#jega rdomnai x reader
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love-beyond-space-war · 1 year ago
hey if you feel up to it could you do one about Jega? one where there's no mention of his death, he acts increasingly sweeter towards the reader, isn't too violent, and is protective? if not thats completely fine!
I assume this was meant to be a short story but I decided to try and experiment with those kinds of fics that's like a hybrid of HCs and a short story so I can experiment with a plot for this :0 Sorry if this is what you wanted and it took too long, still trying to get back into the swing of my side blog.
I kept the pairing general, I hope it all came out okay!
Jega 'Rdomnai being protective/caring of Reader
(HCs and Story Segments - Halo Infinite AU)
Synopsis/Summary: HCs and mini interactions/story pieces of Jega 'Rdomnai showing softer behavior towards reader and ways if could work.
Content Warning: Gender-Neutral Reader/Male Character pairing, Romantic/Platonic pairing, OOC Jega 'Rdomnai at times (Normally a sadistic character), Canon typical violence/death, Sangheili/Sangheili pairing mentioned, Human/Sangheili pairing mentioned, Dark themes mentioned, Mature language.
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Jega is a Sangheili that joined the Banished due to his cybernetics.
He is also much more bloodthirsty than most Sangheili, even befriending Escharum despite the animosity between their species.
He is part of The Hands of Atriox and is a Spartan Killer.
Many fear him and his sadistic tendencies during his hunts.
He's killed many humans and is merciless to enemies.
Which is why the concept of him being softer towards anyone is foreign.
No one really expects Jega to have any sort of soft side.
He's a cold killer... for the most part.
In terms of how reader could meet them, here's some ways I think you could be compatible.
You'd have to be part of the Banished, be you taken in as a prisoner before joining or joining willingly.
Jega's affections towards you would be quicker if you were Sangheili as well, both betrayed and abandoned by your kind.
When you first met Jega it was a relatively cold greeting. Both of you haven't had the best interactions with your own kind. However, The Banished promised to give you a fresh start to make your own life.
Most of the time you two ignored each other. He was often off hunting the UNSC while you had your own duties. Yet you hoped the relatively cold interactions wouldn't last long.
After all, part of you felt intrigue towards the Sangheili, despite his Cybernetics.
Maybe he even felt similar to you and just did not show if as of yet, instead opting to walk by you with a passive glance.
If you're a human, another option I enjoy the thought of, Jega would take longer.
Even though you're part of The Banished for your own reasons, he still sees you as one of the many weak humans in this world.
However, part of him may feel particularly fond of you despite the opinions he expresses.
Humans are indeed part of the Banished. Be it soldiers no longer willing to be loyal to the UNSC or humans who were willing to make business, everyone had their reasons. Reasons they did not have to share if they did not wish to.
All that really mattered was you were Banished now and you worked with the group loyally.
When it came to Jega you tended to stay away most of the time. He's known for killing humans and you'd rather not piss him off. Any sort of proximity to Jega was usually met with you shuffling away and nodding at him to pass by from a distance.
Despite this the Sangheili often passed by you during work. You thought it was because he didn't trust you. Yet it was so often it did make you wonder if he had other intentions.
After all, if he hated you, why would he come by so often?
Either way, Jega would be someone who's slow to show anything other than stoic emotions and sadistic violence.
Unlike Chak 'Lok, Jega isn't as polite as The Tower's torturer.
He thrives off the suffering of others, so when it comes to you he isn't used to being so... close?
His companionship towards you is definitely slow to occur.
It takes some interaction between you two, maybe even some favors, in order to grow close.
He finds it understandable that he'd want to be close with a Sangheili, but a human puzzles him.
Why does he want to be close to the very prey he kills?
For some reason... when you aid him as a member of The Banished regardless on your species, he finds companionship towards you.
It's like how he felt with his fellow brothers before he was tossed out of his entire society.
He finds comfort in you despite the bloodshed he reigns in.
Just maybe... you're someone he should keep an eye on?
Jega wasn't sure why he felt such a... fondness towards you. It wasn't quite like how he felt towards Escharum. With the Jiralhanae he felt something more like a brotherhood relationship.
When it came to you he felt more... calm? He felt something that he hasn't felt towards anyone in what felt like forever. It was only when he met you that he felt such a way.
Jega decides to make a silent promise to himself to check in with you more often. Maybe if he becomes a closer member with you he'll find why you make him this way.
He just hopes Escharum will allow him to explore such a curiosity.
Once Jega catches wind of his own affections to towards you he would definitely be one to scope out why.
He doesn't want it conflicting with his duty so he spends free time hunting you down to look into this interest of his.
As expected, someone of his infamy has trouble connecting with you.
Part of you expresses that you're impressed, however if you're human you certainly express more discomfort.
He tries his best to listen to conversation that you bring up, finding himself listening closer than he thought when you bring up pieces of your backstory.
He appears hesitant to speak about his own but eventually he'll share pieces of how he got here.
Honestly through conversations, favors, and time... you could probably unlock some sort of softness in Jega when you're alone?
Jega isn't going to be the type who is overly affectionate or anything like that, most Sangheili just aren't.
