lyman-garfiel · 3 months
i just got an advertizement for the new model of microsoft laptops, and i can only think, does a computer feel jelious or hurt when made to display ads of their newer versions?
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scarab-daily · 7 months
Tell me why you like that weird ass bug (no hate, I love that bug too)
Dear LORD what is there to say about him i haven't allready rambled about, ok i'm just gonna break it into 2 categories. So bit of Lyme lore, i have been going THROUGH it mid to late 2023 and decided to get into fnc during a SEVERE DEPRESSION, [initally i was here because i got..kin assigned simon as i was and still am recovering from a really bad psychotic episode], but i dunno bug man captivated me 9/28/23. and i have not been the same. my current comfort object is a plushie of him i have made So. now that we have the sentimental part of why scarab is important to me out of the way. i'm just gonna come out and admit it for those who don't follow my main. I AM A CRAWLIE. I LOVE BUGS I LOVE WHEN BUGS ARE ALSO PEOPLE AND I AM ABNORMAL ABOUT THEM OK??. i have an in depth rant about how much scarab's design appeals to me here . i could be here all day ranting about bug parts and body horror and the uncanny nature of scarab's design but. put me in a discord call you'll hear it all in an hour. as for personality wise i just,,,i fuck with the fact scarab is an inheritly jelious and petty person [i have..a lot of mental issues that make me a diffacult person to be around], i just i like that he's FLAWED. the fact this all powerful god is just some cosmic repo guy who really has no reason to be that fucking flashy and theatrical. ,,,,,,,i don't know what else to say other than i love him so fucking much and to please dispell the rumor i spent 60 dollars on a bodypillow because that toally never happened. so heres screenshots of me being abnormal about him to my girlfriend <3
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cyberfox123 · 2 months
Noobs awakening
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" We're am I ....... What happened to me? I can't remember am I dead...? No I can't be. I am not afraid of death. So this can't be the end...I feel something what is this...Why can't I move? why can't I see...? No I will not let this happen. I want to fight I want to keep fighting. I will not move past this. "
" You will not let this happen you want to fight. I can make that happen. "
" Who are you ? "
" That doesn't matter. "
" I guess you are right.... Why can't I move ? "
" Because you are dead but I can give you your body back. "
" Calm down Bi-han you have a fighter's sprite. You can be of use to me. "
" I am not your slave all never be your slave. "
" I never said slave you help me and all help you. "
" I never needed help and I am not going to start now. "
" Don't you want your revenge ? "
" Revenge for what ? "
" For the one who killed you. "
" Killed me...."
" Yes why you are still here your sole doesn't want to stop fighting. "
" Who killed me? " * I say with anger. *
" Scorpion. "
" Scorpion . " * I feel my sole burn inside. With anger and rage as I hear the name. *
" You remember the name. I can give you a chance to kill him. "
" Kill him... Yes I want that I want him dead. I want to rip is guts out. I want to rip his heart out and crush it before his eye's. "
" You sound so ... Calm as you say that. "
" Emoshios I was not allowed to show them. My Brother he would hide it. But I always new he couldn't hide it forever... I was ... I was jelious in a way.... That he could feel something.... What happened to my brother ? "
" It doesn't matter now dose it ? "
" Show me what happened to me, to my brother."
