy has abandoned this Tour in the first week but is a giant in the sport at the time with a prolific palmarès featuring every one day race worth winning.
The second part of Stage 22 is the final time trial from Versailles to Paris, 22km and largely on big boulevards lined by dense crowds. Anquetil is still just 14 seconds ahead of Poulidor with a 20 second time bonus up for grabs. It’s advantage Anquetil as the time trial specialist of his era but he’s deep into the third week of the second grand tour of the year and besides a puncture is sufficient to ruin things. The duel is close with only a few seconds in it with Poulidor catching and passing Bahamontes and able to profit from the draft. It’s close between the pair until the final minutes when Poulidor starts to fade. Anquetil wins the stage with Rudy Altig second at 15s and Poulidor third at 21s.
The final classification sees Anquetil win his fifth Tour de France and his fourth consecutive victory with Poulidor second overall at 55s, the closest ever winning margin in the race so far (and still the ninth closest Tour today). Bahamontes is third at 4m44s and wins the mountains prize. Jan Janssen wins the points competition. Pelforth-Sauvage-Lejeune win the team competition thanks to Anglade, Groussard and André Foucher finishing fourth, fifth and sixth overall respectively.
Stage wins by team:
St Raphaël: Anquetil x 4, Altig, De Roo, Stablinski = 7
Solo-Superior: Sels x 4, Derboven, Vandekerckhove = 6
Margnat-Paloma: Bahamontes x 2, Darrigade x 2 = 4
KAS: Jimenez x 2, team time trial = 3
Pelforth: Janssen x 2 = 2
Mercier: Poulidor
Televizier: Nijdam
Wiel’s-Groene Leeuw: Beheyt
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Conclusion That’s the stage-by-stage processional account and if this is a long post, the events each stage are edited and abbreviated. The racing was often lively with moves going clear, being caught, new attacks going and so on and this piece is long enough already without detailing each stage’s action from KM0 to the finish. Even the flat stages could see a lot of action only of course there was little TV coverage.
The point of this blog post is to put a bit more structure to the race and to view it day-by-day as things unfolded rather than just look back at what made it such a good race. Today we focus on the Anquetil-Poulidor duel but there was a lot more going on, whether Jimenez and Bahamontes in the mountains, Groussard’s strong ride, Sel’s stage wins and so on. The next and final part of this mini-series will try to look back at what made this such a good race and why it stuck in the memory.
1964 Tour de France, Part I
Sources: L’Equipe/Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ina.fr video archives, Tours de France by Antoine Blondin, memoire-du-cyclisme.eu, lagrandeboucle.com
The 1964 Tour de France, Part II published first on https://motocrossnationweb.weebly.com/
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yuriyborshchenkoblr · 6 years ago
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stateofsport211 · 3 months ago
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The match after to close that night then featured Joao Fonseca and lucky loser Jelle Sels, who replaced the withdrawing Borna Coric due to his right foot injury. This match turned out to be a one-way traffic in one way or another as the former controlled the flow thanks to his more powerful groundstrokes, leaving the latter less to no options in some instances.
After starting smoothly with 2 straight service game holds, J. Fonseca kicked off the third game with a set of intuitive volleys to set himself 2 points ahead before he held to 2-1, and he capitalized J. Sels' errors straight away when he scored a backhand return ace to create his break point in the sixth game. Ultimately, J. Fonseca broke to 4-2 thanks to a working volley, consolidating his lead to 5-2 afterward.
J. Fonseca had not looked back since, starting the eighth game more aggressively as J. Sels' forehand went too far at one point of this game before a backhand error struck. By then, the former had several set points, which was immediately converted thanks to J. Fonseca's preceding forehand to J. Sels' error, breaking for the first set 6-2 as he asserted his dominance in this match.
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