He shows his care for you in subtle ways.
You notice his tone is less gruff and he eases it to be softer around you.
To you it appears he cares, but it's subtle enough others don't really notice.
Or if they do, Jega threatens them to keep quiet.
He's still violent, it isn't going to change, but never towards you.
In fact he's more protective and loyal towards you, similar to Escharum but softer.
His protective tendencies over you are done out of respect.
He knows you can fight if you're a Sangheili, yet will stick beside you just to make sure you do come out fine.
"I wasn't expecting to see you here, Spartan Killer." You comment when the infamous Sangheili materializes out of his camo beside you.
"I was called here." Jega answers simply, following you as you continue your patrol.
"Really? Last I knew someone of your skill is never called for patrols." You say back, a teasing bite in your tone.
"... seen anything?" Jega answers simply.
"No, if I needed back up I'd call for it." You slowly turn to him. "However... I don't mind the company, since you're so free."
Jega says nothing else and cloaks beside you in silence until he's called to slaughter another demon.
When it comes to if you're a human he appears to stick around more.
Fear is not in Jega's vocabulary, he just feels if your base is attacked you'll need a strong warrior to help.
You're both Banished partners after all, regardless of species.
"I want you to hide." Jega's order is demanding, a warning.
"Aren't I supposed to fight, Jega? For the sake of The Banished?" You ask, hiding the fear in your gut.
"And get yourself killed? Stay out of this. That's an order." Jega growls, shoving you out of sight.
Jega doesn't care if you're an ex-spartan, far as he knows he's going to treat you like a weak human. You've managed to make an impression on him and he isn't going to lose you to something stupid. He doesn't care if others look at him in disgust or amusement...
If you're alive and under his protection, he can rest easy.
He makes a mental note to see Escharum about moving you to somewhere more secure.
The most I can see Jega being when it comes to affectionate is him rewarding you with his protection and companionship.
He could see you as simply another Banished ally he's close with, or something much more.
He's already been cast out from his species by using forbidden cybernetics, he's already befriended Jiralhanae, at this point he does what he likes.
If he wants to dedicate himself to protecting you and caring for you, he will.
Jega cares and maybe even feels love towards you in his own way.
He may not be very affectionate or "loving" in the "traditional" sense.
But there is certainly a sense of care there when it comes to you.
"I used to be intimidated by you." You say softly towards the taller Sangheili.
"You're not now?" Jega scoffs.
"Don't get me wrong, you're infamous and terrifying at times. But between me and you... I feel safe." You go on with a slight laugh. Jega listens softly, eyes flicking to you.
"What are you implying?"
"I'm saying... I care about you, from one Banished to another." You finish, leaning against a wall. Jega soaks in your words before nodding softly, checking to see if you're still in private.
"... I can say the same." Jega admits. "You provide a sense of comfort no one else can. For that, I thank you."
You shine him a small smile.
"That's a first. I hope we can keep such a thing going?" You ask in a hopeful tone.
"Don't let it get to your head..." The Sangheili grunts before softening his tone. "... but I think the same."
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love-beyond-space-war · 1 year ago
Interested in a Jega ‘Rdomnai scenario with a Spartan reader that defected from the UNSC.
Oh sure! So for this you're in The Banished and there's tension between you and Jega for... reasons at first. Along with moral conflict.
Edit: Sorry if the plot wasn't coherent or something, that's how the story ended up flowing.
Loyalty for Survival
Jega 'Rdomnai x Defected Spartan! Reader
Synopsis: In order to survive sometimes you have to change your allegiance. Despite you now being part of The Banished, Jega has his own suspicions about you.
Content Warnings: Romantic/Platonic Pairing (Dubious), Gender-Neutral Reader/Male Character, Trust issues mentioned, Canon typical violence, Death, Guilt, Dark themes, Sad themes.
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Ever since the remains of the UNSC crashed onto Zeta Halo, humanity has been rather mixed when it comes to beliefs. Some stayed loyal to the UNSC. Some sided with the Banished that occupied here. Some stayed away from either party.
You? You used to be a newer Spartan fighting for the UNSC. However, as you watched your friends die around you, you realized you needed other means to survive. So you became a mercenary.
Becoming a mercenary soon got you into Banished territory. Despite you being a human Spartan, a potential enemy, you were hired into their forces. The change being finalized once your armor color was swapped to the brutal red The Banished often used.
Despite your loyalty now being towards Escharum, The Hand of Atriox and the Banished as a whole, not everyone trusted you. Spartans weren't known to abandon their cause to other members thought this was all a ploy. To solve such an issue they assigned someone to watch you.
Jega 'Rdomnai, the Spartan Killer himself, was sent to watch you. Even to Jega he was baffled a Spartan joined their ranks. Despite this he tried to trust Escharum's word.
You were not blind to being watched. Jega may use cloaking technology but you always assumed he was somewhere around you. He was there to cut you down if you showed sign of betrayal.
You didn't complain, mercenaries aren't the most trustworthy individuals. Some Banished aren't, either.
Jega was usually quiet more often than not. If he wasn't watching you then he sent other troops to do so. Said troops you often talked to as if they were buddies as you oversaw certain Banished functions.