" You are not in the place to give orders. But all show you what happened to you. "
* I can see now it's me I put my hand up. * " It was not me I didn't kill your family. " * Scorpion look's at something it's me killing his family. * " That's not me. " * He takes his face off it burns fire. My skin God it hurts. *
" No MAKE IT STOP! " * I stop seeing it darkness again. *
" You asked to see now do you want a body ? "
" Yes. " * I can move now I look at my body. I am chained up. * " What is this why am I chained up like a dog let me go. " * I cleaned my teeth I try to break free. From the chains that hold me. *
" Because you won't give me your power. "
" You will never control me. When I get my chance all kill you for this. This or the next life. "
" Emmmm you say that now. But I am the only reason you are here. " * He smiled showing his teeth almost mocking me with it. *
" Smile wall you can. "
" If I give you a chance and you get your revenge. Then what will you do ? "
" I don't know kill you. "
" alright after that then. "
" Find my brother. "
" What if he doesn't want to see you ? "
* I look down then back up still trying to get free. * " Then all kill him to. "
" You are so quiet to turn on the one's who cear for you. "
" ...... I cear for know one. "
" Then why do you speek of you're Brother ? "
" Because.... I always was keeping him out of trubul. Just like Smoke was.... Smoke? Were is Smoke ? "
" You don't get anymore questions. "
" Were is kuai were is my brother only I can kill him. " * I feel something like I am becoming num. "
" Why do you want to kill him ? "
" Because he let me die. "
" He was not there how could he? "
" If he had joined with me he could of. "
" But why didn't he ? "
" I was asked because I was the best. And because he... "
" Because he what ? "
" That woman ... "
" What women ? "
* I feel darkness I feel num go up my body. * " Cyberfox he didn't want to leave her. "
" Why? "
" Because he is weak he let emoshios take him. Like he always did. Always will he let this happen. "
" That is how you see it Humm. Who am I to change your mind. "
* I see something black like tare. It is like it is coming from my chest and Takeing over me. * " What is this. " * I try to get away from it but I am chained. *
" Let's keep talking. "
" No you are doing this you are making this happen. "
" I am not doing this you are. Your anger and hatred. Everyone everything you are turning away from. Everyone you are making it happen. "
" You why do you want me so bad ? "
" You have something in you I have not seen a sole. So dark as yours it is valuable to me. Like a ruby rare and hard to find. " You cear so little about everyone. Around you that I am surprised you had anyone. I don't know if it is sad or not. I don't care really. "
* I feel the darkness num my body. It feels like I am being pulled down into it. * " You just see me as a tool just like the Grandmaster did. Just like they all do. "
" Everyone is a tool to me. But I am giving you a chance. To be your own tool but under my control. "
" How is that any different ? "
" Because as long as you kill people all let you go free. "
" I get to kill who ever I want. " * I feel it around my neck like it is choking me. But for some reason.. I am not afraid... I feel not allow... I feel I welcome it. *
" Yes anyone your heart desires. "
" My.... Heart. "
" You never really used it did you. Guess that makes it kind of... Funny. "
" I have know use for it. " * The darkness takes over it is over my mouth now. Going up to my eye's. * " No... Stop this. "
" I can't you are making it happen. "
" I am there must be someone who cears about me. "
" Why does it matter ? "
" My brother. " * I feel the darkness pull away. *
" You sure about that ? "
" Yes let me see . "
" as you wish. " * He showed me my brother he was smiling. That woman...they look happy *
" Why...? How can he be happy when I am...." * I feel the darkness take me again. * " You are showing me the wrong thing. Just like you did to Scorpion. "
" I am showing you the truth. He doesn't care what happened to you he is happy. I say his life is better without you. "
" No that's not true I can't I won't believe you. Fox... She cears My Brother cears Smoke..." * I feel the darkness pull away. *
" You will brake only a matter of time. " * He Gose to walk away. *
" Get back here let me go! "
* He stopped. * " You are not ready. "
" GET BACK HERE LET ME GOOOOOOOOO! " * I scream I pull on the chain anger it burns. I hear my voice Eco for know one to hear. I am alone but I keep screaming. My power it doesn't work I can't do anything. I keep going like I think someone will hear me. But nothing the more time passed the more I hated it. The more I hated the ones I ceard about the more. I hated them for not being there to hear me screaming. They are not hear why are they not hear? Why won't they hear me out? They should be here they should be looking for me. I can't stop thinking about it about how I died about how I was alone. About how I am here stuck in this Hell with nothing but my screaming to keep me company. The darkness it is pulling me in I try I keep fighting it. But ... Why do I fight it why don't I let it take me? It could be a good thing ... It could make me more powerful. It could give me away from here. But is losing myself the way? Should I just let it ? *
* I look around all I see is fire this place. * " I have been here before..." * I look around to see if there is a way to get out of the chains I pull so hard I feel my Bone's should break. * " I will not give up I am a Lin Kuei Assassin this will not happen. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! " * The chain brakes. * " That's it I got one now the other. " * I feel tired from trying to break it but I can't stop now. I pull on the chain it is easier this one I fall on the ground. *" Dame it AAA. " * My arm's are bleeding but I don't care.*
" You got out I see that has never happened before. "
* I look up and stand up barley. * " You are stupid to come back I should. Kill you were you stand Quan chi. "
" Hahaha. " * He laughed almost making fun of me with it. " * You have know power here... me on the other hand. My power is at it's most powerful. You can barely stand why don't you just stop. None of your friends Family cear you pushed everyone away. Why would they save you nothing but a assassin. Killer cold blooded what you were made for.
