#jealousy jealousyyyyy
cherryplant · 10 months
I don’t get people who actively complain when big artists just draw front facing portraits over and over. like that’s not the dream. to have a style so pleasing people will want to look at portraits over and over again.
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buttfrovski · 7 months
make Jason White and Tweek Tweak fist pump, with Craig looking at them, hiding at the bush.
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jealousy jealousyyyyy
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sunandsstars · 2 years
Imagine Jake and is yelling at Neteyam and Lo'ak about something and they hit him with,
"I wish ____ was my mom,"
Because he sees how gentle and loving she is with the twins, Tsireya, and Ao'nung.
I want them to be in pain.
oh my god!
i feel like Lo’ak would definitely be the one to hit jake with that. that kid had so much daddy issues. but neteyam would definitely agree! without outrightly saying anything
they just see how reader treats the metkayina kids so nicely, always patching up their booboos and helping them with their chores. and they hear from the twins stories from their childhood growing up and they just sound so happy.
don’t get me wrong the sully kids childhood looked and sounded sweet, but when the sky people came and jake turned military mode they just didn’t felt like a family anymore.
jealousy jealousyyyyy
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x-angel-dust-x · 6 months
Why I Love Being Skinny (aka Motivation to Lose that Stubborn Last 25lb)
-getting told "you're so skinny though!" whenever I talk about dieting
-being as skinny or skinnier than my hot college friends
- showering with my roommate and not being embarrassed of my body
- jealousy from girls
- all clothing looking effortless and being easy to find new of
- less night sweats/always being cold
- better mouth hygiene because I'm eating less and paying attention to self care
- enjoying showering in general and self care
- feeling confident
- swim suit body! First year I'll wear a bikini again if I lose the weight
- shorts and crop tops ✨
- fall sweater weather
- not ripping my jeans because they're too tight
- getting better as saying no to food will help me say no to cigarettes and overdoing it on the weed
- less money spent on food and weed will help me save towards things that make me happy in the long run
- more intimidating when im hot
- physically being able to run and dance without getting out of breath and jiggling my rolls
- no more pity compliments
-JEALOUSYYYYY on someone else's part for once instead of mine
- No indigestion issues embarrassing me at work or school because I won't need to go as often lol
- being more confident to ask out people
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freethrows · 2 years
looking at r/s*ns is making me die because they HATE maxi & his “moving screens” so much and it’s so funny because i listened to the locked on mavs podcast and they literally said maxi is someone the s*ns fans might end up hating by the end of this series because of how good he is on defense and how much he will make your life hell
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phornication · 4 years
i hate that i'm not a cancer like
them bitches
they have 69 right in their symbol
i'm so jealous
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kihyunsabs · 7 years
honestly between the body chains and the sexy sexy adlibs and rap line rolling their r’s i don’t know how i’m still alive
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iloveramensm · 4 years
Severus Snape Imagine - Jealousy
Imagine Snape getting jealous when students keep asking you to Hogsmeade
warnings: some mention of sexual stuff at the end but nothing in depth, jealousyyyyy, you are 18 & in your last year of hogwarts
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To say you were annoyed is an understatement. you're pissed. You had been dating Snape for a few months and you were insanely in love with him. it took a bit of time for him to warm up to you but the time was worth it. 
But he was still your professor.
So your relationship stayed secret. it consisted of lot’s of “detentions” and studying in his classroom. even the rare sneaking to his room to fall asleep with him. and if you were being honest, Dumbledore 100% knew but had never seen Snape so nice so of course he didn't say anything. 
Now why are you annoyed? because boys in your year and the years below you wont stop asking you to Hogsmeade. you knew if you told them you were dating someone, the rumors would start and they'd eventually figure our it wasn’t any student. So you always declined.
Until Dean Thomas set his eyes on you. and one thing everyone knew about Gryffindors? they were determined. 
“Hey y/n!” dean catches up to your fast walking figure.
you sigh and put on a fake smile “hey dean” you try and walk faster but he keeps up with you and you decide to slow your pace down to something normal. “whats up dude”
“I was wondering if you’d like to go to Hogsmeade with me? like as a date?”dean asks hopefully.
“I’m busy so i wont be going this week, sorry!” and with that you rush off to class.
- time skip, 2 weeks - 
Dean had been constantly asking you to hangout whether it was Hogsmeade or sitting next to you at lunch or in classes, And if you were being honest, him being persistent was annoying but kinda funny. So you decided to give in just a little.
“Hey dean” you say, taking a seat in your potions lesson, which happened to be led by your amazing boyfriend, Severus Snape.
“Hey y/n! whats up? have you given my offers any thought?” he throws an arm around you and you laugh, shoving his arm off of you but sitting next to him.
“look you’re a really cool guy i’m just not really focused on dating right now. but, id love to go for a Butterbeer and do some shopping as friends?” you say. 
“that sounds honestly great, im glad you want to hang out cause Seamus is getting on my nerves” he laughs and you two make small talk. you're glad he wasn’t mad about you rejecting him cause luckily he seems the type to not hold a grudge.
as you talk, unbeknownst to you, Severus Snape is glaring at the side of Dean’s head. he had heard every word
-- time skip to the end of class --
To say Snape had been an asshole that day, was not a joke. he had been calling out every single person, including you, his best student (and girlfriend). once class was over, every single house had lost at least 50 house points each and everyone rushed to leave. You stayed behind.
Once you made sure everyone was out and away from the door, you whirled around to you brooding boyfriend.
“what the fuck was that about!” you yell, casting a silencing spell on the door, just to be safe.
“i have no idea what you mean. now if that is all, you may leave my class at once.” Snape says, not looking up from his papers
“are you kidding me?”
“why would i be”
“i don’t know what crawled up your ass but you took house points away from every single house today and you NEVER do that. what is wrong with you?”
“absolutely nothing. now once again, if you're done, leave and go get ready for your Hogsmeade date with Thomas” he says curtly, spitting deans name out like it was poison
“is that was this is about? my trip with Dean?”
Severus says nothing and you smile
“are you....jealous?”
Severus looks at you with offense “absolutely not, why would i be jealous of a student?”
“Cause he can show me attention without hiding it. cause if me and him were actually together we wouldn’t have to hide it. and i know that bothers you Severus and you constantly think i should be with someone better” you claim, walking behind his desk to stand by him
“and h-how would you ev-even-” he scoffs
“you sleep talk love” you smile and push his chair around so you can straddle his lap.
“i love you Severus Snape, no one else.” Severus places his hands on your ass, supporting you as you kiss along his neck.
“and I love you y/n y/l/n”
“now, i dont have another class for the next few hours, would you like to show me who i belong to?” you smile and grind on his lap and Severus smirks.
“of course”
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jellifysh · 3 years
Yes! Omg feel free to use the idea for a duckling oc lajfhfka it will be so cuuuute pls pls make it happen 😭
And also omg what if they find out oc made a playlist for the txt boys? But it was literally just song suggestions that they can dance to but omg the jealousyyyyy that would come from the bts boys? Ksjdhfhjs
Omg imagine, Tae would riot
idk whether or not I should make bangtan and txt meet because, on one hand, txt doesn't deserve that 🤧 and on the other hand, jealousy 😈 i think by the end is make them friends but it would be too much to bear for even a chapter
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