Talking with Jega was usually brief. There's times he'd check in and ask what you did that day. He felt accusing at times but you brushed things off.
What did make you uncomfortable was when Jega prodded at your origins. He asked how well you performed, he asked if you had Spartan brothers/sisters you were close with, he asked if you were close with "The Master Chief".
Jega had a tendency to prod at you and you never told him much. You didn't like thinking of your past. You didn't like thinking of what your friends would say if they knew you left the UNSC for the enemy.
It just... hurt a bit too much to talk about.
Your silence often frustrated Jega but he gave up if you showed enough hostility. It just wasn't worth it. Plus, he didn't need Escharum hearing about him antagonizing you for being a Spartan.
The tough and brutal thing about being a mercenary was the jobs. As expected, you were often sent to hunt down UNSC camps and targets. The more missions you did, the more The Banished trusted you.
Which meant Jega backed off more than normal.
The Sangheili became less antagonistic and mor casual. After all, he's seen what you can do himself. You've killed marines and many other UNSC personnel for The Banished.
In fact you're starting to become infamous around UNSC camps.
Tales of the rogue spartan echoed across Zeta Halo. Jega admitted he was impressed if not a bit intrigued. Did you care for yourself more than your own kind? Maybe your kind cast you out just as his did?
This was what drove him to ask questions. He wonders how you feel at the thought of having human blood on your hands. He wonders if you find the hunt thrilling... or disheartening.
Your shared infamy was what brought Jega closer to you as some sort of companion. While he used to just be some sort of enforcer for you, now you often turned to him for chat. Two killers... bonding over what they do.
As much as you've hate what you've done... Jega has ironically become the closest companion you have.
"Do you ever feel guilt?" Jega asks you. "Or that maybe this was a coward's way out?"
"What are you saying?" You try to avoid the question, looking at a data pad absent-mindedly.
"You kill those you were meant to protect." Jega elaborates. "Do you find it thrilling or saddening?"
"It's a job. I try not to think too hard about it." You comment blankly.
"Do you ever regret it?"
Your jaw tenses.
"... sometimes." You admit. "But here is much better than suffering out there."
The Sangheili laughs softly, pulling down your data pad.
"For a Spartan you intrigue me." Jega admits, pushing the pad aside. "You use your skills as a warrior for your own benefit. I'm actually pleased that I haven't had to kill you, if not a little disappointed to be on the receiving end of your skills."
"No one said we can't train together." You bring up, Jega humming in response.
"You've managed to prove yourself here, it's respectable. You're quite the hunter." Jega praises.
"Does that mean Escharum will no longer have you watching me?" You ask, changing the subject away from the slaughter of your species by your hand. The past is in the past... you belong to The Banished now.
"That eager to get rid of me?" Jega asks.
"Nah, if anything I'll miss you." You admit, the Sangheili watching you closely.
"Grown attached? How ironic." Jega snorts while you fully turn yourself towards him.
"Admittedly it's ironic since you kill those like me." You agree. "But you really are the closest to me out of anyone here."
"You tell me this... why?" Jega questions.
"Just thought you'd like to know I wouldn't mind fighting by your side. After all, I'm one with The Banished now. This is the only company I need." You offer. Jega looks at you with even more interest.
"You're saying you'd hunt a spartan, one of your own, if it meant you'd help me?" Jega pushes. You nod.
"You mean that much to me."
"You prefer me more than any other human."
"To keep it simple and brief, yes." You confirm as Jega steps closer.
"That's quite a claim..." Jega hums in consideration, standing beside you. "Would you be willing to confirm such loyalty?"
"Whenever you wish." You admit, hiding the sadness in your tone.
"I'll run what you said by Escharum." Jega promises. "I look forward to making you my partner, rogue spartan."
Jega cloaks out of sight, leaving you alone. You will admit the idea of betraying your own species still hurts. That's something you'll never get over....
Yet there's no turning back now, right? Not when you've found somewhere else to call home.
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love-beyond-space-war · 3 years ago
HALO Masterlist
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Master Chief/John-117
- "I've Heard Stories" - John-117 (Master Chief) x Female! Reader (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Survivor Guilt - Kat/Catherine-B320 x Female! Reader (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Training Camp - Emile-A239 x Female! Reader (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Survivors - Emile-A239 x Female! Reader (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Thel 'Vadam(ee)
- Thel 'Vadam (Halo 5) with Short! Marine! Reader HCs (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Thel 'Vadam (Halo 2/3) with Marine! Reader HCs (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Alliance - Thel 'Vadam (Halo 3) x Human Marine! Reader (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Rtas 'Vadum
- Home for a Stowaway - Rtas 'Vadum x Human! Reader (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Chak 'Lok
- Prisoner - Chak 'Lok x Reader (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Jega 'Rdomnai
- Jega 'Rdomnai being protective/caring of Reader (HCs and Story Segments - Halo Infinite AU) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Loyalty for Survival - Jega 'Rdomnai x Defected Spartan! Reader (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Atriox x Female! Civilian Pet! Reader (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Reeling Him In - Voridus x Gender-Neutral Reader (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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