" I don't care if they do I just want to get out of here. " * I feel the darkness pull again. * " You are right I was made to kill not feeling... Is just part of it. "
" You were always used your hole life as a wepon. Not making your own life. Being told how to be how to live. Don't you want your chance. To do what you want to get your revenge. On all who used you ? " * His voice sounds worried. But I know it's fake. *
" You talk to much. " * I breathe heavy my body feels weak. I don't like this felling. I hate it but he is right.* " I have been used my hole life. As the Grandmaster see's fit. My brother doesn't even remember what happened. He was lucky to forget.... I hate him for it. " * I feel burning Inside again the darkness it feels like it is helping me. * " I hate the Lin Kuei I am nothing to them. I fight for them and I get nothing. I hate you Lin Kuei I hate you Grandmaster I hate you kuai I hate everyone who stands by it. I hate you I hate you I hate you I HATE YOU!" * I scream at the top of my lungs. I don't stop I don't care I hate them all I hate them. It's all I know all I ever new. * "THEY DID THIS TO ME THEY TRAPPED ME HERE ALL THERE FAULT! I HATE THEM ALL ALL KILL EVERY LAST ONE ALL DRAG THEM TO HELL ALL WATCH THERE DIEING BREATH! ALL WATCH THEM STRUGGLE FOR ONE LAST BREATH! AS I TAKE IT FROM THEM AND TORMENT THEM FOR EVER! " * The darkness takes over me it covers me I can't move. But I don't care I want this all I ever wanted. Was to be able to be myself so now they see what they have done. What they pushed me too. I can see now my body is covered by it. All I feel is anger and hate. *
* He smiles. * " You are almost ready just one more thing. " * He raised his hand. *
" What are you doing to me. " * I feel strang I look down. My chest opens up but it doesn't hurt. * " What is that? " * Something comes out it is covered in the darkness it drips from it and moves like.... It is pumping. *
" Don't worry you won't miss it. " * He takes it and it disappeared. * " Now you are ready go and kill. "
" Don't tell me what to do.. " * I look at him with rage. *
" All give you what you want. " * A portal opens up. * " Go and get your revenge. "
* I look at the portal with out a thought I walk in to see what is on the other side. Quan chi is a fool he thinks he had me. Under his control he never has and never will I am coming for you all. My brother .... No your not my brother not anymore. Smoke all see you soon I feel... Cyberfox all make you watch as I take kuai's life. Your screams will bring me to a smile. And the Lin Kuei I am not anymore. All make you all pay I am know longer Bi-han Sub-zero I am now Noob saibot.
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basilpaste · 2 months
can’t believe you support the muffin man did you not hear about the thousands of corpses buried under his house. though actually don’t we all have corpses under our houses. im sure that theres some fossils like everywhere. what if theres a super rare dinosaur fossil or ancient bug encased in amber under someones house and no one knows it because digging under the house would be dangerous. where was i going with this. yeah im working on a 36 hour long video essay of all your Crimes because you supported the muffin man. sorry.
SMH MH anon youre just jelious of how much i luv him. bring the flame war 2 me baybe im not scared of anything!!!!! im a tuff and strong boi, im not even worried!1!!!!
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pr3st0n-the-cl0ne · 9 months
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Ivar with jealously
Vikings Masterlist
Ivar the Boneless SFW Alphabet Prompt Masterlist
Requests info
Contains: Jelious Ivar, possessive Ivar
239 words
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How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?
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"Ivar, this is the fourth time you've done this. It has to stop." Ivar swallowed, "I did what I had to." You shook your head, "no, you undermined the love I have for you with your jealousy." Ivar looked away, "what are you saying?" You took a deep breath and put a hand on his cheek, "I'm saying I love you and nothing is going to change that but you need to trust me because it hurts me when you act like I'm going to leave you if a man looks at me."
"Come on my love, I'll clean your hands." Ivar was justified this time, the visiting prince would not leave you alone and in an effort to make Ivar's and his brother's lives easier, you let him down easy and he wouldn't listen so Ivar did the listening for him.
"Thank you." Ivar smiled softly, "why are you thanking me?" You pressed a kiss to his neck, "for listening to me about the jealousy thing, this is the first time you've done something in months and he deserved it this time." Ivar returned you kiss, pecking your lips quickly, "you made it clear how you felt, what kind of husband would I be if I didn't listen?
"Not a very good one." Ivar winched as you cleaned the grazes on his knuckled, "next time, hit him with something, I don't like it when you hurt your hands."
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kokabunny · 8 months
wow your art is amazing, gosh i feel a lil jelious, i wish i had ur talent ^^
ahh thank you you’re too kind <33 you’re really so talented !!!
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boygirl-wizard · 1 year
what if you replaced all the meat and bones in a person with water, what then, would it fill them up like the videos when they put the toys on the end of hoses and they get real big and jiggly would it be like a big fat skin balloon on the grass how much would it take to pop it skin is pretty thick how thin can it stretch. what if i put a human in a hydraulic press what then. would the police come, would i go to jail what if it was my human flesh. what if the person was already dead what if it was morally sourced. we often think of bones as very dry but they are allways wet inside your flesh what if you took out your bones and juiced them what would that taste like i imagine like chicken juices but im not sure human and chicken are the same type of meat. did you know humans can see more shades of green then any other colour because we need to see the leaves, you can eat most leaves you see on the street i wouldnt recomend it they probably taste bad lemons are a great fruit they taste good and are a nice colour. berry compot is a good and easy dish to make its just berries and put them in a pan then maybe some lemon juice maybe sugar maybe not then you just cook that down and its so good imagine some nice pancakes with icecream and maple syrup and a nice berry compot. raspberries are my favourite berry imagine raspberry and lemon sorbet they are my favorite berry because they are nice and balanced and
they have balanced with sweet and sour they are a nice colour however they are expensive strawberries are not as expensive however they ar enot as good particularly frozen as they are too big grapes are good but only green grapes when they are crunchy and crisp they are like eyeballs but eyeballs are tough and chewy grapefruit is quite bitter mangos are the best fruit they are versitile and freeze well they last a while and you can put them in many dishes the taste and texture is sublime you can suck on the seed when you are done and it is good for everyone blood can be substituted for eggs in baking at a ratio of 1/4 cup blood to one egg it has to be cooked thoroughlly to prevent spread of bacteria cucumber is my favorite vegtable because it is crunchy and green it is not soft or soggy it is savoury watermellon
can you get novelty 9/11 things like things off the areoplane do you ever think about atoms everything is very small like unimaginabbly small we are a meer speck in the pond of time oneday teh world will blow up and all of this will be for nothing and maybe im okay with that colours are wild i am jelious of mantis shrimp my head is filled with worms i want to decay and become one with the dirt i am, at heart a bug i am a creature, an insect, and oneday i will decay back into the insects and worms from creatures i have come and to creatures i will return not spiders though snakes have four seperate jaw bones so they can basically dislocate their jaws and eat their prey whoever invented numbers did a good job with 8 really looks like how its pronounced everyone should be happy all the time i want to live in a big tree i want to be a tree greens and browns filled with my own special blood and creatures i want to feel the wind in my brittle body and be inherantly connected to everything alone we are nothing but together we are everything unions are the best sign of a good society they are th ebackbones of workplaces i want to live in a pond with the slime it would fix me.
the early internet ewas so fun i want to chew on cables in 2005
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harshing-your-buzz · 2 years
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yall evver see your friends art and realize howw much quicker they draww and howw much better they are than you and howw much attention their art gets in a servver and it makes you feel super demotivvated so you just stop drawwin for a long time cuz evverythin you draww makes you wwanna cry and noww you feel like an asshole for bein so jelious
howwevver makin mary sue ocs defenently puts the fun back into art
anywways neww oc
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lyman-garfiel · 5 days
he's so girlfag here melon please,,,,,,,,dear god i do not understand how to be a normal person my entire life has been performative and i never got to have a normal childhood because i lived my entire fucking life in fight or flight jelious of the people around me who got to have a loving childhood. and its left me a fundamentally broken person, can we slap eachothers boobs around while covered in canola oil i don't like being this emotionally vulnerable
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Someone donated a figment plushie to my work last week
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WhO WOULD DONATE THEIR SON AWAY!!! I'm so jelious he is precious. May he find a loving home!!!
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gainknowledge09 · 10 months
When are you most happy? I am most happiest 😄 when I seen comedy scenes. True love 💕 meets with Charming fighting and also little tears. With after then hug both of them. and two friends jelious feelings with Exam marks difference 😆 and also I seen fun ☺️ happy child baby with comedy scene. I got the best bliess.
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liberty1776 · 10 months
Kim Novak Strip Number:  Making Joey Jelious.
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Ooo that sounds fun I'm jelious in a good way not in a bad way if that makes sense
Oh I get it! It’s a very nice perk, I have so many in my kindle right now to read! I also get a STEP discount on books it’s so nice
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@ cringe name anon you're just jelious, I am gonna name my child Taylor
Haha! Thanks T-Squad! Nice to know I've got people on my side. Those guys are just jealous I've got such great fans.
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neekrobite · 1 year
most people are jelious of me, idk why because im a loser just with sunglasses :sunglasses:
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